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bring this topic
up, to
dazzle, to
dig up, to

Although most of the clothes on sale at the store were kind of

ugly, we were able to .............................. some gorgeous
Beautiful beaches ............................... in the Caribbean.
Frank has a really .............................. wife.
I know you hate to talk about your financial problems, but we
need to .............................. .
Patsy has been working hard to become a ..............................
at her school.
The beauty of the performance.............................. the
Who won the beauty .............................. ?

have a ball,
the works
skip a beat,

Due to his hard working, Victor has been

running .............................. fast.
I don't know how you could stand that movie. It was
a .............................. .
It's so .............................. of Marcy to tell us to work hard. She's
so lazy.
James and Julia used to argue a lot in the beginning of their
relationship, but they .............................. found a way to make
things work.
Paul bought loads of things to the party: cake, candles,
ballons, .............................. .
We .............................. at the party and didn't come home until
2 AM.
When I saw my husband for the first time, my
heart .............................. .

make a killing,
make a scene,

miss the point, to

pamper, to

Let's talk about that when we get home, ok? I don't want you
to .............................. in front of these people.
My mom always .............................. my kids by giving them
whatever they want, although I always ask her not to do that.
I tried to explain
to you what the
problem was all
about, but I
guess you
just ...................
........... .

paper mill
prescribe, to
speak ones
mind, to

Rick ............................. by buying stocks of a small company

that has grown surprisingly fast over the past couple of years.
Sam told me that he had studied a lot for the
test. .............................., he got a terrible grade.
Standing on a bank line is an ............................. to me. I feel
like I'm wasting my precious time doing nothing. I couldn't feel
more bored.
A .............................. is a way of classifying opportunities
through stages until they are awarded.
I didn't tell the professor everything I wanted to only out of
respect. I really felt like ............................. .
I received a phone call from a .............................. of a big
company. He offered me a great job. I'm so happy!
Laura's class group has visited a paper .............................. in
order to see how paper is produced.
Terry didn't get the job because she didn't fulfill all of the
company's ............... .
The doctor .............................. me antibiotics for my infection.
Yesterday, I hurt my .............................. on the sofa.

its fair to say

............................., sir, but you're absolutely wrong.

spoiled brat

Barbara was so pampered as a kid that now she's become

a ......................... .

stroke of luck
take the easy way
out, to
wander, to
with all due respect

Getting stuck on that huge traffic jam and not missing the
plane afterwards was a real ............................. .
I think .......................... that people are not happy about the
economic crisis.
Instead of writing his own essay, Dan ............................. and
committed plagiarism.
When I traveled to Rome, I spent hours
just ............................. on the streets and taking pictures.

Complete with the correct for of the verbs:

1. My daughter is late for English class if she ______________________ home at 3:45.
(not to leave)
2. If I had known I would run into my ex-boyfriend at that party, I _________________.
(not to go)
3. Never ________________________ to that restaurant again. Their food is lousy. (I;
will; to go)
4. The teacher _____________________ you if you had asked her. (to help)
5. Danny was taking a shower when the phone ___________________. (to ring)

Find the error:

Eat vegetables and fruits is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.
Kate has gone to Hawaii many times, and so her sister has.
Do you know why Tony didnt go to the work yesterday?

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