EE 287 Circuit Theory Marking Scheame: Solution

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Q1. Find the current in the 6 resistor using the principle of superposition for the circuit of Fig. 3.1.

Figure 3.1

As a first step, set the current source to zero. That is, the current source appears as an open circuit as
shown in Fig. 3.2.



Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3

As a next step, set the voltage to zero by replacing it with a short circuit as shown in Fig. 3.3.
The total current is then the sum of 1 and 2




Q 2 a. Sate superposition theorem.

b. State Thevenins theorem
c. State Nortons theorem
d. State the steps to solve the super position theorem.

a. Sate superposition theorem.

It states that the response of a linear circuit with multiple sources is given by algebraic
sum of response due to individual sources acting alone. (2marks)
b. State Thevenins theorem
It states that any linear bilateral network can be replaced by a single current source VTH, in
series with single impedance Zth (2marks)
c. State Nortons theorem
It states that any linear bilateral network can be replaced by a single current source, I N in
parallel with single impedance Zth. (2marks)

d. State the steps to solve the super position theorem.

Take only one independent voltage or current source
Obtain the branch currents
Repeat the above for the sources
To determine the net branch current just adds the currents obtained above. (4marks)

Q3. Briefly answer the following questions:

a. What is principle node?
b. What is a closed path?
c. State voltage division rule.
d. State current division rule.
e. Define mesh.

a. What is principle node?

The meeting point of three or more elements is called principle node. (2marks)
b. What is a closed path?
A closed path which starts at a node and travels through some part of the circuit and arrives at the same
node without crossing the node or more than once. (2marks)

c. State voltage division rule.

Voltage across a resistor in series circuit is equal to the total voltage across the series elements multiplied
by the value of that resistor divided by the total resistance of the series elements. (2marks)
d. State current division rule.
The current in any branch is equal to the ratio of the opposite parallel branch resistances to the
total resistance value, multiplied by the total current in the circuit. (2marks)

e. Define mesh.
A mesh is defined as a loop which does not contain any other loops within it. (2marks)

Q4. The systematic manner in which we can calculate all currents and voltages in
circuits that contain multiple nodes and loops are nodal analysis and loop analysis.
Briefly explain loop and node analysis.

Nodal Analysis An analysis technique in which one node in an N-node network is selected as the
reference node and Kirchhoffs current law is applied at the remaining N-1 non reference nodes. The
resulting N-1 linearly independent simultaneous equations are written in terms of the N-1 unknown node
voltages. In a nodal analysis we employ KCL to determine the node voltages.(5marks)

Loop Analysis An analysis technique in which Kirchhoffs voltage law is applied to a network containing
N independent loops. A loop current is assigned to each independent loop, and the application of KVL to
each loop yields a set of N independent simultaneous equations in the N unknown loop currents. a loop
analysis we use KVL to determine the loop currents.(5marks)

Q5. Briefly explain how you understand by the terms, port and the parameters of a two-port network.

A pair of terminals through which a current may enter or leave a network is known
as a port. A port is an access to the network and consists of a pair of terminals; the
current entering one terminal leaves through the other terminal so that the net
current entering the port equals zero.(3marks)
The parameters of a two-port network completely describes its behavior in
terms of the voltage and current at each port.
4marks for suitable examples

Q6. Answer the following questions briefly:

a. What is a graph of network?
b. What is tree of a network?
c. Give the properties of tree in a graph
d. What is a node?
e. What is a super node?

What is a graph of network?

When all elements in a network are replaced by lines with circles of dots at both ends.


What is tree of a network?

It is an interconnected open set of branches which include all the nodes of the given graph.


Give the properties of tree in a graph. It consists of all the nodes of the graph
If the graph has N no of nodes the tree will have N-I branches There will be
no closed path in the tree
There can be many possible different trees for a given graph depending on the no of nodes
and branches. (2marks)

What is a node?

A node is a point in a network in which two or more elements have a common connection. (2marks)

What is a super node?

The region surrounding a voltage source which connects the two nodes directly called super

node. (2marks)

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