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Choose the correct answer by circling it.

1. We __________ better take a room for the night, ___________ we?
A. would/wouldnt
B. should/shouldnt
C. had/hadnt D. had/didnt
2. The man was wondering ____________ a woman next to him ____________ help.
A. did/need
B. whether/needed
C. if/is needing
D. was/needing
3. You look so ___________ and I think you ____________ need some good sleep.
A. bad/bad
B. badly/bad
C. badly/badly
D. bad/badly
4. ____________ I want is a soda, _____________ is exactly what youll get me.
A. That/what
B. What/which C. Which/that
D. That/which
5. That son of __________ has been sent to ____________ prison for the third time this year.
A. them/a
B. theirs/C. themselves/the
D. their/a
6. I am accustomed to __________ every six months.
A. check my eyes
B. have my eyes checked
C. having checked my eyes
D. having my eyes checked
7. If you __________ come across any good stamps, please keep them for my collection.
A. will
B. would
C. should
D. shall
8. If you go to Japan you will have ___________ with chopsticks.
A. got used to eating
B. to be used to eating
C. be used to eat

D. to get used to eating

9. While you ___________ here you ___________ as well have a look at these ads.
A. will sit/should
B. have sat/must
C. are sitting/might
D. sit/would
10. If only he ___________ so much garlic last night!
A. havent eaten
B. didnt eat
C. hadnt eaten

D. havent been eating

Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning remains the same:

1. Its impossible that Mary has eaten all that food by herself.
Mary ____________________________________________________________
2. People suspect that he received stolen goods.
He is ____________________________________________________________
3. He could not afford to buy the car he liked the most, so he bought a smaller one.
If he ____________________________________________________________
4. I have got someone to make some new curtains.
I have ____________________________________________________________

5. I should have listened to your advice.

If only ____________________________________________________________

Choose the correct answer by circling it:
1. The match had to be ___________ because of the weather.
A. put off
B. put down
C. taken down
D. taken off
2. These trousers dont ___________ the shoes you are wearing.
A. fit B.
C. go
D. match
3. She is very ____________, so dont hurt her feelings.
A. sensitive
B. sensible
C. sensual
D. senseless
4. You must ____________ sweets if you want to lose weight.
A. cut away with
B. cut down on C. cut of
D. cut in
5. How are you getting ____________ your new boss?
A. up to
B. out of
C. on with
D. down to
6. Mr. Smith was ___________ in a road accident.
A. wounded
B. damaged
C. injured

D. wronged

7. The estate agent spent a ___________ deal of time trying to persuade me to buy the house.
A. big
B. great
C. large
D. wide
8. He wanted to help me, so he ______ the table and put a large _____ of water in the middle.
A. lay/jar
B. lain/pot
C. lied/tub
D. laid/jug
9. Children, first well run ________ the previous lesson before I _______ the test papers.
A. up/give away
B. over/hand in
C. through/give out
D. up/give up
10. Sorry Mr. Atkins. I wasnt ____________ attention, said Billy.
A. keeping
B. drawing
C. making
D. paying

Complete the sentences with the most suitable form that is related to the word in brackets:
1. She _________________ (CONTINUE) complains about his _________________BEHAVE) and
2. Physical exercise not only _________________ (STRONG) your body but increases your personal
_________________ (SATISFY) as well.
3. The accident happened because the driver drove_________________ (CARE) and the road
was_________________ (ICE).

4. You neednt have_________________ (FOOD) the dog. It was completely_________________

5. The Picasso _________________ (EXHIBIT) is well worth visiting although the
_________________ (ADMIT) price is quite high.

How to Deal with Intruders
The burglar-proof house is a myth: a skilled professional will probably get in if he wants to. But you
should be able to keep out or scare off the casuals who are responsible for so many break-ins.
Priorities are good thief-resistant locks on the front and back doors; key-operated window locks; and a
time-switch operated light in the bedroom and/or living room which goes on and off at night if you are
If you decide on an internal burglar alarm, it is best to fit two: intruders often relax after looking for,
and finding, the first.
If you move to a new house, check that the locks are not designed on the same master pattern. If
they are, even a fairly unskilled burglar can make a master key to fit all the locks by filing down
(adapting) just one key.
Never leave a key on the inside of a lock; there are very simple instruments that can be pushed
through and used to turn the key from the outside.
Intruders fear the unexpected, so it is worth trying the unusual. An alarm device could be linked with
a tape-recorder to play pre-recorded screams or a police message. Marbles under a window can not
only make a man fall, but also make him wonder what comes next.
Even tail-wagging, family pet-dogs can frighten off casuals (professionals can easily dope them).
Geese, which are hard to keep around the house, are the best watchdogs: sensitive to sounds and
very noisy once anyone approaches.
If a burglar should get inside, dont tackle him. He might run or surrender; on the other hand, he
might have a gun.
Select the best of the four choices A, B, C, D after each question:
1. The burglar-proof house, according to the passage:
A. does not exist
B. is where the professional lives
C. is what the professional wants
D. is a wonderful idea
2. What is a thief-resistant lock?
A. one that cannot be opened by a thief
C. one that delays a thief

B. one that sets off an alarm

D. one that thieves cannot resist trying to open

3. Why should you check all the house locks on a new house?
A. they are often badly designed
B. a burglar can easily open them
C. a burglar can make a master key for them D. they may all be the same
4. What can make a burglar fall?
A. wondering what comes next
C. small statues under a window

B. a mantelpiece under a window

D. small round glass objects under a window

5. What kind of dogs can frighten off casuals?

A. dogs with large tails
B. small dogs
C. friendly dogs
D. unfriendly dogs
6. When should you pretend to be asleep?
A. if you have a gun
B. if the burglar has a gun

C. if there is a burglar D. if the burglar tackles you

Circle the letter of every choice (A, B, C, D, E) that could fill the gap (_______) in each item. The
choices you select must be grammatically suitable and must correspond to the meaning in the original
7. If you __________ an internal burglar alarm, it is best to ___________ two.
A. choose on/put
B. pick on/install
C. chose/set
D. determine/attack
E. make up/connect
8. Never leave a key __________ a lock, on the inside of a door.
A. at
B. for
C. with
D. in
E. to
9. Intruders fear the unexpected, so it is sensible __________ the unusual.
A. trying
B. to try
C. try
D. tried
E. for trying
10. __________ anyone to approach, the geese ___________ very noisy.
A. If/had been
B. Should/been
C. Is/were being
D. Were/would be
E. Might/being
Ask questions concerning the underlined part of the following sentences:
11. If you move to a new house, check that all the locks are in order.
12. An alarm device could be linked with a tape-recorder.
Which of the words from the first three paragraphs of the text correspond in meaning to the
following words or expressions?
13. A. rather -____________
B. searching for ____________
14. A. choose ____________
B. are to blame ____________
15. A. install - ____________
B. likely ____________

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