Cover Letter Handout

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Purpose of writing a cover letter:

Job seekers often dont give enough attention to their cover letters. This is a way for
employers to weed people out, so you should make sure this document is well written and
not generic. The purpose of a cover letter is to convince an employer to call you for an
interview. It should not simply repeat what is on your resume. A cover letter should
address your qualifications specific to this job and show you know something about the

Basic Rules for writing a cover letter:

Always send a cover letter with your resume, even if the advertisement doesnt ask for
Do not send a generic cover letter. Employers can spot a generic cover letter from a
mile away, and they dont like it. So, customize it to each new job for which you apply.
Do not use more than one page, unless the ad says you can.
Do not simply repeat what you have written in your resume. Instead, sum up
what you have to offer for the specific job, and use this opportunity to bring your
resume to life. Let it serve as your introduction to the reader. In simple direct
language, demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm by telling why you are
uniquely qualified for the job. A successful cover letter highlights and enhances
the information on your resume, and targets it toward the prospective employer.
Its okay to let your letter reflect your individuality, but do not be aggressive,
overbearing, familiar, or cute, and dont write your life story. Use the interview
as a chance to show your personality and go into more detail about your
experiences. This is just a chance to get the interview. You want to stand out by
having professional, mistake free, visually appealing documents.
Use the same font that you used in your resume(Font style- Times New Roman, Font
size 10/12). Many people will use their name, phone number, and email address as a
header on both the resume and the cover letter. Its like your own personalized stationary,
and if your documents get separated, they are easily identifiable.
Use perfect grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Proofread it before sending it to
the employer!
Question: Why would the recruiter want to keep reading your letter instead of the
hundred others piling up on his /her desk.
Answer: Because you show some immediate potential for meeting the companys needs.
You have researched the company and the position and you have explored ways of
meeting the needs.

Like your resume, your cover letter is a form of advertisement. So organize it properly.
Make sure your style projects confidence without being arrogant.
The opening paragraph of your application letter has two important tasks to accomplish
Clearly stating your reason for writing
Giving the recipient a reason to keep reading
Initial Paragraph: presents the following information to the recruiter: How did you
know about the availability of the job and how you can relate your skills and experience
to companys needs.
When you are done with mirroring the companys needs, highlighting your qualifications
and skills along with the evidence that you understand the market
Middle paragraph: It presents your USP ( strongest selling point) in terms of their
potential benefit to the organization. Here you build the recruiters interest in you and
create a desire to interview you. Be very specific. Dont just restrict your message to core
job duties. Also apply personal traits that apply to the targeted position such as your
diligence, learn quickly, handle responsibility or get along with people
Towards the end of this section refer the reader to your resume by citing a specific fact
or general point covered there.
The final paragraph has two important functions:
To ask the reader for a specific action
To facilitate a reply

Sample Cover Letter

Your Address
20 January 2016
The HR Manager
Distinct Consultancy Ltd.
Dear Sir
Application for the position of .
I hereby apply for .. in your organization in response to your advertisement
in The Times of India, dated 11th January, 2016.
I am a promising, diligent recent University Graduate with a background in Marketing
and Sales. As a creative, energetic individual with excellent communications skills and a
pleasant, accommodating manner, I believe to offer the right combination of skills to be
just that person.
As you can see from my enclosed rsum, I recently graduated from Jaipuria Institute of
Management with a Masters degree in Marketing. (Manifest your knowledge and skills
in this paragraph).
While in Jaipuria, I contributed in a variety of activities in Marketing, Sales, etc.. In all
these areas, I quickly earned a reputation as a professional, conscientious worker with
excellent customer-relations skills. In addition, I am known as someone who is driven to
get things done. Among my other strengths, I have good research skills and solid
marketing and advertising instincts. As a fast learner with a large capacity for growth and
development, I am confident that, with these skills and traits to offer, I will prove to be an
asset to your company.
I would be pleased to have the opportunity to discuss and look forward to speaking with
you soon.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully
Rachit Saxena
Enclosure: Resume

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