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SOP Questionnaire

1. What is your personal and family background?

I was born in Mumbai and brought up Nashik in a nuclear and
educated family where my father is a Government servant for
Kendriya Vidyalaya school as a drawing teacher and mother is
working as a special teacher for physically and mentally challenged
students under a social trust of Army (A.W.A). I have an elder sister
who is now married and has completed her Masters in Business
Administration and now working with a reputed company at Nashik.
My entire schooling till my Diploma was completed in Nashik, future
I opted for Bachelor Degree in Engineering at Lonavala, Pune. As a
person I am always curious about new technology especially in the
field of Computers and Alternative Energy.
2. What are your personal and professional interests?
Things which attracts my interest at the core of my mind are
Building/Creating/Making, because of this core interest in my
childhood I was introduced to LEGO game. I was always engaged in
making new things by various combinations of sets. LEGO gave my
raw mind that initial boost which enhanced me making new things
and searching for possibilities in the vary basic elements. I grew up
watching News and Knowledge section of TV channels, of which
Discovery and National Geography were my binoculars to the world
of greater possibilities. This is when in my 2 nd Grade I gained my
interest in Robotics/Artificial Intelligence and Alternative Energy, as
these are the two field of research which are most important and
required fields to make world a better place to live in. Apart from
this I also love playing guitar and cooking as my hobby.
Professionally I see my carrier in the field of Artificial Intelligence
and want to work in this field for Research and Development.
3. What are your goals in life?
Short Term Goal:
My five-year plan is to complete my Masters Degree from a reputed
University and also to complete the Research Paper on LoT which I
am working currently. If possible within this time frame I would also
like to start with the PhD Program in Artificial Intelligence.
Long Term Goal:
Ten years from now I see myself working as a scientist in the field of
Alternative Energy/Artificial Intelligence.

4. Which things or persons influences you the most in your

life? Why?
I grew up watching all sort of documentaries and Sci-fi programs on
National Geography and Discovery Channel, for my tender brain all
these deep science discussions were like magic that human can
perform with the help of science. I dont know exactly how I started
following Sir. Albert Einstein, but it was in my 2 nd grade when I was
watching afternoons 3pm 1-week series on Theory of Relativity
and it was then when I discovered E=mc2 was something which
revolutionize the understanding of science. For me this was the best
magical act at that time. With this I started with my quest to
understand the theories and applications of the same proposed by
Sir. Einstein. I also read his autobiography, in which I discovered his
very famous quote Imagination is important than knowledge, and I
encoded this quotation as my ideology for life. His work on
Relativity and Quantum Physics inspired me to relate my personal
interest of Artificial Intelligence with Quantum Computers.
I come from a spiritual family and the teachings were
inscribed in me even before my birth. Where many scientific
prodigies were atheist after reaching the pinnacle of their lifes.
While reading a book Spiritual Scientist volume 1 on page no. 45, I
discovered Sir. Albert Einstein words God doesnt play dice with
universe which proposed his belief on the existence of god and his
teachings. This fortified my faith on Sir. Albert Einsteins work and
5. What is your academic and professional background? Do you
enjoy academic area of study? Yes/No? Explain in details.
I have completed my schooling from Army Public School, Devlali
Camp (CBSE) where every year I was involved in Scout and Guide
social work.
Further I opted for Diploma in Computer Engineering from METsBhujbal Knowledge City, Nashik, for the span of 3 years I learnt
almost all root fundamentals about computer programming which I
fame it as I have learnt synonyms for programming such as coding,
encoding, decoding etc. Simultaneously I invested my leisure time in
recreating and demonstrating Planet Earths prototype projects
such as Infinite Wind Turbine and Hybrid Solar Lighting which
intended to reduce carbon footprint by giving alternative solutions
for energy generation and conversion. The trusty of my college Mrs.

Shefali Bhujbal was highly interested in implementing the project of

Infinite Wind Turbine to reduce the carbon footprint of the college.
Also I wrote a Scientific Paper, titled Solar Energy Harvester for
which I was been recognized and appreciated by the Department of
Electrical Engineering at District level.
For my final year project, I designed a software to automate the
MSBTE Examination System, which intended to reduce the paper
work and to increase the efficiency and speed of the manual
process. This project was sponsored by the college itself and is
being used to manage their exams.
For my present educational status of Bachelors in Information
Technology, I got admission in Sinhgad Institute of technology,
Lonavala, Pune. This was the fantastic opportunity to stay away
from home and to focus on my venture of learning new
technologies. Soon after getting admission, I got a chance to be a
member of a prestigious on campus self-sustaining students club
Microsoft Campus Club (MCC), this was the place where in real
sense I got introduced to Microsoft Technology. Initially I learnt a lot
of new technologies from the senior members, these technologies
which were not even a part of discussion in the college academic.
The club conducted many coding marathons and hackathons
(overnight non-stop coding events). Being a member of this club
was my proud, but soon after gaining some experience in
programming and after judging my caliber, I got entry to the core
members and I was assigned as Technical Head of the Club. Once
sitting and learning from my seniors, now I with my small team was
responsible to teach to our juniors. We conducted many seminars
during the college hours, and every day after college taught the
practical implications of programming to other members of club
maintaining the heritage of our club.
(When I was part of the Guinness Book of World Records)
I participated in many competitions organized by Microsoft, Nokia,
Digit etc. and in many of them I won along with my team. The
greatest milestones of being in MCC was to participate in Microsoft
AppFest it was Bangalore in the fall of 2012 were this AppFest was
organized by Microsoft and was a Guinness Book of World Records
event. I took part in the 18 Hours coding marathon and made an
app Healing Touch for the new Windows 8 platform along with
3000+ apps. Guinness Book of world record was awarded for
creating 3000+ apps within 18 hours of time under a single roof.
This experience was extraordinary for me.

To conclude, I am more than happy to work in my academic domain

and look forward to get higher education to reach to core of its

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