Point of View, Foreshadowing, Chronological Order, and Suspense

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Advanced English 9

Ms. Engelke
Name: _________________________ Hour: _____

Point of View, Foreshadowing,

Chronological Order, and Suspense
POINT OF VIEW: the perspective from which the story is told; also known as the narrator
FIRST PERSON: one of the characters in the story acts as narrator; this person uses
the term I
THIRD PERSON: someone outside of the story is telling it; use of he, she, they, it
OMNISCIENT: this narrator is all knowing; readers are granted insight into the
internal workings of the characters in a story
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FORESHADOWING: indication of a future event; the hint of something yet to come
Example: In New Girl when everyone is playing True American, Nick and Jess are

supposed to kiss as part of a dare but dont because Nick says, Not like this! Later in
the episode, he grabs Jess and kisses her in the hallway (Woot!). The scene where he
doesnt kiss her is foreshadowing the moment when he actually does because as
viewers we have an idea that it might end up happening.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER: the natural progression, or sequence, of events; the order in
which things happen
Example: Susie was born, she went to school, she got married and had kids of her

own, and then she died. This is a series of events that occurred in chronological order.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUSPENSE: the feeling of excitement or anxiety a reader feels when he or she does not
know for sure what will happen next; anticipation
Example: Theres a killer on the loose. A girl is home alone. She hears a noise in the

basement, and so she descends the stairs into the darkness...

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