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Sunan Giri is the name of one of Wali Songo and Giri Kedaton founder
of the kingdom, which is located in Gresik, East Java. He was born in
Blambangan Banyuwangi, East Java on June 9th, 1442 H. Sunan Giri is one
of the descendants of the prophet Muhammad SAW.
Sunan Giri has many nicknames, like :
1. Raden Paku,
Sunan Giri named Raden Paku because, nature or establishment Sunan
Giri forged very strong despite the incitement of others.
2. Sultan Satmata or Sultan Giri Kedathon. , Sunan Giri named Sultan
Satmata or Sultan Giri Kedathon because, Sunan Giri became the first
king in the kingdom of Islam. The name giri kedaton in Gresik.
3. Raden 'Ainul Yaqin
Raden Ainul Yaqin is the first name that is given to Sunan Giri by her
5. Joko Samudra.
Sunan Giri named Joko Samudra because, at the time of Sunan Giri
baby was found by his adoptive mother in the ocean or samudra .
Sunan giri is the son of an Islamic missionary from Central Asia. The
name is maulana ishaq. He is married to the dewi Sekardadu. dewi
Sekardadu was the daughter of Prabu Menak Sembuyung the ruler of the
region of Blambangan. The birth of sunan giri public bring misfortune in the
form of disease outbreaks in the region of Blambangan banyuwangi, East
Java. So the dewi sekardadu forced Prabu Menak Sembuyung (his father) to
dispose of sunan giri who was still a baby. Dewi Sekardadu eventually throw
her son to the Bali Strait.
Then Raden Paku is found by a group of crewmen in the ocean. Sunan
giri Baby
were being sent to the area of Gresik. Upon arriving in Gresik, sunan giri
was appointed the son of merchant ships, the name is Nyai ageng Pinatih.
Because it was found in the sea, Nyai ageng pinatih give named sunan giri
is Joko samudro.

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