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This lesson is on Multiplying Fractions using Manipulatives

Title Multiplying Fractions

By Audrey Pruitt
Subject Math
Grade Level 4-6
1. To introduce the concept of multiplying fractions
1. Introduction:
a. Pass out manipulatives
b. Review fractions


2. Modeling:
Example: 3/4 x 2/3
a. Fold paper (hotdog style) into 4ths
b. Unfold and color in 3 of the 4 sections (3/4ths)

c. Fold the same paper the other direction (hamburger style) into 3rds
d. Unfold and color in (on the same side) 2 of the 3 new sections (2/3rds)
This graphic only represents the additional folds and coloring. Because parts have already
been folded and colored, the next graphic is the actual representation of your final product.

You should have a grid of 12 sections. The sections that have overlapping
colors (represented by the orange squares in the graphic) are the answer to
your problem.

So you should have 6 sections

with overlapping shading.
6/12ths or 1/2.
Sometimes the students have trouble with the coloring part so I have had them color one fraction on one side
and one on the other and hold it up to see where they overlap.
3. Guided Practice:
a. I will walk around to each cluster and talk to the group to make sure they understand the problems and
how to use this method.
4. Independent Practice:
a. I will have the students complete the problems using the paper folding technique.


5. Closure Summary:
a. Ask students if they see the pattern in the folded paper exercise.
b. Talk about other methods of multiplying fractions.
c. Remind students to always reduce unless otherwise noted.
6. Extensions:
a. I will have the students make up their own problems of multiplication of fractions and have them work
them using the folded paper technique.
Being Prepared:
1. Materials Needed:
a. Blank paper (several for each student)
b. 2 different colored crayons, markers, highlighters, etc for each student
c. dry erase board
d. dry erase markers (2 colors)
2. Guiding Questions:
a. What number sentence can you write to describe your picture?
Ex: 3/4 X 2/3 = 1/2
b. What rule can you use in order to multiply fractions if you do not draw a picture?
Ex: Multiply the numerators and then multiply the denominators.
3. Assessment:
a. I will collect the folded paper exercise and evaluate it based on completion of the activity.
b. I will observe the students working in groups and discuss with them how multiplication of fractions
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