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Indian tourism product and

Tourism product
A sum total of countries attraction, infrastructure and
tourist services which hopefully result in consumer
The product which satisfy the leisure, pleasure or
normal business needs at a place of residence are
known as tourism product.

Can a thing, an event, an organisation= satisfy needs


A product is anything that can be offered to a market

for attention, use or consumption that might satisfy a
want or a need.

A product must contain at least one attraction, activity,

facility, service/equipment and human resources and
include a price.

a product is a bundle of utilities consisting of various

products feature and accompanying services Alderson

Most of the product we think are of physical products

but products also include services and so service
1)Intangible: cannot physically hold it feel it
2)Inseparable: all the components form part of the
whole product cannot be separate from the others.
3)Heterogeneous: no consistency exists purchased at
different time / different consumer.
4)Incapable of being stored=perish abilities-its
product which cannot stock for later use.
5)The tourism product is highly seasonal. For
example bandipur bird sanctuary closes in midNovember so they must make as much as revenue
during the in-season.
6)There is a fixed supply of the product and it cannot
be easily altered. A hotel is itself large.
7)It cannot be packed and send tourism products
consumer in case of tourism must come to the
place where they wish to consume.
8)Users presence is essential to avail the service
users come to the spots personally or physically. It
cannot be brought to the user, rather the users
must be taken to the product.
9)Absences of ownership product are bought and
ownership is not transferred to the buyers for
consumption but ownership remains with the
person or organisation which is producing the

Eg: dance can be enjoyed by viewing, but the dancer

cannot be 28/owned hire a taxi the right to be
transported to the predetermined destination but you
neither own the vehicle / driver.

Common characteristic of business tourism and

leisure tourism products
Largely intangible though with tangible elements.
There is a high degree of interdependence between
the elements of a product. Eg. If the flight is badly
delayed the traveller maybe unable to use the hotel
service they booked.
Most purchases only bestow shared use rights. Eg.
The consumer has to share flights, hotel, restaurant
with other users whom they have no control.
Combination of different elements. Eg. Transport,
accommodation, food and beverage.
Consumer has to travel to the location product not
vice versa.
Most purchases bestow only temporary use rights on
the consumer they can only use a particular flight on
a specific day or stay for stay for a particular length
of the time in a hotel.

Other aspects= as a service product

1)Shorter exposure to the service delivery: normally

of short duration can be build relationship and can
afford a repeat business.
2)More personal: the self is involved service personal
feelings are created. Service personal is an
important determinant future demand.
3)Greater significance or managing: due to the
intangible nature of tourism product it is Important
to plan- to positioning and the quality of the offer
by means of aspects of cleanliness dcor uniforms
4)Complementarity is greater: the overall tourism
product is made up of an amalgamation of many
different services each of which has to add up to
overall experience.

India is a land of diversity. From the north to south and
east to west the people, the languages, and the
customs and tradition, the climate all are different. The
country as a whole all is varied. It is land for all
activities time, taste, and season. Thus over centuries
of time India has been centre of attraction for many

Assets available and anticipated for operation. They
include the people, equipment facilities and other

things used to plan implement and evaluate public

progress whether or not paid for directly or by public
funds. In india tourism resources can be classified into
four groups. They are natural resources, historical
resources, socio-cultural resources, and man made
Natural resources:
This means the natural beauty of the country. Therefore
it becomes the basic resources of the country. This
resources include hill stations, wildlife, beaches,
Historical resources:
Include the art and architecture of india old forts,
historical monuments and museums etc.
Social cultural resource:
this gives the tourist an opportunity to visit custom life
styles of people art form etc.
man made resources:
the scientifically used instruments, observation,
important eaters amusement parks are examples in
order to attract the tourist in india.

Product life cycle

Product life cycle is the course of a product sales and
profit over time.

It deals with the life of a product in the market with

respect to business or commercial costs and sales

When we say that a product have a life cycle we assert

four things:
1)product have limited life.
2)Product sales pass through distinct stages each
posing different challenges opportunity and
problem to the seller.
3)Profit rise and falls at different stages of the
product life cycle.
4)Product require different marketing, financial,
manufacturing, purchasing and human resources
stratergies in each life cycle changes.
In the eighties Buttler adapted the life cycle
product model to the tourism industry and created
the tourism area life cycle. (TALC)
He established six stages and used different
Exploration, involvement, development,
consolidation, stagnation and decline.
He then introduced one innovation after stagnation
stage: the product can decline or revitalize.
Exploration: visited by a small volume of explorer
type tourist who tend to turn away from
conventional travel. The natural attraction cultures
are the main draw but volume is constrained by
lack of access and facilities. The attraction are

unchanged by tourism and contact with the leads

people is high.
Involvement: this stage the local community have
to decide whether they wish to encourage tourism
and if so the type of tourism they prefer. Local
initiative will begin to provide the tourist facilities
and advertise increased and regular flow of tourist.
A tourist season and market emerge and pressures
may be placed on the public sector to provide
infrastructure and institute control.
Development: large number of visitors is attracted
organisation of tourism may change out of local
hands and companies outside the area move in to
provide product and facilities. At this stage
diversify the product distribution channels
maintaining the quality of the product continuing
promotion to keep awareness high adding new
Consideration: the total number is still increasing.
The product has become a full-fledged part of
tourism industry.
Stagnation: modify the product through
improvement in quality, features and style.
Management seek to revitalize the product. At this
stage the destination should seek to protect its
traditional market and product such as business
conference or special interest of tourism. This help
to stabilizevisitation combat seasonally and
reduces the dependence on declining market
Decline: problematic- the economy social and
environmental viability of a destination is
threatened. Visitors are now new places and

smaller geographical places for day trip and

weekend visit is common. The destination manager
rejuvenate relaunch the destination by looking at
new market or developing new product.

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