Genesis Week 1 Leader Guide

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Leader Guide: Week 1, Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:15-20



In the beginning is one the most recognizable phrases in all of the

Bible. It sets the stage for Gods great creation plan that is beautifully
laid out in the following verses of chapter one. Many people tend to

John 1:1-5, Heb. 11:1-3,

quickly skip past verse 1 with little thought. However, it does us well to

stop and re ect because beginnings reveal to us about where were

headed. Beginnings tell us there is somewhere we are going and

someone who is taking us there. This is the beginning of the story of
God with His people which, is the beginning of our story.


Job 38-42, Isaiah 40, Psalm 8


Ask a group members to read Genesis 1:1-1; Colossians 1:15-20

As you read write out any


words in this passage that

1. Share with the group some past experiences (good or bad) that have

would be helpful for you to

shaped who you are today? Why have those experiences been so

look up in a dictionary.

in uential?


Ice Breaker Questions:



2. Verse 1, as short as it may be, tells us a lot about the nature and


character of God. He created everything, heavens and earth refers to


all of creation. First, it shows us his nature as creator. Second, it shows

us He is sovereign over all of creation. What should a proper response
to these characteristics of God be? What does this proper response look


like on a daily basis in the 21st century?


This question is meant to point people back to the importance of seeing God as he
rightfully is: the creator and Lord of all.


3. God has the power to create and sustain everything. How have you
placed limits on the way you view God as a perfect creator and
sustainer? Share speci c areas in your life when you are tempted to
forget Gods power to create and sustain good in your life.


Confession and exploration question: This question is meant to push peoples concepts
of what creation actually means. We think of creation as the physical end product, but
in so many ways, God creates systems and structures to organize the world. God is also
involved with all that He has created. He is not a God who is far o but who is near and
brings about good from disorder. See further Job 38-41.

4. Reread Colossians 1:17-20. We learn that Christ continues to uphold



all things. In what speci c ways does Christ upholding creation and His


continuing restoration plan (v. 20) comfort you in the midst of a chaotic




This question is meant to connect the abstract ideas of creation to the daily life of the
believer. Helping the group members nd comfort in Christs sovereign care of His
creation and people. See further Romans 8:28



5. Have someone read Hebrews 11:3. This passage tells us that it takes


faith to believe God created the universe by His word. Where has this


been di


cult for you to believe? In what ways does the current culture

tempt you to disbelieve this truth? How have you responded (either
positively or negatively) to various challenges to your faith?
This question is meant to connect the idea that it does require faith to believe in
creation. Its meant to remind us of that faith is required, and that we should remain
steadfast in it--even when we dont have all of the answers.

6. How does looking back and understanding our origins encourage you
to live in Christ today?
A nal question to tie the idea of beginnings back to the daily lives of Christians.



Ask two group members to summarize Genesis 1:1 and Col. 1:15-20 in
their own words.

Personal: Share one area of your life where you will seek to be mindful of
God as a purposeful creator this week.
Church: Consider our local churchs history this week. Pick one way you
will play a part in the continuing story of our churchs ministry.
World: Consider how God is active in the entire world, and not just in
America. Pick a country or region of the world you will pray for this


Col. 1:17-18

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