Yoga Pranayama (Breathing Excercise) : Pranayama: The 4th of Eight Limbs of Yoga

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Yoga Pranayama (Breathing Excercise)

Pranayama is all about breathing and concentrating the mind. During pranayama
we breath with full concentration on exhale and inhale and tries to control as per
the pranayama we choose. Pranayama controls the energy within the organism, in
order to restore and maintain health and to promote evolution.
With the control of breathing process we control the vital forces. When the
inflowing breath is neutralized or joined with the out flowing breath, then perfect
relaxation and balance of body activities are realized. In yoga, we are concerned
with balancing the flows of vital forces.
Paranaya goes hand to hand with the asana or pose
For detail on Pranayama visit Pranayama: The 4th of Eight Limbs of Yoga
Click the following to get the details of Pranayama technique:
1. Bhastrika: Bellows
2. Anulom-Vilom: Anuloma-Viloma,
3. Kapalbhati: Scull Shining Breath, Frontal Brain Purification, Kapal-Bhati,
4. Ujjai: Ujjayi, Ujjayee, Victorious Breath, Ocean Breath, Loud Breathing.
5. Sitkari: Teeth Hissing, Hissing Breath
6. Bhramari: Nasal Snoring
7. Nadi-Sodhana: Nadi-Sodhna, Nadi shodhan, Nadi Purifying
8. Surya-Bhedana: Right Nostril Breathing
9. Chandra-Bhedana: Left Nostril Breathing
10.Sitali: Tongue Hissing, Cooling Breath

11. Murchha: Murcha, Moorcha, Moorchha, Behosh, Acheta, Murchha,

Unconsciousness, Swooning
12.Plavini: Floating

Pranayama (Breath Control)

Pranayama is all about the breathing and concentrating the mind. It is the
measuring, control, and directing of the breath. Pranayama controls the energy
within the organism, in order to restore and maintain health and to promote
Pranayama gives control of breathing processes and control of vital force. When
the inflowing breath is neutralized or joined with the out flowing breath, then
perfect relaxation and balance of body activities are realized. In yoga, we are
concerned with balancing the flows of vital forces, then directing them inward to
the chakra system and upward to the crown chakra.
Pranayama or breathing technique is very important in yoga. It goes hand in hand
with the asana or pose. In the Yoga Sutras, the practices of pranayama and asana
are considered to be the highest form of purification and self discipline for the
mind and the body, respectively. The practices produce the actual physical
sensation of heat, called tapas, or the inner fire of purification. It is taught that this
heat is part of the process of purifying the nadis, or subtle nerve channels of the
body. This allows a more healthful state to be experienced and allows the mind to
become calmer.

Other Names

Bhastrika is primarily consists of forced rapid deep breathing which serves as a
basis for many varieties of exercises, all of which may be described by the same
name. Although air is forced both in and out, the emphasis is placed upon the
expulsion or explosion of air.
How to do
1. Let the left hand rest on the left knee and place the right hand next to the
2. Sit straight in a comfortable posture.
3. Inhale and exhale quickly in short and shallow breaths through both nostrils
from four to ten times.
4. Again inhale and exhale through the nostrils contracting the middle and
lower portions of the abdomen.
How to release
1. Then exhale completely, holding the breath for a while.
2. After this, inhale through the right nostril and retain the breath for a while.
1. Bhastrika supplies a plentiful supply of oxygen to the lungs.
2. It produces heat in the body and increases appetite, destroys mucus, removes
disorders of the respiratory system, improves efficiency of the nervous
system, reduces fat in the abdominal region and enhances purity of
3. Bhastrika is useful for digestive function, diabetes, sinus, etc.
1. You should exercise caution against the temptation of pushing too far in
your initial practice of Bellows.
2. If you have the tendency to push the limit, lie down when doing this
exercise since there is a risk for you to lose consciousness and fall on the

3. Excess in practice may induce dizziness, drowsiness and loss of


Other Names
Anuloma-Viloma, Alternate Nostril Breathing

In this pranayam the breath is regulated with the help of the nostril. It helps
encourages mind to higher levels of discrimination, concentration and thoughts.
Gives more energy and oxygen to the physical body and helps calm your nerves
and improve circulation.
How to do
1. Hold your right nasal with thumb, breathe in from left.
2. Now open right nasal and close left nasal with middle and ring finger and
breathe out from right nasal.
3. Now breathe in from right nasal.
4. Now close right nasal and open left and breathe out and in from left nasal
and so on.
Problems of heart, high BP, heart blockage, vat-cuf-pit, arthritis, cartilage,
bent ligaments, sinual fluid reduced, paralysis, neural related, depression,
migraine pain, asthma, sinus, allergy can be cured by Anulom-Vilom.
1. It should be done under the guidance of the expert if you are doing it for
first time.

2. Patients of hypertension should refrain from holding the breath.

Other Names
Skull Shining Breath, Frontal Brain Purification, Kapal-Bhati, Kapal-Bharti

The word kapalbhati is made up of two words, kapal meaning skull (here skull
includes all the organs under the skull too) and bhati means shining, illuminating.
Due to the process, the organs under the skull mainly the brain and the small brain
are influenced in a good manner.
How to do
1. Keep breathing gradually while sitting in Padmasana .
2. Inhale and start performing Kapalbhati as stated before, that means a strong
Rechaka, natural Pooraka and again strong Rechaka and natural pooraka.
3. Keep on doing this rotation swiftly in rhythmic manner.
4. Perform as many cycles as possible and then keep breathing gradually. All
these processes are included under one cycle of Kapalbhati.
Helps in cleansing, invigorating, warming, prevents illness and allergies.
1. The level of common person can go up to 200 repetitions. It is not advisable
to increase the number beyond that.

2. Patients suffering from heart trouble, lung trouble should practice this under
an expert guidance.
3. Those suffering from diseases of blood circulation should perform the
process very carefully.
4. They should perform the process under the guidance and care of experts.

Other Names
Ujjayi, Ujjayee, Victorious Breath, Ocean Breath, Loud Breathing.

In Ujjai breathing, the glottis is partially closed. The glottis is that part in the throat
area that closes when you swallow, but which is open when you breath. When you
partially close the glottis while breathing, you can hear a sound resonate from
within, as well as feel a flow of air on the palate. A slightly different sound is heard
on inhalation and exhalation.
How to do
1. Place your palm facing your open lips, as if you were holding a mirror there
Exhale through your mouth, as if you are trying to fog the mirror Inhale
through your mouth, as if you are trying to remove the fog.
2. Don't force the breath! Just breath easily, feeling what is going on in your
3. Listen to the sounds in the back of your throat. They sound something like
what you hear when you place a conch shell against your ear, or like the
sound of a whisper.
4. Breathe 10 breaths this way.
5. Close your mouth and continue.

Ujjayi strengthens the Nervous and digestive systems and gets rid of the
phlegm. According to the Ancient Yogic Text, diseases are caused by an
excess of phlegm, wind or bile.
Many people experience dizziness or lose consciousness while practicing
beginner or advanced Breathing Techniques. Do not rush things and practice
all exercises as slowly as you can.

Other Names
Nasal Snoring

The name of this Pranayama originates from Sanskrit word Bhramar that means
bumblebee. While performing this Pranayama a buzzing sound, typical of
bumblebee is produced from the nostrils.
How to do
1. Sit in any easy posture
2. Bring both hands to face so that first finger stays just above eyebrow, middle
finger in the corner of nose & eybrow and thumbs to close the ear as shown
in picture
3. Do not strain the nose or eyes
4. Inhale through both nostrils, taking a slow deep breath in.
5. Exhale through both nostrils using the throat to make a soft "mmmmmm" or
"eeeeeee" sound, like the buzzing of a bee. Do 5-10 rounds.

6. Making the buzzing bee noise louder as you progress, but do not strain.
1. The mood feels elevated, with increased flow of knowledge and the
asceticism begins to appear.
2. By success in this Bhramari Kumbhaka the Yogic student gets success in

Other Names
Nadi-Sodhna, Nadi shodhan, Nadi Purifying

This is one of the fundamental types of Pranayam. However, while describing the
other eight types of Kumbhakas. But this has been described independently under a
Nadi shuddhi procedure known as " Samanu ". It is necessary to have Nadi
Shuddhi before performing Pranayam.
How to do
1. Place the right hand in Vishnu Mudra (forefinger and middle finger bent
towards the palm; thumb, ring, and pinkie in the air).
2. To do one round: close off right nostril with the thumb and inhale into the
left nostril; close left nostril with ring and pinkie fingers, open the right
nostril and exhale through the right, then inhale into the right nostril; close
the right nostril, open the left, and exhale through the left nostril.
3. Continue, doing 5-20 rounds.

This type of Pranayam creates positive and negative air pressures in the
lungs and the stomach cavity. This also causes good effects on the internal
1. The effect of the strain and pressure caused by the asanas reaches the
internal organs only after considerable practice. However, pranayam affects
the internal organs directly.
2. To face the effects, the internal organs should have the required capability.
This capability is generated through the right practice of asanas. Hence, it is
advisable to practice pranayam only after a proper study of asanas for a
considerable time period.

Other Names
Right Nostril Breathing

Surya means sun, referring to the right nostril which is the path of the Pingala
Nadi. When you inhale solely through this nostril, heat is created in the body and
the impurity that blocks the flow of Prana is dispelled.
How to reach the stretch
1. Press the index and middle finger of the right hand against the palm of that
2. Use the thumb to close the right nostril and the ring and little fingers to close
the left nostril.
3. If you are left handed then you may reverse this procedure.
4. When both nostrils are open, the fingers rest on the bridge of the nose.

1. These Breathing Techniques or Pranayamas are designed to allow the free
flow of energy in the body and to purify the body's energy channels called
2. The practice of Pranayama also ensures that every cell in the body receives
oxygen and nutrients.
Never do both Chandra Bhedana and Surya Bhedana on the same day

Other Names
Left Nostril Breathing

Chandra means Moon, referring to the left nostril. It is similar asSurya Bhedana .
How to do
1. Press the index and middle finger of the left hand against the palm of that
2. Use the thumb to close the left nostril and the ring and little fingers to close
the right nostril.
3. When both nostrils are open, the fingers rest on the bridge of the nose.
1. These Breathing Techniques or Pranayamas are designed to allow the free
flow of energy in the body and to purify the body's energy channels called

2. The practice of Pranayama also ensures that every cell in the body receives
oxygen and nutrients.
Never do both Chandra Bhedana and Surya Bhedana on the same day

Other Names
Tongue Hissing, Cooling Breath

This exercise is also one of the basic breathing exercises. The breathing technique
Sitali refers to the sound caused when air is drawn in through the protruding
tongue folded into a tube.
How to do
1. Purse your lips into a tiny "o" shape, like a reaching kiss. Keep your tongue
floating inside, so that it doesn't touch teeth or gums?
2. Slowly inhale through your mouth, feel the cooled air. If your mouth
becomes dry, be patient and slow it down more.
3. To exhale, use the tip of your tongue softly against the top inside roof of
your mouth. Exhale even more slowly as you inhaled. The air will exit your
nose, so feel the heat exiting too.
1. This pranayama is exhilarating, cools the system, the eyes and ears. It is
beneficial in cases of low fever.

2. It activates the liver and spleen, improves digestion and relieves thirst. It is
beneficial to halitosis.
3. This pranayama can be done by the sadhaka, even when the nostrils are

Other Names
Murcha, Moorcha, Moorchha, Behosh, Acheta, Murchha, Unconsciousness,

It involves a prolonged full pause held with a chin lock, until you experience the
approach of fainting. Beginners may, indeed, faint. But experts remain seated
upright, normally in the Lotus Posture, and attain a restful, pleasant suspension of
consciousness. One breathes through both nostrils and may require several rounds
and full pauses to attain his goal.
How to do
1. Close your eyes.
2. Breathing in through both the nostrils.
3. Raise your head and tilt a little back so that your eyes are looking towards
the sky.
4. Retain your breathe in (Antarkumbhaka).
5. Look up to the sky.
6. Keep yourself in this position as long as you can.
7. Close your eyes and come back to position, breathing out slowly.

8. Repeat all the steps above without break in between. Do this exercise daily
at least 5 times.
1. The mind becomes free of all the feelings and the performer experiences joy.
2. Through this Pranayama, thoughts and resolution decreases in the mind, and
a person experiences the feeling of non-existence.
This exercise is recommended only for those already well advanced in the use of
other breathing techniques.

Other Names

Plu means to swim or float. Plava means floating. Plavini is that which makes one
float. The student actually drinks air like water slowly and sends it to the stomach.
The stomach gets bloated a bit. If you tap the stomach when it is filled with air, you
will get a peculiar tympanic (air) sound. When the belly is filled with air and the
inside of the body is filled to its utmost with air, the body floats on the deepest
water, like a leaf of a lotus.
How to do
1. Drink the air like water through the mouth and fill your stomach with it. The
stomach becomes inflated. You will hear a tympanic sound, if you tap it with
your fingers.
2. Practice the Pranayama slowly and gradually.
3. The air is then expelled from the stomach by slow belching.

1. Expert of Plavini Pranayama can sustain his life for many days without
2. During the practice of this Pranayama the blood flows in the body extremely
speedily thus removing the impurities and toxins accumulated in the body.
3. With practice of this Pranayama, the performer gains the power to float on
the water. An expert can even remain floating on deluging waters like a light
lotus leaf.

Other Names
Teeth Hissing, Hissing Breath

Sitkari pertains to the sound made by drawing air in through the front teeth-either
tightly closed or slightly opened-with the tongue tip regulating the air pressure and
sound. This technique pertains only to inhaling, except that exhaling normally
takes place through both nostrils, after a usual full pause.
How to do
1. Sit in a comfortable position.
2. In this exercise, a hissing sound is produced when the breath is drawn in,
through the mouth, with the tongue touching the upper palate.
3. When the breath is drawn in, a hissing sound similar to si, si, si, is
4. Hold the breath till you can and then throw out the breath through both the

1. The practice enhances the beauty of the practitioner and vigor of his body.
2. It removes the hunger, thirst, indolence and sleep.
3. It prevents the bile from increasing.
4. Hardness of the tonsils is also removed by it.
5. With regular practice of the Pranayama the mental and physical powers of
the performer increases.
6. It makes you invincible.

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