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Test Cases

During the payment process try to change the payment gateway


After successful payment, test all the necessary components,

whether it is retrieved or not

Check what happens if payment gateway stops responding during


During the payment process check what happens if session ends

During the payment process check what happens in back end

Check what happens if payment process fails

Check the Data-base entries whether they store credit card details
or not

During payment process check error pages and security pages


Check settings of pop-up blocker, and see what happens if pop up

blocker is on and off


Between payment gateway and application check buffer pages


Check on successful payment, a success code is send to the

application and a confirmation page is show to the user


Verify whether the transaction processes immediately or

processing is hand to your bank


After successful transaction check if the payment gateway returns

to your application


Check all format and messages when successful payment process


Unless you don't have an authorization receipt from payment

gateway, good should not be shipped


Inform the owner for any transaction processed through e-mail.

Encrypt the content of the mail


Check the amount format with currency format


Check if each of the payment options are selectable


Check if each listed payment option opens the respective payment

option according to specification


Verify whether the payment gateway defaults to the desired

debit/credit card option


Verify the default option for debit card shows card selection drop
down menu

Test Preparation for Testing Payment Gateway

Before you begin testing

Collect proper test data for the dummy credit card number for
maestro, visa, master etc.
Collect payment gateway information like Google wallet, Paypal or
Collect payment gateway document with error codes
Understand the session and parameters passed through application
and payment gateway
Understand and test the amount related information passed
through query string or variable or session
Along with payment gateway language check the language of the
Under the various settings of payment gateway like currency
format, subscriber data collected.

Things to consider before Buying Gateway


If you have bought a shopping cart package, find out about its
If shopping gateway package is due, ask the payment gateway
provider for a list of supported applications
The gateway must offer Address Verification System Protection
Find out the types of transaction protection being offered
Check what types of debit or credit cards are accepted by your
chosen payment gateway
Check the transaction fees levied by payment gateway

Check whether the gateways collect the payment right on the form
or direct to another page to complete the purchase
Use the comments section below to contribute more test cases on
Payment Gateway Testing

As you can see youre presented with the multiple options for the payment. So the
test cases for this part of the payment gateway are as follows.
Default Payment Gateway Options Test Cases

Check if each of the payment options are selectable.

Check if the each listed payment option opens the respective payment option
as per specification.

Check if the payment gateway defaults to the debit card option.

Check if the default option for debit card shows card selection drop down

Debit Card Options Test Cases

Check if the dropdown menu of the debit card selection page has select
option text enabled.

Check if the dropdown menu lists following cards Visa, MasterCard,

American Express etc.

Check if the respective card selection opens expiry date, card number and CVV

Check if the tab offers an option to save the card.

Check if the tab offers an option to name the saved card.

Credit Card Options Test Cases

Check if the card options allows card number, expiry date, cvv value text

Check if the card options tab allows text to be added into the text fields.

Check if the number being added into the credit card number field detects the
type of card (e.g. visa etc)

Check if the tab offers an option to name the saved card.

1.Enter valid account number
2.Enter invalid account number
3.enter valid code number
4.Enter invalid code number
5.enter valid amount
6.enter invalid amount.
7.check balance inquiry function

8.check print receipt function

9.check balance credit and debit operation
10.check transaction cancel/close functionality
11.check link time limit functionality
Following are the most valid Test cases for the give test
1)Enter the Credit/Debit card no correctly validate for its
2)Enter the pin code provided for the card number
3)Enter the amount to be paid in the online validate it for
the amount availability to the entered card number
4)After entering all the required information once validate
the receipt how much amount it received from the card

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