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Money is important in most peoples lives.

Although some people

.think it is more important than others
What do you feel are the right uses of money? What other factors
?are important for a good life
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
.You should write at least 250 words
:model answer
Money has an important impact on most peoples lives, whether by being plentiful or
.in short supply. While it cannot buy happiness, it can provide much that is of value
In my view the right use of money is to improve peoples lives, starting with ones
own family. First, it helps to provide the means for people to develop themselves by
supporting childrens growth, education and interests, through enabling adults to
study and train or re-train and to develop skill to high level. A third way in which
money contribute is to provide pleasure, so that family members can pursue hobbies
and enjoy holidays. Money is also necessary for many cultural interests: attending
concerts and theatre, for example, or buying a musical instrument. A further use of
money is to provide security against emergencies and in retirement. Last and not
least, one of the right uses of money is to give to others, perhaps in the form of
.charity, so they can enjoy the same things that we can
All the elements of life mentioned above are important, but ultimately people find
satisfaction a good life, that is in relation to other humans. We need to be part of
a community, to give and receive, to have relationships with others in family,
community and work environment. We need to be useful and to help others. The
contributions we can make (or receive) in these endeavours may or may not be
In other words, money is not the only, or even the most important, factor in
.developing a good life, but it can certainly make an important contribution
(words 268)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the
following ways of learning a foreign language. State which you
consider to be the most effective.
studying on your own
taking lessons with a private tutor
taking lessons as part of a class
taking lessons online
going to live in a country where the language is spoken
Write at least 250 words.

model answer:
The question of how to learn a foreign language has become increasingly important
in recent years as business has become more international. Although there are a
number of effective ways, l am convinced that living in a country, where that
language is spoken is the most efficient way of learning.
Traditionally, people have learned languages as part of a large group in a classroom.
This has the advantage of providing many opportunities to practise what you learn
with a number of different people. In addition, the fees for this form of education are
usually reasonable, since a large number of people are taught at once. However, the
size of the group means that more demands are placed on the teachers time.
Students may not get the individual attention they require to improve.
The amount of individual attention you receive is certainly an advantage of working
with a private tutor. Also, the student can work at a pace which is comfortable for
them. On the other hand working with a private tutor can lack the social element,
which is crucial in learning to communicate well in a foreign language. It can also
prove to be beyond the means of many people.
By far the most natural way to acquire a language is to go where it is spoken. Not
only is every social interaction a chance to practise, but you are also exposed to the
real, living language. As well as that, you are able to acquire a natural accent by
imitating the people around you. This is not to say, of course, that there are not
drawbacks. Many people suffer from culture shock away from home, and it can be
very difficult to integrate into a foreign culture.

In conclusion, l would argue that the advantages of going to another country to learn
far outweigh the disadvantages, making it the best option.
(312 words)
.You should spend about 40 minutes on this task
:Write about the following topic
Since the 18th century technological advances have replaced
people in the workplace. With todays technology this process is
happening at a greater rate. Technology is increasingly
.responsible for unemployment
?To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement
.Write at least 250 words
:model answer
Technological advances always have an impact on people at work. Sometimes it can
mean that people are no longer necessary in their job, but sometimes they make
people work easier. We can define technology as scientific knowledge used for
practical purpose in industry and commerce. I would also like to make a further
distinction between this and high technology, which is electronic or information
In my view, technology really began to have an effect on industry in the early of the
20th century. The result of this was that certain industries like the car industry did not
really need as many people, as automated machines and robots were able to do jobs
.such as painting the car, or putting the car together
However, if we now turn to look at the effect of high technology on the workplace, in
my opinion, there has been a different effect. It is true that computers are able to do
some things that people used to do and advanced in high technology have made
peoples lives better through improvement in communication. For example, now we
have e-mail, MSN and some electronic tool to chat with friends or business partners.
In addition, people working in service industries like banking use computers much
more than pen and paper nowadays. In addition, some work can be done from home,
which means that people do not need spend time travelling and can work where and
.when they want to

In conclusion, technology has resulted in unemployment in some traditional

industries like car industry. On the other hand, in other industries such as service
.industries, technology has improved the way the work
(words 274)

.You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

:Write about the following topic
Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times
of most peoples lives. Others think that adult life brings more
.happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities
.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion
.Write at least 250 words
:model answer
Whats the happiest time in peoples lives: youth or old age; school, career or
retirement? All of these have been suggested, but teenage years and adulthood both
.have many supporters
Those who believe teenagers are the happiest people cite their lack of
responsibilities as a significant factor. They are supported financially and emotionally
by their parents, and although they may be included in family decisions, theyre not
ultimately responsible. However, adolescents are on the threshold of adult life:
theyre old enough to get a part-time job, so they can enjoy their first taste of financial
.independence, and their future study and career lie ahead
Away from these serious concerns, young people have an active social life with their
friends, often simply by hanging out with them. And of course, theres the excitement
of first love and first heartbreak. With all this to experience, teenagers see their
.parents lives as boring and stressful
However, the reverse is also true. Adults see anxious, self-dramatising adolescents,
and appreciate the joys of maturity. These may include a contented family life, longlasting friendships and a career. Long-term relationships may not have the fireworks

of adolescence, but are stronger for it, because of the wealth of shared experience.
At work, many of us are challenged and stimulated by the increasing professional
.skills we acquire, which ensures that our jobs remain interesting
The greatest benefit, though, is that maturity gives you greater confidence in your
own judgement, in all areas of life. Youre not afraid to express your opinion when
.others disagree and, unlike a teenager, you know when to let things go
Both these periods can be happy times, but I look back at my own teenage years
with no desire to go back. Adult life may be less dramatic, but fireworks dont keep
.you warm
(words 300)

.You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

.Inventors are not as important to society as doctors
?To what extent do you agree with this statement
Provide reasons for your answer. Include relevant examples from your own
.knowledge or experience
.Write at least 250 words
:model answer
Inventors are creative people who develop new ideas and products, whereas doctors
are specialists who make us feel better when we are ill. I believe that both types of
.people are important to society, but in different ways
Inventors have had an enormous impact on our lives. In the past, they developed
things like electricity, television and aeroplanes. These transformed peoples home
lives and working conditions and enabled them to travel more quickly to other
countries. More recently, inventors have created computers, the World Wide Web
and many other technological products that we now rely on completely. For these
.reasons, most people would agree that inventors are important people
Doctors, on the other hand, save lives. They train for many years and they develop
knowledge and skills that ordinary people do not have. If we get ill, we need
someone who knows what is wrong and can tell us what medicine to take. If we go to

hospital, we expect doctors to look after us. Everyone depends on doctors in this way
.all through their life
Although we cannot live without doctors, it is also true that we cannot live without
inventors. In fact, they also depend on each other. Doctors use inventions to help
.them in their work, and inventors get ill and need doctors to cure them
To conclude, I think doctors and inventors are equally important. Like many people in
society, they play an important part in human progress. So it is impossible to say who
.is more important
(words 252)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.
In many countries the level of crime is increasing and crimes are
becoming more violent.
Why do you think this is and what can be done about it?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
Write at least 250 words.

model answer:
It is true that the crime rate is increasing in many areas of the world. Many
governments react to this problem by building prisons to contain the criminals. This
has proved so unsuccessful that each year bigger and tougher prisons are needed.
Perhaps we need to go back to the basics of this problem and assess the possible
One of the reasons that is often given is the increase in violence both on television
and in computer games. While this may be responsible for making crimes more

violent, I think, it is unrealistic to lay the blame for all criminal activity on the media. I
think the main cause of the crime is the increasing gap between the rich and the
poor, as well as the increasing use of drugs. The majority of crimes are being
committed by people in need who are forced to take what they do not have and by
people addicted to drugs.
Solving these problems is not easy. We could try to ensure that more jobs are
created so that the divide between rich poor is reduced. However, criminals need to
be trained and rehabilitated so that they can enter the workforce. Furthermore,
providing employment only addresses part of this problem; so far there has been little
success in the war against drugs.
I believe that crime will continue to rise, particularly in crowded and overpopulated
areas, unless we can find an effective way to address these issues. Perhaps we can
help to break the cycle by trying to ensure fewer young people enter a life of crime in
the first place. We could do this through education and by making sure that they are
able to work.
(284 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in
separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls
benefit more from attending mixed schools.
Discus both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

model answer:
Some countries have single-sex education models, while in others both single sex
and mixed schools co-exist and it is up to the parents or the children to decide which
model is preferable.
Some educationalists think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single-sex
schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourages

pupils to concentrate on their studies. This is probably true to some extent. It also
allows more equality among pupils and gives more opportunity to all those at the
school to choose students more freely without gender prejudice. For example, a
much higher proportion of girls study science to a high level when they attend girls
schools than their counterparts in mixed schools do. Similarly, boys in single-sex
schools are more likely to take cookery classes and study languages, which are often
thought of as traditional subjects for girls.
On the other hand, some experts would argue that mixed schools prepare their pupils
better for their future lives. Girls and boys learn to live and work together form an
early age and are consequently not emotionally underdeveloped in their relations
with the opposite sex. They are also able to learn from each other, and to experience
different types of skill and talent then might be evident in a single gender
Personally, I think that there are advantages to both systems. I went to a mixed
school, but feel that I myself missed the opportunity to specialise in science because
it was seen as the natural domain and career path for boys when I was a girl. So
because of that, I would have preferred to go to a girls school .But hopefully times
have changed and both genders of student can have equal chances to study what
they want to in whichever type of school they attend.
(304 words)
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Modern technology is changing our world. This has advantages
such as bringing people closer together through communication.
It also has disadvantages such as destroying the differences
between cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this statement?
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

model answer:
Modern technology with its advantages and disadvantages has changed todays
world enormously. Communication allows people all over the world to stay in contact
with each other. For instance, I can easily exchange e-mails with a good friend of
mine who recently had to move back to her mother country, Malaysia. Furthermore, if

I have to make a really important decision or something is bothering me, I simply

have to press the buttons on my mobile phone in order to ask my parents or a good
friend for advice.
Additionally, technology remarkably contributes towards making everyday procedures
more convenient as well as helping to transmit messages rapidly. For example, an
appointment that cannot be met due to an unexpected incident can quickly be
cancelled by writing a text message or, in terms of business, employees can send an
e-mail cancelling or postponing a meeting which will be received within seconds by
their business partners.
While improvements in technology are, to a large extent, helpful, they do have a
disadvantageous side to them. The most significant disadvantage is the
westernisation of traditional cultures, which we can see in the growing number of fast
food outlets for example. We can also see this in the way that foreign words are
being incorporated into local languages.
On the whole, I agree to a great extent that technology is bringing people closer
together and this can only be a good thing, but the disadvantage is that people may
take ideas from other cultures and forget their own traditions.
(254 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
In some countries in Europe, some children from the age of 11 or
13 go to schools to learn more practical skills that will help them
get a job. Other children stay in schools which provide a more
general academic education.
What should schools do to prepare students for the world of
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

model answer:

We live in a changing world, one that needs adaptable students who are ready to
deal with the challenges of the communications age. However, we must not overlook
the fact that students need to have some practical skills which will also help them in
the future. It is, therefore, the responsibility of schools to provide a balance between
the two.
By the age of 11 or 13, some children have a vague idea of what they may want to do
as a career; on the other hand, many do not. In my opinion, it is unfair to expect
children to decide whether or not they want to specialise in vocational or academic
training at such a young age. Schools should offer a wide variety of subjects for
children to choose from and not force them onto a path they may later regret.
The majority of occupations today require an understanding of the basic academic
skills. Therefore, even if a child does know that they want to follow a career in a
particular trade, institutions that offer practical subjects must include core subjects
such as literacy and arithmetic, as well as computer literacy, as a part of their
In my country, children do not have to specialise until they reach the age of 76. This
means they have been taught several subjects and can decide what they want to do
when they complete their schooling.
Today there are many career options for children and they are no longer restricted in
their choice of work. It is the duty of the school to give young learners the chance to
choose their own career options or, at least provide them with the right tools to truly
make it in the modern world.
(290 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
Television dominates the free-time for too many people. It can
make people lazy and prevent them from socialising with others.
Do you agree or disagree?
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

model answer:
Television plays a major part in the majority of peoples lives; soap operas, sports
programmes, music programmes, everyone has their favourites. However, watching
television can take up a lot of spare time which could be used for social or leisure
activities. In my opinion, if we limit the amount of television we watch, we can also
enjoy our free time.
Television in some ways is a device that allows the viewer to relate to what is
happening on the screen. We choose our favourite music from videos, get news,
watch our preferred football teams, connect to the characters in the family drama and
watch educational documentaries. We discuss our preferences with friends and coworkers when we talk to them so it can be said that TV enriches our emotional and
cultural selves.
On the other hand, television has negative effects on the body, as well as social
interaction. Doctors tell us that too much time sat down can lead to weight gain and
heart disease and if we are sitting in front of the TV all the time it means we are not
going out to meet our friends. I believe, if we watch television in moderation, we can
enjoy our favourite programmes as well as have an active social life.
As a child, my parents insisted that I only watched one or two programmes a night.
Today I captain my local football team and enjoy talking about the previous weeks
programming after a match on Saturday. It is my opinion that, if we sit at home all the
time watching television and do not go out, then it will have an unhealthy effect on
our bodies, minds and friendships. However, if we regulate how much we watch and
get on with other things, then TV can be a important part of our social lives.
(305 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
In many countries it is now illegal to smoke in public places. It is
only fair that people who wish to smoke should have to leave the
building. Do you agree or disagree?
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

model answer:
The issue of smoking and smoking bans is an emotive one because smokers and
non-smokers both tend to hold strong views about their rights. Many countries have
now chosen to ban smoking altogether from indoor areas and public places, which is
a radical change from the way things used to be until quite recently.
Non-smokers have been complaining for years that they should not have to breathe
in other peoples smoke in places such as the workplace, restaurants and cafes and
on buses, trains and planes. It is hard to argue that non-smokers do not have a right
to be protected from this. Smoking also causes problems for the owners and workers
in such places who have to clean up after smokers or redecorate more often.
Generally speaking, therefore, I am in favour of smoke-free workplaces, transport
and buildings. Non-smokers should not have other peoples smoke imposed on them.
We have to accept, however, that there are a large number of people who smoke and
will continue to smoke. Many of them enjoy the company of other smokers and feel it
is unfair that they should always be made to stand in doorways when they want to
In a consumer age that seems to put choice above everything else, shouldnt they
have the right to meet and socialise with other smokers if they want to? A more
balanced policy than the one now in place in many countries would be to allow
certain cafes and restaurants to apply for a smoking licence. These places would
then have to advertise themselves as smoking places. Certain areas of buildings
such as workplaces could also be made into smoking rooms or areas but only if the
company wished to. Such measures would still give the majority their smoke-free
environment but protect the wishes of the minority that smoke.
(306 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.
Some people warn that the era of silver screen is coming to an
end and that people will eventually lose interest in going to the
Do you agree or disagree with this view?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

You should write at least 250 words.

model answer:
The cinema has been a popular form of entertainment for many decades. Even the
silent films of the early twentieth century were loved by audiences around the world.
Hollywood is now an enormous business and film stars like the Australian actress
Nicole Kidman earn millions of dollars.
People think that going to the cinema will become out of date because of the
increase in the production of DVDs and videos. Its certainly true that we can all stay
at home now and watch films in comfort. Also the cost of these films is cheaper for a
big family than going to the cinema. Young people enjoy spending a night at home
and watch a DVD or video. And small children adore videos because they can watch
them over and over again.
However, the cinema in my home country are still full every weekend and when a
new film is released we are all very keen to go and watch it. In fact, many small
cinemas have been rebuilt and we can now go to large centres that have six or eight
cinema screens and show up to ten different films a night. An evening out at the
cinema is fun and some films, particularly horror and science fiction films, are much
better on the big screen.
So it seems that we are enjoying both the cinema and the facilities that technology
can offer us and that each of these has its merits. In my view, people will never stop
going to the cinema but they will watch DVDs as well.
(260 words)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

As part of a class assignment you have to write about the following topic:
Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others.
Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped
together and taught separately.

Do you agree or disagree with this view? Give reasons for your answer and include
any relevant examples from your experience.
You should write at least 250 words.

model answer:
There is no doubt that some students in schools behave badly and their behaviour
causes difficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or
because ordinary students find it difficult to study with them.
One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own. However, if
we simply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their
educational opportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for
difficult students is a sort of prison whatever name you give it and the people who
go there may never recover from the experience. This can then cause problems for
the wider society.
Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we
separate them. Disruptive students may be very intelligent and find the classes
boring because the work is too easy. Perhaps these students need extra lessons
rather than separate lessons. Or perhaps the teachers are uninspiring and this
results in behavioural problems so we need better teachers. On the other hand, most
students put up with this situation rather than cause trouble, and some people argue
that we have to learn to suffer bad teachers and boring situations and that students
who cant learn this lesson need to be taught separately.
So before we condemn the students to a special school, we should look at factors
such as the teaching, because once the children have been separated, it is very
unlikely that they will be brought back.
(255 words)

is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local

history than world history. To what extent do you agree or

:Model Essay 1
Teaching history for schoolchildren has been a heated topic
constantly. There is a common belief that local history is more
important to children than world history. However, I disagree with
.this belief
I believe the notion that local history is more valuable than world


be rejected.






the insights into the localhistorical values are completely enough

for one to live. Their claim could be true a few decades ago when
most interpersonal communications were between people of the
same race and origin. However, this view is now outdated, as the


become globalised and international

businessand migrant

workers have




a global village. In this context, an understanding of a foreign

countrys history would enable future local workers to reinforce the
.relationshipbetween them and theexpatriates from that country
In addition, I am strongly convinced that children would benefit the
most only when the learning of local history is placed parallel to that
of world history. To understand a local historical event, children
should put the regional and sometimes even world context in
thathistorical era into consideration. For example, children should





Vietnam regained


independence after defeating the Japanese troops in Indochina in

1945 only happened after a series of relevant events in the World
War II, one of which is thesurrender of Japan to the Allies. In this




would understand history

.more deeply andthoroughly

All the existing data has provided a concrete foundation that the
study of local history should always be parallel to that of world
history. This practice would guarantee that children learn history
more comprehensively and be able to tighten the bond with
.migrant workers in their country

words, written by IELTS Trainer 298



History is a subject that is present in most school systems and is

compulsory at many levels of education. Regarding this matter,
debate has been heated about the importance of teaching of local
history, instead of world history to schoolchildren. In my point of
view, the focus of this subject should be placed on the local
.history rather than the history of the world
Firstly, local history provides a foundation for the youth to explore
their own identity and that of their nation. For example, Vietnamese
school children should be educated about the Great Hunger occurred
in 1945 during the war with the Japanese in order to fully
appreciate the plight that their forefathers had experienced and
therefore value the life of peace, freedom and independence today. I
feel it is essential that the youth, the leaders of tomorrow, are given
the broadest, most accurate platform on which they can construct
.their own perceptions of life
Opponents of this view claim that the world history should not be
removed from the school programs as it is related to local history and
students will have a better understanding of the subject. I am
convinced that this view is flawed. In fact, much history teaching is
concerned simply with memorising facts in the world that have
little to do with their own countries and therefore students will feel

overburdened if they are obligated to learn it. This, in the long

.run, would not benefit children
All things considered, for school children, the relevance of receiving
.knowledge about local history dwarfs that of learning world history

words, written by Bao Huyen, IELTS 263)

( Teacher
:Model Essay 3
It is argued that children in the age of schooling should place more
emphasis on learning the history of the place where they live than the
global history. While I agree that finding the local history will help
them gain more knowledge of their origin, I believe that there are
.some benefits of accessing the world history
On the one hand, it is true that teaching children understanding of
the local history helps them promote a sense of patriotism. In fact,
the whole Vietnamese had suffered numerous strauma during the
war against Western enemies, just because thousands of Vietnam
heroes sacrificed their live to protect the independence and freedom.
Therefore, they have to a duty to increase the nationalism in the
preservation of the peace that they are enjoying. Furthermore,
nowadays more young people are reluctant to studying history
compared to epochal significance. This means that the value of
historical events will be put aside to some extent and gradually sink
into oblivion, hence it is vital that children should learn the past of
.ancestors and predecessors
On the other hand, studying history in the world brings numerous
benefits to young learners. Firstly, obtaining knowledge from the
world enhances our horizons of the civilization and developments of
humans. During the globalization, more children are likely to access

international education, so they face misunderstanding and

backwardness when moving to a new country if they fail to recognize
the importance of human history. In addition, attaining cultural
literacy on a world scale is another advantage. Human beings, unlike
other species, have the gift of language, that is, symbolic thinking and
communication, so communicating intelligently in any language,
requires that we share a common fund of knowledge, information,
.vocabulary, and conceptual tools to become global citizens
In conclusion, I hold my firm belief that by learning history at a local
and international level in educational system, future generations will
.get deeper insights into the past human dignity

Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by

tourists but not local people. Why is this the case and what
can be done to attract more local people to visit these





Tourists are generally drawn to museums and historical locations

when visiting new countries. However, records have shown local
peoples low attendance at these attractions. Some explanations will
.be put forward before solutions can be drawn to tackle this problem
There are several reasons as to why tourists, instead of the local
people, come to museums and historical places. First, these locations
can provide visitors with a comprehensive overview of the traditions
in the particular locality they are situated. As a result, such
destinations are generally more appealing to the newcomers than to
the locals, those without the need to familiarise themselves with the
traditional values of the region. Moreover, because the layout of
museums and historical houses is likely to remain unchanged
through years, they can be visually unattractive to the local
inhabitants, who may have been to these sites for at least once in
.their younger years
Several measures can be prompted to promote locals attendance rate
at buildings for historic relics and museums. The main solution is to
change the publics perception of such places as sites for only
monotonous activities. Should civic events including weddings,
anniversaries and concerts be allowed to be held in these locations,
they would attract substantial public attention to historical values.
Another resolution is that historians and preservationists should be
featured more frequently on the media, with their articles on the
.tremendous worth of museums and historical remains
To conclude, historical areas and museums can be uninteresting for
local citizens because they can be too familiar with the culture that
these places depict. To better this, there should be more media
coverage on historical assets, and also more open-door policies to use
.such locations as spots for more public-oriented activities

:Band 8.5 Sample Essay 2

In terms of local peoples attendance, museums and historical places
have always paled in comparison with other recreational centres.
This essay will present some reasons why this has occurred and put
forward some solutions to resurrect the interest of local people in
.visiting these places
The small and dwindling number of local visitors to museums can
firstly be attributable to the low frequency with which activities are
held. In other words, the renewals of existing exhibits or the
organization of new programs and events are few and far between.
For this reason, little interest is aroused in those who had once been
to the museum or places of historical significance. Furthermore,
museums and historical sites do not come cheap. In fact, to get
admission to these places, visitors are often required to pay a
.substantial amount of money, which can be worth a days salary
In order to drum up more interest of local people in coming to
museums, a number of ways can be employed. What can be done first
of all is to organise activities which incorporate art performances with
appropriate content. This not only encourages the attendance of local
people but also represents a great opportunity to educate them about
the history of their places of origin. In addition, the authorities can
.also lower the admission fee or offer discounts to local inhabitants
:Useful expressions
.To pale (v.) seem to be less attractive
.Resurrect the interest: Make people interested again
Dwindling (adj.) decreasing
To be attributable to: be caused by

The low frequency with which activities are held: very few activities
.are held
A substantial amount of money: a lot of money
.To arouse interest: cause people to have interest
.To drum up more interest: Make people interested
Incorporate (v.) include
.Lose their enthusiasm: become less interested
.To be within ones grasp: Can be done

Although more and more people read the news on internet,

newspapers will remain the most important source of news
?for the majority of people. Do you agree or disagree

It is true that a growing number of people are using the Internet in

order to find out the latest news. While newspapers are still popular, I
strongly disagree that most people will continue to rely on them as a
.source of news
The first reason for my view relates to the increasing use of the
Internet around the world. Today, a growing number of people have
access to online news via technological gadgets such as smart phones
or tablets, so they do not need to buy a newspaper to obtain
news. Even in more remote corners of the world, access to the

Internet is becoming more widespread and the online community is

.growing daily
Secondly, online news is always up-to-date while printed news needs
time for editing, printing and delivering. In this fast changing world,
readers tend to expect updated information about what has just
happened or is happening around them. Online news can
be broadcast immediately with vivid pictures and relevant stories,
.making it more appealing to readers than printed news
Finally, the Internet is a repository of information for people to dig
for information that they need. Digital information can be stored in
mass quantity, which allows internet users to search for events that
occurred in the past. In contrast, newspapers are generally hard
to preserve because of the corrosive effects of the environment and
their sheer bulk makes storage difficult. This once again confirms the
.edge of online news
In conclusion, I firmly believe that the Internet is even now replacing
.newspapers as the principal medium for accessing all the latest news
(words written by IELTS Trainer 267)

people believe government should spend money on

building train and subway lines to reduce traffic
congestion. Others think that building more and
wider roads is the better way to reduce traffic
congestion. Discuss both views and give your





Traffic congestion has become the bane of citizens in many parts of

the world. In order to mitigate this problem, some suggest that public
transportation, such as trains and subway lines should be
constructed. Meanwhile, others are firm in their belief that building
wider roads makes more sense. Both of these methods will be
.analysed below
On the one hand, building trains is an effective method to improve
traffic condition. There are compelling evidences to support the
investment in public transportation. In countries where subway
systems are up to standard, the number of private vehicles that

participate in traffic is small, city dwellers can save hours of delay and
also thousands of dollars on traveling expenses. That is not to
mention a significant number of gallons of fuel saved, which means
.slowing down the exploitation of natural resources
There are, however, others who express doubts on this approach.
Their suggestion is that a better way to alleviate traffic jam is to make
bigger road systems. The undeniable fact is that in many developing
countries today, roads are narrow and in a desperate state of
disrepair, which greatly obstruct the travels to their destinations.
Someones small accidents, a flat tyre for example, can bring traffic to
a halt, which is a commonly-seen problem in roads that have only two
To conclude, both methods discussed above provide sustained relief
on our roadways; however, it is my opinion that the method to build
trains and subway makes more sense in terms of environmental
More and more young people from wealthy countries are
spending a short time doing unpaid work such as teaching
and building houses for communities in poorer countries.
What are the reasons for this? Who benefits more from
?this, the communities or these young people




There has been an ongoing trend of many young people from

prosperous nations deciding to spend their time doing voluntary
work in underprivileged countries. Some of the prominent reasons
for this phenomenon will be discussed, before the benefits of both
.individuals and developing countries are analysed
There are several convincing reasons associated with this practice.
The most significant factor is that doing such unpaid work in poor

countries would be a comparative advantage for the young when

applying for a job in the future. In other words, in this fierce and
competitive job market, a candidate possessing an application file
accompanied by only great scores could not be the ideal one that a
recruiter is finding; therefore, he or she needs outstanding
volunteering experience to be able to compete with other rivals.
Another reason that is worth mentioning is that young generations
could engender the feeling of community when participating in
unpaid work. Their voluntary efforts help to give prominence to the
value of sharing and the sense of social responsibility to secure






.disadvantaged places
It is undoubted that both the young volunteers and underdeveloped
or developing countries could equally gain from this phenomenon.
Regarding the young, it is apparent that the aforementioned
meaningful work not only brings the volunteers unforgettable life
lessons, gives them hands on experience but also helps expand
their network of relationships. As a result, they gradually grow more
mature and confident, realizing the diversity of life by getting to know
many walks of people. In regard to poorer countries, they may have a
chance to raise the living standards of their dwellers. For instance,
knowledge related to environment protection or health care which
they have acquired from overseas volunteers possibly improves their
.living conditions afterwards
To sum up, the requirement of more competitive profile and the
determination to support financially disadvantaged countries are the
two principal elements that make young people join a wide range of
voluntary activities. I would contend that both the volunteers and the
.community are the beneficiaries of the practice above
(words written by Band 8.5 IELTS Test-taker 343)

TOPIC: In recent years, the family structure and the

role of its members are gradually changing. What
kinds of changes can occur? Do you think these
changes are positive and negative?
It is true that these days the family structure has considerably shifted,
and the changing roles of men and women in the family has become
increasingly similar. There are several new forms of family
composition, and in my opinion, these developments are not always
In the past, nuclear families where parents and their offspring living
together under one roof used to be prevalent. However, there is now a
huge trend towards single-parent families due to more marriages
ending in divorce, while the increase in cohabiting couple families
and stepfamilies is probably a result of cohabitation and remarriage
becoming much more acceptable. In addition, the number of singlemother families has increased as many mothers want to have

children without getting married. In terms of changing parental roles

in a family, there has been a rise in the number of stay-at-home dads
in recent years when it has become normal for women to gain
qualifications and pursue their own career path. This is in sharp
contrast to about half a decade ago when men were breadwinners and
.women were in charge of household chores in their families
In my view, the changes described above could have both positive and
negative consequences. On the one hand, due to the lack of emotional
attachment and legal binding, non-traditional households such as
stepfamilies and cohabiting parents are more prone to breaking
down. Consequently, children of these families are more likely to be
involved in antisocial behaviors while their parent may experience
feelings of loneliness and worry. On the other hand, the changes in
the roles of members in the family could be seen as progress because
women are not put under pressure to sacrifice their own careers to
.assume childcare and domestic responsibilities
In conclusion, I believe that the changes in the roles of family
.members and the family structure are both positive and negative
words, Band 8.5 308

:IELBand 8.5 Model Answer 2

The changes of family structure and family roles have become a
major topic of concern in modem society. Some of the main changes
will be identified, before an evaluation on whether this is a positive or
negative trend is made.
A few drastic changes could be observed in families today. The most
obvious one is the decreased size of an average family in society. In
Vietnam, for example, a majority of extended families of three
generations or more living under the same roof have been

transformed into nuclear families with only parents and children. In

addition, there is also a significant change in terms of the roles of the
father and the mother in a family. The responsibility of males as the
sole breadwinner of the family has now been shared with their
partners, and now women have equal working opportunities
compared with their male counterparts. Accordingly, household
duties are also shared equally between the two sexes.
I contend that this new family structure is without doubt beneficial
for all families. As regards the smaller family size, each family
member could benefit from an increased sense of freedom. For
instance, parents have more time for themselves now, compared with
the situation in the past when they had to bear the responsibility of
taking care of both grandparents and children. With respect to the
change in family roles, women may reap the benefit of having their
own career and thus financial freedom. Men also gain from this
change since they have been freed from the financial pressure of
being the only source of income in the family.
To conclude, the most apparent changes in todays families include a
decreased family size and a shared financial and household
responsibility of men and women. All the existing data has provided a
concrete foundation that these changes are beneficial for all members
of the family.
by Mr Tu Pham (8.5 IELTS) Head Teacher at IPP IELTS

Model Essay 3

It is true that there have been significant changes in not only the
family structure but also family roles. In my opinion, these changes
should be regarded as a positive tendency.
To begin with, the structure of a family is relatively different from
that of some decades ago. In the past, it was likely that extended
families became prevalent among societies when many generations
including children, parents and grandparents lived in the same roof.
In contrast, these days are witnessing the domination of nuclear
families which have only parents and their offspring. Regarding
parental roles, in earlier periods, men and women were supposed to
be breadwinners and homemakers respectively as fathers tended to
earn a living while mothers were supposed to stay at home to fulfill
household duties as well as looking after children. However, both
men and women currently go to work to support the whole family,
whereas household tasks are often divided.
I am of the opinion that these changes would have beneficial effects
on family life. First of all, if fewer generations reside together, people
seem to have more freedom and privacy to do anything they have
interest in without disturbing other members. For instance, in
extended families juveniles adoring pop music might have to
stop listening to it because their grandparents could find it annoying
and noisy. Furthermore, pursuing their own careers can allow women
to become financially independent from men and this also provides
families with another income to have a higher standard of living.
Another benefit when husbands assist their wives with household
chores is that women would ease the burden of housework and have
more time for themselves which can be spent on recreational
In conclusion, I hold the view that several changes in family pattern
and the role of member such as the fact that extended families are

gradually replaced by nuclear ones and the fair division of household

duties is a positive development.
IELTS Examiners Comment:


323 words
addresses all parts of the task

Task Achievement

presents a clear position throughout the response
presents, extends and supports main ideas

logically organises information and ideas; there is c

progression throughout
Coherent &

uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately

presents a clear central topic within each paragraph

uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task

Lexical Resources


attempts to use less common vocabulary

makes some errors in spelling and/or word formatio

but they do not impede communication
Grammar Range &

uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms

produces frequent error-free sentences











philosophy, history and literature that people study in

universities have no value for their future career. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give
.your own opinion and relevant examples

:Band 9.0 Sample Essay


education teaches

a humanitarian perspective.








careers may be for us, a certain iota of humanity is always expected

from us as being the superior living beings on earth. Whether we
need to study specialized subjects for such a quality to develop in us
.is a debatable issue
The people who opine that studying such subjects is a waste of time
may believe so, keeping in mind that many academic curriculum is
set and rarely changes. Therefore, the history, literature or
philosophy that is taught is done from a text-bookish perspective, and
does not give in-depth knowledge of the same. Also, people feel that

memorizing dates and facts, sources of the origin of a language,

or brooding on lessons derived from life hardly matter when we go
.out in search of work
On the contrary, humanitarian education particularly relates to
offering assistance to others in an emergency or crisis and is also
used to refer to the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for
individuals and communities to help themselves. In the hostile
environment we are living nowadays, the goal of humanitarian
education of communities increasing their resilience and individuals
and groups becoming confident, able and willing to help themselves
and others when faced with a crisis, is something that can obviously
.not be developed on our own
I believe we need to look beyond the established stereotyping of
history, literature and philosophy as subjects and need to broaden
our mentality. Apart from the much popular career choices that rake
in our desired amount of money, the historians, literary scholars and
philosophers too play an important role in our societies. The
teachings and observations of Karl Marx, Aristotle, Socrates, Robert
Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain and many such other personalities are
.still cited today for reference








humanitarian subjects as having no value for future careers is narrow

minded. These subjects are also as important as any other, when
.being chosen for a thorough study so as to make a career out of them
(words 347)

me people think that it is good for a countrys culture to

import foreign movies and TV programmes. Others think
that it is better to produce these locally. Discuss both views
.and give your opinion

Band 8.0 Model Essay 1

People have different views about whether it is better for a country to
purchase foreign movies or to create domestic ones. While importing
movies from other countries can have some advantages, I would
.argue that producing local movies is a much better option
On the one hand, there are some clear benefits of buying movies from
other countries. Firstly, when a country imports movies that are
produced overseas, it can help its people learn about other cultures in
a much easier and more effective way. This would help its citizens to
be more knowledgeable. Secondly, individuals can learn the good
things of other more civilised societies and alter the way they behave.
For example, the habit of queuing is a nice thing in many Western
countries, and people from Vietnam can learn and copy this action
.when watching foreign movies
On the other hand, I believe it is better for countries to produce
movies domestically because of some reasons. The first one is that
movies made by local people would help to preserve the traditions
and customs of their own cultures. For instance, many Vietnamese
TV programmes remind young generations of how people celebrate

Lunar New Year, which is the most important public holiday in some
Asian countries. If young people only watch foreign movies, the
traditional values might be gradually forgotten. Another reason is
that the film industry often create jobs such as actors, directors or
cameramen. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in producing movies
.in order to provide more employment opportunities for local people
In conclusion, while purchasing foreign movies is beneficial for a
nations culture to some extent, it seems to me that making local ones
.is a much better choice


For the past decades, the importance of a country developing its own
motion picture expertise versus importing foreign entertainment
programs has been the center of attention in the entertainment
industry. I believe that having the best of both worlds would work
.most effectively
There are certain grounds supporting the view of featuring foreign
films and TV shows. Firstly, globalization supports the widespread of
cultural products that integrate within themselves the essence of the
nation from which they originates. Viewers, therefore, while enjoying
the entertaining element of these programs can simultaneously learn
more about the world and its various cultures. For instance, an Asian
viewer can be amazed by the individualism conveyed in western
blockbuster movies while an American can explore the significance of
collective eastern values from a Chinese or Korean drama.
Furthermore, the international trade of these items has not only
aided the development of globalized culture but also broadened
peoples understanding of the diverse world around them. It is not
deemed daring to say that without cultural exchange through TV
channels, feeling and learning about other cultures would turn less
.visually impressive

On the other hand, it is justifiable, though maybe considered

ethnocentric, that domestic entertainment products retain an equally
indispensable role in a countrys film segments. The most obvious
reason is that the act of a country developing its own movies and
broadcasting industry is of necessity to preserve its culture. Through
local films and TV shows, children and adolescents develop their
cognition of local customs and traditional values and have a tendency
to practice them. Another endorsing reason is that domestic films
and shows are irreplaceable products that bring people true feelings
and complete understanding of contexts and clichs used. Since
people can more easily relate themselves to others who speak their
language and whose behavior they could totally understand, viewers
can reflect themselves and their society in a lively way through local
.TV programs
In conclusion, I believe it is crucial for a country to find a balanced
coexistence of both ways, not only advancing towards globalization
.but also preserving ones unique film and TV industry

people in the community can buy cheaper products

?nowadays. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages





The development of technology combined with living in the city gives

people the chance to purchase products at cheaper prices. While I
agree that this opportunity is advantageous to some extent, I am
seriously concerned that the drawbacks it brings can be detrimental
.to the living society
It is understandable that being able to buy cheaper product is
substantially beneficial. Saving money is probably the first and
foremost merit of this trend. Instead of spending a significant
amount of monthly expenditure on clothes or basic necessities as they
used to do in the previous years, consumers can now spare a larger
proportion of their budget on important needs including better
education and nutrition. In addition, the availability of low-priced
products grants consumers more spending choices and boost overall
consumption. Since products become more affordable and accessible,
even low-income people now can purchase a certain range of
consumer goods to satisfy their different needs. Thanks to this,
people from all walks of life can enjoy sufficient living without paying
However, I strongly believe that purchasing cheaper goods has its
downsides which seem overshadow the benefits. Firstly, health
threats to consumers and workers are two major problems of this
trend. To save costs, manufactures may accept the usage of unsafe
cheap chemicals and low-quality ingredients which undoubtedly
affect customers health. Moreover, mass production is also
associated with worker exploitation and international outsourcing
systems that render poor countries labour-intensive. Secondly, costeffectiveness of this practice is not guaranteed since products of lower
prices usually come with short shelf life and low quality. Therefore, in
certain cases, customers may not save money but also have to spend
.more than they should have to fix or to purchase new products

In conclusion, peoples access to cheaper products has its own good

sides. However, the shortcomings are more remarkable that they
.should be taken into serious consideration

nowadays the differences between countries are becoming










advertisements, fashion and follow the same brands. To

what extent the advantages of this trend outweigh its

Band 8.0 Model Essay 1

We are now living in a global village where geographical barriers have
become insignificant. All over the world, people wear the same kind

of clothes, eat the same foods and watch the same films. In my
.opinion, this trend has made life easier for us all
There are several benefits to following global fashion trends. It makes
traveling easier. For example, now Indians and Americans or
Europeans have more or less the same tastes in fashion, food and
music. As a result, young Indian professionals can travel to the US or
Europe and still feel at home there. The biggest advantage of
following a global lifestyle is that it eliminates culture shock when










discrimination. When you wear the same kind of clothes or eat the
same kind of foods as everyone else, you will not stand out. This will
actually protect you from various forms of discrimination that you
might experience when you are in a foreign country. An Indian
woman living in the US will be at a disadvantage if she insists on
wearing only traditional Indian clothes and eating only vegetarian
foods. This will limit the choices she has, but if she is willing to follow
.the culture of the country she lives in, life will be easier for her
The only disadvantage of this trend is the loss of ethnicity. Every
nation has its traditional styles of fashion and clothing. When
.everyone wears the same kind of clothes, this cultural legacy gets lost
To conclude, the benefits of following global trends in lifestyle and
fashion are many. It makes life easier for the globetrotting
youngsters. There are, nonetheless, a few disadvantages, but there is
an easy way to get around them. People who are proud of their ethnic
.fashion and lifestyle can follow it when they are in their own country

Band 8.0 Model Essay 2

Globalisation has allowed people to adopt a homogeneous culture in
terms of entertainment, fashion and other areas as such. However
there are some people who believe such uniformity isnt very

beneficial. This essay shall discuss further both the sides of this
Having the same kind of preferences helps people get around the
world very easily. If we watch TV shows or adverts of a certain
country we get familiar with a summary of its culture, thereby making
it easier for us to blend in there. The more we get to know about each
other, the more can the differences between countries be eliminated
making the world a huge harmonious community. We are no longer
restricted to brands of our own country but are exposed to
international products and services. Following a global fashion trend
shall make you feel and act more naturally with the people anywhere
.in the world without being too obvious
The people who do not support such a development are the ones who
feel a countrys own ethnicity will be lost if the people try to adopt the
prevailing global culture a little more than required. Watching TV
shows or movies from a foreign country may influence and alter the
mannerisms of the people of the home country. Some cultures are
very rigid when it comes to clothing and the acceptance of universal
fashion trends therefore will not be received well. Although, I feel
these are minor issues in comparison to the host of advantages that
we have regarding this. Ones own ethnicity can be followed
.regardless of the TV shows we watch or the clothes we wear
To conclude, I agree that the advantages of the phenomenon of
having a uniform culture worldwide outweigh the disadvantages.
Every subject has pros and cons, and the cons here can be ignored
.easily, especially when such an acceptance makes life easier

many people believe that schools should teach children to

become good citizens and workers rather than independent
individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give
.your own opinion and relevant examples

Band 8.0 Model Essay

Educational institutions like schools and colleges have a duty to mold
students into law abiding citizens and hardworking employees.
However, I dont think that this should be at the cost of their
Individuality helps people stand out in a crowd. Independent
thinking fuels their creativity and helps them become good writers,
thinkers and artists. Their creative pursuits will bring glory to the
nation and give patriots even more reasons to be proud of their

Children spend a great deal of time in schools. The text books, the
teachers and the general atmosphere at school have a major impact
on their impressionable minds. If schools dont encourage creativity
.and independent thinking, the nation will suffer
Just because someone thinks independently, it doesnt mean that
they cant become good citizens or good employees. I cant
understand how independent thinking will make a person antinational or anti-social. Some of the greatest patriots we have seen
were highly creative people who thought independently. There are
numerous examples of such men and women in the annals of World
A nation needs great thinkers, writers, artists, scientists and
philosophers to take its culture and legacy forward. We cant
.accomplish much by being mechanized patriots and workers
To conclude, I dont agree with the argument that schools should only
teach students to become good citizens and workers. Yes, these
institutions should teach these values, but they should also encourage
independent thinking. A person can be an independent thinker and a
patriot at the same time. If one studies world history one can find
several examples of thinkers who were also great patriots and
citizens. Since students spend a great deal of their time at school, it is
.the right place to learn all of these values

students in schools and universities learn more from their

teachers than through other means such as the Internet,
?libraries and TV. To what extent you agree or disagree

Band 8.5 Essay

There are many who prefer supplementary methods such as the TV,
internet and books for enhancing their learning. However, teachers
have, and always will be an inseparable part of the classroom. This
essay shall advocate how the teachers provide more than just
.academic learning
Graphical representation of the academic content always helps the
students to grasp better. For example, learning about Geography and
History from the Discovery channel, or reading articles about tricks
to solve math problems on the internet, makes students more
interested to study. There are also many students who prefer a
background or in-depth knowledge of certain concepts, so they prefer
to read books on that particular subject outside of their academic
curriculum. We can say all these things assist students to self-learn,
.but somewhere without a teacher, this method may go haphazard
There is a flood of information on the internet and thousands of
books published on a single subject. What content is authentic on the
internet or what books are relevant for reading, is supposed to be
guided by the teachers. Teachers know the content and know how to

explain it. They motivate the students for high levels of performances.
Good teachers are great performers and storytellers that rivet their
students attention. Apart from academic learning, teachers teach the
students about the techniques of amplifying information, and when
to execute the knowledge they have. These are life lessons that the
students wont know about unless taught to them by an experienced
Therefore, in closing Id say that more than the books, TV and
internet, teachers are more of our mentors. Teachers dont teach the
school or university subjects, they teach how to learn them on your
own. Teachers engineer learning experiences that maneuver the
.students into the drivers seat and then step aside

some people believe that anyone can create art such as

painting, poetry, music and so on. Others think that a
person should have special abilities to create art. Discuss
.both views and give your opinion
Art is a diverse range of creative activities that express the creators
imaginations. Naturally one can assume, to create art all you need is a
good imagination. However, some others believe that you need to
learn special skills to become an artist. This essay shall discuss both
.the views in detail
Any person with a creative vision and ingenuity can create art forms
such as writing poetry, painting, or composing a song or two.
Drawing up a mental picture of your feelings and expressing them
effectively on paper will make you an artist. For example some people
are sometimes driven by longing or grief for someone, which makes
them spill their feelings out in a song or a painting. This is why
people feel that creating art is not that hard and can be attempted
On the contrary, there are people who firmly opine that without
learning how to express creatively, imagination alone cannot help one
become an artist. It requires years of training for people to become
great artists. To become a musician for instance, one needs to learn
all the fundamentals of rhythms and melodies; to play a guitar one
needs to learn all the right chords. It doesnt help if your imagination
is vivid; you need to know the correct technique of expressing the
.same to distinguish your creation from the ordinary mediocrities
To conclude, Id like to say that as easy as it sounds, creating art is
definitely not a piece of cake. Sure, one might be innate in some art
forms, but enhancing that skill is very important to create

it is impossible to help all people in the world, so

governments should only focus on people in their own
?countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Band 9.0 Model Essay

The role of one government to support citizens of other countries has
been a major topic of concern in todays society. From my



is feasible and



compelling reasons why governments should help people in the

global community rather than only focusing on the citizens of their
.own countries
In this context of globalization and international integration,
the provision of assistance for peoples of all countries in the world is
not an impossible task anymore. One explanation for this is that
modern means of transport have transformed the way that
international assistance could be given, and now assistance could
reach even the most remote places on Earth. For example, thousands
of victims of a deadly earthquake in a mountainous city in Nepal
were rescued by US and German military helicopters in 2014. One
further explanation is that thanks to international banking, the
international community could offer a helping hand to any country
where the financial system is on the verge of collapse. An
excellent example of this is that the saving money of millions of
taxpayers and pensioners in Greece was saved by a timely act of the
European Commission of injecting a huge amount of bailout
.money into Greek banks in 2009





must assume


responsibility of helping citizens in other countries. This is mainly

because assisting inhabitants in other countries, to some extent, is
synonymous to assisting people in the home country. In 2014,
hundreds of US and UK doctors and nurses were sent to African

countries to cope with the outbreak of Ebola, a dreadful plague,

which had killed many thousands by that time. This action prevented
the plague from further spreading to other nations, including the US
and the UK themselves, considering that there was a free movement
of people between countries and there were millions of African
migrant workers in the US and the UK at that time. In addition, the
act of supporting people all around the world may promote a sense






the sustainable

development of the world, because humanity is the foundation of

.peace and stability
To conclude, governments must provide assistance for citizens of
other countries for a clear reason that this feasible act could
simultaneously enhance a global sense of humanity and assure their
.own nationals of a proper living environment

Band 9.0 Model Essay 2

Some people believe that we should not help people in other
countries as long as there are problems in our own society. I disagree
with this view because I believe that we should try to help as many
.people as possible
On the one hand, I accept that it is important to help our neighbours
and fellow citizens. In most communities there are people who are
impoverished or disadvantaged in some way. It is possible to find
homeless people, for example, in even the wealthiest of cities, and for
those who are concerned about this problem, there are usually
opportunities to volunteer time or give money to support these
people. In the UK, people can help in a variety of ways, from donating
clothing to serving free food in a soup kitchen. As the problems are
on our doorstep, and there are obvious ways to help, I can
understand why some people feel that we should prioritise local

At the same time, I believe that we have an obligation to help those

who live beyond our national borders. In some countries the
problems that people face are much more serious than those in our
own communities, and it is often even easier to help. For example,
when children are dying from curable diseases in African countries,
governments and individuals in richer countries can save lives simply
by paying for vaccines that already exist. A small donation to an
international charity might have a much greater impact than helping
.in our local area
In conclusion, it is true that we cannot help everyone, but in my
opinion national boundaries should not stop us from helping those
.who are in need

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on the

Earth. Some people think more money should be spent
on researching other planet to live, such as Mars. To
what extent








Band 9.0 Model Essay 1

It is true that, if present trends continue, it will become increasingly
difficult to sustain human life on Earth. While I agree that it is vital to
tackle this problem. I believe that expenditure on research for new
planets to colonise should be given a low priority, and resources must
.be used to find other, more practical solutions
There are two major reasons why life on Earth is becoming more and
more unsustainable. One obvious problem is the uncontrolled
consumption of natural resources, which are being depleted as a
result. For instance, the extraction of fossil fuels, such as coal, gas
and oil to satisfy growing energy demands has serious environmental
impacts, and these resources will eventually run out. Another concern
is the rising level of pollution worldwide, of the land, the oceans and
the air that we breathe. In India, for example, thousands of tons
of industrial rubbish have been released illegally into rivers, killing
.aquatic life and contaminating drinking water
However, I would argue that the search for a new planet on which
humans could survive is a waste of valuable resources. Firstly, a vast
amount of funding would be required to finance such space
exploration, with no guarantee of success. This money is needed now
to improve health services globally and to provide better education
for all. Secondly, financial resources should be used to develop
advanced technologies that would be more environmentally- friendly
and provide renew able energy. In the field of transport, to take a
simple example, vehicles can now be converted to run on hydrogen or
.even waste cooking oil as McDonalds have done with their trucks
In conclusion, I consider that the search for new planets on which to
settle is a waste of time and resources, and efforts should be
.concentrated on living more sustainably here on Earth





Advances in technology make the prospect to find the second Earth

potentially viable. While I agree that terrestrial life has become
increasingly difficult, I do not believe that we should invest money in
.finding a new planet to live
On the one hand, there is no doubt that life is not as easy as it was in
the past. The main problem is the growing level of environmental
pollution that adversely affects humankind in all parts of the world.
The rising consumption of natural resources such as gas, oil and
coal has resulted in an enormous amount of carbon emissions being
released into the atmosphere, which impairs the air quality and
accelerates climate change. The consequences of this are grave.
People in many big cities are suffering respiratory diseases; more
lands are being shrunk due to the rise of sea levels; and there are
frequent heat waves in tropical countries. Apparently, human life is
.now put in danger
On the other hand, I would contend that spending money finding
another home for all creatures on the Earth is not an effective
measure. There is little hope of seeking a planet that has favorable
conditions for life while the expenditure can be extremely huge.
In contrast, a much better solution would be that we should invest in
environmental projects and encourage people to lead a more
environmentally friendly lifestyle. For example, green energy should
be harnessed and made more available to replace our dependence on
fossil fuels, and individuals ought to opt for public transport rather
than driving their vehicles. Such actions can cut exhaust emissions
and slow down the effects of global warming, making the
.earth a more desirable place for us all
In conclusion, although global warming is a global malady, it seems
ludicrous to suggest that people should find another planet to settle


more and

more older




employment compete with the younger people for the same

jobs. What problems this causes? What are solutions?

Band 8.0 Model Essay

It is true that competition is a significant attitude in a workplace
which is more prevalence between young and old employees. There
are numerous reasons regarding this issue and various measures can
.be taken by governments to improve this situation

The first predictable consequence is the abundance of mature aged

employees. Even though, there is no disputing the fact that aging
workforce is highly experienced, they seem to be less productive due
to their health deterioration. This would negatively influence their job
performance as a result. The other outcome is the increasing rate of
unemployment among junior workers which is often reported to be
the major cause of teenage crimes. Because of joblessness, youngsters
often lack money and thus they may misbehave such as spoiling,
killing, etc to live from day to day. Consequently , not only does our
society indirectly incite crime in youths, but we also do not effectively
exploit young workers who seem to be non-experienced but dedicated
.to work
To mitigate these problems, I think, companies would soon
implement early retirement incentive programs for devoted elderly
laborers. Special healthcare and other social welfare payments should
be given to ensure that they live healthily in the rest of their life.
Besides, employers should also create more job opportunities for
young employees. Take, for example, fast-track scheme, a system for
rapid training and job promotion of talented young staff. By this way,
they can develop their potential to the fullest and make significant
.contributions to the company they are working for
In conclusion, young and old workers play an equally important role
in each companys growth. Therefore, it is necessary for managers to
lead multi-generational workforce by training activities as well as
.staff incentive schemes

nowadays, more and more people decide to have children

later in their life. What are the reasons? Do advantages of
this outweigh disadvantages?

:Band 8.5 Model Essay

In modern society, there has been a major concern that many
couples have delayed parenthood. Some explanations for this social
trend will be put forward, before an analysis of its impacts on
.society and family life is given
A few reasons can be given to justify the trend of giving birth at
later stages of life. First, the labour market is increasingly
competitive, and it is a norm that young parents defer having
children to devote the whole time in the first years of their

employment to lay a sound foundation for their future career.

Second, it is believed that children are raised better by older
parents. This seems valid due to the fact that older fathers and
mothers are generally wealthier, more experienced, and more
.willing to take the responsibility of bringing up a child
The trend exerts both advantageous and disadvantageous influence
on society and families. On the one hand, children born to more
prosperous and experienced parents can receive better and more
comprehensive education, and thus contribute more to society when
they grow up. In each household, the parents may also reap the
benefits of this trend, as their first working years are not
interrupted by pregnancy and childcare. On the other hand, when
an aged couple decide to give birth, there are serious health risks for
the woman in the prenatal and postnatal period. If any complicated
maternal health problem arises, the life whole family would be
.turned upside down
To conclude, the tendency to have children at later ages is caused by
a number of factors, such as the competitiveness of the job market
for young adults, and both the positive and negative impacts of it
.can be seen in families and society

:Band 8.0 Model Essay 2

Having babies later in life is regarded as a new trend of marriage,
especially in these days when soon becoming adolescent parents
might face plenty of troubles. It is easily seen that financial burden is
one of the reasons why many spouses tend to delay their childbirth
because giving birth early forces them to tighten budget. In this essay,
.I will lend more other detailed reasons and effects to this trend
The fact that pregnancy has been more common in older women
stemming from late life marriage whose benefits are huge. Tying the

knot early, in some cases, would cause constant quarrels about rights
of child-rearing between young couples due to their immature
thoughts on marital values. In contrast, delayed marriage may secure
better conditions for childrens future. This would help singles have
more time to seek a financially stable job and broaden behavioral
experience before deciding to live with someone forever. Besides,
high remarriage rate led by the rise of divorce in recent years partly
contributes to late childbirth. The reason is that the lack of
compatibility forces many couples to end their first love and marry
.again. Therefore, they may start having children after age 35
As mentioned above, the benefits of late childbirth are undeniable,
however, elderly parents, as well as society also face threats that they
can foresee. Indeed, raising kids at old age is more arduous than that
at young age, not only because their health will decline but also
because their children are too little to self-manage. Moreover, having
children when reaching over 35 can affect pregnancy due to aging
health . As a result, babies are not healthy enough or even die
.premature death
In conclusion, stable income and settled life make delayed marriage
more appealing. The thing is we need to consider pros and cons of
.this to decide what is right for a happy union

:Band 8.5 Model Essay 3

Many people currently decide not to have babies when they are young
and wait until they get older instead. There are some reasons for this
tendency, and it could have some impacts on family life as well as
To begin with, there are several reasons why a number of individuals
want to have children later in their life. Firstly, this choice allows
them to have more time to enjoy life when they are young. For

instance, it is easier for a young couple to travel when they do not

have a baby to nurture. Secondly, people who are at the early stage of
their career usually have lower income compared to when they are
older. Therefore, many people decide to start raising a family after
having accumulated enough money to ensure a better life for their
However, this tendency might bring about some negative effects on
both family life and society. The first impact is that having children
later will cause a significant age gap between two generations. This
makes it harder for parents to understand and communicate with
their offspring. Additionally, if people give birth when they are too
old, the babies being born might be less physically healthy. This
might adversely affect the quality of the future workforce if too many
.people decide to follow this trend
In conclusion, there are some reasons why many people prefer to
have children later in their life, and this tendency can result in some
.negative impacts on both family life and society

some people think that there is a great influence of news

media on peoples lives and this is a negative development.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your
opinion and relevant examples.

Band 8.5 Model Essay 1:

For many people, news is a regular pan of life. An issue in dispute is
whether the massive influence of the news media on peoples daily
lives denotes a negative development. It is my view that news media
does more good than harm to the society.
The news media provides people with much of the information they
need on a timely basis, although there are claims that it reports on
issues and events purposely (only selecting those events that interest
the audience). Anecdotal evidence shows that people from all walks of
life have the habit of collecting information regularly from the news
media, including print, broadcast and Internet-based media.
Information assists people in decision making. For example, the Free
Trade Agreement reached by the Chinese government and its New
Zealand counterpart might open up many opportunities to both

countries. For any business person, either in New Zealand or in





and capitalise

on thisimpending change would cause a costly loss.

Meanwhile it should be recognised that the news media can
sometimes save lives and reducecasualties. There is a lot of
uncertainty about the surroundings, and people are susceptible to
the damage caused by accidents, crimes and natural calamity. The
news media conveys thefirsthand information to concerned
audiences and enable them to take correspondingactions right
away. The authority can declare a state of emergency when it is
necessary, organise evacuation and distribute aid to the needy areas.
All these efforts count on the news media as themessenger.
Despite their significant and ongoing contribution to the society, the
news media might sometimes be harmful to society. It is a convention
that the news media exaggerates themagnitude of the real threat
(for example, the potential of a terrorism attack), in order to draw the
attention of the desired audiences and in pursuit of high audience
ratings. It ends up with causing panic among the population.
Meanwhile, the news media tends to emphasise some issues or
events, which virtually have little relevance to peoples daily lives,
such as an occasional multiple vehicle accident, an affair that a
celebrity is involved with, and the like. It distracts the audience from
something that is much more noteworthy, for instance, poverty,
environmental problems, to name but a few.
In summary, the role of news media as an information provider
should be acknowledged. In case of emergency, it acts as a lifesaver.
However, it is not to say that the news media can give people an
overall view of the problems in society all the time.


denote = indicate = symbolise = represent = signify


capitalise on = take advantage of = make the best of


impending = imminent = forthcoming = coming = approaching


casualty = fatality = victim


surroundings = environs


calamity = misfortune = catastrophe = disaster


firsthand = immediate


corresponding = relevant


messenger = courier


magnitude = scale = enormity = level

Band 8.0 Model Essay 2:

The influence of media is growing stronger and stronger as time
passes. The speed at which news travels around the world has
become faster with the advancement in technology. A lot of people
believe this influence to have more drawbacks than the merits. This
essay shall discuss both views and offer a reasonable conclusion.
Gaining information on current events has become quicker and easier
as people have a host of resources on which they can depend on for
news about the world, like TV news channels, radio broadcasts,
newspapers, internet, smartphone applications and so on. Sharing
and exchanging of views on the same has also become quite popular.
Apart from panel discussions on news channels, public forums on the
internet also let us know the various reactions people have to a
certain piece of news like the comments on Facebook under any

news article that shape our opinions. However the pressing

question is whether these determinants are for the better or worse.
Too much dependence on anything is never good, which exactly sums
the scenario of peoples growing dependence on news media. For
instance, many news channels nowadays keep on looping the same
(maybe insignificant) news piece all day long, hammering it in the
minds of unsuspecting people. The many small media houses that are
cropping up are deemed to be corporate sell-outs that publish news
relating to the interests of the party that funds it, and cater to the
masses by putting out the most sensational news stories.
The freedom of sharing opinions about any issue also can be feared to
seed stereotypical judgements into peoples thinking. This is bad
especially for developing and under-developed nations, where a
majority of the people are not rational enough to be exposed to the
press. For example, news about a plane crash focusing on the
casualties and the dangers of the crash, instead of the relevant things
like structural stability, changes the attitudes of such kind of people
towards that risk regardless of its real probability.
Weighing all the arguments presented above, I can conclude that the
growing influence of news media is definitely a bad development on
peoples lives. Unless the news informants take a firm hold of their
responsibilities towards journalism, over-reliance on such news
sources can be detrimental.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic:

Some people say that computer games are bad for children









contributing to childrens development. Discuss both views

and give your own opinion.

Children nowadays spend several hours playing video games; since

the last few years these games have become increasingly popular.
While some experts think that these games corrupt the brain, some
others also feel that computer games may actually teach kids highlevel thinking skills for their future. This essay shall consider both
.perspectives and end at a personal approach
Parents usually complain of their child being addicted to video
games, like playing for 2 hours at a stretch, but practically but the
time issue is a red herring. This is a normal time for a child to play
video game or otherwise. Another issue is of these games being too

violent. Although theres no concrete research linking violent games

to violence in real life, common sense says we should limit a childs
exposure as such games glamorize violence and are not realistic.
Playing video games can be considered to be an addiction or
detrimental if it disrupts or compromises other important things in
childrens life, for instance if they cant concentrate on their
.homework because of gaming or have no friendships
When a child plays video games, it gives his brain a real workout. In
many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract and
high level thinking. In shooting games, the character may be running
and shooting at the same time, which develops hand-eye
coordination, fine motor and spatial skills. In strategy games, for
example, while developing a city, an unexpected surprise like an
enemy attack might emerge. This forces the player to be flexible and
quickly change tactics enabling quick thinking and making fast
analysis. Because of all these factors, video games are deemed to be
.more constructive than harming
In closing, Id say computer games are contributing to childrens
development, though in an unconventional sort of way. We cannot
deny that we are now living in a high-tech, sophisticated world so an
all-out negative attitude towards computer gaming is not reasonable.
.Level-headedness in such matters can help curb the damaging effects

nowadays businesses face problems with new employees









interpersonal skills such as the ability to work in a team.

What do you think is the main cause of the problem? How
can it be resolved?

Band 8.0 Sample Essay

The modern workforce faces a serious problem many of todays
graduates dont have the basic skills they need to succeed at entrylevel positions in the workforce. The main reason can be pinpointed
towards universities that fail to train their students adequately. This
.reason shall be discussed further, following some potential solutions
Interpersonal skills are the tools people use to interact and
communicate with individuals in an organizational environment.
Young adults entering the workforce are reported to have problems

extending beyond the academic level. Employers complain that they

lack many applied skills, such as the ability to work well in teams,
communicate effectively, and uphold a professional demeanour,
adding that this unpreparedness harms the day-to-day productivity of
What is unsettling is that universities the places that are expected
to train you for the real job environment, are not placing enough
emphasis on critical thinking or independent research skills,
resulting in delivering aspirants devoid of the necessary soft skills. A
productive solution at this level can be to administer implemented
skills assessment tests, after requisite training for the same of course,
.that students must pass before they can graduate and be recruited
Another approach can be of businesses and colleges partnering, to
help ensure that students gain the real-world experience and hard
skills that employers require. While soft skills are difficult to grade
and assess, it is critical that students be made aware of how their
.behaviour should match the expectations of employers
In closing Id say, interpersonal behavioural development is a
complex phenomenon that is becoming increasingly common.
Practical solutions need to be put into effect to improve non-cognitive
.skills in the employees for yielding an efficient workforce








communication with other countries is a positive trend,

while others think it is harmful to nations and they might
lose their identities. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and
.relevant examples

Band 8.5 Model Essay

Global communication and trade, at the turn of the 21st century, have
brought about many effects. On one hand, theyre blurring
technological, economic, political, and cultural boundaries, however
on the other theyre said to be crushing a countrys individuality. I
personally believe in the former opinion more, which shall be
.reasoned out further in this essay
Outsourcing is one of the negative impacts of world trade, where a
country loses majority of its jobs to workers in foreign; a stark
example is the outsourcing of companies from the US to Indian BPO
(Business Process Outsourcing) units. Another, is the increasing
reliance on foreign brands compared to local equivalents, for example
imported chocolate cookies have more consumption rates than the
ones produced by local companies. A large blame is to be put on
social communications for creating an overhyped necessity for
foreign brands in ones lifestyle. Such factors are considered to be a

significant blow to a countrys own economy and morale of its

.producers thereby giving rise to the statement in the question
Looking at the pace international trade is increasing tells us a
different story though. In contrast to the ill-effects mentioned above,
a number of advantages are put forward by people beckoning world
trade to boom. International trade is beneficial to world economy. It
adds to the money coffers of the world at large. Every country can
benefit monetarily if it is able to dispose off its surplus goods after
meeting the requirements of the local people. Consequently the wages
and lifestyles of the people automatically start climbing. Theres no
stopping globalization so as to consider it; a practical approach would
be to take on its positive aspects and work in an according direction
.to prevent this phenomenon from becoming harmful
Concluding this topic as a positive trend for the world economies, I
would like to say that countries cannot live in isolation. They have to
mutually share their prosperity, technical know-how and undertake
trade in order to sell their surplus products. The world economy is
inter-dependent. Economic progress of a nation would depend upon
.its ties with other countries
words, written by 351

some people think that governments must insist on







undergoing renovation or redevelopment. To what extent

?do you agree or disagree with the statement

Band 8.0 Model Essay

Preserving historic buildings is vital to understanding our nations
heritage. In the process of restoring them, some people believe that
the authorities should not compensate on any changes done in their
original appearance, and that the buildings should be restored as they
.were. This essay shall advocate a practical approach to this scenario
Restoration is said as the process of accurately depicting the form,
features, and character of a property as it appeared at a particular
period of time by reconstruction of missing features from the
restoration period. All around the world, there are many active
redevelopment projects undertaken by the government to preserve
the sanctity of these ancient treasures. However, it is not reasonably
.possible to restore each and every detail of these buildings as it was
Primarily, the construction of these century-old buildings begins to
wear in time. In such cases, some parts of the buildings might not be
in a recoverable condition. Here, the architects need to reconstruct
that particular part to give a complete look to the puzzle of these
primeval structures. Therefore, it is unaccommodating for the
government to demand accurate traditional appearance of the
buildings. Sometimes, a few relevant contemporary touches need to
.be added to make the older buildings appeasing enough

p style=text-align: justify;>In closing we can safely say the

government should not be insistent on minute preservation of
traditional appearance of old buildings. Minor modifications can
definitely be made to adapt existing buildings to compatible new
uses. This not only makes good economic sense, but preserves our
legacy also

it is impossible to help all people in the world, so

governments should only focus on people in their own
?countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Band 9.0 Model Essay

The role of one government to support citizens of other countries has

been a major topic of concern in todays society. From my



is feasible and


arecompelling reasons why governments should help people in

the global community rather than only focusing on the citizens of
.their own countries
In this context of globalisation and international integration,
the provision of assistance for peoples of all countries in the world is
not an impossible task anymore. One explanation for this is that
modern means of transport have transformed the way that
international assistance could be given, and now assistance could
reach even the most remote places on Earth. For example, thousands
of victims of a deadly earthquake in a mountainous city in Nepal
were rescued by US and German military helicopters in 2014. One
further explanation is that thanks to international banking, the
international community could offer a helping hand to any country
where the financial system is on the verge of collapse. An
excellent example of this is that the saving money of millions of
taxpayers and pensioners in Greece was saved by a timely act of the
European Commission of injecting a huge amount of bailout
.money into Greek banks in 2009





must assume


responsibility of helping citizens in other countries. This is mainly

because assisting inhabitants in other countries, to some extent, is
synonymous to assisting people in the home country. In 2014,
hundreds of US and UK doctors and nurses were sent to African
countries to cope with the outbreak of Ebola, a dreadful plague,
which had killed many thousands by that time. This action prevented
the plague from further spreading to other nations, including the US
and the UK themselves, considering that there was a free movement
of people between countries and there were millions of African

migrant workers in the US and the UK at that time. In addition, the

act of supporting people all around the world may promote a sense






the sustainable

development of the world, because humanity is the foundation of

.peace and stability
To conclude, governments must provide assistance for citizens of
other countries for a clear reason that this feasible act could
simultaneously enhance a global sense of humanity and assure their
.own nationals of a proper living environment

Band 9.0 Model Essay 2

Some people believe that we should not help people in other
countries as long as there are problems in our own society. I disagree
with this view because I believe that we should try to help as many
.people as possible
On the one hand, I accept that it is important to help our neighbours
and fellow citizens. In most communities there are people who are
impoverished or disadvantaged in some way. It is possible to find
homeless people, for example, in even the wealthiest of cities, and for
those who are concerned about this problem, there are usually
opportunities to volunteer time or give money to support these
people. In the UK, people can help in a variety of ways, from donating
clothing to serving free food in a soup kitchen. As the problems are
on our doorstep, and there are obvious ways to help, I can
understand why some people feel that we should prioritise local
At the same time, I believe that we have an obligation to help those
who live beyond our national borders. In some countries the
problems that people face are much more serious than those in our
own communities, and it is often even easier to help. For example,

when children are dying from curable diseases in African countries,

governments and individuals in richer countries can save lives simply
by paying for vaccines that already exist. A small donation to an
international charity might have a much greater impact than helping
.in our local area
In conclusion, it is true that we cannot help everyone, but in my
opinion national boundaries should not stop us from helping those
.who are in need

it is observed that in many countries not enough students









?causes? And what will be effects on society

Band 8.5 Sample Essay

In several parts of the world, there is currently a lack of students
choosing to study science in universities and colleges. This problem
happens due to some reasons, and it can have some adverse impacts
.on society
There are several reasons why fewer university students are choosing
science as their major. Firstly, these subjects are usually more

difficult and demanding, which requires students to put much effort

into their study. For example, my friend who is doing a course in
Biology said that he had to conduct too many experiments and
complete numerous projects, which prevented him from having any
free time. As a result, science subjects seem to be less attractive to
students compared to economics or business-related subjects.
Secondly, as there are currently fewer employment opportunities
available for graduates in science fields, learners are less likely to
decide to select these majors. Instead, they tend to choose other
.subjects which allow them to find jobs more easily
A shortage of learners in science fields can result in some negative
effects. The first impact is that when fewer students decide to learn
about science, there would be a serious shortage of employees
working in these fields. This would lead to fewer technological
developments, which would also prevent improvements in peoples
life quality. For instance, it would be difficult for humans to produce
newer smart phones with better functions. Additionally, while a
significantly increasing number of students are choosing economics
and business to study, the number of job vacancies in these areas is
limited. Therefore, many university graduates would have to face
.unemployment, which increases burden on society
In conclusion, the shortage of students choosing science subjects is
caused by several factors, and this problem might bring about serious

words, by IELTS 290)

in developing countries, children in rural communities

have less access to education. Some people believe that the
problem can be solved by providing more schools and
teachers, while others think that the problem can be solved
by providing computers and Internet access. Discuss both
.views and give your own opinion

Band 8.0 Sample Essay 1

Limited access to education has led children in remote locations to
live under poor conditions. Schools and teachers, accordingly, are
believed to a long-term solution, which will guarantee a better life for
disadvantaged children. However, others argue that technology is the
master key to this issue. In this essay, I will discuss both these views
.before giving my own opinion
There is not any difficulty to understand why the role of schools and
teachers is highly acclaimed. Unlike developed nations, many rural
areas have faced a severe teacher and school shortage, leading to
illiteracy among children. Therefore, erecting more schools would

help rural pupils acquire new knowledge as well as social skills more
easily, all of which are conducive to their mental and physical
development at early age. Apart from this, rural communities can
gradually escape from poverty through far-reaching changes in
On the other hand, without the help of technology, children in remote
villages will have many difficulties in access to education. The reason
is due to geographic barriers. Since the distance from their home to
school is far and they often go to school on foot, dropping out often
occurs. Therefore, by equipping young children with online lessons or
programmes, they can self-study at home without having to go to
class or being completely dependent on teachers. Also, this is a good
chance for them to familiarize themselves with online education a
.state of the art educational mode
In my view, schools and technology play an equally important role in
rural and remote education because both have their own values. The
concerted action between these factors, therefore, will promise
disadvantaged children a better studying condition

Band 8.0 Sample Essay 2

It is true that rural children are significantly less likely than urban
children to receive adequate education opportunities and resources in
developing nations. While some argue that the issue could be fully
addressed by providing computers and Internet access, I personally
believe that building more schools and recruiting competent teachers
.would be a more practical solution
On the one hand, some individuals main mottos for dealing with the
problem are to spread computer literacy in rural regions. Firstly,
mastering computer use allows children from remote areas to
compete against other candidates in the race for decent future jobs. It

is mainly because a modern job will require employees to be familiar

with at least some computer applications to boost their productivity
at work. Secondly, the main attribute of E-learning is to offer the
youth a wide range of knowledge and also the flexibility of accessing
information and resources. For example, utilizing free search engines
could supply users valuable and up-to-date information within few
minutes. Studying via Internet also have the capacity to support
childrens language development as there are numerous websites
.aiding in learning foreign languages
On the other hand, children could not access a well-rounded
education without dedicated teachers and renowned schools. The
first reason is that spending prolonged periods in front of faceless
computers screens could take away critical human interaction which
is beneficial to our children. Moreover, children could be easily
distracted and exposed to largely unregulated material in an unsafe
environment. Secondly, it is the trust and bond between teachers and
learners that creates the learning environment while virtual learning
simply cannot do that. Good teachers apparently inspire our young
people, promote their enthusiasm and build their self-esteem to
.succeed in their educational goals
In conclusion, although computers have been helping several
children to progress more quickly compared to traditional methods,
.teachers still have a pivotal role to play in education development

nowadays, young people admire stars though they often do

not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or
?negative development

Band 9.0 Model Answer:

The admiration young people hold for celebrities is not a new

Throughout/During history, youths have been

inspired by people with outstanding athletic ability. It is argued

that this admiration brings with it more positive than negative
issues/ramifications. This will be proven by looking at how sports
figures both instill inspiration and teach life lessons to young
Firstly, celebrities often display extremely developed skills, which
can help to spur young people towards a life full of physically
active. For instance, school children are often driven to exercise in
an attempt to become/emulate superstars, such as Novak Djokovic,
Ronaldo and Messi. As this additional exercise is good for their
health, it is difficult to argue that the inspiration celebrities
bestow/leave upon young people is entirely a bad thing. Thus, this
shows that the admiration people hold for sports stars has positive
Although the negative character figures/traits of many sports
celebrities are often called into question, it is felt the public mistakes
professional athletes make can act as good morality lessons for
young people. A good image of this occurred when Canadian

runner Ben Johnson dishonorably lost an Olympic gold medal due

to steroid use. This incident showed young people around the world
that drug use is a shameful practice. As this example illustrates/is
shown, often the public errors athletes commit can act as good
lessons for adolescents.
After looking at the above, it is felt to hold athletes in esteem does
not bring with it entirely negative consequences. It is assumed the
historical admiration people will retain/retain for sports stars is not
going to change into the foreseeable future.

Band 8.0 Model Essay

In the modern society, youngsters often look up to well-known
entertainers and athletes. Many people believe that these celebrities
are not good role models for young individuals. Thus, they are
concerned about the influence of such admiration. From my
perspective, whether that idolisation is beneficial or detrimental
depends merely on the young generations attitudes.
On the one hand, youngsters adoration towards celebrities can bring
about several positive effects to themselves. First of all, individuals
who are selective will filter out all the negative characteristics and
only opt for good traits in famous figures to emulate. This
consciousness ensures that adolescents will not blindly reduplicate
improper actions from celebrities. For example, even though singer
Michael Jackson was involved in several allegations, his talent,
perseverance and work ethic still inspire many youngsters around the
world. Secondly, teenagers can also take valuable lessons from their
idols mistakes. Since celebrities actions are often publicized,
adolescents have the opportunities to observe various examples of
misconducts and learn from them. For instance, upon hearing the
doping accusation of Louis Armstrong, many of the bikers fans

realize that there is no shortcut which leads to success and honesty

should be of paramount importance.
On the second hand, idolizing entertainers and sportsmen may result
in adverse effects. To begin with, since most adolescents are
malleable, bad examples from celebrities can develop moral issues in
them. Many teenagers who look up to Hollywood figures such as
Paris Hilton believe that they should pursue a glamorous, material
life with parties and nightclubs. Other celebrities like Kim
Kardashian present a wrong message to the young generation,
suggesting that using scandals and PR stunts are the most effective
methods to gain attention and be successful. Furthermore, there are
considered to be better role models for the young to hold in high
regards, such as activists or philanthropists. However, the popularity
of celebrities may sway teenagers interest away from these
individuals. To be more specific, many teenagers do not care much
about politics and other social issues since their attention is solely
devoted to entertaining figures.
All things considered, I believe that the adoration which youngsters
dedicate to media and sports stars have both strengths and
weaknesses. While this admiration allows youngsters to emulate
celebrities good traits and draw a lesson from their mishaps, it also
develops moral issues in them and takes the spotlight away from the
more deserving role models.

some people say that when children under 18 are

committing a crime they should be punished, while others
believe they should be educated. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own

:Band 9.0 Model Essay

Cases of juveniles committing crimes are on the rise lately. While it is
absolutely necessary to punish those guilty of committing crimes, an
argument put forward in this case suggests underage criminals
should be made aware about their actions rather than being punished
straightaway. This essay shall discuss the extent of feasibility of both
.solutions in the interest of the society
Over the last few years, there has been a worrying increase in the
numbers of young offenders being reported, where many of them are
involved in instances of burglaries, robberies, shoplifting and even
street muggings. In the hostile environment that we live in, it
becomes necessary to nip such problems in the bud, lest the
youngsters become full-fledged criminals when they grow up. Many
believe that the children of todays generation are very much aware
and intelligent, than the ones 30 years ago, to comprehend the
actions around them. Many a times they arent even remorseful for
their actions. Therefore, they should be tried in courts as adults and
punished according to the severity of the offence regardless of them
.being underage

In contrast, a lot of people also believe that such treatment of teenage

offenders might not be the best solution. Knowing the reason behind
the crime committed is an essential factor in deciding the
punishment to be given. The environment during the upbringing of a
child too influences his mentality to a great extent. Most of the
research cases in this matter have indicated that children who
commit crimes, mostly do so because of some trauma they have
themselves suffered from in the past. It is only logical that the
judgement of right and wrong of such children becomes impaired;
therefore they should be educated about the same, and not punished.
Rehabilitating them and flushing all aggression from their minds is
giving them a deserved chance to live a better life, as they still have a
.lot of growing up to do
To conclude, this being a sensitive and debatable issue, in my
opinion, I feel the primary course of action for underage criminals is
to provide them guidance regarding the consequences of their
actions. I dont fully agree with not punishing them at all; the extent
of the punishment should be decided by the circumstances and the
.attitude of the offender, whether he ispenitent or not

nowadays university education is very expensive. Some

people say that universities should reduce their fees,
especially for the less fortunate students or those coming
from rural areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this statement?

:Band 8.5 Sample Essay

There has been a significant increase in the university fees in the
recent years, making it difficult for people of limited means to
consider getting educated. This essay shall explain the fee rise in the
universities along with offering solutions in the advantage of poorer
As the requirements of the world have become dynamic, so has the
education industry in terms of curriculum and facilities. Renowned
universities now provide far more diverse courses with many
advanced facilities to aid students. This encourages student
migration; therefore the universities have to add the tuition fees and
accommodation charges in the fee structure. Naturally, the university
fees will rise. With more and more students taking admissions every
.year, this hike in fees seems unlikely to go down
However, this is not a very beneficial situation for the less privileged
students. Most students who opt for university studies do so in hopes
of getting good jobs, so as to be able to recover their study expenses.
But high fees make it incredibly expensive and burdensome for these
students to pursue higher education from the start. One solution can
be of getting student loans, but in many cases it is observed that
.students parents simply dont have the collateral to get loans

Some alternatives in favour of reducing university fees for students

can be to raise income from third party sources; this can be
comparatively easy for top universities. Getting government funding
is another option. Also, instead of a blanket reduction in fees, if
possible, a nominal hike can be made in the general fee structure,
.excluding the poor students, for their better targeted support
To conclude, Id say the cost of a degree is an important determinant
of the decision to apply to university. In order to grow their talent
pools and attract the best talent, rich or poor, universities should
provide a consideration for students that cannot take admissions due







(words, written by IELTS Blogger, Devanshi Shah

some believe buildings should be built in a way that serves

their purpose rather than just look beautiful. Others,
however, say buildings should represent art too. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.

IELTS Band 8.5 Essay

Constructing buildings is a complex process that needs to cater to the
primary purpose of the construction as well as the requirement of
looking distinguished. While some buildings successfully integrate
both, some however are inclined towards only one of the two factors.
This essay shall discuss the relevant conditions for constructing a
There are a lot of examples in the world regarding buildings that are
artistically rich as well as sturdy in their construction. The Florence
Cathedral in Italy, the Taj Mahal in India, the palace of Westminster
in England are renowned examples of cultural symbols and works of
art in the field of architecture, along with being sufficiently equipped
to serve the primary cause of their establishment. These buildings are
many decades old but are still standing strong and for this reason
they are famous worldwide. Therefore we can say that building any
.structure with both purpose and art is not rare
On the contrary, the world has also seen many architectural disasters
that were caused due to poor planning and construction, even though
they were intended to be assembly of artwork. A near-accurate guess
can be that the architects put so much emphasis on the appearance of
the building that they neglected the other important features that
need to be well thought-out as well. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a
stark example of how the foundations of the building werent paid
adequate attention, resulting that the building couldnt hold up its

own weight. Many such buildings have suffered collapses due to

serious miscalculations in the architectural planning. These
illustrations make us wonder whether appearance should totally be
.sidelined for structural stability of any building
In my view, I feel a building should be a combination of style and
stability. The primary purpose of a building and the appearance both
should be kept in mind while planning and equal weight age should
.be given to both
(words, written by IELTS blogger Devanshi Shah 318)

some believe buildings should be built in a way that serves

their purpose rather than just look beautiful. Others,

however, say buildings should represent art too. Discuss

both views and give your own opinion.

IELTS Band 8.5 Essay

Constructing buildings is a complex process that needs to cater to the
primary purpose of the construction as well as the requirement of
looking distinguished. While some buildings successfully integrate
both, some however are inclined towards only one of the two factors.
This essay shall discuss the relevant conditions for constructing a
There are a lot of examples in the world regarding buildings that are
artistically rich as well as sturdy in their construction. The Florence
Cathedral in Italy, the Taj Mahal in India, the palace of Westminster
in England are renowned examples of cultural symbols and works of
art in the field of architecture, along with being sufficiently equipped
to serve the primary cause of their establishment. These buildings are
many decades old but are still standing strong and for this reason
they are famous worldwide. Therefore we can say that building any
.structure with both purpose and art is not rare
On the contrary, the world has also seen many architectural disasters
that were caused due to poor planning and construction, even though
they were intended to be assembly of artwork. A near-accurate guess
can be that the architects put so much emphasis on the appearance of
the building that they neglected the other important features that
need to be well thought-out as well. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a
stark example of how the foundations of the building werent paid
adequate attention, resulting that the building couldnt hold up its
own weight. Many such buildings have suffered collapses due to
serious miscalculations in the architectural planning. These

illustrations make us wonder whether appearance should totally be

.sidelined for structural stability of any building
In my view, I feel a building should be a combination of style and
stability. The primary purpose of a building and the appearance both
should be kept in mind while planning and equal weight age should
.be given to both
(words, written by IELTS blogger Devanshi Shah 318)

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