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BBL: What Our Country Needs to See

Since 1987, the Philippines have always been both a democratic and republican
state. It gives its inhabitants the right to obtain liberty, freedom, and place. Our
country is divided into three parts, therefore creating divisions of leadership in
small communities within each part. Such matters lead to one of the countrys
most controversial bill yet: Is the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) worth our
countrys approval?
The BBL was authorized by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) late last
year. It seeks to make amendments with the Muslim region---something that our
central government was not able to do these past few years. It covers the original
inhabitants of Sulu and Mindanao, alongside with Palawan. What once was an
original draft now turned into a bill that could possibly save thousands for it
comes with self-governance of the Mindanao region, the right to self-importance
with their culture, and a banner to symbolize their independence. BBL proposes
the self-governance of the Mindanao region, giving them the right to manage and
authorize what they think is right without the interference of the Philippines
central government. The Bangsamoro people, however, have certain limitations
such as Maritime rights up to 12 nautical miles of the coasts. Another limitation is
the setting of boundaries over local government units. These are their scope
when it comes to their freedom of self-governance, albeit the BBL sounds
promising and liberating enough. The said restrictions however, do not stop the
Muslims from isolating themselves because of the corrupt government we have
today. For years, they have become sick of our political parties that they enforce
rebellions threatening the central Philippines safety and well-being. Its not their
fault as Filipino citizens. The Philippines deserves a leader who will reflect
himself/herself the way the Muslims reflect their city.
The Muslims of our country strive hard to claim the peace they have been
fighting for. They have the right to protect themselves from religion and ethics
harassment that can possibly be spawned by our government. To implement and
fully legalize this bill would definitely make a difference in the Philippines. Despite
the differences and beliefs of each camp, BBL is a bill that needs to be passed,
no matter if the whole country approves or not.

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