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How to join in Network:
1) Your email address will be added to Yammer by an International Team member and you will receive a
notification in your mail box. Please accept the invitation by clicking on Accept Invitation

2) You will be directed then to the home page. Please fill in the following details: First Name, Last Name,
Password, Department, and Job Title.
3) Click on Next

4) Add your colleagues email addresses to grow your network.

5) Click on Next

6) Join relevant groups (if it is applicable) and click on Next

7) Add your profile photo by clicking on Browse and selecting a file from your computer
8) Click on Save and Continue

9) Your profile will be created and you will be directed to the main page:

How to access the Westminster Overseas Agent Zone Group:

1) The Agent Zone Group is located on the left side of the page as indicated below:

2) After clicking on it, you will be directed to the main page of the group:

3) Click on Unread conversations to access new posts.

4) Click on All Conversations to access all posts.

5) Click on Files to visualise all uploaded files in the Westminster Overseas Agent Zone:

6) The list of the uploaded files will be displayed

7) Select the file you would like to see by clicking on its name as indicated below:

8) Click on Print to print the document

9) Click on Find to search for a specific text in the document
10) Click on one of the options of Download to download the file

OBSERVATION: Please note that you are currently not allowed to upload new version of documents or files.

11) Click on All File Types to filter only Documents, Images or Videos.

12) Use the Search box to find information about any specific word or sentence in the group

How to edit settings

1) On the left side at the bottom of the page, click on Edit Settings as indicated below:

2) In the tab Profile, you can add/change information as needed:

3) In the second tab, you can change your password:

4) In the tab Notifications, you can change your Notification Settings according to your preferences
5) After selecting them, click on Save

How to share something with the group

1) Click on Unread conversations or All conversations

2) And then click on Share something with this group

3) You can upload a file from your computer:

4) After finishing the post, click on Post

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