Weight Training

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Weight training is a common type of strength training for developing thestrength and size

of skeletal muscles. It utilizes the force of gravity in the form of weighted bars, dumbbells or
weight stacks in order to oppose the force generated by muscle through concentric or eccentric
contraction. Weight training uses a variety of specialized equipment to target specific muscle
groups and types of movement

Basic principles. The basic principles of weight training are essentially identical
to those of strength training, and involve a manipulation of the number of
repetitions (reps), sets, tempo, exercise types, and weight moved to cause desired
increases in strength, endurance, and size.
Basic Knowlegde
Attending a gym or performing any other kind of strength training may have different reasons and motives. It
can be health related to recover from an injury or to seek balance from the job or everyday life. Many people do
it to look and therefore feel better. Athletes do it to improve their performance. They all have one thing in
common. More or less everyones intention is to build muscles. Not to the same extend, but the basic goal it to
improve the status quo. And the first action you should take is to seek advise. Why? Because the field of
strength training is too diverse and the preconditions of each person are very unique. It takes time and
experience to find the training that fits one persons needs. Therefore especially beginners should either choose
a personal trainer or attend a gym or other training facilities where they can consult trainers and various experts
to support you and to offer the knowledge you need.

To make progress you have to train on a level that the body is not used to. There are three ways to push the
training to the next level.

Beginners should first increase the training frequency, like working out twice per week instead of once
and later switch to three regular workouts.

Next step is to increase training time or training volume. Do a few more sets or include one more
exercises per muscle.

After accomplishing that, increase the training intensity by choosing higher resistance.
Of course, training frequency, time and volume are limited. A good workout takes no longer than 60-90 minutes,
better 60 than 90. The training frequency is limited by the available time. Basically working out 2-4 times per
week is absolutely enough. Therefore intensity becomes the point to focus on. The keywords here are overload
(or training to failure) and periodization (explained hereinafter). Muscles do only respond to that, then adapt
and eventually be prepared to do better next time.

Periodization is the subdivision any long-term training, called Macrocycle, into medium-term Mesocycles and
these again into Microcycles


repetitions = number of repetitions per set

sets = number of sets per exercise

resting time = resting time between sets

volume = overall training volume (e.g. number of exercises)

intensity = percentage of max. weight per exercise

power = increasing max. strength

strength = increasing strength

hypertrophy = muscle growth

conditioning = muscular endurance

Failure means to train until you are unable to do one more repetition, without resting or being supported by a
training partner. To reach that point, several procedures need to take place within muscles. Thats:

the fatigue of all recruited muscle fibers

the shortness of either oxygen or ATP (the muscles fuel)

the overproduction of waste products, in that case lactic acid

Dont confuse this process with over-training that may occur after many sets far beyond the point of fatigue.

A set is a complete number of continuous reps. The performed number of sets depend very much on the
individual training experience, time, training goal and physical factors such as recovery time. Beginners usually
train 1-2 sets per exercise, while experienced athletes usually do 3-5 sets.

Repetitions in principle define the whole workout. A complete cycle of motion during an exercise is such a
repetition. Several repetitions make out a set. During one repetition the muscle contracts and extends one time.
The number of repetitions per set determines the following basic training layouts:
Number of Repetitions
3-6 (8)
8-12 (15)
Of course, these figures depend on many factors, but they represent science and experience and may be
accepted as a reliable overview.

Resting Time
A training session has to run continuously. The breaks between each set should be as short as necessary. The
following numbers give a good clue:

Number of Repetitions
3-6 (8)
8-12 (15)
Choosing over-extended resting times will decrease the training effect. After about five minutes heart rate, body
temperature and metabolism are down. On the other hand dont have too short breaks, because the muscles
need a little rest to refuel. Also the training technique could suffer from an inappropriate hurry.

Motion Speed
Perform each repetition with modest speed, rather slow. In principle you should be able to stop immediately at
any point throughout the range of motion.

Range of Motion
The range of motion (ROM) is an interesting and controversial point. While some prefer to do the complete
range of motion from total contraction to total extension, others diminish it slightly to avoid extreme joint
position where the bodys passive structures have to deal with unusual high forces and muscles may lose their
contractile power. Most exercise instructions on sports-db.com refer to the latter way, because it is safer and
equally or even more effective, because of the permanently and evenly high muscular tension.

Keep breathing. Dont hold the breath, because it can cause enormously high blood pressure, which makes it
harder for the heart to deliver blood. Remember that the body needs a lot of oxygen while working out. After all
it is simple. Inhale prior to movement and exhale when working against resisting force. Dont breathe too
deeply, just natural with a little more force.

Warm Up
Warming up is important for the upcoming training performance. The benefits are:

fresh, oxygenated blood, pumped directly into the muscles

the removal of waste products out of the muscle

an increased body temperature

an improved metabolism

an appropriate preparation for the demands of heavy training

a protection against over-stressing the body

an increased speed of the twitching fibers inside muscle

a softening of muscles, tenons and ligaments

a good mental preparation and motivation.
Warming up should contain the following steps:
first, an overall cardiovascular warm-up on machines like treadmill, Cross Trainer, Ergo-meter or RowErgo-meter.

secondly, a local warm-up, training particular muscles with light weights, about 20 repetitions and
without failure

thirdly, stretch the muscles you are about to train.

Keep the level of intensity low so you dont decimate the body's energy beforehand.

Cool Down
After each workout have a short cool down to:

regulate the metabolism

get rid of waste products inside the muscles

decrease the recovery time between training days.

Cooling down basically follows the same rules as warming up.

Stretching is an important part of every workout, although its benefits are controversially discussed. However,
the fact that when you train your muscles or keeping certain postures for a longer time, they tend to shorten
dont need to be proved by science, it is obvious. Therefore have a short stretching before and a more intense
stretching after training.

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