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Anul colar 2016-2017
Limba englez
Clasa a X-a L1
Numele i prenumele elevului:
Data susinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I i din Partea II se acord 90

de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.


(18 de puncte)

I. 1. Read the text below and complete the following tasks. Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet.
I need to confess that towns attract me less than the land that spreads out from them. Being a rustic
type by taste and choice, I have special interest in the countryside and its people and in the changes there, which
have been considerable.
____(1) The farms sustained such families for lifetime after lifetime of hard and satisfying labour, but
in these days hard work for short pay has ceased to charm many heirs drawn towards urban bustle and cash. So
the farmsteads get sold to developers or to city buyers who refurbish them as weekend or retirement homes. I
know and like some outlanders who have loved and cared for such places for thirty-four years. _____(2)
Change appears to be the main theme of this look at a region I have held dear. ____(3)
Few places on Earth manage to stay as they have been in an era like this. ____(4) I am grateful too for the
corners and stretches that change has barely yet touched, like a crooked narrow back route I sometimes take
when heading north toward home, part asphalt and part graveled road, and part plain dirt or mud.
I. 1. a. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each gap in
the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Write your answers on the Answer
8 points
A. I am tempted to blame this on my own impatience with new ways, though in fact over the years I have
become a sort of pessimistic accepter of them.
B. I am grateful though for having experienced the hills earlier when change was slight, and for those
stubbornly traditional natives who still hang on to what they are and do.
C. Nowadays it takes a little searching, for example, to find one of the small valley farmsteads that is still in
use by its founding family.
D. But I cant help missing those oldsters who used to come out on the porch and give me road directions and
tell me about their peach crop.
E. This part of the country escaped emphatic change for a long time.
I. 1. b For the following sentences, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text. Write
your answers on the Answer Sheet.
10 points
1. What did the farmsteads used to be in the past?
A. shops B. a farm and its buildings C. shed D.

2. Do towns attract the author___ .

A. more and more B. less C. the same way D.
slightly more than before.


3. The author misses the __________ who used to
give him directions.
A. oldsters B. children C. his parents D. his friends
4. The main theme of the region the author has held
dear is__________.

A. change B. commonness C. boredom D.

5.Because many places fail to stay the same we
should be grateful for ________.
A. the hustle and bustle B. muddy roads C. hills,
corners and stretches barely touched D. noise


(72 de puncte)

II. 1. Read the text below to fill in the missing information. On your Answer Sheet, write only the missing
words next to the number indicating each blank space.
20 points
Many of us are still unaware of or are indifferent to the need to preserve rare species. Some people
argue that species have ___1___ dying out since life began. "So ___2___ should we worry about them now ?"
___3___ ask. They calmly believe that others ___4___ take their place. What these people ___5___ not realize
is that it will ___6___ millions of years before a set ___7___ species is evolved to replace those ___8___ are
rapidly losing. These species are ___9___ national heritage. We should not let ___10___ die off. They should be
preserved for our decendants.
II. 2. Read the text below and use the words given in capitals below to form words that fit in the gaps.
The words in capitals are given in the order you need to use them:
22 points
I was ______1 browsing through the small ads in the local newspaper when I saw an ______2 for a
second-hand word_______3, so I decided to give them a ring to get more _________4. I have a computer but it
doesnt really have a _______5 enough memory for the project Im involved in at the moment. In most
_______6 nowadays, it is becoming useful to be computer-literate but in my _________7 it has become an
absolute _________8. I must admit I do not get much _______9 out of sitting in front of a computer screen for
hours, but I do not stand much of a chance of ________10 without computer skills. So I made an ________11
to see my bargain computer the next day.
II. 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Do not change the key
word. You must use between two and five words.
30 points
1. I'm sure Tony knew about the wedding.
Tony ______________________________ about the wedding.
2. When we were teenagers, we went to the cinema every Saturday.
When we were teenagers, we _____________________________ the cinema every Saturday.
3. My mum never stops criticising my clothes.
My mum ____________________________ my clothes.
4. Could you repeat that please?
Would ________________________________ please?
5. They should have invited us to the party.
We ___________________________________ to the party.
6. Don't bother calling Julia - she's away on holiday.
There's ____________________________________ - she's away on holiday.
7. We haven't been to my parents for a long time.
It's been a long time _________________________________________ my parents.
8. I can't wait to go on holiday with you.
I'm ______________________________________________________ on holiday with you.
9. My girlfriend forced me to see a romantic film.
My girlfriend _________________________ a romantic film.
10.They failed to reach a decision.
They ______________________________ a decision.

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