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Give Your Consumers

The Omni-Channel Experience

The Benefits of Delivering a Seamless Customer Journey


From a consumer perspective, the best brands are those that weave
themselves into their customers livesbecoming a part of their
identity. These brands are present all the time without obvious
detection or being seen as a distraction. They dont just show up
to demand somethingBuy Now! Start Today! Click Here!but they
dont just wait on the sidelines either. What makes these brands so
successful? Instead of being seen as overbearing, these brands are
successful because they are listening and responding to customers
needs and wants.
They effectively practice omni-channel marketingmarketing that
seeks to provide a seamless customer experience, regardless
of channel or device.
To be successful today, brands need to look beyond disconnected
vendors, departments, and strategies in order to make an impact
and give customers a continuous experience.

This ebook will examine the benefits of an advanced

omni-channel marketing strategy. We will discuss how
to organize your team and your marketing activities
around your customer in order to engage your audience.
Well explore what it takes to become the brand that
is more than a product or a nice to haveinstead,
become the brand thats a natural extension of your
customers lives.


Omni-Channel, Cross-Channel and Multi-Channel
There is a proliferation of terms that describe how
and where and when marketers use channels,
so lets clarify the different terms:
Omni-Channel Marketing: Organizes your marketing
messages and activities to deliver a seamless conversation
to the customer, regardless of where they are.
Cross-Channel and Multi-Channel Marketing:
These terms are often interchangeable and they refer to
marketing that considers all the different channels available
and where your customers engage. This type of marketing
aims to effectively utilize specific channels based on the
campaign goals and target audience. It strives to create
a buyer experience that is consistent and complimentary
across channels.


Understanding your customer is key to delivering personal and relevant
messages. Lets take a look at how marketers have mapped this is the past
and how they can do it more effectively.
Customer Journey Based Marketing
More and more marketing leaders embrace
the fact that they need to drive more than
acquisition. Now, marketing executives
must also be the Chief Customer Experience
Officerdriving value and revenue throughout
the entire customer lifecycle, from awareness,
to acquisition, to advocacy.
Successfully acquiring customers requires
time and money, so leaving that relationship
to flounder after acquisition is a loss on your
return on investment (ROI). Marketers who
engage their customers throughout their
lifecycle drive more revenue from their ongoing
relationshipthink up-sell, cross-sell, referrals,
and continual business. Because acquisition is
not as cost effective as growing your business
with an existing customer, engaging in lifecycle
marketing helps to drive more revenue over
time and also helps avoid losing potential
revenue from churned customers.

The Customer Journey Defined

what she is interested in. These marketers

then deliver the right messages, at the
right time, wherever that customer is
both online and offline. This is called
engagement marketing.

(brand fans,

& Loyalty

(needs & messages)

(push to pull)



(less selling)

(peer opinions)

(rational &

In todays digital world, the most successful

marketers engage their customers as
individuals, which means having a deep
understanding of who a customer is and
Source: i-Scoop


The Customer Journey
Defined (continued)
In the past, marketers werent able to offer that
experience at scale. So to provide an optimal
and scalable experience they aligned their
general marketing activities to the stages across
the customer lifecycle and used those lifecycle
stages as a map that indicated the pre-defined
content and messages they should receive.
Unfortunately, this methodology doesnt
include listening and so it offers lackluster
results. The struggle to create a continuous
conversation with customers occurred
because the journey that marketers mapped
never truly captured the actual journey their
customer took. For example, whether or not
someone completed a purchase does not tell
the whole story about a customer, her needs,
what she wants, what makes her react, etc.

Only by listening to other behaviors, in addition

to a purchase, can a marketer truly be relevant.
Looking at the customer lifecycle in a linear
way does nothing for the customers
actual experience.
While thinking about the stages a customer
might go through is helpful, the process should
not stop there. Lets discuss how this process
needs to evolve from the old way of doing
things and how it can adapt to fit our world
and our customers needs today.


Write a review
Share with a friend
Participate in a
rewards program
Social sharing

On Facebook
On Twitter
On Instagram
On Pinterest
Targeted web CTAs

Subscribe to
email newsletter
Download the app
Click on targeted ads
Visit your website

Read personalized emails

On your website looking
at other products
Read reviews
Comparison shopping

Customer lifecycle mapping serves as a good

foundation for planning your marketing activities
and messages so that they are more relevant.
Knowing the value of the customer journey
beyond acquisition is more important than ever
before, so you can offer exceptionally personal
and relevant marketing to your customers as
they go through their own personal journey.


The Customer Journey: Evolved



Traditional customer lifecycles account for
all the steps it takes to get a customer to
a specific goal, and that can be helpful for
marketers as they map out the activities that
pair well with different channels or
levels of awareness.
But by mapping and timing marketing activities
based only on the customer lifecycle, marketers
are missing the ability to truly engage with the
customer on a one-to-one level.
Coordinated, omni-channel marketing delivers
the most relevant experience to each customer
and therefore puts the customer at the center
of your marketing. It acknowledges that the
customer decides her own journey, and its
the marketers responsibility to listen and
respond with the right message, at the right
time, in the right place (or places)and it can
be done efficiently by utilizing an Engagement
Marketing Platform.

Marketing Is
To create an omni-channel experience
for your customers, use the ABCDEs of
engagement marketing. This is defined by
five principles of communication which
focus on engaging people:

As individuals
Based on what they do
Continuously over time
Directed towards an outcome
Everywhere they are

Lets explore how to strategically set up your

organization so that you can effectively practice
omni-channel marketing.


Structure Your Organization
for Omni-Channel Marketing
Many marketing organizations are not structured
to be able to listen and respond to individual
customers quickly. Lets take a look at how the
structure of your organization can help you be
successful with omni-channel marketing.
With the rapid increase in customers expecting
immediate, personalized communications,
many marketing organizations are not properly
structured to listen to the individual customer and
respond quickly. Instead their marketing functions
that communicate with customers are separate
silos without the process or practice of
quickly communicating with each other,
let alone jumping into action. For example,
many organizations have people dedicated
to specific marketing channels, like mobile,
paid advertising, or email. But this is not how
customers should see your brandas separate


Its important when you practice omni-channel
marketing to structure your organization in
a way that allows the free flow of information.
This may mean that you align your
organizational structure to the different stages
of the customer lifecycle. By organizing your
team this way the functions that listen and
respond are synchronized and able to deliver the
seamless customer experience you envision for
your customer.

By organizing your teams around the customer,

you can listen and respond across all channels
in a way that is more congruent with the actual
customer experience. That way, the conversation
remains fluid as your customer moves from one
lifecycle stage to the next.
For example, if your organization is structured
around the customer lifecycle, the acquisition
group coordinates all messages in hopes of
acquiring a new customer. Later, the retention
and loyalty group coordinate messages that drive
value and interest after the first salewith the
goal of leading consumers to their next purchase
or interaction.

Your Omni-Channel Roles

As you structure your organization to run
omni-channel marketing strategically, its
important to understand the objectives and
activities of the various roles. Lets explore:

The role of the marketing
leader is to take a big picture
view of the marketing strategy.
This person is dedicated to
looking at the holistic customer experience
and ensuring that the organization is
delivering on that vision. This may mean
working to structure the team and
budget around the customer journey and
facilitating communication between siloed
team members.

Restructuring your team around the customer lifecycle may mean that you have a team member
or teams responsible for:

These team members
focus on activities that
build awareness and
drive customers
toward acquisition.

These team members
focus on activities
and content that fuel
customer engagement
with the brand
and accelerate the
consideration and
purchase of a product.

These team members
focus on driving
satisfaction and
retention within
your exisiting
customers. Their
work is geared towards
providing added value
to the customer when
they are not in a
purchase cycle.

These team members
focus on your best
customers and how
to drive them to
advocate and refer on
your behalf, and then
reward them for that

From a practical standpoint,

most marketing teams today
have practitioners who own
specific channels, and as
the marketing organization undergoes
a transition to align more closely with
the customer lifecycle, its vital that
the people who own these channels
connect with their counterparts from
other channels to make sure messages
to specific segments are aligned across
the customer journey. Practitioners
actively work together to focus on
the activities to support the customer
lifecycle rather than a myopic,
singular channel view.


The Benefits of Structuring Your
Organization Around
Your Customer
Structuring your organization around your
customer has key benefits. In fact, according
to McKinsey DataMatics, companies that are
responsive to customer behavior are more than
twice as likely to generate above-average profits
than those that arent. Plus, they outperform
their peers across the entire customer lifecycle
and are nine times more likely to enjoy superior
customer loyalty.

It also works because it is measurable. Each

group can measure success beyond the vanity
metrics of emails clicked or push notifications
tapped. Instead, omni-channel marketers
can measure the number of consumers they
successfully move to the next stage
of the lifecycle.

But, why does this work? It works because

each person or group inside the marketing
organization is responsible for a customers
experience across all channels for a finite
amount of time. For example, as a customer
progresses through the customer lifecycle,
they would pass from your Awareness and
Acquisition team to your Engagement and
Consideration team and so on as they move
through the individual stages.



Each customer experiences numerous
touch-points with your company throughout
his journey, some even occurring
simultaneously. Its the job of marketing to
ensure that each interaction has a positive and
cumulative impact.
For example, lets say your customer is at home
scrolling through Facebook on his laptop. He
sees one of your digital ads. Then, he checks
his Instagram account on his mobile device and
sees another one of your adsfurther solidifying
his loyalty to your brand. And if he puts down
his devices, your retail catalog is sitting on his
coffee tablereinforcing product interest.
Your brand appears on all of the different
channels that your customer frequentsacross
his favorite online channels, on all of his
devices, and offlinecreating a holistic and
seamless experience.



Create Diverse, Connected Messaging
To practice omni-channel marketing well
means marketing on every channel your
customers are on.
This means that you should no longer be
putting all of your money into one channel.
Todays omni-channel marketing means using
a diversity of channels and messages that
reinforce and support each otherit does not
mean sending the same message across
every channel.
Customers do not want to be bombarded
with the exact same message on every
channel. Thats not engagement marketing;
just irritating.
Creating messages that consider the channel,
and the activity of the customer on that
channel, is the most effective way to practice
omni-channel marketing.



Coordinate Your Channels
The vision of being consistently relevant
and offering personal value in real-time is
what customers want and expect, but looking
at a web of all the possible touch-points for
a customer and how to connect them can
feel overwhelming.
So start small. As you initiate omni-channel
marketing strategies in your organization, you
dont need to, and probably shouldnt, do
everything at once.
Start by simply tying two channels togetherfor
example, email and websiteand practicing the
seamless, personalized response thats required
to provide your ideal customer experience.
Then as you get more advanced, identify areas
for improvement and form some best practices
in your organization. From there you can
expand. Start to coordinate with a third channel
(social), and then add a forth (digital ads), and
so on.

Lets look at an example to see how tying

channels together adds value for a customer
and marketing organization:
A customer visits your website and is cookied.
She then browses across a few pages and adds
something to her cart before leaving your site.
She then navigates to Facebook where she
browses her News Feed. If your website and
social channels are tied together, you will be
able to serve her a remarketing ad, showing her
the item she left in her cart and prompting her
to complete the purchase (this is made easier
with technology like Marketos Ad Bridge, which
we will cover later). Once she sees the ad, she
clicks back to your website and goes part way
through the checkout process, creating a user
account, but not finalizing her purchase. If you
have your email channel tied to your website
and social channels, you can use that data to
send her an email that offers a limited time-only
coupon for purchase, driving her back to your
website to complete the transaction.



As you create an omni-channel
marketing strategy and decide
which channels to tie together first
for your customers, consider
these touch-point channels:
Social Media
Search Engines
Online Advertising
Landing Pages
Direct Mail
Call Center
Retail Store
Outdoor Advertising



Coordinate Your Channels
You can see that the coordination of these
channels is to the benefit of both the marketer
and customer. For the marketer, it drives
the customer to complete the next action in
her journey, and for the customer, the
coordinated channels offer a seamless
conversation that is personal to them,
their behavior, and their interests.

Why is it so important that you offer

personalized touch-points? Data from
Google points to the high volume of
customers who take a multi-channel path
to purchase, a behavior that also extends
into advocacy.

Consumers take a multi-device path to purchase


Start on a



Continue on a


Start on a


Start on a

Continue on
a Smartphone

Continue on
a Tablet

Continue on
a Tablet

Continue on a

Source: Google



The right tool will help you listen to your
customers and then deliver personal and
relevant messages.
McKinseys research shows that presenting
relevant messages or offers when the
opportunity arises (also known as personalizing
your marketing) can deliver five to eight times
the ROI on marketing spend and lift sales 10%
or more.
With that in mind, you want to tap into
a platform that makes it possible to listen
to your customers activities and refine
your message based on those behaviors

A platform thats able to listen and respond

across channels will help you to ensure that
he also starts to see targeted ads across the
web and on Facebook that specifically show
the car he built on your site, and highlight the
industry awards it has wonspecifically safety.
By engaging your customers in a way that
helps them realize success and see value
in your brand, you lessen the chances that
an acquired customer will become a part of
your churn stat. In fact, you boost the odds
that theyll make an additional purchase or
recommend you to a friend.

Looking at another example, lets say you have

a customer who visits your website for a
specific model car and opts in to receive email.
Using a platform that makes it possible
to listen, youre able to send him an email
with four different models and know when
he clicks on one of the models. From there
he is taken to a website where he can
personalize that model car but he doesnt
complete the personalization experience by
contacting a dealership, and he leaves the site.
After, your platform understands his activities
and sends an email with the personalized
model of the car that he built as well as a callto-action to set up an appointment with his
local dealership.



An Engagement Marketing Platform
While the goal is to engage each customer
in a personalized way, its not practical to
do this manually if you have hundreds,
thousands, or millions of customers.
An engagement marketing platform enables
marketers to automate their engagement
marketing strategies, allowing you to engage
customers in a personalized way at scale.
With a powerful platform, you have a partner in
gathering data and insights. This will help you
to effectively listen to customer behavior and
make strategic decisions about which messages
and marketing activities work best for specific
segments of people. This helps your marketing
organization transition from simple multichannel marketing to truly coordinated omnichannel marketing, which offers deeply personal
experiences. And, thats the key to initiating and
building deep, enduring relationships with your
customers beyond acquisition.

But what happens when a customer does

not respond? Its vital that marketers maintain
permission to market to that customer directly
since he opted in to your emails. While most
brands focus only on promotion, its important
that you use this opportunity to listenreally
hear that the customer isnt ready to buy now.
If he didnt open any of your emails or click
on your ads, thats a sign that hes not ready.
Use that information to your benefit and start
educating the customer. Send him interesting,
relevant content, for example, something like
How To Finance a New Car or A Checklist
for Selling Your Car. Or if your customer does
complete a purchase, continue to send him
useful tipslike Maximize Your Mileage or
Evaluate if Trading in Your Car is For Youthat
help continue the conversation.

Integrated Data is
Actionable Data
Marketers must be prepared to
integrate behavioral data, or rely on a
platform, like Marketo, that can do it for
them. Integrating different data sources
into a single, actionable data set for
marketing is vital to success with omnichannel marketing. Its the only way
you can develop a unified customer
view and respond in a timely way to
your customers signals.

Useful content is a great way to maintain a

connection with your customer, educate them
until they are ready to buy, avoid the dreaded
unsubscribe, and, ultimately, maintain a
relationship with them.



According to data from MyBuys Personalization
Consumer Survey, coordinating messages across
channels increases the performance of those
channels and the experience of the customer.

Unfortunately, based on data from Experian,

only a small fraction of brands are executing
omni-channel communications informed by
a single view of the customer.


I am likely to engage with a new brand and

purchase when I see online ads for products Im
interested in based on my current and past


Personalize online ads that promote offers

and products from websites Ive visited


Send me personalized emails based on my past

browsing and buying behavior


Personalize the shopping experience

across all channels


Show personalized ads in my social media feeds

Source: MyBuys Personalization Consumer Survey



Lets take a look at some brands that offer good examples of
seamless, personal, and effective omni-channel marketing.
These brands deliver relevant, continuous conversations wherever
a customer is, at any point in time.
J. Crew
Clothing retailer and lifestyle brand
J. Crew is an example of a brand that
offers a compelling omni-channel
experience to its customers.
A potential or current customer of J. Crew
sees ads, emails, and social media messages
specifically tailored to their interests,
experience, location, and lifecycle stage.
Lets take a look at the examples of J. Crews
integrated omni-channel campaigns:



J.Crew Facebook

J. Crew Facebook Post

J. Crew Facebook Posts

On its Facebook page, J. Crew posts take into

account who its fans and followers are and
what they care about. Its imagery and copy
illustrate to a customer that it understands the
different facets of her personality and that the
J. Crew brand complements those traits.



J. Crew Emails
J. Crew emails consider the different aspects
of their customers lifefrom work to weekend
to holidays in order to provide timely and
relevant messages.
J. Crew Emails



J. Crew Instagram and Twitter

J. Crew Instagram and Twitter

By looking at examples from J. Crews

Instagram and Twitter accounts, you can see
how the brand uses these channels to continue
the conversation with its customers. It offers
more images and copy with brand personality
for customers to identify with, and on Twitter,
J. Crew pairs it with a call-to-action to shop.



J. Crew Website

J. Crew Website

The J.Crew website offers relevant content,

experiences, and calls-to-action for the
different types of customers who land on
the site. If a customer is signed in, she
lands on the experience relevant to her.
Here are some examples of the different
messages tailored to various customer
segmentsbased on gender.


Content tailored for a male viewer: J. Crew Website



J. Crew Blog
The J. Crew blog helps customers continue
the conversation from the other channels,
often reinforcing the campaigns and themes
with a how to approach. It consistently
reinforces the lifestyle elements of the
J. Crew brand, allowing customers to see
themselves in the situations portrayed and
described, or plan a similar experience.

J. Crew Blog



J. Crew Personalized

J. Crew Personalized Instagram

J. Crew Personalized Facebook

J. Crew tailors its messages for different types

of customers. In this example, you can see
an email targeted to a female customer and
Facebook posts that add a fun, human element
to the brand. Allowing it to branch out from a
buy this shirt or sale! type of message, and
instead, become a part of its customers life.
As a customer interacts across channels,
J. Crew leverages the insights it gains from
listening to its customers behavior in order to
then offer real-time, personalized marketing.
J. Crew Personalized Email




Birchbox Facebook

Birchbox that surrounds their customers and

potential customers with relevant, helpful
information thats pertinent to activities that
happen in their customers daily lives.
In this example, well look at the cosmetics
retailer, Birchbox. Birchbox seamlessly inserts
its brand into their customers life as the go-to
for beauty advice, and therefore products. Once
it engages a customer, Birchbox continues
to tailor the experience to be increasingly
personal, offering samples that are customized,
a personalized newsletter, and a rewards program
to consistently reward and engage their repeat
customers and drive advocacy.

Birchbox Instagram




Birchbox Blog

Birchbox Twitter

While the different channels

offer similar content, theyre
often complimentary. For
instance, the Birchbox blog
might detail a topic on its
website which they then
complement with a video on
one channel, a product offer
on another, and a monthly
sample on a third.



Engagement throughout the Entire Journey
Additionally, Birchbox makes a concerted
effort to keep its customers engaged past their
initial conversion. Upon landing on the site, a
customer is asked for her email address, which
is a best practice. From there, the customer is
sent a welcome emails, such as a blog digest.

Birchbox Email Subscription

Pop-up during a First-Time Visit

Birchbox Follow-Up Email after

Email Subscription Box Is Completed

Each educational email is paired with a call-toaction for a specific product or to subscribe
to the monthly box. This contact with the
customer continues with rewards for members,
which range from points to exclusive products.
Part of the omni-channel marketing efforts
and strategy at Birchbox appears to focus on
keeping customers loyal and engaged.


A Birchbox Display
Ad Targeting the
Same Customer
after She Visited
the Website and
Subscribed to Emails



Engagement Throughout The
Whole Journey
Birchbox continues to engage their customer
post acquisition, encouraging advocacy and
loyalty through a rewards program and special
offers. Take a look at some examples of this
type of communication below:

Birchbox Offers Rewards for Each Purchase

An Email Prompting a Customer to Use

Birchbox Products

Exclusive Offers for Customers



Connecting Channels
Take a look at how Birchbox directs customers to
other channels where they cultivate content. For
example, its Facebook page has tabs for Pinterest
and YouTube, each of which offers additional
ideas and tutorials. Doing this helps customers
engage with Birchbox on every channel.

A tab on Birchboxs Facebook Page that Directs

Fans to their YouTube Content

A tab on Birchboxs Facebook Page that directs

fans to its Pinterest page



The Value of Customer


Why This Works

Coordinating messages across email and
ads makes both channels perform better. Its
also beneficial for web and email as well as
mobile and email. Coordinating your marketing
activities across channels helps make each
channel more successful because its more
supported, reinforced, and relatable. Omnichannel marketing helps brands do just that.
Truly coordinated, omni-channel marketing
requires most marketers to shift their thinking.
It not only requires a shift in marketing tactics
but also a shift in budgets. One of the greatest
opportunities for omni-channel ROI (returnon-investment) is in getting more out of your
existing customerswhether thats more
purchases, more attention, or more advocacy.
Most marketing organizations spend the wealth
of their time, energy, and budget on acquiring
new customers, but not enough on engaging
existing customers.

Marketing activities across channels dont stop

at acquisition; now they must go on to support
the customer in his journey across the entire
customer lifecycle. And thats an incredibly
important shift because, according to Marketing
Metrics, the probability of selling to a new
prospective customer is less than 20%, while
the probability of selling to an existing customer
is greater than 60%. So its no wonder that 93%
of respondents to StrongViews 2014 Marketing
Trends Survey say they plan to increase or
maintain spending on activities focused on
customer engagement. Strategic marketers
looking to increase customer engagement
will look at their marketing activities and see
how they can support each other to further
drive customer engagement.

Spending on activities focused

on customer engagement



Probability of selling to
an existing customer

Respondents that say they plan
to increase or maintain spending



Marketers Shepherd the Customer Journey
Marketers now need to provide a seamless experience,
regardless of channel or device.

Consumers can now engage with a company in a

physical store, on an online website or mobile app,
through a catalog, or through social media. They can
access products and services by calling a company on
the phone, by using an app on their mobile smartphone,
or with a tablet, a laptop, or a desktop computer. Each
piece of the consumers experience should be consistent
and complementary. By understanding the importance
of an omni-channel strategy and having the tools to
set a solid foundation, your marketing team can build
a customer experience that complements the customer
journey and ultimately elevates the value of your brand
in your customers lives.


Marketo (NASDAQ: MKTO) provides the leading marketing software and solutions designed to help marketers
master the art and science of digital marketing. Through a unique combination of innovation and expertise,
Marketo is focused solely on helping marketers keep pace in an ever-changing digital world. Spanning
todays digital, social, mobile and offline channels, Marketos Engagement Marketing Platform powers a set
of breakthrough applications to help marketers tackle all aspects of digital marketing from the planning and
orchestration of marketing activities to the delivery of personalized interactions that can be optimized in realtime.
Marketos applications are known for their ease-of-use, and are complemented by the Marketing Nation,
a thriving network of 400 third-party solutions through our LaunchPoint ecosystem and over 50,000 marketers
who share and learn from each other to grow their collective marketing expertise. The result for modern
marketers is unprecedented agility and superior results. Headquartered in San Mateo, CA with offices in Europe,
Australia and Japan, Marketo serves as a strategic marketing partner to more than 3,400 large enterprises and fastgrowing small companies across a wide variety of industries. For more information, visit

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