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Bryan Baek

Refugee Research
1. You have whole generations of children now growing up who really are people without a country. Major
Depression and PTSD among the refugees1
2. Interesting Interviewee Subject: Iranian found success with dancing2
3. IIS: Kurd who won Swedish lottery wont quit job3
4. New Swedish Residency law4
5. Why Sweden is talking about immigration5
6. Paris: Refugee Chefs6
7. Denmark: Turn away Young Muslims from ISIS7
1. Avoid asking directly about their personal stories8
2. It takes 1500 Euro to come from Syria through a broker.9
1. The country should place a very strict demands on people who wish to remain here. (learn the language, take
a cultural test, prove employable). Europe shouldnt open borders to everyone.
2. Politicians have no plans for integration. There is a lack of constructive debate because its very polarized.
Politicians, media, and leftists refuse to mention or debate any economic or cultural problems with integration.
3. Sweden is the most left-wing country in Europe, possibly in the world. Especially on social issues. Just 4% of
Swedes would not want to live with neighbors of another ethnicity (21% for Germans, and higher for Southern
European countries). It's not a coincidence that Sweden has taken in as many refugees with these kinds of social
5. 58% of Swedes think immigration is too big. Changed from 45% in 2012. Only 8% think its too small. 10
1. Malmo: received 15,000 unaccompanied refugee in 201511
a. most unaccompanied minors of all the EU member states so far
b. Malmo only has 2300 places of transit available for unaccompanied minors in the city
9 Ibis.

c. Unlike families or adults, which come under the remit of the national government, it is up to the city
authorities to take care of unaccompanied minors on their terrirotires
d. Response: Malmo had to hire more than 2000 people to staff the homes for unaccompanied minors
e. Response: the national government provided 1billion Euro in financial compensation to Swedish local
authorities to deal with the scale of new arrivals (Malmo received 38Million Euro)
e. Response: Malmo sees education as an important route to integration. The city is building around 20
new schools over the next 10 years at a cost of over 4 billion Euro.
f. Problem: Providing affordable housing for refugees has been another major challenge for Malmo
(which is suffering from housing shortage). Housing is one of Malmos most urgent priorities because many of
those already living in precarious housing at more vulnerable.
g. Problem: Swedish Law (EBO) states anyone granted permanent residency may move from a rrefugee
center to live with a relative or friend. If this arrangement falls through, the local government has to take over
the responsibility of securing new accommodation for the person. Malmo claims the national government
should be held responsible.
i. Problem: Refugees would often move in with friends or relatives living in already crowded
homes in marginalized neighborhoods, leading to further segregation and preventing them from fully integratin
in society.
h. Importance of communicating transparently with citizens
g. Solution: better cooperation between agencies, organizations and businesses, build more affordable
housing, make it easier to recognize refugees academic and professional credentials, and explore new and
innovative ways to integrate newcomers in society
h. Conclusion: Despite pockets of hostility towards refugees in Sweden, the city has seen great solidarity
from its residents in this challenging time.
2. Refugees have very low employment rates compared to the natives
3. Celebrate Ramadan in very long summer days in Sweden
4. Assimilation (cultural imperialism) vs. integration
5. 50% of non-EU residents in Sweden are unemployed (highest); Sweden is a country with post-industrial job
market, with very few unskilled jobs comparatively.12
6. Welfare13
a. Apply for the introduction benefits if you have introduction plan at Arbetsformedlingen (employment
agency): 308SEK/day, five days a week, 6100SEK/month
b. Supplementary benefits for kids. 800SEK/month for <11, 1500SEK for 11-20
c. Most 3900 SEK as supplementary introduction benefit for housing (if you are entitled to
establishment benefit, also supplementary introduction benefit for housing)
d. summary: max introduction benefits with 3 kids over 11: 10600+3900SEK (full housing)
7. Whats the percentage of people who are economic migrants?14
a. Finding the key to a prosperous society has been a holy grail for political scientists and economic historians
for decades
b. most research that concludes that monoculture is the independent variable is often heavily criticized in
the social science community
8. Social democrats (SD) are like the GOP in America. SD wants to cut immigration but not reverse it.
9. Jews in Sweden: emigration
10. Massive social problems and large costs, lower societal trusts and hollowed out welfare institutions
11. In Germany and Sweden, liberal urban middle class who are pro-immigration to lower socioeconomical
segments. However, the Swedish ditto, notably led by liberal Dagens Nyheter and Sydsvenskan, has a much less
sympathetic core. The German debate is more intellectual and provide more ethos for good-hearted people who

13 source introduction benefits and source introduction plan
14 Here is an example from a BBC

still are a bit concerened whether the nation will manage to integrate all asylum seekers and give them a good
life, without putting the welfare state at risk.
12. The refugees have worked really hard to get here. Because of how bad integration is, there might be more
problems. One anti-refugee supports for example claims that too much money goes towards refugees already. I
dont know how correct his statement is, but the fact that he belives that makes me wonder, where are we going
to get the money for integration then?
13. There are numerous highly distressing problems with the current situation, which is untenable and lready
breaking apart at the seams. Sweden is not a large nation, accounting for 2.7% of Europes population. The
economy cant handle this massive influx of immigrants, especially the uneducated. Providing shelter is also
expensive. A significant chunk of money is ending up in the pockets of unscrupulous entrepreneurs. It will
slowly lead to the collapse of the welfare system their predecessors worked hard to build.
a. Bert Karlsson (who founded an anti-immigration political party) builds temporary asylum seekr
housing to Swedens government. (The company is called Jokarjo).
14. Is Islam fundamentally incompatible with many of Western modern values (rights of women, gay people,
matters of freedom of expression)? What about cultural differences unrelated to religion (clan/family values,
family honor, anti-Semitism)?
15. Many end up living with other immigrants from home, forming cultural enclaves. It encourages social
conflict and reinforces us vs. them thinking. Adherence to the laws, customs, and values shouldnt be
16. Abundance of Syrians in Turkey makes it a hostile work place.
1. Refugee Walking Tour: Friday and Saturdays at 11AM
2. Trampoline House: independent community center in Copenhagen that provides refugees and asylum
seekers in Denmark with a place of support
a. Tues 1-8PM, Wed 1-7PM, Fri 1-11PM (last Fri and Sat of the month closed)
b. Language classes, legal counseling, cinema class, computer class, football, dancing, workshops
c. Arabic classes
d. Project: volunteer min. 1 month before do
i. No individual interview. Monthly info meeting for researchers and project initators every
third Friday of the month 4-6PM
1. House intro, Danish asylum system
e. Research: Master, PHD, Postdoc level. 3 month research
f. Aug 7-9 Summer Camps
3. 10k refugees live in Denmark
4. refugee process takes years
5. poverty, isolation, victimization, antidote
6. Bridge Radio: English radio show interviewing refugees and debates15
7. Campleaks: documenting conditions at the refugee camp
8. a comprehensive site about refugee news and facts
1. Denmark received 21,000 asylum applications in 2015, 14815 in 2014 and 7557 in 2013
2. Denmark has 5.5 million people and generous welfare program. Denmark seeks to deny entry to Muslim
asylum seekers.16
3. Denmark passed a law in Jan 2016 that allows authorities to seize valuables from refugees worth more than
10,000 Danish Kroner, as well as cash sums above the same amount.
4. Denmark also introduced border controls with Germany in January.

5. South Korea only every granted refugee status to 60 people.17

8.1.2016 Malmo, Per Kristiannson, priest at
1. 12% of the local Rosengard area attend the Swedish Church. Its Muslim majority from Afghan, Albania, and
2. 65% asylum seekers are undocumented in Sweden.
3. In the area, theres a heavily segregated areas (Almagrden and ???) of Swedes/Poles and 95% immigrants.
4. Somaliland Society in Malmo (SLS): biggest minority group that helps integration into Swedish society18
5. Theres a detention center nearby. In November 2015, there was overcrowding of refugees. Over 100 youth
males got kicked out of St. Johannes Church.
6. Theres an increase of car burning in Malmo. However, locals say its safer than 10 years ago.
7. The priest (Per) said not much change in the past 2.5 years.
8. After the border closed, the Church started to help more Romas/homeless. The fundamentalists say the church
shouldnt be involved.
9. Sweden has a state-sponsored church system. Before, church was relegated religious duties while the state
took on more social work. Now, the church is involved in the social work as well.
10. 2000 Jews in Malmo and continue to decrease. There is anti-Semitism, since there is a sizable population
from Palestine.
11. Starting September, every Thursday 6:30PM has Afghan refugees bible study who meet Iranian or Greek
Christians and be inspired to convert.
OpenSkane: shows how different religion can help the society
Contact: (rabbi) DONE DONE
Shneur Kesselman (orthodox rabbi from Detroit who was attacked) DONE DONE DONE (cyperbullying)
Vra liv Our lives project (prevent radicalization and violent extremism among young people in Malmo)
Agora: forum for girls from different religion to have open dialogue (from Mr. Allen Suleman)
Ann Aldn (deacon who made St. Johannes more inclusive) DONE
Malmo/Stockholm Stadsmission: works with homeless DONE,
Daughter of the old leader at the Islamic Center DONE
Johanna Nilsson at Kontrapunkt DONE


8.3.2016 Fieldtrip to toboggan/zipline

1. around 20 girls, 5 boys. Girls liked ratchet USA/Latin/Arabic songs. Only 1 girl was wearing an hijab.
Only 2 white Swedes. The rest are from Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, and Bosnia.
2. Pretty usual habit of playing video game (FIFA 07), while girls gossip.
3. I notice they are uneducated, and they are actually very vocal. Actually not very PC at all (ex. Konichiwa and
nihao) The Swedish boys (Salomon and Leonard confirms the anti-semitism).
1. Malmo: Imad AL-Tamimi (Palestine) teaches Swedish19
In November 2015, Sweden changed its asylum laws, imposing border control checks on all modes of
transportation, restricting family reunification, and giving most refugees since April only temporary residence. The
automatic permanent residency Syrians had a right to exists no more, and was replaced with temporary residence
of up to three years. Swedish parliament approved an even stricter bill, limiting asylum seekers who arrived after
November 24, 2015, with protection status to remain for only 13 months.

2. police commissioner and deputy district chief Mats Karlsson: Malmos recent attacks are overhyped on
1. Too many refugee men21
2. Good overall refugee data22
1. Sweden government is offering money for migrants to leave23
2. Calais Camps running out of food and money24
-Message grey_lollipop on reddit about where did you work with refugees?
-Center for Refugee Solidarity, Facebook
-Talk to the reddit refugee guy living in Vienna
How European cities like Malmo are coping with refuge reception and integration: report,
Volunteer Locations:
1. Sweden
a. Folkets Hus community center in Sofielund
2. Belgium
a. Red Cross Centre for asylum seekers-Nonceveux (Liege)
i. Free housing, food
b. Red Cross Centre for Asylum seekers-Fraipoint (Liege)
c. Centre de refugees, Rixensart (Wavre)
3. Germany
a. Garlant (IJGD)

To-do list:
1. Sweden visa
a. Visitors Permit (A person who has been admitted to a postgraduate education in another
country and who is going to do part of their education in Sweden has to apply for a visitor's

2. Sweden housing
b. MKB Fastighet
i. single room for $500
3. Sweden work (Reach out (email) to the leadership)
a. Bollen: campsite in Malmo
b. Mosque
i. Salsabil Cultural Center (meeting place, book store)
c. Alhambra Studentforeningen (student union)

d. Islamika Frbudet (muslim info)

e. Sveriges Unga Muslimer (Young Muslims of Sweden organization)
f. Svenska Kyrka Malmo (largestet church in Sweden)
g. Open Skane (Open dialogue place)
h. Migrationsverket (migration agency)
i. Malmo University
j. Malmo University for Refugees
i. Language Caf
4. Questions
a. What makes you angry?
b. Views towards women and LGBTQ?
c. Views towards other groups of refugees?
d. Self-Isolation
e. Their ideas of integration?
f. What do you need the most?
Topic Ideas
1. Zlatan and Rosengard
2. Malm
3. Salomon and his brother
4. History of Islam-Abridged
5. Kurdistan
6. Calais
7. Swedish Politics

8. Per
How to find Malmo housing:
Swedish Volunteer organization in Greece:
Together for Better Days:

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