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CCE SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER SECOND. TERM. (SA-II).:? MATHEMATICS (With Solutions) CEASS X Bite Allowed 33 Hous) General Instructions : “Gi. AU questions are compulsory. (i) The question paper consists of 34 question: divided into four sections A, B. C aiid D. Section A Coniprises of 10 questions of I mark each, Section B comprises of 8 questions of 2 marks each, | Sectott € comiprises of 10 questions af 3 mairks each and Section D comprises of 6 questions of 4 niarks tach: Git) Question nuibers.T 10 10 in Section A are multiple choice questions where you are to select one correct option out of the given four (iv). There is no overall choice, However: internal choice has been provided ii]. 4question of tivo marks, 3 gietions of three marks each an 2 questions of fr marks each, You hae ro atenpt Lo ny one of the alternatives ii all such question Q ‘ : (Use of calculators’ ts idt permitted. : Question numbers 1 10 10'are of one mark each. : Jy If the roots of | the he quadratic equation x? + pe'+12= 0 aré i the’ Fatio rs 3. then the value ot pis. (a) £8 5 5 (y87 (£6 (dy 29. Solution. Choice (a) is correct. Let the roots ofthe equation x? + px + 12-= 0 be «and 3 then \'g43ae-pSdesp ax? a) and” =:Ga) 2 12 => a? sa From (1) and 2), we get (2) ss Pas be Gtop=+8 2.1 39°47, 15, Sp + 12 are thve consceutive terms of an A.D, then p is equal (0 @t 2° : © : dy -2 Solution, Choice (a) is correct. - Since 3p + 7, 15 and 8p + 12 are three consecutive terms of an A. 15-Gp+ Ded --and. Sp +12)-15 = [S 8-3ped.\ and Sp-3= > p=l . 3. A bag contains 4 red and 6 black balls. A ball is taken out of the bag at random. The Probability of getting a black ball is : : @ (6) © Solution. Choice (b) is correct. ‘Total number of outcames (i.¢., balls) =dred +6 black = 10-0: Out of 1G outcomes (i... balls) the favourable outcomes (ke..a black ball) = 6, 6 black bills, “This, P(oF getting’a black ball) = lure [us Bluse @ . the bag contains 23 ww 5” : . 4. If radii of the (wo concentric circles are 3 em and 5 cm, then the length of cach chord of one circle which is tangent'to other is . . . (@ dem (by em? (©) 10cm {12cm Solution. ‘Choice (b) is correct: . A B Lot O be the centre of two conceniti¢ circles and AB be a chord of the larger Sm circle touching the smaller circle at L. ‘ Join OL. ‘Since OL (= 3 em) is the radius of the smaller circle and AB is a tangent to thig circle St a point L, ee OL LAB . We know that the perpendicular drawa from the centre of cirele to any clidrd of the drele bisects the chord at L. => AL=BL In right AOLB, we have “LB? = OB? OL? = Fr 3)7 . = 9= 16= 4 =>. LB=dem 8 Length of chord AB = AL + LB =444=8 em PPALs BL = 4m] 5. In figure, AB and AC are tangents to the circle with centre O such that ZBAC = 70°, then ZOBC is equal to A ol (a) 25° (by 35° (©) 45° (dy 55° Solution. Choice () is correct. + Since the angle between two tangents drawn from-an external point to a circle is supplementary to the angle subtended by the line segments joining the points of contact at the centre, i.e.; ZBAC + ZBOC = 180° But ZBAC = 70° (xiven) 70° + ZBO 'g0° L£B0 80° — 70° = 110° A) Im AOBC, we have : 0B =0C {Each = radius} > LOCB= ZOBC — ...(2) {25 opposite to equal sides of a A are equal] In AOBC; we have “ ZOBC + ZOCB + ZBOC = 180° [Sum of three Zs of a A= 180°] = 2ZOBC + 110° = 180” fusing (1) and 23] = 2ZOBC = 180° - 110° = . ZOBC = 10+ 2.= 38°, 6. ‘Tvo tangents making an angle of 120° with each other, are drawn to m circle of radius 9-cm, then the length of each tangent-is equal to (a) V3 om vee (b) 6V3 cm (@ 3V3 env (d), V3 om Solution. Choice (c) is correct, In A's PAO and PBO, we have PA = PB ¥ » (Tangents to a circle from an external point Pf OP = OP [Comimont. ZOAP = LOBP => 290° + ZAO! => "kee Hence, the given points are collinear if k = = 2. 13, Find the area of the AABC with vertices AC 5, 7), B(- 4, — 5) and C14, 5). Solution, The area of the triangle formed by the vertices AC 5. 7). B= 4, ~ 5) and C is given by. vs) where 4y=— 5, 4) = 7 St Hy) +205 — YY tay (5-5-5) 4-45-4407 +5)) [50-4 8448] tole tle ol 1106} =53 Thus, the arca of the’ AABC =53 square units. 14, Prove that in two concentric circles, the chord of the larger circle; which touches the smaller cirele, is bisected at the point of contact. Solution. Let O be the commion centre of two concebiric’citeles C; ind C, and a chord AB of the larger circle C; touching the Smialler éiccle Cy at the point P (see figure). Join OP. Cr ince OP is the radius of the sinaller circle and AB is a tangent to this circle at a point P Mee OP LAB : “We know that the perperidicular draw from the centre of a circle to any chord of the circle, bisects the chord. s AP = BP Hence, AB is bisected at the point of contact. 15. Find the area of the shaded region in the figure, where ABCD is a square of side 14 em. Solution. Side of a square = Momo: Area of a square ABCD = (Side)* = (14)? = 196 cm? Side of a square — Diameter of each circle = 2 idem 2 53 Radius (r) of each eircte = 2 em =Tem Area of one circle = n> 2 ‘Thus, area of the four circles = 4 times the area of one circle 24x Zen? 2 = 154 em® wf2) Hence! area of the’shaded region. 4 = Area of a square — Area of the fourcirctes = 196 em? — 154cm? . fusirig (1) and (2)] = 42em*, 16, The diameter ofthe driving wheel of a bus is 140 em, How many revolutions per ininute must the wheel make in order to keep a speed of 66 km per hour ? Solution, We have Speed of the bus = 66 kwh Distance covered by the whee! ia 60 minutes = 66 x 1000 x 100 em, 66 1000 x 100 1 9999 mn => Distance covered by the wheel in 1 minute’= Circumference of the wheel = 2ar . = 209 = a(diameter) = x 140 =440.em Distance coveted hy the wheet in one revolotion = "4a em “Thus: the number of revolutions in one minute = Distance covered by the wheel in one minute Distance covered by the wheel in one Fevoluion 140000 = 25 440 0 Or An arc of a circle is of length Sx cm and the sector it hounds has an area of 202 em”, Find the radius of the circle. Solution. We know that Length of arc-AB = Sx cm (given) es x2nr =5n 9 = i= vaekr es Area of a sector GAB = 202 cm? (given) > a xr? 220m = 8 2220 360° xr}x£ 220 > (ae 5 3 ; r 3 Sf =20 = => r=8em wf) em ened) (using (1 17, Two circles touch internally. The sum of their areas is 116n cm? and distance between their centres is 6 cm. Find the radii of the circles. Solution. Let R and r be the radii of the circles having centtes Cy and Cy respectively, thea: | Sum of the areas of two circles = 116z em? > BR? + ne = én = MR +?) = Mr > Rees li6 Distance between the centres = C\Cy > 6 em (given) = OC, OC, =o 6=R-r => . - R=64+r From (1) and (2). we have (6+ tP ae > 3644 12rt P= 6 = 2P + 12r-80=0 > P+6r-40=0 > P+ 10F=4r+40=0 = OF + 10r)- r+ 40) =0 = Hr + 10)—A(r + 10) =0 = (r+ 10M(r-4) =0 => r-450 and) r4i0=0 > red and r=-10! “al => . r Puttirig r= 4 in (2). we get (=~ 10 cannot be possible) +4= Hence; radii of the given circles are 10 em and 4 em respectively. 18. Inan A.P,, the first term is 22, nth term is — U1 and sun to first 2t terms is 66. Find n and , the common difference. Solutions Lot a = 22 be the first term and a be the common difference of an A.B. 22, 22-4 22 + 2d, +(n— Nd (i- Dd = wl) and S$), = Sum of terms of an AP. = 2 [2a + r= Hd} > 66 = 2[2 x 224 Dal = 132 = nfd4 4 (n— 1d] = 132 using (1)] = 132 = Section. Question nunbers 19 te 28 carry 3 marks each, 19, The sum of the third and seventh terms of an A.P. is 6 and their product is 8. Find the sunt of first ton terms of the A.P. Solution, Let « and d be the first term and commion difference of an A.B... a+ dl, d + Bde. We have 6 (given) and tf = 8 Now, hy 6 = (a+ 2d) + (a+ 6d) =6 = => > 1) and = SiGe Ad) + mas Ad) + 6d} =8 [using (D} = = 2dy(3 + 2d) =8 > 9-4d = = Whend = then d=3A : : {using CY] Whend=- 4, 3 ! fusing (1) 2 2 Sio= Blaxsa0~ v(-3)] i Or. Find the sum of all three digits naturaf numbers, which are divisible by 7. Solution, The smallest and the lat numbers of three digits, which are divisible by 7 are 105 and 994 respectively. So, the A.P_ of three digit numbers which are divisible by 7 is 994 Clearly, first term (a) and common difference (d) = 112 - 105 = 7. Let there be'n terms in A.P. (1), then nth term (4,) = 994 nol euLUY 28 cv Requiréd sum of 7 terms = 2 [First ter + Last term} = 181105 +994) (E99) 0336 20, Let-ABC be a right triangle in which AB = 6 em, BC = 8 em and ZB = 90°. BD is the perpendicular from B on AC. The circle through B, C and D is drawn. Construct the tangents From A to this circle. Solution. Steps of Construction : . Draw a Fine segment BC = 8 em, . At B construct CBX = 90°, . With B as centre and radi . Join AC to obtain AABC. . Draw perpendicular BD from Bon AC. . Let Obe the mid-point of BC. Draw a cirele with centre O and radius OB= OC. This cigcle will pass through the point D. . Join AO. Draw a circle with AO as diameter, This eircte cuts the circle drawn in step 6 at B and P. . Joint AP. AP and AB are desired tangents drawn from A to the circlé passing through B, C and D. 6 cm, draw an are intersecting the line BX at A. Ausene ~ * 21, Savita and Hamida are friends. What is the probability that both will have (@ different birthdays ? : (ii) the same birthday ? (ignoring a leap year) Solution. Savita’s birthday can be anyone of the 365 days of the year, Similarly, Hamida’s birthday can be anyone of the 365 days of the year. We assume that these 365 outeomes are equaily likely. (i) If Hamida’s birthday is different from Savita’s, the number of favourable’ éutcomes for her birthday is 365 - f= 364, So, P(Humida’s birthday is different from Savita’s birthday) = 364 - ~ 368 Gi) PSavita and Hamida have the sume birthday) *, = | ~ P(both have different birthdays) = 1-38 : fusing PCE =. 365° 22. You have studied in Class IX, that a median of a triangle divides it into two triangles of equal areas. Verify this result for AABC whose vertices are A(4, ~6), B(3, ~2) and C(S, 2. Solution. Given, A(4, - 6), (3, ~ 2) and C(5, 2) be the vertices of ABC. Let D be the rhid-point PED 345-242). of the side BC, then the coordinates of D are [ =, ie. (4.0). 2 Ata. +6) Area of AABC = —[xy(¥q— ya) + X9(3 — 91) +504 - YD] 2=2)432 +6) +5064] 2 BG,-2) D0) (5.2) Ges : oes 5q. units, {Taking numercial value as'area cannot be ve} Also, area of AABD = = [x(yy — 3) +203 —¥) +4301) ~ Ya)P = Pie? — 0) + 3(0 + 6) +4(-6 + 2)] y= =4and yy =+6. 32 where x) [-8 + 18 ~ 16} (61 , 3 3 sq. units [Toking numercial value a¢ area cannot be — ve] Thus, MSAOLBABC = G 2 areaof AABD 3 I => arca of AABC = 2 (area of AABD), . 23. PQ isa chord of length 8 cm of a circle of radius 5 cm. The tangents at P and Q intersect at a point 7 (see figure). Find the lengtis of 7P. y 4 ° Soltition, Since OF is perpendicular bisector of PQ, therefore - Pi 2 (1) But em (given) => => fusing (1)} = . => = PR=dcm (2) [using (DE In ight triangle ORP, we have OP? = OR? + PRE = ort - PR = - 1629 => cm 23) Since 7P is a tangent to circle with centre Q and OP is its radius, therefore, OP LTP [+> The tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the poiat of contact} ZOPT = 90°. In right triangle OPT, we have T? + OP? => T? +25 = Pre 25 : Bes weld) ---(5Y [using (2)} ) = Tr = 18 3 Now, from (5) and (6), we get (s) 256 +144 _ 400 = 9 9 2 (207 => 1? -(2) = te= Dem vl) 24, An aetoplanie'when flying at a height of 4000 m from the ground passes vertically above another aeroplane at an instant when the angles of elevation of the two aeroplanes from the same point on the ground are 60° and 45° respectively. Find the vertical distance between the two aeroplanes at-that instant. (fake V3 73) Solution. Let A be the first aeroplane, vertically above another aeroplane B such that AC = 4000 m be the height of the first aeroplane from the ground. Let 0 be a point on the ground such that the angic of clevation of the two aeroplanes A and B be ZAOC = 60? and BOC = 43°. In right AAOC, we have tan 60° = 4g = eae ce fe tan 60° = 9} 4000 > oc = © Be AC = 4000 mn] B : ° . 4000/3 _ 400003" = oc ee ed Vix 3 o Again, i right ABOC, we have we tan 45°-= BE oc =: 2 SC oc > BC= 0G = bes sooo 3 ae » 100% = be A 000 oy le tan 45° =f] (using (DT bev3 = By ‘Thus, AB=AC- BC = AB = (4000 ~ 2306.7) m => AB = 1693.3.m Hence, the vertical distance between the two aeroplanes is 1693.3 m. 28, A solid iron rectangular block of dimensions 4.4 m, 2.6 m and 1 m is east into a hollow cylindrical pipe of internal radius 30 cm and thickness 5 cm. Find the length of the pipe. Solution. We have Volume of the bloc! 4.4 x 2.6 x tm? (440 x 260 x 100) cm? Tnternal radius of the pipe (1) = 30.em Externat radius of the pipe (R) = r+ thickness of the pipe =G0+5)em=35em Let fi be the length of the pipe, then Voluimné of the iron in cylindrical pipe = Exicmal volume = internal volume Rt ht te Mie h(35 + 30)(35 = 30) 25h cm? Y : Itis given that the solid iroa rectangular block is cast into a holldw eylindrical pipe. Therefore, Volume of the iron in cylindrical pipe = Volume of the iton inrre¢tangular block + > 325mh = 440 x 260 x 100 440 x 260x100 7 SSS om 325% 22 20x 260x100x7 =e em 325 = 20K (4X65) 1007 (655) 800 x 2 x 7) en 1200 cm 12m > h u h 4 uuuy h h ; h Hence, the férigth of the pipe is 112 m. Or Calculate the area of the designed region in figure, common between the two quadrants of circles of radius 8 cm each, Bem Solution. From the figure, we have Area of the shaded region = (Area of the quadrant ABPD — Area of AABD) + (Area of the quadramt CBOD — ‘Area of ACBD) = [Exx(asy?~ deaaxao]y [+ mx(BCP ~facecp] Fler (ach) xa xaD~ Pxacx cD ar SS Fey #@FI_fxexa-tesis} em? joa + 64]~ 8x8] on? cw wr me 4 z 4 4 now ff t is ~/B a 4 a, 26, In figure, ABC is a right-angled triangle right-angled at A. Semicircles are drawn on AB, AC und BC as diameters. Find the area of the shaded region. Solution, We have In right AABC, : VB? + AC? BC +16 =25 = BC=5em: 5 S ». Required shaded area. : B ~ = Area ofasemi-circle with AB=3.emas adiameter-+ Areaof asemi ++ Area of right-angled triangle right-angled at A= Area of a semi De : » (44) +faaxac-Lax( 25) 2 2 2 2 2 _[eu(3V ie (4P oe psy -[F+(3) +P) spo 8x(J)] = {2/2 18 B)-t soxeih oon 2L4 ‘em as diameter. Scmas diameter, = & [22-2] +6hsa units 2L4 4 = fz x (0) + 6s units. = 6 sq. units, ° 27. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 33. em. If the smaller side is tvipted ané the farger side is doubled, the new hypotenuse wiil be 15 cm. Find the length of each side. Solution. Let the smatler side and larger side of a right triangle be x cm and y cm respectively, then” Yet G5? {Pythagoras theorem} => ee y a45 Ke It is given that : when the smaller side is tripled and the larger WS 5 -doubled, the new hypotenuse ig 15 «1 Gxy + yy? = 5)? Ox? + dys 225 veel 2) x Mutipying (1) by 4 and subtracting from (2), we get (O37 + dy?) ~ (4x? + dy?) 3 225 — 4 x 45 = 5x? = 225 — 180 > Sut = d$ > a9 > xak3 = x= 3, as the length ofa side cannot be negative Putting = 3 i (1), we get GP + y= 45 vue 6, as the length of a side cannot be negative Hence the length of the smaller side is 3 em and the length of the langer side is 6 cm: Or In a class test, the sum of the marks obtained by P in Mathematics and Science is 28. Had he got 3 more marks in Mathematics and 4 marks less in Science, the product of marks obtained in the two subjects would have been 180. Find the marks obtained in the two subjects separately. Solution. Let the marks obtained by:P. in Mathematics be x and in Seicnce y. According (o the first condition : "The sum of the marks obtained by ? in Mathematies and Science is 28", : xeys28soy=2B—x 2D) When he got 3 more marks in Mathematics, then marks in Mathematics =. 3 When he got 4 marks less in Science, then marks in Seience.= y~ 4. According to the second condition : “Had he got 3 more marks in Mathematics and 4 macks less in Science, the product of his marks would have been 180". Ln G+ DQ~ = (et QB = 1-4 [using (1)]. > = (dy x? #722 305 180 = =21e+ 10850: a 1 2e 2 et 10 = MOE 12) = 900219) sb (= 12ye=9) =0 2 Ee! Bithere- (220° Sor N= (2° or : then from (1), » 28 =12-= 16 then from (1), y= 38 =9'= ~~ Thus, Marks ia. Mathematic Marks ia Seience = 16 “oF Marks i in Mathematics 9. Marks in Science=: 19; ~ : 28. If A(4, = 8), BG, 6) and cee >: are the vertices ofa aan, Dis the mid-point of BC anid Piste point on AD joined such that ae #2, find the coordinates of P. Solution, Lot AC, —8), B(3. 6) anid CCS, =A) are thie vert of aac, Also D is the mid-point of BC: then the coordinates of Da i Ad 8) BG.6). ne: BED C5.) el Gs » Thus, the ss ates OF P ae 2D. Section D™ | _Questian numbers 29 to 34. carry Lnarks. each. 29% 1a stadent had walked 1 ki faster, he would have taken 18 minutes fess to'walk Find the rate at which he was walking, Solution.” Let the rate at which a'student walking ‘Then the inckeased rite at Which a steidcnt walk Salkng ‘distane Time taken by ithe stuclent with a speed of x sah 3 ‘Time taken by ths enident with a speed of G+ D kein = ® ‘Accotding to the given condition, we have qe + on Needy 304 4 " + HO~3) ~, Hence. the rate at which the student was walking = 3 kins Or * © Acmotor boat whose speed is 18 km/h in Still water takes 1 houir more to g0 24 km mv upstreara than to return downstream to the same spot, Find the speed of the stream. B + Soluition,. Let the speed! ‘of the stream be x krivh and the speed of the motot boat in still water = 18 krivy ~ Speed of the motor boat upstrédm = (18 ~ x) km/h ~ and Speed of the mstor boat downstream = (18 +x) kivh-~ ‘Thus, tine taken in going 24 km upstream = se hours and time taken for r relummirig 24 ksi downstream = 2 hours x But the: motor boat, takes. 1 hour inore: in soing 2 24. km ‘upstream and, returning. back: 24 kin downstieam,” 3 According to the given ‘condition; we have © 24 h (given: weap gy [SBS E EIB eyo aa [= ats ee yen $4) ~6(x #54) #54) +6) Either #54 Either, Since vis the speed of the sites, it cannot be negative. So, we ignoie he root Thérstore, x 6 gives the spodd of the streain as°6 kev : 30.. Prove that the intercept of a tangent between two paraflel ianents te to’ circle subtends a right angle at the ceiitte of the circle: Solttion: Let XV and XY" be to pavialleltangests to a circle with centre O. Let another tangent at Che imereeped between (wo parallel tangents XY and XY" intersecting XY at A and X"Y" at B. OK Pp ALY peri a ? @ : eo 797 BR = Since XY tT x ia ‘AB is the ttansversal; tHierefore SOLACE CBO = 180”. ~ (Sum of the i interior angles on thes same side oft a transversal is, 1807] In ARO find AAOC, we have EAP AC oS - [Tangents drawn from an external point are ‘equal int length] : : : 2 [Commonf POS OC ames © (Radi of he Saing circle} So, by S8S criterion of congruence, we have: | : onan APAO #-BAOC S oo ie: ZPAO = £CA0 HOU 2 QF (CPCTI Similarly, we éan pros : : : 2CB0 = 200 EOE es 23) + Now, (1) can be written’ as. on ae Q (2PAO + ZCAO) +. (LCBO + £080) = = ‘sor . =(ZCAO + + £CAO) #(ZCBO ¥ ZCBO} = 180°" : : [using QY ‘and QB)] = 22 CAO), +2(2CBO)= 180° we ONSESS see ES acccaos ZERO) = 180" Lp a £CA0 + ‘ZCBO'= "90° «In AOR, we have 4 7 ZCAO.* ZCBO + ZAOB = 180° ao (ZENO + ZCBO)+ ZA0B = 180 A) (I) => S : : Henée,-ZA0! i.e., the intercept AG of a tangent between wo parallel tng right arigie ur the centre 0 of ihe circle. 31.- An iron pillar has lower part in the form of a right circular ¢ylinder and the upper pairt in the form of a right circtar. cone. Phe radius of the base of each of the coné-anda cylinder. is 8 em. The cylindrical part fs 240 ent high ane conical part is 36/emn high. Find the weight of the {using @)} s subtends a pillar if 1 em? of iron weighs 7.5 grams,” : oss [tate Re 2] Solution Let 1 an ry be the rei of the cone and cylinder respectively: ther. em Let hy and Ay be the heights of the ‘cone and cylinder espacio, then, : er and 3 = 240 cin, “Total volume of the itoi pillar. Volunie ‘of, the cone + Volume of the cylinder Se hy K (BEX 36 + wm (8)" x 240 tery = Sem x Ode 124 x OE 340 G4n[ 12 £240] S-* ry = Sem, 6 28 x 36 ci! : 550688 em? La voc Henee! total weigit of the iron’ pillar 2 5 » $3 SOBRE x * Sp = be Weight of f cm* = 50688 x Be | fe iiy = 240 om — af 75 grams (given). oe o : On - ~ § container (open at the top) made up of a-metat sheet is in the forma of a feustum of @ cone of - height 16 em with radii of its lower and upper ends as 8 em and 20 cm, respectively. Find (i) the cost of milk when it is completely Glled with milk at the rate of @.15 per litre. ~ (Gi) the cost of mietal sheet used, if # costs €5 per. 100 ci [Take x= 3.14) Solution. ‘The contsiner i a fastim of a gone of height 16 em with radii of is S upp and loiet fds are 20'ém and 8 cin eespective © = 16 om. R= 20 cin and “<7 Slant height of the frastum of cone is wiven by ee esfie se? = 6)" 203% cm a 6? 202 en: = (Bete em £00 Bix lex f20%« + (20)(8) + (82) em? xB1E, ix [400 4 160 Fem" M3, Hx x (624}cm? 3.15 16 208 e = 314% 3.328 emt. 0,449.92 cic. “Therefore: the quantity of milk = Volume of the ¢ cont Thusy cost of the'milk:@ %.15 per fitre: 0. 43: x15), (5601 6] ein? X64 om? : 1,959.36 cm? Thus, cost of the metal used @ & 5 per 100 em? =F 1950305 97.968, 98 approx: . 32, ‘Fhe suin of 2, 27, 3x terms of an A.Pyare Si S: respectively. Prove tl that > S325). Solution, Leta be the first term and a be the common difference of the given A.P, then in oF terms of the given AP. = 8 = 5 a+ (n= Wd]. . cD umm of 3n tres of the piven A.P. = 5 Brae sein “Q) Sum ‘of 3 terms ofthe given A.B, 38 $5 = Bia €Gn= bid) “.20) “Ve 4 ns : -af2eesen-yal-[earo-na | Bk tuston Qi ail gleaned Se il] . . [using 2) and cy =2( )ed (4n® = 2h=n? +a] a a)2 jf (2) Jeter] : : Fees ond Ee using G1 SLES. Ss 33: Two poles of equal heights are standing opposite each other on either side af the toad, “Which is 80 m wide, From a point between thent on the road, the'angles of ele¥ation of the top of tue poles are 60° and 30°, respectively. Find the fielght of the poles and the distances of the Polat: ” frém the poles. - Solition. Let AB and CD be two poles of equal height’ fi meties, Let’ be a poini on the road such that ZAOB = 60° sind: /COD'= OD = (80%) ti, where BD = width of thie roa i “Intight AAOB, We have 08. cos = x metres; then 2 FSee figtitel™ mes 2). QQ) = 5 > SS 20 m Sabaiig +20 min (1), we ger Bx 20 in “R= 1.752% 20 m = 34.64 mo : , Hence, the bejeht of each pole is 34.64 m and the distance of the point from pole Ai is OB = 20m “and from the pole CD is OD =60 m. shuttle cock uséd for playing badminton has the shape ofa ustum of a lie tiounted ot a hemisphere'as showa in the figure. The external diaiméters of the frustum are 5 eni ind 2 em, the heigit of the entire shuttle cock ig 7 eni. Find tts external suface ares “Solution. From the: figure, OA = Radius of the lower ond of the frustuin'of a cone (r) -O'A" = Radius of thé upper end of the frustimn’of a cone (R)'= 2.5 emt 00" = Height'of the frustinm of a cone (h) = 6m 4a" Slant height of the frustum of a cone ® = WP eR aVOR HASNT 236 #225 = 3825 6.19 em External Surface area of a shuttie cock >. : # Curved siiface area of the fruswwin of a ‘cotie + Surface area of a hemisphere SAR LE InP : : =[R* OS HN X 6.194 21] cin? = [Beason ea. 2 Jen

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