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Health through Natural Healing

Table of Contents
Preface ....................................................................................................................................6
Definition of Natural Healing ..................................................................................................6
The Historical Roots of Natural Healing ..................................................................................9
Four Healing Programs of 20th Century USA......................................................................... 11
Dr. Christophers Curing the Incurables Program ........................................................... 11
Richard Schultzs Incurables Program ............................................................................... 13
Norman Walkers Juice Therapy ....................................................................................... 14
Ann Wigmores Live Foods Program ................................................................................ 14
Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin ................................................................................................ 16
The Wheel of Life ................................................................................................................. 17
The Medical Lie .................................................................................................................... 20
7 Lies and 1 Truth ................................................................................................................. 23
Holistic Harmony .................................................................................................................. 24
The Holistic Health and Healing Program ............................................................................. 26
Candida Cleansing ............................................................................................................. 28
Parasite Cleansing ............................................................................................................. 30
Bowel Cleansing ............................................................................................................... 31
Liver and Gall Bladder Cleansing ...................................................................................... 33
Kidney Cleansing .............................................................................................................. 33
Blood and Lymph Cleansing ............................................................................................. 34
Healing with Food ............................................................................................................. 34
Healing with Water ........................................................................................................... 35
Healing with Air ................................................................................................................ 37
Healing with Light............................................................................................................. 37
Healing with Body Movement ........................................................................................... 38
Healing Thoughts and Emotions ........................................................................................ 38
Curing the Incurables A Daily Program .............................................................................. 44
Diseases and Conditions ........................................................................................................ 45
Acne .................................................................................................................................. 46
Adrenal Fatigue and Addisons Disease ............................................................................. 47
Allergies ............................................................................................................................ 47
Alzheimers and Other Brain Diseases ............................................................................... 47
Anemia .............................................................................................................................. 49
Arthritis, Rheumatism, and Gout ....................................................................................... 49
Athletes Foot.................................................................................................................... 50
Bleeding ............................................................................................................................ 50
Bone and Tooth Decay ...................................................................................................... 50
Blood Poisoning (Septicemia) ........................................................................................... 51
Burns ................................................................................................................................. 52

Cancer ............................................................................................................................... 52
Candida Diet, Symptoms, and Images ................................................................................... 56
Depression ........................................................................................................................ 68
Diabetes and Hypoglycemia .............................................................................................. 68
Diarrhea and Indigestion.................................................................................................... 69
Ear Infections .................................................................................................................... 69
Eczema .............................................................................................................................. 70
Elephantiasis (Lymphatic Filariasis) .................................................................................. 70
Epilepsy ............................................................................................................................ 72
Eyes .................................................................................................................................. 73
Fatigue .............................................................................................................................. 73
Fever Diseases ................................................................................................................... 74
Fibromyalgia ..................................................................................................................... 75
Gangrene ........................................................................................................................... 75
Headaches ......................................................................................................................... 75
Hearing ............................................................................................................................. 75
Heart Disease .................................................................................................................... 76
Hernia ............................................................................................................................... 76
Herpes (Shingles) .............................................................................................................. 77
HIV ................................................................................................................................... 78
Impetigo ............................................................................................................................ 78
Impotency ........................................................................................................................ 78
Infection ............................................................................................................................ 79
Insomnia ........................................................................................................................... 79
Kidney Stones and Kidney Failure ..................................................................................... 80
Lazy Eye ........................................................................................................................... 81
Leprosy ............................................................................................................................. 81
Liver Disease..................................................................................................................... 81
Malaria .............................................................................................................................. 83
Menopause ....................................................................................................................... 83
Menstrual Difficulties and PMS ....................................................................................... 83
Neuromuscular Diseases .................................................................................................... 84
Overweight ........................................................................................................................ 86
Parkinsons ........................................................................................................................ 87
Polio .................................................................................................................................. 87
Pregnancy.......................................................................................................................... 87
Prostate ............................................................................................................................ 88
Pyorrhea ............................................................................................................................ 88
Respiratory Diseases, Flu, and Pneumonia ......................................................................... 89
Smoking ............................................................................................................................ 92
Stroke ................................................................................................................................ 93
Swollen Feet...................................................................................................................... 94
Thrush ............................................................................................................................... 94
Thyroid ............................................................................................................................. 94
Tumors, Cysts, and Polyps ................................................................................................ 95
Typhoid ............................................................................................................................. 95

Ulcers ................................................................................................................................ 95
Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids ...................................................................................... 96
Wounds, Cuts, Broken Bones, and Surgery........................................................................ 96
Things to Avoid .................................................................................................................... 97
Conventional Medicine...................................................................................................... 97
Foods to Avoid .................................................................................................................. 97
Tobacco............................................................................................................................. 98
Drugs ................................................................................................................................ 98
Cell Phones ....................................................................................................................... 98
Microwave Ovens ............................................................................................................. 99
Aluminum Pans ................................................................................................................. 99
X Rays .............................................................................................................................. 99
Vaccinations .................................................................................................................... 100
Fluoride ........................................................................................................................... 100
Unnecessary Surgery ....................................................................................................... 100
Foods and Super Foods ....................................................................................................... 100
Oils ..................................................................................................................................... 103
Olive Oil ......................................................................................................................... 103
Castor Oil ........................................................................................................................ 104
Flax Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, and Cod Liver Oil ................................................................. 104
Three Oil Massage........................................................................................................... 104
Coconut Oil ..................................................................................................................... 104
Almond Oil ..................................................................................................................... 104
Mustard Oil ..................................................................................................................... 104
Tea Tree Oil .................................................................................................................... 104
Peppermint Oil ................................................................................................................ 105
Eucalyptus Oil ................................................................................................................. 105
Neem Oil ......................................................................................................................... 105
Lemongrass Oil ............................................................................................................... 105
Juices .................................................................................................................................. 105
Apple Juice...................................................................................................................... 106
Asparagus Juice ............................................................................................................... 106
Beet Juice ........................................................................................................................ 106
Brussels Sprouts and String Bean Juice ........................................................................... 107
Cabbage Juice ................................................................................................................. 107
Carrot Juice ..................................................................................................................... 107
Chlorophyll Rich Juices ................................................................................................... 107
Citrus Juices .................................................................................................................... 108
Cucumber Juice ............................................................................................................... 108
Dandelion Juice ............................................................................................................... 108
Endive Juice .................................................................................................................... 108
Fennel Juice .................................................................................................................... 109
Grape Juice and Berry Juice ............................................................................................ 109
Lettuce Juice ................................................................................................................... 109
Parsley Juice .................................................................................................................... 109
Parsnip Juice ................................................................................................................... 110

Potato Juice ..................................................................................................................... 110

Prune Juice ...................................................................................................................... 110
Spinach Juice................................................................................................................... 110
Sweet Peppers Juice ........................................................................................................ 111
Turnip Juice .................................................................................................................... 111
Watercress Juice .............................................................................................................. 111
Medicinal Herbs .................................................................................................................. 111
Bayberry ......................................................................................................................... 112
Barberry and Oregon Grape ............................................................................................. 112
Black Cohosh and B & B Tincture................................................................................... 112
Black Walnut................................................................................................................... 113
Bugleweed ...................................................................................................................... 114
Burdock........................................................................................................................... 114
Catnip.............................................................................................................................. 114
Cayenne .......................................................................................................................... 115
Cedar Berries................................................................................................................... 115
Celery Seed ..................................................................................................................... 115
Chamomile ...................................................................................................................... 116
Chaparral......................................................................................................................... 116
Cinnamon ........................................................................................................................ 116
Comfrey, Marigold, and Aloe Vera.................................................................................. 116
Comfrey and the Bone, Flesh and Cartilage (BF&C) Combination .................................. 118
Dandelion ........................................................................................................................ 119
Echinacea ........................................................................................................................ 119
Elder Flowers .................................................................................................................. 119
Elecampane ..................................................................................................................... 120
Fennel ............................................................................................................................. 120
Flax Seeds ....................................................................................................................... 120
Garlic .............................................................................................................................. 121
Ginger ............................................................................................................................. 121
Goldenseal ...................................................................................................................... 121
Hawthorne ....................................................................................................................... 122
Holarrhena antidysenterica........................................................................................... 122
Horse Chestnut ................................................................................................................ 125
Horseradish and Apple Juice Glycerin Tincture ............................................................... 125
Hydrangea ....................................................................................................................... 126
Irish Moss ....................................................................................................................... 126
Juniper ............................................................................................................................ 127
Lobelia ............................................................................................................................ 127
Marshmallow Root Powder and Slippery Elm Bark Powder ............................................ 128
Mullen ............................................................................................................................. 129
Neem............................................................................................................................... 129
Nettle .............................................................................................................................. 130
Oat Straw and Horsetail ................................................................................................... 135
Peppermint ...................................................................................................................... 135
Red Raspberry ................................................................................................................. 135

Sage ................................................................................................................................ 136

Shatavari ......................................................................................................................... 136
St. Johns Wort ................................................................................................................ 136
Thyme ............................................................................................................................. 136
Tribulus terrestris ......................................................................................................... 139
Turmeric ......................................................................................................................... 140
Vitex ............................................................................................................................... 140
Yarrow ............................................................................................................................ 140
Common Names -- Botanical Names .............................................................................. 141
Vegetable Glycerin .............................................................................................................. 143
How to Make Herbal Preparations ....................................................................................... 144
Herbal Juices ................................................................................................................... 144
Herbal Teas ..................................................................................................................... 145
Herbal Tinctures .............................................................................................................. 145
Herbal Syrups .................................................................................................................. 148
Herbal Infused Oils ......................................................................................................... 148
Herbal Creams ................................................................................................................. 149
Herbal Poultices .............................................................................................................. 149
My Natural Healing Experiences ......................................................................................... 150
Sources of Supplies, Books, Training, and Services ............................................................. 155
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 156

Dr. Christopher said many times There are no incurable diseases.If there are really no
incurable diseases, then we must be able to document historical cures for each and every disease.
Dr. Christopher himself gave cures for many diseases, but still there were many diseases for
which he did not define cures. And also there were many recommendations for use of herbs and
therapies for various diseases which when checked turned out to be of little value. The plethora
of materials pointing different directions was very confusing.
This motivated a systematic search for historical cures. Although it was time consuming to do
so, each cure was checked to verify its safety and efficacy. This was done through personal
experience or by verifying actual cures of others.
This Guidebook includes the following:

An explanation of what natural healing is

A Holistic Program for preventing and curing diseases
Specific treatments for 59 diseases and groups of diseases
Information on Foods, Oils, Juices, and Medicinal Herbs
Instructions on How to Make Herbal Preparations
Historical Information on Natural Healing Programs
Sources of Supplies, Books, Training, and Services

None of this is meant to diagnose, prescribe, or cure, but is designed only to inform about what
has worked in the past. We hope this information will help you in your quest for health and

Definition of Natural Healing

Natural healing is a practice of using natural remedies and healing arts to cure and prevent
diseases without using drugs, X-rays, or unnecessary surgery. It is cheaper, faster, more
effective, and much safer than modern medicine.
There are no incurable diseases. During the long history of natural healing -- going back
thousands of years in all regions of the world -- all of the known diseases have been cured.
In natural healing we apply historical cures for diseases which are safe (without causing any
damage or side effects) and effective (both the symptoms and the causes of disease are removed
resulting in a true cure).
To practice natural healing is to live in harmony with nature while taking personal responsibility
for achieving health and vitality. Prevention and cure of diseases follows naturally as a result of
healthy living.
Natural healing assists nature by using natural foods and forces of nature that support life.

Lets take an example to show how natural healing works with nature. Let us take a case of sore
throat and fever accompanied by inflammation and skin rashes. Natural healing recognizes this
disease as the bodys reaction to garbage and parasites feeding on garbage. The immune system
fights back and raises the body temperature (creating a fever) so that it can move faster, capture
more invaders, and clean out more garbage. The inflammation and rashes are also part of the
defense action -- the immune system kicking into action. The inflammation is the spreading of
materials to entrap the invaders and the rashes are cleansing through the skin. The medical
profession likes to suppress these symptoms (as if they were the problem and not part of the
solution) with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication, hormone suppressors, etc. If the
medicine works the symptoms will be suppressed and the sore throat, fever, rashes, and
inflammation will be all gone or at least reduced for a while. So you have been cured!
Wrong. While the symptoms may be gone or reduced, the garbage is still there and still
accumulating. No actual solution has been found for the real cause of the disease. But in the
meantime the immune system has been damaged by the medical treatment. So the disease comes
back with greater force time and again. Natural healing goes 180 degrees in the opposite
direction. It assists the body to cough better, assists the body to raise the fever higher, and
accelerates the cleansing which temporarily increases the rashes and the inflammation. Natural
healing helps the immune system by supplying it with things it needs so it can do what it wants
to do. It may seem counterintuitive to deliberately increase symptoms like fever, cough, and
rashes, but with this type of support, the immune system works faster and becomes stronger at
the same time.
Natural healing aims at healing the whole person, body, mind, and heart. Natural healing
includes the various healing arts such as herbology, chiropractic, massage, physical therapy,
hydrotherapy, counseling, reflexology, iridology, sun therapy, cognitive development, and
organic gardening/farming.
Natural healing is a way of living in harmony with nature while taking personal responsibility for
achieving health and vitality. Prevention and cure of diseases follows naturally as a result of
being healthy.
A strict definition of natural would be: as found in nature and not altered by humans.
However, some natural healing practitioners use preparations such as alcohol tinctures which are
not really natural because they are not found in nature. These unnatural things have to be used
sparingly if at all and are best avoided when better alternatives are available. For example,
glycerin and apple cider vinegar tinctures and fresh raw juices and sprouts should be used instead
of alcohol tinctures when possible.
The techniques of natural healing were discovered thousands of years ago by observation of
nature. Today every advance of natural healing is based on scientific observation of how things
work in nature.
The two basic actions of natural healing are cleansing and nourishing. By cleansing and
nourishing we can prevent and cure all diseases.

In this Guidebook, a holistic healing program is described which includes 6 types of cleansing:
Candida Cleansing, Parasite Cleansing, Bowel Cleansing, Liver and Gall Bladder Cleansing,
Kidney Cleansing, and Blood and Lymph Cleansing.
Then the processes of healing with food, water, air, light, and body movement are described.
Finally, 14 ways to heal the heart and the mind are described.
This holistic healing program is for anyone whether sick or healthy. Even a top athlete can
benefit by following the program to improve strength, stamina, and performance.
We know this program sounds like a lot, but every part of it is simple, easy, and harmless. Our
recommendation is to start with some parts of the program which most appeal to you and keep
adding parts until you have the holistic program that works for you. Only by implementing
natural healing can you understand it. Learning about natural healing can be compared to
learning to ride a bicycle: only by getting on the bicycle and riding can you learn to ride.
The potential benefits of natural healing go beyond individual health. Healthy people are needed
for healthy societies, healthy nations, and a healthy world. Peace and harmony cant be
legislated or achieved by force of arms. Violence only leads to more violence. But the
philosophy of natural healing promotes compassion and non-violent living in harmony with the
laws of nature.
The place to start is with your own health. By cleansing yourself and strengthening your life
forces, you can gain the strength and understanding to help others as well. Every act of kindness
and compassion instantly rewards you with a warm feeling and improved health which is
reason enough to be kind and compassionate. So, follow the Golden Rule: Do unto others as
you would have them do unto you.

The Historical Roots of Natural Healing

All of the ancient cultures practiced natural healing to some extent. The American Indians, the
aborigines, the Eskimos, the natives of Europe, Africa, Polynesia, and Asia all used local herbs,
the sun, water, earth, air, body movement, and spiritual practices for healing. Each of these
societies had an amazing understanding of healing deriving from their closeness to nature.
Kenneth Meadows describes this in his several books about Shamanic practices. His book
entitled Where Eagles Fly A Shamanic Way to Inner Wisdom is a good book to get an
introduction to this subject.
The basic principles of natural healing were developed in the most complete form in an Ancient
Teaching in pre-history sometime before 6,000 BC in the ancient Sumeria/Mesopotamian
civilization between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. This area was once called Babylon and
today it is part of Iraq. The earliest records of the Ancient Teaching are in pictures, called
pictographs. Some of them are attributed to Zarathustra the First who lived around 6000 BC.
The Ancient Teaching was codified and recorded in writing in the Zend Avesta by Zarathustra
the Second who lived in Persia (modern Iran) around 4000 BC.
The Zarathustrian beliefs spread from Mesopotamia and Persia east to India and west to Israel.
They can be seen depicted in the Wheel of Yogas of Patanjali, in the Wheel of Life of Buddha,
and in the Essene Tree of Life.
In these ancient religions, the mind, body, and spirit were viewed as a unity of the individual and
the individual was viewed as a part of nature and the cosmos. Good was harmony with nature
and the cosmos and evil was disharmony with nature and the cosmos.
A framework was developed for understanding the struggle between light and darkness, good
and evil. Around 4000 BC, Zarathustra the 2nd developed a drama to enact the struggle between
good forces of light and evil forces of darkness. The good forces in white opposed the evil forces
in black on a 64 square board. This was the ancient origin of the game of chess.
In the Essene Tree of Life developed between 200 BC and 100 AD:
The good forces in nature (i.e. on the Earth) were seven: The Earthly Mother, joy,
vitality, earth and nutritive food coming from the earth, clean air, clean water, and
The good forces in the cosmos (i.e. in the sky) were seven: The Heavenly Father, power,
love, wisdom, eternal life, creative work, and peace.
The health and preservation of the individual, the family, the nation, and society were all
optimized by regular daily commune with the earthly forces and nightly commune with the
heavenly forces. These communes inspired a life devoted to understanding and living in
harmony with the natural and cosmic universal laws.

This Ancient Teaching which is most fully articulated in the Essene writings was a very
complete system not only of health, but also of peace and order in society. The Ancient
Teaching is the historical origin of the fundamentals of natural healing and even provides a
blueprint for healthy societies and world peace.
Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely made a life study of the cosmic elements of world religions and
advocated a way of life which he called essene and which he conceptualized based in large part
on the writings of Zarathustra and the Essenes though he did in fact draw upon parallels in
Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Aztec, Mayan, and other world religions. Essene living incorporates
a search for truth and enlightenment through consciousness, commune with nature, study of the
great literary works, art and music, a minimum of possessions, respect for all living things, nonviolence, love and compassion, service and teaching, and health through harmony with the
natural and cosmic laws.
Edmond Szekely also coined the term biogenic for food which is still growing and is capable
of reproducing. The most valuable biogenic food is in its rapid growth stage, such as sprouts and
young shoots of grass and other plants just starting in the growth process. In this stage, food has
the most energy and life force and is therefore most beneficial to sustain life and heal diseases.
The Essene way of life calls for contentment with a minimum of possessions necessary to sustain
and fulfill life in service to others. Minimizing needs and avoiding luxury is an essential step
towards freedom. Greed for the illusory material things makes slaves of people and keeps them
from the true quest for health, compassion, and love of life. Luxury is a vice for the man who
stands in need of many things imposes thereby on himself all the anxiety, and submits to all the
means just or unjust of acquiring them. As soon as he possesses an enjoyment, he covets
another. He always wants more; he is never rich and content. He must have splendid furniture,
expensive clothes, a train of attendants, horses, carriages, women, theatrical representations, and
games. Now to supply so many expenses, much money must be had and he looks on every
method of procuring it as good and even necessary. At first he borrows, afterwards he steals,
robs, plunders, is at war with everyone, ruins and is ruined. He is blinded to the splendor of
nature and squanders his eyesight, his hearing, and his health, while growing more and more
alone and isolated from his companions.
Dr. Szekely co-founded the International Biogenic Society with Nobel Prize winning author
Romain Rolland. The IBS Credo says in part We believe we shall mobilize all the forces of life
against the forces of death. For a free catalogue of books written by Dr. Szekely, write to the
International Biogenic Society, P.O. Box 849, Nelson, British Columbia, Canada V1L6A5.
More than 80 books are available from IBS at very reasonable prices. These books include The
Essene Gospel of Peace, select portions of the Zend Avesta of Zarathustra, a three volume series
entitled Search for the Ageless which describes Dr. Szekelys travels and his experiments with
Essene living and healing, plus numerous other works by this amazing author. There is no phone
number, no email address, and no credit cards are accepted -- you must pay by check or money
order in US dollars. But the catalogue is free and IBS always responds personally to your letters.


Four Healing Programs of 20th Century USA

This guidebook draws on several programs that were developed in 20th century USA for
preventing and curing the so called incurable diseases. These programs emerged out of turbulent
and difficult times for natural healing in the United States.
Around 1900 there were more herbal doctors than allopathic doctors in the United States. Then
in the early 1900s the Eclectic schools of medicine were one by one put out of business and the
practice of herbal medicine dwindled to an all time low. At the same time, farm fresh organic
produce and whole organic foods nearly disappeared from use. Junk foods, convenience foods,
processed foods, and the use of artificial substances in foods multiplied. Chronic and debilitative
diseases rapidly increased. However, natural healing was not extinguished. A back-to-nature
counter-culture developed and a few brilliant and courageous innovators stood out as leaders in
the development of new techniques and programs of natural healing.
Herbology in the USA during the 19th Century was basically European herbology enriched by
certain herbs native to North America (e.g. lobelia, ginseng, and echinacea) and herbal practices
learned from the American Indians. Samuel Thomson practiced herbal medicine in the 1830 to
the 1850 timeframe. He popularized the use of lobelia to clear acute conditions and he used
cayenne along with the lobelia to multiply and extend the curative effect of the lobelia. Another
key herb used by Samuel Thomson was bayberry for canker and digestive disorders of a chronic
An excellent expose of American herbal practice during the early 20th Century is to be found in
Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss. All of the diseases of the 19th and early 20th Century including
heart disease, cancer, and pneumonia were successfully treated and cured using natural methods
such as those so well described in this easy to read book.
The four programs which we admire the most and which we have drawn on the most are the

Dr. John R. Christophers Curing the Incurables Program

Richard Schultzs Incurables Programs
Norman Walkers Juice and Live Food Diet
Ann Wigmores Program featuring Sprouts and Wheat Grass Juice

Dr. Christophers Curing the Incurables Program

Dr. John R. Christopher founded the School of Natural Healing in 1953 following upon a
successful career as a naturopathic physician. Dr. Christopher was a widely read and eclectic
teacher who benefited from his willingness to learn from all sources. One of his teachers was
Dr. Edward Shook whose teachings on herbology contain some of the most brilliant and
powerful concepts and herbal combinations for curing serious diseases. Dr. Shooks
recommendations are based on a long and successful professional practice and they really work.


Dr. John R. Christopher did a lot to popularize herbal medicine and make it into a holistic
program which includes sun bathing, deep breathing, hot baths, massage, reflexology, iridology,
herbs, and a diet program of juices, raw vegetarian foods, and herbal formulas. Dr. Christophers
little pamphlet entitled Curing the Incurables describes his recommended home therapy
program which has been successful in curing most major diseases.
Here is a summary of the program:
Liquids. Drink 1 oz of liquid daily for each pound of body weight. So, for example if you
weigh 132 pounds drink 132 oz daily -- equal to one gallon or approximately 4 liters. The liquid
should be mostly fresh squeezed organic juice and the remainder should be pure water or herbal
tea made from pure water. For the first week, drink fresh carrot juice, the second week fresh
apple juice, and the third week fresh grape juice. On the fourth week repeat carrot, fifth week
apple, sixth week grape, and so on. Drink by chewing swishing in the mouth an eight-ounce
glass or more each hour during the day until the minimum amount has been consumed. Drink
more if you so desire.
Drink one cup or more of slippery elm gruel each day. The liquid can be as thin or thick as
desired. With this herb, you take the powder and carefully mix it with enough water (preferably
distilled) to form a paste because it does not mix easily. Mix it with some other herb such as
psyllium and it will mix with the water more easily. Then thin it to desired consistency by
adding more water. A little honey can be added if preferred.
Drink one cup or more of comfrey leaf or root tea each day.
Twenty minutes before or after drinking the juice, tea or gruel, drink as much steam-distilled
water as desired.
Herbal Formulas: A total of 7 herbal formulas are recommended on this program:
1. A cell building formula.
2. A blood purifying combination.
3. A lower bowel tonic.
4. A nerve combination.
5. A pancreas aid combination.
6. A calcium aid formula.
7. A motor nerve and spinal cord combination.
Taking all these herbs in tea, syrup, or capsule form is quite a feat of scheduling and dedication!!
Deep Breathing: Learn to breathe deeply and dedicate time to it each day. This is breathing
with both the chest and abdomen at the same time all the way in and all the way out and
continuing for at least 10 minutes or more several times per day.
Use only natural fibers such as cotton, wool, linen, or silk for clothes and bed covers. Natural
fibers allow moisture to get out and air to get in.
Releasing Static Electricity:


Walk barefoot on the lawn or bare earth to get rid of the static electricity in the body and to allow
new electrical vibration to come from the atmosphere.
Three Oil Massage:
For the first two days, massage with castor oil, using a clockwise circular motion from the top of
the head to the bottom of the feet, always working towards the heart. The next two days use
olive oil, and the last two days of the week massage with wheat germ oil.
Day of Rest:
On the seventh day, rest using no foods, herbs, or juice, only steam-distilled water as much as is
Immediately after the massage, take a sunbath each day in the nude. Gradually, build up to 30
minutes front and 30 minutes back daily.
Each day have a hot bath for at least 30 minutes as hot as possible and accompanied by a good
hot sweating tea such as yarrow or peppermint. Follow the bath with a cold shower or cold
bath. Use a good organic soap. Each day before the bath, give a dry skin brushing (always
towards the heart), using a natural bristle brush.
Herbal Fomentation's:
Apply an herbal fomentation each night. It should cover the head area (hair line), down the
spine, all the way down to the end of the tailbone. Make a cap fit down to the ears (or use a
cotton or wool skull cap) and stitch a flannel strip four-to-five inches wide down the back over
the spine area. After wetting the fomentation cloth with the B & B formula and lightly wringing
it out, cover it with a plastic over the head (shower cap, etc.) and a strip down the spine.
To aid the motor nerve and spinal cord, use the B & B formula, inserting with an eye dropper
four to six drops of oil of garlic and four to six drops of this herb tincture into each ear six nights
a week. Plug the ears with cotton overnight, and on the seventh day flush out the ears with half
and half warm apple cider vinegar and distilled water. Repeat this each week during the
Zonal Foot Massage (Reflexology):
If possible, use zonal therapy on the feet three times a week, leaving one day in between. Zonal
therapy will greatly speed up the program.
See and for more on Dr. Christophers herbal teachings.

Richard Schultzs Incurables Program

Richard Schultz (Professor Cayenne) was a student of Dr. Christopher and Bernard Jansen. He
cured himself of heart disease and of a severely burned hand. He established a clinic in Los

Angeles and treated the most advanced cases of all the major diseases. At first he used Dr.
Christophers formulas and had great success with them, but over time he developed new
formulas and techniques in response to the changing disease conditions of his patients. He
discovered that a more intensive and vigorous program was often required to achieve cures. For
the bowel he formulated a stronger laxative combination which is necessary to get the bowel
moving under current conditions with so much more fast food and devitalized food being
consumed and so many more drugs and alcohol being consumed as well. He also formulated a
stronger bowel corrective formula for toxic bowel conditions which were not responding to Dr.
Christophers recommendations of diet and slippery elm. Richard Schultz also innovated in
using much larger dosages of harmless herbs (principally lobelia, cayenne, nervine herbs,
nutrient herbs and foods, and immune stimulating herbs) to more rapidly cure serious
conditions. Herbal products, books, and videos from Richard Schultz are available from .

Norman Walkers Juice Therapy

Norman Walkers program of juices and raw foods was successful in curing 157 ailments over
the 70 years of Dr. Walkers practice. Eight of his books which are still in print are available
from Norwalk Press, in Prescott, AZ phone 928-445-5567. These books are all excellent,
explaining why raw foods are essential for vitality and why anything inorganic is not good for
the body. Dr. Walkers books explain the workings of all of the organs of the body. His book
entitled Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices gives specific juice combinations for each ailment.
Dr. Walker operated several health ranches and clinics, but so far as we know there are no
facilities today which follow his program in a complete way using the same juice formulas or
others selected for each disease and body part. However, the original juicing concept came from
Dr. Walker and a lot of juicing is being done all over the world. For example, the Ann Wigmore
program described below uses fruit and vegetable juices. There is much scope for extending the
type of research which Dr. Walker did and for additional innovations in juicing of sprouts, fruits,
berries, and herbs and preserving these juices in tinctures including in tinctures of vegetable

Ann Wigmores Live Foods Program

Ann Wigmore established the Hippocrates Institute in a big house in Boston and pioneered a
program of natural healing of all major diseases based largely on sprouts, wheatgrass, rejuvilac,
seed cheeses, fresh juices, fresh raw greens, other vegetables, and fruits administered in
conjunction with training in mind-body-spirit healing. Her several books are all excellent. The
books entitled Be Your Own Doctor and The Hippocrates Diet describe her diet
There are residential facilities in the USA where the Ann Wigmore diet is provided and courses
are taught in mind-body-spirit approaches to health. All these locations have excellent programs
and are reasonably priced.


We highly recommend a visit to one of these facilities. They are all on weekly schedules which
vary from one week up to three weeks. These are excellent places to go at a reasonable cost to
learn the basics of the live food lifestyle. You must be able to move around and prepare your
own wheat grass juice. First, there is the living foods diet which you receive during the time you
are there. This diet can give you a definite boost. Second, there are all the classes from which
you will learn much of direct relevance to curing all diseases. Third, you will be able to observe
how everything is done, see for yourself the logistics of growing and preparing live food, and
practice meditation, yoga, and deep breathing. Fourth, you will interact with many others who
are facing and curing serious diseases. However, one limitation is that these institutes are not
medical facilities and dont treat diseases.
Hippocrates Health Institute
West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Ann Wigmore Institute Puerto Rico
The Ann Wigmore Foundation
P.O. Box 399
San Fidel, New Mexico 87049
Phone (505) 552-0595
Web Site:
Optimum Health Institute
San Diego and Austin


Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin

These diagrams illustrate how chlorophyll and hemoglobin resemble each other. The principle
difference is that magnesium is in the center of chlorophyll and iron is in the center of
hemoglobin. When you consume foods and/or juices containing chlorophyll, your body converts
it to hemoglobin by removing the magnesium and inserting iron. As you can see in the
diagrams, both iron and magnesium are able to form four bonds linking with four nitrogen
atoms. Iron (atomic number 26) is a heavier element than magnesium (atomic number 12) and
apparently is needed for the functions of mammals who all have hemoglobin whereas many
plants have chlorophyll. Hemoglobin is the principle component of the red blood cells and
carries oxygen and nutrients to the body cells.


The Wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life was developed by the early Buddhists to depict the dharma (teaching) of
Buddha. It has an outer path (forces of nature) of 8 parts and an inner path (forces of the
universe) of 8 parts. Life is like a journey and only by following all parts of the inner path and
the outer path can one achieve nirvana -- which is in the center of the wheel. Nirvana is
harmony and unity with nature and the universe.
The Noble Eightfold Outer Path includes food, air, water, sun, joy, health, earth, and man.
These are the forces of nature on Earth.
o Food from plants eaten raw provides the best nutrition for the physical, mental, and
emotional bodies. Raw milk from goats and other animals taken fresh and not heated
also provides vital nutrients.
o Air provides oxygen and nitrogen for metabolism and building of tissues. Deep
breathing and ample consumption of air are essential for vitality.
o Water taken internally should be pure water with no dead minerals to clog the circulation
and internal organs. Hydro therapy with baths and swimming in water are powerful tools
for health and healing.
o Sunlight keeps the atmospheric temperature in the proper range for life on earth and
sustains all living things. Heliotherapy including sunbaths and viewing nature in the
sunlight are invigorating and warming to the body and heart.
o Joy is an appreciation of beauty and wonder in all things on Earth and in the Heavens.
Daily activities should be performed with a deep feeling of joy surging within and
radiating outward from whence they will be reflected back.
o Health is dependent on a harmonious relationship with the forces of Earth and Universe.
Each person must realize the importance of good health for himself or herself and for
others and must practice all ways of improving health in thinking, feeling, and acting.
o Earth or Mother Earth is our home. The Earth gave us birth and we will return to it. The
Earth loves us and we must love the Earth and contribute to environmental rejuvenation
so that the Earth can sustain abundant life for billions of years to come.
o Man historically means all humans both male and female. With education and practice
humans, are capable of a high state of consciousness and enlightenment. By following
the noble paths with good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, humans can achieve
wonders of compassion and good character. They can experience true wealth in what
they are rather than in what they have.
The Noble Eightfold Inner Path includes preservation, wisdom, love, power, peace, work,
eternal life, and creation. These are the forces of the universe.


o Preservation concerns the power to sustain all that is useful and of true value in plants,
animals, people, the environment, institutions, and culture. Any destructive act will
always damage the destructor and any act of preservation reaps immediate benefits to the
o Wisdom is the combination of knowledge with action. Wisdom must be practiced and
lived fully because only by walking the paths truth and light can you understand Life. To
know but not to do is a sin -- or at best a folly.
o Love is the highest form of energy in the Universe. Love pervades all space to the
farthest reaches. Love accompanies the Life Force and sustains it. Love is expressed in
kind words, harmonious feelings, and compassionate actions. It never fails that the more
love you give away the more love you have to keep.
o Power is the moral force of the will to seek the truth and to live accordingly with courage
and without fear. The weak follow the crowd and the powerful follow their conscience,
refuse to compromise their intelligence, and seek always the truth in words, deeds, and
o Peace arises internally when a person wishes no harm and only good to himself, to all
persons, and to all things. With peace the mind and the heart will be still and untroubled.
o Work gives a sense of worth and satisfaction. Work is an individuals contribution to
society. From each according to his abilities and to each according to his needs. There
is abundance in Nature and good work will always produce plenty and a bountiful
o Eternal Life dwells in the Universe and we participate in it. An appreciation of the
eternal nature of life produces honesty and sincerity.
o Creation is always in the Universe where dust clouds converge to create stars and
galaxies. Creation is in the living organism taking nutrients from the earth, the water, and
the air and combining them with energy from the sun and the cosmic forces to grow and
to evolve. Similarly, creative thought and emotion guide our journey on the path to
harmony with the laws of the universe.



The Medical Lie

The medical lie goes something like this:
You can eat anything you want, drink anything you want, and smoke anything you want.
Enjoy, because enjoyment is healthy! Diet and lifestyle have no effect on health and dont cause
diseases. You are unlikely to get sick. But if you do, dont worry! Modern medicine with its
advanced miracle drugs, hormone treatments, high precision laser surgery, and radiation
technology will cure you in a flash. No problem. So, relax, eat, drink, smoke, and be merry!!!
The medical lie is the underlying philosophy in the doctors office, in the drug store, in the
supermarket, in restaurants, on TV, in newspapers and magazines, in the plastics industry, in the
chemical based cosmetics, in chemical detergents, in synthetic clothing, in the toxic construction
materials and paints, in the oil industry, in the tobacco industry, and everywhere in modern
society. It is pervasive and ubiquitous. Almost all businesses are selling unhealthy products and
services. These businesses have to maintain the medical lie because their income depends on it.
Richard Schultz was the first to identify the medical lie and explain how pervasive it is. It is a
false way of thinking which has become a worldwide illusion.
Be aware of the medical lie. Dont be fooled by it. Get into proper focus with clear thinking.
The medical lie will vanish completely from your mind. Develop a natural healing filter to
screen out all of the false and misleading misinformation. You will feel wonderfully
enlightened, refreshed, and free because you will be free.
Modern commerce is motivated by profit. It is said that money is the root of all evil and there
is a lot of truth in this. Medical services, drugs, foods, cell phones, tobacco products, gas and oil
and many other products and services are designed with the objective of making money -- not for
promoting health. As a result, the scientific method is abandoned and the facts are ignored,
covered up, and falsified. For example, chemo therapy, radiation, and surgery do not cure
cancer but they are still being promoted by the medical profession as the standard cancer
treatments despite over 50 years of their total failure to cure cancer. At the same time, the
medical profession ignores historical cures for cancer which have been thoroughly documented
and proven. The same is true for each and every disease false cures are promoted and proven
cures are ignored and falsely discredited.
Businesses selling unhealthy products are allergic to natural healing because it would reduce
their revenues would actually put them out of business unless of course they started selling
healthy products. You cant go to your doctor and expect to get healing advice using methods
that truly promote health. What you will almost certainly get instead is denial, intimidation, and
coercion to use drugs, radiation, and surgery. The medical profession will deceive you, take
your money, bankrupt you, and destroy your health.


Most of the worlds population has fallen for the medical lie. Most people do token things to
stay healthy, such as eat less red meat, cut down on beer, exercise a little more, etc. But most
people have no concept of how completely their concepts about health are illusions. They just
do the best they can to earn a living, try their best to be good people, and hope in trepidation that
a serious disease will never happen to them.
But the medical lie has no basis in fact. Diet and lifestyle do cause disease. The medical
profession doesnt have a cure for any disease. There is no silver bullet. There is no free ride.
And there are consequences of everything you do, think, say, and feel.
In fact, following the Standard American Diet (SAD) is almost certain statistically speaking to
result in one or more of the so called incurable diseases. Now you may object and say: Wait a
minute, this is an exaggeration. But it is no exaggeration. Just look at the following lifetime
risks for males and females in the USA:

Lifetime Risk


Heart Disease
Hepatitis A
Kidney Stones

Framingham Study
American Cancer Society
Journal of the American Medical Association
Framingham Study
Alzheimers Association

The total is 212 percent chance of getting one of these diseases! And there are other so called
incurable diseases for which estimates of lifetime risk are not included in the list above. These
other diseases include kidney failure, septicemia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy,
Parkinsons, Lou Gehrigs disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Candida, parasites of various types, and
many other diseases. If we were to find the lifetime risk of each of these diseases and add these
to the total, what would that be? Probably over 300 percent! So, it is no exaggeration to say that
the lifetime risk of getting one or more incurable disease is nearly 100%. Yes, there are a few
people with very strong constitutions who escape all deadly diseases and die of old age, but very
few less than one percent of the global population.
To recap, here is the medical reality in a nutshell: you are almost certain when following the
standard diet and lifestyle get one or more truly horrifying disease during your lifetime.
When you do get sick, can the medical profession help? No, they cant. An in depth study
entitled Death by Medicine by Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD,
Debora Rasio MD, and Dorothy Smith PhD, concluded that the American medical system is the
leading cause of death and injury in the United States. The study found that in the USA the total
number of iatrogenic (induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment


or diagnostic procedures) deaths is 783,936, compared with the 2001 annual death rate of
699,697 for heart disease and 553,251 for cancer. The study also found that annually:

2.2 million persons have in-hospital adverse drugs reactions to prescribed medicine.
20 million unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions are issued for viral infections.
7.5 million unnecessary medical and surgical procedures are performed.
8.9 million people are exposed to unnecessary hospitalization.

These findings are truly shocking. But these numbers are just the result of the medical
profession not following its own medical standards. The study accepts the standards of the
conventional medicine and then based on violation of these standards finds the number of
iatrogenic deaths and the numbers of unnecessary procedures. If natural healing was used
instead of conventional medicine, all of the disease rates would go way down.
I have personally suffered from the effects of the medical lie on my family. My father, my
mother, and my wife Raj all died early due to conventional medicine. My father realized his
mistake too late. The day he died, after years of struggle with stroke, heart by-pass surgery, and
congestive heart failure, he said that he regretted the way he had abused his health. I tried to talk
to him for years with little effect until the end. Despite the clear conscience which my efforts
earned me, my grief was inescapable.
We all need to be aware of the medical lie which is lulling us into sickness and painful death.
We all need to become aware of the true medical reality which is that our standard diet and
lifestyle are almost certain to cause disease and the medical profession not only cant help but is
very likely to simultaneously bankrupt us and kill us.
The good news is that none of the above has to be. There are no incurable diseases. There are
ways to prevent and cure each and every disease. We can focus on the answers which lie in
natural healing, in the healing arts, in organic agriculture, in cognitive development, in
cooperation to protect the environment, and in a sensible and sane system of worldwide security
based on the principles of love and compassion.


7 Lies and 1 Truth

Seek the truth, for the truth will set you free.
When Albert Einstein was asked about the truth, he said that discovering the truth is often
difficult but uncovering a lie can sometimes be easy.
Mohandas Gandhi made discovering truth and living by it his life goal. He called truth
Satyagraha (that which is) and he equated truth with ahimsa (the love which practices nonviolence).
Each lie or falsehood which you believe in forms a prison with invisible walls shutting out the
truth. To live a lie is to waste your life toiling for an empty reward.
So, we should follow Albert Einsteins advice to uncover the lies and seek the truth which gives
us freedom.
The Devil is the master of deception.
Figures dont lie but liars can figure.
In the modern world there are many devils, deceits, lies and liars. There is the political lie, the
economic lie, the environmental lie, the military lie, the educational lie, the agricultural lie, and
the medical lie to name 7 of the major lies prevalent in the world today. Each of these lies has
numerous variants and sub-lies and each is a deception creating an illusion which the general
population takes as the truth.
1. The Political Lie holds that elections create democracies with governments of the
people, by the people, for the people (Abraham Lincoln) whereas the reality is that
governments are controlled by and for the Corporatocracy (John Perkins -- Website).
2. The Economic Lie is that capitalism and competition create wealth and welfare for all
(John Adams), but the reality is an extreme concentration of wealth, monopolistic greed,
and devastating poverty.
3. The Environmental Lie says that modernization through industries, transportation
networks, urbanization, computerization, and electronic communications is making the
world a better place to live in. But in fact all these processes are polluting the water, the
earth, and the air, eroding the topsoil, and sickening and killing plants, animals, and
4. The Military Lie maintains that our militaries and the military industries make us strong
and provide security, but in truth they suck up 50 percent of the global economy and
practice global terrorism, murder, and genocide on a daily basis.
5. The Educational Lie is that our education systems educate us while in truth they neglect
cognitive development, stifle our ability to think, and brainwash us with misinformation.
6. According to the Agricultural Lie, modern agriculture is a wonder of efficiency
producing an abundance of healthful food to feed the world. But in reality 99% of the
produce in the supermarkets and grocery stores is toxic and worthless nutritionally.
7. The Medical Lie tells us that diet and lifestyle have no effect on health and that modern
medicine can treat and cure all diseases. But the truth is that the medical profession is
using drugs, surgery, and radiation which cause disease and death and the medical
profession has no conception of how to create health using diet, lifestyle, and the healing
Each of these lies links to all the others in a web of deception creating violence, hate, fear,
sickness, and death. The narrow interests of the military-industrial complex have taken control


of our companies and governments forcing all decisions in favor of the profit motive despite the
consequences to the public interest.
The answer to the complex of lies is in each persons decision to see the truth and live the truth.
There are many lies but only one truth. This truth is the universal truth or universal law, also
called the law of the universe and the law of nature. This law is written in every living thing, in
every force of nature, in the Earth, and in the Sky.
The truth is found in the love, compassion, sharing, and service which good parents teach to their
children. The truth is a matter of returning to the common sense and natural purpose which
almost any toddler will express without hesitation: To be kind, considerate, sharing, honest,
caring, of strong character, and brave heart.
Following the principles of love and decency is the key to following the Noble Path of Truth.
Love will find a way.
To be wise, one must combine knowledge with action.
We need truth in motion -- in an action program.
This action program is both simple and complex. It is simple because the principles are simple.
But it is complex because life is complicated.
The action program involves discarding the lies and refusing to live according to them.
The action program involves filtering out bad habits of fear, resentment, exploitation, greed, and
friction in all our personal relationships.
The action program includes organic agriculture, permaculture, restoration of the flora and fauna,
use of solar and other non-carbon based sources of energy, cognitive development, non-violence,
herbology, and all of the healing arts which added together equal natural healing. Each of these
disciplines is an art and each is scientific because each is based on the universal law and is
verified through experience.
As the Earth speeds through the infinite universe at over a million miles per hour, it carries on
board a virtually limitless potential of natural resources to provide an abundance of food, shelter,
beauty, health, joy, and recreation. There is no need for hunger, disease, or violence because of
the abundance in nature for those who live in harmony with nature.
To find the truth, look within for the guiding light to follow the Noble Path of Truth.

Holistic Harmony
1) Brave Heart
2) Clear Mind
3) Raw Food



4) Fresh Juices
5) Herbs
6) Water
7) Light
8) Air
9) Body movement
10) Mother Earth
11) Father Sky
These 11 elements summarize the program to cure the so called incurable diseases such as heart
disease, cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, arthritis, HIV, brain tumors, kidney failure,
diabetes, septicemia, chronic fatigue, PMS, prostate, multiple sclerosis, and muscular dystrophy.
All parts of this program are designed to work together for health and healing.
These same 11 elements are used to maintain health and to attain higher states of physical,
mental, and spiritual wellbeing. For example, a person training to be an athlete can achieve
higher levels of physical performance by following the same program used to cure diseases.
Brave heart has courage and love. Brave heart is the guiding light. It rejects the negative
feelings such as hate, fear, resentment, and resignation. Brave heart knows love will find a way
and takes joy in helping others. Brave heart knows the only way to get love is by giving love.
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for thou art
with me.
Clear mind is focused on the truth which it perceives behind all the lies, deceptions, and
illusions. Clear mind knows that all diseases are curable and acts according without fear. Clear
mind forgives every wrong and is at peace. Clear mind observes nature, the moon, the stars, and
the limitless universe and reflects on their beauty and eternity.
Raw food contains vitamins, enzymes, and multiple life factors. But cooked food is devoid of
these. If you kill your food, it will kill you. Eat vegetable and fruit salads. Soak grains, nuts,
and seeds overnight. Throw away the rinse water. Sprout all grains and seeds that can be
sprouted for these sprouts are life in its rapid growth stage with the maximum vitality. Blend
vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and seeds to make smoothies and creams.
Fresh juices are one of the best forms of raw food and healing therapy. The nutrients in juices
are in liquid form and can be readily absorbed by the digestive system. Juices are the very best
way to rapidly detoxify and rebuild the body. Drink the juices as soon as possible after juicing
for maximum potency.
Herbs can accelerate the cleansing and nourishing of each part of the body. For respiratory
diseases choose elecampane, for infection use garlic, for joints (arthritis) burdock root is
effective, for constipation Cascara sagrada and triphala are sure and safe remedies, for diarrhea
and food poisoning Holarrhena antidysenterica is the best, and so on depending on your
condition and health needs.
Water therapy includes drinking only pure water and using only pure water in your herbal teas.
All the minerals and impurities need to be filtered out of the water because they are dead and
congesting to the system. Water therapy also includes hot and cold baths, steam, and herbal
Light from the sun, the moon, and the stars is essential to the healing program. Take a sunbath
every day. Start with only a few minutes front and back on the first day and increase gradually
adding a minute or two each day. Increase up to 30 minutes or more front and back but avoid


sunburn. Light from the moon and the stars is cooling, calming, and teaches truth. Each color in
the day and the night has its healing effect.
Air according to ayurveda contains an energy called prana which is the life force. Air contains
oxygen and nitrogen needed for respiration and building proteins. Practice deep breathing a
minimum of 3 times per day for 5 minutes each time. Breathe in expanding both the chest and
the abdomen as far as possible. Then breathe out as much air as possible and repeat again and
again to clean out the lungs. Throughout the day take occasional deep breaths.
Body movement includes massage, physical therapy, and exercise. Two or three hours per day
minimum you must move your body. Walk, run, swim, bicycle, jump up and down, do leg lifts,
stretching, yoga, work in the garden, etc. Use your body or lose it.
Mother Earth is the planet Earth. Walking bare footed on the earth is grounding and removes
static electricity. Applications of clay and mud are used in therapeutic programs for healing
damaged tissues and bones. The Earth produces abundant foods, fresh breezes, rains, colors in
the atmosphere, protection from cosmic rays, and is home to all the life species we know. It is
our home and we must love it.
Father Sky is the sky and the cosmos infinite in all directions. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight,
cosmic forces, and the life force all reach us from Father Sky and sustain our life on Mother
Earth. Father sky is truth and health.

The Holistic Health and Healing Program

By cleansing and nourishing we can prevent and cure all diseases even the most serious
diseases such as heart disease, cancer, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy,
arthritis, kidney failure, tumors, brain disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes.
To cure diseases, we need a Holistic Healing Program with the essentials for health not just a
few key herbs or a magic type of massage or some other silver bullet. This holistic program is
a philosophy of life and an action program.
The Holistic Health and Healing Program as presented here is a modified version of Dr.
Christophers Incurables Program. He also described his program as being a holistic program or
holistic routine. We have modified this program to make it more complete and up to date -adding things from other holistic programs (which are described above) and adding ideas based
on personal and professional experiences.
All living things need cleansing and nourishing for health. If they get proper cleansing and
nourishing, they can be healthy. It is that simple. So, in natural healing, all we do is cleanse and
nourish. The Holistic Healing Program is designed accordingly.
Cleansing: Anyone with a serious chronic disease probably has a digestive system that is in sad
shape, a liver and kidneys that are congested and non-functional, an accumulation of toxic
chemicals and heavy metals, and very possibly a Candida overgrowth and other parasites. In
fact, in a seriously sick person it is pretty safe to assume that all of the internal organs are
swollen and the blood and lymph systems are clogged. To deal with this mess, 6 types of
cleansing are needed:



Candida Cleansing
Parasite Cleansing
Bowel Cleansing
Liver and Gall Bladder Cleansing
Kidney Cleansing
Blood and Lymph Cleansing

Cleansing and Nourishing are needed for the body, the mind, and the heart. We must heal the
whole person. This is done in the following six areas:

Healing with Food

Healing with Water
Healing with Air
Healing with Light
Healing with Body Movement
Exercises for Healing the Whole Person

Nobody is likely to get well or stay healthy by accident. To become healthy requires both
understanding and hard work. It requires giving up bad habits. For the seriously ill, it is an 18
hour per day program.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. An enlightened person will be vigilant to build
vibrant health and to prevent disease not waiting for disease to strike before implementing a
program of healthful practices. Even if you are an Olympic athlete who has just won a handful
of gold medals, you still need a healthy diet and lifestyle to stay vibrant and healthy.
It would be far better to adopt good habits during childhood and avoided diseases entirely. We
need teaching programs in homes and schools for young people to help them to start healthy
living at an early age.
Health Assessment
In natural healing, we use non-invasive means of health assessment -- no x-rays, no blood tests,
no injections through the skin, and no unnecessary surgery. We look for external signs of
internal strength or weakness. Much can be learned by observation and reflection on the
condition of the body parts and mental and physical performance. Specific techniques of noninvasive health assessment include iridology, thermogram, tongue reading, pulse reading,
sonogram, laboratory hair analysis, saliva analysis, blood pressure and stress test, muscle testing,
urine analysis, interview, and physical exam to determine health status. Chiropractors,
reflexologists, herbalists, and massage therapists are often able to tell many things while working
on their clients. Practitioners skilled in non-invasive assessment techniques should be consulted
when you dont know what is causing your diseases, or what diseases you have, or what to do
about them.


Health assessment is helpful and is certainly recommended when a health condition defies all
remedies and remains mysterious. However, health assessment should not be overdone and may
not be necessary in all cases. In many cases the cure may be cheaper and less work than the
assessment and in such cases it is better to just take the cure. We use only cures which can do no
harm. So, do the cure and in the process learn about your health condition. For example, if gall
stones or kidney stones are suspected, a sonogram to determine if they are present can be
avoided by just doing the appropriate cleanses. Similarly, rather than take expensive tests for
parasites, just take the standard parasite cleanses. In such cases, taking the cure is actually a type
of assessment, because if the symptoms clear it confirms that the condition did exist but is now
Cleansing and Nourishing
If your car was covered with mud and dust and you had no idea how to clean it, we would
recommend that you use soap and water. If you had never heard of soap and water and were
cautious and wanted to be careful not to overdo it you might use one cup of water and one spoon
of soap. The result would of course be to just make matters worse -- not better. You need to use
enough (large amounts) soap and water for the car to get clean. If you are not ready to use
enough, you may as well not do anything. The same is true with your body, you must do enough
cleansing and it surely will come clean.

Candida Cleansing
Candida Albicans yeast is needed in the intestines for digestion of sugar and alcohol. When the
beneficial intestinal bacteria are in proper balance, the Candida does not cause a problem. In
fact, this yeast form of Candida is essential for digestion of sugars. But if the intestinal bacteria
gets wiped out by antibiotics or other chemicals or a high sugar and starch diet, the Candida can
mutate into a fungal or mycelial form, penetrate through the intestinal wall, enter the blood
stream and spread throughout the body causing a condition called candidiasis or Candida
overgrowth. Typically, the immune system is unable to remove this overgrowth and it continues
to grow over the years and continues to spread to new parts of the body. The billions of fungus
cells release numerous toxins which overload the lymphatic system causing tissue swelling and
causing or contributing to all or nearly all of the known diseases and health problems.
It has been found that Candida Cleansing to be effective must include one or more herbs which
kill the Candida fungus overgrowth. In addition, the diet must be designed to exclude any foods
the Candida can rapidly multiply on. Some of the good anti-fungus herbs are neem, holarrhena
andidysenterica, and andrographis paniculata. Three cups of one of these teas per day for two
months would probably eliminate or greatly reduce the overgrowth. Alternatively, capsules of
an equivalent amount might also be effective. And there is a product called Candida Force
which is available from the McCombs Plan which I talk about below. I like the Candida Force
option because it is proven effective, has no side effects, and has no bitter taste (if you dont bite
the pills). The active ingredient in Candida Force is 10-undecenoic acid. Similar products are
available on the internet containing 10-undecenoic acid and may be equally effective and safe.


There are drugs which do kill the fungus overgrowth partly, but not completely and they all have
serious side effects. These drugs should be avoided entirely. There are also, some harsh herb
based cures including caprylic acid which have serious side effects and are not recommended.
Candida Diet
While taking the Candida Force gel caps or other anti-fungal herbs for two months, it is
important to eliminate the following foods from the diet:

dried fruits
sugar cane
any foods that are really high in sugar

The idea of these restrictions is to not give the fungus food it can multiply rapidly on.
Fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, vegetable juices, sprouted grains, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, poultry,
herbal teas, tea, and coffee are all allowed according to my experience. Cooked foods are OK,
but I recommend mostly raw. The main idea is to kill the fungus!!!!
The McCombs Plan of Dr. Jeffrey McCombs does not allow seeds, grains (except brown rice
only), sprouts, nuts, or fruit juices, but I think these restrictions are not necessary. I have seen
the plan work well even while taking these things.
Daily sauna or hot bath is an essential part of the Life Force Plan to sweat the toxins out as they
are released by the kill off of the Candida. Daily sunshine and aerobic exercise will also really
help the program and ease the symptoms of detox.
You can order the Candida Force from and you will need 4 bottles
(1000 pills). If you are following this route, be sure that no matter what; take 5 pills 3 times per
day. Total 15 pills per day until the 4 bottles are all gone. Even if you pig out on the wrong
foods (not recommended) still take the pills. Take the pills. Take the pills. Dont forget. Put 15
pills in a special bowl every morning and take five immediately. The other 10 will still be in the
bowel to remind you to take them. No excuses.
In his book entitled Life Force, Dr. Jeff McCombs lists numerous categories of disease which are
reported by his patients. Digestive problems are the most common and include constipation,
diarrhea, the so-called leaky gut syndrome, symptoms associated with irritable bowel
syndrome and colitis. Hormonal, reproductive, respiratory, urinary, circulatory, nervous,
muscular, skeletal, and psychological problems are also common. All these problems are often


caused (at least in part) by the Candida. Dr. Jeff reports that frequently these problems
disappear once the Candida has been cleansed.
Actually, the situation is a little more complex than described above because there are hundreds
different types of fungi, molds, worms, flukes, viruses, and other parasites which may be present
and contributing to the problems. Therefore, in reality it is necessary to cleanse the body of all
of these parasites and to henceforth keep the immune system armed against them. Luckily, the
Candida Force supplement is broad spectrum and is effective in killing many types of fungus and
mold. For other parasites see Parasite Cleansing below.
There are tests for Candida, but they are unreliable and cost more than a Candida Cleanse.
Therefore, it is recommended to do a Candida Cleanse early in the Holistic Program.
The Candida Cleanse was successful for me and for several of my friends. I followed the
McCombs Plan strictly as written. But one Thai lady age 35 ate tons of noodles and drank lots of
orange juice all of which are not supposed to be allowed on the plan. Still, she went from a 32
inch waist to a 27 inch waist in two months while eating plenty. She felt energetic, she slept
better, and her periods were less painful after completing the Candida Cleanse. A Costa Rica
lady aged 18 also achieved a 5 inch reduction in her waist after 60 days taking the Candida Force
Candida Force is composed of undecylenic acid (10-undecenoic acid which is derived from
castor oil) in an olive oil base. It has been shown to be six times more effective than caprylic
acid and it has no side effects whereas caprylic acid does have side effects.

Parasite Cleansing
Besides fungus, there are many other harmful parasites which invade the body. They include
many types of worms, including tapeworms, round worms, hook worms, and pinworms. Other
parasites include also guardia and flukes. There are tests for parasites, but they cost money, take
time, and are unreliable. The herbal cure for these types of parasites uses herbs that are
nutritional and harmless when taken in the recommended dosage. The cost also is very
reasonable. Therefore, it is cheaper, safer, and more reliable to do the cure instead of the tests
and the cure is as good as a test because if the symptoms improve you will know you had
parasites which are now gone.
Get a pound of black walnut hulls powder or black walnut leaves and take either of these until
the pound is used up. The powder can be mixed with water and drunk or put on salads or
cereals. Take a tablespoon per day. If you are using the leaves drink three cups per day. Black
Walnut is a very broad spectrum anti parasitic and anti fungal herb. It is also nutritional and very
safe. It will kill most parasites, but apparently not hookworms.
For hookworms, drink two cups or more per day of thyme tea for two or three weeks. Be sure
the bowels are moving during this time to eliminate the dead hookworms.


Additional anti-parasitical herbs include Holarrhena antidysenterica, Andographis paniculata,

wormwood, cloves, and neem.
If you have nasty and persistent parasites, you may have to mount a sustained program to
eliminate them. For an example of this type of program, see the discussion of Elephantiasis

Bowel Cleansing
A good healthful diet of organic fresh foods will be the first step to avoid constipation and insure
a clean and healthy bowel. Certain ordinary foods have mild laxative effects and these should be
tried before taking laxative herbs. These include all fruits and mucilaginous vegetables such as
okra. Prune juice and blackstrap molasses are excellent laxative foods. Triphala a combination
of 3 fruits from India is a very effective laxative and healing food.
Laxative herbs to use first include the mild ones including licorice, Cascara sagrada, and turkey
rhubarb. These need to be combined with anti spasmodic and anti gas herbs such as peppermint,
catnip, fennel, ginger, and wild yam. Herbs to cleanse the liver and promote production of bile
(which has laxative effect) are often included and good examples include barberry, Oregon
grape, and turmeric.
Stimulant herbs can also be included such as cayenne and garlic. Dr. Christophers Bowel
Formula is an excellent example of a mild laxative combination which works for perhaps about
50 percent of the population.
When stronger laxative herbs are needed, cape aloe is a good reliable one to use. If even
stronger is needed, senna can be used but it has harsh effects and is for short term use only.
Again these need to be combined with the anti spasmodic and anti gas herbs to avoid discomfort.
For an atonic bowel with really stubborn constipation, use mandrake root and/or culvers root. Be
especially careful to take only a very small (not more than an eighth of a teaspoon) amount of
mandrake root well diluted in a cup of water. Mandrake will cause violent griping and can be
fatal if taken in large doses. Culvers root is also very strong but not as violent in overdose as is
Mandrake root. Both of these herbs take about 15 hours to act and both are very sure. Their
effects can be long lasting for up to two days. They are very beneficial when taken in proper
dosage. They clear any obstruction in the bowels and also cleanse the liver and the blood.
In many people the beneficial flora in the bowel get killed and putrefactive flora take over. This
results in gas, foul smell, and constipation alternating with diarrhea. In a case like this, which is
common, the above types of remedies will not be sufficient to remove the bad flora and replace it
with good flora. Mucilaginous herbs are needed to sop up the putrefaction and probiotics are
needed to establish the correct bowel flora population. Flaxseeds (linseeds) blended with water,
garlic, apple cider vinegar, and spices to taste can be taken in large quantities throughout the day
for several days or a week or two until the putrefaction and gas are gone.


Other mucilaginous herbs include slippery elm and marshmallow and these can be used instead
of or along with the soaked and blended flaxseeds. The slippery elm is very healing for the
bowel and nutritional in a debilitated state. Slippery elm powder is difficult to mix with water
because it tends to lump up. It needs to be mixed with something while still dry before adding
water. A good thing to mix it with is psyllium flakes or powder. Psyllium is also good for
soaking up impurities in the bowel and it will keep the slippery elm from clumping if it is well
mixed with the slippery elm before water is added.
Marshmallow root can be purchased in powder or in cut form. In powder it can be added to
soups and cereals as a thickener. In the cut form, marshmallow can be infused in hot water and
strained to make a tea. Either way marshmallow soaks up impurities throughout the blood and
lymph systems and drains away excess fluid everywhere.
Another remedy recommended by David Christopher is 70% slippery elm and 30% licorice
powder -- 5 or more tablespoons in water per day. David reports many successes with this
combination. In some people licorice aggravates high blood pressure and if this happens, David
recommends just using the slippery elm.
Richard Schultz has an excellent formula as follows: flax seed, apple fruit pectin, Bentonite
Clay, Slippery Elm, Activated Charcoal, Psyllium, and fennel. His recommended dosage is 5
heaping teaspoons per day mixed with water or juice. This formula is for people with a history
of drug use or toxic exposure or serious contamination of the bowels and bowel atrophy. While
Bentonite Clay and Activated Charcoal are not strictly speaking herbs, they are harmless and
very effective at absorbing impurities. You can get them from Pacific Botanicals.
To restore the intestinal bacteria, eat raw foods including especially sprouts which are coated
with beneficial intestinal flora. Probiotic capsules and drinks sold commercially are a waste of
money. The Ann Wigmore Program includes rejuvilac, seed yogurt, and sauerkraut which are
rich sources of beneficial bacteria.
Samuel Thomson wrote that bayberry is the best herb for all disorders of the bowel. He says
that it is good for removing thrush from the throat, stomach, and bowels. When you chew some,
it leaves the mouth clean and moist. Bayberry is the best for cancer, highly stimulating and
very pungent, prickling the glands and causing the saliva and other juices to flow freely. You
can take it with water, in capsules, and as a rectal insertion. Some people just think of bayberry
as a remedy for diarrhea, but it is much more than that.
In addition to the above diet and herbal therapies for the bowel described above, there is bowel
hydro therapy in the form of enemas and colonics. For an enema, about a quart or more of pure
water or herbal tea is injected into the colon and then ejected into the toilet thus cleansing the
colon. Coffee enemas are not recommended because the caffeine unbalances the nervous system
and the hydrolyzed tannins absorb the available iron causing cramping and constipation in the
long run. The best herb to use in an enema is catnip because it is anti gas and anti spasmodic.
While catnip is the best, any mint will have similar effects. Other herbs used to rebuild the
bowel include bayberry, comfrey, and black walnut.


Heavy coffee or black tea consumption can deplete the iron in the bowel and cause constipation.
Coffee and black tea use should be very little or none. To get iron back in the digestive system,
use yellow dock, blackstrap molasses, red raspberry leaves, nettle, beets, and other foods high in

Liver and Gall Bladder Cleansing

Bitter foods and bitter herbs (e.g. wormwood, mandrake, turmeric, barberry, etc.) in general
stimulate bile flow and are cleansing to the liver. For liver cleansing, include at least one quart
of carrot juice or (for stronger effect) of the combination two parts carrot, one part beet, and one
part cucumber juice in the daily diet. Take two capsules three times per day of Dr. Christophers
liver combination or an equivalent amount of milk thistle or of turmeric. These things are for
liver cleansing for a person with a liver that needs a little cleaning, but is not in serious condition.
For serious liver problems, see the section on Liver Disease.
The classic gall bladder cleanse passed down over the centuries is olive oil. The gall bladder is
responsible for expelling fat and oil from the liver into the intestines. When the gall bladder gets
full of olive oil, it squeezes out its contents into the intestines. If any gall stones or other garbage
is stuck in the gall bladder, it can be cleaned out by drinking an 8 oz cup of olive oil. This goes
into the gall bladder which then squeezes. There is no pain, but there is often diarrhea after
taking the olive oil. This is good, just stay around the bathroom. Before drinking the olive oil, it
is recommended to go on a three day apple juice or citrus juice diet drinking a gallon of fresh
squeezed juice every day to dissolve any calcium or other solidified mineral deposits on the gall
stones. An alternative to the olive oil is turmeric: mix a heaping tablespoon of turmeric powder
in a glass of water and drink it down. Turmerics action is centered on the liver and gall bladder
both and it causes both to expel waste materials.

Kidney Cleansing
For kidney cleansing, the very first thing is to drink only clean water. The dead minerals in hard
water clog up the kidneys. Stop adding to the problem and start flushing out with clean water.
Second, be sure to stay off of bread, noodles, processed cereals, refined sugar, and any cooked
foods with high starch content (e.g. no cooked potatoes, etc.). The reason is that the sugars and
starches in these foods clog up the tiny passageways in the kidneys.
Third, start consuming more juices which dissolve stones and deposits in the kidneys. These
include juice of the whole watermelon including skin and seeds, cucumber and parsley juice,
cranberry juice, citrus juice, blueberry juice, and grape juice. Drink at least one quart per day of
these types of juices while doing a kidney cleanse.
Fourth, take two capsules three times per day of kidney cleansing herbs such as Dr.
Christophers kidney combination.
For a serious kidney condition, see the section on Kidney Failure.


Blood and Lymph Cleansing

The blood and lymph systems are the rivers of life, carrying the nutrients to the body parts and
carrying away the waste materials.
For blood and lymph cleansing, the Incurables Diet or the Maintenance Diet will provide a
very solid foundation. If more help is needed, there are specific herbs to be used.
For blood cleansing, drink three cups or more per day of Dr. Christophers Red Clover
Combination, or Mormon Tea, or Chaparral, or Burdock, or any good alterative herb tea. Or
take two capsules three times per day of these type herbs.
For lymph cleansing, the combination of three parts Mullen and one part lobelia has proven most
effective. This is the specific combination for all glands of the body including the lymph glands
and the entire lymph system. Alternatively, burdock tea is also excellent for flushing out the
lymph system and removing excess fluid and swelling. Drink three cups or more per day.
For a severe case requiring intense blood and/or lymph cleansing, do more of the above and
follow the appropriate suggestions in the sections on Heart Disease, Cancer, Septicemia (Blood
Poisoning), and Swollen Feet.

Healing with Food

The nourishing, natural diet includes fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, vegetable juices, grains,
legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds fresh and raw or low-heated below 130 degrees F.
All of these foods should be organic and free of chemicals, hormones, and pesticides. Food
grown on organic soil has much more nutrients and is well worth paying more for.
The only animal food recommend is fresh raw milk no more than one hour old.
The Incurables Diet: For a serious disease such as cancer, heart disease, pneumonia, etc., or
in a case of extreme obesity, or for any stubborn debilitating condition such as arthritis or gout, it
is recommended to consume only juices, herbal teas, and super foods with no or very little solid
food. Drink at least one gallon of fresh squeezed juices and herbal teas per day. Drink
throughout the day, one glass of juice or medicinal herb tea every hour or every half hour. Make
the juices and teas several times during the day so they are fresh when you make them. Stay on
100% raw diet and strictly vegan. Fresh raw milk is excellent if you can get it, but otherwise no
dairy or animal foods of any kind.
The Maintenance Diet: If your health is pretty good and you do not have any serious disease or
debilitating condition, then you can consume more solid food and some cooked food on a
Maintenance Diet which was called The Mucusless Diet by Dr. Christopher because it is a diet
which does not create excess mucus. As a general recommendation, it is recommended to go
about 50% solid food and 50% juices and to keep the cooked food under 25% of the total.
Cooked foods such as brown rice or lightly steamed vegetables or soups can add variety to the
mostly raw dietbut fried food is not recommended because the cooked oil is totally


indigestible and highly congesting. Also, avoid cooking spinach, Swiss chard, beet greens,
turnip and mustard greens, kale and collards, and broad-leafed French sorrel which are all high in
oxalic acid a valuable nutrient that promotes the peristaltic motion of the intestines. However, if
the oxalic acid is cooked it combines with calcium and can result in such a serious deficiency of
calcium that it has been known to cause decomposition of the bones. Therefore, spinach and all
these other vegetables should never be cooked.
Foods should be well chewed to mix the saliva with them before swallowing. Juices should be
swished in the mouth and held until they also are well mixed with saliva before swallowing.
This is very important for the digestive process.
Food and juices should not be taken when one is very upset or under stress because indigestion is
likely to occur making matters worse. Drink water and nerve teas in such a case. Seek a quiet
and pleasant atmosphere for eating, in the fresh air and with a good view if possible.
Any grain, bean, seed, or lintel which can be sprouted should be sprouted. The soak water
should be thrown away to get rid of the natural plant pesticides. Just soaking overnight will be
sufficient to start the germination process and transform the grain from a dormant seed with
enzyme inhibitors into a vibrant live food with active enzymes. Young sprouts are the more
grain-like and have high levels of food energy. Mature sprouts are the more vegetable-like and
have higher levels of water and chlorophyll. It is good to eat both young sprouts (one or two
days old) and older sprouts (4 or 5 days old) to get this variety from them.
Grains, beans, lintels, and seeds when sprouted have somewhere between ten times and a
hundred times more vitamins, enzymes, and other nutrients than when they are not sprouted
there is a vast literature of research and case studies which abundantly proves this. Lintels must
have the skin on or they wont sprout.
Some of the things which are mucus forming and are not allowed are the following: breads,
noodles, cakes, cookies, refined sugar, pancakes, soda pops, wine, beer, alcohol. tobacco, salt,
canned foods, fast food, fried food, margarine, soy sauce, pickles, candy, pudding, etc.
Some of the specific foods which are recommended should be included are as follows: extra
virgin olive oil, apple cider vinegar, wheat germ oil, blackstrap molasses, and Vitalerbs or the
equivalent about a tablespoon per day of each.
For further discussion on specific recommended foods, please see the following sections:

Foods and Super Foods

Medicinal Herbs

Healing with Water


The average person needs at least a gallon of pure liquids daily. This can be in juices, in herbal
teas, or in plain pure water. Drink an 8 oz glass every hour or half hour for a total of at least 16
glasses every day equals 132 oz or one gallon. Never miss or if you do take extra to catch up.
Dehydrated is a major cause of disease. All of the internal organs get clogged with waste
materials and they must be flushed out. The body tissues cant be rebuilt when they are
The water in fresh squeezed juices is pure and clean. Besides the water in fresh juices, we need
water for drinking, for making herbal teas, and for food preparation. There are two methods of
water purification which really get the water clean: steam distillation with carbon filter and
reverse osmosis with carbon filter. It is best to purify all of the water coming into your house or
apartment removing most of the impurities at the point of entry. A whole house system will
avoid getting chlorine and other toxins in through your skin and lungs while you are taking a
bath or shower. In addition, water for consumption should be purified 100%. Sears sells a good
quality one gallon steam distillation unit with carbon filter for about $120. This unit works fine.
I have used the Waterwise one gallon size and it is about the same but more expensive. There
are many choices available in the Yellow Pages and on the internet.
Dont be fooled by claims that mineral water is good for you. The minerals are inorganic and
dead and of no value at all. You get plenty of minerals from food and juices and dont need any
more in the form of mineral water. Mineral water just calcifies your arteries, brain, and all of
your internal organs.
Besides colonics and enemas described under Bowel Cleansing, hydrotherapy includes hot and
cold baths and showers. When fighting any disease it is good to have a daily hot bath for at least
30 minutes as hot as possible and accompanied by a good hot sweating tea such as yarrow or
peppermint. In the case of a respiratory disease, fever disease, or debility it may be best to
proceed to bed after the hot bath wrapped in several layers of clothing and continue sweating
while in bed. Otherwise, you can follow the hot bath with a cold shower or cold bath. Or you
can alternate from hot to cold and back several times to stimulate circulation in the whole body
or in one part of the body where there is disease perhaps. Many variations are possible. For
example, for problems in the feet and ankles you can use plastic waste baskets full of water one
hot and one cold and every few minutes switch feet from hot to cold and cold to hot. Herbs can
be added to the water in the bath with excellent effect.
Dr. Christopher had a bath procedure which he called The Cold Sheet Treatment. This started
with a catnip enema to empty the colon and then a garlic injection to disinfect. Then the hot bath
as hot as possible and as long as possible while drinking yarrow or peppermint or some other
diaphoretic tea. He used to say that you have had enough tea when you tip your head to the side
and the tea comes out the ear. After the bath the patient was wrapped in a cold sheet which was
soaked in ice water and put quickly in bed to sleep and continue sweating. I never used the cold
sheet, but I did to the bath with much benefit in helping me to overcome my heart disease.


Healing with Air

When the blood doesnt have enough oxygen in it, recovery is not possible. Due to shallow
breathing for many years, not enough oxygen has been available for cleansing and nourishing the
body parts. This also is a major reason for all diseases. Learn to breathe from both the abdomen
and chest at the same time. Extend both abdomen and chest out to the maximum taking in as
much air as you can. Exhale slowly and pull the abdomen and chest inward as far as possible
emptying the lungs as completely as possible. Repeat this at a medium speed, fully inhaling and
fully exhaling each time for several minutes up to ten minutes at a time. Do this 3 or 4 times per
day. In between these deep breathing exercises, do single or double deep breaths with full
exhale. Feel how this makes you feel refreshed and gives power to your body. It can lift your
spirits and inspire creative thoughts as well.
The quality of the air is very important as well as the quantity. Become sensitive and observe
what the quality is where ever you are. When possible avoid going to buildings with chemical
smells and stale air. Keep your windows open to get in clean air. Inside air is much more toxic
than outside air. Even in the winter, open the windows enough to get an exchange of air. Wear
your winter coat if necessary and turn on the heat, but get that clean air. Go outside as often as
possible and go to the park or the beach and spend time there reading or exercising.

Healing with Light

Direct sunlight on the skin causes release of healing chemicals essential to curing serious
diseases. There are many scientific studies which have proven this truth which the ancients
knew and practiced thousands of years ago. Dr. Lorraine Day talks about these scientific studies
on her audio entitled There Are No Incurable Diseases.
Some people believe that sunlight causes skin cancer. But Dr. Christopher tells of a patient who
cured skin cancer with sunbaths and a cleansing diet including grape juice. Sunlight can bring
the cancer to the surface where the body wants to eliminate the impurities. In a case like this,
follow the suggestions in the section on Cancer.
The ideal sunbath is where sunlight hits the whole body. Try to find or create a private place
behind curtains where you can lie totally naked in the sun. Otherwise, wear the smallest amount
of clothing possible. Lie in the sun for about 30 minutes on the front and 30 minutes on the
back. Dont overdo it and get burned. Put olive oil or some other vegetable oil on the skin. Use
aloe vera or comfrey if the skin becomes red and burned. But never use sun block which is toxic
and defeats the purpose of getting the sunlight on to the skin.
After finishing a sunbath, the longer you stay outside in indirect light absorbing the joy of
sunlight through the eyes and skin the better. Sunlight chases away depression and strengthens
motivation and life energy.
Starlight and moonlight at night are cooling and calming. They complement and balance the
warming effect of sunlight. They have colors which feed the positive emotions. While watching


the stars at night, one can reflect on the infinite nature of the universe, on eternal life, and on the
universal law which is truth.

Healing with Body Movement

Only with body movement and exertion can the waste materials be moved out and the nutrients
moved in to the proper places. This is especially true of the lymph system. The lymph is in
vessels parallel to the arteries and veins, but is has no heart to pump it. The lymph only moves
when the body movement agitates it.
Of course with all diseases, exercise can be painful and you may not be able to do everything
you want to. But be inventive and do the best you can. Swimming is excellent. Use elastic and
spring devices to exercise the arms and upper body. Arrange exercise mats and hanging bars to
pull on. Get advice from professional therapists on a home program for frequent exercise during
the day. Visit therapy facilities when possible. Go swimming as often as possible. Arrange a
home Jacuzzi and/or sauna if possible.
If possible get some body work to move the blood and lymph and stimulate circulation to the
areas which need it. Reflexology on the feet and hands can correct problems in corresponding
areas of the body where the nerves connect through the brain to each of the internal organs, the
head, and the extremities. Get chiropractic adjustments if the skeleton is out of alignment. Get
specialized physical therapy for any weakened or handicapped areas.

Healing Thoughts and Emotions

People with diseases have resentments, anger, fear, misinformation, bad habits, and negative
self-images. They feel lonely, unloved, misunderstood, and unfairly treated. They believe that
diseases cant be cured and that diet and lifestyle have little or nothing to do with health. They
think they should take vitamins and supplements, get regular medical check-ups, and visit the
doctor whenever illness appears. They think there is no way to break their bad habits.
All these things cause diseases. To break out of the downward spiral, we need some specific
exercises for healing thoughts and emotions. There is never a purely physical disease and there
is never a purely physical cure. Preventing and curing diseases must be done by curing the
whole person physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Know that All Diseases Are Curable

If you think your diseases are incurable, they will be. It is a self-fulfilling prophesy. Most of the
population and most of the medical profession consider diseases to be incurable. The medical
profession wants to kill germs with chemicals and drugs, correct chemical imbalances with
hormones and other chemicals, turn off or suppress overactive immune responses with blockers,
conduct surgery, administer X-rays, give pain killers, and run tests. When a condition doesnt
respond to any of the things they have for sale at their bankruptcy prices, the doctors shift tactics
and declare the condition incurable. To support their gloomy prediction they blame the
condition on something supposedly beyond human control. This may be a mysterious virus


and/or heredity. When people do recover from a supposedly incurable disease, the medical
profession attributes the recovery to spontaneous remission.
The incurable prognosis is devastating to the individual. It is like a nightmare come true. It
causes deep despair and depression. The individual has to fight hard to overcome panic and fear,
to regain composure, and to grasp at some degree of happiness while accepting his or her fate
as inevitable. Gradually, the individual becomes reconciled, accepts the worst, and blocks out
any thought of recovery. Therapy or meditation may be used like a drug or trance to block out
anxiety. He or she refuses to reopen the issue, doesnt look for a cure, and doesnt ever want to
hear anything about a possible cure because it would be painful to do so. The mind becomes
shut and the diagnosis of incurability becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Because there is believed to be no cure, no cure is looked for, no cure is found, and no actions
are taken to correct the condition. This is definitely a mental problem.
The medical profession makes a fortune on diseases while providing no cure.
But thousands of people do recover from heart disease, cancer, muscular dystrophy, multiple
sclerosis, arthritis, and in fact all diseases. Not by accident, but because they work hard at it and
cure themselves. This proves the diseases are curable. If something has been cured, it is not
The first step in curing all diseases is to know that they are curable. Cleanse out all of the
negative, pessimistic ideas, thoughts, verdicts, and convictions that your disease is beyond your
control and there is nothing you can do. Throw out the gloom and doom paradigm. Throw out
the depression and despair dont just cover it up, throw it out.
Look at the literature, at the websites, and the videos depicting actual cures and the programs that
work and produce cures. Talk to the institutes and the practitioners who deal in life programs
and visit some of them. Ask about success stories and testimonials about similar conditions and
seek out recovered individuals to learn the details of how they succeeded. In other words,
convince yourself that the condition is curable, it has been cured, and it can be cured.
I know from personal experience what it is like, because the doctors told me that I had an
incurable heart disease. In 1995 and 1996 I had violent palpitations. The sonograms revealed
leaky heart valves and 85% blockage in my neck arteries. All of the doctors and coronary
experts told me that these conditions were permanent and could not be reduced or reversed. The
doctors stressed that my father, two of my uncles, and both of my grandfathers died of coronary
disease and heart failure. They said that this was a hereditary condition and incurable. They said
it was inevitable that I would have a heart attack or a stroke or both. Their recommendations
were for more tests, frequent monitoring, and drugs to control the symptoms but no cure.
The emotional shock and depression were real, but while the doctors scared me, I didnt accept
their verdict. I kept thinking there must be some way to cure my heart disease. I resolved not to
lose by default. I started searching for alternatives and discovered that there are many


alternatives that dont work. But within a few months I also discovered that there are some
alternatives which do work. This knowledge enabled me to be optimistic.
Some people know their condition is curable, but they dont want to cure it. Having an illness or
handicap, may have become a cherished possession which they dont want to give up. The
benefits of good health pale in their estimation with the status, attention, respect, financial
benefits, and privileges that come socially, morally, or legally as a consequence of being an
unfortunate, handicapped citizen. This type of thinking is a delusion. There is nothing more
important than mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Connect with Your Spirit

When the link between the mind and the spirit is damaged through trauma or stress, the mind
becomes lost without conscience, feelings, or purpose. Restoring the mind-spirit link becomes
paramount. Light a candle and place it directly in front of you. Stare into the flame. Be aware
of the flame itself, of its shape, colors, and movement. Dont try to compose any thoughts about
the flame but just allow it to be and experience its existence. After some time close your eyes
and view the afterglow of the candle and the beams of light coming from it. Open and close your
eyes repeating this experience and liken one of the beams of light to your spirit. Your spirit (like
the beam of light coming from the candle) also comes from a higher source and your spirit is an
expression of that higher source. Meditate on this. With that meditation fresh in your mind, turn
your focus to reflect on your life up until now. What talents and skills have become apparent?
Note them down. What activities have given you the most satisfaction and fulfillment? Write
them down also. Now consider the things you have written from the perspective of someone
who doesnt know you. What would you advise this person to do to find joy and satisfaction in
life? Good. Start doing these things to make your life more satisfying and meaningful.

Replace Negative with Positive

Negative emotions cause diseases and make it impossible to cure them. Negative emotions can
be replaced with their antidote positive emotions. If you monitor your emotions by paying
careful attention to what you are feeling, you may detect hate, anxiety, resentment, anger,
cowardice, sadness, or grief. Once you have detected them make a conscious effort to replace
them with their counterpart positive emotions.
In order to do this, you need to realize that it is in your self-interest to drop the negative emotion
which is harming you more than anyone else. Negative emotions damage your mind and body;
they shut you away from friends and make you lonely.
Some negative emotions, such as grief at the loss of a loved one, are unavoidable. But that grief
when not reduced and ended can lead to neglect of your health, disease, and death. It is best to
let it go and replace the grief with joy. Meditate on something you can be joyful about, such
as a sunset, or a birds song, etc.


Commune with Nature

Perhaps the greatest source of joy is to be found by communing with nature. The wonder of life
can be observed and the truth of the cosmos can be absorbed. So many people go through the
day without even a moment of thought for the love of sunlight, or moonlight, or wind, or rain.
These people are too busy looking at troubles within and missing the beauty all around.
Spend any amount of time with full attention watching cats at play, ants about their work, birds
building a nest, an eagle sailing through the clouds, and you come to feel the casualness of nature
towards birth and death. Each encounter with nature releases the stress.
The colors of nature, the blue of the sky, the green of the grass and trees, the bright red, purple,
white and yellow of flowers, the pastel grey and brown of earth and rock, all these colors enter
the emotions and unravel the knots binding the spirit and holding it down.
Sunlight gives strength and courage and drives out depression. Moonlight and starlight are
cooling and calming to an overstrained heart. They bring truth and peace. If the night sky is
obscured where you live, make a pilgrimage to observe the sky from some place with clear skies
and no bright lights to dim the stars. Study about the stellar topics a little bit so you can
recognize the planets and the constellations. Collect some pictures of astronomical wonders such
as far away galaxies and nebulae and keep them on the wall in your house.
The starlight is coming to us across thousands of light years. The light reaching us today is truly
ancient much older than any history on Earth. Space is infinite in all directions. Each speck of
light is a star or in some cases a speck of light is many stars. Our sun is only a relatively small
star among stars. Meteors and star dust have brought to Earth evidence of stellar life coming to
us from infinite space. This cosmos which we see in the night sky is our home. We can glimpse
it in the jet black of the night void and the twinkling silver beauty of the star world beyond the
Earths warm atmosphere which enfolds us.
As the ancients have told us, there are three eternal streams.
o There is an eternal stream of life in the cosmos and we are moving in it and are a part of
o There is an eternal stream of light passing throughout the cosmos as well bringing
beauty, knowledge, and wisdom to those who observe it and act on it.
o And there is an eternal stream of sound and vibration moving in all corners of the
cosmos, giving us rhythm and harmony if we can just listen and feel its wonder.
So it always has been and so it always will be.
While gazing at the Milky Way, commune with the infinite and let it give you peace.


Tell Jokes
My mothers father was a Presbyterian minister. He had the gift of gab and an endless stream of
stories and jokes and puns (e.g. tomatoes were Tommy Toes). My mother once told me she
wanted to marry an Irishman because an Irishman has a good sense of humor. Her implication
was that most people dont have a good sense of humor any more like her fathers generation
did. I think she was right. There used to be more humor in daily life and in national
entertainment. The humor of Will Rogers, Mark Twain, Lucile Ball, and Bob Hope are some
good examples of the humor of the recent era. Bernard Jansen told Richard Schultz that to cure
his heart disease he should: Lighten up Dude, learn a thousand jokes. Richard took that advice
and in turn he insisted that his patients tell him jokes and learn to laugh to cure their diseases.
He found it really does work.

Minimize Your Needs

We all need to have enough but not more. Those who devote themselves to accumulating
wealth, possessions, fame, or power become slaves to the process. They must spend all their
time and energy earning and protecting. They lose track of their true selves. They become
owned by their possessions. Freedom from this prison is to be found in the simple act of
reducing your needs to the bare minimum, throwing out old stuff, and /or giving it away. Gandhi
used to live very simply with very few possessions. This was deliberate. He said for example, if
you have a chair which you do not need, you should give it away. When you give it away, you
create an open space where it used to be and this space gives an open feeling of freedom. In
Hindi and in Sanskrit, the word for space is akash and Hindus value akash. The open sky and a
clear horizon give the greatest sense of akash which allows the spirit access to the energy flow of
the universe. So, live a simple life, focused on the important values, and seek always to reduce
your needs to the bare minimum.

Grow Things
Many people do believe like Thomas Jefferson that agriculture is the noblest profession, Many
people also say that they find organic gardening to be highly therapeutic. Even those who dont
have a farm or a garden can still grow sprouts, vegetables and small trees in their house or
apartment. These growing plants provide a kind of life electricity to the atmosphere in the room
where they are growing and the food they provide is superior to anything you can buy in the
grocery store.

Practice Integrity
Value integrity in yourself and in those you associate with. Integrity is honesty, clear thinking,
and consistency in thoughts, words, and deeds. As it says in the Bible, By their works, Thou
shall know them. Look for people who are doing good things and associate with them.
Monitor your own behavior to see if you do practice what you preach. To give one example:
A lady brought her young son to see Gandhi. She was concerned that her son was eating sugar
and wanted to know what Gandhi would recommend. Gandhi said he would have to think about


this question and that she should come back. When she did come back, Gandhi said yes it would
be best to eliminate sugar from the diet. The lady then asked Gandhi why he had to think about
the question and why he asked her to go away and come back. Gandhi said that first he had to
stop eating sugar himself to see if stopping was the best thing to do.

Wear an Inner Smile

Your response to what is happening around you is conditioned by what is happening within you.
By transforming your inner self you will be transforming your entire perception of the world.
The inner smile has shamanic origins in Taoist yoga of China and Tibet. Seek a quiet place
without distractions and assume a comfortable position sitting or lying down. Close your eyes,
relax, and breathe normally. Form your mouth into a smile and recall a pleasant experience you
once enjoyed, a person whose company is enjoyable, or a place which gives you a feeling of
well-being. Inhale the smile and visualize the smile warming you within. Repeat several times.
Then direct the smile to each part of the body one part at a time. Smile at your brain, smile at
your hands, smile at your heart, etc. Tell each part of your body that you love it. Plant the smile
in your consciousness and repeat this experience regularly.

Co-Counseling and 12 Step Meetings

Co-counseling and 12 step meetings both originated in Alcoholics Anonymous. The basic
approach is to listen without passing any judgment or making any recommendations. Do listen
with sympathy and interest. The discussion is confidential and everyone involved pledges not to
discuss the content with anyone. This allows each individual to express his or her thoughts and
emotions. It also affords an opportunity to listen to others with perhaps similar or perhaps
different problems and experiences and to gain a new perspective while helping other individuals
through the meeting process. This technique has been used for losing weight, for healing
diseases, and for breaking bad habits and addictions. It has also been used for resolving violence
and for helping family members to cope. A Google search will produce several sites with
information on Co-counseling and 12 step meetings. One such site is

Explore Your Intelligence

Almost everyone has a learning difference, but very few people realize that there are ways to
develop intelligence. One of the groups working on cognitive development is the College of
Optometrists in Vision Development. They have exercises to improve visual thinking, auditory
thinking, and motor thinking in other words to improve intelligence. They have an excellent
website which explains the basics and where you can locate a practitioner near you: Inability to spell, difficulty reading, trouble following a map, or slowness in
learning languages are some common problems which can be caused by learning differences.
Lazy eye is another such problem. Find out if you have any scope to improve your ability to
think. Have an assessment done by an Optometrist in Vision Development.


Break Your Bad Habits

Anyone who wants to be healthy must break a few major bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol,
junk food, and coffee are some of the major bad habits relating to diet. You can not cure a major
disease like cancer without breaking these bad habits. Bitterness, resentment, fear, and anger are
just as deadly. You must break any bad habit which goes against loving life and loving yourself.
If you cant do it alone, co-counseling is one way to work on it. Or get a healing buddy to help
you with your daily routine and devise a strategy to eliminate the bad habits.

Learn to Let Go
To hold your hand in a tight fist for a few minutes is easy, but after several hours it becomes
painful. When a relative of yours or a close friend of yours dies, after a period of mourning, you
have to let them go. When you suffer any loss, you have to let it go. If you dont let go, you will
become tighter and tighter inside and will dry out emotionally and spiritually. Similarly, if you
are in a job you hate or if you are in a toxic relationship, you have to let it go and start something

Love Yourself
I was surprised to learn the extent to which people suffer from a lack of self-esteem. Inferiority
complexes, shyness, inability to express, and feelings of physical inadequacy and guilt are all
common. All of these are toxic. Do the best you can. Be the best person you can. If your
intentions are good, your conscience can be clear. After that stop beating yourself up.

Curing the Incurables A Daily Program

Here are the basic components (bare bones version) of a typical daily program for curing the socalled incurable diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma,
arthritis, HIV, brain tumors, kidney failure, diabetes, septicemia, chronic fatigue, PMS, prostate,
multiple sclerosis, and muscular dystrophy. All parts of this program are designed to work
together for health and healing.
1.Juices: Drink 4 liters of fresh squeezed juices per day. Start early in the morning and drink
one liter each three hours during the day. The juices can be carrot, beet, cucumber, spinach,
celery, lettuce, pineapple, orange, lemon, grapefruit, papaya, and each and every vegetable and
fruit. These juices provide vitamins, enzymes, proteins and all of the vital nutrients while
cleansing and removing the waste and toxins from every part of the body.
2. Medicinal Herbs and Teas: Examples include chilies to stimulate blood flow, garlic to fight
infection, turmeric to cleanse the liver, peppermint to relax and stimulate, and senna for its
laxative effect. Choose the specific medicinal herbs and teas best for your personal condition.
Drink at least one liter of herbal tea every day. Eat medicinal herbs as well.


3. Raw Foods: Eat mostly raw foods because only they have vitamins, enzymes, and life
qualities. Eat vegetable and fruit salads. Blend vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and seeds to
make smoothies and creams. Soak grains, nuts, and seeds overnight. Throw away the rinse
water. Sprout all grains and seeds. Eat them any time from day 1 up to day 7.
4. Pure Water: Install water filters in your residence and drink only pure water.
5. Sunbathing: Take a sunbath every day. Start with only a few minutes front and back on the
first day and increase gradually adding a minute or two each day. Increase up to 30 minutes or
more front and back but be sure to avoid sunburn.
6. Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing 3 times per day for 5 minutes each time. Breathe
in expanding both the chest and the abdomen as far as possible. Then breathe out as much air as
possible and repeat again and again to clean out the lungs. Throughout the day periodically take
a deep breath like this.
7. Exercise: Two or three hours per day minimum you must move your body. Walk, run,
swim, bicycle, jump up and down, do leg lifts, stretching, yoga, work in the garden, etc. Use
your body or lose it.
8. Positive Thinking and Healthy Emotions: Know that all diseases are curable and act
according without fear. Love yourself and seek every opportunity to help others, because this
will also cure you. Forgive every wrong against you and be at peace with yourself and with
every person. Observe nature, the moon, the stars, and the endless universe and reflect on their
beauty and eternity. Dont smoke, drink alcohol, or eat foods with sugar, pasta, cooked potatoes,
cooked rice, or any fried foods because these all rob the vitality from your mind, body, and spirit.
May peace be with you.

Diseases and Conditions

In this section, historical treatments for specific diseases are discussed. The holistic healing
program described above applies to all diseases, but for each part of the body and for each type
of disease, there are special additional things to do which can speed up the healing process.
Diseases seldom occur one at a time. There are usually several diseases present or developing
simultaneously. Most diseases originate in a toxic bowel, which causes the blood and the lymph
to become weak and laden with garbage, which in turn leads to swelling and decreased
performance of all of the internal organs. This garbage and debility accumulate throughout the
body, weakening each part of it while slowing the thoughts and deadening the emotions.
Whether or not a specific disease has yet developed, this toxic condition is the real disease.
David Christopher has said there is only one disease and this disease is constipation and
accumulation of waste in the system. Norman Walker and Dr. Christopher talked about all
diseases being different forms of malnutrition. I believe that all diseases are related and have
similar causes, accumulated garbage and malnutrition (physical, mental, and emotional) being
the principal ones. Add parasites and environmental pollution and the causes of perhaps 99
percent of all diseases may have been covered.


The Top Ten Killer Diseases in the USA:

(from the Statistical Abstract of the United States)
Causes of Death

Annual Death Rates

per 100,000 Population

Heart Disease
Respiratory Diseases, Flu, and Pneumonia
Kidney Failure
Blood Poisoning (Septicemia)
Liver Disease


Tables like this are actually somewhat misleading because they reflect what was considered the
most prominent disease present at the time of death and not necessarily the only disease present
at the time of death.
Anyhow, when you are sick you want to know what to do right now. So, here are the historical
cures which have been safe and effective in the past. What has worked before may work again.
Historical cures have worked for me. I hope they will work for you.

Acne is a result of the body cleansing through the skin rather than through the bowel and the
urinary system. The primary cause of acne is cooked food (such as bread, pasta, cooked
potatoes, etc.), fried food, and animal food including dairy.
Acne has been cured by just changing the diet by eating exclusively raw foods, sprouts, and
fresh squeezed juices. Carrot and potato juice combination has been very effective in clearing up
acne. Changing the diet often does result in increased acne for a few days or weeks but then
the acne typically disappears for good. In a severe case of acne or boils, (in addition to changing
the diet) it has been found that a good blood cleansing tea can speed up the process. Burdock,
chaparral, echinacea, and horseradish have all worked well to clear up skin blemishes.
Topically, a drawing poultice such as the cancer poultice, Bentonite clay, slippery elm, or potato
peels has also been effective in helping to clear up the acne more rapidly.
For infection and/or to prevent infection, tea tree oil or oil of garlic have been standard antiseptic
herbal applications. If a possible parasitic condition is suspected along with the acne, please see
the sections on Parasite Cleanse and Impetigo.


Adrenal Fatigue and Addisons Disease

Addisons disease is an extreme condition of adrenal failure where the adrenal glands entirely
stop functioning. It is characterized by blotchy pigment appearing suddenly on large parts of the
body, intolerance to heat or cold, reduction in capacity for muscular work, weakness, inability to
stand any stress or emotional excitement, whether positive or negative, sometimes nervous
breakdown or even insanity, complete exhaustion, feeling that one is going to die, inability to
digest food, and other similar symptoms. Licorice, hawthorn, and sarsaparilla contain food for
the adrenals and have helped in reducing adrenal fatigue. 3 parts mullen and 1 part lobelia
formula is a tonic for any glandular problem and works well on the adrenals as on all glands.
The cause of adrenal problems is primarily the diet and accumulation of waste matter. The
Incurables Diet has been used successfully to clear out this waste. Simultaneously, for a quicker
cure of the adrenal problems Norman Walkers recommendation is a high organic sodium
program of fresh juices and particularly Romaine lettuce, beet, spinach, celery, and Swiss chard
juices. Fresh-raw carrot juice was added to all or any of the above juices with much benefit. In
some extreme cases, some fresh-raw goats milk with carrot juice was found helpful.

Allergies are caused by accumulated garbage and malnutrition related weaknesses in some parts
of the body. Allergies generally have gone away after several months on a proper diet.
Sometimes, as a special help, Dr. Christopher recommended taking large quantities of the
substance causing the allergy. This can sometimes trigger a rapid cleansing reaction. For
example, if cayenne causes diarrhea, take lots of cayenne and clean out the bowel. If citrus
causes a cough, take lots of citrus and cough better. Etc.
But this idea is not a good idea if the reaction is too unpleasant, in which case we recommend
milder methods of cleansing and nourishing at first. Typically, the approach in a case like this is
to restrict the diet to just a few foods which both do not cause the allergy and are cleansing and
nourishing. Then slowly add back healthy foods as the body becomes less toxic. This approach
has worked well in many cases and the allergies have completely disappeared.
Norman Walkers juices for allergies: carrot, spinach, beet and cucumber.

Alzheimers and Other Brain Diseases

When I saw my mother in the nursing home with Alzheimers disease, she couldnt recognize me
sitting right in front of her. She was fidgeting and her mind seemed to be racing around but not
focusing. The Nursing Home was feeding her a devitalized diet and employed doctors with no
clue about how to cure Alzheimers. She developed cancer while eating their food and they gave
her chemotherapy. Two years after entering the Nursing Home with Alzheimers she died.
The brain needs cleansing and nourishing just like any other part of the body. So the first thing
is to increase the circulation to the brain and get good blood going to the brain with plenty of


oxygen. Aerobic exercise and head stands or shoulder stands doing a bicycle type exercise are
very good for the brain. Deep breathing is excellent for the brain.
My father told me that he read about the autopsy done on Vladimir Lenin (the leader of the
Bolshevik Party which founded the Soviet Union). They opened up his skull and discovered
sclerosis in the arteries leading to the brain and severe damage of the blood vessels in the brain.
On one of his audio tapes, Dr. Christopher tells about other autopsies where they opened up the
brains that they had turned to solid stone. The first cause of hardening of the arteries leading to
the brain and hardening of the brain itself is hard water full of calcium and other minerals which
accumulate everywhere including in the brain. The second cause is sugars and dead starches in
potatoes, bread, cooked grains, noodles, cakes, etc. which make additional deposits of
calcification everywhere including in the brain.
In other cases of deterioration of the brain it isnt solidified, but rather it turns to mush and
sometimes there is internal bleeding called a stroke. There is an increasing incidence also of
brain tumors.
The very same program for cleaning out the circulatory system as described in the section below
on heart disease has been used to clean out the brain, dissolve the deposits, and remove them
from the brain. Even brain tumors have been dissolved and removed this way, without surgery.
(see Heart Disease)
For speeding up circulation in the brain area, there are certain herbs which have been found
effective when used in conjunction with the Incurables Diet. Gingko and gotu kola are two
herbs with special vibration toward improving circulation in the brain.
Ginger is another good herb for brain circulation. Make juice of fresh ginger and preserve it with
vegetable glycerin and take a teaspoon several times a day. Or make hot tea from sliced fresh
ginger and drink several cups per day. Ginger has the added advantage that it is high in organic
aluminum needed in the brain. Once fixed in the correct sites in the brain, organic aluminum
will help prevent lodging of inorganic aluminum to those sites.
In many cases of Alzheimers, inorganic aluminum has been found accumulated at the brain sites
where organic aluminum is needed. This inorganic aluminum is implicated as a factor in
causing short term memory loss and Alzheimers. This is one reason we need to avoid cooking
with aluminum and avoid other sources of aluminum in such things as toothpaste, hair spray,
prepared foods, and cosmetics. Avoid eating it, avoid touching it, and avoid breathing it.
Cayenne is a super charger of the circulation system and this helps in the brain as well.
For brain tumors, senility, stroke, or Alzheimers, cover the head with castor oil and massage
into the scalp and then soak a white cloth in castor oil and place it over the head like a hood.
Cover this in turn with a plastic bag fitted like a hood and then with a hot steaming towel to get
heat into the area. When the towel cools, replace it with a fresh hot steaming towel.


Norman Walkers juices for tumors in the brain, bones, liver, uterus, etc.: carrot, spinach, turnip,
watercress, beet, cucumber, celery, and parsley.

Proper diet has consistently corrected anemia. More rapid elimination of anemia has been
achieved with large quantities of fresh raw foods high in organic iron, magnesium, and other
organic minerals. Specific foods for this include carrot and beet juice combination, carrot and
spinach juice combination, berries of all kinds, and sea vegetables.
Norman Walkers juices for anemia are carrot, spinach, beet, cucumber, fennel, celery, and

Arthritis, Rheumatism, and Gout

The buildup of calcium and inflammation in the joints and tissues which causes arthritis is due
mostly to drinking hard waters and eating a devitalized diet with refined sugars and cooked
starches. The first step is to get a good water purification system in your house and drink only
pure water. The second step is to follow the Incurables diet with juices and herbal teas.
One of the best herbs for any joint problem is burdock. Relief often comes very fast when one
drinks quarts of burdock tea daily. One time I woke up with a shoulder joint so sore that I could
not move my right arm at all. The arm just hung useless. The day before I had lifted a heavy
object and damaged the joint without realizing it and inflammation set in. Using my left arm
only, I drove to the health store and got several pounds of fresh burdock root, brought it home,
peeled it, cut it in pieces, and blended it with water. By the next day, the arm was mobile again
and the pain was gone.
Dr. Christopher and other herbalists tell of many cases where burdock alone has cured the worst
cases of paraplegic arthritis of persons who could not walk at all. By taking quarts after quarts
of burdock tea or burdock drink, they regained full use of their legs, arms, fingers, and backs.
Dr. Shook wrote that Irish Moss, Bladderwrack, and Flaxseed contain curative salts and trace
minerals to aid in correction of arthritic conditions. Make up a solution and take several ounces
per day.
Horsetail tea or Dr. Christophers Calcium Combination which contains horsetail, oat straw,
comfrey, and lobelia should also be taken two or more cups per day. They provide silicon and
have been found to be very good for curing arthritic conditions.
Externally, hot and cold packs assist in getting circulation to the area. Simultaneously, Deep
Heating Balm from Dr. Christopher or Richard Schultz or homemade with menthol crystals in
them will penetrate and give relief from the arthritis pain and inflammation.
Norman Walkers juices for arthritis:



16 oz. grapefruit
16 oz. lettuce
10 oz. carrot + 6 oz. spinach
9 oz. carrot + 7 oz. celery

The rationale for these 4 juices in the above sequence is given by Norman Walker as follows: (1)
The grapefruit juice dissolves the calcium and mineral deposits (2) the lettuce juice keeps these
more or less in suspension long enough for (3) the carrot and spinach to eliminate them from the
body and (4) the carrot and celery juice helps to rebuild and regenerate the cartilage and joints.
This process is usually painful more so at certain times than at others; but we have seen many
sufferers go through it and in time become more active than ever before.

Athletes Foot
Athletes foot is a fungus infection between the toes. It occurs when the space between the toes
stays moist for too long. Wash and dry off the area. Apply tea tree oil using a finger with tea
tree oil on it. Then immediately get more tea tree oil on the finger, touch some black walnut
hulls powder with the finger, and rub this powder onto the areas with the athletes foot. Keep
applying the tea tree oil and black walnut hulls powder to the area every hour or so. The fungus
will disappear.
It is important to get air circulating between the toes. The fungus can only live in a moist place,
so it is necessary to dry off the space between the toes. One way to do this is to put a piece of
cotton ball between the toes to hold them apart. Also, it is good to wear open sandals or flipflops to let he air circulate around the toes. Try putting your feet up in front of a fan for a few
minutes to make sure the spaces between the toes get dry. Innovate and find a way.
Norman Walkers juices for athletes foot: carrot, spinach, beet, and cucumber.

Cayenne powder applied on a bleeding wound will stop the bleeding within seconds. Cayenne
taken by the mouth will do the same. Do both and get double action. Dont worry about the
cayenne being on the area, it actually cuts the pain and doesnt burn. It is antibiotic and
increases healing circulation around the area where it is applied.

Bone and Tooth Decay

Bone and tooth decay occurs when the body needs the materials in the bones and teeth for some
higher priority tissues such as the heart muscle for example or to make a baby is another
example. So, the body in desperation robs the bones and teeth for emergency repairs elsewhere.
This desperate situation has arisen because of a deficient diet high in sugars and devitalized
starches and low in life qualities. The Maintenance Diet or the Incurables Diet will reverse
this situation. These diets have an abundance of organic calcium, so no supplementation of
calcium is necessary. However, do supplement with foods rich in iron and magnesium and
silicon, essential elements for building body tissues and binding calcium in the bones. Examples


of such foods include wheat grass juice, sprouts, sea vegetables, beets, spinach, kale, collard,
Swiss chard, dandelion, apples, ginger, and turmeric. Juices are the most usable form but salads
are excellent too.
Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and a deficiency of Vitamin D will lead to bone decay.
Sun baths, cod liver oil, and eggs are good sources of Vitamin D.
Exercise such as running, walking, swimming, weight lifting, and so on is also essential for
maintaining bone mass.
Norman Walkers juices for bone and tooth decay are carrot, spinach, dandelion, turnip, lettuce,
spinach, and dandelion.

Blood Poisoning (Septicemia)

The dictionary defines septicemia as follows: Invasion of the bloodstream by virulent
microorganisms from a local seat of infection accompanied especially by chills, fever, and
prostration called also blood poisoning.
If the blood poisoning arises in a specific area, such as for example in the leg or the arm, then the
standard practice is to apply cleansing to that location. For gangrene, snake bite and other forms
of blood poisoning, a poultice of crushed plantain has been used since prehistoric times to draw
out the poisons.
Another approach used with great success by Dr. Christopher and others is to make a strong
decoction of marshmallow root and cayenne and immerse the limb in this warm tea as hot as
feasible for 5 to 10 minutes. Then immerse in ice water for 3 or 4 minutes. Then back in the
marshmallow and cayenne tea (still as hot as possible reheated with fresh tea added as
necessary), and then back to the ice water, and back and forth.
In addition to local treatments such as described above, the historical treatment for blood
poisoning includes strong anti-infection herbal teas, tinctures, and syrups. The most success has
had when sufficient dosage was taken. Experience has shown that one good herb for the immune
system and for fighting blood poisoning is Echinacea. The fresh Echinacea root or flower are the
strongest, but if fresh is not available, tincture made from the fresh Echinacea such as Super
Echinacea Tincture is the next best thing. Otherwise the dried herb is used. Echinacea is famous
for saving lives from rattlesnake bites, poisonous spiders, etc.
Another powerful remedy with a proven track record is Dr. Christophers Anti Plague Formula.
Admittedly, in emergencies you may not have everything on hand which you would prefer to
have. So, be resourceful, do the best you can, and do it quickly. Mix up an anti-infection sauce
or syrup with the best ingredients you have or can collect in a hurry. Garlic, elecampane,
goldenseal, onions, lemon juice, tea tree oil (only a few drops), and black walnut are a few more
anti infection herbs as examples. Such herbs have been combined in syrup using vegetable
glycerin or honey and administered a tablespoon or more every half hour.


In addition to the syrup, a strong decoction of blood cleansing tea has been given in frequent
doses until the infection has cleared. Examples of teas which have been effective for this
purpose are chaparral tea, burdock tea, marshmallow tea, or three parts mullen with one part
lobelia tea. Also, alternating with the teas fresh squeezed citrus juice has been used to speed up
the recovery lemon, orange, and grapefruit mixed or any one of them alone.
In cases where the condition did not seem to be clearing fast enough, the Eclectics would turn to
lobelia for its extra catalytic effect. They would first give a cup of mild warm cayenne tea to
start the sweat pouring out. Then, while the circulation was in full gear, they would administer
strong lobelia tea in frequent small dosages until the patient started to throw up. This procedure
(which is still being copied by modern day herbal enthusiasts) has never resulted in any damage
being done but has resulted in good and refreshing cleansing of the whole system. Many times
this was just the extra help needed to overcome blood poisoning more quickly.

Dr. Christopher used a burn ointment of honey and wheat germ oil mixed with comfrey leaf or
root powder applied thick over the burn and kept thick so that the air did not penetrate. This
worked well also for cases of accidents where flesh and bone were damaged or removed the
missing parts grew back and no scars remained.
Aloe vera gel is specific and outstanding for burns. It is probably the best choice if you can get
it. The fresh gel from the leaf is superior, but some of the commercially available gels are
Calendula (marigold flower) is another cell growth generator like comfrey. It is more commonly
used in Germany than in the United States. Oil of calendula is very healing for burns. Calendula
paste can be made with a thick mucilaginous herb such as slippery elm or mucilage of comfrey
Potato peels have been used to cover burns instead of bandages. The peels are antiseptic and do
not stick to the blood and lymph like bandages do. This was discovered in a hospital in Bombay
when money was not available to buy bandages.
Internally, comfrey and calendula tea will help to speed up the healing. Drink continuously
every hour or half hour fresh squeezed juices especially carrot, beet, lettuce, celery, and

Cancer is the second worst killer disease in the USA. It is a painful, terrifying affliction creating
fear and panic. But there is no need to panic, cancer is curable.


While heart disease involves poor circulation of the blood, cancer involves weakness of the
blood itself. So, while treatment of heart disease focuses on the heart and circulatory system,
cancer treatment focuses on the liver, the blood, and the lymph along with any specific parts of
the body where the cancer is most active.
However, for cancer we cant just do blood cleansing. We must also be sure the four eliminative
channels (bowel, urine, skin, and breath) are working well. So, we have to do bowel cleansing,
liver cleansing, and kidney cleansing, skin brushing, daily hot baths with sweating teas, and
sunbaths to open up the elimination through the bodys largest organ, the skin. Finally, deep
breathing and aerobic exercises are very important to cleansing the breath and curing the cancer.
For any type of cancer, including skin cancer, we follow the Holistic Program and stay on the
Incurables Diet. Once the eliminative channels are moving sufficiently, we step-up the
intensive blood cleansing with anti-cancer herbal teas and tinctures. A typical program starts off
with two cups per day and builds up to two quarts per day of blood cleansing (alterative) teas.
Dr. Shooks long practice confirmed that the following herbs are highly effective in fighting
cancer: burdock, echinacea, black walnut, thyme, apple cider vinegar, garlic, horseradish, lily of
the valley root, greater celandine, lesser celandine, Irish moss, and Iceland moss. A good
combination to start off is burdock root and black walnut leaves. Burdock is one of the most
nutritive of the alterative herbs. It has high amounts of magnesium for rebuilding tissues, and it
rapidly pulls out toxins and excess liquids. Black walnut is the premier parasite fighting herb
and will assist the body to rapidly free itself from those parasites which are inhibiting the bodys
efforts to clean up the cancer. Simultaneously, black walnut is high in organic iodine needed in
the thyroid function and in the immune system for fighting cancer.

Every four to six weeks, it is recommended to shift to different blood cleansing teas. Dr.
Christophers Red Clover Combination is another good one. Chaparral is an outstanding
blood cleaner.

Garlic, cayenne, ginger, and peppermint are stimulants that speed up the circulation and carry the
blood deeper into the tissues where it can root out the cancer. It is good to blend up a spicy
condiment bowl of these herbs mixed with olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Add a little tomato,
cucumber, or other vegetables if desired. Garlic is a proven fighter of infections and cancer in
addition to being a strong stimulant. Put this mixture liberally on all your salads. Eat at least 4
big cloves of garlic every day.
Irish Moss according to Dr. Shook is high in organic calcium sulfide needed to dissolve cancer
cells and pus-like conditions. It has a pleasant salty taste and two or three spoons a day of the
powder (perhaps spread on salads or mixed in soups) are a tasty way of fighting cancer.
Almost all seeds (the most famous being apricot seeds) contain organic cyanide in the form of
laetrile which is also called vitamin K. Research has shown that the laetrile is very effective in
eliminating cancer cells. So, historical cancer fighting programs have taken advantage of this
fact to get some free medicine by juicing the seeds along with the fruit. For example, when
making orange juice, put the orange pieces with the seeds into the juicer or the blender so as to
smash up the seeds and get some of the seed juice mixed with the orange juice. This juice will


taste a little bit bitter but probably not much. The impact will be fantastic. Apple seeds, papaya
seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, etc. all have valuable cancer fighting properties. So
dont throw them away before extracting their benefits.
It was discovered that the laetrile (which is in the seeds) doesnt work unless there are enzymes
present to dissolve the membrane around the cancer cells and allow the laetrile in to do its job on
the cancer. So Dr. Christopher used to say that while you are eating your apricot pits, be sure to
eat the apricot fruit as well. In fact it has been observed that cancer thrives when there is a
shortage of enzymes and disappears when there is an abundance of enzymes.
Heating above 130 degrees destroys enzymes. So all cooked foods are devoid of enzymes
whereas all raw foods (both plant and animal) contain enzymes. Ann Wigmore emphasized that
sprouts and wheatgrass juice are extremely high in enzymes and life energy. She found that a
diet of these resulted in many cancer cures. It is interesting to note that young sprouts are still
very close to seeds in their makeup and contain good amounts of laetrile as well as enzymes.
The general population and most of the medical profession view cancer as a kind of spreading
infection which needs to be killed with chemotherapy and radiation and/or removed by surgery.
But these methods dont work and only make matters much worse, hastening death. So, the
scientists are still researching, looking for the cure for cancer. But the cure has been around for
thousands of years.
Natural healers know that cancer is not a spreading infection but rather it is the body
concentrating toxins in specific locations in order to eliminate them. Natural healing experience
has discovered that the body can succeed in doing this if we give it the right kinds of help.
Norman Walker wrote as follows: Cancers are groups of cells half-starved from lack of proper
nourishments, thriving on concentrated starches and meats. One of the contributing factors in the
development of cancer has been found to be prolonged RESENTMENTS. In other words,
cancer is the result of physical, mental, and emotional malnutrition and congestion and it can be
cured by physical, mental, and emotional nourishment and cleansing.
Tens of thousands of people have cured themselves of cancer. Every so often I meet one of
them. It is very interesting to listen to their stories. All the cancer survivors I have met have told
me they used fresh squeezed organic juices and raw organic vegetarian diets. One lady I met
who was attending the 3 week program at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego told me
she had terminal liver cancer 30 years ago. I asked her what she did for it. She said juices with
an emphasis on carrot, celery, and spinach. Now she was attending the institute to learn more
about sprouts, nut butters, and wheat grass juice of Ann Wigmore.
The original cancer juices as tested by Norman Walker are carrot and spinach. The Gerson
Program uses carrot, apple, and green drink mixture of several green vegetables one 8 oz glass
every waking hour of the day. Dr. Christopher rotated, doing 1 gallon per day of carrot the first
week, apple the second week, and grape the third week, and then repeating. Ten oz carrot, 3 oz
beet, and 3 oz cucumber is another excellent combination recommended by Norman Walker for


cleansing the liver and building the blood. In fact any organic fresh vegetable or fruit juice will
be anti-cancer.
For application on cancers the following are recommended:
1) From Dr. Shook: Soak comfrey root, decoct, and strain and blend it to make it into a thick
mucilage paste. Blend this comfrey mucilage with a concentrated decoction of burdock
root. Dosage internally is a cup full 3 or 4 times per day. Externally, saturate lint or
cotton and apply. Change often and repeat. Keep moist. This formula can be preserved
for multiple uses by adding 25% vegetable glycerin.
2) From Richard Schultz:
Black Super Draw Poultice is made by blending together the following ingredients: one
handful of red clover blossoms, half a handful of chaparral leaf, a quarter cup of poke
root, 2 tablespoons of goldenseal root powder, two tablespoons of activated willow
charcoal, one teaspoon tea tree oil, one teaspoon blood root tincture, one cup Bentonite
clay, and one cup slippery elm bark powder. Blend these ingredients in a mixture of
apple cider vinegar and water half-and-half to make a thick, dryish paste. To adhere for a
longer time, cover with cotton cloth and then put plastic on top and tape on.
If applying to a foot, dip a sock in the black super draw poultice and turn the sock inside
out so that the poultice mixture is inside the sock and pull the sock on. Then cover with
a plastic bag and pull on another sock to hold the whole thing in place. If applying on the
foot plus ankle and lower leg, cut the toe area of a sock and use this sock for the area
above ankle.
Garlic Poultice: An alternate formula is garlic blended with apple cider vinegar, slippery
elm, and poke root. This formula burns away the tumor.
3) Castor oil packs should be used for cases where you cant feel the cancer or tumor under
the skin. Apply castor oil and massage the area. Then soak white cotton cloth in castor
oil and apply on the area. Cover with plastic and apply heat using a hot pad or hot water
bottle. For brain tumors or Alzheimers cover the head with castor oil and massage into
the scalp and then soak a white tea shirt in castor oil and place it over the head like a
hood. Cover this in turn with a plastic bag fitted like a hood and then with a hot steaming
towel to get heat into the area. When the towel cools, replace it with a fresh hot
steaming towel.
To re-grow a breast or other body part that has been disfigured by cancer or a tumor, apply a
poultice of fresh aloe gel mixed with slippery elm bark powder. If fresh aloe gel is not available,
use the slippery elm bark powder with comfrey root or leaf powder mixed together and
moistened with water.
For vaginal or rectal suppositories, mix cleansing herbs with coconut oil to a cookie dough
consistency, cool until hard in the refrigerator, mash with a spoon, and form into bullet size


suppositories. Re-cool in the refrigerator until hard and insert in the vagina or rectum followed
by a tampon to keep the ingredients from coming out. Leave in overnight and douche out in the
morning. Use such ingredients as red clover blossoms, half a handful of chaparral leaf, a quarter
cup of poke root, 2 tablespoons of goldenseal root powder, two tablespoons of activated willow
charcoal, one teaspoon tea tree oil, one teaspoon blood root tincture, one cup Bentonite clay, and
one cup slippery elm bark powder. , poke root powder, and garlic.

Candida Diet, Symptoms, and Images

Candida Albicans yeast is needed in the intestines for digestion of sugar and alcohol. When the
beneficial intestinal bacteria are in proper balance, the candida yeast does not cause a problem.
In fact, this yeast form of candida is essential, because if you cant digest sugars you cant live.
But if the intestinal bacteria gets wiped out by antibiotics or other chemicals or a high sugar and
starch diet, the candida yeast can mutate into a fungal or mycelial form, penetrate through the
intestinal wall, enter the blood stream and spread throughout the body causing a condition called
candidiasis or candida overgrowth. Typically, the immune system is unable to remove this
overgrowth and it continues to grow over the years and continues to spread to new parts of the
body. The billions of fungus cells release numerous toxins which overload the lymphatic system
causing tissue swelling and causing or contributing to all or nearly all of the known diseases and
health problems.
It is impossible to eliminate a candida fungus overgrowth by diet alone. No matter how strict the
diet is excluding sugar foods and any foods the candida fungus is likely to feed on, this will not
eliminate the overgrowth. The fungus will just go dormant indefinitely and when you start
eating normally again will resume active growth.
Candida Cleansing to be effective must include one or more herbs which kill the candida fungus
overgrowth. In addition, the diet must be designed to exclude any foods the candida can rapidly
multiply on. Some of the herbs which are good anti-fungals and will reduce candida include
neem, Holarrhena andidysenterica, and Andrographis paniculata. Three cups of any of these teas
per day for two months should reduce the overgrowth but it might not eliminate the
overgrowth. Alternatively, capsules of an equivalent amount of any of these herbs might also
be effective in reducing the overgrowth.
There is a product called Candida Force available from the McCombs Plan (
that appears to eliminate the overgrowth in many people. Candida Force has no known side
effects and has no bitter taste (if you dont bite the gel capsules).
There are drugs which do kill the fungus but none of these drugs effectively penetrate the tissues
to eliminate the overgrowth and all of the drugs have serious side effects. So, these drugs should
be avoided entirely. There are also, some harsh herb based cures including caprylic acid which
have serious side effects and are not recommended.
Candida Diet


While taking the Candida Force gel capsules or other anti-fungal herbs for two months, eliminate
the following foods from the diet:
1) Sugar (white sugar, brown sugar, and any foods containing these)
2) Mushrooms (because mushrooms are a type of fungus)
3) Vinegar (because vinegar is fermented)
4) Alcohol (because the digestive system converts alcohol to sugar)
5) Yeast (because yeast is another food for fungus to grow on)
6) Dried fruits (because their sugar is to concentrated and feeds the fungus too much)
7) Breads (pastries, pancakes, rolls, etc. because these are also converted to sugar)
8) Noodles (same as bread, food for fungus)
9) Beets (contains too much sugar)
10) Sugar Cane (contains too much sugar)
11) Diary (milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, cream, etc. -- because fungus feeds on these)
12) Any foods that are really high in sugar
The idea of these restrictions is not to give the fungus anything it can multiply rapidly on and
slow down its growth so that the anti-fungal can work on it effectively.
Fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, vegetable juices, sprouted grains, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, poultry,
eggs, butter, vegetable oils, herbal teas, tea, and coffee are all allowed. Sprouted grains and
seeds are allowed provided they are well rinsed and have not got fungus on them.
Cooked foods are allowed, but mostly raw is recommended as more healthy. The main idea is to
kill the fungus!!!! So, stay within the allowed categories.
The McCombs Plan of Dr. Jeffrey McCombs does not allow seeds, grains (except brown rice
only), sprouts, nuts, or fruit juices, but we think these restrictions are not necessary. We have
seen the plan work well even while taking these things.
Daily sauna or hot bath is an essential part of the Plan to sweat the toxins out as they are released
by the kill off of the candida. Daily sunshine and aerobic exercise will also really help the
program and ease the symptoms of detox.
You can order the Candida Force from and you will need 4 bottles
(1000 gel caps). If you are following this route, be sure that no matter what happens, take 5 gel
caps 3 times per day. Total 15 capsules per day until the 4 bottles are all gone. Even if you pig
out on the wrong foods (not recommended) still take the capsules. Dont forget. Put 15
capsules in a bowel every morning and take five immediately. The other 10 capsules will still be
in the bowel to remind you to take them. No excuses.
In his book entitled Life Force, Dr. Jeff McCombs lists numerous categories of disease which are
reported by his patients. Digestive problems are the most common and include constipation,
diarrhea, the so-called leaky gut syndrome, symptoms associated with irritable bowel
syndrome and colitis. Hormonal, reproductive, respiratory, urinary, circulatory, nervous,
muscular, skeletal, and psychological problems are also common. All these problems are often
caused (at least in part) by the Candida. Dr. Jeff reports that frequently these problems
disappear once the Candida has been cleansed.
Actually, the situation is a little more complex than described above because there are hundreds
different types of fungi, molds, worms, flukes, viruses, and other parasites which may be present
and contributing to the problems. Therefore, in reality it is necessary to cleanse the body of all
of these parasites and to henceforth keep the immune system armed against them. Luckily, the


Candida Force supplement broad spectrum and is effective in killing many types of fungus and
mold. For other parasites, see Parasite Cleansing in the Guidebook to Health and Natural
There are tests for Candida, but they are unreliable and cost more than a Candida Cleanse.
Therefore, it is recommended to do a Candida Cleanse if you have any symptoms of a candida
overgrowth and let the results be the test i.e. if your symptoms are reduced you can guess that
you did have a fungus overgrowth and that it was reduced or eliminated by the Candida Cleanse.
The Candida Cleanse has been successful for many people. One Thai lady age 35 followed the
plan except that she ate tons of noodles (Thai people love noodles). Still, she went from a 32
inch waist to a 27 inch waist in two months while eating plenty. She felt energetic, she slept
better, and her periods were less painful after completing the Candida cleanse.
Candida Force is composed of 10-undecenoic acid which is derived from the castor bean in an
olive oil base. It has been shown to be six times more effective than caprylic acid and it has zero
side effect whereas caprylic acid does have side effects.
Just for your information here is a list of herbs used for candida. Some of them are effective in
killing the candida and others are probably useful in reducing the discomfort but not effective in
killing the fungus.
Dr. Duke's
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
Plants used for Candida
Alpinia officinarum (Zingiberaceae)
Carthamus tinctorius (Asteraceae)
Coscinium fenestratum (Menispermaceae)
Curcuma aromatica (Zingiberaceae)
Glycyrrhiza glabra (Fabaceae)
Hedychium spicatum (Zingiberaceae)
Holarrhena antidysenterica (Apocynaceae)
Lawsonia inermis (Lythraceae)
Mesua ferrea (Clusiaceae)
Phyllanthus emblica (Euphorbiaceae)
Pinus longifolia (Pinaceae)
Plumbago zeylanica (Plumbaginaceae)
Saussurea lappa (Asteraceae)
Seseli indicum (Apiaceae)
Terminalia belerica (Combretaceae)
Terminalia chebula (Combretaceae)
Thalictrum minus (Ranunculaceae)
Withania somnifera (Solanaceae)
Identifying Candida Symptoms
Candida overgrowth condition is nearly an epidemic in our society and is responsible for many
of the chronic illness categories we see so frequently. Candida symptoms are vast and all
encompassing and can incapacitate the individual.


Most people who ha have candida overgrowth dont know it. One reason for this is that doctors
are uneducated about its impact on our health. People suffering from this condition often go
from doctor to doctor for years and are usually told they are a hypochondriac or that it is stress or
a psychiatric problem.
Candida Albicans is a yeast that occurs naturally in the human body. Normally it lives in
harmony with a variety of other microorganisms and actually performs a couple important
functions. The problem occurs when something upsets the balance of bacteria in the body and
this allows the yeast organism to proliferate and take over all the healthy microorganisms.
It normally resides in the intestinal tract, mouth, throat and genitals, however it can burrow holes
in the intestinal tract, enter the blood stream and then make its way into any organ of the body.
To make matters worse it emits over 70 different toxins into the body. Some people may even
become allergic to the yeast itself.
Once this hardy organism proliferates in the body, it wrecks havoc in many ways and is the
instigator of many common maladies, conditions, syndromes and illnesses in our population.
Some of the most frequent Candida symptoms are:
abdominal gas
excessive fatigue
cravings for alcohol
rectal itching
cravings for sweets
inability to think clearly or concentrate
mood swings
sinus inflammation
pre-menstrual syndrome
poor memory
persistent cough


low sex drive

muscle weakness
learning difficulties
sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals
cognitive impairment
athletes foot
sore throat
nail fungus
skin fungus
acid reflux
One of the most well known forms of fungus infection is the vaginal fungus infection. However,
fungus infection may play a role in just about any mental health condition or chronic illness you
can think of. Fungus overgrowth is considered to be a leading contributor in alcoholism, anxiety
disorders, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, Addisons disease, multiple chemical sensitivities,
Crohns disease, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, PMS, endometriosis,
fibromyalgia syndrome, prostatitis, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, asthma, food
allergies, muscle and joint pain, clinical depression, repeated urinary tract infections, hormonal
imbalances, migraines, digestive disturbances, difficult menopause, psoriasis, lupus, chronic
pain, rheumatoid arthritis and many more.
Many of the Candida symptoms in males are the same as they are for women, but there are a few
unique aspects. Candida is believed to occur more often in women, but the truth is that it occurs
in high numbers for men as well, but it is reported and diagnosed less frequently.
Men are less likely to be diagnosed with Candida for two reasons:
- One is because they don't seek help for their symptoms. The symptoms of Candida in males are
often dismissed or denied by the man. He will just live with them because he thinks its unmanly
to talk about them or get help. Men are socialized to just live with pain and discomfort rather
than address it.
- The second is that Candida in males gets mislabeled as all kinds of other disorders, because
there is a lack of education about Candida in the mainstream medical society.
Males with Candida tend to get these labels:
Chronic Prostatitis
Learning Disabilities
Attention Deficit Disorder
Conduct Disorder
Anger or Rage Disorders
Drug Addict


Anti-social Disorder
The instigator in all these conditions can be Candida. Several other factors such as food
allergies, hypoglycemia, nutritional deficiencies, chemical sensitivities etc, may be the culprit as
well, but these too are all part of the Candida syndrome. Where you find one, you usually find
the others.
One of the most common organs to be affected by Candida is the brain and the nervous system.
When this happens, it results in a variety of Candida symptoms in males that exhibit themselves
as psychological or cognitive problems.
Other common Candida symptoms in males that don't fall under an actual disorder label may
consist of irritability, cognitive difficulties, depression, inability to concentrate, fatigue,
restlessness, anxiety, forgetfulness, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, frequent stomach aches,
indigestion, heartburn, excessive shyness or feelings of being self-conscious, rashes and many
As children males with Candida typically experience a lot of earaches which result in antibiotic
use that only aggravates the Candida. As children and as men they may get in fights a lot and
have difficulty excelling in school. They may be underachievers, due to Candida inhibiting brain
Three more very common Candida symptoms for males are jock itch, toe nail fungus, and
athletes feet. In these cases, the Candida has localized in the feet or the genitals.
Many men have cured their chronic prostatitis or relieved their symptoms greatly by following a
Candida Treatment regimen.
The brain is the organ that is most frequently affected by Candida Symptoms, but it also has
profound negative effects on these systems:
Candida symptoms can vary from one person to another and often move back and forth between
systems within the same individual. One day you may experience symptoms in the
musculoskeletal system and the next day it could be the digestive system, etc.
See for more info.


Eye infection caused by Candida.

Candida growth, mycelial form.


Candida on the face.

Candida on the foot.


Candida on the hand.

Candida on the face.


Candida on the skin.

Candida penetrating living tissue.


Yeast form is normal and digests sugar and alcohol in the intestines.

Mycelial form (fungus) causes candidiasis overgrowth.


Barium enema image of colon cancer. Candida is a likely contributor to this disease.


Depression is very common with serious diseases. Vigorous aerobic exercise for those who can
do it will reduce the depression. Negative thoughts actually make diseases worse and so
happiness is part of the disease therapy. Learn to tell jokes and practice doing it. Get out of your
routine and do new things. Practice positive affirmations. Do deep breathing. Do sunbaths. A
congested liver causes depression because the liver cannot remove the chemicals causing the
depression. Do repeated liver flushes and lots of carrot juice. Do the hot bath routine and hot
and cold packs.
Stimulant herbs can reduce depression. These include cayenne, ginger, peppermint, kava kava,
pippili, black pepper, cloves, etc.
Nervine and sedative herbs can also reduce depression. These include valerian, black cohosh,
lobelia, skullcap, St. Johns wort, and hops flowers.
Norman Walkers juices:

For insanity: carrot, spinach, beet, cucumber, and celery.

For melancholia: cucumber, carrot, spinach, beet, celery, and parsley.

Diabetes and Hypoglycemia

Diabetes means high blood sugar and hypoglycemia means low blood sugar. Both result from
malfunctioning of the pancreas caused by malnutrition and both have been cured by providing
nutrition to the pancreas enabling it to produce the right quantity of insulin to regulate the blood
sugar level and keep it where the body needs it.
Besides insulin the pancreas also produces digestive enzymes and other enzymes used in
assimilation of nutrients and regulation of the body metabolism. The intestinal bacteria produce
enzymes, the liver produces enzymes, and other glands such as the kidneys also produce some
enzymes. But all of these internal sources of enzymes are not sufficient in the long run if the diet
is devoid of enzymes. Enzymes are present in all living things, plant and animal, but they are
very delicate and are destroyed by heat above 130 degrees F or 54 degrees C. Therefore, all
cooked foods are devoid of enzymes. A raw food diet is the best way to get dietary enzymes.
Freshly picked food is higher in enzymes. Sprouts which are still growing and are in their rapid
growth stage right up to the moment you bite down on them are the highest in enzymes.
When the diet contains 100% cooked food it has zero enzymes. Such a diet is amazingly
common and it rapidly wears down the pancreas. A cooked food diet places excessive demands
for more and more enzymes and provides no good food sources for the pancreas to fabricate
enzymes from. This is the primary cause of the alarming increase in diabetes and hypoglycemia.
So obviously, the cure for diabetes and hypoglycemia includes fresh, organic, raw foods and


To speed up recovery and to help you get off medication faster, there is a special herb which will
work wonders if used in conjunction with the Maintenance Diet. This herb is Juniperus
monosperma, commonly called Cedar Berries. This berry is dried and powdered and you can get
it in one pound bags from Dr. Christophers. A teaspoon of this powder in a glass of water or
mixed with a salad can normalize a persons blood sugar level within minutes. It has done this
for me over a dozen times when my blood sugar was too low. I have always been amazed at
how fast it has gone to the pancreas and enabled the pancreas to function properly. For
correcting either diabetes or hypoglycemia, take a teaspoon in the morning and another teaspoon
at night every day and stay on the Maintenance Diet. Many people who stayed on this program
were off the medication within three months to a year.
Persons with diabetes and hypoglycemia need to take special care to chew their food for a long
time before swallowing it. Eat slowly and swish the juices in the mouth until they are mixed
with saliva. This prepares the food for the digestive system and has allowed people to consume
sweet fruits and fruit juices and other foods with natural sugars and carbohydrates without any
negative reaction despite their diabetes or hypoglycemia.
Norman Walkers juices for diabetes: carrot, spinach, celery, parsley, lettuce, string beans,
brussels sprouts, endive, and radish.

Diarrhea and Indigestion

Holarrhena antidysenterica is specific for diarrhea, dysentery, gas, and indigestion. I have seen it
work within minutes to relieve severe cramps caused by food poisoning and I have seen it work
many times to cure the worst cases of diarrhea and dysentery usually within an hour or two. The
recommended dosage is four to six 00 capsules or one teaspoon in a glass of water. Other herbs
which have worked well for diarrhea and indigestion include bayberry, oak bark, and turmeric.
See also the Bowel Cleansing section including especially the recommendations for flax seeds,
marshmallow, slippery elm, activated charcoal, Bentonite clay, and other foods which absorb
For indigestion, fennel seed tea and fennel juice are specific. Celery is a close relative of fennel
and celery seed and celery juice have worked equally well. Many of the culinary herbs are
digestive including cardamom, bay leaves, cumin, sage, rosemary, and thyme. A spicy soup with
celery and fennel and culinary herbs would be excellent as a digestive tonic.
To avoid diarrhea and indigestion, maintain a live food diet and drink juices and herbal teas.

Ear Infections
Dr. Christopher recommends using oil of garlic in the ears to kill ear infections. Make oil of
garlic by cutting some cloves of garlic in pieces and covering them with olive oil for 3 days,
strain into a dropper bottle, and it is ready. Fill the ear canal with this oil and insert a piece of
cotton ball into the outer ear opening to sop up the oil when it comes out of the ear. This works
well. No need to go to the doctor about ear infections.


After several years of using oil of garlic, I was reading about the properties and uses of Tea Tree
Oil and decided to use it. Now I mix about one part Tea Tree Oil to 10 parts Olive Oil in a
dropper bottle and use this instead of the oil of garlic. The preparation time is much faster,
because you dont have to wait 3 days and the smell is more pleasant. But both work very well.

Burdock is probably the best rapid cleansing herb for skin problems including eczema. If you
can get the fresh root, blend it and strain it and drink quarts daily until the condition clears.
Calendula tea, chamomile tea, and chickweed tea have worked well in cases of eczema. Drink
and apply on the area. Infuse olive oil in calendula flowers and apply on the area as well. Wheat
germ oil with calendula would be even better because of the Vitamin E and healing properties of
wheat germ oil, but it needs to be kept refrigerated and can spoil quickly.
According to Norman Walker, eczema is an inflammatory condition of the skin due to
excessive acidity of the lymph glands. Also, the elimination through the pores of the skin of
waste matter which should really pass out through the kidneys and bowels. The long term cure
is in the diet. Follow the Holistic Program.
Norman Walkers juices for eczema are carrot, celery, parsley, spinach, beet, and cucumber.

Elephantiasis (Lymphatic Filariasis)

According to the World Health Organization estimates, an estimated 125 million people have
elephantiasis (lymphatic filariasis).
I discovered the startling possibility that I might have this disease in January, 2008. I was
talking to a lady in Costa Rica and she was looking at my foot and leg and she said to me: You
have elephantiasis, but no worry you no die. She was so cheerful and reassuring that it annoyed
me. I said but I dont have that much swelling. And she said well that is often the case with
elephantiasis. She had worked with a doctor treating elephantiasis in Argentina. She actually
called him and put me on the line with him. He told me that his treatment consisted of exercises,
bandages, and pressure stockings. I asked him what he used to kill the worms and he said
nothing. So I started researching on the internet and I discovered that yes my friend was right
there are many cases of lymphatic filiariasis with swelling which is noticeable but not huge. I
kept researching and discovered that there are herbs that will kill the thread worms.
One source reported success using wormwood supplemented with tumeric. So, in January 2008 I
started taking a liter per day of wormwood tea and a spoon of tumeric. Almost immediately I
started noticing some amazing improvements in my symptoms. One improvement was that I
started having bowel movements without enemas. For five years from 2003 to January, 2008 I
had no bowel movements except with enemas. Nothing else worked and I couldnt figure it out
for five years. But within one week of when I started taking one liter of wormwood tea daily, I
started having regular bowel movements and I havent done any enemas since then. According


to several sources on the internet, it is common for lymphatic filariasis to cause intestinal
blockage and to shut down the peristaltic motion of the intestines.
Another improvement was less frequent urination. Since January I have been able to sleep the
whole night without having to wake up to urinate.
Another improvement has been that my muscle cramping has decreased to about 5 percent of
what it was.
My conclusion is that the wormwood and the other herbs I have taken to kill the worms has
probably killed all of the worms except those hiding in the cysts. The worms in my intestines,
urinary system, and muscles appear to be all gone. And now the clean-up is continuing with the
cysts and lumps in the leg transforming and shrinking. At first they flared up and became quite
sore, but now they are not sore at all and they keep shrinking.
Most likely I contracted lymphatic filariasis during the five years I lived in Bangladesh from
1976 to 1981. During this time I was working with agriculture development and I traveled to all
districts of the country and was bitten by thousands of mosquitoes. I got dengue fever and
recovered from it and that was quite an experience! I remember that it was 1977 when I started
having some intestinal blockage and continual urinary discomfort. Slowly over the years my feet
became more and more swollen and mysterious lumps developed especially in the right foot and
leg. So, it appears that for over 30 years I had this condition and didnt know it.
Below is a summary of what I have learned about lymphatic filariasis and the treatment I am
using for it.
Extreme cases of lymphatic filariasis result in elephantiasis. But about 90 percent of cases have
some swelling but less than full-blown elephantiasis. The only way you can catch this disease is
by being bitten by mosquitoes which have thread worm eggs obtained by previously biting
someone who is infected with lymphatic filariasis. These thread worms look like tiny filaments
or threads. The worms and their eggs move through the lymph and blood systems and block the
lymph flow causing swelling most typically in the feet, legs, and testicles. But the thread worms
can invade any part of the body they can cause constipation by blocking the intestines, urinary
problems by blocking the urinary system, muscle cramps, fatigue, heart disease, brain disease,
edema, and numerous other complications.
To cure this disease we need to take one or more herbs to kill the thread worms. Some
anthelmintic herbs are effective for these types of worms and some are not. The herbs which I
have confirmed are effective in killing thread worms are:

Artemisia absinthium, wormwood

Streblus asper, called bai koi in Thailand
Centratherum anthelminticum, kalijiri
Acorus calamus, sweet flag
Piper beetle, beetle leaf
Andrographis paniculata, the Kalmegh of Ayurveda


7. Azadirachta indica, neem

8. Thymus vulgaris, thyme
9. Vernonia anthelmintica, Embeliaribes
10. Thymus pulegioides, lemon thyme
In addition to taking one or more of the filarial herbs that kill thread worms, the best therapy for
lymphatic filariasis appears to be to also take herbs to reduce lymph congestion and clean the
blood, and to consume foods high in enzymes to assist in rapid dissolution of the cysts formed by
the worms. Anti swelling, lymphatic, and blood cleansing herbs include gotu kola (Brahmi),
burdock (gobo), fennel (somph), tulsi, calendula, and celery. Foods high in enzymes include
pineapple, papaya, citrus, beets, and cabbage. Dissolvent herbs such as Holarrhena
antidysenterica, hydrangea, and gravel root can speed up dissolving of the cysts.
Daily lymphatic drainage massage can clear the accumulated lymph and allow the immune
system to reach the affected areas. This can be done by applying steady pressure to squeeze the
excess lymph upward from the toes and past the knee and on up the leg. The lymph will move at
a maximum speed and no more, so patience is required. With experience you can learn the
correct pressure to apply to move the lymph as fast as it can move but without exerting excess
pressure which just hurts and doesnt move the lymph any faster. Pressure stockings and
bandages are also of value up to a point, but the lymphatic drainage massage is the most
complete and effective. Although the swelling keeps returning, it gradually recedes and the daily
drainage is important to remove the waste and allow fresh blood and lymph to reach the area.
Herbs applied on the affected area are also helpful in relieving the swelling, dissolving the cysts,
killing the worms and speeding clearing of the condition. The cancer poultices described in the
section on cancer will be excellent for this condition. They can be modified by adding some of
the herbs that kill the thread worms, lymphatic herbs, and high enzyme herbs such as mentioned
Thousands of people with lymphatic filariasis are not aware of the cure and many take dangerous
drugs at great expense without actually getting cured. In every area where lymphatic filariasis is
endemic, one or more of the effective herbs grows in profusion and often can be picked for free.

A girl from Pakistan had epilepsy from infancy until age 17. Her seizures were both short and
long. The long ones lasted up to 5 minutes and were grotesque leaving her exhausted and dazed.
A doctor in Nairobi gave her Tegritin and kept increasing the dose up to 600 mg per day when
the seizures stopped. But the drug really sedated her to a barely walking zombie. In Dr.
Christophers New Herb Lectures he talks about how he was able to cure the most stubborn case
of epilepsy in a little boy using a formula of equal parts of Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Blue
Vervain, Skullcap, and Lobelia in alcohol tincture by mouth and in the ears and rubbed on the
base of the neck where the motor nerve is. For the Pakistani girl we started her on this formula
while also increasing the amount of fresh fruit and vegetable and juices in her diet. Every two
weeks we decreased the dosage of Tegritin by 100 mg down to zero after three months. It has


been 13 years since her last seizure and she is doing fine. The epilepsy was cured by providing
nutrition to the nervous system and especially to the motor nerve.
Norman Walkers juices for epilepsy are carrot, spinach, beet, cucumber, celery, and parsley.

Norman Walker in his book entitled Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices says that endive juice
(endive is the curly type of lettuce) is especially high in nutrients for the optic nerve and optic
muscles. Parsley juice is specific for the optic nerve also.
Norman Walkers recommended juices for Eye Trouble are carrot, spinach, celery, endive, and
Referring to the third combination above the book says: "One or two pints daily of this
combination has frequently corrected eye trouble in the course of a few months to the extent that
normal vision was regained making the use of glasses unnecessary." (page39 in the chapter on
endive juice)
The herbal combination for eye drops which I use comes from Dr. Christopher at 1-800-4531406. It is called Eyebright Tincture. This is excellent for cleaning and reconditioning the eyes.
If you don't have an eyecup, just use a plastic bottle top.
In her book entitled Be Your Own Doctor, Ann Wigmore says that sprouts and wheat grass juice
have restored vision. They are high in life factors because they are foods in the rapid growth

Fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome imply an immune weakness. Avoid foods the body
perceives as an immune threat such as sugar, dairy, and meat. Avoid coffee, black tea,
chocolate, and caffeine drinks which burn out the adrenals and derange the nervous system.
Possible causes of chronic tired feeling could be any of the following:

Candida: See Candida Cleansing.

Anemia: See Anemia.
Pancreas: See Diabetes.
Thyroid: See Thyroid.
Adrenal Deficiency: See Adrenals.

Norman Walkers juices for fatigue are carrot, spinach, beet, and cucumber.


Fever Diseases
The body produces a fever on purpose. A fever is good, not bad. The common practice of
suppressing a fever is a big mistake. The fever is a necessary part of the immune response. The
immune system heats up the body so that it can move faster to capture and gobble up the
invaders. It has actually been observed under the electron microscope that the T Killer Cells and
the Macrophages in the blood move faster when the body temperature rises.
Exposure to cold can lower the bodys defenses, can bring on disease, and can even cause death.
If the metabolism is high, cold is invigorating. But when the metabolism is weak, cold is deadly.
For thousands of years, natural healers have been building fevers to assist the body to fight
infections and throw off impurities. This has been done variously in hot bathes and hot rooms
with steam or dry. Wrapping with towels and blankets is another way. Drink hot sweating teas
to replenish the body liquids and accelerate the cleansing action of perspiration.
One of the famous herbs for high fever diseases like malaria is Cinchona or Peruvian Bark. This
herb has been used in South America for hundreds of years with amazing success. A component
of this herb is quinine which the medical profession has used to fight malaria. But this
component in its isolated state is a toxic poison which makes the patient deathly ill while killing
the malaria infection. The whole herb is not toxic and no harm comes from using it. Quinine
can cause deafness and death, so it is not recommended to use it.
In Africa, there grows a tall tree with thick bark called the Heartthorn Tree. I saw some of these
trees at the Kichwa Tembo Resort in the Masai Mara in Kenya. The inner bark is very hot like
cayenne. It is one of the local cures used for high fever diseases. I can imagine a tea of this bark
would really make you sweat!
In the United States the Quaking Aspen or White Popular inner bark can be used for high fever
diseases. No need to go to South America or Africa.
If you dont have any of these preferred herbs, then use any good sweating tea. See the section
on Flu and Pneumonia for recommendations on such teas and on how to make a hot bath for
fighting infection. Also, see the section on Respiratory Diseases for discussion of elecampane
and its many uses.
Norman Walkers juices:

for malaria fever: carrot, spinach, beet, cucumber, celery, radish juices,
and the juice of one whole lemon plus 4 ounces of grated horse radish,

for typhoid fever: carrot, spinach, beet, cucumber, and celery.


Fibromyalgia is a condition with aches all over, especially in the muscles a kind of widespread
rheumatism. It is often accompanied by depression, fatigue, insomnia, and irregular heartbeat.
Follow the holistic program and the program for arthritis, rheumatism, and gout and the
condition will clear. One Canadian lady cured fibromyalgia using Holarrhena antidysenterica

Dr. Christopher tells about curing gangrene by immersing the leg in a thick tea of marshmallow
root and cayenne. This can be pretty hot and intense, but it is important to include the cayenne.
Without cayenne the marshmallow may not penetrate sufficiently.
See also Septicemia (Blood Poisoning).

A headache can be caused by constipation, dehydration, or stress. Tight muscles in the head are
usually at fault. So, obviously clean the bowel, drink more liquids, take a break from stressful
activities, and massage the area. There may also be some temporary nutritional deficiency such
as a shortage of Vitamin C which can be cured by some simple drink such as fresh squeezed
citrus juice.
There are some good herbal applications which 90% of the time can make the headache
disappear in two seconds or so. One of these is a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of warm water.
You dont believe me. Well, I have seen it work dozens of times, so just try it and see.
Another herbal application is peppermint oil applied on the temples, nose, lips, below the eyes,
and two drops in the mouth. Be very sure not to touch the eyes with this oil. Breathe deep
through the nose and the mouth. Blow your nose and clear it out. The eyes may water as well.
Just like with the cayenne, this works about 90% of the time.
I have gotten rid of headaches by doing some vigorous exercise like yard work, jogging, or even
just a long walk.
Norman Walkers juices for headaches are carrot, celery, parsley, spinach, beet, cucumber, and

Dr. Joseph Sabri, an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist told about the many operations he has done
to correct hearing problems. He said that many, many times he has seen the inner bones of the
ear fused together with calcification and the ear clogged with wax.


Ringing in the ears is a sign that hardening and clogging is taking place in the ears. This needs
to be reversed by cleansing and nourishing the area. Dr. Christopher used oil of garlic followed
by tincture of black cohosh, blue cohosh, blue vervain, skullcap, and lobelia to correct hearing
Norman Walkers juices for deafness: carrot, spinach, celery, parsley, radish, and the juice of one
whole lemon with 4 ounces of grated horse radish.

Heart Disease
To cure heart disease we need to clean out the circulatory system while providing nutrition to the
heart. Dr. Christopher taught that one good way to feed the heart is with cayenne, both fresh
and powdered. Statistically, about 50% of heart attacks occur without any warning and the first
symptom is death. Cayenne provides nutrition to the heart, equalizes the blood pressure
throughout the body, and chases away depression and lethargy. While you are taking cayenne,
you have energy to do the rest of the program. Many cases of heart attack have been stopped
instantly by drinking a spoon of cayenne in water. Herbs specific for the heart include cayenne,
hawthorn, motherwort, and bugleweed in liberal amounts in tea form daily.
For a heart condition where heart attack is a danger, it is good insurance to carry a dropper bottle
of cayenne and hawthorn tincture and take two or three droppers full at the first sign of an attack.
Successful programs for rebuilding the heart have included large quantities of hawthorn daily
see Hawthorn.
The concern about high cholesterol is that it will over time result in clogging of the circulatory
system and the internal organs. To reverse this, historical treatments have included fresh
squeezed juices made from organic fruits and vegetables. These juices contain acids and
chemicals which enable the body do dissolve the plaque and clean up the circulatory system. I
had 85% blockage in my neck arteries and leaky heart valves, but these conditions were entirely
cleared up by using a raw vegetarian diet, juices, and herbal teas.
Norman Walkers Juices for Heart Trouble include carrot, spinach, celery, parsley, beet, and

A hernia is the protrusion of any internal organ from its normal position due to lack of tone in the
surrounding membranes. The cure is nutrition to restore the muscle tone. This is possible
through the Holistic Healing Program. Also, nutrition can be applied through the skin using a
fomentation or a poultice such as Dr. Christophers Bone Flesh and Cartilage Formula or just
comfrey poultice, etc.
Norman Walkers juices for hernia are carrot, spinach, beet, cucumber, celery, and parsley.


Herpes (Shingles)
Herpes Simples Type II (genital herpes) according to Britannica Encyclopedia is likely to have
an active stage of 4 to 6 weeks. Recurrences of herpes genital infection are not uncommon and
may be associated with emotional stress, trauma, other infections, or menstruation. Symptoms
may not be as severe in recurrent infections as in the initial one. A variety of treatments have
been used for genital herpes, but none is entirely satisfactory. Drying agents such as alcohol,
sprits of camphor, and ether have been used. Other methods of treatment include the use of
ointments and creams, topical anesthetics, and antiseptic solutions. In the early 1980s no
satisfactory vaccine had been found, but experiments with transfer factor and interferon appeared
to show promise.
If a person continues with the Standard American Diet (SAD) and stressful lifestyle then this
view is likely correct. But the immune system can gobble up viruses if it is properly armed with
the right nutrients. All viruses can be eliminated by the immune system, when it is strong
enough. Medical experiments need to be avoided completely because they only destroy the
immune system. Interferon for example, interferes with the immune system as the name implies
and the list of its harmful side effects to be found in The Physicians Desk Reference is truly
scary. Just ask to see the PDR at the reference section of the library and look up interferon or
do a search on the internet. The statement that such experiments show promise is typical of
the rouse to lure people into using harmful drugs which dont cure and in fact destroy the
immune system destroying the very thing which is needed for the cure. This is the same story
as with all other diseases: the medical profession doesnt have a cure for any of them, but they
still want to sell medications and procedures to treat them. These are expensive, do no good,
and do much harm. Avoid them like the plague. Actually, I would rather have the plague,
because I know how to cure the plague.
The cure for genital herpes is really very simple: cleanse, nourish, and assist the immune system
to destroy the virus. The virus is feeding on garbage in the body. Strengthen the immune
system, so that the immune system can clean out the garbage and repair any damaged tissues and
the condition can be cured. Simultaneously, take antiviral herbs and foods which will
specifically arm the immune system against viruses and the process can be speeded up.
Apply vegetable glycerin over the affected areas and leave it on as long as possible. If
necessary, apply a cloth over the glycerin and hold in place with plastic and clothing before
washing off. Dr. Shook wrote that glycerin is the greatest solvent known. He specifically
recommended it as effective for herpes.
Douche with a tea of bayberry root powder and insert suppositories made from bayberry and
vegetable glycerin. Some slippery elm bark power can be mixed with the bayberry to give the
suppository more firmness. The suppositories can be placed in the freezer to harden them.
Goldenseal root power can be included as well and this would be a really super combination.
Bayberry is the mainstay of Samuel Thomsons famous herbal program which he promoted in
the 1830s and 1840s in the USA. Bayberry is proven effective for all problems of the mucus


membrane and is specifically used in digestive problems. Additional antiviral herbs effective for
herpes include elecampane, Echinacea, chaparral, and goldenseal.

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that often (but not always) accompanies the
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Some people believe HIV causes AIDS
disarms the immune system and allows other diseases to invade the body. But many
investigators believe HIV is harmless and AIDS is caused by inoculations, medications, diet,
pollution, and other environmental factors causing immune weakness.
There is a lot of alarm about the AIDS Epidemic and there are many statistics about the
numbers of persons who have supposedly died from HIV/AIDS. But in reality these people died
from various diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia, malaria, malnutrition, and so on.
The historical treatment for HIV/AIDS includes anti-viral herbs such as Echinacea, Goldenseal,
Pau D Arco, Usnia, Burdock, Elderberry, Garlic, St Johns Wort, Hyssop, and Red Clover. A
raw food diet and juices have also been used to strengthen the immune system and beat
HIV/AIDS. Tea Tree Oil has been used on the skin lesions and sores. The immune system has
been seen to gobble up the HIV virus just like any other virus when given the right tools to do so.
There have been thousands of cases where the AIDS related diseases have disappeared and the
HIV virus could no longer be found in the blood.

Impetigo is an acute contagious staphylococcal or streptococcal skin disease characterized by
vesicles, pustules, and yellowish crusts. They look like large black pimples. If they were treated
with antibiotics, they will keep coming back. In some cases they become so bad as to cover
large areas and form large crusts.
For a case of impetigo, take black walnut leaves, bark, or hulls internally and apply as a
fomentation, tincture, or poultice externally. Drink a quart of the tea or take a large tablespoon
of the powder daily. Keep the application on the skin day and night and keep it moist with more
black walnut tea, tincture or poultice as needed. Usually clears within a week or so.
Some other anti-fungal herbs will work as well. Neem, Andographis paniculata, and Holarrhena
antidydenterica will work.

The primary cause of impotency is malnutrition which over time results in poor circulation and
hormone imbalance. Pharmaceutical drugs are another big cause. The solution is contained in
the Holistic Program and in getting off all medications. Certain herbs are known to be
strengthening to male sexual energy. Garlic is excellent for strengthening all systems including
male and female sexual organs. Cayenne is number one for improving circulation. Ginseng


using the fresh root has tremendous power to rejuvenate the whole body including the sexual
system. Richard Schultzs Male Formula has the following herbs: Ginseng, Eleuthero, Saw
Palmetto, Yohimbe, Sarsaparilla, Oat seed, Kola nut, and ginger.

Infection anywhere in the body can be cured by garlic. For internal infection, eat a clove of
garlic every hour. You can peel a bunch of garlic and put it in the blender with olive oil and
make a garlic paste. In that case, take a teaspoon every hour. This will fight infection wherever
the blood stream goes.
On the surface, you can use oil of garlic. Make oil of garlic by soaking chopped garlic in olive
oil for three days, strain and keep in an amber bottle.
An alternative to garlic for external use is Tea Tree Oil. It can be applied straight or it can be
mixed with a base oil such as olive oil or almond oil. Thyme Oil is also highly anti-biotical and
equal to Tea Tree Oil. Two or three drops of these essential oils can be taken internally to fight
infection, but not more because in larger doses they are toxic.
Many barks are anti-biotical and can fight infection. These include goldenseal which Dr.
Christopher calls the healer of healers. Apply the powder of goldenseal to any infected area
and it will clear the infection. Taken internally, goldenseal is also very effective. Other barks
are often used for infection, such as oak bark and walnut bark they are not as strongly antibiotical but for a mild infection they do work.
In India, turmeric and neem are very commonly used for infection. The powder of either or both
of these is made into a paste with water and applied on the infected area.

Insomnia is the chronic inability to go to sleep or stay asleep throughout the night. Nervine
herbs can often overcome this problem. One combination Dr. Christophers used successfully
for insomnia is called Relax Eze. It contains black cohosh, capsicum, hops flowers, lady's
slipper, lobelia, skullcap, valerian, wood betony and mistletoe. The recommended dosage is
three cups per day.
Norman Walkers juices for insomnia are carrot, spinach, and celery
Get plenty of exercise with good aerobic effect and blood circulation and sleep will come more
easily. Walk barefoot on the ground outside to ground your body and release the static
electricity from your body.
I know of several cases where insomnia disappeared after completing a Candida Cleanse.
Clearing out the fungus overgrowth enabled the body to resume normal sleep patterns.


I know of other cases where hormone imbalances appear to have been causing the insomnia. In
those cases, the key was found in providing the foods the body needed to produce the correct
In general, following the Holistic Program will cure insomnia in most cases.

Kidney Stones and Kidney Failure

When one kidney fails, only one remains to take the full load. If both fail, then the person must
go for dialysis several times per day. Doctors love to remove kidneys.
So, we need to clear up any problem in the kidneys and not let it get worse. All over the world I
have met many persons with kidney stones and pains in their kidneys. It is sad that the doctors
never provide the simple answers.
Thousands of persons have been cured of kidney stones and even of kidney failure. The standard
procedure is as follows.
The first thing is clean water. It is the hard water that is the first cause of clogging up the many
tiny passages in the kidneys. Calcium and other minerals accumulate making stones and smaller
deposits which restrict the flow and function. These need to be dissolved and flushed out. The
first step is clean water. Stop adding to the problem with hard water.
Next, we need to take lots and lots (a gallon or more per day) of kidney cleansing teas and juices.
These will also cleanse the urinary system and the reproductive organs and will be beneficial
throughout the body. Do any or all of the following:
o Drink citrus juice and especially lemon juice.
o Drink cucumber juice mixed with parsley juice.
o Make hydrangea and marshmallow tea by soaking the cut roots overnight and boiling for
20 minutes in the morning. Make at least a quart using a handful of each herb and drink a
cup every half hour.
o Soak the cut hydrangea root in a large glass container of fresh squeezed apple juice for
three days while keeping it in a warm place. The acids in the apple juice will extract the
dissolvent properties and combine with them to make a powerful dissolvent. After three
days, start drinking it. Make more every day or two.
o Drink marshmallow tea when the kidney stones need to come out. This will coat the
stones and lubricate the passage.
o Get some gravel root, uva ursi (bearberry), and juniper berries and make a tea
combination of these.


o Buy organic pure cranberry juice. It comes in full strength and in concentrate form. Use
either. Cranberry disinfects kidney and urinary infections, dissolves deposits, and flushes
out the kidneys. This can be mixed with fresh squeezed apple juice and/or diluted with
pure water if desired.
o Buy a whole organic watermelon, and juice all parts of it including the fruit, seeds, and
skin. Drink this whole watermelon juice and finish off the watermelon in one day.
While doing the above, stay strictly on the Incurables Diet. No beer, wine, soft drinks, coffee,
etc. Many people who faithfully implemented a kidney cleansing program have been amazed at
how fast the problem cleared up.
Norman Walkers juices for kidney trouble are carrot, beet, cucumber, spinach, celery, parsley,
and coconut.

Lazy Eye
My daughter had this problem and it was cured in just two sessions with Dr. Harry Wachs, an
optometrist in vision development through appropriate eye exercises. See Explore Your
Intelligence for more on this.

This ancient disease still exists all around the world. It is caused by the same dead diet and poor
lifestyle as cause most other diseases. The Holistic Program, the Incurables Diet, and large
amounts of anti-biotical herbs such as garlic, chaparral, thyme, tea tree oil, red clover, grass
juice, and echinacea will cure it. Herbal baths and fomentations using antiseptic herbs like
chaparral and thyme are called for. Application to the effected fingers, toes, and other body parts
of super draw black poultice, XCeptic, and similar herbal salves and creams will give relief and
help stop the progressive rot. The medical profession uses isolation and strong drugs which
suppress the leprosy while destroying the patients vitality and immune system. Tea tree oil and
thyme oil could be added to a base of wheat germ oil and applied on the whole body. Cancer
treatments and daily schedules can be used as a model and modified as appropriate to adjust for
local availabilities and conditions. As soon as the decay is in check use restorative herbs such as
aloe vera, calendula, and comfrey to repair the tissue damage.

Liver Disease
A friend of mine in the office in South Africa told me she was really worried and had to be very
careful. Her forehead was wrinkled and she looked distracted. I asked her to please tell me what
the matter was. She said she had Hepatitis C and might die if she didnt find a cure, but she
didnt think there was a cure. I told her I didnt honestly know exactly what Hepatitis C is or
how it is different from Hepatitis A or Hepatitis B. But I said that I could tell from the name that
Hepatitis C is some sort of problem in the liver. I recommended that she drink a gallon a day of
carrot juice. I told her this would do a good job to clear out the liver. She asked me if there


wasnt something else to do and if it really had to be a whole gallon every day. I said yes there
are many other things we can do for the liver, but I thought it would be good to keep the program
simple to avoid any confusion. And I said yes a whole gallon of carrot juice fresh squeezed
every day. She said OK and she did it faithfully. Three weeks later she came to see me, the
wrinkles on her forehead were gone, and she said that her blood test was negative they could
no longer find any Hepatitis C.
Large amounts of carrot juice are a very good idea for any liver problem. Carrot juice is one
herb that gravitates right to the liver. It is very mild and very effective. You cant overdose on
it. You cant go wrong with it.
However, the juice combination of two parts carrot, one part beet, and one part cucumber will
provide an even more powerful cleansing action and broad spectrum nutrition. According to
Norman Walker, this combination is specific for the liver and for building good quality blood.
Certain traditional herbs have proven very effective at healing the liver and stimulating bile flow
from the liver and gall bladder. Among the most famous in the United States are barberry,
Oregon grape, and milk thistle. These herbs are often combined with laxative herbs and antispasmodic and anti-flatulence herbs to make effective liver and bowel tonics. Dr. Christophers
has two such combinations available in capsules and in bulk one combination is the Liver
Formula and the other is the Lower Bowel Formula.
Turmeric is very common in India, Africa, and most tropical countries. Until recently, it was not
much heard of in America or Europe. I did my Masters thesis on this herb and found that it is an
excellent herb for the liver and gall bladder and pancreas. In addition, it is a digestive, anti-gas,
and anti-spasmodic. Because it does so many things so effectively, it is a highly superior herb
for Chronic Liver Disease. The fresh turmeric roots are better because they contain more life
properties, but the powder is also very effective as a liver cleanser. I recommend juicing two or
three pieces of fresh turmeric in a quart of carrot juice to get a super liver tonic. Or alternatively,
blend fresh turmeric with other foods (e.g. olive oil, peppers, vegetables, etc.) to make a great
tasting dip or sauce. If using the powder, it can be put in soups or just in water. A heaping
tablespoon in some water will probably create an effective liver dump so stay near the toilet the
first time you do it.
Chronic Liver Disease is a likely indication of dietary abuse and commonly of alcohol addiction.
In Thailand, for example, there is a high incidence of early death among males due to the
widespread habit of heavy whiskey consumption. To cure Chronic Liver Disease definitely
requires giving up such bad habits. Go on the Holistic Program, the Incurables Diet, and the
juices and herbs recommended above. Even the worst cases of advanced liver cancer have been
cured. The liver can revive amazingly when given the proper treatment.
A very talented colleague of mine designed and implemented the Rural Electrification Program
in Bangladesh. I couldnt believe how skinny, skeleton-like, and tired he looked when I saw him
ten years later in Washington, D.C. He told me he had liver cancer and it was incurable. That
was before I knew anything about herbology, but still I intuitively rejected such thinking. I tried
to argue that there must be some cure. However, he had accepted the medical professions


pronouncement of incurability and his will to even think about getting well had been broken. I
still feel sad when I remember him I lost a friend. Dont be like this frozen in inaction. Liver
disease has been cured. I met one lady at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego who said
she had liver cancer 30 years ago and now it is all gone. She cured it with carrot, beet, and
celery juice.
Norman Walkers juices for liver trouble are carrot, spinach, beet, cucumber, coconut, celery,
parsley, dandelion, and lettuce.

See Fever Diseases.

Menopause is the end of menstruation. In healthy women this time is uneventful the
menstruation just stops. But for many women, this is a very stressful time with emotional and
physical upheavals including hot flashes, depression, and insomnia. The estrogen production
drops off causing much of the problem. The medical answer is hormone replacement, but the
problem with this is that estrogen therapy causes diseases including breast cancer and uterine
cancer. It is not recommended to take hormones. Instead, it is recommended to take foods high
in nutrients which enable the body to produce estrogen and other needed hormones. One good
herbal formula for this purpose is Dr. Christophers Change Eze which includes black cohosh,
sarsaparilla, ginseng, blessed thistle herb, licorice root, false unicorn root and squaw vine. These
herbs being foods can never overdose like the hormone therapy can. The best cure is in
following the Holistic Program and including lots of young sprouts and green leafy vegetables in
the diet. These foods are high in natural hormones and estrogens.
Norman Walkers juices for menopause are carrot, spinach, beet, lettuce, turnip, pomegranate,
cucumber, celery, and parsley.

Menstrual Difficulties and PMS

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS): During the last week of the female cycle before the bleeding
starts there is a drop in production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone except in the
most healthy of females, which is very rare in modern life. Typical physical symptoms include
fluid retention, breast fullness, tenderness and pain, acne, nausea, and vomiting. But in many
cases the emotional symptoms are much worse than the physical symptoms, as is explained by
Richard Schultz: extreme sensitivity and irritability to the point of breakdown, crying for no
apparent reason, extreme insecurity and loss of self-worth and self-esteem, total indecisiveness,
intense outbursts of anger, loss of self control, and feeling sick about your existence.
For PMS, Richard Schultz modified his Female Formula and added nervine and diuretic herbs to
deal with the emotional problems and the water retention. This formula he calls Fem +. It has
the nervine herbs valerian root, passionflower, and lobelia and the diuretic herbs uva ursi and
corn silk added to the Female Formula. The Female Formula has the following herbs: Dong-quai


root, Chaste Tree berry, Wild Yam root, Damiana leaf, hops flower, and licorice root in alcohol
tincture. He wrote about it: I used this herbal formula in my clinic with tremendous success. It
regulates and balances female hormones during puberty and menopause and alleviates symptoms
such as menstrual cramps, headaches, sensitive breasts, mood swings, anxiety, insomnia,
irritability, depression, anger, nervousness, water retention/bloating, weight gain, hot flashes,
hair loss, and dry vaginal tissue. It regulates and normalizes the menstrual cycle and relieves
associated menstrual problems.
Dr. Christophers female corrective formula consists of three parts of goldenseal root, and one
part of each of the following: blessed thistle, cayenne, cramp bark, false unicorn root, ginger, red
raspberry leaves, squaw vine, and uva ursi. This formula was successful in many cases of
menstruation problems.
I developed my own formula for females. It consists of equal parts of vitex berries, shatavari
powder, and black cohosh root powder mixed together. The dosage is one 1000 mg capsule per
day. All the ladies I have given this formula to have praised it enthusiastically. Typical
comments include: I am a new girl. Menstruation pain and PMS are all gone. Now I can
sleep again. This formula could be called an international formula because vitex berries are
popular in Europe, Shatavari is a common female herb in India and other Asian countries, and
Black Cohosh is an American Indian herb. Each of the herbs provides food for production of
female hormones and promotes the health of the female organs.
Herbal formulas such as the ones described above can work wonders for menstruation and PMS
problems. But the real cure is in the Holistic Program. Also, we need to make sure that the diet
includes foods high in the nutrients the body needs to make hormones, keep the nervous system
on even balance, and eliminate excess fluids. The diet should include lots of young sprouts
because they are very high in hormones. The green juices are also very important including
grass juice.
Norman Walkers juices for menstruation are carrot, spinach, parsley, fennel, beet, cucumber,
and celery. The parsley and fennel in these juice combinations will reduce excess liquid
retention and feed the nervous systems.

Neuromuscular Diseases
Neuromuscular diseases, including multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and ALS
are diseases resulting in deterioration of the nerves and muscles. Because their recommended
treatments are similar, they are discussed together.
Within the Incurables Diet, foods for the nerves and muscles should be emphasized to provide
the missing nutrients to the neuromuscular systems. These foods include immune system herbs,
nervine herbs, stimulant herbs, and nutrient herbs which are easy to digest and assimilate.
Specifically recommended are the following:
o Flax seeds which provide essential fatty acids. Get the whole seeds and blend them with
water, garlic, apple cider vinegar, and spices to taste.


o Nutritional yeast and sprouted grains including wheat, barley, and oats to provide the B
vitamins and proteins needed. Acetylcoline is the B Complex nutrient that is the nerve
impulse transmitter and is found in sprouts. Eat large amounts at least one big bowl per
o Sea vegetables such as kelp and dulse, alfalfa, and black walnut hulls powder for organic
minerals including organic iodine. Take two tablespoons or more daily.
o Fresh juices at least two quarts daily. Apple is high in the building blocks for nerves and
muscles. So is the combination of carrot and spinach. Parsley is a specific for nerves and
two ounces per day will do wonders. Wheatgrass juice provides all the nutrients needed
by nerves and muscles start with two ounces per day and work up to ten to twelve
ounces per day.
o Gingko for circulation in the extremities.
o The nerve formula, B and B formula, skullcap, St JohnsWort, and Oats for the nerves.
o Burdock for cleansing the muscles. The fresh root is best. Blend a large root in a quart
of water and drink daily.
o Lobelia is the catalyst herb for this condition. Use small amounts and increase to large
amounts with emetic effect and resetting of the whole system.
o Hydrotherapy, massage, skin brushing, and foot reflexology daily focused on the affected
nerve and muscle complexes.
o Apply compresses and fomentations of herbs on the affected areas. Experiment with
combinations of the above mentioned herbs.
o Include vegetable glycerin in this program. Make herb teas of the above mentioned herbs
and preserve them with 25 percent vegetable glycerin. Glycerin penetrates the tissues
and pulls out impurities.
o Make sure of positive affirmations such as I am strong. I am powerful. I love life.
o Hot and cold on the area. Ice packs and hot water bottles. Immersion in hot teas and ice
water. Accelerate with herbs including cayenne and the stimulant herbs.
o Make a vegetable glycerin tincture of horseradish and apply to the affected areas. Also
take internally.
o Purge the idea that this is hereditary without a cure. Everyone has a weakness in some
systems of the body, but they are all curable. These conditions have all been cured before


and sometimes within weeks. Build up the tempo and keep doing more. Implement the
Holistic Healing Program in its entirety including the six cleanses. Dont forget deep
breathing which is very important for the muscles and nerves. Dont forget sunbaths to
get the life energy back into the tissues.
Norman Walkers juices for multiple sclerosis arecarrot, spinach, parsley, and celery.

The number one reason why people are overweight is that they are not getting all the right
nutrition. They have malnutrition. They are getting enough food, but something is missing in
the food. Also, their digestion and assimilation are below par which contributes to the
malnutrition as well. As a result, they have a kind of hidden hunger and are always hungry, even
after eating a large meal.
To get down to the right weight the key is to provide proper nutrition through improved diet,
digestion, and assimilation of nutrients. The correct diet is the Maintenance Diet. Just going on
to this diet will often result in the weight coming down towards normal weight. All 6 cleanses
and especially the candida, parasite, and bowel cleanses will improve the digestion and
After completing the Candida, parasite, and bowel cleanses while staying on the Maintenance
Diet, then it is recommended to go onto a liquid diet for 30 days with no solid food and only
juices and herbal teas. Then go back on the Maintenance Diet for 30 days. Then have only
juices and herbal teas for 30 days. Keep alternating like this every 30 days until the weight and
general health are normal. After that, stay on the Maintenance Diet with plenty of fresh air and
exercise. By feeding the body what it really needs in terms of nutrition while keeping the
calories well below the breakeven point, the pounds come right off.
During this program, experiment with different teas to find which ones reduce hunger and
improve digestion. Good teas to try would include pau d arco, yarrow, peppermint, blessed
thistle, catnip and fennel combination, burdock, comfrey, marshmallow, and three parts mullen
with one part lobelia combination,.
Much of the overweight may be due to swollen internal organs rather than to accumulations of
fat. Use the emollient, demulcent, and mucilaginous foods and herbs to remove this swelling
from the internal tissues. A quart or more of fresh blended burdock root drink will do wonders
to cleanse all the tissues. Slippery elm, marshmallow, flax, and okra in large quantities daily will
soak up the impurities, remove excess fluids, and act as anti-inflammatory aids.
Exercise of a steady aerobic type is a key to burning up calories and moving the blood and
lymph. Do long distance walking and swimming. Do weight lifting with small weights and
many reps. Build up to as many hours per day as possible. I was overweight as a child and then
at the age of 11 I got a Washington Post Newspaper route and delivered newspapers for two
hours daily. Then I started doing yard work on the weekends for $1 per hour and worked as long


as 14 hours in one day of physical labor. Within a couple of years this exercise program plus
eating lots of apples took the excess pounds off.
Norman Walkers juices for obesity include carrot, spinach, beet, cucumber, and cabbage.

Websters dictionary defines Parkinsons disease as a chronic progressive nervous disease of
later life that is marked by tremor and weakness of resting muscles and by a peculiar gait. Its
also called paralysis agitans and shaking palsy.
In the Save Your Life Video collection by Sam Biser, Richard Schultz describes the treatment
which cured a severe case of Parkinsons disease. Dr. Schultz described the symptoms as
follows: When he was in my office, I thought he was hammering something. I realized that it
was the combination of his knee hitting the top of the desk and his foot bouncing on the floor.
He was pretty uptight, but he couldnt stop, and his right hand was shaking. The treatment
included lots of massage to the extremities to loosen up the tight muscles and lobelia and other
nervine herbs both internally and externally. Hot towels soaked in a strong tea of nervine herbs
like lobelia, black cohosh, and skullcap were applied on the arms and legs. Hot and cold packs
were also applied. We had him on large doses of black and blue cohosh, blue vervain, skullcap,
lobelia, skunk cabbage, wild yam, B&B Tincture, separate doses of lobelia, a lot of juices for
him. He also did some deep body work on the spine. He started doing fomentations of these
herbs on the whole body and taking baths in them. He also did work on his bowel: This guy
had horrible digestion and constipation. The result was: in 6 to 8 months he had no tremors
at all.
For Parkinsons, do the Holistic Program, stay on the Incurables Diet, and do lots of massage
and nervine herbs both internally and externally.

The polio vaccine is dangerous, has been known to cause polio, and is definitely not
recommended. Norman Walker wrote The virus causing this disease cannot exist in healthy
tissue. More infantile paralysis could probably be traced to the consumption of pasteurized
milk, sugar, starches, cereals, and to soft drinks than to any other cause. Dr. Christopher told of
a person who recovered completely and was able to walk and run after being crippled by polio.
This was done following the Incurables Program and using comfrey and BF&C combination
fomentations on the legs and spine. When the polio attack is active, follow the Holistic Program,
the Incurables Diet, and the treatment for viruses described under HIV.
Norman Walkers juices for polio are carrot, spinach, celery, parsley, beet, lettuce, and turnip.



Dr. Christopher recommended Red Raspberry tea before, during and after pregnancy. My
daughters both combined Red Raspberry with Nettle and drank large quantities with wonderful
I recommend finding an herbal midwife to counsel you through the entire pregnancy. There is a
phone number for the Herbal Midwife Association at the back of this document. The School of
Natural Healing also has information about herbal midwives.
It is most important to get good nutrition for the mother and the baby. The most important
investment is a juicer and Norman Walkers book Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices. Read
especially the sections on pregnancy on page 110 and on natural childbirth on pages 69 through
Drink plenty of fresh squeezed raw juices. Norman Walkers recommended juices for pregnancy
are carrot, beet, cucumber, spinach, celery, parsley, dandelion, turnip, lettuce, and alfalfa.

Enlarged prostate is common among males. It can become infected and it can also develop
cancer. The symptoms of enlarged prostate include difficulty urinating and discomfort in the
urinary area. An enlarged prostate can be felt by inserting a finger up the anal opening. Prostate
operation to remove the prostate is common and makes money for the medical profession, but it
is not necessary or recommended.
The standard historical treatment includes hot and cold packs between the testicles and the anus
to really stimulate the prostate, enemas of red clover, chaparral, and other alterative herbs, and
drinking saw palmetto tea or Tribulus terrestis tea which are specific for an enlarged prostate.
When treating an enlarged prostate, it is also important to avoid animal foods (including eggs
and dairy) and the growth hormones they contain.
To really speed up the cure for an enlarged prostate it is recommended to follow the program for
Kidney Stones and Kidney Failure and clean up the entire urinary area including the prostate.
If the prostate is cancerous, it is recommended to follow the program for cancer as well.

Pyorrhea is the inflammation of the gums and loosening of the teeth due to malnutrition and
accumulated waste. Often, there is bleeding and infection. This can and often does lead to loss
of the teeth. The actual solution is in the Holistic Program and especially in foods high in vital
nutrients including the juices. Vitamin C is one nutrient needed and citrus juices would be one
type of juice to include in the program. Carrot, beet, cucumber, spinach, and parsley are other
juices of excellent value in correcting the problem.


For the immediate problem of the pyorrhea, there are certain powdered herbs which work
wonders when applied to the gums and kept in place day and night. These herbs include oak
bark, bayberry, turmeric, neem, and goldenseal. The infection will frequently disappear within
days and the teeth will firm up shortly after. Use dental floss to massage the gums between the
teeth. Tie a knot in the dental floss and run this knot back and forth between the teeth breaking
up any infection. Tiny brushes which fit between the teeth can be used to clean the inner
surfaces and massage the gums. Apply tea tree oil on the dental floss and/or on the tiny brushes
and get the tea tree oil in between the teeth. Use a toothpick or similar small device to push the
herbal powders between the teeth and in the cracks between the teeth and the gums. Pack the
herbal powders firmly with fingers or a stick. Another approach used by Richard Schultz is to
fill a waterpick with cayenne solution and squirt this on the gums and between the teeth.

Respiratory Diseases, Flu, and Pneumonia

Respiratory diseases include cough, strep throat or other throat infection, sinus infection, runny
nose, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and emphysema. Flu and pneumonia are acute diseases
arising from chronic conditions which invaders of the body are able to take advantage of. Any of
these diseases is potentially life threatening because breathing is absolutely essential for life.
Therefore, even the smallest cough, stuffy nose, or difficulty breathing is best eliminated quickly
before it gets worse.
See also the section on fever diseases.
Here is an example of how things can go from small, to big, to death. My wife Raj got
bronchitis. The major symptom was a very persistent cough. For over 6 months her cough kept
getting worse and her body was wasting away. She actually had TB but the doctors could not
detect any TB in the bronchials. They said no way did she have TB. They kept treating her with
antibiotics for bronchial infections (which she didnt have). The antibiotics made her sicker and
weaker but did not affect the bacillus causing the TB. When the TB spread to the lungs, a spot
appeared in the X-Ray and the doctors started her on a program of 4 deadly drugs for 6 months.
At the end of this program, the X-Ray was negative. She was declared cured. However, she had
asthma, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. After 3 months she contracted Legionnaires
Disease and died within 24 hours. Legionnaires disease is a rapid type of pneumonia which fills
up the lungs with foam and stops the breathing. According to the hospital staff, it is almost
always fatal and never occurs in people with normal respiratory systems.
During Rajs illness I was trying my best to help her. But she would only do a limited amount of
juices and a little garlic. When she thought I wasnt watching she would eat sugar cookies and
other junk food for her sweet tooth. She believed in the doctors. She thought the medicines
would save her.
I was trying to find a more effective herb to kill the bacillus. I was a student in the Master
Herbalist program and I searched the herbalist materials and asked several senior herbalists. I
tried every herb which was recommended, but none was sufficient to control the TB.


A year after Raj died, I was in a used book store in Maui and spotted a copy of Edward Shooks
book An Advanced Treatise on Herbololgy. I purchased it for $10. In it I read the following
about the herb elecampane: Its name, scabwort, comes from its reputation for curing sheep of
the scab, and the name horseheal was given to it from its reputed virtues in curing horses of the
heaves (asthma) and skin diseases. As a safe and merciful herb for the cough of phthisis, to
assist expectoration, loosen and dissolve thick phlegm and fibrinous exudation, and in chronic
asthma, there is no better remedy. Whatever form of catarrh you are confronted with to treat,
remember that elecampane is your first remedy. In cases of hemorrhage and internal injury,
broken bones and so forth, it may be combined with comfrey root. But for catarrh, use
elecampane. This is a precious remedy, not only for catarrh and pulmonary affections, but for
weak and delicate stomachs, poor digestion, sluggish liver, kidney or bowel troubles, as well as
for scaly skin diseases. Applied to old ulcers, it is marvelously healing. It cleanses the liver and
digestive organs, dissolves exudations and fibrinous matter, and supports and feeds the heart
The owner of a resort where I was staying in Samui, Thailand came down with sinus infection
and cough. He was a heavy beer drinker and allergic to any suggestions about a healthy diet to
cure his spinal decay or his macular degeneration, and I knew he would not follow the standard
recommendations for overcoming his sinus infection. So I just mixed up a pleasant-tasting syrup
of elecampane powder with honey and water and gave him a 4 ounce bottle of it. I told him to
take a spoon every hour and predicted the cure would be rapid. The next day he told me the
condition was entirely cleared.
A young boy came down with cough and sore throat. I gave two spoons of elecampane powder
mixed with honey in a bowl. I told him to finish it off in one sitting and drink some water. Two
hours later his condition was entirely gone.
One lady had a persistent nagging cough which was totally non-productive she couldnt cough
anything up. I sensed this was more of a chronic condition since it had been going on for more
than a year. So I gave her capsules of elecampane and told her to take 10 per day spread out
through the day. I monitored the condition. After 30 days it vanished and didnt return.
Whatever the deep seated condition was, elecampane removed it.
Elecampane contains ingredients which have consistently killed the bacillus that causes
tuberculosis. Combined with mucilage of comfrey in equal parts it was used by Dr. Shook to
prevent and cure TB and all other respiratory diseases.
In a case of lung cancer, it is recommended to combine large doses of elecampane with the
treatment for cancer.
For respiratory diseases including flu and pneumonia, it is recommended to do a catnip enema
and clear the colon. Follow this with an injection of a pint of water with six or more cloves of
peeled garlic blended in finely to give the whole body the infection fighting power of garlic.
Drink the juice of 3 or 4 lemons diluted in warm water three times per day.


Fill the tub with hot water and keep adding hot water just as hot as you can stand it. Stay in the
tub for one hour or two hours. During this time keep drinking hot sweating tea (diaphoretic tea).
Peppermint and Elder Flowers has saved many sufferers of these diseases. Otherwise yarrow is
an excellent choice. Ginger tea is good. Or any cleansing hot tea will do. But be sure to drink
plenty and keep sweating plenty. After completing the bath, towel off and put on several layers
of sweat clothes and get in the bed under several layers of blankets. Continue to sweat under the
covers and go to sleep if possible. Repeat this bath once per day.
During the day take frequent (say every 30 minutes or so) doses of immune stimulating foods
such as garlic, elecampane, goldenseal, and onions. Prepare these in a syrup or paste like
preparation and take a large tablespoon full each time. As a base you can use any good food
material such as vegetable glycerin, honey, or cucumbers or tomatoes blended with the herbs.
Alternatively, get Dr. Christophers Anti-Plague formula if you dont have it on hand you can
order it next day delivery from 1-800-453-1406. Fresh squeezed apple juice will be a good
drink to wash these down with as it contains all the building blocks for body tissues and is also
very cleansing.
Mucilaginous foods such as flax gruel, slippery elm gruel, and marshmallow tea will aid the
recovery by sopping up impurities throughout the body and providing vital nutrients to prevent
the wasting and depleting actions which can occur with these diseases.
While lying in bed, remember to breathe. Be sure the room has the windows open and you are
getting good ventilation. Take deep breaths and exhale fully. If the throat and chest are
congested, prepare a steaming bowl or vapor spray with antibiotic essential oils such as tea tree,
peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus, garlic and breathe that in. Hold a towel over the head like a
small tent to keep the vapor around the face while breathing in the vapor. Apply vapor rub to the
face and chest Dr. Christophers has this.
Deep tissue massage using Deep Heating Balm will provide improved circulation to the entire
body and speed recovery.
When possible and feeling up to it, move about and do mild exercise. Walk in the garden.
Swing the arms. Sit or lie in the sun. With proper attention, flu and pneumonia can clear within
a day or two. Slowly make a transition back to the Maintenance Diet, adding fruit first, and then
vegetable salads, and finally grains, lintels, nuts, and seeds. Warm vegetable soups with garlic
and onions can be very satisfying during recovery.
If the condition involves material lodged in the lungs or bronchials or throat which doesnt want
to expel itself, do a lobelia purge as described under Septicemia. I once did this for an
unproductive cough that was going on for several days after the flu conditions cleared. I was
throwing up for two hours, the phlegm all came out, and the cough was gone.
Norman Walkers juices for specific respiratory diseases:

Influenza: carrot, spinach, celery, parsley, carrot, beet, cucumber, and juice of one lemon
with 4 oz. ground fresh horseradish.


Bronchitis: carrot, spinach, dandelion, beet, cucumber, and juice of one lemon with 4 oz.
ground fresh horseradish.

Tuberculosis: carrot, spinach, dandelion, beet, and cucumber.

Emphysema: carrot, parsnip, potato, and watercress.

I have been reading a book entitled Allen Carrs Easy Way to Stop Smoking. He makes some
very valuable points and I recommend his book and his program for anyone who is having
trouble stopping smoking. He tried for many years and repeatedly failed to stop smoking. He
knew it was killing him and making him miserable while doing it, but he could not stop until
after a hypnosis session the realization came to him that smoking was doing nothing good for
him and only bad, and after that he found it easy to stop. Smoking is a nicotine addiction
accompanied by brainwashing. The addiction is real and the brainwashing is all illusion. The
withdrawal is mild and completely disappears within about three weeks. The key to stopping
and staying off tobacco is to thoroughly un-brainwash yourself of all the false illusions that you
need to smoke. These illusions include that smoking is relaxing, that it relieves stress, that it
helps you concentrate, that it gives you energy, pleasure, and enjoyment, that you might be lucky
and avoid the health consequences, that it doesnt cost very much, that it is sociable, that it gives
you confidence, that it gives you courage, and that it is your little friend to keep you company.
Using willpower to stop smoking can work for a period of time, but usually the smoker reverts to
smoking sooner or later because eventually in a weak moment he or she lights up just one
cigarette and is hooked again. The reason is that the brainwashing is still in place and the
illusions are still active making it hard to stay off smoking. So the easy way and for many
people the only way to stop smoking is to first dispel all of the false illusions until the full
realization comes that smoking has absolutely nothing to offer and tremendous costs to pay. At
that point: It is ridiculously easy to stop smoking. All you have to do is two things: (1) Make
the decision that you are never going to smoke again. And (2) Dont mope about it. Rejoice.
Reading Allen Carrs book has convinced me that smoking is not a just a bad habit, it is a disease
based on drug addiction. Have a look at his website and consider buying his book and/or attend
one of the Easy way programs available in many countries listed at the website. If you are
smoking, nothing in this book will help you. You must stop smoking, or nothing else will make
any difference. I know that sounds extreme, but I believe it to be true based on the evidence.
When you stop smoking, you need then to cleanse all the poisons out of your respiratory system,
your blood stream, and all parts of your body. Please see the discussion on lobelia, the section
on respiratory disease, and the section on blood and lymph cleansing. Stop smoking and start
living. Contact me if I can help.


The following quote is taken from A stroke is a condition where
a blood clot or ruptured artery or blood vessel interrupts blood flow to an area of the brain. A
lack of oxygen and glucose (sugar) flowing to the brain leads to the death of brain cells and brain
damage, often resulting in an impairment in speech, movement, and memory. The two main
types of stroke include ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke accounts for
about 75% of all strokes and occurs when a blood clot, or thrombus, forms that blocks blood
flow to part of the brain. If a blood clot forms somewhere in the body and breaks off to become
free-floating, it is called an embolus. This wandering clot may be carried through the
bloodstream to the brain where it can cause ischemic stroke. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when
a blood vessel on the brain's surface ruptures and fills the space between the brain and skull with
blood (subarachnoid hemorrhage) or when a defective artery in the brain bursts and fills the
surrounding tissue with blood (cerebral hemorrhage). Both result in a lack of blood flow to the
brain and a buildup of blood that puts too much pressure on the brain. The outcome after a stroke
depends on where the stroke occurs and how much of the brain is affected. Smaller strokes may
result in minor problems, such as weakness in an arm or leg. Larger strokes may lead to paralysis
or death. Many stroke patients are left with weakness on one side of the body, difficulty
speaking, incontinence, and bladder problems.
A stroke is a wake-up call. If you have a stroke and the symptoms are not too severe, you may
consider yourself lucky because you have been given a warning. It has been reported that in
50% of heart attacks and strokes the first symptom is death.
A stroke means that your circulatory system is filling up with plaque, your digestive system is
full of waste material, your kidneys are clogging up, your brain is calcifying, all your internal
organs are swollen and bloated, and in short you are on a shutdown mode.
But the good news is that all of this can be reversed and cleared all of it.
This can be done by following what Dr. Christopher called The Incurables Program and what I
call The Holistic Healing Program. This program can clean out all the accumulated plaque from
every part of the body, can remove all the accumulated waste material from the bowel, the
kidneys, the liver, the brain, and every part of the body.
Partial measures are not enough to clear the toxic condition. Just as with other diseases of the
incurables class such as heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease, and kidney failure, removing
the causes of stroke requires a coordinated and full time program. Most people get hurt by doing
too little. The paralysis reduces and they are encouraged by the apparent progress. But unless a
critical mass of cleansing and nourishing is done, the toxic condition continues to accumulate
leading to additional strokes and/or additional diseases.
For stroke follow the Holistic Healing Program and also consider the specific suggestions under
the headings of Heart Disease and Alzheimers and Other Brain Diseases.


One herb which is a super dissolver of waste, tumors, plaque, cysts, etc. in both the digestive
system, the circulatory system, and everywhere in the body is Holarrhena antidysenterica. I
highly recommend it as a part of the stroke recovery and reversal program. It is extremely bitter.
So, I recommend taking it in capsules, a minimum of ten large O size capsules per day.

Swollen Feet
A lady in Falls Church, Virginia had swollen feet. She used horse chestnut in 50% vegetable
glycerin and a week later the swelling in her feet was all gone. She didnt need to wear
compression stockings any more.
Obviously, her case of swollen feet was a relatively mild one. In talking about people with heart
disease, Richard Schultz says the following: Usually, they have a horrible lack of circulation in
their extremities. Cold hands and feet, probably have varicose veins in various areas. There is
not enough blood going to the kidneys, so they usually have swelling. I had a lot of people like
that with very swollen ankles swollen from their calf down to the heal. There is no indentation.
In other words, it looks as big as the calf all the way down.
Maria Treben talks about swelling caused by a lymph problem: In cases of malignant diseases
of the lymph glands, hard swellings develop in the arms and legs. She specifically recommends
horsetail tea for this problem.
Pineapple juice is excellent for reducing edema. Cucumber and parsley juice combination is
similar. Follow the Holistic Program with plenty of exercise. Elevate the feet as much as
possible doing shoulder stands and slanting the bed with the feet up and head down while
sleeping and resting. Do hot and cold compresses on the feet and ankles or move the feet from
hot to cold water buckets and back again every minute or two. Apply the cancer poultice to draw
out the impurities. Also a poultice of pineapple or a poultice of cabbage will reduce the
Lymphatic drainage massage can clear the feet and ankles very effectively. Apply oil to
lubricate the feet and ankles and press in starting just above the toes. Then massage up the feet
and legs pushing the lymph before the fingers and thumbs until the lymph is past the knees.

Thrush is a painful yeast infection of the mouth and throat making it difficult to swallow and
impossible to taste. Thrush is caused by a yeast overgrowth which has been cleared up with the
Candida Cleanse. Drinking Pau d Arco tea and chamomile tea and eating lots of garlic have
been helpful to reduce the thrush problem while clearing the body of the overgrowth.

The thyroid gland needs organic iodine which is rare in food that grows on the land but is
available in sea vegetables such as kelp, dulse, bladderwrack, etc. Besides organic iodine, the


thyroid needs enzymes which are found in raw vegetables and fruits and in fresh squeezed juices
of vegetables and fruits.
It is recommended to look up the medication (if you are taking any) for thyroid in the
Physicians Desk Reference or on the internet to see what side effects are reported there.
Medications mask the symptoms and do not get at the cause of disease. In many cases the
symptoms are reduced because a natural function has been repressed by the medication or
because the medication has provided a substance the body is supposed to make naturally. In
such cases the very action of the medication is contrary to nature at work in the body. This is
one of the reasons for the damage they cause.
For example, if you take enough thyroid hormone for long enough, you will suppress the
production of that hormone down to zero. Providing the right food to the thyroid to enable it to
do its job and resume full production is much preferable. One reason it is preferable is that when
the thyroid is properly fed it is self regulating like a thermostat on a heater or an air conditioner.
Without the thermostat, the house keeps getting too hot and then too cold and back and forth.
The body needs more thyroid hormone at times and less thyroid hormone at other times - it is
impossible to guess the right amount to take given this fluctuating requirement. When you take
too much, it makes you overactive. When you dont take enough, you become lethargic and
under active. Numerous problems result over time in cases of thyroid troubles which the thyroid
medication can not entirely prevent because you can never know how much to take. These
problems include circulation problems in the extremities and eye failure. The list goes on and

Tumors, Cysts, and Polyps

Many cases of tumors, cysts, and polyps dissolving or coming out have been reported by people
following a program using live foods and juices. Tumors, cysts, and polyps occur in the first
place due to malnutrition and the accompanying congestion and they are removed by nutrition
and the accompanying removal of congestion. The same topical treatments as recommended
above for cancer are appropriate for these diseases. Use dissolvent herbs like gravel root,
hydrangea root, and Holarrhena antidysenterica bark.

See fever diseases.

In some cases of ulcers in the stomach, it has been reported that the E-Coli bacteria present in the
small intestine had invaded the stomach where they dont belong and were causing the ulcer.
Normally, these bacteria cannot live in the stomach because hydrochloric acid kills them. But
when the stomach doesnt produce enough hydrochloric acid or when the hydrochloric acid is all
absorbed by the devitalized diet, then the E-Coli invade the stomach lining dissolving its mucus
lining. Then the hydrochloric acid (although less than normal there is still some) comes directly
against the stomach lining causing ulcers.


Many cases of ulcers have been reversed by taking a teaspoon of cayenne pepper three times per
day. The cayenne instantly wakes up the stomach which quickly produces sufficient
hydrochloric acid to chase away the E-Coli bacteria. At the same time, the heat of the cayenne
causes the stomach to replace its mucus lining protecting the stomach wall.
A spoon of apple cider vinegar will also cause the stomach to produce the right amount of
hydrochloric acid.
Other good treatments for ulcers include mucilaginous foods such as flax, slippery elm,
marshmallow, and okra. They soak up putrefaction, coat and sooth the area, and provide healing
Of course, the lasting solution to ulcers is the Maintenance Diet.

Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids

The walls of the veins are weakened, ballooned, and coated with plaque deposited by weak blood
unable to carry away all the waste materials. The solution is to clean up the blood by following
the recommendations given under Heart Disease above.
In addition, apply astringent poultices or fomentations to the area. Good astringents include oak
bark, goldenseal, bayberry, and tormentil. Comfrey and calendula are good additions for their
cell proliferant properties. Also, for rebuilding the cell walls, silicon is needed and can be
obtained by drinking tea of horsetail and/or oat straw and applying these herbs to the area. A
combination tea of astringent, proliferant, and silicon herbs would be a good choice, but just the
astringent herbs alone have often proven effective in many cases in reducing varicose veins.
Several herbs have been found beneficial for micro-circulation. Among these are a class of
berries which includes bilberry, blueberry, and cranberry. Dosage would be three glasses or
more per day. Also, horse chestnut is used for micro-circulation see discussion of this herb
under Swollen Feet.
Norman Walkers juices for varicose veins and hemorrhoids: carrot, spinach, beet, cucumber,
celery, parsley, turnip and watercress.

Wounds, Cuts, Broken Bones, and Surgery

For repair of any tissues damaged due to injury or surgery, we want to apply comfrey or
calendula to the area and take internally as well. See the sections on comfrey, the BF&C
combination, and calendula.


Things to Avoid
Conventional Medicine
The sad performance of conventional medicine was discussed in the section above entitled The
Medical Lie .There are a few exceptions, but in most cases doctors and hospitals use toxic
drugs, damaging X-Rays, and unnecessary surgery. They have no concept of the most elemental
natural healing methods (e.g. garlic for infections, hot bathes for fevers, elecampane for
respiratory problems, etc.) and any attempt to discuss these with them gets nowhere. They have
no cures for any diseases. They only treat the symptoms and never get at the causes. Their
treatments only reduce the strength of your immune system and lead to more disease and
debility. Besides all this, their fees are very high. True, your insurance may pay all or most of
the cost, but still you are paying for the insurance and so eventually the financial cost is high. In
addition, there are many cases of downright dishonesty in the medical profession.
Jethro Kloss wrote: Get your herbs from a God-fearing man. We need to look for practitioners
with integrity and honesty and a true understanding of how health and healing work. If the
people you are dealing with have good principles, you can believe they are trying to give you
good advice and good quality products and services. See the section on Sources of Supplies,
Books, Training, and Services below.

Foods to Avoid
We want to avoid any foods which are not nutritious and dont have vitality. Whether or not
these foods are highly toxic, they clog up the internal organs and contribute to degeneration.
Sugars, starches, and alcohol leach the calcium from the bones, teeth, veins, and all the body
parts. They accumulate causing heart disease, cancer and all the diseases.
Avoid sugar, flour, bread, noodles, cakes, pies, candy, ice cream, sodas, puddings, fried
anything, cooked potatoes, white rice, cooked spinach, cooked kale, cooked collards, alcohol,
wine, beer, food coloring, artificial food flavoring, artificial sweeteners, margarine, salt, MSG,
corn starch, processed syrups, any milk or dairy except fresh and raw, and all soy products
except fresh raw soy sprouts and products made from the fresh raw soy sprouts. Avoid anything
that is not organic whenever organic is available.
Avoid all bottled or boxed juices except organic grape, prune, cranberry, or blueberry juice
because other juices such as apple, orange, tomato, etc. lose their vitality in storage.
Organic coffee and organic tea should not be consumed in large amounts. An occasional cup in
my opinion can be beneficial provided it does not exceed one cup per day. One cup of coffee
can open up the blood vessels and lift the spirits. Coffee was historically used as a medicine in
cases of difficulty breathing and/or difficulty in getting a bowel movement. It was administered

in small doses as a medicine. But to continue drinking beyond one cup maximum is very
destructive to the nervous system and the digestive system. The same is true of black tea.

Life insurance companies publish tables showing the cost per month of life insurance for men
and women of different ages. These tables usually have two columns, one for tobacco users and
the other for non users. If you examine these tables you will see that the cost of life insurance
for tobacco users is approximately double the cost of life insurance for non users. This means
that in any given year the chances of dying are double if you are a tobacco user. Tobacco greatly
increases the likelihood of all diseases. Tobacco destroys the immune system and should be
strictly avoided by anyone who cares about health.

According to a recent edition of the AARP journal, 11 percent of seniors are taking no
medications. The article says it is quite remarkable that these people can do without
medications. To me it is remarkable that 89 percent of seniors have been duped into consuming
poisonous substances of no nutritional value!! Drug use is very common among all ages and
increases with age.
Very few people realize the side effects of the drugs they are taking. It is easy to find out what
some of the side effects are by looking in the Physicians Desk Reference which is available in
the reference section of the public library. All drugs have serious toxic effects (such as heart
attack, stroke, indigestion, depression, suicide, homicidal behavior, and death) and all drugs
should be avoided. The herbal alternatives are far superior and dont have any toxic side effects.
For example, antibiotics kill both the good and the bad, damaging the immune system and the
friendly intestinal flora, but antibiotic herbs such as garlic, onion, and goldenseal only strengthen
the immune system. Besides that, when the right herbs are taken in the right quantities, they are
usually faster than antibiotic drugs at killing infection.
Of course, if someone is already on an addictive drug, it is necessary to come off it carefully.
This may require starting the natural healing program first and then gradually reducing the drug
down to zero.

Cell Phones
Cell phones produce radiation which causes serious tissue damage including, memory loss, brain
tumors, and cancer. The convenience of a cell phone is very alluring and the industry is playing
on this to make money while trying to continue to suppress information about the damage done.
But there is plenty of evidence already. Cell phones are to be strictly avoided except in a truly
life and death situation. For example, if you are stranded in a remote desert canyon, cant get
out, and dont have any food and water, then by all means go ahead and use the cell phone long
enough to call for help. Otherwise, dont touch it.
The following article appeared in The Times of India on September 16, 2003:
If you are with mobile,


you could soon be senile

By Prasun Sonwalker
London: Using the mobile phone may make you senile prematurely, new research suggests. A
generation of teenagers faces premature senility in the prime of their lives due to the use of cell
phones and new wireless technology.
The study warns specifically against the intense use of mobile phones by youngsters.
In recent years, there has been less research on the health effects of using mobile phones due to
industry pressures. However, the new study is likely to increase concern about the exposure to
microwaves in Western countries. Leif Salford who headed the research at Swedens prestigious
Lund University, says the voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from hand-held
mobile phones is the largest human biological experiment ever. He is concerned that, as new
wireless technology spreads, people may drown in a sea of microwaves.
The Study financed by the Swedish Council for Work Life Research, and published by
the US governments National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences breaks new ground
by looking at how low levels of microwaves cause proteins to leak across the blood-brain barrier.
According to The Independent, previous concerns about mobile phones have
concentrated on the possibility that the devices may heat the brain, or cause cancer. But the
heating is thought to be too minor to have an effect and hundreds of cancer studies have been
inconclusive. As a result, the US mobile phone industry has succeeded in cutting research into
the health effects, and the World Health Organization is unlikely to continue its studies. Mays
Swicord, a scientific adviser to Motorola, told the New Scientist magazine that governments and
industry should stop wasting money by looking for health damage.
But Salford and his team have spent 15 years investigating a different threat. Their
previous studies proved radiation could open the blood-brain barrier, allowing a protein called
albumin to pass into the brain. Their latest work goes a step further, by showing the process is
linked to serious brain damage. Salford said the long-term effects were not proven, and that it
was possible that the neurons would repair themselves in time.

Microwave Ovens
Microwaves reverse the molecular polarity of the foods they come in contact with thousands of
times per second. This destroys the molecular structure of the food or drink being heated in the
oven. Studies have shown much higher incidence of cancer and other diseases from diets of
microwave prepared food as opposed to food prepared on a conventional stove. Cooking food
kills it but microwaving food toxifies it.

Aluminum Pans
Aluminum is a very soft metal and dissolves into the food where it poisons all who eat the food.
Dont use aluminum pans.

X Rays
X Rays destroy body cells and should be avoided there is no safe level of exposure to this type
of radiation. Thermograms use natural light and no radiation. They take a picture of the body
and detect the areas of relative heat. They often show more than x-rays and are more useful in
identifying the problem than x-rays are. They are much cheaper than x-rays and dont cause any
damage at all. Doctors and hospitals seldom have thermograms, but an increasing number of
chiropractors and other practitioners have them.


Vaccinations are not safe or effective. Many serious diseases and auto immune problems are
caused by the toxic substances in vaccinations. Vaccinations do not provide immunity and in
fact often cause the disease they are supposed to prevent.

Fluoride is a toxic poison which compromises the immune system. Besides, it makes the teeth
brittle and doesnt prevent cavities. Dont drink water with fluoride in it and dont use tooth
paste with fluoride in it.

Unnecessary Surgery
It is truly amazing how much unnecessary surgery is occurring these days. Probably less than
one percent of the surgery which occurs is really needed. It is usually unnecessary to remove
body parts which are diseased if you understand, believe in, and practice the natural methods of
healing. Bypass surgery, removal of breasts, removal of uterus, removal of prostate, removal of
tonsils, laser surgery on the eyes, removal of the appendix, removal of gall bladder, removal of
thyroid, and many other types of unnecessary surgery have all been avoided by many people
many times by using natural healing instead.
There are even tens of thousands of cases of preventive surgery where some organ (for
example the uterus or the breasts) is removed that is not diseased. The rationale is that removal
will prevent the organ from becoming diseased. It is total lunacy to remove an organ which is
healthy, but incredibly, this is happening big time.
Organ replacement, such as replacement of the heart, liver, kidneys, or any other organ is a major
disaster for your health because your body will try to reject the new organ and you will be told to
go on chemotherapy for the rest of your life. It is much better to go on an intense program to
clean up the diseased organ and avoid replacing it. If you have already had an organ replaced,
then there is a possibility with a lot of hard work that you may be able to reduce the
chemotherapy and eventually get off of it. If you continue the chemotherapy, it will surely
destroy the remains of your immune system and you will have no defense against diseases.

Foods and Super Foods

The recommended foods in the Maintenance Diet described above include fruits, vegetables,
grains, nuts, and seeds and the juices and milks made from them. The fruits and vegetables
should be raw and as freshly picked as possible. The grains and seeds should be soaked and
rinsed and/or sprouted and should be consumed in their live state. Nuts should be soaked and
Because almonds contain all the essential amino acids, they are called a complete protein food.
Dr. Shook wrote that almonds are from 24 to 30 percent protein including myosin, a protein
found in muscle, and contain potassium phosphate (brain and nerve food), calcium phosphate


(bone and sinew food), and magnesium phosphate (muscle food and food for every part of the

Many people skin the almonds and throw away the skin, but recent research has shown that the
skin of the almond is needed with the white part to make a more complete and usable food. Here
is a quote from giving some of the recent findings:
The flavonoids found in almond skins team up with the vitamin E found in their meat to
more than double the antioxidant punch either delivers when administered separately,
shows a study published in the Journal of Nutrition. Twenty potent antioxidant
flavonoids were identified in almond skins in this study, some of which are well known
as major contributors to the health benefits derived from other foods, such as the
catechins found in green tea, and naringenin, which is found in grapefruit.
Sea Vegetables
Sea Vegetables such as dulse, kelp, and bladerwrack contain a total of 59 elements as are listed
on page 44 of Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices by Norman Walker. Many of these are
essential to health but are not found in sufficient quantities in land plants. A spoon or two per
day can supply the necessary trace elements. These vegetables are high in iodine and are very
beneficial for the glandular system, particularly the thyroid gland.
Nutritional Yeast
Nutritional Yeast is packed with top quality amino acids (proteins) and is very easy to digest and
assimilate. The taste is also pleasant and adds a nutty flavor to salad dressings and warm or cold
soups. It should be used liberally, because it is a super muscle food.
Dr. Christopher used to say, Anything which can be sprouted, should be sprouted. There are
several important reasons for this. Grains and seeds contain enzyme inhibitors and natural plant
pesticides which nature has put in them for their protection from decay, fungus, and pests. These
natural chemicals in unsprouted grains and seeds are toxic to humans. They make proper
digestion and assimilation difficult or impossible. Soaking over night can start the germination
process and eliminate the toxins in the rinse water. Grains which have been soaked overnight are
soft and can be chewed and are good to eat.
Continuing the growth process by rinsing twice per day will bring after about two days to their
maximum rapid growth stage. At this point, they will have the maximum vitality and energy as
well as the maximum enzymes and vitamins. This is the best time to eat them.
However, continuing for about two days more and exposing them to indirect sunlight will turn
them green with chlorophyll which is a powerful nutrient.


At all these stages, from 12 hours old to several days old, the sprouts have at least 5 to 10 times
more nutrients than un-sprouted grains and seeds.
Bread, noodles, commercial cereals, crackers, cookies, cakes, tofu, soy milk, etc. are all devoid
of any value and in fact are harmful causing all diseases due to their toxins, their mucus forming
qualities clogging up all the internal organs, and due to their inability to furnish enough of the
needed nutrients to rebuild the muscles and nerves.
Unsprouted grains and seeds and any foods made from them (bread, noodles, flour added to
soups, pancakes, cookies, cakes, etc.) are acidic in the intestines. But the intestinal flora/bacteria
need a basic environment to reproduce and to do their job of breaking down the food and making
it ready for absorption. Sprouts are basic in the intestines and provide the correct PH. Sprouts
even have friendly bacteria growing on them which help repopulate the intestinal flora.
Rejuvilac tastes like weak lemonade. It is made by blending sprouts in water and allowing the
mixture to ferment while it is kept well refrigerated. The mixture is strained and the solid
residue is used as compost. The liquid rejuvilac will store for several days in the refrigerator. It
replenishes intestinal flora and provides a rich source of B vitamins and amino acids. Rejuvilac
is a perfect food for revitalizing the digestion and nourishing the muscles.
Animal Food
Many healing programs do well with no animal food at all. On paper at least it appears that all
of the nutritional needs of the body are available from plant food. However, certain experts such
as Bernard Jansen and Jordan Rubin have argued that animal foods contain essential nutrients.
Also, many people report after years of being on a vegan program they are getting weak or
having some deficiency symptoms, and then they go back to limited animal foods and feel better.
It may be that those who experience problems are not getting enough of the right plant foods and
that if they were to do more juice, or more sea vegetables, or more of some other plant food, they
would be OK.
In the Essene Gospel of Peace, it says that the only animal food we should have is the fresh and
raw milk of our animals (goats, sheep, cows, buffalos, and camels). Goats milk is reputed to be
the closest to human milk, the easiest to digest, and the most beneficial. Those who are able to
keep a goat and are confident that it is disease free and its milk can be drunk raw and fresh report
tremendous benefit. This is reported for example by Norman Walker in his book entitled Fresh
Vegetable and Fruit Juices and by Ann Wigmore in Why Suffer? Also, Bernard Jansen wrote a
book on the many benefits of goats milk. But if you boil or pasteurize the milk or let it get old,
its value is destroyed and it becomes mucus forming.
Meat is the muscle of the animal and has the same basic contents as human muscle. So, it would
appear that meat should be good for building muscle. But obviously it isnt sufficient because
diets high in meat fail to prevent deterioration and disease. Cooking the meat destroys the
enzymes and vitamins and damages the protein molecules making them difficult for digestion


and assimilation. Also, the digestive system doesnt absorb proteins in their complete state. It
has to separate proteins into individual amino acids in order to absorb them. The person with
any serious disease has a significantly reduced digestive system which may not be able to handle
meat very well. Also, meat is acidic, rots, breeds parasites, causes uric acid crystals to
accumulate in the muscles, is mucus and gas forming, clogs up the circulatory system, and
contributes to each and every disease.
Such problems caused Max Gerson to exclude animal products from the Gerson Therapy except
that he did include the juice of raw calf liver mixed with vegetable juice and he also gave liver
juice injections to his patients. His analysis and clinical observation convinced him that some
animal food was needed. After his death, the clinic in Mexico had problems with infected calf
liver and discontinued the raw liver juice but substituted dried liver powder. The Gerson
Institute reports that recovery is not as good as when they were using the raw calf liver.
Eggs and fish are equally problematic as meat. They must be cooked because they can carry
infectious diseases, they clog up the system, and they contribute to diseases.
Clearly, inorganic meat is out because of the pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, and inferior
nutrition in it to say nothing about diseases such as Mad Cow Disease, etc.
A large amount of animal foods is not needed. After years of overindulgence, a period of
abstinence is absolutely needed for the seriously ill. The many programs which are successful on
zero animal food prove this.
There is lots of evidence in successful healing programs that animal food is not needed for
recovery and in fact slows down recovery provided that the diet is the high and includes all of
needed nutrients.
Still, raw, fresh, and disease-free milk (especially goats milk) is a super food, if you can get it.
There is lots of evidence for this in the literature. Ann Wigmore, Norman Walker, and Bernard
Jansen all wrote about the nutritional and healing qualities of fresh raw goat milk.

There are food oils and there are essential oils. Food oils can be used liberally. Essential oils are
very strong and must be used in very small amounts (one or two drops only) and/or added to a
base oil. All oils used in food and on the body and for aromatherapy should be organic and cold

Olive Oil
Olive oil is a very nutritional food. It is the lowest in saturated fats and is the best oil for
everyday use with foods such as for salads and to make salad dressings. It is excellent for
everyday skin care. Olive oil is also a cure for gall stones see Liver and Gall Bladder


Castor Oil
Castor Oil is deep penetrating, cleansing, and anti-biotical. Castor oil packs on the abdomen are
used for constipation and on the head for brain tumors and brain diseases. Castor oil is a
drastic laxative when taken internally and is not generally recommended for internal use if
other methods are available.

Flax Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, and Cod Liver Oil

It is recommended to take one spoon of each every day. Flax oil has Omega 3 Essential Fatty
Acids, Wheat Germ Oil has Vitamin E, and Cod Liver Oil has Vitamins A and D. Chances are
you are deficient in all of these nutrients and these oils will provide a dependable and easily
assailable source of each.

Three Oil Massage

Three Oil Massage including two days of olive oil massage on the whole body, two days castor
oil massage, two days wheat germ oil, and one day rest and repeat is a part of Dr. Christophers
Incurables Program. This is a very powerful routine indeed.

Coconut Oil
Coconut is the oil of choice for making suppositories because it solidifies in the frig. Mix it with
powdered herbs to a cookie dough consistency and place in the frig. When it solidifies, remove
it and mould it into bullet size suppositories and place back in the frig to harden again. Coconut
oil has a wonderful aroma and is wonderful as a rich skin oil. Many people like to add coconut
oil to their food to enrich the flavor.

Almond Oil
Almond oil is the most desired oil in India for soft and beautiful skin. It is calming and relaxing
and therapeutic. It is often considered the best base oil for aroma therapy.

Mustard Oil
Mustard oil is hot and stimulating. When used as a massage oil, it will warm the body and
penetrate deep helping to move the blood and the lymph.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is a first aid kit in a bottle. It will disinfect any cut, scratch, scrape, or sore and
hasten healing. It will eliminate lice and fleas. It will cure toenail fungus and crotch rot. Apply


a little on the finger and place on the gums for gum problems and in the back of the throat for
sore throat. But dont consume more than a drop or two because it is an essential oil -- toxic in
large amounts. I regularly mix one part tea tree oil to 5 to 10 parts olive oil in a dropper bottle
and use this mixture for hair and body oil.

Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is a wonderful essential oil. I use it regularly to clear my nose and throat. I use
my finger to spread it on my nose, below the eyes, below the nose, and in the mouth and then
breathe deep through the nose. Massaged on the head, peppermint oil will often clear the worst
headaches in seconds. One or two drops can be added to smoothies to add a mint taste.
Peppermint oil is cooling. One time Raj accidentally spilled a half ounce bottle in her bath
water. Although the water was warm, she was shaking and shivering from the peppermint oil
that got all over her body.

Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil is famous for helping to clear respiratory problems. It calms and removes anxiety
while it clears the breathing passages.

Neem Oil
Neem oil is used as insect repellant, antiseptic, and antifungal very reliable.

Lemongrass Oil
Lemongrass oil may be the best insect and mosquito repellant oil. The smell is pleasant and
antidepressant. The oil will help heal insect bites, skin blemishes, cuts, etc. Ticks, fleas, and
other insects are history.

Fresh squeezed juices provide much more cleansing and nourishing than is possible from eating
the fruit or the vegetable. To illustrate this concept, consider the task of eating in one day ten
pounds of carrots. This would result in a huge stomach ache! But drinking the juice of twenty
pounds of carrots in one day is very feasible and is unlikely to cause any distress provided the
juice is sipped slowly throughout the day, swished in the mouth, and chewed to mix it thoroughly
with the saliva before swallowing.
The intestines can only absorb liquids. Therefore, solid food requires many hours of digestive
activity before its nourishment is finally available to the cells and tissues of the body. However,
juices can be very quickly digested and assimilated, sometimes in a matter of minutes with a
minimum of effort and exertion on the part of the digestive system. Since Norman Walker

started juice therapy at his Norwalk Laboratory in New York (established in 1910) natural
healing practice has confirmed time and time again that juices are the key foundation of any
program to cure serious diseases.
In this section we discuss individual fruit and vegetable juices. For the juice combinations
recommended by Norman Walker for specific diseases, see the sections on each disease.

Apple Juice
Dr. Edward Shook was a brilliant herbalist who taught classes to medical doctors in the 1940s
and 1950s. He wrote: the phosphates in nature are the great builders of the body. They are five
in number and each carries four atoms of oxygen.

Calcium phosphate (builder of bone)

Iron phosphate (oxygen carrier)
Potassium phosphate (builder of brain and nerves)
Magnesium phosphate (builder of muscle)
Sodium phosphate (alkalinic solvent and stabilizer)

There is one herb, the apple, which contains all these body builders (and more) in a most
pleasant and easily used form. It is probably the most valuable food and medicinal agent in the
whole of nature, though this is generally not known.

Asparagus Juice
Asparagus juice is a strong diuretic, valuable for kidney dysfunctions, for regulation of glandular
troubles, for diabetes, and for anemia. It breaks up oxalic crystals and excess urea which
contribute to muscular problems, rheumatism, and neuritis.

Beet Juice
Beet juice is especially powerful for building the red blood cells. As its red color indicates, it is
high in organic iron and will very rapidly eliminate anemia. Combined with carrot juice and
cucumber juice, beet juice provides an excellent remedy for kidney stones and gall stones. Be
careful to get used to beet juice gradually, because a large glass of it can make you throw up if
you are not used to it. But dont be afraid to increase dosage up to even a quart a day of beet
juice because it is very rich in organic elements including sodium, phosphorus, and sulfur
making it one of the superstars of rejuvenation. Among other things, beet juice is particularly
beneficial in remedying both female and male problems of the sexual organs including menstrual
problems in females and prostate problems in men. Dont be alarmed when the toilet is full of
red color after consuming beets or beet juice, this is just the color of the beets and not your


Brussels Sprouts and String Bean Juice

Norman Walker recommends combining these juices with lettuce juice as a remedy for diabetes.

Cabbage Juice
Cabbage juice is very high in Vitamin C and is a very strong cleanser of the intestines and the
whole system. It is good for ulcers, for overweight, for pyorrhea, for constipation, and for acne
and skin eruptions among other things. One problem with cabbage juice can be that it tends to
cause gas. If this happens, it might be better for a few days or weeks to use milder juices such as
carrot and cucumber and to add gradually small amounts of cabbage juice.

Carrot Juice
Carrots are high in beta carotene which is the precursor to Vitamin A. Carrots also contain
ample amounts of Vitamins B, C, D, E, G, and K. Carrots are an excellent source of the organic
calcium complex and are valuable for building and maintaining the bones, teeth, skin, muscles,
and all body tissues.
The principal action of carrot is on cleansing the liver and from there cleansing the entire blood
and lymph systems. Large quantities of a gallon or more daily of carrot juice can flush out the
blood and lymph systems very effectively without causing any nausea or upset to the digestive
system, though there may very possibly be some cleansing symptoms such as swollen lymph
glands, sore throat, cough, increased acne, fever, etc. These are signs that the cleansing is in
progress and the immune system is in operation. Carrot juice is milder at cleansing than some
other juices such as beet and parsley, so it is often used alone first and later as a base to which
other juices are added.
According to Norman Walker, carrot juice dissolves ulcers and cancer, is beneficial for the
endocrine glands especially the adrenals and gonads, aids in correcting dry skin, dermatitis, and
other skin blemishes, nourishes the entire system thus assisting in loss of excess weight, can help
to overcome sterility, and nourishes the optic system. Carrot juice is a good foundational juice
for a program of healing

Chlorophyll Rich Juices

The chlorophyll molecule closely resembles the hemoglobin molecule with the difference that
hemoglobin has iron (Fe) in the center and chlorophyll has manganese (Mg) in the center.
Chlorophyll is the blood of the plant and foods rich in it are revitalizing to the human blood.
Ann Wigmore wrote: From the medical evidence and years of experience in observing people
with all kinds of problems alleviate their symptoms using fresh chlorophyll from wheatgrass, I
am convinced that young grasses, alfalfa, and other chlorophyll rich plants are a safe and
effective alternative treatment for ailments.


I have experimented by juicing and blending in water various wild grasses and have found all of
these grass juices to be excellent and free. They contain chlorophyll and other nutrients which
appear to me to be full of vitality and comparable in quality to wheatgrass juice.
Norman Walker also wrote about chlorophyll and specifically recommended alfalfa juice as a
good source of chlorophyll. He wrote that alfalfa contains a balanced combination of all the
elements needed for proper function of the various organs of the body. He specifically
mentioned that alfalfa juice is effective for old age, building phenomenal resistance to infection,
for arteries, for the heart, for respiratory troubles, for sinuses and lungs, for asthmatic conditions
including hay fever, and for growth of hair. Alfalfa is also called Lucerne. Alfalfa juice is too
strong to drink alone, but is good when combined with carrot juice or with other green juices
such as cucumber and celery.
Drink up to 16 oz per day of chlorophyll rich juices, sipping small amounts and/or diluting the
chlorophyll rich juice in juice or water. Also, apply poultices or fomentations of the juice on the
affected area. The juice begins to perish quickly and should be consumed or used topically
within a few minutes after juicing. Prepare the juice several times per day as needed.

Citrus Juices
Grapefruit, orange, and lemon juices are a good way to start the day. They wake up the system,
provide ample vitamin C, and dissolve inorganic calcium accumulated throughout the system.

Cucumber Juice
Cucumbers and cucumber juice remove excess liquid. Combined with parsley juice, cucumber
juice makes a very powerful aid for the urinary system. Cucumbers are high in potassium and
are especially beneficial for the skin and hair and nails. Cucumber makes an excellent mild base
for blending with herbs and spices and making a sauce, soup, or paste.

Dandelion Juice
Norman Walker wrote: This juice is one of our most valuable tonics. While exceedingly high
in potassium, calcium, and sodium, it is our richest food in magnesium and iron content. Such
magnesium has great vitalizing powers and is a constituent as builder of body cells, particularly
the tissues of the lungs, muscles, and nervous system. Dandelion juice is somewhat bitter sweet
which corresponds with its principal action focused on the liver and gall bladder.

Endive Juice
Endive is a curly type of lettuce sometimes called chicory. Endive juice is very high in Vitamin
A and similar in its action to dandelion juice. Endive juice is especially healing for eyesight and
for the optic nerve and muscular system. It is also beneficial in asthma and hay fever, heart


trouble, spleen problems, and for promoting the secretion of bile and strengthening the liver and
gall bladder.

Fennel Juice
The Florence or Finocchio fennel is a member of the celery family and is sweeter and more
aromatic than celery. Norman Walker wrote that fennel juice is a valuable blood builder and is,
therefore, of the utmost benefit in menstrual disorders. It has been used successfully alone or in
combination with carrot and beet juice in this connection.

Grape Juice and Berry Juice

Fresh raw wild grapes and berries were a favorite of the ancient rural cultures for cleansing and
fasting. When these were in season they were consumed in large quantities as a health cure. In
more recent times, health resorts have used grapes, berries, and their juices as foundation foods
in their healing programs. Avoid strictly any grapes or berries which are not organic because the
pesticides used spoil their benefits. Grapes, berries, and their juices provide very broad
nutritional benefits including high amounts or organic iron, are excellent for building the blood,
rebuild the tissues, cleanse out toxins, and have been known to dissolve tumors and cure cancers.

Lettuce Juice
Norman Walker wrote: The magnesium in lettuce has exceptional vitalizing powers,
particularly in the muscular tissues, brain, and nerves. Vital organic salts of magnesium are cell
builders, especially of the nerve system and the tissues of the lungs. As magnesium salts can
operate only if there is sufficient calcium present, the combination of these elements in lettuce
makes this food exceedingly valuable. Lettuce also contains more than 9% phosphorus which is
one of the principal constituents of the brain and an ample supply of sulfur, which is one of the
component parts of hemoglobin of the blood, acting therein as an oxidizing agent. Many
nervous afflictions are due chiefly these two elements, sulfur and phosphorus, taken in inorganic
form as in cereals and meat. Together with silicon (of which lettuce contains more than 8%),
sulfur and phosphorus are essential in proper maintenance and development of skin, the sinews,
and the hair.

Parsley Juice
Norman Walker wrote: Raw parsley has properties which are essential to oxygen metabolism
in maintaining the normal action of the adrenal and thyroid glands. The elements in parsley are
proportional in such a manner that they help to maintain the blood vessels, particularly the
capillaries and arterioles in a healthy condition. It is an excellent food for the genitourinary tract,
being of great assistance in conditions of calculi in the kidneys and bladder, albuminuria,
nephritis, and other kidney troubles. It is also effective in every ailment connected with the eyes

and optic nerve systems. Albumin is the principal protein in the lymph and albuminuria is a
condition of albumin being excreted in the urine. So, parsley is a super nutrient for the urinary
system, for the eyes and optic nerve, for the thyroid, for the adrenals, and for maintaining the
albumin in the body and if it does all that it has to be super for the muscles and nerves as a

Parsnip Juice
Parsnip is especially high in silicon and potassium. It is beneficial for bones and brittle nails, for
lungs and bronchials, for tuberculosis, for pneumonia, and emphysema, and for brain and mental

Potato Juice
Norman Walker wrote: The juice of raw potatoes, combined with that of carrot and celery is a
boon to those suffering from gastric, nerve, and muscle disturbances, such as gout and sciatica.
In such cases, one pint of this combination in addition to one pint of carrot, beet, and cucumber
juice daily, has often given complete relief from these discomforts in a surprising short time,
provided meat, foul, and fish were eliminated completely from the diet.

Prune Juice
The prune juice is highly nutritious high in potassium and iron and high in polysaccharides and
bioflavonoids. Prune Juice is an excellent mild laxative. 8 to 16 oz is usually adequate for most
people. In some cases of sluggish elimination, I have recommended a 32 oz bottle to be
consumed all in one day and the relief reported was very satisfactory after several hours of
staying close around the toilet.

Spinach Juice
According to Norman Walker, spinach is the most vital food for the entire digestive tract, is
valuable for the teeth and gums preventing pyorrhea, for ulcers, for anemia, convulsions,
degeneration of the nerves, arthritis, abscesses and boils, pains in the region of the gonads,
swelling of limbs, tendency to hemorrhage, loss of vigor, rheumatic and other pains, impaired
functions of the heart, low and high blood pressure, eye troubles, headaches, preventing
miscarriage, impotency and sterility.
Spinach, Swiss chard, beet greens, turnip and mustard greens, kale and collards, and broad-leafed
French sorrel are all high in oxalic acid a valuable nutrient that promotes the peristaltic motion of
the intestines. However, if the oxalic acid is cooked it combines with calcium and can result in
such a serious deficiency of calcium that it has been known to cause decomposition of the bones.
Therefore, spinach and all these other vegetables should never be cooked.


Sweet Peppers Juice

Sweet peppers are green at first and then turn red or yellow when ripe. All colors are good fresh
picked. Sweet peppers juice mixed from 25% to 50% with carrot juice is excellent for cleaning
up skin blemishes, for nails and hair, and for bones and teeth. One reasons for the benefits of
sweet peppers juice is that it is high in organic silicon.

Turnip Juice
Turnip juice (especially turnip leaf juice) is very high in calcium and is therefore a most
excellent food for growing children and for anyone having softening of the bones in any shape or
form, including the teeth. according to Norman Walker.

Watercress Juice
Watercress is very high in acidic elements (sulfur, phosphorus, and chlorine) making it a
powerful intestinal, blood, and lymph cleanser. It should always be mixed with other juices such
as carrot or celery. A combination of carrot, spinach, turnip leaf, and watercress juices has the
properties that help to dissolve the coagulated blood fibrin in hemorrhoids or piles, and many
kinds of tumors. according to Norman Walker.

Medicinal Herbs
Medicinal herbs are plants that can are used medicinally. Different medicinal herbs are used for
different conditions according to their healing actions.
Some healing actions of medicinal herbs are the following:

Corrects disorders in tissues or functions of the body.

Reduces pain.
Kills harmful bacteria.
Reduces excess fluid retention.
Kills fungus.
Reduces inflammation.
Reduces spasms and cramps.
Firms up tissues while reducing their water content.
Relaxes digestion and reduces gas.
Soothes irritation in tissues.
Increases perspiration.
Increases urination.
Helps expel mucus from the respiratory system.
Calms a fever.



Clears swollen lymph nodes, particularly in chronic infection.

Strengthens nerves and nerve action.
Calms the nerves.
Increases activity of the circulatory and nerve systems.
Stops bleeding.
Tones up an organ, system, or the whole person.
Kills worms.

Bayberry was the herb used by Samuel Tompson for all digestive problems. It is astringent but
not drying and actually increases the secretion of the mucus membrane. It can quickly stop
diarrhea and over time it will tonify the bowel. Packed on the gums bayberry will clear up
infection, stop the bleeding and tighten up the teeth.

Barberry and Oregon Grape

These are bitter, astringent herbs used for stimulating and cleansing the liver.

Black Cohosh and B & B Tincture

Black cohosh or Cimicifugaracemosa was an important folk medicine among American Indian
groups and early settlers for menstrual irregularities and as an aid in childbirth. It was widely
prescribed by physicians in nineteenth century America, where it had a great reputation as an
anti-inflammatory for arthritis and rheumatism, and played an important role for normalizing
suppressed menses, painful or difficult menses, and to relieve pain after childbirth. It was also
used for nervous disorders. Numerous studies have established clear scientific evidence for the
safety and effectiveness of black cohosh in the treatment of premenopausal and menopausal
symptoms including a reduction in the severity and duration of hot flashes along with an
improvement of depressive moods. Caution: Daily dosage of black cohosh should not exceed
approximately 1 gram. Large doses can cause seizures, but small doses never do this.

This alcohol tincture is made by soaking black cohosh, blue cohosh, blue vervain, skullcap, and
lobelia in Vodka for 14 days and then straining. It provides essential food to the motor nerve and
the entire nervous system. Dr. Shook wrote that only with alcohol was he able to extract the
healing properties from black cohosh sufficient to cure epilepsy. When we gave this formula to
Serafine and over a few months reduced her medication to zero, it cured her epilepsy which has
lasted from birth to age 17. It has been 9 years now since she had her last seizure. My cousins
cat had hiccups for days and couldnt stop. The cat licked one drop of the tincture and the
hiccups immediately stopped for good. I recommend one or two droppers full per day. Be
careful not to take much more because black cohosh is dangerous in excessive amounts (can
cause convulsions and seizures) though safe in small doses.


Black Walnut
The leaves, bark, and husks are antiparasitic and antifungal. It is effective in eliminating most
types of worms. It cures impetigo. At the same time, black walnut is nutritional and is
especially high in organic iodine. Therefore, it is especially beneficial for strengthening the
thyroid and restoring the correct balance of thyroid hormones which regulate body metabolism
and energy. Black walnut powder packed around the teeth and gums will stop bleeding and
tighten loose teeth.
Black walnut contains iodine for thyroid and goiter conditions. A study published in the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 1994, showed that those whose diets included nuts,
either walnuts or almonds, were able to lower their LDL cholesterol by 9 to 10%.
Another study that appeared in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, July 1995,
found that walnuts could also diminish the extent of heart damage after a heart attack.
From ancient times through the nineteenth century herbalists prescribed the walnut, the bark, the
roots, and the leaves as an astringent, a laxative, a purgative to induce vomiting, a styptic to stop
bleeding, a vermifuge to expel worms or parasites, and a hepatic to tone the liver. The walnut
served to induce sweating, cure diarrhea, soothe sore gums and skin diseases, cure herpes, and
relieve inflamed tonsils. The nut itself was used to prevent weight gain, calm hysteria, eliminate
morning sickness, and to strengthen one's constitution. The hulls were boiled and used to treat
head and body lice, herpes, intestinal parasites and worms, skin diseases, and liver ailments. The
leaf was decocted to cure boils, eczema, hives, ulcers, and sores.
Even the walnut oil was employed as a medicinal aid. It was first diluted before it was used to
treat colic, dandruff, dry hair, gangrene, and open wounds, while the green rind of the walnut
was used to treat ringworm.
Alterative; Anodyne; Anti-inflammatory; Astringent; Blood purifier; Blood tonic; Detergent;
Emetic; Laxative; Pectoral; Vermifuge.
The juice from the fruit husk is applied externally as a treatment for ringworm. The husk is
chewed in the treatment of colic and applied as a poultice to inflammations.
The bark and leaves are alterative, anodyne, astringent, blood tonic, detergent, emetic, laxative,
pectoral and vermifuge. Especially useful in the treatment of skin diseases, black walnut is of the
highest value in curing scrofulous diseases, herpes, eczema etc. An infusion of the bark is used to
treat diarrhea and also to stop the production of milk, though a strong infusion can be emetic.
The bark is chewed to allay the pain of toothache and it is also used as a poultice to reduce the
pain of headaches.
A tea made from the leaves is astringent. An infusion has been used to lower high blood
pressure. It can be used as a cleansing wash. The pulverized leaves have been rubbed on the
affected parts of the body to destroy ringworm. The sap has been used to treat inflammations.
Nuts are a highly concentrated form of excellent nutrition; however, it's important to stress that


they ought to be eaten in moderation. Because walnuts, like other nuts, are high in fats, it's
important to note they are also high in calories.
While one-fourth cup of raw, unsalted walnuts contains 180 calories, be aware they contain 18
grams of fat, 1.5 grams saturated. The fat in walnuts is mostly polyunsaturated. If you are
watching the fat, you can calculate your fat intake by dividing the 77% of calories from fat by
the 180 calories to learn that a one-fourth cup serving contains 43% fat. That percentage may
sound high, but it should not discourage a healthy person from gaining nutritional benefits from
eating walnuts in small quantities.
Walnuts are rich in protein, providing 7 grams for that same one-fourth cup, 2 grams of fiber,
and only 7 grams of carbohydrates. Walnuts can be considered a super food because they contain
a full complement of vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and folic acid. They also contain a
wealth of minerals, such as iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Walnuts contain Vitamin E-alpha, beta, delta and gamma-tocopherol, making it exceptionally
high in antioxidants.
Nutritionists tell us that Omega 3 fatty acids are found in only a few plant food sources, yet are
essential to a healthy body. In a 2,000-calorie diet, 3 tablespoons of walnuts will provide our
daily requirement of these Omega 3 fatty acids

Bugleweed is an excellent blood cleanser and remover of heavy metals. It is also a heart tonic,
useful in cases of irregula heartbeat and high blood pressure.

Burdock root (fresh if possible) is the best cure for arthritis and any joint problem such as a
twisted ankle, pulled shoulder, etc. Burdock root is also a first class blood and lymph purifier
and will reduce excess liquid accumulations. Burdock is good for clearing up skin problems,
acne, etc. Skin the root, cut it in pieces, and blend it with water. Strain and drink the liquid, a
quart or more per day. Burdock seed is used as a diuretic and for problems of the urinary tract.

Catnip is in the mint family. In Elizabethan England it was called cat mint and it was the most
popular tea. This was before black tea was introduced. Catnip tea has a very pleasant smell and
taste, is high in iron, and is calming to the nerves. It is also anti-spasmodic and digestive. The
famous remedy for colic in babies is catnip and fennel. Add catnip tea to an enema to assist in
retaining the water for the desired length of time and also to assist in more complete evacuation.


Cayenne stimulates the circulation and the nervous system. The effect is almost instantaneous
and the benefits are lasting. All the nutrients in other foods will reach to and penetrate the
damaged muscle and nerve tissues much better when cayenne is eaten in strong doses along with
the meal. The circulation is equalized everywhere, the heart is given immediate nutrition and
beats more steady and firm, and the blood vessels are dilated. Profuse perspiration cleanses out
all the pores of the skin. The blues disappear as production of endorphins gives a happy,
optimistic, and energetic feeling. The effect to the nervous system is electrifying, all the nerve
cells sit up and take notice, the hairs stand on end, and the toes tingle.
A teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of water will stop a heart attack, will bring you out of shock, will
make a headache vanish, and will assist in warming a body in hyperthermia. Cayenne will stop
bleeding when applied on the area and/or taken internally. Cayenne is disinfecting and will
actually reduce pain when applied to a cut. Cayenne is often used along with other herbs to
assist in their reaching the desired tissues. For example, cayenne is used with marshmallow to
treat gangrene and is included in eyewash formulas to clean and restore the eyes.
Cayenne is the hot capsicum generally anything from 40,000 heat units on up to the hottest at
around 300,000 heat units. Most cayenne is in the range from 40,000 heat units to 100,000 heat
units. The fresh chilies are the most nutritious with the most vitamin C and they also contain a
beneficial essential oil, but you have to be careful with fresh chilies because this essential oil can
burn the skin.

Cedar Berries
Cedar berries are a food for the pancreas. Several times when I had low blood sugar and was
about to faint, a teaspoon of cedar berries powder in a glass of water has brought me back to
normal within minutes. Cedar berries work for high blood sugar as well see the section on
Cedar berries actually come from a juniper tree with a single seeded berry as opposed to the
multi-seeded common juniper. It grows wild in the mountains western United States. I found
some of these trees in the pine forest above Flagstaff and stopped to eat the berries.
Cedar berries powder is available from Dr. Christophers herbs at 1-800-453-1406.

Celery Seed
Celery seed is diuretic, urinary antiseptic, carminative, digestive, and anti-depressive. It is
effective for rheumatism, arthritis, gout, cystitis, flatulence and any digestive problem. It also
aids in milk flow for nursing mothers. The celery stalk and leaves have similar properties. See
also celery juice.


Chamomile is anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, carminative, calming and soothing for any
irritating conditions. Use for digestive problems, headaches, stress, irritability, nervousness,
allergies, and swollen or inflamed tissues. Apply as a compress, fomentation, or cream. Drink
the infusion as a pleasant tasting tea for good sleep at night. When making the tea, be sure to
cover to hold in the essential oils.

Strong smelling and nasty tasting, chaparral is the supreme blood cleanser and immune
stimulator. It removes heavy metals and all forms of putrefaction and decay. Used for cancer,
HIV, and all serious diseases. Drink quarts of the strong decoction. I combined chaparral with
bugleweed and drank it while taking long, hot baths to pull out heavy metals. Hair analysis
showed that the high levels of arsenic, lead, mercury, gold, and silver were all down to zero.

Cinnamon is delicious, warming, antispasmodic, antiseptic, and carminative. Use for weak
digestion, poor appetite, acidity, colds, fevers, and debility. It warms you up while it cheers you

Comfrey, Marigold, and Aloe Vera

Comfrey, marigold (calendula), and aloe vera contain allentoin a cell growth proliferant. It
accelerates growth and repair of cells and reduces or eliminates scar tissue. We put some of
Herbal Eds Salve which has both comfrey and marigold in it on my daughter Elizabeths fingers
after she lacerated them on sharks teeth at Malindi which is north of Mombasa, Kenya. We
bandaged the fingers and put her to bed. The next morning I was anxious to change the
dressings, but when we opened the bandages the cuts were entirely gone without a trace!!!
My daughter Martha did a science experiment for school with comfrey. She cut some earth
worms in half and gave some of them water and some comfrey tea. The ones with comfrey tea
re-grew much faster.
It is easy to grow comfrey in your garden. It comes from Russia where for centuries it has been
fed to horses, cows, pigs, goats and other animals. The animals love it and grow strong and
disease free. Comfrey leaves are a delicious salad vegetable and contain more protein per pound
than beef steak! But they have no cholesterol. Many people with debilities and damaged tissues
have used comfrey green drink with amazing results. Recovery time can be more than cut in
When fresh aloe vera is available, it also helps tissues to re-grow in a fraction of the time it might
otherwise take. The gel can be applied topically and the entire leaf can be blended, strained, and
drunk for internal healing.


The traditional therapeutic actions of comfrey include demulcent (soothes mucous membranes),
cell proliferant, pectoral (relieves disorders of the chest and lung), astringent, nutritive, tonic,
expectorant, haemostatic, alterative (promotes a beneficial change in the body), vulnerary (heals
fresh cuts and wounds), mucilage and styptic (arrests hemorrhage and bleeding). These claims
have been backed by thousands of years of successful, albeit anecdotal evidence.
Comfreys leaves or roots can be applied as a poultice, wash or ointment and are used for
bruising, sciatica, boils, rheumatism, neuralgia, varicose veins, bed sores, wounds, ulcers, insect
bites, tumors, muscular pain, pulled tendons, gangrene, shingles and dermatological conditions.
It can be added to bath water to promote a youthful skin. Its emollient effects are very soothing,
inhibiting further damage to tissues, stimulating the production of cartilage, tendons and
muscles. It is highly regarded as a blood, bone and flesh builder.
Internally, comfrey has been used for indigestion, stomach and bowel problems, excessive
menstrual flow, hoarseness, periodontal diseases, bleeding gums, thyroid disorders, diarrhea,
gastro-intestinal ulcers, hernia, glandular fever, coughs, lung conditions, hemorrhaging, cancer,
catarrh, anemia, sinusitis, lupus, lowering blood pressure, hiatal hernia, blood purifier and to ease
inflammation of the joints and mucous membranes.
In addition to its medicinal use in humans, it has been used to feed animals from horses to zoo
animals due to its rich vegetable protein content. Its ability to knit flesh and bones together has
been known from the beginning. It will promote healthy cells but not malignant ones. The monks
used comfrey for its ability to cure bronchial disorders and injuries. The roots made into a tea
were beneficial for those spitting up blood. Nicholas Culpeper, an 18th century herbalist,
described the properties of comfrey as being cold, dry and earthy. He used it to treat fresh
wounds, to dry up the fluids from old ulcers and cankers and stopped hemorrhages. He found the
root beneficial for blood in the urine, to help patients to expectorate from the lungs and belly, for
broken bones, hemorrhoids, and to cool and ease pain.
But in our modern scientific age, the thousands years of use and anecdotal evidence is not
adequate to recommend this wonderful plant for safe use now. Research and clinical
trials/studies are the standards in finding any food, drug or herb safe and therapeutic. There are
obvious flaws in this method e.g. political and economic biases. But one of the less obvious
flaws is a consistent short-coming that modern scientific methods refuse to overcome. That is
their insistence that the sum of the parts should equal the whole, and in dealing with live,
biological plants with hundreds of active constituents; this simply doesnt work. Nowhere is this
more evident than in the nutritional research done by Dr. T. Colin Campbell. In his ground
breaking, 20-year research called The China Study, where he studied the health benefits of whole
foods in the Chinese diet, instead of singling out certain nutritional components e.g. specific
vitamins. He was accused of shotgun science by his colleagues and they have been trying to
deny the validity of his research since his findings were published. But the evidence is
overwhelming. Whole foods make a difference where supplementation of isolated active
constituents do not.
Comfrey has fallen victim to this reductionist type of science. Studies were done with rats,
using only certain PAs, in differing amounts over differing amounts of time. In all cases where


only certain PA constituents were used, the results ranged from liver tumors to death. In one
feeding where the rat was fed up to 30% of its diet from the whole leaf over 21 days, there were
no adverse effects.
There were many things wrong with this study. First, only one species of rat was used which
limits the broad applicability of the results and poorly translates to predicting human response. In
fact, the characteristics of PA toxicity in animals can differ tremendously between species from
that of humans. In rats, the confounding result was tumors/cancer/death whereas humans have
never manifested tumors, instead developing veno occlusive disease of the liver. Secondly, the
doses given the rats far exceeded any equivalent human dosing. Humans typically use comfrey
as an infusion which extracts only about 1/3 of the alkaloids present in the plant. In one feeding,
the rats were given a single dose of the total leaf and they all showed evidence of liver damage.
But the dose was the equivalent of a human taking in 4.4 pounds of root or 29 pounds of the leaf
in one single dosing. This would be impossible to do. Thirdly, in very few cases do humans take
in comfrey consistently over the majority of their life span. The studied rats were given comfrey
daily for up to 600 days or until they died, their life spans being only two to three years. The
death was then attributed to liver toxicity. And lastly, the route of administration did not mimic
traditional and appropriate use. In some studies the lab animals were injected with the PAs, thus
bypassing the gastrointestinal system when taken internally and the integumentary system when
applied externally. These systems are necessary for appropriate absorption. The result was that
these animals were exposed to greatly increased levels of PAs. It has never been recorded that
humans inject comfrey or any other herb, therefore this does not parallel the normal delivery
So, in reality, no research has been done to determine the validity of the traditional uses of
comfrey e.g. in the treatment of broken bones, tendon damage, ulcerations in the gastrointestinal
tract and lung congestion. However, there have been several studies done documenting the antiinflammatory, analgesic, wound healing and immune modulating effects which support the use
of comfrey as a vulnerary. In the majority of subjects studied, they observed relief or healing
over the placebo groups.

Comfrey and the Bone, Flesh and Cartilage (BF&C) Combination

Dr. Christophers BF&C Combination consists of the following herbs:
6 parts
6 parts
3 parts
3 parts
3 parts
3 parts
2 parts
1 part
1 part

Oak Bark
Marshmallow root
Walnut Bark, Leaves, or Hulls
Gravel Root


This combination has been used for cancer, tumors, curvature of the spine, multiple sclerosis,
muscular dystrophy, varicose veins, tumors, calcium spurs, blood clots, and virtually all diseases
and disorders. Make a strong decoction and apply a fomentation over the head and down the
spine and around the tail bone and also on all affected areas, cover with plastic and keep on
overnight 6 nights per week until the condition clears. Take this combination in tea form as well,
a quart or more per day. To preserve this tea for more than one day add 25% vegetable glycerin.
Dr. Christopher tells of a little boy who re-grew fingers after they were lost in a car accident.
The hand and fingers were complete and there was no trace of any damage. In another case a
woman with advanced bone cancer re-grew one and a half vertebrae which were completely
missing in the X-ray. After treatment she had a normal spine and could walk again. A third case
was a young man in his middle twenties confined to a wheel chair due to a combination of polio
and arthritis. One year later, this young man walked down the aisle to the front of the hall and
asked to speak. This BF&C combination should be applied in a fomentation to the affected
areas. If a fomentation is not convenient, use BF&C oil or BF&C ointment. If the tea is too
bitter, take capsules 10 or more per day the more you take, the more good they will do.

Dandelions action centers on the liver, which it cleanses and strengthens. In the process
dandelion is mildly laxative. It is highly nutritious, high in iron and magnesium, and an equal to
spinach for building all of the body tissues. Use dandelion for jaundice, gallstones, liver disease,
allergies and sensitivities, skin problems, water retention, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, swollen
ankles, and urinary problems. The root, leaves, and flowers are all used.

Echinacea was used extensively by the native American Indian tribes. It is the mysterious secret
ingredient in snake oil sold in the 1800s as a cure all which could even cure a rattlesnake bite.
Fast talking snake oil salesmen were known to carry a rattlesnake with them and demonstrate its
effectiveness by taking it after allowing the rattlesnake to bite them. Echinacea is a super
immune stimulator, good for use in all acute and chronic conditions including high fever
diseases, pneumonia, flu, septicemia, cancer, etc. Echinacea is good for wrinkles and loose skin.
Both the flowers and the root are used. The flowers contain a volatile essential which is
especially cleansing and immune stimulating, but it is mostly lost in the drying process. If you
chew a freshly picked Echinacea flower, your mouth will become numb and tingly and your
whole body will have a kind of high.

Elder Flowers
The famous old remedy for flu and pneumonia is peppermint and elder tea. These two herbs are
both diaphoretic herbs and have saved many lives. Elder is restorative and tonifying especially
to the mucus membranes, sinus, throat, etc.


Elecampane was very popular in England for centuries. It is written up in many of the old
European herbals as a virtual cure all. Elecampane works most strongly on the respiratory
system and the head including the eyes and the brain. Elecampane has a medicinal type taste
which most find not bad and even pleasant. It is the number one herb for asthma, cough, strep
throat, tuberculosis, lung cancer, emphysema, sinus infection, bronchitis, and any respiratory
problem. It is very anti-biotical and totally harmless. I have seen elecampane clear up cough
and sinus conditions within hours. The root is the part most commonly used in powdered or cut
form. You can make a tea, glycerin syrup, or put the powder in capsules. See also Respiratory
Diseases, Flu, and Pneumonia.
As a Nutrient for the Undernourished, or in Wasting Diseases, Dr. Shook recommended
elecampane should be prepared in oil because: Elecampane contains helenin (a bitter, yellow,
crystalline principle, which is not soluble in water but is soluble in oils and alcohol). It is
stomachic, antiseptic, and germicidal, and has been used with great success as a local application
in diphtheria, and internally in the same disease. It has proved very successful in tuberculosis
and whooping cough.
The procedure is as follows: Place 2 ounces of elecampane root powder in a pint of sweet
almond oil (substitute olive oil if almond oil is not available) in a double boiler. Keep the water
in the lower pan of the double boiler hot but not boiling for 4 hours. Then boil the water (not the
oil) for 10 minutes. Mix this pint of elecampane and oil to one quart of mucilage of comfrey root
and blend until the oil is uniformly suspended in the mucilage. The dosage is one tablespoon full
to half a cup full several times per day according to the patients ability to digest.

Fennel is specific for indigestion, acid stomach, gas, cramping, constipation, bloating, and any
problems in the digestive system. Fennel and catnip is the famous cure for colic in babies.
Fennel tea is also excellent for reducing excess water retention and edema. Fennel is estrogenic
and an excellent aid in female complaints such as abdominal swelling, PMS, hot flashes, etc.
Make a quart of the strong decoction in a thermos and drink it over a period of two or three

Flax Seeds
Linen cloth is made from flax flowers and flax seeds are a super food. The seeds should be
soaked overnight and blended into a thick paste. This paste can be eaten as is or combined with
such things as garlic, cayenne, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, purple dulse or any good herbs or
spices. This flax paste can cure a severe case of diarrhea or intestinal upset just by going on a
mono-diet of it for a day of it until the problem clears up. Flax is high in omega 3 fatty acids,


proteins, and good fats that lower cholesterol and reduce swelling. Flax is excellent for losing
excess weight and building muscle and bone tissues.

Raw Garlic is very high in anti-biotical sulfur compounds one of the best, strongest, and broad
spectrum antiseptics available. It will prevent or cure almost any infection anywhere in the
body. It will clean up the blood and dissolve plaque in the veins and arteries. Garlic is also a
stimulant to the circulation and nervous system and will chase away depression. Onions,
shallots, leeks, chives, aloes, and other members of the lily family are all high in sulfur and have
similar but milder qualities when eaten fresh and raw.
Garlic is higher in protein than any other plant food and so it aids in rebuilding body tissues.
Regardless of what disease or condition you have, garlic will help tremendously. Four to six
cloves per day are a good dosage for maintaining immunity. In acute cases such as pneumonia,
strep throat, or any serious disease, the dosage can be increased to twelve or more cloves per day.
Combine garlic with other vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers and chilies in the Vita
mix to make a stimulating sauce to put on salads or mix into soups. Cooked garlic adds flavor to
cooked foods, but does not have the antibiotic effect.
Garlic is also one of the superstars in clearing plaque out of the circulatory system, in fighting
cancer, and in curing all of the major diseases. Garlic builds the body, strength, and endurance.
It is an aphrodisiac and is indicated in any problems with sexual performance or infertility.
Insert garlic cloves in moist soil and water daily. Within one week you will have small garlic
plants. You can eat the entire plant: leaves, bulb, and roots.
Remember, garlic is natures antibiotic. It will cure almost any infection including the plague.
Those who eat it regularly rarely get sick.

Dr. Christopher said ginger is the downward herb, prevents nausea, and keeps you from
throwing up. Ginger is the best herb for motion sickness. Ginger stimulates circulation going to
the capillaries first and back to the heart whereas Cayenne goes to the heart first and outward to
the capillaries. Ginger contains organic aluminum which is needed by the brain. Inorganic
aluminum has been found in the brain in cases of Alzheimer's. Fixing organic aluminum at the
brain sites can prevent this. Ginger is warming in cases of cold or chill. Ginger juice mixed with
lemon juice and vegetable glycerin makes an excellent Ginger Ale concentrate which you can
add to apple juice, rejuvilac, food, or water.

Dr. Christopher called goldenseal the healer of healers. It is strongly anti-biotical and can be
substituted for garlic, for those who refuse garlic. It cures the worst infections in gums, skin,
wounds, etc. Just apply the powder on the area. Goldenseal can be taken up to a teaspoon or


two in cases of serious infection or illness for short periods of time. But it should not be taken
for extended periods because it will deplete the Vitamin B from your body.

Hawthorne is a largish bush native to Europe. It has beautiful flowers in the Spring and berries
in the Fall. The berries, the flowers, the bark, and the leaves are all restorative to the heart, lower
blood pressure, clear blood vessels, and are anti-spasmodic. Get the dried berries in large
quantities from Pacific Botanicals, reconstitute them with pure water, blend, and strain.
Consume two or three bowls of the thick sweet mucilage daily as a heart and circulatory tonic in
all cases of heart disease. See Heart Disease.

Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall.ex A. Dc Ref. Link : ... - 14k

Other Name : ,", , , , , (), (), (),

(-), (), () "
"" : 9

Holarrhena antidysenterica (L.) Wall. ex A. DC.

Family: Apocynaceae
Common name: kurchi


Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall.

Thai Name: Mok
Other Name Thai Names: ,", , , , , (), (),
(), (-), (), () "
Common name: kurchi or karchi
This is an amazing herb. I first saw mention of it in the Indian Materia Medica -- a two volume
authorative herbal about herbs in India and their medicinal uses which I bought in Mysore last
May. One of the things I have been looking for is a really good, fast, and sure cure for diarrhea
and dysentery, because this problem occurs frequently and the herbal cures I was aware of were
only effective in some cases and not in others.
Well, I was really impressed by the description in Indian Materia Medica about how this herb
will cure the most long standing and virulent cases of dysentery and diarrhea. This by itself is
fantastic and enough to have some on hand at all times both at home and while traveling. I
myself nearly died from dysentery in 1955 when I arrived in Delhi and held up my whole family
in the Imperial Hotel for over a month while I received medical treatment for dysentery. Then
again in 2003 when I came from Bangladesh to Chiang Mai, Thailand I got a stubborn case of
dysentery which lasted for over a month and really made me so skinny and weak. So,
discovering a really good cure for diarrhea and dysentery was for me like discovering gold.
But this herb has an amazing list of additional properties. I copied this list of ethnobotanical uses
for Holarrhena antidysenterica from Jim Dukes data base on the internet:
1) Abscess
2) Ache(Stomach)
3) Ache(Tooth)
4) Amebiasis (Infection of the intestines with amoebae)
5) Anemia
6) Anesthetic
7) Astringent
8) Bactericide
9) Bite(Dog)
10) Blood
11) Bronchitis
12) Candida
13) Chest
14) Cholera
15) Cold
16) Colic
17) Conception
18) Cough

19) Diarrhea
20) Dysentery
21) Dyspepsia (indigestion)
22) Epilepsy
23) Epitaxis (nosebleed)
24) Fever
25) Fumitory (relating to smoking or fumes)
26) Gravel (dissolving stones and gravel anywhere in the body)
27) Hematochezia (bright red blood in the stool)
28) Hematuria (blood in the urine)
29) Hemorrhage (internal bleeding)
30) Labor (childbirth)
31) Laxative
32) Menorrhagia (abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding.)
33) Piles
34) Rabies
35) Rennet
36) Skin
37) Spermatorrhea (premature ejaculation)
38) Spleen
39) Splenitis (inflammation of the spleen)
40) Stomachic
41) Tonic
42) Tuberculosis
43) Tumor(Abdomen)
44) Tumor(Glands)
45) Vermifuge (expels worms)
In another source, Plants That Heal by J.C. Kurian, I found the following uses listed: to expel
worms from the body, amoebic dysentery, diarrhea, fever, piles, leprosy, skin diseases, diseases
of the spleen and biliousness or congestion of the liver, headache, to strengthen gums, lessen
inflammation, to strengthen and give tone to the stomach, to prevent or reduce fever, as an
appetizer, to cure diseases of the blood and leucoderma, for pains, to cure erysipelas a contagious
subcutaneous skin disease caused by haemolytic, streptococcus, to take care of fatigue and
hallucinations, an agent for expelling gases, flatulence and gripping pains from the stomach and
bowels, for asthma and colic or acute abdominal pain, an agent which increases the secretion of
milk, to give tone and vitality to the body, remove pain in the muscles, for chronic bronchitis,
lumbago or pain in the lumbar region, boils, ulcers, wounds and to regulate menstruation.
Holarrahena antidysenterica is a broad spectrum anti-parasitical herb that kills worms and many
other parasites. It is anti-fungal. It is a digestive. It is a sure but non gripping laxative that will
dislodge and remove old accumulated fecal matter and never creates gas but actually eliminates
gas. It is alterative throughout the body. It will clean both the blood and the lymph, penetrate
deeply to all the tissues and drain previously unmovable lymph accumulations. It is a cleanser of


the brain and entire nervous system, quietly restoring order everywhere. And there has never
been a case of overdose or adverse reaction.
The bark is most commonly used, but the leaves, the flowers, and the seeds are also used.
I got some of the powdered bark in Mysore and have used it a dozen times. One of the effects I
noticed is that it caused my eyes to cleanse giving off white and yellow fluid both day and night.
It also reduced the swelling in my foot and ankle and produced greater stools with a darker color
while eliminating gas and discomfort. In addition, it seemed to have an effect of improving
memory and lightening spirits.
One Canadian lady in her 50s reported all her fibromyalgia symptoms were gone after taking
Holarrhena antidysenterica 6 capsules per day for 30 days.
A Thai lady complained of numbness in her hands and arms. She took only 4 capsules and had
feeling back the next day.
Dozens of times I have seen diarrhea, gas, acid reflux, and food poisoning disappear within hours
and sometimes in minutes after taking this herb. Recently, a Canadian man complained of
having severe indigestion and diarrhea for 6 months and just 5 minutes after taking 2 capsules
said he was already feeling better and in three days all symptoms were gone.
Some people have told me it seems to cause insomnia and strange dreams but these only occur
the next night and do not continue if the herb is reduced or stopped. I think this may be the
toxins being loosened up by the herb doing this and once they are completely flushed out of the
body there is no more insomnia or strange dreams.

Horse Chestnut
The nut from the horse chestnut tree is specific for micro-circulation and swollen feet and ankles.
It improves circulation at the micro level throughout the body. After taking it, I feel more awake
and alert. I suspect it improves circulation in the brain.
By experimenting, I figured out how to prepare it. Buy a one pound bag of the dried, cut nut
from Pacific Botanicals. Soak two handfuls in a blender over night. The next morning blend at
high speed for 5 minutes. Strain into a glass jar. Add 30 % vegetable glycerin. Take one full
teaspoon per day. Do not exceed two teaspoons per day because it is a very powerful herb and
can strain the kidneys. But it is perfectly safe at the recommended dosage.

Horseradish and Apple Juice Glycerin Tincture

Dr. Shook gives this formula for making a horseradish and apple juice glycerin tincture for both
internal use and external application:
24 oz fresh squeezed apple juice
4 oz horseradish root, fresh peeled and cut in pieces


Blend in the Vitamix at high speed until the horseradish is pulverized. Pour into a 32 oz jar with
screw lid. Allow to sit for 12 to 24 hours at room temperature. Strain into another jar, add 4 to 6
oz vegetable glycerin to the liquid, screw on lid, and shake well to mix in the glycerin. Place the
solid pulp into a glass jar with a wide mouth, add 2 oz glycerin, and stir well with a spoon.
Dose Internal:

Take one or two teaspoons of the pulp 3 or 4 times a day before

meals and at bedtime.

External Application: Saturate cloths in the fluid and apply to the affected parts. Cover
with plastic and wrap to hold in place. Keep on over night or
Comfrey powder could be mixed with the above liquid to add a cell growth proliferant action.
Dr. Shook wrote: Horseradish is a very powerful medicinal which has been used for thousands
of years. It will penetrate the area which has become stagnant. It is powerfully digestive and
will tone the entire digestive system. Its uses include dropsy, muscular rheumatism, poor
circulation, malnutrition, atonic constipation, debility, and low blood pressure.
Fresh raw horseradish is hot and pungent. Peel, cut, and blend at high speed in apple cider
vinegar to make a thick paste. Open the lid, stick your nose in, eyes open, and take some deep
breaths while blinking. Put a teaspoon in your mouth and chew it. Breathe more of the fumes.
This will clear the sinuses and throat. Best to do this in a sitting position to avoid injury as you
faint and collapse on the floor. Store the paste in a glass jar in the frig. Cover with more apple
cider vinegar to preserve. Consume 2 spoons per day and finish the jar within a week. Fresh
raw horseradish stimulates the excretion of mucus membrane, improves the vigor of the digestive
system, stimulates the circulation, chases away depression, and increases strength while clearing
the complexion.

The root of the flowering hydrangea is used for urinary problems and especially for dissolving
kidney stones. The hydrangea root can be soaked overnight and then boiled to make a decoction.
It would be good to add marshmallow root to this decoction to coat and lubricate the stones.
An alternative approach is to drink the marshmallow tea separately and prepare the hydrangea in
apple juice. Place the cut root in a glass jar and fill with fresh squeezed apple juice. Place the jar
in the sun or in a warm place for three days. Strain and drink. If you want to preserve for a long
time add 25% or more vegetable glycerin. Both the hydrangea and the apple juice are cleansing
to the urinary system and in this formula their cleansing power is multiplied.

Irish Moss


Dr. Shook wrote: Its magnesium phosphate supplies material for nourishment of muscleIt
purifies, strengthens, and vitalizes nearly nine-tenths of the cellular structure and vital fluids of
the entire organism. Its iodine content works wonders on the entire glandular system, often
changing the whole chemistry from disease to health.

The aromatic berries of the juniper are stimulant, diuretic, antiseptic, and digestive. They are
used to flavor some foods and gin. Use juniper berries for cystitis, difficult urination, urinary
infection, arthritis, and rheumatism.

Lobelia is relaxing in small doses and emetic in large doses. In all cases it is catalytic, enabling
the system to do the right thing. It resets the nervous system, opens up passages, and clears
blockages of long standing. Its effect can last for hours but often fades out after 10 or 20
minutes. However, its effect can be extended by using a stimulant such as cayenne or
Lobelia was used by the American Indians and was popularized by Samuel Thomson around the
1830s and 1840s. He wrote to make a tincture using the ground up fresh herb and vinegar.
This preparation is for the most violent attacks of disease, such as lockjaw, bite of mad dog,
drowned persons, fits spasms, and all cases of suspended animation, where the vital spark is
nearly extinct. It will not work in 2 cases: where the patient is dying and where there is no
disease. It clears all obstructions to the extremities and will be felt in the fingers and toes
producing a prickling feeling. But it soon exhausts itself and if not followed by some other
medicine to hold the vital heat till nature is able to support itself by digesting food it will not be
sufficient to remove disease that has become seated, He therefore used cayenne tincture in
conjunction with lobelia tincture to retain the internal vital heat of the system and cause a free
Lobelia is most noted for its antispasmodic, emetic, relaxant, stimulant and expectorant actions.
Other therapeutic actions attributed to lobelia are: nervine sedative, anti-venomous, counterirritant, emmenagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, cathartic, astringent, sialogogue and nauseant.1[2]
King stated emphatically It is in no sense a narcotic
No single constituent of lobelia is responsible for lobelias healing effects. The whole leaf, as
opposed to isolated constituents, is known to be strongly antispasmodic
Lobelias antispasmodic/relaxing, stimulating (respiratory), emetic/expectorant action makes it
valuable for asthma and bronchitis etc. It relaxes the muscles of the smaller bronchial tubes, thus
opening the airways, stimulating breathing, and promoting the coughing up of phlegm, helping
prevent spasmodic, nonproductive coughing.
Lobelias actions differ according to the dose used. Small doses tend to have a relaxing effect
and large doses a stimulating effect. In moderate doses lobelia stimulates the central nervous
system to dilate the bronchioles, increasing respiration. The likelihood that the initial bronchial


dilation will be followed by respiratory depression is increased with large doses. The circulation
is likewise enfeebled by large doses but strengthened by small doses. Lobelia also affects the
vagus nerve which controls the stomach. A small amount of lobelia has the effect of calming the
stomach, decreasing nausea, and relieving stomach cramps. Large amounts of lobelia can act as a
purgative instead of an emetic, but the end result is the same; emptying the stomach of its
The earliest use of lobelia, that of an emetic, is tightly interwoven with its other therapeutic
actions. A large enough dose of lobelia to cause vomiting has a stimulating then general
depressing action on the central and autonomic nervous system and on neuromuscular
action.1[9] Profuse perspiration, nausea, oppressive prostration, relaxation of the muscular
system and a languid pulse/rapid heart rate accompany the emetic stage. This is what has scared
many people and frightened them into declaring that lobelia is a dangerous herb. The depression,
however, is of short duration, and is immediately followed by a sense of extreme satisfaction and
wellbeing.1[12] Old time doctors used lobelias effect on the heart to advantage. They felt that
It makes the pulse fuller and slower in cases of inflammation and fever . . . [and] reduces
palpitation of the heart]
When relaxation of the system is required lobelia is invaluable as it is an extremely efficient
relaxant, influencing mucous, serous, nervous, and muscular structures.1[14] A Guide to
Health an exposition of the Thomsonian system of practice states lobelia is the most powerful,
certain, and harmless relaxant that has ever been discovered. Since Thomsonians believed
relaxation was an important indication in the cure of most disease, lobelia was an indispensable
article in their material medica.1[15] John King stated in his Dispensatory that under its action
the mental powers are unusually acute, and the muscles are powerfully relaxed.Kings
American Dispensatory.1[16] For best results the relaxation caused by lobelia should be
counteracted by stimulating herbs such as catnip, peppermint, or cayenne.1[17] It really works
both ways since lobelia increases other herbs effectiveness in cases where relaxation is needed.
What makes lobelia great is its ability to go right to where it is needed and carry out the exact
action that it should. In conditions that could go either way, this can be a virtual life saver. There
are stories of lobelia saving babies when their mothers are miscarrying and other times it did not
stop the miscarriage but rather assisted the spontaneous abortion of the dead fetus.1[19] In two
similar cases of large abscesses, the action of the herb was different, draining internally in a
strong and husky boy and externally in the weak and puny boy. It is almost as if lobelia is
capable of thinking and because of this has been called the thinking herb. Lobelia even tells you
when you have had too much you will vomit it right back up.

Marshmallow Root Powder and Slippery Elm Bark Powder

These soothing, demulcent, and emollient foods are very similar in their healing and nutrient
properties. Dr. Shook wrote: Slippery elm is excellent remedy for all inflamed surfaces and
organs, either internal or external, stomach, intestines, lungs, bronchi and skin. It is especially
good for fire and burns or burns due to acid or strong alkali, inflamed or swollen joints or
muscles, dry and cough, inflammation of the chest, inflamed and swollen glands, and infected
wounds. It is a fine builder of bone and flesh in rachitic and weak children. On his audio CD,
Dr. Christopher tells of a young boy who was a skeleton, with bed sores, unable to get out of
bed, and unable to keep any food down. Dr. Christopher nursed this boy back to health giving


him only slippery elm with water and applying slippery elm on the bed sores. Marshmallow is
equivalent with a less sweet taste. They are outstanding builders of muscle and all parts of the
body and the perfect foods for curing all diseases. They are difficult to mix with water, because
they clump. But if mixed with psyllium first, they mix with water without any clumping. Take
at least two heaping tablespoons of slippery elm and/or marshmallow every day. Here is a recipe
which I really like. It makes a delicious snack. You can mix up a big jar and keep it handy for
any time you get hungry during the day.

2 Tablespoons
1 Tablespoon
1 Tablespoon
1 Tablespoon
1 half Teaspoon

Slippery Elm and/or Marshmallow Powder

Walnuts (Whole or Pieces)
Rolled Oats
Cinnamon Powder

Mix the ingredients together in a bowl and add small amounts of water and honey or maple syrup
while stirring until the ingredients finish absorbing liquid and reach the consistency of
applesauce. This usually takes a minute or two.

Mullen leaf is an excellent antibiotical expectorant. The combination of 3 parts mullen and 1
part lobelia is used for any glandular problem including swollen lymph glands, swollen breasts,
thyroid, etc.
One night the lymph glands at the back of my neck were so swollen that I couldnt turn my head
even a quarter of an inch. I drank three cups of the mullen and lobelia tea and wrapped a cloth
soaked in the same tea around my neck and covered with plastic wrap. The next morning the
problem was gone.

Neem is a fast growing tree from India. It is insecticidal, antifungal, anthelmentic, anti-filarial,
antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-parasitical, and alterative. The leaves, bark, and fruit are used. Neem
oil is made from the fruit and is used as an insect repellant and antifungal skin oil. When leaves
are used for fodder the animals love them and are healthy and parasite free. Their manure
contains neem and repels flies and all insects. Neem wood is excellent for fuel, furniture, and
house construction. The tall spreading trees provide shade and the area under the trees is
virtually insect free. No ants climb up neem trees. Neem has been spread to nearly all tropical
areas where it will grow. Neem projects have been executed by numerous non-governmental
organizations in Africa and Latin America and many tropical islands including Puerto Rico,
Dominican Republic, Haiti, etc. Neem generates income, reclaims the environment, and
provides numerous products for health and agriculture.


Nettle is also called stinging nettle in many places. Nettle is alterative and nutritive. It is high in
iron and is especially beneficial for male and female problems and for pregnancy. See Red
raspberry for discussion of the red raspberry and nettle combination used during pregnancy.
Nettle is an astringent, diuretic, tonic, anodyne, pectoral, rubefacient, styptic, anthelmintic,
nutritive, alterative, hematic, anti-rheumatic, anti-allergenic, anti-lithic/lithotriptic, haemostatic,
stimulant, decongestant, hepatic, febrifuge, kidney depurative/nephritic, galactagogue,
hypoglycemic, expectorant, anti-spasmodic, and anti-histamine.
Nettle leaf is among the most valuable herbal remedies. Because of its many nutrients, stinging
nettle is traditionally used as a spring tonic. It is a slow-acting nutritive herb that gently cleanses
the body of metabolic wastes. It is one of the safest alteratives, especially in the treatment of
chronic disorders that require long-term treatment. It has a gentle, stimulating effect on the
lymphatic system, enhancing the excretion of wastes through the kidneys.
Nettles iron content makes it a wonderful blood builder, and the presence of vitamin C aids in
the iron absorption. As a hematic (an herb rich in iron), this is an excellent herb for anemia and
fatigue, especially in women. It promotes the process of protein transanimation in the liver,
effectively utilizing digested proteins, while simultaneously preventing them from being
discharged through the body as waste products.
Stinging nettle is beneficial during pregnancy due to its rich mineral value and vitamin K, which
guards against excessive bleeding. It is also a good supplement to strengthen the fetus. It is used
during labor to ease the pains, and will increase milk production in lactating women. Stinging
nettle is often recommended for pre-menstrual syndrome because of its toxin-ridding
activity. When the liver is sluggish, it processes estrogen slowly, contributing to the high levels
that cause or aggravate PMS. It acts as a restorative remedy during menopause, and the
astringency of the herb helps in excessive menstrual flow.
As a diuretic, stinging nettle increases the secretion and flow of urine. This makes it invaluable
in cases of fluid retention and bladder infections. It is also anti-lithic and nephridic, breaking
down stones in the kidneys and gravel in the bladder.
The leaves of the fresh nettle plant are stimulating, thus making it a powerful
rubefacient. Arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, gout, and tendonitis have all been treated
successfully with urtification. In a group of eighteen patients with joint pain treated with the
topical use of the nettle sting, all except one respondent were sure that the therapy had been very
helpful, and several considered themselves cured. However, there are other, less painful ways of
treating arthritic diseases using stinging nettle. Boron is a trace mineral essential for healthy
bones. James A. Duke states in his book The Green Pharmacy, The recommended beneficial
dose of boron is 2-3 milligrams daily. An analysis of stinging nettle provided to me [James
Duke] by the USDA scientists shows that it contains 47 parts per million of the mineral boron,
figured on a dry-weight basis. That means that a 100-gram serving of stinging nettle, prepared
by steaming several ounces of young, tender leaves, could easily contain more than the 2-3


milligram recommendations. According to the Rheumatoid Disease Foundation, boron is

effective because it plays a role in helping bones retain calcium. It also has a beneficial
influence on the bodys endocrine (hormonal) system, and hormones play a role in helping the
body maintain healthy bones and joints.
Stinging nettle acts similarly to dandelion leaf, promoting the elimination of uric acid from joints
with an alkalizing diuretic activity. In an open multi-clinical trial of 219 patients with arthritis,
nettle leaf was compared with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy,
demonstrating a similar reduction in pain and immobility, with excellent tolerability. In an
article by Rob McCaleb in 1998 it states, In an open randomized study, singing nettle given in
combination with a sub-therapeutic dose of an anti-inflammatory drug was as effective as a full
dose of the drug alone for arthritis pain relief. Forty patients experiencing acute arthritis took
part in the study, with half taking the full 200 mg standard dose of the prescription drug
diclofenac. The other subjects took 50 mg of diclofenac along with 50 g of stewed nettle
leaf. All subjects ate the same foods during the study and only those with uncomplicated
medical histories were included, based on very specific criteria. Researchers used both objective
and subjective tests to measure effectiveness. The results were impressive: a combination of 50
g nettle leaf with one-quarter of the normal dose of diclofenac was just as effective in relieving
pain as the full dose of the drug alone. The authors noted 50 mg diclofenac is unlikely to
produce such a profound effect. Previous research has shown that doses of 75 mg diclofenac are
inadequate for arthritis pain relief.
A study conducted by the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon found
positive evidence of freeze-dried nettle leaf for treating hay fever, asthma, seasonal allergies, and
hives. Australians have been using nettle for years as a treatment for asthma, but Americans
didnt catch on to this until about 1990. In a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized study
of 98 patients with allergic rhinitis the effect of a freeze-dried preparation of Urtica dioica was
compared against placebo. Based on daily symptom diaries and the global response recorded at
the follow-up visit after one week of therapy, U. dioicawas rated higher than placebo in
relieving symptoms.
In an open 14-day clinical study, 32 patients diagnosed with myocardial or chronic venous
insufficiency were treated with 15 ml of nettle herb juice three times daily. A significant
increase in the daily volume of urine was observed throughout the treatment, the volume in day
two being 9.2% higher than the baseline amount in patients with myocardial insufficiency and
23.9% higher in those with chronic venous insufficiency. Minor decreases in body weights and
systolic blood pressure were also observed.
As a styptic (an arrestor of local bleeding), stinging nettle is an effective remedy for nose
bleeds. It can be applied locally or sniffed. The astringency of stinging nettle proves its
usefulness in hemorrhoids, diarrhea, and bleeding in the urinary organs. It also treats mouth and
throat infections. Nettle leaf is useful to correct symptoms of gastrointestinal excess, such as
gas, nausea, and mucus colitis. It is also used as an anodyne to relieve the pain of burns and
Numerous studies conducted mostly in Germany have shown the root to have a beneficial effect


on enlarged prostate glands. There have been several clinical trials that have demonstrated the
efficacy of stinging nettle in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) stages I and II. A
combination of nettle root and saw palmetto berries was found to be equal to the generic
prescription drug finasteride, without side effects. These studies suggest that the root extract may
inhibit interaction between a growth factor and its receptor in the prostate. However, it has been
observed that the herb does not reduce the size of the already enlarged prostate. In a
randomized, reference-controlled, multi-center, double-blind clinical trial 543 patients with stage
I and II BPH compared therapeutic equivalence between finasteride and a combination nettle
root/saw palmetto fruit extract. For 48 weeks, patients were given 2 capsules of the herb
combination or 1 capsule of finasteride per day. The primary variable was the change of the
maximum urinary flow after 24 weeks of therapy. Urodynamic parameters such as average
urinary flow, micturition (nighttime urination) flow, and micturition time were monitored as
secondary variables. An increase in urinary flow rate was observed in both treatment
groups. The average urinary flow increased, whereas the micturition time decreased in both
groups to a similar extent. The International Prostate Symptom Score decreased from 11.3 to 8.2
after 24 weeks and 6.5 at week 48 for the herbal group, and from 11.8 to 8.0 and to 6.2 at week
48 for the finasteride group. Fewer adverse reactions were reported from the nettle root/saw
palmetto treatment group than the finasteride group.
A decoction of nettle is valuable in diarrhea and dysentery, with profuse discharges, and in
hemorrhoids, various hemorrhages, and scorbutic affections. It has been recommended in febrile
affections, gravel, and other nephritic complaints. The fresh leaves were found to show antitumor activity in animal studies and strong anti-mutagenic activity. Nettle leaves are high in
antioxidants with vitamin activities and have high potassium to sodium ratio. All this indicates it
as an excellent natural source for protection against neoplastic diseases (tumors), cardiovascular
disorders, and immune deficiency.
A combined analysis of stinging nettles traditional uses and demonstrated activities in clinical
trials suggests that the root is a good pelvic decongestant, justifying its use in any condition that
is affected by such a state, including passive menorrhagia, fibroids, and dysmenorrhea. Applied
externally and taken internally, stinging nettle tea is helpful for acne and eczema. Warts rubbed
with the freshly expressed juice disappear without any pain being produced. Stinging nettle has
been found to treat Alzheimers disease. It contains considerable amounts of the mineral boron
which can double levels of the hormone estrogen circulating in the body. Estrogen has been
found in several studies to help improve short-term memory and elevate the moods.
In the respiratory system nettles help clear catarrhal congestion. The seeds are an excellent lung
astringent, particularly useful for bronchitis, tuberculosis, and consumption. They are
recommended as a remedy for goiter and to reduce body weight. They are also considered
anthelmintic, expelling worms and other parasites.
The stimulating effect of stinging nettle is used as a rinse for the hair. This will regenerate hair
growth and restore original hair color. It is used by the personal hair care industry in antidandruff products and scalp conditioners. Clairol uses more than 40 tons of nettles a year as a
hair conditioner. In addition, Russian studies show that nettle tea has anti-bacterial
activity. Mouthwashes and toothpastes containing nettle can reduce plaque and gingivitis. Many


oral health care products in health food stores contain nettle.

The following is a concise reference of the ailments stinging nettle treats: *Congestion
Lung congestion
Loss of muscular power
Hay fever
Seasonal allergies
*Neurological disorders
*Spring tonic
Loss of
Restores color
Scalp Conditioner
Gravel from bladder
Kidney stones
Increase urine output
*Internal bleeding


Excessive menstruation
Bleeding piles
*External bleeding
Nose bleeds
*Skin complaints
Insect bites
Chicken pox
*Urinary Tract Infection
Bladder infection
*Womens complaints
Increase lactation
Prenatal/eases labor
*Burns and scalds
*Enlarged prostate
*Pelvic decongestant
*Blood purifier/builder
*Metabolic disorders


*Bladder infections
*Lowers blood sugar
*Raises blood pressure
*Celiac disease
*Weight loss

Oat Straw and Horsetail

These two herbs are both high in organic silicon. Organic silicon is essential for tissue formation
but it is deficient in most diets. Silicon deficiency contributes to lymphatic congestion, thick
swollen ankles that never go back to normal, varicose veins, cancer, neuromuscular diseases, and
many other diseases. Oat straw must be boiled for at least 8 minutes to extract the silicon.
Horsetail tea can be prepared by infusion. Drink two or three cups per day.

Peppermint is the mint with menthol. Peppermint is warming, stimulant, digestive,
antispasmodic, and decongestant. Peppermint and elder tea is a traditional treatment for flu and
pneumonia and high fever diseases.
An 85 year old lady came to Richard Schultz with cancer. He knew she was not up to his
Incurables Program so he asked her if she had any herbs growing in her yard. She said yes she
had lots of peppermint growing in her back yard. He told her to drink large amounts of it daily.
She did and the cancer disappeared!

Red Raspberry
Dr. Christopher recommended red raspberry daily before, during, and after pregnancy. My
daughters took red raspberry and nettle tea during pregnancy and the result was very healthy
babies. Red raspberry is astringent, high in iron, aids in preventing colds and flu, and is a
specific for reproductive health in both sexes and for all ages.


Sage is a culinary herb which adds a rich flavor and aroma to foods. It is carminative, promotes
saliva, and improves digestion. It is antiseptic, antispasmodic, and tonic. Sage is well known for
its effects on the brain increasing memory and alertness and decreasing depression. One of the
meanings of the word sage is wise as in sage advice. A sage is a wise old man. Sage is said to
promote long life. Sage sooths the mucus membranes of the mouth and throat and is used for
sore throat, laryngitis, and gum disease. Sage is specific for menopause and hot flashes.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus ) is an Ayervedic herb. It is considered particularly helpful in
conditions affecting the female reproductive system, but is also used for male reproductive
health. It has a reputation as a fertility enhancing plant. Shativari has notable nutritive
properties, and is excellent for nursing mothers to encourage to quantity and quality of breast
milk. Shativari is also used as a digestive aid, anti-diarrhea agent, immunomodulator, and sooths
hot conditions such as heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, hot flushing, menopausal symptoms,
PMS, irritability, cystitis, and recovering after illness.

St. Johns Wort

The pretty yellow flowers of St. JohnsWort resemble somewhat marigold and chamomile
flowers. These three herbs share antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic qualities. The
major difference is that St. JohnsWort is a stronger nervine and anti-depressant. It is used for
depression, neurasthenia, neuralgia, back pains, and nerve pains.

Thyme is a common culinary herb used especially in Italian cooking. Thyme is one of the
strongest antiseptics and vermicides around. Thyme is used reliably in the worst cases of lung
infections, bronchitis, and whooping cough. It will kill all worms and is specific for hookworms.
Thyme is also used for digestion, cystitis, bed wetting, cuts, and fungal infections. Thyme oil is
an extremely strong antiseptic useful for cuts, wounds, and fungus.
copied from
Triphala Benefits
The root cause of all diseases lies in the stomach. To cure all your stomach-related problems
have Triphala, an ancient Indian mixture of herbs which has umpteen benefits...Read on to
find out more on triphala benefits.
In this era of junk food and soft drinks it's hard to find a soul without stomach problems like
constipation, acidity, loss of appetite and pain in abdomen. All these ailments further cause
hypertension, fatigue, skin ailments, headache, poor eyesight and reduced immunity. If you
are fed up of trying conventional medicines, antibiotics, dieting and workouts for stomach
relief, then triphala is your savior. Triphala - a natural, Indian mixture of herbs, can work
wonders for you. Triphala is a Sanskrit word which means 'three fruits'. Ingredients of

triphala are Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bhibitaki (Terminalia chebula) and Haritaki
(Terminalia bellirica). Let's look at the benefits of each of these ingredients.
Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
Amalaki or Amla is a fruit which is the richest source of vitamin C, which helps build
It is an effective antioxidant which helps to remove harmful toxins from the body.
It helps in strengthening and nourishing our lungs and respiratory tract, by removing
mucus out of the lungs.
It helps to maintain good reproductive health by regulating the menstrual cycle and
helps increase fertility in both males and females.
Amalaki helps induce iron (Fe), which helps purify blood tissues and also helps in
blood circulation, thus maintaining the proper functioning of our heart.
It helps maintain a glowing skin as it works as a detox which aids in the formation of
fresh tissues.
It also acts as a muscle toner by increasing protein synthesis.
It aids the absorption of calcium and other minerals into our body. Calcium helps to
strengthen the bones while important minerals and nutrients help prevent hair fall and
premature graying of hair.
Bhibitaki (Terminalia chebula)
Bhibitaki helps to maintain proper balance of all the systems of our body. It acts as a
blood purifier, and helps curb hemorrhage.
Bhibitaki acts as an internal cleanser, removing harmful toxins, and excess fats out of
the body.
It is anti-viral and anti bacterial in nature. It nurtures voice quality and improves
It helps to strengthen our hair roots and enriches hair color and texture.
Haritaki (Terminalia bellirica)
Haritaki has five rasas, or tastes, namely, sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and
astringent out of the existing six rasas.
It stimulates the functioning of our digestive system and strengthens the sensory
Haritaki provides effective cure against piles, anemia, diarrhea, gastro-intestinal
infections, and gallstones.
It helps in fighting fever, headache, cough, and asthma.
It is effective against heart diseases and helps regulates blood pressure.
The combination of these three herbs in ayurveda makes triphala a wonder drug. What are
the benefits of triphala? Let's find out.
Benefits for Stomach
It benefits the digestive system function by acting as a natural appetizer and helping
in proper digestion.
It helps in moving food along the digestive tract.
It benefits in peristalsis (muscle contractions to move the food along the food pipe)
which is one of the most important involuntary functions of the body.


It helps in evacuating the bowel and throwing harmful toxins out of the body, thus
detoxifying it.
It helps cure acidity by relieving harmful gases out of the body.
It is a laxative that can be used for constipation and various gastrointestinal tract
infections as it helps in cleansing and detoxifying every body system.
Triphala contains Amla, which is also known as Indian gooseberry.
It helps in healing stomach ulcers.
It acts as our body's internal cleanser.
Benefits for Heart
Triphala is extremely helpful in reducing problems like arteriosclerosis by restricting
cholesterol formation in the arteries.
It helps to maintain cholesterol levels, thereby reducing heart problems.
Triphala reduces muscle contractions and spasms which helps blood circulation.
It restricts the formation harmful cholesterol i.e. LDL (low density lipo protein) in the
body and boosts the formation of good cholesterol i.e. HDL (high density lipo
protein) in the body.
It benefits heart patients by regularizing the heart rate
It is helpful for anemia patients as it helps generate red blood cells.
It is helpful in maintaining homeostasis; it aids many of the physiological processes
in the body.
A recent scientific study claimed that triphala has anti-cancer properties and it helps
reduce the risk of tumors.
Benefits for Eyes and Skin
Triphala strengthens the muscles of the eyes and improves eyesight.
It is helpful in curing various eye problems like cataracts, glaucoma, progressive
myopia, and conjunctivitis.
It is also used to wash the eyes, in order to reduce their redness.
Triphala is very helpful in treating impaired vision.
It restricts the number of external radicals in blood, which reduces infections and skin
It benefits the skin by improving blood quality, which in turn cures itching and
irritation of skin.
It helps cure skin diseases caused due to excess body heat.
It has an antioxidant property which helps against aging.
For Weight Loss
Triphala treats obesity miraculously. As triphala regularizes the functioning of our
digestive system, it directly reduces body fat.
It benefits the liver through secretion of bile juices that are required for burning fats.
It can help in weight loss as it reduces excessive water content of the tissues.
Triphala helps to cut down hunger pangs.
Triphala in powdered form is called churna. This powder is to be taken with warm water.
Triphala tablets are also available in the market. It is advisable to take two triphala tablets
after every meal. But, it is said that there are many more triphala churna benefits than those
of triphala tablets. Like all ayurvedic medicines, triphala attacks the root cause of every
illness. It should be taken regularly and for a reasonably long period of time.


Triphala tea is a mixture of triphala powder and warm water. Triphala tea benefits are many.
Triphala tea helps in detoxification of body and regeneration of tissues. It helps energize our
body and assists in the processes of digestion and blood circulation. This tea is an excellent
solution to the problem of constipation. It also helps maintain good eyesight. The tea can
cure tiredness and rejuvenate us. Drink triphala tea like a health tonic. It works best when
taken after meals.

Tribulus terrestris

Historical Uses Include: Acne, Alterative (curative and healing), Anemia, Aperient (mild
laxative), Aphrodisiac (sexual tonic), Astringent, Bladder diseases, Kidney diseases, Calculus,
Cancer, Carminative, Chest, Circulation, Congestion, Cough, Digestive, Diuretic, Painful
urination, Enlarged Prostate, Eye Problems, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis, Inflammation, Lactogogue
(mothers milk), Leprosy, Liver, Lung, Neurasthenia, Parturition, Postpartum Depression,
Psoriasis, Refrigerant, Rheumatism, Scabies, Skin Diseases, Sore Throat, Spermatorrhea (early
ejaculation), Stomachic, Stomatitis (inflammation of the lining of the mouth), Tonic, Tumors,
Urogenital, Vermifuge, and Vertigo.
Recommended Dosage: Drink three or four cups of tea per day. Infuse in hot water and steep
until warm before drinking. Has a pleasant taste. Enjoy. For chronic conditions, continue for 60
to 180 days or until the condition clears.


Turmeric is the herb that gives curry powder its characteristic yellow color. It is possibly the
most used herb for both cooking and medicine in India. It is used for indigestion, liver disease,
diarrhea, insect bites, cuts, burns, sore eyes, high and low blood sugar, and on and on. The
principal action of turmeric is centered on the liver and gall bladder causing them to purge bile
and normalize. This action then radiates out to all of the glands including the thyroid, pancreas,
and adrenals.

Vitex agnus-castus helps treat menstrual problems, heavy bleeding, short or long cycles, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), endometriosis, cysts in the uterus, cysts in the breasts, menopause,
infertility, depression, uterine cramps, abdominal cramping, swollen breasts, and abdominal
swelling (edema).
Vitex acts on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands increasing and balancing the hormones that
control the reproductive system. This may and sometimes does help to overcome hair loss in
men and women caused in part by hormone imbalance.
In Ancient Persia, Vitex was popular for its mental health benefits. It has a calming effect
reducing anger and violence.
Additional uses include increasing milk flow in nursing mothers, acne, catarrh, cholera, colic,
diarrhea, dyspepsia, ear disorders, fever, headache, heart disease, hemorrhoids, liver disorders,
malaria, nausea, rheumatism, skin diseases, ulcers, and worms.
The standard dose is one 500 mg capsule per day of Vitex berry powder.

Yarrow is one of the best multi-purpose herbal teas that can be used regularly and in large
amounts as a general restorative and tonic. Yarrow is diaphoretic and febrifugal. It is used for


fevers, colds, flu, and pneumonia. It is styptic but also promotes circulation. Yarrow is excellent
for menstrual problems used regularly it will often work miracles all by itself.

Common Names -- Botanical Names

Black Cohosh
Black Walnut
Blue Cohosh
Blue Vervain
Brussel Sprouts
Cedar Berries
Culvers Root
French Sorrel

Melaleuca alternifolia
Pyrus malus
Asparagus officinalis
Berberis Vulgaris
Beta vulgaris
Juglans nigra
Sanguinaria canadensis
Caulophyllum thalictroides
Verbena hastata
Brassica oleraceagemmifera
Brassica oleracea
Nepeta cataria
Daucus carota
Cascara sagrada, Rhamnus purshiani cortex
Ricinus communis
Juniperus Monosperma
Apium graveolens
Chamaemelum nobile
Larrea tridentata
Cinnamomum verum
Syzygium aromaticum
Cocos nucifera
Coffea Arabica or Coffea robusta
Symphytum officinale
Cucumis sativus
Veronicastrum sibiricum.
Taraxacum officinale
Echinacea (various)
Sambucus nigra and Sambucus canadensis
Inula Helenium
Cichorium endivia
Foeniculum vulgare
Rumex Acetosa


Gravel Root
Horse Chestnut
Irish Moss
Marshmallow root
Milk Thistle
Mormon Tea
Oregon Grape
Slippery Elm
Red Raspberry

Linum usitatissimum
Allium sativum
Zingiber officinale
Hydrastis canadensis
Vitis vinifera
Eupatorium purpureum
Crataegus oxyacanthoides
Aesculus hippocastanum
Cochlearia Armoracia
Hydrangea paniculata
Chondrus crispus
Juniperus communis
Artemisia arborescens
Cymbopogon Citratus
Lactuca sativa
Glycorrhiza glabra
Lobelia inflata
Podophyllum pelatum
Calendula officinalis
Alcea rosea
Podophyllum pelatum
Ephedra viridis
Verbascum thapsus
Brassica rapa
Azadirachta Indica
Urtica dioica
Quercus (various)
Avena sativa
Brassica rapa
Elaeagnus angustifolia
Berberis aquifolium
Carum petroselinum
Pastinaca sativa
Phytolacca decandra
Solanum tuberosum
Prunus domestica
Plantago ovata
Sesamum indicum
Scutellaria (various)
Ulmus fulva
Camellia sinensis and Thea sinensis
Artemisia absinthium
Mentha piperata
Raphanus sativus
Rubus idaeus
Salvia officinalis


St. Johns Wort
String Bean
Tea Tree
Wild Yam
Yellow Dock

Cassia angustifolia
Scutellaria lateriflora
Hypericum perforatum
Phaseolus vulgaris
Melaleuca alternifolia
Thymus Vulgaris
Curcuma longa
Nasturtium officinale
Triticum aestivum
Achillea millefolium
Rumex crispus

Vegetable Glycerin
Vegetable glycerin is an amazing substance with many uses and great value in natural healing.
Because of its nature between water and oil, it is able to penetrate into places where water cant.
If you put vegetable glycerin on your skin, it will not evaporate like water will, nor will it fully
absorb into the skin like oil will. Instead, it will partly absorb but mostly it will stay on the skin
adhering there until it is wiped off or washed off. All by itself, it is mildly antiseptic and healing.
You can mix herbs with it and apply as a poultice.
Raj told me that when she worked for the Red Cross in Peshawar, Pakistan they administered
vegetable glycerin as a tonic to the sick and weak. It is a tonic all by itself. It is also very sweet
and makes a good sweetener for herbal teas and for blended foods.
Dr. Shook wrote: Vegetable glycerin unites with many insoluble poisons that have become
lodged or deposited in the body including various forms of mercury, arsenic, iodine, mineral
sulfates, strychnine, lead, etc. It is sometimes exceedingly difficult to dissolve and dislodge
these poisons from the tissues. Glycerin will often dissolve them and carry them out of the
organism. So many mysterious diseases which defy diagnosis are caused by deposited poisons.
Therefore, this information is invaluable to the practicing herbalist. Vegetable glycerin will
serve well in any disease to remove the toxins which are blocking recovery.
Most people have never heard of vegetable glycerin and want to know what this mysterious
substance is. The following general information about vegetable glycerin is taken from Vegetable glycerin comes to us through a very complex and sophisticated
method of extraction known as Hydrolysis, and the end product that we refer to as "Vegetable
Glycerin" is usually the by-product of another oils production. The basics of this system is that
the fats and oils of a raw ingredient (usually palm or coconut oils) are split into crude glycerol
fats, under the combined action of water, temperature and pressure. These temperatures can
exceed 400 degrees and the material is usually kept under pressure for 20-30 minutes. What is
actually occurring is a sort of "counter-flow" where the water absorbs glycerol from the fatty


acid phase of the oil production. After this phase this glycerol is isolated and further distilled to
give buyers a standard 99% Glycerin product. Vegetable Glycerin is a clear, colorless, and
odorless liquid with an incredibly sweet taste having the consistency of thick syrup. It is used as
an agent in cosmetics, toothpaste, shampoos, soaps, herbal remedies, pharmaceuticals, and other
household items. Because it is soluble in both water and alcohol, its versatility is a major
benefactor in its purported growth and popularity within the manufacturing sector. It is
invaluable as a natural source ingredient with emollient like properties which can soften and
soothe the skin, and it assists the outer epidermis in retaining moisture. This helps to explain why
it is one of the most popular cosmetic additives used today. Other uses include its solvency
action for extracting botanical properties from plant materials without the use of alcohol. This is
especially helpful for those with alcohol sensitivities as most liquid herbal extracts contain
alcohol. Extracts made from Vegetable Glycerin typically have a shelf life of 14-24 months,
whereas alcohol extracts can have an extended shelf life of 4-6 years.

How to Make Herbal Preparations

Herbal preparations include juices, teas, tinctures, syrups, oils, creams, and poultices.

Herbal Juices
Herbal juices can be made using a juicer, a tincture press, or a blender. Fresh herbal juices are
probably the most potent form of herbal nutrition. Whenever it is possible to do so, juicing the
fresh herbs is an excellent idea. Which procedure to use for juicing herbs depends on the herbs
to be juiced and on what equipment is available.
Juicer Option: The Omega Juicer and the various Wheatgrass Juicers are good for juicing
many herbs. Both electric and manual models are available. You can go on line and do a
Google search for these types of juicers. The Champion Juicer is good for certain herbs such as
ginger, parsley, and other herbs which are relatively juicy, but it is useless for grasses and other
fine and delicate herbs.
Tincture Press Option: A tincture press is a step up from a juicer because it will put the herbs
under high pressure and press out the maximum amount of juice from the herbs. Horizon Herbs
sells an excellent tincture press for $650 plus shipping. There are cheaper presses which can also
be used effectively. It may be necessary to grind, blend, or mash the herbs before slowly
expressing the juice in the tincture press.
Blender Option: Cut the herbs in pieces. Fill your container (glass, cup, bottle, thermos, or any
container) with water and pour it into the blender. Add enough herb pieces to about half fill up
the space occupied by the water in the blender. Blend at a high speed and strain back into the
container. If you repeat this procedure with the pulp two or three times, you will get more out of
the herbs each time until there is nothing left except the white cellulose of the herbs which you
can throw away. I have used a blender many times to juice burdock root and to juice wheat grass
and other grasses. It is cheap and easy and it works really well.


Herbal juices should be drunk soon after juicing. They lose their potency by the minute. After a
few hours you may as well throw them away. However, you can preserve an herbal juice by
making a tincture see the discussion of tinctures below.

Herbal Teas
A tea can be made by infusion or decoction.
To make an infusion, place the herbs in water and allow it to steep but you do not apply heat.
Infusions are good for leaves and flowers. The water can be hot, warm, or cold. The hotter the
water is when you pour it on the herbs, the faster it will extract. A cold infusion takes longer but
it does less damage to the enzymes and vitamins. Delicate herbs like sage and saffron are good
in a cold infusion.
To make a decoction, place the herbs in a pan with water and boil or simmer the herbs for a
period of time ten minutes or twenty minutes or longer. Roots, barks and woody parts of herbs
are appropriate for decoctions. To concentrate the decoction, you can put it on low heat for a
longer time and evaporate the water until the decoction is as thick as you desire but be careful
not to let it get dry and burn.
Most teas are made using dried herbs which extract more easily than fresh herbs. But fresh herb
teas can be a real treat with vibrant colors, flavors, and aroma unattainable using dried herbs. To
make the best fresh herb tea there a couple of tips to keep in mind. First tip is to mince them up
before putting them in the container so that they will extract better. Second tip is to use plenty of
herbs and really pack them into the container. Infuse for leaves and flowers and decoct for roots,
barks, and woody parts. Mint, lemon balm, thyme, and any fresh garden herb is a good
candidate for making a fresh herb tea.

Herbal Tinctures
Herbal tinctures can be made with vegetable glycerin, apple cider vinegar, or grain alcohol.
Vegetable glycerin tinctures and apple cider vinegar tinctures have a shelf life of 6 months to a
year or more. Grain alcohol tinctures can last for many years if kept well sealed and in a cool
and dark place.
Despite the fact that vegetable glycerin tinctures and apple cider vinegar tinctures have a shorter
shelf life, they are usually superior to alcohol tinctures because both vegetable glycerin and apple
cider vinegar are very beneficial for healing whereas alcohol is empty calories and negative
nutrition. However, there are a few herbs with important constituents which can only be
extracted with alcohol and in these cases an alcohol tincture is the only option.
Vegetable Glycerin Tinctures


To make a vegetable glycerin tincture, Dr. Edmond Shook recommended to first make a tea
(infusion or decoction) and then to add a minimum of 25% vegetable glycerin to preserve it. In
this procedure, water is the menstrum and you just follow the procedures described above to
make tea, concentrate the tea as much as you want, let it cool, and add the vegetable glycerin.
Another way to make a vegetable glycerin tincture is to use the vegetable glycerin itself as the
menstrum. In this case it is recommended to blend the glycerin and the herb well and allow the
mixture to sit and macerate for two weeks. After two weeks strain through a strainer and allow
to settle for two days. Because of the high viscosity of glycerin, this settling time may be
necessary. If solids settle to the bottom, decant through a several layers of cheesecloth.
A third way to make vegetable glycerin tincture is to add vegetable glycerin to herbal juice. In
this case, make the herbal juice according to the directions given above and add a minimum of
25% vegetable glycerin. I have done this with ginger juice, hawthorn berry mucilage, and lemon
juice with very satisfactory results.
To be safe, I usually put about 30% vegetable glycerin instead of the minimum of 25%. This has
the advantage that I dont have to worry about really accurate measurement, and I have never
had a vegetable glycerin tincture spoil on me even though I have kept them unrefrigerated in
warm tropical climates such as Thailand and Puerto Rico.
See the section above entitled Vegetable Glycerin for more information about vegetable glycerin
and its many uses.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tinctures

Apple cider vinegar has 5 percent acetic acid. As a result, it is better than water at dissolving and
extracting many herbal constituents. It will also store without spoiling for several months or
even for years under the right conditions when it is kept cool, out of the light and tightly sealed.
Apple cider itself is highly beneficial for digestion and nutrition. It is also cleansing and
dissolves calcium and other mineral deposits accumulated outside the cell structure throughout
the body. For all these reasons, making an apple cider vinegar tincture is an excellent option.
Various vegetables such as horse radish, chilies, garlic, sweet peppers, onions, etc. can be grated
into small pieces or blended with apple cider vinegar to preserve them. Keep in a jar in the
refrigerator and use when desired.
To make a typical apple cider vinegar tincture, put the herbs (dry or fresh) into a container and
add apple cider vinegar so that the herbs are occupying about half of the space containing apple
cider vinegar. Allow to sit for two weeks while shaking daily. Strain into another container.
Press the herbs if they are retaining a significant amount of the apple cider vinegar.


When making an apple cider vinegar tincture with seeds, roots, or uncut herbs, it is best to grind
them up or blend them at a high speed with the apple cider vinegar before macerating for two
Alcohol Tinctures
Only grain alcohol is recommended for making alcohol tinctures. 20 percent alcohol content is
the minimum required to keep an alcohol tincture from spoiling. However, in order to extract
well from herbs it is recommended that the alcohol content of the macerating mixture should be
at least 40 percent. This means that the common 80 proof alcohol (which contains 40 percent
alcohol) is adequate for dry herbs.
If the herbs are fresh, then their liquid content needs to be taken into account. If they are not
highly juicy herbs, 100 proof alcohol (which has 50 percent alcohol) content should be sufficient.
In some states, 190 proof grain alcohol (which has 95 percent alcohol) is for sale and can be
mixed with water to get the exact desired alcohol content.
When selecting the alcohol to use, try to find one with no sugar added and little or no flavoring.
Smirnoffs Vodka is a good choice because it is well filtered and has almost no impurities.
Alcohol will often extract better and last longer. For this reason many commercial herb product
companies prefer to sell alcohol tinctures. Many people argue that the small amount of alcohol
in a recommended dosage of a tincture is not significant and can be easily metabolized by the
This argument makes sense for a person who is in good general health and will truly only be
using a small amount for a limited time. However, it doesnt make sense for a person with a
chronic disease or degenerative condition because such a person is not in good health and will
not require only a little bit of herbal medicine. When we are on the Holistic Program and
fighting a killer disease, we dont want the body to have to divert its limited resources to
eliminating poison. Alcohol is empty calories and has no nutritive value at all. The alcohol in
the herbal tincture, although it has absorbed some herbal properties, is still very empty and
thirsty and extracts from the body tissues. It pulls calcium and other minerals out of the bones,
teeth, hair, skin, veins, arteries, muscles, nerves, and brain. It travels rapidly to every part of the
body where it weakens the immune system and interrupts the healing process.
There are some important constituents in some herbs which can only be extracted by alcohol.
Dr. Shook wrote about one case of epilepsy where he had to use alcohol tincture of black cohosh
to get a cure. Evergreen tree saps will not dissolve in water but will in alcohol. But there are
only relatively few cases where alcohol is really needed to extract constituents which will not
dissolve in water.
For 99 percent of herbs, vegetable glycerin or apple cider vinegar tinctures will do the job and
alcohol is not necessary. For a list of such herbs, please see the discussion of vegetable glycerin
in An Advanced Treatise on Herbology by Dr. Edmond Shook.


However, because glycerin and vinegar tinctures are weaker, it may be necessary to use more
perhaps about twice as much.
For many years, I have been using an alcohol tincture of Dr. Christophers Eyebright Formula
for my eyes. I fill the eyedropper half full with water and add about 6 drops of the tincture and
then let it sit for an hour or more before washing my eyes with the eyebright solution. I let it sit
for an hour or more before using it because this allows the alcohol in the tincture to evaporate. I
learned from experience that if I use the eyewash solution too soon the alcohol content in it
makes my eyes really sting.
Anyone using an alcohol tincture for any purpose can evaporate off the alcohol before
consuming the tincture. This is very easy to do. Just put the desired dosage of tincture on a plate
and leave it out in the open air long enough for the alcohol to evaporate. The warmer the plate is
the faster the alcohol will evaporate. Alternately, you can add hot water to the tincture and this
will also accelerate the evaporation.
There is also a process of converting an alcohol tincture to a glycerin tincture. The final result is
a glycerin tincture with no alcohol. This process is also very easy and very simple. First,
evaporate off the alcohol content of the entire alcohol tincture. This can be done by putting the
alcohol tincture in a shallow pan such as a clean frying pan or cafeteria tray or baking dish.
Allow it to sit in the open until all the alcohol content has evaporated. A litmus paper test is one
way to determine that all of the alcohol has evaporated. If your sense of smell is good, you can
also tell by smelling. Or perhaps you can tell by tasting. When the alcohol has all evaporated,
pour the liquid back into a container and add a minimum of 25 percent vegetable glycerin.

Herbal Syrups
The old way to make herbal syrup is with about 2 parts sugar and one part herbal tea or herbal
juice. I have read that such syrups will store well and not spoil. But they are two thirds sugar
which is healing!
A healthy alternative is to use raw pure honey and mix herbs with it. If the honey is kept thick
enough, it will not spoil, though it may crystallize. But if you put too much water in honey
syrup, it will definitely spoil. It is difficult to know how much water is too much. In my
experience, even a little bit of water is dangerous to add to honey.
So, my recommendation for making a syrup which will store for a long time without spoiling is
to make a syrup with a minimum of 25% vegetable glycerin. The vegetable glycerin itself is
sweet and will contribute to the sweetness of the syrup. To make the syrup sweet enough you
can add honey or fresh squeezed sugar cane juice or stevia or any sweet fruit juice provided it
doesnt have any big lumps.

Herbal Infused Oils

To make an herbal infused oil, put the herbs in a container and cover with a good quality
vegetable oil like olive oil, almond oil, etc. Allow to macerate for two weeks and strain through


a cloth or fine strainer. To increase the extraction, put the container in the sun or in a warm
place. One way to make the oil warm is to put the container in a crock pot fitted with a dimmer
switch. Use a candy thermometer to check the temperature of the water in the crock pot and
calibrate the dimmer switch. Set the temperature at somewhere between 110 and 120 degrees F.
Herbal infused oils will last pretty well and are very valuable for applying herbal healing through
the skin. One example is arnica infused oil used for inflammation and bruises.

Herbal Creams
To make an herbal cream or ointment start with one infused oil or with a mixture of infused oils.
Next add something to the infused oil to make it solid or semi-solid as desired. One good thing
to add is beeswax which will stay solid even in hot weather. The beeswax needs to be melted
and mixed with the infused oil(s) and then poured into containers and allowed to cool. When
planning to make a cream you can choose coconut oil to infuse the herbs in because coconut oil
solidifies at cool temperatures and requires less beeswax to stay solid even in hot weather.

Herbal Poultices
Herbal poultices consist of mashed or ground up herbs applied externally. An example of a
simple poultice is plantain leaves mashed up in your hands and applied to an insect bite, scrape,
or any case of localized blood poisoning. Comfrey, hounds tongue, mullen, cabbage, grass, and
many herbs make good poultices when they are fresh and juicy and can be mashed or ground up
and applied.
Dry herbs can also be used to make poultices if liquid is added. Fresh and dry herbs can be
combined in a poultice too.
Several drawing poultices are described under Cancer. These poultices can be used for any
lump, tumor, or problem which is near the skin or even is deep in the tissue.
To make a poultice, we start with some herbs and blend them at a high speed. The liquids which
are good for blending poultices include apple cider vinegar, vegetable glycerin, herbal juices,
herbal teas, and water. After blending the herbs, you need to thicken a poultice and to make it
more sticky so it will adhere better. As thickeners you can use marshmallow powder, slippery
elm bark powder, Bentonite clay, activated charcoal, raw potatoes, coconut meat from the green
coconut, banana, avocado, or any organic plant material which provides a suitable medium.
Adjust the amounts of liquid and thickener to get a consistency that will spread easily but will
not run.
Poultice mixes are made from perishable herbs and are not meant to have a long shelf life. But
especially if made with vegetable glycerin and/or apple cider vinegar, the poultice mixes may
store for a few days up to a week or so while being used up. It is recommended to refrigerate
and check it each day to be sure the poultice mixture is not developing mould or turning rancid.
From experience you can learn to make only as much as will be used up before it goes bad.


My Natural Healing Experiences

In 1995 at 47, I was diagnosed with heart disease. Sonograms showed leaky heart valves
clogged with plaque and 85% blockage in neck the arteries. I had irregular heartbeat, high blood
pressure, fatigue, and depression.
The doctors told me my heart disease was hereditary and incurable. My father, both
grandfathers, and two uncles died from heart disease. More tests were recommended and
medications to control the symptoms. So, they were offering more expense and more wasted
time, but no cure. And the doctors said the heart disease would get worse. They said it was a
toss-up whether I would have a heart attack first or a stroke first.
All of this was despite a life-long devotion to healthy foods, daily jogging, and outdoor
exercises. Obviously, what I had been doing was inadequate.
Since the medical profession could not offer me a cure for my heart disease, I started looking for
an alternate cure. I came across a book entitled Healing Your Body Naturally by Gary Null.
One chapter in this book was about chelation therapy which involves intravenous injections of an
artificial amino acid which binds with impurities in the blood which are then removed from the
body in the urine. Garys review said that this therapy was effective in removing cholesterol,
heavy metals, and other impurities from the blood stream. I started chelation therapy at a clinic
in Annandale, Virginia and completed a total of 22 treatments.
During this time, I developed sharp pains in the middle of my back. I thought these pains might
be in the kidneys, the stomach, or the gall bladder. The doctors I talked to at the chelation clinic
said that the procedure to determine if I had gall stones would cost several hundred dollars and if
gall stones were found then they would recommend surgery to remove the gall bladder. I wasnt
eager to have a gall bladder operation because I saw what this operation did to my mother and
my wife.
Then, by chance, I had some fantastic luck. A nutritionist at the chelation clinic handed me a
printout of Sam Bisers describing the gall bladder flush recommended by Dr. John Christopher.
This gall bladder flush involved drinking a gallon or more of fresh squeezed apple juice per day
for three days (no food only fresh squeezed apple juice) followed by an 8 oz cup of olive oil. I
repeated this treatment 11 times getting more relief each time. The third time was when the
toilet filled up with dozens of gall stones green balls of cholesterol about the size of raisins
floating on the surface. The pain was all gone and without surgery! This convinced me that
natural healing is for real. I followed up by purchasing some books by Dr. Christopher. This
was how I learned about the Incurables Program which I followed to clear up my heart condition.
Today my heart disease is entirely gone. The plaque was dissolved by the juices and herbal teas
which I drank daily. I followed the Incurables Program of Dr. Christopher, using juice
combinations recommended by Norman Walker. I drank two quarts of juice and two quarts of
herbal teas every day. The juices included carrot, cucumber, beet, parsley, radish, tomato,
potato, green bean, spinach, and ginger. Separately, I drank prune juice and lemon juice usually


in the morning to start the day off. The teas were blood cleansing teas such as chaparral,
bugleweed, and yarrow. Almost every day I took a quart of such a tea hot while in a hot bath
soaking and sweating for one hour. I had salads once or twice a day to supplement the liquids.
These salads were vegetables and fruits and almonds and walnuts. I had no animal products of
any kind: no meat, no dairy, no eggs, no fish, and nothing from any type of animal. I made
tahini from sesame seeds and garlic blended with lemon or apple cider vinegar. I made spicy
sauces using cayenne, fresh peppermint, garlic, olive oil, and apple cider vinegar. I took daily
sunbaths. I did deep breathing. I continued my regular jogging, walking, push-ups, and sit ups.
I watched the clouds in the day and the stars at night. I took Dr. Christophers Hawthorne Berry
syrup for the heart. When a sore throat or cough came, I did tons of garlic. When the cough
would not go away, I drank lobelia tea and threw up for three hours after which the cough did not
come back. I had to work at the office every week day, so I took two thermoses with me one
quart of juice and one quart of tea and consumed them while working. Back at home I devoted
my time to the therapy. I took Dr. Christophers bowel formula which worked sometimes.
When it didnt work, I took a stronger formula and did enemas. I made sure the bowel was clean
daily. I took one or two teaspoons of powdered cedar berries daily for several months for the
pancreas and this resolved my blood sugar problem. I took wheat germ oil for vitamin E, a very
important nutrient for the heart.
All of this might sound like a bit too much, but it isnt. The important point about curing the so
called incurable diseases is that you have to really work at it. It is a full time job. Most people
have to quit their day job. I didnt do that. But I did put in about 10 hours per day working on
the problem.
In 2001 I completed the Master Herbalist Program at the School of Natural Healing. I thought
that now with my heart disease cleared up, I would be normal and healthy. But something was
still wrong. I continued to experience constipation, bloating, gas, painful bladder accompanied
by frequent urination, muscle cramps, fatigue, swelling, lumps and varicosity especially in the
feet and lower legs (especially the right foot and leg), and periodic depression.
In 2003, the constipation got much worse. I had to do enemas daily to get any bowel movements
at all. The muscle cramps in my lower legs became severe to the point where I could not use my
calf muscles to walk or run. I lost feeling in my toes and parts of my feet. I drank more juices
and took more blood purifying herbs and wheat grass juice, etc., but these symptoms did not
improve enough. The muscle cramps did decrease. I was able to walk and jog again but only
moderately. The other symptoms continued on into 2004, when I started to suspect that I might
have a candida overgrowth.
I did a candida cleanse following the Life Force Plan (see Candida Cleansing) in 2005. This
took 4 inches off my waist from 38 inches down to 34 inches, less gas and bloating, and greater
stamina. My conclusion was that I must have had candida overgrowth but now the candida
overgrowth was gone.
But still the constipation continued and the daily enemas were still required. I still had swelling
in my right leg, the muscle cramps, urinary pain, and frequent urination. Something was still


wrong, but I had no idea what it might be. All of my work and searching had failed to find a
cure. It was a puzzle.
In 2008, I was talking to a lady in Costa Rica and she was looking at my foot and leg and she
said to me: You have elefanteeaasees! But no worry, you no die. She was so cheerful and
enthusiastic about telling me I had elephantiasis it annoyed me. I said: But I dont have that
much swelling, like an elephants foot. And she said: Well yes, that is often the case with
elephantiasis. She had worked with a doctor treating elephantiasis in Argentina. She called
him and put me on the line with him. He told me that his treatment consisted of exercises,
bandages, and pressure stockings. I asked him what he used to kill the thread worms that cause
Elephantiasis and he said nada (nothing).
So I started researching on the internet and I verified that there are many cases of elephantiasis
(also called lymphatic filariasis) with swelling which is noticeable but not huge. Only in about
10 percent of cases does the swelling get so big that the legs look like elephant legs. This disease
is transmitted when a mosquito bites a person with the disease and then bites another person
injecting the larvae (eggs) if the thread worms that cause the disease. These worms travel
through the blood and lymph invading all parts of the body.
I kept researching and discovered that there are herbs that will kill the thread worms. One source
on the internet reported success curing elephantiasis by using wormwood supplemented with
tumeric. So, in February, 2008, I started taking a liter of wormwood tea and a spoon of turmeric
powder every day. Almost immediately I started noticing some amazing improvements in my
symptoms. One improvement was that I started having bowel movements without enemas. For
five years from 2003 to January, 2008 I had no bowel movements except with enemas. Nothing
else except enemas worked and I couldnt figure it out for five years. Within one week of
when I started drinking wormwood tea, I started having regular bowel movements. What a
relief! According to several sources on the internet, it is common for elephantiasis to cause
intestinal blockage and shut down the peristaltic motion of the intestines.
Another improvement was less frequent urination. Within a month, I was able to sleep the whole
night without having to wake up to urinate. This was another tremendous relief!
Next, my muscle cramps disappeared. Amazing! Just from taking wormwood tea.
I think the wormwood and the other anthelmintic herbs I have taken to kill the worms have killed
all of the worms (except possibly some worms that may be hiding in cysts). The worms in my
intestines, urinary system, and muscles are all gone. The clean-up is continuing. The cysts and
lumps in the legs and feet are shrinking.
Most likely I contracted elephantiasis during the five years I lived in Bangladesh from 1976 to
1981. During this time I was working with agriculture development. I traveled to all districts of
the country and was bitten by thousands of mosquitoes. I got dengue fever and recovered from it
and that was quite an experience! I remember that it was 1977 when I started having some
intestinal blockage and continual urinary discomfort. Now I realize this was caused by
elephantiasis. Slowly over the years my feet became more and more swollen and mysterious


lumps developed especially in the right foot and leg. For over 30 years, I had elephantiasis and
didnt know it.
The thread worms construct cysts in which they lay their eggs. These cysts are hard lumps into
which the blood and lymph cant penetrate easily. To thoroughly be rid of the disease, it is
necessary do dissolve the cysts. By taking dissolvent herbs including Holarrhena
antidysenterica, I was able to dissolve cysts on my liver, in my feet and legs, and in my wrists -as the pictures below show.

These two pictures were taken on December 6, 1009. The sores were caused by a burst liver cyst
which the immune system dissolved and some of the waste material came out through the skin.

January 9, 2010 cysts in the left leg burst causing swelling, heat, and tenderness.


January 10, 2010, left foot and ankle are larger than the right, whereas for many years the
opposite had been the case. Left foot is swollen and hot due to dissolving of cysts. At the same
time, the right foot contains a noticeable lump/cyst on the top of the foot below the ankle. The
left foot swelling and the right foot lump cleared within about 2 months.

May 2, 2011, the right wrist is stiff and sore and the right hand is swollen which can be seen by
comparison with the left hand. These conditions are caused by the dissolving of cysts in the
wrist. A few later, the same thing happened in the left wrist.


Sources of Supplies, Books, Training, and Services

Pacific Botanicals: 1-541-479-7777 Grants Pass, Oregon Sells Organic Herbs. Best quality
bulk herbs and low prices.
Water Distillers: Lowcost: (1) Sears in the Plumbing Department.
(2) Waterwise in Leesburg, Florida.
(3) Durastill in S. Weymouth, MA 1-800-449-5260
Dr. Christopher Herbs: 800-453-1406 Herbs, Vegetable Glycerin, Wheat Germ Oil, and
Castor Oil.
Dr. Christopher Herb Shop in Springville, Utah: 1-801-489-4500.
Consumer Health Organization of Canada: 416-924-9800
The School of Natural Healing: Training and books. Also maintains a data base
of herbalist practitioners.
Herbal Midwife Association of Utah: Diane Bjarnson, 801-785-9272
Horizon Herbs: Organic seeds, roots, live plants, books, videos, and tincture press. Phone 541846-6704 in Williams, Oregon.
A Major Difference: Sells the Ion Cleanse. 1-877-315-8638.
Organic Gardening Magazine:
Article on Nirilosides:
The Lifeforce Plan: Sells Candida Force for treating Candida Overgrowth.
Pauls Grains: 1-641-476-3373 Organic grains, flours, cereals, beef, lamb, dried fruits, nuts,
seeds, honey, and apples in season.
Merz Apothecary: Bulk herbs, herbal products, Bavarian Alpenol, Swedish Bitters, soaps,
lotions, etc. Located in Chicago.
Christopher Hobbs:

Herbal Books and Information

Southwest School of Botanical Medicine: Michael Moore, Director. Website contains

numerous herbal books and remote learning courses are available.
Steven Foster:

Herbal Books and Fantastic Images


National Organic Directory: Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF)
530-756-8518 Organic Farms, Suppliers, Associations, Publications, Seminars, etc.
Seth Ayurvedics:
Dr. Dukes Ethnobotanical Database:

Sam Biser and Richard Schultz: Save Your Life Video Collection
Richo Cech: Making Plant Medicine
John R. Christopher: Curing the Incurables, Herbal Home Health Care, The School of Natural
James A. Duke: The Green Pharmacy
Ann Louise Gittleman: Guess What Came to Dinner
Horizon Herbs: Growing Guide and Catalogue 541-846-6704
Michael Ignatief: The Warriors Honor
Jethro Kloss: Back to Eden
Hanna Kroeger: Parasites The Enemy Within
Jeffrey McCombs: Life Force Plan
Kenneth Meadows: Where Eagles Fly A Shamanic Way to Inner Wisdom
Ellen Norton: Neem
Debra Nuzzi St. Claire: Pocket Herbal Reference
Cynthia Olson: Australian Tea Tree Oil Guide
Mark Pederson: Nutritional Herbology


Richard Schultz: Master Herbalist Video Series and Teachers Notes Study Guide, There Are No
Incurable Diseases Cleansing and Detoxification Program, Healing Male and Female Diseases
Edward Shook: Advanced Treatise in Herbology
Irene Steenhagen: Aromatherapy for One and All
Edmond Szekely: The Essene Gospel of Peace, Search for the Ageless, The Essene Book of
Asha, The Zend Avesta, The Essene Code of Life
Louise Tenney: Todays Herbal Health
Barbara and Peter Theiss: The Family Herbal
Maria Treben: Health through Gods Pharmacy
Norman Walker: Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices
Skye Weintraub: The Parasite Menace
Ann Wigmore: Why Suffer, Be Your Own Doctor, The Sprouting Book, The Wheatgrass Book,
Hippocrates Diet and Health Program.


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