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Reaction Paper

Laurice Anne Yumul G9 Mango



The Tittle of the movie was NON-STOP it was directed by

Jaume Collet-Serra. It is a mystery-action thriller film.


Liam Neeson (Bill Marks) an alcoholic U.S Federal Air Marshall

who is assigned to protect a non-stop flight from New York to

Julianne Moore (Jen Summers) a passenger whom Bill befriends

on flight
Michelle Dockery (Nancy Hoffman) a flight attendant who

knows Marks
Nate Parker (Zack White) a programmer who helps Bill find the

messenger but is later revealed to be the latters accomplice

Linus Roache (Captain David McMillan) the captain of the flight
Scoot McNairy (Tom Bowen) the mystery messenger and
mastermind behind the plot to frame Marks.

The movie happened on an Airplane Flight from New
York to London.


Alcoholic and world-weary, U.S. Air Marshal Bill Marks (Liam Neeson) lost
his passion for his work long ago. Even though lives are potentially at
stake during every flight, he sees the assignment as just a desk job.
However, his "ordinary day at the office" becomes a high-stakes crisis
during a flight to London. Marks receives a series of text messages
demanding that he instruct the airline to transfer $150 million into an
offshore account, or a passenger will die every 20 minutes.

An alcoholic air marshal named Bill Marks boards a Boeing 767 non-stop
flight from New York City to London. He sits next to passenger Jen
Summers with whom he engages in friendly conversations. After take-off,
he receives a text message on his secure phone stating that someone will
die every 20 minutes unless $150 million is transferred to a specific bank
account. Marks breaks protocol and consults with Jack Hammond, the
other air marshal, who concludes that the threat is not valid. Marks
however consults the help of Summers and flight attendant Nancy to
monitor the security cameras while texting the mysterious person in order
to locate him. However, Hammond is texted by the unknown person who
says that he knows what is in Hammond's briefcase. As Marks confronts
Hammond in the rear lavatory, the latter is revealed to be
smuggling cocaine in a brief-case. Hammond attacks Marks, who responds
in self-defense and breaks Hammond's neck. This incident happens
exactly at the 20-minute mark.

Marks makes several attempts to monitor the passengers and search

them, causing the passengers to detest him. One of them uploads a video
in which Marks accuses and roughly handles school teacher Tom Bowen,
convincing the media that Marks is himself the hijacker. Meanwhile, the
co-pilot is instructed by the TSA to divert the plane to Iceland.
A programmer named Zack White, who Marks previously encountered at
the airport, offers to write a computer virus to force the hijacker's phone
to ring, whereupon the phone is discovered in the suit pocket of a banker,
but the latter denies ever seeing that phone before. Marks physically
abuses the banker, who suddenly dies of poisoning, right at the 60-minute

While smoking in the lavatory, Marks discovers a hole drilled into the wall
which offered a clear shot to the pilot's seat. He then inspects the body of
the banker and discovers that the pilot and banker were killed with poison
darts. He asks a passenger who was the last to use the toilet and she
replies that Summers was the last to use the toilet. Marks confronts
Summers and accuses her of being the real hijacker and says that her
actions throughout the flight were suspicious. Summers proves her
innocence and gets upset over being accused of such crimes even though
she stood by Marks throughout the flight. Marks apologizes to her and
offers her a drink. The passengers view a mid-flight news report via their
television sets, saying that Marks is the hijacker of their flight. The
hijacker's phone suddenly activates, warning that a bomb will explode in
40 minutes. Marks, realizes that the bomb would have to be placed in a
location such that it could avoid security checks, which was inside
Hammond's cocaine briefcase. A short while later, some passengers try to
attack Marks but Tom Bowen stops them, believing that the bomb is the
first priority. Marks persuades the passengers of his innocence, and
together they move the bomb to the plane's rear and bury it with luggage
to reduce the blast's damage and move to the front of the plane to avoid
the blast. The plane has to descend to 8,000 feet, which is necessary for
survival, as the low pressure of higher altitudes would rip the plane apart
if the bomb exploded. However the co-pilot is unable to do so as they are
escorted by a pair of fighter aircraft that instructs him to not deviate from
his course or altitude without permission from them.

Marks, watching the video of himself from earlier, notices Bowen making
contact with the banker's pocket, suggesting that Bowen put the phone
there. At this moment, Bowen is revealed to be the hijacker and runs to
the rear of the plane. Marks chases after him but loses his gun to Bowen
in a fight. White also reveals himself to be a hijacker. Their goal was to
frame Marks for the plane's hijacking and destruction, thus ruining the
reputation of the Air Marshals Service, which they seek revenge against
for allowing September 11to happen in which Bowen's father died. Marks
persuades White to disarm the bomb, saying that there is no escaping
from this alive. Bowen shoots White before the bomb is disarmed and
prepares to kill Marks. Meanwhile, the co-pilot suddenly descends steeply
at the last moment against the fighter jets' orders. In the ensuing chaos,
Marks, with the help of Nancy, kills Bowen in a gun fight. White recovers
and proceeds to kill Marks who subdues him and throws him to the rear of
the plane just as the bomb goes off, damaging the fuselage. The plane is
successfully crash landed with all remaining passengers and crew
surviving. An injured Marks is treated by the emergency forces and is
praised for being a hero by the TSA and media. The passengers express
their gratitude to Marks, who then begins a friendship with Summers.

V. Reaction/Comments

For me this movie is quite exciting. Especially that I like mystery

movies because I like the anime (Detective Conan) so my attention was
really focused. And when I say focused I really give my attention to the

whole movie from the beginning until to the last.

It is very amazing for the concept of the movie esp. the plot and the
very unbelievable network they had (used) oh what can technology can

do today.
The effects was also pretty cool, the sound effects, sequencing of the

movie and of course the editing and filming.

I also amazed and idolized the character for performing their role very

well esp. the main character Bill.

It is not a just a thriller movie but it also show a good value or lesson to
the viewers especially when I saw the scene about Bill when her
daughter died. It is a really touching part, because it shows that ALL
the FATHER in the world really love their children and they will to

anything just for them. So for all the FATHERs in whole wide world. I
salute you.

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