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Local school district code of conduct

Oregon statues and rules addressing educator
Mandatory Abuse Reporting Law
Confidentiality and sharing of student information
Limits to personal expression in work environment
Scope of practice for para educator
Allowable Use of school equipment and technology

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Current File Code: GBCB
Date Policy Reviewed & Re-adopted: 5-07-07

The Board expects all employees to be familiar with, and abide by, the laws of the State of
Oregon as they affect their work, policies of the Board, and the regulations designed to
implement them.
Since professional behavior of each staff member will determine the realization of the district's
goals, the following will be required:
1. Neatness in attire and grooming while discharging responsibilities to the district.

2. Promptness in attendance at work.

3. Support and enforcement of the policies of the Board and the rules and regulations of the
school administration.
4. Submission of reports on time.
5. Keep students under supervision at all times and to have a concern for the safety and
welfare of students.
6. Be attentive to all required duties, including pupil registration, attendance keeping and
recording, discipline, reporting to parents, supervision of pupils, attending meetings and
workshops, requesting, caring for and accounting for instructional materials and equipment,
as well as effective classroom control, instruction, and interaction.
Current File Code: GBC
Date Policy Adopted: 5-07-07

The board expects staff members to maintain high standards in their school relationships. The
district needs the services of individuals with integrity, high ideals and a high degree of human
understanding. Staff members shall:
1. Recognize the basic dignities of all individuals interacting with just and courteous
relationships with students, staff members, parents and the community.
2. Be accountable for using current scientific knowledge and the maintenance of efficiency in
the development in their field of work. Subject matter should be presented in a fair and
accurate manner.
3. Conduct all school business with properly designated school authorities.
4. Maintain accountability in all professional duties avoiding the acceptance of anything of
substantial value offered by another which might or might not appear to influence one's
judgment or performance of duties.
5. Accurately represent professional qualifications.
6. Recognize that appointments and promotions shall be solely on merit. The use of pressure
for appointments or promotions on school officials is unethical.
7. Make any criticism of another staff member, department, or any phase of a school or its
programs directly to the administrator holding the responsibility for improving the situation.

8. Provide students the opportunity for individual action in the pursuit of learning and access
to the varying points of view, unless there is just cause to act otherwise.
9. Insure that his/her actions do not result in the advancement of private economic interests.
10. Keep any confidential information as he/she may secure, unless disclosure serves a
professional purpose or is required by law.

11. Make proper use of and protect all school properties, equipment, and materials.
Oregon ethics website:

Mandatory abuse reporting law:
By law, mandatory reporters must report suspected abuse or neglect of a
child regardless of whether or not the knowledge of the abuse was gained in
the reporters official capacity. In other words, the mandatory reporting of
abuse or neglect of children is a 24-hour obligation. An example of a
mandatory reporter is a teacher or school official.

PARA Educator Scope of practice

As per discussion with one of the teachers aides that I work with in
my practicum education is not a must for aides in the West Linn/Wilsonville
School District as it is in some school districts such as Sherwood. The
responsibilities for instructional assistants include one on one training as in
the case of helping someone to read or feeding and working with Nathan,
assisting students as they are part of a regular inclusion classroom, and
observing the behavior of children with disabilities. The para educator will

also help the teacher in any capacity that the teacher may request. For
instance, in my classroom sometimes the teacher has to be gone for a while
(called to the office, meeting), and the teachers aides lead the class in
Calendar (sing-along) activities. The aides will fill the role of the teacher
until the teacher returns.

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