Evaluation Questionnaire Croatia-Rjeseno

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Evaluation questionnaire Meeting in Croatia


Zagreb, Croatia from 15th to 19th of February, 2016.
Choose the best answer/answers to each question.
1. Did you understand the importance of different cultural values?
a. Yes, because.........................................................................................................................
b. No, because I think only a week is not enough to understand the importance.
2. Did the programme bring to surface the importance of teamwork?
a. Yes, enough
b. Yes, but not enough
c. No, because...........................................................................................................................

3. Did you become more aware of your European citizenship?
a. Yes, enough
b. Yes, but not enough
c. No, because..........................................................................................................................

Did you have any opportunity to speak English?

a. es, enough
b. es, but not too much
c. o, I haven't had any opportunity
d. o because I was ashamed
e. ..
Europe Through The Lines Of Literature
Meeting in Croatia

5. What information did you acquire from the participants in the programme?
a. he culture of other countries
b. he history of other countries
c. he monuments of other countries
d. The traditional dishes of other countries
e. The traditions of other countries
f. The famous people
g. The educational system
h. New words in the Croatian language
i. Others..................................................................................................................
6. What do you consider important during the programme?
a. To make friends with other teenagers
b. To get to know new countries
c. To taste new dishes
d. Others
7. Were the visits in Croatia interesting and well organized?
a. Excellent
b. Poor
8. According to your opinion the trip to Croatia turned out to be:

very satisfying experience

A stressful but worthwhile visit
A casual trip nothing to gain or loose
A painful experience

9. Are you going to keep in touch with your new friends?

a. Yes
b. No
c. I don't know
Europe Through The Lines Of Literature
Meeting in Croatia

10. What did you like the most?

a. Teamwork
b. Sightseeing Croatia
c. Others.

11. Do you think your English has improved?

a. Yes, because I had an opportunity to speak English everyday with real people so I learned
much and easier.
b. No, because .

12. Did you know anything about Croatian literature before getting involved in this project?

a. Yes, because I learned something about it in school

b. No.

13. Do you think the activities related to literature in this visit were interesting for you?


Yes, because You chose maybe the best writer in Croatia, who had very interesting
stories, and You also chose best places to go, where you can see her work in the best way
b. No, because .

Europe Through The Lines Of Literature

Meeting in Croatia

14. Which literary activity have you like the most?

a) Presentations about Mazuranic Ivana Brlic and the Tales of Long Ago
b) Presentations about Croatia
c) The visit at the museum
d) The performance outsisde of the writers house

15. Did the project increase your love for reading?

a. Yes, because.........................................................................................................................
b. No, because I think not all books are interesting as these.
16. Do you think that now you are able to describe some of Brli-Maurani's work?
a. Yes, because her stories were described very good.
b. No, because...........................................................................................................................

17. Do you think that now you are able to discribe Brli-Maurani's life?
a. Yes
b. No
18. The number of working sessions has been:

Too many



c. Not enough
Europe Through The Lines Of Literature
Meeting in Croatia

19. Was there enough free time provided during the project meeting?
a. Too much
b. Enough
c. Not enough
20. Did you feel comfortable with the hosting family?
d. Yes
e. No
21. Any other comments? Would you like to add anything?
The project is great and thank you for organizing all this!

Europe Through The Lines Of Literature

Meeting in Croatia

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