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Today we're going to look at homophones.

These are words which have the same

pronunciation (sound) but different meanings and spelling.
Hoy vamos a estudiar unas palabras homfonas, es decir, palabras que se pronuncian igual
pero que tienen significados distintos y se escriben de forma distinta.
Let's start with some very basic ones: I and eye.
I is the first person singular subject pronoun.
For example,
I live in Barcelona.
(Yo) vivo en Barcelona.
We use our eyes to see.
For example,
I like your eye colour.
Me gusta el color de tus ojos.
Let's take a look at some more words and try to remember them to avoid confusion.
ate is the past simple form of the verb to eat.
Here is an example with ate:
We ate pizza for dinner last night.
Anoche cenamos pizza.
ate is pronounced in the same way as eight (8).
Here's an example with the word eight:
I have eight cousins.
Tengo ocho primos.
it's is the contraction of it is and it has.
It's (=It is) sunny today.
Hace sol hoy.
It's (=It has) been sunny all week.
Ha hecho sol toda la semana.
its is a possessive pronoun.

The dog ate its food.

El perro comi su comida.
to hear is a verb which means to perceive sound by the ear while here is an adverb of
place meaning in or towards this place.
Look at an example of each word:
I cannot hear you. Please speak louder.
No te oigo. Habla ms fuerte, por favor.
Come here please!
Ven aqu, por favor!
Would you like to listen to this lesson? It will help you understand and remember these words
better, and of course, improve your pronunciation! Just click on the "Listen Now" button below.
Te gustara escuchar esta leccin? Te ayudar a entender y recordar mejor estas palabras, y
tambin, mejorar tu pronunciacin! Simplemente clica en el botn "Listen Now" que
encontrars a continuacin.

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