Ming Pao Canada Mediakit Publications

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THE MOST EFFECTIVE VEHICLE AN ADVERTISER CAN FIND Pees CT WRU) nN ba i Wate) "i a Piece ores Gat ee eee en ene TU MINGIPAODAILYNEWS] Boeri Meee tetera Sr ey aan SOS HORA Healthy with upright values. Credible editorial content. Making progress with time. Leading the market. Day ofthe weck Everyday, May to Sunday Ming Pao Newspapers was founded by Dr. Louis Cha and Shen Pao Sing In 1959. For 48 years, Ming Pao is well known by the most credible Cditorial content and favorable readership. Ming Pao Newspapers stepped out from the founded home place, Hong Kong, and stretched out {o build the international territory early in 1999. Malaysian Chinese, Mr Tan S1i Datuk Tiong Hiew King, isthe current chairman of Media Chinese Group. Today Ming Pao Newspapers has vertically integrated to have oversea editions of printed Ming Pao Newspapers in Toronto, Vancouver ‘and New York and a powerful globally penetrated website, Ming pao.com. Ming P20 Toronto edition as htpw mingpaotor.com ARNE OTS ERMA AMR EES BMH * AREMNINTSAEMRAS MSAK » ATOR ESE SEHR - BAIR MEHR » ANGLIN + SATFSIRIRIHSE DP a I ABU oe Ste + OOTHEAF + SEONDOSE MARYS RINABER SERN» OO 2007 AERIS CRS - R00 IA RRA mA CHRRCGAR) IRIE)» RALAASELAHECO EA BER AAR SORA - HALE OA) ANE pnw mingpaotor com “The Socity of Publishers in Asa ~ 2006 vars For Earl Excalenee [TMK ta ~ 200s cece Excelence nThe Scoop Avard ~ Ming Fao Dall News RNS ‘Te Scoop Aurd(Hanoraia Menon) ~ Ming Fao Daiy Neves SE GHRY (ASSP) Excellence in Opinion Witng ~ Ming Pac Daly News FREE Excelence in Reporting Bening News ~ Ming Peo Daly Neos WRML-ASENEA SE Excellence in Human Rights Reporting (Wirt) ~ Ming Pao Wock'y AAR (KE) Excelence in Feature Photoart ( Wine) - Ming Pao Weshy ORRIN (8) Bastin ews Page Design ~ Gold Avard Bastin Potograpy Aad (Sport Photography) ~ Gol Award "R205 2847 RRO HE ANTHEA OD CEMA oh CwRRSat, A TUNE, UKE 1998 Best Repring ofthe year = Chinese Language 2003 Best Reporting of the yar Cinese Language ‘9 20085 SS eH ZEST ‘ecomplshments mot ate us oak the diy paper moenfommative, more ustr-endly and more eferting. STEREO EAI FUR «GLANS + RMI © To give comprehensive and accurate coverage, timely and insightful analysis, ‘Provide good quality newspaper that speaks forthe Chinese population in Toronto, To draw roadors nto tho local communty trough partipation in high-profla chatty ‘vor, To work with charles and local community: @ major sponser of Canadian {Chinese events and support cal charty organizaton. Ming Pao Newspepers ie ‘always seen a8 an ethical, sociaky responsible choles for readers and advertisers. RE ORGRM APRRRARS ASM cM MIRA TERI > ACDS: SURRENDER AAU ENR ATOR MORAL © “This section carnes al the major news stoies in Canada and aroun ‘he word with a strong focus on news of great concerns to Chinese-Canacians ‘and repots the firsthand news in details. Ne also focus on peopl, polities and ‘community news with insights, interview, analysis and commentary from wal known writers, coresponderts, business people and political eaders. RASTA MDE AARWIETAS REA, A ngs ML « UNUM AMES + A + NNT BORE LAMSON ERM AEA AIMNSEM © A comprenensive section that focuses on mainland China, which hightghts the latest, most inclusive policl, economy, social, Hest, travel ‘and sport news, The mairiand Chinese news section Is based on straight forward analysis, fair and open commentary and indepth reporting. With network of coresponding paper in major China ely, keeping our immigrant roatlorsiformod on events happening in tho hometown. ZT RARE PEABO | DEBE ~ WEIS + MLR + IL ATA « SLES «RACECAR «IER REALS PRROOE PHRMS RAPES RCS BAERS ROORLEE + ICHAT MN © ‘This section is @ must for bankers, investors end businessmen. It Includes Nort Amora economy news, ntemtonalfhancal news, Hong Kong business news, investment analysis and expert columnists analy SIN MSE SAMO AAT ea AY SAC RRO RA RSS AT & fp Lo ae a stars. ‘This secton features Hong Kong , China and intemational move Most upto-date Asian and Hong Kong Celebaiy gossip entertainment RUSE OMRMRS EO RAMSAR © Ofer indepth features and reviews each day targeting various interests of our readers, with Famous write-ups from welbkown writers and authors. The Featureifestye section has received great reputation forthe past 48 years, this is an essential reading section for many loyal readers. ALN MMR AORTA | TAAL NSA 9 ITI HRERZY OEROAME SRSRME MARDI © Monday BBWS Career Testy = ARR ES Leisure Wednesday BEER Auto ‘Thursday SPE Current Issue Friday RELA Entertainment Saturday. etESASI6RSINS Food/Fun & Shop ‘Sunday ‘Fit Fit Health Leader for Chinese recruitment and dassifed advertsing caring Jobsllasifed across all key sectors. AUARARE SRT REA RIIO TE © CContonts are taken from the most popular magazine in Hong Kong, Ming Pao * Sunday Magazine.” With celebrity interviews and photos showing readers the most updated fashion trend and lifestyle in Hong Kong, This ie the most popular Chinese entertainment magazine in Toronto. RISO CHUN ABEIEA- & Aro FR MEMRER SESH BSASRERINH ORTH > you would ike to know more about the city f Toronto, Ming Pao's “Saturday Magazine” would be highly recommended, Featuring articles about |Wuing in Toronto and toca interests. These include an in-depth news highlight ‘on food, fashion and beauty st community news, immigrants’ experiences ‘and trendy products, Saturday Magazine targets reader's interests with @ _atiety of topics regarding living in Toronto. ARMAS OE AS StS SUH» MANNE «AER Gib BRA ARIE, SoHE RYMAN « BAS Reale aN « “This supplement provides indepin coverage and analysis of pot ‘economia, cul society trends and popular topics in greater China and Asia Pacic Region MAME RS RENE WER TCU REIN Bee Everyone wants to know about the real estate market, no matir you are a ‘homeowner or renter. Ming Pao Property Gold Pages showcases the most recent homes and apartments on sale, latest development nthe marke, morigage cetais, ‘anc interior designs of residence. Information on Property Gold Pages is collected {rom experts inthe od, ts resourceful for al eal estates buyers and realtor, RMA HETROL AAU» AAO RSS ATL BM AE STRESS «RT RITS RETOLAER » OHI RBA SERTNRASARR SM OMNTEES © This i the most popular Chinese gourmet supplement on eating ccuture and food recipes, focusing on healthy cooking. Gourmet supplements an ‘advocate on delicious food and teaching readers convenient ways 1o make ter own meals. Gigi Wong, Mrs. Fong and Tee Ling, the three well known female chefs, shave ther recipes and cooking tps wih reacers every week Ming Pao ‘Gourmet Supoiementis in high demand each week alerts publishes. RSRSR ARBROATH + KAMER NRE FeO HE AE I T+ AERRIAN ERROR » SE MOREA LRA A Be TOM HARINS - PROMO CAT HDB

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