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Department of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences

STAT 235, Fall Term 2016, TR 08:00 09:20
Paul Cartledge
Alireza Simchi


TL 12
CCIS L2-200


CAB 409
CAB 587

Office Hours
WF 1000 1100; R 0930 1200
MWF 1000 1130; TR 0940 1210

NOTE: Please type Stat 235 as part of the subject line. Using your U of A e-mail address is preferred.

Calendar Description: Descriptive data analysis. Calculus of Probability. Binomial, multinomial, Poisson, normal,
beta, exponential, gamma, hypergeometric, and Weibull distributions. Sampling distributions. Estimation, testing
hypotheses, goodness-of-fit tests, and one-way analysis of variance. Linear correlation and regression. Sampling.
Quality control. Use of a microcomputer software package for statistical analyses in engineering applications.
Prerequisite: MATH 100. Corequisite: MATH 101. Credit may not be obtained in STAT 235 if credit has already
been obtained in STAT 141, 151, 222, 265, 266; PSYCO 211, SCI 151 or SOC 210. Intended for Engineering students.
Textbook: Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, by Anthony Hayter; Custom Edition, Duxbury, 2013.
The custom edition is based on the 4th edition of the original text and contains chapters 1-10, and selected sections from
chapters 11 and 12.
Course Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes: Stat 235 is an introductory statistics course for undergraduate
engineering students. The emphasis is on data description, inference, and model building because the components are
important for professional engineering practice. Students have access to a computer lab and so are able to work with a
variety of data sets using the statistical features in Excel. The course schedule is provided in the table below.
Syllabus: Here is the tentative outline with the approximate number of classes indicated for each topic.
Descriptive Statistics
Random Variables
Discrete Probability Distributions
Continuous Probability Distributions
The Normal Distribution
Sampling Distributions
Inferences on a Population Mean
Comparing Two Population Means
Simple Linear Regression / Correlation
Inferences on One and Two Proportions
Analysis of Variance
Web Sites:

Chapters in the text

1 (omit 1.6, 1.8)
2 (omit 2.4.3 and 2.5) plus heuristic
definition of independence
3 (omit 3.3, 3.5)
4 (omit 4.3 4.6)
5 (omit 5.3.2 5.3.3 and 5.4)
7 and 5.3.2 5.3.3 (omit 7.2 and 7.4)
12 (omit 12.8), Excel output
11 (omit 11.2), Excel output


Common course website:

Lab website:

Grade Assessment:


Lecture Assignments (4)

Lab Assignments (5)
Lab exam
Midterm exam
Final exam

November 30 December 6
Thursday, October 27 (in class)
Monday, December 19 at 9 AM (3 hours)

NOTE: There are no classes on October 10, 2016 and November 7 11, 2016. The Fall 2016 term ends on Wednesday,
December 7, 2016.

Marking Policy: All sections of the course will be subjected to a common grading procedure. Your final grade will be
determined based on your overall score out of 100. Here is the tentative distribution that will be used to assign grades
(depending on the actual results, the grades may be adjusted to account for unusual grade distributions):

< 50

50- 5356606570- 75- 80- 85- 90- 9552

Grade F
Grades are unofficial until approved by the Department and/or Faculty offering the course.
IMPORTANT: To pass the course, you also need a minimum weighted average of 40% on the three exams
(midterm exam, lab exam, and final exam).
In order to ensure the fairness of the grading process for labs and homework across all groups marked by different
graders, the total score for the five labs (five homework assignments) for each student may be adjusted by the overall
average lab total (homework total) for all students in the course if significant differences among the groups are found.
That means that some totals for individual students may be slightly increased or decreased.
Labs and Lab Assignments: There will be 5 lab assignments (due at 4 PM) and a lab exam. The labs will be held on
PC computers in a Windows 7 environment. They will be using the statistical software package Microsoft Excel 2010.
You will be required to generate your own output and then answer the questions from the output using your knowledge
from class. Assignments are to be typed up in Microsoft Word and a title page should be included with YOURNAME,
STAT 235, Lab Section #, and Lab # on it. Your ID should be included on page 2. ALWAYS keep a back-up!
Graduate teaching assistants are present in the lab to lead students through exercises and to provide help. There will be
2 lab sessions per assignments (about 3 hours in the lab). The first week of labs, starting on Tuesday, September 6,
will be an introductory lab session. There are NO labs on October 10 (Thanksgiving) and November 7- 11 (Fall
Term Break). There will be a 1-hour multiple choice lab exam at the end of the term during the period of
Wednesday, November 30 Tuesday, December 6. Students MUST write the lab exam in their registered lab
Lab Due dates: September 27, October 11, October 25, November 15, and November 29
Homework Assignments: There will be 4 hand-written homework assignments (due at 10 PM). The due dates for the
assignments are listed on the schedule. See the course website for assignments and solutions. Questions will come
from your text. When answering questions, be as clear and precise as possible. Show all work to receive full credit for
a solution. Single numerical answers (unless indicated) will not receive any marks. All questions should be numbered
and submitted in the order they are asked. A title page should be included with YOURNAME, STAT 235, Lecture
EA1 (or EB1), and Assignment # on it. Your ID should be included on page 2. Make sure all assignments are stapled.
Homework Due dates: October 5, October 19, November 23, December 7
Submitting Lab and Homework Assignments: Completed assignments should be submitted to the wooden boxes
located on the 3rd floor of CAB in the correct slot on their respective due dates. NOTE: There are different boxes
for lab and homework assignments.
***If you submit your assignment into the wrong box, it may not be marked. Late assignments will not be marked.
No extensions will be granted..
Exam Rules: Both sections will have a common midterm and final. All exams are closed book. Formula sheets and
tables will be provided by the instructor. A copy of the formula sheet and tables can be found through the available
websites. You must bring a NON-programmable calculator approved by the Faculty of Engineering. All other
electronic equipment is prohibited. Your student photo ID is required at exams to verify your identity. Students will
not be allowed to begin an examination after it has been in progress for 30 minutes. Students must remain in the exam
room for at least 30 minutes from the time the exam commenced.

Midterm Exam: The midterm will be held in class on Thursday, October 27, 2015. See common course website for
practice midterms. There will be no make-up exam for students who are absent on this day. Unless a legitimate
excuse is provided, a grade of 0% will be given for the missed exam. If there is just cause for being absent, that portion
of the final grade reserved for the missed exam will be added to the portion reserved for the final exam. See course
website for practice exams.
Lab Exam: This will be a one-hour multiple-choice exam written between November 30 and December 6 in your lab
session. See the lab website for more information and practice exams.
Final Exam: The final exam is cumulative. The Registrar sets the time, date, and place of the final exam. The
locations will be announced later. The Final Exam schedule can be found on BearTracks or the Registrars website at Click on Examinations. See course website for practice exams.
Missed Term Exams and Assignments: There are no deferred midterm exams or deferred homework assignments. A
student who cannot write a term examination or complete a term assignment because of an incapacitating illness,
severe domestic affliction, or other compelling reasons may have the weight of the missed component transferred to
the final. In the case of a missed assignment, the student must apply for transferring the weight to their instructor in
writing within two working days of the missed assignment due date. Excuses such as internet connection problems are
not acceptable. In the case of a missed term exam, the student must present significant documentation, such as a
medical statement or Statutory Declaration, or other suitable documentation, to justify absence from the component.
The student must be ill on the day of the missed exam and the form needs to be submitted to their instructor within
two working days of the missed event. The instructor may not accept your excuse and give zero for the missed term
exam. But should a student write an exam, hand in the paper for marking, and later report extenuating
circumstances to support a request for cancellation of the paper and for another exam, such a request will not
be entertained. To know what a student should do when they are sick, please go to
Deferred Exam: A student who cannot write the final examination because of an incapacitating illness, severe
domestic affliction, or other compelling reasons can apply for a deferred final examination. Such an application must
be made to the students Faculty office within two working days of the missed examination and must be supported by a
completed University of Alberta Medical Statement Form or other appropriate documentation (Calendar section
23.5.6). The deferred final exam is scheduled Saturday, January 14, 2016 starting at 9:00 a.m. Students should meet
outside CAB 563 at 8:30 to register.
Re-examination: A student who writes the final examination and fails the course may apply for a re-examination. Reexaminations are rarely granted in the Faculty of Science. These exams are governed by University (Calendar section
23.5.5) and Faculty of Science Regulations (Calendar section 192.5.3).
NOTE: These options are each considered a privilege and not a right; there is no guarantee that it will be granted.
Misrepresentation of Facts to gain a deferral is a serious breach of the Code of Student Behaviour.
Cell Phones: Cell phones are to be silenced (turn the ringer off) during lectures and labs. Cell phones are not to be
brought to exams (you cannot use your cell phone as a calculator).
Students Eligible for Accessibility-Related Accommodations (students registered with Student Accessibility
Services SAS): Eligible students have both rights and responsibilities with regard to accessibility-related
accommodations. Consequently, scheduling exam accommodations in accordance with SAS deadlines and procedures
is essential. Please note adherence to procedures and deadlines is required for U of A to provide accommodations.
Contact SAS ( for further information.
Student Success Centre: Students who want to improve their learning and academic capacities (such as better time
management, study skills or examination skills) are encouraged to contact the Student Success Centre
(2300 Students Union Building).

Student Responsibilities:
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: The University of Alberta is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity
and honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the
policies of the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions
of the Code of Student Behaviour (online at www.governance. and avoid any behaviour which could
potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts and/or participation in an offence.
Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension or expulsion from the University. All forms of
dishonesty are unacceptable at the University. Any offense will be reported to the Senior Associate Dean of Science
who will determine the disciplinary action to be taken. Cheating, plagiarism and misrepresentation of facts are serious
offenses. Anyone who engages in these practices will receive at minimum a grade of zero for the exam or paper in
question and no opportunity will be given to replace the grade or redistribute the weights. As well, in the Faculty of
Science the sanction for cheating on any examination will include a disciplinary failing grade (no exceptions) and
senior students should expect a period of suspension or expulsion from the University of Alberta.
Collaboration on Assignments: See for more.
Every term there are several students who receive academic penalties for copying assignments. Here are some tips to
avoid copying on assignments:
1) Do not write down something that you cannot explain to your TA or instructor.
2) When you are helping other students, avoid showing them your work directly. Instead, explain your solution
verbally. Students whose work is copied also receive academic sanctions.
3) If you find yourself reading another student's solution, do not write anything down. Once you understand how
to solve the problem, remove the other person's work from your sight and then write up the solution to the
question yourself. Looking back and forth between someone else's paper and your own paper is almost
certainly copying and will result in academic sanctions for both you and your fellow student.
4) If the instructor or TA writes down part of a solution in order to help explain it to you or the class, you cannot
copy it and hand it in for credit. Treat it the same way you would treat another student's work with respect to
copying, that is, remove the explanation from your sight and then write up the solution yourself.
5) There is often more than one way to solve a problem. Choose the method that makes the most sense to you
rather than the method that other students happen to use. If none of the ideas in your solution are your own,
there is a good chance it will be flagged as copying.
Excused Absence Where the Cause is Religious Belief: For an excused absence where the cause is religious belief, a
student must contact the instructor(s) within two weeks of the start of Fall or Winter classes to request accommodation
for the term (including the final exam, where relevant). Instructors may request adequate documentation to substantiate
the student request.
Recording and/or Distribution of Course Materials: Audio or video recording, digital or otherwise, of lectures,
labs, seminars or any other teaching environment by students is allowed only with the prior written consent of the
instructor or as a part of an approved accommodation plan. Student or instructor content, digital or otherwise, created
and/or used within the context of the course is to be used solely for personal study, and is not to be used or distributed
for any other purpose without prior written consent from the content author(s).
Decima Robinson Support Centre for Mathematical & Statistical Sciences:
Students who require additional help with assignments or have questions about the course material in general are
encouraged to visit the Decima Robinson Support Centre (528 Central Academic Building). Graduate students will be
available to provide one-on-one help. In order to get maximum help during each visit, students are asked to be specific
about the problem with which they are seeking help. The Centre hours will be announced in class at a later date. See for more.
Other legal stuff: Policy about course outlines can be found in 23.4(2) of the University Calendar. Any
typographical errors in this Course Outline are subject to change and will be announced in class. The date of the final
examination is set by the Registrar and takes precedence over the final examination date reported in this course outline.

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