Syntax - C:/ DATE Description - : Q. Write The Syntax of The Following Commands ?

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Q. Write the syntax of the following commands ?

Syntax -> C:\>DATE
Description ->

For checking and changing the date from the system in MS

DOS, we use the DATE command. It returns the current system date and prompt to
enter new date.

Syntax -> C:\>TIME
Description ->

For checking and changing the time from the system in MS

DOS, we use the TIME command. It returns the current system time and prompt to
enter new time.

Syntax -> C:\>VER
Description ->

The VER command is used to check the version of the

Operating System that is used in the Computer.

Clear Screen
Syntax -> C:\>CLS
Description ->


The CLS command is used to clear the screen.

Syntax -> C:\>TREE

Description ->

The TREE command produces tree listing overview of the

current directory.

Make A Directory

Syntax -> C:\> MD FIT

Description ->

The For creating the Directory in MS DOS, we use the

MD (Make Directory) command.

Change A Directory

Syntax -> C:\> CD FIT

Description ->

For changing the directory in MS DOS, we use the CD (Change

Directory) command.

Removing a Directory
Syntax -> C:\>RD <DIRNAME>

Description ->

RD command is used for deleting the directory.

Creating A New File In MS DOS

Syntax -> COPY CON filename

Description ->

For creating the files in DOS, the command COPY CON is


Display Data Of An Existing File

Syntax ->TYPE Filename

Description ->

For reading the Pre-created files in MS DOS, we use the

TYPE command. It displays all the contents that are in the file.

Make Duplicate File Of an Existing File From One Location to

Syntax -> COPY sourcefile destination

Description -> COPY command is used to copy file from one

destination to another destination.

Syntax -> DIR /p
Description -> Displays file and directory page wise.

Syntax -> DIR /W
Description -> Displays file And directory in horizontal Style or
wide list format

Syntax -> DIR /B
Description -> uses bare format to display the directories (no
heading information or summary).

Syntax -> DIR /L
Description -> uses lowercase to display the directories.

Syntax -> DIR [Directory_name]
Description -> For listing the Sub-directories and Files within a
directory, we use the DIR command.

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