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Context: I did both of these assessments during my Instruction Strategies

Reading (ED 123) class during spring term 2016 at Portland Community
College. They are two different reading assessments. The first was dealing
with the Concept of Print, and the second was dealing with a Running
Record. Both of these assessment was done with students who are in
elementary school.
Contemplation: I took the class I understood how to administer the
assessments, and then took the time to assess two different students. Both
students did very well on their tasks, and came away with no significant
Contemplation: The first assessment taught me a few things. First, make
sure that your students are listening to what you have to say. Secondly,
make sure that there are no distractions present such as not enough time to
take the assessment, so it turns into a rush job rather than a simple task.
After doing the first assessment I was able to take what I learned, and
then apply it to the second assessment. As I worked with the student, gave
him plenty of time with little to no distractions, and the assessment turned
out to be a simple task. There are many ways that we can assess our
students whether it be with formal or informal assessment. These were just
two examples of how to assess our students with formal assessments.

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