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Influence of the pore pressures within the slide mass: a reexamination of the slide in Lodalen, 1954
Morrison, I M
Proc Conference on Slope Stability Engineering:
Developments and Applications, Isle of Wight, 15-18 April
1991 P51-53. Pubi London: Thomas Telford, 1991
The stability of a slope is dependent on the shear strength
mobilised on slide surfaces within the soil mass. For useful
assessment of the contribution of these forces in terms of effective stress, it is necessary to know the pore pressures in the
slide mass and to include them in the stability analysis. The
case of an approximately circular slide in a cut slope in lightly
overconsolidated marine clay, for which pore pressures were
measured, is presented. Results indicate peak strength was
mobilised within the slide mass. Errors resulting from use of
incorrect interslice pore pressures are assessed.
Sensitivity analysis of spoil-pile failure in the subarctic
Huang, S L; Speck, g C; Xu, M; Chen, B; Rowland, J
Proc &th Annual Workshop Generic Mineral Technology
Center Mine Systems Design and Ground Control, Reno, 5-6
November 1990 P87-95. Publ Blacksburg: Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1990
Large scale spoil pile failures occurred at an open pit coal
mine in the Lignite Creek coal basin, Alaska. Remote sensing
(Landsat Thematic Mapping) images and terrain-related factors were examined using a Bayesian approach and three were
identified as directly related to failures of natural slopes: coal
system lithology, proximity to drainage, and occurrence of
major faults. Sensitivity analysis using a finite element model
indicated that saturation of footwall clay layers beneath the
coal seams may initiate spoil movement. Drainage may prevent this situation arising.
Lithomonitoring in surface mining
Galperin, A M; Streltzov, V I
Proc 6th International Congress International Association of
Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990 V3,
P2187-2190. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1990
Lithomonitoring is described, in a broad sense, as observation
and control of the state of pit slopes and dump masses to
ensure safe and efficient working and environmental protection. This requires geologic and hydrologic mapping, planning
of the operation, and monitoring of the pit during extraction.
The scale of many open pit operations makes aerial photogrammetry a useful tool for slope and dump monitoring.
Optimisation of pit slopes, waste heaps, and tailings dumps is
essential for economic competitiveness.
Optimal design of slope excavation based on reliability
analysis for Longtan hydropower project
Gao Qian; Wang Sijing
Proc 6th International Congress International Association of
Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990 V3,
P2191-2198. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1990
The Longtan project is situated on the Hongshuihe river in
China. The engineering geology is complex, with 9 main bedding belts and 49 faults identified at the site. Stability of the
slope of the ship lock on the right bank was a major problem
at the design stage. 5 major joint groups are found in the slope
rock mass. A reliability optimal slope design procedure, which
can take into consideration unknown and indeterminate
parameters, was chosen. The stages of selection of sample
number and prediction of geologic conditions, study of

geotechnical properties, statistical evaluation of possible slide

planes, choice of slope profile, and reliability analysis of slope
stability are illustrated.
Probability approach to the evaluation of the stability of open
pit mine slopes
Kudma, Z
Proc 6th International Congress International Association of
Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990 V3,
P2225-2228. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1990
The probabilistic approach to slope analysis for the giant Cs
armady open pit brown coal mine is based on statistical analysis of the general slope angle of the defined slope rather than
on safety factors. The chosen variable is easily measured and is
a parameter worked with in the pit. The optimal slope angle is
chosen considering the financial balance between slope reliability and profitability of mining. For the example presented,
critical value of the general slope angle is 11.9 deg, which corresponds to the optimum degree of probability of deformation
of 20%.
Mechanism of buckling and creep-buckling failure of the
bedded rockmass on the consequent slopes
Li, Q; Zhang, Z Y
Proc 6th International Congress International Association of
Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990 II3,
P2229-2233. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1990
Bedded rockmasses on consequent slopes generally fail by toppling, when the slope angle is very steep, or sliding-bending
when it is less severe. Both mechanisms are related to buckling
of the bedded rock mass. Failure criteria are developed using
an analysis based on an energy method of stability analysis of
thin plates. The criteria are simple to apply and consistent
with observed failures. Several large landslides are examined
and the creep-buckling failure method proposed to explain
their occurrence.
Bank stabilization and margin protection problem
Morbidoni, N P
Proc 6th International Congress International Association of
Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990 V3,
P2241-2250. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1990
A landslide in 1984 resulted in narrowing of the main bed of
the Parana River, Argentina, which led to instability of the
banks in the vicinity of electricity pylons. To prevent further
bank recession of the bedded sand and clay soil mass, stone
mattresses and gabions were used to construct flexible and
permeable protection along the surface of the beach and bench
toe. One pylon was further stabilised by high pressure grouting of cement soil columns to below river bed level. The second will be stabilised in a similar manner or by slope
Kinematic check and stability assessment of the proposed cut
slopes of the chute spillway structure, Tehri dam project
Nawani, P C; Rawat, J S; Sanwal, R; Khanduri, H C
Proc 6th International Congress International Association of
Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, 6-10 August 1990 I/3,
P2251-2256. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1990
The Tehri dam project in the Tehri formation phyllites in the
Garwhal Himalaya includes a 260m high rockfill dam. Structural and tectonic data for the site have been collected and
analysed to identify and classify any kinematically potential

1992 Pergamon Press Ltd. Reproduction not permitted

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