End of Semester Examination: Web Technologies Marking Scheam

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PCS 213:

Each correct answer (1mark)



Internet service provider


web browser








Hypertext Mark-up Language


Uniform Resource Locator

9. character tag
10. href
Extensible Markup Language
12. HTML
very first


14. Dynamic
15. Core DOM
16. Cascading style sheet
Hypertext Pre-processor
Server- side




The essential tags that are required to create a HTML document are:
<BODY>.............</BODY> (3marks)
a) HTML Tag <HTML>: The <HTML> tag encloses all other HTML tags and associated text
within your document.(1mark)
Figure below is showing the necessary tags of HTML.
The format is:
Your Title and Document (contains text with HTML tags) goes here
An HTML document has two distinct parts HEAD and BODY.
The Format is:
</HTML> (1mark)

b) HEAD Tag <HEAD>: HEAD tag comes after the HTML start tag. It contains TITLE tag to give
the document a title that displays on the browsers title bar at the top. (1mark)
The Format is:
Your title goes here
</TITLE> </HEAD> (1mark)
c) BODY Tag <BODY>: The BODY tag contains all the text and graphics of the document with all
the HTML tags that are used for control and formatting of the page. (1mark)
The Format is:
Your Document goes here
</BODY> (1mark)

Q2. Answer

The <img> tag creates a holding space for the referenced image. Basically <img> tag has two
required attributes: scr and atr.
Required attributes for image tag:
1. Src attribute: To display an image on a page, you need to use the src attribute. Src stands
for "source". The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image you want to display.
Syntax: - <img src="url" alt="some_text"/> (1mark)

2. Alt attribute: alt stands for alternative. Using this alt attribute we can specify alternative
text for our image. Alternative text is useful to those browsers that cannot read graphical
content. Alternative text is displayed when an image is missing. (1mark)
Example:<img src="http://www.manipal.com/images/manipal-logo.jpg" alt="Manipal Logo">
The main required attribute are src and alt but some more attributes are there that we can
use with image tag but these are optional. Like
3) Align attribute specifies the horizontal and vertical alignment of an image according to the
surrounding element. (1mark)
Example:- <p><img src="manipal_logo alt="manipal" align="middle" /> life with
3) Height and width the height and width attributes specifies the height of an image and
width of the image.
Example: <img src="manipal.com"
alt="Distance education"
4) The border attribute specifies the width of the border around an image.
<img src="Manipal_logo.gif" alt="Distance education" border="5"/>
(1mark for any one of the above)
How we can insert image into HTML document
<body> <p> An image:
<img src="smiley.gif" alt="Smiley face" width="30" height="30" />
Now we can insert smiley image in the HTML document. </p>
</html> (6marks)
Output:An image

Q3. Answer

XML is popular for many features and few of them are listed here:
1. Easy Data Exchange: In XML, data and markup are stored as text that we can configure.
If we like, we can use XML editors to create XML documents but if something goes wrong
we can examine and modify document directly because its all just text.XML provides a
very efficient way of storing most data. In addition, when we standardize markup
languages, many different people can use them.
2. Customizing markup language: We can create customized markup languages using
XML, and that represents its extraordinary power. we can create a customized browsers to
handle that language.
3. Self describing data: The data in XML document is self describing. We can create our
own tags in XML so that if we will go back to our document years later, we can figure out
whats going on.
4. Structured and integrated data: In XML document we can specify not only data but the
structure of that data can also be specified. When we are dealing with complex and
important data we can integrate various elements in to other elements.
5. Well-formed XML documents: XML document must follow the syntax rules set up
properly. Each element also must nest inside any enclosing elements properly. for
example if in any example of XMl we are opening a tag but not closing the same then it is
not a well formed XML document.
6. Valid XML document: An XML document is valid if there is a document type definition
(DTD) associated with it and if the document complies with that DTD.
(2marks each for any five of the above)
Q4. Answer
Dynamic HTML is an extension of HTML that enables, among other things, the inclusion of
small animations and dynamic menus in Web pages. DHTML code makes use of style sheets
and JavaScript. (3marks)
When you see an object, or word(s), on a webpage that becomes highlighted, larger, a different
color, or a streak runs through it by moving your mouse cursor over it is the result of adding a
DHTML effect. This is done in the language coding and when the file of the webpage was saved
it was saved as the .dhtml format instead of .htm or .html. (2marks)
DHTML sites are dynamic in nature. DHTML uses client side scripting to change variables in the
presentation which affects the look and function of an otherwise static page. DHTML
characteristics are the functions while a page is viewed, rather than generating a unique page
with each page load (a dynamic website). (3marks)
On the other hand, HTML is static. HTML sites rely solely upon client-side technologies. This
means the pages of the site do not require any special processing from the server side before

they go to the browser. In other words, the pages are always the same for all visitors - static.
HTML pages have no dynamic content. (2marks)

Q5. Answer

1. Supported by all browsers: DHTML is supported in every major browser, including Opera,
Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox.
2. Open standards: You can create your pages according to the standardized technologies of
DHTML and you can expect that, they will display much the same on any major browser.
3. Small file sizes: Like HTML, we create DHTML with files, which are smaller than graphic
files and generally render faster than alternatives such as flash and java.
4. Change contents on the fly: When we have loaded our DHTML page then also we can make
the necessary changes to the web page without having to reload it. This is where the dynamic
in DHTML comes from.
5. No plug-ins required: If a browser support HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the DOM it
supports DHTML without the need for any additional plug-ins.
6. Easy to learn: It is easy to learn DHTML. For DHTML no need to learn an entire java
programming language. Although DHTML is based on JavaScript, which is now a full
featured programming language, you do not have to have a degree in computer science to use
the basics.
7. Data binding: Microsoft developed this to allow easier access to databases from Web sites. It
is very similar to using a CGI to access a database, but uses an ActiveX control to function.
This feature is very advanced and difficult to use for the beginning DHTML writer.
8. Real-time positioning: When most people think of DHTML this is what they expect.
Objects, images, and text moving around the Web page. This can allow you to play interactive
games with your readers or animate portions of your screen.

(2marks each for any five of the above)

Q6. Answer
When a user navigates in her browser to a page that ends with a .php extension,
the request is sent to a web server, which directs the request to the PHP interpreter.
As shown in the diagram below, the PHP interpreter processes the page,
communicating with file systems, databases, and email servers as necessary, and
then delivers a web page to the web server to return to the browser. Figure 11.1
shows the working of PHP, how PHP works.(6marks)


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