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A listener is a component that shows the

results of the samples.


Agreegate Graph
Agreegate Report
Assersion Results
Comparision Assersion Visulizer.
Generate Summary Results
Graph Results
Active Threads Overtime
Bytes Throughput Overtime
Composite Graph
Transaction Throughput vs Threads
Transaction/ Sec
Mailer Visulizer
Monitor Results
Summary Report
View Result in Table

Console Status Logger

DBMon Samples Collector
Flexible File Writer
Graph Generator
JMXMon samples Collector
Page Data Extraxtor
PerfMon Mertic Collector
Responce Code /sec
Response Latencies over time
Response Time Distribution
Response Time Overtime
Response Time Percentiles
Response Time vs Threads
Response Time Graph
Save Response to a file
Simple Data Writer
JSR223 Listener
View Result in Tree

Result Metric for Performence Tesing

Response Time
Elapsed time
Connect Time
90% Line (90th Percentile)
Standard Deviation
Resource Utilization

Metric Definations

Throughput - Throughput is calculated as requests/unit of time. The

time is calculated from the start of the first sample to the end of the
last sample.

Latency - Time to taken to recive first byte of a request.

A latency is the duration between the end of the request and the
beginning of the server response.

Response Time - Time to taken to recive last byte of a request.

Users - Represents the number of active users at a certain minute

of the test.

Hits - Number of hits per second.

Metric Definations

Resource Utilization - Resource usage (processor, memory, network I/O, disk I/O)
on the server.

Connect Time. JMeter measures the time it took to establish the connection,
including SSL handshake. Note that connect time is not automatically subtracted from

Median is a number which divides the samples into two equal halves. Half of the
samples are smaller than the median, and half are larger. [Some samples may equal
the median.] This is a standard statistical measure. same as the 50th Percentile

90% Line (90th Percentile) is the value below which 90% of the samples fall. The
remaining samples too at least as long as the value. This is a standard statistical

Standard Deviation is a measure of the variability of a data set. This is a standard

statistical measure.

View Result Tree

It use to see what request is

sending and what is the exact
resonse by a sampler.

Along with it also shows the

response time and latency of that

It also provide to test your

regex,xpath and css/JQuery.

Avoid during load test ,use only in

case of script verification.

View Result in Table

Shows the results of test plan in

tabular format

Along with latency and size of

each sampler

Summary Report & Agrregate Report

Show results inTabular View

Error %.
Min,Max & Average response.
Average Bandwidth.
Standerd Deviation.

Save Response to a file

It will create a file of the response Data.
The primary use for this is in creating functional tests.
The file extension is created from the document type.
Very usefull to test file download scenario.

Response Time

Response Time vs Threads

Response Times Distribution

Shows number of responses(samples)
againts response time.

Response Times Percentiles

Shows response time againts
percentage thread.

Response Codes per Second

as name suggested
Response Time Graph

Shows response time againts active


Response Time Overtime

Shows response time againts overtime.

Response Latencies over time

Shows response Latencies againts


Work as Response Time Overtime



Active Threads Over Time

Shows number of active VUser during test run.

Transaction Throughput vs Threads

Shows trasaction/sec agains users.
maximum possible number of transactions based on number of

users accessing the application.

Transactions per Second

Number of transactions per second for each sampler.
Display succesfull and fail transactions.

Server Hits per Second

Display the hits generated by the test plan to the server per second

Bytes Throughput Over Time

Display the amount of bytes sent and received by JMeter during the load test

Assersion Results.
Shows the faliure of any request along with it's label.

Comparision Assersion Visulizer.

Shows the results of any Compare Assertion elements.

AutoStop used when you want to stop test on some runtime criteria.
average response time
average latency
error rate.

Graph Liteners

Agreegate Graph
Display average response time vs thread

Graph Results
Shows average response time alogwith median throughput and deviation.

Composite Graph
Shows several different graphs composed to one

Graph Generator

Monitoring Liteners
DBMon Samples Collector
JMXMon samples Collector
PerfMon Mertic Collector

Scripting Liteners
JSR223 Listener

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