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Special 24 Page Edition in glorious technicolour FREE

23/9/99 Issue no: 964


1600 students arrive at Surrey in 7 hours News 1&2 n Letters & Current Affairs n Barearts 5-12 n Features
n Surrey Pride 12
2 23/9/99

Andy Blair

Deputy Editor
Vacant ast weekend saw the beginning of

Arts Editor
L a new era in the history of The
University of Surrey as nearly 2000
Vacant new students arrived from across the
globe and settled into their new lives
on the Surrey Campus. Waiting to
News Editor
greet them should have been over
Vacant 100 students to help them move in.but
the weather meant that most of them
Features Editor decided to stay in bed!

The day started at 10am with the first

students arriving on campus. The rain
started at 10.01! By 10.30 things
started to go wrong, our largest trans-
port van decided that it wouldn’t go
into 1st gear and became stuck by
University Court, some quick phone
Honey Barter
calls and another van was found. It
Godfey Boxes begin to pile up at Cathedral Court Reception was still raining! A run down to B&Q
for plastic sheeting to save everyones
Music Editor luggage from getting soaked was made by Ben Davis. Several of the parents started
to question why they couldn’t drive straight to the courts and unload, we pointed out
that with nearly 2000 students arriving you would end up being stuck outside the court
all day as others arrived. It was still raining! More minibus drivers where found and we
began to operate the shuttle service to the courts so that people didn’t get so wet. It
rained harder! Then it stopped!.

Lunchtime and the rain finally eased off and all of the afternoon helpers arrived. From
then on things began to get better, with more helpers and the man with the van, a new
Kevin Marston
students parent, who began to help us move luggage. Things began to move to courts
( more quickly. A few more showers and a thousand more freshers later and the moving
in part of the day was over.
Sports Editor
Vacant The evening at the Union was equally as busy. With over 1500 students in the main
Union and Chancellors and a good night was had by all, shame it finished at 10.30pm.

Thanks must go out to the man with the van (hope you enjoy the Oakenfold ticket).
Commercial Manager Senate Security, all the Intro Week Helpers and Stage Crew for coming to the rescue.
Vacant Apologies to the girl with the broken tv, hope we’ve sorted it out OK.

Comment of the day: “Couldn’t you pick a day when it wasn’t raining to move our
children in?”
Applications for Average Luggage waiting time: 1 hour
1999-2000 to the Number of tags used: 10000
Editor Number of Vans Broken: 1
Number of hours spent in the rain: 7
Number of Trollies used: 26

Barefacts is currently Andy Blair/Ben Mac

available to the
public at HMV,
Friary Centre,
Guildford and
Technology, High
Street, Guildford.

Bare Facts is an editorially

independent newspaper, published by
Printed by
Bare Facts the University of Surrey Students' East End Offset (TU),
Union Communications Office.
Union House The views expressed within the paper Bow, London, E3 3LT
are those of individual authors, and do
University Of Surrey not necessarily represent the views of
the Editor, the Editorial Board, the © USSU Communications
Guildford University of Surrey Students' Union
Office 1999
Surrey or the University of Surrey.
This publication may not be
GU2 5XH reproduced in whole or in part, stored
in any form, copied or distributed, Deadline for Publication
without the express permission of the
Tel: 01483 259275 publisher. Monday 12pm
All submissions must include the
Fax: 01483 534749 author's name and Union or Staff
Number. Submission is no guarantee
of publication. Submissions
email: Anonymous and Pseudonymous arti-
preferably on disk
cles will not be published. Bare Facts reserves the right to edit
submissions. from all the Sabbaticals & Staff
23/9/99 3
NEWS REVIEW: President Reminisces Years Gone By......
collected by James Buller Davis gets out his pipe and slippers and looks back on fond mammaries memories.
Russia Warned of On Monday night, ers which can’t really be printed! It’s
Retaliation as nearly 1,000 quite a hard thing to do, arriving in a for-
A Chechen warlord has threatened first year students eign place under the curtain of educa-
Russia with suicide attacks if it does sampled Union tion and not knowing a soul. Yet, on
not stop air raids on the breakaway life for the first Monday night (and indeed all week)
republic. Shamil Basayev claimed he time, the Union people were behaving as if they were
has a 400 strong battalion of volun- attained one of its old friends. True, there were a few hud-
teers "ready to die for their faith" after greatest atmos- dles in Hari’s bar, but mostly people
Russia launched around 100 air pheres ever. This were experiencing the social side of
Lord of the Dance: Alan ‘D’ Roy leads the
attacks on rebel bases in Chechnya. atmosphere had University. freshers disco crowds via the medium of sound
Boy D (USSU President) been carried over
from the previous day, when the weath- A lot has changed since I was a fresh- were having a laugh. It felt much like a
Russia holds Basayev responsible for
er had certainly tried to dampen every- er, new buildings have sprung up, facil- FNO from my first year (although in
insurgencies into its state of
one’s spirits, as new students were ities have been improved and my waist- those days Hari’s bar didn’t exist and
Dagestan. Islamic militants and the
shown to their rooms by our friendly line has grown with all of them! All in all the dancefloor was about a third of the
Russians army have been fighting in
intro week helpers. I think that the University has devel- size it is now), only I was no longer a
Dagestan since August. While
oped itself well and the Students’ Union student! It’s been commented to me
Chechen's mobilised a senior Russian
It made me start to think back to when has certainly moved forward. I’ve that at the moment, the atmosphere in
general refused to rule out using
I was a fresher four years ago. Moving always found the Union to be a good the building is vibrant and sociable. It
ground troops against the rebels.
all your worldly goods into a cramped meeting place, have a friendly atmos- certainly was on Monday night and I
space, a teary farewell to Mum and Dad phere and be safe. All three of these see no sign of it stopping over the next
Russia believes that external regimes
and that all important first trip to the points were most definitely in force on couple of weeks!
are using Chechnya as a tool for
destabilising the region for their own Union. I’m sure the same questions Monday night as the Freshers took the
were being asked on Monday night as Union by storm! I look back on my first year with fondness,
ends. The rebels have also been
they were four years ago: Where are being away from home I learnt a lot, some
blamed for the wave of recent bomb
you from? What A-levels did you do? Alan “Disco” Roy was back behind the beneficial, some detrimental (especially to
attacks on Moscow apartment blocks,
What are you studying? and a few oth- wheels of steel, the camera on the my bank account!), but the social aspect of
which have killed more than 300 peo-
dancefloor University life has always been very strong
ple. Moscow police are carrying out
proved to here, the Union has always played a major
stringent security checks on all Islamic
be popular role, and from what little we’ve seen of this
residents but the Chechen's deny they
and people academic year, it seems the Union’s role is
are involved.
set to continue.

Train Crash Driver

Had ‘Feet Up’
On Monday the inquiry into the
Southall rail crash that killed 7, heard
that the train driver had been seen
with his "feet up" on the dashboard.
Furthermore, two safety devices,
which could have prevented the acci-
dent, had been switched off.

The public inquiry re-opened two The Car Park 4 Crew get wet for the camera
New faces in the Union on Monday
years and a day after the smash
between a high-speed passenger Taking The Piss
train and a freight train. 147 people
were also injured when the passenger
train ignored warning signals and
Finnish police have slashed the incidents of public urinat-
ing after setting up a crack squad to tackle the long run- SKILLS DROP-IN
careered into the goods wagons. ning, number 1 problem. In the capital Helsinki, public Wednesdays 2pm - 5pm
drinking is also to be outlawed and officials have pledged Skills Office, Library
Witnesses said they had seen the
passenger train's driver Larry to clear the streets of prostitutes.
Harrison, 52 with his feet up earlier on Have you been dropped in it?
the day of the crash. Evidence also Molam Held To Account
shows that systems that would have You’ve been given a report to write, but
warned of the danger and ultimately A Northern Ireland woman is Mrs Williamson's parents were you’ve never done one before. Or maybe
stopped the train in time were dis- challenging the British govern- among 9 people killed in a terror- that essay just won’t come together...
abled or not functioning. ment's ruling that the IRA cease- ist attack on the Shankill Road in The Skills Project runs informal ‘drop-in’
fire is a reality. Michelle Belfast six years ago. Talking
Counsel to the inquiry Ian Burnett QC Williamson, whose parents were about the judge's decision she
sessions for students, to help you out.
said "In addition to giving a very casu- killed by an IRA bomb, went to said: "I am delighted that finally I These do not have a fixed schedule, but
al impression to undertaking an court on Monday to apply for a might be given the chance of jus- are there to support anyone who may
important job it raises the interesting judicial review. tice for my mother and father and wish to ask for advice on a particular
question of how he was managing to all the innocent victims."
operate the driver's safety device (the area.
Northern Ireland Secretary Mo
dead-man's handle) with both feet on Moslem recently concluded that The Ulster Unionist Party is sup-
the dashboard." He suggested that a the cease-fire was intact, despite porting Mrs Williamson's cause. The Skills Project Team will be available
bag might have been used to keep the a number of paramilitary inci- Party leader David Trimble on Wednesday afternoons from 2pm to
safety pedal depressed. dents in the province. Mr Justice accompanied her to court. He 5pm.
Kerr granted the request for a stated that: "this is merely the first Call to the Skills Office, 2nd Floor,
In July manslaughter charges against legal review of that decision: "It's step of what will be a fairly
Great Western Trains and Mr Harrison clear to me that the applicant has lengthy and complex process…I
George Edwards Library - please ask at
were dropped. Great Western was still an arguable case. The applicant see it as a matter of upholding the Information Desk if you need to find
fined a record £1.5million for a breach at this stage need only satisfy the the (Good Friday) Agreement." us.
of the Health and Safety Act however. modest test of showing she has a
case which requires further The Northern Ireland Office
The inquiry's chairman Professor Uff inquiry." defended Mo Mowlam's ruling
will help the Health and Safety saying it was lawful and that it
Commission write a report in the New would fight the legal action.
Year. The case continues
4 23/9/99
but was completely baffled. Frustrated I
return to Shawn's desk.
Becky, my manager's (Mike) secretary
was great by sending off various requests
for me. I needed a security badge, heath

& safety briefing, User Name, Telephone
ID and a Personnel Number. As these
trickled back over the week, and I worked
out with they were for, life became pro-
gressively easier. Shawn also kept men- Your article “Business Booms in list to the “Chertsey Arms Fair”
tioning other things I needed to get and Surrey” (16 September) presented tells us more about Al’s profligate
do, in order to take over his job. The list a slightly one-dimensional use of the term than the nature of
We've heard all the soundbites about seemed unending and totally bewildering. approach to the questions raised the attendees. This is especially
going on placement: "it's great", "you by the locally held “Chertsey Arms interesting since none of the coun-
learn so much", "it changes you com- We went to lunch at the in-house canteen Fair.” In the last twenty years, tries your article named appeared
pletely", "it's hard work". "it's interesting", with Nicola, another Industrial Trainee. Britain itself has imported various in the recent report to the 55” ses-
"it's not as profitable as you'd think". The Nicola, like Shawn was also in the middle arms, mostly from America; every- sion of the UN Commission on
chance spend a year in industry was of a Business degree. Everyone seemed thing from AIM-9 Sidewinder mis- Human Rights in Geneva. In this
probably a big factor behind you choosing to be sales people. I began to wonder if I siles to the Trident Integrated report, both Iraq and Kosova were
the University Of Surrey. The question was in the right place considering my Nuclear Weapons System. We among the 15 states identified. Is it
remains however; what is it really like? technical background and aspirations. have used some of these weapons not strange that the very people
How were these opinions formed and how in war, and they have caused tut-tutting about Surrey suburbs
great / hard / interesting / profitable is it? At the end of the day Mike sat me down in death to those at whom they were being “deluged by international
his office. He ran through a few do's and aimed. Yet there is no feeling of human rights violators” are those
This is the beginning of a brand new don'ts, and outlined what I would be outrage that we still import them- why urged military action (or a
Barefacts series about the industrial year. doing. He also gave me a list of objectives why not? Because, the argument ‘peacekeeping force’) during the
I shall be writing regular reports on my for the next few weeks and wished me goes, Britain is not an oppressive perversely named ‘humanitarian
experiences, focusing on the feelings I good luck. I smiled and nodded but was regime; we are democratic and do war’ in Kosova. I am sure that the
have and situations I encounter. I'll bring not much wiser. not kill our own people. In other bombarded people of Belgrade
you the stories of my successes and the words, because we use our would have welcomed the Liberal
traumas of my troubles. I hope you'll fol- So I left Heartland after a busy, yet frus- weapons on the people of other concern now being directed
low my chronicles and gain an insight into trating and rather unproductive first day. I natioi~s rather than our own, we towards the East Timorese during
life on placement and of working in gener- knew that the confusion would pass with are deemed acceptable to export April and May. Calls to block the
al. time but I couldn't help feeling a tad arms to. sale of British weapons have a cer-
uneasy about the type of job I had gotten tain ingrained arrogance; ‘we, the
For the sake of corporate and personal into. By this logic, the idea of arms deal- British, are perfectly entitled to use
confidentiality I must change the names of ing is objectionable only if it is imported weapons to kill Serbs in
my company my colleagues and myself: WEEK 1 clear that the exported arms will be the name of human rights, but God
For my placement I am working for a The rest of the week was spent trying to used. But it puzzles me as to what forbid that any British weapons
multinational company called "Heartland" remember names, places and zillions of else you are supposed to do with should be used by others to kill
in central London. I knew little about what other details. I got lost in the bowels of the them. Weapons are designed to people.’ Blocking sales of our arms
I was doing before I arrived. I did know office block and became very familiar with kill, even British ones, irrespective would not save a single life. Whilst
however that I would be using my com- the Computing Support Helpline. I had no of the country to whom they are we pontificate on international
puting skills to develop websites for time to make myself at home with my sold, or the nature of its regime. ethics, other nations would fall
Heartland's important customers. computer. Every new initiative we Furthermore, modern ethics over themselves filling any market
attempted to enable me to do real work denote a moral difference between gap.
Day 1 failed at the feet of technology. Shawn killing civilians and soldiers. I have
I Arrived at Heartland's London office and was cross because I couldn't do what was no idea why; Argentinian pilots But for us to blow up Iraqis with our
asked for Shawn, the existing Industrial necessary. I was annoyed because I was have as much an absolute right to imported Paveway III laser-guid-
Trainee (IT). Shawn greeted me saying not getting a chance to settle down. At the life as East Timorese farmers. Why ance kits, and then preachily
"what on earth are you doing here?!" He same time various demands and ques- is it acceptable to sell arms for use refuse other nations weapons on
and my manager, Mike Roberts were not tions were being thrown at me that I against one but not the other? The the basis that they might, on the
expecting me for another 3 weeks! couldn't respond to. double standards continue. When off-chance, be used to kill people
Labour sanctioned the swamping is both hypocritical and an ethical
Upstairs I just watched while Shawn Shawn gave me a piece of Javascript of Sierra Leone with British rifles, sham. To preserve the moral equi-
worked. He was using software that was together with the instruction: "fix it and the recipients did not intend to use librium, therefore, we should, on
still under development to create a new improve it." he said. To my consternation them as tent-pegs. Yet the govern- preventing the sale of our own
type of website. As such the process was he added, "I don't understand it. Oh and I ment’s popularity was unaffected, weapons, have to undertake not to
extremely slow and involved long periods need it before the end of July." and the affair brushed off. When a purchase arms ourselves there-
of waiting followed by a few mouse clicks private arms firm, however, invites after. Thus our own Armed Forces
and then another wait. The first week had been a catalogue of another African country embroiled would be depleted, and when the
problems, delays and dead ends. I had in a civil war, Angola, to its demon- next Kosova crisis occurs, those
Shawn gave me a book about computer been told a lot but was still unclear about strations, it suddenly becomes who supported the withdrawal of
programming: "Javascript For Dummies". what my job really entailed. Things were morally reprehensible. Can some- our arms from sale would be the
I had never heard of Javascript before but getting better slowly, but what I really one please explain the difference? first to complain that we were
dived in. I was pleased to find my univer- needed to some time alone to sit down neglecting our international obliga-
sity programming experience stood me in and sort myself out. The issue of “oppressive regimes” tions.
good stead. Before I knew it I was a third is a smokescreen. The fact that
of the way through the 200 page book and ------------- Amnesty International have identi- Simon Ashall
feeling pretty much at home with the new fied 30 of these on the invitation
The story will continue with Week 2 in the
Shawn decided that I needed a desk and next issue of Barefacts. In the meantime, Meningitis
computer of my own. Picking a desk that spare a thought for absent friends and
was definitely vacant was tricky. We have at least one Silly Night drink for For all the new first year students you should have been sent a letter
scraped together computer from about 3 those of us who can't.
different sources and switched on. The before you arrive at University advising you to visit your GP for a vac-
computer proved to be ancient and cination against meningitis. For those of you who haven’t done this
caused many problems over the next few we strongly advise you to go to the health centre on campus and ask
weeks. I could not access the Internet or for this vaccination. This is very important as halls of residence are
email for a start. Shawn gave me a Ian Travis (IT) high-risk areas for the deadly disease. Further information should be
spreadsheet for me to work on. However given out when you register and look out for campaign posters and
my computer couldn't load it. I also had to leaflets around the Union from Monday 27th September until Friday
use a program called Lotus Notes. I tried 1st October.
23/9/99 5
YOUR LETTERS Last week saw the first letter to Barfacts of the academic year and prompted many questions over
the way that Barefacts reports on the events and stories surrounding the multinational campus at
Dear Brian UniS. Here are some of the responses and continuations prompted by this letter.(ed)
I take the points you make and, of course, on the Letter to the editor entertainments companies sending particularly wants a certain sort of
face of it, it is true. BUT Bare Facts can only print Dear Sir, them promotional material to place music then I suggest he seeks out
articles etc which have been submitted! It is for review or bands to see live. The the relevant society and try one of
therefore up to international students and soci- In response to Mr. Yuyi’s letter in last element of choice is greatly dimin- their nights. If he thinks that every-
eties to submit material to the Editor for inclusion week’s edition of Barefacts ished by the commercial motives of one in the union on a Friday night is
(I know for a certainty it would get equal cover- (16/9/99). Whilst I appreciate that he these companies, without whom the same, or like the same music, he
age.) Could I make a suggestion - that in the presented a reasonable argument, I there would be much less diversity is very much mistaken.
next issue the Editor asks specifically for articles have concerns about some of his than there is now. The same can be
from the international body. Also, if USSU would assertions. He asked why he should said of the GCR playlist. Similarly in Mr. Yuyi does not define what the
think it a good idea, the International Office could “contribute my money to print reference to the stories covered in “one type” of people were that he
submit material - probably not every week - but [Barefacts]”. Unless Mr. Yuyi was the main section of the paper. The feels are over represented, but
from time to time. Another point, do you actually working in Britain and paying income articles are written voluntarily by stu- maybe he is looking at it in reverse.
know that international students have not been tax on his earnings before 1997 dents of the university, with a fairly The union output reflects the minori-
asked to be 'profiled' but declined? I would be (when the funding rules changed), free choice, but they write on what ty of students who give up their time
grateful for your views. I’m sure he hasn’t paid towards the they feel is appropriate not what the and energy and devote it to the
production of Barefacts. The Union editor instructs them to write. I feel Union, without renumeration or
Maureen Hunt and the NUS are free to join, but not this an important part of the role of reward. It is understandable that
International Office obligatory. The fees that you may the paper – if any student believes they promote and create entertain-
have to pay for tuition go to the uni- something needs to be published by ment that they can appreciate them-
versity itself, a separate and Barefacts, then they are at liberty to selves. If the Union caters for only
Ms Hunt, independent facet of the campus, write and submit it, without the prior one type of student then maybe only
and certainly none of them go to the agreement with the editor. one type of student is bothering to
Thanks for making the effort to reply. production of Barefacts. get involved. If you feel underrepre-
I can fully understand Mr. Yuyi’s dis- sented then it is your responsibility to
I am pretty sure if Bare Facts made the same Mr. Yuri’s assumes that the like of FNO and his concern that it get involved and help put it right, the
effort that is made to organise all those "Foam Barefacts staff have complete free- centres on one group of students at union will only ever be as good as
Partys" and all things alien to some of us, then dom of material to submit, and in the expense of others, but, he the people involved are.
they would get submissions. But it should be theory there is no reason why more seems to have missed that the HRB
noted that relying on contributions for a paper, international news and culture has societies dj-ing every Friday H. Barter Godfrey
even a student paper is wishful thinking nowa- shouldn’t be included. But the music night to provide different music and
days. I know because I ran one at my old univer- and arts section relies on major an alternative to upstairs. If Mr. Yuyi
sity. You just have to have other sources of info
for particularly feature articles - and thanks to the
internet, this is now very easy. You also need to
have some sort of part time reporter for your
campus news and other current affairs whom you
can retain in return for maybe free access to the
union or something like that. To think that people
will send you stories when they have assignment
deadlines to beat on top of that all important part
time job somewhere in Guildford is asking for too

Your ideas though are a good start and Bare

Facts better make a note. It is up to them to go
out and embrace the student populace. I speak
for many students when I say what I have said
but many prefer to keep quiet for various reasons
but mainly because when one is a guest its best
to shut up, if you know what I am saying. But then
this is a University, not a private home. The Union
must do more to encourage cross pollination of

As for refusing to be profiled, I am not sure about

that one, but If I was approached I would have
jumped at the idea. I am a former student union
President back home and I have been in all sorts
of things one can think of but then I am no longer
a student technically so I cant go for the chance
now. But maybe in the minds of the Bare Facts
crew, I wouldnt make too an interesting story
enough for the average student, so they prefer to
Profile people they have easy access to and
these turn out to be there friends and voila! you
have a paper full of British faces as if UniS is full
of them only. That is not journalism at all.
Journalism requires one to look for the unexpect-
ed. One has to seek their "quarry" so to speak. I
could go on forever, but I wont. I just hope
BareFacts and the Union are listening.

Thanks for caring Maureen. At least you make

the difference for us "outsiders"


6 23/9/99

Why we’re missing the point
New Union
by Honey Barter Godfey, Features Editor
Two weeks ago the red top tabloids supporters, she has stated that her Monsanto’s lawyers stepped in again

were full of stories of Britain being campaign is aimed at women and the show was pulled completely.
seen as anti- GM development after because “we want the government Shortly after the General Manager
the withdrawal of the Wellcome Trust to be made aware of women’s con- and the News Manager of the Tampa
Over the summer the sabbaticals have been from using British research institu- cerns”. Why women’s concerns are Bay department of Fox 13 were both
beavering away at the document that controls tions for genomic development and different from men’s is not clear but fired and Akre and Wilson were
how the Union is run, “The Constitution”. This research. Since then the GM debate she seemed to have an issue with offered in excess of $150 000 to
covers everything from how our members (you) has taken several tangents, most of the “men in grey suits and white resign and not to publish either their
are represented, how we are answerable to you, which move away from the actual coats” at the centre of GM develop- findings or to discuss the nature of
to how you can complain about us. The consti- health, scientific and economic impli- ment companies. It appears that the Fox’s handling of the Monsanto
tution needs to be re-written every five years, cations of the expanding and some- prominent female scientists in the affair. They refused. Within months
otherwise we as a Union cease to be recog- what unlegislated growth of genetic field are to be completely ignored. the pair had been fired for “insubor-
nised, and the year 2000 is when the document modifications and technologies. Maybe the Labour party should learn dination”, after allegedly being
needs to be re-written by. The document, from the disaster of all female short- threatened with the sack if they did
although long is now available to be picked up at Some laws are being hurried through lists and realise that women such as not re write the programme contain-
the front desk (Reception), from the President, and are leaving gaping loopholes, Ruddock, formally of the defunkt ing Monsanto approved scripts. Fox,
Union Office, or VP Finance & Societies (all in such as the vague product labelling Ministry for Women, go against so and Monsanto, deny the events
the Union). We are hoping to get some feed laws and the inability of the govern- much of previous equality manifestos depicted here, but Akre and Wilson
back on what you think about it and if their are ment to legally allow more crop trials, and do more harm than good for “the have integrity and most importantly
any amendments you would like put in. by not adhering to their own guide- cause”. What feminism has to do public support. The original story
lines. Trials already underway and with the GM debate isn’t quiet clear would have blown over but the court
The Consitition also includes a list of all the those planned are now in the hands either, but her desire not be “labelled case will drag on and is highlighting
committees which exist, and all of the Union of the courts, rather than the legisla- as hysterical and ill informed” may the way in which major businesses
Officers who are here to help you. So if you are tors and supermarkets are re- not come to fruition as she dilutes the can place economic concerns over
unsure of how to set up a sports club, or want to labelling their products, whilst small- scientific debate into possibly a more their own truthfulness. It provides
see what you could do, for your personal benifit, er manufacturers are having to make personal one. sharp contrast to the opening aspect
or to go on your Ciriculmn Vitiae take a look at large expenses to alter their product of this article where Britain is coming
the Consitition. The process needed to approve labels, creating huge waste and Finally, and on a more sinister note, down against GM development and
the consitition involves going to Student Council financial difficulty for the smallest the GM debate has turned into a right big business is coming second to the
twice (the ruling body of the Student’ Union companies. to free speech debate in the US. public, compared to the Florida case
where every student has the right to vote and be Jane Akre and Steve Wilson, former where it may be proved to be the
heard). You can make a difference to how your The GM industries are responding, Fox 13 employees are now suing other way around.
Union is run. So if legal documents are your like the Wellcome Trust, by looking to their previous employees. They are
thing, or you just want to change how your countries with clearer GM policies. At suing under the Whistleblower Act, in The GM debate needs to be public
Union runs why not pick up a copy from the the British Festival of Science the Florida, claiming that they were dis- and the GM companies need to be
Union. chairman of Glaxo Wellcome, missed for refusing to broadcast accountable. Recently the scientific
Richard Sykes, held that “the present items that they held as untrue about debate has become blurred by the
anti GM food campaign will be detri- a biological product made by politics of the way in which public
mental to this country. It will lead to a Monsanto. Monsanto are leaders in support has been measured and
failure to develop new UK companies the GM development, are known as attempts made to manipulate it.
[whilst] the technology will continue the ‘Microsoft of microbiology’ and Some may be concerned about the
elsewhere”. It would seem that the are a major source of advertising for Florida case and those willing to
GM development companies are Fox. Akre and Wilson were investi- believe a conspiracy theory may be
starting to respond to public opinion, gating the use of Bovine Growth particularly cynical about the GM
and maybe business is not as influ- Hormone, sold under the brand debate. However, it provides some
ential on the government, nor as name Posilac. Posilac is banned assurance that even with the shift of
powerful as conspiracy theorists through Canada and most of Europe power away from “the people” public
would believe. Instead it would seem after evidence that links it to cancer. opinion still has great power in itself.
that the official line is cynicism about Monsanto have strongly contested If those in positions of influence did
the industry, balancing reluctance (to the findings. The reporters, however, not worry so much about the way the
satisfy the public) and reason (to sat- found that Florida grocers were buy- public thinks of them then that would
isfy the businesses). ing milk from BGH injected herds, in be a greater measure of the little
spite of a trade pledge not to, and man finally losing out to the corpora-
It would also see that anyone wanti- had photographs of cows being tions. If we could get back to the long
ng to gain popularity amongst the injected at all of the dairies in Florida term health implications and set up
public can become an anti GM cam- that they chose to observe. The pair controlled trials then the ethics of the
paigner and gain instant public cred- put together an impressive docu- industry could be intelligently dis-
ibility. Joan Ruddock, (Labour MP) mentary to show their findings. cussed. However, the nature of
has launched her “Women say no to soundbite politics in this country is
GMOs” campaign and aims to pre- Before the programme could air, preventing any seroius genetic and
sent a 50, 000 petition of women’s however, Monsanto brought in it’s genome development debate to
signatures by Christmas. Although lawyers and it was pulled “for further occur, and no-one is currently bene-
she won’t exclude men from signing, review”. Fox 13 supported their staff fiting nor being protected from the
indeed Paul Mc Cartney is one of her and rescheduled the showing. technology. HBG

UNPLUGGED past year to broaden our musical range to include

indie, pop and folk, hence don’t necessarily expect
Helyn Rose Bar, in Freshers’ Fair on the 24th
September. Following this, our first proper night is
Unplugged is amongst the longest running of all MTV acoustic sessions! This all leads up to the ubiq- Tuesday of Week 5, which will be preceded by our
Surrey University societies. We try to promote new uitous University Talent Competition, which is held AGM – come along if you’d like to get involved in any
musical outfits and small acts, ranging from floor around March next year on the main stage. Last of our activities. Alternatively, you could e-mail us if
singers to full bands, with the emphasis on University year’s winners were Rubber Soul, who you should be you have any other questions.
talent, but we do get in acts from other sources (local hearing with us in the near future. We hope to hear
and even countrywide). Our nights happen generally plenty of tapes of new entrants in the coming months. Cheers,
every odd week of term on a Tuesday, normally with
a £1 door fee. As for our plans in Freshers’ Week, listen out for us Riz Khan (
on the main Union stage on Tuesday 21st Michael Pilling (
Normally, the format is a DJ and floor singers to warm September. We also have a stall (with live Djing) in Unplugged Committee
up, followed by the main act. We have tried over the



These maps are subject to change before the Freshers Fayre but should remain almost the same.


I will be freefalling through the sky

for several thousand feet to raise
money for Shelter, a charity for the
homeless and badly housed peo-
ple. I need to raise a s much money
as possible and would be grateful
for any donations. If anyone would like to spon-
sor me they can pop into my office to put their
name on the sponsorship form or email me on
13,000 students.
1 voice.

Surrey Students’ Newspaper

acts needs writers, editors, photographers, lay-up artists and reviewers for 1999 - 2000.
If you are interested in getting involved with the Barefacts team email us at
10 News 23rd September 1999


Following rumors late last week
it was finally confirmed on tuesday that Kula Shaker....
Kula Shaker had split, after less than
stellar sales of their recent ‘Peasants,
Pigs and Astronauts’ album. The actual
confirmation on the band split came
from a statement posted on the Kula
Shaker web page.
Crispian Mills announced that he is
leaving Kula Shaker to start a solo
“I have loved my time with Kula Shaker
and have experienced more than I
could ever have imagined. We’ve had
an excellent time and a very tight
band, but there comes a time when
you want to do your own thing”.
Needless to say Crispian has been
writing new songs since the release of
‘Peasants, Pigs and Astonauts’. So,
undoublty there will be a solo album
reaching us in the not to far future
Kula Shaker played their last shows at
the V99 festivals in August where they
replaced Placebo, who had cancelled
at the last minute. So for most of the
fans the last time they would of saw
Kula Shaker was on their last tour in
the spring. Kevin Marston

Kula Shaker - A Potted History

ula Shaker emerged from Surrey in the Helyn Rose Bar at a “No Drakoulias to start recording their sec-
K London’s suburbs in late 1995
after changing their name from The
Wave” night on February 15th 1996. ond album.

Kays. By the end of that year their four sin- In March 1998 ‘Sound Of Drums’ was
Singer/guitarist Crispian Mills, the son gles ‘Grateful When You’re Dead’, released supported by a club tour.
of actress Hayley, bassist Alonza ‘Tattva’, ‘Hey Dude’ and ‘Govinda’ had Later that year they collaborated on
Bevan, drummer Paul Winterhart and all been UK hits, they’d been selected the Prodigy’s ‘Fat Of The Land’ album
organist Jay Darlington had spent as the Brit Awards’ Best Newcomers, and continued work on their second
their early days performing at their their ‘K’ album had hit number one album, ‘Peasants, Pigs and
own club, The Mantra Shack in and they’d supported Oasis at the Astronauts’ with Peter Gabriel, Alice
Richmond. band’s historic Knebworth shows. Cooper and Pink Floyd producer Bob
After success at the ‘In The City’ In 1997 Kula Shaker had their biggest
music-biz showcase event, Kula hit with their reworking of the Joe ‘Peasants, Pigs and Astronauts’ was
Kula Shakers debut album
Shaker signed to Columbia in South tune ‘Hush’ reaching number 2. released in the spring of this year when the ‘K’ featured ‘Hey Dude’ and
November 1995. The band built a fan- After holidaying in India Kula Shaker band performed what turned out to be their ‘Govinda’, the two songs
base by touring rigourously, including went back into the studio in LA with final series of shows, including a perfor- that took them to stardom.
performing here at the University Of producers Rick Rubin and George mance at Guildford Civic Hall. Rob Winder

want one). The Film is Scream 2

which is a superb sequel with a great To buy tickets for just one film is also Death In Vegas Competition
Oscar Film Unit cast including Neve Campbell, quite simple, but financially foolish. Win a signed copy of the new album
Courtney Cox and Sarah Michelle Single tickets cost 2.50 for OFU films ‘The Contino Sessions’
FRESHER’S READ THIS! Gellar, along with some blokes. We and 2.00 for Arts films. They can be
are showing this film not once, not purchased from the union or by puting By filling in the name of this famous movie starring
The Oscar Film Unit (OFU) provides twice but three times, yes three times, a reserve ticket in the box in the Nicholas Cage
you, the student population, with the 5pm / 8pm / 11pm. The feature will union post room, you then pay at the
chance to view recent cinematic also include trailers of future attrac- film. Remember to Reserve a ticket.
releases at a vastly reduced rate. tions and a cartoon.
H----m--n in Las Vegas
This autumn we have one of our best *After 3/10/99 Season ticket price will Send your answers to by the
seasons ever with hits like Austin The Art’s films for this week is The increase to ten pounds 27/9/99
Powers 2 and The Matrix whilst also Thin Red Line, the WWII film directed
maintaining a selection of alternative by Terence Malick his first film for 20 SCREAM 2 Sun 26/9 5pm/8pm/11pm
films inconjunction with the Arts Office, years. This films shows war present- LTG
highlights of these inlcude Citizen ed at its ultimate brutal worst. It con- THE THIN RED LINE Wed 29/9 8pm
Kane and Pulp Fiction. tinually tries to pursue the bigger pic- LTG Stefano Predieri
ture of war and is more emotional for winning the new Gomez Album
To be able to watch all nineteen films because of this. It is a film with many
could not be easier, the cost is only great moments rather than just one,
Eight Pounds*, that is less than 50 an overall overwhelming experience,
pence per film. To buy a season ticket do not miss this movie Wednesday Editorial
you can come to the fresher’s fair on 8pm LTG. Welcome to the second issue of Barefacts with the new
Friday. You can also buy them at the Arts and Entertainments pullout. Hopefully you will all
free film on Sunday, or at any of our If you are interested in watching, pro- enjoy the read and if you want to contribute to this excit-
films this season. jecting or making films then you ing section then just email barefacts@
should come to the OFU meeting or pop into the office.
The film this Sunday (26/9) is a every Tuesday in LTH at 6pm. We will I woulkd like to say thank you to all of the music and arts
Fresher’s Only affair and will cost you be looking forward to hearing your team for all their contribution this week and keep it com-
absolutely nothing (although still bring views and ideas at next weeks meet- ing.
money to buy a season ticket if you ing. Not much else to say except Hello Freshers!
23rd September 1999 Interview 11
Fungus are a four piece Swedish rock from Food records was
band, based in north London, building up a over there, and he really
reputation for giving enthusiastic and some- liked us and blah, blah,
times dangerous live performances through blah, he wanted us to be
almost continual gigging on Britains mid- on his label. And we
size circuit. They have supported moved over to England,
Symposium, Idlewild and the Backyard because it’s the easiest
Babies and fit that mould well. Johan place to be when you
Lundgren, the songwriter, gave up some have an English label! It’s
time to talk to Barefacts. very complicated living in
Sweden with a contract
BF: So, Johan, what do you do in Fungus? with a record company in
England – you can’t really
JL: I’m the songwriter, I’m the lead singer do that, so you got to live
and I play lead guitar. here. But it’s better as
well, I think.
BF: Could you explain what Fungus sound
like? BF: So you like living in
JL: Umm… rock with pop, catchy melodies,
I think. Punk rock. Yeah, definitely punk JL: Oh, yeah! (chuckles)
rock with catchy melodies.
BF: “Fungus” is an Christmas and every summer for one or
BF: For those who haven’t seen you live, English word, did you have it before you BF: At the moment the Vengaboys are at two weeks, so it’s not that hard.
please explain what you look like and what came across? number one and the charts are full of cover
you do on stage. versions and evil boy bands. What are BF: Most predictable question of the year;
JL: Mmm yeah. We sing in English and we Fungus doing to help Britain save it from what will you be doing for the millennium?
JL: Jump around, synchronised jumps. You have an English name… (for commercial itself?
know there’s a lot of energy, but with style. reasons?) oh, yeah a lot of bands do in JL: I don’t know. Probably we’ll end up in a
Sweden. JL: We want to change that. We will! We’re rehearsal room, jamming all night. Drink
BF: Of the songs you perform on stage, releasing a single now in October, it’s called beers, get totally pissed, (laughs) yeah
which one song best portrays what Fungus BF: Sweden doesn’t have the greatest Rebel and our album is coming out early cool.
are about? music reputation in Britain. Name three next year, and another single as well, so
Swedish bands that we should be listening hopefully we can change that! BF: And finally, what is the answer to the
JL: Pause… of our songs? Over My Head. to, to rectify this. question you wish you could give in an
It’s very energetic, and people seem to like BF: Do you care about the charts? interview, but never get the chance to
that - they jump around a lot. JL: (Immediately) Bobhund, they’re really because the questions aren’t right?
good, it’s sort of underground indie pop. JL: (Sighs) Only so that people come to our
BF: Is that your favourite song from the (Long pause) I haven’t be to Sweden in gigs. If no one comes to the gigs we don’t More rock and roll for people, because it’s
album? ages, this is hard! get to play the gigs either. Ah, we want as good for people! And it’s better than that
Fungus, as my second one!… The Teddy much people as possible to listen to our f**king digital s**t.
JL: Kind of, live, yeah… but from the c.d.? Bears. They’re from Stockholm and they’re music. To come to our gigs and have a
Astronaut. really good too. f**king good time. Fungus commence their tour at the end of
this month, supporting A. Catch them at the
BF: You’re from Sweden, but you live in BF: Have you kept in touch with the music BF: You’re a mixed gender group, you have London LA2, October 7, or at the
London. Why move to London? scene in Sweden? a female drummer. How does that work Portsmouth Wedgewood Rooms, October
when you’re on tour? 12 and 13. ‘Rebel’ is out October 4th.
JL: Well, because of Food records. We’re JL: We didn’t do much gigging in Sweden, Honey Barter Godfrey
signed to them. We did a gig in Stockholm, we haven’t released anything there. We JL: She’s really tough, sometimes she has
one and a half years ago. We did a gig sup- have a small indie label for the whole of a hard time with it, but she’s very tough and
porting Grass Show, who are signed to Scandinavia, and we hope to put out the very determined. We go home every
Food at the moment. Andrew Rawson album and a couple of singles next year.

“I only went with he’s so beautiful”

The Lyrics Test your mother cos “You know that I’ve
So the crossword “I know not every she’s dirty” been drunk a thou-
isn’t back from body’s got a body sand times and
vacation yet, so like me” “She sells heart, these should be the
here’s a quizette to she sells meat” best day of our
keep you busy for a “Ooooh place your lives”
few moments. hands on my hole” “Your tongue is far
Simply work out the too long, I don’t like “You never should
song these lines are “I’m so horny, that’s the way it sucks be lonely when time
from or see how ok my will is strong” and slurps upon my is on your side”
many you can work every word”
into conversations “‘Cos I’m a slut and “I haven’t been the
this week. you just suck” “If you took my same since my
hand would it still teenage lobotomy”
“Excuse me, could I “I only went with her be mine?”
please talk to you a because she looks “I’m just too stupid
while?” like you” “He’s drunk, he to care”
tastes like candy,

GIGS THIS WEEK: 23rd - 29th

September 1999

THURSDAY 23rd: Arab Strap@ Union Chapel islington London

Ozzfest@ Earls Court London
FRIDAY 24th: Steve Lamacq & Scott Mills@Surrey’s Student
SATURDAY 25th: Mish Mash@ Guildford Civic
Kid Rock@ LA2 London
SUNDAY 26th: Deep purple@ Royal Albert Hall London
My Life Story/YY28s@ Surrey’s Students Union
MONDAY 27th: Melt Banana@ The Garage London
TUESDAY 28th: Whistler@ The Complex London
WEDNESDAY 29th: Idlewild@ Astoria London
Cyclefly@ The Garage London
12 Music Reviews 23rd September 1999
‘Omar’. Jazz and blues to the attempt to replicate the Prodigy or

SINGLES flesh; perhaps talent in the mak-

ing. I eagerly await the album.
6/10 I.U.
Chemical Brothers . Next, toss in
the kind of chant usually reserved
for those awful songs that promote
Single of the Week
football events. Finally, garnish
(Cruisin’ Records) Thursday’s child
LCD - Zorba’s Dance (Virgin) with inane repetition and hope
A nice mix of heavy metal guitar (Virgin)
Traditional Greek sounds sampled some poor fool actually buys it. An
work, electric twiddly bits and a Slinky and subtly melod-
over drum beats with a four fat autistic chimpanzee could do bet-
sneering voice that sounds ic, with a meandering
cartoon fellows linedancing in the ter. 3/10. O.M.S.
strained in places. ‘Spank’ sounds vocal line full of muted
video. You have probably heard it
a lot like recent Offspring releas- sadness. The simplicity
over the summer, or last year as CYCLEFLY - Violet High (MCA)
es, but more pornographic. This of the song compliments
this is a reissue, and it is still crap. If Placebo had grown up listening
track needs to be played loud to his distinctive voice and
3/10 K.M. to metal they would sound just like
get the full effect. Good fun. 7/10 creates the feeling of
this. Drab, limp wannabe art rock
M. W. being snugly curled up
ECOLOGIST - She Loves You that fails to entertain in any way
whilst it rains outside.
(Moksha) whatsoever. 2/10 R.W.
GAMEPLAN - Me-One (Island) 7/10 H.B.G.
Recipe: Create a sampled drum
The delivery lies somewhere beat with shoddy equipment and
between ‘Erykah Badu’ and
explosion continues to churn out

ALBUMS more of the same magical, crazy,

outrageously funky tunes they’ve
always produced....’Wait A
STEREOLAB - Cobra and Phases Group play voltage in the Milky Night (Duophonic)
If you’re looking for something a bit different then this offering from
Stereolab is definitely worth a listen. There is a fantastic variety of
SUPERGRASS – Supergrass sound on this album ranging from pure percussion to modern syn-
Minute’, ‘Bacon’, ‘Right Place,
(Parlopone) thetic instrumentation. They have explored Jazz arrangements and
Wrong Time’....Bloody awesome.
Supergrass return with yet again a more commercial styles which make up some of the many influ-
9/10 C.H.
different sound, ‘I should coco’ ences present here, creating a musical experiment that shouldn’t
was undeniably spoofy with its be under rated. Nice. I particularly like track three ‘The Free
jingly jangly pop tunes while ‘In it Design’ (recently released) and track five ‘Italian Shoes
Singles 1995-97 (Cooking Vinyl)
for the money’ was dark and Continuum’ which is very ambient. They’ve excelled themselves.
Strange time to release a singles
ambiguous. Therefore what is I’m quite impressed. 8/10 L.T.
compilation, after all its not like
‘Supergrass’?, well its kinda of they’ve sudden have become give, and it does not disappoint. readily associate with Jazz. The FAZE ACTION Moving Cities
funky with an underlying poppy massively popular. The Wedding The sound is of an industrial trip- album does get progressively bet- (Nuphonic)
feel demonstrated within ‘Pumping Present are the kind of band that hop nature with an extra empha- ter but doesn’t stand out with the Faze Action is a bit of a family
on your stereo’. Although ‘What has the majority of its exposure on sis on vocals. The voice has many likes of ‘Reprezant’ which will affair. Consisting of brothers,
Went Wrong(In Your Head)’ and John Peel. First thing that instant- different aspects, and throughout reflect in its commercial success. Simon and Robin Lee, this is their
‘Your Love’ are very Beatlesque in ly hits you is that this is what indie the album the vocals could sound 7/10 D.M.C. follow up to their debut, ‘Plans
style and manner that has been had a tendency sound like in the like Bowie through to Tricky, which and Designs’. The idea behind the
revamped for that nineties feel. early nineties. For the most part gives it an extra dimension with its VAST – Visual Audio Sensory music is to blend disco, with a
Even Queen seems to get a men- sounds rather like Teenage diversity, as most albums of this Theater (Mushroom) variety of influences, including
tion in the form of ‘Eon’, with its Fanclub but actually quite a bit genre tend to be slightly monoto- VAST is a one man band. That African, Jazz, and classical. The
‘Bohemian rhapsody’ sound but it better and not half as boring. nous. Rico has many messages man is Jon Crosby, a 21 years old principle behind this is sound,
still won’t stop you moving to the Probably the best track on the to bring across to the listeners Californian with a vision to make after all, there is nothing wrong
volume control and pumping it up. album is ‘Jet Girl’ which had all and does this in an amicable fash- music on the scale of Pink Floyd with good old fashioned disco,
Talking about ‘Moving’, it is easily the makings of an hit. The other ion through impressive, powerful and U2. With ‘Visual Audio many contemporary forms of
the best rack on the album with its point of interest is ‘Where lyrics and mood-inducing music. Sensory Theater’ he has pro- music owe their roots to the beat
upbeat noise. Altogether a laid- Everybody Knows Your Name Overall a refreshing change for an duced an interesting and challeng- of the disco drum. But, blending
back album that will be pumping (Theme From “Cheers”)’ which album of this genre of music. 8/10 ing album. This is post-industrial them together, unfortunately has
on your stereo all day.( sorry isn’t really that great but its nice M.S. rock music mixing Benedictine the effect of creating music that is
about that..ha.ha) 9/10 K.M. for it to be included anyway. 8/10 chants with hard sheets of metal- neither one thing or another.
I.P. LOWCRAFT - Manticore (Disco lic noise. Musically diverse VAST Beautifully orchestrated, but
THE JON SPENCER BLUES Volante) is, fortunately, far from being yet devoid of direction, songs such as
EXPLOSION - Acme-Plus (Mute) RICO - Sanctuary Medicines Instantly comforting music, the another run-of-the-mill NIN copy- ‘Got A Find A Way’ and ‘Space
What can I say about the JSBX (Chrysalis Records) sound of autumn and cups of hot ist. While NIN is the obvious influ- Disco’ start off with much promise.
that hasn’t been said before? That The artist who has wetted chocolate. ‘Divine’ is a building ence, there are other things at Obviously influenced by classic
they’re fucking cool? That they’re appetites by sending his music in epic. ‘Angel In The Snow’ is best work here. VAST draw a great disco tracks, the intro is striking,
the most original, talented and an ambiguous format to a select compared to the most emotive deal of influence from late eighties but then it all goes horribly wrong.
fucked up band on the planet? On few has finally released an album. swirl of Rialto: Nathan Khyber’s gothic sounds like Bauhaus and Instead of making you want to get
this 19 track follow up to last The album provides the whole pic- vocals floating on a widescreen Dead Can Dance as well as incor- up and boogie, it just makes you
year’s awe-inspiring Acme, the ture that the little samples did not alpine peak built somehow from porating more ambient sounds want to fade into the background.
shimmering guitars balanced on that would be equally at home on 4/10 L.B.
swirling synths. ‘Avalon’ is another an Enigma album. The timing of
Album of the Week gem, beginning innocuously and
subtly and grabbing you some-
the release of this album is unfor-
tunate. ‘Visual Audio Sensory
KOJAK - Crime In The City
how, dragging you in with a wish- Theater’ was released late last Funk, they should have called this
ful chorus and cuddly refrain. year in America, however the UK album, it hasn’t got much else. Do
Lowcraft are a clean, refreshing label have chosen to release the you remember the background
band, the soaring riffs dunking record one week before the new music from the tyre screeching
you in a cold bath, towelling you Nine Inch Nails album. A bad mis- car chases of 70’s cop show like
dry and puttting you to bed, all at take, since this is a good album. Starsky and Hutch? Well two
once. 7/10 D.J. 7/10 R.W. French plonkers have nabbed the
vibe and are now attempting to
PESHAY – ‘Miles From Home’ EVERYTHING BUT THE GIRL – take Europe by storm with this
(Island Records) Temperamental (Virgin) strange mix of jazzy house, hip
As a long-standing Drum n’ Bass After the successful of their last hop and soul. By the sound of the
DJ, for those that know, Peshay is album ‘Walking Wounded’, press quotes they are doing quite
nearly as much a household Everything But The Girl had a well, the continentals love ‘em.
name as Fabio, Grooverider, hard act to follow. They have yet to release a single
Adam F, and Roni Size. To me the ‘Temperamental’ is the result of a in the UK, that is until ‘You cant
title ‘Miles From Home’ insinuates three year break which has stop it’ hits the shelves in October.
THE ALL SEEING I - Pickled Eggs And Sherbert (London Records) a change of style for the man’s allowed their sound to develop They are also planning a small
In case nobody knows The All Seeing I come from Sheffield and exist taste in soulful/Jazzy Drum n’ and achieve a much more con- tour of London and The Midlands.
as 3 blokes with a bunch of synthesisers. They have collaborated with Bass, on the contrary all this is, is temporary edge. Combined You won’t see me at the gigs
some of Sheffield’s finest to record this LP. The album starts off with Jazz in various guises. Classical Influences from drum n’ bass and though, I got sick of them after
‘Walk Like A Panther’. Everybody will recognise this as the single Jazz, Soulful Jazz, Party Jazz, fatter beats define this new sound. just one play. There is just no vari-
released earlier this year, with the sublime vocals of Tony Christie. The Cheesy- Retro Jazz, Dark elec- Tracks such as ‘Blame’ and ation, it just seems like one long,
album continues with further collaborations with Jarvis Cocker, tronic Jazz. For his debut, the ‘Compression’ have the potential long, long fifty minute track. They
Babybird’s Steve Jones and Phil Oakey from Human League. It is the album lacks real diligence with the of becoming club hits, where as probably squeezed the production
collaboration with Phil Oakey ‘1st Man In Space’, which is my favourite vocal tracks sounding as though other tracks seem to wash over of this disc in-between lunch and
track. You also get ‘Beat Goes On’ another previously released single, they were sung without any pre- you. A lack of variety and melodic- tea, so little thought seems to
which is much better than the version found on Brittney Spears album. meditation and there being an ness separate this album from the have been put in. If you like Air
Apparently The All Seeing I only produced a version for her as they “overdose of notes” (M.S.) in each quality of ‘Walking Wounded’. 6/10 and Daft Punk then you might
needed the money. On the whole album there is no single bad track eight-barred beat making it sound A.J.T. appreciate this. I didn’t. 2/10 M.B.
and it is well worth checking out. 9/10 A.S. to busy, characteristics I wouldn’t
23rd September 1999 Live Reviews 13
Angelica/Rosita R n’ B (Rubbish n’ Bland) girl group to
London Borderline bands such
Camden Barfly shame. For a band usually lumped
11th September 1999 as Kyuss,
16th September 1999 with the style over content wastage of
but the
bratpop, tonight suggests they are
Masters Of Reality first came to our attention vision of
The venue is packed as Angelica, well beyond that. Headliners for the
back in 1988 with the release of their classic this band is
them of “Why Did You Let My Kitten night are Rosita, famous for contain-
‘Blue Garden’ album. Since then appearances far
Die” fame, take to the stage. “Hi, we ing two ex-members of Kenickie. The
have been few and far between. A cult follow- removed
sound really shit” are the first words to sound and style of their previous band
ing developed over the years, desperate for from that.
drop from the singers mouth, a leggy is certainly there, a keen mixture of
the latest word. Suddenly, out of nowhere, last Think Syd
blonde with frazzled Courtney Love indie and classic pop. However, many
year saw their first UK show and this summer Barrett-era
(before her glam make-over) hair. The of the rough edges that gave songs
the release of their third studio album, Pink Floyd,
skate punkas flanking either side of like “Come out Tonight” a certain lo-fi
‘Welcome To The Western Lodge’. Appetites The Kinks,
her beat their guitars as a thunderous appeal have been smoothed away for
duly whetted people have travelled from all Cream
drum roll comes in. Is this really the the next generation. Sounding not
over the country, and Europe, for their second (Ginger
same band who did the twee hit of unlike a classic fifties band in places
UK show. Baker
‘97, “Teenage Girl Crush”? Angelica they sha-la-la their way through half
First up are the evenings support band, WE, played
have gone rawk, like Cay but with an hour of pleasant tunes. Retaining
from Norway. WE deal in stoner influenced drums on
more variation. The crowd duly pogo, their charisma and charm Rosita’s
seventies style rock, recalling at times Deep the second
but usually fail to clap on cue as the only weakness is their lack of spike
Purple at their heaviest. Certainly interesting Masters Of
songs have so many false endings which made their previous adventure
and mildly entertaining, but the crowd was real- Reality
you never know quite when they have so much more immediate. However,
ly only waiting for one thing. album
finished. Towards the end they go Marie and Emmy-Kate are born pop-
Through the years the only constant factor in ‘Sunrise On The Sufferbus’) and The Beatles
reflective and quiet with an amazing stars, expect to see them in Smash
Masters Of Reality is frontman, guitarist and circa ‘The Beatles’, thoughtful, intelligent, pro-
three part harmony to put any plastic Hits again soon. Andrew Thomas
songwriter Chris Goss, who is probably best gressive hard pop music. Goss dedicated the
known for his production work with Kyuss, evenings set to Jennifer of the Two Fat Ladies
Scott Weiland and others. Many people wrong- tv show, before playing a sublime show. His
ly lump Masters Of Reality in with the “Desert voice sounded sweet, the band relaxed. Each
song was received with huge applause, some
A Royal Scrape
people have waited 11 years to see the band. TRAYSCRAPE/ROYAL NOISE/THE
The first half of the set consisted of new songs, GEMS
which go down well, but when the band kicked CLUB EGO
into ‘Kill The King’ from the debut album, the Upstairs at the Garage
crowd went wild, the intensity never dropping
through the rest of the set. The blues rock of The Gems look like they’ve just
‘Alder Smoke Blues’, the psychedelic passage escaped from school via a glitter facto-
of ‘Doraldina’s Prophecies’ and the almost spir- ry. With their Manics-gone-wrong
itual reverence which greeted ‘Blue Garden’ charm appearance and their aural
are the evenings highlights, of what was an assault that follows, it is expectedly
evening of highlights. The set ended with raucous. Guitars are battered as one
‘Domino’ running into a classic take on ‘She member crashes to the floor wielding
Got Me (When She Got Her Dress On)’, the his weapon like he was trying to swat
crowd called loudly for more and were reward- flies with it. The female singer smiles
ed with a swirling run through ‘Ants In the and keeps the lyrics coming, all glam
Kitchen’. The band didn’t return again, but I trash and frantic nights. It’s a sight
doubt anybody left unhappy, even if their and sound to be believed. Royal
favourite song was not played. People will Noise would probably beat up the
remember this for years to come, it was just Gems if they weren’t sharing equip-
one of those nights. Rob Winder ment, for Royal Noise are proper 1977 Trayscrape take to the stage. Half an
punks, except for the addition of girls hour later and they’re still there stomp-
and a height restriction of 5ft. Anthems ing around to tracks like the dischor-
like the recently released “Royal dent “Herbal Desire” and Backstreet
SOMATIC PEOPLE Noise” get a handful of the audience Boys in a blender rendition of
attempting a mosh, but the band “Backstreet’s Back”. Even going so far
Somatic introducing a tinge of a Latin feel to the track.
themselves are usually too concerned as to cover Pantera’s “Walk” the band
The Union The improved pace continued as the band
with playing the right powerchords to don’t make the crucial mistake of out-
19th September 1999 rocked a bit more on the final two songs
classing their own songwriting with
‘Idaho’ and the new single ‘No. 9’. This is a notice. After announcing that they’d
like the crowd to start throwing things covers. The sound goes from hard-
After making a late start to this the first of the band that shows promise but their brief set
at them they seem annoyed at the core to dancefloor, from hip hop to
Sunday night of live bands, Somatic came on and lack of encore suggested that they were
lack of response and tramp off the hard rock, always metal yet always
to entertain the large crowd (for a Sunday not 100% committed to the cause tonight.
stage in a proper bratpop huff. The inventive and dangerous. Certainly
night anyway!) It soon came apparent that the Adam Saxty
hard blokes in white vests and combat one to watch.
lead singer Fleur was the starlet of the trousers surge to the front as Andrew Thomas
band, as her succulent voice drifted
across. They launched into their first
song ‘Throwing For Six’, which immedi-
ately suggested a trip-hop influence, as
Bronze Medallists
they reminded me of Portishead and MEDAL / GOLDMAN grotesque faces: they have been
Sneaker Pimps. The next two songs Bedford Esquires mocked and tortured most of their
‘Green’ and ‘Go Between’ by passed Saturday 11th September 1999 adolescent years, laughed at for their
me. While they were technically good disgusting faces, and driven to
the songs seemed to lack passion. As Goldman are a young band, all skinny despair, scarring them emotionally.
Fleur took a break the instrumental ‘La and contorted, retching out their From the ashes of their woe has risen
Chicca’ gave the chance for the rest of Longpig come Radiohead rock pop. a forceful, erratic, belligerent sound.
the band to show that they were not ‘We are the way’ is a feisty number: The opener, a shuddering battalion of
there to make up the numbers. This the heavy philandering phonics, the white noise and bright lights leads
they did by picking up the pace, while cascading chorus and the ridiculously into an epic, terrifying instrumental,
assured vocals suggest a band of fortified with mooted mumblings.
greater stature; and not a local sup- Mumblings aside, the sound of Medal
port offering. ‘This is all we are’ is is most startling for the vocals: emo-
almost edible, the nervy guitars tion oozing from every despondent
smoulder alongside the unfathomably word, voices fighting the jittery
Christian Hunt (Longpigs) -esque, Armageddon of guitar noise, and
melody laden vocals. It’s really quite vocals nothing but beautiful on ‘Porno
delicious, and whilst not all here is a Song’. Medal are good, if nothing
delight, some of it is. special, but few bands really are, and
The irretrievably ugly Medal take the they’ll fill a gap ‘till say Radiohead
This week’s reviews by;
stage, the singer trying to look like return with their far more impressive
Oliver Melville-Smith,Al Mooney, Adam Saxty, Andrew Smith, Daniel Jones, Ian Purvey, Honey
Richard Ashcroft, but of course even woe. Not gold medallists, not even sil-
Barter Godfrey, Rob Winder, Kevin Marston, Daniel Cremin, Ikaraam Ullah, Lisa Thornhill, Amanda
uglier. The impending pain and des- ver, but perhaps a bronze Medal.
J Taylor, Oliver Chamero, Andrew Deegan, Matt Ward, Andrew Thomas, Laura Browning & Matt
peration of Medal seem easier to Daniel Jones.
explain when faced with their
14 Club Nights 23rd September 1999

Club Guide
RESURGENCE the club seem quite small.
Sunday 13th September 1999 The same DJ played for the whole night.
Scandals, Hampshire Terrace, Portsmouth However the pace kept up all night with no
daft slow songs sneaking in. The dance
Guildford has a problem. Whilst this not life floor stayed full for the entire time. The club
threatening it is annoying. It has a lack of itself was full without being too packed.
clubs, with only three in town and the You could easily get served at one of the
union, no one can say we were over two bars. Whilst the music is loud due to
loaded. This means that to get to a decent the shape of the club, you can still hold a
club its an out of town job. conversation in parts of the club.

To go to a decent Goth night at a club will The clubs mix of Goth, old & new, eighties
either involve a trip to London, complete and industrial is very good and mainly root-
with a couple of hours of freezing after the ed in Goth. Entry is very reasonable at two
club shuts until the first train. Or the cheap pounds and there is no dress code (some-
option of going to Portsmouth. So it was one came in white tracksuit bottoms the
off on the train, well stocked with beer for other month). The club has two bars, and is
the journey. After a ten minute walk to the also reasonably priced at 1.80 a pint of
club you realise that it was worth walking Carlsberg. It also manages to maintain a
past the horde of insulting 11 year-olds comfortable temperature despite it being
flicking matches. underground. It is about a ten minute, quar-
Scandals is one of the easier clubs to miss ter of an hour walk from the station and the
even with its large sign, it sits under a row last train leaves at 10:40 meaning to get
of solicitors and accountants. The first thing back to Guildford is possible if you miss the
that must be remembered is that if you’re last five minutes.
over six foot you’re going to have to duck The main problems with Resurgence is that
the beams. The first good thing about the it only happens once a month and as it is a
club is the clientele, most make an effort Sunday it has to shut at ten thirty. However
and give the club a bit of atmosphere. The these are only minor problems with such a
club itself being subterranean has four sep- great night.
arate small areas, separated by the sup-
porting arches and pillars which makes Ian Purvey
23rd September 1999 15


THE BEATLES: YELLOW SUBMARINE Apple Corp LTD/International Artists £13.99
30 years after its original release, the
Beatles’ cartoon feature returns to the
shops after being digitally restored and THE TRUMAN SHOW (PG)
is available on video, DVD and CD Paramount Pictures
(soundtrack). The film itself is the story
of The Beatles attempts to save the Almost a year after
music of Pepperland from the attack of its release, Jim
‘the Blue Meanies’. Based on the Carrey’s long await-
Lennon/McCartney song of the same ed ‘film-with-actual-
name, the film also includes an array substance’ comes
of famous tunes (and several not so to video to buy this
memorable ones including ‘All week. The story is
Together Now’ and ‘Hey Bulldog’). based around
On the other hand the inclusion of Truman Burbank
‘All You Need Is Love’, ‘Sgt Peppers (Carrey), a man
Lonely Hearts Club Band’ and who since birth
‘Nowhere Man’ are all good rea- has been locked
sons to invest in this bizarre exam- inside a huge pur-
ple of late sixties art culture. pose built studio
that doubles up as
Although the voices of the cartoon Truman’s world.
characters aren’t those of the
actual Beatles, the characterisa- Inside this studio,
tion is amusing at times and the actors are paid to
best complement to the film is play the roles of
that it is an all together interest- friends, family
ing experience. The main down- and passers by.
sides are the lack of real plot The film itself is
and the fact that the film hasn’t actually very
aged as well as other Beatles’ cinema good, Carrey
outings (namely Dick Lester’s ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ and ‘Help’). putting in prob-
All in all, its worth having - but only if you don’t mind the hippy things in life. AB ably his best
performance to
date, however Ed Harris does himself no credit
and doesn’t live up to his reputation (ie ‘The Rock’, ‘The Abyss’ or
‘Apollo 13’).

The General’s Daughter (18)

Now on ‘general’ release.

John Travolta teams up

with Director Simon West
(Con Air) to play the role of
a military investigator
charged with uncovering
the riddle of who murdered
the Generals daughter
(Leslie Stefanson). The
film basically rides on a
wave of action, sex and
murder mystery but does-
n’t quite deliver the same
thrill as Travolta’s last great
action number Face Off.
Heat Magazine said of the
film ‘ The main problem
with The General’s
Daughter is its general
tastelessness: graphic
scenes of rape, S&M and a
moulding corpse don’t real-
ly contribute to the plot,
John Travolta returns to the action they’ve just been inserted
thriller scene in The General’s to make sure the audience
Daughter are paying attention. A bet-
ter script might have done
If you enjoy going to the the trick.’ But even the trail-
cinema and want to review a ers that have been in the
film for Barefacts and go for cinema for several weeks
free, then contact the now to hint at that element
Barefacts office for more of cool the Travolta has
recindled since the return
information. of his career as a top flight
movie star and with co-
The Odeon Cinema listings for stars like James Woods,
this week are again supplied via James Cromwell, Timothy
Hutton and Madeleine
fax from the Odeon, Bedford Stone - the films popularity
Rd, Guildford. with british audiences is still
an unknown qauntity.
16 23/9/99


‘Open to everybody’ refers to members only or registered guests of the University of Surrey Students’ Union
23/9/99 17

11:15 a.m. in Guildford Cathedral Lady Chapel (no music)

6:30 p.m. in the Quiet Centre (with instruments)

There will be an Academic Mass of the Holy Spirit on Sunday

26th September at 6:30 p.m. in the Quiet Centre. All welcome.
A representative from the Catholic Society will be waiting at the
Library steps at 6:20 p.m. on Sunday 26th September to take
the new students over to the Quiet Centre. Hope to see you

For More details please contact:

Fr Sean Finnegan at
Tel. 01483 571091

Noel Pereira at

Nightliners Tell It
How It Is
Have you ever wondered what it is that Nightline
does, or perhaps you weren’t aware of its exis- Having completed our first year at Surrey, we can
tence. As Nightliners’, one of the most common safely say that being involved in Nightline has real-
questions that we get asked is “so, what’s it all ly contributed to our view of student life. We are not
about then?”. Our immediate and all too well prac- just referring to Nightline socials and television
tised response is “Nightline is a confidential listen- access, but the sense of achievement embedded
ing/support, information and supplies service, run in the knowledge that you’ve made a difference.
for students by students”. This may be true, but
there is far more to Nightline than just this state- Following our advertising campaign last semester,
ment. Here’s an insight into our personal experi- where we handed out free condoms in the Union
ence… (approximately 600 in total….there’s a lot of hope-
ful students out there!), it already seemed that
Our involvement with the society began this time Nightline had made an impact and raised aware-
last year at the Freshers’ Trade Fair where our ness. This year we aim to be ‘bigger and better’,
enthusiasm was sky high, encouraging us to sign with plans for more recruits, longer opening hours
up for anything and everything. A couple of weeks and an all round improved service (oh, and there
later reality set in and it was time to decide where will probably be some more social events too).
our interests really lay. Nightline appealed, as it
gave us the opportunity to be actively involved in So don’t forget to give us a call on Internal: 6999 or
helping students as well as improving the interper- External (01483) 876999 if you ever want to talk,
sonal skills much needed in life. need some information or just free condoms. We
also sell personal attack alarms for £1. Drop in
Our training started by attending a general callers are welcome, the office in situated in Surrey
Listening Skills workshop and a week later we Court between Wey and Wandle. If you want to e-
spent a day with The Samaritans. Training taught mail us, our address is
us that Nightline was about more than we had ini- or check out our
tially expected. It was about listening to what the website on
callers had to say and not being able to produce
magic solutions, because at the end of the day we
are just fellow students like you. If reading this has motivated you to join Nightline,
then we hold weekly meetings on Thursdays at
Our first duty was quite daunting. We have to 6:00pm in TB12a, feel free to drop by. Otherwise
admit, when the phone first rang, there was some we will be recruiting new members in the Union at
debating over who should take the call. However the Freshers’ Trade Fair on Friday, we look forward
fellow Nightliners popping round and the endless to seeing you!
supply of biscuits (well not quite so endless) made
it an enjoyable experience. K & B.
23/9/99 19
Animal Action Week Green Soc
3rd-10th October If anyone still does not know what Greensoc is, we are a
growing society concerned with the environmental impact that
by Lucy Andrews humans are having on our Earth.

IFAW ANIMAL ACTION WEEK 3-10 OCT Those present last year will remember that we were aiming to
make people aware of our existence. Activities included a
This year the International Fund for Fair Trade Food evening in Chancellors, a Green Silly Night
Animal Welfare (IFAW) are raising aware- in the Union to encourage recycling and a ‘Green’ issue of
ness about endangered species through Barefacts. One of our members, John, played a main part in
‘Animal Action Week’ which is taking place organising the trial recycling scheme in University Court. A
between October 3-10 1999. large number of students supported the scheme and so we
are hoping to focus more on this that this term.
In particular IFAW is focusing upon work-
ing and campaigning via CITES (the Recycling is only one of so many ways that we could improve
Convention on International Trade in our university’s waste consumption. We held a People and
Endangered Species), which next meets in Planet Workshop and one idea generated was to calculate the
Nairobi in April 2000. CITES was original- university’s Ecological Footprint (or its effect on the environ-
ly started by ten countries in 1973 but now ment) and then work to improve it. We are hoping to start this,
has more than 140 member countries. monitor it and keep you informed of any progress made,
Despite this, the illegal trade in endan- which is one of the reasons that this weekly column has been
gered species is still very much an issue to started.
be dealt with in today’s environmental
thought. The species being discussed at But that is not the only thing. Each week, you will find tips on
the next CITES meeting are whales, bask- reducing your energy consumption, information on environ-
ing sharks, elephants, bears and sea-tur- mental issues and details of events being organised by
tles. Greensoc. Look out for dates of a fox hunting debate and a
talk on the environmental impact of aeroplanes on the world.
It is commonly acknowledged that our
environment is constantly under threat due If you would like to join Greensoc, or have any comments or
to pollution, hunting and man’s destruction ideas, please e-mail Vicky on, or come
of natural habitats such as rainforests. along to our stall at the Fresher’s Fayre this Friday.
What few people know is that over 100
species have become extinct over the last
300 years - that’s one species disappear-
ing forever every three years. In fact since
humans appeared on Earth animal have become African elephants from over 1.3 million in 1979 to
extinct 1000 timers faster. just 600,000 today. At the end of the 1980’s a
world wide ban on the trade in ivory was imple-
By encouraging people to show their concern at mented which helped herds numbers recover.
statistics like these through means such as letter- Now, due to pressure from some countries, trade
writing campaigns and petitions, IFAW aim to has partially resumed. It is feared that a small
maintain the pressure on CITES to maintain and number of these countries may lobby CITES for
tighten existing restrictions on the treatment and further trade in ivory for expensive ornaments
illegal trade of animals. and jewellery to be restarted which could again
lead to illegal hunting.
This year’s IFAW projects include a youth animal
survey asking children and teenagers to voice To protest against elephant poaching please sign
their opinions on important issues, a poster the IFAW Elephant Petition Form at Union recep-
design competition, ‘Salt’s Whale Family’ project tion, or if you would like to get involved e-mail
for youth groups, the Animal Action Awards mu71la for further details of how
rewarding outstanding work and the Elephant to set up a sponsored event for Animal Action
Petition. Week, or speak to national organisers Kathy
Chesters and Diana Morris on 01634 830888.
IFAW are campaigning for an end to elephant
poaching which has reduced the number of LA

Student Advice and Information Service

The Student Advice and Information Service has now moved and is situated in Wey
flat 2, Surrey court. They offer free confidential, impartial and professional advice
and information on access funds, special needs, dyslexia, welfare and health, bene-
fits and rights, child care and staff development to new but a few. Drop-in opening
hours are 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. during semester time and
11 a.m. - 3 p.m. during vacation.

Other Student Support Services

Counselling 9498
Chaplains 2754
Nightline 6999
V.P. Education & Welfare 9228
V.P. Student Support & Development 3926

Student Advice and Information Service 01483 87 9261 (ext. 9261)
20 23/9/99

National Postgraduate Committee

(NPC) Annual Conference 1999
by Jayne Elliot
he Annual NPC conference got off with respect to demonstrating and bar prices were really cheap (soft drinks groups, but also to help institute gradu-
T to a great start this year. Two post-
graduate delegates from Surrey were
teaching was brought up. At present
training for research postgraduates is
80p pint, hot drinks 40/45p, pints from
£1.20 (Carling) – £1.70 (Guinness), and
ate policies across the university and to
increase input into the Students Union.
sent off to the University of East Anglia, not very consistent from one institution bottles £1.50!) and lets just say that we A Graduate Sabbatical (who should
in Norwich, for four days of lectures, to another and even from department to made the most of them! They had even have been a postgraduate student) can
seminars, guest speakers, debating department. The subject of postgradu- done a deal with the local taxi firms for act as a focal point for the postgraduate
(and drinking) aimed at university post- ate training was introduced by a lectur- a flat rate into the centre of Norwich, as community and they can also draw
graduate associations. The conference er at UEA, who has piloted, at I discovered when I got a taxi from the upon their own personal experiences as
was attended by delegates from across University level, a training and develop- town. a postgraduate, when understanding
Great Britain and also included a small ment programme for postgraduate into complex postgraduate issues is
delegation from Limerick in Ireland. ‘teaching assistants’. The scheme One important issue flowing throughout required. Graduate Sabbaticals can
involved a course of 10 modules, the conference was the issue of post- also represent postgraduates on
The lecturers and seminars revolved totalling about 30 hours worth of tutorial graduate representation not just at a University committees without creating
around the general theme of postgrad- time, including areas such as an intro- national level, but with the University a conflict of interests between studies
uate policy and practice, encompassing duction to learning and teaching; devel- and Union structure. National represen- and postgraduate representation as
themes such as the PhD experience, oping presentation skills, the teaching tation of postgraduate issues is normal- they should have already finished their
postgraduate teaching skills, and train- assistant in the laboratory and support ly channelled through the NPC or via degrees.
ing for postgraduates. The Quality learning in small groups. The scheme the NUS who often delegate the issue
Assurance Agency for Higher was so successful at UEA that, after tri- in hand to the NPC. The number of Graduate Sabbaticals
Education’s Code of Practice for als at other Universities, the teaching around the country is steadily increas-
Postgraduate Research Programmes package has been taken up by other At a University level it was clear that ing. Last year there were full time
( was discussed at universities to aid students who have some universities have little postgradu- Graduate Sabbaticals at Oxford,
length over the 4 days and included some form of teaching or demonstrating ate representation within the structure Cambridge, Leeds and Cranfield (part
guest speakers from the QAAHE such commitments. of the University or within their time). During this year that number will
as Peter Williams, Director of Student’s Unions. The message being be increased by another two. It was
Institutional Review and Prof. Nick The future of postgraduate teaching given throughout the weekend was that very obvious at the conference that
Harris, Assistant Director in the and training was discussed and debat- postgraduates need representation some delegates were at conference,
Development Directorate. For those of ed with a brief overview being given throughout the University, at both with their University’s backing, to find
you who don’t know, the QAA has just from Prof. Robert Burgess, Vice- departmental levels and at Senate. out more about setting up graduate
issued a series of guidelines for a code Chancellor (Designate), University of Postgraduate issues can be very differ- Sabbatical posts. As the role of post-
of practice for doctoral research stu- Leicester. It was an interesting debate ent from undergraduate issues and they graduates becomes greater and greater
dents. It gives guidelines for what the with comments coming from the floor can come into conflict if not treated within the structure of higher education,
Universities should provide for research and chair, such as ‘postgraduates are carefully. It became very clear through- more Universities are employing
students in terms of supervision and the future of higher education. Therefor out the conference that at Surrey we do Graduate Sabbaticals not just for the
training, induction, handbooks, thesis they should receive adequate training, have a good, clear structure in place for welfare of the students but to use them
and examinations; and, very important- as some of them will ultimately become postgraduate representation. Most as an attractive marketing tool for
ly complaints and grievance proce- the lecturers of the future’. The general departments have positions for post- attracting new postgraduate students to
dures. The guidelines also state what is impression that this lecture created was graduate representation on some of the university. I do not think it will be a
expected of the students. that postgraduate training was a rele- their committees and should have also case of IF Surrey gets a Postgraduate
vant issue within today’s higher educa- a postgraduate researchers committee Sabbatical, but WHEN Surrey gets a
Other topics of discussion included tional institutions and institutes will over (or equivalent) to air academic and postgraduate Sabbatical. Will we get
postgraduate teaching and training in a period of time have to incorporate departmental problems. If you don’t ahead of the pack and follow in the likes
their subject area. Postgraduate some type of postgraduate training and know whether you have a postgraduate of the ‘top’ Universities, Oxford,
Training for students on taught courses skills development into students work. representation within your department, Cambridge, Leeds, etc. or will we wait
is very easy to identify, but for research ask your supervisor or the postgraduate ten years and be one of the last
postgraduates training differs widely The evening events were almost as well secretary as they should know who is Universities to offer this facility to our
from student to student. Most training organised as the daytime lectures, with who and what your departmental com- increasing postgraduate student popu-
will be identifiable in the form of lectures a private viewing of the Lord mittees are. (If not, e-mail us at lation.
and colloquia (those interesting lectures Sainsbury’s Art gallery designed by the
you have to attend once a week), great Sir Norman Foster himself. The This years conference was very enjoy-
although some forms of training are not annual dinner was held within the At University level we have a position able, social and many useful ideas
so obvious, like laboratory skills, com- Sainsbury’s gallery with free flowing for postgraduate representation on all were exchanged. Hopefully some off
munication and written skills and all wine to aid conversation (and there committees which are related to post- the points raised will highlight some of
those ‘bits of information’ passed on to wasn’t a shopping trolley or bar code in graduate issues. The general rule the things postgraduates encounter
you from other members of your sight!). seems to be that if there is a Sabbatical during their degrees which are often not
research group. Skills training course on a committee it is highly likely that thought about. We had great time (even
can also be done through funding coun- UEA’s Graduate Student Association you will find a space for a postgraduate if we did have to dash off to Great
cils, as Dr. Cameron, from EPSRC were excellent hosts during our stay, representative there as well. We are Yarmouth so that Mark could have an
(Engineering and Physical Sciences encouraging us to make the most of also represented within the Union struc- icecream by the beach! Who said that
Research Council) informed us in one their graduate facilities, including the ture attending all the meetings that the postgrads. are mature?) and hopefully
seminar. These normally last one week graduate bar. We were really other Amenities and Societies also we will see some of the work done by
and are definitely worth getting a place impressed; not only did they have their attend; Student Council, Societies the NPC improving life at a University
on, if you are funded via a research own bar for postgraduates, run by vol- Standing, Union Executive etc. level whether through input into codes
council. unteers (perks of being a volunteer of practice or ideas for Postgraduate
included free drinks when working The future of postgraduate representa- Associations
Research postgraduates are often behind the bar, as long as you remain tion was highlighted in a lecture entitled
relied upon by departments to do sober enough to collect the glasses at ‘Postgraduate Representation and
demonstrating duties and tutorial work the end of the evening!). Any profits that Sabbatical Positions’, presented by two Jayne Elliott, Treasurer
during their studies. This is normally the bar makes go to a scholarship fund Graduate Sabbaticals from the
done on a voluntary basis but some to pay for graduate students’ tuition Universities of Oxford and Leeds. They
Postgraduate Association,
departments require students to do fees for one year! The chatty postgrad illustrated why Graduate Sabbaticals Delegate NPC Annual
more work when there are fewer post- behind the bar also informed me that are needed within the community of a Conference.
graduate students within the depart- they had made enough money this year University, not only to represent post-
ment. Several times during the confer- in profits to pay the tuition fees for 4 stu- graduates at university level, municipal
ence the issue of postgraduate training dents! That was impressive, since the level and in an advisory role to interest
23/9/99 21
Dr Russ
August 24 - September 23 February 20 - March 20 I’m one of those people who has plenty of ideas for
Your flexible friend isn't so flexible at the moment. Yes Can't cook, cant' possibly cook. Oh dear, even simple careers buzzing through my head, but I can’t seem to
we're talking about your credit card (what did you think tasks like cheese on toast are challenging. Never fear, narrow them down. What should I do?
we meant...Hmmm). Cut down on your bills. A pair of McDonalds is near (and for you veggies out there,
scissors should do the job. theres plenty of luscious grass to chew on - I also know Dear Lee
Unlucky object of the week: Today's freshest trout a fantastic recipe for nettle soup).
Unlucky object of the week: A tempermental pot nod- I’ll run a few suggestions past you which might help.
LIBRA dle, it ran away.... First of all, there is nothing stopping you from apply-
September 24 - October 23 ing for several different things at the same time. For
I want to go home, but I haven't got one anymore....And ARIES example, you could apply for, say, accountancy and
heaven knows I'm miserable now. Ah, cheer up, March 21 - April 20 IT or research and production. The important thing
strange Bob down the corridor lives you. Just keep out Professor Plum, in the drawing room with a candle is to make sure that you justify your choice on the
of Moody Mauds way though (shes' got a peculiar stick? Not yet. Peoples careless words have wiped a application form and give a good account of yourself
twitch....) smile off your face. This is not good. You'll just have to at the interview. After all, if you’re someone with a
Unlucky object of the week: Lunar's brain (its' dark in hope that they like a sexy boy and see the air of their range of interests and skills, why shouldn’t you be
there, with a little voice shouting "Help me, Help me, I'm ways. Failing that wear purple, invite them to a big suited to more than one type of work? If you’re
lonely) house and look menacing. Game of Cluedo anyone? asked in an interview why you’ve applied for other
Unlucky object of the week: A drunk person things, all you have to say is that you’d be equally
SCORPIO good at those!
October 24 - November 22 TAURUS
Two pints of lager and a packet of crisp of please. I April 21 - May 21 Secondly, you might find it helpful to prioritise your
said..... (Time ladies and gentlemen) dam it! Its not your The pace of life is fast for you at the moment. Your brief applications into three groups: idealistic, realistic
lucky week all these annoying things keep happening to encounters are a little too brief. buy bigger pants in the and materialistic. If your ‘favourite’ job happens to
you. The hamster incident was particularly bad (I bet future (more room for your... brain). I've just be something like journalism, PR, advertising or pub-
you're dreading the day those photos get developed!) tell you I'm very, very drunk, don't you know. No you lishing, then you can expect a huge amount of com-
Any problems? don't. petition from other applicants. These all fall into the
Unlucky object of the week: Two parallel lines, running Unlucky object of the week: viagra (what a mess) idealistic category. You can still give it your best
in opposite directions (weird) shot, and I would strongly advise you to do so, but
GEMINI you might like to keep something up your sleeve
SAGITTARIUS May 22 - June 21 which is a bit more realistic.
November 23 - December 21 You have experienced a strange encounter but not of
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty dumpty had a the third kind. Do not worry, theres no anal probes Realistic jobs on the other hand, are those which
great fall. All the kings horses and all the Kings men, heading in your direction this week, but be warned the you’d be reasonably happy doing and which are usu-
couldn't put Humpty together again. Watch your feet, situation may change. Invest in some Vaseline before ally easier to get into. Even if they’re not your first
don't lean too far to the left, and wear a puffa jacket its too late. At the moment all you need to worry about choice, they may turn out to be satisfying in other
(thats Lunars idea, NOT mine - Moonda) (bouncy! - is the free mugs at the freshers fair. ways and, who knows, could provide a stepping
Lunar) - clumsy fool. Unlucky object of the week: An electric shock (a simple stone into your ideal job in due course.
Unlucky object of the week: Jack and Jill shocking experience)
You can probably ignore the materialistic at this
CAPRICORN CANCER stage since it is really only a fall-back position for
December 22 - January 21 June 21 - July 23 dealing with the possibility of having nothing at all
"My my Miss American pie, what a big hairy mole you Prepare for the unexpected. Something weird and won- lined up by the time you graduate. You might, for
have sitting on top of your neck" said Goldie Locks. I derful is about to enter... your life (smut). Also an evil example, need to do something just to earn some
think its trying to communicate (its blinking at me...) wizard posing as a cleaner will try and steal your magi- money after the financial stress of being a student!
Sorry, our mistake that was your brain full of brown goo. cal powers (Ok Moonda, thats enough of that mush-
Give it a good wash with plenty of soap and you'll be room pizza....) By the way, there is nothing stopping you applying for
fine. Unlucky object of the week: A persistent pea both jobs and postgraduate study. They needn’t
Unlucky object of the week: A shoe merchant interfere with each other until you get offers from
LEO both! It’s another way to keep your options open.
AQUARIUS July 24 - August 23
January 21 - February 19 Is that a clingon attached to your leg, or is a just a Finally, if you’d like some idea of just how competi-
That joke isn't funny anymore...You are not the first per- strange looking fresher, who has a rather green com- tive certain jobs are, try using the Job Descriptions
son to invent the elephant impression...(besides your plexion? Look out for the militant wing of the FAF. They file in the Careers Office. This information is provid-
pockets aren't big enough, elephants have huge hears, can't help being so sad. They just miss mummy and ed for several hundred occupations.
you know). Nevertheless keep being silly, you're the life daddy sometimes.
and the soul of the party this week. Unlucky object of the week: An evil baked bean seek- I do hope this helps. Keep in touch.
Unlucky object of the week: The giraffe neck impression ing revenge

Russ Clark

Send your personals to or

PS The Careers Fair on 7th October in the
post them in the BF Post Box outside the Union Offices.
Austin Pearce Building between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Chips- stop trying to pull peter pans girlfriend. may help you to narrow things down. Obtaining reli-
"How do I set my laser printer on stun" able information usually leads to better career
Emma says: THANK YOU to all the intro week [Capt Kirk, allegedly] choice.
helpers & Senate Security!
To everyone who was invloved in the Friday night
Davis - breaking tv’s isn’t the way to a girls heart. incident- I just can't thank you all enough. It is so
amazing to know that I have friends like you and the
We came - we saw - we got drunk support,concern and understanding you have all This weeks ‘Caught
expressed has been overwhelming, words can not on Camera’ is
Dear Wendy and Clare..I was feeling very tyred (!!) express my gratitude to you all and all I have left to submitted by the
on Friday morning! say is that people like you make the World a better 2nd Tonmeisters
Thanks for a fun night, love Chaz place.Thank you again Vicki S xxxxxxx
who noticed an act
A toucan flies east. 2,500 miles isn't bad for such a News Flash! Two students couldn't handle first FNO,
of ‘humourous phys-
compact bird. went home at midnight!!! ical and sexual tor-
ment’ being carried
Orrr, Nursey !! I like 'em big ! Gives me more to grab Al, I wonder if Rich has managed has encountered out in our very own
hold of !!"[Lord Flashheart, BLACKADDER II] Gillingham in your house yet. Slim Boy Fat. Union!.
22 23/9/99

Notices: There are blind and

partially sighted
Archery Club EGM to vote in an students on campus. If you
Armourer have to bring a trolley onto
campus please only leave
1.15pm Saturday 2nd October at
Campusport Main Hall
them at the trolley collection
points. Please show a bit of
At the end of last semester you may
consideration! remember the airspace over Guildford
(which we did actually have to apply for!)
was temporarily violated by the launch-

ing of 448 balloons in aid of the Royal
Surrey County Hospital, Rett Syndrome,

ON BUS SERVICE 100 The furthest destination from which a

balloon was sent back was Finland, the
winner being Mrs C. Carvill from Sussex.
AGM 1/10/99, 6pm Hari’s Bar Arriva buses have CONGRATULATIONS! Many thanks to
Contact: Jon 574776 all of you who took part, helping togeth-
confirmed that they will be provid- er to raise £264. Last week a street col-
ing a single free lection was held in Guildford which
raised a further £354.06 - a great
journey from the University to the achievement.
International Societies town for each fresher student The next event in the hectic schedule of
Standing Committee using the Union temporary mem- the Charity Dinner Dance Committee is
the ‘Back to School’ Cocktails and
bership card system. Karaoke which will take place on
Tuesday, week 4 (28th) at 7:30pm in the
Lower Bar. Schoolgirls and boys are
Monday 27th September 1999 The offer period runs encouraged to attend - but there aren’t
6pm LT. H from 19th September to any guarantees you won’t be spanked!
Tickets are on sale on the ground floor of
the 4th October. AZ between 11am and 1pm every day...
it should definitely be a night to remember!
23/9/99 23
Activities site ance and harmony. Treatments cost £10 Any student taking advantage of the excel-
We have been working hard all summer for students and £15 for staff. To book a lent facilities at Campusport will have to
to bring you a wide ranging programme Dance treatment or for more information contact
comply with our insurance policy and high
of activities for the autumn term. Campusdance has again this year put Mark White on (87) 9975 or pick up a
professional standards and undergo a short
together an exciting programme of dance leaflet at the sports centre.
Aerobics and Body Conditioning Classes activities from around the world as well introduction to the use of fitness training
Beginning the 6th September, there are as the classic dance styles. Campusport Memberships equipment.
aerobics or body conditioning classes for There are classes in Irish Folk Dance, Now is the time to renew your member-
every day of the week. Why not try out Ballet, Middle Eastern or Belly Dancing ship. Membership prices will remain the To make this easier, I have spent all summer
our classes and have fun while you and Capoeira. Plus 10 week courses in same as last year. re-writing the programme to ensure that the
improve your fitness levels. As well as Contemporary, Breakdance, Jazz, Salsa, Sports and Classes Card - £30 session is as fun as it is informative. It only
your old favourites we have several Streetdance, Tap, Ballet and much more. Fitness Club Card - £30 takes 40 minutes and comprises of a short
exciting new classes for you to try! See our leaflet for further details. Campusport Card - £40 video and then hands on the equipment, so
Come and join the fun under the expert At this price – lunacy!!!
New for Autumn 99 - Total Body Blitz tuition of our top quality dance teachers
come in training kit please.
Conditioning, Reebok Flexible Strength, from all corners of the globe. Golf Academy
High Energy Aerobics, Absolutely The Campusport Golf Academy is now We fully recommend that you then stay on
Abdominals, and Reebok City Jam open at the Sports Centre. 2 indoor golf afterwards and complete your first training
Aerobics. There is also Circuit Training, REMEMBER practice bays available for individual session whilst the knowledge is fresh.
Breakfast Fitness, Legs, Bums and FREE WEEK –27th September to 3rd bookings. Free with a Campusport Card
Tums, Tone to the Bone, Step, and October or £1.50 for students and £2.50 for staff. This is a legal requirement and whilst I do
Aerobics for All. All classes and courses are free to Please contact the sports centre for fur- have sympathies with those of you who have
everyone for this week only. Take the ther details. Club hire available.
trained in other gyms all your life, we have
Due to popular demand we have extend- opportunity to try any of our fantastic aer- Coaching and Video Analysis sessions
performed inductions to Olympic medallists
ed the Programme to include some level obic, dance, sport or fitness activities for with Geoff Wheeler Golf Administrator
II classes and extra sessions of some of free. are available. Cost: £14 for 1hr or £8 for such as Roger Black, who said that even he
the most popular classes. See our ½ hr. Please call Geoff for more infor- learnt something, so please spare us the
leaflet for more details. Other Information mation or to book a session ext. 9201. begging and sign up to one of the inductions.
Telephone Cards
Sports Courses Call home for less with Communication Sports Therapy I promise you a memorable experience....
We have several courses to choose 2000 phone cards. Sold from the sports Sports Therapy and Sports Massage are
from. Learn to relax with Tai Chi or centre reception in £5, £10 and £20 available at the sports centre. For more I look forward to seeing you all soon
Yoga, improve your skills with Squash denominations. Take advantage of information or to make an appointment
Coaching or Golf with Professionals. cheaper phone calls to all parts of the with our fully qualified Sports Therapist
Plus BODYMAX – a workout with steel world! call the Campusport Reception on (25)
Paul Hobrough (aka Hobie)
suitable for men and women. 9201. Head of Health and Fitness


Check the Autumn programme for more Racket restringing
details. Please book at the sports cen- We also offer a comprehensive racket re Fitness Club Update

tre. stringing service for badminton, squash During the summer, Quantum fitness
and tennis rackets. Please pick up a instructors gained the acclaimed Premier
Sports Workshops leaflet at the sports centre for more Fitness Instructor Award and are now WOMENS FOOTBALL is this country’s
Introductory workshops in a wide range details. pleased to offer you the following ser-
fastest growing sport and with this summers
of sports open to all. Sports include vices:
Badminton, Climbing, Trampolining, Reiki Healing Personal Programmes World Cup a lot of interest has been generat-
Canoeing and Volleyball. Check the Reiki is a system of natural healing which Fitness Assessments ed. FIFA estimates that there are now 30m
Autumn Programme for start dates and restores balance and harmony to all lev- Personal Training female players world-wide. Do you want to be
times. els – physical, mental, emotional and Plus general fitness and nutritional part of the action?
spiritual. It can be of benefit to all and advice.
For more information pick up a leaflet at offers relief for a wide variety of health All offered at a special rate for students Surrey’s Women’s football club is an active,
the sports centre or check out our web- problems because it restores natural bal- and staff. fun and very social club that was set up in
1993. At the moment we are looking for new
Have you ever thought of members. It doesn’t matter if you’ve only
ARCHERY?? played with friends or even if you’ve never
kicked a ball before, everyone is welcome
(They took me!). We compete in BUSA,
Here at Surrey we have a thriving Archery Club that SESSA and a few friendly matches against
not only meets twice a week for ARCHERY but also local teams. We enjoy having a good time
once a week for a social event. We are always look- and go out celebrating after matches,
ing for new members and all are welcome on a whether we win or lose. There are several
Saturday morning at 1.00pm when coaching will be dinners throughout the year that are joint with
given for the absolute beginner and all the equip- the men’s club and the highlight of the year is
ment that you need to start shooting is provided by the Colours Ball.
the club. All you need to bring along to the
Campusport Hall is a clean pair of non-marking If you are interested in joining then come
trainers. The first session if free and subsequent along and see us at the Sports Fayre on
sessions are only £1. Friday 24th September, or come along to a
Surrey Women’s Football Club playing last season training session. We train at the Varsity
The club attends as many competitions as is possi- Centre on Thursday evenings (7-8pm) and
ble. Over the past years we have been to every Sunday afternoons (2-3.30pm). You can also
BUSA shoot and visited other Universities for friend- contact me if you need anymore information
ly matches, as well as hosting one ourselves. The on 01483 457107.
club not only offers you the opportunity to shoot on a
competitive basis but allows you to pursue archery Charlotte Dawson
just for relaxation or fun.

If you are interested in taking up this ancient sport

then pop along to one of our training sessions, drop
a note into the archery pigeon hole, email us or say
‘Hello’ to us at the Freshers Sports Fayre where we’ll
be running sample sessions.

Carol Armes (President)
Michelle Ikwue (Secretary)
University 1st XI 5 : 1 Surrey Police
First game of the season ends in victory. Well tomorrow (Friday) is Sports Fayre! The time
where all you new freshers get to meet all the Student
The first game of the new campaign for the first eleven turned out to be an
Sport clubs and get to finally get your sporting (and
emphatic victory. In less than ideal conditions the team took the field in confident
social) life finally sorted out. At the time of writing this
mood. Playing in the continental 3:5:2 formation the team started solidly giving
note I'm not quite sure where we are going to hold the
nothing away at the back and settling into our passing game. An early goal from
Fayre. There is only one reason for this, RAIN! If it's
captain Richard Bedford settled any nerves, it came from a John Fagan shot
raining we'll be holding it indoors at Campusport, oth-
which came back of the post and Bedford slid in to score.
erwise it will be at Fortress Varsity.
By this time the midfield were finding themselves in acres of space as the oppo-
The venue will be confirmed and you'll see the posters
sition concentrated on marking pacey wing back duo Andy Kinsey and Richard
around campus as soon as I know for sure. We cater
Butler. This space enabled us to dictate the pace of the game and hold a lot of
for every sport you can think of (and a few you can't)
possession. The second goal came before half time after good work from Sam
so come down to the Fayre and sign up for 20 differ-
Nourizadeh, his shot was only parried and captain Bedford was on the spot to
ent clubs and you will only probably go to one of them.
make it 2.
Sports Fayre is a manic but fun day. It is your chance
Ben ’Yeah’ Mac to become Part of the Pride that is Surrey Sport
It remained at 2:0 until the second half, a lapse in concentration allowed the Vice President Sports
Police to pull one back and gave them some hope. This hope was short lived as
Big Daddy Mac! xtn.9981
soon after Matthew Miller was chopped down in the box and John Fagan con-
verted the penalty. The forth goal was another penalty as Matthew Miller was
once again sent sprawling in the box, this time converted by Sam Nourizadeh.
The fifth goal was the icing on the cake and came as Dom Walker laid on Sam
Nourazedeh for an open goal. All in all a very assured performance, well done Ajay Patel Golfing Hero
John Fagan Ajay Patel/21

All first years interested in playing football please attend the Dept:
Management Studies (H and C)
Freshers Fayre/Sports Fayre at Varsity on Friday/Saturday
Surrey Stingers American Football Nicknames:
Aj, De Niro, Patters, The Money.
If you were asked what you knew You’d probably be further surprised if
about American football what would told you that there is a thriving student Measurements:
you say? American football league in Britain. As 5’11 (Fully Erect)
Probably that it’s a game with compli- you read this, hundreds of students
cated rules, that takes ages to play from Dundee to Southampton are Sporting Interests:
because they’re always stopping and preparing for a new season, including Golf, Rugby, Cricket, Motoracing +
starting and all the players wear loads UniS’ own team, the Surrey Stingers. Beating Ford Escorts away from the
of pads, which real men wouldn’t Contrary to the images you may have lights.
need. You would think of of American football players, we are Worst injury:
Cheerleaders, the Superbowl and you not all huge sentient bags of steroids. Torn ligaments in my left ankle and a
Marital Status:
might even be able to name a couple We’re normal students, just like you, kink in my spine.
of NFL teams. who are in it because it’s a good
laugh, it’s a good way to meet people. Worst STD:
Fav Feature:
This seems to be the view most peo- Last year the Stingers enjoyed their Love.
My car!
ple have of the sport anyway. In reali- most successful year in their short his-
ty the game is pretty simple – there tory, losing only three games, two of Sporting Superstitions:
What do you go for in a woman?
are a lot of rules, but they aren’t really which were to the eventual league Play with you coller up. Always win.
Long legs & a beautiful smile.
that complicated. Sit down with some- champions. Does Surrey Sport affect your social/pri-
one who knows the game, watch it, vate life:
Favourite Food:
ask questions. You may surprise your- So, do you want to be part of a team Most of my closest friends are involved
Lobster Thermadore and a 1985 Dom
self and find yourself enjoying what is with a big future? Come and try some- in Surrey Sport so I guess they are one
a very exciting and tactical game. thing new. We’ll be at freshers’ sports and the same.
Quick summary: you get four attempts fayre, so talk to one of us there or ask Most recent music purchase:
– downs – to get ten yards up the one of us around campus…we’re the Sporting role model:
Tu Pac’s greatest hits.
pitch. To get there you either run with ones in the black jackets with the Seve Ballesteros. The greatest golfer
or throw the ball. You get the ten wasp on the back or black shirts with ever. He is the Maestro. A great player
What does Surrey Sport give to you?
yards, then you get another four tries, big yellow numbers. Alternatively, go with a great desire to win.
Lots of great friends, nights out and vic-
until you’ve got to the end zone and look at our website at http://mem- tories.
scored. If you fail to get the ten yards Sum yourself up in 3 words:
the other team get the ball. The rest of Charasmatic, Dedicated, Playboy.
Most memorable moment:
the rules are really just technicalities, Beating St Andrews 7-2 in the BUSA
and they make the offside rule look Last Words:
finals last year. The are supposedly the
like a piece of cake.
The Surrey Stingers Thankyou to all of my friends at Surrey,
best Golfing University in Great Britain.
and good luck to Jamie ‘Brains’
O’Docherty, our new captain of the Golf
Most embarassing moment:
Team. To the freshers - if someone asks
Throwing up in the middle of play off at
you for some hot lovin! say yes, it will
the BUSA Individuals. Still made it
clense your soul.
through though.

As the new season fixtures get underway, sports results for all
clubs will hopefully become available in Barefacts. If your club
wish to include fixture information, team news, results etc. please
get all information (typed) to the Barefacts Office by Monday at
12pm or post it in the red BF Post Box outside the Union Offices if
no one is available. Surrey Sport - Be Part of the Pride.

who knows - could be any thing!

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