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Define communication Be sure you can identify: systems/process/symbols
Communication is the process by which individuals use symbols, signs,
and behaviors. The System is the set of all interrelated parts that affect each one.
The use of symbols is one that in which arbitrary markings or objects have been
given a particular/special meaning.
Know all three models of communication
Linear Model (One Way), Interactional Model (Incorporates feedback),
Transactional Model (Simultaneous Interaction, Verbal/NVC, Channel,
Be able to identify the elements of the communication process
Sender encodes; Receiver decodes; Message what is said; Channel
how it is sent; Noise external/internal; Context physical environment;
Feedback Verbal/nonverbal
Know the characteristics of communication(five)
It is symbolic, requires a shared code (meaningful message), it cultural
bound, perceive intentional (lol, jk, OMG), occur through various
channels (channel is simply the method through which communication
occurs), its transactional (involves 2 or more people)
Be able to identify the two levels of meaning: the literal meaning and relationship
level of meaning
Literal, what is actually said, relationship what its said its not what it
actually means, it depend on the tone and mood of how the thing is said.
The goal of this course is to have each of you become competent communicators.
Identify the two ways in which you can achieve this goal
What is said and how I say it.
Communication occurs through both verbal and nonverbal symbols. Be ready to
identify how symbols are abstract, ambiguous, and arbitrary
What does it mean when we say that meaning resides in people rather than the
word that is used?
Its how words are used not the words used, depending on how its said it
will have different meanings. Buffalo buffalo buffalo.

1. Define communication and identify process, systematic, symbols

Communication is the process by which individuals use symbols, signs,
and behaviors. The System is the set of all interrelated parts that affect each one.
The use of symbols is one that in which arbitrary markings or objects have been
given a particular/special meaning.

Identify the elements of the communication process

Sender encodes; Receiver decodes; Message what is said; Channel

how it is sent; Noise external/internal; Context physical environment;
Feedback Verbal/nonverbal
3. What are the two dimensions (levels) of communication?
Content and relationship
4. Identify the three models of communication and explain each.
Linear Model (One Way), Interactional Model (Incorporates feedback),
Transactional Model (Simultaneous Interaction, Verbal/NVC, Channel, Noise)
5. What is the difference between competent and effective communication?
Competent is one that is personal effective and ethical it concern more
with the process rather than the outcome. Effective is one that is just effective to
get the point across or when it achieves the desired goals.

Define the three components of the perception process
Selecting Information;
Schemas: Organizing Perceptions;
Attributions: Interpretation

What are the four (schemas) categories we put people into in order to make sense
out of what we see and hear? Be ready to explain each
Prototypes (Broad categories);
Personal constructs (More detailed categories (Bipolar constructs));
Stereotypes (Using our own IPC theories to fit people into existing
schemas - generalizing);
Scripts (Expectations of what people are supposed to say and do in
particular situations)
Why do we use stereotypes?
Because simply it easier.
How are we influenced by culture, ethnicity, sex, background, and experience?
It shapes our perception of how things are, for example we think all Arabs
are terrorist and that Asian people are horrible drivers.
Identify Self fulfilling prophecy
A prediction that causes an individual to alter his or her behavior in a way
that makes the predicament more likely to occur.
What is ethnocentrism?
Evaluating other cultures and believes based on the standards of ones
Know difference between connotative and denotative language

Connotative is the abstract meaning or intension of a term, what it applies

to. Denotative is is the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the
feelings or ideas that the word might suggest.
What are attributions?
Personal characteristics that are used to describe others.
What is the fundamental attribution error?
It explains our tendency to assume that another persons wrong behavior is
due to internal flaw, while attributing our own failures to external causes.
How do our cultures influence or perception?
How does self serving bias work?

How do we perform direct perception checking?

Be able to identify social comparisons, reflected appraisals, and cultural

expectations and how they affect our self concept.
Social comparison is when we compare ourselves against idealized
images; reflective appraisals, we try to be something we are not something
very far from what it is, there is no perfect body.
Define self concept
how we think about ourselves
Define self esteem
how we feel towards ourselves
How do our attitudes/beliefs/values reflect our self concept?
All those things shape who we are.
What are the three components of the self (James)

1. What are the three steps to the perception process?

Selecting Information; Schemas: Organizing Perceptions; Attributions:
2. How can we check to see if our perceptions of people or events are accurate? Be sure to
identify each step.

Verify your perception; Seek explanations (Be thoughtful when doing

this); Look beyond first impressions.
3. What is the difference between self concept and self esteem?

Self esteem is how we feel towards ourselves, as for self concept is how
we think about ourselves.
4. What are self-fulfilling prophecies?
A prediction that causes an individual to alter his or her behavior in a way
that makes the predicament more likely to occur.
5. What are three ways in which our self concept develops?

By thinking about our strengths and weaknesses, witnessing your own

reactions to situations, watching others react to you, observing your
behavior in a wide variety of situations.

Be able to identify how words are ambiguous, arbitrary, and abstract
vague, subjective, and sconceptual
Remember that people attach meaning to words Meanings do not reside in the
words themselves, but in the ways in which communicators use those words
What are the denotative and connotative meanings in words?
Define: slang, jargon
Slang- is an informal, non standard, usually particular to a specific group,
high levels of abstraction, very few know the meaning. Jargon is very
technical that is specific to a certain profession or interest group.
How does culture affect the language we use?
Words in different places mean different things.
What are rules, norms and values?

How can meanings change from culture to culture?

Since people but meaning to words, in different culture s the same words
may have a completely different meaning after all its just a word.
Explain high/low context styles discussed in class on Tuesday
High are more formal, the use of contextual cues, time, place, relationship
and situation. Low (USA) tend to be more direct, do not rely much on
Explain the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis see lecture notes
That the words culture uses or doesnt affect the way we think. Linguistic
Determination, the idea that language affect how we see the world around
us. Linguistic Relativity holds that the speaker of different languages have
different view of the world. Ie. the idea that languages assign gender to
object (ie Spanish) is a foreign concept to the English who use gender
Language and world view How does our culture influence the way we see the
ie the example with the key with the Germans and Spapnish, in Spanish is
la llave and the germans use a masculine term, and when it came time to
describe it , Spanish used femmine description and german used
What are some words that we have left behind What are some words that we
have included in our daily lives lecture Tuesday
What are co cultures?
Sub cultures, cultures within the culture

Define NVC?
The process of intentionally or unintentionally signaling behavior by other
means than words.
What percent of emotional meaning is in NVC?
93% (Face 55 vocal (pitch) 38)
NVC reinforce the verbal three ways Be able to explain how it
o repeats the verbal mirrors the verbal message, offering a clear nonverbal
o complements the verbal NVC that matches w/o mirroring the verbal
o accents the verbal clarify or emphases specific info
Why is NVC difficult to interpret?
Its vague it can be intreperted many different ways
Explain Expectancy Violation Theory
How is NVC bound by culture?
Ie touch, it varies from culture to culture.
Be able to identify how NVC can:
o substitute for verbal, stop with hand or shhhh with finger on top of mouth
with out talking
o contradict verbal saying yes and shaking your head
o help regulate verbal coordinating in constructive manner
o create immediacy hugging creating a feeling of closeness
o aid in deception to convince others of something that is false
Know the Categories of VC Be able to identify and provide examples of:
KIESICS - Gestures and body movements
o emblems, movements or gestures that have a direct verbal translation in a
particular group or culture
o illustrators reinforce verbal messages and help visually explain whats
being said
o regulators help manage our interactions, raise hand= speak.
o adaptors satisfy some physical or physichological need such as rubbing
eye when tired or twisting hair when nervous
o affect displays (pp. 108-109)
o Implications of smiles o Pancultural facial expressions (SADFISH) Sad, Anguish, Diguist, Fear,
Intrest, Surprise, Happiness
o Cultural influences
o High/low contact cultural differences
o Paralanguage

o Vocalics
o Back-channel cues
o Silence and status
o Four spatial zones
o Time and status
o Time and culture
What is the difference between listening and hearing?
What are the five steps in the listening process?
What is message overload/complexity
What are some barriers or obstacles that we face with listening?
Identify three reasons that we listen?
What is relational listening?
Be able to identify four different listening styles?
How do mens and womens listening styles differ?

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