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In this science experiment make some foaming and fizzing chemical

reactions. We will also learn about carbon dioxide gas.


1 tablespoon of baking soda

1 tablespoon of laundry detergent
3/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of vinegar
Several drops of food coloring
12-ounce drinking glass
Plastic tray or cookie sheet

1. Set the glass on the plastic tray or cookie sheet.
2. Add the baking soda and laundry detergent to the glass.
3. Add water and a few drops of food coloring.
4. Stir the mixture in the glass.
5. Quickly pour the vinegar into the glass to produce foaming and
fizzing chemical
6. The chemical reaction will foam up and over the rim of the glass.
The tray will
become covered with a foamy substance of tiny bubbles.
To create a color change when the vinegar is added, you can use
red cabbage juice instead of food how to prepare some red cabbage
juice. With red cabbage juice, the mixture will change color from
blue-green before adding vinegar to red-orange after the vinegar.
For a different color change use grape juice.

In this experiment, the fizz is produced by a chemical
reaction between baking soda and vinegar. As baking soda and vinegar
react carbon dioxide gas is produced. The gas forms bubbles inside the
liquid. Laundry detergent permits the bubbles last longer. As a result foam is
generated. The volume of the gas produced and trapped in the foam is much
greater than the glass can hold, so some of it spills over the top of the glass.
Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. Vinegar is composed partially of
acetic acid. Baking soda reacts with many common acids. The result of the
chemical reaction with vinegar is carbon dioxide gas, sodium acetate, and
This chemical reaction of creating carbon dioxide gas and bubbles is
common in cooking. They are known as "leavening agents" and are added to
cakes. As the cake bakes in the over, carbon dioxide gas bubbles are
released making the cake batter rise. As it heats up and cooks it becomes
solid and traps the carbon dioxide gas bubbles in the batter making it fluffy.

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