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For her book tomorrow. Dinnerat her house. hem lon tien lie y June 34, 2012 12:49 PM, Huma: Sent: - Monday, Subject: UNCLASSIFIED US. Deparment of Stale Case No. 2016-00874 Doc No. CO8036306 Date: 08/24/2018 UNCLASSIFIED US. Deparmentof State Case No. F-2016.00374 Doc No. C06035908 Date: 08/24/2016 = RELEABE 14 Joyce Aboussie : vases tt te Madeleine Albright . 7 feces mi te A Sea. Aig and Sant Berger mer Elizabeth Bagley She curently serves as Special Advisor for Secretary Initiatives atthe State Department and was US Ambassador to Portugal from 1994-1997, ‘Nancy Bard and Dou Baer ‘Nancy Bard is of counsel to the law firm of Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis. Don Baer is Worldwide ‘Vie Chairman of strategic: ‘firm Burson-Merstelier and Chairman of the Len is the senior and founding parter af Barrack, Rodos & Bacine, alew firmibat specializes in litigating securities and antitrust classaction cases. Lynnt also works at Barreck, Rodos & Bancine, Gail Bassin and Jersi Shaw sn re of engener a a es ie i aad and diverse set of management and information techoology (IT) secvices to public- and private- Sector clients. Gail isa third-generation Washingtonian who grew up in Montgomery County. ‘When Jerr started her career in the early 1970s, she began her wark in the goverment contracting field, when only 2 percent of consultants inthe private and public sectors were women, s ‘Susan and Sandy Berger ‘After leaving the Clinton administration, where Sandy served as National Security Advisor from 1997 to 2001, he becamne chairman of Stonebridge Internationa, an international advisory firm ‘he co-founded in 2001. Stonebridge merged with the Albright group in 2009. Janet and James “Jim” Blanchard jim is n partaer at DLA Piper U.S. He served as the United States Ambassador to Canada under President Clinton from 1993 to 1996, After serving in the United States House of ‘Representatives from 1975 to 1983, he was elected as the 45th Governor of Michigan in 1982 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016.00374 Doc No, C08035308 Date: 08/24/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00874 Doe No. CO6t35906 Date: 08/24/2016 ‘Traci Ojey Blunt tec is Senior Vice President of Communications aad Public Affire at Robert L. Johnson Gmmeaies. She served asa Deputy Communications iter for Secretary of Sat Hilary Clinton's presidential canipaign, Crandall and Erskine Bowles Tillis Chairman ofthe Springs Industries Inc. After retiring from the UNC sytem in 7010, Erskine was appated in to co-chair President Barack Obama's National Commision on Fincat Responsibility and Reform with Alan K. Simpson. On September 7,201, Facebook eooessct {pat it had named Erskine to its board, Erskine also serve as Chief of Sta fo President Glogs, 1994 to 1995, ‘Susan and: McGowan Shestee Deputy Director of Legislative Afure, Gerry served at Ambasstdor to Portuplftom 1998 to 2001 nde Mrsdent Clinton. He is afovading parmer of the Washington D.C. law firm Lua, MeGowna, Nace é Gutierrez, where he serves as Official Council. ‘Aun and Don Brown Aim served as chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Coramission duiog the Clinton {SGministration. She joined the Dramaworks board, a nc-profit theater compaay fn Souk Finis Don has been areal estate atomey; investor, and developer in Washington for more than 30 years, end he was founder of the aw fim of Brown, Gildenhor & Jacobus well te JBG Real Estate Companies, Kelly Craighead Kelly i president and managing director ofthe Democracy Alliance, «perterhip of business and phi leaders. She served eight years in the Clinton White as Depuly Assistant, ‘advising both the President and First Lady. Jerry Crawford Jory is 2 lawyer, Democratic strategist and fundraiser, and menaging ‘owner of the lowa Energy ‘sketbal team. He co-owned Paddy O'Prado, the retired thoroughbred tat Bishedthied fa bot year's Kentucky Derby, Bil Daley Bill served for one year as Chief of Staff for President Obama ein in January 2012. He served as Scoretary of Commerce under President Clinton from January 1997 ~Suly 2000. ‘Beth and Ron Dozoretz Beth is Director of the Astin Embassies Program at the Site Department. he was the first Teaman 10 serve as finance chair of the Democratic National Committee in }999. Ron is the founder and CEO of FHC Health Systems and Chairmen of Value Options, UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Caso No. F-2018-00374 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 06/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No, 606085308 Date: 06/24/2016 Jey Dunn day served as Associate Director for Public Litison in the Clinton White House, During the Clinton-Gore re-clection campaign, he served as Regional Finance Director and later operated the southern politcal desk. Jay Dunn was National Finance Director at the DNC in the 2004 eycle. Joan and Mark Erwin ‘Mark isthe President of Erwin Capital, In. a family-owned investment compiny located in Charlotte, North Carolina. He served asthe United States Ambassador tothe Republic of ‘Mauritius, the Republic of the Seychetles and the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros from 1999-2001. He and his wife, Joan, maintain a residence in Charlotte, North Carolina, ‘Samia and Hoda Farouk ‘Samia is the Founder and CEO of HAlFinance Cosporston, a global invesimeat company, She is 4 member of the Board of Directors of Vital Voices, a global partnership that supports wornea's progress in building democracies, song economies and peace. Huds is the founder, chairman ard CEO of several major corporations specializing in international finance tre, contracting, procurement. Dianne Feinstein and Richard “Dick* Blum ! ‘Senator Dianne Feinstein is the senior Senator from California, serving singe 1992. Dick is the ' (Chairman and President of Blum Capital, an equity investment management firm, Ed Gabriel and Buffy Lenihan 8 Gabriel js the former U.S. Ambassador fo the Kingdom of Morocco, and, since 2002, President and Chief Executive Officer of « Washington, D.C.-based strategic business counseling | ‘company, The Gabriel Company, LLC. Patti and Gordon Giffin Gorcion Griffin was the Ambassador ofthe United States to Canada from 1997 to 2001 under : President Clinton, Prior to his appointment, Giffin practiced law as a senior partner in the firm of | Long, Aldridge & Norman (now McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP). He has since retumed to McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP and heads the firm's Public Policy and Regulatory A‘airs Separtment. Jamie Gorelick and Richard Waldhorn Jamie is a Dtiguor at Wilmer Hale LLC. She was Deputy Attorney General of the United ‘States during the Clinton administration Richard, chair of the Department of Medicine, has ‘served on the: wa faculty since 1981. He hes lectured and published extensively in his area of expertise—the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders. Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon Gabriel served as Ambassador to Chile from 1994-1998. Presently, be heads an international consulting firm based in New York to advise US companies on business practices in Latin ‘American and the Caribbean, He introduced Pedro Torres and his family to the Clinton Foundation, UNCLASSIFIED US. Departmentof Stale Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06035308 Date, 08/2472016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Cass No. F-2016-00374 Doe No. 08036908 Date: 0424/2018 ‘Laura Hartigan ‘Laura was the Political Advisor end Government Relations Specialist forthe Chief Executive Officer at the Democratic National Cominitie, Prior to bet work with the DNC, she was 2 board member at the Saban Cepital Group Inc, and the National Finance Director forthe Clinton-Gore campaign. Jeftrey Hirschberg Jeflrey joined Kalorama Partners in May 2004. Prior to joining Kalorama, he directed the Corporate Responsibly Practice of Howrey Simon Amold & White. His daughter, Rachel Hirschberg Light, served on the Host Committ of the April 2012 Millennium Network event. Rachel Hirkehberg Light ‘Rachel has developed winning strategies for numerous political candidates and advocasy organizations ona wide range of isms, including: choice, Federal childcare, publicprvate partnerships; ions; end Congressional relations, She served on te Host uate enotnecneeee Jeanette Hyde Jeanette Hyde served as Ambassador to Barbados and the Eastem Caribbean Counties under President Clinton. After serving as Ambassador, she co-founded two barks in Raleigh, North Carolina: Triangle Bank and North State Bak. Mindy and Jay Jacobs . ‘Since becoming Chairman of the Nassau County Demoemtic Committee in 200), Jay Jacobs has overseen the election ofthe first Democrat in over 30 years as County Executive, the first Democratic Comptroller, District Atomey and County Assessor. He recently concluded his term 4 New York State Democratic Chair. He and his wife Mindy operate Timberlake Camps. Joe! Johnson - Joel is * Managing Director with The Glover Patk Group. Prior to joining The Glover Park Group, be founded The Harbour Group in 2001, a Washington public relations firm, and worked 4s President Clinton's Senior Advisor for Policy and Communications, Ann and Tim Keating fs a Tim is senior vice president of Governinent Opérations for The Boring the world's leading eerospace company. He is « member of the companys Executive Counal: He served in the Clinton Administration as speci! assistant to the President and staff director for White House Legislative Affairs, Christopher Korge Charis isa founder aod partner in the law firm of Konge & Korge and is the Chaiman end the Managing Partner of Landko Development, a diversified real estate development company in Miami, Florida 4 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00874 Doc No. C06035300 Date: 08/24/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. CO8035308 Date: 08/24/2018 Cynthia nud Ken Leesfield {ra is founder and managing partner of Lecsficld & Partners, P-A., with office in Miami, Key ‘West, South Beach and Central Florida He and Cynthie hosted a Clinion Foundation diner tt Jacob "Jack" Lew + Jack is the current White House Chief of Staff. Previously, he was the Director of the Office of ‘Management and Budget in the Clinton Administration from 1998 to 2001, and later the Obama Administration from 2010 to 2012, Cynthia aud Jerry Landergan Jerzy is the former Chairjan of the Kentucky Democratic Party. Jerry and his wife Cynthia's daughter Alison was recently elected as Kentucky Secretary of State. Ashok and Amrita Mahbubsni After two decades of running a successful small business in the US, Amritaand Ashok ‘Mahbubeni set up the EKTA Foundstion in 2007 with the simple purpose of giving beck and are active members of the Clinton Global Initiati Dorothy and Terry MeAulitfe ‘Terry serves as Chairman of Green Tech Automotive, which manufactures electric and hybrid Vehicles. From 2001 to 2005 Terry served 2s Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. April McClain-Delaney sind John Delaney John is the Democratic candidate for Maryland's 6* district. Before running for Congress, John founded two New York Stock Exchange listed companies, cach headquartered in Montgomery county Maryland, John and his wife April metas law students at Georgetown. They have four daughters, Donne and Thomas F, "Mack" MeLarty [II ‘Donna has made her impact with Vital Voices Global Partnership. After serving ts White House Chief of Staff for President Bill Clinton, Mack founded McLarty Associates, a Washington- based consulting company, as well as Chief Executive Officer of the McLarty Companies, ‘Minyon Moore ‘Mimyon Moore is a founder of America Comiing Together, a liberal political action group, and. ‘heads Dewey Square Group's stato and local practice. She was formerly Chief Operating Officer ‘of the DNC, and before that, Assistant to the President and Director ofthe White House Office of Public Liaison, and Director of White House Political Affairs under President Clinton, Michael and Noemi Neidorff ‘Michael is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Centene Corporation, a health care firm dedicated to expanding health insurance coverage. They were introduced to the Clinton Foundation by Joyce Aboussie, UNCLASSIFIED ‘US. Depertment of State Case No, F-2018-00374 Doe No. CO8035308 Date: 06/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depattment of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. 06085308 Date: 06/24/2018 Franco Nuschete Franco is the principal owner of Café Milano in Washington, D.C., president of Capital Wines, LLC, en importer of fie Italian wines, and President of Embassy Row, a eatrag company servicing « discerning clientele: He donated the cattring for the easlice cocktail reception at the Italian Embessy, Sara and Peter O'Keefe Peter is x partner at Capital Management Interaational, an investment company focusing on biomass energy. From 1996 to 1998, Peter served on The White House staf and spearheaded the Administration's efforts to coordinate with the business community 10 pass key sections of the ‘Clinton Economic Program. Amy Kletaick Amy is currently Chief of Staff at Brian Snyder Investing LLC. ‘Recep Ozkan ‘Recep Ozkan isthe former President of the NY Turkish Cultural Center and Chairman of Everglobe Partners LLC, an energy company. ‘Goldhan Orkok Gokhan Ozkok operates a consulting firm in New York for Turkish and American businessmen. ‘He is also the founder and President of the Turkish American Business Improvement and Development Council (TABID). Leon Panetta ‘Secretary Pancita is the 23" and currest United States Secretary of Defense, serving in the administration of President Barack Obama since 201 1. Prior to taking affice, he served as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Secretary Panetta also served as the Chief of Staff for President Clinton from 1994 to 1997. ‘Carol Pensky Carol is a solfdescribed philanthropist, activist end homemaker. Vietor Pinchuk Victor is one of Ulaaine’s most suecessful businessmen, whose role in civio, internationel affairs and charitable organizations has made him a leader in Ulcaine’s growing interaction with Europe and the world, ‘Heather and Tony Podestn ‘Heather is the senior partner of the lobbying firm Heather Podesta + Partners, Prior to this, she worked as a congressional aide to Representatives Robert Matsui (D) and Ear} Pomeroy (D), Heather is married to Tony Podesta, a lobbyist and founder of the Podesta Group UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. COS03508 Date: 06/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06085308 Dale: 08/24/2016 John Podesta Until the end of October 2011, John served as the President ofthe Center for America Progress (CAP), He continues to serve as Chait and Counseior. john served as co-chair of President ‘Obama's transition team, and prior o founding the Center, he served ns White House Chief of ‘Staff to President Clinton from 1998 to 2001. Susanne and Jack Quinn Jeck is the co-founder and chairman of Quinn Gillespie & Associates and serves asthe firm's ‘chief strategist. He veryed as Couisel to the President Clinton from November 1995 to February 1997. At the timne of Jack's appointment by President Clinton, he was Vice President Gore's ‘Wayne Rogers ‘Wayne has been Chairman and CEO of Green Energy Acquisition Corp, since is inception in Noverbes 2007. He hes over 27 years experience in the renewable energy business inthe United States and around the world. Israel Roizman Israel is the President and CEO of Roizman Development Ine, based in Philadelphia, PA, Doug Schoen Doug is an American politcal analyst, pollster, author, and commentator, He is analyst for Fox News. He partnered with political strategist Mark Penn and Micheel Berland in ‘the firm of Penn, Schoen & Berland, Cassandra and Bridgette Josette Stater 7 (Cassandra was appointed by President Clintoa in 1994 as senior adviser tothe Soci Security Commissioner. Her husband Rodney served as Secretary of Transportation during the Clinton Administration — he is unable to attend tonight as he is traveling overseas. Cassmdra end Rodney hhave one daughter Bridgette. . Brian Snyder Brian is 2 principle at HIBJ Investments. ‘He is focused on the family’s philanthropic giving. Richard Sullivan is a partner with Capitol Counsel LLC. Richerd splits his time between North Caroline and Washington, DC. From 1994-1996, Richard served as the National Finance Director for the Democratic National Committee. Cecilia and Pedro Torres Pedro Torres Ciliberto is « generous supporter of the Clinton Foundation. He and wife Cecilia served as Vice Chairs of 4 Decade of Difference in Los Angeles in October 201 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 06/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06025308 Date: 06/24/2018 Christine Varney . Christine Verney is a pactner in Cravath's Litigation Department and serves as the Chair of the Firm's anti-trust practice, She also served as Assistant Attomey General and headed the Justico Departinent’s Antiust Division fom 2009 2911, andes Commissions of be FTC fom 1994 to 1997, Kevin Varney ‘Christine's brother Kevin is Vice President and Chief of Staff at the Export-Import Bank of the ‘United States. Before investment banking, he served in the White House as the deputy chief of staff of the Nationel Economic Council for the national economic advisor to President Clinton, Christie Vileack ‘Former First Lady of lowa from 1999 until 2007 and the 2012 Democratic candidate for U.S. House of Representatives for Iowa's 4° congressional distict. Diana and Mallory Walker ‘Mallory recently retired as chairman of Walker & Dunlop, one of the leading commercial real estate finance companies in country, His wife Diana wes Time magazine's White House ‘photographer for twenty years, capturing virtually every move of Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton. Diana has been recognized by the World Press, the White House News Photographers ‘Association and the National Press Photographers Association. Elfen and Don Walker Don is President of the Hany Walker Agency. He joined the Agency in 1972, working alongside 1 ‘ni father and founder Harry Waller, ad became Agency President in 1985. Ellen is Managing, Director of the Harry Walker Agency, Maureen White Maureen fs curently be Senior Advisor on Humanitarian Issues inthe Office ofthe Special Represenitive to Afghanistan and Pakistan atthe U.S. Department of State. She wes Netional Finance Co-Chair ofthe Hillary Clinton for President Campeign, and served es National Finance Chair of the Democratic National Committee from 2001-2006. In the Clinton Administration, she represented the US Goverment at the United Nations Children’s Fund from 1997-2001. Steve Wezencraft and Jobo Evans Steve is CEO of John O'Donnel! Associates and hes spent the last 25 years of his professional ‘career working with NGOs and non-profits. He has been « member of The Clinton Global Initiative since its inception in 2005, John is Chairman and CEO of Evans Telecommunications Co. and the co-founder and former Chairman of C-SPAN. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 06/24/2016

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