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ThyExperiments Towards Truth

The Exalted Jupiters Punch

Saptarishis Astrology
Copy editor: Andree Leclerc

ith deepest respect to our elderly astrologers present and now gone, this new
revelation is being done. On internet forums or conferences, one often finds
egoist astrologers who often ridicule young ones saying Oh so and so is basic
Astrology, learns your basics first. This habit of ridiculing the young student has been carried
over for centuries but only an honest astrologer will admit privately and also openly that
Basics is the Toughest area to master. What elders and famous astrologers forget is that
6-8 year old boys can & will, one day, come and show that none have understood astrology
& that, perhaps, all researches are zero so far? Humility is the toughest part of astrology
It is easy to read books and analysis of authors saying such and such is the result of
Jupiter Exalted but so difficult to grasp what that Jupiter who is sitting there is doing. Over
the years, the favorite confession between us and mentor is to admit to each other that We
do not know astrology / I dont know basics. When initially mentor would say it, we would
think is he joking this man is so well read he can quote classics left and right, he has met
thousands of astrologers and numerous rare masters whom none in India would have ever
meet and, at the same time, C. S. Patel Saheb spoke of him as the finest man astrology could
ever get and a scholar far superior as compared to many famous scholars in India. So why is
he saying he does not know astrology basics after 48 years in astrology? Today his
humbleness and honesty has shown us that what he meant by basics is the real basics that
have been ignored by all till date & he has inspired us to go deeper into the toughest subject
in astrology called Basics of Astrology. It is easier to write articles on dasas or divisional
degree transits (refer to our secrets of Shastiamsas) since for doing so, one just requires an
educated brain coupled with engineering degrees and the recipe for complicated techniques
to impress the young kids on the block and misguide them for centuries but more difficult
is to Understand What a Graha is doing sitting at one Place.
Planets & The Unknown Master

ou go to him to learn what has not been learnt by anyone is what would be told to
you. You would also be told that he will not reveal any technique but the Master
Key which none bothers to give. He will not give you the dish but show you how
to cook. Silence fills in the room as you enter and you bow and ask like an Apprentice
Master, please reveal to us the meaning of the planet Jupiter, what is the meaning of its exaltation and

debilitation? Kindly reveal to us so that we understand astrology. Have mercy since predicting with
astrology is so easy but understanding it is impossible.
He does not reply for 3 minutes and looks into your eyes and says what a tough question you
have asked for it is not easy to understand even after many lifetimes in astrology what is the meaning
of a planet sitting in a particular sign or house. Let me teach you how to find the answer for it, by
yourself. Create a chart, put in the 4H Jupiter and now stare at it for days asking that Jupiter to tell
you what he does and gives in that position. Stop asking after some time and just stare, merge with
that 4H Jupiter, merge completely. First, you will not get answers, then some questions will come
which will create confusion, then in between, you would feel like Jupiter is asking you a question, the
answer to which if you tell him, he would then reveal to you what he is doing really in Cancer or the
4H of a chart. Your intention in asking him the question should be clear as still pure water, your
vibrations cant fool him, you have to be that toddler who just loves what he likes with his innocence,
he does not love it for fame or money or greed remember that.
The questions after a few weeks would be something like this:
a) Oh Jupiter! Please tell us what is that karma of a native to get an exalted Jupiter or debilitated
b) Do tell us the exact story / exact karma behind your exaltation in this natives chart
c) Even though you are exalted and as per scriptures are supposed to give great results
nevertheless is there any hidden agenda of yours in exalted position which we are unable to
decipher? Do you spoil something by being exalted and do you ever give something nice by being
d) The question that will be asked by the planet back to you would be Why are you learning
astrology, answer me ohh jatak!
One should note that the toughest question is d). Very few can reply with honesty and most
answers are usually the parrot philosophical answers, which do not fool the higher energies
of the Universe.
Exalted Jupiter
The accepted norm with Jupiter exalted, everything in life will happen good in the chart, it
is the panacea for all evils in the chart. This has been repeated for centuries but it is not so;
in a series of 3 articles which was supposed to be originally titled Myths of Exalted Jupiter a
new light will be shown.

The Exalted Jupiters Punch

If Jupiter is exalted, then it implements its sensitive strongest energy in the sign of Aquarius & it
might even destroy one of the significations of the house hosted by Aquarius.

a) Jupiter in Cancer implements its strongest energy in the moolatrikona rasi of Saturn
that is Aquarius
b) It sometimes ends up destroying very badly one of the significations of the house
represented by Aquarius Rasi.
The logic of this is not given here as any logic would only be our theory and not the Rishis
logic. Somewhere in the middle of the article a warning would be given which is a must-read.
We will take simple cases where this is easily evident and also complicated cases where
this is indirectly evident.
Chart 1: Judith Richardson



See Jupiter is exalted in the 6H of diseases with Rahu (psychic or metaphysical or spirit
issues karaka) who are with A8. As per the proposed theory, exalted Jupiter will implement
itself in the sign Aq which is in the 1H of head/brain. Now read below from ADB
American psychic, world famous. In early April 1979, she filed a lawsuit against her doctor and the
hospital for $2 million in damages, claiming that a cat-scan she received in 1976 robbed her of her
powers, she now gets headaches instead of revelations when she tries to concentrate. On 3/27/1986,
the jury awarded her damages of $600,000.
One gets headaches in the head which is the 1H where Aquarius is situated.
In early Apr 1979, she was running the KCD of Cancer antardasa where Jup is exalted and
her Chara Dasa of Can had started while simultareously being in Vimshottari
Rahu/Ven/Mer. Rahu is with Jup, our focus planet, and Mer is with Aq our focus sign in
the 1H of head/brain.
Chart 2: Graveyard of Indian Astrologers

Internet forum astrologers (including this writer) would look at the above chart and say
Exalted Jupiter in Lagna, what more do you want, the 9L of fortune/ bhagya in the 1H is
exalted, aspected by exalted Mars who is also 5L of good deeds of previous life 5L and 9L
aspecting each other combined with exalted 7L Saturn who aspects this Jupiter ohh what
status, everyone will be running behind you giving you lot of power.
Now use the proposed theory, Jupiter is exalted in Asc which denotes ones character and it
implements itself in the sign Aq which is the 8H of sex and hidden things. Now read what
ADB gives about the chart:
American sexual escort who made herself available to Hollywood producers and directors. She is
employed as a stockbroker.
Chart 3: S.I.D.S 14737

Jupiter is exalted in the 1H of body and Jupiter is Jeeva Karaka (life significator); it will
implement itself in the sign of Aq which is the 8H of Longevity. The data of the above chart
is found in and is labeled as a S.I.D.S (sudden infant death syndrome)
chart. Australian Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The baby died on 3rd May 1979, when he was
in his 8th month; ironically Aq is in 8H, 8th from exalted Jupiter.

Chart 4: Sexual Abuse Victim from Australia

Jupiter is in the 5H of mind, children and love affairs; it will implement itself in Aq which is
in the 12th of bed pleasures with planet of sex Venus who also disposits 9L of children, which
is also the 3L of younger brother & 8L of darkness and sex; so, something to do with younger
brother, sex, darkness, love affairs, children can be presumed. Now read below:
Australian victim of child abuse. She was age two when her brother was born and for the next three
years she lived in the kitchen cupboard whenever her mom wanted a break, which soon became most of
the day. Her younger brother became a tormentor as they grew up. He beat her, sexually molested her
and tortured her. As her brother reached puberty, his sexual assaults became more frequent and
violent; he "owned" her, and her sense of self-worth was endlessly battered. She had so little selfesteem that she could not run away.
Amy eventually escaped with a "nice" man, who seemed to care for her. His girlfriend soon moved in
with them and when Amy had a baby, they threw her out and kept the child. When she fought to keep
her daughter, her brother joined in the fray, grabbing her by the hair, and they took her screaming to
the local psychiatric hospital. She was by then completely irrational, psychotic and destitute, an empty
During treatment, further horrors were revealed. She was sexually assaulted by other patients and
staff at the hospital. While still living at home, she had been prostituted by her brother for his friends.
Amy was afraid of the dark, of going outside, of enclosed places, of being stared at, being seen by the
television; the damage to her psyche was inestimable.
She met a man, a Vietnam vet who was as psychically wounded as she, consumed by the pain of
experience and existence. They moved in together; though they hardly spoke, they turned to each other
in mute anguish. Amy screamed and cried every day. She began therapy in a psychiatric hospital,
though her brother created obstacles to her continued treatment.
Chart 5: Fatality by Vehicle



Jupiter is exalted in the 2H and it will implement itself in the sign Aq which is the 9H but
9H is 6th of accidents from 4H of vehicles and also containing 4L Mercury and 6th co-lord
Ketu while A6 (accidents) is also present in Aq. So one can say something to do with
vehicles and accidents can happen. Now read this:
British male accidentally killed by wheels of a cart running over him 10/12/1866. This was in Mer
MD which is placed in the sign Aq and the AD was Venus who is in the 3rd from Aq and
also in the 8th from 4H of vehicles.
Warning & Notes
a) One cannot blindly predict using this technique though an experienced astrologer can.
What is important here is not to keep in mind that the technique teaches us what the
Graha is doing sitting in Cancer, its exaltation sign.
b) Suppose you see Jupiter in 1H in Cn , then Aq will be 8H so in all charts it would not
mean 8H of sex, in some it would make one an astrologer and in other will give
inheritance issues, in other charts it could mean fathers death issues and so many
things. Only the obsessive critic astrologer looks at a chart result and asks -why the
same results do not happen in other charts?c) Never use charts of people whose complete history one does not know and, preferably,
use charts of people who are dead as sometimes longevity is say 70 while the result
of any combination could happen in the 69th year; if we keep on looking at that chart
from age 20 until the age of 68, one would feel the combination has not given result.
The biggest graveyard of egoist astrologers is what has been observed and yet not
forewarned by previous teachers of the science.
d) One needs to be careful and discreet with this technique. Sometimes the sign of Aq or
its lords would be in the house of dowry or underhand dealings no Indian would
accept he took dowry whereas 98 % of Indians give or take dowry despite the fact that
its illegal. Suppose Aq is in the 9H of racism or 7H of gain of public platform position

from racism (11th from 9th) no one will admit that his Aq sign is spoilt. For e.g. use
this technique in the D-9 (dharma) chart of a famous Indian leader who was a
nobody, then one day he razed down a religious structure, created riots where
hundreds were killed, gained national importance, and after few years he said sorry.1
The astrologers who analyzed his chart praised his chart for great yogas as if the
leader has done great karma but, knowing this technique, if you saw his chart, you
would know that the evil part of Jupiters exaltation has implemented in his utilizing
religion to kill innocents and gain power.
Chart 6: Connie Grippo
Suppose you saw this chart in 1931 and continued seeing it till Oct 1987 which is 56 years
and use the above technique, you would feel the technique is failing. But if you see it at the
end of Nov 1987, then the truth might emerge. Jupiter is exalted in 8H, Aq is 3H of lungs or
upper lungs as some use it. Now read below


American astrologer, a member of ISAR. She was married with a family and had a home in Los
Angeles. She had surgery for a lung tumor that was cancer on 11/11/1987 that was followed by
radiation treatment. She died a year or two later.
In 1987 she was running Can MD and Can AD in Kalachakra Dasa. Where Jupiter is placed,
it implemented its energy in Aq in the 3H of lungs. Her date of death is not known but ADB
says a year or two later a year later would be her Moon AD (Oct 88 to Mar 90) in
Vimshottari Dasa who is placed in Aq our sign of Focus. Moon additionally is the dispositor
of exalted Jupiter and is with A6 (diseases) thereby confirming the event.
Chart 7: Stephen Gruning

For those unaware of Indian political scenario - In India you can create riots in the name of religion, racism and
still be called a national leader who loves your country. India has great history.

Jupiter is exalted in the 9H of Dharma and aspected by its own ruler Moon everyone will
say fantastic chart, will do great dharma in life as it is not aspected by a single malefic. Now
using the proposed technique, Jupiter will implement its sensitive energy in Aq which is the
4H that has two lords: Saturn and Rahu; Saturn is in the 5H of love affairs and Saturn, in
turn, aspects the 7H of relationships. 7H is 3rd house of brother of the loved one. Or, if you
take the 7H as relationship then 9H where exalted Jupiter is placed is her brother. Rahu, the
other co-lord, is sitting in Aries in the 6H of jealousy and fighting. Now see how this has
manifested, ADB says:
American homicide: jealous and controlling, he stormed into the apartment of his former girl friend,
Rhonda Stuart, with a shot-gun, sledgehammer and revolver on 2/12/1995 at 6:00 AM. He shot and
seriously wounded her and killed both her brother Richard and her present boyfriend. He was
convicted of murder in March 1996.
The Dasa AD was of Aries (where Rahu is placed) in chara dasa and, in Vimshottari, it was
Rahu/Ketu/Moon. One can note that it is Rahu who is dispositor of Aq and Moon who is
dispositor of exalted Jup. In Kalachakra Dasa, it was Can AD from 1994 Apr to 1996 July
Cancer is where Jupiter is placed.
Chart 8: Roccia, Nadia

Jupiter is exalted with 8L of death and 11L of friends (contacts/network of friends). Aq is the
5H of ones school, its two lords Saturn and Rahu are together in the 11H of ones network of
friends/contacts. Saturn is also the 4L of best friend. One does not know if the story
involved ones best friend but read below:
Italian homicide victim, strangled to death at 18 by her school mates, girl friends Ana Maria Potticelli
and Mariena Sica, at Castelluccio dei Sauri. The reasons were never made clear for the crime on
3/14/1998, but it appeared to be part of a Satanic ritual. (Saturn Rahu)
The event happened in Rahu MD which is co lord of Aq. Note as soon as Aq dasa in
Kalachakra Dasa started in Sept 1997 it gave results and this event happened in 1998. In chara
dasa, it was Sg MD/Sg AD/Cn PD of 14 days when the event happened Cancer contains
our exalted Jupiter and from Sag, Ketu (exit/exorcism) is in the 3H of ones own mistake.
Chart 9: Richmond, Timothy



Jupiter is exalted in 3H with A6 (diseases) , it implements in Aq where A8 (death/chronic

diseases) is there, lord of Aq Rahu goes in 8H of death cum chronic diseases and other lord
Saturn goes in 6H of accidents or disease and is exalted and retrograded so something big
concerning accidents or chronic diseases can happen in his life. Now read below:
American race car driver whose career began in 1982. In 1986 he had his best year, winning seven
races, the most of any driver in the Nascar Winston Cup circuit. He always liked speed and living on
the edge, along with clothes, parties and pretty women. He died of AIDS at age 34 on August 13, 1989
in West Palm Beach, FL.
He died in Moon/Ketu/Sat Saturn is the lord of Aq our focus sign, Ketu is opposite Rahu
the co lord of Aq, Moon is with Rahu the co lord of Aq. In KCD it was Libra MD where

Saturn, the lord of Aq our focus sign is placed. It was the MD of Sc in Chara Dasa who
is hemmed between Rahu and Saturn, both owners of Aq, our focus sign.
Chart 10: Squitieri, Claudia

Jupiter is exalted in Lagna so Aq would be 8H of great troubles or chronic diseases we do

not know about any disease to her. The lord of Aq is Saturn with Rahu (cheating) in the 2nd
house of money and is the 6th of cheating from the 9H of father. Now read below:
Italian noted family and daughter of Claudia Cardinale. Her dad was a film producer who went to
jail for fraud.
Aq is the 12th house of jail from 9H of father.
Note: In cases where Jup is in Asc, we have to observed that the longevity of the father.
Chart 11: Greiner, Mother



Jupiter is exalted in the 2H of family, it will implement in Aq which is the 9H of children in

female natives and also has A5 (children in general) so something concerning her child

should happen as the Lord of Aq, Saturn, is in the 8H of death and other co-lord Rahu, is in
the 2nd (maraka) from 9th and 6th from 5th. Now read below:
American nurse, the mother of Richard. At 13, Richard disappeared 1/17/1972 with no trace.
This happened in Cp MD where Saturn lord of Aq our focus sign, is placed and in Pisces
KCD where Rahu, the co lord of Aq our focus sign is placed. In Vimshottari, it was
Mars/Mer/Moon Moon is dispositor of Jupiter and Mars Mer are placed in the 3H of
death from 9H of children and Aq.
BCP - See 9H is children for female nativity this everyone knows, here 9th lord Saturn is in
the 8H of death, 12th from 9H. Now her son Richard was born on 15th Aug 1958, so when he
disappeared on 17th Jan 1972 he was in his 14th year which as per BCP would be 2nd house
where our exalted Jup is sitting so see its dispositor Moon looks at the 9H of children so
some event concerning children will happen and at the same time as per our preposition
Jupiter implements its special energy in the sign of Aq which here is the 9H of children so
some event in the life of children will happen.
Chart 12: Aaron, Dave

Jupiter is in Asc so Aq will be the 8H of occult, hidden and mysteries.

American UFO researcher, owner of the largest inventory in the world of UFO videos (25,000 hours)
and tapes (6,000 hours) which he sell from his home office in Yucaipa, CA, the UFO Audio-Video
Clearing House, established c. 1990. He supplies videos of alleged UFOs to films and TV.
He had an UFO sighting in 1965 when his dad called him outside to see a radiant disk that had landed.
When he approached, a beam of light burned his chest, leaving a scar.
In 1965 he was running Moon AD Moon is dispositor of Jupiter of Cancer. Dispositor of
Aq, Rahu, is in the sign Leo of chest; he burnt his chest leaving a scar.

Chart 13: Amitabh Bachchan

This is one of the most favorite charts; Jupiter is in the 6H of stomach/lower stomach. If
one gets a mighty punch on the stomach then obviously it affects ones 1H of body. Now see
the chart: Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and it implements itself in the 1H where Aq is placed
having Ketu (note Ketu); also note the dispositor of Jup which is Moon and note Saturn and
Rahu the lords of Aq our focus sign. In July 1982 he was hit on the stomach during shooting
of the film Coolie (means porter at a railway station), was hospitalized and was not to
survive. The whole nation prayed for him. Now note the dasas and remember what you
noted, the planets and the signs. It was the Chara Dasa of AD Li where Moon is placed,
Moon is the dispositor of exalted Jupiter bringing our planet of focus in the picture and the
MD of Leo where co-lord of Aq, Rahu, is placed. In Kalachakra Dasa it was Li MD and Li
AD where Moon, the dispositor of our exalted Jupiter, is placed. In Vimshottari, it was the
MD of Saturn the lord of Aq and AD of Sun who is dispositor of Rahu owner of Aq. Thus
the role of Aq is being established.
Chart 14: Santucci, Raymond James

Exalted Jupiter occupies the 11H whose lord Moon is in the 8H of sex and chronic diseases
Jupiter will implement itself in the sign Aq which is in the 6H of diseases containing Mars
who is the 8L of chronic diseases. Now read below:

American homosexual male; met his partner 8/22/1990 at 10:15 PM; by 10:55 PM they had sex and he
contacted AIDS at that time. By 1993, they are still together, both HIV+. He is an astrologer, a fast
Chart 15: Addey, John
Jupiter is exalted in Asc and Aq is the 8H of chronic diseases.
British theorist and researcher, the founder and developer of modern harmonics and author of
"Harmonics in Astrology" 1976. At 23, he was struck down overnight by ankylosing spondylitis, a kind
of acute rheumatism (check Vimshottari and Chara dasa during this period). Raised as a Quaker and
a pacifist, after a year flat on his back, he joined a mystery school and moved into his life position of
being a mystic, a philosopher and a mathematician. A permanent cripple with calcified spine, he
walked with canes.


eaders are requested not to use this technique blindly especially if you have not
practised astrology for more than 30 years. You might have learnt it for 40 years but
practising it on a professional basis gives the astrologer some special skills in
implementation which are missed out by the theoretician. Aquarius in any house can give 12
different possibilities of events plus the event can be on any relative. The mistake most
astrologers make of using the natal chart just to judge ones life is a non productive approach,
even though one knows that the natal chart signifies many relatives which is often forgotten
while testing a technique.

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