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3 Listening and song + Divide the class into six groups. Say to one group. Show me a pen, to the next group Show me a pencil, «te. 50 that each group is holding up a different object. Model each instruction yourself as you give Repeat, swapping the objects so that each group holds up at least one other object. Explain to che class that they are going to hear Polly talking about these object, then singing about them, Say Listen! and play che frst part of the tape. + Nov play the song, Tell the class that each group must hold up their object when they hear Polly singing about it. + Repeat, swapping the objects that the groups hold up. (Ona table ar the font of the class place the flashcards ofthe six classroom objects. Invite two or three children to come to the board, Explain that a5 they listen to the song they should place the cards on the board in the correct order. Play the song again for the whole class to check the ‘order ofthe flashcards, Then invite the class to sing along, using the flashcards as prompts. + Repeat, but ths time turn over one of the cards and invite the class to sing the song again, remembering the missing word as you point tothe ‘mystery’ card Repeat rwo or thre times, turning over another card each time so that eventually the class are singing the words from memory. (2) Tapescript Pasonier Listening 8, pages 14 and 16 Liston, Pay: What's in my bag? Hmmm... Let's see, There's a book... anda ‘er. pencil. and a pen. But no pencil Daisy: A-gaa-ba-dal Poly: My penci-casel Thank you, Daisy! Present: Now sing: What's in my bag? Poly; What's in my bag”? “There's book. A book! What's in my bag? “Thore's a ruler. Aled What's in my bag? ‘There's a pencil. A pencit What's in my bag? “There's apn. A pen! ‘Theres a book, there's a ruler, “There's a pon, thre’ a pen. What's in my bao? ‘There's a penci-caset 4 Guessing game What's in my bag? + Invite members ofthe class toring one ofeach of the six classroom objects tothe front of the class Say (Sonia), give me a (pencil), please. When you have all the objects, place one of them in the bag without the children seeing. Ask Whar’ in my bag? Respond to children’s guesses with No. Try again! or Yes. Well done! Whoever guesses the object correctiy can choose a different object to place in the hag and ‘ean Slect classmates to guess what it 5 Jigsaw activity ‘+ Hand outa photocopy of page 93 ro each child Hold up your own photocopy and ask Who's this? *+ Point to each ofthe squares at the hortom of the page. Ask Whar this and sei the children can "Sentiy che classroom objects. Explain that these are missing pieces from the picture, Demonstrate to the clas how they should ct out the squates and place them in che corrct spaces on the pitare ‘+ Hand ost the scissors forthe class co do the same When you have checked that they have all Positioned their squares correctly, hand our the glue nd invite the children to sick the squares down and colour in their completed puzzles. ‘Teacher tip! “While the class are working quel, mnitor and assist as ‘necassary. Use his opportunity to assess individual chien ‘and give addtional hap to slowerleamers. Uso pages 14 and "Sto review the language ofthe lesson, Unit 2 Lesson 1 23 Ey + Asrange the ‘set’ atthe front of the classroom, Invite the clase to help you. + Explain to the class that they are going to listen to the story again and actit out. Choose volunteers to play the parts of Mum, Auntie, Fufa, Spike, Ruby and Orto and encourage the cest of the class to follow in their books + Play the tape. Before cach frame, remind the actors what the characters ate doing, Enlist che help of the res of the lass. + Change actors, As they hear the story repeated, the children may pick up some or all of the words. Encourage them ro use the language if they ca. ‘actly needs careful preparation, as the story is st in several ferent location in the house. Choose a postion for Intent dor the sar, and the cupboara where Otto hes, nsrisks eure the actors know where they should be anc shat hey should be doing a each stage. 4 Class game Tigers! + Explain the game tothe class. Go round the class asking children Do you lke cats? Do you like dogs? ax, Children answer Yes of No. However, if you ‘ik the question Do yor lke tigers? the whole cass shou Tigers and put theie hands on their heads Tach the word mice. Gradually make the game sore dfcult by using more than one animal, eg. Do you tik cats and dogs? Do you like snakes and mic? Do you ike birds and tigers? ec. At any Iention of tigers the whole class shout Tigers! and rurtheir hands on their heads ‘eacher tip! Toghe he children turthor practice and consolidate the lngage oth unit you may wish, a his stage or later, to sesame ofthe games and actities specticaly designed for ‘purpose (ee Resource Bank page 91), 5 Puzzle ‘Demonstrate the activity on the blackboard, Place several flashcards of different animals on the board, Next to each animal draw a round face with eyes and nose but no mouth. ‘+ Ask a member ofthe class Do you le (cats? Ifthe child answers Yes, draw a big smile on he face. If the child answers No, draw a rurned-down mouth. Repeat with several examples. + Say Look at page 67. Hold up your own book for the class to see. Explain that the face they can se is their own face. They must add the appropriate ‘mouth to indicate if they lke or dont like each animal ‘+ Ar the end of the activity, invite members ofthe ‘lass to ask and answer each other in order 10 ‘compare their own answers with those of their classmates. Unit? Lesion? 75 "ay

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