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Date: Sun, 1 Jan 1995 05:08:16 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: D.I.

What is D.I.? I gather it is some publica[on related to Mythus. How can I
get it? My ques[ons about resurrec[ng MMM when I joined this list were
born of a desire to do such a thing myself. The game could realy use a forum
to gather support and exchange ideas. I wanted to do it as a labor of love,
but I don't have enough money to ght TSR over "their" property, so I am
looking for ways to do it free of legal hassles. Is D.I. a free publica[on?
Someone men[oned that this might be a way to avoid li[ga[on. If so, I'm
willing to give it a shot if people are interested in reading it. Please
feel free to send me e-mail directly at or just post a
reply here. I've got many ideas for such a publica[on already and am
looking for others.
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 1995 21:41:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy (JRT--Mad Demiurge of Vargaard)"
Subject: Vargaardish Scenarios

Hi all...

Okay, Mike Phillips wanted some ideas for Vargaard
adventures. Far be it from me to keep ideas locked up in my
head. (He's gonna have a lot of work to do anyway) Here
are two sketches for him, both taking place in Northern

Rampage of the Red Wolf.

The outskirts of the small state of Wildedge have been
harassed lately. Many of the dwellers on the borders have
been repor[ng a large gathering of aggressive wolves.
Apparently, the na[ve wolves have become very aggressive,
ahacking lone humans, raiding livestock at night, and
several people have been mauled or killed. Reports are also
coming of a Bright Red Wolf, who apparently seems to be not
an ordinary wolf--strange things occur around him. Some of
the peasants think it is the Wild Hunt come to Wildedge.
Others claim it is a loup-garou. Others claim it was the
work of the "foul savage na[ves"

The Laird of Wildedge wishes the HPs to solve this
problem before it gets out of hand. Their mission is to

both solve the mystery/problem and enforce the laws of the

Laird upon the land, as the villagers and peasants are
gejng unruly in their fear. They will be given assistance
by a small group of soldiers.

The Red Wolf exists. It is a Daimontherion beast,
summoned by a pehy witch, who lost control of the creature
and was destroyed, her soul now stroking the pits. This
foul netherbeing has the ability to control ordinary wolves,
and is crea[ng a huge united pack of wolves. Apparently,
it is ahemp[ng to eliminate isolated communi[es on the
borderlands, for whatever dark purpose it has.

During this [me, the HPs will have to deal with very
riled villagers as well. Peasants tend to be distruskul of
Phaeree na[ves anyway--And this is a strange land, not like
Albion or Hibernia. In addi[on to nding the beast, the
HPs must keep the peace. Some communi[es are thinking that
this was a plot by the na[ve tribes, and may wish to raid
the communi[es. Other communi[es are becoming suspicious
of the ne'er-do-wells, the shunned, or the mists, and the
s[rrings of a mob are in the works. The HPs must try to
keep the peace, and prevent panicked outbursts.

Powers should be, of course, an invulnerability to
normal weapons, and Control of Wolves. It also has some
control over shadows and darkness, and also has a fear
ahack. It can also take the form of a Raven to spy on the
party or ee.

Through Rain, Sleet, etc...

The HPs are hired as couriers, for a aristocrat of
Falcondonia or Grandmark. They must get some documents (or
materials, valuable items, or some tangible object) from the
state to a party in Nova Sco[a. Use whatever MacGun
ts the campaign and/or the mo[va[ons of the HPs. (Money,
Virtue, Poli[cs, Religion, Sex--well, maybe not sex...etc.)

The way will be fraught with some danger. First of
all, because of the hos[li[es between Jarlesheim and Nova
Sco[a, they will have to cross a dangerous trek through the
wilderness to avoid problems. This puts them in hos[le
Irokia territories. The PCs should ahempt to avoid all
contact with such guards (they don't want to start a war).
The trick is to not get caught, and to try avoid killing any
patrols. Furthermore, a few random encounters with
dangerous fauna should be planned during this event.
Nothing spices things up by running into a few panthers, a
pike-toothed lion, or perhaps a Woolly Mammoth!

The HPs also will have to deal with a bandit party.
One of the enemies has hired the services of a pehy bandit
lord to kill the party and capture the item. They have set
up an ambush for the HPs. The JM should detail this based
on the power level of the HPs. They will have some
informa[on about the HPs--exact number, general professions
in the party, so they will be prepared.

Worse, during this journey, a Wendigo will soon pursue
the party. The Wendigo will ahempt to use its slow fear
ahack upon an unsuspec[ng vic[m or two, hoping to drain
his life via fright. This goblin will use all its abili[es
to do this--hoping to get the HP to panic and ee from the
party. The HPs must discover this intrusion and try to
ght it o.

Lastly, a nal obstacle must be faced. This should be
a Phaeree creature or group which could cause the party
serious grief. My sugges[on is either (a) Chenoo giant(s),
or a (few) Baykock(s). Hey, they need a good climax. Aper
they smite the varmint, they'll have no more trouble, and
will meet their contact in Nova Sco[a successfully. (Of
course, feel free to make other springboards of this

John R. Troy
"The Mad Demiurge of Vargaard"

Have a Happy 1995!!!
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 1994 15:30:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26

> > Who would want to convert AD&D silliness to Mythus?? (monsters, I mean)
> People who are fans of AD&D. Such as Ceberus, who runs a campaign
> in the Forgohen Realms. People who enjoy the system. People who realize
> that, despite being owned by a rather restric[ve and somewhat paranoid
> company, that it's s[ll a good game--if not state-of-the-art, and that, as
> it was EGG who designed the rst one, that it's /not/ silly.

"Let me hear you spell 'Patronize'." (MST3k fans might know...)

Hey, to each their own, but if you're one of the thousands who have become

stuck on D&D, it's too bad for the rest of the industry. People are generally
afraid of change...including a bunch of friends of mine. But you'll never
convince me that AD&D is worth the money you have to put into it. I will say
that they are decent for background info, but you can get plenty more, and
beher, stu out of history books...

> > Like, who the hell says trolls should be green and regenerate??
> Hmm...
> From "Epic of AErth"
> "in addi[on to Limited Heka Powers, trolls have capacity for cell
> regenera[on, appendage regrowth, and restricted shape-shiping."
> Of course, it doesn't say their green, though.

Who said "Epic of Aerth" is right either. It makes sense since EGG wrote both
things. I'd rather take the Middle Earth descrip[on (do trolls in D&D turn to
stone when exposed to sunlight?). At the very least throw your players for a


-But all I see
is DAMAGE thru the haze
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 1995 18:38:44 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Irouk culture and stu
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 1 Jan 1995, John R. Troy (JRT--Mad Demiurge of Vargaard) wrote:

> Okay, Mike Phillips wanted some ideas for Vargaard
> adventures. Far be it from me to keep ideas locked up in my
> head. (He's gonna have a lot of work to do anyway)

You're telling me :-) I've spent the last week or so combing our library
(when the durn thing's been open, that is :-/ ). On the bright side, I
took a few hours this apernoon to compile my notes, which may be of
interest to others.

Thanks for the scenarios :-)

This is a preliminary drap, so there are probably typos and sec[ons
that might appear unclear. I'll be edi[ng it as [me permits (and other

research projects don't distract me), but it may be a while before a

second drap. I'd love to hear comments, sugges[ons, correc[ons, etc.
I don't capture the culture as well as I'd like, as the sources I have
are some[mes in conten[on, and our library isn't as good as I'd like.

------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTES ON IROUK CULTURE:

[preface: These notes are compiled from sundry sources, with an eye
towards consistency and playability. There are areas where they do not
agree with known Earth fact, but that is the nature of AErth. I have
contrasted our history with AErth's where possible.]


In more than one source, the Iroquois of Earth are referred to as the
closest of all North American tribes to the ideal of the 'noble savage'.
The Irouk of AErth, then, would t the mold more closely.
The Irouk will not tell a falsehood, no maher how innocent the
falsehood may be; nor will they break a treaty or agreement made at a
council-re where the peace-pipe was smoked, or where food was taken
together aper the treaty was made.
They do not neglect their elders, and are doubly careful of
neglec[ng their parents. They share food and shelter with anyone who
might apply for either (although one who is able-bodied and capable will
not do so, fending for himself instead), and they make certain to assist
in the care of the sick and orphaned children and widows.
They do not kill any animal, save for food and covering, or for the
protec[on of human life and growing crops. They will not take a human's
life, save if the person is a member of a tribe with which the Irouk are
at war.
They are forbidden to show cowardice when mee[ng any sort of danger,
nor may they shrink from exposure, pain, suering, sickness, or death.
In fact, they will point to animals for examples, sta[ng that *they* do
not cry out when in pain.
Language is a sacred gip, and is as much a part of a person as one's
head, arms, or feet. The Irouk will not speak another people's language,
save in the capacity of an interpreter, for to do otherwise is to aront
the Great Spirit and one's ancestors.


The Great Spirit has made council res important, and even warring
tribes may meet at a council-re in peace. To violate this is an
aront to the Great Spirit. The [ming of a re is also of utmost
importance, because only war may be discussed at a council-re aper
dark, no talk of peace is permihed.
If an agreement is made at a council-re, and aperwards the par[es
eat together or smoke the peace-pipe, the agreement is inviolate. No
Irouk will knowingly or willingly violate such an agreement.


Throughout this trea[se, tobacco is men[oned. It is not a major
crop, but it is very integral to the Irouk beliefs. Tobacco is burnt as
a sacrice to the spirits, and it is used in the peace pipe. Tobacco
smoke is open used in cleansing ceremonies. No Irouk would use tobacco
for so base a purpose as to smoke for relaxa[on or recrea[on.


The Irouk believe in many spirits, most of which dwell among them,
invisible. There are conten[ous spirits that cause disagreements, wars,
and the like, and other malign spirits which cause disease, sickness,
inrmity, and weakness. However, above all of these reigns the Great
Spirit, whose kind hand shaped the aerth and who allows those who have
lived well to pass into the Happy Hun[ng Grounds.
At the beginning of [me, the Great Spirit shaped the mountains and
the trees and the land and the seas, and he went to journey from his
lodging. He sent forth a white bird to carry the water from his spring,
so that he could go forth and view his crea[on. Rivers sprang up where
water was taken, and those places without rivers were not viewed by the
Great Spirit.
When he rst looked upon the aerth he had created, he discovered
another being, a 'stone-skin'. He removed the stone-skin from around
this stranger, and asked him what he was doing in this, the Great
Spirit's crea[on. And the stranger replied that he had always been
here, and that this was *his* place, and the Great Spirit must depart it.
The Great Spirit laughed, and said, 'Look, see that mountain. If you
can make it come here, then this will all be yours.'
The strange creature nodded, and asked that the Great Spirit turn
around while the mountain was moved. Solemnly, the Great Spirit
complied, and the strange creature commenced speaking in a strange
language, and danced in frenzy. Aper a while, the Great Spirit turned
back around, but the mountain had moved not. He asked that this strange
creature sit facing East, away from the mountain, as well, and simply
asked the mountain to move closer. When the mountain had done so, the
Great Spirit told the strange creature that he had moved the mountain.
The stranger, amazed at the thought, turned quickly to see, but his
face smote the mountainside, and broke his nose. The Great Spirit sensed
that this one had great power, however, and instead of banishing him,
oered that he would be allowed to stay if he would help the People cure
their ills. The strange spirit, though wounded, hesitated, and so the
Great Spirit oered that the People would make him oerings of tobacco
and mush, and this strange spirit agreed.
When the Irouk were set on AErth, they were told of this strange
spirit, and they fashioned False Faces in honor of this spirit, and
oered them tobacco and mush, and used them to blow ash upon the ill.

* * * * *

One of the dis[nguishing marks of the Irouk are their reliance upon
masks for many of their religious rituals. Most of these are carved in a
tree before the tree is felled, then decorated and painted and used. The
remainder are typically woven out of corn husks. The wooden masks are
generally called False Faces, and they are supplica[ons to the rst
False Face, the broken-nosed spirit discovered by the Great Spirit. The
woven masks are open called Husk Faces, and they are used in
introductory and agricultural rituals.
There are plan[ng and harvest rituals, as well as an annual
'begging' by the False Faces. In the laher, one of the medicine men of
the village dons a False Face and goes from dwelling to dwelling, making
the whistle of the False Faces, and watching as tobacco and mush are made
and sacriced for him.
In the various curing and healing rituals, the wearer of the False
Face will juggle hot coals and use ash and is apparently immune to cold
(see below), and he bears a turtle-shell rahle to shake at the person
being cured. No Irouk medicine man can do any healing or curing without
the rahle and the False Face.

[As a side note, in Earth's history, it appears that the masks were
fairly normal un[l the Europeans brought diseases that disgured (such
as small-pox), at which point the spirits that bore disease were seen as
uglier, and the False Faces began to be very grotesque.
Also, though the Tuscarora joined the Iroquois, they did not fully
adopt the religion and rituals, and their masks appeared to almost be
parodies of the original Five Na[on's. On AErth, with a single religion
and a people not scahered by the colonists, the Tuscarora would have
been properly and fully instructed, and there would be one, mostly
consistent, set of beliefs and rituals among all Six Na[ons.
The Huron are closest to the Iroquois in culture on Earth, and it can
be assumed that this carries over onto AErth. If the Irouk and Huron
were not at war so constantly, it is feasible that the Huron may become
the Seventh Na[on. The Delaware share the tradi[on of False Faces as
well, although that may be imita[ve, and the Shawnee also use False
Faces (although the surrounding culture and beliefs have marked
dierences). A number of other tribes, further from the Irouquois
center, become increasingly far from the use of False Faces, if they use
them at all.
For use on AErth, if the JM wishes that the Irouk develop a major
na[on on par with many AEropan na[ons, the Huron should join the Irouk,
as should the Cherokia (which have dierent dances, but many
similari[es in the use of the masks), and Delaware.]


This is a group of carvers, medicine men, and cured people who
perform the rituals. No one may be a member of the Society if they have
not been cured by a False Face, and being cured causes automa[c
membership. Those who wish to join will open spend [me carving and

playing with masks, in order to make certain that they become ill, are
cured, and join.


The Irouk believe that, aper death, warriors pass on to the Happy
Hun[ng Grounds (to use an imperfect transla[on), where they hunt and
feast, and never [re, never feel pain, and are tremendously happy.
Aper par[cularly successful hunts, the departed build a tremendous
bonre, and some[mes one can see the reected light in the Northern
sky (the Aurora Borealis).


[Now we get to the game-related stats of the material]

FALSE FACES: False Faces are carved by members of the Society of False
Faces, and they are carefully tended during the carving. Tobacco smoke
is blown over them, and they are told who they will help protect. Most
carvers place one or more small pouches of tobacco on the mask, as
ini[al oerings, and a ritual is held in order to pass a mask from one
person's ownership to another.
False Faces are open made for a par[cular purpose, but some[mes
are used for other purposes. When used properly, in a ritual, the False
Face may, by using Heka channeled by the person wearing it, cure nearly
any disease or speed up the healing of any wound (at a reasonable
expenditure of Heka). In addi[on, while being worn properly and for a
ritual, the False Face confers immunity to heat, re, and cold. Open,
when a ritual is in the deep winter, the wearer will wear lihle more
than a loincloth, yet be unaected by the snow.
Those who play with the masks or fail to show the proper respect are
struck by inrmity and disease, equa[ng to a loss of one point on each
of the Physical ATTRIBUTES per day, un[l repara[on is made or the
person is cured by a member of the Society of False Faces. Note that one
will not die from such ATTRIBUTE loss, for no ATTRIBUTE may be reduced
below 5 by this method. The eect *is* permanent un[l cured.
Those who would wear the mask for non-ritualis[c purposes (such as
protec[on in bahle, or for show or as a costume) will be struck by a
fatal, non-communicable disease:

Disease of the False Faces:
CON-R: 0 (will not spread beyond the vic[m)
STR: 55
(1) Inicts 10 points of Physical damage per week
(2) Vic[m becomes less controlled (each PN ATTRIBUTE reduced
by 8)
(3) Vic[m is eec[vely Dazed (halve STEEP, -2 to Ini[a[ve)

If not treated, a slow, painful, and lingering death

Note that the False Faces themselves are barely enchanted, and they
cannot act as Heka reservoirs or storage of any sort. The healing
ability is fueled by the wearer's own Heka, and the disease is fueled and
encouraged by a False Face spirit (see below), rather than any innate

HUSK FACES: These masks, woven by Irouk women, are worn by the runners
who precede any False Face ceremony. The runners will typically run
through each dwelling that the False Faces will enter, both as warning
and to make certain that the dwelling is open to the False Faces. If it
is not, or if a guard animal (such as a dog) bites the runner, the house
is marked and the False Faces pass it by. In this capacity, and only in
this capacity, the wearer of the Husk Face is immune to any and all
Much weaker than the False Faces, the Husk Faces do not have any
detrimental eect if mis-used, although the sole power men[oned above
is very limited.

TURTLE-SHELL RATTLE: These are craped from snapping turtles, with the
shell containing pebbles, dried corn kernels, peas, cherry pits, or the
like, and the head mounted on a length of wood to provide a handle. They
are staple of the medicine men, and are necessary for the working of most
Cas[ngs. While not par[cularly powerful themselves, they grant +5
STEEP to the user's Priestcraep K/S Area when used for Cas[ng purposes.


The Great Spirit, who has caused all things to come into existence,
has many spirit servants of varying powers. A few examples are men[oned
below. Of par[cular importance is the realiza[on that there is but one
gate to the Happy Hun[ng Grounds, and that is death. Though the spirits
may pass freely back to AErth, they do not do so lightly, for they must
bring death upon themselves in order to return.

"Hunchback": (some[mes called Hadui or Gagohsa)
Hadui is the original False Face. He is hunchbacked, and he scurries
when moving. His nose is bent and broken, and his mouth is twisted
to one side. It is said that Hadui con[nues to dwell in the
forests near the mountain that the Great Spirit moved (probably the
Adirondacks), from which he sends forth the False Faces to keep the
Irouk free of ills. His power is not so great as to permit him to
alter the Great Spirit's crea[on, but he is at least Supernatural
in puissance, and most Cas[ngs known by medicine men of the Irouk
are said to come from him.

False Faces:
Not to be confused with the masks and prac[[oners above, these are
the spirits, of varying visages, which run invisibly through Irouk

villages and spread good and ill health, and it is they which are
appeased by the tobacco and mush sacrices. Of lihle power, their
one strength is the capability to cause or remove diseases of various
sorts. It is said that certain AEropan diseases, by virtue of their
alienness, may not be subject to the False Faces.

This spirit appeared to an Irouk woman many centuries ago, sent by
the Great Spirit to teach his people of healing and medical arts. He
took the appearance of a very ill and disgured man, and sought
throughout the Irouk un[l he found one woman willing to look beyond
his appearance and oer him a place to stay. In return, he taught
her of medicinal herbs to ease ailments and the like, and when he had
taught all he could, he caused himself to suer a fatal illness
which she could not cure, so that he could pass once more to the
realm of the Great Spirit.

Spirits of Conten[on:
These spirits are said to be the cause of disagreements, feuds, and
war. While they cannot be appeased, it is said that if two par[es
of a disagreement reach an understanding and speak the discontent
into a hole in the ground, and then the aerth is replaced in the
hole, the disagreement is buried un[l someone comes along and
releases the trapped spirits. A similar ritual is the burying of a
tomahawk to signify the ending of a war (burying the hatchet).

The Face of the Great Spirit:
This is not, strictly speaking, a spirit, in that it is the sun. By
means of eclipses (the Great Spirit turning his face from his
people), the Great Spirit can make his wishes known. It is only at
moments of great importance that such an omen is made.

The Irouk believe that, while the sun is the Face of the Great
Spirit, the stars at night are held alop by spirits for just that
purpose. The spirits, however, some[mes wander (and thus the stars
move throughout the night), with the North Star, called 'the Guide'
an excep[on to this (it is held in place by the Great Spirit).

The above is the result of some research done at the local library.
While I had hoped to have more, I didn't get as much reading done as I
would have liked. With some luck, I will be able to nd a few more
useful books and add to this preliminary drap.

Hopefully, some of you will be able to use this :-)


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 01:30:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy (JRT--Mad Demiurge of Vargaard)"
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26

> But you'll never convince me that AD&D is worth the money you have to
> put into it. I will say that they are decent for background info, but
> you can get plenty more, and beher, stu out of history books...

Well, Ed Greenwood is perhaps one of the few people who can hold
water with Gary Gygax in my book. If there was anybody who kept the system
alive and aper the fall of the industry, it was him. I don't like the
//company//, but the designers get high praise from me.

While to each his own, I do wish to prevent people from slamming the
AD&D /game/ here. My whole point in making a statement was, we had a newbie
who might have been interested in Mythus, but was also a heavy AD&D fan.
From what I saw, by making cracks about the game, we sort of give o a
"snobbery", and maybe turned away a poten[al recruit. That's the last
thing I want to see this list become--a place where we act like dilletants
and thumb our noses at other games. That's why I get nervous when AD&D is
refered to the "EGS" (established game system), stu from AD&D is refered
to as "stupidity".

All I'm saying is, let's accept the fact that a lot of people are
AD&Der's, and treat them with respect. (It's easier to catch ies with
honey than vinegar, and all that jazz...) And it's the only way we will

John R. Troy
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 00:36:50 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: D.I.

I'm occasionally pujng out Dangerous Ideas. Yeah, it's free (that's
probably why it's so infrequent nowadays...). I'll be a good boy and put out
another real soon, I promise. I know I've been lax in my du[es, but you know
how the holidays go... :)

Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 00:54:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26

> While to each his own, I do wish to prevent people from slamming the
> AD&D /game/ here. My whole point in making a statement was, we had a newbie
It's just too easy...

> who might have been interested in Mythus, but was also a heavy AD&D fan.
> From what I saw, by making cracks about the game, we sort of give o a
> "snobbery", and maybe turned away a poten[al recruit. That's the last

Some folks have lihle in the way of a sense of humor it seems, when that
sense leans towards the mock and sa[re against others. Get a clue. Or at
least realise that I have and probably will con[nue to mock stu that I
feel deserves it. Think of it as a poli[cal statement... :)

> thing I want to see this list become--a place where we act like dilletants
> and thumb our noses at other games. That's why I get nervous when AD&D is
Who's doing that? the EGS (see below) is the only one that gets "gonged"... :)

> refered to the "EGS" (established game system), stu from AD&D is refered

John, just as a friendly reminder, the "E" is not for 'established'; it refers
to the lawyers of that other game company and the 'lower' third of the EGS's
alignment chart...(Another wonderful concept I have enjoyed the death of)

> to as "stupidity".
> honey than vinegar, and all that jazz...) And it's the only way we will
> survive.
Two words star[ng with 's'. My nal point: If you are so worried about a
game and your survival, you take it too seriously. I and most others here will
go on with our live just ne without Mythus or DJ. I like the game, but I'll
have no problem 'surviving' without it.

As for game-related stu:


Time: Un[l deleted Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 Mythus-L message R&D: Nil
Distance: World Distribu[on Other: 10 per statement
E/F/M: This cas[ng is similar to the (Priestcrap) Basic Tutelary Cas[ng
Pronouncement Spell (MM pg 111), with the excep[on that this cas[ng will
only func[on as a part of the Net. The eect is an ahempt to proclaim as
fact one statement, regarding the ac[ons of another, which are, according to
the statement, wrong, rude, immoral, or what have you. The eect is to
chas[se the target, although the eect is somewhat reduced if the target
makes an Easy SMPow roll and has a decent sense of humour. If successful,
the target will be duly chas[sed and will hence retract previous statements
made which oended, annoyed, or roused the caster.

(I think I'll x that up and put it in D.I...)

-But all I see
is DAMAGE thru the haze
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 10:14:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy (JRT--Mad Demiurge of Vargaard)"
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26


You make a few good points...but one thing I must rebut.

> Two words star[ng with 's'. My nal point: If you are so worried
> about a game and your survival, you take it too seriously. I and most
> others here will go on with our live just ne without Mythus or DJ. I
> like the game, but I'll have no problem 'surviving' without it.

Don't even begin to lecture me unless you understand my statements.
By survival, I meant the gamers as a group (for example, the list).
Survival meaning that people will s[ll be playing this game. This is
something you and others are concerned about too. If we "don't survive",
that means we go on to play other things and totally forget about this game.


John R. Troy

Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 15:44:31 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Mahhew E. Pearson" <pearson@HCC01.BABSON.EDU>
Subject: Mythus-L WWW HOME PAGE!

Yes! the Mythus-L WWW Home Page is alive!


Not much in there.. looking for artwork, text les what have you.. there is a
link to the FTP stu as well as rect links to some of the more popular
les. Enjoy the page.. any sugges[ons on how to improve it should be
directed to me..

Thanks a million! keep suppor[ng the world's best fantasy RPG!

Your List Owner
Mahhew E. Pearson
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 20:08:19 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: trolss

>From: SMTP%"" 2-JAN-1995 15:35:21.51
>Subj: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26
>Date: Sat, 31 Dec 1994 15:30:57 -0500
>Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <>
>Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <>
>From: Hawkeye <V105NK9R@UBVMS.CC.BUFFALO.EDU>
>Organiza[on: University at Bualo
>Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26
>To: Mul[ple recipients of list MYTHUS-L <>
>> > Who would want to convert AD&D silliness to Mythus?? (monsters, I mean)
>> People who are fans of AD&D. Such as Ceberus, who runs a campaign
>> in the Forgohen Realms. People who enjoy the system. People who realize
>> that, despite being owned by a rather restric[ve and somewhat paranoid
>> company, that it's s[ll a good game--if not state-of-the-art, and that, as
>> it was EGG who designed the rst one, that it's /not/ silly.
>"Let me hear you spell 'Patronize'." (MST3k fans might know...)

>Hey, to each their own, but if you're one of the thousands who have become
>stuck on D&D, it's too bad for the rest of the industry. People are generally
>afraid of change...including a bunch of friends of mine. But you'll never
>convince me that AD&D is worth the money you have to put into it. I will say
>that they are decent for background info, but you can get plenty more, and
>beher, stu out of history books...
>> > Like, who the hell says trolls should be green and regenerate??
>> Hmm...
>> From "Epic of AErth"
>> "in addi[on to Limited Heka Powers, trolls have capacity for cell
>> regenera[on, appendage regrowth, and restricted shape-shiping."
>> Of course, it doesn't say their green, though.
>Who said "Epic of Aerth" is right either. It makes sense since EGG wrote both
>things. I'd rather take the Middle Earth descrip[on (do trolls in D&D turn to
>stone when exposed to sunlight?). At the very least throw your players for a
>->But all I see
>is DAMAGE thru the haze

Sorry, my big deleter got broke and I'm in ahurry. :( Comment on the Trolls...
doesn't the descrip[on fo the physicallity and abili[es/weaknesses of the
Troll in the Lord of the Rings sound a lot like the Mythus Ogre? did you me,
anyway :)
"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \ DAT
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\ Combat Wiz: MinosCluster
against the powers of this dark world \ << 4202>>
and against the spiritual forces of evil \ EPS Technologies- in the heavenly realms." \ --DAMN good thing for
\ tech support.
--Ephesians 6:12 \
"Our love is King--let's go get a Slushie."--Heathers
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 21:01:43 -0600

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Irouk culture and stu

Not directly related to Mike's outstanding Irouk research, but s[ll...

Something that's been banging around in my head since this subject rst came
up is something I recently dug up in Epic of Aerth <don't ask me where :) >
regarding the refec[ve nature of Phaeree in regard to the major happenings on
Aerth. Specic example was, I believe, something implying the evil races
of Phaeree gain in power and inuence in [mes of war and great strife on
Aerth, while the good races have the upper hand in [mes of peace on Aerth.

Expanding on this mirroring eect <and somewhat mo[vated by an observa[on
about the dierence between Vargaards phaeree and Aeropa's phaeree.>, I came
upon and interes[ng possible situa[on.

We have colonies from the old world at odds with both the people and reality of
Vargaard. Colonists some[mes at war and frequently at odds with both the
na[ves and the con[nent itself. Given that Phaeree reects major '[des' in
humanity on Aerth, I start to see some conict on the phearee side of the
coin, as Aeropean phaeree, mirroring Aerth, begins a sort of 'colonial
invasion' of phaeree Vargaard.

To take it a bit further, the type of interac[on, in fact the types of Phaeree
inhabitants involved is going to be inuenced if not determined by the kind of
intera[on on Aerth, so in those states that are basically gejng along with
others around it, we'll see Good phaeree of Aeropa, probably trying to act in
harmony with the na[ve phaeree, while in the areas parralel to colonies
warring with those around them, we'll see evil phaeree in the parallel realm,
warring with not only the Vargaard na[ves, but the Good Aropean Phaeree ...
<also probably a minor mirror of Aerth.

What an interes[ng extra dimension, as players working their way up and down
the coast have to not only avoid the conict of Aerth, but also whatever
conict in Phaeree that manages to 'leak over'... <I picture a roving band of
slaugh or the like wandering the forest, perhaps on the hunt for slaves for
their wars in phaeree... hell the possibili[es are endless.>

In fact, this adds an even greater depth to some campaigns if you want it...
where, in order to change the inuence on one 'side' you have to rst aid in
whatever conict may be inuencing on the other side <this indicates cross
inuence from Phaeree to Aerth, as well, of course, but I s[ll like it.

Anyway, just a few thoughts, I'd appreciate a bounce back or debate on this,
since I could well work this into the stu I'm doing on the the para-human
phaeree races presense on Aerth <read: the HP non-human races>


"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \ DAT
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\ Combat Wiz: MinosCluster
against the powers of this dark world \ << 4202>>
and against the spiritual forces of evil \ EPS Serf-for-Hire
in the heavenly realms." \
--Ephesians 6:12 \
"Our love is King--let's go get a Slushie."--Heathers
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 09:55:44 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: AD&D conversion & stone trolls

>> > Who would want to convert AD&D silliness to Mythus?? (monsters, I mean)
>> People who are fans of AD&D. Such as Ceberus, who runs a campaign
>> in the Forgohen Realms. People who enjoy the system. People who realize
>> that, despite being owned by a rather restric[ve and somewhat paranoid
>> company, that it's s[ll a good game--if not state-of-the-art, and that, as
>> it was EGG who designed the rst one, that it's /not/ silly.
>"Let me hear you spell 'Patronize'." (MST3k fans might know...)
>Hey, to each their own, but if you're one of the thousands who have become
>stuck on D&D, it's too bad for the rest of the industry. People are generally
>afraid of change...including a bunch of friends of mine. But you'll never
>convince me that AD&D is worth the money you have to put into it. I will say
>that they are decent for background info, but you can get plenty more, and
>beher, stu out of history books...

Yeah, well, I've done it for some campaign stu that I used to run. Seemed like a
waste to just toss all that work. But then again, I converted it from 1st edi[on,
since I personally think 2nd ed. *sucks*.

>Who said "Epic of Aerth" is right either. It makes sense since EGG wrote both
>things. I'd rather take the Middle Earth descrip[on (do trolls in D&D turn to
>stone when exposed to sunlight?). At the very least throw your players for a

I think it's much more fun for them to turn to stone.

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR

Date: 01/03/95 * Time: 09:55:44

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 10:01:39 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26

> > But you'll never convince me that AD&D is worth the money you have to
> > put into it. I will say that they are decent for background info, but
> > you can get plenty more, and beher, stu out of history books...
> Well, Ed Greenwood is perhaps one of the few people who can hold
>water with Gary Gygax in my book. If there was anybody who kept the system
>alive and aper the fall of the industry, it was him. I don't like the
>//company//, but the designers get high praise from me.
> While to each his own, I do wish to prevent people from slamming the
>AD&D /game/ here. My whole point in making a statement was, we had a newbie
>who might have been interested in Mythus, but was also a heavy AD&D fan.
>>From what I saw, by making cracks about the game, we sort of give o a
>"snobbery", and maybe turned away a poten[al recruit. That's the last
>thing I want to see this list become--a place where we act like dilletants
>and thumb our noses at other games. That's why I get nervous when AD&D is
>refered to the "EGS" (established game system), stu from AD&D is refered
>to as "stupidity".
> All I'm saying is, let's accept the fact that a lot of people are
>AD&Der's, and treat them with respect. (It's easier to catch ies with
>honey than vinegar, and all that jazz...) And it's the only way we will
> John R. Troy

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/03/95 * Time: 10:01:40

(C)1994 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 10:49:55 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Ken Kitowski <kkitow@HEALTH1.UWSP.EDU>

Subject: Mst3k and our Christmas present

First of all--Yippee! Another Mst3k fan on this list. The two things I
_love_ are Mythus and Mst3k. But, back on topic...

Any word on when Dave is gonna get the nishing touches on our christmas
present? I can hardly wait!

(A lurker in Stevens Point, WI--birthplace of Joel...)
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 21:16:37 -0500
Reply-To: Phillips Michael S <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Irouk culture and stu
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 3 Jan 1995, JARED HALE wrote:

> Not directly related to Mike's outstanding Irouk research, but s[ll...

Well, it is, really, because it was in the back of my mind while it was
all percola[ng :-)

> Something that's been banging around in my head since this subject rst came
> up is something I recently dug up in Epic of Aerth <don't ask me where :) >

page 20, column 2, rst full paragraph, of course. I read the same
passage. Many [mes. :-)

> We have colonies from the old world at odds with both the people and reality of
> Vargaard. Colonists some[mes at war and frequently at odds with both the
> na[ves and the con[nent itself. Given that Phaeree reects major '[des' in
> humanity on Aerth, I start to see some conict on the phearee side of the
> coin, as Aeropean phaeree, mirroring Aerth, begins a sort of 'colonial
> invasion' of phaeree Vargaard.

Provided, of course, that one *is* making it an 'invasion'. Remember
that the colonies have slowly been created and expanded over the past
500-700 years, and they don't seem to be growing *that* fast. Jarlesheim
is probably growing the fastest of them all, and none of them have a
large inux of sehlers. Most of the 'conquest', as such, occured a few
centuries ago.

Unless you're like me, and you're going to s[r it all back up again, in
which case this *is* a meaningful and fun discussion ;-)

> others around it, we'll see Good phaeree of Aeropa, probably trying to act in
> harmony with the na[ve phaeree, while in the areas parralel to colonies

> warring with those around them, we'll see evil phaeree in the parallel realm,
> warring with not only the Vargaard na[ves, but the Good Aropean Phaeree ...
> <also probably a minor mirror of Aerth.

Yeah..... Slaugh and goblins and orcs vs. sasquatches and manitou and
other varying nature spirits. Hmmmm..... wonder how a small band of
goblins would withstand the weakening inuence of a few False Face
spirits ;-) or if they discovered the mountain-dwelling of Hadui ;-)

> In fact, this adds an even greater depth to some campaigns if you want it...
> where, in order to change the inuence on one 'side' you have to rst aid in
> whatever conict may be inuencing on the other side <this indicates cross
> inuence from Phaeree to Aerth, as well, of course, but I s[ll like it.

I gure it's probably a two-way street, with each 'side' aec[ng the
other. Thus, a war would tend to feed o of itself, and keep going,
since each world 'encourages' the other, un[l some sort of heroic person
(or persona) does something about it ;-) Diho for a self-perpetua[ng
peace..... It's a new twist on that old iner[a thing :-)

> Anyway, just a few thoughts, I'd appreciate a bounce back or debate on this,
> since I could well work this into the stu I'm doing on the the para-human
> phaeree races presense on Aerth <read: the HP non-human races>

Actually, one more thing that can be considered is that a par[cularly
conten[ous group of people (say, a militant band of HPs, who keep
ahacking rst and worrying about who's who aper) would begin to
ahract the ahen[on of malicious Phaeree >:-)

This one's got some possibili[es.....

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 00:36:53 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Mst3k and our Christmas present

I realize that this is about as far o-topic as humanly possible, but...

Do you know about the MST3K FTP site? If not:
I'll let you nd the directory there... (cuz I forget...) :)

Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 10:02:10 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26

> > But you'll never convince me that AD&D is worth the money you have to
> > put into it. I will say that they are decent for background info, but
> > you can get plenty more, and beher, stu out of history books...
> Well, Ed Greenwood is perhaps one of the few people who can hold
>water with Gary Gygax in my book. If there was anybody who kept the system
>alive and aper the fall of the industry, it was him. I don't like the
>//company//, but the designers get high praise from me.
> While to each his own, I do wish to prevent people from slamming the
>AD&D /game/ here. My whole point in making a statement was, we had a newbie
>who might have been interested in Mythus, but was also a heavy AD&D fan.
>>From what I saw, by making cracks about the game, we sort of give o a
>"snobbery", and maybe turned away a poten[al recruit. That's the last
>thing I want to see this list become--a place where we act like dilletants
>and thumb our noses at other games. That's why I get nervous when AD&D is
>refered to the "EGS" (established game system), stu from AD&D is refered
>to as "stupidity".
> All I'm saying is, let's accept the fact that a lot of people are
>AD&Der's, and treat them with respect. (It's easier to catch ies with
>honey than vinegar, and all that jazz...) And it's the only way we will
> John R. Troy


John, I hate to ame you like this, because you have been consistent in pos[ng good
material. But let's get one thing perfectly clear here:

This is *not* a fucking T$R List - it is a *MYTHUS* list. I don't give a shit *what*
*you* think of T$R, their products, or their designers - and I suspect not a lot of
the others here do either.

I think I've made it plain, as have several others, that *if it had been up to T$R,

Mythus would never have seen the light of day*. We don't have to give them equal
[me, a fair shake, or *anything*. And as far as *anyone* knows, these bastards might
*s[ll* bury the game in favor of some other regurgitated rat's puke that they (in
their innite wisdom) has decided is a beher mul[-genre system, i.e. will make more
money for the management. For it is the *management*, my friend who makes the
decisions, not the designers [several of whom I have met, and yes, they are nice
people, talented people, and unfortunately, *powerless* people]

And another thing. I had a lot of material that I spent a lot of [me developing, that
(fortunately for all of the people on this list) will end up being distributed free.
I could have used the money, and specically blame T$R for destroying an excellent
opportunity for me. While this may sound pehy, I wonder if anyone out there would
not feel the same way were they similarly robbed of the chance to make several
thousand dollars...

So in short, I will slam T$R, their selsh policies, their shihy products, and
anyone who defends them, *whenever* and *wherever* I feel like it. So you might as
well get used to it. Any ques[ons?

Now, I would make one small sugges[on, John, and it is this: If you want to go on
defending T$R and AD&D, take it somewhere else, or get used to the heat. I personally
am *sick to death* of using this list as an AD&D adjunct.


------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/03/95 * Time: 10:02:11

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 08:00:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Ken Kitowski <kkitow@HEALTH1.UWSP.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mst3k and our Christmas present

>Do you know about the MST3K FTP site? If not:
>I'll let you nd the directory there... (cuz I forget...) :)
In the spirit of staying as far o the topic as is possible (I apologize to
those on the list who could care less about MST3K) but I know about several
FTP sites--my favorites are,, and You might want to check these other sites out. Also, there
are many good web sites.....

And now to add some Mythus content just so I don't get kick o the list....
What happened with GDW and TSR? (I'm kidding....don't answer

this.....really don't answer this....Hawk--isn't that ques[on a lot like

asking what happened Joel?)
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 08:30:17 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: whoa

Umm, guys?
Like, relax or something, ok?

John, I think we've all made our point here, the best one being we all
contribute good things to the list, second best being we're not obligated to
kiss any buh to enjoy our game.

Dave, have a Red Dog on me, and remember: 'ya don't have to jump through no
hoops for nobody' :) <that stu's got the best ad campaign I've seen in a long
[me :) >

Anyway, it's a Happy New Year, guys: keep the faith, have a brew or something,
hell have a grape knee-high, I don't care. Relax a lihle and try to remember
we're all in here together, k?

Now then, I've got to go nd a grindstone to smash my face against.

"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \ DAT
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\ "who cares if it does .wav
against the powers of this dark world \ les great? I just want
and against the spiritual forces of evil \ a soundcard that does
in the heavenly realms." \ a cool shotgun in Doom2"
\ --me
--Ephesians 6:12 \
"Our love is King--let's go get a Slushie."--Heathers
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 15:45:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy (JRT--Mad Demiurge of Vargaard)"
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26

> This is *not* a fucking T$R List - it is a *MYTHUS* list.

I know that.

> I don't give a shit *what* *you* think of T$R, their products, or their

> designers - and I suspect not a lot of the others here do either.

I didn't start the drip. If you don't, that's ne.

> I think I've made it plain, as have several others, that *if it had been
> up to T$R, Mythus would never have seen the light of day*. We don't
> have to give them equal [me, a fair shake, or *anything*.

Again, I realize that.

> So in short, I will slam T$R, their selsh policies, their shihy
> products, and anyone who defends them, *whenever* and *wherever* I feel
> like it. So you might as well get used to it. Any ques[ons?

Good. Now, listen carefully. I have not defended TSR the gaming
company. I have defeneded the designers and the players of the game

If you don't like the system, ne. I for one will not stoop to
insul[ng EGG by making statements that the AD&D game in stupid. Even with
modica[ons in the second edi[on, it's s[ll his design, and thus
deserves a lihle bit of respect. I don't stoop to insul[ng previous works
of a person because the COMPANY is rohen. Cri[cism is ne, blanket
statements are not.

I will not stand for slamming of /players/ of the AD&D game, nor
will I stand for slamming of /designers/ either! That is not fair. It was
/not/ them who screwed you guys over with the whole corporate angle. It was
not them who shut down MMM, it was not them who sued. If you wish to say
"TSR Sucks", that's ne. If you say stu like "All TSR games suck", then
we'll start gejng into ghts. Such blanket statements made because you
hate a company is totally unfair.

As for gamers... if they choose to play AD&D, ne. I don't
anymore. But I will not stand quiet and let people badmouth them. It's
their choice. The gaming industry is rife with a lot of people polarized
towards one system or another--everything else is crap, according to these
outspoken people. (Hey, that's how we got a bad rap from the market in the
rst place.) I'd like to think WE are beher.

I reacted to what <<I>> saw was a slam toward a person who might
have wanted to try Mythus, but he wanted hints to convert to AD&D. So, I
spoke up. I will con[nue to do that in the future. You obviously thinks
that means I want you guys to stop slamming TSR... I don't really care what
you say about them... but leave GAMERS out of it, okay. That's the whole
point of my message.

See MMM #4 for an example of this. I agreed with Havatar's
viewpoints, and felt that slamming the slammers was overreac[ng.

> Now, I would make one small sugges[on, John, and it is this: If you
> want to go on defending T$R and AD&D, take it somewhere else, or get
> used to the heat. I personally am *sick to death* of using this list
> as an AD&D adjunct.

Well... I'll choose to take the heat. I don't support TSR much as a
company anymore, but I will con[nue to defend gamers of that system and
designers of that system. You're opinions are noted. I haven't defended
TSR's legal policies, and I've been cri[cal of them. I'll get used to the
heat, thank you.

And if TSR takes it over, and Gygax does design stu, are we STILL
going to say all TSR products are "shihy"? I think not.

I plan on remaining quiet on AD&D and TSR, as long as others behave
accordingly. I will s[ll defend what I think are unwarrented ahacks on
fans and designers, and will gladly take any ames necessary. Please:
don't nuke everything in sight when aiming at a small target.

And nally--if you people really want to start aming me, be
prepared for a war. I don't plan on leaving. I've tried to be polite yet
honest, and wish to temper my words. I also like to focus on gaming rather
than other things. But... and let's get this straight... I refuse to just
sit back and take verbal (or is it wrihen) abuse from ANYBODY here.
I hope--for all our sakes--things can be kept civil.

John R. Troy
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 13:08:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: BluSponge@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26

Geez Dave. Are you biher? ;)

Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 12:27:23 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Oh John! Our fearless leader...

> Good. Now, listen carefully. I have not defended TSR the gaming
>company. I have defeneded the designers and the players of the game

This is the last thing I'll have to say on this maher:

I didn't join this list to listen to the pompous, self-centered blather of
somebody who, while claiming to defend gamers and game designers, is
primarily pos[ng because he likes to make himself heard. I joined because
Mythus is very dear to me, because I'm proud to be part of it's crea[on, and
because I felt that my contribu[ons would be appreciated. And like most
gamers I can defend myself just ne, thank you very much.

> If you don't like the system, ne. I for one will not stoop to
>insul[ng EGG by making statements that the AD&D game in stupid. Even with
>modica[ons in the second edi[on, it's s[ll his design, and thus
>deserves a lihle bit of respect. I don't stoop to insul[ng previous works
>of a person because the COMPANY is rohen. Cri[cism is ne, blanket
>statements are not.

Check the facts, boy. I never have, nor shall I insult Gary. He is more
than a colleague, he is a close personal friend, and I have the utmost
respect for him. I never called AD&D stupid, though I s[ll think 2nd ed.
(which is only *based* on Gary's previous work) sucks.

> I will not stand for slamming of /players/ of the AD&D game, nor
>will I stand for slamming of /designers/ either! That is not fair. It was
>/not/ them who screwed you guys over with the whole corporate angle. It was
>not them who shut down MMM, it was not them who sued. If you wish to say
>"TSR Sucks", that's ne. If you say stu like "All TSR games suck", then
>we'll start gejng into ghts. Such blanket statements made because you
>hate a company is totally unfair.

I haven't said "All TSR games suck", because they don't. But if it means
I'll have an excuse to kick your ass, I'll *say* it (BTW, which conven[on
should I plan on being ejected from for popping a cap in your ass?).

> As for gamers... if they choose to play AD&D, ne. I don't
>anymore. But I will not stand quiet and let people badmouth them. It's
>their choice. The gaming industry is rife with a lot of people polarized
>towards one system or another--everything else is crap, according to these
>outspoken people. (Hey, that's how we got a bad rap from the market in the
>rst place.) I'd like to think WE are beher.

I s[ll play AD&D, among several other game systems. I've not (to the best
of my knowledge) badmouthed anyone who does. And "we", as human beings, are
*all* en[tled to our opinions.

[more ridiculous stu, deleted for space]

> And if TSR takes it over, and Gygax does design stu, are we STILL
>going to say all TSR products are "shihy"? I think not.

"We" will all call 'em like we see 'em. And FYI, I don't know exactly how
eager Gary is to get fucked by the same company for a third [me, but I
wouldn't put it at the top of his list...

> I plan on remaining quiet on AD&D and TSR, as long as others behave
>accordingly. I will s[ll defend what I think are unwarrented ahacks on
>fans and designers, and will gladly take any ames necessary. Please:
>don't nuke everything in sight when aiming at a small target.

*Thanks* for being the watchdog for the list (we were all so very *unruly*
before you showed up). And by defending us all from opinions that may not
match your level of Emily Post, you are turning this MYTHUS-L into lihle
beher than a USENET group.

> And nally--if you people really want to start aming me, be
>prepared for a war. I don't plan on leaving. I've tried to be polite yet
>honest, and wish to temper my words. I also like to focus on gaming rather
>than other things. But... and let's get this straight... I refuse to just
>sit back and take verbal (or is it wrihen) abuse from ANYBODY here.
> I hope--for all our sakes--things can be kept civil.
> John R. Troy

John, John, *John*. I'm not here to ame you (although that huge s[ck up
your ass does tend to make you a great target). Believe me, I have many
other projects to pursue which would benet from the spare [me I spend
reading and responding to this list. Since you won't be leaving, and refuse
to just shut up (oh yeah, and the threats of war, almost forgot about them,
silly me), I'll probably just unsubscribe, and take my intolerable opinions,
comments, and sarcasm elsewhere.

And you can accuse me of arrogance (Why not? All of my best friends do...),
but I'm prehy sure the others on the list will miss *me* more <g>.

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/05/95 * Time: 12:27:24

Did they get you to trade blue skies for pain;

hot ashes for trees, hot air for a cool breeze

cold comfort for change; Did you exchange
a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
- Pink Floyd, Wish you were here
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 01:27:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy (JRT--Mad Demiurge of Vargaard)"
Subject: Defense of my Lashing from DN


You take things too personally. I really can't fathom where all
this anger is coming from, and why I've become the object of it.

My last reply was a GENERAL one aimed at EVERYBODY. You weren't a
specic target when I talked about how people insult the AD&D game, which
is what started this whole thing. I know you respect EGG, don't get me

I have no problem with people having opinions... my sugges[ons--and
they are all of yours to keep or dismiss as you see t--were just to keep
it civil. As I recall, it was you who screamed at me, telling me to censor
my discussion... so, this is the Mythus list, not the AD&D list. Fine.
Then you proclaim you don't want to hear me say anything about TSR--but you
also say you have the right to say anything nega[ve about them! Excuse me.

I have no problems with people having opinions... as long as they're
(a) informed and (b) don't result in insul[ng people. I NEVER said YOUR
opinions were misguided. You chose to put your two cents into a dialogue
between two people on this list, and thus have heated up a discussion that
should have ended where it did.

Hey, I'm willing to ignore it--but the facts are this: You suddenly
make a big ame towards me, and when I defend myself you come back, and
start yelling at me that I'm trying to suppress opinions, yet you want me to
censor MY opinion. Don't hold me to a double-standard, okay.

As for other comments: "[you] popping a cap in [my] ass", my "huge
s[ck up my ass" and "[JRT is] primarilly pos[ng because he likes to make
himself heard" are, if I'm not mistaken, direct insults. Yes, your en[tled
to give these opinions...but, if I were to insult you, then tell you to be
quiet, would you just sit there and take it on the chin. I think not. I've
taken way too much of that on-line, and I'm really sick of just sijng
there and taking lumps.

I plan on defending myself from unwarranted ames. And I plan on

speaking my mind too.

John R. Troy
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 20:40:56 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26

here's a thought, why don't we take the debate on TSR to private e-mail. I
think we've all probably spent enough [me lling up the mythus-l archives
with it.

please, guys

"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \ DAT
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\ <insert quote here>
against the powers of this dark world \
and against the spiritual forces of evil \
in the heavenly realms." \
--Ephesians 6:12 \
"Our love is King--let's go get a Slushie."--Heathers
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 20:47:40 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: lovely

I see the list that was around 114 people not so very long ago is down to 104.
Can't imagine why.
Much be the enlightening, game-oriented, conversa[on.
Listen, take it to private, if it can't survive there, then all it was was a
nice show, if it can, then speak you minds privatly please.

Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 21:04:21 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: some old stu I dug up while roo[ng for phaeree info.

Jokes that just bear repea[ng <well, they were funny when I heard them at 3am

the rst [me.

-------------------Q: How many Elves does it take to put in a light bulb?
a: Two, One to put it in, the other to accompany the rst on lute.

-------------------Q: How many Gnomes does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One. <He then sells the old lightbulb o as 'rare spell components'

-------------------Q: How man Dwarves does it take to change a light bulb?

A#1: Two, One to stack up the goblin bodies the two killed under the light, the
second to climb the stack to the socket.

A#2: Dwarf leans back in his chair where his sijng, having a smoke, eyes the
light, pulls out his pipe and point up at the socket with the stem of the pipe
"you know, the light wouldn't _need_ changing if it were of Dwarven
manufacture..." <scornful glance at a nearby human>

-------------------Q: how man Alfar does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: the alfar forgets the lightbulb, kills the trespassing human who pointed it
out, and skulks back into the shadowly forestland which is his home.

And nally :) .....

-------------------Q: How man Alfen does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: <chuckle> "hell, son, those Alfen are small, but they ain't THAT small...."

doyce :)
"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \ DAT
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\ "don't think of a reformat
against the powers of this dark world \ as 'total data loss'...
and against the spiritual forces of evil \ think of it as a 'clean
in the heavenly realms." \ slate'"
\ --me
--Ephesians 6:12 \
"Our love is King--let's go get a Slushie."--Heathers
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 01:46:42 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo

Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 26

First o, I'm playing around with Microsop's Access and designing a way to
contain all the cas[ngs I can in a single database. I think it would make
loca[on and use a bit easier...let me know if anyone has any [ps on Access
(or databases in general) or if anyone wants to help out or something...
(I'm having fun, as usual)

Now, on to the FUN:

> And if TSR takes it over, and Gygax does design stu, are we STILL
> going to say all TSR products are "shihy"? I think not.
I don't remember too many people here saying that. I sure haven't.

> I plan on remaining quiet on AD&D and TSR, as long as others behave
> accordingly. I will s[ll defend what I think are unwarrented ahacks on
Fuck you...

> fans and designers, and will gladly take any ames necessary. Please:
> don't nuke everything in sight when aiming at a small target.

You know, this would not have gone past a single message and reply if someone
hadn't own o the edge (as usual).

> And nally--if you people really want to start aming me, be
> prepared for a war. I don't plan on leaving. I've tried to be polite yet
> honest, and wish to temper my words. I also like to focus on gaming rather
> than other things. But... and let's get this straight... I refuse to just
> sit back and take verbal (or is it wrihen) abuse from ANYBODY here.
No one was giving it to you un[l you decided to preach...

> I hope--for all our sakes--things can be kept civil.

Well, they were. I have 2 ques[ons: 1st, does anyone else think this is fun?
I know I do... :) 2nd, John, quit fucking preaching to us. I feel like I'm
at a sermon, or beher yet, back in the Principal's oce. If you have such
a big fucking problem with what I wrote originally (which was, quite obviously,
scarcas[c at worst, humorous at best) then send something to me--don't waste
all this noise on everyone else.

Th-th-th-th-th-that's all folks!

-But all I see
is DAMAGE thru the haze

Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 01:56:12 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: I love Mythus

I love Mythus. Doesn't everyone? Hey Mah (Pearson), when did JRT get put in
charge?? :) Sorry, just had to ask aper his last sermon...

I wrote about Microsop's Access in my last post, but I have another ques[on:
Does anyone know how to program in it? I have been looking through it, and I
nd that you can have it return Random Numbers to you (why the Caps?? emphasis
of course!). If it could return, oh, about 18 random numbers to you (varying
from 5-20 or so), wouldn't it be possible to create a simple form to keep track
of HP stats and save them all together as separate records???

Does anyone know what the hell I'm talking about??? :)

-If everyone behaved, and no one got insulted, I don't think the U.S.A would be
here, do you? :)
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 08:55:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Ken Kitowski <kkitow@HEALTH1.UWSP.EDU>
Subject: Re: I love Mythus

>I love Mythus. Doesn't everyone?

>I wrote about Microsop's Access in my last post, but I have another ques[on:
>Does anyone know how to program in it?

>nd that you can have it return Random Numbers to you (why the Caps?? emphasis
>of course!). If it could return, oh, about 18 random numbers to you (varying
>from 5-20 or so), wouldn't it be possible to create a simple form to keep track
>of HP stats and save them all together as separate records???

>Does anyone know what the hell I'm talking about??? :)

If you want any help from me, just email me. I'd be glad to help my
favorite editor of DI. Not worth was[ng MYTHUS-L's [me on reading
programming [ps...
(God knows everone's [me has been wasted on other things. My opinion on

that unnamed subject? Do what some ancient peoples did. Call for a truce,
but put a [me limit on it...i.e. Just stop talking about it for about 2
weeks and then maybe all par[es involved would lose interest by then [this
is what usually happens]. If not, and each side s[ll feels like they have
to be heard, you can resume the aming at that [me... How about it guys?)

(Quickly becoming a non-lurker...)
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 08:59:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Ken Kitowski <kkitow@HEALTH1.UWSP.EDU>
Subject: EGG abbrevia[on

Call me dense, but what does the 'E' stand for in the EGG abbrevia[on for
Gary Gygax? (Also, why is 'abbrevia[on' such a long word (considering what
it means)?) I sure do like nested parenthesis...

Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 08:36:01 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

My mailer keeps sending things to the list before I'm done with them... so
please forgive me if you had to read a couple posts more than once, looking for
a reply, and couldn't nd it..

To sum up:
I wish I knew Access :)
Ken, very nice thought on the truce.

The phaeree on Aerth stu will get done some[me... <my job as a phone tech
for a computer company is very very busy in the post-holiday season :( -- you
know almost 10 percent of the computers sold in the mail-order computer
industry today will arrive at the consumer's home not func[oning?--anyone in
the Iowa/SouthDakota region of the Midwest looking for a job?>
Basically All I have to do is iden[fy the high popula[on areas for
parahumans, put a few ci[es/towns in those places, and modify that locales
history a bit to reect the inuence.

"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \ DAT
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\ "_damn_! I nished a post
against the powers of this dark world \ without gejng interrupted
and against the spiritual forces of evil \ by line N#$no#&$%%__ise$%.

in the heavenly realms." \ <<Overide, CarrierLost>> "

\ --me, and my comp.
--Ephesians 6:12 \
"Our love is King--let's go get a Slushie."--Heathers
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 14:47:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: D.I. and Tora

Hey friendly subscribers!

Thanks for s[cking around... :) Time is short. I am compiling the info for
D.I. Issue 5, and I am thinking of including some of my world data (currently
the con[nent of Tora). Is anyone interested in this?? To give two cents
worth of background: Unusual world. Strange races. No normal elves, dwarves
or normal crap like that. New stu. Flying races of weird looking things.
New Heka-genera[ng K/S Areas. A Klingon-like race of barbarians! Lot of
fun ,really... :)

Let me know if I should bother to share this stu with you all...

If you don't know what D.I. is, ask. If you want to get it (it's goddamn free!
) let me know. Here we go again! :)

Later, folks.....
Hawkeye (D.I. Editor -- If you didn't know)
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 13:35:02 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Random Numbers, et al.

The HP and criher generators I used (which, I'm proud to say, you will all have access
to - as soon as Mah has nished polishing all the stu I gave him), are macros
wrihen in Microsop Excel. The informa[on generated is placed in a blank HP sheet
(for characters) and a master beas[es database (for the crihers).

The macro code uses easily understood formulas (well, if you know Excel they're easy) to
create dierent numeric ranges, *but* the cool thing is, they may be usable in Access.
Since I've never used it, I can't be sure, but Microsop has been trying to standardize
their programming between applica[ons. I'm sure Hawkeye will let us know.

In any case, I'm always willing to explain how this stu works (either via phone or
e-mail, please). As Ken Kitowski said, this might not be the best forum for a
discussion of programming. However, if there are enough requests, I might be able to

post some brief notes for clarica[on.

Also, I'm including part of his post, just because...
>If you want any help from me, just email me. I'd be glad to help my
>favorite editor of DI. Not worth was[ng MYTHUS-L's [me on reading
>programming [ps...
>(God knows everone's [me has been wasted on other things. My opinion on
>that unnamed subject? Do what some ancient peoples did. Call for a truce,
>but put a [me limit on it...i.e. Just stop talking about it for about 2
>weeks and then maybe all par[es involved would lose interest by then [this
>is what usually happens]. If not, and each side s[ll feels like they have
>to be heard, you can resume the aming at that [me... How about it guys?)
>(Quickly becoming a non-lurker...)

Ah. A clear head enters the list. Thanks for both the great idea and for de-lurking.

Very few things "get" to me, but now that you all know what one of them is, I've decided
that it's [me to just blow it o and get on with other business. And I guess I need
to s[ck around to answer all the ques[ons you folks are gonna have when Mah hands out
the goodies...

Mise le meas,
------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/06/95 * Time: 13:35:02

(C)1994 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 17:15:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Random Numbers, et al.

Dave--I can't wait for the goodies! :)

Isn't Excel Microsop's Spreadsheet? I can get a hold of that, too... :)

Mah or Dave--Any kind of [metable concerning the goodies??? :)

Dave, maybe you are not the best person to ask...but is that new card game from
QM Studio anything worth checking out?? I saw an ad for it in some magazine


Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 19:30:39 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mythic@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 4 Jan 1995 to 5 Jan 1995

Take it private or drop me from the listserv. I subscribe to this for the
interchange of game info. These days I don't like the topics nor the
language, and I'm not gonna wade through this kind of Email much longer.

Frank Mentzer
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 1995 15:54:08 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Random Numbers, et al.

>Return-Path: <owner-mythus-l@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
>Received: from by (8.6.9/Netcom)
> id PAA06611; Fri, 6 Jan 1995 15:50:51 -0800
>Message-Id: <>
>Received: from BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU by (IBM VM SMTP V2R2)
> with BSMTP id 8342; Fri, 06 Jan 95 18:24:36 EST
BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU (LMail V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 6915; Fri, 6 Jan 1995
17:13:07 -0500
>Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 17:15:33 -0500
>Dave--I can't wait for the goodies! :)
>Isn't Excel Microsop's Spreadsheet? I can get a hold of that, too...

Excel is a spreadsheet, yes. To run the HP generator and the Beas[es
generator (Both of which I used in the crea[on of stu for my
development and playtest of Mythus), you will need either Excel or a
program that can run an Excel macro (perhaps converted to <ugh> Lotus?).

>Mah or Dave--Any kind of [metable concerning the goodies??? :)

Mah will pass the stu back to me before we release it, just for


>Dave, maybe you are not the best person to ask...but is that new card
game from
>QM Studio anything worth checking out?? I saw an ad for it in some

Of course I don't have an unbiased opinion, 'cause I helped develop the
card game... But I think it's cool! As soon as the QMStudio-L is up,
I'll let you all know. That way you can subscribe if you want, and we
don't have to waste the [me of those who just want to discuss Mythus...

===><NO SIG THIS TIME><===
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 1995 11:41:52 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Edward Bromley <EPB3@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Irouk culture and stu


Good pos[ng. I thought that the religion and spirit sec[ons were
par[cularly interes[ng. Its nice to see somebody put the myth back in

I recommend the following books with respect to the Iroquois and American
indian legend in general: "League of the Iroquois" and "American Indian Myths
and Legends". American Indian Myths and Legends is a collec[on of exactly
that (including a few Iroquois myths). It was compiled by Richard Erdos and
Alfonso Or[z (Copyright 1984). League of the Iroquios was wrihen by Lewis
Henry Morgan in 1851 and even today is considered THE classic trea[se on the
Iroquois. The book is actually divided into three books: Book I - Structure
of the League, Book II - Spirit of the League, and Book III - Incident to the
League. Book II, especially chapter I regarding the "worship of the
Iroquois", may be of par[cular interest.

Although Morgan's biases come through strongly with respect to his discussion
of Iroquois religion, the informa[on is of great interest and should prove
useful. It is interes[ng to note that Morgan characterizes Iroquois
religion as monotheis[c: the Great Spirit serving the posi[on of God in
Chris[anity. The numerous other spirits of Iroquois mythology are relegated
to servants of the Great Spirit.

Although I don't profess to be an expert on the Iroquois (or any other
American Indian tribe), it is my understanding that the Great Spirit was not
truly a monotheis[c god in the sense of modern day religions (at least prior
to the introduc[on of Chris[an beliefs and the religious ideals of Handsome

Lake - an Indian who brought new beliefs to the Iroquois around 1800). In
any event, it is clear that the worship of the various spirits by the
Iroquois is not akin to the worship of god(s) in western culture.

Certainly, the introduc[on of a monotheis[c religion would not t into the
game mechanics of Mythus. However, the religion of the Iroquois (and other
American Indian tribes) does not truly t into the western greco-roman based
polytheism upon which the Mythus game mechanics are based. For instance, the
spirits of the Indians are not gods in the same sense as the gods of the
polytheis[c cultures (and the majority do not nicely t into the
Priestcrap k/s sub-areas). Unlike, greco-roman die[es, the Iroquois
spirits were not worshipped in a manner involving a priestly heirarchichal
structure. In Mythus, although a pseudo-Iroquois pantheon and the
Priestcrap subareas could certainly be used, an alterna[ve system allowing
for spirit worship would be closer to the religious beliefs of the Iroquois.

Have you thought about how the Irouk's religion/spirit worship organiza[on
will be structured in Mythus? If you intend on having your PCs spend
signicant [me in the americas, you may wish to think about making rules
addi[ons to allow for dis[nc[ve shamanis[c magic. Many other FRPs have
good rules that could be used as a founda[on.

For a very interes[ng treatment of spirit worship by an American Indian
tribe, see The Ohlone Way - Indian Life in the San Francisco-Monterey Bay
Area, by Malcolm Margolin (Copyright 1978).

I hope that this proves useful. If you decide to create a shamanis[c magic
approach for Mythus I'd be very interested in seeing it.
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 1995 22:57:32 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: A quick ques[on on dei[es

Hi there, me again. I've been taking some [me out to pursue the more
detailed crea[on of some pantheon stu, and (having nally been giped with
MMM) I have come across a very interes[ng set of informa[on. The below
is a chart I compiled for the informa[on I am pujng together, but it
has the Ethos that Mr. Gygax placed on each deity, along with its
tendencies and power level.
(note: these are only the Olympians, which are my rst and primary
concern at this [me)

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Zeus Jupiter Balance agathocacological, chao[c
Aphrodite Venus Moonlight agathocacological, chao[c
Apollo Apollo Sunlight agathacacological, ordered

Ares Mars Sunlight agathocacological, chao[c

Artemis Diana Moonlight agathocacological, chao[c
Athena Minerva Moonlight agathocacological, intermediate
Demeter Ceres Shadowy Darkness benign, intermediate
Hades Pluto Shadowy Darkness agathocacological, ordered
Hephaestus Vulcan Shadowy Darkness benign, ordered
Hera Juno Moonlight agathocacological, intermediate
Hermes Mercury Balance agathocacological, intermediate
Hes[a Vesta Sunlight benign, ordered
Poseidon Neptune Moonlight agathocacological, intermediate

According to a message posted about a month ago, there are two axes (in
addi[on to the power of each):
Benign, Agathocacological, Malign -- roughly "Good", "Neutral", "Evil"
(probably in reference to the general tendencies in treatment of
Ordered, Intermediate, Chao[c -- roughly how given to order or lack of
order; a chao[c god would probably be quite ckle, whereas an
ordered one would be consistent in what pleases them

Now, looking at the tendencies, I can't say that I nd much problem with
them. On the other hand, I have some ques[ons on the ethos that Mr.
Gygax has placed each of these dei[es under. Yes, as JM, I can of
course alter these, but I'm trying to understand why they were chosen.

Ares -- Sunlight? I would say more Shadowy Darkness, as I have always
heard of him as portrayed as a bloody, violent, savage, and ruthless god,
not one as solidly 'civilized' as the Sunlight seems to imply, nor as
heavily associated with the sun, par[cularly accompanied by his two
Deimos (Gloomy Darkness, malign, chao[c) "Terror"
Phobos (Gloomy Darkness, malign, chao[c) "Fear"
and fathering as well:
Enyo (Balance/Moonlight, agathocacological, chao[c) "goddess of bahle"
Eris (Balance, malign, chao[c) "goddess of discord"

Demeter -- I should think Moonlight would fall slightly closer, as she
was seen as a warmer and more natural, and though a Titan, I've
understood her to follow closer to Sunlight (and thus fall under
Moonlight) rather than Gloomy Darkness (and thus fall under Shadowy
Darkness), while also adhering to balance.

For the rest of them, I can see the reasons for their placement, but the
two above (and some minor ones), just don't always seem so logical.

Can anyone assist me in understanding the whys and wherefores?

Thanks a bunch,

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
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Date: Sun, 8 Jan 1995 23:41:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: some old stu I dug up while roo[ng for phaeree info.
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 5 Jan 1995, JARED HALE wrote:

> Jokes that just bear repea[ng <well, they were funny when I heard them at 3am
> the rst [me.
[much-needed humor deleted]

Q: How many Black Dweomercraepers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, they prefer the dark anyways.

Q: How many Priests of Sunlight does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, they prefer the Lightsta Formula (globe) instead.

[and he ducks as rohen tomatoes are thrown his way]

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
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Date: Sun, 8 Jan 1995 23:36:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Irouk culture and stu
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 8 Jan 1995, Edward Bromley wrote:

> Good pos[ng. I thought that the religion and spirit sec[ons were
> par[cularly interes[ng. Its nice to see somebody put the myth back in
> MYTHus.

Thanks :-) I didn't do as solid a research job as I would have liked,
but it was more important to me to get a base out there at this point
(see below). Not to men[on I wanted *something* to show despite being
far busier over my week-long break than expected.

[Excellent book sugges[on deleted for space]
I will get hold of them and update the informa[on, probably in early
summer. I have two other major projects between now and then, but I
*will* read them before the next revision and pos[ng :-) Thanks!

> Although I don't profess to be an expert on the Iroquois (or any other
> American Indian tribe), it is my understanding that the Great Spirit was not
> truly a monotheis[c god in the sense of modern day religions (at least prior

Correct, in my readings. I tried to shy away from anything that seemed
to 'interpret' the informa[on in another mindset, par[cularly one that
re-arranged a not par[cularly clearly constructed 'hierarchy' if there
is one. Aper all, the Great Spirit, aper crea[ng the earth, stumbled
across the rst False Face (Hadui, et al.), which he did not create. To
me, that says that the Great Spirit was over everything else, but was not
the only power (nor was directly in control :-) ).

> to the introduc[on of Chris[an beliefs and the religious ideals of Handsome
> Lake - an Indian who brought new beliefs to the Iroquois around 1800). In
> any event, it is clear that the worship of the various spirits by the
> Iroquois is not akin to the worship of god(s) in western culture.

I tried very hard to dieren[ate between Handsome Lake's teachings (and
thus threw out about 600 pages of religious reading, since it started
with his revela[ons) and the tradi[onal religion. Unfortunately, the
laher exists now only in a few scahered recollec[ons. I *highly*
recommend that the interested student read 'The False Faces of the
Iroquois' by William N. Fenton (part of the 'Civiliza[on of the American
Indian' series). He did a lot of research in the '30's, trying to grab
hold of the religion before it was completely displaced by Handsome
Lake's teachings and Chris[anity. It's not organized for my purposes,
nor does it contain much of the culture, but it is a solid treatment of
one primary aspect of the society.

> Have you thought about how the Irouk's religion/spirit worship organiza[on
> will be structured in Mythus? If you intend on having your PCs spend
> signicant [me in the americas, you may wish to think about making rules
> addi[ons to allow for dis[nc[ve shamanis[c magic. Many other FRPs have
> good rules that could be used as a founda[on.

I hadn't gohen so far as to actually work it up, but I had considered

either (a) crea[ng a new 'ethos' for Priestcraep (unlikely) or (b) a new
K/S Area. The laher works much beher, I feel. It would be a lot like
Priestcraep (without Full Prac[ce as a possibility, unless the Iroquois
civiliza[on passes into a stage where knowledge is easily passed on to
later genera[ons by books or similar techniques -- the oral tradi[on
simply wouldn't be able to carry the informa[on as completely), and some
of the Cas[ngs would even be quite similar. Since the HP's will be in
Grandmark, beher detail of the Roman pantheon has become a more pressing
concern, and my energies have been devoted to it instead (unless a player
wishes to be a na[ve of some form).

I *will* return to it, in [me, as it will probably become necessary some
[me during next school year (par[cularly since I fully intend to
subsume the Huron and Delaware into the Six/Eight Na[ons -- the former
by force, the laher out of fear and displacement, and the Iroquois will
play a more ac[ve poli[cal and military role ;-) ). At that point,
I'll probably think about it more.

> For a very interes[ng treatment of spirit worship by an American Indian
> tribe, see The Ohlone Way - Indian Life in the San Francisco-Monterey Bay
> Area, by Malcolm Margolin (Copyright 1978).

Again, thanks for the pointer, I'll see if Swem or the Regional library
has it. If not, I'm friends with the ILL person :-)

> I hope that this proves useful. If you decide to create a shamanis[c magic
> approach for Mythus I'd be very interested in seeing it.

Denitely :-) So many interes[ng projects, so lihle [me ;-)

Here's a start:

Shamanism (Spiritual K/S Area) -- This K/S Area provides Heka at a rate
of 1 for every point of STEEP possessed plus the Spiritual TRAIT. It is
only available to members of the na[ve tribes of Vargaard (and those
adopted into them), and possession requires a Vow to the Great Spirit [or
maybe not -- someone have a beher idea?].
The K/S Area confers knowledge of the nature spirits that abound on
that con[nent (the Manitou), as well as rituals and substances to
placate them. Possessors can, with an appropriate ritual, determine the
totem (associated animal) of anyone, and can some[mes help develop the
traits of the totem in the person. Unless otherwise noted, a shaman can
*never* use these on himself.
[here is a sample of *possible* abili[es]
Determine totem -- (1-10 STEEP) By means of a lengthy ritual of
cleansing and scrying, the shaman can determine the likely totem of the
Cleansing -- (11-20 STEEP) By inves[ture of a suitable amount of
Heka, [me, and cleansing substances (especially the smoke of sage or
tobacco), the shaman can clean malign inuences of minor sort from the

subject -- provided that the subject truly desires to be free of them.

Aspect of totem -- (21-30 STEEP) By inves[ture of Heka, the shaman
can bring forth minor ahributes of the subject's totem animal, for a
period of 1 AT per point of Heka so spent, to a maximum of STEEP
possessed. Examples might include keen eyesight (eagle), excellent smell
(wolf), or others as appropriate.

My mind's turning blank, and my bed is calling at this point, so I'll let
someone else play with it some more :-) Feel free to
append/modify/delete. Heck, I'd like to see it treated beher :-) Maybe
I'll do some Cas[ngs for it -- later -- aper I've nished a couple
others I'm currently working on :-)


Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
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Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 00:57:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: A quick ques[on on dei[es

All I want to know is...

Why the HELL use such a pathe[cally pain-in-the-ass word as "agathocathogicowhat the hell ever" to mean basically "good-evil? who cares?" It seems to be
a far too cumbersome word to use. I'd just say Ambivalent or something like

The other whole damn problem I have with all that--it smacks of a word I really
hate: Alignment. Reminds me of the EGS...yuck.

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 01:02:54 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Irouk culture and stu

Mike--regarding Full Prac[ce for the Irouk's new K/S (or not...)

I think if you consider FP something which is taught, then no, I don't think
they would be able to achieve FP, like you say. But, if you take the view
(and I do) that FP is something innate, like being Ambidextrous or a genius,
then why wouldn't they be able to? In any case, the Irouk would denitely
be "Vow-holders" and could get a Heka mulitplier that way. But, I think you'd
have to explain "great medicine man" or whatever they call them somehow...

Not that I really know much about them (even though the reserva[ons are all
nearby...) :)

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 01:24:39 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: A quick ques[on on dei[es

Personally, I like "agathocacological" and the other terms of less-common
usage scahered throughout Mythus. A broad vocabulary is conducive to
complex thought and fosters the crea[on of unique campaign scenarios.
Besides, TSR has already demonstrated their willingness to pulverize anyone
who dares challenge their asser[on that they own certain terms we all know
are common in the gaming industry. I'm surprised they haven't tried to lay
claim to the words "Good" and "Evil". They did trademark the word "Nazi" in
the "Indiana Jones" RPG, perhaps the rst example of foreshadowing in the
history of RPGs.
But since this is a Mythus board, not a verbiage or an[-TSR board, I'd like
to send everyone on the list my thoughts about the "Trigger Eect" Cas[ng.
From reading the early pos[ngs through my friend I know others were as
confused as I was about its limita[ons, powers, etc. To date, I think I've
discovered two unwrihen rules that help me determine whether a player's
proposed TE is permissible. They are:
1. A TE Cas[ng does not have voli[on.
2. A TE Cas[ng does not store Heka.
Thus, a character (whoops, I mean HP) can use it to have "Airbubbles Charm"
ac[vate upon entering water. Once the 20 Heka are thus spent to set the
trigger, it lies dormant un[l such [me as the HP enters water. It then
ac[vates, drawing 20 Heka from the caster's personal supply to bring about
the Eect. If the caster has exhausted their personal supply, the Catsing
fails without other eect. The "voli[on" part means a caster cannot set up
"Fireash" or some such to ac[vate instantly, since it would not be
directable (scratch one caster). This also prevents "spell grenades" by
cas[ng "Trigger Eect" plus "Fireash" on a pebble, as one crea[ve player
proposed. Besides, there are other Cas[ngs ("Hold Eect" for example)
which do this; such Cas[ngs would be moot if "Trigger Eect" were as
exible as its descrip[on might otherwise indicate. Since I haven't

followed the list closely un[l joining it awhile ago, I wonder what thoughts
others have on this subject.
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 01:30:31 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Irouk culture and stu
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 9 Jan 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> I think if you consider FP something which is taught, then no, I don't think
> they would be able to achieve FP, like you say. But, if you take the view
> (and I do) that FP is something innate, like being Ambidextrous or a genius,
> then why wouldn't they be able to?

I would argue that Full Prac[ce among those who do *not* take schooling
(such as is indicated to be among AEgypt's facili[es in the Setne
Inhetep novels, and explicitly in the Samarkand Solu[on) is a
combina[on of being giped gene[cally and having the facili[es to
train that to maximal use. It seems to line up with the concept of
schools as men[oned in Mythus and explained a lihle more in MMM.

Taking that point of view, I would argue that their body of knowledge is
not great enough (nor their popula[on, for that maher) to warrant a
chance at full prac[ce -- sure, maybe there's someone out there who
really *can* channel all that Heka, but that capability would be hard to
bring forth if it isn't recognized and no training procedures are in
place! Aper all, there isn't much of a chance at full prac[ce in, oh,
Heka-forging or Alchemy or Astrology..... The schools simply aren't
large enough to make natural talent *really* shine.

But all that's just so much opinion :-)

> Not that I really know much about them (even though the reserva[ons are all
> nearby...) :)

I don't know nearly as much as I would like, although I am beginning to
take advantage of various opportuni[es as they present themselves :-) I
am not so close to the reserva[ons <sigh> being in a Colonial area, but hey.

Mike Phillips

[doggonit, I went to bed about an hour ago, and tossed and turned so much
I had to get back up <sigh> or else keep my wife from sleeping too. So
now I'm lejng my ngers caress the keyboard and staring at the
phosphorous in the hopes I can make myself [red soon enough to get a
lihle sleep -- Oh Hypnos/Somnos, where are you when I need you?]

-Mike Phillips,

Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
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Date: Sun, 8 Jan 1995 22:36:34 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: A quick ques[on on something new.
In-Reply-To: <199501090555.VAA11900@leland.Stanford.EDU> from "Hawkeye" at Jan
9, 95 00:57:21 am

Hello everyone

I'm just returning from a vaca[on where I got a chance to _play_ Mythus
instead of just working on the rules. Fun, but now I'll have to go through
the withdrawl symptoms. Sigh.

Anyway, I came across a rules ques[on that I thought I'd bounce o the
list. Recently John Teske submihed details to DI on a ring that allowed
the user to detect spiritual or mental links, and be able to spend heka to
defend against the upcoming ahack even if they were otherwise unable to.

The ques[on then came up as to just how you determined if someone could
no[ce an opponent ini[a[ng a link. In the Mythus book, it states that
"unless a target possesses a K/S Area which grants the user such an ahack (or
defense versus Mental ahacks), it will not know what is happening to it..."

I'm unsure how broadly to dene these K/S areas. I could go through and
try to iden[fy all the cas[ng-related K/S areas which have cas[ngs that
duplicate such an ahack, but I'm sure I'd run into some grey areas. Has
anyone determined which k/s areas allow the detec[on of mental or spiritual
links (or both)? I'm curious to hear how others rule on this.

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 01:40:39 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Irouk culture and stu

I've just nished reading a book you might nd useful in detailing the
non-magickal life of the Indians. It's called "Tales of The Northwest" by
William Joseph Snelling. Although published in 1830, I own a reprint from
1971. I bought it thinking it a collec[on of Indian legends but was

pleasantly surprised to nd it instead a collec[on of short stories by a

man (the son of the founder of Fort Snelling) who lived among the Indians in
the 1820s. I was impressed by Snelling's portrayal of the Indian as
something dierent from either the "savage killer" or "noble savage"
stereotype, as I was by his determina[on to help readers understand their
view of the world. Although not directly centered on mys[cism, Snelling
does touch on their system of belief. If you can nd a copy, I highly
recommend it. Here's the data on my edi[on: publisher = Ross & Haines,
Inc., Minneapolis MN 55408 (1971), L.C. # 70-180636, ISBN # 0-87018-058-4.
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 01:55:09 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: A quick ques[on on something new.
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 8 Jan 1995, Steven Olaf Gullerud wrote:

> I'm just returning from a vaca[on where I got a chance to _play_ Mythus
> instead of just working on the rules. Fun, but now I'll have to go through
> the withdrawl symptoms. Sigh.

Aren't you the lucky one. Outside of one Mythus Prime game earlier
today, I haven't played since last May. Been dabbling in others :-(
Found I liked Mythus *MUCH* beher.

> I'm unsure how broadly to dene these K/S areas. I could go through and
> try to iden[fy all the cas[ng-related K/S areas which have cas[ngs that
> duplicate such an ahack, but I'm sure I'd run into some grey areas. Has
> anyone determined which k/s areas allow the detec[on of mental or spiritual
> links (or both)? I'm curious to hear how others rule on this.

It actually hasn't become an issue in our games yet. In the Mythus game
I ran last year, we had three decent Heka-benders (Alchemist,
Philosopher, and Spellsinger), but all three personas shied away from
actually trying to establish links.

But, to start the list, Apotropaism should certainly allow one to detect
links, since one can use a Warding Gesture :-)

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 02:02:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Trigger (was Re: A quick ques[on on dei[es)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 9 Jan 1995, Donald Eccles wrote:

> Thus, a character (whoops, I mean HP) can use it to have "Airbubbles Charm"
> ac[vate upon entering water. Once the 20 Heka are thus spent to set the
> trigger, it lies dormant un[l such [me as the HP enters water. It then
> ac[vates, drawing 20 Heka from the caster's personal supply to bring about
> the Eect. If the caster has exhausted their personal supply, the Catsing
> fails without other eect. The "voli[on" part means a caster cannot set up
> "Fireash" or some such to ac[vate instantly, since it would not be
> directable (scratch one caster).

Unless, of course, the triggered cas[ng was given a *specic* distance
and angle at which to be sent (say, 50', straight ahead). But that
merely makes it nearly impossible to set the trigger such that it is
useful. In other words, doable, but NOT very valuable.

> This also prevents "spell grenades" by
> cas[ng "Trigger Eect" plus "Fireash" on a pebble, as one crea[ve player
> proposed.

Actually, I'd allow it. But the persona would s[ll need to be touching
(or have a Heka link of some sort) with the pebble, or else his personal
Heka would be out a LOT more than the cost of the cas[ng -- to make up
for the distance it needs to be drawn. In fact, I'd make it a geometric
progression, say 1 Heka per foot for every foot of separa[on (1 at 1
foot, 3 (1+2) at 2 feet, 6 (1+2+3) at 3 feet, 10 (1+2+3+4) at 4 feet),
which makes it prohibi[ve, or VERY costly.

> Besides, there are other Cas[ngs ("Hold Eect" for example)
> which do this; such Cas[ngs would be moot if "Trigger Eect" were as
> exible as its descrip[on might otherwise indicate. Since I haven't
> followed the list closely un[l joining it awhile ago, I wonder what thoughts
> others have on this subject.

There was a discussion quite a while ago, but the logs for it have
probably expired (I think it was early '93, but I'm not sure). The list
has turned over since then quite a bit, so I'd guess it's [me again :-)

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,

Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++

Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
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Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 08:51:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Mahhew E. Pearson" <pearson@HCC01.BABSON.EDU>



I don't care what people's personal opinions are, and people have a right to
express them. However, when it comes to personal ahacks it must end. Period!
I have tolerated it hoping it would just be a phase and it has con[nued
unabated for almost 2 weeks now.


Just for the record, I *STILL PLAY 2nd Ed AD&D* and -ENJOY- it. Why? because
when ANY game is GM'd properly it is good and fun. Do I like Mythus more.. OF
COURSE. Do I have problems with D&D? DAMN STRAIGHT and I piss and moan about
the rules but that is what people want to play and I DO ENJOY IT.

It is not proper nor the place of anyone on this list to place a value
judgement on someone elses' opinion or belief. To say, I disagree and you
can't convince me is ne. To tell someone "FUCK YOU" or anything of that
nature is unacceptable and inappropraite.

Many people's feeling have been hurt as a result of this. I am not asking
people to kiss and make up. What I am telling you is to SHUT UP or go start
your own list to bitch at each other in private. Have you ever heard of
private email? Well that is what it is there for. Don't waste the bandwith of
other people to grandstand.

I mean it. Regardless of my personal feelings towards people on the list, YOU

End it now, or I end it for you.

This is not targehed at anyone, this is a general announcement.

To recap:

Construc[ve cri[cism/arguements - good

name calling and personal ahacks - bad

Mythus discussion - good
o-topic bitching and yelling - bad

Mahhew E. Pearson
List Moderator
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 09:44:30 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Mahhew E. Pearson" <pearson@HCC01.BABSON.EDU>

Sorry to eyeryone about my last message. It was wrihen in a moment of haste
and anger but with the best of inten[ons.

There are far too few of us to resort to ingh[ng especailly about something
so stupid as if AD&D is any good or if TSR are assholes. Both are true and we
all know it.

People have lost perspec[ve on the arguments. The arguments although not
phrased quite properly were that TSR's Game Designers DO do good work
(although marke[ng money grubs and limits them to death), and thay you can
learn alot from AD&D. We have all learned a lot from AD&D, a lot about
playing, roleplaying, and game design. Many problems that arose in AD&D's
design and limita[ons are deliberatly addressed in Mythus and corrected.

If you guys think for a minute that all the design work done by EGG on AD&D
was just mentally trashed you are sorely mistaken. Where did it go? It got
reprocessed and expanded upon, and re-worked and we got Mythus.

So don't go trashing the AD&D system. If you want to trash TSR ne.. be my
guest. But AD&D is the infant and Mythus is the Mature adult of the same brain
child. (BTW: that I am sure was TSR's main argument for suing in the rst

I do NOT wan't anyone to leave the list PERIOD.

Everyone's help is cri[cal in keeping this game alive. We OWE it to EGG for
wri[ng it to keep it alive and kicking with new material and players. It is
the least we can do for the guy for spending YEARS wri[ng the system. I am
sure it makes him feel at least somewhat appreciated that there is a dedicated
core of people working hard to keep the system alive. Let's not destroy all
the work we have ALL done by pehy bitching.

EVERONE has lost perspec[ve... EVERYONE needs to chill out...

As they say in Pulp Fic[on
"Lets all be lihle Fonzies... what is Fonzie like? ... he's cool"

Sorry for freaking.. I just don't like reading lehers from the THREE of the
top FOUR writers/designers/mo[vators of the list saying "I'm gonna quit
because of this bullshit"

If everyone thinks its dumb and bullshit.. STOP IT! please? prehy please?
prehy please with a beau[ful blonde on top? (grin)


cool out..

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 10:21:52 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Full Prac[ce/schooling

>On Mon, 9 Jan 1995, Hawkeye wrote:
>> I think if you consider FP something which is taught, then no, I don't think
>> they would be able to achieve FP, like you say. But, if you take the view
>> (and I do) that FP is something innate, like being Ambidextrous or a genius,
>> then why wouldn't they be able to?
>I would argue that Full Prac[ce among those who do *not* take schooling
>(such as is indicated to be among AEgypt's facili[es in the Setne
>Inhetep novels, and explicitly in the Samarkand Solu[on) is a
>combina[on of being giped gene[cally and having the facili[es to
>train that to maximal use. It seems to line up with the concept of
>schools as men[oned in Mythus and explained a lihle more in MMM.
>Taking that point of view, I would argue that their body of knowledge is
>not great enough (nor their popula[on, for that maher) to warrant a
>chance at full prac[ce -- sure, maybe there's someone out there who
>really *can* channel all that Heka, but that capability would be hard to
>bring forth if it isn't recognized and no training procedures are in
>place! Aper all, there isn't much of a chance at full prac[ce in, oh,
>Heka-forging or Alchemy or Astrology..... The schools simply aren't
>large enough to make natural talent *really* shine.

You are correct in assuming there is no possibility of FP without schooling.
It is not innate. However, there's nothing that precludes a quirk which grants
addi[onal Heka-channelling ability.

BTW, Full Prac[ce is *only* available for Dwoemercraepers & Priestcraepers,
i.e. there is no such thing as FP for Alchemy, et al.


------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/09/95 * Time: 10:21:52

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 10:57:58 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>


>Sorry for freaking.. I just don't like reading lehers from the THREE of the
>top FOUR writers/designers/mo[vators of the list saying "I'm gonna quit
>because of this bullshit"


>If everyone thinks its dumb and bullshit.. STOP IT! please? prehy please?
>prehy please with a beau[ful blonde on top? (grin)

I just want my blonde (green eyes, please), and there will be no further
trouble from *me* <chuckle>.


------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/09/95 * Time: 10:57:58

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 14:18:08 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: MSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Subject: Re: D.I. and Tora

I think it would be great to see info on your world!
Let's see it!!

S.D. Troll
Banshee Server Hub
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 20:01:20 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: A quick ques[on on dei[es

I, too, have some ques[ons about the listed dei[es' ethoi. One in
par[cular: Echidna is listed as both Sunlight and Malign. If Sunlight is
Good, then how can she be malign as well? (Is this similar to "We had to
destroy the town in order to save it" thinking? But that seems more like
Shadowy Darkness to me, as do all dei[es whose concerns include vengeance.)
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 19:35:40 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: D.I. and Tora

S.D., I goha ask you. I've seen you on the net ever since I've been on--over a
year now, usually on the net defending mythus, at least in the 'old days'...
now, this may be o the subject, but dammit, I've always wondered: What does
the 'S.d.' stand for? I think youre from Kansas or somewhere, so I assume it's
not South Dakota :)

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 22:42:45 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Jan 09 22:35:22 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Hello everyone.

Steve Gullerud and I are nishing up our collabora[ve eort on heka-forging
and it should be ready before the end of the month.

I do plan [s[ll] to detail the Orbs of Communica[on, aper the heka-forging
material is done.

However, I did want to start another ongoing project. I had men[oned in a
post about a month ago that my group was interested in detailing the Magical
Devices in the Epic of Aerth. What they were willing to do is make up RUMORS
of what each item supposedly did, for distribu[on to the net. I have also
gohen a few responses from the net of other people that would like to be
involvewd in such rumor/item detailing. I have divided up all of the na[ons

in Epic of Aerth and have asked several of the people to start submijng their
thoughts. I have some of the ini[al results of that eort.

I should men[on that there are HUNDREDS of items in Epic of Aerth. I wanted
to do this to save individual GMs [me and eort, and to provide a large
variety of dierent Magical Devices. I also want to stress that the idea
was only to come up with RUMORS about the items REPUTED powers, so that
individual GMs are free to pick and choose the ideas from the list that they
like, and can simply discard the rest or use them for "false" rumors.

Comments are always welcome -- the next two posts will be a variety of magical
devices from various na[ons.


$$HRComments by teskej Mon Jan 09 22:45:22 1995
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 23:03:22 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Jan 09 22:47:54 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Magical Devices


Mouse of Jade - This necklace of a small jade mouse on a hekalite chain can
only be handles by someone with Criminal Ac[vity, Mental. This necklace
gives the wearer double the chance of a special success in Criminal Ac[vity,
Mental; the wearer also has the ability to read the thoughts of all those who
are in sight. By detaching the mouse from the necklace the mouse grows to a
size usable as a mount that will not be detectable by any means (with the
excep[on of the wearer of the necklace).

Snake Chair of Trang - This chair in gem encrusted with snakes for arms (ie.
the name), red velvet seat, and weighs about 5 tons. Anyone sijng in the
chair can detect lies illusions, disguises, and auras of individuals within
sight without error (if another greater enchantment is used then the illusions,
disguises or auras and just dark, unable to be seen; lies are not heard but
lips are seen moving). By concentra[ng, the siher can go non-corporeal and
go anywhere, condent since the chair protects the body from all outside
forces un[l the siher returns.
The only problem using this magic chair is that once you get up yuo take
100 points mental damage (sort of a drain into the chair) which cannot be
stopped by any means.

(above by D. Glodowski)


The Goblet of the Newts - it is said that this gem encrusted goblet has the
power to convert silver to lead. According to business circles, it also
radiates protec[ve magic against scrying, for it is commonly used during
business nego[a[ons and government mee[ngs.


Dokar's Unseen Blade - This scimitar is only visible fromt he hilt down.
Assumed powers are a bonus of +20 to BAC and the ability to completely mask the
presence of the person holding the blade. Ironically, when using the last
power, the hilt of the scimitar is s[ll visble and detectable.

Flagon of Akgbul - This normal looking pewter dispenser has the ability to
produce an unlimited amount of liquid, capable of making any sort of beverage
desired. It is thus highly prized by raiders who have a desire to travel
lightly. It is rumored to have some eect whenused in conjunc[on with the
Bowl of Akgbul.

Bowl of Akgbul - This large but normal looking pewter bowl has the ability to
produce an unlimited amount of food. Capable of making any sort of food
desired, it is highly prised by raiders who have a desire to travel lightly.
When used in conjunc[on with the Flagon of Akgbul, a warring party is said to
be undefeatable. Moreover, those partaking in a feast provided by both devices
are easily inuenced and agreeable to a cause. Livestock bred with both
devices tend to be more hardy and aggressive. Perhaps this is why the
combina[on is open held by the large land-owners and leaders of Kabul.

(AJ Schmidt)
$$HRComments by teskej Mon Jan 09 23:06:59 1995
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 00:37:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: A quick ques[on on something new.

My take on whether or not you know you're turning into a vegetable:

I'd say, don't base it on K/S Areas. The ATTRIBUTES don't get used enough as
far as I'm concerned (:))

and, well, why not just make a DR roll against SMPow
or MRPow when you are ahacked. Sure, grant a bonus of a DR or two when you
have the appropriate K/S's, but what the original DR should be, which K/S's

apply and all that jazz should be I have no s[nkin' clue... :)

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 23:35:52 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Jan 09 23:07:58 1995
Fwd: teskej->
More magical Devices - this will probably take 3-4 posts - sorry!


Kanteel of Waino - This harp is a device which allows a spellsinger to have
overlapping spellsong eects. The harp is a heka reservoir of 1000 points and
is capable of maintaining a spellsong which is strummed on its strings for up
to one hour. The second song may overlap the rst, but the DR for the
accompanying spellsong is 2 DRs harder than usual, and never beher than
"hard". Rumor has it that the harp is sen[ent and will play songs and cast
spells on its own, but the last owners have never found this to be true.

Crossbow of Lightning - This device is feared by all armored who oppose it.
When used with normal bolts, it confers the following: doubles range,
penetrates any sort of heka-generated physical armor, and halves the reload
[me (doubling the ahacks). However, with specialized bolts, the device is
far more lethal. The crossbow changes the proper[es of the bolts from
physical to magical by u[lizing ivory, antler, and bone carved into bolts.
Few people actually know which exact type of animal produces which eect, but
here are some rumored abili[es in addi[on to the above abili[es:
from ivory = an eect similar to <EGS> chain lightning <MU 6> capable of
wiping out an en[re platoon (mammoth is said to work best)
from antler = a bolt of lightning which always hits the head, stunning the
individual for d3 ATs and causing 3d3 mental dmage modied by d6 exposure,
with 100 points of heka to overcome any resistance/mental armor, and 3d3
physical damage modied by d6 exposure, with 100 points of heka to overcome
any resistance/armor. (aged reindeer antlers are said to work best)
from bone = usually a bolt of pure blue lightning is released, damage,
exposure and resistance is very exible depending on the bone type used. It
is rumored that a bolt skillfully carved from an ancient mammoth once ripped a
hole the size of a house in a castle wall, destroying those above and behind in
a fury of dancing energy, but common bolts have lessened eects.

Interdimensional Amber Node - Coveted by heka users of scrying and dimensional
traveling, this device is nearly undetectable as a heka source. It looks to be
a rough unpolished chunk of rock about the diameter of a buckler shield. When
used for scrying, or dimensional travel, it conveys a 20 steep addi[on to the
appropriate area. It is also a general heka reservoir of 2000 Heka. It can
only be used to scry the present, not the past or future. Somehow, it also has

the ability to scry into various planes and open a doorway to them. It is
rumored that the device can possess individuals who dare abuse its power.

(AJ Schmidt)


Sistrum of Olympus - This magical instrument is rumored to be capable of
performing a major miracle cas[ng daily in addi[on to numerous other
apotropaist protec[on cas[ngs. Rumor also has it that the device calls the
ahen[on of one of the 12 Olympians, who may choose to aid the player of
the instrument if a suitable oering is made. It is well known that the
device is also capable of genera[ng a large eld of protec[ve cas[ngs
about it to preserve its wielder and their associates.

Trident of 3 Tritons - Reportedly 3 eects are generated by this powerful
magical device; it is rumored that this device was a gip to the city of Athens
by Poseidon aper Athena and Poseidon quarreled over dominionship of the city.
First, it is rumored that the trident is capable of summoning large amounts of
tritons from Phaeree. Second, the trident is rumored to allow the wielder to
cast all elemental dweomercraep spells dealing with water or cold at one step
FASTER (ie. charm -> eyebite; cantrip -> charm; spell -> cantrip, etc.) and at
half the normal cost of heka. The third power is supposedly that of heka
reservoir capability, of up to 1500 points, but this could easily be false, as
other rumor that the trident transforms par[al prac[[oners of heka into full
prac[[oner, provided the elemental dweomercraep area is possessed. It may
be best to say that the third power is not precisely known.

(j. teske)
$$HRComments by teskej Mon Jan 09 23:39:16 1995
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 00:49:42 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Full Prac[ce/schooling

Isn't there any possibility of FP showing up in other places? :) I mean, we
are all of course, free to bend the rules, but this may make sense, especially
in my world:

Suppose a dierent race, perhaps Phaeree, or perhaps "Dwarves" (or some
permuta[on thereof) could have an innate ability to be "extra good" at HekaForging. Maybe it should be lep as a quirk, but then again, isn't FP really
just a really great quirk?? :)

Maybe some ancient master gypsy woman could have FP in Exorcism...

By my own vein, maybe I'll just get rid of FP as it is, and make it all as
exible as Vows. Wizards or Priests who get FP (Use the Force, Luke) can have
it wane a bit if they do not pay ahen[on...

Hmmm...something to think about. I hope that I am not striking a blow to the
heart of the system...just some thoughts... :)

Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 00:57:47 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Items

SHould we save these sample items that you have sent for us? Or will you (or
someone else) be collec[ng them all for inclusion in a LARGE le containing
all of them?? :)

Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 00:03:59 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Jan 09 23:42:28 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Last post on Magical Devices tonight-- I'll be brief.


Solar Kite - The famed solar kite is a magical hawk on unsurpassed power
summoned by use of an unknown instrumetn, rumored to work only in the hands of
a capable elemental dweomercraeper. It reportedly is the size of a Roc (BIG
hawk), confers protec[ve cas[ngs of many sorts on its owner, serves as a
mount, is able to reduce to normal hawk size, and can travel across the planes
as it wills.

Gallery of Prognos[ca[on - This incredible gallery of artwork, runes, and
hekaforged items is rumored to be in at least 5 diernt loca[ons of Arles,
but its current correct loca[on is <truthfully> unknown. It supposedly
allows divina[on, fortune-telling, astrology, and herbalism cas[ngs to be
cast as if the caster had +50 steep bonus for all intents and purposes,
including amount of damage healed, level of cas[ngs permissible for cas[ng,
dura[on, range, etc. This bonuses to abili[es are NOT bounded by the

Spritual Trait Score, according to rumor. Those personas not possessing the
k/s area are granted it at a skill of 31 for the dura[on of their stay within
the Gallery. It is rumored that many military diviners use this area to
predict assaults months ahead of [me, and thus protect Arles from invasion.


Six Demonhide Armor Cuirasses - This fabled armor was fashioned from the hide
of six dierent demon types nad thus grants the wearer immunity to all normal
or heka-engendered damage from re, chemical, electrical, cold, poison, and
disease. Rumor has it that this item also provides a bonus to movement and
ini[a[ve, but that several ills typically befall the wearer of the armor
aper a prolonged period of use, thus limi[ng its u[lity.

Master Ankus - In the hands of a full prac[[oner, this item can raise the
dead no maher how long dead, or provide the means to heal all
mental/physical/spiritual damage, cure disease, remove poison, remove all
curses of either temp. or perm. sort, remove blindness, regenerate limbs, and
even restore lost souls. The user must be of hard cons[tu[on, for it is also
rumored that the device corrects all these defects by rst transferring it to
the user of the item, and then curing the user!


Book of 9 Workings - Rumor has it that this device imparts knowledge of grade X
through Grade XIX cas[ngs <by no means comprehensive> in 9 dierent
heka-genera[ng areas. It reputedly also details the means to heka-forge a
very powerful device for each of those 9 areas as well.

Octops Sigil S[ck - La[n for "eight" and "works", this powerful item is
capable of storing 5000 heka, increasing any steep by +20 for a limited
dura[on, and crea[ng 7 duplicated of the wielder who are all able to
func[on independently. Supposedly the S[ck has 5 other powers <as if these
aren't enough> which are currently not known.

Bull of Ochbah - This statue increases its owner's eec[veness at economics,
appraisal, business administra[on, and other appropriate k/s areas all to a
score of 200, not limited by the appropriate trat score, for as long as the
item is possessed. Rumor also states taht the owner, although gaining 40
points in e[quehe/social graces, is cursed with an inner ugliness of -15, and
will also suer innumerable family tragedies while in possession of the item.

(J Teske)
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jan 10 00:07:28 1995
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 02:33:30 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>

Subject: Re: Full Prac[ce/schooling

>Isn't there any possibility of FP showing up in other places? :)
> I mean, we
>are all of course, free to bend the rules, but this may make
>sense, especially in my world:

Not in the rules as designed. This is, perhaps, because all magic
stems from one of the two sources (Magick & Religion - Oh Gawd,
another can of worms, but there it is); for more info, refer
to the sec[on in Magick on Crea[ng Specic Cas[ngs.

>Suppose a dierent race, perhaps Phaeree, or perhaps "Dwarves"
>(or some permuta[on thereof) could have an innate ability to be
>"extra good" at Heka-Forging. Maybe it should be lep as a
>quirk, but then again, isn't FP really just a really great
>quirk?? :)

Then give them whatever modier you see t, being *very careful*
to keep game balance (you might nd everyone wants one...). FP
is a "natural" ability, rare enough so that id is in eect, a
Quirk. The rules just allow for quan[ca[on and descrip[on of
the ability.

>Maybe some ancient master gypsy woman could have FP in Exorcism..

And this same woman, no doubt has a ying pig... ;-)

>By my own vein, maybe I'll just get rid of FP as it is, and make
>it all as exible as Vows. Wizards or Priests who get FP (Use
>the Force, Luke) can have it wane a bit if they do not pay

Not a bad idea. I don't like the rules as wrihen re: FP - they
are too easy to come by (should be maybe 10%, not typically 20%).
The problem is, it's supposedly rare enough to have a DMCer or
PCFTer, so once a player has bent the die rolls to have a decent
one, there's usually a good (18-20%) chance of Full Prac[ce.

One way to handle this is to make them roll sequen[al rolls for
Ahributes, and not allow placing the best scores in MMC & MRP (or

Another way is to completely disallow FP, although any experienced

player worth their salt will nd that a Wisewoman/man is gonna
get as much Heka as a FP, and more Cas[ng Areas to boot!

Finally, if you have a player with a budding young FP, add 10-20
years to their age. If that don't stop 'em, give 'em a nasty

It's all in the rolls, and placement of stats, don'tcha know...

In any case, I'd argue to minimize FP power, not add power to the
non-FPs. Unless you *want* your campaign to be chock full of
Heka, in which case, I'd just double Heka across the board...

>Hmmm...something to think about. I hope that I am not striking a
>blow to the heart of the system...just some thoughts... :)

The system is prehy resilient to toying with it. If it weren't,
you folks wouldn't have so much to mess with. Am I right?

p.s. I know some[mes I toss a few bombs out there in terms of
manipula[ng what's wrihen. Just change what you want (within
reason, and keeping a careful eye toward *balance between HP
Voca[ons*), and you'll nd your "perfect" system. That's what
we all did with AD&D 1st edi[on, isn't it (and *this* is why I
like 1st edi[on)?
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 00:30:47 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Na[ve American info needed

Speaking of Na[ve American culture, history, etc. I will be working on an
upcoming project, and will need assistance in this area. The informa[on
gathering will require specic, in-depth knowledge. Though I can't
provide further details without a non-disclosure, those who help me will get
full published credit.

Because this has *nothing to do with Mythus* please respond via e-mail.

Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 08:40:40 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>


Organiza[on: MSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Subject: Re: D.I. and Tora

Well, it is from an old Shadowrun campaign.
The S. D. stands for Smedley Da, as in Smedley Da Troll. He was a
NPC who became one of the main characters in my campaign. Finally,
everyone was calling me Smedley, and I shortened it to make it easier
to type.

By the way, I am from Michigan : )

S.D. Troll
Banshee Server Hub
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 17:11:09 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mythic@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: Nazis

Donald Eccles: > They [TSR] did trademark the word "Nazi"...
Not so; just for the record, that's a LucasFilm Ltd. trademark. ::sigh::
This is another classic example of the ludicrous aspects of trademark &
copyright law.

From the German to the germane...
one of the problems with Mythus was acknowledged to be a lack of support,
i.e. adventures. Now, I *know* that most of y'all have generated some
adventures. And I also know that most of ya want to see DJ re-released. So
here's a sugges[on...
Get a TSR submission form, write up your adventure, and submit it. Step
1: they reject it because the game isn't on the schedule. Steps 2-99: They
keep receiving adventure submissions for DJ. Step 100: TSR starts realizing
that they have all they need to PUT it on the schedule... :)
Worth thinking about, at least.

Frank Mentzer
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 14:23:18 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: John Peters <jopeters@UCDAVIS.EDU>
Subject: Trigger (or: Bea[ng a dead horse) :)

Interes[ng idea, but if as you propose, heka is not stored in a Trigger,
what happens when the mage is several hundred miles away (or on another
plane, for that maher) when the triggered cas[ng goes o? Does it
simply fail, unable to draw o the necessary heka?

I've had players abuse this cas[ng, and I tried to come up with some
solu[ons, none of which were all that sa[sfactory to me:

1) Trigger Eect must be cast at the grade of the cas[ng to be triggered.
2) Limit the triggers to a certain number on a given surface.
3) Must be cast on a suitable surface (i.e. heka-engendered in some way
- a person, a nely craped sword, a silver goblet, etc.)

And s[ll the abuse con[nued. In the next incarna[on of my campaign, I
will probably just eliminate the cas[ng unless someone can indicate a
good way of limi[ng the cas[ng.

John Othmar Peters (916)752-6063 : Voice
Programmer/Analyst (916)754-8071 : FAX
Social Science Data Service
University of California Davis

On Mon, 9 Jan 1995, Donald Eccles wrote:

> But since this is a Mythus board, not a verbiage or an[-TSR board, I'd like
> to send everyone on the list my thoughts about the "Trigger Eect" Cas[ng.
> From reading the early pos[ngs through my friend I know others were as
> confused as I was about its limita[ons, powers, etc. To date, I think I've
> discovered two unwrihen rules that help me determine whether a player's
> proposed TE is permissible. They are:
> 1. A TE Cas[ng does not have voli[on.
> 2. A TE Cas[ng does not store Heka.
> Thus, a character (whoops, I mean HP) can use it to have "Airbubbles Charm"
> ac[vate upon entering water. Once the 20 Heka are thus spent to set the
> trigger, it lies dormant un[l such [me as the HP enters water. It then
> ac[vates, drawing 20 Heka from the caster's personal supply to bring about
> the Eect. If the caster has exhausted their personal supply, the Catsing
> fails without other eect. The "voli[on" part means a caster cannot set up
> "Fireash" or some such to ac[vate instantly, since it would not be
> directable (scratch one caster). This also prevents "spell grenades" by
> cas[ng "Trigger Eect" plus "Fireash" on a pebble, as one crea[ve player
> proposed. Besides, there are other Cas[ngs ("Hold Eect" for example)
> which do this; such Cas[ngs would be moot if "Trigger Eect" were as
> exible as its descrip[on might otherwise indicate. Since I haven't
> followed the list closely un[l joining it awhile ago, I wonder what thoughts
> others have on this subject.
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 20:17:41 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: A quick ques[on on something new.
In-Reply-To: <199501100535.VAA18612@leland.Stanford.EDU> from "Hawkeye" at Jan

10, 95 00:37:23 am

On detec[ng links:

> I'd say, don't base it on K/S Areas. The ATTRIBUTES don't get used enough as
> far as I'm concerned (:))
> and, well, why not just make a DR roll against SMPow
> or MRPow when you are ahacked. Sure, grant a bonus of a DR or two when you
> have the appropriate K/S's, but what the original DR should be, which K/S's
> apply and all that jazz should be I have no s[nkin' clue... :)
> Hawkeye

I agree with you on wishing ahributes were used more. In fact, once I
saw this, I liked it far more than having it all or nothing based only on
K/S areas as it is in the rules.

Since mental and spiritual ahacks can be devista[ng, I'd like to give
personas a chance to defend themselves when ahacked. How about using
something like this:

Roll vs. SM catagory (vs. spiritual links) or MR catagory (vs. mental
links) at DR Dicult. (you generally have only 1 CT to recognize
the threat and respond) Modify the DR by:

1 DR easier if the persona possesses Apotropaism, Dweomercraep, or
Priestcraep, as these K/S areas are most concerned with such ahacks
or defense against them.

2 DR easier if the ahack is under circumstances directly related to
the personas background and/or present ac[vity.

Examples of the second bonus would be a medium under an ahack by a spirit
he or she had summoned, an exorcist under ahack during an exorcism, or a
dweomercraper under ahack by a cas[ng of a possessed school (same
ethos or perhaps opposing ethos for priestcraep).

Of course, other modiers could be thrown in, but it would allow for almost
guaranteed success under circumstances that the HP is very familiar with, while
making it unlikely for those unfamiliar or not suspec[ng those ahacks.

For personas able to wield heka, allow the expenditure of heka to defend
oneself when a link is detected.

Any thoughts on this? I'm just throwing this out to see if anyone can
suggest something beher.


Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 22:54:56 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Items
In-Reply-To: <199501100556.VAA21685@leland.Stanford.EDU> from "Hawkeye" at Jan
10, 95 00:57:47 am

> SHould we save these sample items that you have sent for us? Or will you (or
> someone else) be collec[ng them all for inclusion in a LARGE le containing
> all of them?? :)
> Hawkeye

I'll be collec[ng and organizing all the item details John posts to the
list. If anyone wishes, they can email me for a single le containing
all the informa[on, once John has posted them all. I'll probably send it
as a uuencoded zipped le, considering the number of items that will
be detailed.

If there turns out to be enough interest, I'll simply post the whole mess
to Mythus-l.

Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 09:01:36 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Items

I want it, but don't send it un[l we are completed... :)

I'll get to the countries Jaohn gave to me soon...

Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 10:03:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: D.I. 4

Hey, this is pathe[c... :)

Anyone who happens to have D.I. issue 4 laying around, send it to me, okay?
My copy got wasted, and the one on my vax account got really f-ed up. Thanks

Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 13:02:06 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: BluSponge@AOL.COM
Subject: Dandikkus (New Disgus[ng Monster 4 Mythus)

The players have decided to inves[gate the forgohen elven runes at the
southern [p of the Red Delta, lost for several centuries (in my campaign,
the elves have moved on and only a few degenerate sub-elven races - the Raszi
and their ilk - remain). Lihle do the poor fools expect that truely
horrible things live at that [p, avoided by man for more reasons than a
vindic[ve JM. ;)
Here's the rst in a whole new batch or twisted nas[es. Tell me what you


P.S. Teske - Loved the Magick Items!!! Keep it up!


Iden[er: Monster, Mollusc, Octopod
Habitat: Southern Red Delta region
Size: 3 x human-size (650-725#)
Number Appearing: 1
Modes & Rates of Movement:
Ini[a[ve Modier: - 6 (tentacles), + 4 (body)
Outstanding K/S Areas & STEEP:
Ambush (Criminal Ac[vi[es, P) 35
Joss Factors: 0
Dodging Factor/Avoidance: Tentacles (30%), Body (0%)/--, 43, -Ahrac[veness: 1
Invulnerabili[es: None
Exposure: Fire (3d3 PD/BT)
Salt (1d3 PD/BT)

Average Armor Protec[on: 10
Ahacks BAC Base Dmg Bonus
Constric[on (x6) 52 3d6 + 17
Bite 80* 2d6 + 19

* This creature may only ahempt to bite its prey by bringing it to its
beak-like mouth with its tentacles. With its prey held such, the creature's
BAC is incredibly high.

Flesh Rot: a certain, oozing chemical secrehed from the tentacles of this
beast will cause exposed esh to rot, doing 2d6 PD/BT un[l it is removed.
It cannot be washed o with water but rather special oils must be used.
For every 8 PD taken from this ooze, the vic[m will lose 1 rank of
Ahrac[veness (nal minimum of 3 (Ugly)). The creature cannot digest
truely "solid" food. Thus this ooze loosens the esh of prey that it might
be palehable to the Dandikkus.
Chameleon Form: The esh of the Dandikkus naturally assumes the colora[on
of its surroundings, makeing it nearly impossible to detect (Percep[on Check
at DR "Very Dicult"). Changing from one pahern to another takes 5 CTs to

Sta[s[cal Detail:
Mental(cunning) - 12
Physical - 145 WL - 108

Remember - this creature, as are all the others I have posted, have stats for
Mythus Prime with a few perks from Adv. Mythus (check out your early issues
of DI for more on that one). Hope you like this guy!
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 16:21:07 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: BluSponge@AOL.COM
Subject: A Call for Traps

Hey guys,

I'm pujng out a call for the best (most fun, most deadly, most intriguing,
most puzzling) traps you've EVER used in a fantasy sejng!! My players are
perparing to go into the abandoned elven city of Japiem'orn, The City of the
Pearl in search of the tomb of a long dead elven warrior, whose arsenal is
said to be of serious aid to fend o an impending assault by the
subterraenian Aboelth (yes, a EGS monster but cool nonetheless)!

I'd like to liher the tomb with puzzles and traps, not so much deadly traps
(this is no Tomb of Horrors) but puzzles that will try the players and deem
their worthiness. My problem is that I'm not much of a trap person, so I'm
not the best at plojng new ways to deal mayhem in that department.

So what I gure is this: we get together, talk about the best traps we've
ever used, and boom - there it is. If you want, I'll keep tabs on all the
pos[ngs and put them in one big compendium - sending them out to all of you.
Or I'll send them to Hawkeye - who can't seem to keep track of his own les
these days. ;D He can take the best of them and put them in a future

issue of D.I. or something. What do you think?


Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 22:50:54 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Patrick Murphy <murphy@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU>
Subject: I give...

OK, so the thesis is 'done' and this newcomer to the list plans on
gejng a bit more involved. I've been reading most of the trac with
interest, but out of curiosity and ignorance, I goha ask...what in the
heck is MMM???

Also, I think it might have been Hawkeye who was administering the
e-journal, I am very much interested in gejng copies of that...

And nally, does anyone have electronic copies of adventures they've
run? I'd like to get some Mythus running 'round these parts and would
welcome some trial sojourns before the real reworks begin. If we
swapped adventures, it might be a good way to playtest the scenario
before you run it for your own group.

OK, I'm done asking ques[ons and favors now. Keep the faith.

Patrick M.
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 01:07:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Economics

I thought the following informa[on might be of use to JMs who are
wondering about what the economics and pricing was like in earlier socie[es.
The BUC system is simple and very useful, but the problem with it is that
prices are determined by today's technology, and today's technology is
signicantly dierent than any Mythus world I have seen, and so prices are
very dierent. Take, for example, how lihle we value a well formed glass
bohle in this society as compared to what it would have been worth in a less
advanced society. Clear window glass is another good example.
The following informa[on is the guts of an edict on maximum prices issued
by the Roman emperor Diocle[an in the third century A.D. It comes from the
Roman Civiliza[on I: The Republic, Naphtali Lewis & Meyer Reinhold eds.

What makes this list so interes[ng is the broad spectrum of products and
services covered, the fact that a price for gold is given, and most of all
because it includes wages for various professions. All prices are in denarii,
but with the gold price and wages included, it gives the informa[on needed
to integrate the rela[ve values for products into any economic system you
might be running.
As an interes[ng side note, the penalty for anyone viola[ng this edict was

Weights & Measures
army modius (m)=1 peck =1/4 bushel p=pound Cubit = 20 inches

Item price/amount
-------------------------------------------------Rened Gold (coins or bars) 50,00/pound
Drawn Gold 12,00/p
Worked silver 62/p
Cast silver 31/p

Wheat 100/army modius
Barley 60/m
Rye 60/m
Millet, ground 100/m
Millet, whole 50/m
Panic grass 50/m
spelt, hulled 100/m
Beans, crushed 100/m
Beans, not ground 60/m
Len[ls 100/m
Pulse 80/m
Peas, split 100/m
Peas, not split 60/m
Rice, cleaned 200/m
Barley grits, cleaned 100/m
Spelt grits, cleaned 200/m
Sesame 200/m

Picene 30/pint
Tibur[ne 30/pint
Sabine 30/pint
Falernian 30/pint
Aged wine, 1st quality 24/pint
Aged wine, 2nd quality 16/pint
Ordinary 8/pint
Beer, Gallic 4/pint
Beer, Egyp[an 4/pint

Oil, unripe olives 40/pint

Oil, Second quality 24/pint

Salt 100/m
Spiced salt 8/pint
Honey, best quality 40/pint
Honey, second quality 24/pint
Buher 16/p
Pork 12/Italian pound
Beef 8/pint
Venison 12/p
Leg of pork, best 20/p
Pork mincemeat 2/ounce
Beef Mincemeat 10/p
Pheasant, fahened 250 each
Pheasant, wild 125 each
Chicken 30 each
Beccaco (g-peckers) 40/10
Sparrows 16/10
Dormice (a bird) 40/10
Sea sh, rough scales 24/p
Fish, second quality 16/p
River sh, best quality 12/p
second quality 8/p
Salt sh 6/p
Oysters 100/100

Hooded cloak, rst quality 60
Breeches 20
Leggings 4
Farmworker's boots 120
Soldiers Boots 100
Shoes, Patrician 150
Shoes, Senatorial 100
Shoes, Equestrian 70
Boots, women's pair 60
Timber, Fir - 50 cubits by 50,000
4 cubits square
White silk 12,000/p
Raw silk, dyed purple 150,000/p
Wool, dyed purple 50,000/p
Wool from Tarentum 175/p
Wool from laodices 150/p
Wool from Asturia 100/p
Wool, best medium quality 50/p

Transporta[on Rates (land):
------------------------------------------Fare for man 2/mile
Freight for a 1,200lb 20/mile
wagon load
Freight - 600lb camel load 8/mile

Freight - ass load 4/mile

Freight between places:
------------------------------------------------------------------Alexandria to Rome for 1 army modius 16
Alexandria to Nicomedia " 12
Alexandria to Byzan[um " 12
Alexandria to Dalma[a " 18
Alexandria to Aquileia " 24
Alexandria to Africa " 10
Alexandria to Sicily " 10
Alexandria to Ephesus " 8
Alexandria to Thessalonica " 12
Alexandria to Pamphylia " 6

Asia to Rome " 16
Asia to Africa " 8
Asia to Dalma[a " 12

Africa to Salona " 18
Africa to Sicily " 6
Africa to Spain " 8
Africa to the Gauls " 4
Africa to Achea " 12

-----------------------------------------------------------------Farm Laborer 25/day
Carpenter 50/day
Wall painter 75/day
Picture painter 150/day
Baker 50/day
Shipwright, sea 60/day
Shipwright, river 50/day
Camel or ass driver 25/day
Shepherd 20/day
Mule driver 25/day
Vet, clipping hooves 6/animal
Vet, bleeding & head cleaning 20/animal
Barber 2/person
Sewer Cleaner 25/day
Scribe, 100 lines of best wri[ng 25/day
Scribe, 100 lines second quality 20/day
Notary, Legal document, 100 lines 10/day
Elementary Teacher 50/boy/month
Arithme[c Teacher 75/boy/month
Shorthand Teacher 75/boy/month
Teacher - Greek, La[n, literature, & geometry 200/boy/month
Teacher - Rhetoric, public speaking 250/boy/month

Teacher - Architecture 100/boy/month

Advocate or Jurist fee 250/complaint 1,000/pleading
Check room ahendant 2/bather
Crapsman working 1lb of gold 5,000

Now you blood-thirsty types out there may have no[ced one profession not
men[oned in the wage list: soldiers. My co-JM (Tim Francis, who actually
dug up this list) and I are not done with our research at this point, but the
general picture is becoming clear - soldiers get paid dirt. One gure we
have obtained for a century earlier has roman legionaries gejng paid 750
denarii a year MINUS maintenance, which ate up AT LEAST half their salary per
year. What this means is that a typical legionnaire made maybe 350-500
denarii a year (adjusted for ina[on), compared to a sewer cleaner who made
maybe 3,900 denarii a year, and a baker who made nearly 8,000 denarii a year
(guring a 6 day work week). Of course soldiers got to plunder the
territory they took, but if you had a peaceful year or only fought poor
barbarians, you were broke.

Hope you nd this as useful as I did.

Mah Berry
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 01:39:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Kelthar@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: Trigger (or: Bea[ng a dead horse) :)

Triggers again?

I limit the number of Trigger cas[ngs an HP can have in eect at a given
[me. Generally 1 mobile and one xed (sta[onary).

I s'pose one could limit the number based on MRPow or some other ahribute.

The original limit was setup due to a game session that went something like

HP: Ouch, I got hit for 5 points. Oh, well. The good news is that the
damage triggered my Physical Armor Cantrip, Quicken, Flight, oh yeah, and my
Elemental Armor Cantrip. Lets see was that all?

Maybe a limit of one mobile and MRPow xed would be appropriate.

Rick C.
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 04:05:19 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>

Subject: Re: Trigger (or: Bea[ng a dead horse) :)

"Interes[ng idea, but if as you propose, heka is not stored in a Trigger,
what happens when the mage is several hundred miles away (or on another
plane, for that maher) when the triggered cas[ng goes o? Does it
simply fail, unable to draw o the necessary heka?"

My ra[onale is as follows: The trigger aects a Cas[ng set by the
prac[[oner under whatever condi[ons are desired. If the prac[[oner has
enough personal Heka to power it when the condi[ons are met, the Cas[ng
Eect ac[vates; if not, the Heka is drained o and wasted. Because it
aects a Cas[ng and not an area (I am talking about the rst use of the
Cas[ng here, not the second as men[oned in the E/F/M), it cannot be lep
"behind" on an object except where the object has been prepared and imbued
with Heka through Alchemy or Heka-Forging. If any dweomercraeper could set
a Cas[ng to go o anywhere at any [me by using "Trigger Eect" it would
make a good deal of the Heka-Forging K/S area unnecessary, as well as make
"Trigger Eect" exceedingly powerful for a Grade I Cas[ng. I would allow
my HPs to do magickal research on a higher Grade Specic Cas[ng that also
stored Heka if they wished, keeping game balance in mind. I do believe in
rewarding player crea[vity, but I don't want to hand them an undefeatable
I haven't allowed my HPs to explore other Planes yet due to lack of crea[on
[me. (I can't get one day to devote to Mythus, let alone seven. . .)
However, I don't see where that would be a problem for the prac[[oner's
personal Cas[ngs, which travel along with him/her. (Naturally, I limit
which Cas[ngs may be set up with a TE to those in the HP's Known &
Recallable list.) Most of the eects a character would like to set are
personal defence Triggers, anyway, (e.g., "Armor, Mental" is ac[vated upon
the forging of a Menatl Link with the protected persona), so I don't think
it's too powerful.
There are s[ll other aspects of "Trigger Eect" I would like to discuss
(for example, how the Cas[ng "detects" its ac[va[ng condi[ons), but this
pos[ng is already too long. If we s[ll had MMM I'd write an ar[cle about
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 04:33:42 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Trigger (or: Bea[ng a dead horse) :)

Since none of my players has a Full Prac[[oner, I've found that they
voluntarily limit their Trigger Eects to a few in order to keep from losing
half their Heka every [me they get ahacked. This is especially true when
the Cas[ng in ques[on is one which allows them to add Heka for an Eect
(such as the "Armor, Physical" men[oned in Kelthar's pos[ng) because I
force them to pick a value when they set the trigger. Thus, an HP who sets
all three "Armors" plus "Quicken" plus "Flight" plus "Elemental Armor" is

going to spend 210 Heka just in base Heka costs. Assuming an MR CATEGORY of
50 and no extra [me/weight on the Flight cantrip (and remember, the type of
Elemental Armor is unchangeable once set) we're talking 360 Heka sucked out
of the prac[[oner's personal supply before the bahle gets rolling. In
combina[on with the "no vol[on" rule I've set, I nd it works well for us.
However, I'd like more comments on my idea. What situa[ons or condi[ons
haven't I thought of? I want to set a consistent tone for my players.
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 08:50:40 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: Sir Sandford Fleming College
Subject: Re: A Call for Traps

I read your message and I have a trap for you. It isn't really
brilliant but it is VERY deadly!

The group(or single character) are walking down a set of stairs, when
all of a sudden the stairs fall at. This creats a big slide (lots
of fun, weee.) However at the bohom of the slide is a spinning
column that is covered in various spikes and blades (ouch). If the
characters can't avoid the column (dodge) they also get slammed into
the wall aper thier marry lihle ride.

It told ya it wasn't brilliant but it is eec[ve.


..curiousity killed the cat, but it never met a cat this big!
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 10:32:44 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Dandikkus (New Disgus[ng Monster 4 Mythus)

Cool monster, but suscep[ble to *salt* ? Living in a delta, one would think
these beas[es would be in contact with the sea from [me to [me... Just a

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/13/95 * Time: 10:32:44

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved

Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 13:31:45 -0600

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Fri Jan 13 13:31:13 1995
I no[ced a few of the posts last week men[oned how major [des on Aerth (of
war, peace, etc) are echoed in Phaeree as well; Mike Phillips and Jared Hale
were discussing that topic I believe. I couldn't nd the specic reference
in Epic of Aerth, but I like the idea anyway. So......I recently have started
a Aeuropan-Wide war to provide a few years for my HPs to gain experience and
advance in their k/s areas. Many have grumbled that I am constantly throwing
adventures their way and that therefore they have no [me o to do the things
they want to now I'm giving them some [me.....

My ques[on is...any ideas on how Phaeree might spill over into Aeuropa because
of the con[nent-wide conict?
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 16:02:09 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Fri Jan 13 15:41:31 1995
Fwd: teskej->
My apologies for not responding in a [mely fashion to a bunch of debates on
the net.

(1) It is s[ll unclear from the response to my rst post on the net what
exactly opinion is regarding the exclusivity of Astrology cas[ngs. On page
177 of MM, "note in general, the dweomer conferred by an Astrology cas[ng is
exclusive of all other kinds...However, two special <cas[ngs> allow the
intermixture of other heka. See Decan and Ascendant below." Ascendant Cantrip
allows the subject to have 2 of the "Inuence of" cas[ngs in opera[on at the
same [me. Decan allows its subject to have up 2 other kinds of Cas[ng
eects ac[ve upon the subject of the cas[ng at the same [me as an Astrology
dweomer. To quote Decan, "Note that without this <cas[ng>...this is not
possible, save with regard to...Heka-engendered powers which are innate and not
laid through cas[ngs."
My ques[on is how other GMs are handling the above situa[on. Do you let
the Astrology cas[ngs automa[cally disjoin other cas[ngs? (such as a nasty
witchcraep cas[ng that a nasty GM :) might have cast) or do you simply not
allow other cas[ngs to be ac[ve when the HP has an Astrology cas[ng ac[ve
on them, that is, not allow other cas[ngs to be cast when the Astrology
dweomer is ac[ve? Or simply apply the above rules to Astrology alone-ie.
Decan is simply a more powerful Ascendant cantrip, and other dweomers may s[ll
be ac[ve on the subject, just not Astrology cas[ngs? Some of the above are
answers that have already been proposed.
I kinda also get the sense that other people have just chosen to ignore

this restric[on of Astrology. However, supposing the preface to the Astrology

cas[ngs on page 177 is literal, and ALL other heka is excluded by Astrology
cas[ngs, how would GMs out there rule this, especially in light of the texts
of both Ascendant and Decan? (in theory, if not in actual game-playing)

(2) Perhaps the most elegant solu[on I have seen to Trigger Eect Formula,
and the mul[tude of problems it causes, is that of the following:
(1) each HP may have only one trigger eect cast upon them at one
(2) allow only a certain amount of trigger eects to co-exist in a 10'
by 10' by 10' area
Jus[ca[on for the second point follows somewhat along these lines:
(1) Trigger eect itself is a somewhat unstable spell
(2) Too many triggers in one area "trigger" each other and set each other
Aper all, hold eect seems to do what trigger does, and is a higher level
spell. I have set them apart by sta[ng hold eect is a more stable cas[ng.
My players thus far have not abused this cas[ng, mainly because of the
second s[pula[on. As far as the number of triggers that can exist in a
10x10x10 area, my current limit is 4, but if someone came up with a truly
game-warping combina[on of sta[onary triggers, I may be mo[vated to adjust
this number downwards....
Last year the discussion of trigger eect focused on its sta[onary
nature, with many people arguing that TE could not be cast on a person or a
mobile object.
Also, the earlier sugges[on of lejng each HP have only one TE ac[ve on
themselves and on <sta[onary> TE seems like a good solu[on also.
I'll give credit where credit is due: A. Stalker, another member of this
list, is the originator of this idea.

Just my $.02. Comments always welcome.

$$HRComments by teskej Fri Jan 13 16:06:05 1995
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 20:05:20 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: I give...

MMM = Mythic Masters Magazine. A truly excellent magazine that the Mythus gang
put out before "The Fall." No adver[zing (except for their own)..pure good

Dangerous Ideas = my occasional thing. D.I. #5 will hopefully be out later on
tonight. I will add you to the I to assume you will want the older

Mah Pearson--If you read this, I tried to rep. to your babson account and it
said you didn't exist...

Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 20:07:12 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Economics

Excellent excellent excellent! What BUC system? Sure it's cool, but real
costs are a ton beher!! :)

Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 19:58:32 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Trigger (or: Bea[ng a dead horse) :)

I have the players pay the heka cost of the cas[ngs during the cas[ng of the
original triger
_and_the_player_does_not_recover_that_heka_un[l_the_trigger_goes o.

In other words... if a character sinks 350 heka into a triggered eect and his
normal total maximum heka is 1000, his ac[ng total maximum heka capacity is
650 [ll that trigger goes o... no maher how much res[ng or what have you,
his opera[ng pool is lowered by the trigger amount. And they dont' get to use
things like resevoirs to power triggers... has to be personal heka...
explana[on goes something like 'can't feed what is, in eect, a heka resevoir
with heka from another resevoir... it's like paying overdrap fees with a
credit card from the same bank.
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 20:01:50 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: war

rst o, the aeropa version of phaeree would become heavily embroiled in
conict, and since this is war we're talking about... the unseelie would begin
to hold considerable sway in the fair-lands... which in turn means phaerees
going to get even nas[er than normal :)


Date: Sat, 14 Jan 1995 10:29:00 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Economics Errata

I just wanted to point out an ambiguity/ mistake in my Economics pos[ng
that John Peters brought to my ahen[on. The price for a pound of gold
coins is 50,000 (py thousand) denarii. I forgot a zero on the end.
Likewise, a pound of drawn gold is worth 12,000 (twelve thousand) denarii.
Sorry about the mistake.
And just to head o some future ques[ons: Yes, worked silver is worth
only 62 denarii a pound. Gold was apparently much more valuable, almost
1,000 [mes more valuable, than silver. This helps explain why most of the
roman coins I have seen are silver. I did some calcula[ons based on weight
and found that a gold coin approximately the size of a quarter would be worth
about 2,000 denarii, or half a year's pay for a sewer cleaner. It's not like
many people are going to carry around a pouch full of gold coins to go to the

Mah Berry
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 1995 10:48:30 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: AEropan Conict & Phaeree
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 13 Jan 1995, Dr. John Teske Jr. wrote:

> I no[ced a few of the posts last week men[oned how major [des on Aerth (of
> war, peace, etc) are echoed in Phaeree as well; Mike Phillips and Jared Hale
> were discussing that topic I believe. I couldn't nd the specic reference
> in Epic of Aerth, but I like the idea anyway.

Epic of AErth, p. 20, second column, towards the top.

> My ques[on is...any ideas on how Phaeree might spill over into Aeuropa because
> of the con[nent-wide conict?

Sure! To borrow some earlier ideas from John Troy (supplemented with
some others):

(1) Slaugh war-bands, as the conict erupts in Phaeree as well,
enslaving locals to serve in their armies on the Other Side.

(2) Epic of AErth (same area) remarks that Phaeree serve as advisors in
many if not most governments, so the Seelie advisors would mostly return
home to save their lands, and in some areas would be replaced by Unseelie.

(3) A small Drow war-band (stats in MMM somewhere), maybe a Drake coming
through or something.

Or, perhaps nas[est of all, the Unseelie (or Seelie) are aware of the
nature of the link, and try to swing the conict one way or the other,
resul[ng in Fay v. Slaugh and Seelie diplomats trying to nego[ate an
early peace, while the Unseelie try to keep things s[rred up.

All in all, *very* many possibili[es.....

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
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Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
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Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 1995 19:06:50 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: BluSponge@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: Dandikkus (New Disgus[ng Monster 4 Mythus)

True Dave, True. I gured it would have some slug-like tendencies here and

I forgot to men[on afew things (like a Commentary/Descrip[on entry):

The dandikkus is a land dwelling mollusc similar to an octopus. It has eight
legs lined with cups and small hooks (combina[on of standard octopus and a
giant squid - have fun!). Its mouth is beak like. It's skin can ship in
color to match its surroundings (as per Chameleon power). These creatures
are solitary and VERY terrotorial. They will only be encountered in pairs
when they come together to mate. JM's who care are lep to deal with stats
for the young.
As for ahacks, these creatures like to conceal their bodies in thick brush
(for defense against missiles such as spears, darts, or arrows) and allow
their ten[cals to s[rke and crush the life from their vic[ms. They will
rarely use their bite ahack unless they have been closed upon by ahackers.

That's about it for the Dandikkus.

Date: Sun, 15 Jan 1995 22:37:31 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Kelthar@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: Trigger (or: Bea[ng a dead horse) :)


Two comments, one: the Heka is used when the trigger is set, so if the HP
has rested it's not a problem.

two: I believe the Armor: M/S/P are mutually exclusive.

In any case, one above generally (not always) negates this limita[on of the
trigger cas[ng. It is, however, valid in the case of the shorter lived
Hold Eects cas[ng.

Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 03:03:19 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Noche@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: A Call for Traps

My favorite traps have to be the double trap. This is placed well in the
adventure aper all the obvious single traps, i.e. oor traps, falling
rocks, blades and such. Where I usually put them is on a door. The rst
no[ceable trap is spider silk tripwire trap linked to say a toxic gas. The
second is always obscured by magick and is always triggered at the same
loca[on as the rst. The result is usually the same as the rst, but I
have been known to vary results. I don't play much with magickal traps but
the thought has crossed my mind several [mes. Some of my favorite are the
sliding wall revealing a magnet, release of acid, and the "new" monster
(usually something I completely created on a spur of the moment.) This is
also the trap I use when I have given my HP's something too powerful and now
want it back.

Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 22:09:23 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Tue Jan 17 22:09:10 1995
Hello Again Everyone.

In a con[nuing series, I obtained more work on the "Magical Devices" from my

playing group this past weekend. Their ideas follow for the next 3-5 posts (I
am not sure how much space this will all take me to type in).

Again, comments and cri[cisms always welcome.


PS. Just to be sure everyone is informed....this is a con[nuing series of
detailing the Magical Devices listed in the Epic of Aerth book, with each
na[on being assigned to a number of writers in my gaming group, or one of the
volunteers I have obtained through this list. ANyone else interested--feel
free to let me know by private email.
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 22:10:39 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: gullerud@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fwd: teskej->

The war leader of Aetheope wears a magnicent girdle adorned with the
manes of 12 lions which must have been among the largest ever to live on
Aerth. Each mane is rumored to confer a power on the wearer, and together
makes Aetheopes armies feared when led by one wearing this item.

Some of the powers said to be granted by this item include: special
successes on any check involving leadership or military science, complete
invulerability to physical ahack, and a roar which paralyzes en[re
enemy armies with fear while lending strength to friendly forces.


Deep in the royal vaults of Aragon lies a legendary sword used by Atlantl
during its rise and conquest of surrounding lands. At the raise of this
blade, the sea itself became a weapon, destroying enemy ships and coastal
defenses. The bearer of this sword is also said to exert control over the
weather, able to aect en[re na[ons with natural disasters un[l they
would surrender.

A fragment of legend has surfaced hin[ng that this sword has one weakness,

and that this aw led to the nal downfall of the Atlantl Empire. What that
weakness might be is unknown.


This dangerous item is rumored to be in the possession of Aragon. It is
always lled with what appears to be water. Sages report that drinking from
this chalice allows one to travel through the Aetherial Plane, visi[ng other
universes. Many who have dared to drink from this device have never returned,
leading to specula[on that the ability to travel does not last very long.

This chalice has another, possibly more dangerous power. In extremis,
dumping the contents of the chalice on the ground will open a portal, through
which something will emerge to aid the bearer. This is not always
advantageous. It is reported that, when this item was stolen by bandits,
the leader used this power when cornered by a squad of royal guards.
Diviners could determine lihle from the remains, except that something
called "epeen" killed all on both sides.


There are conic[ng reports on the proper[es of this item. One states
that anyone wearing this medallion, even the lowliest begger, will become one
of the most powerful heros of the land. It bestows +10 to each ATTRIBUTE
score, and doubles all STEEPs. A number of other skills are also conferred,
along with full prac[[oner status.

The other report states that the medallion will summon a group of heros,
who will be suited to deal with a declared problem. Some say that the heros
are compelled to obey, while others state that the group must be bargained
with to gain coopera[on. Aragon has ocially denied both rumors.


This war machine's origins are unknown. Because of it's terrible power,
it has rarely seen actual bahle. Eyewitness accounts have described the
automaton as a giant metallic beast, almost 50 feet in length. It bears
an uncanny resemblance to a turtle, though its legs and head are
propor[onally longer than a normal turtle. It is said that the device
can follow complex commands, and needs no one to guide it once it sets out.

The automaton is said to travel by both water and land with equal speed,
almost that of a galloping horse. No magickal or physical ahack has been
able to pierce its metal hide, nor has magick served to slow or confuse it.
When ahacking, the automaton uses brute force, smashing through
for[ca[ons and armies with ease. If it has any other means of ahack,
it has either not been needed or recorded by history.

It is said that the turtle can be made helpless if it is rolled onto its
back, if one can nd a way to lip such a massive object.

Strange things have been occuring in Benin ever since a ery meteor
fell within its boundaries, and was brought to the king as a curiousity.
Since then, the king has displayed knowlegde of many things outside Benin's
realm, well before any messengers arrive. He also appears to have become
a master Astrologer, spending nights observing the stars. Though he never
has been seen to sleep, the king shown no sign of weariness.

Stranger yet are the reports of unexplained misfortunes befalling enemies
of Benin and poli[cal opponents of the king. The weather around the
capital city has become increasingly unsehled, with thunder echoing during
clear days, and clouds slowly spiraling inward. Some say that the royal
archmage is becoming concerned that the meteor is draining heka from a
huge area, for some unknowable purpose.

Ambassadors from Benin have reassured all that none of these wild rumors
have any truth to them.
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jan 17 22:14:05 1995
The above items were created by Steven Gullerud.
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 22:12:00 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: gullerud@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fwd: teskej->

The capital city of Bohemia has been long surrounded by a wall of
ranseurs, said to be a tribute to warriors who made a successful stand against
invaders at great loss of life. Aper more recent bahles in the na[on,
word has come back that this hedge actually animates to defend the city when
it is threatened by hos[le forces. The ranseurs act either individualy or
in concert as necessary. Each weapon behaves as if wielded by a
weaponsmaster of at least 70 STEEP, and con[nues ahacking un[l all foes
are slain or ed. Even aerial assult is said to be thwarted by this
defense. Magickal ahacks, if severe, will result in a sec[on of the
hedge separa[ng from the city to deal with those responsible. Ranseurs
which are destroyed are said to return to bahle in minutes.


Said to be a gip from Odin himself, this tree appears as a normal large
apple tree, save that its fruit is made of precious metals. Gold,
oricalcum, hekalite, and pla[num are all said to be found on this amazing
tree. The purity of these metals rivals the achievements of the Dwarven
metalsmiths. Each month, a number of fruit drop to the ground, which are
quickly collected and used to boost the na[on's treasury.

If the need is great, addi[onal fruit can be picked from the tree itself.
However, rumor states that Odin has decreed that each fruit picked from the
tree will reduce the harvest of Bohemia's farmers. So far, no king has
needed funds badly enough to test this.


These stone pillars are rumored to by in Bohemia's possession. Legend
states that the oriental script covering these blocks were made by the creator
of Taoism. One very skilled in mys[cism can understand the secrets
revealed there and thus take advantage of the blocks' power.

When seated between the stones, a mys[c can achieve a deep medita[on,
from which Tao, a basic force of the universe, can be used. Supposedly,
the mys[c can alter reality in any way imaginable, save that life cannot
be destroyed, either directly or indirectly though this power. Some
speculate that this power is more limited and that for anything created,
something equivalent must be destroyed. While the mys[c can control one
aspect, the blocks choose the other to maintain harmony. The danger inherent
in this limita[on may explain why there has been no evidence of the blocks'


This gem-encrusted statue can be seen displayed over the throne of Bulgaria.
Rumors have surfaced that this is more than a mere statue, but instead grants
several abili[es to the righkul king. At any [me, the hawk will grant
sight and hearing from any point in the skies above Bulgaria. Heka, magick,
PMMs and NPMs can all be detected, and cannot be hidden through illusions or
heka masking. If events are occuring that require ahen[on, the hawk will
take ini[a[ve and grant sight of them to the king.

It is said that if the king's life should ever be threatened, the hawk will

animate and use formidable oensive and defensive powers to protect him.
This has never been put to the test, and may well be unfounded.


Skildo is the fabled rst king of Bulgaria. His weapons were gips from
the gods, and have been preserved by the country to this day. The lance
of Skildo is a weapon of incredible power. One wielding this lance cannot
be unhorsed, and inicts damage double than with a normal heavy lance.
Shields and armor struck by this weapon will be completely destroyed and oer
no protec[on from the ahack.

A worthy hero wielding the lance will ahract a force of fana[cal horsemen
from the peoples of Bulgaria. The lance will lend them increased skill, so
that they ght beher than elite cavalries of other countries. This force
will follow any commands and will never rout so long as one with the lance
leads them.


The longbow of Skildo is at least as powerful as the lance. Arrows launched
from the bow will unerringly strike the intented target, and always hit an
ultra-vital spot. It is said that the range of this bow is triple that of
a standard longbow. One wielding this bow is immune to any missile ahacks.

A worthy hero wielding this bow will ahract a force of fana[cal infantry
from the peoples of Bulgaria. This infantry will be expert bowmen, even if
individuals do not possess the skill. This army will follow any command of
the hero, and will never rout so long as they are led by one wielding the bow.

The priests of Bulgaria have passed down a legend that no mortal may
wield both lance and bow and live, save one. That one will arrive when
the kingdom of Bulgaria is at the brink of defeat and no hope remains.


This huge tome is supposedly the diary of the rst mortal set upon the
world of Aerth. This mortal, known only as Eldest, lived for millenia,
recording all he saw on both Aerth and later Phaeree. This diary is lled
with descrip[ons of fantas[c creatures, many of which have disappeared from
both worlds.

One who dares to read aloud one of the passages from this tome will summon
the creature described in the par[cular passage. This person is temporarily
granted some of the gips possessed by the Eldest, and can request a favor from
the beast, which will understand and be willing to help. Once the creature
has completed the request, if possible, it will return to the deeps of [me

from whence it came.

Legend states that a person reading too long from this tome will lose
their sanity, and imagine that they are in the ancient world described by
the Folio.
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jan 17 22:15:41 1995
The above items were also created by Steven Gullerud.
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 22:54:23 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Jan 16 08:15:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->

White Leopard Armor - This armor grants +10 to all mental k/s areas as well as
all combat areas, inuence, magne[sm, charisma[cism, and leadership. The
wearer also gains -20 to ini[a[ve in addi[on to any other bonuses conferred
by spell or skill, 2 Joss per BT of combat, and +10 to both Mental and
Physical Percep[ons. Although all of these powers are conferred to a single
en[ty, the item also reputedly has the ability to grant some or all of them to
a large numbers of people for a limited dura[on.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jan 17 22:17:51 1995
Bell of the Blood-Demon Fiends - This bell, when rung, calls forth a squad of
24 blood demon-ends, under control of the user of the device, to cause chaos,
destruc[on, and death/mayhem, all for the appropriate fee. (These creatures
are not called BLOOD demon-ends for nothing!) Of course, for a higher price,
acts that promote jus[ce, truth and harmony/crea[on can also be performed by
these creatures. It is rumored that the bell can be used to control the
ends, as they are par[cularly suscep[ble to its tone, but older legends do
record a number of the bell's users as having been vic[ms of the demon-ends
and their fury, so perhaps explaining its RARE use.


Celes[al Apparatus - This fantas[c device gives its user a STEEP of 240, not
limited by S trait, in the 3 k/s areas of Ethos of Sunlight, Astrology, and
Ethos of Moonlight, with the special ability of doubling all chances for
special successes. A prerequisite for using this device is that the user MUST
have ONE of the 3 areas as a regular (not heka-engendered/item-granted) skill.
It is rumored that the device is a HUGE astrolabe-type item, only being so lar
as to require nearly a cathedral to contain it (!), but only the heads of
Cas[le know for sure its exact dimensions. They do however sco at the
popular legend that the Apparatus is but a simple prism of tremedous powers.
In any case, this device seems especially adept at making rainbows, and Cas[le

is well-known for its frequent and brilliant rainbows. It should also be

noted that the present whereabouts of this item are unknown.

Rainbow Baton - This device seems especially suited to be used in concert with
the Celes[al Apparatus above. When not in the presence of a rainbow, this
item is merely a 7500 point general heka reservoir. In the presence of a
rainbow, however, this item shows its true power. Rumor has it that the
presence of the rainbow then grants the Baton terrible destruc[ve powers, one
for each respec[ve color of the rainbow, at the cost of nearly 1000 heka per
use. Reputedly, each power is capable of destroying hundreds of thousands in
mass combat, with red being re, yellow-dehydra[on, green-poison gas, bluelightning, and purple-radia[on. Orange and indigo have unknown damage types.


Knife of Nethersummoning - This item allows, according to popular legend, the
conjura[on of things well beyond the skills of all other mortals - the Knife
cuts out a unique summoning circle and thus the creature/item...or
skill...desired somehow materializes inside the summoning circle. It is
rumored that this item is especially adept at summoning creatures from the
Temporal Plane (from some bizarre old Cre[an reference referring to the Plane
of Time as a Nether Plane).

Minoan Doubleaxe - This item supposedly was made by the Sepia School of
Dweomercraep, now long dead, but once famous Aerthcraepers. It can open
ssures to swallow armies and opponents, as well as being an excellent weapon
in combat. It is +30 to BAC, grants quadruple ahacks, with a speed factor of
-10, and legendarily cannot be parried, for when it is parried, a "double" of
the axe comes to strike the opponent from the opposite direc[on. It works as
long as its owner is touching the Aerth, otherwise becomeing a plain +15 axe.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jan 17 22:57:23 1995
The above items were created by John Teske.
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 23:35:40 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Tue Jan 17 23:03:58 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->

Nine Neteru Axes - The axes are rumored to be weapons and symbols of the
general of Neteru - an ancient and long-forgohen pharoah. The axes were used
to show the power of Neteru's army and had the ability to inspire the troops by
the mere presence. It is said that Neteru always knew the loca[on of his
forces and could make his commands be known to his men though he could not lead

them himself, the axes may have been used to communicate over long distances.
It is also said that any emporer with all the axes in loyal subjects hands
could never be defeated.

Ur-Hakau of Imhotep $$HRComments by teskej Tue Jan 17 23:12:13 1995
The Ur-hakau is known by name only, as it is an invisble ar[fact that hides
its true nature even to the possessor. The only known property is its mass and
weight; measured, the item itself seems to be made of mys[cal gold. It is
rumored to enable the possessor secure items, rooms, people, spells, etc.
totally undetectable. Conversa[ons are made safe from overhearing in the
items presence. However, the bearers of the item have been known to vanish
without a trace. Lastly it is rumored that the item is a powerful en[ty taht
co0llects experiences and will bargain away knowledge it has absorbed for
por[ons of its possessor's soul.

Aten Ankh - This sacred relic was the prize of Akhen-Aten, the blasphemorous
Pharoah of old. Akhen-Aten proclaimed himself the God of the sun and changed
many religious tenets and prac[ces at his own whim. The Ankh was said to have
been made by a powerful Thaumaturge that had a special bond with the powers of
Sunlight, and who was also slavishly loyal to the Pharoah. He is said to s[ll
serve his Pharoah as the spirit that powers the Ankh. Furthermore, it is said
that any who wield the Ankh can summon the Pure Light of the Sun, no maher the
weather or [me of day, having devasta[ng eects on the undead. The Unliving
were frequent opponents of Akhen-Aten, and did nally cause his downfall. Any
who wield the device, it is said, fall under a powerful charm to revive the
dead religion of Akhen-Aten, or risk being cast into eternal darkness.

Mace of Narmer - This item was Narmer's hand of jus[ce, appearing anywhere
that there was indelity or treasonous acts being comihed anywhere in the
realm of Aegypt. (Narmer is a long dead Pharoah.) It is said that the mace
would appear to slaves and peasants, transforming those who grasped it into an
avatar of Narmer, and subsequently smi[ng all evil in the area. Those that
resisted the transforma[on would never be seen again aper the deed was
accomplished. Faithful servants, however, would see their families raised up
to the court of the Pharoah for their service.

Grimoire of the Pharoah Nectamebus - The Grimoire is said to have been given
to the Pharoah by a prophet who received it from the heavens - the Pharoah slew
the prophet for not obeying the e[quehe of his Court, and this event
subsequently enacted the curse on this item. The Grimoire is said to be the
ul[mate cas[ng list, having all known spells listed therein. Spells are
wrihen in an alien tongue, perhaps from a phaeree or extra-terrestrial source,
requiring the use of transla[on spells to make use of the book. Lastly, the
possessor of the book will be plagued by social mishaps - he/she will miss
e[quehe rolls and cause themselves a great deal of trouble.

Golden Crook and Ebon Flail - This is another item held by a long-forgohen
ruler. The Crook and the Flail were used to subjugate all who beheld them.
The Crook inspires loyalty in all viewing it, bypassing all resistances. The

Flail inspires fear, bypassing all resistance as well The possessor soon
becomes a megalomaniac, as well as becoming paranoid, and will not willingly
part with the items; it is not precisely known how these items accomplish this.

That's all for now....perhaps a few more later this week or early next week.
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jan 17 23:38:52 1995
PS. The above items were created by Mark Mastej.
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 02:14:52 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Edward Bromley <EPB3@AOL.COM>
Subject: Heka Reservoirs

Heka Reservoirs ("HRs")

This pos[ng, and those that will hopefully follow, is designed to clarify
the exis[ng rules (though I will not repeat them) as well as esh out and
add to such rules.

As many players may have no[ced, although ini[al PCs with spell cas[ng
capabili[es tend to have a large number of heka points, intermediary STEEP
and higher STEEP PCs gain only a rela[vely small number of addi[onal heka
points as their STEEPs rise. It appears that the Mythus game system may have
been purposely designed this way because HRs were expected to be an integral
part of the spell cas[ng system (Dave, is this correct?). As PCs (and NPCs)
gain in experience, it is likely that they will nd, or be able to create,
new and/or addi[onal HRs.

For a good example of HRs in fantasy literature I recommend reading Larry
Niven's "The Magic Goes Away" Copyright 1978 by Larry Niven, "The Magic May
Return" Copyright by Larry Niven, and "More Magic" Copyright 1984 by Larry
Niven, Bob Shaw, Dian Girard and Roger Zelazny. See also "The Mana Crisis,
An Apprecia[on" by Sandra Miesel in the "Magic Goes Away." The stories in
these volumes use the concept of mana in a manner which is synonymous with
the use of heka in Mythus. (Note, however, that in Mythus, mana and heka are
related but not completely synonymous). The magicians in the stories use
objects which contain stores of mana which they draw upon in [me of need.

The rules of the game provide for two types of HRs: General Purpose and
Dedicated Purpose Reservoirs. As their names imply, General Purpose
Reservoirs may be used for any purpose, whereas Dedicated Purpose Reservoirs
may only be used for specic purposes. See MM15. Perhaps the most
important dis[nc[on between the two types of reservoirs (other than their
purposes) is the fact that characters can employ only a limited number of
General Purpose Reservoirs: All characters are able to use one reservoir. In
addi[on, characters with the Dweomercrap K/S may u[lize one addi[onal HR
for each Dweomercrap sub-area. All characters may u[lize an unlimited
number of Dedicated Purpose Reservoirs.

Reservoirs can take many forms. The discussion of HRs in Mythus Magic lists
three (3) dierent forms. However, a review of the various K/S areas and
other rules indicate or suggest a number of addi[onal forms of HRs.
Following is a suggested list of various forms of HRs:

1. Glyph inscribed items
2. Pentacles
3. Pyramids
4. Crystals (including gem and mineral reagents)
5. Reagents, biological/herbal
6. Cas[ng created items (ex. Hekaberry Spell)
7. Miscellaneous magic items (ex. Witch's bohle)
8. Fe[shes, spirits, outer planar creatures
9. Other human(oid)s

The ease with which any of the above listed HR forms can be used varies
considerably. The easiest, if in fact they can be found, are crystals and
reagants. These forms of HRs innately act as HRs and can be used as such
without the need for prepara[on by the Caster. As is the case with other
forms of HRs, some of these are rechargeable, some are self-recharging and
others may only be used once.

Glyph inscribed items require prepara[on by a persona with the Dweomercrap
K/S area. However, even an introductory character can create a simple
version of such a HR. Similarly, introductory or mid-STEEP PCs may have
access to cas[ngs which enable fairly easy HR crea[on. The other forms of
HRs require signicant work to create.

Instead of preparing a single monstrously long document on HRs, I hope to
prepare further pos[ngs with respect to Dedicated Purpose Reservoirs and
each of the above HR types. If anybody has any ques[ons, comments,
thoughts, etc. that they think should be addressed, incorporated, etc. please
let me know. I am also curious as to the extent people are using HRs in
their campaigns.
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 08:24:56 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Jan 19 08:16:09 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Here are two addi[onal items created by Mark Mastej. I plan to post more next
week. In case there are any new-comers, currently I am working on detailing
rumors of all the Magical Devices listed in Epic of Aerth.


Sphinx Legions Talisman - This item summons legions of sphinxes (sphinx?), each
being unique in form, having dierent heads on lion bodies. Each sphinx is

capable of spellcas[ng as well, and obeys the bearer of the talisman. It is

rumored that only a devout follower of Thoth - the Aegyp[an God of Knowledge
-may use the talisman. Any non-follower will be asked a riddle by a sphinx if
they touch the item. If they answer correctly, they will receive a book of
spells of all cas[ngs in their major area(s); if they fail, the sphinx then
kills them.


The Seat of Wisdom - There is a rock on the slope of the land's highest peak
that is said to impart perfect (40 in all traits) Spiritual Trait for as long
as it is sat upon. It is supposedly the site of death of a prophet, and will
instantly slay anyone who tries to move the rock, swallowing them up in a
ssure that extends to the center of the world.

$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jan 19 08:24:10 1995
Steve Gullerud and I are nearly nished on heka-forging; exam and work are
slowing or progress respec[vely. Our deadline s[ll remains the end of this
month. (PLEASE be pa[ent.)

Also, I nally got [me to put into use the spell point system given in the
list a few months ago. VERY interes[ng! I thought it worked well, and gave
about the same number of spells that normally got given in my campaign, but
gave the players more of a choice.

As always, comments and sugges[ons always welcome.

Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 09:37:49 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka Reservoirs

>Heka Reservoirs ("HRs")
>This pos[ng, and those that will hopefully follow, is designed to clarify
>the exis[ng rules (though I will not repeat them) as well as esh out and
>add to such rules.
>As many players may have no[ced, although ini[al PCs with spell cas[ng
>capabili[es tend to have a large number of heka points, intermediary STEEP
>and higher STEEP PCs gain only a rela[vely small number of addi[onal heka
>points as their STEEPs rise. It appears that the Mythus game system may have
>been purposely designed this way because HRs were expected to be an integral
>part of the spell cas[ng system (Dave, is this correct?). As PCs (and NPCs)

>gain in experience, it is likely that they will nd, or be able to create,

>new and/or addi[onal HRs.

Yes. I kind of envisioned the old wisewoman walking down the lane with pouches
full of herbs, crystals and other charged gems in various pockets.

As the HPs rise in SEC, we have to give them *something* to do with all that
money, right (Jeez, cut and prepared HR gems are expensive!) <grin>.

You've obviously read the sec[ons carefully, and it looks like you've got the
material correct. For those of you out there who like the idea, but don't want
to hassle with complexity, adapt the chart in Mythus prime. Gary & I tried to
make it logical and simple, and I think we succeeded.

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/19/95 * Time: 09:37:50

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 11:29:24 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Michael Hill <mhill@UMR.EDU>
Subject: Re: Heka Reservoirs
In-Reply-To: <> from "Edward Bromley"
at Jan 19, 95 02:14:52 am

> General Purpose Reservoirs: All characters are able to use one reservoir. In
> addi[on, characters with the Dweomercrap K/S may u[lize one addi[onal HR
> for each Dweomercrap sub-area. All characters may u[lize an unlimited
> number of Dedicated Purpose Reservoirs.

It was my understanding that a HP was limited to one Heka Reservoir
(whether it be General or Dedicted Purpose) plus an addi[onal HR (again,
either General or Dedicated Purpose) for each Dweomercraep sub-area.

Mike Hill (
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 17:04:16 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Grandmark

[RYAN SNEAD: If you read this, I will personally mu[late your HP beyond
recogni[on -- there are clues as to the upcoming events of the campaign,

I found out recently that one of my players joined the list ;-)

You'd beher have stopped reading by now! Thanks, guy.

Okay, everyone else, on to the meat of this. In prepara[on for a game
focusing around the colonies and Grandmark (in par[cular), I came up with
the following sketch of the na[on. It is not complete, and it will
undoubtedly become much more detailed as the game progresses, but it is a
nice update to the informa[on contained in Epic of AErth (which was wrihen
for AAF 992, more or less ;-) ). It is now AAF 995, and a few minor things
have happened, not the least of which was the old and feeble Markthegn
passed away, and his son, Prince Tarrant, a foolish and hedonis[c young man
ascended to a power weakened by his father and much internal division.
Capitalizing on his heretofore disguised strengths, he has wrought order
from chaos, and surprised his poli[cal opponents. Much is lep unsaid
below, for reasons of campaign security (as it were), but here is a workable
version of Grandmark for the interested:

Grandmark (AAF 995)

Major towns:
Tremayne (15,000) (capital)
Lisolet (10,000)

Ruler: Tarrant

Popula[on: 100,000

Pantheon: Greco-Roman (R)

Language: Vardish

Coinage: None

Important Persons: priests, etc.

Alliances: Jarlesheim

Hos[li[es: Falcondonia, Wildedge

Open Warfare/Skirmishing: Skirmishing by advance elements of a force aimed
at retaking Wildedge

Intrigues: Fac[ons vying to have Skandian (T) or Kell[c Pantheon replace
currently acknowledged Greco-Roman (R) are war/peace fac[ons. Various


Magickal Devices: None known of major power, a few minor.

Thumbnail Sketches: The current ruler, Markthegn Tarrant, came to power in
a disorganized state torn by priestly poli[cking and pantheis[c rivalry
when his father died of various complica[ons related to his age.
Believed to be a foppish and self-indulgent young man, the real rulers of
Grandmark at the [me (the priests) were quite startled to nd him an
eec[ve and strong leader.
The eorts to reclaim Wildedge (a colony of Kell[c dissidents,
many of whom were from Grandmark and whose self-suciency was assisted
by Falcondonian par[sanship and the unsehled poli[cal situa[on in
Grandmark) languished in the last years of the previous Markthegn, but
Tarrant has imperialis[c ambi[ons and he has revitalized his armies.
At this point in [me, all poli[cal power rests within the grasp
of this charisma[c and talented young man, and his known goals include
the annexa[on of Wildedge (which he jus[es as repatria[on and
reclama[on of lost territory), puni[ve strikes against Falcondonia for
assis[ng Wildedge, and the conquest of addi[onal (currently unclaimed)
territory. It is suspected that his current ambi[ons will bring him in
direct conict with Jarlesheim, a nominal ally, and the Iroukian people.
In Tremayne, Tarrant has ins[tuted a number of public works
projects, including a renova[on of the docking facili[es and vastly
improved waste disposal facili[es (thanks to the discovery of a large,
underground cavern system similar to the ones used in Paris, Londun and
other major AEropan ci[es). The temple quarter has spilled into other
areas as each of the three major religious fac[ons (Greco-Roman(R),
currently ascendant, Skandian(T), and Kell[c, the smallest) vies to
ahract a larger number of followers. Merchants tend to isolate
themselves from the poli[cal and religious games, however, and while
Tremayne is not as major a trading center as Falcondon, it maintains a
respectable presence.
Tarrant is known to have recently hired a number of agents to
inves[gate problems within his realm, and he is also known to pay large
rewards for powerful Heka-imbued items. It is not known for absolute
certain, but his arsenal has apparently been improved with the addi[on of
a few minor items (including, at least, the Stormcloak and the Ceremonial
Rahles of Power), although nothing near the power levels ascribed to
those items possessed by the various AEropan na[ons.

The Stormcloak: This dark black cloak is, perhaps, misnamed. Its
par[cular eect is that, while worn, it surrounds the wearer with Heka
sta[c of sucient power and strength that ahempts to control Heka of
any sort will be extremely dicult and will require anywhere from 2 to
20 [mes the normal Heka expenditure in order to break through the
'noise', depending on how close the Heka-bender is to the cloak. While
the eect is occuring, the wearer is also surrounded by various inclement
weather condi[ons caused by the Heka ux, such as lightning (although
not harmful), rain, clouds, thunder, and the like. The cloak can be

operated infrequently at best, for it disrupts weather paherns, and it

will drain the wearer of Heka.

The Ceremonial Rahles of Power: Once rahles used by the medicine men of
the Delaware tribe of Vargaard aborigine, these turtle-shell rahles are
incredible Heka foci, and they can allow any Cas[ng which they focus to
cost but half the normal Heka (i.e. 10 for Grade I, 17 for Grade II, etc.)
However, they exact a price, in that use by anyone who is not bound by a
Vow to the False Faces or the Manitou has a 10% chance, per use, of being
visited by a vengeful False Face (75%), a vengeful Manitou (20%), a
powerful Vargaard Phaeree (4%), or being stripped of all Heka capacity
(1%). In the laher case, approximately half of the vic[ms will
eventually recover Heka capability, but they must begin anew (with no
TRAIT, etc. Heka at all, STEEP only), while the rest are completely and
uherly stripped of Heka forever.

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 17:57:43 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka Reservoirs

I have a ques[on about Miniature Pentacles. It seems to me that they don't
count against a person's alloca[on of General & Dedicated Heka
Reservoirs-they have their own limita[ons based on which ones may work in
proximity to each other, which limits how many a prac[[oner may carry at
one [me, although other may exist in the HPs domicile (hidden away for
emergency use, for example). Do others agree?
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 1995 01:59:47 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Astrology Cas[ngs

John Teske asked again about the exclusivity of Astrology cas[ngs. I'm not
sure what other's opinions on the exclusivity have been, but here's mine:
The exclusivity can't be such that once an astrology cas[ng is ac[ve it in
any way prevents the cas[ng of other spells. If it were, then it would be

func[oning as a very powerful armor versus almost every type of cas[ng

except physical damage cas[ngs that just whack you with a big load of
energy. Any way you try and interpret the exclusivity along these lines, it
comes out as having an eect that is far more powerful than the intended aim
of the cas[ng. Your players will end up cas[ng any old astrology cas[ng
as armor, and even worse will probably research a lower grade version that
does nothing at all except sit there and exclude other cas[ngs. And then,
if astrology cas[ngs can do it, why can't other K/S areas have cas[ngs that
emulate this same eect? Poof! Your world is now lled with very cheap
and powerful cas[ngs that act as armor against almost every other type of
The exclusivity also can't be interpreted displacing other cas[ngs if the
Astrology cas[ng is cast second, or even just failing and dragging the other
cas[ng with it. If this is so, then you suddenly have the best disjoining
tool around for use on people. Want to take down the opposing mage's
defensive cas[ngs? Cast Inuence of Venus on her. It sure costs alot less
than disjoining them. Got a long-standing curse on you? Cast Inuence of
Scorpio on yourself. Once again, the side-eect of the cas[ng is far more
powerful than the cas[ng itself.
The only reasonable way I can see to interpret the exclusivity is in terms
of the delicacy of Astrology spells. If we s[ck to a strict deni[on of
exclusion, we're stuck. I suggest we bend the concept to one of
incompa[bility. If we consider Astrology cas[ngs as too delicate to
survive in the prescence of other dweomers, then we prevent the eects from
being combined with other cas[ngs (which I assume is the reason for the
exclusion) without giving them the overpowering side eects (and even more
disasterous precidents for cas[ng research.) So the way this works is any
cas[ng that takes eect on the subject disrupts the Astrology cas[ng,
destroying its eects. If it happens to be another of these delicate
Astrology cas[ngs, then both of them are destroyed (see p.179, Ascendant
Now, this does make Astrology cas[ngs somewhat weaker than other types, but
it denitely seems like the least of the three evils. I haven't had anyone
use Astrology cas[ngs much, but in reviewing then I think that not having
the exclusion would be a mistake. Combing a few of these cas[ngs with ones
from other areas could have some VERY powerful results, ones that would be
unbalancing to the game.

Mah Berry
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 1995 11:13:03 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Edward Bromley <EPB3@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka Reservoirs

Mike Hill wrote:

> It was my understanding that a HP was limited to one Heka > Reservoir
> (whether it be General or Dedicted Purpose) plus an >

addi[onal HR (again,
> either General or Dedicated Purpose) for each Dweomercraep > sub-area.

I don't believe so. The limita[on on reservoirs on pg15 of MM specically
states that a HP can control no more "General Purpose Reservoirs" than one
plus each DwC sub-area. Note that many magical items are created using a
self regenera[ng dedicated purpose reservoir to full their powers. Thus, if
the above limita[on were also applied to dedicated purpose reservoirs, most
HPs would be limited to one magick item!

As another example, note that the Alchemical Apparatus listed under the
alchemy K/S discrip[on indicates that EACH of these pieces of equipment acts
as a (limited) heka reservoir. If these pieces of equipment were considered
part of the reservoir limita[on, most alchemists could use only one (or two+
in rare circumstances) of such pieces of equipment as a reservoir. Instead,
it makes more sense to assume that each Alchemical Apparatus acts as a
dedicated purpose reservoir...the dedicated purpose being (of course) the
crea[on of alchemical substances.

Hope this helps, Edward Bromley
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 1995 12:04:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Heka Resevoirs

Just to add to Edward Bromley's reply to Mike Hill about Heka resevoirs:
I think that the big dis[nc[on between general purpose resevoirs and
dedicated ones is that the caster can draw on general purpose ones for
cas[ng, but not the dedicated ones. If the reason for limi[ng resevoirs is
to keep players from walking around looking like a Christmas tree with a few
hundred crystals sewn to their cloak and 19,000 heka on tap (which seems to
be the func[on of the rule), there is no reason to include dedicated
resevoirs which power magical items. As Edward noted, this limits most
casters to one major magic item in their life, and addi[onally brings up the
ques[on of what happens to the magic item when the creator dies.

If the caster were limited to one dedicted resevoir, then obviously he must
be commijng some resources to it (since the reverse isn't true). Once these
resources are gone, wouldn't the magic item be destroyed/rendered useless?
You could say that it just needs another caster to take it up, but that
makes the rule ves[gial at best since the creator should then be able to
switch his resources back and forth between a number of items withou
destroying them. If he can't, and you only get to gain one dedicated
resevoir, and can only lose it at death, then the rst magic item you use
you are bonded to for life (unless you already have your limit in resevoirs,
in which case you can't use any magic items.)

If you are going to have signicant magic items, dedicated resevoirs must

not be limited by this rule.

Or at least that is the way I see it.

Mah Berry
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 1995 22:51:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Falcondonia: Some Sketches

Some Rough Notes on Falcondonia...
...for the rough masses.

Thumbnail Sketches:

Falcondonia was established during the early [me of
AErth's Great Rekindling. It was originally established by
primarilly Frankish and Gauls who were establishing a colony
for Charlemange's Crown. Their popula[on was mixed with
several colonies of Kells from Avillonia, most notably
Hibernia and Lyonnesse. (More needs to be done...wait for it)

There are no serfs, and a rela[vely small percentage
of actual Villeins. The peasant class is mostly made up of
land owners, laborers, and some hunters/shers. The class
is free, and can bear arms too, mostly due to the small
popula[on, the s[ll-untamed areas, and old ghts with
both the Wambak people and Jarlsheim where that popula[on
has the same requirements. Freemen make up the bulk of the
popula[on, with a large number of Gentry in the state.
Many Merchants and Guilds are found in this state,
par[cularly in Falcondon proper. Aristocracy is standard,
but many are hard working as well--because of the important
of the state and the rela[ve small popula[on, they all
have important roles. "The Idle Rich" and foppery doesn't
exist in Falcondon, though they are prosperious and do have
social gatherings and fun [mes.

The Standing Army is small--based on the popula[on,
but can be expanded with leaves and local mili[a as needed -see Brehony for an example of this--or Helvan[a, since
most of the people can be ready for such military service.
The Knightly class is small, about a few score total in
number, and serves as an enhancement to other [tles, such
as a Magistrate. "The Green Stags" are an order of Knights
who oversee the various Foresters who serve and protect
Falcondonia from Bandits and incursions. "The Golden
Acorns" are a small group, less than a Score of (mostly

par[al prac[cing) dweomercraepers who have skill in both

Green and White (or Elemental) magicks and Aportropism (with
Vow mul[plier if not FPs), who are ranked as Knights and
are equivalent to High Magistrates, serving the king as
Agents of his will, ac[ng as royal police and detec[ves,
and report directly to the crown and the Royal Wizard of

Falcondon is a walled city, the largest one in Northern
Vargaard, located near the approximate area Washington D.C.
would be found on Earth. The city, while small if compared
to those communi[es around the Mare Libirium, is the
largest in Northern Vargaard, and thus serves as a hub of
trade for the surrounding states.

The City of Falcondon contains the Palace of the Grand
Duke, as well as a few other for[ca[ons. A few castles
and forts can be found surrounding the immediate area.
Notable Temples are the Three Ivory Temples to Apollo,
Diana, and Athena the largest and most magnicent of all
the Temples, though smaller ones, chapels and shrines are
abound for the other Olympians as well as the Numina Saturn
and Janus. Other notable places are the Falcondonia Mint and
Treasury, with its pris[ne Silver Guard protec[ng the
money source, the Scarlet ward near the docks, with Brothels
and vice available to all, the Dock Ward, where all manner
of Ships, from cargo to shermen call port. Guilds are
powerful here and command large complexes where they are
powerful. Many merchant companies can be found in the city,
plying trade with other states.

Pantheon is the G-R standard, Roman inuence. All the
primary Olympians and the NuminaThe Kell[c inuence has
encouraged worship of many natural-oriented die[es, such as
Artermis, Bacchus, Silvanius, Pan, etc. Such fes[vals are
very popular. Some 5-7% of the populace worships the
Kell[c Pantheon, even though it is not ocially

Kell[c and Teutonic inuence has aected the
preisthoods. Small Bardic orders serve Apollo, combining
Avillonian Spellsongs with Roman/Francian Preisty knowledge,
making for some very powerful personas. Ovates exist, and
serve either Apollo or Minerva. Many wisepeople serve the
lower class, mostly devoted to the nature-leaning die[es.
Some monas[c orders have strongholds and retreats in the
less populated areas.

A brief note about the Gucanion's School, (College of
the White Acorn)located and dominates the Ar[san sec[on.
This school was established by the Archimage from Punt who,
with the benevolent rst Grand Duke Generaouin, stabilized
the state making it the power it was today--organizing the
"Golden Acorns", nding and delivering the Forbidden
Scrolls to the crown, and other similar feats. He is
legendary, has a holiday in his honor, and it is said he had
a secret hideaway somewhere in an isolated por[on of the
state. He founded a university with the various scholars,
to teach the future genera[on. The university can't
compare to the great ones in the Cosmopoli[an ci[es of
AEropia, but it is the best school in Northern Vargaard,
holding an equal status to smaller schools in other na[ons.
The dweomercraep college handles all the colleges save the
Ebondark, and the Green School is their specialty. The
school is a small collec[on of buildings, occupying a large
grove and topiary, cared for by students of the magick. It
is without a doubt the center of mundane and dweomercraep
in Northern Vargaard.

The main witchcraep covey in Northern Vargaard have a
base somewhere in the state, mostly in part due to educa[on
and the ability to exploit the prosperity of Falcondonia.
Supposedly, a secret temple to Hectate and other evil
creatures (Dispater, Orcus) can be found somewhere in the
na[on outside of Falcondon. Evil has found strange
alliances among the various En[tes of Evil. Many of the
Supernatural Nether creatures have made alliances, pacts,
defec[ons, etc. For example, Hectate has muscled her way
to gain control of some evil spirits or races which were
once controlled by the Manitou pantheon, especially when
such beings had no ocal "higher-up". Thus, both the
Golden Acorns and the few Witchnders in the Duke's employ
have learned to deal with the unknown when facing reports of
evil possessions and haun[ngs.

In fact, a brief note should be made here about a
problem that s[ll exists in Falcondon. During the "Forty
Four Day" bahle, Falcondonia had to deal with an Alliance
between a Jarl of Jarlsheim, a theign of Grandmark, and some
Irokian tribesmen. All were following the banner of a
powerful nethercraeper, who wished to take territory from
Falcondonia, making it their own state. Because of the
threat and backed by powerful magic, Gucanion used the
powerful Forbidden Scrolls of Grospis (who was a powerful
Elementalist serving Caligula back in the days of the Italic
Empire, when it was corrupted by Atlan[an Demon-worship).
The scrolls summoned a horde of Air Elementals who ended up

rou[ng the armies and slaying the foes...but it also caused

a "fallout" eect which caused a powerful Elementary
infesta[on, which took years to reduce, and even today the
chance of encountering an Elementary in the western areas of
Falcondonia is 3 [mes the norm. Also certain conjura[on
cas[ngs may have strange eects from this event. This has
caused great tensions from the Irokian tribes, who were
aected as well, and even the Mysterious Ohdhows, who
consider this disrup[on an inux of evil and a disrup[on
of the natural state of things on AErth.

Okay, it's not complete or nal, but it's something to completment
Mike Phillips work. We'll revise it as we go along.

John R. Troy
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 03:08:59 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Astrology Cas[ngs

< The exclusivity can't be such that once an astrology cas[ng <is ac[ve it
<any way prevents the cas[ng of other spells. If it were, then <it would be
<func[oning as a very powerful armor versus almost every <type of cas[ng
<except physical damage cas[ngs that just whack you with a <big load of
<energy. Any way you try and interpret the exclusivity along <these lines,
<comes out as having an eect that is far more powerful than <the intended
<of the cas[ng. Your players will end up cas[ng any old <astrology cas[ng
<as armor, and even worse will probably research a lower <grade version that
<does nothing at all except sit there and exclude other <cas[ngs. And then,
<if astrology cas[ngs can do it, why can't other K/S areas <have cas[ngs
<emulate this same eect? Poof! Your world is now lled <with very cheap
<and powerful cas[ngs that act as armor against almost every <other type of
< The exclusivity also can't be interpreted displacing <other cas[ngs
if the
<Astrology cas[ng is cast second, or even just failing and <dragging the
<cas[ng with it. If this is so, then you suddenly have the best <disjoining
<tool around for use on people. Want to take down the opposing <mage's
<defensive cas[ngs? Cast Inuence of Venus on her. It sure <costs alot
<than disjoining them. Got a long-standing curse on you? Cast <Inuence of

<Scorpio on yourself. Once again, the side-eect of the <cas[ng is far

<powerful than the cas[ng itself.

It seems to me that Mah makes an extremely good point. Remember that a low
Grade Cas[ng should never exceed the power of a higher Grade Cas[ng. It is
thus inconceivable that a Grade I "Inuence of Scorpio" should bring down a
Grade IX "Mundane Curse" by virtue of belonging to a dierent K/S area.
I take this as evidence that the Grade V Cas[ng Decan thus refers to
Astrology Cas[ngs only, even if it does not specically say so.

In support of my point, I would like to oer the following line of
Astrology Cas[ngs are unmixable because the caster is temporarily aligning
the subject with that Sun Sign, thus blocking out all others. Historically
on Earth (as well as AErth) the twelve signs have dis[nct characteris[cs
separa[ng them from all others. By heightening the inuence of one
par[cular constella[on on an HP through Heka-force, the Cas[ng overpowers
all others for the dura[on.
An ascendant is a sign that intermixes with the sun sign to alter a person's
personality (i.e. an Aries with a Scorpio ascendant is not only likely to be
bold but also jealous, secre[ve and vengeful, whereas an Aries with a Cancer
ascendant mixes boldness with a desire to take care of others and make a good
home). In Mythus, such a cas[ng would then explain how two inuences might
intertwin so as to have bothe exist in the subject. A decan in astrology
refers to one of three divisions of a sign that help redene and further
characterize a par[cular person's personality.

This brings me to another point. One of the ar[cles I had wrihen with the
inten[on of submijng to MMM concerned astrology in Mythus: how its
elements may be used to expand the game. If I were to post it in
installments on this board, would I be subjec[ng anyone (including myself)
to danger from our acquaintances at TSR? I don't want this board shut down
on a pretext, but I'd like others to read what I've wrihen.
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 12:20:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Diety Ethos: A "lost" le!!!

Okay, rst thing rst...

To quell various rumors and
suspicions, yes I did unsubscribe, mostly to prevent
/others/ from leaving because of personality conicts with
myself. I was fearful what happened at the beginning of the
year might happen again, and mulled over crea[ng Mythus
stu privately and sequestering myself to do that.

Others have convinced me not to join the ranks of the

OJ jurors ;-). So I'm here. But, just for everyone's
edica[on, I may be picking up the weekly digest rather
than read E-mail when it comes out. I'm seeking to start
wri[ng for monetary compensa[on, perhaps by selling
magazine ar[cles, and thus need to reduce some
distrac[ons. I won't abandon MYTHUS by any means, but If I
seem to "disappear" for a few weeks or something in the
future, please don't panic, okay?

Now to play catch-up! ;-)

>Can anyone assist me in understanding the whys and
wherefores? [about ethos]

Okay, the Ethoi are a lot looser than one can be led to
believe. They basically refer to where dietal power comes
from. Remember, these are myserious beings.
For example, Demeter may be of Shadowy Darkness because
she hangs with Hades and Persephone a lot of the [me. Also
remember, this was an en[ty who wreaked chaos in myth on
the planet just to look for her sister. Gygax told me that
"Shadowy Darkness can be bad, but the Ethos isn't evil"
Sunlight and Gloomy Darkness are more ordered and more
likely to be strict in their interpreta[ons. Of course,
there can be excep[ons. Sun gods have been portrayed as
destruc[ve. For example, I assume if an "Evil" god is
depicted as being a Solar Deity of destruc[on, who burns
things if his priests aren't obeyed, he'd be Sunlight,
Malign, Ordered. These are rare, however, since Sunlight
may deal just with the power of the Empyreal plane, but
it's likely to be unahrac[ve to non-good beings.
But...let's also remember that Mr. Gygax can make
gaes, and we should scru[nize against them, otherwise we
face situa[ons where obvious logical errors or early
interpretatons became sacrosanct cannons in AD&D. (Liches
were meant to be immune to Feeblemind spells, not "Ray of
Enfeeblement", the "immunity to all spells except" from
golems were done at a [me when the spell list was limited,
but has been interpreted as a loophole in some cases to make
them "mage killers"!)

Here's a lihle thing that could help. When GDW
ini[ally promoted their line, Challenge had an ad booklet
for Dangerous Dimensions. Included in it was the Epic of
Yarth (AErth) book. They had a photo of an opened copy--I
guess a mock-up. I read the text in the ar[cle the page
was opened too. It was not in the nal version, and looks
like a chapter devoted to Dei[es by EGG. I assume this was
cut by the edi[ng sta at GDW--something tells me there

may have been a lot more slated for Epic than what got
published. While I don't have the WHOLE page, I'll
reproduce what was wrihen on it. Remember, this page was
at an angle, so I don't have it all:

TEXT FOLLOWS: Dweomercraep in...also u[lizes a
dierent...i[es. Dei[es may be en[tal...potency, they
may be super-...creatures of the outer planes, or...oes
which have power because of...of their worshippers.
Priestcraepers ...Pantheon because of it's regional ...more
than anything else. Ethos is the...dec[ng of a specic
diety to worship, how-...based on the belief and moral
leanings of... This chapter covers all of the
informa[ understand the mechanics of
Priestcraeping...the HP and the Game Master.

[Pan]theons are groups of dei[es which together
provide [ex]plana[on of all of the forces and powers of the
universe...pantheon is usually dened as the collec[vely
recognized and accepted dei[es, or gods, of a par[cular
na[on. A good example of this is the Norse
Pantheon...stoped in the Northern AEropean regions of Yarth.
Each...a slightly dierent interest group, or embodies..of
powers, such as Thor (or Donnor, the god...of lightning) or
Loki (the god of Mischief and...)
...will open be determined by the...legendary mythos
is used. In...decided by the GM before...confusion later
on....<rest of paragraph por[ons and column

..."Evil", but in a complex campaign, it all depends on
your viewpoint. Some dieites are wicked, depraved, and
uherly without merit, in moral terms. That is typically
why these die[es oer power, glory, and treasure to their
followers--otherwise, who in their right mind would
willingly follow such and en[ty? Worshippers of an en[ty
of this ethos are open concerned with dominion, possession,
and might (physical or otherwise). Such personas open
promote wars--holy or otherwise--as a means for furthering
their power (or removing opponents who don't share their
Examples of baneful ethoi are those of Shadowy Darkness
and Gloomy Darkness.

BENIGN: Benign dei[es are the opposite of those of baneful
ethoi. They are caring, and helpful, and feel genuine
concern for the sapey and development of all living things,
not just their ock. Followers of benign en[[es promote

the causes of goodness, peace, and jus[ce. They can

usually be seen as counsellors and protectors, providing
service to others in many forms.
Again, though this Ethos is typically viewed as "Good",
what are considered "Good" and "Evil" are open subject to
the individual viewpoint. Examples of this ethos are those
of Moonlight and Sunlight.

AGATHOCACOLOGICAL: The agathocacological is a mixture of
benign and baneful, with all the shades of gray in between.
Dei[es and mortal followers of this ethos are open neutral
towards strong opinions of "Good" or "Evil", chosing instead
to let nature take it's course (The Earth Goddess, the
Mother, is a good example of this ethos.) Balance is open
important to worshippers of Agathocacological Ethoi, and
they make take a more or less ac[ve stance in preserving
the natural balance of things. The Ethos of Balance is a
good example of this.
As important as the ethos is the nature of each en[ty
within...pantheon. Religious en[[es are open depicted in
the...terms of Law and Chaos--but as with ethos,
nature...shades of gray. It is just such subtle
dierences...campaign interes[ng, lending a
touch...fantas[c concept.
..of Chao[c nature may seem...anarchis[c...this is
because freedom...<rest obscured>


Interes[ng...wish EGG published this in MMM like he said he would
have. <Sigh>

John R. Troy
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 10:19:12 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Hey Mike :)

Mike, I think it was you who long ago men[oned having made up a
'standard.cas[ngs' list of the basic spells from the various cas[ng lists
that comprised the spells a beginning heka-bender got for there character.

Do you s[ll have this? If so, could I get'cha to post it up here or mail it to

Please please?

<add blondes as necessary> ;)

"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \ DAT
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\
against the powers of this dark world \
and against the spiritual forces of evil \
in the heavenly realms." \
--Ephesians 6:12 \
"Our love is King--let's go get a Slushie."--Heathers
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 11:54:54 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Andrew Shockney <ashockne@FREENET.COLUMBUS.OH.US>
Subject: Re: AD&D & TE (TWO DEAD HORSES)




ON AD&D...




Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 23:49:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Scenario Idea

WARNING: People who are playing in the same campaign as a
JM on this list should not read the rest of this message.
It will likely ruin a possible adventure for the campaign.

Scenario Sketch: Vargaard.

This originated as an idea for my Hallowe'en scenarios,
but I decided to save it for another [me. It ts the
current set-up of Mike Phillips' Vargaard campaign, since it
has a dietal connec[on, which I know he likes. So, without
further adieu...

Scarlet Scarring.

The Lord Mayor of Falcondon has summoned the HPs to
perform a mission for him. It seems that somebody is
killing the various courtesians and doxys in the rose
district. Violent and brutal killings have occured. The
Scarlet Madam is worried about this and has demanded
protec[on for her girls. The Lord Mayor's own force hasn't
helped much, and he must sa[ate the Scarlet Madam, lest she
decide to release somewhat embarrasing informa[on involving
the Lord Mayor and other city ocials to the public and
the royal court. That's where the HPs come in--to act as
independent (and covert) inves[gators for the Scarlet Madam
and the Lord Mayor, without involving the Royal ocials or

the general masses of Freemen/Gentry.

The HPs will then report to the Scarlet Madam's Grand
House of Pleasure. She will sum up the situa[on for the
HPs. They must act as both inves[gators into the murders
as well as bodyguards for the various ladies there. The
Scarlet Madam cares for her girls, and is both "guildmaster"
and "mother" in her role. While a few bodyguards and
priestestes of Venus provide standard protec[on, it's
spread thin and doesn't seem to help against this great
evil. She has a lot of connec[ons in the (thieves)
underground, and can be a powerful ally (special connec[on)
for the HPs. The HPs will be assinged to protect some of
her "nest", who act as leaders for the lesser ones. Just
how close the HPs will get to them depend on the temper of
the campaign and the personas--hey, I'm not gejng involved

Initally, the clues will indicate something other-than human is involved. Various clues will be dropped about
furry creatures, rats will be seen, and ahacks will look
like maimed mu[la[ons--devoring of . It is an ahempt to
drop a red herring. The blame is being placed on Rajes,
who lurk in the Shadowshallow in Northeastern Vargaard along
with Ferrekolk, Sto[es, Trogs, and small Phaeree
enclaves/outposts, who trade occassionally with merchants.
If other clues aren't found, and if the Lord Mayor is
informed, he will send mercenaries to deal with it...but if
that happens, the HPs will confront a represen[[ve of
Phaeree. Some Ohdows will appear during a night--coldly
threatening, with enough power to stop the HPs from thinking
foolishly, and inform them they are misdirected and forcing
Rajes to invade other territories, including Ohdow
enclaves. They don't look kindly on that. (And if the
players need further guidence, send a Thunderbird ally of
the Ohdows with some subtle clues in a dream).

The creature really behind the ahacks is a former
priestes of Ves[a, one of the famed Ves[gial Virgins, who
have a temple in Falcondon. A fresh ini[ate into the
order, she was ahacked and raped by a rake who thought her
a whore when she was crossing. Deled and Maimed, about to
be destroyed from a mortal wound, her rage and grief
combined into a dark cry for vengence, and she found dark
strength and slew the ruan, compelled to eat his heart.
But that didn't sa[sfy her. She knew in what was lep of
her now-crazed mind that it was the damed whores and
trollops who were responsible!!! She vowed revenge!

Hanah has now become a powerful Ghoul. Somehow Hanah's

cry ahracted a powerful force of near-En[tal nature, which

she sees as This being now has control over a dozen
(normal) ghouls who live in the sewers of Vargaard, and has
also ursurped the control of rats. She has built a temple
to the Vengeful Ves[a, a dark warped temple to "the unseen
true side of the great lady!", in a abandoned Sewer adjunct.

The HPs should eventually piece together hints and
trails the JM leaves for the players to follow.

Eventually, they will come into contact with Hanah
herself, and will have to face her dead on. If discovered,
she will ahempt to escape and regroup. If not pursued
ini[ally, she will ahempt to assault the core of the
Scarlet District itself, using a plague of rats to swarm the
city and cause chaos while she and her Ghouls assault the
Scarlet Madams own private lair. The HPs will have to make
a stand their, protect their charges, and, if Hanah escapes,
will be forced to seek her out in a dark temple underground,
devoted to a warped version of Ves[a--a black ame, a
fe[sh to a dark being (either a quasi-avatar of Ves[a
which could gain power, or--more likely--a demonic being
taking an assumed form and gaining power from Hanah's
delusionary devo[on). The HPs must overcome Hanah in her
lair, perhaps with aid from a true Ves[an priestest who
will despise the uher blasphemy/heresy, as well as some of
the Scarlet Madams force--including servants of Aphrodite,
who protect the harlots.

For powers and stats, consider Hanah to have the same
stats and abilites as a Ghoul-Vampire, and she is powerful
enough to have ALL the powers listed in Necropolis! She can
also endure sunlight with no penalty, like a supra-ghoul,
though she's not comfortable with it (see Necropolis again
under Ghoul). She has no cas[ng ability per-se anymore
(she was just an ini[ate anyway), but in her dark temple
the Dark Flame acts as a powerful fe[sh, which has powers
of its own similar to dark cas[ngs.

John R. Troy
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 19:05:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Edward Bromley <EPB3@AOL.COM>
Subject: Heka Reservoirs; Miniature Pentacles

Donald Eccles wrote:

> I have a ques[on about Miniature Pentacles. It seems to me > that they
don't count against a person's alloca[on of General > & Dedicated Heka
Reservoirs-they have their own limita[ons > based on which ones may work in
proximity to each other, > which limits how many a prac[[oner may carry
at one [me, > although other may exist in the HPs domicile (hidden away >
for emergency use, for example). Do others agree?

Interes[ng ques[on. The language in the Cas[ng descrip[on and the magick
item descrip[on (which are virtually iden[cal except for the eects chart)
could certainly be interpreted in a number of ways. Although I have not had
the opportunity to rule on this Cas[ng (or the magick item), I believe that
I would handle them in one of two ways:

1) Treat them as a dedicated purpose reservoir. If this is done there is no
limita[on on the number of Miniature Pentacles that a HP could use.
However, it is important that the GM actually limit the use of the
reservoir. For Conjurers the limita[on could be for the ahack or crea[on
of "real" pentagrams, or summonings, etc. The same limita[ons could also be
used for dweomercrapers (or the GM could create other limita[ons).

2) Treat them as a general purpose reservoir. If this is done the normal
limita[on on general purpose reservoirs should be used. If this normal
limita[on is not used, Miniature Pentacles could be used to make the
limita[on useless. For instance, a HP could have two Adaman[te, three
Copper, one Gold, four Iron, two Oricalcum and a Silver Miniature Pentacle
(as long as they didn't physically touch one another) PLUS all of the other
general purpose reservoirs to which s/he would be en[tled (I know that this
is very unlikely, but it would be possible...).
The added powers of Miniature Pentacles can make them very powerful/useful
magick items and as a GM I wouldn't want a large number around.

As another way of limi[ng the use of Miniature Pentacles it should be noted
that both descrip[ons of Miniature Pentacles indicate that both Alchemy and
Heka Forging is required to create the pentacle! Although the process is not
discussed, presumably the metal will need to be cleansed, etc. (see Mahhew
Berry's pos[ng on Heka Forging from a month or two ago).

I'm curious as to how much Heka most characters have. For instance, I have a
par[al prac[oner (avg STEEP 40) with a base of approx. 700 heka and a
general reservoir of 100 heka points. I also have a full prac[[oner (avg
STEEP 55) with a base of 1300 heka and one 250 point general reservoir. Are
these numbers about average? lower than average? What are other HPs running
around with?
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 14:26:42 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>

Subject: Re: Astrology Cas[ngs & TSR

I think Donald's line of reasoning is an excellent way of eshing out a
mostly structural/logical point I was trying to make about the Astrology
cas[ngs. Add to it some explina[on of why cas[ngs from other K/S areas
mess up the Astrology cas[ngs and you have a complete metaphysical grounding
for the more abstract point I was making.

Donald, as far as pos[ng your stu about Astrology, I'd love to see it. As
far as TSR concerns go, I don't think they can do anything to you as long as
you don't ahempt to make money o your wri[ng, and acknowledge all TSR
trademarks. A legal disclaimer at the beginng of your stu might help. But
others on the list must know more about this than I do.

he only other cau[ons I have are rst that if your work is a large and
signicant supplement to the game, it might ahract more TSR ahen[on than
the commentary/suppliment mixtures of minor length that get posted here.
Second, if you post it, you lose control of it. TSR could take any ideas
they liked and use them probably without consequence (unless you are a lawyer
with alot of spare [me and money). If you might want to sell it to TSR, or
have it published in a resurrected MMM run by TSR, you might want to hold
back pos[ng it. I think it was either Dave Newton or Frank Mentzer who
posted some advice a while back that pos[ng your magnum opus on the list
might not be advisable for similar reasons to the ones I have men[oned.
Wai[ng to see what TSR decides to do with Mythus might be advisable. That
is what I am doing with most of my work on the magic system.

Mah Berry
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 13:43:09 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On Sat Jan 21, 1995, Mahhew Berry wrote:

> I think that the big dis[nc[on between general purpose resevoirs and
> dedicated ones is that the caster can draw on general purpose ones for
> cas[ng, but not the dedicated ones.
I had not heard or read before that de[cated heka reservoirs could not be
used for cas[ngs. In fact, I was under the impression that there was no
reason a given personna could not have a heka reservoir dedicated to all the
available uses of heka for a given K/S area, be they cas[ngs, innate abili[es,
(as per Apotropaism and Necromancy), the crea[on of magickal items, or
whatever, just so long as it fell under the purview of a single K/S area,
school of Dweomercraep, or Ethoi of Priestcraep. Is this assump[on correct
or have I missed something?

> If the reason for limi[ng resevoirs is
> to keep players from walking around looking like a Christmas tree with a few

> hundred crystals sewn to their cloak and 19,000 heka on tap (which seems to
> be the func[on of the rule), there is no reason to include dedicated
> resevoirs which power magical items.
I don't see any reason why a personna shouldn't be able to walk around looking
like this as long as they can deal with the social s[gma ahached to it (and
thieves ahached to their crystals! (-;< )

> As Edward noted, this limits most
> casters to one major magic item in their life, and addi[onally brings up the
> ques[on of what happens to the magic item when the creator dies.
Well, if they died properly, it is smoldering beside them! :-D (j/k)

Dat's all fer now!!
--Ryan Snead
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 17:36:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Misc Comments: LOGFILE reviews

Aper reading the logles for the last two weeks...some general

Regarding Full Prac[ce:

Some people have wondered--not on the list, but elsewhere--why
Priestcraepers, if they are gejng their power "from above (or below)",
need to roll for "Full Prac[ce" when the being is lending energy to them.
"Doesn't a vow mean you're faithful enough?"

Not Really...

Vows of Service represent power channeled by both faith and the
power of the deity. However, without understanding into the inner workings
of the religion, including metaphysics, pantheology, the nature of the
mul[verse, as well as knowledge of Canons, Dogmas, Mysteries, Scriptures,
and other tarpings of a religion. It is only through this that one fully
understands the nature of Spirtual-based Deital-channeled Heka, and can
fully u[lize this power by making a Vow of Full Prac[ce, something that
requires Innate Ability in TRAIT, Proper Schooling, AND the stu promised
in a (strict) Vow.

This also explains why primitve cultures have few (if any) FPRs in
their pantheon. Worshipers of Man[ou dei[es, for instance, are Medicine
Men, not Priests. Now, this would also have been true of other barbarians
and nomadic people in the older days of AErth, but as civiliza[on and
knowledge creep into cultures, mankind gains knowledge of the metaphysical

(and other things), learns to specialize and seperate the various K/S areas
such as Conjura[on and Mediumship from Priestcraep and Religion, organizes
their base and teachings, and thus renes their ability.

Heck, even the deites hope for this, since it helps increase their
ability to inuence the mundane! I'm sure both the Manitou and the Vodoun
pantheon are awai[ng their prac[oners to gain the knowledge needed to have
FPR ability.

Speaking of Which...

> >Maybe some ancient master gypsy woman could have FP in Exorcism..
> And this same woman, no doubt has a ying pig... ;-)
^^^^^^ ^^^

Flying pigs are likely to exist on Phaeree! So, 'taint impossible.
In fact, thanks for the idea.

Seriously, I could see a AMGW having a Vow of Service in Exorcism,
giving her up to a x7 STEEP, her vow being to stop all evil possesions and
seek out beings to exorcise.

> any experienced player worth their salt will nd that a Wisewoman/man
> is gonna get as much Heka as a FP, and more Cas[ng Areas to boot!

Agreed. This is perhaps the best class to belong to if you're
certain you won't get FPR. It also allows for more freedom--you likely
don't report to a bunch of superiors and a hierarchy, so ya can leave and
perform acts of Wiseperson Errantry.

'Course, ya have to watch out for Witches.


Interes[ng. This monster would seem suited to an Atlan[an
Campaign, since it ts with their nature--beings and totems from sea life.
I could see this as one of Qahlk-Ru's servant creatures. Perhaps its a
servant creature for the Wiggleheads.

Though I do agree with Dave about the Salt.

Phaeree "Mirroring" AErth:

One point to make since we're talking about Vargaard is what the
sehling of it by other men may reect on Phaeree. I'm not saying that the
Occidental Seelie is colonizing their counter-con[nent, but rather the
eect of pujng other pantheons on Vargaard has manipulated the Door and
portal ac[vity. In short, some doors now "warp" distances, so occurance of
occidental races that usually appear in AErope now appear in the wildlands
of Northeast Vargaard, as well as the standard ones for the Counter-Vargaard

popula[ons of Ohdows, Baykoks, Namgwansak, Thunderbirds, Cheeno, etc. I

can also see doors occuring between con[nents as well.

Note that some of the races of Phaeree are linked to various Human
pantheons, either because the Phaeree's recognize the same En[tes, or they
are races serving (or perhaps created by) the diet(ies) in ques[on. This
isn't absolute: I don't think the Slaugh, for example, are real devout
"worshipers" of anything--rather invoking Die[es for their own purposes-the Fay seem to be aloof themselves, and you can nd all those darn Gnomes
everyplace! But some creatures like the Centaurs have [es to other

Just something to think about.

As an aside, Phaeree is (at least, in my interpreta[on) a sphere
closer to (the) pure ([quasi-en[tal] plane of) Probability, thus making it
very random, and warping enough dimensions to have inuences of
Preternatural and Supernatural sort...which is why some creatures are said
to reach into the Aether and Celes[al spheres, and why Jinn/Genies roam in
a realm, perhaps linked to the realms of Air, Stone, Water, and Fire.
Possibly the Outer surface is linked to the Supernal, the inner realms to
the infernal. Based on all this, I can see door ac[vity changing (or
increasing) in Northeast Vargaard. I see Leprachauns arguing with the
Namwansuck (I keep misspelling that, sorry), Elven conclaves underground,
some centaurs roaming the realm, Slyphs mee[ng with Thunderbirds in the
air. Etc.

Exo[c and the Tradi[onal--all mixed on Vargaard.

Magick Items by Teske

Prehy good, though you can see the various inuences of each
author--some make 'em week, some strong.

A few cri[cisms, however, are needed.

Rainbow Baton:

> Reputedly, each power is capable of destroying hundreds of thousands in
> mass combat, with red being re, yellow-dehydra[on, green-poison gas,
> blue-lightning, and purple-radia[on. Orange and indigo have unknown
> damage types.

Dehydra[on and Poison Gas don't seem suited to an ar[fact of
celes[al nature. The Celes[al and Empyreal planes have certain standards.
"Gas" is mundane, and poison and dehydra[on are nega[ve/Nether oriented
eects. Sugges[on would be to look at some of the White
Dweomercraep/Sunlight Ethos cas[ngs for ideas on what types of eects
come from these planes: Light, Celes[al Cold, Empyreal Fire, Posi[ve
Bolts, Chimes of power.

> Akhen-Aten proclaimed himself the God of the sun and changed many
> religious tenets and prac[ces at his own whim.

Necropolis' charts for die[es seems to indicate that "Aten" is a
Sungod himself, appearing as a Solar Disk or something. Perhaps the persona
based on this device was an avatar.


John R. Troy (JRT)
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 11:54:54 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Andrew Shockney <ashockne@FREENET.COLUMBUS.OH.US>
Subject: Re: AD&D & TE (TWO DEAD HORSES)




ON AD&D...




Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 23:22:44 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Priests of Apollo (the scribe strikes again!)

Apollo (Sunlight, Agathocacological, Ordered, Major God)

Apollo, some[mes called Phoebus Apollo, was the god of the sun, light,
harp, music, and more. He was open portrayed as being bardic in nature,
with a lyre, and he was twin brother to Diana (Greek: Artemis), goddess
of the moon and archery. He is served by the Nine Muses.

Apollo's priests are a mixture of male and female, with the exact balance
shiping over [me. Nearly all are accomplished musicians of some sort,
with a heavy preference towards lyrical composi[on and harping, and most
end up with at least passing acquaintance with the lyre. Not a few are
also moderately adept with Spellsongs. Many come from humble origins, as
Apollo is heavily revered among shepherds.

The priesthood itself is but loosely organized, with orders and
gatherings along the divisions of the Nine Muses (Calliope, Clio, Erato,
Euterpe, Melpomene, Plyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania), with
Calliope, Erato, Euterpe and Polyhymnia having the largest number of
devotees. A few blest priestesses (and, rarely, priests) end up with
prophe[c abili[es, and these oracles are open consulted. The greatest
and best known is probably the Oracle at Delphi, hidden within Achaea.

Grade I:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: Self R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: 10:1 add'l AT
E/F/M: By means of this Cas[ng, the priest or priestess can take on

minor traits associated with one of the nine muses, to wit:

Calliope (epic poetry) -- +5 to Poetry/Lyrics STEEP
Clio (history) -- +5 to History STEEP
Erato (love poetry, lyrics) -- +5 to Poetry/Lyrics STEEP
Euterpe (music) -- +5 to Music STEEP
Melpomene (tragedy) -- +5 to Wri[ng, Crea[ve STEEP
Polyhymnia (singing, oratory, rhetoric) -- +5 to Charisma[cism STEEP
Terpsichore (dancing) -- +5 to Dance STEEP
Thalia (comedy) -- +5 to Wri[ng, Crea[ve STEEP
Urania (astronomy) -- +5 to Astronomy STEEP

(In the case of Muses such as Calliope, the bonus will only apply to
crea[ons which suit the individual Muse's area.)
The [me of the Cas[ng may be extended by an addi[onal expenditure
of 10 Heka for every addi[onal AT which is desired, to a total of 1 AT
per 10 STEEP possessed in Priestcraep.

Time: 1 hour Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 rod diameter sphere R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 chain Other: 10:1 add'l half-hour
E/F/M: This Cas[ng causes a sop light to appear within a sphere of 1
rod in diameter, no more than 1 chain distant from the priest. The light
is as bright as a cloudy day (although the light is addi[ve, so that it
can increase extant light condi[ons), though it is not considered
sunlight for those things aected thereby. The point upon which the
charm is woven is not mobile, such that it is placed on a posi[on, and
not an item (in other words, if it is cast on the [p of a sta, and the
sta is subsequently moved, the light stays put). The dura[on of the
Cas[ng may be extended by an addi[onal half hour per 10 Heka expended,
to a total not to exceed 1 addi[onal half hour per 10 STEEP possessed.

Grade II:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: Priest R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: Nil
E/F/M: By means of this Charm, the Priest brings Apollo's blessing upon
his or her Lyre, and for as long as the Charm lasts, the Priest may play
the Lyre at +10 STEEP, or may use it to weave Spellsongs, at +5 STEEP.
The dura[on may not be extended by any means, and the blessing may be
withheld if the Priest has oended Apollo. In any case, the blessing
may not be invoked more frequently than once per day, and the Priest must
be in natural sunlight for it to be eec[ve.

Time: Special Other Heka Costs:
Area: Priest R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: Nil

Special Materia Cost: a golden symbol of the sun, or other appropriate

symbol worth no less than 100 BUCs, properly consecrated to Apollo
E/F/M: This Ritual, which takes peen minutes to perform, will grant
the Priest the ability to seek the answer to a ques[on of minor import.
The more important the ques[on, the more obscure the answer.

Grade III:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 10:1 add'l BT
E/F/M: This Cas[ng causes a golden glow around the subject, a sop light
that is ineectual as illumina[on (being a beacon in pitch black, but
barely brighter than starlight for purposes of vision). However, within
the peaceful aura, the subject will heal 1 point of Physical, Mental,
and Spiritual damage per BT under the inuence of the light. For the
expenditure of an addi[onal 10 Heka per BT, the dura[on may be extended
up to 1 BT per 10 STEEP possessed by the Priest.

Grade IV:
Time: 1 hour Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 ock R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 chain per 10 STEEP Other: 25:1 add'l hour
E/F/M: This benecent spell lays the blessing of Apollo upon a shepherd
and his ock, dras[cally decreasing the probability of untoward events
occuring in the immediate vicinity (predators will tend to hunt
elsewhere, brigands will seek other vic[ms if they approach), provided
of course that the shepherd in ques[on is devoted to Apollo. The watch
may extend throughout the night, although it may not cross the boundaries
of sunrise or sunset. Like most deital cas[ngs, it may be withheld if
the Priest relies upon it too much, or if it begins being used for
purposes which do not hold with Apollo's precepts.

Grade V:
Time: 1 AT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 chain diameter sphere R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 rod per 10 STEEP Other: Nil
E/F/M: By means of this involuted song, which must be accompanied upon a
golden lyre, the Priest causes a sphere of golden sunlight to spring into
being. For nearly all purposes, this counts as true sunlight (although
it is not natural, so is unsuitable for the Lyre of Apollo Charm),
including for creatures with appropriate suscep[bili[es. The only
restric[on upon the crea[on of the light is that it must be possible
for sunlight to normally reach the place wherein the light is created, so
it is ineectual in Subterranean AErth and the deep interior of
windowless buildings (for instance, deep into a pyramid).

Hopefully, the above will nd a home in someone's campaign. If they do,

please let me know! I so appreciate feedback.....

Let's see, that leaves but three more of the Twelve Olympians to develop:
Hes[a, Mercury, and Vulcan. Let's see what the fevered ngers can turn
out next.... And there are so many interes[ng dei[es of minor sort.

And yes, these Cas[ngs lists are being gathered into a net.pantheary, of
sorts. It's just now gejng its rst revision, and I expect good
things of it within the next couple months. (My ini[al goal is to
provide a fairly complete treatment of the Olympians, plus one or two, in
a usable game format before the end of the semester.)

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es:
Greco-Roman: Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Minerva,
Neptune, Pluto, Venus
Norse: Odin, Thor (minimal)
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 23:57:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: AD&D & TE (TWO DEAD HORSES)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 22 Jan 1995, Andrew Shockney wrote:

> ON AD&D...

Can't help too much there, but I recommend a closed-book approach -- in
fact in my current game, a number of the players don't own books, and the
books are almost never cracked *during* the game at all. We just take
copious notes when crea[ng the HP's.....


Just be sure to abuse it right back. The balance on this one is *very*
dierent from AD&D. That is to say the concept of 'game balance' isn't
as fundamental (Mythus is further removed from the tabletop wargaming

element that so heavily inuences AD&D in all its incarna[ons). The

two biggest mi[ga[ng factors that *I've* found when dealing with magick
are that (1) the Cas[ng [mes on a lot of them are LOOONG -- as in 5
CT's for a Cantrip, etc. That's a lot of swings to avoid. Really. And
the Charms, while nice, rarely pack the punch the longer Cas[ngs have.

The Readied Cas[ng rules mi[gate this somewhat, but strap the Hekaur
into a smaller set of Cas[ngs (without losing signicant Heka).

And make them *earn* those reservoirs. Or at least not start with any,
making them more valuable.

Oh yeah, and s[ck them up against a well-organized FP Mage-Priest as a
villain. That can certainly give them a bad day (right, Ryan?) ;-)


Make certain that the bonuses are gured out ahead of [me and wrihen
on the sheets. It speeds things up. Tremendously. Very tremendously.
A lot!


It works beher using the averaged armor table. It's a headache
otherwise :-/


Uh oh, that could be problema[c.

If I may make a sugges[on (which may be shouted down by others on the
list, although it was helpful to me), try running it with the Prime rules
rst. They're simpler, faster, less complicated, and easier to handle
for a group reluctantly being pulled from AD&D. The magic isn't as
overbearingly complicated. It worked (and s[ll works) for me.

Just some thoughts,

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
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Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 00:45:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Heka Reservoirs; Miniature Pentacles

Ed...just for my 2 cents, my HP's have all averaged about your numbers of
Heka. I suppose that is would we know, anyway??? :)

More to come...

Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 00:54:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Misc Comments: LOGFILE reviews

> Regarding Full Prac[ce:
> Vows of Service represent power channeled by both faith and the
> power of the deity. However, without understanding into the inner workings
> of the religion, including metaphysics, pantheology, the nature of the
> mul[verse, as well as knowledge of Canons, Dogmas, Mysteries, Scriptures,
> and other tarpings of a religion. It is only through this that one fully
> understands the nature of Spirtual-based Deital-channeled Heka, and can
> fully u[lize this power by making a Vow of Full Prac[ce, something that
> requires Innate Ability in TRAIT, Proper Schooling, AND the stu promised
> in a (strict) Vow.

Now, I always assumed that FP would be an innate, Star Wars-esque (sic) thing.
Maybe I'm just weird. :) That's the way I'm handling it, anyway...which means
playing with the rules a bit, but what the hell?

> This also explains why primitve cultures have few (if any) FPRs in
> their pantheon. Worshipers of Man[ou dei[es, for instance, are Medicine
> Men, not Priests. Now, this would also have been true of other barbarians
> and nomadic people in the older days of AErth, but as civiliza[on and
> knowledge creep into cultures, mankind gains knowledge of the metaphysical
> (and other things), learns to specialize and seperate the various K/S areas
> such as Conjura[on and Mediumship from Priestcraep and Religion, organizes
> their base and teachings, and thus renes their ability.

Maybe so, but I s[ll wouldn't want to f*** with any of the real nasty Medicine
Men. They scare me... :)

> As an aside, Phaeree is (at least, in my interpreta[on) a sphere

> closer to (the) pure ([quasi-en[tal] plane of) Probability, thus making it
> very random, and warping enough dimensions to have inuences of

Is that, closer in a real sense, or closer in a metaphysical, impossible to
understand without a PhD in Philosophy (hi Mah!) ??? :)


-But all I see
is DAMAGE thru the haze
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 00:54:58 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Priests of Apollo (the scribe strikes again!)

Thank you Mike! Quite useful as usual...

Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 00:59:51 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: AD&D & TE (TWO DEAD HORSES)

My opinion on Mythus Magick:


Here we go:

The system is not all that complicated or confusing, it's just that star[ng
HP's get way too damn many cas[ngs! There has got to be a way to either cut
the HP's down in STEEP or cut out some cas[ng Grades. I'd always rather have
my players stuck with only 1st or 2nd grade cas[ngs at the start.

Also, does anyone else agree that there are a lot of repe[[ve cas[ngs in
MM? Of course, it's late and I can't think of any, but it seems like a lot of
the cas[ngs in the "Precogni[on" group of K/S's are similar. And then, there
are only 10-20 1st grade ones in each group...hardly enough to choose from if
you ask me, considering the magnitude of the K/S lists and the rest of the
system in general....

Okay, I just had to get that o my [red chest...

Hawekeye really is too late at night... :)
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 13:14:14 +0000
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Barnes <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: An apology
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dave Newton" at Nov 15,
94 01:40:53 pm

The following is mostly in response to a series of posts in
November, since then I have been on a long holiday back home to
NZ and took the [me to dig out my old 1st edi[on adnd books
and read the preface....

Dave posted a scorcher of a reply and based on the reading I did
I have a small apology to make (not a common thing on this list
I will admit)

I Chris the lurker hereby apologise to Dave Newton for upsejng
him by referring to EGG as one who may have had a "play by the
rules or not at all" ajtude. I also apologise to EGG himself
(in absen[a) for the same comments.

I would also like to thank jrt for pos[ng his version of the
tsr vs EGG/DJ events. Most illumina[ng reading

Without prejudice there are a few things I would like to say in
reply to Daves post>

> >I disagree that tsr ripped the guts out of adnd with the second
> >ed, all cynicism of prot mo[ve aside, there were some prehy
> >reasonable changes from the 1st ed

> I personally can't stand 2nd ed., but that's because I'd "xed" all the
> inconsistencies with the original over years of playing it.

Just because you had already xed the system yourself does not
make the TSR ahempt less valid, just dierent. I do not say
this as a supporter of tsr, which I am not, and broadly I do agree with
you that the 2nd edi[on lacked a certain soul, I suppose that
1st Ed could be likened to your rst girlfriend ie the subject
of fond memories even if a lihle blurred by the years and rose
coloured glasses...


> To my knowledge, Gary has never been anything less than a

> pro-gamer philanthropist. Yes, he's made money, though I doubt there are
> many who wouldn't if given the chance. He has always maintained that the
> rules you read are guidelines - you don't like them, *change* them.

This is the nub of my apology, I went back and read all the
prefaces that I could get hold of in the 1st Ed works wrihen by
EGG, and on a true construc[on of the facts he is as you say,
one who advocates change if you do not like it (although I am
not so sure of the philanthropist tag you have given him).

I do not decry him gejng money from his work, that is only
just and fair, so maybe it was a case of projec[ng the ajtude
of tsr onto one man, the head of the company, and for that I

It also may be interes[ng to note that the ajtude of someone
in tsr regarding other game companies was present very early on.
I read the preface to Tunnels and Trolls (5th Ed 1979) where they
thanked EGG, and said that a certain game company did not want
their product or company name men[oned at all in T+T, not
even in it was 5th Ed that ajtude may have be
predated the 1979 date in the book.

> >I do think that he may have been treated shabbily, but I do not
> >know the facts of his leaving tsr.

> If you don't know the facts, please learn them before you say or write
> something that shows your ignorance. These are words I (and many others)
> can benet from as well.

Lack of knowledge about hard facts is why I wrote the post in
the rst place, and thanks go to JRT for enlightening to the
best of his ability.

The tone of your post is of one who is pissed o in a major
way, and I do not blame you for that. My wife has been through
the same sort of hassle with her reenactment group where she saw 5
years hard work go down the gurgler due to the work of a couple
of pehy minded ego maniacs, and several years later she s[ll
spits venom if they are men[oned. The point is that you will
get new posters raise this issue on a regular basis, which will
con[nue to upset you.

People will always wish to know the truth, and maybe those close
to the gaming scene know the truth (or one varia[on of it) so
they get a tad [red of that poor old dead horse being ogged,
but this will not stop those who only hear the half truths and

rumour from wan[ng to know more.

On this basis I would again suggest that the subject of
EGG/DN/Dangerous Journeys and tsr gets wrihen up by someone
in the know and put in a FAQ le for those interested
enough in the subject to read without upsejng some members of
the list.

I know this is not EGG-L, TSR-L. ADND-L, LAW-L or any other such
c[[ous or otherwise list but your close associa[on with
both DJ and EGG will bring the inevitable queries on both
subjects, which you can respond to by either;
(a) leaving the list...Please don't that would be a waste.
(b) Ignoring it and gejng upset o the list..not healthy
(c) Responding to each individual post and gejng pissed o on
the list on a regular basis...marginal therapeu[c value, not!

The reason I have posted this to the list is 2 fold.
(1) Make a public apology
(2) The chances of you wri[ng your version of events for a FAQ
le is probably remote (hey you've got beher things to do
right?) So I would like to bring this maher to the ahen[on of
anyone who might like to write this up (with the permission of
the list moderator of course) for inclusion in a FAQ le.

I hope that claries my posi[on, and un rues some of your

S[ll seeking the truth....
Chris Barnes
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 09:11:44 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Aten (was Misc Comments: LOGFILE reviews)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 22 Jan 1995, John R. Troy wrote:

> > Akhen-Aten proclaimed himself the God of the sun and changed many
> > religious tenets and prac[ces at his own whim.
> Necropolis' charts for die[es seems to indicate that "Aten" is a
> Sungod himself, appearing as a Solar Disk or something. Perhaps the persona
> based on this device was an avatar.

The following is Earth-based, and may not be 100% accurate for AErth (and
is likely to not necessarily be 100% accurate for Earth, since the events

are kinda ancient :-) )

Akhnaten (Akhen-Aten, or varia[ons thereupon, depending on how one
s[cks vowels in) was originally Amenophis IV, but for various and sundry
reasons he turned his back to the tradi[onal Egyp[an gods and ac[vely
promoted the worship of Aten, the sun-disc. His reign was brief, and
marked by a number of changes (a new temple complex, more 'realis[c'
depic[on of Pharaoh, the shiping of the centers of power). The
religious changes were supercial, in that only those closest to
Akhnaten seemed to actually embrace them, and Smenkhare, his successor,
extended at least one olive branch to the displaced tradi[onal priests.
The monotheis[c period lasted for somewhere between two and three
decades, and Smenkhare's successor, the boy-king Tut-ankh-aten turned his
bak on Aten and changed his name to Tut-ankh-Amun, for which he is beher
known, and presided over ahempts to wipe Akhnaten's legacy from the face
of Egypt.

Historians and Egyptologists have long been fascinated by the gure of
Akhnaten, and earlier works open ascribed 'revela[ons' and such to his
devo[on to Aten, and open parallels between Aten and God are drawn.
However, more recent scholarship tends to ascribe poli[cal mo[ves
(Amenophis IV was an outsider, excluded from most of the court func[ons
in a [me when bureaucra[c oces tended to be hereditary, and so he
built a new system and turned his back on the system that kept him
outside it). Be that as it may, Aten can be treated as a sun-god,
perhaps with a devoted and loyal servant in Akhnaten.

From the perspec[ve of Mythus, I would tend to think that, with
deity-driven miracles manifested through priests, it would take a
par[cularly powerful mortal to ship belief even that much, and the
monotheis[c aspects of Aten-worship would have been toned down.
Akhnaten was not likely an actual avatar of Aten, but more likely someone
inspired by Aten, devoted to Aten, and poli[cally and magickally quite
powerful. Since, in AEgypt, where many *are* in touch with their chosen
dei[es, the monotheis[c aspects would be downplayed, it is also likely
that the reac[on to this brief ing with Aten's exclusive worship would
not have been as severe, Akhnaten would not have had all his temples,
statuaries, and even his tomb deviled, and the worship of Aten would not
have inspired hatred, prejudice, and violence. More likely, Aten would
be quietly subsumed into the pantheon, perhaps noted by scholars of the
[me as an aspect of Amun.

Anyways, I'm rambling, and I doubt I'm making much sense at this point.

Ta ta!

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++

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Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 09:21:55 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: AD&D & TE (TWO DEAD HORSES)

>The system is not all that complicated or confusing, it's just that star[ng
>HP's get way too damn many cas[ngs! There has got to be a way to either cut
>the HP's down in STEEP or cut out some cas[ng Grades. I'd always rather have
>my players stuck with only 1st or 2nd grade cas[ngs at the start.

We *meant* to do that ;) Actually, considering the point you make in the next
paragraph... I can see that someone who thinks of spellcas[ng along the same
paradigm as the EGS would have a problem. But think about it: When you create
an HP, he or she is an adult, with life experience (well...). I've always been
opposed to the idea that you take a handful of scores, a (small) handful of gold,
and pow! there you are, naked and ready to do whatever. Christ! they don't even
give the ghters a sword!

Okay, I'll stop ran[ng. The point is, if you don't want them to have so many
cas[ngs to begin with, *don't give them the cas[ngs*. duh. The maximum number
of cas[ngs available to a persona based on their scores is just that.

>Also, does anyone else agree that there are a lot of repe[[ve cas[ngs in
>MM? Of course, it's late and I can't think of any, but it seems like a lot of
>the cas[ngs in the "Precogni[on" group of K/S's are similar. And then, there
>are only 10-20 1st grade ones in each group...hardly enough to choose from if
>you ask me, considering the magnitude of the K/S lists and the rest of the
>system in general....

Yep. That's so the dierent voca[ons can have a cross-sec[on of cas[ngs, yet
there are cas[ngs in their primary K/S which s[ll t the func[on of the K/S.
(Did that make sense? I understand it because of my in[mate rela[onship in the
development, but trust me - it's a *good* thing!). Bohom line: similar
cas[ngs, but dierent enough to allow personas to personalize their cas[ngs.
Again, variety is the key here. Had [me allowed (and had I been in charge), the
rst two books wouldn't have been so big, and the magic would have been several
supplements - and there would have just been a dierent group of people


------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/24/95 * Time: 09:21:55

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 09:41:09 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: An apology


Hey guy, forget about it. It's so very easy to respond immediately to
something that irks us online, and my gripe isn't with you or anyone else
here. Yeah, I get very defensive - and hos[le - over *certain* subjects,
but I'd like everyone to know that there's another, more personal reason
for my posi[on regarding Mythus.

I spent years working on the project, thinking that this would be my break
and it would allow me to provide an enjoyable future for Michele and I
(you know - pursuing the dream). Well, because of the massive amount of
[me and eort it took, I neglected my marriage. And when the divorce
happened last spring, it sort of lep me feeling like I spent a lot of
[me on the wrong things - especially when you consider that some jerks in
a board room can bury those things, too.

The good news is that it did give me that break; the bad news is that I
can't enjoy it with the person I did it for.

So, anyway, my point is this: I love this game like a child. Sure, it has
it's faults, it's quirks - but it possesses a lihle piece of my heart and
soul, and I'll stand by it forever. And like a lot of parents, I defend
my child without mercy (and some[mes without thinking...).

Also, I've shiped some of the load at Quintessen[al Mercy Studio o of
my shoulders, and in doing so, found that there has been a bit of stress
that's gone with it. I'm not so keyed up anymore, and I've found that
sleep is a good thing.

If I've oended anyone in the past, I apologize. I'll try not to come
out swinging next [me... <grin>


------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/24/95 * Time: 09:41:09

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved

Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 12:53:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Dedicated Heka Resevoirs

Yeah, well, that's what I get for pos[ng without rereading the rules. I've
been thinking about heka-forging too much, and have come to think of
Dedicated resevoirs as baheries for magic items.

Your right, Ryan. Dedicated resevoirs can be used for cas[ng, but if you
look at p.17 of Mythus Magic, it says "Any of the above General-Purpose
Resevoirs can be dedicated to a certain magical Opera[on (such as a Cas[ng)
and used to power it." Unfortuantely that is all it says. So while you are
right that a dedicated resevoir can be used for cas[ng, it looks like that
means only one par[cular cas[ng or opera[on, not an en[re K/S area. So
it seems like they are going to be useful mostly as power sources for magic
items, though if my HP had the [me and cash a resevoir dedicated to Heka
Darts might not be a bad idea (or beher yet, a non-permanent wand).
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 14:36:24 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Scoh Allen Bauer <zog@KSU.KSU.EDU>
Subject: Who needs more rule books?

I was just down at the local game store and saw they s[ll had
1 Mytus rule book
2 Mythus Prime rule books
2 Necropolis

If anyone s[ll needs a copy of the above, I can send you the stores
phone number, fax number, email address or whatever you want.
They would probaly pay for shipping and handling since I am the only
person in Manhahan (Kansas) who plays Mythus and I already have 3 copies
of almost everything.

ZOG out
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 23:46:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: R-Factor and Heka Resistance

Okay, since Dave's been hanging with us for a while, I have one
ques[on about game mechanics I have yet to get straight.

The lihle known thing called the R-Factor.

When a monster is listed as having an R-Factor, what exactly does
that make him immune to. The rules in Mythus Magick seem to state that only
magick that directly aects the creature will be nullied if extra points
aren't added--such as transmorgica[on or death spells, while damaging
energy comes under armor.

However, I see other references in MM and Necropolis that makes me
think that it works against ALL powers, such as statements saying the
creature is eec[vely immune to any unmodied n-grade cas[ng.

How exactly does this come into play? My gut tells me it's the
laher version...but I'm not sure.

Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 19:43:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: AD&D & TE (TWO DEAD HORSES)

Thanks for the input. I agree with your statement that HP's are adults and
should have the skills necessary for the world. But, that being said, I like
to start my campaigns with the HP's just barely on the edge of adulthood (or,
just wasted a lot of it, like us 13er's... :) ) with really not a lot of
experience. They can have a lot of cash, and go buy stu, but in the realm
of real power (magick), as well as K/S's, I really like to have the players
and their HP's have some built in goals: improvement.

I think that's why back in the days when I enjoyed playing the EGS, I always
enjoyed star[ng from 1st level rather than 6th or something like that. I
like having players worry when 30 snotlings come running over the hill (to use
another good system's creatures...but you get the meaning...of course, 10,000
snotlings probably wouldn't frighten anyone... :) )

Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 14:42:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Vargaard Ideas

Here's another pos[ng for Vargaard...please note it's
rough and hasn't been edited, but I felt it was a good idea
to share it now with everybody

A few ideas for other tribes and races of Vargaard!

Wolfen (As Seen in MMM #6 and on this list!)

This is a Phaeree Hobgoblin race which inhabits the
plainlands and upper Shadowshallow realms of Counter Vargaard. Doors naturally open in this realm dooring nights
of the full moon, and some of these races cross over during
that [me, to hunt for a brief [me on this sphere, or to
sehle permanently. They come into rare conicts with the
various na[ve tribes of Vargaard, and may be taking a more
agressive stance since AErth is now being populated with
civilized society--and perhaps on Phaeree with Seelie races.

Vargnaesoni (As created by me just now!)

This is a unique race of Gypsys indiginous to Eastern

The Vargnaesoni originated from the early colonizers of
Southern Vargaard. Relantl has always been a hodgepodge of
AEgyp[an refuges, malcontents, etc. Some of these were
AEgyp[an and (some) Slavic Gypsys. Many sehled, but some
con[nued the role they've had for centuries, wandering as
nomads. During the numerous Wambak Wars, whole tribes of
na[ves were scahered to the wilderness, if not
exterminated or absorbed into the popula[on. Some of the
southeastern tribes were welcomed into the popula[on,
accep[ng the customes of the Vargaesoni and adding to them!
As colonies were established north and wars began, further
na[ves joined, and an inux of a small (persecuted) Gypsy
tribe indigenous to Avallonia joined the popula[on. It was
all of these inuenced which created the Vargnaesoni.

Currently, the Vargnaesoni number at an es[mated
5,000. Typical caravans are contain 20-80 people, with some
larger ones having twice or three-[mes that number. Such
caravans travel as covered wagons or (rarely) wooden wagons,
using both horses and mules. A few nomandic encampents can
be found on the borderlands, during [mes of clan mee[ngs,
numbering 100-500 people, lead by a Chief. There is rumored
to be a semi-permanent "city" somewhere in "wilderness"
territory, home to the Varnaesoni Great Farroh.
Furthermore, some 100-200 have taken up residence in
villages, towns, and ci[es in various roles--all tend to be
aloof and owe fealty towards their leaders.

These people are treated cau[ously by all the states
of Vargaard. They carry with them the s[gma of other

Gypsys tribes. In the northern states (above Susekeniana),

they make money and a living at trade and entertainment of
the peasents, but they are seen as a dark, mysterious,
strange race, par[cularly with their bastadized religion as
well as their unique racial makeup. They treat them with a
cau[ons respect. The southern AEgyp[an/Atlan[an cultures
treat them with disdain as barbarians, and tend to shun them
at best--though some trade does occur. Caravans will submit
to local laws when dealing with outsiders--most of the [me,
anyway--but they have their own culture, customs, and codes.
The na[ves see them as a strange tribe taking up the
tarpings of the colonizers, and depending on the temperment
of the tribe may be greeted with sympathy or with hos[lity.
Gypsys war with bandits and robbers--they may be
mountebanks, but they are not robber or murderers.

Their knowledge and skill base take the best of all the
cultures. Mountebank's and Soothsayers by nature, their
AEgyp[an here[ge has given them a lot of knowledge of heka craep. The AEropian inux has given them a lot of
knowledge about warcrap/defense, organiza[on, and
weaponry. And the Na[ves of Vargaard have given them much
lore in hun[ng, survival, and natural ahunement to this
land. Similarly, their Magick is strange--many have the
mediumship skills of the Gypsys of lore, enhanced by the
Conjura[on skills of the Medicine Men. All have been
enhanced by the renown of AEgyp[an dweomercraepers, and
the wrihen art of Heak is taught. Dweomercraep lore
favored is the Gray, with Green coming in a close second.

Their religious beliefs are a stange mix similar to
what happened on earth with the Voodoun religion when moved
to the West Indies and New Orleans. Rooted in the AEgyp[an
Pantheon (with a scahering of Atlan[an--par[cularly the
Ancient Masters), the great inux of the tribes added an
equal mix of the Manitou pantheon. The loose nature of
religeous prac[ces allowed for a lot of assimila[on and
acceptence--as did the theranthromorphic dei[es of both
Pantheons. Add to this Phaeree lore/myth from both Kell[c
and Slavonic realms (where these religions play a part), and
you have a potpourii of inuences. Thus their religion is
a strange, more-or-less "equal" mix: references to the
"Great Spirit" Ptah or Osirus are common, tapestrys of
Manitou weave design with Hiero-AEgyp[an symbols depic[ng
the twin birds of Thunder and Lightning (Thunderbirds and
Bennu), Manitou myths featuring Atlan[an Ancient Masters as
creator forces, etc. Such religion tends to favor those
dei[es of Balance and Twilight...though cau[ous venera[on
of the ones of "Light and Darkness" are also undertaken.

That's all I've come up with for now...

John R. Troy (JRT)
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 18:57:46 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Wed Jan 25 18:56:20 1995
Hello everyone
It's [me for another installment of Magical Devices from the Epic of Aerth
book. I have quite a list, so the next four or so pos[ngs will be all
devices. ALL of them are Quite interes[ng....and should provide ideas for
campaigns if nothing else....

Steven Gullerud is [ed up taking Quals and I am [ed down at work, so the
heka-forging may be delayed a bit... :( Hopefully we'll s[ll make the
deadline, but just in case we don't...I just wanted to let you know we are
s[ll working on it. It is a MAJOR rewrite of the area, keeping with the same
theme of the descrip[on, but more precisely dening it, detailing the
necessary cas[ngs for magic item crea[on, and even adding in a few new
Cas[ngs, including several suggested on the List.

As always, comments and cri[cisms welcome.... :)
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 19:17:12 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Wed Jan 25 19:08:10 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Shell of the Deep - This large clamsell (10' wide) is said to ensure victory to
those near the sea. It allows two or three people to comfortably sit or stand
in it while it levitates or ies. It can also confer water-breathing to an
unlimited number of people and is coveted by commanders of armies for this


Red Cloak of Fire - This fabled cloak bestows the ability of re prowess.

This ability allows the wearer to completely control the elements of re and
heat. Examples of powers include Immunity to all re-based ahacks, Fire
Anima[on, Fire Bolt, Fire Ball, Fire Lightning, Fire Crea[on, Wall of Fire,
Summon Fire Elementary/Elemental, and Summon Volcano to comprise a short list.
During the Bahles of the Fall, ships feared traveling anywhere near the coast
of Alorax, for they open met the fate of great spouts of steam, [dal waves,
and erup[ons from underneath the waves, all rumored to be the result of this
apparel. This is why these islands suered lihle from the wars. Would it
not be for the Great Famine, perhaps Atlantl would not have fallen. The Fabled
Hero Torax the VII, Torax the Redeemed, Torax of the Sun, used this cloak when
he ew from the Sun to ahack his enemies. ALthough legend has it Torax VII
is immortal and s[ll wears the cloak, it is more likely to s[ll be in the
possession of the House of Torax. It is also a legend that a gure bathed in
re will save Atlan[s by plummaging the Isles into the ocean.


Great Crown of Broksegan - This crown allows the reader to read the thoughts of
any en[ty throughout the world nega[ng ANY resistances.

Kraken Portal Ring - This ring creates portals to any place where there is
water. It also bestows the ability to breathe water and transform into a
merperson. It may also have the power to summon the Kraken. The portal power
creates a ring of water 1 rod in diameter for which any number of people can
travel through as long is there is water present. It is rumored that many of
the ruling houses have pools in their fortresses for this purpose. It is also
rumored to work interdimensionally, and has been used to transport en[re
armies. (AEgypt has faced such inltra[ons!)

$$HRComments by teskej Wed Jan 25 19:21:18 1995
The above items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 19:17:56 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Tue Jan 24 17:27:52 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Basin of the Sea - This item was made by a powerful Mage of the now dead Aqua
Dweomercraep School, the School of the Magic of Watercraeping. This Basin is
one of the School's last remaining items, most of the others having been
destroyed at the same [me that the School died out. Reputedly it gives its
owner and his associated eet total superiority in all naval manuevers,
combat, and naviga[on.

Dioramic Altar - This large Altar is part of a SubTemple in an unknown loca[on

somewhere in the 7 temples of the City of Carthage. Priests of the Phoenician

Dei[es may call upon it to display any locale, and then to transport any
number of people there instantly. According to popular legend, it may display
past and future locales as well, but transporta[on to these places is much
more dicult...

Seven Illusion Mirror - This mirror legendarily has 7 illusions which play in
varying sequences across its surface. A full prac[[oner (Mage or Priest) may
command part of those illusions to come forth OUT OF THE MIRROR and permanently
become part of reality, for good or ill...

Gno[c Decompulser - The precise form of this item is unknown, its terrible
power has been well-described, however. Apparently the device creates a
Spiritual Link with a large group of its wielder's opponents, in a mere 1 BT's
[me, and then causes Spiritual Damage equal to 95% of the subjects' total,
each individually adjusted, thus eec[vely rendering large groups of people
Spiritually Damaged above their ELs, and thus Dazed. This has made for some
rather quick bahles on the eld, and has been known to foil at least one
assassina[on ahempt in the recent past. It is unknown if the device has
other powers.

Asp Javelins - It is unclear how many of these items there are in existence,
but one thing is for certain...they are terribly eec[ve weapons. Each
javelin eec[vely ies long distances when hurled (25x normal ranges), has a
90 BAC, nearly always hits even in subop[mal condi[ons, and unerringly
transforms the target into an asp. It is known that the javelins, in concert,
have more powers than if wielded individually, but what those addi[onal powers
might be is unknown.


Scythe of Decima[on - When wielded in combat, this scythe kills 10% of the
opponents' troops per swing. Its cost however is rumored to be equally erce
to those who might overuse/abuse this power. Its specic abili[es as a melee
weapon aren't known, as it is widely held to have never been used in hand
weapon melee.

Armor of El Campeador - The Armor of The Champion, this device reputedly has
several wonderful proper[es, the most famous of which is its ability to
enhance the following long list of K/S areas: military science, for[ca[on
and seigecrap, construc[on (military), combat (all types), leadership,
inuence, charisma[cism, magne[sm, and endurance. All of these K/S areas,
used in combina[on, create a very persuasive, appealing, and skilled champion.
Bards from Granada tell tales of a legendary power to enhance, through
well-spoken speeches, combat ability and Physical Ahribute/Category/Trait
scores, in large numbers of people, all through fana[cism for "The Champion".
No one in living memory can recall such an event, thus cas[ng doubt on the
veracity of the bardic stories.

$$HRComments by teskej Wed Jan 25 19:22:16 1995

The above items were created by JM Teske
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 19:57:30 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Wed Jan 25 19:25:57 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Pandemonic Machine -This diabolic machine has the poten[al to crush any na[on
that opposed Atlantl, however i2ts chao[c n4ature has caused maN*y @n operator
to go mad. The machine is made o( G%&s and crystal and has the power to create
is ancient, and th^e runes are incom)prehe(nsible. IT IS SAid that a Fallen gOD
created it to ght the GREATER POwers through mass numbers. The Atlan[ans
have been researching it fr3om the da7wn of [9me and it has caused insanity in
moUre tha2n a thou1sand cases. True comprehensTY8 0* tH# de&ise is impossible,
but it is used in [mes of great need, and BY THOSE who feEL THEY Are
enligHTENED ENOUGH TO TOLerate its MENTAL TORture. Atlan[s encourages the
study of the mach89e, however nothing wrihen about the mac9i64's abili[es
seems to stay in t act. Known powers include the fdalk tal IVXXXMd";,tk klds
ksdj;kashg k;luojkbnkm vn ****1546 6546 64;,&%$#@@?>}<+_*-=|^%|~#`
(I'm sorry, I am sure I typed this in right!)

Jakulgz's Nighted Seahorse - It is the largest galleon ever constructed. The
hull is made of living coral and is a sight to bestow. The ship has never been
defeated in bahle and is the main Arsenal of the Atlantl Navy. It somehow
draws energy from the Atlantl Isles, for it becomes less powerful when it is
far from home. The ship has absolute control over seas and weather. It can
navigate through whirlpools into Phaeree AND nd its way back! During bahles
it uses creatures and the sea to defend itself. It appears to be impervious to
re, cold, lightning, acid, or water-based ahacks. Damage to its hull
regenerates at an amazing speed. It has beau[ful sails, but can also move on
its own power. It is rumored that only those of Atlantl blood are permihed
access to the ship, and that any other race that boards will become Atlan[an
in their features and skin.


Azure Globes of Agony - These four orbs are cruel and tormentuous answers for
dealing with prisoners and extending life. Proper use of the Orbs drains a
vic[m of life energy which is precipitated on the globes. The liquid then is
collected from the Orbs in specially prepared goblets which open (happen to)
resemble skulls. This ritual causes the vic[m extreme pain which may last for
many days. The liquid is then applied or ingested. It is said that a person
inges[ng the liquid partakes of the vic[m's life and knowledge, and likewise

extends their life by the amount so drained from the vic[m. The liquid can
also be used to make a barren land fruikully by spreading the liquid in a
mist. Becuase of these Globes, Axxum has avoided invasion from more advanced
na[ons, however tribal uprisings are a common occurence. Thankfully only four
of these Globes are rumored to exist.


Weapons of the Avatars - It is not known exactly how many of these weapons
exist, but it is assumed to be between 9 and 15 of various types. Each of
these weapons are uniquely made from an unknown alloy and has been handed down
from the dawn of [me. The extreme quality of the weapons bestow a BAC bonus
of +20, however, this is not what they are renown for. The power which gains
them respect is the magic dampening eld they create. At 10 rods all magic
based cas[ngs and items fail to work at a DR of Hard vs. the appropriate K/S
area. At 5 rods, another roll must be made at dicult, and within one rod,
all heka-using items and spells must be made at extreme or rendered inert
un[l removed from the area.

Impenetrable Houda - This statue of a bird has the ability to animate and
become a mascot for more than one person at the same [me. It is capable of
storing 500 heka and 3 regenera[ng joss factors.

Indra's Serried Spearpoints - This [ght grouping of spear points allows an
alterna[ve way to make a Golem. When the spearpoints are incorporated into a
sculpture it animates and follows the exact orders of the creator. The spear
can be u[lized as a weapon (BAC 200). The number of points in the cluster is
unknown, but when the statue is destroyed there appears to be fewer.

Scrolls of Harsivas - These venerable scrolls are held sacred by the Monks of
Bahuba. It is said that those who dedicate their lives to the study and
medita[on of these readings will understand nature and the meaning of life
and death. This has been claimed, but in the short term, those who have
studied it for a year have gained the K/S area of Metaphysics (at a steep of
20) and have all their SM scores increased by 1 for each year of medita[on
for up to 10 years.

The above items were created by AJ Schmidt.
$$HRComments by teskej Wed Jan 25 20:02:05 1995
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 20:26:35 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Wed Jan 25 20:03:02 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Astral Garden - The precise loca[on of the famed Astral Garden is a well-kept
secret; however, it is known that it aids divinatory ahempts by 4 DRs and +40
to the divina[on K/S area, not limited by Spiritual Trait. It is also rumored
that the Garden provides fast transporta[on to anywhere desired via connec[on
to the Astral, but it is unknown if this is true. Many fanciful rumors exist
regarding the owers in the Garden, none of which have proven to be true. On
the darker side, it is also rumored that the Garden is kept by a group of
intelligent penguins, who explode (and then regenerate) should anyone abuse or
misuse the Garden in their presence.

Pagoda Crown - This item is a heka reservoir of 3500 and grants it wearer the
eects of all the "Hour of" Cas[ngs simultaneously for 2 hours per day, and
individually, 1x/day, for 2 hours each. It also grants mys[cism a +30 bonus
if that par[cular K/S area is possessed by its wearer, not limited by
Spiritual Trait. Allegedly, the item also has the handy ability to transform
itself into a fortress of connec[ng pagodas if so willed by the owner. For
decades, however, travelers and na[ves from the area have denied this last

Fish of Chambaj - Made by a Full Prac[[oner well-skilled in the ways of
Heka-Forging, Magick, Spellsongs, and Astrology, the Fish of Chambaj is a
monstrous musical mobile bearing the likenesses of the symbol of Pisces from
many countries around Aerth on metallic plates chiming dierent tones. It is
said that this item has many abili[es, one for each note the mobile is capable
of producing. However, it is known that this item can resurrect the dead, no
maher how long dead, and as such, the Magical Device does generate a
signicant income for the country.

Spinning Chopper - This large grouping of blades is fearsome to behold,
appearing as a large self-propelled Machine of Death on the bahleeld. It is
rumored to cause 12d6xd6 exposure per CT exposed to this menace, PER VICTIM.
It is 50 feet long and 20 feet in diameter, according to the eyewitnesses who
have seen it in ac[on. Its mechanism of movement is s[ll not understood, as
it allegedly was created by a civiliza[on more ancient than the Atlan[ans.
None of the modern Heka-Forgers understand its construc[on or opera[on,


Book of Dooms - The book supposedly has the ability to call forth the powers of
an Apocalypse (sp?), devesta[ng to opponents both on and o the bahleeld.
The cost is also paid by the populace of Byzan[um as well, thus <fortunately>
resul[ng in the extreme rarity of use of this item.

Legion of ShadowPrac[- This group of Demi-Power beings are the King and
Queen's to command. When the proper rituals are spoken, and the correct
oerings made, they are summoned; whether this summoning ritual u[lizes
another Device is unknown. Their powers are vast, typically of Grades X - XV,
and are those of Grey Dweomercraep and the Ethos of Shadowy Darkness. It is

unclear how many are in the Legion; the numbers vary substan[ally in tales
na[ve to Byzan[um.

Cholchian Venom Darts - From the area famous for Jason, the Golden Fleece, and
Medea, comes these famous darts, reputedly enchanted by Medea herself. It is
unknown exactly the number of these items, but rumor tells of the existence of
nearly 3 dozen. Each has enhanced range (2-50x normal), 80% BAC, ignores all
physical/heka armor <unless generated by a cas[ng of grade X or higher> and
strikes with an extremely lethal poison (STR 80-150).

The above items were created by JM Teske.
$$HRComments by teskej Wed Jan 25 20:31:13 1995
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 20:49:29 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Wed Jan 25 20:31:49 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Prophyry Tableaux - (Porpyry is Greek for purple) This purple pain[ng depicts
a scene of a stage with seemingly mo[onless and costumed actors, holding
weapons and other mys[cal Objects/Devices. Some claim taht these actors are
the legendary Violet Vigilantes, with others claiming that this rumor is mere
coincidence and propaganda of the Violet Vigilantes. There is also some
rumored power this pain[ng has in conjunc[on with the Purple Sky Sta.

Bond of Certainty - A magical Chain, this item makes powerful Pronouncements
(see the Priestcraep Cas[ng), facts of Certainty, that will and certainly
come to pass, being able to generate 6 Joss to do so. However, the chain must
be placed in the correct congura[on for the Fact to take place. Reportedly
this magical chain can do other things as well, once again provided it is
placed into the proper posi[on, with its greatest secrets lying in the K/S
area of Conjura[on.

Purple Sky Sta - The second of Byzan[um's "purple" items, this sta is
conjectured to cause an image of its bearer, 50' tall, enhanced by illusions
and other Grey Dweomercraep cas[ngs Grades X-XIX, to appear at the will of
the bearer. The mere sight of this causes 50 points of Mental and Spiritual
Damage, and an Awe check for "Dazing" at Very Dicult. Those failing the Awe
check are not only Dazed, but also will instantly acknowledge the superiority
of the owner of the Sta, and desist in hos[le ac[ons against him/her. It
reputedly also has special eects when combined with the Porphyry Tableaux,
but these powers are well hidden from public knowledge. Lay press indicates
that the Sta can actually cause the beings to come out of the Tableaux and
perform errands; ocials deny this as part of the Violet Vigilantes'
propaganda machine.


The Sword Calimbumus - From the La[n for "zeal" and "to inspire", this Sword
is widely known for its eects on morale, adding a large bonus to S trait to
all those who are allied with its wielder. It is also, according to ancient
legend, capable of speeding an en[re army, causing friendly troops to be
quickened whilst torpifying the opposers. Due to the Magickal aura about the
Sword, no friendly troops will be aected or die from cold climate/cas[ngs or
hot/re climate/cas[ngs.

Keoghtom's Board and Pieces - Reportedly this item is a fanciful board of
Fidcell, with board and pieces all of unsurpassed quality, nely craped of
metal and inlaid with gems. Each piece is capable of summoning a powerful
hero/minor Demi-Power to aid its owner, with the board capable of summoning the
spirits/beings connected with all the pieces res[ng on it at the [me the
summons is performed. The Board can also retrieve lost/stolen pieces through
teleporta[on. If the Board and Pieces have addi[onal powers beyond these,
they are well-guarded state secrets.

The above items were created by JM Teske.

That's all for this installment. Hopefully I'll have more for you next week.

$$HRComments by teskej Wed Jan 25 20:54:07 1995
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 21:42:00 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Flogging that dead horse, again.

There is a par[cular dead horse that I would like to take my turn bea[ng:
Trigger Eects Formula. My apologies to Dave Newton and Gary Gygax, but
it's too powerful and should be eliminated. Think about it, a grade 1
cas[ng that can hold the eects of any other cas[ng for an unlimited
amount of [me without any special vehicle or the caster's presence, and also
has the ability to detect some complex event in the surrounding environment
of the caster's choice? As if that weren't enough, it can also be used to
trip other versions of itself in an area. I realize that stu like whether
it can be cast and lep, or follows the caster are ambiguous, but they are
irrelevant. Any way you slice it, this cas[ng is packing the power of an
impermanent magic item into a grade one cas[ng. As Donald Eccles men[oned,
it makes a large part of the Heka-Forging K/S obsolete.

Now you can put all sorts of restric[ons on it, but they don't get at the
heart of the problem, which is that this innocent looking spell is way too
powerful. They end up being ahempts to ahen out the bulge in the rug by
stepping on it. As a prac[cing power player who runs a dweomercraper, let

me say that any restric[ons will only complicate the situa[on, and end up
tying you in logical knots as you try to avoid the new spell research of your
HPs based on the TE precedent. Let's say you limit it to one per HP, and it
can be cast only on them, not on objects. What if one of your players
researches a Grade three version that holds two cas[ngs? What is the basis
for denying it? What about a grade two version that can be lep on objects?
What about a grade six version that holds ve dierent spells and has a
complex set of condi[ons that in essence makes it a de facto bodyguard?
What about one you cast on your dog before sending him into the enemy camp
that sets o a Fireash each [me he bites someone or....
You get the picture.

You can always just say NO to these proposed cas[ngs, but I'd like to point
out that a lot of the fun of running a Dweomercraper is being able to come
up with new and intriguing cas[ng based on the principles of magic as laid
out in the precedents the cas[ng lists set. If whether a cas[ng gets
accepted or not depends PURELY on it's game eec[veness, then there is no
chance that through careful thought you might come up with a simple and yet
extremely eec[ve low level spell. It takes the fun out of spell research,
because a really cool breakthrough is just going to be normalized to a higher
grade based on its eec[veness. All the careful thought put into the
concep[on of it in a simple form is wasted. Having a structured and
consistent magic system makes the game a whole lot more fun than just than
set of dogma[c rulings. Now you can't en[rely ignore the eec[veness of
a spell in deciding what it's grade should be, but this kind of game
balancing should be done with the principles and precedents embodied in the
cas[ng lists, not on a cas[ng by cas[ng basis.

So anyway, that's just my long winded way of saying get rid of it, or move it
up to grade 8 or so and call it Cas[ng Landmine Formula. Or something like

Comments are always welcome.


Mah Berry
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 22:19:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

Thanks for the clarica[on Mah!

Darts might be a good use for a dedicated Heka reservoir, but I must admit
that my rst ins[nct would be to use one for making my hide a lihle tougher
for Mikey to tan <grin>. Then again, my current HP doesn't have that op[on.
Oh well. Reckon he'll just have to run. ;-)

Anyways, around that same place there was a sec[on in the same area concerning
magickal glyphs which could be used to store Heka. I do not recall any
limita[ons regarding the use of these Glyphs, so I assume they could be
either GPR's or DR's (Dedicated Reservoir). However, there is also a table
concerning the inscrip[on of mul[ple such Glyphs on a single object.
Since the absolute limit on GPR's is 6 and the table goes up to something
beher than twice that number. However, my impression from the text is that
Glyphs are intended as a kind of "fast and dirty" method of pidgeon-holeing
small amounts of Heka instead of being a hekaur's main secondary fuel tanks
(if that indeed makes any sense). My ques[on is this:

Are Glyphs excep[ons to the GPR limita[on (because they are simple and
cheap to make (perhaps being more dicult to charge in return), or
would they mainly be used to power the poor hekaur's "fast and dirty" items?

Might ahunement be another poten[al problem for the Glyph?

Comments? Discussion? Anyone??

Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 23:14:34 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: glyphs

Although the players in my last group did eventually get around to using a
magic circle to store a great deal of heka in sort of a communal 'pool' in
there home, for a much longer period of [me they used more limited resevoirs.

What they did to create a resevoir was prepare an item suciently to receive
glyphs, then pack as many glyphs as was allowed onto that item. That item, all
glyphs included, counted as once general purpose resevoir against their total.

Example, Geno Mancej, theif and a possessing grey dweomercraper skill and
magick skill... has a gold medallion he 'aquired' from a fat merchants home.
The pendant is high quality and not needing the money right then, Geno decided
to set it up as his resevoir. His skill wasn't that great, so he ended up
pujng one 60 point and 2 30 point glyphs on the medallion ... a resevoir of

Ultavarios, 60 year old elemental prac[[oner, set glyphs onto his sta
instead, and since his steep was MUCH beher <high 80's when he rst started,
thanks to the bonus' of age> he really sank some points in the sta and ended
up with about a 300 to 600 point resevoir... <think around 450, he did half 60
point glyphs and half 30 pointers... didn't want to push his dice luck, as
messing up| a glyph messes up all the others... and I wasn't being to
informa[ve about what would happen if 300 heka suddenly went uncontrolled at

close range>

In fact, most of the [me, when I think of resevoirs.. I think of these items
the characters have made and stuck glyphs onto... they're fairly low key, or at
least in propor[on, and they need lots of maintenance <reinscribing runes of
the painted sort, and reloading heka... not really something you can aord to
do in mid adventure. Also. they read really easily using detect heka without
alot more prepara[on, and as such are fun for me :)

As a side note, knowing how many people feel about star[ng characters at a
lower power level, I feel it necessary to defend the other end of it just a
bit. In running campaigns I have used the rules basically as wrihen, and I
have never been misabused by an area of rules that wasn't suciently
counterbalanced. The player who ran Ulty, for example, was a hell of a
role-player, and loved the idea that you could have age actually make an
appropriate dierence in character genera[on <not just pujng stats in
appropriate places to simulate age>, given the chance, he leapt at playing an
old crusty experinced in magick Mage. Someone who deserved the name from the
outset... I mean Ultavarios had Power <tho a par[al prac[[oner>

On the other hand, a fall down a short ight of steps would more than likely
hospitalize him, and Geno's favorite ahack rolling minimum damage but hijng
super-vital for x3 damage would kill him outright.

Balance. Ultavarious was one of the best characters Ive ever seen in any game,
because he had depth, history, and more to the point, he had the 'numbers' to
back up the experience that was roleplayed. He was crotchety, money oriented,
secre[ve and failed frequently to explain himself before ac[ng. He also
raised his appre[ce as his own son <which he may well have been> and used the
money he gathered up to start a school of magic which deliberatly sought out
those of the lower classes who showed ap[tude <eec[vly lowering the base
Sec Requirements for all but the black school of Dweomercraeping by one Sec
Level for a major City and the surrounding area.

I'm not saying the system can't be abused. It can. But, given a muture group of
roleplayers, or a group that has poten[al for being mature, wondrous things
can be achieved. Let them go nuts in the candy store: when picking out your
half of the spells they get, go ahead and pick the ahack spell on the list if
you think they'd have had it taught to them, then they don't have to ignore the
more interes[ng choices in order to get the 'big gun'. <Also, they'll wan't to
use the interes[ng spell because they used a 'slot' up on it>. Let them
understand they can really build someone has in depth or as totally one-sided
as they like, Most people looking for a truly good [me will go for depth.

Mind you, I s[ll like low-power low-magic campaigns, but right now, I'm going
to run whats presented, because I haven't nearly used up possibili[es of this
sejng yet.

signing o and cujng down on the Valium.

"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \ DAT
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\ <insert quote here>
against the powers of this dark world \
and against the spiritual forces of evil \
in the heavenly realms." \
--Ephesians 6:12 \
"Our love is King--let's go get a Slushie."--Heathers
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 00:57:03 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Rodney W. Morris" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Hey, y'all...

The Prince of Darkness
X-Mailer: ELM-MIME [version 1.0 PL0]

Hey, there, Mythusers. What's up? I've been o-list for a
while, because of some prehy silly stu going on when I lep.
Have the ame wars died down, or are heads s[ll hot around here?

Lucifer >:}
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 02:24:53 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Kelthar@AOL.COM
Subject: Trigger, again.....................

Regardless of the limita[ons you put on this cas[ng, the triggering event
should be kept simple. i.e. "If I get hit with a weapon", "If I get hit
with some form of Heka", "If anyone other than myself passes by".

I'd strongly recommend not allowing triggers such as "If anyone not a member
of my adventuring group or a friend of mine, etc.", the burning ques[on is
"how do it know", who anyone is. Yes, the caster can probably rig it to
recognize him/herself, but no one else. You could make a case for "anyone
who passes this point without whistling Dixe", but that obviously poses it's
own hazards. "Sorry Sam, I didn't know you was tone deef."

I got roped into JMing a session with a bunch of unknown players once, in the
group there was one spellcaster who insisted on carrying his twenty or so
coins with Fireash "Triggered" on them. As I recall, the trigger was
something akin to "When it strikes something aper being thrown" (too
complex anyway). Being in a rather mellow moood, and knowing it wouldn't

really maher anyway, I let him.

As the group approached their target, a temple of Akara (shadowy darkness),
this player pasted a smartass smirk on his face and started handing the coins
around to the rest of the party. Ok, why not. As the party advanced into
the temple they encountered a favorite trap of mine, a trigger eect formula
holding a trigger eect formula (version 2). This was really designed to
burn a lihle heka and annoy spellcasters, but obviously on this occasion the
results were somewhat more spectacular.

The leading HPs suddenly lit up in violent ames (Fireashes), damaging
themselves and others nearby, and eec[vely blinding the party. The temple
guards thought this was a hell of a deal and started adding arrows to the
party. In the mean[me the HPs are staggering back out into the woods
throwing any remaining coins away as fast as they could dig them out. Sadly
a couple didn't make it. Not so sadly (ok, so I'm a cold heartless SOB,
some[mes) the SA was one of them. Had something to do with having 10+
Fireashes going o in your belt pouch!

Golly, should I try to copyright the Trigger in Trigger applica[on?????
Just kidding, feel free to use it with my blessing (not that you need it).

Happy gaming,

Rick C. (Kelthar)
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 08:05:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: TSR

As a point of interest to those of you with access to America Online, TSR
Online is now open! (It started 1-23.) I lep a strong Mythus message in
the "What I would like to see" folder and then discovered somebody's already
created a Dangerous Journeys folder. Now's your chance, guys. . .inundate
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 14:16:12 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Really quick ques[on

My books are at home, I'm at work, and I have an xxx to replace in
something I'm working on.

Does anyone have their books nearby and are nice enough to give me a
page number? I want to know what page(s) 'rajes' are on in the
AErth Bes[ary.

e-mail, pls, I doubt most people on the list really direly need the
informa[on :-)



-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 1995 20:24:37 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: A quick ques[on on something new.

As I understand it, a Link can be detected by one of the following
1. Having a Mental or Spiritual Psychogenic Power that allows M/S ahack
forms (as listed in Mythus Magic; however na[ves ofAErth do not possess
2. Having a Mental or Spiritual Cas[ng that mimics these Eects (such as
Wound, Mental or Subversion);
3. A handful of Cas[ngs from various K/S areas that detect Links;
4. The Mys[cism K/S area (through its capacity to detect Heka).

In order to protect against Links, you need one of the Cas[ngs that do this
(Inuence of Aquarius, Iron Will, etc.).

As a nal note, someone asked about enchanted items to protect against Links
so as not to have your character wiped out by the rst enemy Heka-user with
more Heka to spend than your charater's TRAIT total. There is another way to
acieve the same end. Any character with a STEEP of at least 11 in
Apotropaism can create Mental and/or Spiritual armor with a Warding Gesture
faster than even an Eyebite can take hold. While this doesn't stop a Link,
if you can detect a Link through one of the means listed above it allows you
to set up armor to reduce the damage before it actually arrives in the next
CT. Even a character with no other Heka-producing K/S areas will have a
TRAIT supply equal to their highest TRAIT along with the Heka generated by
Apotropaism, making this a very useful route for HPs of the Arms or Outlaw
Voca[ons who want to be somewhat protected against enemy Heka-users.
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 1995 21:04:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Glyphs

I think Glyphs are designed to be treated as applying to one object as a
Reservoir. You would then paint 3,6, or whatever on an object and that
object counts as a reservoir with that amount of Heka in it. The size of the
object limits the number of Glyphs and the HP's daring limits the amount per
Glyph (i.e., who's going to try to make 6 rolls at DR "Extreme"?).

This idea of Glyphs explains why the stereotypical magician wears a robe with
funny stars and such all over it, or a pointed hat with strange symbols-these
are his Heka resrvoirs. . .
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 1995 05:13:46 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: R-Factor and Heka Resistance

My understanding is that R-factor works as a point total to overcome, which
means extra Heka must be put into the Cas[ng for it to have its normal
eect. Example: Fright charm is Grade I so it requires 20 Heka to power
it. Against a monster with an R-Factor of 6, 26 Heka must be spent against
it to have the desired eect; 25 or less would simply be wasted as the
Cas[ng has no eect. For certain Cas[ngs such as Heka Darts, where extra
Heka is invested at the [me of Cas[ng to increase damage, merely knock o
as many dice of eect as are needed to equal the R-Factor, e.g. if a caster
pays 50 extra Heka for 5 extra dice versus a monster with an R-Factor of 6,
one of those extra dice is removed as the 10 points put into it are countered
by the creature's R-Factor (the four remaining merely being wasted as they
aren't enough to produce another die of damage). This is good because it
allows HPs to gauge a criher's R-Factor easily by no[ng how many darts are

One ques[on lep unresolved is the use of R-Factor against Heka-engendered
Powers. Since a Power doesn't use Heka, but the descrip[on of an R-Factor
says it works against both Cas[ngs and Powers, how does it func[on? Dave
Newton, if you read this, can you comment please?
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 1995 05:35:02 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newon <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: R-Factor and Heka Resistance

>One ques[on lep unresolved is the use of R-Factor against Heka-engendered
>Powers. Since a Power doesn't use Heka, but the descrip[on of an R-Factor
>says it works against both Cas[ngs and Powers, how does it func[on? Dave
>Newton, if you read this, can you comment please?


You know I'm not really sure about this one, but I'd handle it by trea[ng
powers which do n dice of damage as doing n-1 dice (based on the R-Factor, of

I'm sorry if this sounds like a cop-out, but the R-Factors were something that
Gary developed, and I guess I'm in the dark with you guys on this one. However,
your other comments (the part I deleted - oops!) sounded correct.

-----------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/29/95 * Time: 05:35:03
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 1995 17:16:28 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Edward Bromley <EPB3@AOL.COM>
Subject: Hand me that whip

Well I gure that since most of the non-lurkers on the list have had their
say, I should get a turn in the saddle (I'll make it short since the horse
doesn't seem to be moving):

Trigger Eect: In short, I agree with Mah. This cas[ng either needs to
be eliminated or radically revised. As a comparison, the spell Con[ngency
from the EGS is 6th lvl (1st edi[on). That spell, which is similar to TE,
has many more limita[ons. TE doesn't even make sense when compared to other
Mythus cas[ngs. For instance, the Hold Eect cas[ng, which is a grade
higher only does PART of what TE does....
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 1995 17:13:20 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Edward Bromley <EPB3@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Glyphs

Ryan Snead stated/asked:

> ...I assume they could be either GPR's or DR's (Dedicated Reservoir)


> Since the absolute limit on GPR's is 6 and the table goes up to something
> beher than twice that number...My ques[on is this: Are Glyphs excep[ons
to > the GPR limita[on.

I don't believe that "glyphs" are meant to be an excep[on to the number of

GPRs. Note, however, that as indicated by Jared Hale, a glyph per se is NOT
a Heka Reservoir ("HR"). Rather, each GLYPH ITEM cons[tutes one (1) HR.
For instance, a sta with (up to) 12 glyphs is one (1) HR (not 12). See
Jared's pos[ng for some good examples.

> Might ahunement be another poten[al problem for the Glyph?

I don't recall a rule on this, but it is certainly a good idea. All HRs
should be ahuned to a HP before they are usuable. If some type of
ahunement rule is not used an HP could hire a lacky to carry a few extra HRs
for use when his primary HRs ran out (ie. "Joe, hand me a new bahery").
Maybe 24 hours of close proximity (between HP and HR) would be sucient.
This would allow ahunement fairly quickly but wouldn't allow an HP to
switch HRs in bahle.
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 1995 23:34:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: R-Factor and all that.

R-Factors are a nice can of worms. Damn. Wish Dave knew more about
I've always assumed that the resistance is seen, but it's not easy
to quan[fy, and the mage has to "guess" to aect the creature. But the
sugges[on about reducing damage does work for me.

Think...think...think...okay--hey Frank! Frank, you've played in
enough Gygax games to know: whenever you came up against a powerful demon
or "big-ass-baddie", were you guys aware of it? What did Heka-benders do in
the party when facing these guys. I'm just trying to gure this out. I
know you don't deal with stat stu much, but the situa[on reference would
help, if you can.

As far as powers are concerned, I for one am for some for of
expansion or quan[ca[on of powers. The problems with powers are that
they are /based/ on spells, but the spells have dierences based on the
casters level, whether or not he or she is a FPR or PPR, casters trait, etc.
We need a lihle more detailed rules for these. What happens when a power
comes against a Disjoin spell. Is the power greater than Preternatural in
origin? (Supernatural/En[tal). Does it use Posi[ve, Nega[ve, or Mixed
heka. Maybe a few more stats are needed for these.

One of the things I tried to do when wri[ng for Enchanted Equipment
is explain the damned power as best as I can. For example: "For Purposes
of Disjoining, Nega[ng, or Resis[ng, treat as cast by a dweomercraeper
with 90 STEEP". Stu like this is rather important. I go by the
Greenwood/LaKoa school...which is to explain it all and close up poten[al
loopholes/abuses. But that's just me. (And I was a real bonehead for not

including costs. <Sigh>)

John R. Troy (JRT)
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 1995 23:32:11 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Hand me that whip
In-Reply-To: <199501292215.OAA06950@leland.Stanford.EDU> from "Edward Bromley"
at Jan 29, 95 05:16:28 pm

Well, I might as well jump into the fray on TE as well. I agree with
previous posters who have said Trigger Eect is just too powerful as

Instead of gejng rid of it though, I'd suggest taking a look at Con[ngency
Formula, a grade 1 Balance priestcraep Cas[ng. Its descrip[on is much
more complete than TE's, and more importantly it lasts only 1 CT/STEEP. I'd
say that this cas[ng is appropriate for grade 1, so using it as a template
to balance TE should be helpful.

I'd say the 1 CT/STEEP limita[on, however you rule on whether TE can move
with the caster, should get rid of most of the problems with this cas[ng.

Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 04:31:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Heka-engendered Damage

Here's a general ques[on to the membership: Are Heka-based ahacks en[tled
to a Strike Loca[on roll? According to the rst Mythus book they are not;
all damage is rolled against the opponent's average armor (where it is
applicable). However, some Cas[ngs men[on a Strike Loca[on roll (the
Alchemy Cas[ng Alkaline Shower, for example) and other seem to call for one,
such as Heka Bolt, though not Heka Darts, which I think counts as an average
damage situa[on.

If Strike Loca[on is allowed to Heka Bolt ( up to 10d6 of damage) it becomes
signicantly more powerful. How is it handled in other peoples' campaigns?
Right now I don't allow any Strike Loca[on unless the target is one rod or
less from the caster, where it works against any applicable Piercing
(Heka-engendered) armor; beyond that it does only x1 damage versus average

How do others feel about it?

Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 08:09:48 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: MSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Subject: Re: Heka-engendered Damage

I don't use loca[on for any damage from Heka. If the heka created a
damaging substance, such as Alkaline Shower, then I use a
loca[on roll. Heka bolt, dart, etc do not get a loca[on roll.
This has had the eect of balancing the cas[ngs which are aected
by armor with those that are not. It has worked well so far.

S.D. Troll
Banshee Server Hub
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 10:19:50 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: R-Factor and all that.

> R-Factors are a nice can of worms. Damn. Wish Dave knew more about
> I've always assumed that the resistance is seen, but it's not easy
>to quan[fy, and the mage has to "guess" to aect the creature. But the
>sugges[on about reducing damage does work for me.

This is probably a good idea (guessing), although unless the HP had the
ability to view Heka, I doubt they would see it. If you look at the
Mental & Spiritual Combat for example, you'll no[ce that it's usually a
guessing game (and should be).

> One of the things I tried to do when wri[ng for Enchanted
>is explain the damned power as best as I can. For example: "For
>of Disjoining, Nega[ng, or Resis[ng, treat as cast by a dweomercraeper
>with 90 STEEP". Stu like this is rather important. I go by the
>Greenwood/LaKoa school...which is to explain it all and close up
>loopholes/abuses. But that's just me. (And I was a real bonehead for
>including costs. <Sigh>)

Good going. I wish *I* had done that. Oh, and BTW, we can't

always include everything... that's what supplements are for <grin>

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/30/95 * Time: 10:19:50

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 10:30:43 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka-engendered Damage

>Here's a general ques[on to the membership: Are Heka-based ahacks
>to a Strike Loca[on roll?


According to the rst Mythus book they are not;
>all damage is rolled against the opponent's average armor (where it is
>applicable). However, some Cas[ngs men[on a Strike Loca[on roll (the
>Alchemy Cas[ng Alkaline Shower, for example) and other seem to call for
>such as Heka Bolt, though not Heka Darts, which I think counts as an
>damage situa[on.

Alkaline Shower's strike loca[on is for the alkaline *not* the cas[ng

Unless you want magick to be way out of balance, Don't allow it.

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 01/30/95 * Time: 10:30:43

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 11:57:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Heka-engendered Damage

I'd say, only use Strike Loca[on when the cas[ng is able--that is, when the
cas[ng only is a single "bolt" or "dart" or whatever. If there are mul[ple
ones, use mul[ple loca[on rolls. Of course, that means a lihle more in the
way of die rolls, which is generally bad, with it what you must.

Cas[ngs are powerful things, gang...

A more interes[ng ques[on perhaps, is whether or not Heka-Armor reduces the
base damage before any Strike Loca[on or aper??? I've always assumed it
only took x1 damage, since the Strike Loca[ons are supposedly only for special
hits on a person's body (and magic may not have any weaknesses, who knows?)...

Answer that one and I'll be happy...

Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 17:38:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Re: R-Factor and all that

> This is probably a good idea (guessing), although unless the HP had the
> ability to view Heka, I doubt they would see it. If you look at the
> Mental & Spiritual Combat for example, you'll no[ce that it's usually a
> guessing game (and should be).

Actually, by "seeing", I meant the eect. Similar to a re going
out. You might see a zzle or a pop if the spell would have been
successful but didn't penetrate the r-factor, or see a damaging ahack fail.
Then it would be like: "oh oh. powerful creature" I see a Mage or a
Priest ahemp[ng a guessing game: for instance, Mage see's a Devil with a
25-R factor. "let's try 10 pts. <Cast spell. Fizzle.> Oh nuts! Well,
we'll do 50--I can't fool around!". If you try too much min/maxing, you'll
end up in a world of hurt. But if you always go with big numbers, you might
end up exhaus[ng your heka for naught.
Of course, those with the proper knowledge of Demonology, Occul[sm,
Phaeree as well as Mul[versal Planes and Spheres and other K/S areas likely
have some clue as to a general gauge of the R-Factors, and Mys[cism could
give us a clue. I could even see somebody developing a cas[ng to "read

> Good going. I wish *I* had done that. Oh, and BTW, we can't always
> include everything... that's what supplements are for <grin>
> Dave
So Gary's told me. :-) And of course, you all need Second Edi[ons
too! (No, not refered to AD&D but other games such as Shadowrun, Vampire,
etc.) Unfortunately, some[mes the damn enemy, economic problems, and fate

take the work away. <Sigh.> Been wai[ng six years to know the deni[ons
(not stats, just what they are) of some forms of netherlife (Cacodemon,
Dreggal...etc.). But it's likely not to be ever...<tearful sni> Well, at
the very least, we have a great world that can take stu from our history,
and a great game with a lot of detail, so most campaigns can survive for
years with lihle extra work.

Back to R-Factors and Powers:

Perhaps for any monsters we create in the future, details of powers
will have some stat. Let's see... how about something like this:

Heka type: <posi[ve, nega[ve, mixed>, <P,S,E>
Strength: <Grade (I-XXX)>, Eec[ve Steep.

I could see Supernatural or En[tal Heka used by a power, without it
being classied as a Supernatural or En[tal Spell. Thus, while it's not
earth-shaking, it might be harder to dispell, negate, or resist. Dunno too
much about the whole concept. It does get confusing at [mes.

Just some spewed thoughts boiling in my head:

JRT (John R. Troy)
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 17:43:32 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Jan 30 17:43:27 1995
Hello again everyone.

I've got some new Magical Devices. Im typing some in now, and some in
tomorrow. The ones tomorrow are from a dierent author, and, as John Troy
notes, there is a denite dierence in style between authors. That's the
purpose of this lis[ng being just rumors, with JMs able to choose what they
wish to include and what they wish to throw away.

Also, I would have to agree with John Troy in retrospect about the Rainbow
Baton. I think in my game Celes[al COld, Etc. willl be the actual powers the
item possesses. However, I think the pos[ng stands well on its own, as the
pos[ngs are just RUMORS about the items' abili[es, not the actual detailing
of the items themselves.

Hekaforging is gejng a bit delayed. :( Sorry. I hope to have it out
shortly aper Steven Gullerud is done with quals, and we nish the few
remaining things yet to be detailed.

Comments always welcome.

Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 17:44:10 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Jan 30 17:15:58 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Camcham (cont)

Two Tongue Spear - This spear allows the wielder to con[nuously operate as if
at Dual-Consciousness with him/her-self,as per the Archetypal Cas[ng, but
without the usual nega[ve/penalizing eects. In addi[on, the eects of a
con[nuous Quickcast of Inhetep and a con[nuous Doublecast Formula are also
ac[ve on the wielder, allowing tremendous heka capabili[es. This item also
func[ons as a 1500 point general heka reservoir. It is rumored that this item
is also useful in combat, but other than a +15 to BAC, its exact Hand Weapons
Combat capabili[es are unknown.


The Sword Umbramorto - Umbramorto, La[n for Shadow and Death, is a fearsome
sword able to cause many foes to fall with but a single swing, and the sight of
which has been known to cause en[re armies to route. Contradic[ons abound
regarding its specic specialized powers, with the above being the only thing
upon which the sages DO agree; nothing truly accurate seems to be known about
this item otherwise.

Empyreal Armor - This armor legendarily was worn by So-Hee-Tsai, shrouding him
in Empyreal Pure Flames as he descended to bahleelds on Comets he summoned.
Reputedly this armor disjoins cas[ngs up to Grade XXV, makes the wearer
Immune to Nega[ve Heka and ahacks origina[ng from same, Reects Posi[ve
Heka and ahacks origina[ng from same, and gives the wearer the ability to
ahack with the Light and Heat of Pure Flames. Its current whereabouts, many
hundred years aper So-Hee-Tsia's destruc[on, are not precisely known, but
allegedly the Governement of Carinthia is in possession of the item. It has
not been seen, however, in any of their bahleeld engagements for the past
350 years.

Marble Tokens of Ho-hen-see - These small tokens aid in divina[on and
fortune-telling, allowing prac[[oners to prac[ce at +100 STEEP, not limited
by S Trait. It is said that they aid in these ahempt through their abili[es
to change color, but this has not been veried by government ocials. Rumor
has it that these items also grant mysterious powers of both Grey Dweomercraep
and Ethos of Shadowy Darkness, and many legends persist amoung the commonfolk
about use of the Tokens for mighty and inuen[al illusions and phantasms
even the best Grey Dweomercraepers could not help but believe....

Slovene Tablets - This is one of the few surviving ar[facts of the ex[nct
Jacinth School of Dweomercraef, the Magic of Firecraeping. The secrets of
Elemental Fire Travel are clearly explained, as well as the eects of some
high grade, highly explosive, incendiary spells. The Author is rumored to be
one Eyeluv Naypahlgm, and no other works of his survived the destruc[on of
the Jacinth School. The tablets also serve as a heka reservoir, and do give
the possessor the ability to summon a Grand Fire Elemental Lord one [me per
month. It is rumored that this item also allows the user to cast all Cas[ngs
pertaining to or using Fire at one step FASTER, ie. Ritual => Formula, Formula
=> Spell; etc. with Eyebite => 5 counts before the end of the CT with a -10
modier to ini[a[ve.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon Jan 30 17:48:49 1995
The above items were created by JM Teske.
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 17:44:48 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Jan 30 15:30:51 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Rod of Lochs - The Rod of Lakes has the ability to summon the famous (or
infamous) "monsters" of the Lochs of Caledonia, as well as providing a +40
STEEP to elemental dweomercraep (although only for the purposes of cas[ngs
dealing with water or cold). It reputedly also allows the wielder to conjure
water creatures, both Mundane and Phaeree, as if having a conjura[on STEEP of
180, not limited by Spiritual Trait. It is rumored that the "monsters" do ask
for payment aper giving service, although this payment isn't severe, thus
causing not infrequent use of this item, not only for na[onal defense, but
also for issues of na[onal importance.

Steel Thistle - Combining two symbols of hardiness, this item provides a
reservoir (general) for 2500 points of heka, 200/200/200 renewing points of
Mental/Physical/Spiritual Armor for its owner, while providing his/her troops
with 25/100/25 non-renewing points of Mental/Physical/Spiritual Armor for all
allies in combat. The laher is disjoinable as is a grade XVI cas[ng, while
the former is disjoinable as if grade XXVI cas[ng. Rumor has it that this
item has been invaluable in the rare occasions that Caledonians take to the
eld of bahle.


Megaloratus Discus - Created by a heka-forger with a talent for Elemental
Dweomercraeping, this discus, when thrown, summons a whirlwind, rapidly
becoming a tornado in one BTs [me, to wreak destruc[on and havoc as the owner
of the Discus dictates. The tornado can also be accompanied by hail,
lightning, sleet/snow, and icestorms/icy cold winds, all at the whim of the
user of the Device. It also func[ons as a 1500 point heka reservoir, and is
allegedly able to grant its owner immunity to all source of harm coming from
air/gas or lack thereof, as well as the ability of ight.

Many Force Sphere - This device is a small sphere about the size of a
basketball with several smaller layers of smaller spheres nested inside it.
Supposedly, the item, when thrown, opens and divides into a myriad of [ny
spheres, all of which explode upon impact. It then reforms and reassembles
correctly inside its container (a Device with otherwise unknown powers), and is
thus suitable for reuse in one AT of [me.

Mask of Lihle Dragons - This mask, upon which are engraved/painted many
miniature "lihle" dragons, allegedly grants the wearer all the eects of Hour
of the Dragon Cas[ng at 360 STEEP. According to common and popular legend,
the mask also enables the wearer to summon hordes of miniature dragons from
Phaeree, with powers similar to those of their larger cousins, who will then
aid the wearer in any way that they are able. There are also less well-known
myths involving the Mask sta[ng that it can be used to travle to the area of
Phaeree where such dragons exist in abundance; some have also allegated that
the Mask allow transforma[on into a miniature dragon. Whether any of these
other rumors and tales are true is currently unknown.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon Jan 30 17:49:31 1995
The above items were created by JM Teske.
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 21:28:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Hand me that whip

Edward Bromley wrote: <Trigger Eect: In short, I agree with Mah. This
cas[ng either needs tobe eliminated or radically revised.>

I agree. Can it.
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1995 14:04:09 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Tue Jan 31 13:35:01 1995
Fwd: teskej->


Cloud Galley - This colossus ying ship is twenty [mes the size of the
largest sailing vessel. It can hold an army up to the size of 20,000 men and
equipment, and no provisions are necessary for anybody who ies on the ship
for the ship magically produces what each man needs for nourishment. The
mighty Cloud Galley is immune to all magic that might try to harm it during
bahle. Troops are teleported by the controller's wishes anywhere on the
ground below. Once a bahle is over and the army returns, everybody is
instantly healed once inside of the ship. The speed of the ship is 300 mph.
This gigan[c ship spreads fear in all those who see it descend onto the
bahleeld. The crew for the ship is one Dweomercraeper of any School of
Magic above 31 STEEP; the dweomercraeper does NOT need to spend any heka
ying it. And, once the ship is in bahle, the mage can keep the ship
sta[onary and can go up top to help the army. The Dweomercraeper STEEP score
is increased by 100 points, and he/she gets an addi[onal 2000 points of heka.
Rumors - It is rumored by the historian Amai of Chelkar that the Cloud
Galley is only one of a mighty eet of Cloud Galleys that used to sail through
the air in a big armada. It is also rumored that Kagan Olmar the ruling Khan
of Khaziria has sent out several large expedi[ons to nd the other Cloud
Galleys to help in the gh[ng of Turkistan.

Gar's Circle of Nullity - This awesome circle of power protects the capitol of
Khaziria. Serai is protected by this device, as is Aralska, Chelkar, and
Guryevkagan. this magical device creates a light-black-colored globe over the
city in the event of an ahack. This Circle of Nullity prevents harmful magic
from entering the city from outside forces, and makes seigecraep weaponry
useless against it. It also drains 300 points of heka per CT from the enemy
heka-users within a 2 mile radius of the city under ahack; also within this
same radius is a permanent Disjunc[on of ENORMOUS power.
Rumors - It is said that both Turkistan and Hellenic spies are trying to
nd ways of capturing this Device from Khaziria, for without this, it is
believed that Khaziria would fall quickly to Turkistan forces.

Firetome of Eld - This ancient Tome of Elemental Magic grants the mage who
already has Elemental Dweomercraep a bonus of 150 STEEP points, and is said to
give him an addi[onal 10,000 heka. This tome gives the Elemental
Dweomercraep ability to anyone who DOESN'T already have it at a 71 STEEP. It
is said that anybody who uses it must have the natural ability to SPEAK Greek,
giving us a hint to its background. The supposed interes[ng aspect of this
Tome is its ability to let the caster cast all spells within the Tome as
Rumors - Olar the High Mage of Khaziria hasn't been seen publically with
the Khan for well over 5 years now. Many rumors are star[ng to speculate that
Olar has turned traitor and took the mighty Firetome of Eld with him. Others
within the magic community have said that he vanished due to some sort of
ancient trap put on the Tome from long ago, but this seems unlikely as Olar has
used it in several bahles. All rumors have been denounced by the Khan himself
as to be false; Kagan has said that his High Mage and his trusted friends have
been doing extensive research to unlock more of the Tome's powers. The Khan

recently has rendered the issue to be dropped, with anyone bringing up the
maher to have his/her head cut o.

Talons Apparatus - This machine stands twenty feet tall, and is twenty feet
wide, and is made of an unknown red stone. There is an ever-glowing blue door
that is human-size and is constantly humming a low pitch sound. This wonderful
machine clones anything that can t inside of its doors. A person walks in
and ve minutes later an exact duplicate walks out. Not only does it clone,
but it makes the clone three [mes as stronger, doesn't need to eat, can
breathe underwater, and never needs to sleep or gets [red. And every clone
that comes out gains a General Dweomercraep STEEP of 41. These clones can see
in the dark perfectly, and seem to have the abili[es and skills unknown to the
most talented of wizards.
Rumors - The Talons Apparatus has been in use in Khaziria for well over
170 years now, and has served the army of all things whenever it needs. The
most important use has been making expendable spies and clones of other
countries' ocials. By the advice of Court Wizards, in the last 170 years it
has not been used too open; there seems to be an agreement that if too many
clones are produced it could pose a threat. In the last few years however, it
has been said that the Khan Kagan has been going against that advice and has
been producing armies of clones; it certainly could bring a danger never
thought of, according to some of the Court Wizards. One outside traveller
ahests: "There are certainly alot of hekau-users in the Empire of Khaziria,
and most of the people were excep[onally strong."

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jan 31 14:08:27 1995
The above items were created by GP.
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1995 14:24:45 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Tue Jan 31 14:10:02 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Bird of Ill Omens - This small statue of a gray/white crow gives the caster +75
points of STEEP in Divina[on, Mediumship, and Fortune Telling, and gives the
user 3000 extra heka for this use. This bird can also be sent o to other
countries to mislead any sort of Divina[on cas[ngs going on that may pose a
threat to Khwarizm.
Rumors - It has been rumored that in the last bahle with Hyrkania, that
the Shah of Khorasan led his vastly outnumbered troops to a stunning victory.
The routed armies of Hyrkania have not come back since the bahle 3 years ago.
Samarkand Diviners have warned other countries not to ahack Khwzrizm, for its
superior armies and unknown Magic keep it safe.

Five Guardians Statue - The rst statue is an equal balance in the hands of a
nely robed woman that gives the caster 91 STEEP in Ethos of Balance cas[ngs.

The second statue is a darkly hooded old man; it gives the user a 91 STEEP in
Ethos of GLoomy Darkness cas[ngs. The third statue is a young man with a moon
tatooed on his chest; it gives a 91 STEEP in Ethos of Moonlight cas[ngs. The
lst two statues give STEEPS of 91 in Sunlight and Shadowy Darkness; their
current appearance is not known. Five thousand points of heka is given for
each statue that is used by the caster, though all ve staues cannot be used
concurrently; rather, the caster must only use one at a [me.
Rumors - Imagine the power one could have if one could get all the statues
to work simultaneously, there must be a way.

Shoo[ngstar - This sword is said to be at the side of the ruler Yaguznal
Tarik. The person who holds this weapon is said to get 2000 points of physical
armor, and the same amount in mental and spiritual armor as well. If commanded
by the person, the sword will ght for taht person, killing anybody who it
strikes. If thrown in the air, the sword will spin in mid-air and make a
purple tornado, and then will dive to the ground opening a portal of safety for
the person so commanding it. It then will teleport that person anywhere they
wish. The sword levitates by the commander's bedside to protect him/her during
the night.
Rumors - Tarik said the sword fell out of the sky like a shoo[ng star,
given to him by the gods above. He also insists that a god inabits the essence
of the sword.


Heart of the Jungle - Some sort of Magical Device hides deep in the darkness of
the Great Kutchen Jungle which covers over 80% of the Kutch countryside. All
animals inside this jungle are strengthened by the power of this Device; they
are also said to be under the control of whoever controls this Device.
Rumors - It is rumored that the Generals of the Kutchen Army have to move
with great cau[on when inside the Jungle. It is said that they have to ask
permission from a great green dweomercraeper. Whole armies and caravans have
vanished when using the roads inside of the jungle.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jan 31 14:29:30 1995
The above items were created by GP.
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1995 14:43:38 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Tue Jan 31 14:30:25 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Khitai (Hsi-Hsia)

Thousand Wasp Pipe - This magnicently craped pipe is made of pure gold and
for unknown reasons is extremely heavy; some individuals cannot even pick it
up. This magical device is used in conjunc[on with a golden eight-barreled

cannon-looking-machine that has two ivory-solored wheels the height of a normal

man. A man could t two heads inside each barrel, and when looking down the
barrel, a faint humming sound can be heard, and a light hazy red glow can be
seen. When the right song is supposedly played countless numbers of wasps the
size of a man's st will come pouring out in a screaming jet shoo[ng forth in
a wide arch. This happens from each barrel covering an unbelievable ring
Rumors - Matsumoto Yoshimi is believed to be the only survivor of the
forty man crew that moved the gigan[c gun around during the last bahle with
the Ch'in forces. Whether due to a bad side eect of the Magical Device, or
because of the Kingdom's secrecy of the weapon, nobody returns when they are
sent on Wasp Duty. This leads us to a very interes[ng ques[on doesn't it?

Fireserpent Ring - As the ring states, the person who wears the ring turns into
an enormous ying Dragon with crimson scales and charcoal eyes. The ring
gives the wearer many abili[es besides just turning into the Huge Serpent.
Rumors - The semi-nomadic tribes on the fringes of Khitai Kingdom have
said that en[re 200-man camps have been put into an eclipse for several
minutes by an unknown source. Po-ho-k'ou, the ancient sage of Sining, tells of
fables that whoever puts on the Fireserpent Ring can never take it o. there
have been myths that more than a dozen of these rings exist somewhere. The son
of the ruler Janchiz Wang, Chang Tsung, is rumored to be missing.

Paper Tigers of Lao - This book of an[quity is lled with marvelous art that
covers every page. A normal-sized table can hardly support this gigan[c
volume of wonderous (sp?) art. The reoccuring theme amoung all the pain[ngs
in the book are a pack of [gers drawn almost to real life. This book is said
to give the person using the book the power of dream-walking, the ability to
enter other peoples' minds; the [gers are said to guide the person to their
chosen target and help them in whatever it is they want to do.
Rumors - It is said that every page of the book has dierent abili[es in
the dimension of dream-walking, the number of pages, though not for certain, is
thought to be well over 1000 pages. Yan Shen, a master of Mys[cism, has said
that the popular art of dream-walking used to be a more popular way of killing
in a [me now forgohen. In the dreamworld it is said that you can do anything
your mind wishes, all you have to do is be a lihle crea[ve.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jan 31 14:48:27 1995
The above items were created by GP.
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 1995 10:57:50 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newon <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: R-Factor and all that

> Actually, by "seeing", I meant the eect. Similar to a re going
>out. You might see a zzle or a pop if the spell would have been

[rest of post deleted for space]

Exactly. I think the points you covered in your message sum it up the
way I would have.

-----------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/01/95 * Time: 10:57:50
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 1995 20:57:15 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Alchemy

Alchemy is a useful K/S area, but if you are like me, it is not en[rely
clear to you what exactly it is that alchemists do. There are specic
opera[ons clearly listed for the K/S, but beyond these it is not clear what
TYPE of thing it is that the alchemist does. What can an alchemist do
besides what is specically stated? What is a legi[mate research goal in
Alchemy? What I want to do here is give some background informa[on for JMs
and players that might esh out the concept of what an alchemist does, and
what player's might do with the K/S.
Alchemy is in the business of manipula[ng substances. It uses a very
dierent conceptual scheme from modern chemistry, and one that is conicts
with modern chemistry; both chemistry and alchemy cannot be true. If one
wanted I suppose that the two schemes might be combined, but extensive
revision would have to be done both systems in order to make them compa[ble,
and it would be hard to claim that the result was s[ll modern chemistry and
For the purposes of Mythus, I treat the Chemistry K/S as the manipula[on
of substances through physical means, but the underlying principles are
assumed to be those that Alchemy claims are true, as opposed to modern earth
chemistry. Mythus chemists do not use heka, and so have a dierent body of
opera[ons built up within their K/S. Alchemists do fundamentally the same
thing as chemists, but they use heka. The use of heka allows them to go
about the same processes as chemists in a very dierent way, and it allows
them to perform en[re classes of opera[ons that are not open to the
chemist. The basic opera[ons that an alchemist can perform in addi[on to
the mundane chemical processes are the following:
Dis[lla[on - Alchemical dis[lla[on is dierent from mundane dis[lla[on
in that the alchemist can use heka to separate out specic elements from subs
tances. Earth, Air, Fire, or Water may be removed from a substance. This
kind of opera[on is not possible for the chemist, who can only achieve
transforma[ons of substances by adding other substances. They cannot deal
directly with the elements.

Fermenta[on - this is the process of growing more of a substance from the

elements. This allows the Alchemist to grow quan[[es of substances that
cannot be gohen through mixing exis[ng substances, or by rening them from
substances in which they are already contained.
Transmuta[on - the most powerful of the three alchemical opera[ons.
Transmuta[on of one substance to another through the direct manipula[on of
the elements is extremely powerful in that any substance can be converted
into any other substance. See the K/S for details.
So an alchemist is a basically a mys[cal chemist, a forerunner of the mad
scien[st archetype.
My original inten[on for this pos[ng had been to give more detail about
alchemical theory, and thus a beher idea of what the Alchemist could do.
The problem is that the Alchemist really is a lot like a chemist, but she
operates in a very dierent world. To get a feel for what kinds of things
an alchemist could do, you must get a feel for the world they operate in.
This, unfortunately, is much harder to do.
The world of the alchemist is not like the chemical world we live in. There
are far more substances out there, with very dierent powers and proper[es
than we are used to. The following is a VERY short list of some of them:

Amianthus- a stone that has a hair-like structure that is impervious to re
and the magick of sorcerers. It can be spun into thread.
Asbestos - a stone that when set on re will burn and can barely be put out.
Iron gray.
Asius - a mud colored stone of a fungous, crumbling nature. It causes the
dead to be completely consumed, except for the teeth, in 40 days when placed
in a con.
Azogen - blood of the dragon
Azoth - drawn out of any metallic body, liquid which when sealed in the
pommel of a sword allows great exploits, immense strength.
Balasius - Stone related to the carbuncle. Glows red. Arrests and restrains
impure and evil thoughts. A piece on all four corners of a house, garden, or
vineyard makes the area immune to lightning and storms, and worms
Ceraunia - a gem stone found only in places where lightning has struck. Red
or black. Induces sweet sleep, and protects against thunderbolts.
Cross spider - a spider of immense size that drives away all poisonous
rep[les. Wicked or unlucky to injure it. Stone in their head protects
against poison and sorcery (Gemma ex Araneo)
Crystallus - a stone congealed out of snow by the intensity of frost. It is
a clear crystal that shahers if heated. Makes the best drinking vessels,
cannot be repaired.
Diamond - Impervious to blows on anvils, can be mounted only in iron; negates
magnets; drives away incubi/succubi; melted by lead, shahered by the blood
of a young goat.
Dionysius Lapis - a black stone that when rubbed has the smell of wine. If
powdered and consumed will drive o drunkenness.
Elemen[a - the matrices of Substances. Earth, air, re, and water are the
four universal matrices.
Gemmf Rubetarum - A species of frog called Borax is horned with yellow and
black spots, and has a bean-sized stone in its head. If extracted when alive

the stone has a blue eye in the middle, and when in the presence of poison
they change color and sweat. Ahracts frogs and toads.
Genula ex transplanta[one pas[nacf - a kind of monstrous parsnip
Kachimia - immature or imperfect metal
Medea's Gem - black with gold veins. It yields a sap that is proof against
drunkenness, and helps cul[vate friendships.
Nostoch - the residue of a ray from a certain star that falls chiey during
the summer months. It occurs in elds in large, spongy clots that feel like
Philosopher's stone - also called Prima Materia, it has poten[ally all the
quali[es and proper[es of things. It is all the elements as one thing.

The events that happened in the world of the alchemist were also very
dierent. There was the Dew of the Heavens that fell at night, and under
the inuence of the moon would some[mes coagulate into a whi[sh stone that
would stop hemorrhaging when applied to a wound. A lake called Comogenes has
slime that burns ercely if lit, and cannot be put out except by heaps of
dust or sand. Metals were substances that grew in the earth, like some sort
of plant. They could be found in their immature states if one looked hard
enough (see Kachimia above). Inducing these immature metals to grow in
dierent ways might be a project for an alchemist. The books I have read
implied that one could grow them into far superior substances with the right
technique. There was a re called Aethna, that burned rock, and could be
found deep in the earth. Volcanoes and other such phenomena were the air
holes and smoke vents for that re. Coal was burned rock, and I guess lava
was burning rock.
While there are only four elements in Alchemy, these elements were much
more abstract than modern chemistry's elements. As a result, at the level
that a person runs into substances, the Alchemical universe is much more
diverse. As the list above shows, there were all sorts of unique and special
substances that occurred in only a few loca[ons, or just one. These
substances could not just be analyzed into a chemical formula and then easily
reproduced in a lab. It seems to me from my research that the alchemical
view of the world was modeled more on the macroscopic experience we have of
the world. The interchangability of amounts of chemicals (10g of sodium is
10g of sodium no maher where you get it) is replaced by substances that act
more like individuals. Just as there might only be a handful of people, or
even one, who could perform a certain task, it might only be the granite
from one special place that had the desired eect, even though there is
granite everywhere. Metals grew like animals and people, changing their
nature as they go. So think of substances in an alchemical world as much
more akin to people or other organic en[[es, not in terms of chemical laws
where all instances of the same thing are exactly alike.
Unfortunately that is all I can really tell you about Alchemy that will help
to esh it out for Mythus. There is a lot of stu out there about alchemy,
but most of it is either modern ahempts to understand alchemy in terms other
than as a science of substances, or old stu of such incredible technical
detail as to be uherly useless without memorizing volumes of material. I
hope this gives players and JMs alike a lihle rmer grasp on how to
integrate the K/S area into the ac[on of the campaign.

If you are interested, the book I found most helpful for gejng ideas out
of was _A Lexicon of Alchemy_, by Mar[n Ruland the Elder. It was wrihen in
1612. It was put out by Samuel Weiser Inc., 1984, ISBN 0-87728-615-9. You
have to skim it because a lot of it is too detailed, but some entries are
terribly good.

Comments are welcome, as always.

Mah Berry
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 1995 23:29:19 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Alchemy

That is fantas[c! Is there any chance we could bribe you into pujng
together a lis[ng of more of the alchemical agents? Or perhaps, should we
just let our imagina[ons go with it...

The idea that granite from one place being dierent from any other really is
dicult to grasp when you think too hard about it...But, it makes the
alchemical opera[ons that much harder for players to do, and thus, more
usable in a game situa[on (in my view). Just imagine the adventures you
could have just searching out interes[ng "stu" for the party alchemist to

Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 02:48:47 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Alchemy
In-Reply-To: <199502021002.CAA11168@leland.Stanford.EDU> from "Hawkeye" at Feb
1, 95 11:29:19 pm


Hawkeye beat me to the punch, so I can only add a "me too!" to his praise.
Your pos[ng deals with two things that I was wondering about alchemy: the
dierences in physical laws that would be present in a world with alchemy,
and type types of reagents an alchemist would be interested in.

Since Mythus allows for cas[ng-like eects from an applica[on of crushed
gem or herbal mixture, It would be nice to expand on the list of proper[es
found in Mythus Magick for gems, metals and herbs. The book you used as

a reference looks to be an excellent source for this. I imagine Mys[cism

and Heka-Forging could also benet.

Great job.

Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 09:33:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Alchemy Response

Hey, thanks Hawkeye, Steve.

Glad you liked it.

I was wondering about pos[ng it because it wasn't really adding anything of
substance as far as rules go to the K/S. Gary and Dave did quite a good job
when they wrote that K/S. It's hard to know if what helps you will help or
interest anyone else.

As far as an expanded list of reagents goes, it's very possible. I had more,
and I'm only up to P in the Ruland book, which is about half way. I can't
say when though. Within Mythus I have half a dozen projects going (roman
price structure and Alchemy being two), and I work on what I have the urge to
at the [me. And then there's school and life...

So I'll post a followup, someday.

MAh Berry
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 09:31:09 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Alchemy

>If you are interested, the book I found most helpful for gejng ideas
>of was _A Lexicon of Alchemy_, by Mar[n Ruland the Elder. It was
wrihen in
>1612. It was put out by Samuel Weiser Inc., 1984, ISBN 0-87728-615-9.
>have to skim it because a lot of it is too detailed, but some entries
>terribly good.
>Comments are welcome, as always.

>Mah Berry

Good job, Mah! BTW, It is always a good idea to keep a list of these
sources, whether pos[ng to a list such as this one, or in building a
bibliography for a work you are crea[ng. *It makes such work more
defensible in the event someone says you liped the work*...

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/02/95 * Time: 09:31:09

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 20:49:05 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Alchemy

Mah treats Alchemy as the senior science, as it were, over Chemistry i.e.
"Alchemy is in the business of manipula[ng substances. It uses a
verydierent conceptual scheme from modern chemistry, and one that is conic
ts with modern chemistry; both chemistry and alchemy cannot be true." and "I
treat the Chemistry K/S as the manipula[on
of substances through physical means, but the underlying principles are
assumed to be those that Alchemy claims are true, as opposed to modern earth
The Alchemical view has:
"As the list above shows, there were all sorts of unique and special
substances that occurred in only a few loca[ons, or just one. These
substances could not just be analyzed into a chemical formula and then easily
reproduced in a lab. It seems to me from my research that the alchemical
view of the world was modeled more on the macroscopic experience we have of
the world. The interchangability of amounts of chemicals (10g of sodium is
10g of sodium no maher where you get it) is replaced by substances that act
more like individuals. Just as there might only be a handful of people, or
even one, who could perform a certain task, it might only be the granite
from one special place that had the desired eect, even though there is
granite everywhere. Metals grew like animals and people, changing their
nature as they go. So think of substances in an alchemical world as much
more akin to people or other organic en[[es, not in terms of chemical laws
where all instances of the same thing are exactly alike."

The basic assump[on to this version of physical reality, that there are no
"chemical laws" where phosphate from terrain A does not behave like Phosphate

from terrain B, would strike at the very basis of a ra[onal and empirical
view of physical reality. By excluding what is essen[ally Early Modern
science, i.e. the view of the world based on the scien[c empirical method
that evolved in Europe over the 15th-17th centuries in our world, then by alte
ring chemistry to "the manipula[on of substances through physical means" but
not based on the scien[c method, you strike at the logical structure of
many other K/S areas.
You must exclude such things as Astronomy but not Astrology, Biology but not
Zoology, Botany but not Herbalism, possibly Geology (depending on
interpreta[on), as well as such "soper" sciences as Poli[cal Science and
Sociology. You will note that all of these are under the "Mental" heading.
The idea probably to suggest the very idea of ra[onal thought and deduc[ve
reasoning that led to empirical science in the rst place.
My point is that you either assume the world-view where Alchemy is the
highest chemical-science, a very dicult proposi[on because we humans
don't think that non-ra[onal way anymore (although it would be interes[ng
to try, and the reviews from Hawkeye, etc. show how interes[ng it really
is), or (the beher view, I think) have a Mythus-world where both views exist
side by side. Certainly this is the way the Elizabethans, and the
cosmopolitan Italians viewed the world in the 16th century - divided by religi
on and secularism, magick and science, real poli[k and dynas[c squabbles
The dis[nc[on Mah makes, that "both chemistry and alchemy cannot be true"
is a very ra[onal scien[c view itself. If we want to view alchemy in a
non-ra[onal and non-scien[c manner then let us deconstruct our GM thought
processes as well. Both K/S areas can exist because, well, they operate on
dierent principles. There seems something illogical in crea[ng a mutable
K/S area by non-mutable means.
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 23:33:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Priests of Kuan Yu

Kuan Yu (Sunlight, Agathocacological, Intermediate, Minor God)

Kuan Yu is some[mes referred to as the Chinsungese God of War (or,
perhaps, one of many such gods of war), but he is more properly
considered the God of Mar[al Values (courage, strength, endurance,
loyalty, etc). He was originally mortal, and sold bean curd in his
youth. Through many adventures and such, he gained numerous allies
(including Chiao Kuan and Huai Nan Tsu). He was said to have appeared
over a bahle in the 100's AAF, where his appearance turned the [de of
the bahle against the barbarians.

Kuan Yu (and by inference, his priests) acts as the governor and
protector of the people, primarily ac[ng as a judge. People may come to
his temple with their complaings, and in response, his equerry (Shouts'ang) is send to pass sentence on the injuring party. Occasionally,
Kuan Yu requests that another god deal with the problem.

For a fee and a small, burnt oering to Kuan Yu, his Priests will
preside over a divina[on using numbered runestones.

Grade I:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 creature R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: By means of this quick Cas[ng, the priest of Kuan Yu can enhance
the courage of a warrior or fellow follower of Kuan Yu. The subject will
feel more courageous (although not to the point of being foolhardy). In
prac[cal terms, the courage conferred will give a bonus of +10 to a
check against fear.

Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 0 R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This short ritual, which commences with the burning of an oering
suitable to Kuan Yu, will reveal small snippets of informa[on regarding
the future, although typically in a manner that will become clear with
hindsight and medita[on. (Sugges[on for JM's: don't give *anything*
away with this -- suitable surreal imagery and babbling are most
appropriate, something that seems vaguely appropriate to the adventure's
probable course.)

Grade II:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Ritual, performed by Kuan Yu's Priests only at a complaint of
minor nature by a proper follower, will result in a suitable judgement
upon one party. Should the pe[[oner be found to be unjust and improper
in placing the complaint, he shall be stricken, else the person
complained against shall be so stricken. The judgement shall be hailed
by a vision of Shou-ts'ang the next [me the vic[m dreams, and an
appropriate penalty or malaise shall be laid upon him un[l suitable
repara[ons are made.

Time: 1 hour per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 creature R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 1:1 add'l STEEP
E/F/M: By means of this Cas[ng, the Priest conveys an eect increasing
the subject's capability of enduring adversity. The subject will gain
the Endurance K/S Area at one STEEP per 10 STEEP of Priestcraep
possessed by the Priest, or if Endurance is already possessed, at a like
bonus. Endurance may then be increased by one STEEP per addi[onal point

of Heka spent, but the total eec[ve STEEP may not exceed the
Priestcraep STEEP possessed by the caster. The altered Endurance STEEP
does not convey addi[onal Heka genera[on, but all other eects of the
K/S Area remain.

Grade III:
Time: Variable Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject per 10 STEEP R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 rod per 10 STEEP Other: Nil
E/F/M: By means of this ritual, which must last at least 1 AT, plus 1 BT
per subject being aected, the Priest is able to increase the loyalty of
the subjects to their cause. The exact eects are variable, but the
shakiest of loyal[es will become strong, and strong loyalty will become
incorrup[ble. The primary use of this ritual is to encourage the
loyalty of a band of warriors prior to bahle. However, it has been
known to work strangely upon persons with extremely strong (even
fana[cal) loyalty opposite to the cause being exhorted, as it will
reinforce their fana[cal loyalty and not the desired one.

Grade IV:
Time: 1 BT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 rod Other: 25:1 add'l BT
E/F/M: This Cas[ng confers the favor and strength of Kuan Yu upon its
recipient, in the form of a bonus of 1 to each PMCap, PMPow, and PMSpd
for every 5 STEEP possessed by the Priest, including a like addi[on to
the PM Category and P TRAIT, all of which vanish upon the expira[on of
the Cas[ng. The dura[on of the Cas[ng may be extended by an
addi[onal BT for every 25 addi[onal Heka spent.

Grade V:
Time: 1 AT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: up to 1 subject per STEEP R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 rod per STEEP Other: Nil
E/F/M: Priests of Kuan Yu are par[cularly careful in using this Cantrip,
for while it confers great favor upon its recipients, it may only be used
in the most dire of situa[ons, when the [de of bahle must be turned,
or it shall result in the defeat of Kuan Yu's interests. The eects are
an immediate removal of 3D6 points of P damage, a bonus of 10 STEEP to
all Combat K/S Areas, and the erasing of Dazing or fa[gue for the
recipients. The Priest may control which creatures (to a maximum of 1
per STEEP of Priestcraep possessed) are so aected.
All eects are lost upon the expira[on of the Cas[ng, and the
dura[on may not be extended by any non-Supernatural or En[tal means.
The abuse of this Cas[ng (i.e. using it regularly, or in rela[vely
dangerous but not dire circumstances) will result in a like penalty (3D6
points of P damage, a loss of 10 STEEP in all Combat K/S Areas, and all

desired recipients will be Dazed un[l the Cas[ng wears o (at which
point only those wounded beyond Wound Level will stay Dazed).

This is a quick break from Greco-Roman research and development,
undertaken because one of my players is playing a war-priest of Kuan Yu
in my current campaign. Hopefully, the informa[on will also prove of
use in other people's play.

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es, and they are
available on request:

Greco-Roman: Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Minerva,
Neptune, Pluto, Venus
Norse: Odin, Thor (minimal)
Chinsung: Kuan Yu
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 03:32:04 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newon <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Alchemy

>From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
>Subject: Re: Alchemy
>To: Mul[ple recipients of list MYTHUS-L <>


>The basic assump[on to this version of physical reality, that there are no
>"chemical laws" where phosphate from terrain A does not behave like Phosphate
>from terrain B, would strike at the very basis of a ra[onal and empirical
>view of physical reality. By excluding what is essen[ally Early Modern
>science, i.e. the view of the world based on the scien[c empirical method
>that evolved in Europe over the 15th-17th centuries in our world, then by alte
>ring chemistry to "the manipula[on of substances through physical means" but
>not based on the scien[c method, you strike at the logical structure of
>many other K/S areas.


>My point is that you either assume the world-view where Alchemy is the
>highest chemical-science, a very dicult proposi[on because we humans
>don't think that non-ra[onal way anymore (although it would be interes[ng
>to try, and the reviews from Hawkeye, etc. show how interes[ng it really


Interes[ng, true, but not playable over the long haul - too many

>or (the beher view, I think) have a Mythus-world where both views exist
>side by side.

More of what we were aiming at, IMO.

>Certainly this is the way the Elizabethans, and the
>cosmopolitan Italians viewed the world in the 16th century - divided by religi
>on and secularism, magick and science, real poli[k and dynas[c squabbles
>The dis[nc[on Mah makes, that "both chemistry and alchemy cannot be true"
>is a very ra[onal scien[c view itself. If we want to view alchemy in a
>non-ra[onal and non-scien[c manner then let us deconstruct our GM thought
>processes as well. Both K/S areas can exist because, well, they operate on
>dierent principles.

Perfect observa[on, and one I agree with. Remember, we are dealing with almost
Dark Ages "Chemistry" (more magickal than scien[c), and *not* 20th century
fact. Also remember the genre; magick not only works, it is the driving force
behind the world sejng. It does not preclude science, does not replace it,
but does - to some extent - supercede its eects...

>There seems something illogical in crea[ng a mutable
>K/S area by non-mutable means.

Ah, but magick, as we 20th century denizens perceive it, is illogical. Thus we
must shape it (as Gary and I did) as we would have the world reect it. Quite
daun[ng, especially at 3:30 am...

Sleep is good, but not necessarily the solace of the crea[ve (or ra[onal).
<Dave, get a life.> Thanks, Timothy.

Dave-----------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/03/95 * Time: 03:32:04
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 01:27:25 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Alchemy
In-Reply-To: <199502030148.RAA02202@leland.Stanford.EDU> from "Timothy L.
Francis" at Feb 2, 95 08:49:05 pm

Well, Timothy's post set me to thinking. I guess I think it's possible to

have an Aerth where both Alchemy and Chemistry are 'true'.

For Alchemy and Chemistry, it would mean that maher on Aerth has a
dual nature. An object would be made up of the molecules we are familiar
with as well as possess ahributes from the 4 elements and heka. To a chemist
on Aerth, who was concerned only with the mundane composi[on of maher,
chemical opera[ons would operate normally (except for explosives).
The chemical opera[ons might change the elementary nature of the material,
but this needn't prevent the opera[on from working. Granite from Rome
would behave the same as granite from Atlantl, even though they might
dier in elementary composi[on.

On the other hand, the Alchemist would be unconcerned with such mundane
issues as atoms and chemical reac[ons, although some opera[ons might be
similar in appearance. An alchemist would deal only with the 4 elements
and heka as they are locked within material, and this could well dier
depending on its source. Tapping into the elementary nature of maher could
have dras[c eect on its mundane nature, following few natural laws.
Alchemy would lack the hard and fast rules chemists enjoy, but then they
could perform feats simply impossible to a chemist.

Another way to look at this is to link alchemy and chemistry to the
rela[onship between Phaeree and Aerth. Alchemy would be the 'ra[onal'
science in Phaeree, while chemistry would be the primary science on Aerth.
In Phaeree, chemistry would have very lihle to work with, only applying in
an unpredictable sense. Chemists on Phaeree would be in the posi[on of
alchemists on Aerth - searching remote loca[ons for materia that will work
in the way they wish, because the stu at hand produces an en[rely dierent

I think it would be interes[ng to put much of the alchemist world-view as
described by Mah into Phaeree. Dwarves would harvest growing veins of metal
instead of mining, Elves could collect gems as they form from the frigid snow,
and so on. It would add some detail to the workings of Phaeree, and would
give a list of materia unavailable on Aerth. If the alchemist in your group
simply MUST have some Chrystalus, he'll have to risk a trip into Phaeree for
it, or purchase it from someone who has. On Aerth, metals s[ll may grow,
but so slowly as to be uno[cable unless an alchemist ahempts to speed the

I don't have any of the source books which describe Phaeree, so please
forgive me if any of this contradicts Mythus details. I do think it would
enrich the Mythus world to include the informa[on from Mah's post.

Any comments or ideas?

Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 08:23:18 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

Fwd: teskej->



The Etymon of Omnipotence is an object of incredible rumors, although
all seem to focus on its similarity to the mythical Grecian Logos, the
Word which can bind and unbind all things. The abstruse name is said to
mislead, and encourage overlooking the very Word which runs through all
AEropan accounts of the Crea[on, and is hinted at by Hekaurs of all
Should the Etymon of Omnipotence ever be used to its fullest powers,
it is quite possible that it could destroy all of AErth, and thus is kept
under incredible security. Hopefully, the specula[on herein is pure
c[on, and it is merely a par[cularly powerful syllable or two, and
not Logos. The consequences of using the Word underlying universal, if
not mul[versal, crea[on are incalculable.

$$HRComments by teskej Fri Feb 03 08:27:39 1995
The above item was made by M Phillips.
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 08:24:18 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

Fwd: teskej->



Said to be an early collec[on of research by the esteemed Mage,
Isaac Newton, the Book of Dieren[a[ons is claimed to contain much of
his magickal research, including potent spells involving gravity,
invisible forces, ight, and more. Those few mages who have searched
within its pages are said to have gone mad ahemp[ng to understand the
magickal formulas, which are rumored to be on a level beyond mortal
understanding. Other sages maintain that the book of Dieren[a[ons is
no such thing, and such rumors are based purely on the mathema[cal
researches also undertaken by the great Mage.
These others maintain as well that the tome is, indeed, a magickal

tome, but one which is of contras[ng and opposite Cas[ngs and eects.
Some also indicate that the Book of Dieren[a[ons also contains shapechanging Cas[ngs of such potency that the shapes so conferred give exact
and total duplica[on.
Regardless, the Book certainly contains Cas[ngs reaching into
Supernatural power.

$$HRComments by teskej Fri Feb 03 08:29:01 1995
The above item was created by M Phillips.
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 11:19:53 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: [Adventure] The Scarlet Scarring

Hi everyone! This one is *looong* Anyways, major credit is due to John
Troy <> for the original idea, commentary, and
assistance with development.

SPOILER: If you are a player in a game, and your JM is likely to run an
adventure from the list, then don't read (that means you, Ryan!)

[If you comment to the list, please retain the subject and the spoiler
:-) ]

I will make a PostScript version of this document (12 pages, includes two
maps) available via


With thanks to John R. Troy ( for the original idea.

Scarlet Scarring


If you are a player, and your JM does not have access to the Internet,
feel free to make a copy available for him/her. However, it is in your
best interest to avoid reading the adventure, as doing so will likely
spoil your enjoyment of it.

I. Introduc[on:

> Markthegn Tarrant, the ruler of Grandmark, has summoned you to his
> private conference room, in the town of Tremayne. You had entered his

> service, but this is the rst real call to work that he has issued.
> With no small amount of shame, he explains the reason for the gathering.
> Before ascending the throne, you well know, he was perceived as a
> foolish and wasteful young man, more concerned with personal pleasures
> than the land. This changed once he had inherited the crown, and the
> serious man before you bears lihle resemblance to the foppish young man
> he was. This he readily admits, but it is his past which haunts him now.
> With chagrin, he explains that he and some of his companions (including
> the current mayor of Lisolet, the port town) had frequented the Rose
> Quarter, a sec[on of Lisolet that is the haven of whores. The Scarlet
> Madame, who had not ahempted to curry favors with her clientele since
> their rise to power, has asked for an inves[ga[on. It seems that
> several pros[tutes have been brutally murdered, and the Madam is
> applying pressure to have them solved, or else she will disclose the
> ac[vi[es of Tarrant and his companions. While the unmarried Markthegn
> can withstand the scandal, it would cause the collapse of sec[ons of
> the government, and it could prove troublesome as he con[nues his
> program to bring temporal power back into the hands of its rulers.
> He makes it very obvious that no expense is to be spared, but the
> normal channels may not be involved. The inves[ga[on must occur, and
it must be kept very quiet.

How the HP's choose to equip themselves is, of course, their own
decision. Tarrant will provide any reasonable equipment request. He
will also furnish what lihle informa[on he has, which is summed up
above. Having done no inves[ga[on himself (it was his friend, the
current Lord Mayor of Lisolet, who asked for help), he knows nothing of
If the HPs seem seriously out-classed (from the JM's perspec[ve), and
they have pledged themselves to his service, it would not be
unreasonable for Tarrant to provide a small amount of magickal
equipment/weapons. While he has been ac[ve in seeking new items, he
does not have much of tremendous power. The following were provided to
the author's players when the scenario was run:

Greatsword of Light: This barely-enchanted sword will glow with a sop
light, equivalent to torchlight, for a period of 1 hour once per day.
The weapon is not enchanted in any other way, but it would be sucient
to harm Hanah.

Arrow of Direc[on (per Mythus Magick)

Sword of Skill: Despite the high-sounding name, the Sword of Skill has
lihle enchantment. In the hands of anyone unfamiliar with swordplay,
it will confer the equivalent of Combat, Hand Weapons at a STEEP of 20
(or raise the wielder's eec[ve STEEP to 20 if it is lower), gran[ng
the sub-area of Swords, one-handed. It is otherwise unremarkable.

Once equipped, the HPs will be sent to meet with the Lord Mayor of Lisolet.

II. Lisolet:

The HPs will be conveyed to Lisolet in an appropriate manner,
discreetly. As in Tremayne, the audience granted will be very private.
The mee[ng takes place in the evening, aper nighkall. The Lord
Mayor, one Frances Roderique, meets with the party. He is no[ceably
relieved at their presence (it means that his friend, the Markthegn, is
answering his plea).
He will quickly describe the murders, of which there have been four.
The informa[on gathered so far points out some similari[es: each
vic[m was a pros[tute, each vic[m was slain at night, and each vic[m
looked as if she had been par[ally devoured. Three of the four worked
for the Scarlet Madam, but given the Madam's clout in the district, that
is a fair representa[on.
If pressed for further details, he will conde:
> "I didn't really want to men[on this, because the witness in ques[on
> is somewhat, um, unreliable, but there was an observer of the most
> recent ahack. The witness heard what he thought were scurrying rats,
> and he saw some furry forms that seemed to be about the right size."
> Roderique wipes his brow and sighs. "On the other hand, he was drunk at
the [me, which means he may have been hallucina[ng."

If the HPs ask about his own involvement with the Scarlet Madam:
> The Lord Mayor draws himself up with a look of disdain. "That is
> something I will not discuss, as it is inconsequen[al to your purpose
> here." He scowls. "The Markthegn indicated that you would be discreet.
I would advise you to act it."

If the HPs ask for more equipment:
> The Lord Mayor glowers. "The Markthegn should have already seen to
> your needs." He sighs, "but if you really need something, I'll see what
> I can arrange." [Note: The Lord Mayor can get most normal equipment,
> but he will want it back at the end of the adventure. Should the HPs
> discover in the course of their inves[ga[on that they are lacking
> something, he will ahempt to provide it. He has no access to magickal

Once the HPs have no further ques[ons, they will be dismissed with
direc[ons to the Grand House of Pleasure, where the Scarlet Madam

III. The Rose Quarter:

Aper leaving the Mayoral Mansion, the HPs will probably want to
inves[gate in the Rose Quarter (although not necessarily). The
remainder of the adventure consists of encounters, culmina[ng in a
grand encounter and bahle within the sewers. Some suggested clues are
provided below, along with some sugges[ons for misleading clues. Which
the JM chooses to use, of course, will inuence the length of the
adventure, and it might be a good idea to add some or change others to

suit the style of the campaign beher.

The Grand House of Pleasure

Provided that the HPs proceed immediately to the Grand House of
Pleasure, they will be greeted with rst-hand evidence of another
murder. The vic[m was found in an alleyway near the Madam's house, and
she was one of the Madam's girls. Several priestesses are gathered
around the body, along with a number of other pros[tutes and what
appear to be a pair of private guardians. The HPs should be allowed to
take a look at the body (which appears to have been chewed upon,
although the damage is such that almost no one can tell what did the
damage - it is too torn), but they will quickly be ushered through the
perfumed and barely lit house into a back parlor, where the Scarlet
Madam awaits.
> The oce, if that is indeed what it is, appears to be decorated more
> like a lady's boudoir. Perfume hangs heavy in the air, and ero[c
> pain[ngs cover the walls. The red-headed woman looks up from her desk
> (which appears to be quite comfortable, if the padding on top is any
> indica[on), and she sighs. With a gesture, she beckons you to seat
> yourselves on the various pieces of furniture around the room.
> "It appears that whoever is behind this has struck again. Frankly, I'm
> gejng worried. My girls depend upon a few priestesses of Venus and
> our guards to keep us safe, but it apparently isn't working." She looks
> around, sighing. "The last two vic[ms were both girls from my House,
> and they were among my best." No[ng your looks of apparent
> incomprehension, she goes on to explain.
> "They're my leaders, they report directly to me, and they each watch
> over several girls. In essence, she was one of my lieutenants, although
> this isn't exactly a military organiza[on." She shoves her papers to
> the side. "I've been told to help you in any way I can to solve this
> riddle, but it might be best if you were watching those most likely to
> be struck. Each of you will guard one of the remaining 'nest', since
> the priestesses and guards are already spread very thin." She sighs
again. "This will probably be a rough one."

A generic set of OPs are at the end, along with some suggested names
(sprinkle around as needed). If the JM chooses to involve the HPs with
the day-to-day (or perhaps that should be night-to-night) opera[ons of
the Grand House of Pleasure, then the JM should feel free to make up
details as needed.
The following are clues which may be used here:

One pros[tute witnessed the most recent ahack:
> "Aye, I saw it, I did! 'Twas a most fearsome beast, lookin' like a
> rat, but walkin' on its hind legs!" The harlot shudders (an intriguing
> sight for the male HPs, probably). "Horrible, with gleamin' teeth and
> dark fur. The eyes glowed red, they did, and blood dripped from the
> claws and teeth!"
> [In point of fact, the pros[tute in ques[on did not actually witness

> the ahack, it was ickering shadows aper the ahack, and her
> imagina[on provided the rest.]

One guard, fresh upon discovering the body:
> "There was blood splahered all over the wall, and she were a right
> mess. I don't like t'think about what might'a done such a thing, but
> there were some footprints, maybe. Kinda clawed lookin, headed towards
> the guher. Might'a gone into th'sewers, for all I know."
> [He is telling the truth, although he did not actually follow the
> footprints, and if the HPs look for them, they won't see them.]

If the party pursues the above clues, then they will likely nd their
way to the Underground Merchants, a small company that trades with
Subterranean AErth races. The Scarlet Madam is on good terms with the
UM, and she will be willing to give the HPs direc[ons to their enclave.
[Note: When I ran it, I created a small hole behind the Grand House of
Pleasure which led into the sewers, and one of the HPs managed to track
the murderer to the hole. In addi[on, there have been more abduc[ons
than the ones known, some having been used to feed Hanah's small army of
ghouls, some to be sacriced to the Vengeful Virgin.]

The Underground Merchants

The UM Consor[um is actually a family of merchants who specialize in
the exo[c. Although their primary customers are the underworld of
Grandmark (which is centered in Lisolet, and is fairly extensive for a
town of 10,000) and nearby residents of Subterranean AErth
(specically, some Sto[es, Ferrekolk, and Trogs), they also have
contact with Phaeree. If the clues above are described to the
merchants, they will men[on the subterranean race nicknamed 'Rajes'
who would act in such a manner.
If the HPs accept this, and return to the Lord Mayor with such
informa[on, the following sequence of events will occur:
(1) The Lord Mayor will send a puni[ve force against the Rajes.
(2) The Rajes in the area will be driven o by the military.
(3a) Another pros[tute (not one of the Madam's) will be slain.
(3b) [simultaneous] A group of three or four Ohdow (a neutral
short-tempered race of elves, much like the Trow) will appear to the
party, coldly threatening. The Ohdow should be of sucient power to
stop the HPs if they try anything, and they will explain that the
Rajes do not act like that, and if they did, they would leave much
less meat behind. Further, the Rajes are hun[ng in other territories
now, and the Ohdow are not happy with the plague.
(4) If the HPs have not passed the above on to the Lord Mayor, a
Thunderbird ally of the Ohdow will appear in a shared dream and point
out that they con[nue to make the mistake.
(5) The puni[ve expedi[on will be called o.
(6) The HPs will need to seek elsewhere for clues.

The Shrine of Venus

Given that some priestesses of Venus are employed at the Grand House of
Pleasure, it is not unreasonable for the HPs to visit the temple, and it
might even be the rst stop on their agenda. Should they do so, and
speak to one of the ranking Priestesses (not a dicult feat if any of
the HPs are par[cularly ahrac[ve), an augury will be performed, and
they will be lep with the following wisdom:
"Seek ye the corrupted, where delia[on and expulsion are one!"
This refers, of course, to the fallen Vestal Virgin. Make a secret
check against each HPs Religion K/S (if possessed) at DR "Hard". Upon
success, this will trigger the memory that certain Goddesses will expel
Priestesses from their clergy should they lose their virginity (in this
case: Minerva, Diana, and Ves[a).
Inquiries at the three temples will be met with reserve, and raised
eyebrows, but none will remember any recent expulsion. However, as the
HPs are leaving the temple of Ves[a, they will be quietly approached by
one of the ini[ates, who will men[on that one of her fellow ini[ates
had braved the night a month ago, and had not been heard from since.
Her name in the order was Hanah, named aper one of the greatest martyrs
to Ves[a, who died to save herself from being ravished.
Further informa[on will not be volunteered, although another augury
cast with this name will indicate that Hanah lives in a dark and dank

IV. The Sewers:

The HPs will eventually need to nd their way into the sewers, either
by tracking Hanah from another ahack (details to be created as needed),
or by following auguries cast. Regardless of the means of reaching the
sewers, they are dank, dark, but not lled with waste (the Rajes
normally scour and scavenge in the tunnels connected to some
out-of-the-way places in Subterranean AErth). Due to the recent
military excursions (if any), or perhaps just out of plain irritability,
several rabid Rajes will ahack the party while down here (sta[s[cs
per the AErth Bes[ary, p. 160).
Given that Hanah has been granted a small amount of control of several
ghouls, they are likely wandering through the sewers, and they will
probably ahack HPs on sight. Hanah directly controls four, but the
being she serves controls more than a dozen. Sprinkle them around the
tunnels as appropriate (sta[s[cs per Necropolis, p. 188).
The JM should select an appropriate method of tracing Hanah back to her
lair. Some sugges[ons include:
(1) A trail of clawed prints and bloodstains on the walls leading to
her complex
(2) Mysterious screeching and chan[ng, dripping with malice
(3) An abduc[on of a vic[m (perhaps even the Scarlet Madam!) rather
than the slaughter she normally performs, and the screaming, struggling,
and sacrice thereof

V. The Vengeful Virgin:

Regardless of how the HPs reach the shrine, this is what they will
eventually see:

> Before you, in a cavern lit by glowing fungus, is a terrible scene.
> The walls are smeared with bloodstains, some fresh, some blackened. The
> stench is that of a charnel-house, sickly sweet, the smell of death.
> Tahered hangings line the walls, and some discarded clothing makes a
> heap, apparently something akin to a bed.
> Near an alcove in the opposite wall, there is a small brazier, burning
> with some sort of dark ame, almost black in appearance.
> Against the wall, there is a statue. Well, not quite a statue, but a
> rough image shaped of hardened clay. It appears to be of a naked young
> woman, ahributes accentuated. A real sword is clasped in its hands,
> raised, and a malevolent expression has been placed on the face.
> However, your ahen[on is drawn from contempla[ng what sort of sick
> ar[st would have carved such a statue to a rapidly moving form,
> claw-like hands extended towards you!

Hanah has just no[ced the party members (if she is in the process of
sacricing, add appropriate descrip[on), and she is moving to ahack!
Note that the HPs will need to spend a CT of observa[on if they want
more than a rough descrip[on (a ragged, humanoidal form, with claw-like
hands and disgura[on).
If Hanah is having a really rough [me, or some sort of addi[onal
challenge is needed, she will turn to the statue and beg, "I have served
thee faithfully, oh Vengeful Virgin! Help me, thy servant, in her hour
of need!" In this case, the statue comes to life (see the Vengeful
Virgin in the OP sec[on for full details), and, if needed, addi[onal
Ghouls will pour into the chamber.
With the destruc[on of Hanah, the ahacks will stop, and everything
will return to normal (well, un[l the next adventure, anyways).

The Black Flame: This item consists of a brazier burning with Nega[ve
Heka. It begins with 200 Heka (when the HP's reach the shrine), and it
regenerates 10 Heka per hour, or 100 each [me someone is sacriced to
it. There is no prac[cal limit to the amount of Heka which can be so
stored. It also grants to its owner the following powers:
Summon Rat Swarm: By expending 5 Heka per rat, Hanah can summon a rat
swarm to her person, which will arrive in 1D3 CT's.
Return to Sanctum: By expending 50 Heka, Hanah can transport herself
and any small items carried immediately back to her shrine, provided she
is within a mile of the shrine. For every addi[onal mile distant, it
costs another 10 Heka, and the transporta[on of a held living being
will cost an addi[onal 50 Heka.

[Note: if the Black Flame is not destroyed, it will eventually
possess/be possessed by someone else, probably a witchcraeper or other
servant of the Nether-realms, and it will become a long-term thorn in
the HPs collec[ve side. In such a case, it is recommended that the JM

pick a suitable Netherbeing, either a Demon, Devil, or perhaps an Evil

Atlantlan deity to associate the Black Flame with.]

VI. Conclusion:

If the HPs manage to defeat Hanah, they should be rewarded. If they
are permanently in Tarrant's service, he will let them keep the
equipment he gave them at the beginning (if any), including the magickal
weapons if they were given to the HPs. The HPs should be given, in
addi[on to any AP/S or AP/X for roleplaying or other excep[onal play,
2 AP/Gs for each clue successfully followed (to a maximum of 10 AP/Gs),
plus another 5 upon the defeat of Hanah. The adventure is not
monumental enough to warrant more than 15 AP/Gs.
The Scarlet Madam may be gained as a Special Connec[on as well, given
that the HPs have performed a service for her. While her inuence is
primarily in the shadowy world that thieves move in, it is nonetheless
Tarrant will not abide needless destruc[on, however, and any clues
which are fumbled and result in the death of any innocents will
denitely bring retribu[on of some sort (at the least, lessening the
rewards and reclaiming equipment, especially the magickal swords). In
such a case, no AP's should be awarded for the clues, although they will
s[ll have earned some experience and knowledge from the adventure and
might be granted from 1 to 5 AP/Gs.


[Note: These are average sta[s[cs, and individuals should vary if they
begin playing a signicant role in the game]

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 75, WL: 56, CL: 67 S: 60, EL:48
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 30 PN: 45 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 11 PNCap: 15 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 9 MRPow: 9 PMPow: 10 PNPow: 13 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 9 PNSpd: 12 SMSpd: 9 SPspd: 9

Outstanding K/S Areas (typical):
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical (20+D10 STEEP)
E[quehe/Social Graces (30+2D10 STEEP)

Commentary & Descrip[on: Some suggested names include: Celeste, Brandi,
and others. The girls of the Scarlet Madam are generally moderately
literate, charming, and skilled in the courtly manners, and are the most
elegant of courtesans. She and her girls have high respect among the
gentry, although the lower classes can also make use of the 'trainees'.

The Scarlet Madam's Best and Brightest:

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M: 75, EL: 60 P: 75, WL: 56, CL: 67 S: 75, EL:60
MM: 40 MR: 35 PM: 30 PN: 45 SM: 40 SP: 35
MMCap: 16 MRCap: 15 PMCap: 11 PNCap: 15 SMCap: 16 SPCap: 15
MMPow: 12 MRPow: 10 PMPow: 10 PNPow: 13 SMPow: 12 SPPow: 10
MMSpd: 12 MRSpd: 10 PMSpd: 9 PNSpd: 12 SMSpd: 12 SPspd: 10

Outstanding K/S Areas (typical):
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Mental (20+D10 STEEP)
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical (30+3D10 STEEP)
E[quehe/Social Graces (30+3D10 STEEP)
Business Administra[on (20+2D10 STEEP)
Charisma[cism (10+3D10 STEEP)
Inuence (10+4D10 STEEP)
Dancing (10+2D10 STEEP)

Commentary & Descrip[on: Some suggested names include: Celeste, Brandi,
and others. The Scarlet Madam's best girls act as her lieutenants.
Generally, they are beher at just about everything than her normal
girls, and they are her highest class call girls. Most have at least
minimal skill in Herbalism (the beher to stave o diseases and other
illnesses), and most have cul[vated friendly rela[onships with the
priestesses of Venus.

Grand House of Pleasure Guards:
Sta[s[cal Detail:
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 90, WL: 67, CL: 81 S: 60, EL:48
MM: 30 MR: 45 PM: 45 PN: 45 SM: 60 SP: 60
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 15 PNCap: 15 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 9 MRPow: 9 PMPow: 15 PNPow: 15 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 15 PNSpd: 15 SMSpd: 9 SPspd: 9

Outstanding K/S Areas (typical):
Combat, Hand Weapons (20+3D10 STEEP)
Combat, HTH, Non-Lethal (20+4D10 STEEP)
Combat, HTH, Lethal (10+2D10 STEEP)
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical (10+2D10 STEEP) (Ambushing)

Commentary & Descrip[on: The guards of the Grand House of Pleasure are
not incorrup[ble, but there are some things (such as ne young esh)
to which they are nearly immune. They are good enough for normal
ghts, and typically armored in leather with some metallic pieces, and
armed with long swords and clubs. A few are excep[onal ghters, and
they typically become captain or one of the sergeants. The total
complement at the Grand House of Pleasure numbers 20 (15 guards, 3
sergeants, and 1 captain). They rotate ships, act as bouncers, and
provide 24 hour coverage of the building. On certain occasions, they
also escort the employees around for shopping and the like.

Priestess of Venus:

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 60, WL: 45, CL: 54 S: 75, EL: 60
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 30 PN: 30 SM: 60 SP: 60
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 12 PNCap: 12 SMCap: 15 SPCap: 15
MMPow: 9 MRPow: 9 PMPow: 9 PNPow: 9 SMPow: 15 SPPow: 15
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 9 PNSpd: 9 SMSpd: 15 SPspd: 15

Outstanding K/S Areas (typical):
Priestcraep (Moonlight): (10+2D10 STEEP)
E[quehe/Social Graces (30+2D10 STEEP)
Herbalism (20+3D10 STEEP)

Commentary & Descrip[on: The Priestesses of Venus assigned to the Grand
House of Pleasure total three. They are typically comple[ng their
Novi[ate, and will become true Priestesses aper their du[es at the
House are completed. While here, they serve as spiritual guides,
teachers of Herbalism and other lore, and they are the mentors of many
of the girls. Occasionally, one of the Scarlet Madam's girls will go on
take a Vow to serve Venus and, eventually, enter her Priesthood. Such
girls are almost inevitably assigned back to the Grand House of Pleasure.

Hanah (Ghoul-Vampire):
Iden[er: Undead
Habitat: Grandmark's Shallowshadow & Sewers
Modes and Rates of Movement (yds/BT):
Base: 140
Ini[a[ve Modiers: Human Standard
Invulnerabili[es: Non-enchanted weapons, Disease, Cold, Electricity,
Fire/Heat, Poison
Contact: Blessed symbol (7D3 PD), Blessed Water (D6+1 PD & SD)
Exposure: Sight: Blessed symbol, inicts SD*
*Blessed Symbol Spiritual damage is equal to the Good individual's SMPow
minus 10% of Hanah's SMPow and also minus 1 point per foot distance
between the wielder and the subject, SD being inicted upon the vampire
thus each CT of Exposure
Outstanding-Important K/S Areas/Sub-Areas & STEEP:
E/S Graces: 50
Decep[on: 60
Inuence: 40
Joss (An[-Joss) Factors: 1
Ahrac[veness: 1
Quirks: Nil
Average Armor Protec[on: 9 - see below
Natural: see below
Heka-engendered: Nil
Dodging/Avoidance: 13/--,22,15

Natural Weapons*:

Ahacks BAC DT Base

Claw x 2* 50 C 1D3+6
Bite 40** P 1D3+D3/CT+^
* Unlikely to be used
** Or special -- see below.
^ Only ahempted if subject vic[m under Lethargy Touch Power noted below.
Cas[ngs: None
Lethargy Touch: Caressing contact inicts a +10 Ini[a[ve
penalty and a like penalty to all other ac[ons and dice rolls,
including K/S use, for 1 AT's [me; and if the vic[m fails in a
roll vs. SM TRAIT at DR "Hard," subject reclines and dozes for
the whole period (1 AT)
Resistance to Heka: Heka ahack must overcome 13-point R factor
to aect this Preternatural Ghoul-Vampire with Cas[ng or Power
Shape Ship: To/from rat form in 1 CT's [me, as frequently as desired
Endure Sunlight: Hanah can act in full sunlight, although it
causes her to act as if Dazed while so ac[ng
Heal Self, Physical Damage: 1 point/AT
Shadow Cloaking, self: Invisible in moderate or thicker shadows
Shadow Walking: Able to instantly move from one place of shadows
to another
Change Appearance: 1/day, allows Hanah to change her basic
appearance, including sex, race, height, etc., so something
Close Door/Window & Heka-Force Bar by Gaze: 1/day
Invisibility: 1/day
Spiritual Paralysis Gaze: 1/day

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M(Cunning): 120 P: 140, WL: 105, CL: 126 S: 120, EL:96
MM: 60 MR: 60 PM: 70 PN: 70 SM: 60 SP: 60
MMCap: 25 MRCap: 25 PMCap: 30 PNCap: 30 SMCap: 25 SPCap: 25
MMPow: 20 MRPow: 20 PMPow: 18 PNPow: 18 SMPow: 20 SPPow: 20
MMSpd: 15 MRSpd: 15 PMSpd: 22 PNSpd: 22 SMSpd: 15 SPspd: 25

Armor Scheme:
Area Pierce Cut Blunt^ Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 20 20 20 * * 32 *
Super 15 15 15 * * 24 *
Vital 10 10 10 * * 16 *
Non 5 5 5 * * 8 *
Average 15 15 15 * * 20 *
* Invulnerable
^ Applies to Impact damage as well

Commentary & Descrip[on: Hanah was, some [me ago, a Vestal Virgin, one
of the handmaidens of Ves[a (so to speak). While a new ini[ate into
the order, she was raped one night while travelling through the town of
Lisolet. Like all Vestal Virgins who are so deled, she would have

been cast out of the order, save only that she was mortally wounded.
With rage born of dreams denied, and severe hatred, she cried out for
vengeance with her last breath. A dark strength infused her, and she
rose again, and ate the heart of the ruan.
It was not enough, and she knew that the whores and trollops who
frequented the Rose Quarter were to blame. She hid within the sewers
and Shallowshadow, where she has erected a shrine to 'Vengeful Ves[a',
the 'unseen true side of the great lady' which she believes gave her
strength and control over several ghouls and the rat popula[on as the
tools of vengeance.
Note that Hanah, the daughter of some well-o merchants, but orphaned,
was given a Ring of Hardiness (5 addi[onal points of armor) by her
parents, and this is in addi[on to the natural armor above.

The Vengeful Virgin (animated statue):
Iden[er: Animated statue
Habitat: The Twisted Shrine
Modes and Rates of Movement (yds/BT):
Base: 120
Ini[a[ve Modiers: Human Standard
Invulnerabili[es: Non-enchanted weapons
Joss (An[-Joss) Factors: 4
Ahrac[veness: 1
Quirks: Nil
Average Armor Protec[on: See Below

Natural Weapons:
Ahacks BAC DT Base
Sword 40 C 4D6

Cas[ngs: None
Powers: None

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M(Cunning): 90 P: 150, WL: 112, CL: 135 S: 90, EL: 81
MM: 45 MR: 45 PM: 75 PN: 75 SM: 30 SP: 60
MMCap: 15 MRCap: 15 PMCap: 35 PNCap: 35 SMCap: 15 SPCap: 20
MMPow: 15 MRPow: 15 PMPow: 25 PNPow: 25 SMPow: 5 SPPow: 20
MMSpd: 15 MRSpd: 15 PMSpd: 15 PNSpd: 15 SMSpd: 10 SPSpd: 20

Armor Scheme:
Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 80 20 80 20 80 80 40
Super 60 15 60 15 60 60 30
Vital 40 10 40 10 40 40 20
Non 20 5 20 5 20 20 10
Average 50 12 50 12 50 50 25

* Invulnerable

Commentary & Descrip[on: The Vengeful Virgin was a statue carved by
Hanah to appropriately honor this 'dark side' of Ves[a. Born of her
twisted mind, the statue has been able to come to life, although the
force anima[ng it is indeterminate.
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 20:56:28 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Alchemy & Ra[onality

Tim's point is well taken, persuasive and correct. But it misses it's
target. What Tim says is true of alchemy on in our world, where as a theory
about how the world works it is FALSE. But the Alchemy we are talking about
is the alchemy of Aerth, where as a theory about the way the world works it
is TRUE. This makes all the dierence in the world. Let me explain:

Tim is right, alchemy as we know it is irra[onal. Why is this? Well,
because if you apply ra[onal inference to the claims of alchemy about our
world, it falls at on it's face. It simply isn't true. The world is not
as alchemy says it is. To hold alchemy to be true is to contradict what
ra[onality tells us, thus it is irra[onal.

On Aerth, however, alchemy correctly describes the way the world is. So when
you use the scien[c method of ra[onal deduc[on and experiment on Aerth,
you will get conrma[on of alchemical theory. Thus alchemy is RATIONAL on
Aerth. And it is a scien[c view, also. According to the famous
philosopher of science Karl Popper, what dis[nguishes scien[c theories
from mys[cism is that they are falsiable, they have the poten[al to be
proven wrong. Alchemy both on earth and Aerth meets this criterion. It just
happens to be a false scien[c theory on earth.

Thus alchemy does not cut the scien[c heart out of the other K/S areas Tim
men[ons. Granted that it will make a dierence in Geology and other such
K/S areas in propor[on to the amount it deviates from chemistry, but it in
no way undercuts the scien[c method or ra[onality. Alchemy is a ra[onal
science on Aerth. To treat it in a ra[onal way is only being consistent,
and doesn't require us to deconstruct our thought processes.

Now you could claim that alchemy is irra[onal in that it is internally
inconsistent, but that is a dierent kehle of sh...

As far as Steve comments go, he is right that you could run a world where
both alchemy and chemistry existed side by side, but I think that the
modica[ons you would have to make to chemistry would make it dierent
enough on a fundamental level that we might not want to call it chemistry.
In addi[on, the dual nature might cause conicts. What if according to
alchemical theory mixing certain substances together should produce a liquid

that was ammable, whereas chemistry says they should create an inammable
solid? Which theory trumps which? This is why I said I thought they
couldn't both be true (they can't in this world). They lay conic[ng
claims to the same territory.

Of course since you lay down the laws of physics in your world, you can make
whatever you want true. Aper all, that's what I just did with Alchemy. The
problem is to make your world dierent enough from our world to make it
interes[ng, but similar enough that most of our basic intui[ons about how
this world works can be used when playing Mythus. The hard part is deciding
what to change and what to leave the same.

I think what most of us will end up with is a hybrid alchemy that mixes what
we know of alchemy with a bit of chemistry and our everyday intui[ons about

So what dierence does this make to playing the game? Not a lot unless you
have a dedicated alchemist HP, or a chemical engineer as a player. Saying
that your world is alchemically based gives you the perfect basis for
explaining to that chemical engineer why he can't make gunpowder, or
plas[que, or napalm, or dynamite, etc. These are all chemically based
weapons, and chemistry just isn't true of this world.
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 21:21:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Alchemy & Ra[onality

Mah (and other pondering the subject):

Is it possible that the simple (well...) dierence between Chemistry and
Alchemy is Heka? Here's a quick example:

Say the Chemist comes along and puts together the substances that make a lowtech explosive (like Greek Fire or something--I'm not up on my ancient bombs).
Then, the Alchemist comes along, puts the same materials together, and adds a
bunch of magickal energy to the process and surprise! it's a Po[on of, say,
Plant Growth. Perhaps the addi[on of magick makes the bizarre possible, but
the normal chemists (and other scien[sts) can't use it.

As for Chemical Engineer players trying to make explosives, that looks like a
prehy serious viola[on of player knowledge. All the JM needs to say in cases
like that is: that technology has never been created, nor even considered.
Your HP cannot possible come up with it. Or, make it like in a comic book: he
makes a bomb, but it was very tricky, and then it goes o, destroying his
notes!! :)

The point is, as far as I can tell, that the major dierence between Alchemy
and Chemistry is the same as the dierence between true Wizards, and the
parlor tricksters using cards and cheap "mundane" illusions...

Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 23:23:12 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Noche@AOL.COM

Is it just that it is always busy or is Cerberus down?

Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 23:27:30 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Noche@AOL.COM
Subject: Cerberus or an alternate site

If Cerberus is down, anyone know of an alternate pp site? I think I
downloaded most of the stu from Cerb and have most of the stu from AOL so
I could dump it all in one site.

Thanks again
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 09:39:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re:
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 3 Feb 1995 Noche@AOL.COM wrote:

> Is it just that it is always busy or is Cerberus down?

It's not The IP address, if you
can't resolve the name, is You can also gopher to it :-)

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''

Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?

********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 09:45:25 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Noche@AOL.COM
Subject: Re:

Hehee! Thanks, I've been typo'ing for at least a month now. Thanks.

Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 15:37:19 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: More on (Al)chemistry


Your sugges[on is a reasonable one, but requires edi[ng of both theories to
achieve. Even if you ahribute transmuta[on and other chemically impossible
opera[ons to the use of heka, you need to decide whether there really are
the four elements that alchemy claims, and if transmuta[on is based on them,
or on the elements that chemistry claims exists. You could decide to go with
a dualist system like Steve suggested, but then your have to decide on the
rela[onship between the two sets of elements (one has to be demoted to the
status of a compound).

You can basically come up with whatever system you want, but some will be
more complex then others, and some might be inconsistent or irra[onal, as
Tim suggested. I think that Chemistry as earth chemistry should just be
dumped because of the fact that it's claims conict with alchemy's. They're
gh[ng over the same territory. You can generate a compromise, but why
bother? It will be a lot of work, and Alchemy is sucient and more
interes[ng for a fantasy world. As I said in the original pos[ng, I intend
to treat Chemistry as a dierent body of prac[ces for manipula[ng the
alchemical nature of substances without the benet of heka. Those who are
capable of using heka use the Alchemy K/S (Alchemists and Apothecaries), but
the demand for various alchemical compounds and mixtures for use in other K/S
areas generates enough business for the "Chemists" (non-heka using Apothecary
OPs) to stay in business.

In the end I think what we will all be using will be a hybrid of the
1) Alchemical theory as presented in the Alchemy K/S area along with any
personal knowledge (and possibly my original pos[ng).
2) Pieces of chemical theory as it is necessary to maintain an environment
that is recognizably similar to our own, where it agrees with alchemy, where

we want to use some cool chemical phenomenon, and where we can't get it out
of our way of thinking about the world.

The exact propor[ons will vary for each person. Yeah, it's not strictly
alchemy as in what exists in our world, but Aerth isn't our world. We are
working with analogies between similar worlds in all we do.

Mah Berry
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 16:35:05 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Kelthar@AOL.COM
Subject: Daggers, thrown

Has anyone run or run into a very procient thrower of daggers? We have one
with 8 ahacks per CT. Within the limita[ons of the weapon nothing stands
in his way. I have reduced the ROF for daggers to 1 as I have a conceptual
problem with anyone throwing (accurately) that many daggers in a three second

Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 22:35:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Re More on (Al)chemistry

Well--it's [me for my input. I agree with Dave.

Alchemy /does NOT/ make chemistry invalid. In fact, both sciences
are dierent.

Chemisty is the manipula[on of molecules and elements to produce
other substances, and the study of such reac[ons.

Alchemy is the manipula[on of the ve elemental states, their
various substates, and tau.

From previous Gygaxian works, I have seen he works to keep as much
"reality" and logic as possible. Just look at how AErth is developed. Even
from what I've read in his novels, he's kept real-world physics alive.
Outer space is Outer Space, not Phlogiston (bleah) or Ether. Atomic Fires
drive the suns, gravity s[ll exists the way it does. From these, I can't
accept a broader view of alchemy as presented here.

In the AErth universe, the Mundane Sphere is connected to
Preternatural spheres which can be considered dis[lled versions of the main
states of maher. (Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma) These four main planes

contain countless spheres which are combina[ons of such eects: sand,

salt, crystal, dust, lava, magma. Add the other planes which gain inuence
from the Supernatural ones (Yang, Yin, Shadow, AEther), and you have other
areas such as Gravity, Kine[c force, Radiance, heck perhaps even nuclear
fusion and radia[on.

Alchemists manipulate Tau and Heka--and the various dis[lla[ons.
The higher levels of Heka on AErth allow these prac[oners to alter the ow
or substance of materials on AErth. It requires knowledge of the
Metaphysical, the Planes and Spheres, and an inherent spir[ual intu[on.

Alchemy and Chemistry are somewhat apples and oranges. The laher
s[ll works on AErth, save for a few reac[ons that otherwise would enable
gunpowder and electrical/nuclear technology to exist. Thus, Na + Cl s[ll
equals salt. Chemistry can s[ll be used to create medicine, drugs,
solvents, and other neat things. The /knowledge/ is spartan, since heka
exists and is more ahrac[ve than mundane manipula[ons of science, but
those with the knowledge would be able to execute most chemical opera[ons.

Alchemy manipulates elemental eects and quan[[es in objects.
Thus, one can accomplish chemistry-like equa[ons, but via a dierent
method. Alchemy can do more--transmute elements, change proper[es of
maher, etc. While a chemist can use chemicals to sopen hard stone, an
alchemist can remove the "hard" elements of stone via alchemy.

In short, both eects exist. One is not more powerful than the
others. They do dierent things. Is Alchemy stronger--well, on AErth yes,
but it does more things.

Also note--Alchemy can't be like "historical", because it works.
And thus, there would have been problems--like a collapsed economy when all
these guys try transmu[ng lead to gold. (AErth allows this, but it's
costly and there are enough tradeos involved for it not to be very

Just my 2 bits...

John R. Troy
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 19:13:25 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Daggers, thrown

Not too dicult to deal with the dagger ques[on actually.

Kestos di Genostragone' Cordo Mancej, <Geno for short> dagger man
extrodanair, with a ROF of 8, let's say :) gets a

star[ng ini[a[ve of... say -17, he's really fast and lucky with the dice
besides. The Slowest person ac[ng in the ght is some shambling zombie== one
of several Geno just accidently brought to ac[on by entering a room. This poor
boy won't even act once [l ini[a[ve 7 <very slow> :).

Ok, the most ahacks Geno can make is...

5... with the knives.

Geno ahacks once on -17, -11, -5, 1 and 7... <I use a 6 point interval between
any missile ahacks if the missiles are already drawn... 10 other wise... Geno
has one dagger in his throwing hand the other four betwixt his ngers and
thumb in the other hand... total of 5... if he we caught unawares and were
pulling all but the rst knife out of sheaths... he's be ahacking on -17, -7,
3 and that's that, for a total of three ahacks.-- I puh a 10 point interval
between ahacks that require the person to pull out more missiles to re or
melee ahacks

alternately, an interval of weapon speed + 7 for thrown weapon ahacks with the
weapons ini[ally sheathed and plain old weapon speed for for melee ahacks
will work too.


Some people don't see the point to this rule, but it is the very countermeasure
to ghters and knife throwers with high ROF's that is necessary.. <also
allowing the ghters to use a couple ahacks on parries and so forth.

Comments always welcom

"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \ DAT
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\ <insert quote here>
against the powers of this dark world \
and against the spiritual forces of evil \
in the heavenly realms." \
--Ephesians 6:12 \
"Our love is King--let's go get a Slushie."--Heathers
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 19:12:59 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan Beck <danbeck@PO-1.STAR.K12.IA.US>
Subject: Re: Daggers, thrown writes:

>Has anyone run or run into a very procient thrower of daggers? We have one
>with 8 ahacks per CT. Within the limita[ons of the weapon nothing stands
>in his way. I have reduced the ROF for daggers to 1 as I have a conceptual
>problem with anyone throwing (accurately) that many daggers in a three second

Yes <modest grin>. Back when I was in a Mythus campaign, I had a Medicine
Man HP named "Firedancer" who, according to the exis[ng rules, could throw
that many daggers (throwing stars in his case). My JM and I agreed that
this was excessive, and we decided that a cumula[ve FAC penalty of -5% for
every missile thrown aper the 2nd was called for, to reect the accuracy
problems you men[oned. This turned out to be playable.

But 8 ahacks/CT s[ll seems unreasonably high, even taking the penalty. I
hate to arbitrarily impose rules without somehow jus[fying them. That
said, here's my ahempt to jus[fy a limit on mul[ple ahacks:

As I see it, strictly enforcing the drawing weapon SF penalty (p210) would
not reduce the number of ahacks available, but merely shue them along
the inia[ve countdown. Something more is needed.

When I was pujng together a Mar[al Arts K/S area, I decided to link
together the total number of MA techniques available to the HP's PNSpeed:
Every use of a MA (or other combat) technique must be separated from its
earlier use in that CT by at least 2 segments. Changing to a dierent
technique costs an addi[onal 2 segments. And each technique has its own
Speed Factor of from 2 to 10 segments. The total of all of these segments
must not exceed the HP's PNSpeed. As the PNSpeed improves, the HP will
gradually be able to accomplish more ac[ons in a CT. Note that this
limita[on superceeds what the bonus ahacks table(s) permits, and should
be applied AFTER inia[ve has been determined.

This rule says that the number of segments available in a CT actually
varies according to the HP's PNSpeed (and incorperates a generalized
version of the Op[onal Spacing of Ac[ons on p. 211 of the Mythus
handbook). If your knife-throwing HP has a PNSpeed of 16, he could throw a
maximum of 4 in a CT (a dagger is thrown with its WSF of 2, then a new one
is thrown 4 segs later [2 seg delay + WSF of 2]; elapsed segs is 6. Then
another [elapsed segs is 10]. Then another [14]. This is as much as this
HP could do at his current PNSpd. When it rises to 18, though, he could
t in a 5th dagger throw. If your HP has only a 12 PNSpd, though, the
most knife throws he could ahempt is 3, no maher what the bonus ahacks
table says. His reac[on [me just doesn't permit him to take full
advantage of the STEEP he has developed.

This rule can help with game balance by mo[va[ng players to develop

ATTRIBUTES in tandom with K/S STEEP. It can be temp[ng to focus on

maximizing STEEP, otherwise. It was for me, I remember! :)

Comments and sugges[ons, anyone? This suggested rule has NOT been playtested!


Dan Beck

* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * Daniel Raymond Beck
* * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * email: dantas[ or
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * * * * "C.I.P.S.I" in all things!
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 07:58:12 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: daggers and stu

>From: SMTP%"" 4-FEB-1995 20:29:06.26
>Subj: Re: Daggers, thrown
>Subject: Re: Daggers, thrown
> writes:
>>Has anyone run or run into a very procient thrower of daggers? We have one
>>with 8 ahacks per CT. Within the limita[ons of the weapon nothing stands
>>in his way. I have reduced the ROF for daggers to 1 as I have a conceptual
>>problem with anyone throwing (accurately) that many daggers in a three second
>Yes <modest grin>. Back when I was in a Mythus campaign, I had a Medicine
>Man HP named "Firedancer" who, according to the exis[ng rules, could throw
>that many daggers (throwing stars in his case). My JM and I agreed that
>this was excessive, and we decided that a cumula[ve FAC penalty of -5% for
>every missile thrown aper the 2nd was called for, to reect the accuracy
>problems you men[oned. This turned out to be playable.
>But 8 ahacks/CT s[ll seems unreasonably high, even taking the penalty. I
>hate to arbitrarily impose rules without somehow jus[fying them. That
>said, here's my ahempt to jus[fy a limit on mul[ple ahacks:

>As I see it, strictly enforcing the drawing weapon SF penalty (p210) would
>not reduce the number of ahacks available, but merely shue them along
>the inia[ve countdown. Something more is needed.
Ok, at the risk of being redundant, something more _is_ provided... I couldn't
give the exact example from the Mythus tome yesterday because i couldn't nd
it :), but thanks to Dan, I did.

>version of the Op[onal Spacing of Ac[ons on p. 211 of the Mythus

BINGO! there it is! :)

[excerpt from Mythus tome follows, please don't strike me dead TSR]
<<quick charm against rabid-undead lawyers follows, and...>>

'Example: a mercenary named Konrad is gh[ng two zombies. Konrad has a PMSpd
of 16 and begins the bahle with a sable axe (SF7). The Zombies have a PMSpd of
6 and are using their hands (SF3). For simplicity's sake, we'll say that
neither persona is wearing armor. On the rst CT, Konrad rolls for ini[a[ve
a 3 on 1d10, minus PMSpd 16, plus SF 7 for the axe, resul[ng in a nal init
of -6. The rst zombie rolls 8, the second a 1, each minus PMSpd6, plus SF3
for natural body weapons, resul[ng in a nal ini[a[ve 5 for the rst
zombie and -2 to for the second. As a result Konrad will act once at -6, the
second zombie will act once at -2 and once at 4 (4 points aper the rst
ahack), Konrad will act again at 4 (10 points aper his rst ahack), and the
last zombie will act at 5, THEREBY ENDING THE TURN.'

Again, and not to beat a dead horse, the Turn Ends When the Slowest Involved
Persona Acts Once. This is the rst and best <IMHO> limi[ng factor on
combatants with a ton of mul[ple ahacks. Fighters who bitch they don't get to
use all their ahacks per round will quickly <if they aren't dense> realize
they should be using a couple of their ac[ons per turn on parrying anyway,
_especially_ versus mul[ple opponents. With daggers, the interval between
ahacks is supposed to be 5, I would add the SF penalty for drawing a weapon
(+7) onto that if they don't have a bunch of knives readied, wich gives the
knife tosser a 12 point interval betwixt ahacks--MORE than enough to slow him
down to one or two tosses a round.

>* * * * * * * * * email: dantas[ or
>* * * * * *

Comments appreciated
"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \ DAT
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\ "Both of you gejng FP

against the powers of this dark world \ mage status? That's not
and against the spiritual forces of evil \ very likely-[die roll]"
in the heavenly realms." \ <<long pause>> "Omigod."
\ --not me, thank god.
--Ephesians 6:12 \
"Our love is King--let's go get a Slushie."--Heathers
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 13:12:49 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: More on (Al)chemistry

I like Alchemy, and if it weren't for this discussion, I'd probably never use
a Chemistry skill in a fantasy world again (not that I ever really do...)! :)

Anyway, my point is this: Why can't you have both Chemistry and Alchemy
theories correct? The
(ooops) idea here is like early Chemistry vs. the Nuclear stu we have now:

Back at least 100 years ago, there was no real knowledge of sub-atomic
par[cles, or maybe nuclei, or something like that (I'm no Chem major!). But
now, we can manipulate (at least a lihle) the most basic parts of the
universe that we can nd (hell, there's probably more even smaller parts!).

Perhaps, with just a lihle fudging, you could say that Chemistry in a
fantasy world is like primi[ve Alchemy. On the outside, it *appears* that
these chemical formulas work, but like so many Physics and Chem. formulas,
when you understand the deeper parts of it, you realize that your equa[ons
are not quite correct. So, you get Alchemy.

Does that make any sense? (I'm just making it up, or it would sound a lot

Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 13:17:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Re More on (Al)chemistry

THe only problem I have with John Troy's post is this:

If you are going to have Chemistry, and nuclear "re" fueling the sun, and

all the other things going on in the universe remain the same, then you
really can't just say "Gunpowder, etc...don't work". Where's the logic in

Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 13:21:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Daggers, thrown

> 5... with the knives.
> Geno ahacks once on -17, -11, -5, 1 and 7... <I use a 6 point interval between
> any missile ahacks if the missiles are already drawn... 10 other wise... Geno

Whoa! Wait a second...

There is nothing at all wrong with your idea, and it will work consistently.
But, look at your plan up there: 6 interval between ahacks if the missiles
are drawn. How could a person ever hold more than maybe 3 daggers at a [me?
So, the eect is, the rst couple ahacks go with 6 between them, and the
rest have to go with a 10 between. So, he'd probably only end up with 4
ahacks in this case (I didn't bother to gure it out...).

It *is* the right idea, though...


-But all I see
is DAMAGE thru the haze
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 19:40:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Re: Re More on (Al)chemis

> If you are going to have Chemistry, and nuclear "re" fueling the sun,
> and all the other things going on in the universe remain the same, then
> you really can't just say "Gunpowder, etc...don't work". Where's the
> logic in this??

Hmm. Let's see...

Specically forbidden on AErth are Gunpowder and Chemically-Made
Explosives other than aming oil, voli[le combus[bles such as Gasoline,

and the dynamo--electrical generators. Perhaps we can add small-scale

nuclear reac[ons such as radioac[vty isotopes, etc.

It is primarilly a game device, yes, I know. But there's a logical
explaina[on for it:

Chemistry works the way it does, but chemistry and other physical
reac[ons that produce large quan[tes of energy are inhibited by the
increase in the Heka ow. Heka can be found in EVERY universe in the
mul[verse, but at dierent levels. Some univii have lihle contact with
Heka (or Vril), but never a total absence, since Heka is linked to the core
of all life on the mul[verse--"the source of all" (God?). But a large
amount of Heka in a universe causes ac[vity on that universe to have [es
to other planes and spheres more implicitly.
At it's loca[on in Probability, forms of energy are [ed into heka.
Therefore, any chemical opera[ons that cause sudden changes (explosive
reac[ons), as well as sustained electrical genera[on or nuclear decay and
ssion--but perhaps not fusion found in the sun) are suppresed by the
greater heka ow, which takes precidence. The only way to get explosive
reac[ons and generate electricity is to access heka and the "energy"
planes, via cas[ngs, powers, or K/S areas like Alchemy, or via natural
But Gravity, acidic reac[ons, rust, the biosphere, etc, works in
most ways like it does on Earth.
Now, you get to Phaeree, which has wild Heka and semi-stable
panprobable shipings, and ya get a whole dierent problem! ;-)

John R. Troy
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 14:37:37 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan Beck <danbeck@PO-1.STAR.K12.IA.US>
Subject: Re: daggers and stu

>>As I see it, strictly enforcing the drawing weapon SF penalty (p210) would
>>not reduce the number of ahacks available, but merely shue them along
>>the inia[ve countdown. Something more is needed.

>Ok, at the risk of being redundant, something more _is_ provided... I couldn't
>give the exact example from the Mythus tome yesterday because i couldn't nd
>it :), but thanks to Dan, I did.
>[snip of excerpt from Mthus handbook]

>Again, and not to beat a dead horse, the Turn Ends When the Slowest Involved
>Persona Acts Once. This is the rst and best <IMHO> limi[ng factor on
>combatants with a ton of mul[ple ahacks. Fighters who bitch they don't get to
>use all their ahacks per round will quickly <if they aren't dense> realize
>they should be using a couple of their ac[ons per turn on parrying anyway,
>_especially_ versus mul[ple opponents. With daggers, the interval between
>ahacks is supposed to be 5, I would add the SF penalty for drawing a weapon
>(+7) onto that if they don't have a bunch of knives readied, wich gives the
>knife tosser a 12 point interval betwixt ahacks--MORE than enough to slow him
>down to one or two tosses a round.

What Doyce says is true, but this (IMO) severely limits the fun of having
mul[ple ahacks. That's why I prefer a smaller delay between melee
ahacks, while s[ll adhereing to this limita[on. Some[mes mul[ple
ahacks _are_ reasonable and appropriate, as I'm sure Doyce appreciates,
but s[cking to this unmodied rule will usually cut them down to three or
four ahacks with the same melee weapon, or 1 or 2 ahacks with missile
weapons. While this would be true of OP's as well, where's the dis[nc[on
from the low STEEP HP who s[ll can get o one or two missile ahacks?

As a mar[al ar[st, I KNOW I can consistently deliver ten accurate strikes
to a makiwara with escrima s[cks within 3 seconds, at least 8 punches, or
at least 5 combina[on kicks within 3 seconds. That's going all out
oensive, with nothing set aside for defense, against a non-moving target.
In tournaments or sparring prac[ce, there are lots of "squaring-o"
delays where you assess the situa[on and try to an[cipate what your
opponent or partner is thinking. For close-in full-contact sparring, a
urry of exchanges are made where you don't pause to think--you just
react, and the ahack rate approaches 5 or 6 (or more!) per person before
breaking apart. If you are good, you can block at this rate, also. If you
are really good, blocking is intrinsically a part of ahacking, and you can
do both at this rate. The rules I suggested in my previous post _do_
reect this reality, even if I can't _quite_ manage it personally, as my
tournament losses prove <grin>!!

So to summarize, I agree with Doyce that the Turn Ends When The Slowest
Involved Personna Acts Once, but to preserve the fun and dis[nc[on of
mul[ple ahacks, I would shorten the [me interval between ahacks with
the same melee weapon. If, in addi[on, you want to limit the extremes of
what the weapons tables permit for bonus mul[ple ahacks, then you could
try linking the total available to the personna's PNSpeed, as I indicated
in my previous post. I haven't playtested this, so it may be a moot point
to modify things at all. Has anyone tried an approach like this before?



Daniel R. Beck <-- Dantas[ or

Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 17:13:03 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Kelthar@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: Daggers, thrown


This rule applies if you are using the op[onal combat spacing rules. We
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 1995 00:41:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Re More on (Al)chemis

> But Gravity, acidic reac[ons, rust, the biosphere, etc, works in
> most ways like it does on Earth.

Sorry, most of your reasoning is okay (sure it's a game device--something I've
become quite annoyed at from years of the EGS). I can't agree with this last
sentence though: Gravity and acidic reac[ons at least all use energy. Gravity
is a prehy large force, when you get enough mass together. I just have a
problem jus[fying how one thing could work and another "just can't" (no
maher what the contrived ra[onaliza[on is...). That's just my view of the
logic of it I'm inclined to make JUST Alchemy work...

> Now, you get to Phaeree, which has wild Heka and semi-stable
> panprobable shipings, and ya get a whole dierent problem! ;-)

Well, now, Phaeree can do anything! :)


-But all I see
is DAMAGE thru the haze
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 23:19:54 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Re More on (Al)chemistry
In-Reply-To: <199502060539.VAA19963@leland.Stanford.EDU> from "Hawkeye" at Feb
6, 95 00:41:41 am

Well, I might as well take a shot at a ra[onaliza[on of the no explosives

rule in Mythus.

Chemical explosives, generally, either are very unstable with respect to
shock and/or heat, or they produce enough heat to set o the rest of the
material very quickly. Under the right condi[ons, normal ammable liquids
such as gasolene or even ammable dust can explode.

A single ra[onaliza[on that would get rid of the problem would be that
the presence of Heka in a world (and elemental forces, if you wish to use
a dual system) stabilizes material that would normally be explosive, and slows
down the rate of combus[on for ammables. Gunpowder that only smolders
wouldn't be useful as any sort of explosive. This could also explain away
radioac[ves (material is too stable to decay) while leaving other
reac[ons unchanged as they usually proceed much more slowly. Of course,
heka use in Alchemy could be used to get around this.

As far as electricity is concerned, in a world where only alchemy is true,
the solu[on is simple - electrons simply don't exist to power a circuit
in the rst place. In a world where chemisty's picture of the atom is
true, it gets much more tricky to explain away.

Hopefully, players will be content and not try to make explosive
devices in the rst place. Unfortuately, there are a number of possible
devices that really do not depend on chemical reac[ons at all. In such
circumstances, it's probably best to say such devices are beyond the
character's grasp, even if they are possible at Aerth's technology level.
Note that the Chineese had gunpowder long before it's usefulness as a
weapon was considered.

Date: Mon, 6 Feb 1995 09:53:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Re More on (Al)chemistry

The last line of Steven's post is the best (not that the rest sucked...) :)

The only explana[on that really makes sense if you are going to keep most
physical laws is to say that no one has invented it yet, or the materials are
a lihle dierent (and really rare)...

Date: Mon, 6 Feb 1995 09:26:47 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>

Subject: Re: Alchemy & Ra[onality

>Mahhew Berry:
>According to the famous philosopher of science Karl Popper, what
>dis[nguishes scien[c theories from mys[cism is that they are
>falsiable, they have the poten[al to be proven wrong.

Having been an electronics technician, an engineer, and a computer
programmer, (besides all the stu I do when I operate from the other side
of my brain) I consider myself well schooled enough to laugh *real* hard
at this... In short: ROFL.

[tongue rmly in cheek]
This statement sounds as valid as the ones made about Heaven/Hell by the
preacher of your choice (who as far as anyone knows has never *actually*
been to either place, but...). Unfortunately, most ra[onal people make
the mistake of reading this as saying "If it cannot be proven by
scien[c means, it must be mys[cism - and is therefore false/not
possible/etc..." Of course, one can only imagine what their STEEP in
mys[cism would have to be to make such an enlightened call!

My point I guess is that this is a *game*, and though we may choose to
interpolate and extrapolate un[l we are blue in the face, don't you
think this is all rather moot? Take three ten-siders and call me in the

Personally, when I think of someone of Aerth who possesses both Alchemy
*and* Chemistry, I imagine a persona of great power and vast knowledge sort of like somebody who has mastered both Home Economics AND Calculus...

But then again, I'm being sarcas[c.

>As far as Steve comments go, he is right that you could run a world where
>both alchemy and chemistry existed side by side, but I think that the
>modica[ons you would have to make to chemistry would make it dierent
>enough on a fundamental level that we might not want to call it

So what you're saying is basically, oil & water don't mix, right - oops!
goha watch those analogies...

> In addi[on, the dual nature might cause conicts. What if according
>to alchemical theory mixing certain substances together should produce a
>liquid that was ammable, whereas chemistry says they should create an
>inammable solid? Which theory trumps which? This is why I said I
>thought they couldn't both be true (they can't in this world). They lay
>conic[ng claims to the same territory.

Of course they can both be true - you are forgejng: Alchemical

opera[ons (even though the procedure is exactly the same as one used in
Chemistry) infuse Heka into the source - and some[mes target substances. This makes all of the dierence in the world (this world,
that world, or any world).

>So what dierence does this make to playing the game? Not a lot unless
>you have a dedicated alchemist HP, or a chemical engineer as a player.

Either of which should be watched carefully and kept away from large
quan[[es of beer and cheese pus.

>that your world is alchemically based gives you the perfect basis for
>explaining to that chemical engineer why he can't make gunpowder, or
>plas[que, or napalm, or dynamite, etc. These are all chemically based
>weapons, and chemistry just isn't true of this world.

Sure it is. You just have to establish a line of ra[onal existence on
the world and s[ck to it. I believe Gary used the term Hekons to
describe sub-atomic par[cles (a la protons & electrons) which aected
the fundamental reality in magick-rich universes; and if he didn't, I'll
take credit for it <grin>.

Essen[ally, these hekons completely aect the reality of a world (this,
that, other, any) by allowing the GM to rst evaluate poten[ally pesky
technology and subsequently pass along the ruling of whether or not said
technology actually func[ons. Also, when hekons are in an excited state
(similar to GMs having to take beer & cheese pus away from some
transgressing chemical engineer), REALITY CHANGES, so previous rulings
***may be superceeded*** at any [me. For players, this eect is similar
to Murphy's Law, and we may refer to it as "Newton's Corollary" (cool,
huh?). It states:

"For every magickally or technologically induced phenomenon which does not
adversely aect game balance or game master temper, there is always a
player who can cause such balance to ship either one into radical chaos,
forcing the other to compensate."

I don't know about the GMs where y'all come from, but down here I'd much
rather have the rules compensate.

There will be a quiz next Monday. Anyone who fails will be transferred
immediately to the pit, wherein are contained seven chemical engineers
(devoid of dice, calculators, or cheese pus) and a six pack of beer.
The bonus ques[on will involve a theore[cal division problem rela[ng to
a quan[ty of liquid and the spare body parts of curious gamers...

Any ques[ons?

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/06/95 * Time: 09:26:47

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 1995 19:23:17 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Alchemy & Ra[onality
In-Reply-To: <199502061555.HAA19198@leland.Stanford.EDU> from "Dave Newton" at
Feb 6, 95 09:26:47 am

> There will be a quiz next Monday. Anyone who fails will be transferred
> immediately to the pit, wherein are contained seven chemical engineers
> (devoid of dice, calculators, or cheese pus) and a six pack of beer.
> The bonus ques[on will involve a theore[cal division problem rela[ng to
> a quan[ty of liquid and the spare body parts of curious gamers...
> Any ques[ons?

Is the quiz open book? :)

Aper spending a year working with chemical engineers in their own
environment, I must say that they can be pleasant enough, with or without
their cheese pus. Hmmmm, on the other hand, the last get-together they
planned was heavy on beer and light on cheese pus. It may be that I
have yet to see their dark side......

Watch out for them in the lab though. I s[ll shudder remembering what
I found when I helped go through the chemical storage.

Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 02:53:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Sequestered for a [me...


I've temporarilly set o my receipt of Mythus-L messages: ever
since Sunday Apernoon. (I have the NOMAIL op[on ac[vated on the list).
I can s[ll be reached at my regular E-mail address as usual, but I'm trying
dierent things with this account and will ahempt to get logles 1 week

or 2 weeks rather than lihle bits at a [me. This stu can be a lihle
too distrac[ng.

Just lejng you know.

John R. Troy (JRT)
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 00:23:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Kelthar@AOL.COM
Subject: TSR & DJ

Had a friend check on the availability of MMM from TSR today. It is
evidently no longer available, in fact the TSR employee thought the remaining
stock (of MMM) had been destroyed. He also expressed the (I hope personal)
opinion that they were going to let the system die.

On the ip side, the original manuals are s[ll available.

Just more gist for the rumor mill.

Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 11:29:42 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: A last alchemical bit

>Chemisty is the manipula[on of molecules and ELEMENTS to produce
>other substances, and the study of such reac[ons.

>Alchemy is the manipula[on of THE FIVE ELEMENTAL STATES, their
>various substates, and tau.

Capitaliza[on added by me for emphasis.

See the conict star[ng already? You can make your metaphysics any way you
want, but there are conic[ng claims about the nature of reality with the
two theories under discussion. There are in fact a lot, since both alchemy
and chemistry are trying to explain the same natural phenomena. What John
suggests seems like it could be worked out, but it will take a lot of work
simply because there are conic[ng claims about normal, mundane maher not
involving heka. For instance:

Diamond - Impervious to blows on anvils, can be mounted only in iron; negates
magnets; drives away incubi/succubi; melted by lead, shahered by the blood

of a young goat.

Diamond - is non-magne[c, can't negate magnets, isn't melted by lead, and
certainly isn't shahered by the blood of a young goat (though it might be by
a well placed blow from a hard hammer). It can be mounted in many metals
without any bad eects.

In the end this is mostly just about words. There are certain logical
conicts to be resolved between the two theories, and whether you resolve
most in favor of chemistry (which is what John seems to be sugges[ng) or in
favor of Alchemy is up to you, and whether you call the result alchemy, or
chemistry, or alchemy & chemistry, or kyrenontology just doesn't maher. My
point is that there are alot of head-on logical contradic[ons if you hold
the en[rety of both theories to be true. Both the example above and the
previous ones I have men[oned are proof of this. So you've got to do some
work to decide what happens when the chemist actually spills some goat blood
on his favorite diamond. Does it break or doesn't it? You can decide the
conicts anyway you want, and you can call the result anything you want, but
you will have made substan[al changes to one or the other, or both theories.
You can't hold both theories to be true in their en[rety and not have major
logical contradic[ons. (Consider that last sentence italicized)

So anyways, that's my last 2 cents. This is a somewhat fringe maher that
won't eect most games unless you have a very dedicated player who uses the
Alchemy K/S heavily for projects not men[oned in the book (Tim Francis and I
happen to have two in the campaign we run).

Mah Berry
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 10:11:09 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: TSR & DJ
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 7 Feb 1995 Kelthar@AOL.COM wrote:

> Had a friend check on the availability of MMM from TSR today. It is
> evidently no longer available, in fact the TSR employee thought the remaining
> stock (of MMM) had been destroyed. He also expressed the (I hope personal)
> opinion that they were going to let the system die.

Well, I seem to recall publicity over a statement that the president of
TSR (or a similarly placed individual) was determined that, since so much
money had been spent on obtaining the system, they would make a stab at
it to try and get a return of some sort. On the other hand, I don't
think they have anyone in-house with familiarity with the system ('cept
Lester Smith, who did the original edi[ng), so they may be stalled

looking for designers if this is indeed true.

Of course, if they *do* let it die, then we'll just have to keep it
alive, now won't we? ;-)

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 18:35:05 LCL
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: English corresponding group #1 / Foldi Csaba
Organiza[on: Berzsenyi Daniel Tanarkepzo Foiskola
Subject: A short ques[on.

Has anyone know anything about an RPG called M.A.G.U.S. or it's
world named Ynev? I am really interested in the background of our
most beloved RPG here in central Europe...

P.s.: Or anything about Wayne Chapman, Dale Avery or maybe Raul
Renier (Im sure these are only pseudonames...)
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 04:09:38 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Alhcemical Chemistry

I've been reading the various pos[ngs with interest on this subject and
thought I'd throw in my two Abe Lincolns (the shiny kind, not the folding

As far as my campaign goes, I've never dealt with these problems yet because
they haven't come up. One of my players runs an alchemist and has blindly
accepted my asser[on that she couldn't use chemistry to make explosives,
though explosive gas was OK (since it was listed in the descrip[on of the
K/S area). It's nice to have players cooperate with you on something...

However, it occurs to me in light of all these pos[ngs that I should have
some ra[onale for my decision. Reading Steve Gullerud's pos[ng brought two
things to mind:

1. It is possible to have Chemistry and Alchemy side by side provided you

don't assume they cross into each other's territory, as most people seem to
do. Chemistry deals with the manufacture of compounds; Alchemy deals with
the transmuta[on of substances through the persona's spirit to guide the
infusion of Heka. It is the addi[on of Heka that separates Alchemy from
Going back to page 5 of Mythus Magick (wait, I need to make a Sign of
Aversion so TSR won't spot me. . .), we read that Heka is the ph element.
Indeed, it was Hekons that created all other atoms in the universe. Heka is
then everywhere, both in the reality of AErth and of Earth. Without abundant
Heka, AErth would be exactly like Earth. It was the discovery and harnessing
of Heka that caused AErth to split away from Earth's [meline, as men[oned
in The Epic of AErth. It is u[lized there as a natural force because it can
be. On Earth, it is so scarce as to seem non-existant, forcing us to develop
and use the natural forces to do work--gravity, muscle, sunlight, and so on.
On AErth, these things are u[lized, too, because only 1 in 100 can control
Heka, though all living things and most non-living things possess some.

This is an important point. It is as common on AErth as carbon or water
here. It's in food, air, your body, that mountain--everywhere. If you can't
use it's power it is as good as if it weren't there, so all other physical
laws are eec[ve.
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 04:41:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Alchemistry

I've been following the pos[ngs on this subject for some [me and thought
I'd throw in my two Abe Lincolns (the shiny kind, not the folding kind).

I've not had any thoughts un[l now because the problem hasn't come up. One
of my players runs an alchemist and simply accepts my word that she can't
make explosives, though I allow explosive gas since it is men[oned in the
descrip[on of the K/S area. It's nice to have players cooperate with you on
something. . .

Nevertheless, Steve Gullerud's post made me think I should devise a ra[onale
for my decision. Here are my two thoughts:

1. Alchemy and Chemistry can exist side-by-side as long as they are not
assumed to cross into each other's territory, as most people seem to think.
Chemistry is the crea[on of compounds and codica[on of the structure of
maher; Alchemy is the transmuta[on of maher through the HPs guiding spirit
and the infusion of Heka. It is Heka and voli[on that separates Alchemy
from Chemistry. All of Earth's physics apply in all cases where Heka is not
involved. I'll return to this thought later.

Going back to the source, we learn on page 5 of the Mythus Magick book (wait,
I have to make a Sign of Aversion in case TSR glances this way. . . ) that

Heka is the ph element, and that Hekons created all other atoms. Although
Heka is the all-pervading energy source of the mul[verse, it is not evenly
distributed. Parts are Heka-rich (AErth), while others are Heka-poor
(Earth). All physical laws apply in both these places.

On Earth, Heka is so scarce that we have fallen back on u[lizing the natural
laws that are strong here--gravity, muscle, sunlight, what have you. On
AErth, these forces are also developed, since only 1 in 100 humans can
control Heka, but where it can be harnessed, Heka is put to work. Indeed,
it was the manipula[on of Heka that caused AErth's [meline to diverge from
that of Earth. Despite the 1% factor, all intelligent creatures and most
sub-sapient creatures possess Heka, even when they cannot use it. This is an
important point.

Heka on AErth is everywhere--it is in the air, the water, the food you eat,
and even in your body. There are concentra[ons of it in certain items
(gems, herbs) and ows at various points. Heka in and of itself does very
lihle except inhibit certain reac[ons, such as high-energy
transfers--explosions, ssion, fusion, etc. Only when will and knowledge
are applied do the various magickal aects take place, and only then
according to the Laws of Magick.

A magician with a STEEP of 21 takes from his body's store a certain amount
and bends it with his will, according to his knowledge, and in a [me-honored
recital of words points his nger at a door and opens the lock (with a ow
of those Hekons to the door latch). The Heka was inert un[l commanded to
perform a given func[on.

In like manner, a diamond is a diamond. It contains Heka, but as long as the
Heka is unused it can s[ll be crushed by a hammer, broken or cut, and not
have its Heka aected. Once altered by an alchemist, the diamond can use
its innate Heka (as well as any the alchemist saw t to imbue) to perform
some func[on--typically those having to do with spirituality, protec[on,
courage, peace, and reconcilia[on.

Con[nued next pos[ng. . .
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 05:09:03 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Alchemistry II

Con[nued. . .

Once so altered, the diamond then becomes spiritually aligned with the forces
it now possesses, e.g. it is used to make a Talisman vs. Spiritual Damage,
for example. The Heka in its structure then makes it suscep[ble to
substances it was immune to before the alchemist and his Heka altered its
structure. Here is where a JM may insert whatever he or she likes from Earth

history, i.e. the men[on of goat's blood shahering a diamond ( if I remeber


Therefore, gravity, rust, usw. all func[on normally unless and un[l Heka is
called into play to counteract them. Only the aformen[oned electrical and
chemical func[ons are denied by the omnipresent Heka.

It is important to remember that Alchemy is not "eye of snake plus mercury
equals speed po[on" always and forever. On Earth and Aerth, any average
person who mixes them gets the same thing: a bizarre mess. The alchemist
mixes them in a cera[n procedure ordained by the laws of magick while
infusing Heka and imposing his will to achieve the ened result. All of those
elements must be present, in the proper types and amount, or the same
s[nking mess results.

On Earth, only a handful of people in history have harnessed Heka: Simon
Magus, Solomon, D. D. Home. On AErth they number in the thousands (1% of the
populace). Hence, most people on Earth know this and don't ahempt Alchemy,
s[cking with Chemistry, which they can achieve.

As a further ra[onale for the suppression of explosives, assume that Heka
(which is stated to be the power source of the universe) supplants those
reac[ons where we are accustomed to seeing non-Heka reac[ons ( i.e. in cell
transport, nitroglycerine, etc.) with a non-vola[le equivalent. This means
you can have a nuclear powered sun where non-vola[le Heka lls the role.
(Or you can just state that the sun is a pinhole into the Astral Plane's
highest level, and the resultant light and heat is pure energy from the
En[[al Plane being converted by the sun into Preternatural Heka, like a
step-down transformer, as I do.)

Where Heka produces explosive eects, i.e. Fireash, it does so against its
nature by the commanding hand of the magician, who uses even more Heka to
change it into a temporarily vola[le form. If gravity can swing a
counterbalance and judo can use an ahacker's momentum to send him sprawling,
I see no reason why Heka cannot force other Heka to explode, just as atoms
combined in the right way can destroy each other in nuclear ssion, where it
happens almost always by the commanding hand of the scien[st.

2. If Heka can change maher against what we regard as the Laws of Physics,
even with the Laws of Magick, it is also possible to say some reac[ons can
be converted from scien[c to magickal ones. I am thinking here of the
third book in Fred Saberhagen's Empire of the East, where the wizards study
this strange amulet and try to guess its purpose. It seemingly has none, but
we learn it is a tech fuel source converted by the Change to a non-tech form,
i.e. a black lump. I don't think it is stretching a point to say it was
magically converted from a hydrogen lamp to something en[rely new by menas
of Heka.

I don't know if my second point is clear or not because I'm sleepy, so I'll
stop here. I am very interested in people's comments on my theories.

Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 10:23:52 LCL
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: English corresponding group #1 / Foldi Csaba
Organiza[on: Berzsenyi Daniel Tanarkepzo Foiskola
Subject: Why do Silence...

Hey Guys Out there In the World, What is this silence here?
Maybe we could change our listserv's name to Silence-l, he?
(Is there anybody out there???

Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 07:52:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mythic@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 6 Feb 1995 to 7 Feb 1995

>they may be stalled looking for designers

Not looking too hard, if at all; haven't heard a thing.

Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 23:00:48 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Thomas Biskup <tb@SARANXIS.RUHR.DE>
Subject: Re: TSR & DJ
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 7 Feb 1995 Kelthar@AOL.COM wrote:
> Had a friend check on the availability of MMM from TSR today. It is
> evidently no longer available, in fact the TSR employee thought the remaining
> stock (of MMM) had been destroyed. He also expressed the (I hope personal)
> opinion that they were going to let the system die.
> On the ip side, the original manuals are s[ll available.
> Just more gist for the rumor mill.

I mostly can conrm this. A friend is working for TSR as an editor and
as far as he has heard, Lorraine Williams (or whoever was making the
decisions) was not interested in suppor[ng a system that "barely if at
all did sell". Also as far as I know there is no men[oning of DJ in
TSR's 1995 catalogue.



-Thomas Biskup email to:
"Would you choose one life over one thousand?
I refuse to let arithme[c decide ques[ons like that."
-- Data and Picard, "Jus[ce", stardate 41255.6
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 20:54:18 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Wed Feb 08 20:07:19 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Hello again.

A few more na[ons' Magical Devices for your perusal. Everyone here is feeling
the mid-semester crunch, so I guess I am the only author this [me around.

Comments and cri[cisms always welcome.

$$HRComments by teskej Wed Feb 08 20:59:40 1995
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 20:55:04 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Wed Feb 08 20:08:39 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Silver Trumpet of Summoning - This item has been used in several recent bahles
to summon creatures of Phaeree origin. It is unknown how well Savoy controls
these creatures, but to date there has been no reports of any such creatures
betraying its summoners. Reputedly the Horn also strengthens morale, making
all M/S checks by allied troops 3 DRs easier for the dura[on of the combat in
which it was blown, as well as having the addi[onal benet of reducing all
damage taken by friendly troops by 25%.

Hekaux Device - This device can only be ac[vated when Savoy is in
bahleeld combat with an enemy. Each AT it transfers heka from the
opponents' heka users to Savoyan heka-users at the rate of 10%/AT. Thus,
aper 5 ATs, 50% of the enemies' heka will be in the hands of the Savoyans. In
10 ATs [me, this item thus guarantee total heka superiority on the

bahleeld. It has been known, upon occasion, to misfunc[on however...

Tome of Immutabili[es - This Tome, according to several reknown contemporary
sages, allows its reader to alter otherwise normally immutable proper[es of
reality. Examples include aging, gravity, forward ow of [me, con[nuous
change in Phaeree, Par[al Prac[[oners never becoming Full Prac[[oners,
sunrise, colors of a rainbow, amounts/maximum of Joss, eects of AGe, disease,
death, and taxes [ :) ]. It is unknown what ill eects this item may have,
but it has been used sparingly lihle with respect to use of Savoy's other
Magical Devices.


Iron Hound - This mechanical Device is able to enlarge to tank-size and thus
provide transporta[on for up to 4 persons of human size. Not only does it
have excep[onal sensory Percep[on ability, but it can also detect invisible,
PPM, NPM, Astral, and Ethereal beings, as is able to phase to the corresponding
mode of existence to ahack. Average Armor values for each category is 120 for
Non-Vital area, with a Non-conduc[vity cas[ng also present upon it. It can
also serve as a mascot, being a source of 3 joss (regenera[ng daily), and a
350 point General Heka Reservoir.

Amsdag's Reector - This powerful Mirror serves as a scrying device without
any limit to its range, and addi[onally allows its user to be instantly
transported to any scene viewed should the user so desire. The Mirror also
bestows the ability for the owner to alter the image of any viewer, including
their own image, and thus alters the physical form of any viewer, although
*most* of these changes will not be permanent in eect. Reputedly this item
also has been used to move thousands of troops massive distances to ght
bahles on opposing borders within a single day.

Gram (the Sword) - This is the legendary Sword given to Sigurd by Odin, broken
and later reforged, possessing 4 legendary powers:
G = Gaze Weapon
R = Reec[on of Heka
A = Apotropaism Cas[ngs
M = Might
The Gaze Weapon is reputedly very powerful but its specic eects are
unknown. Reec[on of Heka applies to all Nega[ve and Posi[ve Heka as well
as their Mixed Eects. All Apotropaism cas[ngs with "Protec[on Vs. ____" in
them are automa[cally bestowed upon the wielder, for the dura[on of the
combat in which the sword is drawn. Might gives the wielder a 40 in each
Physical Ahribute, and a 50 in each Spiritual and Mental Ahribute.

The Variable Sword - Much fame of this item lies in its ability to provide its
owner with the most eec[ve personal defense and ahack capabili[es, as well
as providing a method of mass ahack, each one dierent for each individual
bahle. It is unknown how an item can be so variable - but it is rumored that
the Sword is constructed of the metal-stus that the Hero Sigvald recovered

from the Planes of Pan-Probability.

Coldseas Master - This Viking Longship has an extradimensional space and is
capable of supposedly transpor[ng hundreds. It is able to navigate itself
through any storm, legendarily providing a safe-haven of indestruc[ble
unsinkability during such a severe storm, if encountered while at sea. It is
allegedly also self-repairing and immune to re/re damage.

$$HRComments by teskej Wed Feb 08 21:00:13 1995
The above items were created by J Teske.
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 20:55:54 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Wed Feb 08 20:37:41 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Dread Furnace of Souls - The Furnace of Souls rivals the infamous Azure Globes
of Agony in its ability to torture, produce pain, and drain life from its
vic[ms. According to rumors and propaganda found in several of Shamash's
neighbors, this item is used on prisoners of war, and is used to cremate both
body and spirit. The ashes are sprinkled on those who would try to benet
from the vic[ms' knowledge and indeed many K/S areas at appropriate STEEPS are
imbued, as well as former knowledge. Reputedly the item cause extreme pain in
its vic[ms as they burn alive, and death comes only aper prolonged suering.

Harp of Hell-spawning - This terrible item is reputedly the instrument of power
of the Chief Spellsinger of Shamash. It allegedly has been used to transform
harmless woodland creatures into terrible beasts of fearsome power. Others
allegate that it can open a portal directly to the Pandemonial/Abyssal Planes.
It is also theorized to allow Spellsongs as if Full Prac[[oner in that area,
and srves as a 1500 point General Heka Reservoir.

Tauwid's Coer - This coer, when opened andempowered with the proper rituals
and gips, spills forth with Heka in such a way that all spellcasters within
one rod radius become as if Full PRac[[oners in all Heka-genera[ng K/S
areas, with double normal personal heka aperture/reserves.

Sealing Sword - This Sword is used to seal all formal agreements made by the
ruler of Shamash. It reputedly slays those who do not abide by their word to
the Crown, but does not persecute those dishones[es actually perpetuated by
Shamash, usually cujng out their tongue rst before doing other damage. It
has been used in bahle with amazing results against those foes who have
broken their vows....


Circlet of Surrender - This item is aptly named, as it has caused the surrender
of many an enemy army. The circlet is reputedly similar to a boomerang, and is
thrown out over the enemy army in order to be ac[vated. Once this is done, it
selects an area and causes insanity in all the enemy personel in that area of
6d6 intensity.

Hasshar's Spider Garb - Hasshar Spiderwoman, a Famous Hero of Thapsis, was
reknwon for her abili[es with nature and her capabili[es with spirits.
Although suspected of being a Moonlight Priestess, it is well-documented that
Hasshar of the Spiders did not represent any par[cular religion; for this
reason it is thought that she was in truth a Green Dweomercraeper. Of her
prowess in Mediumship, there is no debate, and many recognize Hasshar
Arachnid-Friend as among the nest of Soothsayers that ever walked Aerth. It
is said much of her powers used during her life have been absorbed into her
robes, loosely knit, appearing sheer/thin and nearly web-like, and fastened by
a clip in the form of a spider in the front neckline. Reputedly the item
summons hordes of poisonous arachnids, and can even summon monstrous variants
from Phaeree; the user then may control them to do his/her bidding.

Sicledag Weapon - This item legendarily is composed of the shahered pieces of
one of Hel's Scythes of Death. It causes 10d6 damage, is +25 to BAC, must
always draw blood when raised in combat (even if just to parry), as in
non-parriable itself. According to older tales, its mere presence on the
bahleeld causes paralysis in 30 to 50% of the enemy troops, clearly swaying
the combat odds in the wielder's favor. It is unknown if this is just
propaganda, or this in fact represents a real power of this item.
$$HRComments by teskej Wed Feb 08 21:01:04 1995
The above items were created by J Teske.
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1995 23:05:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Eccles on Alchemy

I'd like to oer some comments on Don Eccles pos[ng on Alchemy.

>1. Alchemy and Chemistry can exist side-by-side as long as they are not
>assumed to cross into each other's territory, as most people seem to think.
>Chemistry is the crea[on of compounds and codica[on of the structure of
>maher; Alchemy is the transmuta[on of maher through the HPs guiding
>and the infusion of Heka. It is Heka and voli[on that separates Alchemy
>from Chemistry. All of Earth's physics apply in all cases where Heka is not
>involved. I'll return to this thought later.

This is a very interes[ng way to go about reconciling alchemy and chemistry.

I think the separa[on of their territory by heka and voli[on is a great

way to do it, in that the essence of fantasy worlds like Aerth is that they
have magic in them, and the essence of magic is having the world (or some
part of the world such as a form of energy like heka) respond directly to the
will or spirit or mind or whatever you call it. This makes for a nice and
clean separa[on of the two that falls in line with much of the rest of the
conceptual scheme of the game.

If I understand your scheme correctly, all maher has heka spread throughout
it in varying amounts, in a rela[vely inert form. All it really does in
this state is slow down reac[on [mes of certain chemical processes. So the
world acts much as our purely chemical world does. When it acts dierently
is when the heka that is suused throughout all maher gets "turned on" so
to speak, by the ac[on of a spirit or will or mind (I'll just call it mind
from here on for convenience). The ac[va[on of maher's heka, and what you
can do with ac[vated maher is the domain of the alchemist. The art comes
in gejng this to happen since most people can't even get their own heka
ac[vated, never mind that of an object. Add in the variance in heka amounts,
and you've got a really elegant founda[on for your world's maher
interac[on on a molecular scale.

The other thing I like is that this ac[vated maher is ac[vated by the
mind, and as you put it "spiritually aligned" with its forces. The forces it
possesses (protec[ve, suppressing impure thoughts, etc) may be its psychologi
cal signicance, and so ac[vated maher acts in a manner that accords with
or demonstrates its psychological signicance. One book I never got around
to looking at but saw a lot of references to was _Alchemy and Psychoanalysis_
(or something like that) by C.G. Jung. I would bet that its main theme was
that alchemical characteris[cs ahributed to maher fell in line with the
psychological role they played in peoples mental lives, or something along
those lines. That dovetails nicely with the idea that alchemy becomes true
of maher when it is ac[vated by the mind. With a theore[cal founda[on
like that, a lot of the stu from old alchemy books in the library should
t in nicely with your world.

One eect this will have I men[oned in previous pos[ng, that being that
the job set out for a chemist in your world is going to be extremely complex.
He must know the equivalent of earth chemistry, the alchemical theory and
prac[ce if he is going to use ac[vated maher (sorry, can't think of a
beher phrase for it), and a third body of knowledge for when he uses mixed
types(alchemistry maybe?). But this complexity is something that probably
won't come out in play.
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 09:25:46 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: TSR & DJ

>I mostly can conrm this. A friend is working for TSR as an editor and

>as far as he has heard, Lorraine Williams (or whoever was making the
>decisions) was not interested in suppor[ng a system that "barely if at
>all did sell". Also as far as I know there is no men[oning of DJ in
>TSR's 1995 catalogue.
> Thomas.
>->Thomas Biskup email to:

The interes[ng thing is, the reason it didn't sell well was because the
money that would have gone into marke[ng and support products was pissed
away in the lawsuit... You can't sell what you aren't able to support
(which was, IMHO part of the strategy of the lawsuit). But then again, I
think that one of the big reasons I'd never work for TSR as they are now
is people like Lorraine Williams. Whenever I slam TSR, just subs[tute
her name and you get the picture.

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/09/95 * Time: 09:25:46

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 14:05:03 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Ken Kitowski <kkitow@HEALTH1.UWSP.EDU>
Subject: Re: TSR & DJ

>The interes[ng thing is, the reason it didn't sell well was because the
>money that would have gone into marke[ng and support products was pissed
>away in the lawsuit... You can't sell what you aren't able to support
>(which was, IMHO part of the strategy of the lawsuit). But then again, I
>think that one of the big reasons I'd never work for TSR as they are now
>is people like Lorraine Williams. Whenever I slam TSR, just subs[tute
>her name and you get the picture.

How _did_ she ever end up in charge there, anyway? ...and would she be the
one for us to blame for TSR cujng the guts out of AD&D (IMO) with the 2nd
Edi[on? Just curious.....


Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 13:26:06 -0600

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Feb 09 13:19:49 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Hello again.

I recently came across 2 things I thought the list in general might like to be
informed of.

First, in regard to the Magical Devices I am detailing, I recently came across
a reference that suggested that El Campeador was in fact the legendary persona
El Cid. I also know that the Swords Gram, Tyrng (sp?) and Excalibur are
based inpopular mythology of the corresponding geographical regions. I guess
what I am hin[ng at is that some, if not most, of the Magical Devices have
their roots in Mythology. Unfortunately, it seems to me that it would take
extraordinary amount of [me :( to research individual items, and their
corresponding myths, for each of the hundreds of Magical Devices in Epic of
Aerth. Thus, if anyone knows about any of the legends/myths connected with any
of the items to be posted/already posted, please feel free to add
commentary/clarica[on. I think everyone on the list would appreciate the
extra detail such myths might give the item. :)

Secondly, I have more to add to the running commentary of Trigger Eect;
consider the Grey Dweomercraep Spell Runic Symbol Spell (Grade VI Cas[ng).
It seems to do essen[ally what I and many others on this list have asserted TE
could do as a rst level General Dweomercraep Cas[ng. Now, don't get me
wrong--It appears that RUnic Symbol could be as easily abused as TE; but then
again it is a th grade cas[ng. I would be interested on ideas from anyone
else regarding these two cas[ngs....Dave? Hawkeye? Mike Phillips? Anyone?
It seems that a higher grade is more appropriate for what TE is meant to
accomplish...if the s[pula[on that the heka aperture applies to the en[re
amount of heka poured into the Runic Symbol cas[ng and the subsequent cas[ng
(ie. the total of the heka spent on the two cas[ngs cannot excede the
aperture), this might serve as somewhat of a limita[on. I think there s[ll
needs to be a limit of how many Runes can be placed in a given area.

Comments always welcome.
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Feb 09 13:31:31 1995
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 16:28:05 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Noche@AOL.COM
Subject: Here's the word...

Copied from AOL.COM T$R's folder on DJ:

Subj: Re:hello, anyone home?
Date: 95-02-08 21:31:00 EST
From: Moonlion


I'm online on my s.o.'s account, but I work for TSR (I'm Julia Mar[n, an
editor), and I can at least tell you that some of us have read the posts in
this folder. We're not allowed to comment on releases and stu for Dangerous
Journeys ocially right now, but I (personally) would not hold great hope
out for more DJ product. I can say that none is on the -current- schedule for
'95 or the tenta[ve schedule for '96. Schedules, however, can change without
my knowledge, and I am not in the group that handles DJ.

Julia Mar[n, Editor TSR

---------------------------ACK! I really wanted to see new products for this game too.

Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 20:16:53 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Trigger

My $0.02: Kill it.

Or, maybe easier, make Trigger a much higher grade cas[ng. You have to work
out some kind of balance for your own campaigns, but this one really tosses
it out of wack...

I don't know, did Dave comment on this cas[ng yet? Would he care to?? :)

Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 20:20:06 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Here's the word...

I think we SHOULD hold great hope out for more DJ stu, and get folks that
are on AOL to put hopeful messages in the T$R folder. This way, maybe, just
maybe, the T$R folks will realise that there is a quiet underground that loves
the game, and maybe they'd think about doing something with it. I wish that

if they were going to kill it...they should've just lep it alone.


Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 00:31:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Kelthar@AOL.COM
Subject: DCraep & PCraep Revisited (again)

Since our campaigns are hea[ng up a bit again, I took the opportunity to
review some of the supplementary informa[on that EGG wrote for MMM on the
DCraep and PCraep K/S areas. There were two ar[cles, one in Vol 1, 3;
the other in Vol 2, 2; which were wonderfully contradictory and confusing.
Oh, well. Everyone is en[tled to an o day.

Anyway, as I understand it the following guidelines are the end result of the
two ar[cles.

1) DCraep. If an HP is a DCraeper he/she/it receives his/her/it's rst
DCraep sub-area free, as in, does not have to use an elec[ve K/S area to
"purchase" it. In addi[on, the sub-area and General DCraep both advance
when APs are spent on the ini[al K/S.

2) DCraep. If an HP is not a DCraeper but either has DCraep as a
voca[onal K/S or picks it as an elec[ve, he gains only General DCraep
unless a second K/S elec[ve is used to purchase the sub area AND cannot
claim the sub-area (school?) as a Primary cas[ng area. Although he can
count the General DCraep K/S as a Primary.
This HP also tracks the STEEP for General and the sub-area separately,
in eect paying twice what an actual DCraeper would to advance these
skills, all other things being equal.

3) PCraep. Regardless of Priest, elec[ve, voca[onal, FP, or PP status,
anyone possessing the PCraep K/S area receives an ethos sub-area gra[s, as
long as he signs up for a Vow of some sort. Otherwise the HP can cast only
Basic (not General) cas[ngs.


All things being equal I don't have a problem with much of the above,
assuming my interpreta[on is correct. It allows the true DCraeper a
natural advantage over the more casual prac[[oner of this art.

However, I do have a slight problem on the PCraep end of things. I thing
the non-Priest HP (or more correctly, non PCraep Voca[ons), should func[on
under a similar restric[on. i.e. spend an extra elec[ve for the ethos
sub-area, track them separately, and use as a secondary cas[ng area only.


Comments or discussion??

Dave N.?? Any input.


Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 09:01:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Mahhew E. Pearson" <warlord@GRDPOINT.III.NET>
Subject: Re: Trigger

At 08:16 PM 2/9/95 -0500, Hawkeye wrote:
>My $0.02: Kill it.
>Or, maybe easier, make Trigger a much higher grade cas[ng. You have to work
>out some kind of balance for your own campaigns, but this one really tosses
>it out of wack...

What we have done with Triggers, Runic Symbols, etc, is the following.. you
may have ONE of each TYPE on your person or possessions at a [me.. A
character can only CONTROL 1 of each type of ac[va[on spell (trigger,
runic symbol) at a [me. This way you don't have a mage with 30 triggers and
20 runic symbols cast on him.

My .02 on the spells

Hey Hawkeye... where are my DI 1-4 issues!!! come on jerky-boy.... hehehe

---------------------------------------------------------Mahhew E. Pearson The Warlord (!) <- Welcome to the GridPoint

hhp:// <- My Home!
hhp:// <- Mythus Home!

This has been a test of the emergency broadcas[ng
system. This is only a test.
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 09:24:35 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>

Subject: Re: Here's the word...

>I think we SHOULD hold great hope out for more DJ stu, and get folks
>are on AOL to put hopeful messages in the T$R folder. This way, maybe,
>maybe, the T$R folks will realise that there is a quiet underground that
>the game, and maybe they'd think about doing something with it. I wish
>if they were going to kill it...they should've just lep it alone.

Ahh, but that most likely would have meant they would have actually had to
*compete* with an ongoing product of Gary's...

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/10/95 * Time: 09:24:35

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 09:27:57 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Trigger

>I don't know, did Dave comment on this cas[ng yet? Would he care to??

No, and part of the reason is I don't think it was one of the original
cas[ngs that I developed with Gary, but one he added to my nal drap.
I'm not familiar with it (and being at work, I don't have manuals handy.
My advice would be to disallow it if it disturbs your game balance. The
alterna[ve would be for someone to rewrite a properly adjusted version
(hint hint).


------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/10/95 * Time: 09:27:57

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 09:33:33 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: DCraep & PCraep Revisited (again)

>Anyway, as I understand it the following guidelines are the end result of
>the two ar[cles.


>All things being equal I don't have a problem with much of the above,
>assuming my interpreta[on is correct. It allows the true DCraeper a
>natural advantage over the more casual prac[[oner of this art.
>However, I do have a slight problem on the PCraep end of things. I
>the non-Priest HP (or more correctly, non PCraep Voca[ons), should
>under a similar restric[on. i.e. spend an extra elec[ve for the ethos
>sub-area, track them separately, and use as a secondary cas[ng area

No, because you can only follow one ethos anyway.


------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/10/95 * Time: 09:33:33

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 10:52:51 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: DCraep & PCraep Revisited (again)


I believe that anyone willing to pursue a career as a priest can either take
NO cas[ngs, and be the sort of priest that just hangs around the farming
village making the farmers feel good...or, he can take a true Vow, become a
true Priest (or healer, or some facsimile thereof...), and be able to use the
cas[ngs from Basic and an Ethos. I don't think you can be a priest without
an ethos...

Wizards and Priests are really separate things, and ought to have separate

Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 10:56:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Here's the word...

> Ahh, but that most likely would have meant they would have actually had to
> *compete* with an ongoing product of Gary's...


Yeah, I guess you're right. We couldn't possibly have any capitalism going on
here, could we??? That would be unconscionable...
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 10:58:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: DCraep & PCraep Revisited (again)

I have a ques[on about all that (that I forgot a minute ago...):

Can the Voca[onal Wizard, spending AP's to advance d-crap, raise both the
General K/S as well as the Sub-Areas of it? I always gured they were
more or less separate K/S's, which btw put a nice limit on Wizard's power...
but I could be wrong...

Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 10:59:26 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Michael Hill <mhill@UMR.EDU>
Subject: Re: DCraep & PCraep Revisited (again)

In-Reply-To: <> from "Kelthar@AOL.COM"

at Feb 10, 95 00:31:27 am


> 1) DCraep. If an HP is a DCraeper he/she/it receives his/her/it's rst
> DCraep sub-area free, as in, does not have to use an elec[ve K/S area to
> "purchase" it. In addi[on, the sub-area and General DCraep both advance
> when APs are spent on the ini[al K/S.
> 2) DCraep. If an HP is not a DCraeper but either has DCraep as a
> voca[onal K/S or picks it as an elec[ve, he gains only General DCraep
> unless a second K/S elec[ve is used to purchase the sub area AND cannot
> claim the sub-area (school?) as a Primary cas[ng area. Although he can
> count the General DCraep K/S as a Primary.
> This HP also tracks the STEEP for General and the sub-area separately,
> in eect paying twice what an actual DCraeper would to advance these
> skills, all other things being equal.

It was my understanding that the rst op[on above applied to anyone taking
Dweomercraep as a K/S Area - whether the HP was a Dweomercraeper
Voca[on or not. The second op[on seems kind of rough. We've always
played that a HP has to select a Sub-Area (Black,Gray,Green,etc...) when
the Dweomercraep K/S Area is chosen and that the HP gets only one
Sub-Area regardless of the STEEP in the Dweomercraep K/S Area. In order
to take another "Sub-Area" of Dweomercraep the HP would have to acquire
the "Sub-Area" as if it were a seperate K/S Area.

As to whether a HP could select Dweomercraep and the selected Sub-Area as
primary, it depends. We've usually designated the Heka-engendered K/S
Area with the highest STEEP aper HP crea[on as the primary.

That is how we interpreted the rules two years ago and we've been playing
that way ever since -- it seems to work :)

Mike Hill
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 15:19:10 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Here's the word...

>> Ahh, but that most likely would have meant they would have actually
had to
>> *compete* with an ongoing product of Gary's...

>Yeah, I guess you're right. We couldn't possibly have any capitalism
going on
>here, could we??? That would be unconscionable...

The idea of compe[[on through superior li[ga[on (as opposed to
compe[ng based on product merit) leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Morals, I have none; Ethics, I have many... A person's honor (to me) is
everything. But then, I always side with the underdog. Oh well *maybe* they will change their mind. Keep plugging the game and
reminding them there *are* fans who will purchase support material.
Miracles do happen.


------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/10/95 * Time: 15:19:10

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 16:13:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: BluSponge@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: Here's the word...

Believe me, there is a DJ folder on the AOL TSR board and it does have
messages in it (I should know - I put it there :) There is some support
(athough not as much as there could be) to bring DJ back. One TSR graphic
editor posted a note that she didn't have much hope in seein DJ return, but
then she said she didn't know anyone assigned to DJ. There weren't any
products scheduled through '96 that she'd heard about.
I have to tell you folks, as much as I love DJ, there doesn't seem to be a
whole loha love for the system at the TSR camp. Maybe I'm wrong - maybe I
haven't heard from the right people yet, but thats the growing impression
that I'm gejng.


Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 16:15:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: BluSponge@AOL.COM

Subject: Re: TSR & DJ

Wait a minute. If we bought copies, and so did 5,000 +/- other people,
doesn't that cons[tute "sales"? Gee, maybe Lorraine needs to get her ass
out of her head and get with the program.

Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 19:25:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On, Thu, Feb 9, teskej wrote:

>Secondly, I have more to add to the running commentary of Trigger Eect;
>consider the Grey Dweomercraep Spell Runic Symbol Spell (Grade VI Cas[ng).
>It seems to do essen[ally what I and many others on this list have asserted TE
>could do as a rst level General Dweomercraep Cas[ng. Now, don't get me
>wrong--It appears that RUnic Symbol could be as easily abused as TE; but then
>again it is a th grade cas[ng. I would be interested on ideas from anyone
>else regarding these two cas[ngs....Dave? Hawkeye? Mike Phillips? Anyone?
Well, I can't speak for Mike's true feelings on the maher, but I think that
when we discussed TE at last week's game, it lead (at least me) to this idea.
If TE is a Grade I cas[ng, it should be treated as one in the game. More heka
put into a given cas[ng means greater eect. Bascially, you get what you pay
for. The way I read the descrip[on of TE (and the way I think that Mike reads
it as well, though I don't presume to speak for him), it will respond to its
trigger regardless of how it is caused. Because great heka is not invested in
it, it can only "understand" so well. By way of example, lets look at using
the TE to hold an armor cas[ng (something I believe was men[oned before).
All right, so when the personna is damaged physically, the armor goes o.
However, the cas[ng should not (IMO) be able to dis[nguish between damage
from a swordblade and damage from say.....a mesquito. Of course, you may
decide to modify just how much a trigger can dis[nguish to suit your campaign,
I think you get the idea.
Anyhow, gejng back to the dierence between the Grey Dweomercraep cas[ng
and TE (some of you may see where I'm going with this), the following is a
quote from MM p.78 (TM TSR, whatever. <crosses self with an[-lawyer warding
gesture>) "This Runic Symbol Cas[ng will be given specic requirements as to
the condi[ons which will cause the stored dweomer to ac[vate." This implies
to my reading that Runic Symbol allows greater specicity and possibly mul[plerequirements (at a base
cost of 125 heka!). Also, there's some other things
that dis[nguish Runic Symbol as a much more powerful Cas[ng deserving I think
of at least a higher grade than TE.
Whether you agree with my logic concerning giving the cas[ng grade what it
deserves, I hope that you will agree that Runic Symbol is not the same as TE.
Also, I believe someone else made this point very well with the story of the
Fireash coins. If your HPs lay on the TE's thick, you can assume that it's

a prehy common thing on the world. That being so, the players may come across
an EP using the same strategy which they do. (You never know what's out there
un[l you nd it. >;-) )
Well, I've said my peace on the maher for now. Comments? Ques[ons? Feedback!!

--Ryan Snead

>It seems that a higher grade is more appropriate for what TE is meant to
>accomplish...if the s[pula[on that the heka aperture applies to the en[re
>amount of heka poured into the Runic Symbol cas[ng and the subsequent cas[ng
>(ie. the total of the heka spent on the two cas[ngs cannot excede the
>aperture), this might serve as somewhat of a limita[on. I think there s[ll
>needs to be a limit of how many Runes can be placed in a given area.

Comments always welcome.
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Feb 09 13:31:31 1995
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 1995 13:55:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: BluSponge@AOL.COM
Subject: Re: TSR & DJ

>>...and would she be the one for us to blame for TSR cujng the guts out of
AD&D (IMO) with the 2nd Edi[on? Just curious.....<<

I wouldn't try to point that nger at anyone at TSR. I think the move was
made primarily so that the company would no longer have to pay royal[es to
EGG - a dirty but sound business move.

Date: Sun, 12 Feb 1995 20:51:11 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

somebody tell me if that really sorta looooong post on triggers I did yesterday
or the day before posted to the list, I didn't get any conrma[on on it :(


Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 02:43:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>

Regarding TSR and the imminent death of DJ:

(Disclaimer: Don't get mad at me guys--I'm not defending them or praising
them or anything, or lecturing them. This is an informed dig! <g>)

First of all, Loraine Williams (or Rollane Vrilliams, See Mythus
book under Witchcraep) became prez/CEO of TSR due to a stock bahle during
a [me when TSR was nancially strapped (they overes[mated the market),
the Blumes were red, and EGG got divorced and lost half his stock.
She is a businesswoman rst and foremost, from the Dille Family
which owns the Buck Rogers franchise, which is why that game s[ll hangs
around. She and EGG could not get along, since they disagree about several
The few business journals I've read about TSR show she tends to
treat this stu as having "product lifecycle", sta[ng that D&D is "Highly
Unusual" for a game system, where most lifecycles die. The way TSR
emphasizes fast growth and subsequent cancella[on of lines aper short
periods, large sales over smaller ones, and short term prot (quan[ty)
over long term steady income (quality) is what bothers me the most of her
reign. I don't like that ajtude since it seems contrary to the crea[ve

For what it's worth, GEnie ac[vity in TSR On-line is deader than a
zombie. Ever since it moved to TSR's roundtable, people have been
uninterested. We had some inital uster, mostly due to our anger and one
person who made uninformed and erroneous opinions about the game, saying EGG
ripped o TSR (untrue), which angered Richard, Frank, and myself to the
point SysOps even had to shut the topic down! But now topic ac[vity is
non-existent--since sadly nobody cares, and GEnie is rather small compared
to the other nets.

((Makes me wonder why the Heck Frank even came to GEnie in the rst
place. I was glad to see him there...but I s[ll wonder why we "rated"))

I actually made a statement about the future of the TSR game system
which included the name of a TSR employee who made a general statement.
Now, I was in no way trying to involve him in the statement, I just quoted
what I heard publically. But he wrote to me privately, and asked me never
to men[on his name in a post, saying he would not be an ally if I men[oned
his name like that again. When I asked him why, he was afraid he'd be sided
with the sympathizers. So the TSR people seem to be /fearful/ of the

Sales are moot. The game has an "established" (though biased) bad
rep, due to poor reviews, lack of sales, and nega[ve energy towards it and
EGG. Most importantly, TSR needs large sales to do anything. They're worst
selling stu are numbers other RPG companies drool over! But it's not good

enough for them by any means, thus we see product cancella[ons. No maher
how much you plead on this segment, it will do no good. Larger groups have
protested to no avail.

Too me, the whole thing is moot.

I doubt Gary will involve himself anymore no maher what. Ini[ally
aper the suit, he spoke to me and told me that TSR had actually show some
interest in developing some genres. But I'm guessing what they told him was
just lip service of a sort.

Lately, in what lihle communica[on I've had, he's really ignored
men[oning Dangerous Journeys at all. I don't know for sure, but they might
even have a legal statement saying he can't answer ques[ons or make
comments on the least that's what I guess. Hell, I know he's
not on AOL anymore, and I'm guessing he doesn't read this list anymore (via

To be frank, it doesn't even look like we'll ever see another
Fantasy Game from EGG ever again. He's focusing on Computer RPGs, and any
Pen-and-Paper developments will only come if a work is very successful--he's
made statements saying the market is very sop. And I think it's due to
both burnout and the fact that TSR IMO wanted him out of the /fantasy/
market, rather than the RPG market. Why court danger--he'll likely focus on
Science-Fantasy, Pure S-F, or strict Historical sejngs.

But the fact I have to wait a poten[ally long [me for this--with
EGG poten[ally sequestering himself away from the public eye just like the
post NIPI period--a necessity since he is an /intense/ and hyper-skilled
writer, who needs lots of [me and thought to go into his product, the fact
CRPGs aren't as involved as TRPGs and I can't input as much like I've done
with DJ, and the fact his DJ work is in a perpetual limbo like the TSR work
he created in the mid-80's... really angers me. I can't ever forgive TSR
for this ac[on. They've crippled the Gygax pipeline.

The Good News: If TSR lets this game ocially die, I doubt
they'll do much to us. We'll probably be lep alone, since we don't really
count, and angering us will just call ahen[on to the masses, which I doubt
they want. That's probably why they've lep us alone unlike other sites
dealing with AD&D.

At the very least, expect the trademark to be used in /some/ manner,
even if it's for a Card Game or Board Game or something. The best-case
scenarios? AErth as a new AD&D world, since it seems they create a new one
every other year or so. Or (more likely) Perhaps a novel line where some of
the unpublished Gygax Setne works are printed, just to throw us a bone.

Some Mythus elements could poten[ally appear in AD&D. I got a 1995
product lis[ng from TSR--AD&D is being re-released, with the two "core
books", plus 4 other "fundemental" ones, which add lots of op[ons,

including building characters based on "points", personalized magick, and

other concepts usually foreign to AD&D--so I assume they're researching all
the compe[[ors. I'd expect them to adapt such concepts as Joss for the
game. They own the game, they can cannabalize it as they see t.

FYI, I'll upload my leher to Lorraine Willaims regarding this
maher when I'm nished with it...since it's [me to let her know why I've
dropped TSR products aper a long period, how I feel about having private
mail accessable to her, and I think all of these statements should be made
openly, since they have much beher impact.

Watch for it some[me in the next month or so.

That's all I'll say about this...for now

John R. Troy (JRT)
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 10:44:47 UTC+0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Alex Ramos <aramos@ALUM.DEUSTO.ES>
Subject: Hello!!!


I'm new in this list.
Can anyone send me something to start??.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex Ramos Mar[nez
c/ Aldapa 2, 7 A Facultad de Informa[ca
48260 Ermua (Vizcaya) Deusto (Bilbao)

__ | | _____| \ /
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Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 08:41:45 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: gullerud@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fwd: teskej->


Feather Mace
This weapon does not, as the name implies, weigh as lihle as a feather.
Instead, it has the unusual and devesta[ng ability to send anything it
hits ying as if it weighed almost nothing. Enemies doing bahle with the
wielder of this weapon are sent crashing into allies, or at worst sent
ying hundereds of feet away. It is said that this mace grants signicant
bonuses to defence, but foes seldom get a chance to test this. Those
unfortunate enough to be sent airborne by an ahack have found that the impact
damage upon reaching the ground is open fatal.

Gold Swan Car
The mere sight of this vehicle would make Dwarves weep and Gnomes gasp
in awe, as this gem encrusted marvel is worth en[re kingdoms due to its
crapmanship alone. This car has no travel-related powers, and must be
pulled by servants if it is to move. Its sole power is to grant the one
to ride in it an Ahrac[veness of 30 toward all those of lower caste. For
those of equal or higher caste, or visitors to Hind who are not part of
the caste system, the rider has an Ahrac[veness is 21. This Ahrac[veness
score is only in eect so long as the rider remains in the car. The eects
of a failed adora[on check will last for a full month, whether or not the
person is riding the car when met again.
This car had been used by the emperor of Hind to maintain the fana[cal
loyalty of the masses.

Cords of Yama
This item appears as nothing more than a rope belt used to fasten a robe.
In reality, this item is rumored to be much more, and is jealously guarded
by one of the great temples in Hind. The wearer of the Cords of Yama has
full access to the knowledge and skills learned in previous lives. If the
person was a Full Prac[[oner during one incarna[on, then these benets are
gained as well.
It is unknown how many lives a person can draw upon simultaneously. It
is said that the cords are granted to the purest of those who seek to escape
the circles of the world aper their current life ends.

Supernal Blades
If the legends are true, these fantas[c tulwars were rst wielded by
an avatar of Vishnu himself. The blades themselves appear to be carved from
pure sapphire crystal. A hero able to wield a sword can use both blades as
if ambidextrous, and ghts with them at a minimum BAC of 80. The Supernal
Blades confer immunity to re and non-enchanted weapons, and will shaher
any weapon they successfully parry. The weilder also will regenerate
Physical, Mental, and Spiritual damage at the rate of 5 points per CT.
Severed appendages will regenerate and become fully func[onal within several
ATs or hours.
These blades have not seen bahle in 3 genera[ons. Current rumor
indicates that the emperor's champion has possession of them.

Hy Braesal

Fourfold Grimore
This item supposedly gave the archmage ruler of Hy Braesal the power
to rise to his current posi[on. This great book is a regenera[ng reservoir
of Supernatural Heka. Its capacity is sucient to power a Grade XIX cas[ng,
though it will take about a month to restore this much Heka.
The Cas[ngs contained within this book are based on 4 Supernatural
planes: the Empyreal, Celes[al, Nether, and Entropical. The cas[ngs run from
Grade X to Grade XIX. The exact number of Cas[ngs contained within the
Grimore is unknown, although rumors place that number anywhere from 40 to 144.

Concordelysian Sta
This sta is supposedly a gip from beings from the Concordelysian
Plane. The bearer of this unadorned sta gains great spiritual power,
adding 10 to all Ahributes. During a conict, any spiritual ahack
launched against the bearer or allies will be reected back on the caster.
This ability is said to func[on up to a mile away from the sta itself.
It is rumored that this item also stores up to 10 Joss, and that this
supply is replenished each day. Though unveried, this would explain the
incredible fortune of Hy Braesal's ruler.

Bones of Aerth
This item looks to be a 3 foot diameter boulder of granite, in which
traces of oracalcum and hekalite ore can be seen. Actually, this is the
living center of Hy Braesal, created when the island was raised up by the
gods in ages past.
The possessor of this stone gains great power over the Aerth both on
and around the island. Rocky shoals, hills, clis, and volcanoes can be
created and removed if desired at the cost of small earthquakes in the
surrounding area. Natural disasters such as volcanic erup[ons, landslides,
and earthquakes can be caused or prevented.
The exact loca[on of this rock is a closely guarded secred, as there
is a prophesy sta[ng that Hy Braesal will be destroyed if the Bones of Aerth
is ever removed from the island.

Paralyzing Sling
This sling has existed through the ages with no one realizing it was
anything more than a well made weapon with a +15 BAC bonus. The archmage
of Hy Braesal, however, realized its true value and now uses it for personal
When used with ammuni[on created by an elaborate alchemical opera[on,
this sling will paralyze anything it hits, up to and including Supernatural
creatures. This paralysis is _permanent_ and cannot be removed unless willed
by the sling's owner. This consent cannot be gained by coersion or trickery,
it must be granted by free will. No invulnerability or Heka armor is said
to be proof against the sling's eect.


This warship is feared by the pirates around Hy Braesal, and for good
reason. The Spiritship is capable of shiping itself and its crew into
PMM or NPM form on command. While in either form, it is said to be
limited to travel the seas on the Material Plane, but can achieve speeds of
up to 1,200 mph. The ship and its occupants cannot be scryed upon, nor can
any PMM or NPM spirit approach it.
The Spiritship is said to possess several magickal weapons and defensive
wards, which makes its sudden appearance next to an enemy ship nearly certain

Entropical Engine
The mere rumor of this device has been sucient to keep the great
empires from going to war against Hy Braesal. If legend speaks true, it
has never been used, or history would have surely recorded the resul[ng
When ac[vated, this engine will begin draining all sources of energy
from a target anywhere on Aerth. Heat, Heka, and even life will disappear
from a circular area that increases its radius by 5 mph. This energy is
used by the Entropical Engine to sustain its opera[on, at no cost to the
one who dared ac[vate it.
While this seems to be the ul[mate weapon, Hy Braesal has kept it to
prevent it from ever being used rather than for deterrence. It is said
that the cost to stop the Engine is as horrible than the destruc[on it

$$HRComments by teskej Mon Feb 13 08:40:56 1995
These Items were created by S Gullerud.

Comments and cri[cism always welcome... I'll be pos[ng more items to the List
later this week.

Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 10:23:47 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: MSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Subject: Re: Trigger

I just had to put my two cents in.

In my campaign, which has just started, we only have one character
with Dcraep. He has not abused TE yet, and I hope he won't. At
this [me, I have restricted it to one trigger at a [me, but he can
have mul[ple cas[ngs set o by that one trigger. He can only have a
number of cas[ngs equal to his cas[ng grade on that trigger. Thus, he could
have an Armor, physical and an elemental armor both set to go o
when he is ahacked, but he would not be able to have a seperate

cas[ng set to go o when he snapped his ngers, for instance.

This is a trial run, and we will see what happens. We got together
this weekend and this is what we agreed to try. I'll keep you posted
as to how well it works.

S.D. Troll
Banshee Server Hub
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 11:02:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Trigger

Here's what I've done:

Aside from f-ing with a lot of the rules (big shock!), I have one wizard in
the party, and I didn't give him the Trigger Cas[ng. Problem solved...

I'll let him get one of the higher grade cas[ngs later...

btw, the reason I haven't done a D.I. Issue lately is the fact that I've
decided to re-do the game and create my own hybrid. As long as no new DJ
stu is going to appear for a long while at least, I might as well go o
in my own direc[on. It really doesn't have to do with laziness--I have been
up typing around 1am recently... :) Sooner or later I will get around to
doing D.I. again, though...I promise!

(And I'll get the old issues to those who want them!)

Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 14:45:00 W
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hagstr m Johan <d94JohHa@IDA.OSTRABO.UDDEVALLA.SE>

Is there a discussion here, or what?


|>------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------<|
|Johan Hagstrom |
|>------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------<|

Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 14:17:25 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Noche@AOL.COM
Subject: Here is the FINAL word on Mythus

Aper much emails trying to get to the bohom of what is up with Mythus:

Subj: Re: Mythus
Date: 95-02-13 14:31:55 EST
From: TSR Inc
To: Noche

MYTHUS is a discon[nued product, for which there is no scheduled support.
Gamer works can be uploaded to the Library in TSR Online, if desired.

Rob Repp
Manager, Digital Projects Group
TSR, Inc.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Subj: Re: A DJ Ques[on
Date: 95-02-12 18:55:01 EST
From: Moonlion
To: Noche


I work on Forgohen Realms. I've edited all the Volo's Guides and I love the
Realms. Thank you for taking my vagueness kindly, I wish I could have said
more. I can say that one complete DJ project that was turned over to us will
never see print as a DJ product. The author was instructed that if he wanted
it to be considered as a submission he would have to remove all DJ mechanics
and references and basically rewrite it. I think the project was some sort of
ancient city. Good luck nding a new world. I'd be happy to tell you
anything you want to know about the realms.

---------------------------------------------------I am very upset over this. So mad I really can't put it to words.

Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 20:22:22 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: The nal word from TSR


TSR doesn't want to support the game.
TSR doesn't want anything to do with game or it's players.
TSR wants the game to die...

Fuck em.

I've seen alot of amazing stu come out in the industry in the past two years
and I've got this to say: the highest quality, most mature source material
in that [me or from [mes previous has been from this list, be it monsters,
items, scenarios or whathaveyou.

TSR says it's cujng o support, I say they've never given us support and if
they had they'd have messed the system up beyond recogni[on. GDW never gave
us support either, really, because of the lawsuit. Everything I've seen but for
6 magazines, six yer/mags, and 5 books is from this list, and makes up the
lions share of how and WHY I run this system above all others.

We have ourished.

From 20 players when I rst signed on to 110 today, with a steady stream of
thoughkul discussion, input, crea[ve ideas and all a person needs to run a
campaign. THAT is what I call support.

Summa[on on TSR: Thread their feet and screw em right into the ground.

Now then, what i really want to know is:

Who wrote the ancient city submission for TSR and where can we get our HANDS
on it!?!??
IE: let's get back to the real point of this list :)

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="For our ght is not against esh and blood, \
but against the RULERS, against the AUTHORITIES,\
against the POWERS of this dark world \
and against the spiritual forces of evil \
in the heavenly realms." \

This quote has always been about this game and trials we've gone through as
fans of this game.

Bout says it all.

Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 23:33:44 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Here is the FINAL word on Mythus

T$R are a bunch of pussies.

I wonder if they could be possibly persuaded to sell the system to someone if
that someone wrote into the contract that they would not put out any kind of
Fantasy genre for a number of years.

THat would cut out any compe[[on between DJ and AD&D wouldn't it?


Sorry :)

Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 00:31:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Patrick Murphy <murphy@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU>
Subject: Re: TSR, need I say more?
In-Reply-To: <>

So would this 'Ancient City' be the infamous 'Ascalon' that tantalized me
from the pages of Journeys, or is it something dierent? Anyone in the

All I can say about the TSR stu is, are we really surprised? Is it
that big a deal? (Well, I take that back. While there's great stu
afoot here on MYTHUS-L, I imagine Dave and Gary wouldn't mind the $$$!
Now that I men[on it, I *was* looking forward to publishing a few
ar[cles in Journeys...) At any rate, I think we might at least be lep
alone. And now I guess I can post my stu without worrying bout whether
or not it'll see print...

(As an aside, I remember not too long ago people complained about the
armor system. *Why*? I thought the system was great; realis[c (much
more so than ACs) and prehy easy to deal with. And I'm not talking
about 'averaged armor.')

Thanks for lejng me indulge in my bed[me ramblings.


Patrick M.
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 02:56:05 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Noche@AOL.COM
Subject: the ancient submission

If memory recollects, I believe it was some one on AOL who wrote once they
were submijng something. This was over a year ago in the old gdw folder.
Anyone remember who this was or am I having a brain fart again?

Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 10:12:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: "Ancient City"

The "Ancient City" in ques[on was--I believe--Ascalon. This was
wrihen by Loren Wiseman, GDW's in-house designer.

He's on GEnie, so I will ask him some ques[ons about this. He
indicated to me right aper the company sehled that he was thinking of
submijng it to TSR, or adap[ng it for GDW use.

John R. Troy (JRT)
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 23:29:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Why Buying is not an op[on.

> I wonder if they could be possibly persuaded to sell the system to
> someone if that someone wrote into the contract that they would not put
> out any kind of Fantasy genre for a number of years.
> THat would cut out any compe[[on between DJ and AD&D wouldn't it?

From what I've seen, TSR is ahemp[ng to make their AD&D line as
close as you can get to a universal RPG as possible. RAVENLOFT added horror
to the genre--and seems to be taking a much wider role now to compete with
Dark RPGs like Vampire/Storyteller. Dark Sun and Planescape are Punk
fantasy) Hell, they've even added a gothic /EARTH/ sejng to it
(Ravenlop: Masque of the Red Death), so the seeds are there to make this

work in a modern sejng, or even an S-F sejng. (They did a XXV Century
game using the same model--but that bombed--but if it said AD&D in Space...)

So--I'll bet they consider the game a form of compe[[on in /any/

Plus--buying the game would be /very/ costly. TSR would want to be
compensated for their [me and eort in the lawsuit, since it /did/ cost
them a bundle--even though they have the cash, it hurts them too in prot-and they'd wish to be compensated. You'd need to put down at the very least
six gures, and that is not the kind of money most game publishers have.
And if TSR decides to use the DJ or Mythus trademarks, they might not want
to give those up.

John R. Troy (JRT)
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 09:54:19 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Why Buying is not an op[on.

> Plus--buying the game would be /very/ costly. TSR would want to
>compensated for their [me and eort in the lawsuit, since it /did/ cost
[I'm sure there's a few lawyers who deserve a raise.]

>them a bundle--even though they have the cash, it hurts them too in
prot->and they'd wish to be compensated. You'd need to put down at the very
>six gures, and that is not the kind of money most game publishers have.
>And if TSR decides to use the DJ or Mythus trademarks, they might not
>to give those up.

What makes you think they have that much cash, anyway. Industry rumor has
it that they had a 20% reduc[on in sta aper GenCon '94, and they are
now faced with big[me money compe[[on from WotC (Speaking of
compe[[on, Magic: the Gathering... Spellre... ...nah. I think the
ahorneys are gejng the lion's share of the crea[ve budget... And of
course, if the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem soon looks
like a nail.)

Besides, why would they want to sell the game back into the market when
they've *nally* succeeded in burying it?

p.s. Tell Lorraine, or whoever you get your numbers from, that six
gures is too high. Or to paraphrase Jay Leno: sue all you want, we'll
just write more.

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/16/95 * Time: 09:54:19

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 21:34:53 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Races

The following is a fairly long post ('specially for me) outlining my thoughts
on two of the races in Mythus. I haven't spent much [me reviewing and
rening so ignore the typos, etc. and look for ideas and content. Comments
are welcome, why else would I dump it here, eh? ;-)

Bear in mind that I do not use the Aerth sejng, Pylar is a more standard
high fnatasy world where the other races coexist with humans (mostly) rather
than being conveniently tucked away in Phaeree.


Many are the diverse races of Pylar, some living in harmony throughout the
lands while others hide away or war upon their neighbors. While there are
dierences in their physical characteris[cs and ajtudes, for the most
part there are no ocial restric[ons on the voca[ons available for any
While the concept of a Ranger Dwarf is a bit odd, it could happen, by the
same token Elven Engineers are equally rare. Yet someone must design and
build the graceful elven towers of legend.
Players should be allowed free use of the standard Human, Elven, Dwarven, and
similar "standard" races. Use of the more exo[c races will have to be
judged by JMs based on the campaign they are running.
As usual, the human is the average persona. While not unusually magickally
endowed, or physically able, the human race accomplishes much that the longer
lived races don't or can't be bothered with. A wise sage of Pylar once
compared mankind as an explosion and elvenkind as a candle. The candle burns
bright and clean for a long period of [me. Whereas the explosion is over in
but an instant, messy and confused, but the changes caused by the explosion

can be legion.
A dwarven HP may elect to replace one of his/her "elec[ve" K/S areas within
their voca[onal trait with a Psycogenic Power. Roll for the eec[ve STEEP
of the power through the normal 2d10 adding either MRCap, PNCap, or SPCap as

Instead of an op[onal three ahribute points added to the HPs voca[onal
trait, dwarven HPs add one point each to PMCap and PMPow. Dwarven HPs are
limited to a maximum PM and PNSpd of 16.

Dwarven HPs can see switch their vision into the infrared specturm, this
ac[on takes 1 CT and can be maintained indenitely. The return to normal
sight also requires 1 CT. Dwarven detailed sight in the infrared extends out
to 20 yards, while strong infrared sources (res, etc.) may be detected
farther away.

Dwarves are limited in the amount of STEEP points an HP can increase a K/S
area by. K/S increases are limited to 4 STEEP rather than the 5 allowed to
the more versa[le human race.

Due to their short stature, dwarven movement rates are 3/4 human norms and
jumping is half human norm. This is par[ally oset by the ability of
dwarves to maintain normal (dwarven) movement rates in rocky, hilly, or rough
terrain, not woods or forests however. In addi[on, for physiological
reasons, dwarves cannot swim without oata[on devices or magickal

Due to their smaller stature, dwarven armor has an inherently lower SF
factor, typically 3/4 rounded.

The dwarven race has a high anity toward subterrainean areas and pursuits.
Dwarven characters receive a 10% bonus on die rolls for K/S areas that deal
with such things. i.e. Speleology, Subterrainean Orienta[on. Dwarves also
receive a bonus of 10% to their die rolls for hiding and sneaking in
subterrainean or rocky areas. A 10% penalty accrues for dwarves hiding or
sneaking in wooded or forested areas.

In general, dwarves favor metal armors and crushing/cleaving weapons such as
axes and hammers for both hand and missile use. Bows when used are almost
invariably of the crossbow type. Swords other than short, broad, and cutlass
types are rarely seen as the short stature of this race renders them
dicult to use at best.

Regardless of the voca[on selected by a dwarven persona, the player should
be allowed (and encouraged) to replace outdoor nature type K/S areas with
those more common to the dwarven background.
Hill Dwarves

Hill Dwarves are typically more outgoing than their mountain brethern, and
more likely to be seen outside their cavern homes. They are generally 3' 4"
+2d6 " tall and weight 100# +6d10.

Hill dwarves are master crapsmen, weaponsmiths and armorers of great renown.
They are capable of astounding engineering feats, however, these are more
commonly ascribed to their mountain brothers.
Mountain Dwarves
Slightly larger than the Hill Dwarves, the mountain sort are generally 3'6"
+2d6 and weight 110#+6d10.

Mountain Dwarves are also master crapsmen, but are more noted for their gems
and jewelry than ar[cles of war. They are second to none in the design and
implementa[on of engineering masterpieces, bridges, castles, gates, etc.

Creatures of light and nature, the elves are most at home in woods and
forests. Masters of woodland lore and the hunt, elves are rarely seen unless
they wish to be. The long life span of the Elven race in general can make
them dicult to understand, unpredicable and "ighty". Those things of
paramount importance to mankind may be trivial to the elves and vice versa.

The elven races generally prefer lighter less encumbering protec[ons, those
of leather are typical. However, master elven smiths make a lightweight form
of chain mail from alloys of mithril and silver which is both silent and
supple and highly prized by elven warriors. This armor is rarely make to t
other races, however, excep[ons are made for those rendering great service
or sacrice to the elven na[ons.

Elven personas star[ng out with physical voca[ons can begin with a set of
elven chain in their possession. Quality must be average or beher, with
prices star[ng at 2.5 [mes that of normal chain mail. Protec[on is
iden[cal to that of normal chain, SF is 0, 1, and 1, for 1/2, 3/4, and full
protec[on respec[vely.

The elven races are granted a DR bonus of 1 for any sneaking or hiding K/S
rolls within a wooded environment. Outside these areas they are granted a
10% bonus to their die roll. In addi[on, elves are not slowed by dense
forests or thickets, easily treading their way through the thickest of
natural brush.
During the crea[on process, elves must allocate the three bonus ajbute
points to PMSpd, PNSpd, and PNPow.

When underground in close quarter, in [ght urban environments, etc. elves
suer a penalty of 10% to no[ce, hearing, and tracking (PPer) die rolls.
This does not apply to specic searching or "focused" percep[on tests and
is intended to reect their general unease and distrac[on in such areas.

Elven sight can be switched into the ultraviolet spectrum, this ac[on takes
1 CT as does the return to normal sight. Because of this elves gain a two
step increase in ligh[ng condi[ons in outdoor or indoor areas, i.e. Pitch
dark or cloudy and moonless becomes as a moonlit night, a moonlit night is as
daylight, etc. This does not apply to underground locales where there is
lihle or no penetra[on of UV light.
True Elves (as they call themselves) are generally 5' 6" tall +2d6, and
weight 100# +6d10. They are almost invariably slender and lightly built for
their height.
Elves generally get along with other races, although their lack of
understanding of the dwarven perspec[ve is some[mes view as an[pathy by
outsiders. Elves consider humans to be brash and intolerant, understandable
given the dierence in lifespans and perspec[ves.
Similar to height and build to their Elf rela[ves, the Alfar are a superior
and supercilious race. They generally view other races with distain and will
not willingly associate with any of them for any length of [me. Obviously
the act of becoming an HP must moderate this ajtude, however, such
persona's act as if they were of considerably higher SEC than is actually the
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 10:20:12 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Races

Nothing personal, but why do people always use the standard deni[ons for the
"other" races in RPG's?

Take dwarves, for my own world, there are the Mithgar. They are
short, and some people call them dwarves (but never to their faces). They are
more or less like dwarves, but with some logical dierences. For example,
they are not covered with hair; in fact, they are nearly hairless. They live
underground, so over the centuries their eyes have become huge as well as their
noses, to compensate for the general darkness...

Sure, they will remind people of dwarves, but they are dierent. They have
their own, dierent culture. Maybe people just don't have the [me (I don't!)
but I'd rather be crea[ve and dierent than use old standards...


(Does anyone else agree with this?)

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 09:59:49 -1000

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Joshua Michael D'Andrea <dandrea@UHUNIX.UHCC.HAWAII.EDU>
Subject: Races

Hawkeye's point it ne, but I don't think that anyone should
have to feel uncrea[ve because they enjoy using so called "standard"
fantasy races. In our campaign, we use the Aerth sejng and along with
the standard elves, dwarves, and gnomes we add new races along the way to
make things a lihle more exo[c. The thing I enjoy about the
standardized races is that when you say dwarf or elf, everybody knows
exactly what you're talking about and I don't have to worry about people
gejng the wrong idea.

Josh D'Andrea

ps. If anybody would be interested in seeing a few of the races we have
in our campaign, I'd be glad to post them.
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 14:00:47 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Races

>Nothing personal, but why do people always use the standard deni[ons for
the>"other" races in RPG's?
>Take dwarves, for my own world, there are the Mithgar. They
are>short, and some people call them dwarves (but never to their faces).
They are>more or less like dwarves, but with some logical dierences. For
example,>they are not covered with hair; in fact, they are nearly hairless.
They live>underground, so over the centuries their eyes have become huge as
well as their>noses, to compensate for the general darkness...
>Sure, they will remind people of dwarves, but they are dierent. They
have>their own, dierent culture. Maybe people just don't have the [me (I
don't!)>but I'd rather be crea[ve and dierent than use old standards...
>(Does anyone else agree with this?)

Sorta. But you have to remember it has a lot to do with familiarity. When
you design stu that gamers are going to use, unless there is a complete
paradigm ship in terms of the game itself, you prehy much have to include
standard things that everyone is used to - otherwise, prepare yourself for
the complaints (or worse yet, the zillion and one unocial house versions

that will spring up)!!


[QMS plug]
Quintessen[al Mercy Studio's LISTSERV & WWW pages should be up by next week
(this weekend, if the gods smile on me). Anyone interested, please send me
mail with "QMS" in the [tle, and I'll hook you up.
[end plug]

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/17/95 * Time: 14:00:47

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 17:09:55 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Races

no oense, but what a silly oer! Of course, we'd like to see what new
races you're using! :) New, crea[ve things are why I'm reading this list...

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 18:34:52 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mike Marzilli <RowellK@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Races

Please do post them!
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 23:28:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: $, corrup[on, and madness!

> What makes you think they have that much cash, anyway. Industry rumor
> has it that they had a 20% reduc[on in sta aper GenCon '94, and

Dunno if that's true or not. I /do/ know that right before GenCon,

TSR pulled an amazing stunt on their employee's, which I'll echo here for

(From Allen Varney on GEnie back in 1994)

> Those who follow TSR's inner machina[ons, like a kid peers into the
> labyrinth of his favorite ant farm, will be interested in the editorial
> shakeup that TSR's upper management announced the Monday before GenCon.
> With no advance no[ce or foreshadowing, they called the Crea[ve
> Services division (the games department) into a big public mee[ng and
> announced that the product groups and posi[ons were being shued.
> Management read o a list of the new product group leaders (now called
> "Crea[ve Services Directors," I believe) and the lines each Director is
> now responsible for. This public announcement was the rst that the
> Directors in ques[on learned that they had become Directors -- or, in
> one or two cases, learned they were NO LONGER Directors.

> This, the Monday before GenCon. Everyone on sta apparently wandered
> around shell-shocked all Monday and part of Tuesday, just sor[ng out
> what had happened. It seemed like a tornado had hit the place, one
> staer had told me. Everyone now has to turn over all his projects in
> mid-stream to someone else and try to get up to speed on a full slate of
> new projects. About the only people unaected were the book and
> magazine departments, and Acquisi[ons Editor Bruce Heard, who must have
> been in the eye of the hurricane.
> Management's reason for this dras[c shuing? It was apparently
> intended as a morale-boos[ng measure.

Three reasons for re-pos[ng this. (

(1), To perhaps conrm Dave's Rumor through precedental ac[vity. I assume
layos may have come about or around that [me.

(2), To let people know why some of the people at GenCon may have been
irritated if you asked about the fate of DJ--these guys had their own
problems apparently.

(3) To further show the point that TSR with is vast hierarchy and
bureaucracy isn't the best place to be crea[ve anymore. And perhaps we
should be thankful that DJ ain't going in full swing at TSR.

> they are now faced with big[me money compe[[on from WotC (Speaking
> of compe[[on, Magic: the Gathering... Spellre... ...nah. I think
> the ahorneys are gejng the lion's share of the crea[ve budget...
> And of course, if the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem soon
> looks like a nail.)

Very much agreed. Although it's probably going to get worse. Rumor
has it they're going to go public with the stock. Meaning a public who may
only care for a bohom line to us.

> Besides, why would they want to sell the game back into the market when
> they've *nally* succeeded in burying it?

That's the major point I was trying to make. We'll probably never
see it leave the grip of TSR again.

> p.s. Tell Lorraine, or whoever you get your numbers from, that six
> gures is too high. Or to paraphrase Jay Leno: sue all you want, we'll
> just write more.

I'm not in direct contact with anybody at TSR. My es[mate came
from what TSR has bought other games for--the deal regarding the Role Aids
from Mayfair was supposedly six gures. Personally, I think they would
sell that game if there was a serious oer on that level--since from their
perspec[ve, I'll guess Hard Cash heals all wounds. <g>

John R. Troy (JRT)
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 23:29:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Ascalon Update.

Hi all,

Update on Ascalon...

The Author of Ascalon isn't yet willing to release his work to us.
He was prehy terse. I'm guessing he wants to see if he can get compensated
for it elsewhere, or convert it to AD&D. In either case, he'd have to do
work on it to have it published. Maybe some of you can ask Mr. Wiseman-he's the GDW support Rep on GEnie and I think he's on AOL too.

He's a GDW employee, not a freelancer, but I can't really see GDW
publishing it, since all they release now is Traveller and Wargames. Where
would they put it?

Now, if TSR /were/ to publish it, but not make it DJ, the only place
I could see it jng AD&D would be Mystrata in the Hollow World, which has
a Egyp[an sejng, but thats if they see merit. (And telling you what to
watch for).

Hmm...I wonder. Maybe if 50 of us all paid 20 bucks for what we
would pay anyway for it...we'd be able to buy it from Loren.

Just a thought.

John R. Troy
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 22:52:34 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: $, corrup[on, and madness!

> I'm not in direct contact with anybody at TSR. My es[mate came
>from what TSR has bought other games for--the deal regarding the Role Aids
>from Mayfair was supposedly six gures. Personally, I think they would
>sell that game if there was a serious oer on that level--since from their
>perspec[ve, I'll guess Hard Cash heals all wounds. <g>

Thanks, John. I didn't mean to sound overly sarcas[c (lord knows I'm bad
enough as it is <grin>), but you seem to know as much or more as those of us
in the industry, esp. regarding TSR - though I must admit that info & rumours
are easier to come by when dealing with "friendly" companies, i.e. the rest
of the industry.

I like to think that because the gaming industry is fairly "[ght", those of
us on the "inside" are all prehy much friends. Aper all, people do change
companies, and it would be silly to stop being somebody's friend just because
they work for a "compe[tor". By and large, the industry (IMHO) is a fairly
happy extended family. That's one of the most appealing thing about it,
besides the fact that it gives me a chance to associate with a lot of bright
and crea[ve people when I do freelance work...

Meanwhile, with several major projects (and the associated stress) ahead of
me, can you tell I'm in an excep[onally *good* mood?

Dave-----------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/17/95 * Time: 22:52:34
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 02:36:58 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Races

Yes, please do post them.
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 13:32:39 UTC+0100

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Alex Ramos <aramos@ALUM.DEUSTO.ES>
Subject: HELLO AGAIN!!!!





----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex Ramos Mar[nez
c/ Aldapa 2, 7 A Facultad de Informa[ca
48260 Ermua (Vizcaya) Deusto (Bilbao)

__ | | _____| \ /
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__ | | ____| \
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__| __| ______| _____| __/ __\
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 10:58:30 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Indirectly Related

Okay, an obscure [tle...this will be a bit of an interes[ng ques[on, I

This came up last night as a, uh, friendly discussion while playing the EGS
(AD&D for those who don't know). A certain player tried to use the Lightning
Bolt spell to zap a certain creature with a lihle bit of Magic Resistance
(15% I think). Now, in the EGS, Magic Resistance is all or nothing, and
supposedly aects all spells and magical eects. Here is the ques[on as
it was posed: Is the Lightning created by the spell magical? Or, is it a
natural eect CAUSED by magic?

This is important in my eyes. The DM decided that the creature was unaected
by the Lightning. The problem is, I don't see the Lighning as magical. I
see the SPELL which created the Lightning as magical, but the creature wasn't
Resis[ng the SPELL...I think the Lightning should have worked.

None of them could give me a reasonable explana[on, so I thought I'd ask the
Mythus crew: does my argument make sense???? The reason I can ask it here is
that Mythus gave me the idea. Without Mythus, I never would have had the
argument to make, and I'd be like all the other poor sots who play the EGS and
have no experience in ques[oning the rules...

Mythus says, I think in the Heka sec[on of Combat (around page 210) that a
OP with any kind of R-Factor can only use it when the Heka directly aects the
creature. Is that right? I think it is (it makes sense)...

Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 11:13:25 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Aaron P. Brezenski" <abrez@CASBAH.ACNS.NWU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Indirectly Related
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye" at
Feb 20, 95 10:58:30 am

> This is important in my eyes. The DM decided that the creature was unaected
> by the Lightning. The problem is, I don't see the Lighning as magical. I
> see the SPELL which created the Lightning as magical, but the creature wasn't
> Resis[ng the SPELL...I think the Lightning should have worked.

Well, my take on this is as follows:

If the spell would have been Call Lightning, you'd have a point. Since the
Lightning Bolt spell has quali[es dierent from normal, non-magical
lightning (bounces o walls, comes out of a caster's ngers, etc.), it in
itself is a magical construct, and is magically resistable.

-Aaron Brezenski
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's not someone out to get me."

Card-Carrying Member of the Illumina[
"If it can't be expressed in gures, it is not science. It is opinion."
"... what are the facts, and to how many decimal places?"
-- Lazarus Long
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 11:47:45 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Indirectly Related

>This came up last night as a, uh, friendly discussion while playing the EGS

>(AD&D for those who don't know). A certain player tried to use the Lightning
>Bolt spell to zap a certain creature with a lihle bit of Magic Resistance
>(15% I think). Now, in the EGS, Magic Resistance is all or nothing, and
>supposedly aects all spells and magical eects. Here is the ques[on as
>it was posed: Is the Lightning created by the spell magical? Or, is it a
>natural eect CAUSED by magic?

Far be it for me to judge the EGS, but the laher is true IMO.

>This is important in my eyes. The DM decided that the creature was unaected
>by the Lightning. The problem is, I don't see the Lighning as magical. I
>see the SPELL which created the Lightning as magical, but the creature wasn't
>Resis[ng the SPELL...I think the Lightning should have worked.

Even though I personally agree with you, I would s[ll side with the GM, and here's
why: A gamemaster is ul[mately in control of his or her milieux; there is no higher
power. Because each gamemaster must ul[mately determine the proper balance of
magic(k) vs. reality, the GM should have the last word.

Me, I would've fried the phucker... <grin>

>None of them could give me a reasonable explana[on, so I thought I'd ask the
>Mythus crew: does my argument make sense???? The reason I can ask it here is
>that Mythus gave me the idea. Without Mythus, I never would have had the
>argument to make, and I'd be like all the other poor sots who play the EGS and
>have no experience in ques[oning the rules...

Oh gawd. Don't let it get out that we've a) given you ideas, or b) given you the
ra[onale for arguing rules. We've got enough free-thinkers in the world as it is!
<chuckle, snicker>

>Mythus says, I think in the Heka sec[on of Combat (around page 210) that a
>OP with any kind of R-Factor can only use it when the Heka directly aects the
>creature. Is that right? I think it is (it makes sense)...

Again, if the GM decides it is to be so, s/he can simply state that the lightning
was drawn from another realm, and therefore *is* of a magickal nature. So there!
The cool thing about being a GM is that you are more powerful than any of the gods
in the milieu - The Supreme Being, who does *not* have to take any of the whining,
pueling complaints that rules lawyers dish out (unless of course, they are chemists
with cheese pus and beer...). Tell 'em to sit down & shut up. You're the boss.

Just don't turn your back when they've got the big dice in their hands...

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 02/20/95 * Time: 11:47:46

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 12:43:51 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Rodney W. Morris" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Indirectly Related
In-Reply-To: <>; from "Hawkeye" at Feb 20, 95 10:58 am

The Prince of Darkness
X-Mailer: ELM-MIME [version 1.0 PL0]

> This came up last night as a, uh, friendly discussion while playing the EGS
> (AD&D for those who don't know). A certain player tried to use the Lightning
> Bolt spell to zap a certain creature with a lihle bit of Magic Resistance
> (15% I think). Now, in the EGS, Magic Resistance is all or nothing, and
> supposedly aects all spells and magical eects. Here is the ques[on as
> it was posed: Is the Lightning created by the spell magical? Or, is it a
> natural eect CAUSED by magic?
> This is important in my eyes. The DM decided that the creature was unaected
> by the Lightning. The problem is, I don't see the Lighning as magical. I
> see the SPELL which created the Lightning as magical, but the creature wasn't
> Resis[ng the SPELL...I think the Lightning should have worked.
> None of them could give me a reasonable explana[on, so I thought I'd ask the
> Mythus crew: does my argument make sense???? The reason I can ask it here is
> that Mythus gave me the idea. Without Mythus, I never would have had the
> argument to make, and I'd be like all the other poor sots who play the EGS and
> have no experience in ques[oning the rules...

Now, now, not all of us poor sots have no experience
ques[oning the rules...i was doing it back in the day before it was
fashionable. Why I remember...<stu delted>

Anyway, to get to the point, yes, AD&D Lightning Bolts are
magical. My reasoning behind this is the physics of the spell.
Normal lightning doesn't bounce, as the descrip[on of the Lightning
Bolt explicitly explains. Therefore, the lightning bolt must be
magical in nature (probably drawn from the Para-Elemental Plane of

Lucifer >:} jes tryin' to help
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 12:44:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>


Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Indirectly Related

Hey, I'd agree if they called it mys[cal and not natural. But they didn't.
THey had no good ra[onale. My GM said: "Well, it's in the rules that it
stops any spells and that's a spell."

If he could've given me a decent reason I'd have been sated. Not happy, but
I'd have shut up... :)

(Aaron: the Lightning spell doesn't have to come out of your ngers, that's
why I didn't think it was magical in nature)

Oh, also note: I'll NEVER use a "k" when describing EGS magic. It has no
power... :)


Oh, one other thing: if the magic can't hurt it thing is true, why can the
same creatures open ONLY be hurt by MAGIC weapons????? :)

(I love discrepancies in that pathe[c system...)
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 13:26:00 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "wayne (w.m.) maclaurin" <waynem@BNR.CA>
Subject: Re: Indirectly Related


IMHO, in terms of the EGS you are wrong. The lightning bolt is magical
(otherwise the lightning would get the nearest grounding source, not the
target). Call Lightning is dierent. It calls natural lightning down.
Ice Storm is also "natural" damage (from the pummeling) while Cone Of Cold
is magical.

In Mythus, I would rule similarly because the lightning bolt is magically
inuenced in its direc[on to the target. Resistance to the Heka, mimics the
lightning bolt's failure to follow the heka-induced path.

just my 2 cents ....


| Wayne MacLaurin Compu[ng Research Lab |
| Bell Northern Research |

Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 18:33:43 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Feb 20 17:17:23 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Hello again everyone.

Another installment on the Magical Devices. At this point I think that over a
quarter of the items are detailed. The authors on the porject are s[ll
progressing steadily forward.

Other good news: Steve Gullerud and I are nearly nished on heka-forging
<yeah, yeah, I know, a broken record>. It will be a large release: we'll let
all you know before we send it can skip it if you want to.

Comments always welcome.
$$HRComments by teskej Mon Feb 20 18:34:04 1995
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 18:34:24 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Feb 20 17:21:31 1995
Fwd: teskej->mythus-l@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU~@

Bronze Bell of Storms - This item creates a storm of Grade XXIX Cas[ng Level,
and although some items may aid naviga[on in storms, this item simply prevents
any eec[ve naval combat from occuring. Some Aeropean sages have also
postulated this item to have a Heka Storm eect, as well as several powers
warding against demons, ends, and devils, in accordance with Portugal's
prominence in Apotropaism. It is unknown if these theories are correct.

Geyser Urn - Allegedly this item may summon forth "geysers" of any desired
liquid, which may be then directed so as to cause a large amount of destruc[on
to a large amount of people. It seems to rely on Alchemical Principles, and
has been purported not only to summon forth geysers of acid and alkali, but
also to produce large quan[[es of oils of speed and strength as well as
producing geysers of magma, enough to cause an earthquake, geysers of re, to
set everything in range ablaze, geysers of oil of nonconduc[vity, enough to
coat an army's armor, geysers of water, enough to cause a tsunami, and geysers
of heka, into which dweomercraepers my tap.

Astral Pigments - These legendary pigments are capable of several func[ons.

First, if used by a pinter of unsurpassed skill (STEEP > = 100) whatever is

painted permanently becomes part of reality. Second, use in Apotropaism
cas[ngs as materia to ward o creatures causes powerful and unan[cipated
benecial side eects. Lastly, it is reported that these things can be used
to obtain a supernatural joss or a major wish; Prtugese government ocials
have refused to comment on these rumors, however.

Giant Catapult - This awesome weapon is originally of Phaeree crea[on, and as
such is unpredictable. However, it does reliably deliver catapult damage over
a huge area of eect. Apparently, according to eye-witnesses who have seen
the device in ac[on, it does <frequently> change the maerials used in the
catapult into a more eec[vely lethal weapon (acid, alkali, fungal creatures,
EGS "slimes", etc. ).


Jar of Ironspear Rain - This jar, when shook, summons a powerful cas[ng, Grade
XXIX, capable of producing a erce storm, with rain so hard, falling so
swiply, that it truly does damage to its targets as if an iron spear (roll for
strike loca[on). Devasta[ng in terms of life <plants AND animals>, and
phenomenal in terms of structural damage, it is not a triing item. Rumor has
it though, that there is a simple regimen, dicult to concoct, however, that
will save items and living things from the ravages of this item's power.


Cagliostro's Glass - Rome's most commonly used Device, Cagliostro's Glass is a
fantas[c telescope of enormous propor[ons made by Cagliostro himself, a
student of the Great Astrologer Arago. It reportedly increases Astrology and
Astronomy k/s areas by 200, not limited by Spiritual or Mental Trait
respec[vely. It also provides an ability to divine, through the use of
Astrological Charts, at a STEEP of 120, although it does not provide for the
use of any of the Cas[ngs of that k/s area. In peace[me, this item is
well-known to be of invaluable help in catching major criminals; in war[me, it
is typically used for more military-oriented divina[ons Reputedly, the
instruc[on manuals for the Device are laiden with Astrology cas[ngs long
since dead, but ocials from the Roman Government have strictly denied such

Imperial An[pathy Stone - Used only slightly less open that Cagliostro's
Glass, this powerful item causes large numbers of people to feel exactly the
opposite of their inclina[ons prior to the Device's ac[va[on. This has
ended several large bahles as well as several large domes[c riots rather
quickly and peaceably for all par[es involved.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon Feb 20 18:34:30 1995
The above items were created by J Teske.

Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 18:34:59 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Feb 20 17:58:15 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Rome (cont.)

Petals of the Planes - Used only slightly more open than the Codex Dracos, the
Petals of the Planes refers to the metal petals of an enchanted adaman[ne
lotus. Each petal is removable, and once used, may s[ll be replaced in the
item; it is unknown how many petal may simultaneously be in use. When the
proper ritual is performed, each petal summons a being from one of the
mul[versal planes. Such creatures have historically been very powerful, but
not all as helpful as Romans may have hoped - in fact, some have been downright
destruc[ve! In any case, the rituals vary, and are kept in a work detailing
the Device, its origin, and any other powers not publically known. There are a
total of 36 petals.
There are a group <a minority, and a rebellious minority at that> of sages
who believe that the Device is actually the Book itself, and that no adaman[ne
lotus exists. Such a Tome details the Flora to be found on many of the
Mul[versal Planes, and what uses of said Flora exist. Reputedly this version
grants an increase to the k/s areas of Mul[versal Planes and Spheres, Botany,
Herbalism {also allegedly containing rare Herbalism Cas[ngs}, and Phaeree
Flora and Fauna.

Slaying Chariot - This gip from Pluto to his Nephew's (Mars) favorite Empire
(Rome), this chariot is steeped in Nega[ve Powers and, according to several
world-reknowned sages, has several bahleeld eects, including Confusion,
Darkness, Death, Black Fire, Drain Life, Domina[on, Hopelessness, An[-Joss,
Pain, Paralysis, Accelerated Rot, Unnatural Shrinking, Sleep, and Weakness.
Because of all the conic[ng reports, Confusion seems to be a likely
possibility; Spiritual Damage also seems likely based on the Hopelessness and
Weakness reports. Its true abili[es remain unknown as Rome *rarely* uses the
item in large bahles, reserving it for smaller bahles; why this might be has
caused several debates among scholars of Rari[es....

Codex Dracos - The Book of Dragons is a dreaded item seeing only extremely rare
use from the Roman government. It reputedly opens a door to Phaeree through
which a dragon appears, not always in the best interests of the Device's user,
to provide support, but always at some <not publically known> cost.

Fluxlever - Rome has been in possession of this powerful Device for centuries,
and its use has been cri[cal in numerous successful bahle outcomes.
Legendarily, the item has two main powers. First, it is supposedly responsible
for an occasionally present weak heka-barrier between Rome and its surrounding
neighbor Italic States, a barrier capable of inic[ng some 20d6 damage x 1d6
exposure roll to those creatures passing through it. Secondly, the item can

cause a ux of heka in a 10 mile radius, tripling all heka and heka-apertures

of friendly units, and diminishing by 2/3 <leaving 1/3 of former scores> heka
and heka apertures of all hos[le units within that area.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon Feb 20 18:35:11 1995
The above items were created by J Teske.
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 18:35:33 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon Feb 20 18:17:56 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Primal Vestments - These garments allow the wearer to manipulate the 5 major
elements of Aerth: Aerth, Water, Air, Fire, and Heka, as if possessing Alchemy
at 360, Elemental Dweomercraep at 120, Green Dweomercraep at 120, Chemistry
at 120, Ethos of Moonlight at 240, and Construc[on at 360. Reportedly it has
the text of some long lost cas[ngs sewn into the Vestments, but only the
Sardinians know this for certain. Legend also has it that some of the
fantas[cal Devices owner by the Sardinian Government were created with the
help of this item.

Skeletal Hand - A Fierce item, the Draed Skeletal Hand, though it has not been
used in decades, s[ll frightens children (and most soldiers) when it is talked
of. Reputedly it has but one power - it clots *ALL* blood in a target <large>
area of eect, causing instant death as the heart tries <but fails> to pump
the now solid blood through the solidly blocked blood vessels. There has
reportedly never been any survivors of this use of this powerful device.


Channeling Instrument - This Instrument allows the owner to provide increased
ability to channel heka to any number of subjects he/she chooses, allowing the
aected individuals to use cas[ngs as if a Full Prac[[oner. According to
popular legend, aected individuals are also able to channel any addi[onal
heka into a Cas[ng (for extra damage, increased dura[on, increased eect,
overcoming resistance, as per the individual Cas[ng, as limited by the
individual's aperture) at NO EXTRA <PERSONAL HEKA> COST for EVERY single
Cas[ng used! Sargonese Government ocials have been informed of these
rumors, but have done nothing to dispel them.

Great Scroll of Drubalgol - This scroll serves as an excellent tutorial on the
"hard" sciences, as well as gran[ng an educa[on STEEP of 300, not limited by
Mental Trait. It also contains trea[ses on Religion, Magick, Metaphysics,
Yoga, Demonology, Gemsmithing, and Pantheology long lost to oral tradi[ons
centuries before wrihen word was discovered. Perhaps, however, it greatest

ability is that of causing a Field of Joss-Flux, where Joss is taken from those
opposed to the user of the Scroll, and given to the Allies of the user of the
Scroll. Reputedly this item is at the root of several *phenomenonally* lucky
acts performed by Sargonese Heroes on the bahleeld.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon Feb 20 18:35:43 1995
The above items were created by J Teske.
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 07:33:14 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

Fwd: teskej->



Perhaps the most remarkable statue ever craped, it is said that the
greatest Heka-forger to have ever lived carved this indeterminate beast
(some claim it is a horse, others a winged horse, s[ll others, a
unicorn). Enchanted with incredible Heka, invulnerable to nearly every
ahack, it has served the na[on in good stead as the steed of each
victorious general that has been elded.
Legend states that the Steed cannot [re, can out-run even the
eetest of mundane animals, can y, can swim, can tread on water, and
even under water, and that the Steed has borne at least one doughty
warrior to the moon.


This bow is said to have been craped by the same Heka-forger who
craped the Indefa[guible Steed. Tales from wars past state that when
an arrow is red from the Bow, it will be duplicated and strike all
enemy targets within line of sight, a formidable weapon indeed! Sages
speculate over whether or not it could duplicate a magickal arrow, and
whether it is able to dis[nguish between friend and foe.
What is certain is that an army headed by a great warrior atop the
Indefa[guible Steed and wielding the All-Direc[on Bow is a great army


To go hand in hand with the Bow and the Steed, the Ten Squadrons
Armor was a massive undertaking, craping magickal armor enough to suit
up ten squadrons of warriors. When elded, such a group of warriors is
dicult to wound, as this light but sturdy armor is said to be

equivalent to the nest plate available (but much less cumbersome!), as

well as rendering par[al immunity to certain magickal eects!
If the same warrior, atop the Steed and wielding the Bow, were to be
accompanied by the ten squadrons oukihed in this armor, he could re
many many arrows and even strike his own forces in the bargain before his
forces felt any wounding at all.


One of the many great tomes of power, this one is said to detail the
source of all Heka. Those who have studied it have come away awed by the
depth of knowledge contained within, and were all able to massively
increase the Heka they could control. Legend holds that the greatest
Heka-binders of all [me, those who passed beyond normal mortality,
understood the greatest secrets contained within.
Lesser Heka-binders, unable to deal with the cosmic truths held in
these arcane pages, have been said to go mad, and the knowledge is
rumored to be powerful enough to destroy all of AErth if it were ever to
be fully exploited!

$$HRComments by teskej Wed Feb 22 07:33:09 1995
These items were created by M Phillips.
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 22:11:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Indirectly Related

>Anyway, to get to the point, yes, AD&D Lightning Bolts are
>magical. My reasoning behind this is the physics of the spell.
>Normal lightning doesn't bounce, as the descrip[on of the Lightning
>Bolt explicitly explains. Therefore, the lightning bolt must be
>magical in nature (probably drawn from the Para-Elemental Plane of

> Lucifer >:} jes tryin' to help

Actually, normal lightning does bounce <:}
Talk to any physicist.

"The Beast screams with rage,
as chunks are torn from the edice".
-The Fall of the Imperial City
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 15:39:43 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Feb 23 15:35:53 1995
Throwing out a new topic for discussion:

I don't have my Mythus Rulebooks handy, but I have a ques[on regarding the
deni[on of Principle Cas[ng Area(s) and Secondary Cas[ng Area(s): how do
people dene these? In Mythus Magic, they are used as a restric[on on number
of spells known and recallable.

I am just curious how people dene these; a recent ship of JMs in our game
here in Wisconsin has brought up some new ideas on what I thought was a
resolved issue.

I plan to list specic page references tomorrow if people are confused.

Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 10:50:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On Thursday 23 Feb 1995, teskej writes:
> Throwing out a new topic for discussion:

> I don't have my Mythus Rulebooks handy, but I have a ques[on regarding the
> deni[on of Principle Cas[ng Area(s) and Secondary Cas[ng Area(s): how do
>people dene these? In Mythus Magic, they are used as a restric[on on number
> of spells known and recallable.
Well, rst I will quote chapter and verse from MM p.25. (TSR copyrights it,
I just copy it. ;-) )
This reading from the tome of MM is part of a discussion of op[onal steep
modiers. The table referenced is a table of op[onal cas[ng steep modiers
found on MM p.26.

* On that table, "primary" means the main (or one of the main) K/S Areas from
* which the personna draws Cas[ngs. If this is indeterminable, then it shall
* apply to Cas[ngs in the K/S Area(s) in which the personna has the greatest
* amount(s) of STEEP, and which are designated as being complimentary, or
* which have been selected by the player of the personna as to be conjoined.
* Examples of "equal" Areas: Alchemy-Heka Forging-Astrology,
* Conjura[on-Necromancy-Sorcery, Herbalism-Mys[cism, Dweomercraep-Priestcrap* DweomoercraepSpellsinger, Priestcraep-Spellsinger. The [JM] will
* adjudicate all disputes with absolute authority. [Duh!]

*'d text is from MM, copyright TSR 199?. []'d text in there are the post
authors comments.

My Opinions:
Examples of where the prime cas[ng areas might be determinable would be things
like the Mage, Mys[cism, Alchemist, and Priestcraep voca[ons. Examples of
where it might not would be Voca[ons like...everything else. Of course, if it
isn't a prime Cas[ng area, it would reasonably fall into the secondary Cas[ng
area. Examples of non-equivalent areas would be things like Exorcism-Necromancy, WitchcraepApotropaism, or Sorcery-Mys[cism.

Ques[ons in my mind:
Of course, an important thingto keep in mind here is that equivalent Cas[ng areas should be roughly
equal inlevel of steep. I don't know how equal they should be though. As to what it
means for K/S to be conjoined? Does that mean that they have to be raised
equivalently or not? How does one handle Full Prac[cioners? Would their levelof concentra[on on a
single K/S preclude any other K/S from being primary? Whatabout Mage-Priests & Priest-Mages?

More to follow.....

Comments? Ques[ons? Discussion? Blondes????

--Ryan Snead
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 16:23:25 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: MSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Subject: Re: Principle vs. Secondary

The way we determine it is:

For Dweomercraepers or priests, the school of their voca[on is their
principle school. Any other sub-areas or magic skills are secondary.
For characters which have magic skills, but are not Dcraeters of
priests, I allow them to pick one area of magic for their principle
area, all others are secondary.

On a related note, how do you work known and recallable cas[ngs?
Specically referring to general Dcraep and its sub-areas? I give
my players known and recallable cas[ngs for each sub-area of Dcraep
and they can use any of those for the general cas[ngs as well. So
far, it has worked out well. What does everybody else do?

S.D. Troll
Banshee Server Hub
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 1995 04:21:00 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>

Subject: Re: Principle vs. Secondary

Here is my opinion on the subject of Primary/Secondary Areas and
Known/Recallable Cas[ngs and Dweomercraep/Priestcraep Sub-Areas:

1. A Mage/Magician or Priest/Monk has the General/Basic K/S Area plus any
School/Ethos Sub-Area as their Primary Cas[ng Area. All others are
Secondary. Any other voca[on can pick two or three areas to be their
Primary ones, subject to my approval. A non-Mage/Priest who picks
Dweo/Priest as a bonus K/S area must expend a second pick to get a
school/ethos area (along with magick/religion, these being ter[ary picks if
not part of the K/S bundle). They, too, can pick one or two (not three)
areas to be so conjoined, again with my say-so.
Example: a Diviner might pick Astrology-Divina[on-Fortune Telling as
Primary, whereas a Healer might pick Herbalism-Priestcraep (Basic & Ethos)
as Primary. A Mountebank might just have General Dweomercrap (no school)
and Alchemy, using both areas to help in bilking vic[ms.
For each caster, all other areas are Secondary. Strict JM ahen[on is
required so players don't just pick what they feel like. One player who runs
an alchemist picked Alchemy-Necromancy, arguing that an alchemist's interests
in bestowing life upon lifelessness could extend to inves[ga[ng Necromancy
as a tool that does just that (albeit in a dierent fashion). Since that
HPs Ethos is Shadowy Darkness, I felt it a fair and just argument, so I
allowed it. I would not allow a Priest to make Necromancy a Primary Cas[ng
Area, since all ethoi save Gloomy Darkness oppose the resurrec[on of the
dead as an act of desecra[on. (The SD alchemist I men[oned earlier has no
religious Heka-genera[ng areas, so I ruled it admissible in her case.)

2. I treat Dweomercraep and its School Sub-Areas as separate areas in
regard to STEEP. An HP that starts with the K/S area Dweomercraep
(including a magician or alchemist) gets the listed Sub-Area free and can add
others with their bonus picks, at the STEEP generated randomly like any other
K/S area. During the HP genera[on process I treat the main area and the
relevant Sub-Area as equal for any adjustments made (the charts in Epic of
Aerth, primarily), but once play commences it is up to the player to keep the
STEEPs equal through AP alloca[on if desired.

This makes a player spend more APs on that area than an Arms Voca[on would,
it is true, but I feel it jus[ed for two reasons: rst, it is logical to
assume that the General Cas[ngs deserve a separate STEEP because it
represents knowlege common to all Schools, whereas the Schools represent
specializa[on. To compare with medicine (and here I am on slightly spongier
ground, Aerth being what it is), General Cas[ngs are general Medicine and
the Schools are related disciplines like Cardiology, Opthalmology, etc. A
cardiologist knows some basic medicine in common with the opthalmologist, but
their special areas are where they shine. Some GPs are also skilled in
surgery, physical therapy, and so on as well as General Prac[ce, but they
work harder and must stay on top of more informa[on to do so than the
specialist. In like fashion, an HP who wishes to learn newer and beher

general Heka "tools" must study material completely separate (although linked
to) those of their Sub-Area. An HP can then abandon General Cas[ngs at
their star[ng STEEP and just concentrate on a par[culary School (or
Schools), gaining STEEP more quickly (but less broadly) than his/her more
well-read counterpart who raises STEEPs together; second, this ts in well
with the material published in MMM where the calcula[on of Heka-Genera[on
is explained in such a way as to suggest that General Dweomercraep and each
Sub-Area is kept track of as if they could have dierent STEEPs. Natuarlly,
all of the above applies to Priestcraep and the Ethos Areas.

3. I let mages/priests treat their General and School Cas[ngs as one when
coun[ng conjoined areas for purposes of determining known vs. recallable.
Non-mage/priests must take a school as a separate are if they wish it to be
primary, subject to my approval. Thsi has worked well for us.

I welcome comments on this, par[cularly Dr. Teske's on my medical analogy.
Is it valid?
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 09:18:10 -1000
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Joshua Michael D'Andrea <dandrea@UHUNIX.UHCC.HAWAII.EDU>
Subject: goblins

Here are the goblins, sorry about any typographical errors...enjoy

The Shadow goblins are down right anoying and very dangerous. All
have skill in rudimentary grey school cas[ngs, rst or second grade, as
well as the natural ability to shadow cloak themselves. This power to
disapear in the shadows has gohen them their name. With the powers of
illusion they confuse their prey with sounds from many disenbodied voices
and other cas[ngs. The natural mimicing ability of this race helps too.
Belihled and enraged opponents open never see their foe approach from
behind, or the arrow from their bow. The goblins move in numbers and in the
right enviroment can defeet all but the most cunning and heka enpowered.
Many of the goblins arrows are well tenenbrowsed, to add 10 points of damage
to the ahacks from their short bows. There are 5 clans of these sort of
goblin, each numbering in the area of 500-700. The popula[ons uctuate
from wars and such. Normal encounters will be in the range of 5-10 for
scou[ng and hun[ng, 20-40 for small [me loo[ng and search par[es, then
there are the war par[es of 100 and up. Only under the direc[on of their
drow lords will the clans work together.
The shadow goblins are one of the smaller popula[ons in under
phaeree, but have gained favor of the drow due to their eec[vness as
Mental 60
physical 60
spiritual 60

heka 150

these are averages, a party leader might have M 70, P 70, S 70. While one
of the cheifs would have M 100, P 80, S100. and would be well steeped in the
ways of magik and other spiritual cas[ngs.

comments are always welcome
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 03:49:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Psychogene[cs & Ys

Has anyone out there played with the Psychogene[cs rules from MM. So far
I've put o reading them because they read like a textbook on brain surgery.
The HPs in my campaign, however, are about to go to the ropes against a city
of Aboleth (the subterranean city of gears) and so mental powers are really
an important aspect. I have already let them know there is a substan[al
dierence between the powers of these creatures and the magick their HPs
wield. What about it? Can anyone out there impart some wisdom on me?

Also, for all you Aerth adventures and JMs, check out a series called _ The
King of Ys_, by Poul and Karen Anderson. Its full of maps and background of
that fabled city. I haven't really crossed it with the descrip[on in Aerth,
but even so, you could do alot worse. Check it out.

Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 17:09:50 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Messengers of Mercury (Cas[ngs)

Mercury (Balance, Agathocacological, Intermediate, Major God)

Mercury travelled upon his winged slippers, and he served as the messenger
of the Olympians. He was also a thief and a trickster, and some[mes was
called upon for healing. In prac[ce, his primary worshippers are
merchants, with no small number of thieves of varying sorts also paying
him homage (his medical aspects have migrated to Asclepius).

Priests of Mercury are generally called 'Messengers', aper the service
that Mercury open serves for the Olympians. Many of them have taken
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical in honor of his other ac[vi[es, although
some prefer trade and merchan[ng K/S Areas. While the temples are small,
devo[on among merchants (and thieves) tends to run high, and Priests of
Mercury are among the most reliable messengers available. Rulers who can

aord one or more open have a pair as runners, the employment of which
helps support the church, of course.

Grade I:
Time: 1 hour Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 creature R&D: Nil
Distance: Self Other: 10:1 add'l hour
E/F/M: By means of this Cas[ng, the Messenger is able to allow himself to
run half again as fast as he would normally. The dura[on may be extended
by an addi[onal half hour per 10 Heka spent, to a total of one hour per
10 STEEP possessed. This Cas[ng may be applied to other personas,
provided that the recipient pays homage to Mercury (i.e. worships within
the Greco-Roman pantheon).

Time: 1 day per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 missive R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: The Safemessage Cantrip will cause the missive so aected to
appear completely innocuous. The missive will con[nue to radiate Heka
for the dura[on, and a successful disjoining of the Cas[ng will return
the message to its original form.

Grade II:
Time: Special Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 page R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 10:1 add'l page
E/F/M: This charm has two applica[ons. The rst allows the Messenger to
simultaneously write two messages. In such a case, one message is
visible, read by anyone who can understand the language, and typically
innocuous or erroneous. The second message does not appear, it is
eec[vely 'wrihen between the lines'. The message cannot be brought
out by any means other than this charm, although the page so aected does
radiate Heka. The second applica[on of this charm is to read the second
message from a missive so protected. By means of addi[onal Heka (10 per
addi[onal page), the Messenger can write upon addi[onal pages, to a
limit of one page per 10 STEEP possessed.

Time: 1 hour per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 10:1 addi[onal hour
E/F/M: This quick formula is an enhanced and extended Fleekoot Cantrip
which allows the subject to run at twice his normal running rate.
However, the subject so blessed (which does not have to be a priest of
Mercury) must be on a mission of urgency. Note that the dura[on of the
formula may be extended beyond the 1 hour per 10 STEEP possessed by an
addi[onal expenditure of 10 Heka for every addi[onal hour, to a maximum

of 1 hour per point of STEEP possessed by the caster.

Grade III:
Time: 1 CT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 5:1 addi[onal CT
E/F/M: This charm grants a sudden burst of speed to the recipient,
doubling movement, ahacks, etc. In addi[on, the recipient receives a
-10 bonus to ini[a[ve. (Note that Heka cannot be focused any more
quickly, so Cas[ng [me is not shortened, nor does it increase the speed
of Mental or Spiritual ahacks.) The dura[on of the cas[ng may be
extended for 1 CT per 5 addi[onal Heka spent, to a maximum of 1 CT per
point of STEEP possessed by the priest.

Grade IV:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: Self R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: 10:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: By means of this Cas[ng, the Messenger makes his movements less
obvious, gran[ng a bonus of 25 to Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical (Hiding,
Sneaking sub-areas), as well as eec[vely increasing the DR by 1 of any
Percep[on check to no[ce his ac[vi[es. The dura[on of this masking
may be extended by expending 10 addi[onal Heka per AT, to a maximum
total of 1 AT per 10 STEEP possessed by the caster.

Grade V:
Time: 2D6 ATs + 1 AT/10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: Self R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: Nil
E/F/M: By means of this brief, ve minute ritual, the priest is able to
imbue his footwear with the power of ight (provided that appropriately
consecrated feathers are ahached to his footwear). In general, the
priest will be able to carry his normal belongings, plus some small items
of insignicant weight (such as a message). Too much weight (e.g.
another person) will result in the inability to y. The priest will move
at 10 [mes his normal movement rate as long as he is airborn (probably
around 30 to 40 miles per hour). The ritual's dura[on may not be
extended, and the wings on the footwear are consumed over the dura[on of
the cas[ng.

Well, that wraps up another Greco-Roman deity. That leaves two more
(Vesta and Vulcan) to wrap up the Olympians. Don't expect them
immediately, though, as they're both fairly dicult to brainstorm for
:-( I'm probably going to visit a couple other pantheons briey (some
more cas[ngs for Thor, maybe some Thoth, Horus, and Set), although that
depends on what ideas strike me :-)

Please please please let me know what you think of these, and let me know
if you nd them useful. Believe it or not, I don't get a lot of feedback
from the cas[ng stu I do..... Especially let me know if they nd a
home in your campaign, I wouldn't mind knowing how well (or poorly) they
work in other people's games.....

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es (collect 'em all!):
[Mail me for them, if you missed 'em when they were rst posted]

Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury,
Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Venus

Norse: Odin, Thor (minimal)

Chinsung: Kuan Yu
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 17:35:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Priestly Cas[ngs and stu

Hi there, everyone! <wave> Just lejng y'all know that I'm s[ll
alive, and all that, by means of a small oering of Specic Cas[ngs
for priests of Mercury.

It occurs to me that I've been making these lihle oerings from [me to
[me over the course of nearly a year and a half, but I haven't said much
about the *background* of the Cas[ngs so oered.

I base my Cas[ngs on myths I remember reading in High School (and
before), supplemented with occasional research at our campus' library.
They tend to be aimed at playability (although about a third really have
no appreciable value in the course of most heroic campaigns) and avor.

My inten[on with these Cas[ngs is that *every* formally-trained priest
receives *all* of the Specic Cas[ngs for their deity through Grade
III, and the remainder as they progress through levels (the only
excep[on so far is noted below). This way, the Priest of Jupiter will
be signicantly dierent from the Priest of Kuan Yu (for instance). I
have also tried to include snippets of informa[on on each deity and
their priests, to give a 'mold' or 'feel' for the dei[es.

(the excep[on, BTW, are the various adulterous cas[ngs for priests of
Zeus/Jupiter, which tend to be ac[vely suppressed by the church hierarchy)

Recently, I have also begun seriously revising the work done so far, with
an eye towards a 'pantheary', something akin to the sourcebooks obliquely
men[oned in the Mythus book but never printed. I have also consolidated
and polished the Cas[ngs done so far into a nice lihle sojourn into the
WWW. However, since my perrsonal machine is not on the 'Net, and I don't
have an account on any machine that understands the hhp protocol, it is
a temporary and unreliable connec[on. You are welcome to browse it
anyways, at:


(note that there is NO ~ in the path!)

The machine in ques[on gets rebooted every morning, so the connec[on
disappears at around 6am un[l I get to my oce and manually
re-establish it. It is up *most* of the day, and almost always in the
evening, except for those rare occasions when I need my serial port for
other stu. If you want to access it, and you get an error message, it
is likely that the serial connec[on has been severed. The actual
connec[on is a 19,200 baud serial link, so it can get bogged down with
heavy trac *really* fast.

There is a sample piece from the in-progress pantheary, subject to
revision (of course), as well as all the Cas[ngs already developed and
posted. The overview has some formajng problems, I'll x them eventually.

While I'm rambling, I'd like to point out that the Cas[ngs lists began
as a sort of exercise, something I intended to use in my game as spice
un[l something ocial came out. Now that there seems to be no further
'ocial' stu, I've been working to put it in a more consistent
framework (AErth), and thus the brief paragraph on the Grecian Synod I
posted in my overview a while back. I am summarizing it here:

The Greco-Roman pantheon is split into two sides: the Grecian Synod, and
the Roman Churches. The Synod is a centralized hierarchy, with canon
religious texts, law, etc, and a clear progression within the hierarchy.
Their overall structure is based around the Olympians, and the heads of
the respec[ve church (the Grand Priests and Priestesses) meet every four
years (or as crisis demands), overseen by the Grand Priest of Zeus, who
is also known as the Archpriest of the Grecian Synod.

The Roman Churches, however, open vary (some[mes radically), typically
along na[onal or regional lines, and there is no centralized hierarchy.
Think of the Catholic Church (Grecian Synod) and the Protestant Church
(Roman Churches) for comparison.

At this point in [me, I am running a game set in Grandmark, which
follows the Roman side of the G-R pantheon. <wry grin> The Cas[ngs have
been useful to me, I hope they, and my other notes, con[nue to be of use

to y'all.



-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 18:04:39 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Psychogene[cs & Ys

Heh, neat, my main bad guy right now is a member of a cult of necro-magi
origina[ng from the city of Ys, member of the dreaded Y'dragi.

Have to check that out :)

Aboleth huh? hmm..., very cthuloid... goes well with Ys' "ruins built of
cyclopean blocks."... have to 'Mythusized' the aboleth at all? if so, I'd love
to see the stats on em.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="For our ght is not against esh and blood, \
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\
against the powers of this dark world \
and against the spiritual forces of evil \
in the heavenly realms." \
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 11:19:13 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Messengers of Mercury (Cas[ngs)

>Mercury (Balance, Agathocacological, Intermediate, Major God)
Doesn't he also deliver owers all over the world? <grin>

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 03/01/95 * Time: 11:19:14

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 17:27:18 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Messengers of Mercury (Cas[ngs)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 1 Mar 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> >Mercury (Balance, Agathocacological, Intermediate, Major God)
> Doesn't he also deliver owers all over the world? <grin>

Okay, I confess, I lep out the following Cas[ngs:

Grade I:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 bouquet R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: Nil
E/F/M: This causes a owery bouquet (appropriate to the desires and
possessed skill of the Priest) to spring into existance in the priest's
grasp. It can range from the understated and elegant to the gaudy and
ashy, provided that the priest is skilled enough in beseeching Mercury.

Grade II:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: 10 miles per STEEP Other: 10:1 addi[onal ower
E/F/M: By means of this chanted ritual, a burned feather, and an
appropriate oering made, a ower (or bouquet, if enough Heka is spent)
can be sent ying along the aether, to be delivered into the hands of
the subject by a misty outline of the Caster.

> Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Hee hee, neither could I ;-)

(And if anyone takes those Cas[ngs seriously, I'll just have to be
doubly amused ;-) )


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 18:34:11 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Psychogene[cs & Ys

I haven't converted the Aboleth over to Mythus in any way but in spirit at
this [me. I'm working with an old Dragon magazine ar[cle on their ecology
which also details other varie[es - basically a heirarchy of Aboleth. As
soon as I manage to get some stats together, I will try to release them to
this board. But that probably will not be un[l next week.

The story, though is interes[ng. The HPs are inves[nga[ng the
disappearance of an en[re town, called Goldroot, which happens to lie in one
of the HP's Vicounty. The Aboleth (they do not know the true forces behind
the mystery - only that they are known as The Scien[sts) are in need of
increased slave labor in their subterranean City of Gears. The purpose of
the city, in conjuc[on with two others in unknown loca[ons, is to cause
tectonic ac[vity so as to raise the sunken isle of Odewan, which lies in the
gulf between the northern and southern half of Aedonn. On the Isle, in a
sealed temple, rest the three Dragon Gods, imprisoned a millineum ago by the
younger gods of the Dro'maay and Humans so that they might use the world's
dragons for their own ends (such as the Black Wyrm of the Red Delta, who is
bond by the river god, Mahluun to guard over the essence of twelve saints).
The aboleth seek to forge an alliance with these gods, turning their highly
balanced demeanor against the races of man on the main con[nent. With the
aid of the dragons, the aboleth wish to procure domina[on of the surface
races as well as a legendary ar[fact which will allow them to walk the
The City of Gears is located on a great underground lake, thirteen miles
beneath the surface. The lake is immense, being more than several miles
long and a few miles wide. At its bohom is another city which the aboleth
used their mental powers eons ago to sink (perhaps this city is all that
remains of the drow elves _IF_ I decide to take that course). The city
itself is about three or four miles in diameter and is populated by roughly
100,000 slaves from the various races of Aedonn (minus elven) as well as a
few biologically cultured species which reign over the lot. The Aboleth
themselves remain somewhat detatched from this lot, concerning themselves
with other things.
The City of Gears will have some unique "scien[c" defenses, not the least

of which is an _an[-heka cannon_, which a successful blast will nullify the

targets heka of a various amount of [me. The Aboleth themselves do not use
heka, but rather viril (mental energies) and psychogene[c powers. They were
beaten back from the surface centuries ago by the elves, who used that weaken
against them. Now the elves are gone and the Aboleth are ready to take one
more shot at the surface. And in the three hundred years of preplanning (not
even 1 genera[on of Aboleth) they have prepared themselves for confron[ng
the magickal beings of the surface.

Of course, the HPs don't know this yet......;)

Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 23:28:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "digest John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Re: M-L Digest - 27 Feb 1995

> The HPs in my campaign, however, are about to go to the ropes against a
> city of Aboleth (the subterranean city of gears) and so mental powers
> are really an important aspect. I have already let them know there is
> a substan[al dierence between the powers of these creatures and the
> magick their HPs wield. What about it? Can anyone out there impart
> some wisdom on me?

From what I've read, Psychogenics are /not/ supposed to work in
AErth. The rules in MM allow for conversion of the unpublished PG powers
into Heka Powers, using similar rules. (Of course, this makes for easy
extrapola[on for us now that DJ is in Limbo).

Since "pure" psychogenics don't exist in AErth, I'd just explain it
as a dierent form of magick. Thus, mental and spiritual ahacks and
defenses work the same as for all creatures. However, this means that those
with good skill in Heka have the advantage over those that don't.

> Also, for all you Aerth adventures and JMs, check out a series called _
> The King of Ys_, by Poul and Karen Anderson. Its full of maps and
> background of that fabled city. I haven't really crossed it with the
> descrip[on in Aerth, but even so, you could do alot worse. Check it
> out.

Of course, it might not be the same. Places like Hy Braseal and
Lyonesse exist according to various legends, as well as Atlan[s and
Lemuria. But it's a good start.

John R. Troy (JRT)

Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 23:28:00 UTC

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "digest John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Re: M-L Digest - 27 Feb 1995

> I have also consolidated and polished the Cas[ngs done so far into a
> nice lihle sojourn into the WWW. However, since my perrsonal machine
> is not on the 'Net, and I don't have an account on any machine that
> understands the hhp protocol, it is a temporary and unreliable
> connec[on. You are welcome to browse it anyways, at:

Man, some of you people have it good. World Wide Webbers. <Groan>.
As for me, I just have E-Mail access via GEnie, and a 2400bps modem. Well,
at least my systems beher than the one I wrote for MMM on: same speed
modem, but just a 8088 10MHz with a few programs and
Though--at the speed 14.4 and 28.8 modems go, the Web is s[ll very
slow, all things considered.

> The Greco-Roman pantheon is split into two sides: the Grecian Synod, and
> the Roman Churches. The Synod is a centralized hierarchy, with canon
> religious texts, law, etc, and a clear progression within the hierarchy.
> Their overall structure is based around the Olympians, and the heads of
> the respec[ve church (the Grand Priests and Priestesses) meet every
> four years (or as crisis demands), overseen by the Grand Priest of
> Zeus, who is also known as the Archpriest of the Grecian Synod.
> The Roman Churches, however, open vary (some[mes radically),
> typically along na[onal or regional lines, and there is no centralized
> hierarchy. Think of the Catholic Church (Grecian Synod) and the
> Protestant Church (Roman Churches) for comparison.

Personally, I've always thought that both would be very organized,
especially since Rome had an Empire, and their states tend to have a more
tradi[onal feudalis[c society than the Grecian states.

> Aboleth huh? hmm..., very cthuloid... goes well with Ys' "ruins built of
> cyclopean blocks."... have to 'Mythusized' the aboleth at all? if so,
> I'd love to see the stats on em.

I always pictured Y's as being the orignal city-state of the race
that became the Slaugh.

I prefer to keep truly cthuloid stu out of the materal planes,
saving them for the Preternatural and Supernatural planes. Most would
likely t with Atlantl or perhaps Lemuria. They just don't seem to t,
and I would think they'd be of cacodemonic nature of sorts.

JRT (John R. Troy)

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 02:27:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "digest John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Scenario Idea.

Mythus Scenario Idea--Faerie Occupa[on:

This can take place in any smallish-populated state or a subterritory therin, such as Brehony, a County of Lyonesse, Cymru, or any
Vardish state.

The Princess of Cleopolis has run away. She has fallen in love with
a human peasant... and has eloped and run away to AErth. The Fay Queen is
livid, and wants her back, and wishes to punish the upstart "who seduced her"

So, she's sent a search party out for her...

...more like an army...

...of 50,000 various Faeries!

Okay, so now the HPs are thrust into a situa[on where an army of
Elvish Infantry and Archers, Faerie Calvary, Fay Knights, Dwarven Shock
Troops, Sprite and Pixie messangers and ahendants, etc, etc... all
occupying a small area, organizing themselves into squads and companies,
hun[ng for this Romeo and Juliet, who are remaining hidden. They are
camped out around major ci[es.

Think about the possibli[es!

I'll let you come up with further ideas for this...brainstorm

JRT (John R. Troy)
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 01:05:40 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Psychogenics

>>> From what I've read, Psychogenics are /not/ supposed to work in
AErth. The rules in MM allow for conversion of the unpublished PG powers
into Heka Powers, using similar rules. (Of course, this makes for easy
extrapola[on for us now that DJ is in Limbo).<<<

Have to disagree John. Several races, all of the non-humans in the Mythus

book are given these powers (JM op[on of course) at crea[on. The system
also provides a conversion system of Vril to Heka for those adepts opera[ng
in this magick rich millieu. They can also be handed out for extra-ordinary
AP type awards.


Anyway Tom, we've touched on this very briey, and the system seems
straighforward enough. Some of the available powers can impact balance so be
wary. I basically treat them as K/S areas, using the current "STEEP" as the
ac[va[on roll where necessary, and x5 for the Vril to Heka conversion.


Rick C.
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 05:47:28 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Messengers of Mercury (Cas[ngs)

>> >Mercury (Balance, Agathocacological, Intermediate, Major God)
>> Doesn't he also deliver owers all over the world? <grin>
>Okay, I confess, I lep out the following Cas[ngs:

heh heh heh... bravo! I started to do it m'self, but didn't want to push the
joke too far. Thanks, Mike. ;)


-----------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 03/02/95 * Time: 05:47:28
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 08:31:43 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Muten Roshi <roshi@UMD.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: I am crea[ng an archive...

I am currently assembling an archive of materials from this
list. I am sejng it up on my world wide web page. It is my inten[on
to put all of the materials created from members of this list in it.
Anyone would be able to nd the materials the wanted by accessing my
page. I have already talked to hawkeye about this and have put all of
the DI issues there. I have also put the magical devices that John and

his crew have wrihen. If you have any objec[ons to this, or would like
to make a contribu[on please contact me. If you would like to see what
the page looks like here is the address:


Please let me know how you like it. In order to be complete, I would ask
the members of this list to mail me any old ar[cles that they might have
so that I can incorporate them into this archive. Tell me what you think!


Muten Roshi (Andy Ehlert) Saiya-jin Produc[ons
E-Mail:; roshi@[
President of The Science, Fact, Fic[on, and Fantasy Gaming Club
Organizer: U of M Dearborn Anime Showings On irc: M_Roshi
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 10:05:06 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Psychogenics

Well, here's the ques[on I have about it:

How much Vril do you get???

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 11:12:32 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Messengers of Mercury (Cas[ngs)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 2 Mar 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> >> >Mercury (Balance, Agathocacological, Intermediate, Major God)
> >> Doesn't he also deliver owers all over the world? <grin>
> >
> >Okay, I confess, I lep out the following Cas[ngs:
> >
> heh heh heh... bravo! I started to do it m'self, but didn't want to push the
> joke too far. Thanks, Mike. ;)

That's okay, I'm always too happy to push a joke too far ;-)

I forgot to men[on that the Grade II Cas[ng requires an oering made
to Mercury's servant, a mysterious fellow known only as FTD..... ;-)


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 11:10:32 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: M-L Digest - 27 Feb 1995
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 1 Mar 1995, digest John R. Troy wrote:

> Mike Phillips wrote:
> > The Greco-Roman pantheon is split into two sides: the Grecian Synod, and
> > the Roman Churches. The Synod is a centralized hierarchy, with canon
> > religious texts, law, etc, and a clear progression within the hierarchy.
> > Their overall structure is based around the Olympians, and the heads of
> > the respec[ve church (the Grand Priests and Priestesses) meet every
> > four years (or as crisis demands), overseen by the Grand Priest of
> > Zeus, who is also known as the Archpriest of the Grecian Synod.
> > The Roman Churches, however, open vary (some[mes radically),
> > typically along na[onal or regional lines, and there is no centralized
> > hierarchy. Think of the Catholic Church (Grecian Synod) and the
> > Protestant Church (Roman Churches) for comparison.
> Personally, I've always thought that both would be very organized,
> especially since Rome had an Empire, and their states tend to have a more
> tradi[onal feudalis[c society than the Grecian states.

On the other hand, it is somewhat unlikely that a disintegra[ng empire
would manage to keep a consolidated religion *without splintering* over a
very large area, with massive regional and cultural dierences, in an
age of magic and thought. The only indica[ons of a 'centralized'
religion I could even nd were the paltry references to the Grecian
Synod, which is nothing more than a name in the Epic of AErth
sourcebook. It struck me as both likely and logical that if the Grecian
Synod was as organized as its name indicated (which makes a nice
undercurrent to the centralized and smaller Grecian side of the G-R

pantheon states), then there would be a contras[ng and frac[ous Roman


Besides, it makes for a good playable situa[on ;-)


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 13:12:51 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Psychogenics

As this is Prime, I'll probably take Mike's sugges[on and makeViril = STEEP
x2 (x5 for Heka). Or, I might just give them near unlimited use and see how
that works. ;)

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 22:17:39 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Psychogenics

>>Well, here's the ques[on I have about it:

How much Vril do you get???

Equal to what I'm calling eec[ve STEEP. In the Mythus book it's typically
40-50 to start.

Rick C.
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 1995 09:58:56 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Psychogenics

Actually, I'd say equal to eec[ve shep for Vril, plus the governing
Trait, which could become quite substan[al for things like the aboleth

Only real downside is the fact that alot of the Vril-based powers in MM aren't
as 'oensive' as spells that let acid spray out of your ngers...

Then again, with spiritual ahacks and mental ahacks, plus lots of complex
mechanical traps, I'm sure they can hold their own. :)

I see the next discussion topic coming on the horizon "guys, how the hell do
mental and spiritual ahacks work? or how are you doing em?" :)

That one sec[on to me _really_ looks like it was excerpted from Unhallowed as a
chunk and just dropped in. Not that i don't like it, it just wasn't really
graped smoothly onto the whole. IMO, of course.
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 03:14:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "digest John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Pyschogenic Errors

> Have to disagree John. Several races, all of the non-humans in the
> Mythus book are given these powers (JM op[on of course) at crea[on.
> The system also provides a conversion system of Vril to Heka for those
> adepts opera[ng in this magick rich millieu. They can also be handed
> out for extra-ordinary AP type awards.

My theory: that is /only/ for ease of conversion to other genres in
a mul[-genre system. Outside of those discrip[ons, there is no true place
for it. Otherwise, rules would have been given for other creatures having
those powers. Which they don't. The quirks table is probably an original
Unhallowed one, converted to Mythus, which the editor didn't edit properly.

I specically remember a reference in one of the later books
sta[ng that Vril did /not/ exist in the Mythus millieu, and it was always
converted to Heka, though it could be aurally iden[ed as an alternate
form of that energy.

Then again, that's just pain in the ass me, who always approaches
this as "what did the founding [prolic] father want for this system",
rather than "what suits the players needs". Richard and I already
vehemently disagree on the setup of AErth--he likes Tolkenesque "let's put
all the non-humans in the same area" setup, and I like the more logical
setup that's in Mythus.

Whatever's fun for you guys--tho don't ask me too much about
Psychogenics. :-(

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 01:11:09 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Pyschogenic Errors

Technically, John is right. The MM book does state that in a Heka-ac[ve
mileu, there is no place for psychogene[cs. However, there are no "mental
powers" per se in the Mythus game aside from possible "Powers" which
creatures might have.

Since I am not running Aerth, however, and since we haven't seen any
published DJ stu for some [me (nor will we ever if TSR has their way, I
think), I have one reply: who cares! So what if Psychogene[cs
"technically" do not operate within the magickal genre of Mythus. The
versions of the Aboleth that I am crea[ng are not magickal creatures, nor do
they have any [es with magick. They are beings of science, and
psychogene[cs ts their lot perfectly.

Since Psychogene[cs translate very well to Heka powers, I will probably use
them as such, taking cues from the Changeling rules published in MMM.

Keep the advice coming. I plan to use every bit of it.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 01:30:40 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Pyschogenic Errors

All I can really say is, where did "he" come up with "Psychogenics" anyway?

Why not just use Psychic powers, or Psionics? Where does it say that
"Psionics" are just the electonically enhanced psychogenics? I mean, other
than the Mythus book? Sorry, that's something that I always though was a
lihle bit, uh, overzealous?


p.s. Use it all, but why not convert it to a system to Heka-like points, so
that it will t with all the other rules?

Mah-wouldn't psychic abili[es really t our Modular Cas[ng idea rather

well? Hmmm...I shall have to think on this one...give me another beer! :)

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 1995 12:25:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "digest John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Name Scheme for Psychogenic

> All I can really say is, where did "he" come up with "Psychogenics"
> anyway?
> Why not just use Psychic powers, or Psionics? Where does it say that
> "Psionics" are just the electonically enhanced psychogenics? I mean,
> other than the Mythus book? Sorry, that's something that I always
> though was a lihle bit, uh, overzealous?

Gary's read a lot more than any of us, and has actually lived longer
than most of us (I assume)... he must know the reasons behind this, it
probably occured in the early days of S-F when names for these powers

I don't know for myself, but I'll guess. "Psionic" sounds similar
to Bionic or Cryonic, both involving machinery. Perhaps the rst person to
coin the phrase used it as such. And perhaps some of the laher genera[on
misused the term, bastardizing it to what it becomes today.

In any event, because I think EGG knows what he's talking about, I
bow to his all-powerful wisdom. ;-)

Seriously, to Dave or Frank Mentzer: do you know anything more
about the Psychogenic v. Psionic name scheme?

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 1995 17:27:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Frank Mentzer <Mythic@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Psychogenics

Well, back when we did Cyborg Commando, I came up with the name to denote a
category of knowledge -- the formerly [tled "ESP" powers as a class,
presumed for game purposes to have been veried and codied to some extent,
with addi[on research ongoing.
That name being part of Gary's uncontested works ;> I presume he used it
However, I found other references to psychogenics (with other deni[ons)
preda[ng CyCommando. Wasn't aware of those when I 'coined' the term in '87
or so, but they're out there. Have yet to nd any other game system using
my d10x system as an integral component, tho.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 1995 21:40:16 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Hello ...

Heheh all My prayers have been answered ... a mailing list for the best
system around (so far)! :)

I'm glad to be a member of Mythus-L. I didnt know there were people who
liked Mythus as much as I did. :)

But anyways, a ques[on!

Does anyone have any monsters or anything for Mythus? I want more1 heheh

What would be really cool is if someone could come up wuth a formula to
convert D&D monsters to Mythus or something ...

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__. Cause of Death
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Xaemyl et Sadistykl
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Killing Vic[ms Found
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Rid you of your limbs
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Infec[on soon sets in
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 10:41:12 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Monsters

Mr. Cause of Death wants monsters.
Take a look in the Mythus Beas[ary Compendium. Even if you're not happy with the
selec[on there, it should give you plenty of ideas for your own monsters.
P. A. Woje

Q: Why do ducks have at feet?
A: To stamp out forest res.
Q: Why do elephants have at feet?
A: To stamp out aming ducks.

(@ @)

P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42

P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- email: pal-arild.woje@bodo.[
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (__) (__)
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 12:43:26 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Ques[ons.

I have some ques[ons (I have just joined the list, so be pa[ent with me if they have been
discussed before).

If a HP has enough steep he/she gets 3 ahacks each round. If the HP is ambidextrous
he'll get 6 ahacks. Now, if he uses the Quicken spell he'll get 12 ahacks each round.
Is this correct or have I misunderstood (misread) something along the way?

Was the book Ascalon (city compendium) ever published?

I would be pleased if someone could give me some good ideas on how to control a
large number of EP in combat!

P. A. Woje
(@ @)
--------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------- P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- email: pal-arild.woje@bodo.[
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (__) (__)
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 10:27:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Ques[ons.

Answers, or at least the way they would come out in my game:

1) Yes, your right. 12 ahacks (Ack! Gasp! Cough!)

2) No, it was cut just short of the printers by the big TSR.

3) Wasn't there something in MMM about this? Sorry, I can't think of a good
way to answer this now...I'll get back to you. :)

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 13:18:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

> Heheh all My prayers have been answered ... a mailing list for the best
> system around (so far)! :)
Yup. :)

> I'm glad to be a member of Mythus-L. I didnt know there were people who
> liked Mythus as much as I did. :)
We're rare as Squiggle-heads on a hot noon-day in July, but that doesn't mean
we don't exist!

> But anyways, a ques[on!

> Does anyone have any monsters or anything for Mythus? I want more1 heheh

> What would be really cool is if someone could come up wuth a formula to
> convert D&D monsters to Mythus or something ...
Been there. Done that. Bought the tee-shirt.

The Mythus Beas[ary is a good place to start. I would also recommend (though
my JM would never let me see it!) the Necropolis for hordes of undead, unalive,
unliving, unmortal, etc. beings/crihers. Finally, there are a number of
net-crihers/voca[ons/adventure ideas if you gopher to or
just Veronica search for it with keyword MYTHUS. Oh! I nearly forgot. Keep
an eye on the mythus list (of course), and there is also a Web site which
someone is building, though I don't know the address since I don't have Web
access (yet).

Have fun!!
--Ryan Snead
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 13:19:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

> I have some ques[ons (I have just joined the list, so be pa[ent with me if
> they have been discussed before).

Ok. I have some answers. Let's see if they match! ;-)

> If a HP has enough steep he/she gets 3 ahacks each round. If the HP is
> ambidextrous
> he'll get 6 ahacks. Now, if he uses the Quicken spell he'll get 12 ahacks
> each round.
> Is this correct or have I misunderstood (misread) something along the way?
Well, lesse. There's at least one thing which I think is called physics.
There is a limited amount of [me in a CT. A personna has to be able to move
at speeds where esh will not get torn up by all that jerking. Thus many
people try the op[onal spacing of ac[ons found on p.211 in Mythus. Also,
whe using this rule, the CT is over when the slowest personna/creature acts
once. If one of your players is gejng 12 ahacks per round, I would *highly*
suggest implemen[ng this rule. If nothing else, it may encourage them to try
using ve or six of those ac[ons to block. Anyone remember the old vorpal
blade from EGS?

> Was the book Ascalon (city compendium) ever published?
Nope. Sadly it was killed when the rich man stole the poor shepherd's only
ram for his feast. (T$R owns DJ now and has decided to let the system die on
the vine. Lihle do they know....heh heh heh.)

> I would be pleased if someone could give me some good ideas on how to control
> a large number of EP in combat!
Simple. Give the goon squad the same ini[a[ve. If you have one or three realbad asses, you can go
ahead an give them a separate ini[a[ve, par[cularly if
they have the quicken cantrip laid on them.......

> P. A. Woje
> wwww
> (@ @)
> --------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o------------------------> P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42
> P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01
> IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------> email: pal-arild.woje@bodo.[
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------> (__) (__)
way cool sig dude!

That's all fer now!
--Ryan Snead
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 11:21:17 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Hello ...

In-Reply-To: <>

I have a few monsters that I converted from AD&D, Displacer Beast,
Wraithes, and Draconians. I changed quite a few things to t my
campaign, but that can be easily modied. If aanyone wants these I'll
mail them to you, or maybe just submit them to Dangerous Ideas.

Chris Beadles
Kaos on IRC
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 16:09:50 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ques[ons.
In-Reply-To: <>

Let's see if I remember the ques[ons correctly.....

On Tue, 7 Mar 1995, Tom Harrison wrote:

[on the subject of handling many EP's simultaneously]

> 3) Wasn't there something in MMM about this? Sorry, I can't think of a good
> way to answer this now...I'll get back to you. :)

Make certain everything possible is pre-calculated -- speed factor of
weapon, ini[a[ve modiers, etc. Also, have a 'strategy' for more
complicated EP's (such as a Heka prac[[oner), as well as abili[es and
eects noted.

Don't throw 20 crihers at the party at the same [me -- stagger them.
Makes for a drawn-out combat without having individual CT's drawn out ;-)
I've found, as well, that too many simultaneous opponents in Mythus will
overwhelm the party (as it should), as well as drag the combat process to
a halt.

I tend to have several pages of notes each [me I have an encounter, just
because it saves me headaches in the middle of things :-)

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 16:06:06 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Hello ...
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 6 Mar 1995, Cause of Death wrote:

> Heheh all My prayers have been answered ... a mailing list for the best
> system around (so far)! :)

Well, since Unhallowed and Changeling were cancelled <sigh>, this will
just have to remain the best, now won't it ;-)

> Does anyone have any monsters or anything for Mythus? I want more1 heheh

Well, way below I include the only one I took the [me to convert, which
are lizard men (and haven't been posted in a year and a half, so the logs
containing the post have expired, so for those who have seen them, please
forgive the bandwidth).

> What would be really cool is if someone could come up wuth a formula to
> convert D&D monsters to Mythus or something ...

I've found that a quick rule of thumb is:

(1) calculate P TRAIT by mul[plying the HD by 64. Add/subtract 8 as
appropriate (i.e. a 2+1 HD criher might be 2*64 + 1*8 = 136), then
divide among the ahributes as seems appropriate.

(2) generate armor table based on AC armor equivalency and logic. In the
example below, I used a reinforced-leather type armor for the base of the
armor table (seemed logical), although it was not a direct conversion.

(3) generate M and S TRAITs as necessary (using the suggested
intelligence as a good star[ng value for each M ahribute).

(4) make up some good ahack STEEP and common, excep[onal K/S Areas.
I'd say a base 20 in appropriate combat, +5 for every point of THAC0 less
than 20, un[l it gets excessive :-)

(5) Translate special abili[es/spell-cas[ng as closely as possible.
I've found that 10 STEEP per cas[ng level is fairly comparable (sort
of), although they are not 100% equivalent.

Obviously, there is a lot of JM discre[on involved :-) I have found,
however, that my style of play has *never* been monster-heavy, more
focused on evil NPC's (and now EP's), so I just generate them as
necessary. If you haven't done so already, I *highly* recommend picking

up Necropolis (it has a fair number of undead in the back!) and the
Mythus Bes[ary. The laher has the AErth crihers, which are mostly
animals for exterior AErth and dinosaurs for inner AErth, but there are
lots of useful crihers in the subterranean AErth sec[on :-) My group
ran into some Rajes recently, the leader of which was a minor

Also, there is a small gopher site ( which contains
many of the useful things posted to the list so far, including some new
monsters, some conversions (illithid among them), some cas[ngs, some
magick items, and the proverbial much much more :-)

Lizard Men:

Base Scheme (+/- 2D6+3):
M 39 P 100 S 50
MM 24 PM 50 SM 25
MMCap 8 PMCap 20 SMCap 10
MMPow 8 PMPow 15 SMPow 10
MMSpd 8 PMSpd 15 SMSpd 5
MR 15 PN 50 SP 25
MRCap 5 PNCap 20 SPCap 10
MRPow 5 PNPow 15 SPPow 10
MRSpd 5 PNSpd 15 SPSpd 5

Notes: Lizard men are an apparent crossbreed of men and lizards of some sort
(quite possibly alligators), although some think they may also have
evolved naturally in the swamps. Their culture is extremely primi[ve,
as are their weapons (wooden clubs, decorated with feathers, stone
axes). Any villages of these would include at least one shaman or
witchdoctor, and quite possibly more than one.

Physical Descrip[on: Lizard men are heavily-muscled, rep[lian-skinned
humanoids, their faces resembling a slightly humanized alligator's.
They rarely wear anything, except religious dressings and indica[ons
of war spirit (such as trophies from fallen foes).

Joss Factors: 0
Prime K/S Areas: 4
Combat, Hand Weapons 35
Combat, Missile Weapons 30
Swimming/Diving: 45
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical (AMBUSH): 30
Move: 72 yards/BT
Possessions/Resources: None
Quirks: amphibians
Weapons & Armor: Club, spear, or stone axe, natural armor.
Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.

Ultra 16 16 16 8 8 16 -Super 12 12 12 6 6 12 -Vital 8 8 8 4 4 8 -Non 4 4 4 2 2 4 -Average 10 10 10 5 5 10 -(I know these values seem a lihle high, but they worked for me,
and impressed the HP's with how tough these criher's hides were
To be precise, it's double the orc's, with some protec[on against
Fire and Chemicals due to the thickness of the skin)
Suscep[bili[es: Normal

For shamans, double the M and S various ahributes, but knock the
P ahributes down by about 30%.
For really experienced warriors, bump the P ahributes up to 20 each.
For a chief, double M and S ahributes, and bump P ahributes to about
20 (unless for some reason he's ill).

Welcome to the list!

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 11:04:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: List owner!

Hey Mah the list owner (as opposed to other Mahs...)

Where are you? I am trying to send you the old D.I.'s and I just got an
"undeliverable mail" message from your school's mailer. What's going on?

Maybe I will think about doing another one here...hmmm... :)

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 07:21:49 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: gullerud@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fwd: teskej->

Bicorporeal Prism
This 6 inch diameter gem is said to be of Phaeree origin. Some say that
this gem was a gip from the Lord of the Djinn. If so, it was an incredible
gip indeed. This gem is a recharging Heka Reservoir equivalent to one
of the Great Pyramids of Aegypt, with ten [mes the recharging rate. In
addi[on, the Bicorporeal Prism is unparalleled for its use in Mys[cism.
No ahunement is necessary, and all Mys[cism abili[es are performed at a
DR of Easy. Visions granted by the Prism are par[cularily powerful,
requiring lihle interpreta[on actually increasing the probability of
resolu[on of the vision in the Mys[c's favor.
The Bicorporeal Prism is also capable of gran[ng innate Heka powers
to those ahuned to it. Some of these powers are of Supernatural strength.
It is rumored that under certain circumstances this gip will be permanent
in nature.


Codex Mul[versal
The Codex is a formidible tome said to be safeguarded by the church
of Zeus. The tome is said to contain Rituals capable of summoning any
and every Supernatural being and even certain En[tal creatures.
While the Rituals found in the Codex cannot be resisted by such beings,
they do nothing to compel obedience or protect the reader. Thus the
unwary use of the Codex could unleash forces capable of decima[ng whole
countries. Knowing this, the church has kept the Code Mul[versal, unused,
for centuries.

Gygaean Heka Intensier
A few Ionian Alchemists and Herbalists have been producing Heka-imbued
substance mixtures of surpassing potency. Some of these mixtures, when used,
have had eects of Supernatural power. It is said that the inner circle of
both the Alchemical and Herbalist Guilds have access to the Gygaean Heka
Intensier. This small furnace mul[plies reagent strength by 10 without
increasing the diculty of mixing them together. Master Alchemists and
Herbalists can create mixtures with Eects far more powerful than those
normally produced. The Heka Intensier has a limited capacity, so there
is much compe[[on for access to the device.


Mountain Boots of Narada
Five pairs of these boots are said to exist and are worn by the
best scouts of Kashmir. The Mountain Boots of Narada eliminate the

need for the wearer to make any Mountaineering checks while traveling
through the mountains. In fact, the wearer may move at running speed
without climbing gear and without [ring. The Boots also make tracking
the wearer impossible, and provide such camoage as to be invisible to
normal sight.
Apparently, these abili[es are not all that are conferred by these
boots. Several years ago, a band of Slaugh cornered a Kashmirian scout
wearing a pair of these boots. The scout was able to call up a blizzard
erce enough to make travel for anyone but himself impossible.

Bell of Crystal Calling
Few neighboring countries would wish to ahempt an invasion of Kashmir
because of this item. The Bell of Crystal Calling is 1 foot long and
made of unmeltable ice. One who rings the bell can cause avalanches or
landslides with absolute accuracy as long as the desired loca[on is within
line of sight. Note that observa[on through a scrying device can sa[sfy this
condi[on. An invading force would quickly be destroyed if it ahempted
the mountain passes while the Bell was present. If one were to mue the
clapper so that it could not ring, no avalanches or landslides will trouble
the wielder or any companions.
Unconrmed reports state that Spellsingers can use the Bell to ac[vate
Cas[ngs at a frac[on of their normal cost.

Pure Rod
The Pure Rod is an item sought by the Alchemists of Aerth. It is now
thought to be in the possession of the Royal Court of Kashmir. The Pure
Rod is capable of extrac[ng Prima Materia from any object and infuse it
into another. A master Alchemist can use the Rod both to alter proper[es
of exis[ng materials, and to make such things as the fabled elixir of youth.
The Pure Rod will also func[on on living creatures, providing such benets
as healing and regenera[on of limbs. However, the Pure Rod can also serve
as a powerful weapon, as it can kill a person through almost any defense.

$$HRComments by teskej Thu Mar 09 07:21:53 1995
These items were created by S Gullerud.
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 10:51:45 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: New Monsters pt. 1/2

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Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 10:52:21 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: New Monsters pt. 2/2

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Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 17:20:00 +0000
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Barnes <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: How many books?
In-Reply-To: <> from "Snead Ryan W" at Mar 7,
95 01:18:27 pm

Hi all,
As Mythus looks like being killed o does anyone have a
deni[ve (and it would be by deni[on I suppose) list of all
the books produced just in case some did not get to the UK.

You can kill people, but you can't kill ideas....
Cheers Chris
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 1995 23:27:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: How many books?

Well, sure. The published books are:
Mythus Prime (actually released separately, worth the buy even for Advanced-only
Mythus Magick
Epic of Aerth
Aerth Beas[ary

The books which were not published, yet strangely one may nd pieces of here
& there.
*above are dierent sejngs in the dangerous journeys genre.
Phaeree Beas[ary
Ascalon (Aegyp[an City sourcebook)

Oh yes, there is published adventure which is really worth it for JMs to get
for the stats on may undead hordes........

Other than that, there are various other sources of Net stu which was detailed

in a recent post. If you missed it and are interested, just send me email.

N.B. The availability of any part of the unpublished books is COMPLETELY
unfounded rumor on my part. I don't need any thought police banging down my
door PLEASE!!! In fact, I have NOT seen the manuscript for any of the
unpublished works I men[oned. I promise!! All I'm saying is that you should
not be shocked beyond belief if you hear rumors/see manuscripts yourself.

So, did I miss anything?

--Ryan Snead
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 09:13:16 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: More ques[ons.

There once was a magazine which was called 'Journeys', I think. It had a lot of stu for
Mythus among other things. Is it s[l alive'n kicking? If so, what is the no. of the latest
Does any of you people out there what Mr. GG does these days?
I would be very happy if someone could give me some address on the net where I can
nd stu for Mythus.

Pal Woje.
"Aim high, shoot low"
(@ @)
--------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------- P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- email: pal-arild.woje@bodo.[
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (__) (__)
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 15:53:40 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>

Have a nice weekend everybody, and keep them dice a'rolling!

Pal Woje.
(@ @)

P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42

P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- email: pal-arild.woje@bodo.[
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (__) (__)
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 1995 00:22:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "digest John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Please, Stop Binary le posts

Y'know--if people keep sending MIME, UUCodes, RTF les, or other
binary stu to a mailing list without asking people rst, then I'm leaving.

I consider this a form of junk mail, guys. Those will the technical
access to these formats obviously have the capability to use the INDEX
command on the LISTSERV and then ask people if they want it or not. It may
be easier for some of you, but for the recepients, it can be /real/
annoying. And the burden of courtesy falls on the poster.

This isn't like USEnet where we can look at or ignore threads, this
is E-Mail, and we get the whole thing, some of us in digests. (I wonder if
any AOLers are P.O.'d about that.)

Please--be a good neher.

John R. Troy (JRT)
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 1995 01:26:15 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Please, Stop Binary le posts

Whoa, John lost it there... :)

Easy there, big fella! :) Maybe if you ask nicely I will translate what I
can into a usable format (like a TEXT le!!! :)) and send it to you! :)


(so, when you read this in a week, let me know!! :)
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 15:50:43 +0100

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Playtesters wanted.

Playtesters wanted.
We where not quite sa[sed with the combat system in Mythus, and decided to modify it
a bit. If there are anybody out there who have the [me to help us test out the result, it
would be a great help. It's hard to realy crash-test your own work. Our new system
includes a hit-loca[on table with new hit points-/armor value system and a combat round
devided into 30 ac[on turns. Combat takes a lihle more [me, but it's more realis[c (or so
we like to think). The HP form had to be modied a bit as well.
So, if anybody think this sounds interress[ng, mail me. And if any of you have your own
system, I would very much like to see it!

Pal Woje.
"All ahead and damn the torpedos"

Ps. I want be back here un[l friday (17th Mars).
So long!
(@ @)
--------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------- P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- email: pal-arild.woje@bodo.[
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (__) (__)
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 12:32:15 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Playtesters wanted.

New rules??? You know I love 'em! (well, maybe you don't but the others do!)

Let us see, and let us play! :)

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 14:18:05 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Please, Stop Binary le posts

C'mon John. Take it from someone who can be a real jerk some[mes... you were a
bit harsh. I'm sure once the oenders realized the problem they may have
caused, they will stop. Most of the people here aren't clueless USENET goobs.

Dave------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 03/13/95 * Time: 14:18:05

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 14:56:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Please, Stop Binary le posts

>>>>(I wonder if
any AOLers are P.O.'d about that.)

Please--be a good neher.

John R. Troy (JRT)<<<<<

As an AOLer (??) I used to get annoyed at this, and once asked everyone to
post a warning message rst (not that that would help with your method of
d/l). However, since Command <.> stops those puppies dead on my system it
really doesn't bother me anymore. Except for the courtesy aspect of course.
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 16:15:39 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mary Shoup <shoup25@ODI.CWC.WHECN.EDU>
Subject: Re: Playtesters wanted.
In-Reply-To: <>

Ok, ok, I give up. I really don't understand what this is about. Can
someone ll me in, so I'm not oundering out here? Thanks!

Lost in Wyoming

Mary Sue
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 01:00:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "digest John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>
Subject: Why I gripe'bout coding


Hawkeye, I know you're trying to be friendly, but I stand by my

A LISTSERV--which is designed for E-Mail transmission to a wide
variety of formats--is no place for binary codes. I nd it rather
annoying. I /do/ have the ability to read stu like RTF and UUCoded les,
but that's irrelevant.

We could have people whose only access to the Internet are teletype
machines. We also have people on commercial services, and binary coding of
les--especially programs--can annoy people. Considering the fact that
many of us are /paying/ for Internet access, and the fact that those with
tech savvy can likely mul[cast using individual addresses, there's just no
need to cluher this list with 'em--they get put in archives and thus waste
space there.

Some[mes, I think people with the "free" University/College access
forget this--but they'll soon nd out when they graduate and have to nd a
commercial provider.

In any event, I stand by my statement. If this Listserver turns
into a place where people dump binary formats, I'll have to say goodbye.
That's just my opinion and point of view--no anger, no ames, just a

John R. Troy
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 23:55:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Robert Joseph Barbie <barbierj@DB.ERAU.EDU>
Subject: WWW

Someone recently posted that there was a place on the WWW for Mythus but
I was looking today and couldn't nd it so I was wondering if
someone could post it or just e-mail it to me.

Thanx in advance,

| No cool quote today!!! |
| |
| |

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 00:39:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Mengle <IronCzar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 10 Mar ...

Please unsubscribe me from this list.


Iron Czar
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 01:26:18 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: New Monsters pt. 1/2
In-Reply-To: <> from "Chris Beadles" at
Mar 9, 95 10:51:45 am

> Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="displace.doc"

To the dude who posted MIME monsters ... hehehe:

These monsters are really cool (I was able to decode them. The joys of
metamail! ;) ). But, the Displacer Beast doesnt have a Spirital TRAIT.
Is this deliberate or accidental?

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__. Cause of Death
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Xaemyl et Sadistykl
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Killing Vic[ms Found
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Rid you of your limbs
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Infec[on soon sets in
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 08:22:42 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Why I gripe'bout coding

> A LISTSERV--which is designed for E-Mail transmission to a wide
>variety of formats--is no place for binary codes. I nd it rather
>annoying. I /do/ have the ability to read stu like RTF and UUCoded les,
>but that's irrelevant.

"A wide variety of formats..." as long as they aren't binary, huh? What if
some of us *want* binaries? The fact that *you* nd it annoying doesn't

qualify it for the rest of the world. Perhaps if people who posted a binary
le used the conven[on of sta[ng it was a binary in the [tle, you might get
a clue and *ignore* it.

> We could have people whose only access to the Internet are teletype
>machines. We also have people on commercial services, and binary coding of
>les--especially programs--can annoy people. Considering the fact that
>many of us are /paying/ for Internet access, and the fact that those with
>tech savvy can likely mul[cast using individual addresses, there's just no
>need to cluher this list with 'em--they get put in archives and thus waste
>space there.

We could have people who complain more than you, but we don't.

I pay for two services myself, and you don't hear me whining every [me
somebody puts a huge le up. Or the billionth [me a ques[on about a rule
comes up, even though the answer is in the books...

> Some[mes, I think people with the "free" University/College access
>forget this--but they'll soon nd out when they graduate and have to nd a
>commercial provider.

Oh here we go again. Just in case you've forgohen about it, these people
don't have anything close to "free" access. There's this lihle thing called
tui[on, John, and *somebody* is paying for it.

> In any event, I stand by my statement. If this Listserver turns
>into a place where people dump binary formats, I'll have to say goodbye.
>That's just my opinion and point of view--no anger, no ames, just a
> John R. Troy

But you *always* stand by your statements, John - especially the stupid ones
that piss people o. Why don't you just *drop* the subject and quit whining?
Either that, or go away (like you keep promising to do).

Dave--------------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 03/14/95 * Time: 08:22:42

Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 15:52:20 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: K/S Areas

Thought I'd try something novel, like an on topic post.

We were (are) toying with some new voca[ons and came up with a few
ques[ons. Dave, perhaps you can give some insight on the original whys, but
I'd like everyone (???) elses input also.

In pujng together a Bard/Adventurer it becomes obvious that the musical
disiplines are spread out all over hell and back.....ok, ok, just across all
three traits but you get the idea.

Spellsongs is Mental, Music is Physical, Lyrics and Comp are Spiritual.

Looks to me as if they should all be concentrated under Spiritual. We are
currently compromising on making the voca[ons prime trait "all" and paying
1.5 AP/STEEP in all categories, however, I'm very tempted to rearrange some
of the K/S areas. I don't have my books here but some of the following come
to mind.

Spellsongs s/b Spiritual
Divina[on s/b Mental (a case can be made both ways)
Herbalism s/b Mental
Music s/b Spiritual (except in the case of hard or acid rock, but that isn't
an issue in this milieu.
Sorcery could well be Mental

Comments anyone. (Bracing for the barrage).
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 17:01:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: File formats

Just a ques[on from someone who has never worked with binary formats:
What's the advantage?
Do they result in signicantly smaller les?
Is that all that some people's systems can output?
Can you do some actual formajng of the document?

I guess I'm just wondering why one would bother to post in binary formats
when apparently alot of people can't read them, and there is a universal (or
nearly so) format. Aper all, isn't the purpose of pos[ng to get as many
people as possible to read your stu? (I know I deleted that one binary
pos[ng and moved on to the next message)

Just curious. :)
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 17:35:31 -0500
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Charles Hagenbuch <bf753@YFN.YSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Playtesters wanted.

HeyI'd love to see your system. I can't guarantee that I'll be able
to test it thouroughly, but I'll try.
Charles Hagenbuch
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 17:35:59 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Playtesters wanted.

Mary Sue wrote:
> Ok, ok, I give up. I really don't understand what this is about. Can
> someone ll me in, so I'm not oundering out here? Thanks!
> Lost in Wyoming

Dene "oundering" and we'll be glad to! :)

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 17:40:08 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Why I gripe'bout coding

> If this Listserver turns into a place where people dump binary formats...

John, I think you are jumping the gun. I've only seen about 5 binary posts
in the near year I've been on this list. Most people don't...some people
probably don't realize either that other people won't be able to deal with
the formats, or don't realize that the more stu people get in their
mail the more it costs (for those not in school...). Would you truly quit

if 1 or 2 posts per month are unusable by you? Seems a bit rash to me...
but I do understand your POV.

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 17:43:36 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: New Monsters pt. 1/2

By the way, have the monsters been put on a site somewhere? Like Cerebus?

It would be easier for people who can't use Mime (like this account...) to
go get them by FTP....

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 23:09:00 UTC
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "digest John R. Troy" <j.troy@GENIE.GEIS.COM>

Hmm... hopefully I haven't been either too harsh or condesending to
people on this list. (I know I shouldn't have repeated my gripe in detail).

Damn these delayed reac[ons...<Sigh>

Hmm...anything asked that I can answer.

> Does any of you people out there what Mr. GG does these days?

Well... ever since TSR killed this (and even before), he's been
doing computer games. Watch for HUNTERS OF RALK from Cyberdreams this fall.
It's been previewed at the Winter CES. (Picked up Interac[ve Entertainment
just to nd out about it).
It's a rst person perspec[ve game for IBM, MAC, and SONY PSX. It
involves a solo customizable character with a tempermental sidekick, has a
real-[me combat engine with great graphics and texture mapping--meaning
people may compare it to DOOM <Sigh>--and it's running under Windows to
boot!, "Glyph-Spinning"... /that's/ what he's doing next! (Though I /am/ sad he's likely
depar[ng from P&P RPGs for good.)

JRT (John R. Troy)

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 19:17:23 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: K/S Areas

I agree that some of the K/S's ought to be moved, but I even thought of another
idea, which I've been using: making some of the K/S's "mul[-trait"...

I agree that Spellsongs under Mental is a bit too "logical" for the K/S. What
I'd do is make that Mental and Spiritual, maybe based on MRCap and SPCap.
Then, each persona can decide in the context of their Voca[on and personality
whether or not it is "more" Mental or Spiritual (and thus, how much it would
cost). So, for instance, a wizard would call it Mental, and his skill would
be precise chan[ng. But, a bard would most logically be Spiritual, since he
is trying to "reach" the crowd...

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 19:20:11 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: File formats

Personally, I like UUcode. I think that most systems can handle that, and if
yours can't, I know that you can get the UUcode programs for PC's, and I'd be
really shocked if you couldn't get them for Mac's. (or Amiga's, if anyone
actually uses *those*! ;-)). Most people ought to be able to nd a way to
be able to decode them. If you can't, ask someone...

Something else that might be quite useful would be to add something like
BINARY, or UUENCODED to the subject line, so everyone can know ahead of [me...

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 14:31:28 -1000
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Joshua Michael D'Andrea <dandrea@UHUNIX.UHCC.HAWAII.EDU>
Subject: Re: K/S Areas
In-Reply-To: <9503150022.AA25224@uhunix4.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>

I like Hawkeye's mul[-trait idea, but was kind of wondering how
it worked out in play. Secondly I think that the music, spellsongs, ect,
were placed appropriately. Music is the actual physical ability to play

an instrument, composi[on is the crea[ve aspect, while spell songs are

part of the science of magic. Anyways, that's how I always saw it.
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 20:54:36 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Muten Roshi <roshi@UMD.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: WWW
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 13 Mar 1995, Robert Joseph Barbie wrote:

> Someone recently posted that there was a place on the WWW for Mythus but
> I was looking today and couldn't nd it so I was wondering if
> someone could post it or just e-mail it to me.

I'm currently pujng together an archive site. It's address is:


Mike Philips also has a web page. I believe it's address is
hhp:// I thinks that's right. I don't have the
address in front of me. Hope this helps.

Muten Roshi (Andy Ehlert) Saiya-jin Produc[ons
E-Mail:; roshi@[
President of The Science, Fact, Fic[on, and Fantasy Gaming Club
Organizer: U of M Dearborn Anime Showings On irc: M_Roshi
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 23:35:08 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On Tuesday, 14 May 1995, Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM> writes:
Subject: K/S Areas

> Thought I'd try something novel, like an on topic post.
Good idea! I've been wai[ng for someone to think of that! =)


> In pujng together a Bard/Adventurer it becomes obvious that the musical
> disiplines are spread out all over hell and back.....ok, ok, just across all
> three traits but you get the idea.
Yeah, it's a common problem. The Poet/Musician Voca[on is much the same idea
as a Bard, and the K/S there are prehy spread out as well. An Alchemist is
a Mental Voca[on and Alchemy is a SPIRITUAL K/S!!

> Spellsongs is Mental, Music is Physical, Lyrics and Comp are Spiritual.
Yeah, songs are learned by wrote. Singing or making music takes good healthy
lungs. Composing lyrics or music is a crea[ve/intui[ve act.

> Looks to me as if they should all be concentrated under Spiritual. We are
> currently compromising on making the voca[ons prime trait "all" and paying
> 1.5 AP/STEEP in all categories, however, I'm very tempted to rearrange some
> of the K/S areas. I don't have my books here but some of the following come
> to mind.
Well, I'd be hesitant to do so myself, but that's just me. On the point of
making any voca[on's prime trait all, I would again give askance to that.
IMMHO, every voca[on should have some majority of K/S in a given trait or
require a certain mindset lending itself more to one or the other trait, no
maher HOW ambiguous/balanced is the K/S list.

> Spellsongs s/b Spiritual
> Divina[on s/b Mental (a case can be made both ways)
> Herbalism s/b Mental
> Music s/b Spiritual (except in the case of hard or acid rock, but that isn't
> an issue in this milieu.
> Sorcery could well be Mental
Interes[ng. Why do you feel this way? Generally, I don't have a problem
about where the K/S currently are spread among the traits. Have you read
the K/S descrip[ons? Some[mes, the name of the K/S can conjure up an
image dierent from what the K/S is actually intended to do. However, I
would be very truly interested to hear your arguement. :-)

> Comments anyone. (Bracing for the barrage).
Consider yourself shelled. Anyone else have some thoughts?]

Ryan Snead
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 01:43:30 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: No Subject

Any word as to whether HUNTERS will be available for us Mac using EGG fans?

Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 05:12:29 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: K/S Areas

>In pujng together a Bard/Adventurer it becomes obvious that the musical

>disiplines are spread out all over hell and back.....ok, ok, just across all
>three traits but you get the idea.
>Spellsongs is Mental, Music is Physical, Lyrics and Comp are Spiritual.
>Looks to me as if they should all be concentrated under Spiritual. We are
>currently compromising on making the voca[ons prime trait "all" and paying
>1.5 AP/STEEP in all categories, however, I'm very tempted to rearrange some
>of the K/S areas. I don't have my books here but some of the following come
>to mind.


The reason it was done this way (other than for game balance, I suppose) is
that the disciplines require *do* cross all three TRAITS. If you think about
it for a moment, it takes concentra[on and knowledge of musical structure to
execute the desired tune, physical ability to play, and nally, the ar[s[c
ability to come up with moving musical and lyrical passages.

Of course you can do it however you wish, but this method seemed logical to
me & Gary. :)

-----------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 03/15/95 * Time: 05:12:29
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 06:50:25 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: K/S Areas

As far as the idea of a Bard goes (and I assume you mean an actual Kell[c
bard, not a wandering minstrel or the like), it doesn't seem to me necessary
to rearrange the K/S areas or even create a new Voca[on. Both the
Poet/Musician and the Cavalier lend themselves to Bardic discipline, as does
a Par[al Prac[[oner Priest or even a Mountebank. It's all in the bonus
K/S Area picks and background K/S areas bestowed by the JM for the HPs
star[ng SEC.

In my campaign I've used Appendix L from the rst book extensively in
helping characters who are searching for something beyond the 30 beginning
Voca[ons. Although no one has yet created a new Voca[on, they've used the
name descrip[ons in Appendix L to mold themselves a dis[nc[ve HP. On page
404 a Bard is listed as any individual with great learning in Metaphysics,

Music, Musical Composi[on, Poetry/Lyrics, Spellsongs, and (Par[al Prac[ce)

Priestcraep-Religion; consequently, anyone mee[ng these qualica[ons can
call themself a Bard in polite company and not be laughed at.

I nd this Appendix an excellent reference for campaign background pain[ng
and recommend it highly to those wishing a base to build new HPs from. (Yes,
I just dangled a par[ciple, but I'm [red, damm it! Sue me when I wake up.
. .)
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 11:11:52 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: K/S Areas
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 14 Mar 1995, Richard Crook wrote:

> Spellsongs is Mental, Music is Physical, Lyrics and Comp are Spiritual.

<shrug> The Alchemist is a Mental Voca[on, Chemistry is a Mental K/S,
and Alchemy is a Spiritual K/S. But it makes sense. Just like the above
makes sense -
Spellsongs -- the use of chants/songs to channel Heka has huge MM overtones
Music -- well, playing a musical instrument *certainly* requires some PN
Poetry/Lyrics, Musical Composi[on -- crea[ng art is SP

Makes perfect sense to me :-)

When one of my players wanted a spellsinging persona, we took the
Poet/Musician Voca[on, swapped around a couple of K/S Areas (to make
Spellsongs the top one), and it worked just ne.

> Spellsongs s/b Spiritual

No, keep it Mental. Too much memoriza[on is needed (aper all, the
inspira[on and ar[s[c part of it falls under Music Composi[on or
Poetry/Lyrics anyways, which is already Spiritual -- think of this as
rote repi[[on of already determined procedures).

> Divina[on s/b Mental (a case can be made both ways)
> Herbalism s/b Mental
> Music s/b Spiritual (except in the case of hard or acid rock, but that isn't
> an issue in this milieu.
> Sorcery could well be Mental

Leave them where they fall (I think they're all Spiritual). It helps
tremendously to re-name Spiritual Metaphysical to FAITH and Spiritual

Psychic to INTUITION/INSPIRATION, it also helps keep the underlying

meaning clearer.

Spellsongs uses musical talent/skill to focus Heka, but like any skill
where the Ar[stry is already covered (in another K/S Area), the focus of
the par[cular K/S Area is on the memoriza[on aspects.

Divina[on, Herbalism, and Sorcery presume a small amount of memoriza[on
but a lot of Inspira[on in concoc[ng/crea[ng (a similar argument ts
for Alchemy). Herbalism, in fact, should have no memorized aspects of
*traits* of ingredients, since that would fall under Botany or some such
anyways :-)

As for Music, it should remain Physical, since it primarily covers the
playing of instruments. Music Composi[on, however, is denitely
Spiritual, since it involves the crea[on of a piece of art (of some form).

> Comments anyone. (Bracing for the barrage).

Anyways, that's my $0.02

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 11:20:05 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: WWW
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 14 Mar 1995, Muten Roshi wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Mar 1995, Robert Joseph Barbie wrote:
> > Someone recently posted that there was a place on the WWW for Mythus but
> > I was looking today and couldn't nd it so I was wondering if
> > someone could post it or just e-mail it to me.
> >
> I'm currently pujng together an archive site. It's address is:
> hhp://

> Mike Philips also has a web page. I believe it's address is
> hhp:// I thinks that's right. I don't have the
> address in front of me. Hope this helps.

Mah Pearson (our fearless moderator) has one at:

(I apologize for the length, but I can't do anything about it). If you
can actually link to it, you can get to his home page, which includes
what essen[ally amounts to a mirror of it:

Mine is at:


and it's up about 75% of the [me (it's a serial link, and they reboot
the machine I'm slaving o of once a day, and I occasionally need my
serial port for other stu.....). A more permanent link will be
available whenever our building gets added to our campus backbone.

I might add that Muten Roshi has kindly placed all the cas[ngs stu
I've laboriously translated into HTML on his page as well, so you can
look at it there :-) (for those of you who missed the pos[ngs and are
too embarrassed to mail me for them ;-) )



-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 11:20:15 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Patrick Murphy <murphy@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU>
Subject: Re: K/S Areas
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 15 Mar 1995, Donald Eccles wrote:

> In my campaign I've used Appendix L from the rst book extensively in
> helping characters who are searching for something beyond the 30 beginning
> Voca[ons. Although no one has yet created a new Voca[on, they've used the

> name descrip[ons in Appendix L to mold themselves a dis[nc[ve HP. On page

> I nd this Appendix an excellent reference for campaign background pain[ng
> and recommend it highly to those wishing a base to build new HPs from. (Yes,
> I just dangled a par[ciple, but I'm [red, damm it! Sue me when I wake up.
> . .)

I agree, we've used Appendix L to create many 'new voca[ons' by just
steering players towards certain K/S Areas. A great addi[on to a great
game (no[ce I didn't say *book*...the organiza[on and index are the
only things keeping me from saying that!).

BTW, I think you dangled a *preposi[on*...and I'm a linguist, so I don't
tend to be a prescrip[vist! Say what you want, I'll just ask you why
you said it that way!

Patrick M.

(Who just wrote his thesis on pied piping eects in syntax..i.e., WHEN
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 15:33:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: WWW
In-Reply-To: <>

oops <is my face red, or what>

On Wed, 15 Mar 1995, Phillips Michael S wrote:

> Mah Pearson (our fearless moderator) has one at:
> hhp://
> (I apologize for the length, but I can't do anything about it). If you
> can actually link to it, you can get to his home page, which includes
> what essen[ally amounts to a mirror of it:

Three things:
(1) This is an easier link for the one at

(2) I sent the message without pujng in the 'mirror' link:

(3) and I forgot to put Mah's home page in before sending the message:


But I got smart and copied/pasted these to make double-sure they worked
before I mailed this version of the message :-)
<sheesh, I feel dumb -- mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa>


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 00:32:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Jesse T Gris <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: K/S Areas
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Hey guys, I realize that I might be treading where one should not in
Mythus, but...

Why the xa[on with leaving all the K/S's in a single TRAIT? Someone
(Ryan, maybe...) asked how my idea works in the game. Here we go:

Let's take Spellsongs, for example. I would call that Mental AND
Spiritual. I don't see the point in forcing it to be one or the other
(though if I had to, in Mental it would stay!). When you create your HP,
you decide whether you want it to be more Mental or Spiritual. Then,
when you are calcula[ng the base STEEP, use both ATT's. (Maybe MR and
SP, or whatever) Once you start playing, you decide whether it will be M
or S, for determina[on of AP cost, and max Heka-K/S's in a Trait...stu
like that.

It would also help you in role-playing the persona. If you are Mentally
based, your songs would not have quite the same feeling, but would be
more precise and exac[ng (or they're chants!) than the Spiritual guy...

Does this make sense to anyone else but me? (yeah, I'm [red...)

Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 23:10:31 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: K/S Areas
In-Reply-To: <199503160533.VAA15167@leland.Stanford.EDU> from "Jesse T
Gris" at Mar 16, 95 00:32:26 am

> Why the xa[on with leaving all the K/S's in a single TRAIT? Someone
> (Ryan, maybe...) asked how my idea works in the game. Here we go:
[snipped example of Spellsongs chosen with Mental or Spiritual emphasis]
> It would also help you in role-playing the persona. If you are Mentally
> based, your songs would not have quite the same feeling, but would be
> more precise and exac[ng (or they're chants!) than the Spiritual guy...
> Does this make sense to anyone else but me? (yeah, I'm [red...)

I agree that many of the K/S Areas could t under more than one Trait.
One could argue that some of them have aspects of all three! However,
I'd be wary of allowing players to select which trait it t under unless
that decision had some eect in how that K/S Area could be used, outside
of role-playing issues.

Since Spellsongs are used in the on-the-spot Cas[ng crea[on rules, the
K/S Area is a desirable one for a Heka-based persona. As a player choosing
a Trait emphasis for Spellsongs, I'd nd myself choosing the op[on that
led to a lower AP cost to advance STEEP. Unless there were things that
Mental-based Spellsongs could do that Spritual-based ones could not (and
visa versa), I'd rather keep it where it is. As a Mental K/S Area, new
Spellsong crea[on would require K/S Areas from all three Traits, making
the cost worthy of the rewards, IMHO.

Since several K/S Areas seem to blur the lines between Traits, I prefer
to think of single Trait to be the primary one involved. Jury Rigging
surely has aspects of the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual, but unless the
persona _believes_ that the piece of junk lying there can be repaired, it
won't be. Thus, your average Physical-based HP will be slow to advance
this area.

Interes[ng idea though. :)

Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 08:52:24 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: K/S Areas
X-To: William Spencer-Hale <>

>> I nd this Appendix an excellent reference for campaign background pain[ng
>> and recommend it highly to those wishing a base to build new HPs from. (Yes,
>> I just dangled a par[ciple, but I'm [red, damm it! Sue me when I wake up.
>> . .)
>I agree, we've used Appendix L to create many 'new voca[ons' by just
>steering players towards certain K/S Areas. A great addi[on to a great
>game (no[ce I didn't say *book*...the organiza[on and index are the
>only things keeping me from saying that!).
>BTW, I think you dangled a *preposi[on*...and I'm a linguist, so I don't
>tend to be a prescrip[vist! Say what you want, I'll just ask you why
>you said it that way!

Reminds me of the joke about the sweet young Southern girl who passed the entrance
exam to Harvard. On her rst day of college, she stopped another female student and
said, "Excuse me, could yew tell me whaer the Freshman Orientayshun is at?" [sorry the accent doesn't translate well.]

The woman eyed her disdainfully, then answered coldly, "If you are to be a student
here at Harvard, you must always remember never to end a sentence with a

To which the girl replied, "Oh ahm *terribly* sorry. Could yew tell me where the
Freshmen Orienta[on is at - *bitch*?



----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 17:55:53 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: WWW site

Just in case anyone else is interested, I was told about and subsequently
found a site with lots of photos of medieval arms and armor:


He's got european, japanese, and some indo-persian stu.

Hope this is of use to others. :)
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 09:04:29 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Playtesters.

I got a so many answers that it's easier to reach all of you by using the list. To the
rest of you (who wasn't interested) I apologise for using the list this way. I'll write private
lehers from now on.
I'll have to translate my new system to english, since I suspect that your norwegian
is not quite up to date (for most of you people, anyway). Be pa[ent and I'll get back
to you (on your email address).
So long!

Pal Woje.
"Once you pull the pin out of Mr. Grenade he is no longer your friend!"

(@ @)
--------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------- P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- email: pal-arild.woje@bodo.[
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (__) (__)
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 11:44:08 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Hawkeye

Yo Hawkeye!
Be a gentleman and send me your email adress so I can send the new rules directly
to you.
Pal Woje.
"Oh. You and THAT army..."

(@ @)

P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42

P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- email: pal-arild.woje@bodo.[
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (__) (__)
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 00:36:34 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Vestal Virgins (Priestesses of Vesta)

Vesta (Sunlight, Benign, Ordered, Great Goddess)

Vesta, known to the Greeks as Hes[a, is the goddess of the hearth and
home, and she is open called upon in blessings before meals and upon
households. In the center of most towns, a re is kept con[nually
burning in her honor, and in the hopes that she will look kindly upon the
town. The re is typically tended by her Priestesses.

Her priestesses are known as Vestal Virgins, and they are required to
remain virginal. Anyone losing this state (and thereby proving her lack
of faith to Vesta) is cast from the order, and all blessings of Vesta are
withdrawn. In many Roman towns and ci[es, the Vestal Virgins are also
used as notaries public.

Grade I:
Time: 1 day per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: One room R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 rod Other: Nil
E/F/M: Through this Cas[ng, the priestess is able to immediately clear
a room of small through moderate size, used as a dwelling place for a
person or family who pay at least nominal homage to Vesta, of any and all
rodents, insects, and other pests. The result is a much cleaner, and
uninfested, room. The pests and rodents in ques[on are deposited
outside the dwelling, and are unable to re-enter the area for the
dura[on of the cas[ng. Note that, for longer dura[ons, they will tend
to set up shop somewhere else and be permanently removed (although their
cousins may decide to take up residence).

Time: Instant Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 sq. yd. R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 rod Other: Nil
E/F/M: By means of this cas[ng, the priestess causes all manner of
twigs, dirt, dust, lint, and the like to be magickally swept from the
hearth and moved into a neat pile next to it. This is a common

prepara[on of any home's hearth before ligh[ng a re, provided that a

Vestal Virgin is handy.

Grade II:
Time: Instant Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 room R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 rod Other: Nil
E/F/M: This cas[ng allows the priestess to instantly remove all dirt,
debris, dust, etc. from the connes of a room. There are no
restric[ons on the size of the room, save that it must be the home of
one or more persons who at least pay homage to Vesta.

Time: 1 hour Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 creature R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 10:1 addi[onal hour
E/F/M: The Vestal Virgins are known for their promo[on of hearth and
home, and this cas[ng is part of the reason. This quick charm grants
the subject that warm fuzzy feeling of belonging where one is, that
sa[sfac[on that this is, indeed, home. The feeling persists as long as
the subject remains in a fairly relaxed state (no running about, no
combat), and for the dura[on his healing rate will be doubled. Note
that no priestess will ever cast this in a situa[on where it is clear
that the person is forcibly being included in a household. The dura[on
of the cas[ng may be extended at an addi[onal cost of 10 Heka per hour,
to a maximum of one hour per point of STEEP possessed by the caster.

Grade III:
Time: 1 hour Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 log R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 10:1 addi[onal hour
E/F/M: This brief, ve minute ritual will imbue an ordinary log of
reasonable dimensions (no more than about 3 feet long and a foot in
diameter) with the capability to burn normally without being consumed for
the [me of the cas[ng. The total dura[on may be extended at a cost of
10 Heka for each hour so added, to a maximum of 1 hour per 10 STEEP
possessed by the caster.

Grade IV:
Time: 1 hour per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 sq. yd. per 10 STEEP R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 rod Other: 10:1 addi[onal hour
E/F/M: This cas[ng bears a great deal of resemblance to the Eveninglog
Ritual (q.v.), although it aects a full re and the wood fueling it
rather than a mere log. For the dura[on of the cas[ng, no wood will be
burnt in maintaining the re, although the re will con[nue to burn
normally. Note that the re remains non-magickal, and the cas[ng can

be extended a great deal, at a cost of 10 Heka per addi[onal hour, to a

maximum of 1 hour per point of STEEP possessed by the caster.

Grade V:
Time: 1 hour Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 sq. yd. per 10 STEEP R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: 25:1 addi[onal hour
E/F/M: This ritual appeals to Vesta for shelter, and the recipients
within the area of eect will be sheltered from the elements (wind,
rain, cold, excessive heat, too much sun, etc) in this haven of safety.
A re must be lit before the ritual is performed, and it provides the
center of the area to be aected. The dura[on of the cas[ng may be
extended at a cost of 25 Heka per addi[onal hour, to a maximum of one
hour per 10 STEEP possessed by the caster.

The list above brings me one closer to having covered the Olympians (the
twelve gods and goddesses, plus their king, who ruled Olympus), with only
Vulcan s[ll wai[ng in the wings.

As you can see, the list below con[nues to grow (and par[cularly
observant individuals might no[ce that I removed the 'minimal' from next
to Thor -- stay tuned, I'm releasing a new batch of cas[ngs which
supercede the two submihed before). I s[ll have high hopes of
nishing some expansions to the work done so far, and releasing a
net.pantheary for the Greco-Roman pantheon, but maybe not as soon as I
had hoped (so much to do, so lihle [me).

Here's hoping these lihle [dbits con[nue to be of use to others :-)

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es (collect 'em all):
[Mail me for them, if you missed 'em when they were rst posted]

Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury,
Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Vesta

Norse: Odin, Thor

Chinsung: Kuan Yu
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 00:36:44 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

Subject: Priests of Thor

Thor (Moonlight, Neutral, Intermediate, Great God)

Thor (Donner) the Thunderer was granted domain over lightning, thunder,
storms, and the weather. His hammer, Mjollnir, was legendary, some say
that it would release a bolt of lightning each [me it strikes an
opponent. Thor won wrestling matches with Giants, so strong was he, and
he was called upon for strength in bahle.

Thor's priests use hammers in bahle, nding other weapons lacking.
They consider storms to be omens (although for good or ill depends on the
storm, of course).

Grade I:
Time: 10 CT's Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This charm is par[cularly popular among Thor's priests. For the
dura[on of the cas[ng, the subject will gain one addi[onal ahack per
CT. Upon expira[on of the cas[ng, the subject will be exhausted for 3
BT's, resul[ng in all the eects of Dazing (temporarily). The
immediate applica[on of another Berserk Charm will remove the exhaus[on
caused by the cas[ng, but the exhaus[on is cumula[ve (so a total of 6
BT's of exhaus[on are due the recipient of two such charms).

Time: 1 CT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 hammer R&D: 0
Distance: Touch Other: 5:1 addi[onal CT
E/F/M: By means of this charm, the priest of Thor causes his hammer to
issue a thunderclap each [me it strikes. It causes no addi[onal
damage, but it can cause deafness in the vic[m, and can it stun the
vic[m if the vic[m of such a strike is already dazed.

Grade II:
Time: 2 CT's per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 weapon R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This cantrip will enchant the touched weapon, causing it to glow
with an eerie light. For the dura[on of the cas[ng, the weapon will
ahack at +5 BAC (a st is an acceptable weapon), and it is considered
a magickal weapon when determining if a creature can be aected by it.
The weapon will do an addi[onal 1D6 PD. Should the weapon so aected
be a war hammer, the bonus is increased to +20 to BAC, and it will cause
double normal damage.

Time: 1 hour Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 creature R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 10:1 addi[onal hour
E/F/M: This formula brings relief from a natural storm, no maher how
erce it may be, by shielding the recipient from its eects. Although
it prevents the individual from being frozen by the wind or soaked by the
rain, it provides no shield against the temperature. The total dura[on
may be extended at a cost of 10 Heka per hour, not to exceed a total of
one hour per 10 points of STEEP possessed by the caster.

Grade III:
Time: Special Other Heka Costs:
Area: Special R&D: Nil
Distance: Special Other: Nil
E/F/M: With this ritual, which takes half an hour to perform, the priest
of Thor is able to summon a thunderstorm to the area. The ferocity of
the storm depends upon the weather condi[ons, and the nature of the
request made by the priest as he performs the ritual. The precise
eects cannot be controlled, and the only guarantee is that a storm will
form remarkably quickly and aect some area near the priest. For
instance, a pursued priest might rst cast Stormshield on himself, then
follow it by performing this Ritual, in order to slow down his pursuers.

Grade IV:
Time: 1 BT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 hammer R&D: 10:1 addi[on point of PD
Distance: Touch Other: 25:1 addi[onal BT
E/F/M: This spell harnesses the power Thor, focusing it much like the
legendary hammer Mjollnir. The aected hammer will cause 3D6 points of
electrical Physical Damage in addi[on to its normal damage, and it will
crackle as it is wielded, with an appropriate spark and ash as it
strikes. The damage may be increased by 1 point per 10 addi[onal Heka
spent for this purpose (not to exceed the STEEP possessed by the caster),
and the dura[on may be extended at a cost of 25 Heka per addi[onal BT,
not to exceed a total of 1 BT per 10 STEEP possessed.

Grade V:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 rod diameter sphere R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 chain Other: 25:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: This ritual causes the aected area to become murky, as if it
were embroiled in a heavy thunderstorm, and thunder and lightning
permeate the area. Lightning ashes occur randomly, but with great
frequency, and anyone within the area of eect must make a successful
Avoidance roll or be struck by lightning for 6D6 points of electrical
damage. In addi[on, they must make a roll at DR "Very Easy" (x4)

against SPCap in order to avoid being Dazed by the sound. This roll
needs to be made only once, and if failed, the individual in ques[on
will remain Dazed un[l he has been outside the area of eect for at
least 1D3 BTs. The dura[on of the eects may be extended an addi[onal
BT for each addi[onal 25 Heka spent, not to exceed a total dura[on of
one BT per 10 STEEP.

Okay, I've developed a lihle more for those who want some Norse stu.
The two most popular (I think) Norse dei[es have now been covered, and
my research has begun genera[ng a list much like those for the Greek and
Chinsungese pantheons which appeared in Mythic Masters Magazine. As it
is polished and enhanced a lihle more, it will be presented for
general use, but it is not quite ready yet.

At this point, I expect to complete Vulcan soon, and maybe a couple more
Norse dei[es, but I'm not sure which. Requests are welcome :-) The
net.pantheary is not on hold, but research for adequate accuracy and
completeness is of necessity slow.

As always, if these nd use in your campaign, let me know. Much of it
is created without ever being tested in real use (my games have, as of
yet, used a total of three of the cas[ngs). Feedback of any sort is
greatly appreciated :-)

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es (collect 'em all):
[Mail me for them, if you missed 'em when they were rst posted]

Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury,
Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Vesta

Norse: Odin, Thor

Chinsung: Kuan Yu
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 00:41:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Notes on Thor, Norse stu

I just sent a note detailing some Cas[ngs for Thor. Those who s[ll
have my original post dealing with Thor (which was en[tled Nordic
cas[ngs, if I'm not mistaken) should toss it in favor of these, as this
is a beher, more complete descrip[on of said Cas[ngs, and are no
longer a direct transla[on of the cas[ngs they were originally based on.

Further, since there is no 'ocial' list of the classica[ons of the
Norse dei[es (that I'm aware of), only Greco-Roman and Chinsungese (plus
four AEgyp[ans), I made one up for Thor. If you don't agree with what I
thought, feel free to let me know. I won't claim exper[se in this area,
and appropriate correc[ons are certainly appreciated :-)

For the record, I classied Odin (previously posted to the list) as:

Odin: Balance, Benign, Ordered, Greater God

The rest of them will just have to wait un[l I nish consolida[ng some
notes ;-)

Hope this is of some use,


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 12:52:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Jeremy Condit <Pellon@AOL.COM>
Subject: Ambidextrous ini[a[ve?

I can't count the number of [mes I've read the combat sec[on in search =
the answer to this, but: HOW is ini[a[ve handled with an
ambidextrous/Floren[ne persona? If followed by the book for normal
ini[a[ve, the added speed factors for the second weapon guarantee a
slowdown- so the advantage of extra ahacks is demolished by the good
possibility of was[ng those ahcks as parries on those who ahacked
rst?!<whew> Is this correct? Anyhow, drop me a line, and all personas I=

encounter will hail your face as that of Sunlight.

Postscript- speaking of religion, does anyone know if Monsieur Gygax, New=
or otherwise plans a deni[ve volume on the religions of =C6rth? =
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 20:49:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

Subject: Re: Ambidextrous ini[a[ve?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 19 Mar 1995, Jeremy Condit wrote:

> I can't count the number of [mes I've read the combat sec[on in search
> of the answer to this, but: HOW is ini[a[ve handled with an
> ambidextrous/Floren[ne persona? If followed by the book for normal
> ini[a[ve, the added speed factors for the second weapon guarantee a
> slowdown- so the advantage of extra ahacks is demolished by the good
> possibility of was[ng those ahcks as parries on those who ahacked
> rst?!

At a guess (and this is the way I would have ruled had it come up while I
had an Ambidextrous Cavalier in my previous campaign), I would say that
the ini[a[ve on each weapon is *independant* of the other weapon.
That's sort of the point :-)

So, a persona with, say, a PMSpd of 17, Ambidextrous, wielding a long
sword in his right hand (S: 5) and a short sword (S: 3) in the other, and
he rolls a 4 for his ini[a[ve. Skipping mul[ple ahacks, I would
allow the short sword to swing rst, on a -10, and the long sword
second, on a -8.

However, that doesn't make a lot of sense to some people, I suppose. I
can also see an argument for one weapon moving rst, and the second
moving aper adding its speed to the rst (so he could either ahack with
the short sword on -10, or the long sword on -8, and the followup would be
on -5, regardless).

I'll have to admit I like the rst one beher. Of course, I had it
easy, the ambi Cavalier wielded sabres in both hands, and the other ambi
persona liked a two-handed sword :-)

> Postscript- speaking of religion, does anyone know if Monsieur Gygax,
> Newton or otherwise plans a deni[ve volume on the religions of AErth?

<cough> Well, I sort of have been working up to a completed work,
but I've been lejng my notes slip out on the way :-) Makes it more
enjoyable to me (and keeps a light lit under my lazy tail), and lets
others have some [dbits to play with.

Without bringing up what happened (and opening that can'o'worms again),
let's just say that the works in progress were interrupted and probably
lost forever, so it's up to us to ll stu in. If we want to see
something, that is :-)

[p.s. If you missed the cas[ngs I started pos[ng in October of 93, let
me know, I'll happily forward them on -- they are also available on, either by FTP or gopher]

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 21:46:32 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Shamanism K/S Area [new]

Hi there. As you may recall, I posted some thoughts on a shamanism K/S
Area early in January. I took a look at it again today, and eshed it
out a lihle more. Here is the revised version:


Shamanism (Spiritual K/S Area) -- This K/S Area provides Heka at a rate
of 1 for every point of STEEP possessed plus the Spiritual TRAIT. It is
only available to members of the na[ve tribes of Vargaard (and those
adopted into them), and possession requires a Vow to the Great Spirit.
The K/S Area confers knowledge of the nature spirits that abound on
that con[nent (the Manitou), as well as rituals and substances to
placate them. Possessors can, with an appropriate ritual, determine the
totem (associated animal) of anyone, and can some[mes help develop the
traits of the totem in the person. Unless otherwise noted, a shaman can
*never* use these on himself.

Determine totem -- (1-10 STEEP) By means of a lengthy ritual of
cleansing and scrying, the shaman can determine the likely totem of the

Cleansing -- (11-20 STEEP) By inves[ture of a suitable amount of
Heka, [me, and cleansing substances (especially the smoke of sage or
tobacco), the shaman can clean malign inuences of minor sort from the
subject -- provided that the subject truly desires to be free of them.

Infuse with Purity -- (21-30 STEEP) This use of Heka will cause the
substance (typically tobacco or sage) to be infused with purity, such
that when it is burnt it will cause the same eects as the Cleansing,

but without the direct ac[on of the shaman. The substances so aected
are typically given for ritualis[c purposes to others, and they do
require a short ritual and prayer to be eec[ve.

Protec[on of the Manitou -- (31-40 STEEP) When the shaman
concentrates, he will be able to detect the spirits and inuences in the
area around him (to 1 foot per point of STEEP) in a general way. By
making a check at DR "Hard" and an expenditure of 10 Heka, he will be
able to no[ce par[cular inuences and spiritual manifesta[ons,
including Spiritual Links. Upon such a detec[on of malign inuences
and spirits, he will be able to generate 2 points of Spiritual armor for
each point of Heka spent on this ability. The armor is generated at the
speed of a Charm, and so is much slower than the Apotropaist's Warding

Aspect of totem -- (41-50 STEEP) By inves[ture of Heka, the shaman
can bring forth minor ahributes of the subject's totem animal, for a
period of 1 AT per point of Heka so spent, to a maximum of STEEP
possessed. Examples might include keen eyesight (eagle), excellent smell
(wolf), or others as appropriate.

This K/S Area generates Cas[ngs, as described in the sec[on on
Shamanist's Cas[ngs (q.v.).

(Mythus p. 276, Mythus Magick p. xx)

Spiritual TRAIT Areas Base Heka Genera[on Notes
Shamanism STEEP + S TRAIT 9

Note 9: Shamanism prac[ce is enabled through a Vow to the Great Spirit,
and thus is only available to those who have dedicated themselves to his
service, and are na[ve to or adopted by his people.

Note: The descrip[on refers to some new cas[ngs, but they (obviously)
are not included here. There's a very good reason -- I haven't even
sketched out any ideas for them yet, and I haven't had a chance to wander
next door and talk to the Amerindian who lives there (if he's willing to
discuss it). Anyways, this is a start. A new voca[on, and more
Cas[ngs, will be associated with it.

If you have thoughts, comments, sugges[ons, or have cas[ngs ideas, let
me know :-)


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 01:02:06 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Ambidextrous ini[a[ve?
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List

>Postscript- speaking of religion, does anyone know if Monsieur Gygax, New=
>or otherwise plans a deni[ve volume on the religions of =C6rth? =

The answer is no. We did have plans for several religions, but these were
cancelled when the suit was sehled and TSR acquired the game.

Sorry... About the best you can hope to nd is archived right here in the
list (and from what I've read, they are good).

Dave-----------------------------------------------------Dave Newton * OR
Date: 03/20/95 * Time: 01:02:07
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 10:07:02 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

Fwd: teskej->



The very word Nieheim strikes horror into the hearts of the brave
Norse warriors, for it is the cold land of death where those who are not
chosen by the Valkyries to reside in Valhalla stay upon passing from this

world. It is a cold place, ruled by Hel. It is said that the cape can
protect the wearer from the eects of Nieheim, and that the wearer
can pass into and out of that realm freely. Some scholars contend that
it was rst worn by Odin when he was hung for nine nights upon a tree by
the Norns in exchange for the secrets of the Runes, and that it was
imbued with resistance to the eects of death at that [me.
The oldest and most fearsome of legends suggest that it is capable of
summoning the spirits of Nieheim from the icy grip of Hel, and command
their obeisance (although it should be noted that the spirits of Valhalla
would be more skilled and beher prac[ced). Further, it is said that
the wearer might have control of the undead and unliving as well, able to
command all but the unmortal.
However, of the powers men[oned in fragmented and scahered legends,
the most remarkable and least documented is that the wearer is immune to
unnatural death while wearing the cape, such that he may not be slain in
bahle, or by any form of magickal ahack, and may only be struck down by
a naturally contracted disease or age.
Regardless, though it is the sole item of great power thought to be
held by Norge, it is most potent.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon Mar 20 10:07:33 1995
This item was created by Mike Phillips.
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 10:10:23 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

Fwd: teskej->



Said to have been the rst katana fashioned, perfec[on and art
achieved before the secrets of folding steel were even known, it is
considered to be a divine weapon for the divine Emperor. Perhaps it has
been wielded by heros in the past, but such legends are fragmentary and
incohesive at best. What lihle is known is almost pure specula[on, and
that places the work as that of a god, of a giped and mad genius of a
mortal, or a gip from a Phaeree smith. In any case, it is referenced as
the personal weapon of the Emperor, and it is held up as the perfect
example, something for which the smiths of Nippon aim.


The Bag of Eversharpness is said to have been woven from the nest
silk, painstakingly created to hold the sharpest of winds. Legend states

that a deserving blade, already sharpened beyond imagining, if placed

within the bag, will be further honed by the captured winds to produce
the keenest edge that could ever be held by a blade.


Typically presumed to be a small fruit, this is instead the yield of
a tree rumored to have roots in Phaeree. When fed to silkworms, they are
said to produce thread which is as pliable and light as silk, but as
strong as steel. It is common knowledge that the Emperor's garments, and
those of his closest and most trusted advisors, are woven from such


These unremarkable pieces of glass, bound by some form of metal and
easily hooked over one's ears, are said to grant a clarity of vision
beyond anything achievable by all but the greatest Heka. Distance and
[me are no barrier to sight, nor are illusions or other blockage.
However, it is clear that there is a cost associated with their usage,
for they are almost never put on. Legends that are told by the commoners
(the nobility would indicate no such weakness) say that the wearer will
be struck blind by the visions granted.


Legends are incomplete, and the three thunder arrows have few
references. Their power is unknown, although the name suggests a
connec[on with the weather, and perhaps they manifest some form of
thunder or lightning upon their use. The state guards their secrets
carefully, and intense prying has resulted only in the knowledge that
they have not been used in recent centuries, and their exact antecedants
may be lost even to the Nipponese. The one scholar permihed to view the
arrows remarked that they bore Heka of En[tal nature, and thus their use
would cause the most remarkable damage. Further, he suggests that they
are the remaining arrows aper two others were used, to devasta[ng
eect, in two ci[es whose names have been lost to [me.


A remarkable chariot, this has never been ahached to a beast of
burden, for it is said that doing so will instantly destroy it. It is
coated with mother-of-pearl, and sparkles with the light of the sun. In
[mes past, it is said that it has been singularly eec[ve in defending
the islands of Nippon. When taken to the ocean's edge, legend states
that it will harness the surf itself, and be propelled by the waves.
Some[mes, it has been told that the use of the chariot brings the Divine
Wind ("kami kaze") to weave protec[on around the island and cause an
invading armada to founder.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon Mar 20 10:10:46 1995

These items were created by Mike Phillips.
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 10:06:22 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

Fwd: teskej->



This set of magickal substances is said to have been assembled and
rened by one of the greatest Alchemists to have ever inhabited AErth.
They are said to be able to determine the precise proper[es of any
substance, as well as eects caused by it and causes that can aect it.
Further, in proper combina[on, they are said to have a transforming
eect, able to transmute prac[cally anything into anything else
(although it might take the legendary Philosopher's Stone to do so with
any precision).


The Key of Escape is said to be an oversized, ornate golden key, able
to open any portal, any gate, or any other means of egress. It is also
thought to be able to open portals to other planes and worlds, even where
there is no natural conjunc[on. Legends have suggested its use in the
escapes of past rulers during [mes of revolu[on and anarchy, although
nothing has ever been conrmed with any serious documenta[on.


Reports are conic[ng upon this item. Some suggest that this is a
globe or circle which can be used to summon extremely erce storms, with
ahendant destruc[ve eects, but that it will shield those within a
certain distance of the Storm Eye (the size of the protected area depends
on the legend, the author of the legend, and probably the size and
ferocity of the storm).
The other primary form that this item takes in legend is that of a
small glass eye which may be inserted into an empty socket, and that the
person to whom it is so entrusted is able to see the paherns of weather,
and control them to a certain extent (as well as possibly strike down
opponents with erce storms, lightning, thunder, and such, although this
may simply be an unrestrained ight of fancy of one or more authors).


Precious lihle is known of these, although scholars have suggested
that perhaps they are some form of trap which can be extended through
barriers and across great distances. Others hold that they are a means
of suspension, although what is suspended and where is very much unknown.
S[ll others have suggested that they are a weapon of great potency, for
they are selec[vely corporeal, and are able to pass through even the
most eec[ve armor and cannot be parried. The laher descrip[on is
generally scoed at by most scholars, but so lihle informa[on has been
unearthed that anything could very well be the truth of the maher.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon Mar 20 10:06:49 1995
These items were created by Mike Phillips.
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 12:56:55 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Priests of Thor
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Mike, thanks for the new religious stu, as always!

This sort of thing really helps the individual campaigns...I think I
shall put forth some of my own work soon...the god I will expound upon is
one of my own: Auroran, lord of Morning.

Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 13:00:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shamanism K/S Area [new]
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Mike, are we to assume that there is a "Shamanism Cas[ngs" list on the way?

Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 12:59:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ambidextrous ini[a[ve?
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List

In-Reply-To: <>

Hey Mike, I just realised...never mind looking in '93 for me. :) I
started about May '94... :)

I s[ll don't think it's really 1995...

Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 14:06:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shamanism K/S Area [new]
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 20 Mar 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Mike, are we to assume that there is a "Shamanism Cas[ngs" list on the way?

<nudge in the ribs> You should read more carefully: the last two
paragraphs: <grin>

Note: The descrip[on refers to some new cas[ngs, but they (obviously)
are not included here. There's a very good reason -- I haven't even
sketched out any ideas for them yet, and I haven't had a chance to wander
next door and talk to the Amerindian who lives there (if he's willing to
discuss it). Anyways, this is a start. A new voca[on, and more
Cas[ngs, will be associated with it.

If you have thoughts, comments, sugges[ons, or have cas[ngs ideas, let
me know :-)

Sounds to me like I'm going to start a Cas[ngs list, but I haven't had
much leisure to do so, not to men[on crea[ng an alterna[ve Medicine
Man Voca[on.....

So, yeah, I'll be working on one, right aper I nish up that Daily
Deity like list for the Norse pantheon :-)


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+

Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''

Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 17:59:18 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: University at Bualo
Subject: Re: Shamanism K/S Area [new]

Okay, here is my rst idea for Cas[ngs:

Borrow a bunch from Mediumship, espcially the ones about Ancestors...

Then, I guess you could almost have them specic to dierent tribes.
Maybe even something like totems, from Shadowrun...


(okay, I didn't really the whole thing, how much [me do you think I have
around here??? :))
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 10:18:06 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Magic in Mythus

I am curious about how much magic (HEKA and spells) other JM allow their players to
start with. As an example I made a Dweomercr{per (Grey School, par[al pract.) the
other day. He has an MMCap 20. If I have understood the rules correctly, this allows him
to have 20 known spells from his primary group, 20 known spells from his secondary
group and 20 recallable spells from each of the primary and secondary group.
In this case I dene primary to be Dweomercr{p, General and Dweomercr{p, Grey
School. Secondary is all the other (Necromancy, Divina[on etc. etc.).
I have began to have secon thoughts about this. All my players have a good po[on of
spells, and that makes designing scenarios much harder (not to men[on the fact that I
have to put them up against an average army or the odd demigod just to make things
interes[ng in combat situa[ons). Have I misunderstood something?
Comments, anyone?

Pal Woje.
"Yes Sarge, I know russian. It says 'Claymore mine. This side towards the enem.........."

(@ @)
--------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------- P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42

P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01

IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- email: pal-arild.woje@bodo.[
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (__) (__)
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 08:37:15 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Magic in Mythus
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

The way I see it, star[ng HP's get too much in the way of magickal
knowledge. I know there are plenty of others around who do not see it
that way :), but the way I have done it in the past is to give the HP's
half the number of Cas[ngs that they would receive normally, and limit
them to having more of the lower levels than of the higher ones.

Also, aper having to wade through too many Cas[ngs once or twice, most
of my magick-wielding players decided to take only a couple magickal K/S
Areas, instead of most of them...

Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 23:16:59 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: D.I. Calling all Subscribers

Hey everyone!

Hawkeye here, and I'm planning on pujng out another issue of Dangerous
Ideas soon! (believe it or not) Since it has been a long [me between
issues, I am not sure who is around anymore and who is not. So, I am
asking that everyone who wants to subscribe, send me e-mail again, so I
can tell who is really s[ll here.

I realize that's kind of a pain, but I don't want to get 25 messages back
later saying "this address unknown", etc... :)

If you are not yet a part of this, and want to join, let me know! I will
sign you up (it's totally, completely free, except for the bandwidth...).
Dangerous Ideas is the clearinghouse for ideas people have regarding Mythus
or Dangerous Journeys. It is full of neat stu: new rules, EP's, OP's,
Cas[ngs, etc. Anything people create can be put in. And that's the idea:

since T$R stole our game, this is the only source of new ideas for the
system (aside from the good stu put on Mythus-L)...

So, tell all your friends! Write to me one more [me (pick an address
from the two below) and get D.I. once again... :)

Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 23:32:36 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: D.I. Calling all Subscribers


I'm wai[ng for that double-sized issue! You know I want my name on the
list. :)
I can't wait to see what you've got hiding aper all this [me.


P.S. That crack about the double-sized issue is a joke...but if there's
enough material...hmmmm.
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 07:29:40 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Gree[ngs Mythusers!
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye" at Mar
21, 95 11:16:59 pm

Hi all!

This is Dan Williamson, back from a few months without reliable communica[ons.
I'm glad to see the list is s[ll here and that Hawkeye is s[ll up to his
old tricks with DI.

I'm currently running a sort-of-Mythus campaign set in a place I call Other
World. I envision it as a vast place where those things that are Myths in
our world actually took place. Other World is known to us in dreams and ...
I started to digress into someplace I didn't want to go.

Anyway the ac[on takes place in an area of Other World surrounding the

Holy Empire. The Holy Empire is based loosely on a combina[on of the

German Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Empire of history. It is a place
of security and religious long as you are Chris[an.
Surrounding the Empire are the Pagan and Successor States. The Successor
States occupy a vast desert that lies to the south of the Empire and is home
to strange unknown and probably demonic socie[es. It is known that the
Successor States prac[ce human sacrice, all manner of blasphemy, and
certainly slavery. The Successor States are called that because they claim
to be the inheritors to the legacy of a vast ancient empire that once ruled
the south when the land was fer[le.

The Pagan States are a collec[on of small kingdoms and empires that are
only lumped together because they are not Chris[an. The ci[zens of the
Empire view them as lihle beher than the people of the Successor States
which is probably unfair.

When I rst began talking to my players and making charac..sorry HPs with
them I had the idea that they would be the ones direc[ng the ow of the
game en[rely. Since I moved aper only gejng to play one short session,
and haaving a dierent group of players/player actually, the game has gone
in another direc[on en[rely. Once again I am direc[ng where things go,
but only because he has not taken control of things yet. He s[ll does
not know what is going on. Heh.

Tomorrow I will provide a summary of the game to this point, but for now
I need to get to work.

Till then,


"In des[nies sad or merry true men can but try"
From Gawain and the Green Knight.
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 08:47:13 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Magic in Mythus
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List

Just a reminder: HPs don't need to (nor should they) get the maximum number to
begin with. The number represents the total possible, not their star[ng number
of cas[ngs. Perhaps a good rule of thumb for star[ng HPs (*ALL* HPs - FP and
PP) is that they get to choose a number of cas[ngs equal to their lowest
Mental or Spiritual Ahribute, based upon their Primary Cas[ng K/S Area.

They have to acquire the rest.

This allows the GM to withhold any specic cas[ngs desired either

because it is inappropriate, or the player who wants it will abuse it ("Whaddya
mean I can't have the "Moving Wall of Violent Death and Destruc[on CHARM?!").

C'mon guys. GMs can do anything they want within their campaigns. And if your
players give you a hard [me, print this and let them ahach it to their books,
adding the word REVISION to the top of the page. If they have a ques[ons as
to why, tell them because Dave said so.

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 11:13:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Magic in Mythus
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

"Because Dave said so."

Now THAT I am going to use... :)

Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 14:44:32 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Magic in Mythus

Total? Works for me, however, that's denitely not the way they printed the
books. Ain't editors great!

Lets try for a clarica[on, ignoring for a moment the "JM can do anything"
line. Are you advoca[ng a TOTAL number of cas[ngs equal to lowest
applicable ahribute per area or per trait or ????.....
And a max. allowable of STEEP as % of available cas[ngs...

I'd predict whole lihers of kihens, but it sounds like fun to me.


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 15:39:39 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Magic in Mythus

>Total? Works for me, however, that's denitely not the way they printed the
>books. Ain't editors great!

Yeah. I'd slam Lester Smith a lihle harder, except I'm edi[ng an RPG and It's not as
easy as it looks. Editors are human, too (and I'll remind you of that the rst [me
you read something I've edited <grin>).

>Lets try for a clarica[on, ignoring for a moment the "JM can do anything"
>line. Are you advoca[ng a TOTAL number of cas[ngs equal to lowest
>applicable ahribute per area or per trait or ????.....
>And a max. allowable of STEEP as % of available cas[ngs...

TOTAL = THE HIGHEST # THEY GET AT ONCE. Use the formula in Mythus Magick. It's right.
And remember, they get that many for Known Cas[ngs, and that many more for Recallable

AREA (i.e. if it's a DMCer, use the lowest M ATT; If a PCFTer, use lowest S ATT). This
is an UNOFFICIAL rule of thumb that does not appear in the books, because it's one
that I came up with aper the game was released. It works for me, but if you want to
give them a few more to start with, use the HIGHEST ATTRIBUTE instead.

>I'd predict whole lihers of kihens, but it sounds like fun to me.

Cool. Does that mean I need a larger freezer (I love cats - I have a freezer full)?

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 15:50:59 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: More item rumors

The following items were submihed by Hawkeye. The rumors are presented
as told by an old Nejdan man.


Jamzeid's Hellcamel:

Ah...Jamzeid. A more beau[ful or more deadly sorceress there never
was, nor ever shall be. Fortunately for you and I, she has been gone for
thousands of years. The beast she created remains today, however, and it
is in the possession of the Shamier Sheikh in his capital at Ryadh.
The Shamier Sheikh keeps the great golden statue to the right of his
throne, ever at the ready. Its eyes are erce, glihering rubies, like
none which can be bought in the streets of An[och or beyond! The beast
has a golden saddle covered with shining gems, and even the reins by
which the Hellcamel is driven are encrusted with fabulous jewels.
Even without considering the magicent power of the Hellcamel, it is
no wonder that a great mul[tude of coinage is spent every year to
protect the treasure.
The powers: this is why you have come to speak with me, no? Well,
then, I can only tell you the legends, for it has been many centuries
since the Hellcamel has been ridden in bahle. Yes, you heard correctly:
the Hellcamel can be ridden, for if one knows the proper commands, the
statue will spring to life, and remain in the control of the one who
brought it thus.
The beast is said to have incredible strength, enough even to win in
a contest against an oliphant! It provides nearly impenetrable
protec[on to its rider, as long as he remains on the Hellcamel's back.
It can move with the swipness of the harshest desert wind, and leaves
behind a trail of re! And if this were not enough, the Hellcamel can
summon the powers of the depths from which it was created and breathe a
terrible rain of re upon the rider's enemies...


But enough about such a creature, which is truly powerless compared
to the magnicent and awesome power controlled with the next of Nejd's
"treasures," the Magnanecronomicon of Al Hazredh. Vizier Al Hazredh was
a superior sorceror and necromancer who tormented our sands thousands of
years ago, and this is the last legacy of his.
According to legend, the Magnanecronomicon contains the names and
descrip[ons of six hundred and sixty-six of the most evil and despicible
vile beings and unliving horrors. Not only does it contain thus, but
aperwards it contains many of the proper rituals necessary to bring
these abomina[ons into this world.
Fortunately for us, as well as Yarbay and our other neighbors, the
Shamier Sheikh has no knowledge or skill in either sorcery or
necromancy, and thus he himself cannot use it at all. As well as this,
he is, but do not tell anyone you heard this from me, insanely paranoid
about his power, and will never allow another living soul to touch the
book. And so, we are spared its terrible power...
Ah, yes, and one other thing: it is said that the book's cover is of
the blackened esh of damned men, and the power of their souls is the
power used to summon the vile damna[ons within.


Finally, my friend, I can tell you about the magicent Sandscrap.
This is a trult wonderous sailing vessel, at least the size of any
Aeropan galleon! The truly magickal powers of the vessel enable it to
not travel over water, but though the sands as if it were water! This I
have seen with my own eyes.
Truly, it causes the sands to act as water, and it leaves a wake
behind it which creates new sand dunes. It is wonderous in its ability
to carry hundreds of people or tons of gold and other treasures directly
across the desert...

These treasures, my friend, are the only reason why the Sheikh in
Yarbay does not ahack my homeland. Let us hope that no thieves are able
to carry o any of our na[onal jewels...
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 19:19:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: More item rumors
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Well, what is the verdict? Am I on the right track with these magick
items? Just a sentence or two of feedback would be appreciated... :)

(who is neither old nor Nejdan...)

-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel to share it...
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 19:21:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: More item rumors
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Oh, one other thing:

Where are these items being kept? I don't even really have a copy of my
own items...I know that at least one person is keeping track of them.
Are they available anywhere? Are they on WWW? FTP? Are they
Alphabe[zed by na[on???? :)

Just curious.


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel to share it...
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 16:28:22 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: More item rumors
In-Reply-To: <199503230021.QAA26217@leland.Stanford.EDU> from "Hawkeye" at Mar
22, 95 07:21:01 pm

> Oh, one other thing:
> Where are these items being kept? I don't even really have a copy of my
> own items...I know that at least one person is keeping track of them.
> Are they available anywhere? Are they on WWW? FTP? Are they
> Alphabe[zed by na[on???? :)

I think you are making the descrip[ons submihed by the rest of us look
pale by comparison. Keep up the excellent work!

I believe that the list of items is on one of the WWW sites that have been
men[oned here in recent weeks. I'm also collec[ng and alphabe[zing all
the submissions, with plans to submit it to the cerebus FTP site when it
is completed.

In the mean[me, if anyone wants what has been submihed so far, I'd be
happy to send the le via email (so long as I don't get swamped by requests).
The descrip[ons already take up more than 100 KB, and we aren't quite half
nished yet. :)

Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 20:52:31 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Muten Roshi <roshi@UMD.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: More item rumors
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 22 Mar 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Oh, one other thing:

> Where are these items being kept? I don't even really have a copy of my
> own items...I know that at least one person is keeping track of them.
> Are they available anywhere? Are they on WWW? FTP? Are they
> Alphabe[zed by na[on???? :)

I just nished sor[ng them by na[on! (man was that a pain!)
They can be found on the WWW at hhp:// Let me
know what everyone thinks!

Muten Roshi (Andy Ehlert) Saiya-jin Produc[ons
E-Mail:; roshi@[
President of The Science, Fact, Fic[on, and Fantasy Gaming Club
Organizer: U of M Dearborn Anime Showings On irc: M_Roshi
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 21:04:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Jeremy Condit <Pellon@AOL.COM>
Subject: Rumors?You ain't seen nothin yet

<shady man meets you in alley>
Okay, you haven't heard this from me, but..
I know of a tale of a sword, by name of Crossthorn, which may interest you;
that is, if power interests you. Don't get me wrong, that isn't the type of
thing everyone is interested in,yes? The beginning; always a good place to
For a long [me, there was a rumor that the mayor of Caledonia, Sulis Cross,
was a vampire-and a damned strong one at that! Seems ol' Sulis had a real
habit of keepin' to hisself most of the [me. respectable,yah, but the things
he'd done during th' night! Gives ME nightmares...but where was I. Ah! So's
this old vampire's livin' his life-or unlife,as it were-heh,heh- un[l, by
chance, a heka short, of sorts, was ac[vated when the High
Druid-to-be(Mervyn Scepterpitch)o' Londun, in Albion, was tryin' to teleport
from a bahle with a demon named Durandal,o' some such, when the young priest
found a bolt o' lightnin' obstruc[n is path, ye could say.
Ob-vee-ess-lee, he was scared to death of the old vamp, but Sulis Cross found
an interest in the wayward Moonlighter. They talked, and Mervyn found the
secret stash of the old man's cash, hidden deep in the roots of the old
mountain Cross Manor sat upon. At this point, Scapterpitch found out his
Well,te' be skippin' most unimportant details, Sulis found, to his interest,
that his descendant- Ansate Cross, a hotheaded Elemental and Balance fana[c
magister, lived. Sulis gave his wordly form and money into crea[ng hisself
into a soul object-lockin' away his mind and spirit- of a sword. He could
communicate through the damned thing, and even had full capabili[es of black
magick! I don't touch the tu,meself.
So, me bonny boy, Sulis-now named Crossthorn- bade Mervyn to give the sword
to Ansate Cross, so family could be reunited. Alas, Ansate was dead.

Crossthorn stuck with Mervyn through thick n' thin, un[l Mervyn ahained the
role o' High Druid. Crossthorn's exact words then?
"You don't need me know, manchild. I seek those who do." And with that, 'ol
Crossthorn was gone, in a pu o' jade smoke. Rumors prevail as to where the
ol boy may be, but it's always said around Caledonia that Sulis Cross seeks
whomever is in need..and un[l then, we'll see,eh?
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 21:50:16 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Rumors?You ain't seen nothin yet
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <> interes[ng tale you old thief, but I wonder, what are Sulis'
Crossthorn's powers supposed to be?

And if there's a vampire's soul locked within, wouldn't that make it kind
of a vile object to hold?

An interes[ng tale, though...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel to share it...
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 07:56:49 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

Fwd: teskej->
The following items were submihed by Hawkeye. The rumors are presented
as told by an old Nejdan man.


Jamzeid's Hellcamel:

Ah...Jamzeid. A more beau[ful or more deadly sorceress there never
was, nor ever shall be. Fortunately for you and I, she has been gone for
thousands of years. The beast she created remains today, however, and it
is in the possession of the Shamier Sheikh in his capital at Ryadh.
The Shamier Sheikh keeps the great golden statue to the right of his
throne, ever at the ready. Its eyes are erce, glihering rubies, like

none which can be bought in the streets of An[och or beyond! The beast
has a golden saddle covered with shining gems, and even the reins by
which the Hellcamel is driven are encrusted with fabulous jewels.
Even without considering the magicent power of the Hellcamel, it is
no wonder that a great mul[tude of coinage is spent every year to
protect the treasure.
The powers: this is why you have come to speak with me, no? Well,
then, I can only tell you the legends, for it has been many centuries
since the Hellcamel has been ridden in bahle. Yes, you heard correctly:
the Hellcamel can be ridden, for if one knows the proper commands, the
statue will spring to life, and remain in the control of the one who
brought it thus.
The beast is said to have incredible strength, enough even to win in
a contest against an oliphant! It provides nearly impenetrable
protec[on to its rider, as long as he remains on the Hellcamel's back.
It can move with the swipness of the harshest desert wind, and leaves
behind a trail of re! And if this were not enough, the Hellcamel can
summon the powers of the depths from which it was created and breathe a
terrible rain of re upon the rider's enemies...


But enough about such a creature, which is truly powerless compared
to the magnicent and awesome power controlled with the next of Nejd's
"treasures," the Magnanecronomicon of Al Hazredh. Vizier Al Hazredh was
a superior sorceror and necromancer who tormented our sands thousands of
years ago, and this is the last legacy of his.
According to legend, the Magnanecronomicon contains the names and
descrip[ons of six hundred and sixty-six of the most evil and despicible
vile beings and unliving horrors. Not only does it contain thus, but
aperwards it contains many of the proper rituals necessary to bring
these abomina[ons into this world.
Fortunately for us, as well as Yarbay and our other neighbors, the
Shamier Sheikh has no knowledge or skill in either sorcery or
necromancy, and thus he himself cannot use it at all. As well as this,
he is, but do not tell anyone you heard this from me, insanely paranoid
about his power, and will never allow another living soul to touch the
book. And so, we are spared its terrible power...
Ah, yes, and one other thing: it is said that the book's cover is of
the blackened esh of damned men, and the power of their souls is the
power used to summon the vile damna[ons within.


Finally, my friend, I can tell you about the magicent Sandscrap.
This is a trult wonderous sailing vessel, at least the size of any
Aeropan galleon! The truly magickal powers of the vessel enable it to
not travel over water, but though the sands as if it were water! This I
have seen with my own eyes.
Truly, it causes the sands to act as water, and it leaves a wake

behind it which creates new sand dunes. It is wonderous in its ability

to carry hundreds of people or tons of gold and other treasures directly
across the desert...

These treasures, my friend, are the only reason why the Sheikh in
Yarbay does not ahack my homeland. Let us hope that no thieves are able
to carry o any of our na[onal jewels...
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Mar 23 07:57:15 1995
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 20:09:28 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Jeremy Condit <Pellon@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Rumors?You ain't seen not...

<<An old archivist, in his element: sorrounded by books..>>
Crossthorn?! Oh, my, an interes[ng tale indeed! It says here<<combing
through parchment>> the sword has it's own iden[ty-that of Sulis Cross
himself- and that Cross has all of the magick capabili[es(cas[ngs,etc.)
normally due a supernatural vampire! my goodness.. it also reads here that
the sword feeds on blood, as would a normal vampire!<<makes the sign of the
Tree(Moonlight)>>This diagram should sa[sfy any curiosi[es..
<<the picture of the sword is that of a katana, except that the blade appears
to be composed of glass, and is serrated down the edge with small,

Lastly, from Pellon himself: believe it or not, but this sword(and the
stories preceding it) are all true; that is to say, they all occured in huge,
extended gameplay. The sword was used,and although is lost to Mervyn
Scepterpitch is open to use by any who like the story. Not only is it an
honour to have others enjoy such work, but it allows me to give to the group.
Aw, I love you guys.<snif>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 08:45:39 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Mar 23 16:40:40 1995
Fwd: teskej->
Hello everyone again....

More items. As STeven Gullerud indicated in his recent pos[ng, we are
closing, as a group on the halfway point for the number of countries that need

Also (hooray!) we are nearly done with he\ka-forging. The stu is all typed
in and is in the stages of nal revision and proofreading. Hopefully in the
near future, we will be able to distribute it to one and all.

As always comments and cri[cisms are welcome. I am s[ll looking for people
to develop rumors of items for other countries (there are yet a few I have not
assigned). If you are interested, please contact me by private email.


$$HRComments by teskej Fri Mar 24 08:46:22 1995
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 08:46:39 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Mar 23 17:17:17 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Orb of Inspira[on - This item acts as a focus for the areas of mys[cism and
mediumship, allowing both areas to func[on as if + 100 to STEEP or at a base
of 41 if the K/S areas are not otherwise possessed. Some also allege that the
item can be used in sorcery as well. In any case, func[ons in which the item
is used are all performed as if 4 DRs easier, and includes suchskills as
seances, mys[c visions, and communica[on with the Spiritworld. The orb
serves as the focal point in such ac[vi[es. It als, according to popular
legend, serves as a regenera[ng Joss Pool of 3 Joss/Day, a General Heka
Reservoir (400 Heka Limit) and an "ahuned" gem for any number of Mys[cs who
may care to use it simultaneously.

Hundred Surpessions Scroll - [Ed. Note: I tried nding surpession in an
Unabridged Dic[onary and was unsuccessful; I assumed therefore that the
correct word is Suppressions] This item has long been in Thraces' arsenal of
protec[ve devices, and has been cause for hesitancy on more than one ruler's
part to anger the Powers That Be in Thrace. The fear and hesitancy of all
these people is caused by the alleged power of the item to cause suppression of
100 wills in any force ahacking Thrace, which somehow, by lucky coincidence
(yeah right!) always end up being the key gures LEADing forces against
Thrace, resul[ng in mu[ny, rout, or simple betrayal/treason on the enemy's
part. Because of the unpredictable and chao[c nature of this item, most
forces have decided to sehle their disputes with Thrace in a peaceful manner.

$$HRComments by teskej Fri Mar 24 08:47:10 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 08:50:43 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Fri Mar 24 07:55:35 1995

Fwd: teskej->

Temporal Valves - This set of valves reputedly allows the user somehow to alter
the ow of [me to his/her desire, allowing rejuvena[on, past/future sight,
and [me stasis as well as controlling the speed of forward or reverse [me

Iron Truncheon - This iron baton, when used in combat situa[ons, causes a
sizeable number to be petried (in a limited area of eect) per BT. Local
sages also tell that this item grants great prowess in all 4 combat abili[es
as well as Weapons Special Skills, Arms/Aromor, and Smithing/Welding.

Eleven Banned Symbols - Reputedly these symbols of Conjura[on harness the
power of the forces of Fire, Water, Aerth, Air, Nega[ve Forces, Posi[ve
Forces, Empyreal Energy, Pandemonial Energy, Astral Energy, Panprobability, and
Temporal Energy. It is well-known that Conjurers in the employ of Thuringia
have been much more powerful than otherwise supposed for their training. About
the specic powers, lihle can be said, although it is rumored that the mighty
Runemasters of Thuringia are also able to use these potent Symbols.

$$HRComments by teskej Fri Mar 24 08:51:18 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 08:51:35 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Fri Mar 24 08:16:14 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Solar Diadem - The Solar Diadem had many reputed powers, but its ACTUAL
abili[es are as yet truly unknown/unconrmed/undetermined, for many of this
item's owners were of fantas[c ability with Ethos of Sunlight or White
Dweomercraep. The former owner are also known for their contribu[ons to
their respec[ve Heka Areas with unique Cas[ngs researched, developed and
created solely by them. Thus usual rumors of this items abili[es center
around White Dweomercraep, Ethos of Sunlight, Empyreal, and Posi[ve Forces
powers. According to several authori[es on ancient bahles, the item also
reputedly causes the very air to solidify, including air present in enemy
lungs, causing instant death or entrapment in the small area of eect. It is
otherwise rumored to be a General Heka Reservoir of 777 points.

Seadepths Chest - This brassbound footlocker has been rumored to be no end of
trouble for the unfortunate na[on of Sinope. It has been on countless ships
[me and again that have sunk, by coincidence, at the furthest reaches from

their home ports, causing large expenditures of money ensuring the item's
retrieval lest it fall into enemy hands. It somehow, apparently, acts as an
extradimensional transporta[on device, and is somehow linked to increasing
skills at Seamanship, Naval Combat, Naviga[on, and Astronomy, although the
ships bearing it sink anyway despite the bonuses in skills. It is widely
rumored to be Cursed amoung the common seafolk.


Pipe of Snares - This strange item is able to create a large number of snares
and traps, all at a moment's no[ce. Rumor has it that the item also creates a
beckoning tune, open causing an enemy to charge forth, falling prey to any
number of the nasty traps that may spontaneously appear on the bahleeld.
$$HRComments by teskej Fri Mar 24 08:52:16 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 08:52:31 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Fri Mar 24 08:31:59 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Dejaiysk Crystallines - These nely carved items are well-known as General
Heka Reservoirs of 100 to 250 point value, as well as allowing for the ux of
Joss in bahle to Slovia's advantage, draining 5% of enemy Joss per Crystalline
used. It is rumored that this draining only takes 3 ATs [me, no maher how
many Crystallines are employed. It is also rumored that this item has as yet
unused Temporal Powers as well.

Tome of the Chants Eca[on - This Tome is one of the most complete and
thorough references on the use of chants, heka-endowed items, symbols, and
rituals. Most of these chants seem to center around protec[on of oneself
against the onslaught of one's enemies, equivalent to Apotropaism cas[ngs of
Grades X to XXIX, many with massive areas of eect or able to aect large
numbers of people. Slovs are known to be well-protected and dicult to harm
in mass combat with respect to heka; this has been ahributed to wise and
judicious use of this powerful item. It also has been said to be a General
Heka Reservoir of 1500 points, and grants a +75 to Apotropaism STEEP, not
limited by Mental Trait.

Indomitable Beacon - A widely known source of Posi[ve Heka, the Unconquerable
light of the Beacon can detect hos[lity approaching at incredible range,
deect baneful life/beings, cause harm using a concentrated Energy Bolt
causing a base damage of 12d6 with exposure rolls per CT, burn targets with
Crystal Fire for a base damage of 12d6 with exposure rolls per CT, shield
allies with a glowing Forcewall, dispell Preternatural Cas[ngs on physical

contact, heal allies with sop glowing rays of light, and occasionally cause
Domina[on of enemy commanders of forces opposed to Slovia. It is well-guarded
in a lighthouse in the capital city of Rostov.
$$HRComments by teskej Fri Mar 24 08:53:10 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 1995 19:13:11 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Sun Mar 26 19:11:44 1995
My apologies for sending a second copy of Hawkeye's items to the
mainframe tells me the sender's original address and does not tell me if
messages came from the List, so when I got the post from him, I did not know it
was from the List. <My mainframe doesn't let me edit lehers with any ease - I
just found out Friday that there IS a 20 command sequence to edit EMAIL. Ugh>

My apologies again. More items hopefully this week.

Date: Wed, 29 Mar 1995 00:48:16 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: D.I. #5 Coming!

Hello again! THis is Hawkeye. I just nished typing in 55 names in the
Dangerous Ideas mailing list. I sent out a "hello" message to all the
people on that list. As it's an old list adding new names, I'll proabbly
get some back... :)

Anyway, if you didn't get my "hello everyone" message, that means you are
not on my list! There are three notable excep[ons right now: JRT (if
he's s[ll around any more), Dave Newton and Mah Pearson. These people
would be on the list (even if they didn't want to be!) except that I
forgot or lost their addresses!! :) So, you three--if you want to get
D.I. and join in the fun! :) let me know.

As for the rest of us saps: if you want D.I. and you didn't get the hello
message: WRITE TO ME SOON! So I can add you to the list...

Happy Gaming (if anyone out there actually has the [me to do it!!!)

Hawkeye (D.I. Editor, as if you didn't know or couldn't guess)

-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...

Date: Wed, 29 Mar 1995 02:25:43 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Aaron P. Brezenski" <abrez@CASBAH.ACNS.NWU.EDU>
Subject: Re: D.I. #5 Coming!
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye" at Mar
29, 95 00:48:16 am

I replied to your earlier "resubscribe" no[ce, and I didn't receive a
"re-hello" post. Prehy shoddy work yer doin' there, bub! ;)

-Aaron Brezenski
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's not someone out to get me."

Card-Carrying Member of the Illumina[
"If it can't be expressed in gures, it is not science. It is opinion."
"... what are the facts, and to how many decimal places?"
-- Lazarus Long
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 1995 08:57:00 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Rodney W. Morris" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: D.I. #5 Coming!
In-Reply-To: <>; from "Hawkeye" at Mar 29, 95 12:48 am

Just a lihle advice from your Uncle Evil...
X-Mailer: ELM-MIME [version 1.0 PL0]

Sorry to post this to the list, but I don't believe I got a 'hello'
message recently (maybe I's been a rough week). Just as a
reminder, that's

Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 00:11:00 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: D.I. #5

Okay, it's a lihle delayed. I just wanted to tell all the wai[ng
people out there that my mailer is a pain. I have to adjust it a bit,
and I'll then be able to send out the big thing! :) Sorry for the
wai[ng I'm causing...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 1995 22:22:40 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: The Plot of my Other World game.

Here is the plot of my Other World game as I know it to this point.
(I don't know if anyone cares but here it is anyway)

The following persons should not read this document:
Bill Stripp
Earl Tapley
Anyone else who intends to play in the Other World game,
You know who you are.

Please refer to my earlier post describing my game world for notes
on what all the terms may mean:

The one character currently ac[ve is Gabriel, a reformed assassin. Gabriel
gave up his voca[on when he was hired to kill the wife of an ambassador from
one of the Successor States and she turned out to be his childhood sweatheart.
In the ensuing confusion he murdered the Ambassador and most of his household
before escaping with Annehe (his sweetheart) into the night. Gabriel and
Annehe ed to the southern reaches of the Empire. There they have set up
a farm and are ahemp[ng to put their lives back together.
Play began when they decided to take their crop to the city to sell directly
to the merchants and bypass the middle men who transport their crop to the
city from the nearby town. Immediately before the trip Gabriel found evidence
that nomads had been near his farm, and received a warning from friends that
nomads from a tribe that had earned a bad reputa[on had been spohed nearby
recently. Aper a few days searching about Gabriel could nd no evidence of
the nomads and decided to leave on his trip anyway. Annehe and Gabriel
packed their produce into the wagon and headed out. A week later they arrived
in the city of Tiberias on the river Eryx and set about selling their wares
and purchasing the necessary supplies for the coming season. The second
night Annehe said she had met some old friends from the capital and had been
invited to have dinner with them and rushed o to her engagement.
She returned that night in complete distress. Something happened that night
that terried her. She gave Gabriel some story about almost being mugged in
the alley by the Inn, but her story did not check out with the guard.

And this morning Gabriel has no[ced someone watching the Inn from across the

What is happening?
While Annehe was married to the Ambassador from Uluru (a southern Successor
State) she became involved in the same Order of the Rainbow Serpent that he
was a member of and decided to travel to Tiberias for a mee[ng of the Order's
members in the Empire. At the mee[ng Annehe discovered that her ex-husband
was not dead and that she was in a good deal of trouble for her treachery.
I plan to have Gabriel and Annehe captured by the Order. They will reunite
Annehe with the Ambassador who will return with her to Uluru and sacrice
Gabriel to the Rainbow Serpent, Set.
This will not be the end of Gabriel, due to the seriously messed up
theology in force here the trial of Gabriel's soul before Osiris will be
quite interes[ng. Gabriel is a Christain, sacriced to Set who is impersona[ng
another god-like being the true Rainbow Serpent, on Chris[an ground. I plan
on running a short scene where he is on trial and various fac[ons come in and
state their case with the end result being a hung jury and Gabriel being
returned to Other World in Alpha[a, which is based on Egypt. It should be

More if people express intrest and as it happens.

Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 06:44:55 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Je Sharpe <Je.Sharpe@UIS.ALIVE.AMPR.AB.CA>
Subject: Weapon Quality Chart

We've been using this chart for some [me, let me know what you think. :-) You
may no[ce "Average" is missing from the chart, we thought a weapon that is
average is just that...boring, but necessary.


Weapon Quality Chart
by Teneray Clarke & Je Sharpe

=== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
1 Rusty Brihle Sharp Well Light
(-1d6 PD) (+10/-5 (+1d4-1 PD) Balanced (draw S -3)
durability) (-1 S)

2 O Heavy Good Ornate Sharp

Balance (+2 S) Balance Weapon (+1d6 PD)

(-10 BAC) (+3 BAC) (Resale +90%)

3 Brihle O Light Sharp Well
(+10/-10 Balance (-1 draw (+1d6-2 PD) Balanced
durability) (10% to speed) (-2 S)
drop weap)

4 Heavy Rusty Ornate Strong Light
(+4 S) (-3 PD) Weapon (0/+5 (+10 BAC)
(+75% durability)

5 Slick Chipped Light Light Strong
Pommel Blade (-1 S) (+6 BAC) (0/+10
(x2 draw (0/-10 durability)
speed, 20% durability)
drop weap)

6 JM Choice JM Choice JM Choice JM Choice JM Choice
or None or None or None or None or None

Note: This chart is simply used to ensure each weapon is dis[nct
and "special" in its own way. HP's may, of course, check
the weapon upon purchase...if they have the skill. :-)
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 21:13:54 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Archies Incorporated <PIETILET@MIAVX1.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU>

We are just wondering how ac[ve this listserv is.

Please respond soon.

Archies Inc.
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 20:46:05 CST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Adam Karl Mortara <akmortar@MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU>
In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu, 30 Mar 1995 21:13:54 -0400

Very ac[ve thanks....I love it myself.

Adam Karl Mortara University of Chicago Always kill the Sons of Brutus.........
------------------------------------------------------------------------------VDBL, M, MTLWBMATWWAAOFTO, SPI, I trust the views of certain people I know.....
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 22:35:37 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: The Plot of my Other World game.
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Hey, more would be appreciated! I like the ideas...I hope you don't mind
if we borrow a few... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 22:51:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: your mail
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

It's rela[vely ac[ve, especially on breaks....why?

-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 12:09:16 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: item rumors again

Here are some items from D. Glodowski.

Magic Items of Albion
Excaliber, sword

Excaliber can be any sword the possess wish it to be.
Physically linked to Albion; Excaliber can not be taken o
the island of Albion (even for a short while).

Excaliber gives the ability to its owner (the king of
Albion) an increased maximum passed human normals in M
Trait, P Trait, and S Trait by plus 10 (i.e. 50 40 50) to
give the king a more powerful, intelligent, or religious
then a normal human.

Another ability of this sword is that it give the
wielder a plus 100 in leadership (or maybe it just seems
that way?).

There are many powers that are accredited to this
sword, mostly because because its been around since the
island of Albion has been here.

Rhongomyant, lance

This jous[ng lance gives a one DR easy when jous[ng,
and aper a successful hit upon an opponent, his or her
ahempt to joust receives one DR harder (cumula[ve) [l the
next morning. This lance was created to cheat at jous[ng
by a baron who wanted to win the Great Joust and the prize
of tring to pull Excaliber from the Stone.

This lance detects as none magical and looks
non-descrip[ve and has no symbols or outward looking
magical siginals.

Book of Shadows

This Tome of great size holds a hundred spells from the
now defunct Dweomcrap Area - Indigo School. Some of spells
from this school are now taken into the other schools (Gray
and Black being the majority of the lower level spells).
Some of the higher spell couldn't be incorporated into other
schools like: Shadow moving Ritual, Black Vice Cantrip, Dust
Spore Spell, Darken Earth Ritual, Sink Hole Charm, Shadow
Plane Ritual; the last being the crowning achievement of the
book (i.e. the name).

Pavilion of Portals

This large pavilion (tent) has several sec[ons in the
pavilion and in each sec[on there is a tapestry of a
dierent places. Each tapestry has a intricate picture of
dierent places on EArth and Pharie. The tapestry is an

open door to another place which aper cas[ng the

appropriate Spell the tapestry opens into the place

Magic Items of Annam
Mouse of Jade

This necklace of a small jade mouse on a hekalite chain
can only be handled by someone with Criminal Ac[vity,
Mental. This necklace gives the wearer double the chance of
a special success in criminal ac[vity, mental; the wearer
also has the ability to read the thoughts of all those who
are in sight. By detaching the mouse from the necklace the
mouse grows to a size usesable as a mount that will not be
detectable by any means (with excep[on of the wear of the

Snake Chair of Trang

The chair is gem incrusted with snake for arms (i.e.
the name), red velvet seat and weighs about 5 tons. Any one
sijng in this chair can detect lies, illusions, disguises
and auras of individuals within sight without error (if
another greater enchantment is used then the illusion,
disguises or aura are just dark, unable to see; lies are not
heard but you see lips moving). By concentra[ng the siher
can go non-corpral and go anywhere, condent since the
chair protects the sihers body from all outside forces
un[l the siher returns.

The only problem using this magic chair is that once you
sit up you take 100 points mental damage (sort of a drain
into the chair) which can not be stopped by any means.

Magic Items of Bengal
Dark Sky Rod

This magic item of Shadow Darkness was used primarly
for warfare. Aper waving the rod into the air, saying the
proper words, gesturing the correct wards and symbols,
concentra[ng on total darkness, and sacricing a black cat
the sky turns totally black giving people double the steep
and twice the mana from the Priest Crap area - Shadow

Darkness, while under the shadow of the darkness.

The rod also can be used as a weapon, killing with a
touch. If the holder of the rod channels heka through the
rod it will double the heka into the Priest Crap area Shadowy Darkness spells.

Flying Ship

This warship was specially designed to kill Rocs that
was ahacking its capital city of Bengal. Its front large
crossbow triples damage to Rocs. The bolts are taller then
a men with barbed [ps and wooden etching.

This ship needs about 25 crew members who are specially
trained in air combat and combajng Rocs.

Showering Spear

This ceremonial spear is not used in combat but used by
warlords to damage enemy moral. Tapping this spear to the
ground does dierent things: one tap causes moral in
friendly troops raise, two taps causes lightning to hit any
(or all up to the wielder) target on the bahle eld, three
taps causes a cravasse to open up in the bahle eld (miles
in diameter).

This spear can not be broken by any means and holds
1,000 heka that regenerates every hour on the hour that can
only be used to destroy or mu[late other living and
unliving creatures.

Magic Items of Bihir
Wheel of Rama

Also called the Wheel of discomfort, the Wheel of
Wonderful Pain, the Spiked Wheel of hardship. This torcher
device is used to run over a prisoner [ed to a table and to
get truthful answers ques[on possed to the vic[m by

Trapped in the wheel is an evil personna who reveals in
the pain of its vic[m and may reveal answers if given
enough vic[m's pain to feed it.

Eight-Petal Lotus

This beau[ful ower has eight ea[ble petals which
can do dierent things when eaten; ea[ng a petal will
lasts 18 hours and the petals grows back aper 24 hours.

Aper ea[ng a petal, the eater gets an euphoric
sensa[on and then gets a special power/ability: increase
the personna heka reserve by 10,000; grant the K/S ability
of the eaters choice at 200 STEEP; know the truth of any one
event/subject (including the true name of creatures); raise
a personna stat to 200 (can raise Spd and Pow stats above Cap
levels; gives the personna the Full prac[onership; etc.

Unavoidable Flail of Saisunaga

The wielder of ail does not need to roll to hit this
ail always hits; this weapon gives the wielder 100 STEEP
in Combat Special Skills (subareas picked by wielder).

This magical huge two-handed weapon does 5D6 plus extra
5D6 damage to make a total of 10D6 damage, the weapon point
also doubles as well (7 to 14) and to all other respects are
doubled too. A strength of 25 in PMPow is required.

Magic Items of Brehony
Imprimus, sword

This short sword has several unique propor[es; the
rst property is that the wielder is totally immune to
witchcrap spells (or any that duplicate witchcrap spells).
Another ability is that owner (in possession longer then a
week) may move through stone as if walking through water.
The only other known power is an 8th level green spell
Hos[lefauna Ritual (pg. 90), usable 10 [mes a day for 100
AT [me with an area of 10 miles diameter with the wielder
as the center of the spell.

The best knowledge for the making of this sword is that
a brother had it created to kill his sister who tried to
take over his country with magic and none of his heroes he
sent to kill her ever came back. Many say that he won but a
few say that she forseen his coming and ed to another

Net of Storms

Cas[ng this ordinary net into an ocean and drawing it

in on its rope, catches enough sh to feed 1 person 1 day.
Wrapping this net around a personna body gives the person
Elemental Armor (pg. 61). Wrapping this net around a
personna arm gives the person Elemental Shield (pg. 60).
Wrapping this net around a personna hand gives the person
Elemental Hands (pg. 65). Wrapping this net around a
personna feet gives the person Elemental Walk (pg. 69). All
of these abili[es are at 100 STEEP and the wearer can choose
which elemental.

The last ability is cast at 500 STEEP, wrapping this
net around a personna head lets the person cast an Elemental
Storm (pg. 69) also doubling all damage done.

Stones of An[pathy

These seven stones weight about 3 tons each. These
stones surround an alter dedicated to an unknown diety; once
the proper ritual is done and all par[cipants are within
the stones, the stones complete an aura around the alter
that keeps away all full physical manifesta[on, par[al
physcial manifesta[on, non-physical manifesta[on, and
unalive creatures and all spells directed toward the alter.

It is said that there was a eight stone that was stolen
and the others where moved closer together to ll in the
gap. The individual stone was stolen by a stone giant from
phaeree and used as his door into his lair.
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 16:02:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: item rumors again

In a recent adventure, my players discovered the_ Bones of Aerth _ . I can't
seem to nd it men[oned in any of the posts of Items by Teskej or anyone
else for this list.

Does anyone have any interes[ng ideas as to the nature of this ar[fact?

Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 15:29:01 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Borrowing my ideas

In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye" at Mar

30, 95 10:35:37 pm

Go right ahead Hawkeye!

I met with the second player this morning for a bit and began work on
his character. It turns out he will be the local magic-user, as in
local plumber. He was planning on a priest of Thoth, but changed his
mind and is going to be a rural magic user.

I now need to gure out how to incorporate True Names into Mythus Magic.

Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 18:31:32 +6400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: item rumors again
In-Reply-To: <> from "Tom Harrison" at
Mar 31, 95 04:02:57 pm

> In a recent adventure, my players discovered the_ Bones of Aerth _ . I can't
> seem to nd it men[oned in any of the posts of Items by Teskej or anyone
> else for this list.
> Does anyone have any interes[ng ideas as to the nature of this ar[fact?

Actually, it is in the item rumor list under Hy Braesal. I've included
the text below:

Bones of Aerth
This item looks to be a 3 foot diameter boulder of granite, in which
traces of oracalcum and hekalite ore can be seen. Actually, this is the
living center of Hy Braesal, created when the island was raised up by the
gods in ages past.
The possessor of this stone gains great power over the Aerth both on
and around the island. Rocky shoals, hills, clis, and volcanoes can be
created and removed if desired at the cost of small earthquakes in the
surrounding area. Natural disasters such as volcanic erup[ons, landslides,
and earthquakes can be caused or prevented.
The exact loca[on of this rock is a closely guarded secred, as there
is a prophesy sta[ng that Hy Braesal will be destroyed if the Bones of Aerth
is ever removed from the island.

Not very portable according to this rumor, but who knows if these are
the true powers and descrip[on? ;)

Date: Sat, 1 Apr 1995 23:09:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Borrowing my ideas
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

True Names = decrease the DR... knowing someone/something's True Name
should make Cas[ngs more eec[ve against it...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 1995 23:51:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: [ROUGH DRAFT] Daily Deity: The Norse Pantheon


The Norse Pantheon

by Mike Phillips

(with apologies to Gary Gygax for adop[ng the [tle and format of
his most excellent column in MMM)

Hi there, everyone! For those who are familiar with Mythic Masters
Magazine (a beau[ful gaming supplement to the Mythus gaming system
masquerading as a magazine, regrehably no longer published), the format
here is prehy straighkorward and obvious, reminiscent of the GrecoRoman and Chinsungese summaries assembled by Gary Gygax. While I would
be very hesitant to compare my brief notes to his apparently much more
exhaus[ve research, this should prove a valuable supplement to those
using the Norse pantheon as their background.

This is a WORK IN PROGRESS. I make no claims as to the historical
accuracy of anything herein, so don't expect to pass an exam on Norse

mythology aper reading this. I also make no claims to be more than

passingly familiar with Norse mythology, and I welcome correc[ons,
addenda, and direc[ons to source material (preferably [tle & author, so
I can get them through Inter-Library Loan, our library is REALLY sparse).
If someone with a beher grounding wants to assist (or take over and
expand the list), feel free to contact me!

The purpose of this is a really brief overview of the personali[es
and places, and not the myths (although some are alluded to in the brief

Note: In Epic of AErth, the Norse pantheon has a division (much like the
Greek vs. Roman approach to Classical Mythology): Skandian and
Teutonic/Germanic. I presume that this dis[nc[on mirrors the
dieren[a[on between the tales of the Eddas and the Nibelungenlied,
the former Icelandic and the laher Frankish. At any rate, among the
gods the similari[es are remarkable, closer than in the Greco-Roman
corpus; the primary dierences appear to be details of the heroic
legends (names, rela[onships, and occasionally exact ac[ons, although
the overall literary shapes are similar). Where I happen to have seen
alternate spellings for names, I have included them in the chart
preceding the lis[ng.

Odin Wodan
Frigga Frea
Forse[ Fosite
Freyja Syritha?
Thor Donar

Only the dei[es Odin, Thor, Frey, Njord, Frigga, and Freyja are
typically listed as being sacriced to.

Aesir, the - The Norse gods, who dwelt in Asgard and skirmished with the
Giants: (properly) Odin, Thor, Balder, Tyr, Bragi, Heimdall, Hoed, Vidar,
Vali, Ullr, Forse[, and Hoeni; Njord and Frey, though Vanir, are open
grouped with them, as is Loki, though he is a Giant's son

Agnar -- kind son of Geirrod; gave wine to Odin; later, he is made a
demigod and patron of kindness and hospitality by Odin

Asgard - Realm of the Aesir

Asynjor - The Norse goddesses: Frigga, Geon, Freyja, Saga, Fulla,
Idunn, Gerd, Sigyn, Nanna, Skadi, Sif

Balder - Sunlight (Benign, Ordered) Major God, son of Frigga, made immune
to all ahacks except that of mistletoe; slain by Hoed at the behest of

Loki, kept by Hel when a Giantess refused to weep for him; he may rise
again aper Ragnarok, and he s[ll has followers devoted to his ideals

Bifrost - rainbow bridge leading to Asgard

Bragi - Balance (Benign, Ordered) Minor God of eloquence and poetry

Brynnhild - A Valkyrie, bound in sleep and encircled in re un[l
Sigurd released her; tricked into marrying Gunnar, has Sigurd slain in
revenge for his breaking of their vows

Dwarves - Norse Dwarves are a twisted race, living underground in
bondage, where they mine and make weapons for the Aesir and the Giants.

Egil - "The Archer"; brother of Volund, once had a Valkyrie as his wife

Einherjar - "Wish-sons"; the spirits of the slain who bahle and feast in
Valhalla; full 800 from each of the 580 doors of Valhalla will swarm
forth for Ragnarok

Fafnir - either a Giant transformed into a dragon, or a Dragon; slain by
Sigurd in pursuit of the Rhinegold

Fenris - great wolf, son of Loki, terrorized Asgard un[l the dwarves
made a chain which could hold him; bit o Tyr's hand when the chain
bound him, will be freed at the [me of Ragnarok to eat the sun and eat
Odin; des[ned to be slain by Vidar

Fjorgyn - Thor's mother

Forse[ - Balance (Agathocacological, Ordered) Aesir; son of Balder,
Lesser God of Judgement, no being can resist a sentence that he passes

Frey - Moonlight (Benign, Intermediate) Vanir; Great God, cared for the
fruits of the aerth, son of Njord, des[ned to ght Surtr without his
sword, which was given to Geirrod for his daughter Gerd, who became
Frey's wife; has many overtones of agricultural deity

Freyja - Shadowy Darkness (Benign, Intermediate) Vanir; Great Goddess of
Love and Beauty; half of those slain in bahle were hers (the other half
were taken by the Valkyries); she wears the Brising necklace and has a
hawk-dress which Loki borrows to change shape and y

Frigga - Asynjor; Wife of Odin, mother of Balder, Hoder, Hermod;
incessantly spinning golden threads for a mysterious purpose

Fulla - Asyngor; Frigga's handmaid

Geon - Moonlight (Benign, Intermediate) Minor Goddess, patron of those
who die unwedded; perhaps ancient goddess of the sea; she dragged Zealand

from the waters

Gerd - Giantess, wife of Frey, who traded his sword to Gymi for her

Giants, the - enemies of the Aesir; known to be divided into the Frost
Giants and the Mountain Giants

Gladsheim - Golden palace of Odin

Gripi - Sigmund's uncle, soothsayer, "The Wisest of Men", Potency

Gymi (Oegi) - Giant who gave feast to the Aesir, has Frey's sword in
exchange for his daughter, Gerd

Heimdall - Balance (Benign, Ordered) Aesir, Major God, warder of Bifrost,
the far-seeing, des[ned to blow the horn that signals Ragnarok; the
father of civiliza[on

Hel, Hela - Gloomy Darkness (Malign, Ordered) Great Goddess of Death, and
ruler of Nieheim

Helgi - son of Sigmund and Borghild, protected by the Valkyrie Sigrun,
who bade him slay Hoedbrodd to whom she was plighted; slew Hoedbrod and
all but one of his kinsmen, Dag, who slew him; later raised from the dead
by Sigrun's tears; Potency

Hermod - Aesir; rode Sleipnir to Nieheim to bargain with Hel for Balder
to return to life

Hoed - Aesir; blind brother of Balder, Loki tricked him into throwing
mistletoe at Balder, which slew him; slain by Vali

Hoeni - Aesir; des[ned to survive Ragnarok and usher in the new era of
Norse gods

Hrym - a Fire Giant

Hugin - Raven perched on Odin's shoulders, its name means Thought

Hymi - Giant, was shing with Thor when he caught Jormungandr

Idunn - Asynjor; wife of Bragi; the care-healer of the gods, she held the
golden apples that assured their non-aging; betrayed to the Giants by
Loki, later freed by Loki

Jormungandr - The World-Snake, guardian of Midgard and humanity;
des[ned to slay and be slain by Thor at Ragnarok; once caught in Thor's
shhook, but let go because it was not yet [me

Jotunheim - The city of the Giants

Loki - Shadowy Darkness (Malign, Chao[c) Great God of Fire and Trickery;
giant's son, troublemaker allowed to go to and from Asgard freely,
associated with re; son of Laufey; des[ned to steer the Fire Giants'
ship from Muspelheim to Ragnarok; his children include Nari, Nar, and
the Fenris-wolf

Midgard - bahleeld for men

Mimir - Guardian of the Well of Wisdom

Munin - Raven perched on Odin's shoulders, its name means Memory

Muspelheim - Land of re, to the south, inhabited by the Giants

Nanna - Balder's wife

Nerthus - Vanir; sister of Njord

Nidhogg - the serpent gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil

Nieheim - Icy land of the dead, to the north, ruled by Hel

Njord - Moonlight (Agathocacological, Ordered) Great God; Vanir, hostage
of the Aesir, father of Frey and Freyja, some[mes worshipped as the god
of the Sea, married to Skadi, a Giantess

Norns, the - Urda (past), Verdandi (present), Skuld (future), they allot
lives, fate, and [me to mortals

Odin - Balance (Benign, Ordered) Greater God, ruler of Asgard and
Valhalla, he is aloof but caring towards humanity. He was crucied for
nine days by the Norns in exchange for the secrets of the Runes, which
knowledge was in turn passed on to humanity. He also drank from the Well
of Wisdom, where he exchanged an eye for a draught from it. He is known
as the All-Father, and was most certainly the father of the Valkyries.
Two ravens, Hugin (Thought) and Munin (Memory), perch on his shoulders.
Avatars include: Wegtam (Way-wise), Gangrad (Wanderer),
Grimni (the Hooded One), Greybeard, and Brun.

Ragnarok - "Twilight (Doom) of the Gods"; the nal bahle between the
Aesir and the Giants; Loki steers the Giants to Vigrid; Fenris swallows
the sun, Thor slays and is slain by Jormungandr; Modi and Magni gain
Mjollnir; Vidar, Vali, and Hoeni survive; Fenris eats Odin and is slain
by Vidar; it is the blowing of Heimdall's horn which signals the coming
of the bahle; some legends claim that Balder will return from the dead
aper it is over

Ratatosk - a squirrel, scurrying up and down Yggdrasil to bring the
eagles' words to Nidhogg

Saga - an Asunjor

Sibyl, the (1) - a spirit of much wisdom, she told a disguised Odin much
about Crea[on, un[l she discovered his iden[ty

Sibyl - a spirit of a dead woman, some[mes sought and consulted with for

Sif - Giantess, wife of Thor

Sigurd - son of Sigmund; slew Fafnir, awakened Brynnhild; later enchanted
so that he forgets her and wins her for Gunnar; later slain at
Brynnhild's behest for his breaking of their vows to each other

Sigyn - Loki's wife; she held the cup that prevented a painful poison
from dripping on Loki when he was bound, but he was in terrible pain when
she had to stop and empty the cup

Skadi - Giantess, wife of Njord

Skuld - a Norn, the future

Sleipnir - Odin's horse

Svipdag - heroic mage who used magic to seek advice to cross the circle
of re encircliing Menglad, his fated bride; later becomes the demigod
of magic; Balance (Agathocacological, Ordered)

Surt (Surtr) - Fire Giant, des[ned to be the foe of Frey at Ragnarok

Thiazi - Giant; could turn into an eagle

Thokk - Giantess; she would not weep for Balder, for she had never felt
kindness from him, and so Hel kept Balder's spirit

Thor - Moonlight (Agathocacological, Intermediate) Great God of Thunder;
Strongest of the Aesir, his hammer is called Mjollnir; two sons: Modi
(Wrath) and Magni (Strength), one stepson: Ullr (Glory); he is fated to
slay and be slain by Jormungandr at Ragnarok

Thrym - Lord of the Giants; stole Mjollnir from Thor, demanded Freyja for
its return; tricked by Thor dressed up as woman, who then slew Thrym

Tyr - Balance (Agathocacological, Ordered) Great God of Honor and Oaths,
lost his right hand to Fenris when the chain bound him

Ullr - Aesir, Thor's stepson, his name means Glory

Urda - a Norn, past

Vaphrudni - a wise Giant, lost his head in a ques[on/answer game with

Valhalla - Hall of the Slain; in Valhalla the spirits of mighty warriors
ght by day and feast by night, the fallen upon the eld rising again
to feast and ght the next day

Vali - Aesir; avenged the death of Balder by slaying Hoed, des[ned to survive
Ragnarok and usher in the new era of Norse gods

Valkyries, the - Choosers of the Slain, they escort the spirits of fallen
warriors to Valhalla

Vanaheim - home of the Vanir

Vanir - another race of Gods, Njord was a hostage of theirs kept by the
Aesir in exchange for a pact

Verdani - a Norn, present

Vidar - Aesir; des[ned to survive Ragnarok and usher in the new era
of Norse gods

Vigrid - the bahleeld upon which Ragnarok will be fought

Volund - one of three brothers (Slagn and Egil are the other two) who
gained Valkyries for their wives by stealing their swan-coats; the
Valkyries lep aper seven years, and Slagn and Egil pursued them;
Volund stayed to work at his forge, where he was taken by the King of
Sweden and imprisoned to make treasures; he slew the two princes, made
drinking cups of their skulls, seduced the princess, then ew away on
wings he had made, leaving the princess weeping for him and the King
mourning his sons; Potency of Smithcrap and Ar[sanship

Yggdrasil - the world-tree; an ash tree which supports the universe;
grows next to Urd's well, and it is a place where the gods judge;
con[nually gnawed on by Nidhogg the serpent, four harts, and eagles

Ymir - the rst Giant

That's all for now. Comments (private or public) are welcome, I
an[cipate polishing it some more Real Soon Now. No, it's not nal, yes
it is probably useful, yes it can stand some more enhancement (but I
can't shove any more Norse mythology into my cranium right now, so I'm
o to puher around with some other stu to give my grey maher a break).

Note that the dei[es that will rise and gain greater power aper

Ragnarok (and usher a brighter, kinder era of Norse godhood) will all
have Sunlight, Benign, Intermediate, Major (or beher) aperwards, but
I'm not sure where they should be now. Also, the original sources seem a
lihle sparse on *any* ahributes for most of the Asynjor and half of the
Aesir, so they were not assigned anything; sugges[ons/pointers for those
par[cular dei[es would be helpful.....


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 09:05:27 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Edward Bromley <EPB3@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Shamanism

Well I tried to post this about a week or so ago but I never received a
receipt so I don't know if it actually posted. Sorry if everybody has
already seen this.
I like it.

I'm currently working on a similar concept but I have gone in a slightly
dierent direc[on. First, a few comments/ques[ons:

> It is only available to members of the na[ve tribes of Vargaard

I note that shamanism was/is prac[ced in many dierent cultures through the
world. Although there were dierences there were many similari[es. If you
wish to limit access to shamanis[c magic require (as was actually the case)
that the shaman be picked in some manner such as by an ancestor spirit, bolt
of lightning, etc.

>possession requires a Vow to the Great Spirit.

good idea. I like this because it allows the GM and players to treat
shamanism as a "real" religion. Shamanism should be structured in the game
world so that it is just as viable (though dierent) as the western

I have wondered how to handle this and have come up with a number of
possibili[es (i) allow a vow (as you suggest) to the Great Spirit, Coyote,
Bear, Eagle, etc., (ii) allow a Vow of Self (Abs[nance, etc.), or (iii)

allow the shaman to use the heka points of its totem - this could be treated
as a general purpose heka reservoir that doesn't count against the shaman's
limit of reservoirs because a totem is really just an extension of the
shaman. Alterna[vely, the totem could act as a mul[plier (i.e like a vow).
I like this third alterna[ve because it seems to t shamanism beher that
the rst alterna[ve (which appears beher for witchcrap and "western"

> The K/S Area confers knowledge of the nature spirits that abound

Yes! the knowledge should also include healing spirits, disease spirits,
human(oid) spirits, ancestor spirits, etc. Animism controls.

> Possessors can... determine the totem (associated animal) of anyone,

I would prefer to say that the shaman is the spiritual guide. i.e. A shaman
can help, but a character must determine his own totem.

In addi[on to the Shamanism k/s area, most shamans should have (at least)
the following heka genera[ng k/s areas:


As Hawkeye indicated, a Shaman's spells should allow it to speak with dead.
In addi[on, a shaman should also have cas[ngs for healing, summoning
spirits, dismissing spirits and shape changing.

Well, thats enough for now.
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 09:23:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: [ROUGH DRAFT] Daily Deity: The Norse Pantheon

Great pos[ng Mike. one addenda, though it's not really a god-diety type thing,
it does gure fairly prominently

Gleipnir- the chain <in some legends, the string> that binds Fenris.

Amazing the trivia a body can store away.

Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 14:14:00 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Eric

Eric Kayla-
I forgot your address. Mail it to me, okay? I have some news you might
be interested in...


(sorry for using the list, but it's the only way I know to get someone's

-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 22:28:04 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Davies <cdavies@GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA>
Subject: Re: [ROUGH DRAFT] Daily Deity: The Norse Pantheon
In-Reply-To: <>

> Loki - Shadowy Darkness (Malign, Chao[c) Great God of Fire and Trickery;
> giant's son, troublemaker allowed to go to and from Asgard freely,
> associated with re; son of Laufey; des[ned to steer the Fire Giants'
> ship from Muspelheim to Ragnarok; his children include Nari, Nar, and
> the Fenris-wolf
Hum. Some addi[onal notes, and a correc[on.
Blood-brother to Odin. Also father (by Angur-Boda, a witch) of
the Jormungandr (the Midgard Serpent), Hel, and mother (by some giant's
horse) of Odin's steed Sleipnir. Des[ned to slay and be slain by Heimdall.
Also -- Loki is the son of Laufrey in Marvel Comics, but in most
of the versions of the real myths I've read, his father is called

Chris Davies,
Advocate for Darkness
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 1995 08:19:16 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: [ROUGH DRAFT] Daily Deity: The Norse Pantheon

> This is a WORK IN PROGRESS. I make no claims as to the historical
>accuracy of anything herein, so don't expect to pass an exam on Norse

>mythology aper reading this. I also make no claims to be more than

>passingly familiar with Norse mythology, and I welcome correc[ons,
>addenda, and direc[ons to source material (preferably [tle & author, so
>I can get them through Inter-Library Loan, our library is REALLY sparse).
>If someone with a beher grounding wants to assist (or take over and
>expand the list), feel free to contact me!

Note: As Gary told me, there is no reason why any pantheon must mirror the Earth
version. In fact, as the two worlds are dissimilar in many ways, so should the
mythologies dier in some respects. If you can shape the dei[es and pantheons to
the fundamental concept behind the Earth version, t your par[cular campaigns,
and have fun with it, you've done well.

We are, aper all, the dispossessed torchbearers of the game. We owe allegiance to
no company or on-going product development.

>That's all for now. Comments (private or public) are welcome, I
>an[cipate polishing it some more Real Soon Now. No, it's not nal, yes
>it is probably useful, yes it can stand some more enhancement (but I
>can't shove any more Norse mythology into my cranium right now, so I'm
>o to puher around with some other stu to give my grey maher a break).

Sorry I haven't found [me to dig up my background notes on the Pantheon supplement
that Michele and I were working on (she did most of the research work, and thus,
took a lot of it with her when we divorced). Rapture: the Second Coming is in
nal edit (it should be ready for layout soon), and I have allowed it to
completely ll my [me.

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Date: Mon, 3 Apr 1995 23:30:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: True Names
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye" at Apr
1, 95 11:09:57 pm

I like that. Without knowing a subjects True Name it should be impossible to
succede at any cas[ng that requires a mental or spiritual link to cause
damage or an eect. The mere hint of pain or control on the subjects part
will cause them to snap the link o. Less intrusive cas[ngs would only be

successful if the heka-user kept the ahempt secret and succeded at a DR of


There should also be a Reveal True Name cas[ng. Now I am not using the
standard Mythus Magic K/S Areas so I don't need to know what K/S Area it
ts under. It should proabably be a Dweomercraep, General and a
Priestcraep, General Cas[ng for those of you who use standard Mythus
Magick. I would also make it a Grade III or beher cas[ng the range is
hearing. When cast the caster, and only the caster hears the subject say
his or her True Name clearly.

Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 11:51:13 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Truenames

I'm not sure how much detail and such people want to get into with truenames
in Mythus, but I thought I might men[on some of the considera[ons that have
come up in magic used in mine and Edward Bromley's campaigns.

How powerful is a truename? In many magical sejngs to know someone's
truename is to hold immense power over them. You can basically compel them
to do anything you want (that they can do). You can of course, makes truename
s less powerful, but then if you do want some sort of way to get the kind of
control I was talking about, you need another method that is more powerful
than truenames. Dan Williamson's cas[ng for picking out a truename could be
a very good addi[on, or be way too powerful, depending on how powerful
truenames are.

How many truenames does a being have? Reading various sources on witchcrap
and magic I have run into the concept of a being having many truenames, some
of which are more powerful than others. Truenames seem open to be [tles,
or descrip[ons, or have dierent purposes. A devil might have the truename
Deccebalus because it is of a certain species, Nenufareni because it holds a
certain posi[on in the hierarchy of devils, and Archistomatophylax in virtue
of being itself. The idea is that if you can use the name Archistomatophylax
when ahemp[ng to ahack or otherwise aect this devil, you results will be
much more potent than simply using Deccebalus. Most eec[ve of all is to
use Deccebalus Nenufareni Archistomatophylax, since this complete set of
truenames leaves lihle room for the sucker to hide, and species his
existence almost en[rely.

Take a look at the Occul[sm K/S. It has rules for gejng the truenames of
various names of Preternatural beings, some of which have 13 names. Note
that your chances of gejng a truename aren't very good.

One way to incorporate truenames into Mythus might be to say that if you know

the being's truename, or one of his truenames, then your spells against him
are more eec[ve. They might do maximum damage, be automa[c special
successes, have doubled range or doubled dura[on, etc. The idea behind this
is that instead of just poin[ng a cas[ng at a vic[m, or saying "That guy!"
in the process of cas[ng, you give the spell your vic[m's personal
address, so delivery is much easier and more precise.

Hope that helps.

Mah Berry
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 20:24:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Jeremy Condit <Pellon@AOL.COM>
Subject: Bill.

I've found in gamemastering especially deep games that it helps to add a
sense of thinking humor; it strips some of the tension normally placed during
drama[c scenes, for player and Gamemaster alike. And one of my favourites is
Bill originated as a guardsman in my latest game, but with a twist. Allow the
players to think him any ordinary companion,(NPC), and if they seek
connec[on with players who don't even exist, reward them with a bit of
trivia that makes them want to smack you on the back of the head.("How dare
you make me think of that in the middle of a war?"- J.Bardes,HP:Mervyn
Bill is sop-spoken, and quite young, especially for his voca[on; merc.
or soldier. He claims to be a writer, although humiliated out of colleges for
his bizarre style. He refers to himself as a modernist. However, Bill is not
suited for the gh[ng life. The only reason he is employed so unhappily is
the fact that his father, refusing to watch him fail again, put him in "a job
for a MAN!"(snif,snif-testosterone gets pungent)
So here is Bill, doomed to the voca[on of a man, when, in fact, he cannot
even hold a weapon straight. He is somewhat adept with the bow, but
otherwiseis a true pacist; usually, he will handle an arrow only to feather
his dinner. He is extremely nervous around virtually every other type of
weapon; so much so, in fact, that the worst eect occurs when he handles any
polearm. Bill trembles when he holds a polearm.
As the story progresses, HP's should take note of the riduculing Bill
recieves, telling him to throw his ink at his enemies, and other grade school
insults.. but to the extent of name calling. They call this young writer..

I apologize to all who are oended by this pun. Begin aiming projec[les now.

Quote of the day:
"If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil..."

Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 23:46:44 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Bill.
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 23:27:04 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: True Names
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

I think if you are going to be giving greater power to someone by knowing
his true name, you certainly should make the cas[ng to reveal it a much
higher Grade than 3.

Especially in the normal Mythus rules--a star[ng HP will have that power...

Too much for beginners...I'd put it at least 6th and then only a reduced
power-version... or something.


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 12:54:02 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

hello!i'm a new user of this list and i want to know something
about the mithus game.i love RPG's, any hint will be accept.
now i want to introduce name is Rodrigo Smarzaro, i'm
brazilian and i'm studying "INFORMATICA" at U.F.V.
INFORMATICA=a course about computers
U.F.V=Federal University of Vicosa.
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 19:35:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>

Subject: Re: Brazil

X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>


You'll have to be more specic. What, exactly do you want to know?


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 20:51:25 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Brazil

sorry if i wasn't so clear in my last E-MAIL.the mo[ve to
this is my total lack of knowledge about this list.
so if anyone can help me please mail me.
the help i want is what i can get with this list.
what kind of messages were send regularly
to this list?
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 19:09:31 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Brazil
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 6 Apr 1995, rodrigo wrote:

> sorry if i wasn't so clear in my last E-MAIL.the mo[ve to
> this is my total lack of knowledge about this list.
> so if anyone can help me please mail me.
> the help i want is what i can get with this list.
> what kind of messages were send regularly
> to this list?
This list is great for magic items, religon ideas, new spells, campaign
ideas, anything that is related to Mythus (my mythus book has never been
opened and I got THE LAST one Chessex had.) My group has even created a
cyber-variant of Mythus we call Cybermyth. This is going out over this
list and over simple e-mail.

This list is great.

Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 00:18:15 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Hey, you cyberport guys...

How does CyberMyth run? I've looked through it and it looks prehy
good. I'd probably change more stu, to make it more of its own thing,
you know? Kind of like the dierence between Mythus, Unhallowed and
Changling. There were some prehy fundamental dierences in each...
(of course, I couldn't tell you what they are at the moment, but...)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 22:48:06 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 7 Apr 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Hey, you cyberport guys...
> How does CyberMyth run?
Cybermyth works great. The combat system is every bit as deadly as you
want in a cyber game and we had a character die durring the second
session, (somebody forgot to spend joss, uh oh.)
I've looked through it and it looks prehy
> good. I'd probably change more stu, to make it more of its own thing,
> you know?
I think you are right. The game tends to play to much like a fantasy type
sejng instead of the future sejng we want, but our players are not
the most experience bunch and with some more prac[ce that may get taken
care of through roleplaying. :)

Overall Cybermyth is fun. (I prefer it to Mythus and un[l recently I
was only interested in games set 500 or more years ago.)


"`Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in
quotes." -TKK Nervous Xians
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 10:31:28 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 7 Apr 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Hey, you cyberport guys...
> How does CyberMyth run? I've looked through it and it looks prehy
> good. I'd probably change more stu, to make it more of its own thing,
> you know? Kind of like the dierence between Mythus, Unhallowed and
> Changling. There were some prehy fundamental dierences in each...
> (of course, I couldn't tell you what they are at the moment, but...)
> Hawkeye
> -> Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Hey, we have successfully run two games of CyberMyth, with me as GM.
Now, I have had some CYberpunk GMing experience and alot of Shadowrun GMing
experience, along with alot of Mythus GMing experience...

All in all it worked out beher than I had an[cipated in my original
design. The combat system is more intense, but would probably take a
really long [me (like Mythus doesn't) except for the high mortality
rate. HPs tend to survive a lihle longer due to Joss and higher STEEPs
and Traits. The rst combat session involved four HPs, three were armed
and armored, the other one, Devilbunny's character, wasn't, as they had
just arrived in Brazil. They were ambushed by eight gang members with
pistols and SMGs, but lacking armor. Their STEEPs were between 25-35.
The session lasted fairly long, but no-one in the party got too severly
hurt, one character took a head shot for like 40-some points (ouch).
They managed to kill six of the gang members, and the other two ed.
However, the system seemed really realis[c. One of my HPs managed to
kill two of the gangers with two bursts from a machine pistol (from
Chrome I). It was like "WOW, bullets are lethal!" The other reght
was three sided and went slightly quicker as one HP was already MIA and

the third party had a missile launcher! One of the HPs (Devil Bunny's)
got severly wounded, but thanks to a Skinweave didn't go above his WL.
He was facing o against ve Solos! Two of the solos got nailed by the
missile launcher, one fell to a HP, and the other two got KOed by stun
grenades from another HP. The HPs lep in a hurry aper the ght at the
approuch of an AV, but it moved prehy smooth.
Some areas that need work mostly is gejng everyone familiar
with the new rules. The second combat went faster do to everyone knowing
what was going on. (we also use miniatures on a Crystal Mat). Some
pointers to a GM would be:
Your HPs will be moving very fast. This is due to boosterware
and the like. I have one HP with a Dodge Factor of 22!
Make combat a challenge but not always lethal. The system is
extremely brutal to the unarmored. Most of the HPs lep the last combat
with very lihle Joss lep, and they were decked out. Not a good thing...
I recommend a focus more on role-playing, but I always recommend that.
I also got to do really mean things to inict damage that didn't
involve combat, like a land mine, or one HP falling out of a tree for a
Special Failure result (oops).

I hope once it gets circulated a lihle more that CyberMyth will catch on
quickly. To those awai[ng copies, send your complaints to Hawkeye (just
kidding Hawk :) ). Anyway, he tells me that he will be some in the
next DI. It is easier than me sending various copies to certain
individuals, but if you don't get DI, or for various other reasons, feel
free to E-mail me for a copy. However, I am extremely slow at replying
back, so be warned :)

Game Designer of the now World Famous
CyberMyth Conversion
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 11:26:54 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: More item rumors!

The following items are from G.P. (one of John's gaming group)


The Magnicient Country of Liang;

I have never been in a country more hellishly hot in one part of
the country and more unearthly cold in the other. The extremes of Liang is

what on could not describe in short detail. My travels in Liang was abound
with beau[ful scenery covering me where ever I would go. Unfortunately the
people in Liang are not as prehy, and to my discomfort are not as polite
either. One traveling in Liang should be aware of raiding Mongol nomads that
come from the west, it is a rather unpleasant experience to say the least, and
one I would not want to repeat. I would have to say the high point of my stay
in the Kingdom of Liang was being a prominent guest in the City of Kirin, I was
able to meet extensively with the ruler Jongenshi, a rather plump Nipponise
with one of those long owing mustaches that go well past the chin. A older
man with streaks of gray, and a magical user of some power might I add!
One thing I could remember well was being showed one of the prized ar[facts of
their Kingdom. He called it the darughachi darugha, or as I would say it, PIPE
OF FLOATING SNARES, a wonderful device I would say. By what I could nd out
from the court advisers, nobles, and ocials was that this golden pipe which
shined almost birghter than the sun itself, was hard to look at , so the exact
detail on it was hard to make out, and how anyone could play this instrument
and not get blinded was beyond me. I was told and wether or not these people
were lying to me I will never know. Supoosedly when this pipe was played in a
bahle all hearing the pipe's music would be enthralled with it. and I heard
the range was anywhere from 100 feet to 1 mile. thus they wold stop gh[ng,
allowing the side who had the pipe to kill their enemies easily. I have a hard
[me believing this, I would rather believe bulls could y. the other story i
heard was this; when played on the bahleeld all of the enemies hearing this
would be instantly be caught in some kind of spiritual trap, turning thier foes
into willess creatures, it would snare their spiritual being away for some
dura[on unknown to me. Several Generals have told me that this device saved
them from Nippon invasions a hundred years ago, and ever since the Nipponese
have had friendly rela[ons with Liang, even though it is more powerful they
are. I have a feeling that the Mongol and Manchurian raiders don't want to
know what this device really does.

The Flourishing Kingdom of Leon;

The peaceful country of Leon is deceiving for the intrigues that
go on in this Kingdom are numerous. i know several of the nobles ophe court
and even knkow the Duke of Galacia himself, and the stories I hear from this
western kingdom beat any I have heard from my homeland by far. I will save my
readers any hardship and skip right to the stories of considerable wealth, for
I am not one to spend too much [me on detail. The Duke of Galacia one not to
keep secrets away from me for too long has this to say. he syas to me that,
he is in some hisgh level talks with several other Dukes from Navarre about
ahacking west into Aragon, talks had been going quite bad for the Duke,
Navarrese dukes said that the Aragon armies were too well trained and numerous
to be taken on by anybody. Yet last week when Duke of Galacia brought in
several of the STATUES OF IMMOBILITY, a powerful ar[fact of Leon the talks
resumed, and were done by the end of the day. The Navarrese Dukes complied
with Duke of Galacia and would procede with their plans to ahack west into
Aragon. Here is the interes[ng part; this ar[fact is a 7 foot tall female
stone statue, beau[fully dressed and lmost life like. One look of her eyes

and you stand bexed by them. Duke of Galacia said he was going to have the
statues led the armies of Navarre into bahle. It is said that a purple ray
light shoots forth from her eyes in a wide arch, as the statue moves about on
the bahleeld. yes the statue is able to walk on its own, Duke of Galacia
says there are 24 of these things, an that he is giving 6 to the Navarre Army
to use. The purple ray that shoots out, and any enemy hit by it is instantly
turned to stone themselves forever!! No magic can protect angainst this from
happening. How these things can manuever about the bahleeld is unknown to
me. i did not give much credit to this un[l later when I was walking around
the palace of the Duke of Galacia, when I stumbled apon a unknown room that was
par[cluarly interes[ng, inside were many statues , more than I could count!!!
What was alarming to me was the fact that most of the statues seemed to
resemble some of his own troops.

The next story I am about to tell you I don't expect you to believe,
but I will tell it anyway. DOUBLE ADAMANTINE DAGGER; this wonderful device I
was told by some female Noble, who was of course very ahrac[ve. SHe says
that 12 years ago a plot by Cas[le secret agents was foiled by this incredible
dagger. In the large city of Valladolid, the Duke there holds this item when
one night secret agent from Cas[le tried to kill him. Luckily he had the
dagger. It is said that the has the dagger on him at all [mes. when these 6
men tried to kill him that the dagger exploded into a rainbow of colors that
engulfed them all. the duke was gone as wel as the six assassins, well they
blinked the assassins found themselves in another world!! With the Duke there
wai[ng for him and anoher Duke who looked just like him, but wasn't him, and
many palace guards were there ready for the assassins, they took the assassins
away and locked them up, seconds later the Duke was back in his palace safe and
sound. And this is supposedly only one of many of its powers.

The only item I had actual contact with was the BANDOR MAGNIFICO;
I did not know it was apowerful ar[fact un[l aper it happened. I was told
by some noble friends we were going to a fes[vel, when we got there, it was a
huge tent, ten [mes bigger than any large house. Inside were fabulous drinks
and foods, all delicious beyond belief, and women who plaesed every desire!!
Wow! it was wonderful! The next morning I found muself at home, which was a day
away, I can't quite remember anything that happened, the nobles I was with, I
don't remember what they look like, I think they were going to tell me
something important, very important, and now I have forgohen it, this device
would do wonders against enemies if someone was crea[ve enough to use this.
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 11:29:39 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: And more...

More items from G.P.



The Unknown Oniasate of Lemi-Lemu;

the Geography of Lemi-Lemu is one from rolling grasslands to towering
infernos of volcanos and mountains. this Island is apr[cluarly fascina[ng
for the fact I saw at least a dozen dierent species I had never seen before.
The presence of the western and middle eastern inuences are not present here.
And by what I gather not too many merchants make their way out here, except the
few explores such as myself included. The bronze items that are craped here
is beyond anything that I have seen or bought in my life [me. Once I get back
into the buisiness of being a Merchant I shall denately come back and make a
stop here. Having few des[nguished travelers come to their country I was a
course invited by the ruler Ki'ulo Menio to be a guset at his palace. This man
was a very kind and a extradinary story teller, he told me a story that had
actually happened months before I had gohen there, it goes something like
The Grand Wovani Kori Kor[ (what would be our court wizard/advisor)
he says holds a ivory sta that is 6 feet tall, that has a red [ger shaped on
the end of it, they call it the IVORY STAFF OF KORE-KORE: he says that this
can help his abil[y to cast mys[cism, and general dweomercraep,(in game
terms anywhere from +100 to +300 STEEP points in each area, and also gives an
adi[onal +3000 to 7000 heka points). One of the Great volcanoes in Lemi-lemu
the Mt. Leriano, was about to eruupt and destroy several of their villages, and
thousands of peopl would be killed. The Grand Wovani Kori Kor[ was sent out
with his Ivory sta, to stop the danger from happening. He went out, by the
[me he got there the volcano was already erup[ng with lava pouring down
toward the village. In a instant THe Grand Wovani Kori Kor[ had a huge Ice
wall 70 foot thick and 20 feet high around the village, a great huge ice [ger
appeared, the size of three horses put together, then another [ger, then
another, un[l there was about 3 dozen of these [gers, all of them bounded up
the volcano side, and dove into the heart of the volcano, and tht was the last
seen of them, the lava also quit owing seconds later. The Wovani then turned
into a ivory [ger and bounded on top of the ice wall, turnig back into a human
form, the Wovani was s[ll made of ivory at this moment I guess thats what they
tell me. Springing forth from his ngers came a stream of ivory onto the
ground outside the wall. Here was made a Ivory statue of 20 foot tall [ger
sijng proudly in front of the wall protec[ng the village. The Tiger would
come to life if the village was ever under danger again. The danger was
averted, everybody was safe. At rst I did not beleive this story, un[l they
took me to the village that got saved, I found it odd that the Ice wall was
s[ll there, surrounding the village, and yea the ivory statue of the [ger was
their also protec[ng. The Grand Wovani Kori Kor[ tells me that he s[ll
doesn't understand all of the benets and side eects of this sta. For the
Ice wall around the city seems to be a very combersome obstacle, for the trade
that has to go through here, it has to be very [me comsuming gejng over the

Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 15:02:37 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Jeremy Condit <Pellon@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth

Sounds really, really cool; sign me up. Where are you guys(Devilbuny, etc.)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 17:18:37 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth

I somehow missing the cybermyth original post, could someone mail it to me,
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 23:24:35 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

CyberMyth will be the focus of the 6th D.I. Issue. Probably about a week
aper the ph gets out, the 6th will be: I have to convert the Word
doc's to ASCII... :)


I think I will go do that now...

-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 03:07:34 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 7 Apr 1995, Chris Beadles wrote:


> I hope once it gets circulated a lihle more that CyberMyth will catch on
> quickly. To those awai[ng copies, send your complaints to Hawkeye (just
> kidding Hawk :) ). Anyway, he tells me that he will be some in the
> next DI. It is easier than me sending various copies to certain
> individuals, but if you don't get DI, or for various other reasons, feel
> free to E-mail me for a copy. However, I am extremely slow at replying
> back, so be warned :)
> Chris
> Game Designer of the now World Famous
> CyberMyth Conversion
For the record I sat on my but and waited anxiously for the Cybermyth
conversion to be completed by Chris. I then promptly credited the en[re
group for crea[ng the conversion. The fact is that Chris did it almost
en[rely on his own and we now get to benit from his eorts.

aka cowport.moo
Humble playtester of Cybermyth.
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 16:28:07 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Davies <cdavies@GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA>
Subject: New Idea (I think) for Dangerous Journeys
In-Reply-To: <>

Hello. I am a compara[ve newbie, although I've been familiar
with the Dangerous Journeys system since its incep[on. I've been
reading the eorts of those on the group who have adapted this system to
other genres than "High Fantasy" with great interest, and I have begun
working to do something similar.
My plan is to write a DJ module for a comic-book style,
superheroic world. I would very much appreciate knowing if anyone else
has ever tried to do something similar with DJ, and what problems if any
they encountered.
Much apprecia[on, in advance.

Chris Davies, Advocate for Darkness, and Part-[me Champion of Light.
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 10:50:05 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Sun Apr 09 09:19:14 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Hello again everyone.

I have some more items to post. I think we are nearing or perhaps mildly past
the halfway point. It is midterms here <just like everywhere I imagine> and
some of my group is s[ll in the throws of that, and with their recovery, I'm
sure they will produce more items.

Also, Heka-Forging is nished and is going through the review process now; we
are also thinking up examples for the pos[ng of the rules to make the rules a
bit more understandable through seeing them in ac[on. Hawkeye said it would
come out in an issue of DI in the near future if I am not mistaken.

Also, with the talk of Dei[es on the net, I thought I'd pass along a bokk I
heard about over the net - _The Ancient and Shining Ones_ edited by DJ Conway
ISBN # 087-542-1709. It is a fantas[c reference on alot of world religions
and it should be available through your local bookstore <I got mine from a
bookstore chain na[onwide chain that is, in a small town of 20,000 in northern
Wisconsin, so it should be available>.

Also, I wanted to that the List for the [p about the _Lexicon of Alchemy_; it
is a great reference as well.

Comments and cri[cisms always welcome.
$$HRComments by teskej Sun Apr 09 10:49:47 1995
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 10:50:58 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Sun Apr 09 09:27:38 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Angurvadel - This sword was made by several of the legendary Heka-Forging
Dwarves of Norse legend fame, who then gave it to Thor, who in return gave it
to the State of Thuringia. Although its precise powers are unknown, it is
rumored tohave powers dealing with strength, defense, storms and weather, war,
bahle and courage.


Crook of Devasta[on - This item is able to call down a rain of ery hot
meteors over a large area, causing 10d6 damage x 1d6 exposure roll to all
within the aected area. It aects friends and enemies alike, and does not
dieren[ate between friendly/enemy dwellings. It automa[cally overcomes any
resistance up to and including 250 points. Reputedly it can do this as open
as once pet AT, although some argue it can perform this func[on even more

open than that. S[ll other sages query the veracity of all of the above,
sta[ng the eects are due to a Unique Archetypal Cas[ng in possession of
Hasur, and that the Crook has powers dealing with death and life-draining on an
army-wide scale. Only [me and its use in military confronta[ons will tell
the truth.

Balance of Redress - This Great Statue stands in the center of one of the
chambers of one of the most famous Temples in all of Hasur, located, of course,
in its capital. Apparently this Temple is devoted to a Power of the Ethos of
Balance. It is known to be proudly displayed with lihle guard, as the statue
itself is an enactment of the ideas of the Ethos of Balance - every ac[on
causes a reac[on, and every ac[on must be Balanced by a counterac[on. Thus
thieves seem to have this nasty habit of (coincidentally) always gejng caught
when trying to steal the statue, either by the police, or by the tricky nature
of the Balance Statue itself. When used properly and performing the correct
rituals, the statue raises all enemy DRs by 2 and lowers all friendly DRs by 2,
_no maher what_ is being ahempted. Even though the statue has existed for
centuries, Hasur keeps its exact func[ons secret, and thus sages can only
speculate as to the cost of such a powerful func[on.

Octagon Seal - This item has also not apparently been used in centuries, for
sages and philosphers, as well as other learned men, disagree over its exact
descrip[on and func[on. Some say it is an eight-sided symbol of enormous
power (Grades XV to XXV) meant primarily to protect the country and its Ruling
Class. Others argue that the device is an elaborate Heka-Forging/Alchemy
Mechanical Device of Wondrous and Fantas[c Propor[ons, made in the image of a
Giant Seal, with dimensions equal to a whale. It eec[vely func[ons as a
submersible ship (ie. a submarine), and can have quite a sizable crew, in
addi[on to being able to use 8 magical eects to protect itself and ahack
$$HRComments by teskej Sun Apr 09 10:50:27 1995
These items were made by J Teske.
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 10:51:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Sun Apr 09 09:50:45 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Two Great ALpinhorns - These large horns (over 12 feet long each) are typical
of Helve[an Alpinhorns, and are in[cately engraved with many scenes from
Helve[an Life and the Seaons in Helve[a. Unlike usual Alpinhorns, which are
winded in Autumn when the "cows come home" from their grazing in the mountains,
these Two Great Alpinhorns are winded in confronta[on with a hos[le enemy.
Although it is widely known that such winding raises friendly morale and
combat abili[es, rumor has it that these Two Alpinhorns can advance or reverse
the seasons, thus controling weather in a large area of eect, and thus

controling the harves[ng, etc. therefore starving out opponents while having
plenty of foodstus for themselves, or snowing them in with an unending
blizzard. It is also rumored that one of the Two ALpinhorns may also cause rot
and decay in all the foodstus/drink of _enemy_ troops in a 25 mile radius,
but it is unclear if this is fact or mere supers[[on/rumor.

Black Lake Bear - This "item" is a Living Statue of deeply colored owers in
a secret but sacred grove deep in the mountain recesses of Helve[a. It
legendarily allows personas studying its magical blend of symbio[c lifeforms
amazing talents in the K/S Areas of Survival, Nature Ahunement,
Hun[ng/Tracking, Ecology, Botany, Biology, Green Dweomercraep, Ethos of
Moonlight Priestcraep, and Herbalism, gran[ng all of the above abili[es at
STEEPs of 101 if possessed, or 41 if not already possessed, and with the
abili[es persis[ng for one month when not in the presence of the Black Lake
Bear Living Statue.

Balmung - This sword was a gip in ages long ago, from the God Tyr to the
Na[on of Helve[a. It can reputedly represents that Divine Power's Abili[es,
and may draw upon them to aid the wielder and his allies in combat and bahle.
Such powers include those associated with Bravery, Courage, Victory, and the
Myriad of powers associated with the Sky.

Banners of Triumph - These Banners, when own proudly on the Field of Bahle,
require an S Trait check at "Hard", with a modier of -1 DR per addi[onal
Banner own on the eld _aper_ the rst. Each Banner has an eect on
Allies of the Bearer of the Banner, as well as individual eects solely to the
Banner, and perhaps a few other chosen of the Bearer. It is currently
theorized that only 3 exist, though Helve[a declines ocial comment on the
Swipness - This banner grants all the benets of the Archetypal Cas[ng
Quicken to all friendly Troops and Mounts, and all enemy Troops and Mounts
ahack and move at one half of their normal rate. In addi[on, the Bearer is
twice so aected, thus moving and ahacking at 4 x his/her normal speed, with
his/her mount similarly aacted. Also, the Bearer of the Banner ALWAYS moves
and ahacks rst in every CT.
Uninching Advance - This banner grants a false S Trait of 150 in all
Troops and Mounts allied with the Bearer. In addi[on, the Bearer also gains
the abili[es of CHarisma[cism, Magne[sm, Inuence, E[quehe/Social Graces,
Leadership, Military Science, Survival, and Riding all at a score of 240. In
addi[on, all enemy Troops and Mounts behind the line of the Banner, as born by
the Bearer, must make a S Trait check at Very Dicult or become allied with
the Bearer permanently and join his cause.
Surprise - This banner increases all friendly Troop and Mount BACs by 15,
and lowers all enemy Troop and Mount BACs by 15, through use of elaborate
Illusions of Grey Dweomercraep type which provide for con[nual by minor
surprises and distrac[ons for the enemy in hand-to-hand mass melee. Rumor has
it that this device can also cause a Grade XIII illusion of an en[re Army, and
this has been used to divide enemy forces so that they may be more easily
conquered. The Bearer of this device is Invisible, regardless of ac[ons or
Cas[ngs (Grade XXV) un[l the end of the combat in which this Banner is

$$HRComments by teskej Sun Apr 09 10:51:16 1995
These items were made by J Teske.
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 10:52:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Sun Apr 09 10:23:54 1995
Fwd: teskej->

Caladbolg - This sword was commissioned by the Goddess Danu, Goddess of Rivers,
Water, Prosperity, and Wisdom. She wished a Sword that would not only be
useful in Bahle, but would bring prosperity to the na[on that possessed the
item. As Danu is also the Goddess of Wizards and Magic, it is rumored to
have abili[es altering Heka-Genera[ng Areas. The wearer of the sword is also
rumored to be Very Blessed, and has severall extra Joss to use in [mes of need
as a Favor from the Goddess.

Gas-Bulg - This spear is an extension of the FOrce of Benedigedfran, otherwise
known as Bran the Blessed. The exact reason why this Spear is associated with
her is not known; its powers in White Dweomercraep, Ethos of Sunlight,
Prophecy, Leadership, Music, and Crea[ve Wri[ng mirror much of this Power's
abili[es. It is s[ll allegedly kept very safe from the eyes of commoners,
and some speculate on whether the item has any true power at all, ascribing the
above abili[es to its weilders instead of to the item itself.

Spears and Shield of ConCHobar - About 40 of these items are rumored to be in
existence, gran[ng an en[re unit the ability to move stealthily and quickly,
and all with a minimal amount of disrup[on of the surrounding terrain. The
shields are rumored to provide the wearer with 25 renewing armor vs. all
Physical Ahacks, heka-generated or not, and twice that same amount vs. Mental
or Spiritual Ahacks. The spears are rumored to have speed factors of -20, +15
to BAC, nega[ng automa[cally 15 points of armor protec[on, and doing +3d6
damage. Reputedly Conchobar was a Heka-Forger of SUrpassing Green
Dweomercraep Skill, but Many Scholars point out that if such were true, he
would have men[on elsewhere, and he does not. It is unknown how he died, and
what other accomplishments he achieved in his life[me.

$$HRComments by teskej Sun Apr 09 10:51:56 1995
These items were made by J Teske.
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 10:53:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Sun Apr 09 10:36:58 1995

Fwd: teskej->
Hibernia (cont)

The Shadowsteed - This huge SHip cannot only sail through water, but also
through the Plane of Shadow. It allegedly has major areas of dimensional
altera[on, and therefore suppost a crew of thousands. While on its decks,
all Ethos of Shadowy Darkness and Grey Dweomercraep Spells are cast at 1 DR

Wheel of Tuatha De Danaan - The WHeel of the Kel[c Gods, reputedly this device
has on it the depic[ons of the Famous Relics and Ar[facts from the Age of
Legends, including Nuada's Sword from Findias, Lugh's Terrible Spear from
Gorias, Dagda's Cauldron from Murias, and the Stone of Falias. Similar to a
Wheel of Fortune, this device, when ac[vated, provides aid to the User, and
also serves as a focus for the K/S Areas of Divina[on, Fortune-Telling, and
Ethos of Balance. It is a 2000 point General Heka Reservoir, according to one
source, in addi[on to the above powers.

Bohomless Kehle of Courage - This item causes the Spiritual Trait of all
Allies to _double_, so long as said allies are in a 20 mile radius of the
kehle. It also provides regenar[on of Spritual Damage to all allies at the
rate of 10 points per CT. Furthermore, it also allows Heka-Users to use their
Spiritual Heka-Genera[ng Areas as if they were a Full Prac[[oner in each
Area. Many Philosphers theorize that all these abili[es are not without cost,
but none are willing to comments on what such cost might be.


The Eagle Hawk Drum - Made from Materials na[ve to the Luhiva Jungle, and
enchanted by a Large Number of Shamen, Witchdoctors, and Heka-Forgers, this
Arcane Item reputedly has the ability to allow Generals of Hiluo, a Sovereign
Duchy, to command the savge Beasts of the Luhiva Jungle. its other abili[es
are not known, and sages are unwilling to speculate at this [me what they
might be.

$$HRComments by teskej Sun Apr 09 10:52:36 1995
These items were made by J Teske.
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 12:18:19 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: New Idea (I think) for Dangerous Journeys
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>


I think that this is a great idea. I had considered doing it for a

while, but since I was trying to run Mythus at the [me I didn't want
that to go to waste, so it never got anywhere... :)

I would say two things: make death harder to come by, especially if you
are going to run a cinema[c, Marvel-style game, and make powers more or
less equivalent to K/S Areas. Make them more costly to acquire and
raise, and give them two scores: one for control and one for raw power.
Run the powers kind of llike Heka and Cas[ngs, which each ability in the
power (Fire blast, re shield, etc) cost a certain amount of Heka (call
it "Cosmic Energy" or something). Then, you could have heroes, aper
long, drawn-out bahles, get [red and run out of power...then you could
do mean things to them when they are out of power... :) Like make them
fall unconscious...

I don't know exactly how you would want to do about ATTRIBUTES though...

Okay, so it was more than just two ideas...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 12:19:28 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: New Idea (I think) for Dangerous Journeys
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Oooo Ooooo!

Here's a good one: instead of calling them K/S's, call the powers P/A
Areas, which would stand for "Power/Ability".... :)

I like that one...I will do that no maher what any of you guys do... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 13:15:36 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Davies <cdavies@GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA>
Subject: Re: New Idea (I think) for Dangerous Journeys

In-Reply-To: <>

> Superheroes:
> I think that this is a great idea. I had considered doing it for a
> while, but since I was trying to run Mythus at the [me I didn't want
> that to go to waste, so it never got anywhere... :)
> I would say two things: make death harder to come by, especially if you
> are going to run a cinema[c, Marvel-style game,

It's supposed to be fairly cinema[c, but not as cinema[c as
most comic books, and nowhere nearly as "grihy" as the Wild Cards
novels. The way that I'm planning on dealing with death is having NO
upper limit on Joss (which I might rename Karma, not because it's the
term from the MSH game, but because I think it sounds cooler ;-)

> and make powers more or
> less equivalent to K/S Areas. Make them more costly to acquire and
> raise, and give them two scores: one for control and one for raw power.
> Run the powers kind of llike Heka and Cas[ngs, which each ability in the
> power (Fire blast, re shield, etc) cost a certain amount of Heka (call
> it "Cosmic Energy" or something). Then, you could have heroes, aper
> long, drawn-out bahles, get [red and run out of power...then you could
> do mean things to them when they are out of power... :) Like make them
> fall unconscious...

Okay, this is similar to what I was planning on doing -- powers
draw on a limited supply of energy that I'm simply calling Power, which
is equal to one half the average of all three TRAITS. When you run out
of Power, you don't lose consciousness -- unless you've aquired your
Powers (I don't want to say bought, because that's not how I'm planning
to have things go) with the limita[on, "Loses Consciousness when Power
is Depleted" or something like that -- you just can't use any of your
powers un[l you've gohen enough rest, eaten your Whea[es ("Breakfast
of ... oops, don't want to violate any copyrights, do we?")

> I don't know exactly how you would want to do about ATTRIBUTES though...

Enhanced Ahributes are denitely going to be one of the more
common powers.
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 00:10:09 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Daniel A. Pickeh" <Sprrwhwk@AOL.COM>
Subject: DI 2-4 Back Issues

Hey, anyone have DI back Issues that would care to post them to me...if that
is ok with Hawkeye, of course! :)

Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 07:36:06 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: gullerud@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fwd: teskej->

Curse Precipitator
Few people dare risk the displeasure of the King of Scythus, and
for good reason. The Curse Precipitator looks like an increadible
fountain made of sapphire and gold, and stands in the royal throne
room. It is said that when the king so wishes, the water in the
fountain begins running red as its terrible power is focused on some
unfortunate person. The target of this ar[fact suers a the eects
of a new curse every day. As each day passes, the power of the new
curse becomes stronger, while the eects of older curses remain.
Stories have been told about people leaving the king's presense with a
persistant cough, soon followed by phobias, frequent injuries, and
nally the ruin of the en[re family should the king let the
Precipitator run its course.
The removal of these curses requires magick of at En[tal power,
although the king can use the power of the Curse Precipitator to
remove any or all curses it has aicted upon a person.


Fourth Object of Entropy
This strangely deformed lump of Hekalite is supposedly a part of
a great weapon used in a war of the gods in ages long forgohen. This
par[cular piece can be commanded to induce a mindless zombie-like
state upon a group of creatures. Stories from Sengal's past tell of
en[re armies being aected by this object. The armies were then
commanded to turn upon their allies, ending the bahle with a route as
horried soldiers ed their own comrades.
These same stories warn that if this mindless state is maintained
too long, it cannot be reversed, eec[vely killing those it
controls. The zombies gradually become less controlable and more
powerful, which nearly brought about Sengal's downfall when it had to
ght o an army of zombies which it had just used to win a desparate

Viper Fork
This fearsome pole arm is held by the leading general of Sengal's
army. Each of the three blades at the end appear to grow out of the

mouth of a snake. Many an opponent has learned that the snakes are
not there for decora[on.
In combat, each blade animates and weaves about, changing in
appearance to look like a steel viper. These vipers will
automa[cally parry hand-to-hand and missle ahacks, up to twice the
number of ahacks the wielder is capable of, without penalty. On an
ahack, these vipers will evade any ahempt to parry and bite into the
hapless vic[m. That person will instantly be incapacitated by
excru[a[ng pain and will die within 10 CTs. It is said that normal
armor is penetrated by the Viper Fork as if it were cloth. The sight
of this weapon in combat has been responsible for en[re regiments
eeing the eld.


Repor[ng Outposts
These two story stone towers scahered thoughout Servia have been
ahributed to the Heka-Forging work of Olchenescue, whose work has yet
to be equalled in scope by another. About 20 towers are reported to
exist, all of them near Servia's borders.
Each tower possesses an intelligence and great powers of
detec[on. The passage of travellers, invaders, NPM and PPM spirits,
and monsters are all noted, even if illusion or counterspells are
employed. Any instance of note is reported to the Czar's palace by
means of a large mirror located somewhere inside. It is said that
both pictures and spoken reports are relayed from the Outposts.
Although one would expect an invading force to ahempt the
takeover or destruc[on of these towers, they are only lightly
guarded, if inhabited at all. Despite this, there is no record of the
destru[on or seizure of an Outpost in all the history of their
existance. Sages speculate that they have some means of defending
themselves, but are at a loss as to the method involved.

Mountain Crown
The lesser informed assume this item is the crown worn by the
Czar, but those who have studied the secrets of Servia deeply maintain
that this is item is an actual mountain top - the legendary
Olchenescue's greatest crea[on. Although the loca[on of the
Mountain Crown is a closely guarded secret, sages speculate that it is
hidden in one of the dormant volvanic peaks which can be found in the
The appearance of this loca[on can only be dreamed of, but news
of its powers has not been totally surpressed by the Servian
government. Supposedly, the Mountain Crown allows Heka-users to
combine their eorts into a single Cas[ng of massive propor[ons.
In addi[on, those within the Crown may observe loca[ons a hundered
leagues away, and target those places with Cas[ngs regardless of
their Range and Area of Eect.
History records only one [me when the Crown may have been used.

During a war with a neighboring country, 100 novice White

Dweomercraepers were summoned by the Czar. One week later, something
which resembled the Harmony Spell aected the en[re popula[on of
both countries! A treaty was quickly nego[ated and the spell-induced
coopera[on lasted for at least a year's [me.

Olchenescue's Cyclopedia of Lesser Hekau
Sadly, the Cyclopedia of Greater Hekau was lost with the
disappearance of its writer, perhaps the greatest Heka forger ever to
have lived. The Cyclopedia of Lesser Hekau, however, has survived and
has been retained by the Czar of Servia. Those fortunate few who have
been allowed to view this tome have produced items with an ease
uncharacteris[c of most Heka-Forging opera[ons.
It is speculated that the Cyclopedia contains means to avoid the
elaborate and costly Materia required by Heka-Forging Cas[ngs and
Opera[ons by ingenious use of pure Heka. Most Heka-Forgers dismiss
this as hogwash and instead believe that the Cyclopedia expands the
scope of Heka-Forging Cas[ngs into the Supernatural Cas[ng Grades X
through XIX.
Whatever the case, those who have seen this text have been silent
as to its true contents. It also appears that the ability to
Heka-Forge large structures or natural terrain as if it were a single
object was to be found in the Cyclopedia of Greater Hekau, and is lost
to the Heka forgers of Aerth.
$$HRComments by teskej Mon Apr 10 07:35:29 1995
These items were created by S Gullerud.
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 08:44:52 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: DI 2-4 Back Issues
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Nothing personal, but I'd just as soon not waste the space out here... I'll
mail people the back issues if they need me to do so. I know they are on
pp, www, aol and one of those other groups (compuserve maybe...). If
people can't nd them, I'll do what I can...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 08:47:45 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>

Subject: Re: your mail
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Hmmm...the Fourth Object of Entropy. NOw that is an interes[ng idea...
I wonder what happened to the rst three? :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 08:50:24 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Dangerous Ideas #5

To everyone:

D.I. Issue 5 was mailed out to everyone (via lihle dist. lists) over the
weekend. If you didn't get yours, it's because I don't have your
address, typed it in wrong, or this stupid mailer STILL isn't working
right! We'll have to gure out which...

At any rate, it's sijng around in my account now, so if you need it, I
will send it to you personally. I hope it is up to par.... :)

Let me know, whaver you guys think...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 11:33:34 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Item rumors con[nue

The following items were made by G.P.


Deep in the Heart of Azir, The Diagnos[c Nanchao;

With all of the splendors I have seen in my trvels across this
great Orient, of all the ci[es of awe I have come across in the lands of Azir
have been remarkable in deed. One traveling, such as I have for well over 15
years, has seen many amzing things, if one were to travel to the heart of Azir
to Nanchao, as I have, one would not nd that reamrkable splendor in the
ci[es of Nanchao. The people of Nanchao are not the breed of rigid customsa
one might expect. The wildness of these people I would have to say, scares me.
They are a warlike peopole, not onthe scale as the Mongols, but enough to jmake
someone alert all of the [me. THe state of Nanchao is undera constant siege
like mentality, for they are always in some kind of war. Of course my opinions
I kept to myself while traveling there. When our caravan entered the agates of
Li-Chiang we were greeted and introduced to the Governor of this unspectacular
city of some considerable size. Uigahrisan Tu-tsong the Goveronor took us to
his country palace, though th building was not well made, the gardens that
surrounded it were delighkul. Lihle did Iknow I was walking right ito the
iddle of a politcal cirisis. I soon found out from Tu-tsong that he was part
of the Pro-Ch'in fac[on seeking an alliance with the Ch'in to get more
territory from the Sung. The ocial standing I knew was one of hos[le
nuetrality with the Sung. Me heart sank when he took me out to his storage
house, going inside he showed my the; THE PHOENIX STEED, this stone crimson
statue of a horse with ames surrounding its legs, its har was of re. The
statue itself was only the size of my head, but with the right spell it could
grow to the size ten [mes as big as the largest horse. Of any of the many
powerful magical items I have seen or heard of, none are as well documented as
this one. It has been used agianst both Annam and Tongking Kingdoms and has
turned the [de of both wars in Nanchao's favor. THe wars with both of these
countries should be over in two months. It was going to be used on the up
coming war iwith Burma, but now my host has taken it.

The famous Phoenix Steed was used during the Bahle of Mahn-Chang over
200 years ago with the Sung. Aper driving across half of Nanchao, the use of
the Phoenix Steed was rst used here, the mighty Sung armies were soundly
defeated, the war was soon over, Nanchao averted disaster. THough my host wold
not tell me how it works and what the famous steed does, I have haerd detailed
rumors of what it does. That it takes 12 minor heka users are needed to go
inside of the Steed oncie it is at full size, by some sort of spell they get
inside. What the 12 heka users do inside I have not a clue. The Beast soon
comes alive with great red re surrounding it. Then a Archimage drains all of
his power to the Phoenix Steed, then it goes out to the bahle eld. Once in
bahle, it trample anything in sight. destroying columns of troops in minutes.
Apparently no regular weapons eect it, magicla weapons I am not sure. I
heard that cvas[ng spells at it just makes it stronger, bigger and more
deadly. It will rampage for one hour, then it will transform back into its
samll staue form. What happens to the 12 mages tha go inside, nobody knows.
and the Archimage is not seen for at least 6 monthsaper giving his powere to
th e steed. It takes him that long to rest. It is rumored that the Archimage
is not actually res[ng, but is teleported to the world where the Phoenix Steed
came from, and has to do a favor for them on their world. It was documented

aper the bahle of Mahn-Chang that the Archimage of Kun-ming was never seen
again aper the batle, that he had mysteriously disappeared. Strangely enough
just recently in the Royal COurt in Kun-ming the ocials there are
desperately looking for a Archimage aper their recent victoried in TOngking
nad Annam.
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 11:34:28 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Item Rumors

The following items were made up by G.P.

Here are some more rumors on the other powerful macikal deveices that
supposedly exist in Nanchao;

The mys[cs I have talked to about thsi strange device that is
round like a wagon whell, and about the same size, draws its powers from
another world, not like ours. Ther are eight dierent magical symbols on it,
each one with a unique power. If the people from the west knowe what this
thing could do, they would certainly send armies aper it. The rst diagram
when ac[vated can make anything from a person to a whole city disappear in the
face of some king of danger that might threaten it. The city or person will
come back aper the dange is gone, and come back to its original place,
some[mes, some[mes it is a lihle o, and some[mes it is alot o. I have
traveled Nanchao several [mes and one who is percep[ve would know that it use
to take 3 days to get from Ch'eng-tu to Li-chiang, and now it is only a days
hard ride away. Of course there is even a dearker side to this story, it is
beleived that he war to come with Burma is sooner then many have expected, the
Eigth Diagrams of Chung-K'uei has been recently used on the city of Dhari'twen,
a city of 20,000 and a important military outpost. Rumors have been spreading
that it has not come back as expected, where it is nobody knows, not ven the
most powerful mages know. What the other 7 powers are I have not been able to
pick up yet.

Nanchao has the famed WAND OF SEVEN TREASURES, this item is known to
all through out Azir. Many [mes I have come across a similair story about
this galvanized ar[fact, truly the number of stories is amazing considering
the traveling I have done. Here is the most popular story I have heard and the
one I tell to others; It was [me age, how long does not maher, a [me when
the Mongol hordes held Ch'in, and were the unstoppable menace. Several
"raiding par[es had been sent to Nanchao to demostrate theri power, two the
largest Nanchao armies were virtually decimated in face of these "raiding
par[es". The Great Chingiz Khan forced Nanchao to pay a heavy tribut or face
certain destruc[n. who would say no to the mighty Mongols?To say no would be
like commijng suicide, and even that would be beher then deling with the
Mongol hordes. So the Archimage of Nanchao decided to add a lihle secret

surprise for our Mongol friends. Seven treasure chests were given lled with
gold goods and the usual that would ll a chest. Yet, the last seventh chest
was lled with only one item, a wand of incredible beauty. The Khan himself
opened the last chest, and alone reached himself to get the powerfully
wonderful Wand of Seven Treasures. Once he grabbed the wand, the Khan could not
let go, [ny blue lightning bolts ickered o the wand engulng the Khan's
enitre body. A dozen of the Khan's personal guards fell dead instanly when
they touched the Khan or tried to pull the wand free. THe court wizards were
struck down when they ahempted to cast spells to help the Khan out. For
en[re two days the Khan was enveloped in this blue energy, and at the end of
it 300 palace guards lay fallen around the Khan, trying to save him. Yet it
was by the wand's power that let the Khan go. It wa said that he Khan was
never himself again, aper that incident. All of the gold was returnd back to
Nanchao, the armies of the Khan were removed from Nanchao back to Mongol
territory, and Nanchao enjoyed 25 years of privilaged trading rights with the
Khan, and lived in peace for those years. Even today all have been warned not
to accept Nanchao gips. Of course like always this is only rumored to be one
of the many powers of the wand.
Just a side note, I don't believe the west fully understands the power
that exists here in Azir, do not under es[mate these countries, for the power
I have seen in these parts has been more impressive then anything I have seen
in the west so far.
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 22:08:15 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Je Sharpe <Je.Sharpe@UIS.ALIVE.AMPR.AB.CA>
Subject: HP Character Generator v0.20


I wrote a HP generator a while back (in C++ for OS/2) but nally got around to
making it in the Windows(16) interface. I would appreciate some feedback by
some of the "Mythus Wizards" in here, so if your interested just shout and I'll
forward it. A full (or completed version) should be out in the near future.

The program includes all aspects of HP genera[on up to the skills (this will
be completed within a couple of weeks) and item purchasing (not planned any [me
soon), in the easy-to-use cui of Windows. Easy features include list boxes,
buhons, scrolling variables, and drop-downs. Features to be included within
the next two versions are, a context sensi[ve Windows help le, and drag &

The only minus for using this program, that I can see, is that I didn't make it
for the "new-user". Only those familiar with HP's and Mythus. Nor did I create
this to hinder the learning process of character crea[on. Just to ease the
work load on the JMs & players.

Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 15:59:30 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Item rumors (busy day for them)

The following item was wrihen up by G.P.

The Journal and Findings of

The Empire of Lihuania;

Before I get too far into my journal of Lihuania, I should tell you I
was not alone on my journey to Lihuania, I was traveling with another
exploreer, William Raplano of Genoa, I had met up with him in Alexandria, both
of us had buisiness to do up north. Actually we were going there to get into
the protable trade of amber and wax. Lihuania surprisingly enough is s[ll
a very wild and untamed land. For Willaim and I actually got lost in one of
their damned marshes. Besides gejng lost in their forests, being chased by
horse sized bears, and losing out on the wax buisiness both William and I heard
two fascina[ng stories while there. The most interes[ng of the two by far
was William Raplano's story of the SIX FACED SENTINEL;Ther eis said to be a
underground secret cavren under King Olgierd the 6th personal castle. There is
a room inside of the cave that holds 6 doors with six dierent faces on ach.
each glows a mys[cal white, a low vibra[on comes from each one. there are no
handles onthese doors. A person must simply stand in front of the door they
choose and ask a ques[on to a dilemia, or ask for an event that had happened i
n the past to have turned out dierently, or one could simply ask for a wish.
In all cases aper you have asked your ques[on, you must then answer whatever
ques[on the face you are asking, how hard the ques[on is, no one knows. Then
aper that you may enter the hallway that is dark before you. Walking down
halfway you simply just s\disappear from the cave. What happens to you depends
on the door you pick, for all of the doors have a dierent personality, and
you do not which one it has un[l you have chosen the door. No maher what you
will get what you ask for, it just mahers what you have to do to get it.
Lihuania was 1/4 the size it is now 30 years ago, its victories on the eld
of bahle have been more then impressive. Russ and Kiev goverments are calling
out to anyone powerful enough to nd out where the cavarens are and destroy
the ar[fact, the rewards posted by both goverments might tempt daring individu
als to do so.
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 22:04:40 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: your mail
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye" at Apr
10, 95 08:47:45 am

Hawkeye wrote:
> Hmmm...the Fourth Object of Entropy. Now that is an interes[ng idea...
> I wonder what happened to the rst three? :)

Heh. There are 3 other Objects of Entropy in the possession of
other coutries. Look for the First, Sixth, and Eighth Objects in the
near future. Of course, that leaves the ques[on of where the rest
are located.......

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 00:31:20 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Item Rumors
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dr. John Teske
Jr." at Apr 9, 95 10:50:05 am

First of all let me begin by saying that I have enjoyed reading the
item descrip[ons. Some of them have been outstanding. I also
appreciate the amount of work you all have put into them. No[ce
that I haven't done any, nor do I intend to (unless goaded into it).

That being said, I also want to say that I will probably never use the
items as they have been wrihen. Even if I play in AErth and the HP's
become involved with one or more of the described objects. This is
because many of them are based on real legends, myths and stories and
open in the descrip[ons or rumors that have been presented here these
legends, myths and stories are completely ignored.

Conchobar was a Cel[c King from the Tain, Bendigeidfran or Bran the
blessed was a man from the Mabinogion. Not a woman as was men[oned in
one of the desrip[ons.

Actually, looking back on what I just said, I think I beher post my
version of an item to see how hard it is to do. Look for some objects
next [me. They may have already been described and will probably be from
AEgypt, Babylonia or the Avilonian Isles (my par[cular areas of exper[se).


Yes I know this is probably going to be taken as a ame. But I wont argue
with anyone who ames me back. Maybe.

Dingirmes Esh-har Shanhir.
Hihe: "The Gods thirst for blood."
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 02:45:26 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Daniel A. Pickeh" <Sprrwhwk@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v0.20

Hey there! I'm in the process of wrijng one in C++ also, however, i would
like to see yours. Please send me a copy, i would like to see it.

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 01:26:38 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Cri[que of Items (was Re: Item Rumors)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dan T
Williamson" at Apr 11, 95 00:31:20 am

> First of all let me begin by saying that I have enjoyed reading the
> item descrip[ons. Some of them have been outstanding. I also
> appreciate the amount of work you all have put into them. No[ce
> that I haven't done any, nor do I intend to (unless goaded into it).
> That being said, I also want to say that I will probably never use the
> items as they have been wrihen. Even if I play in AErth and the HP's
> become involved with one or more of the described objects. This is
> because many of them are based on real legends, myths and stories and
> open in the descrip[ons or rumors that have been presented here these
> legends, myths and stories are completely ignored.

[remainder snipped. Not taken as a ame in any case]

Well, I'll rise to defend the rumor project, though John Teske is
the person coordina[ng it. First, the descrip[ons posted to the
list were never intended to be the nal word on the items background
or abili[es. The dierent power levels used by dierent authors
avor of dierent campaigns make this a necessity in any case. They
were wrihen mainly to give GMs ideas when they wanted to pull in one
of the 'nukes' in their campaigns, without feeling overwhelmed by the
shear number of items men[oned.

Aper star[ng the ball rolling with the descrip[ons, John realized
the same thing you men[on here: that many of the item names are based

in real-world myths and legends. He has even taken [me to search out
these stories when he suspects they exist for an item he's working on.
This has proven dicult to do. (I only wish I could say I've spent
as much [me myself. My reading in such subjects is lacking except in
Greek mythology.) I'm sure that the missing of such myths by
contributors wasn't inten[onal. It's open dicult to dis[nguish
an oddly named device from one with an actual story behind it.

One look at the bibliography in Mythus Magick demonstrates the
incredible number of references used in the crea[on of this game.
I'm certain Gary Gygax is very well read in myths and legends of
various cultures as well. The fact that some of the items are pulled
from these stories is just one more example of the ahen[on to detail
found in Mythus.

There was a choice to be made: either insist that contributers to
the item rumors search for any basis the names have in actual myth, or
let it go and hope to catch the obvious ones. The eort necessary to
track down every myth probably would have ment that the project would
never have been nished, especially considering that there are
literaly hundreds of items men[oned in Epic of Aerth.

Personally, I'd love to have all those items steeped in exis[ng
myths and legends reect that in the descrip[ons. If you see a
par[cular item and know the myth involved, post the reference to the
list! Maybe John can be persuaded to make up a second edi[on
incorpora[ng more of those stories. (I might get in trouble for
men[oning this....) If we know where to look for the associated
story, it becomes much easier to do the item descrip[on.

This isn't intended to be a ame either. Just trying to explain
the thinking that went into this project. :)

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 06:39:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Cri[que of Items (was Re: Item Rumors)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Steven Olaf
Gullerud" at Apr 11, 95 01:26:38 am

You're absolutely right Steve. In the future, instead of sijng here
complaining about, what to me are, obvious oversights I'll point out the
Myths and legends as I know them. Besides, then others will hopefully
gain the same enjoyment I did from them. (Did that sound pompous enough)

Like I said some of the descrip[ons, especially the ones that are not
based in any history that I know of are prehy good.

I'll also try to put my money where my mouth is and write a few of my
own descrip[ons.


It is by will alone I set my mind in mo[on.
Fear is the mindkiller.
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 09:27:38 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: New Idea (I think) for Dangerous Journeys

>Oooo Ooooo!
>Here's a good one: instead of calling them K/S's, call the powers P/A
>Areas, which would stand for "Power/Ability".... :)
>I like that one...I will do that no maher what any of you guys do... :)

I'd leave K/S Areas alone for the Reid Richards types who have a "normal"
profession. As far as superpowers are concerned, Treat them like Heka-Engendered

Depending on how powerful the characters are to be rela[ve to other "Normal"
people, Simply double or triple normal scores, and add certain immuni[es (in a
manner similar to Quirks). In fact, I'd revise the Quirks and Counter-Quirk Tables
to handle a lot of the powers and drawbacks. Yeah, that's it.

Dave----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 09:40:42 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Tue Apr 11 09:20:41 1995

Sorry about the oversights Dan.

I included "Bran the Blessed" from a mythology reference aand I believe that
same reference stated "Bran" was female. (This is from _The ANcient and Shining
Ones_ reference I had listed.) My apologies if I had misiden[ed the gender
of the deity.

Also, my exper[se in mythology lies in the Greco-Roman pantheons, and I do not
have much background or references in other pantheons and myths. I was unaware
of Conchobar's existence, but in a previous pos[ng I had also stated I found a
reference to El Campeador being El Cid; I was unaware of this when I had
detailed the Armor of El Campeador. I am sure MANY of the items have their
basis in actual legends/history, I am just unaware of which are real and which
are c[onal. I would be happy for anyone to inform me on the legends
connected with ANY of the items I have already posted or will post in the
future. Steve has a good idea for a "second edi[on" of the items; I would be
happy to incorporate as much real legend into the pos[ngs as possible. Much
of the reason I am sure many of the authors do not include real legend into the
items is that the [me to nd the legends (for those of us who are unaware of
them) would be very signicant, and that it's hard to tell items which do
have their basis in real legend from those that do not.

I'd be happy for anyone to point out which items do have a basis in real
legend; please do so - this is why I do ask for comments and cri[cisms with
the item's pos[ngs. Thanks for your input Dan - I some[mes wonder when there
isn't a response if other people are nding this item rumor list useful.
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 10:56:01 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v0.20

I have just beggining study the c++ language
in my university and i'll apreciahe if you send me a
copy of your program to me.It will have a great value.
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 19:13:50 +0000
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Noha Talaat <ntalaat@IDSC.GOV.EG>
Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v0.20
In-Reply-To: <>

My name is Noha
I'm wri[ng to thank you for your oer and I'll be very greatefull
if you send me your program

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 10:47:57 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Rick Blair <rick_blair@TALIGENT.COM>
Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v

Message Subject:
RE>HP Character Generator v0.20 29#162#

I would like to see the character generator in C++.

If I get the [me and it seems worthwhile, I would like to port it to the Mac
(using PowerPlant under CodeWarrior). C++ coding is somewhat like a busman's
holiday for me, but what the hell.

Uh oh, now I'll lose my lurker status again...

Rick Blair
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 14:05:00 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v

>If I get the [me and it seems worthwhile, I would like to port it to the Mac
>(using PowerPlant under CodeWarrior). C++ coding is somewhat like a busman's
>holiday for me, but what the hell.

You get it ported to the Mac, I want a copy. Considering all the development for
Mythus was done on two or three Macs (mine and a couple of Gary's), I'm surprised
they (Apple) never wanted the endorsement. Of course we already know it was fated
to be the roleplaying game for the rest of us... ;)

>Uh oh, now I'll lose my lurker status again...

Guess what, Rick... We know who you are now <ominous cackle>

Oh, and BTW, Mahhew - why don't you put my Excel HP and criher-genera[on macros
out for everyone who can use them. It's not like everyone in the world isn't
reinven[ng the wheel...

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 16:42:59 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Ken Kitowski <kkitow@HEALTH1.UWSP.EDU>
Subject: Character Generator

Wow. Lot's 'o people wri[ng 'em these days. Well....I'll toss my oer to
send out my currently under development character generator wrihen in
Borland's Delphi. (This is a way cool new product by Borland. Highly
recommended). Excel macros for many things are also available from
me....they should work on macs, too. bye.

Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 20:02:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Character Generator
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Hey, I love the idea of all these generators, macros, etc....

Can we see some more? I am thinking FTP would be the best place to put
these things...

I am par[cularly interested in certain Excel goodies in the possession
of a certain list owner... :)

(Where is he lately, anyway!)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 22:17:21 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Davies <cdavies@GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA>
Subject: Re: New Idea (I think) for Dangerous Journeys
In-Reply-To: <>


> I'd leave K/S Areas alone for the Reid Richards types who have a "normal"
> profession. As far as superpowers are concerned, Treat them like
> Heka-Engendered Powers.
> Depending on how powerful the characters are to be rela[ve to other "Normal"
> people, Simply double or triple normal scores, and add certain immuni[es
> (in a manner similar to Quirks). In fact, I'd revise the Quirks and
> Counter-Quirk Tables to handle a lot of the powers and drawbacks. Yeah,
> that's it.

That's what I was planning on doing, more or less, except with
regards to the psychogenic powers. For them, I'm going to have three K/S
Areas -- Psychogenics, Mental; Psychogenics, Physical; and Psychogenics,
Spiritual. Taking these areas is a lot like taking D-Craep in Mythus -each [me you take an area, you get ONE of it's sub-areas. This has to
do with the dierence between psychogenic powers and super-abili[es (or
exo[c powers, as they're called) in the world-system that I use.

Oh, and Mr. Newton -- that's REED Richards.

> Dave> (C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved

Chris Davies, Advocate for Darkness.
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 00:06:51 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Cri[que of Item Rumors


I'm prehy sure that Bendigeidfran and Bran the Blessed are two dierent
people, but I bet that also depends on what myth from what country (Wales,
Ireland or Scotland or elesewhere) that you read. Bendigeidfran is not a
god to my knowledge but a rather impressive hero that bordered on god status
His head was buried facing the East, and it was said that as long as his head
was there keeping guard no foreign invader would conquer the country.

Prehy neat story. I really don't know anything about Bran the Blessed, but
I intend to get _The Ancient and Shining Ones_ at rst opportunity and
read it. But rst I have to read _A History of God_ and way too much
Ancient Middle Eastern History and Religion. I didn't know that about
El Cid and El Campeador. Thanks for the trivia.

Dan Williamson

It is by will alone that I set my mind in mo[on.

Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 04:14:51 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Item Rumors.

I haad a bit of trouble with the mailer. Sorry.
Forwarded message:
> AEgypt.
> Aten Ankh.
> (Mythological notes: The Ankh is the symbol of eternal life and Aten is the
> sun disk) Since the here[cal days of Akhenaten the worship of Aten has
> been discouraged in AEgypt and most traces of its temples have been removed.
> However this Ankh created by the Pharaoh Akhenaten has been kept in the
> Pharonic treasury at Memphis due to its incredible powers. What these
> powers are, no one can say with any certainty except perhaps the Pharaoh
> and his closest advisors, and they would not reveal such secrets. It is
> known that the Ankh is a potent symbol of rulership and probably has the
> powers of the sun in addi[on. It is very rarely used because Atenism is
> a reviled religion and few admit to prac[cing it.
> (Atenism was started by the Pharaoh Akhenaten, possibly in an ahempt to
> take power away from the priests of Amon. In it everybody but the Pharaoh
> had to worship the Pharaoh who would relay the prayers and pe[[ons of the
> people to Aten himself).
> Mace of Narmer.
> (Mythological/Historical Notes: Narmer is the near-legendary Pharaoh who
> unied Upper and Lower Egypt in about 3000BCE. His name means liherally
> S[nging Cakish. In one stelae he is shown smi[ng an enemy with a mace,
> the stelae (a rock plaque) commemerates his conquest of the Delta (Lower
> Egypt).) I don't know what special powers such an ancient weapon should
> have but it should be at least as powerful as Excaliber.
> Ur-Hekau of Imhotep.
> (Historical Notes: Imhotep was the architecht of the Great Pyramids of Giza
> built by Khufu. Aper his death he was elevated to Demi-God status by the
> people, but even in his day he was seen as a really "cool dude".) This
> series of papyrus scrolls were used and probably wrihen by Imhotep in his
> crea[on of the four Great Pyramids of AEgypt which are today one of the
> great sources of AEgyp[an magickal strength. It is quite likely that they
> detail the process of crea[ng such immense structures, it is also likely
> that the real power of the Pyramids comes from devices hidden deep within
> the Pyramids and unknown to outsiders.
> Albion

> Excaliber. This was the famous sword of Albion's most renowned King, Arthur.
> It is said the sword makes its bearer undefeatable in combat. It is certain
> that the sword is incredibly sharp, assists in command of armies. However it
> s scabbard is equally powerful, preven[ng the wearer from harm on the bahle
> eld.
> Rhongomyant. This was King Arthur's Spear or Lance. It is also a powerful
> magickal weapon.
> Byzan[um.
> Legion of Shadowphrac[. These are dark shadowy horsemen that the Byzan[ne
> generals are able to call into their side in any bahle on Byzan[ne territory
> The Shadowphrac[ are more powerfull than heavy cavalry and are known to spook
> enemy cavalry by their mere presence. (See Cataphrac[ for historical notes).
> Hibernia.
> Gas Bolg. A terrible weapon once owned by the mighty warrior CuChulainn. When
> used on an opponent it would kill them in the most horrible manner possible.
> It is a weapon of last resort for to use it takes a terrible toll on the wielder.
> How's that for a start?
> Dan Williamson
> It is by will alone I set my mind in mo[on.
> Dune.
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 05:32:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Back to Truenames

Gejng back on the subject of Truenames,

I would not suggest giving a cas[ng using the targets Truename a bonus
on eect or damage. Instead I would lower the targets innate resistance
to the cas[ng. Of course the target would have to have hepy resistance
to begin with. Then depending on how much of the total Truename you
know of the target a certain amount of resistance is negated.

For example (using Mah Berry's devil)
Deccebalus Nenufareni Archistomatophylax has a reistance of 200 vs all Heka
ahacks (or whatever). If you know the rst name, Deccebalus, which Mah

said meant the species his reistance goes down by say 20. If you know
Nenufareni, his status, his resitance goes down by 60. If you know
Archistomatophylax, his NAME, his resistance might go down by 100.
Thus if you know all of his Truename you will only need to overcome 20
points of resistance.

The same sort of thing should happen when using a Truename in all cases.
In my Egypt campaign, if you believe you need the Truename to get a
cas[ng to work then the target will get a whole bunch of resistance if
you don't have it. (Magick works by belief in my world). I'm not about
to make cas[ngs any more powerfull when used with Truenames.

Dan Williamson

It is by will alone that I set my mind in mo[on.
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 08:34:04 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Super-powers

> That's what I was planning on doing, more or less, except with
>regards to the psychogenic powers. For them, I'm going to have three K/S
>Areas -- Psychogenics, Mental; Psychogenics, Physical; and Psychogenics,
>Spiritual. Taking these areas is a lot like taking D-Craep in Mythus ->each [me you take an area, you get ONE of it's sub-areas. This has to
>do with the dierence between psychogenic powers and super-abili[es (or
>exo[c powers, as they're called) in the world-system that I use.

That ought to work just ne, though I daresay there are probably several ways for
a crapy GM to handle this.

> Oh, and Mr. Newton -- that's REED Richards.

Thanks. I pondered it, and nally just guessed (it's been a while since I've done
any serious comics collec[ng). Oh well, at least I can s[ll spell
Agathocacological o the top of my head... Aaaack! <grin>

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 06:25:22 -0600

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Je Sharpe <Je.Sharpe@UIS.ALIVE.AMPR.AB.CA>
Subject: HP Gen v0.20
In-Reply-To: <>

Adp> Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 10:47:57 -0800
Adp> From: Rick Blair <rick_blair@TALIGENT.COM>
Adp> Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v

Adp> I would like to see the character generator in C++.
Well this Windows version isn't wrihen in C++, my OS/2 version is. I've sent
the Windows version to ya. My earlier ahempt isn't nished and was s[ll in
the rough when I switched (I was gejng impa[ent with my [me).

Adp> Uh oh, now I'll lose my lurker status again...
:-) Me also.
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 06:19:29 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Je Sharpe <Je.Sharpe@UIS.ALIVE.AMPR.AB.CA>
Subject: HP Gen v0.20
In-Reply-To: <>

Adp> Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 10:56:01 -0400
Adp> Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v0.20

Adp> I have just beggining study the c++ language
Adp> in my university and i'll apreciahe if you send me a
Adp> copy of your program to me.It will have a great value.
Its on the way. I hope you enjoy your course...its a great enviroment to work
in. :-)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 06:22:22 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Je Sharpe <Je.Sharpe@UIS.ALIVE.AMPR.AB.CA>
Subject: HP Gen v0.20
In-Reply-To: <>

Adp> Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 19:13:50 +0000
Adp> From: Noha Talaat <ntalaat@IDSC.GOV.EG>

Adp> Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v0.20

Adp> I'm wri[ng to thank you for your oer and I'll be very
Adp> greatefull if you send me your program
Its on the way. Let me know what you think? :-)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 06:16:01 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Je Sharpe <Je.Sharpe@UIS.ALIVE.AMPR.AB.CA>
Subject: HP Gen v0.20
In-Reply-To: <>

Adp> From: "Daniel A. Pickeh" <Sprrwhwk@AOL.COM>
Adp> Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v0.20

Adp> Hey there! I'm in the process of wrijng one in C++ also,
Adp> however, i would like to see yours. Please send me a copy, i
Adp> would like to see it.
Its on the way. Let us know how its turning out. The version that I'm sending
is done in Visual Basic for Windows. I copped out and wanted something quick...
*When* this version is complete, I'll go back and nish the OS/2 version which
is in C++.
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 11:41:38 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Daniel A. Pickeh" <Sprrwhwk@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Character Generator


I don't suppose you have any idea what the assmebly oder to the 5 les you
have sent me is? I have one le with a begin on it and one with a end. also
I have 2 dierent les labeled #1(2) and 2 dierent le labeled #2(2).
From what I can guess there is two dierent les each requiring 3 segments,
and I only have 5 of the six......

Really Cornphussed.......Sparrowhawk.
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 13:55:31 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995

Fwd: teskej->teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Apr 13 11:17:03 1995

Robes of Night - This robe, once put on, cannot be removed. It enshrowds the
user in owing black strips of shadow. Only the hood may be removed. All
armor and clothing on is so transformed. At night, the person is invisible and
non-detec[ble by any means. Such total invisibility makes the person 2 DRs
harder to hit. The drawback is taht the person loses the ability to

Avalanche Mace - This mace has the ability to detect and create avalanches. It
can also be used to crush rock without damage with a BAC bonus of 20 during


Firestorm Flute - This ute has the capability to create perfect illusions
when played. Although the creator's intent was to bring music to life through
illusion, it was stolen by an Insane Mage named Candisan who used it to destroy
those she travel with. Candisan the Firemage made quite a fortune from her
an[cs un[l she met up with a band of giants. Currently the ute is in
possession of a Sea Mage named Bree.

Iron Wand Fan - This ornate bone Fan has the ability to store 20 levels of
spells. It can hold a maximum of 5 spells no higher than Grade VII. It also
stores 2000 heka for the cas[ng of such spells and doubles the caster's
aperture for such spells.

Five Direc[on Lotus - This 5-leafed ower has the ability to bestow perfect
direc[on sense, and is the fruit of this large plant. When a person consumes
one of the petals, he or she will know perfect direc[ons, places, and
dimensions of any place on the current Realm for as long as the ower
con[nues to have the other 4 petals in bloom.

Skywater Coach - This sleigh hjas the ability to y and carry a party of
eight. FOr some unknown reason it always has the ability to calm the seas and
seeing it is thought to be a good omen to all who live o the sea. Its name
is a reference to the wonderous pictoral carvings of the sea and air mee[ng.

$$HRComments by teskej Thu Apr 13 13:36:59 1995
Precious Jade Wand - This wand has the ability to change by touch all that is
Phaeree to its corresponding Life here on Aerth. This is the only known item
to violate the Equality Principle shared with Aerth and Phaeree.

Thousand Li Eye - When this gem is held to the forehead, a third eye appears.
This eye has the ability to see up to 1/2 mile as though it were 2 inches away.
The person can also see through solid objects and behind them. Two side

eects seem to occur. First, the person is open confused with Phaeree/Fiends
and killed. Second, aper prolonged use, headaches occur, followed by

These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Apr 13 13:55:16 1995
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 13:55:58 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Apr 13 13:42:37 1995
Ceylon (Vedya)

Eight Arrow Bow - The origin of this bow is uncertain, but its deadly results
are reknown. The bow only appears to those whom claim revenge for a just
cause. The bow is only visible to the person it appears before. With the bow
are eight arrows of death. The arrows begin to fade , one per moon, un[l all
have disappeared. Any person struck by such an arrow must roll vs. S Trait at
DR = "extreme" or be destroyed. The person dies of excrucia[ng pain as the
arrow destroys their essence. If aimed at an innocent against the user's
cause, the bow will misre. The bow disappears aper all eight arrows are

Deathower - This Black Orchid seemingly has no power, however, when made a
mascot, the ower bestows the ability to see the people who are about to die
and take ac[o to prevent it. Those whom had had such mascots for an en[re
life are able to predict the death for up to a decade to those they know well,
although most can only predict within minutes or hours.

Pearl of Desire - This Red Pearl causes all who see the person to fall
hopelessly in love with the possessor (SM check at DR = "extreme" to avoid).
The aected person will do anything for the person, include take their own
life in a moment of passion. There is no known cure for the aic[on. As a
side eect, animals hate the possessor of the Pearl and those aected by it.
Wars have been waged as a result of this item, and anyone rumored to be
aected by this item is slain by the ac[ng government. The item is rumored
to be in the possession of the FOrthright Avengers. Un[l otherwise known,
the government is ac[vely seeking the item and the FA to put a stop to its

Vedic Tablet - This remarkable work is bound in Phaeree leather and uses onion
paper for its text. Within the bounds are the whole recorded history of every
pantheology connected to the current Realm. The book is empowered with a
magical index and referencing system thus making it a mere 60 lbs. of unlimited
informa[on. The source of the informa[on is Divina[on Oriented without
chance for failure. This book is impervious to destruc[on and is sought by

the most powerful of people and creatures for the purposes of blackmail.
Currently it is rumored to be in the Claws of the Dragon of Tranquility.

These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Apr 13 13:55:49 1995
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 13:56:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 07:30:40 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->

Flaming Ox Chariot - it is fabled that the sun was pulled across the sky by
this object, but due to the advances in Astrology, we know that the Sun simply
revolves around the Aerth. This chariot was designed with the fable in mind to
inspire awe and fear in those that see it. The chariot is in actuality pulled
by an ox. The ox must be the mascot of the charioteer in order for the vehicle
to work. The vehicle is capable of great speeds on land and in air. It is
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Apr 13 10:53:58 1995
rumored that it can connect all eight con[nents in one day. It can carry up
to four passengers and the driver comfortably. it is most feared during [mes
of war and rebellion. When in mo[on, the chariot's ox turns into living
ame. The Chariot can then be used to travel on the ground and set ame to
all it touches, laying waste to towns and elds. The chariot driver is also
said to be able to turn other oxen in sight into slame while the chariot is in
mo[on. Those riding in the chariot are priveledged to immun[y from the heat
and the ames. Due to the special mind link of it being a mascot, the driver
can communicate complicated direc[ons telepathically. The mascot also holds
1000 heka and 3 joss per day.

Permutable Zodiac - This large iron sculpture, when used by an astrologer,
bestows an addi[onal 30 points of STEEP in Astrology and Divina[on, and makes
all Astrology cas[ngs made as if by a Full Prac[[oner. It also gives the
user vivid visions of the future, however, many of its users have become
addicted to its use so much so that they have spent months in isola[on using
it beyond the Realms of Sanity.

Skybow Deant - This mys[cal bow appears to be made of fog. With the proper
commands, an appropriate arrow will form on the misty string. The arrows have
mys[cal powers over the weather. One such arrow causes fog, another darkness,
another can make a hailstorm. The bow does have a counter ability: whenever a
power is used it withers plant life around it. It is also rumored that owners
die aged far beyond their [me.
There is an addi[onal rumor from other sages that state this bow is
legendarily supposed to perform perfectly in adverse weather condi[ons, even
those created by itself or other Objects of Similar Power.

Six Eldritch Tablets - These Tablets are said tohold the arcane secrets of
Grade X Dweomercraep Cas[ngs. There is one book for each School: Gray,
Black, Green, White, Elemental, and General Dweomercraep. Cas[ng of such
spells has appeared to cause the demise of their casters, since there are few
other known sources of such magic.

Golden Steps of Rolgamush - This spiral staircase is said to be made of pure
gold. It once held a place in the Royal Palace, but was removed for security
reasons. The staircase bestows anyone with the wisdom of those who have passed
before you. Such wisdom can be in visions, riddles, poems, or whatever context
the contact has chosen. Informa[on has always been proven to be factual;
however, it is not always direct. the spirit contacts are mostly past
rela[ves and can only be seen and heard by the contemplator. Contempla[on on
the stairs was a common occurence un[l there was a ques[on about the throne
and delity. Now the steps are tucked away in a remote castle or fortress

These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Apr 13 13:56:15 1995
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 16:00:58 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Vedic Tablet

>Vedic Tablet - This remarkable work is bound in Phaeree leather and uses onion
>paper for its text. Within the bounds are the whole recorded history of every
>pantheology connected to the current Realm. The book is empowered with a
>magical index and referencing system thus making it a mere 60 lbs. of unlimited
>informa[on. The source of the informa[on is Divina[on Oriented without
>chance for failure. This book is impervious to destruc[on and is sought by
>the most powerful of people and creatures for the purposes of blackmail.
>Currently it is rumored to be in the Claws of the Dragon of Tranquility.

Sounds kinda like the binder of unpublished Mythus material I used to carry
around at cons (except I think mine was heavier) ;)

And of course, it's now in the possession of a "dragon", too. :(

p.s. I really liked the bow, too

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 16:05:28 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Organiza[on: MSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Subject: Re: New Idea (I think) for Dangerous Journeys

One sugges[on I would make, at the risk of being banned from the
list for men[oning a dierent system :), is to look at the way Hero
System, specically Champions handles powers. Not the system of
points, but the open ended nature of the system. Instead of "Ice
Blast", have an generic blast, with the special eects being chosen
by the player.

S.D. Troll
Banshee Server Hub
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 16:06:53 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: More comments

>Permutable Zodiac - This large iron sculpture, when used by an astrologer,
>bestows an addi[onal 30 points of STEEP in Astrology and Divina[on, and makes
>all Astrology cas[ngs made as if by a Full Prac[[oner. It also gives the
>user vivid visions of the future, however, many of its users have become
>addicted to its use so much so that they have spent months in isola[on using
>it beyond the Realms of Sanity.
Hmmm. Milwaukee?

>Six Eldritch Tablets - These Tablets are said tohold the arcane secrets of
>Grade X Dweomercraep Cas[ngs. There is one book for each School: Gray,
>Black, Green, White, Elemental, and General Dweomercraep. Cas[ng of such
>spells has appeared to cause the demise of their casters, since there are few
>other known sources of such magic.

It is rumoured that one of these books contains colorless Heka and is a fake
summoned to Aerth by another game company. (General Dweomercraep is *not* a
school. It is the only type of cas[ngs you may learn if you are not a DMC'er.)

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with

..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 08:53:01 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Vedic Tablet
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 13 Apr 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> >Vedic Tablet - This remarkable work is bound in Phaeree leather and uses onion
> >paper for its text. Within the bounds are the whole recorded history of every
> >pantheology connected to the current Realm. The book is empowered with a
> >magical index and referencing system thus making it a mere 60 lbs. of unlimited
> >informa[on. The source of the informa[on is Divina[on Oriented without
> >chance for failure. This book is impervious to destruc[on and is sought by
> >the most powerful of people and creatures for the purposes of blackmail.
> >Currently it is rumored to be in the Claws of the Dragon of Tranquility.
> Sounds kinda like the binder of unpublished Mythus material I used to carry
> around at cons (except I think mine was heavier) ;)
> And of course, it's now in the possession of a "dragon", too. :(

Yeah! AN *Evil* "dragon"! Bwahahahahahahaha!


"`Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in
quotes." --TKK Nervous Xians
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 12:00:48 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Dangerous Ideas Web Sites

Hello, gang!

I have been asked by a couple of people where they can get D.I. from FTP
or WWW. I forgot. :) Having looked at 4 of them once, I then just
tossed it all aside and didn't think about it for a while...

So, Mike Phillips and Roshi, and Mah Pearson, I know you three at least
have (had) WWW sites. If you could be so kind as to post them here (or
tell me so I can tell a few private individuals...).


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 06:53:46 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Je Sharpe <Je.Sharpe@UIS.ALIVE.AMPR.AB.CA>
Subject: HP Generator
In-Reply-To: <>

Adp> Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 11:41:38 -0400
Adp> From: "Daniel A. Pickeh" <Sprrwhwk@AOL.COM>
Adp> Subject: Re: Character Generator

Adp> I don't suppose you have any idea what the assmebly oder to
Adp> the 5 les you have sent me is? I have one le with a
Adp> begin on it and one with a end. also I have 2 dierent
Adp> les labeled #1(2) and 2 dierent le labeled #2(2). From
Adp> what I can guess there is two dierent les each requiring
Adp> 3 segments, and I only have 5 of the six......
There are 3 segments for the HP Generator and they should be labeled (1 of 3)(2
of 3)...etc. I've forwarded 20+ copies, your the rst with the prob. If the
prob persists, please drop me e-mail for any help, I'm not sure this forum is
the proper place for this discussion.

Date: Sun, 16 Apr 1995 13:39:54 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Cybermyth

Our rst Cybermyth campaign was succesful. All of the HPs are either
dead or almost hopelessly screwed. :)

My character commited the stupidest error which caused 1/2 of the total
party and 1/3 of the remaining party to get captured by the BIG NASTY
corpora[on (I never learned the corp's name).

We got free but we lost all our wepons, bucs and most of our vigor.

Not to men[on my HPs memory.

All in all a nice trial run. our second campaign has already begun and
our new HPs are very diverse. CyberMyth is a success. Watch your buh
and don't be afraid to blow your joss life is cheap in CyberMyth, but HPs
take 5-6 hours to create, not cheap.

Time to dust o my realm knight for a Mythus campaign to alternate
weekly with our CyberMyth sessions.


Humble play-tester for CyberMyth

Do not adjust your brain. There is a fault in reality.
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 1995 22:33:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: aegypt

Hey ya'll

I'm running my current campaign in Aegypt, using some of the benets of a
predesigned scenario with some stu I already developed from the
campaign previous.... but I have a problem...

No knowledge of Aegyp[an dei[es...

Could some kind soul match the names I post here with that diety's major sphere
of inuence <I'll ll in ones I know basically>

Hapy god of the Nylle


\\Gloomy Darkness <Night>
Aapep God of Evil Serpents?
Sebk Minor Diety of evil Serpents
Seker Major god of evil
Set Major god of evil

Nepthys Servant to ... Osiris?
Thoth Major god of magick

\\Shadowy Darkness
Anubis Guide to the Dead

<there was a god of sunlight a player men[oned, One not listed on page 31 of
Necropolis... sort of a ward god... Spear with a slice of the sun for the [p?
anyone? anyone?> Started with an A
Ra <Cheer for the Sun God, He is a Fun God... Ra! Ra! Ra!>

^^^--sorry, couldn't help it.


The way I run the campaign, it's not incredibly important to know the gods and
so forth, but I just hate not knowing :)

Thanks for any help/correc[ons/addi[ons.

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 04:08:20 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v0.20

I'm shou[ng, I'm shou[ng... I'd like to try the character generator. I'm a
DOS'head w/Windows, etc.
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 08:42:33 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Muten Roshi <roshi@UMD.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Dangerous Ideas Web Sites
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 14 Apr 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> So, Mike Phillips and Roshi, and Mah Pearson, I know you three at least
> have (had) WWW sites. If you could be so kind as to post them here (or
> tell me so I can tell a few private individuals...).

My address is:


I have all of the Dangerous Ideas, and I have the lis[ng of all of the
magical devices posted. I have sorted these by country. I was wondering
if there was a kind soul out there who would do an index of these items?
I would, but I haven't even had [me to sort the past couple of weeks
worth of items.

Muten Roshi (Andy Ehlert) Saiya-jin Produc[ons
E-Mail:; roshi@[
President of The Science, Fact, Fic[on, and Fantasy Gaming Club
Organizer: U of M Dearborn Anime Showings On irc: M_Roshi

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 09:02:12 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Dangerous Ideas Web Sites

>So, Mike Phillips and Roshi, and Mah Pearson, I know you three at least
>have (had) WWW sites. If you could be so kind as to post them here (or
>tell me so I can tell a few private individuals...).

And speaking of which, I'm s[ll trying to get to the QMS home page, but it
is s[ll not recognizing either of the URLs Mah gave me. The material that
I had is now out of date and needs to be changed... Mah, are you dead, or

Anyone else have a site where the Quintessen[al Mercy Studio material can be
placed? We need the Internet PR, and I'd be happy to make the sample stu
available to the rest of the world.


----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 15:47:37 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Good-bye from John R. Troy

John R. Troy <> asked me to pass this message along,
so I'm doing so.

-- Mike (

---------- Forwarded message ---------Date: Thu, 13 Apr 95 15:12:00 UTC
Subject: Please forward to MYTHUS-L

I wish to say good-bye to everybody on Mythus-L.

It's been, save for a bit of bumpiness, a prehy fun two years or so.
However, at this [me, I plan to leave this list, more or less permanently.
(Actually, I already lep, back in March. Mike Phillips is graciously
transferring this leher to the list.)

First of all, just so you guys know, it has nothing to do with that
last lihle [ about binary les. I don't have much of a problem with
that--though I /do/ have a problem with binary les. I do have a problem
with Dave Newton's rudeness to me, but I accept that he and I don't get
along, don't like each other and perhaps never will. I just ignore it now.

However, I've not decided to leave over that, but rather for two other
more important reasons. I'm revealing them to you since people usually
like others to say good-bye, rather than just disappearing without so much
as a Toodle-o.

The primary reason I'm leaving is just to cut back on distrac[ons. I
need to spend [me on other things. I am currently employed in a rather
dull job that has nothing to do with my career path of computers and
informa[on systems. I need to try to get out of this status. That takes
[me, either to pursue job applica[ons or perhaps to change your career
eld, perhaps into one of wri[ng--which I am mulling over. I can't spend
much [me crea[ng ideas for this game system. (Actually, I'd really like
to try gejng /paid/ for something I write, for a change). Also, I'm doing
another newsleher that has nothing to do with gaming, but something I want
to write about, and I have to work on that too.

Well, can't I just lurk? Unfortunately, there's more. While I s[ll
stay ac[ve on GEnie and reply to several topics involving my hobbies, to
be honest--my heart isn't in Mythus anymore. My primary reason for
suppor[ng it was because Gary Gygax was involved. Unfortunately, thanks
to TSR and their vindic[veness, it is now the property of their company,
with the status of "discon[nued product" on it, a kiss of death, and I
fully suspect it will never return. This means no more Gygax wri[ng for
it, no more fun ar[cles, no more fun c[on. No more to look forward to.
Since Gary has moved on to other things and crea[ve works, I think I
should spend more [me following those. If he ever comes out with a paper
RPG spin-o for one of his computer games, I'll try to become involved
somehow like I did here.

As for this game--yes I'm sure he loves it, but I can't see "s[cking
with it" as tribu[ng him, since he has to let these things go.
(Otherwise, you could say the same thing about AD&D). I believe he ends up
lejng go of such things--one has to do that as a writer who doesn't own
his stu. That's just how I feel, and of course, stay with it if you
believe in it enough to keep it alive. I'm sure a part of his soul rests
in it s[ll.

I tend to try to write like Gary writes, and think that without him as
a guide and mentor for us gamers, other crea[ons fall apart. That's just

my opinion.

One of the things people may have no[ced is the fact that I tend to
be a big cri[c, and am very s[ngy with praise. I hope I've not oended
too many people in the past, but I can't apologize for taking that path.
My primary concern was that game rules, milieu details, and systems would
be designed with as much logic and reason as Gary puts into his products...
no mean feat. Thus, I tend to poke holes into other's crea[ons. If
you're knowledgeable in Comic books, I guess you could consider Gary a
combina[on of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, with me taking the role of a John
Byrne--making sure the characters conform with the founding father's

Take note that I did deliberately avoid gejng involved too much in
those type of discussions. I knew I might be too cri[cal. For instance,
I specically avoided gejng Dangerous Ideas for that reason.

So, I tend to make comments about ideas if they're posted, and can't
really "just lurk", so that's another reason for me to say good-bye.

This doesn't mean I've completely put DANGEROUS JOURNEYS on a shelf
and it's gathering dust. I s[ll read it from [me to [me, because it's a
wonderful work. I s[ll have ideas and are willing to make comments. I've
been sporadically throwing ideas to Mah Pearson, who uses them for his
campaign--and yes, Ryan, I've responsible for that Crazed Ves[al Virgin,
and the Incarna[on of the Manitou Coyote as "Wild E. Coyote". Blame me if
you don't like the ideas. If I ever get real bored (likely) and have the
[me and will (unlikely), I might write an adventure scenario for Mythus.
Who knows?

Special Thanks go out right now to Mah Pearson, for being helpful,
Mike Phillips--the best damn "non-pro" writer on the whole list, and Frank
Mentzer, the guy responsible for gejng me involved with MMM and this
list. Special thanks also to whoever put my name in a Gopher--GEnie just
go Internet access, so I explored around a bit.

Take care of yourselves, and many happy adventures and gaming to you

John R. Troy
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 16:45:43 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shamanism
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 2 Apr 1995, Edward Bromley wrote:

> Well I tried to post this about a week or so ago but I never received a
> receipt so I don't know if it actually posted. Sorry if everybody has
> already seen this.

I hadn't seen it. I've been so durn busy, though, I haven't had [me to
do much of *anything*.

> > It is only available to members of the na[ve tribes of Vargaard
> I note that shamanism was/is prac[ced in many dierent cultures through the
> world. Although there were dierences there were many similari[es. If you
> wish to limit access to shamanis[c magic require (as was actually the case)
> that the shaman be picked in some manner such as by an ancestor spirit, bolt
> of lightning, etc.

Actually, I was designing it specically for the Vargaard na[ves,
although I'm not averse to making it more 'general', as suggested.

> >possession requires a Vow to the Great Spirit.
> good idea. I like this because it allows the GM and players to treat
> shamanism as a "real" religion. Shamanism should be structured in the game
> world so that it is just as viable (though dierent) as the western
> religions.


> I have wondered how to handle this and have come up with a number of
> possibili[es (i) allow a vow (as you suggest) to the Great Spirit, Coyote,
> Bear, Eagle, etc.,

Actually, I came from the point of view of the shamans being the
spiritual guids, and thus they would be dedicated to the Great Spirit, or
perhaps have a Vow to Serve/Guide their people, but not necessarily the
rest of the spirits (with tribal varia[ons, so Iroukia shamans might be
pledged to False-Face).

> (iii)
> allow the shaman to use the heka points of its totem - this could be treated
> as a general purpose heka reservoir that doesn't count against the shaman's
> limit of reservoirs because a totem is really just an extension of the
> shaman. Alterna[vely, the totem could act as a mul[plier (i.e like a vow).
> I like this third alterna[ve because it seems to t shamanism beher that
> the rst alterna[ve (which appears beher for witchcrap and "western"
> religions).

Clever, I hadn't thought of that. Many possibili[es here :-) (maybe
even an extension to the medicine bundle)

> > Possessors can... determine the totem (associated animal) of anyone,
> I would prefer to say that the shaman is the spiritual guide. i.e. A shaman
> can help, but a character must determine his own totem.

Well, part of the vow (let's call it a vow of guidance) might be to never
reveal the totem of someone to them, but the shaman *must* know the totem
of the subject of a Cas[ng, or else he cannot aect the subject *at
all*. In other words, the shaman must know the totem in order to know
what the totem is averse to in order to nega[vely aect the subject, or
he must know what suits the totem in order to posi[vely aect the subject.

> In addi[on to the Shamanism k/s area, most shamans should have (at least)
> the following heka genera[ng k/s areas:
> Religion
> Mys[cism
> Herbalism
> Apotropaism
> Endurance
> Metaphysics

Hmmmm, I was actually going to fold some aspects of Apotropaism and
Mys[cism in, but let Herbalism stand as wrihen (the idea being that
the Apotropaism Cas[ngs are so heavily inuenced (IMO) by a 'Western'
view of evil spirits, and they might prove extremely inappropriate for
Amerindian, Central American, or Afrikan prac[ces)

> As Hawkeye indicated, a Shaman's spells should allow it to speak with dead.
> In addi[on, a shaman should also have cas[ngs for healing, summoning
> spirits, dismissing spirits and shape changing.

Again, absolutely. Part of the idea of a separate Cas[ng list would be
to grant access to certain Cas[ngs that are appropriate, but the whole
area (say, Dweomercraep) is not.

I hope to have some more [me to work on it Real Soon Now.....


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 17:08:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Subject: for the record.

2 cents follow....

<<JRT's Goodbye deleted>>

> As for this game--yes I'm sure he loves it, but I can't see "s[cking
> with it" as tribu[ng him, since he has to let these things go.

I don't really care whether he has let the game go... it's not really my

> (Otherwise, you could say the same thing about AD&D). I believe he ends up
> lejng go of such things--one has to do that as a writer who doesn't own
> his stu. That's just how I feel, and of course, stay with it if you
> believe in it enough to keep it alive. I'm sure a part of his soul rests
> in it s[ll.

Well here's my two cents, though certainly not asked for. I don't come at this
game even remotely like JRT. Gary's a great guy <though it took some
correspondence and reading his later stu to see that>, but I didn't buy the
game and support it because of his name tag <quite the contrary... having EGG
on the cover was a detrac[ng factor I have to overcome.>... and I didn't s[ck
with it because of him, nor will i ditch it because he's gone.

I'm here for good because of the game, pure and simple. It's the best damn
engine I've seen.

My ex-wife could've wrihen the thing, and I'd s[ll be playing it.
And that's really saying something. :)

later all, keep the faith.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="For our ght is not against esh and blood, \
but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\
against the powers of this dark world \
and against the spiritual forces of evil \
in the heavenly realms." \
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 04:15:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>

Subject: Re: aegypt, Hoo boy!

In-Reply-To: <> from "HALE" at Apr 16,
95 10:33:22 pm

Oh, gosh when I see a post like this I cringe on one hand and smile on
the other.

What you have doyce is a big problem. I'll see what I can do for you

1). The terms or "spheres" from Mythus are kind of hard to apply to the
Egyp[an die[es. But we will try anyway. Aper my class on Egyp[an
religion on wednesday I'll provide some followup notes if they become
necessary. Scanning over the list you typed in I only no[ced one
problem with the placement of die[es right o. Ma'at (Maat), as far
as I can tell is the one truly good diety in the Egyp[an religion.
So given that she could easily t under Sunlight, but she is also the
feather that the heart of the deceased is weighed against is is also
appropriate to put her under balance.

2) Aapep is NOT a god. Bast should denitly be a goddess of Sunlight she is the Dawn as well as goddess of Cats. She kills Aapep every
morning so that Ra and his ship can emerge from the underworld - Tuat.
Sebk is a crocodile god, and not really that evil, more like a henchman
of Set. Nepthys is NOT a servant of Osiris, she is a friend of Isis and
one of the 4 or 5 Judges of the soul in tehe underworld (along with Isis,
Hathor, Ma'at and Osiris).

3). A big part of the Egyp[an (and presumably AEgyp[an) die[es is that
they can combine to form a new god/dess. I would be suspicious of any
standalone diety called Ra-heru-Ku[ as it has Ra's name in it. I think
the god men[oned under Sunlight "Herakhty" is the combo god Ra-Herakhty.
Who is formed when Ra and Horus (the younger) join to form the ul[mate
symbol of the Pharaoh. Another popular one is Amun-Ra. Sekhmet-Hathor is
a ferocious war goddess that once almost wiped out the Human race (in
Myth anyway).

4) Set is not /really/ evil, he represents the forces that tear civiliza[on
apart and Horus the Younger represents that civiliza[on and therefore must
con[nually ght Set/Seth to preserve the civiliza[on.

5) Isis is really the best magick prac[[oner, far beher than Thoth. She
knows the Truenames of all the gods and goddess except perhaps Amun. Thoth
just knows a lot of stu. he is the patron god of scribes.

If there are any specic gods you want to know about, I'll try to help you.
There are literally thousands of gods in the Egyp[an tradi[on and no one
can possibly know them all, many don't even have reall names (eg. the 42

Assessors of the Dead) of their own.

I'm star[ng to run my own Egypt based game now so I'm doing a lot of
studying on Egyp[an history, religion and even Myth. I would strongly
recommend the product Mythic Egypt from ICE, it is loaded with informa[on
and is a fun read as well.


"We feel a thousand miseries [ll we are lucky enough to feel real misery"
Samuel Coleridge

You can keep your s[nking Angels out of my wound :)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 08:14:58 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: for the record.


>I'm here for good because of the game, pure and simple. It's the best damn
>engine I've seen.

Thanks, Doyce - this is the reason people *should* s[ck with a game.

>My ex-wife could've wrihen the thing, and I'd s[ll be playing it.
>And that's really saying something. :)

My ex-wife *did* write some of it - draw your own conclusions.

As far as my oending John, well, There's a quote (by Mae West, I think) that
covers how I feel towards lihle John and his huge ego. I'm sure I've mangled it,
but oh well.

"People who are oended easily don't get out open enough."

If he was oended by what I said, wait '[l he tries to write for a living.

Okay - next topic:

Now that the magickal items are prehy much nished, how would everyone handle
deital powers and stats. It's something I worked on briey for the <cancelled>
Kell[c pantheology, but I'd like to know how the rest of you would handle them.

Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 15:34:46 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Ques[on to Dave Newton (and others)
In-Reply-To: <>

Hi Dave!
I was just wandering if there is any chance that the material that wasn't
(from City of Ascalon etc) will be released under a cover that TSR (and others?)
can live with ("General RPG material for every fantasy game" or something like
Coments, anybody?
Pal Woje

Reporter: "What do you think about Western civiliza[on, Mr. Ghandi?"
Ghandi: "That would be a good idea!"

(@ @)
--------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o-------------------------- -- P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- email:
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Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 13:48:03 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Dave's Deity Ques[on...
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Dave: A worthy assignment indeed! I think if we put our minds on it this
would end up as good (or beher) than the magick items. It occurs to me
that at the very least, research at local libraries will turn up plenty
more info...

I think a pragma[c, simple lis[ng of pantheons and dei[es is the best
place to start. From there, people could work out specics...

One other thing I'd like to see more of: actual details of everyday
ac[vi[es in religions. What do, to use a recent example, the Vestal

Virgins do when they get up in the morning? Perhaps a beher (more

useful) ques[on would be to ask what they do in terms of leadership,
heirarchies, and organiza[on...

This would benet people such as myslef quite a bit with players who
have Priest HP's to create a more realis[c avor. It would also
greatly assist people like me who are crea[ng their own religions... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 13:52:05 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: aegypt, Hoo boy!
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Perhaps, then, a sugges[on:

Rather than using the Mythus "good-evil-agathowhahhehellever" lists,
perhaps strange religions woule require a revision of the Priestcrap
rules to handle dierent Ethos-types. Of course, this messes with the
game, which is dicult some[mes, but I think in this case it would be
as easy as coming up with new Sub-Areas, and probably re-arranging the
loca[ons of the cas[ngs into the new Sub-Areas.

Of course, that's not necessarily easy, but if you really want it to be
interes[ng.... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 14:02:23 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Dave's Deity Ques[on...

>I think a pragma[c, simple lis[ng of pantheons and dei[es is the best
>place to start. From there, people could work out specics...

I agree. There are a number of places where such info is contained, and

I think we should post any useful bibliograpies here (for someone to

compile, perhaps to include in DI?). References are always useful tools
for GMs - doesn't maher for which system or genre.

>One other thing I'd like to see more of: actual details of everyday
>ac[vi[es in religions. What do, to use a recent example, the Vestal
>Virgins do when they get up in the morning? Perhaps a beher (more
>useful) ques[on would be to ask what they do in terms of leadership,
>heirarchies, and organiza[on...

Actually we can imagine what they *won't* be doing, but that is a given
<grin>... As far as organiza[on, this sort of thing - if not
historically given - can be generalized for like religious orders. I say
this because simplicity is always useful when detailed informa[on is not
at hand.

>This would benet people such as myslef quite a bit with players who
>have Priest HP's to create a more realis[c avor. It would also
>greatly assist people like me who are crea[ng their own religions... :)

It would benet many of us, myself included. I must claim ignorance
when it comes to the guts of most ancient religions (I've only played one
Priest in my life, and his religion was rather, um, eclec[c). I did sit
down and work out the basics of Ahribute/Sta[s[c/Trait progressions
based upon some of Gary's notes. I will cover these in a future post,
but I'm sure you are all going to think them incredibly simple once you
hear how I did it.

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 15:23:30 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Ques[on to Dave Newton (and others)

<<<Hi Dave!
I was just wandering if there is any chance that the material that wasn't
(from City of Ascalon etc) ...............>>>>>>

I doubt it, as memory serves, Loren Wiseman of GDW retains the rights and

materials for City of Ascalon. His response to queries regarding

availability was a bit terse at best.

Rick C.
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 16:16:11 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: aegypt, Hoo boy!

I think I need to clarify my Aegypt request. I'm not really concerned with a
gods 'alignment' <for lack of a beher term easy at hand>... in my mind the
mo[va[ons of all but the lowest dei[es are so alien as to be uncategorizable
< :) > by mere mortals... I just would like to know what the various die[es
were know to 'govern': ie: god of magic, patron saint of scribes, lord of the
Duat... etc. etc.

thanks one and all.
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 20:02:28 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Edward Bromley <EPB3@AOL.COM>
Subject: 3 dimensional pentacles

While in the process of designing a nasty scenario recently, I stumbled
across a few ques[ons pertaining to the construc[on and use of pentacles:

1. The rules on the diameter of pentacles are clear. However, they don't
state how far up and down the "walls" of the pentacle extend? The rules
state: "while there is no 'top' to the eld of energy around the pentacle
per se, it cannot be entered or exited from above" (MM19) This could be
interpreted to mean that the walls of a pentacle extend innitely upwards.
This, in turn, would mean that it would be impossible to construct a roof
(or any thing else) over a pentacle! I doubt that this was intended. Any

2. If a pentacle extends up, and not down, it may be argued that a pentacle
could be easily breached by either digging under the lip of the pentacle (if
the pentacle is on the ground) or breaking the oor beneath it (especially
easy if the pentacle is on a oor that has space beneath it). Again, I
doubt that this was intended. Shouldn't a pentacle also extend below the
surface/down also?

I have a few ideas on how to handle these issues but I'm curious as to
whether anybody else has thought about it.


Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 22:24:15 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: 3 dimensional pentacles

Couple of scenarios ago, the players were in the ques[onably interes[ng
situa[on of being inside an inclusive physical pentacle with the bad guys on
the outside. :)

Ain't that just terrible ;)

Anyway, here's a few of the rules I gured out regarding this.

The players were in a warehouse, with <obviously> a preexis[ng roof... the
oor they were on had only earth below it/ <Ground oor.>

When the mage in the group <a FP Gray Schooler> queried me on her knowledge of
such pentacles aper the clianger ending <where they wake up in this thing
with the bad guy standing outside smirking at them> here's some of the
ques[ons I had to answer.

"Can I y up?" Yes

"Can I blow a hole through the roof and keep ying?" Yep

"Aper I get outside, could I then get past the circle?" Nope.

"So, what? I just keep going up [ll I run out of air?" Yep.

"Will a bird, ying overhead, outside the building, crossing the barrier,
disrupt it?" Nope <she has a familiar raven> :)

"What if the bird ies over the circle inside?" Nope, the actual line of chalk
on the oor has to be messed up.

Same answers on burrowing underneath the thing... Innitly down.

"Can the bad guys shoot us through it if Terek starts mouthing o again?" YEP

"Will that disrupt it?" Nope

"We're screwed aren't we?" Yep.

What the player nally ended up doing was: There were lots of old pullys and
ropes depending from the <very high> ceiling. One of the big ones was centrally

located, as was the magic circle... ie, it was inside the circle. Mage blasted
the pulley <'bout 6 feet accross> with a Heka Bolt maxed out and Jossed up..
knocking it loose.... it starts falling down and then swinging out as it is
connected to lesser pulleys outside the circle... but it can't leave the circle
either, so it just hangs there... inside the circle... hanging at an angle o
of a couple smaller pulley's.. which the weight pulls out of the ceiling too...
the whole contrap[on comes falling down... some on outside... some on the
inside... everyone makes avoidance rolls to keep from gejng pulley-smooshed...
and the ropes connec[ng the pulleys are breaking the ring... viola, they are

The bad guy got away :)

Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 23:58:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: 3 dimensional pentacles
In-Reply-To: <> from "Edward Bromley"
at Apr 18, 95 08:02:28 pm


No a pentacle does not have a top or bohom, it simply cannot be entered
or exited from the top or bohom. Its Magick. I would say that a pentacle
has an inuence extending slightly above the height of the person contained
within it or alternately about 6 1/2 feet high. I would also say that you
"can't" tunnell under it. Obviously the eect does not need to extend more
than a foot or two underground. If any player was so putzy as to ahempt to
burrow under a pentacle I would have the eldritch magics protec[ng the
pentacle zap him a good one.

Granted you can come up with a whole lot of situa[ons where a pentacle is
not much protec[on - the bad guys are just hanging out in front of it
wai[ng for you to starve or come out. I also don't like the concept of
a pentacle as a force eld. They should only be good for certain things.
Humans should basically be able to walk right through a pentacle eld.
They should not be able to damage the pentacle itself, but it shoulden't
harm them unless they are enchanted or something. Pentacles keep demons
(of all sorts), spirits and magic out not arrows (unless enchanted) or
people (unless possessed).

That's the way I see it.


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 01:30:44 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: aegypt, Ok, Ok.
In-Reply-To: <> from "HALE" at Apr 18,
95 04:16:11 pm

> I think I need to clarify my Aegypt request. I'm not really concerned with a
> gods 'alignment' <for lack of a beher term easy at hand>... in my mind the
> mo[va[ons of all but the lowest dei[es are so alien as to be uncategorizable
> < :) > by mere mortals... I just would like to know what the various die[es
> were know to 'govern': ie: god of magic, patron saint of scribes, lord of the
> Duat... etc. etc.

There you go with your modern religious mind working away making pagan gods
into modern "alien" gods. Remember that the Greek Gods were assigned human
traits and characteris[cs as well as emo[ons and thoughts. The idea that
a god was somthing other than human and opera[ng on another level en[rely
is peculiar to modern religions (since about 300BCE I think) such as Judaism
Chris[anity, Islam, Buddism (especially Buddism). I'm not certain about
Egyp[an die[es but Babylonian gods were essen[ally amoral. They werent
good they werent evil, they just were.

OK, but to answer your ques[on about what the various die[es were patrons

(From Mythic Egypt)
Amon: God of wind and storm, of kingship nad jus[ce and of virility. Also
god of secrecy, riddles luck and oracles. His is the power that is unno[ced
but inescapable.

Anubis: Prime minister of Tuat, right hand mand of Osiris. Guide of the dead
and "prosecu[ng ahourney" Also god of embalming and pharmacy.

Atum: god of stability adn order also a sun god.

Bast: sun-goddess, goddess of dawn, patron of cats. goddess of beauty and

Geb: father earth. god of vegeta[on growth, virility and fecundity.

Hathor (also Anqet, athyr, behutet, khnemet, ankh, menhit, nebut, nit, satet,
ta-sent-nefert and other names): goddess of pleasure and love (esp lust) adn
protector of women. also goddess of heaven adn healing.

Horus the younger: King of gods. god of kingship, vengeance and sun. patron
of pharaoh.

Horus the elder: god of sky, sees much says lihle.

Isis: goddess of magic and rulership. queen of tuat, protector of pharaoh.

Ma'at: goddess of wisdom, truth and harmony, name also means balance and cohesion
Mut: goddess of motherhood, patron of queenship and fer[lity. helps those
trying to produce prosperity and good order, dislikes warriors.

Neith: goddess of wisdom and warfare. excellent tac[cian and strategist.

Nut: goddess of sky

Nephthys: goddess of underworld, the edge of the world between teh living and

Osiris: god and king of hte dead. king of hte underworld Tuat. Judge of
dead and god of grain and patron of dead pharaohs.

Ptah: Creator-god. patron of mortal makers such as smiths, and crapsmen.
King of Tuat before Osiris.

Ra: Principle sun god and a god of crea[on. Patron god of kingship.

Set: god of darkness, destruc[on, drought and war. Also god of Evil.

Shu: god of light and heat and air.

Tefnut: Goddess of cloud, mist and moisture.

Thoth: Patron of scribes. Moon god.

Khons: principle moon god.

The Uraeus: Dispenser of good luck, the Eye of Horus (the younger).

Ament: Goddess who greets the dead at the underworld

Anhur: God of war and the sun.

Anunket: Goddess of Nile.

Bes: God of marriage and protector of women and children. Dwarf.

Buto: Goddess of lower egypt (the delta).

Duamutef, Hapi, Imsety, and Qebhsnuf: 4 sons of Horus guard tombs.

Hapi: god of Nile.

The 12 Hathors: some[mes appear at beds of newborn babies to grant them

luck. Can predict future.

Heket: Goddess of beginning life, par[cularly sewing grain and of childbirth.

Kherpi: sun god- god of dawn.

Khnum: God who shapes children in womb.

Menthu: Solar war god.

Mertseger: Goddess who guards tombs and necropili.

Meskhent: goddess of childbirth.

Min: God of virility and fer[lity.

Nefertum: ??

Neheh: God of eternity.

Nekhebet: Goddess of childbirth and patron of upper egypt.

Renenet: Goddess who protects infants and gives tehm their Truenames.

Renpet: Goddess of spring adn youth (probably actually a goddess of the
plan[ng season).

Sa[: Archer goddess.

Sebek: Water god. Friend of Set.

Seker: God of dead.

Sekhmet: goddess of war.

Selket: goddess protec[ng marriage and the dead.

Sesheta: wife of Thoth. A scholar.

Shai: God of fate/des[ny.

Tauret: goddess of motherhood and protector of infants.

Uadj-ur: God of sea.

Upuaut: War god, helped Osiris and Anubis conquer Tuat.

Remember the mul[ple god forms Serapis is Osiris-Ptah. Also these names

may dier from the ones in _Necropolis_ especially in the vowels. As

popularized in _Stargate_ Egyptain is not wrihen with any vowels so you
have to make them up as you go. An example in english is: M nm s Dn.
(My name is Dan). I think I recall Amon being Amun in Necropilis. There
are lots of other gods (thousands). The informa[on above is paraphrased
from _Mythic_Egypt_ by Earl Wajenburg and published by ICE. Who did a great
job with the book by the way.


PS: Maybe I'll do notes on Babylonian and Egyp[an religious prac[ces if I
have [me.
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 11:56:24 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: 3 dimensional pentacles
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Pentacles are exible:

They can be created so that they will only stop spirits, but they can
also be created to stop anything (including air). In that case, they are
a LOT more expensive (Heka), but I don't know how much... :)

It occurs to me that a pentacle is drawn, carved, etc, into a more or
less at surface. That being the case, wouldn't that surface form the
"bohom" of the pentacle? So, maybe the way to wack someone inside a
pentacle would be to take away the oor, since I doubt pentacles are
immune to gravity and iner[a... :) (Mo[on Damage!!!)

I try to think of pentacles as a sort of force dome...besides, anyone can
try to break them... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 14:12:47 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: 3 dimensional pentacles

>Pentacles are exible:

>They can be created so that they will only stop spirits, but they can
>also be created to stop anything (including air). In that case, they are
>a LOT more expensive (Heka), but I don't know how much... :)
>It occurs to me that a pentacle is drawn, carved, etc, into a more or
>less at surface. That being the case, wouldn't that surface form the
>"bohom" of the pentacle? So, maybe the way to wack someone inside a
>pentacle would be to take away the oor, since I doubt pentacles are
>immune to gravity and iner[a... :) (Mo[on Damage!!!)
>I try to think of pentacles as a sort of force dome...besides, anyone can
>try to break them... :)

I've been reading with great interest, since this wasn't really something we'd
considered to such an *excrucia[ng* degree... IMHO, I think all of you have
had logical, well thought-out approaches, and I almost hate to interrupt the
debate. :)

Here's how I see them, and you can take it or leave it as your campaign

First of all, in Mythus Magick, I believe it states that the Heka cost is
based on the size and types of resistances. It either requires Heka to break
them, or something on the "non-barrier" side to disrupt them.

As far as distance up/down, I personally would not make them limitless,
leaving that up to either the amount of Heka used to generate the pentacle, or
have it based upon the highest Cas[ng Grade of the creator (or perhaps both).
If you dropped a roof on an *exclusive* pentacle, it would block it provided, or course, that it was proof against physical breaching. If a
sec[on of the ceiling or the roof somehow was enclosed/bisected, it would
fall in a perfect t, *provided* that it could be cut from *inside* the
pentacle... The reason for this is that cujng around the outside would allow
for a "lip" (the pentacle wall) to support the sec[on... not so easy, you

An *Inclusive* pentacle would in no way keep that same roof out; however, I
would rule that such an event would certainly breach the pentacle and allow
what ever was inside to exit the enclosing magical cage. However, beings
within the pentacle which cut the sec[on would be subject to the falling
debris, without being able to breach the barrier - it would take something
cujng a sec[on larger than the space to breach it... exactly the opposite
situa[on as above!

As far as removing the bohom, well, just apply the guidelines from the above
situa[on, and you'll see that something trapped in an inclusive pentacle
would only harm itself, and those outside could not aect the contained

subject(s), et cetera, ad nauseum...

I'd probably limit the distance up/down to that of the space containing the
pentacle for sanity's sake, but feel free to do as you wish (you wicked GMs,
you...) <grin>

Just a few thoughts,
----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 14:03:53 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: gullerud@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fwd: teskej->

Gem of Wit
Envious leaders from nearby countries ahribute the charm and
savoire faire possessed by the Lord of Venice to this item. All that
is known about the Gem's physical appearance is that it is a ne
emerald set in a piece of jewelry, though the Lord's obsession with
emeralds makes singling out the correct stone a dicult proposi[on.
Though the Gem of Wit does not grant any bonuses to STEEP, its
wearer simply _cannot_ fail a check in a socially oriented K/S Area.
However, this ability is only ac[ve when the wearer is ac[vely
interac[ng socially with others. Those speaking with the wearer of
this item will inevitably nd themselves liking this person, and
agreeing with them in an ahempt to match the wearer's cleverness.
Much to their dismay, foreign ambassadors have later realized that
they agreed to binding trea[es with Venice during an informal social

Infallible Impressor
Certain nearby na[ons are suspected of hiring expert theives in
an ahempt to relieve the Lord of Venice of one or more of the items
in his possession, for the combina[on of the Gem of Wit and the
Infallible Impressor makes uninuenced conversa[on with him
prac[cally impossible.
The Infallible Impressor is a monocle some[mes worn by the Lord
of Venice. When a person meets the gaze of one wearing the monocle,
they will be dazed as if looking upon someone with an extremely high

Ahrac[veness. This dazing Eect can only be avoided by not mee[ng

the gaze of the wearer. Even then, those successfully avoiding the
gaze feel a sense of inferiority to the wearer, and are in awe of the
wearer's social standing and posi[on.
When combined with the Gem of Wit, the Lord of Venice has used
the powers of this item to dictate terms of trea[es, even when
dealing with representa[ves of much more powerful na[ons. Aegypt
has not had this diculty, leading to specula[on that there is
either a defense against these items, or at least that the Lord of
Venice isn't foolish enough to risk war with the Aegyp[an Empire.


Prism of Eight Rays
The Prism of Eight Rays is said to be hidden in a tower on a hill
overlooking Bucharest. No one has been allowed to approach, but sages
have surmised that inside are an array of Heka-Forged mirrors,
posi[oned so that the beams emmina[ng from this crystal can be aimed
in any direc[on from the top of the tower. These beams can be
focused narrowly or allowed to cover a large area, though the range
and eect is surely reduced in the laher case.
Though the exact size of the Prism is unknown, legends hint that
it is linked to the eight Preternatural Planes, and that each side has
a dierent power. Historical archives have recorded the use of only
three of the Prism's lesser powers, as Vlachia has been careful not to
reveal the full power of this ar[fact.
The side associated with Posi[ve energy was once used to
completely heal Vlachian forces falling before an Unseelie raiding
party. A beam of Aerth aided the building of Bucharest's city wall by
reversing gravity around the massive stone blocks used in its
construc[on. Finally, a revolt within the city was quickly ended
when the Prism's Aetherial beam instantly transported its leader to
the Nega[ve Plane, where he presumably expired.

Seeking Dart
Most darts, no maher how heavily enchanted, would not merit the
respect granted the great relics possessed by other countries.
However, the Seeking Dart is not a weapon as the name implies, but
instead possesses incredible divina[on abili[es. The Dart will
locate anything its owner wishes to nd, even when only a rough
descrip[on of the person or object is known. Not only will the Dart
choose the best possible route, but it will also lead its owner to
items necessary to avoid dangers or overcome obstacles along the way.
It is said that this item is in the possession of an elderly
Baron who is a re[red explorer. Some say that this explorer found
the fabled Fountain of Youth with the aid of the Dart a century ago.
More believable accounts state that the Baron only wished to nd a
means to extend his life, and obtained a less notable source of such

$$HRComments by teskej Wed Apr 19 14:02:05 1995
These items were created by Steve Gullerud.
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 19:07:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: 3 dimensional pentacles
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Here's the idea of cujng out the bohom of a pentacle:

You aren't actually damaging the pentacle. I think this would work
against Exclusive ones, and here's why: let's say you manage to nd the
people in the Ex Pent on the second oor of a structure. Then, you blow
up the oor around the pentacle. The oor inside the pentacle, and the
pentacle itself don't get harmed at all. But, since all support for it
just got removed, the whole thing collapses onto the rst oor. Then,
the people inside take Mo[on Damage (not much in this case, but
s[ll...). And who knows, maybe they'd fall out...

This is just a player's opinion on bea[ng a nasty GM's plan... :)
Hopefully my players never think of this... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 00:17:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dr. John Teske
Jr." at Apr 19, 95 02:03:53 pm

As a self appointed cri[c of the magical items :) let me comment on the
items presented to us by Steve Gullerund (?) through John Teske.

I really like the items in the possession of Venice, though I would think that
even if a na[on's ambassador agrees to a treaty under the inuence of the
Gem and Impressor, that na[on's ruler s[ll can choose to ignore it,
claiming, and rightly so, undue magical inuence was used to obtain it.

Again, like you said they are supposed to be the nuclear weapons of the
magical AErth.

My only cri[cism is where it says "On a hill overlooking Bucharest" in
the descrip[on of the 8 rayed prism thing. I've been to Bucharest a
number of [mes and I can say without fear of contradic[on that there are
NO hills outside of Bucharest for many miles in all direc[ons, least of
all "overlooking" the miserable city. But then that's really a minor point
now isn't it? :)

Good job.

Do the words at as a postage stamp mean anything?
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 01:29:44 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dan T
Williamson" at Apr 20, 95 00:17:23 am

> As a self appointed cri[c of the magical items :) let me comment on the
> items presented to us by Steve Gullerund (?) through John Teske.

Gullerud, actually. Don't worry, most people come up with far worse
mispellings for some reason. :)

> I really like the items in the possession of Venice, though I would
> think that even if a na[on's ambassador agrees to a treaty under
> the inuence of the Gem and Impressor, that na[on's ruler s[ll
> can choose to ignore it, claiming, and rightly so, undue magical
> inuence was used to obtain it.

Yep, as wrihen, the Gem and Impressor are being badly abused. Of
course, if Venice had many such agreements, one country might not be
certain which of the other agreements were made in good faith, and
hesitate to react violently. Slow communica[ons would only worsen
the problem. This sort of use of the items could easily put Venice in
a [ght situa[on aper a few months of such behavior.

Or, other countries might simply resort to rela[ons by courier, and
leave the ruler of Venice to inuence his own subjects for a while
un[l they deposed the creep. :)

> My only cri[cism is where it says "On a hill overlooking Bucharest" in
> the descrip[on of the 8 rayed prism thing. I've been to Bucharest a
> number of [mes and I can say without fear of contradic[on that there are
> NO hills outside of Bucharest for many miles in all direc[ons, least of

> all "overlooking" the miserable city. But then that's really a minor point
> now isn't it? :)

Ack! was this war, yeah that's it, and this archimage
tried to make the earth swallow the en[re city, but didn't quite make it,
leaving the city in a valley surrounded by all these new hills...

Ah forget it, this one's beyond saving. :) My lack of travel comes
back to haunt me. This is easy enough to x at any rate - I'll patch
something in the list des[ned for the Mythus pp site. Thanks
for keeping me honest, and keep an eye on the rest of the descrip[ons.

> Do the words at as a postage stamp mean anything?

(winces) That at, huh? I can't even claim exaggera[on for
drama[c purposes.

(who will check geographical descrip[ons of countries before doing
more of these...)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 07:01:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays
In-Reply-To: <> from "Steven Olaf
Gullerud" at Apr 20, 95 01:29:44 am

> > My only cri[cism is where it says "On a hill overlooking Bucharest" in
> > the descrip[on of the 8 rayed prism thing. I've been to Bucharest a
> > number of [mes and I can say without fear of contradic[on that there are
> > NO hills outside of Bucharest for many miles in all direc[ons, least of
> > all "overlooking" the miserable city. But then that's really a minor point
> > now isn't it? :)
> Ack! was this war, yeah that's it, and this archimage
> tried to make the earth swallow the en[re city, but didn't quite make it,
> leaving the city in a valley surrounded by all these new hills...
> Ah forget it, this one's beyond saving. :) My lack of travel comes
> back to haunt me. This is easy enough to x at any rate - I'll patch
> something in the list des[ned for the Mythus pp site. Thanks
> for keeping me honest, and keep an eye on the rest of the descrip[ons.
> > Do the words at as a postage stamp mean anything?
> (winces) That at, huh? I can't even claim exaggera[on for
> drama[c purposes.

Well there was this garbage dump we drove past once.... :)

> Steven
> (who will check geographical descrip[ons of countries before doing
> more of these...)

Another possible explana[on is the AErth is not Earth and therefore the
Wallachian plain is not completely devoid of redemable features. If I had
a scanner I could send you a picture we took outside of Bucharest that
demonstrates what I mean. But I don't, though I know a friend... If you're
really interested. Travelling in the direc[on of the Carpathians to the
north you have to get past Ploiest (I'm sure I misspelled that) to start to
see hills, typically in long lines coming south from the mountains crea[ng
wide valleys anked by hills.

My parents were sta[oned in Romania for 3 years, that's where this
knowledge comes from. I really woulden't suggest travelling there
for a vaca[on. Not for at least 10 years anyway.

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 08:19:12 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays

>My only cri[cism is where it says "On a hill overlooking Bucharest" in
>the descrip[on of the 8 rayed prism thing. I've been to Bucharest a
>number of [mes and I can say without fear of contradic[on that there are
>NO hills outside of Bucharest for many miles in all direc[ons, least of
>all "overlooking" the miserable city. But then that's really a minor point
>now isn't it? :)

Hmmm... Perhaps a spacial warp caused by all that energy in the prism
*caused* a series of hills on Aerth. Then again, maybe Steve's just never
been to Bucharest... ;)

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 08:23:51 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays

> Ah forget it, this one's beyond saving. :) My lack of travel comes
>back to haunt me. This is easy enough to x at any rate - I'll patch
>something in the list des[ned for the Mythus pp site. Thanks

>for keeping me honest, and keep an eye on the rest of the descrip[ons.
>> Do the words at as a postage stamp mean anything?
> (winces) That at, huh? I can't even claim exaggera[on for
>drama[c purposes.

Or maybe it's a *really* *tall* tower. (snicker)

Don't sweat it. It's a minor thing, really - unless of course, you are from,
have rela[ves in, travelled to, or know geographical informa[on pertaining
to the city. I've always envisioned that area as being hilly, but then
again, being American, I've been exposed to most every type of climate and
terrain there is. So (perhaps either in ignorance or arrogance) I also make
assump[ons regarding the rest of the world. Then again, it could just be
that there is lead in my water pipes...

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 08:35:22 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays

>(who will check geographical descrip[ons of countries before doing
>more of these...)

Actually, you and John have been doing a damn ne job. Having spent the
last month edi[ng, I wish I had been going over your material instead.
Besides, what's a couple of hills between friends, eh?

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 16:16:07 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays

Would you believe a really big, ancient burial mound??????

Just trying to help! (or be trying).

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 18:12:40 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: aegypt, Hoo boy!
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 18 Apr 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Rather than using the Mythus "good-evil-agathowhahhehellever" lists,
> perhaps strange religions woule require a revision of the Priestcrap
> rules to handle dierent Ethos-types. Of course, this messes with the
> game, which is dicult some[mes, but I think in this case it would be
> as easy as coming up with new Sub-Areas, and probably re-arranging the
> loca[ons of the cas[ngs into the new Sub-Areas.

Actually, I like the Ethos divisions, plus the two axes. The reason I do
is that it makes a sort of generaliza[on of *how humanity perceives the
deity*. In other words, there might be a god of goodness and sunshine
and holiness and all that, but who is so *only* for his chosen people
(say, for instance, um, gnomes or something). Said deity is of the Ethos
of Sunlight, but denitely Malign! Then, of course, if the *deity*
presents itself as generally fairly organized (e.g. Odinn), the deity is
Ordered. Gee, rough deal, huhn :-)

I will have to admit that the word agathocacological is certainly a
jawbreaker (and a nger-breaker for typists), but it's also about as
avorful as the rest of the 'DJ patois'. Not to men[on that if the
whole thing is scrapped, we get to start from scratch rather than having
the meager informa[on we do (in the form of the Greco-Roman,
Chinsungese, and [rough drap] Norse).

I plan on con[nuing with the divisions as set out in Mythus and MMM, if
only because I don't feel like changing course :-)

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 18:17:27 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: for the record.
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 18 Apr 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> Now that the magickal items are prehy much nished, how would everyone handle
> deital powers and stats. It's something I worked on briey for the <cancelled>
> Kell[c pantheology, but I'd like to know how the rest of you would handle them.

Despite what appeared in MMM (detailing some informa[on about Heru,
Osiris, Ra and Set), I have shied away from giving them any real 'stats'.
It lessens them, somehow.

On the other hand, I've also tried to gather some notes about what the
priesthoods did and how they manifested (such as the Vestal Virgins
ac[ng much like notaries public in Rome, and tending large hearthres
in the center of ci[es). I'm afraid, though, that a lot of it is more
'avor' than 'substance'.....

I'd like to see what other people have done :-)

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 23:07:31 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: aegypt, Hoo boy!
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Believe me, I'm not against what's there, I'm just sugges[ng the
possiblity of other possibili[es...hmmm...that didn't come out right... :)

At any rate, I like the "normal" religions, but I think I'm more
interested in weird stu. That's why I was kind of looking forward to
the Atlantl ones...

Oh, by the way, in your example, would the gnomes consider their god to
be Malign, or just the rest of the world...I guess Goodness and Evil are
in the eye of the, well, gnome.

And what about folks that believe in philosophies, instead of beings.

People who preach "Goodness" without actually personifying it. Would

that be quan[able in Mythus terms?

(Yes, I do like agathocacological, I was just being face[ous...)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 01:50:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Die[es
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye" at Apr
20, 95 11:07:31 pm

> is Hawkeye.

> And what about folks that believe in philosophies, instead of beings.
> People who preach "Goodness" without actually personifying it. Would
> that be quan[able in Mythus terms?

Yes and No (All this in my humble opiniion (TM)). No because the Mythus
Priestcraep system seems to be heavily reliant on a polythies[c
framework. I tried to put Chris[anity into Mythus terms. I ended up
with only two spheres (is that what they are called?) Sunlight for God and
Gloomy Darkness for Devil worship (but even that was less than sa[sfactory).
Yes for two reasons. The system is customizable like all systems, especially
because it is skill based and you can make up all the new skills and su(er) sub areas you want. And second because of the skills like Mys[cism
Yoga and (I know there was another one I was thinking of?) something.
It would be very easy to model religions like Buddism with K/S Areas like
Mys[cism and Yoga instead of Priestcraep and Philosophy instead of
Pantheology. Then again there is a slight element of polythiesm in
Buddism - all the Budda people that receive reverance, if not actual

> (Yes, I do like agathocacological, I was just being face[ous...)

What the heck does this word mean? And how do you pronounce it? Where's
my dic[onary?????? Ok, now I looked it up - its not in my dic[onary,
WHAT DOES IT MEAN????!??!?!??

> Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...

Pheh. Thanks rub salt in the wounds of those of us who don't. :)


"The Dreams of Youth are the Regrets of Maturity" -- Legend
I strive everyday to ensure that this does not happen to me.
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 05:38:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dave Newton" at
Apr 20, 95 08:23:51 am

> Don't sweat it. It's a minor thing, really - unless of course, you are from,
> have rela[ves in, travelled to, or know geographical informa[on pertaining
> to the city. I've always envisioned that area as being hilly, but then
> again, being American, I've been exposed to most every type of climate and
> terrain there is. So (perhaps either in ignorance or arrogance) I also make
> assump[ons regarding the rest of the world. Then again, it could just be
> that there is lead in my water pipes...

Well most of Romania is really hilly and the Carpathians are really steep
moun[ans. However most of Wallachia (the area of Romania from the
carpathians to the Danube) is prehy at. Moldavia and Transylvania are
extreemly to moderately hilly and even mountainous. South of the Danube
the land rises to hills again prehy quickly. Also the area between the
Danube and the Black Sea (look on a map) is also moderately hilly.

Lead in the water pipes is quite serious Dave. :) You really should do
something about that unless you want to end up like a Roman Emperor (pick
one they are all prehy much the same :).


Blood, Blood everywhere, I goha go. What a mess.
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 08:38:04 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays

>Well most of Romania is really hilly and the Carpathians are really steep
>moun[ans. However most of Wallachia (the area of Romania from the
>carpathians to the Danube) is prehy at. Moldavia and Transylvania are
>extreemly to moderately hilly and even mountainous. South of the Danube
>the land rises to hills again prehy quickly. Also the area between the
>Danube and the Black Sea (look on a map) is also moderately hilly.

a-HA! Now I can get right on that travel guide I'm tenta[vely calling "AEropa
on a BUC a day"...

>Lead in the water pipes is quite serious Dave. :) You really should do
>something about that unless you want to end up like a Roman Emperor (pick
>one they are all prehy much the same :).

But Dan, I *am* a Roman Emperor (pick one).

>Blood, Blood everywhere, I goha go. What a mess.

Out, damn spot! (and take the cat with you!)

[Sorry. You really shouldn't get him started, especially when he's not taking
his medica[on... - Dave's "good" twin]
----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 08:43:49 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Die[es

>Yes and No (All this in my humble opiniion (TM)). No because the Mythus
>Priestcraep system seems to be heavily reliant on a polythies[c
>framework. I tried to put Chris[anity into Mythus terms. I ended up
>with only two spheres (is that what they are called?) Sunlight for God and
>Gloomy Darkness for Devil worship (but even that was less than sa[sfactory).

At the risk of opening a can of worms [Oh no, here he goes...] Chris[anity is
far too black and white to t within the DJ construct - you either are (a
X[an) or you are *not* (which means, at least down here in the South, you are
one 'a them Devvil Worshippers - prolly wears black and plays them rollplayin'
games, too!). [See, I told you. Shoot him before he goes on.]

But here's the real can [*groan*] - Chris[ans [please, just ll in the blank
with the fervent religious follower of your choice] always consider themselves
in the right (no pun intended) and there have been many thousands of people who
have died at the hands of these worshippers of "Sunlight" just because theirs
was an inferior (or less heavily armed) religious posi[on [can someone just get
me ouha here?]. So, Chris[anity is really one of the worst applica[ons but
best examples of the DJ approach to Ethoi. Does anyone hear an echo? Kind of

like the buzzing that an annoying y makes? [BZZZZZZ! Hahaha!] Hey, cut that

>> (Yes, I do like agathocacological, I was just being face[ous...)
>What the heck does this word mean? And how do you pronounce it? Where's
>my dic[onary?????? Ok, now I looked it up - its not in my dic[onary,
>WHAT DOES IT MEAN????!??!?!??

AGATHO - GOOD... CACO - EVIL... LOGICAL - you gure it out...
Basically, it refers to someone whose outlook is made up of Good and Evil
components (and *not* a confused Vulcan). Gary has this *huge* old dic[onary,
bound with a strange type of rune-covered leather (almost like... skin!) [Oh,
brother! His prescrip[on must need relling...]. It is sooo old, the pages
crumble at the edges, the paper turning into pixie dust as it hits the cobbled
oor below [Pu-leees! Gary has a big old dic[onary, no skin, no runes, no
pixie dust. Don't believe this guy, it's spring[me down here, and he needs a
girlfriend bad, okay?] Shut up! I trying to tell a story! Anyway, I've seen it!
The WORD. It exists, though it's so ancient [like this guy's remaining brain
cell], it may only be found in HIS BOOK!

>> Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
>Pheh. Thanks rub salt in the wounds of those of us who don't. :)

Find me an Uzi, and I'll take care of that angel - ooops! Sorry, wrong game!
Rapture isn't out yet [Oh great, and guess who's edi[ng it! Might explain the
slight - er - problem he's got... Anyway, sorry folks, he really has nothing
against Chris[anity, he just *really* [red. - Dave's "good" twin]

Ummm. Excuse me. I have something to take care of. Meanwhile, you folks have a
nice weekend... -Dave's "agathocacological" twin.

<smack!><crunch><WHAP!><THUMPthumpthumpthump....> <:-o>
----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 09:32:30 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 21 Apr 1995, Dan T Williamson wrote:

> > (Yes, I do like agathocacological, I was just being face[ous...)

> What the heck does this word mean? And how do you pronounce it? Where's
> my dic[onary?????? Ok, now I looked it up - its not in my dic[onary,
> WHAT DOES IT MEAN????!??!?!??

I looked up the roots at one point, and I belive that Agatho- relates to
good, and Caco- relates to evil (but I'm not sure). *I* pronounce it
just like it looks:
Ahg-a-though-kay-ko(long o)-logical

Anyways, here's the context (forgive me for quo[ng myself paraphrasing
someone else :-) ):

The very rst part of each descrip[on consists of a few quick
descrip[ons of the deity, namely its power, ethos, and tendencies. The
tendencies are:

Benign or Agathocacological or Malign

Ordered or Intermediate or Chao[c

The powers are:
Power or Potency (Immortal Being or Supernatural creature)
Quasi-Deity (Powerful Supernatural Being)
Demigod (weak En[tal)
Greatest (Extremely Rare, usually a creator Deity)

In general, the weaker dei[es will be more ac[ve in a given campaign,
with the more powerful dei[es working through intermediaries, weaker
avatars (since avatars can func[on autonomously), and various allied or
servant dei[es.

Those are the descriptors given to each deity under the 'normal' Daily
Deity format.

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?

********** Join the FNN today! **********

Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 09:40:36 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: aegypt, Hoo boy!
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 20 Apr 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> At any rate, I like the "normal" religions, but I think I'm more
> interested in weird stu. That's why I was kind of looking forward to
> the Atlantl ones...

Remind me to kick something your way, it might intrigue you :-)

> Oh, by the way, in your example, would the gnomes consider their god to
> be Malign, or just the rest of the world...I guess Goodness and Evil are
> in the eye of the, well, gnome.

This is obviously going to be hard to answer. I would say that the
standard applied *so far* has been that of the 'people'. For instance,
Ares (Sunlight, Agathocacological, Chao[c) has generally been neither
good nor bad (or perhaps both good and bad) for the masses of humanity :-)
One of his children, Deimos (Roman: Pavor; Gloomy Darkness, Malign,
Chao[c), which means Terror, has certainly been *bad* for all of those
who felt his touch.

So, it's a subjec[vely objec[ve standard :-) (And I honestly think
that only JM's and scholars would be concerned with the actual
descriptors anyways, the normal people wouldn't even try and apply them)

> And what about folks that believe in philosophies, instead of beings.
> People who preach "Goodness" without actually personifying it. Would
> that be quan[able in Mythus terms?

Er, um, the descriptors (Ethos, Power, Benign/Agathocacological/Malign,
Ordered/Intermediate/Chao[c) seem to be applied *only* to dei[es and
their ac[ons, so I would say it doesn't even apply. They don't
necessarily *get* an ethos for following a philosophy :-) (Shoot, if
they did, wouldn't Philosophy be a Heka-genera[ng K/S Area? <just kidding>)

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********

Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 10:24:19 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

> > (Yes, I do like agathocacological, I was just being face[ous...)
> What the heck does this word mean? And how do you pronounce it? Where's
> my dic[onary?????? Ok, now I looked it up - its not in my dic[onary,
> WHAT DOES IT MEAN????!??!?!??

I think it is, in terms of good and evil: "Who cares?" :) Last [me I
checked (which could be wrong of course...) it was neutral in an
apathe[c way...

> > Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
> Pheh. Thanks rub salt in the wounds of those of us who don't. :)

Darn right I will! :) And I'm an atheist! :) (but she's so cute I almost
have to change my philosophy...)


-Life kicks ass. And mine is sore. :)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 10:29:51 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Think about it really possible to have more than one creator
deity? :)

Here's the plan in my world: one set of gods. Everyone just more or less
calls them dierent names. Sure the worship is dierent, and each
group has its own prac[ces, cas[ngs, and rituals, but from culture to
culture it would be possible (if I had more than one or two created!) to

spot similar dei[es...

This way is lots easier...I just have to do it now... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 10:32:02 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: aegypt, Hoo boy!
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>, Philosophy as a Heka-Genera[ng K/S Area.

That will have to happen along the way I am afraid. Most likely in a
culture that embraces Mys[cism...hmmm...I just happen to have one of
those. Hey, there's an idea.

Shit. Dammit. How come you guys keep lling my head with ideas??? I
am not even done with any of the old ones! :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 10:36:56 -0400
Reply-To: Patrick Murphy <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Patrick Murphy <murphy@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Chris[anity in games (was Die[es)
In-Reply-To: <>

WARNING! Vague ramblings about Chris[anity and gaming to follow...if you
think you see a ame contained herein, you are mistaken.

On Fri, 21 Apr 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> At the risk of opening a can of worms [Oh no, here he goes...] Chris[anity is
> far too black and white to t within the DJ construct - you either are (a
> X[an) or you are *not* (which means, at least down here in the South, you are
> one 'a them Devvil Worshippers - prolly wears black and plays them rollplayin'
> games, too!). [See, I told you. Shoot him before he goes on.]

> But here's the real can [*groan*] - Chris[ans [please, just ll in the blank
> with the fervent religious follower of your choice] always consider themselves
> in the right (no pun intended) and there have been many thousands of people who
> have died at the hands of these worshippers of "Sunlight" just because theirs
> was an inferior (or less heavily armed) religious posi[on [can someone just get
> me ouha here?]. So, Chris[anity is really one of the worst applica[ons but
> best examples of the DJ approach to Ethoi. Does anyone hear an echo? Kind of
> like the buzzing that an annoying y makes? [BZZZZZZ! Hahaha!] Hey, cut that
> out!

Well, it seems the problem comes down to the usual (Chris[anity =
Chris[ans ?) ques[on. I don't think Chris[anity would not be viable
in Mythus terms. God would be a god of Sunlight, Satan a 'god' of
Gloomy Darkness, and there followers would be human beings which
supposedly ascribed to one of these philosophies. Of course, both sides
would screw up repeatedly and actually exhibit characteris[cs of the
other philosophy...just remember, Chris[ans are *sinners* and won't
always (or even open) do the bidding of their God, just like priests of
Zeus need not always act just as their god would have them.

Same for Islam, etc.

Of course, one problem arises if you allow other religions like Islam for Allah the same god as God? I mean, who's right? This
brings up some interes[ng debates in Ars Magica since the Dominion
aects spell-cas[ng and you have to decide what gets you Dominion, if
Islam and Chris[anity produce the same or similar or conic[ng
Dominions, etc.

Finally, let me note that one problem I always had with the Chris[an
campaign was, as a Chris[an myself, I felt somewhat uncomfortable with
the idea of playing God! I mean, the GM is always 'God', but in a
Chris[an campaign, you have to make decisions for Him. Yes, now there
are miracles all over the place, yes, God decided that army should have
lost and let these villages be sacked, no, He wouldn't listen to your
prayer. Yes, Satan's forces defeated you in God's name, etc. I thought
about this aper reading some gamer's post on 'yeah, D&D is wrong and
you're encouraging people to believe in other gods blah blah blah so you
should use God in your campaigns' and this is the alterna[ve I came up
with. Not a par[cularly ahrac[ve op[on, IMO, but then, I never had
any problem playing D&D with Thor and Loki anyway.

Which brings up my pet peeve about gamers. [Place tongue rmly in
cheek] So why do all these gamers whine about games like Ars Magica
where they could 'never play a Chris[an' (being themselves atheists),
yet I never had any problem playing a priest of Poseidon? Can you say

OK, so now I'm done.


P.S. Dave also wrote...
The WORD. It exists, though it's so ancient [like this guy's remaining brain
cell], it may only be found in HIS BOOK!

Amen! Well, maybe the brain cell part isn't so per[nent... ;^)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 12:06:51 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 21 Apr 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Think about it really possible to have more than one creator
> deity? :)

Sure. The 'greatest' and 'usually reserved for creator dei[es' basically
indicates just *how* ascendant/powerful within the pantheon one is. Aper
all, Egyp[an mythology had mul[ple crea[on myths (ranging from the
tasteful to, um, decadent, by modern lights), and Zeus is classied as
'Greatest', although he didn't have much to do with crea[on.

It's just a designa[on :-)

(besides, who's to say that the stories told by the priests are 100%
accurate, anyways?)

> Here's the plan in my world: one set of gods. Everyone just more or less
> calls them dierent names. Sure the worship is dierent, and each
> group has its own prac[ces, cas[ngs, and rituals, but from culture to
> culture it would be possible (if I had more than one or two created!) to
> spot similar dei[es...

How boring ;-) (just kidding) As a side note, a certain gaming company
pulled the same trick with the, um, really advanced characters from the
ph of the boxed sets of basic rules got way out of hand as more
cultures were created in the voyage of a dragon-based ying ship. (whew)

I like the idea of the millions of deital powers, each with concerns at
some level. The smaller/less powerful ones would have minor concerns,
and typically be concentrated in one area/one plane/one world, since
their worship would be focused. However, the *really* major ones would
span hundreds of parallel worlds and have very weighty mahers. So, the

cults and demigods would have more *ac[ve* worship in any culture, and
they would more directly interact with their worshippers, while the
really major ones would interfere less because they have more they're

In fact, I remember star[ng one campaign a looooong [me ago with a
simple concept -- there were exactly 1,000 powers, and they each had
aspects and avatars spread throughout the planes, and these 1,000 powers
were typically at con[nual odds with each other. The game world had its
own duo that vied for control of it, through *their* agents and avatars
(the various gods of the world, who could promote their worshippers into
their ranks upon monumental events, but none of whom had much concern
outside of this one world), so there were levels within levels within
levels of spheres of concern. I might add that, in the beginning, as
these powers were scahered because their wars were tearing the
mul[verse apart, they spread to the outmost planes, beacons in the
darkness. They were the original thousand points of light :-)

<ducks the thrown tomatoes>

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 08:41:38 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Je Sharpe <Je.Sharpe@UIS.ALIVE.AMPR.AB.CA>
Subject: HP Character Gen v0.20
In-Reply-To: <>

Adp> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 04:08:20 -0400
Adp> From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
Adp> Subject: Re: HP Character Generator v0.20

Adp> I'm shou[ng, I'm shou[ng... I'd like to try the character
Adp> generator. I'm a DOS'head w/Windows, etc.
Its on the way. :-) Sorry to take so long to get back to ya...
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 13:23:03 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>

Subject: Agathocacologically, Captain...

>I think it is, in terms of good and evil: "Who cares?" :) Last [me I
>checked (which could be wrong of course...) it was neutral in an
>apathe[c way...

<Zzzzzzzorrrrrrh!> Hawkeye ducks as an electroHekamagne[cally-propelled
and very overripe Nuclear Beeeart Tomatoe (NBT) of incredibly vast
propor[ons misses him "by *that much*"...

*WRONG* (Otherwise it would be "Apathe[cacological" - sort of like what
this discussion is becoming)

It is "neutral" (TM T$R and used without their consent <grin>) *only*
because it indicates someone who is both good and evil in belief and
ac[on. Example: While I believe killing is wrong (and Evil in context),
I would happily dispatch someone who threatened the life of me or mine,
or to promote the "greater Good" (whatever that is)...

It doesn't necessarily indicate someone who doesn't care, but someone who
has perfectly good reasons for commijng acts of Goodness OR Evil possibly someone who has *very* strong moral convic[ons.

Dave<having gohen rid of the insane pair of alter egoes on my shoulder>
[yeah, right]{heh heh heh}
----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 14:28:09 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Well, let me rene what I've said on my world:

The idea is, the Great and Greatest dei[es are few and
culture-spanning. Other gods and goddesses, from hi to low power are
probably culture-specic, although many will be ac[ve in more than one

I kind of need to do it that way because my world is full of sen[ent

species that are not human. Of course, there are plenty of human
cultures, too... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 17:21:15 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: aegypt, Hoo boy!

<<<<Shit. Dammit. How come you guys keep lling my head with ideas??? I
am not even done with any of the old ones! :)


Hey Hawkeye;

No oense intended, ;-), but its a natural law. A vacuum naturally wants
to be lled.
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 20:42:46 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: aegypt, Hoo boy!
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

> <<<<Shit. Dammit. How come you guys keep lling my head with ideas??? I
> am not even done with any of the old ones! :)
> Hawkeye>>>>
> Hey Hawkeye;
> No oense intended, ;-), but its a natural law. A vacuum naturally wants
> to be lled.

Bite me... :) Besides, when your head is as big as mine, there's bound
to be some empty space in there somewhere! :) Oh, uh...wait a minute.
That didn't come out right either...



"Man, these guys have big heads." -- obscure ESPN Baseball commercial ref...
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 21:55:47 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Charles Hagenbuch <hagendaz@POSTOFFICE.PTD.NET>
Subject: technical dicul[es

In the process of switching accounts that I recieve the
list at, I managed to miss around a week of posts. So
could someone tell me where I can FTP the logs? I looked at
Cerebus but couldn't nd anything weekly.
Charles Hagenbuch

Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 20:00:56 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Davies <cdavies@GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA>
Subject: Re: Die[es
In-Reply-To: <>

Gejng back to the ques[on of sta[s[cs for dei[es ...
This is the way that I'd run it. A deity can have ANY sta[s[cs
he or she wants. BUT! A deity will always choose the best sta[s[cs
for any given situa[on.
This stems from an idea I had when I was contempla[ng running
Aerth using a Certain Other Game (TM). I was going to use the dei[es of
one of this Certain Other Game's more popular literary worlds to
represent Atlantl. I decided this because, in one of the notes on one of
the Berber states, it states that there are 21 "larger candles" in a
famous temple in this na[on -- I think Dakhlan, or maybe Maghreb -which I took to mean that there are 21 "greater gods" of the Atlantlan
pantheon; coincdentally the same number as in the mythos of this literary
world I was stealing from -- seven "Benign" dei[es, seven
"Agathocacological" (I REEEALLLY like that word), and seven "Malign".
So what has all this to do with deital sta[s[cs? Well, I was
eventually planning on having the characters eventually encounter the
most famous of all Iberian knights -- Don Quixote de la Mancha. Of
course, on this world, Don Quixote de la Mancha is actually a mortal
iden[ty of the most important "Benign" Atlantlan deity -- who is, in
other realms, well known as a patron of knighthood, and goes around
ac[ng slightly crazy ...
Essen[ally, the sta[s[cs I worked out for Don Quixote were
fairly low-powered -- but he had the great advantage that, no maher how
hard the players tried to kill him, it wouldn't work.

This long, drawn out example was intended to showcase the

minimalist approach to dei[es. If all they are intended to do is stand
around and look in[mida[ng, you don't need to give them full
sta[s[cs. A ridiculously high Inuence K/S will suce. Same for a
"combat monster" deity -- give him or her higher sta[s[cs and more
STEEP than any of your characters.
I really think that anything that is on the En[tal power scale
is really unmeasurable, anyway. I mean, how are you going to check it
for realism?

Chris Davies, Advocate for Darkness, Part-Time Champion of Light.

"The human heart can see what is hidden to the eyes, and the heart knows
things that the mind does not begin to understand."
"They Might Be Giants".
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 20:18:56 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Davies <cdavies@GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA>
Subject: Re: Die[es
In-Reply-To: <>

> At the risk of opening a can of worms [Oh no, here he goes...] Chris[anity
> is far too black and white to t within the DJ construct - you either are (a
> X[an) or you are *not* (which means, at least down here in the South, you are
> one 'a them Devvil Worshippers - prolly wears black and plays them rollplayin'
> games, too!). [See, I told you. Shoot him before he goes on.]
> But here's the real can [*groan*] - Chris[ans [please, just ll in the blank
> with the fervent religious follower of your choice] always consider themselves
> in the right (no pun intended) and there have been many thousands of people
> who have died at the hands of these worshippers of "Sunlight" just because
> theirs was an inferior (or less heavily armed) religious posi[on [can
> someone just get me ouha here?]. So, Chris[anity is really one of the
> worst applica[ons but best examples of the DJ approach to Ethoi. Does
> anyone hear an echo? Kind of like the buzzing that an annoying y makes?
> [BZZZZZZ! Hahaha!] Hey, cut that out!

Uh ... I feel the need to point out that on Aerth, you can
probably say the same thing about all the various pantheologies. Or are
you trying to say that all the various Iberian tribes saw the light of
Alhuax immediately, abandoned whatever crude stone idols they were
worshipping; that there was never any forcible conversion on Aerth?
That the Pon[ of the Roman synod of the Greco-Roman pantheon wouldn't
like to see, say, the Avillonian isles abandon the Kell[c pantheon in
favor of the worship of Jupiter Rex? [N.B. to anyone who objects to the
use of the term Pon[ -- it was used to refer to the high priest of

Rome a long [me before Rome was Chris[an.]

Are you claiming that Atlantlans don't jus[fy their enslavement
of Afrikkans on the grounds that "aper all, they're only heathens!".
That no eorts are being made in Vargaard by any of the colonies to
convert the "skraelings"?
If so, you have a far more op[mis[c view of a polytheis[c
world than I do, Mr. Newton.

Chris Davies, Advocate for Darkness, Part-Time Champion of Light.

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essen[al is
invisible to the eye."
Antoine St. Euxpery, "The Lihle Prince".

Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 00:09:44 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Die[es

At 08:18 PM 4/21/95 -0600, Chris Davies wrote:

Good morrow, all. I'm new to the list (please don't hold that against me;
I've been playing Mythus since day one), so please excuse me for jumping in
right away instead of lurking politely as I should.

> Are you claiming that Atlantlans don't jus[fy their enslavement
>of Afrikkans on the grounds that "aper all, they're only heathens!".
>That no eorts are being made in Vargaard by any of the colonies to
>convert the "skraelings"?
> If so, you have a far more op[mis[c view of a polytheis[c
>world than I do, Mr. Newton.

There is a point that you seem to have neglected: those religions that are
themselves polytheist ALWAYS have a less hos[le view of other religious
pantheons, no maher their form. The diculty arises when a monotheis[c
religion comes into play (certainly not a rare incident). The monotheists
oppose the polytheists because there's only one god, and damn you, mine is
it. The polytheists get hot under the collar not because the monotheists
worship a dierent God than they do, but because they categorically deny
the existence of the polytheists's pantheon.

Interac[ng polytheist cultures tend to take the view that the gods of the
other pantheon may be dierent aspects of the gods worshipped in their own,
or the same gods worshipped with dierent names and in dierent ways. If
this is not possible, then there is generally at least room to recognize

that in a cosmos full of gods, it's possible for someone to worship one that
they don't.

In the campaigns I run, there are two monotheis[c religions (and na[ons
with these as state religions), and several dierent polytheis[c
religions, plus one in which the people worship the most accomplished of
their ancestors. I try to base my campaign world in as much reality as I
can while accomoda[ng magic. So poli[ca and religious models from history
are maintained whenever possible.

Anyway, before I get carried away, I should do the introduc[on thing. My
name is Gary Spechko; I'm in my 6th year of University, majoring in both
history (Early Modern French history) and English Lit (Chaucer). I've been
GMing various game systems since 1985. I switched to Mythus the day it came
out (not from any respect for Mr. Gygax (That came later), but because the
system allowed for much more accuracy and 'realism' (if you will) than any
previous fantasy gaming system I'd tried). My other hobby is the SCA, and
I'm accounted an excellent rapier combatant (this has had the unfortunate
eect of promp[ng me to try to create new combat rules for dueling,
including feints, disengages, and so on. It has been fruitless thus far).

In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 06:00:08 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Die[es
In-Reply-To: <> from "Chris Davies" at
Apr 21, 95 08:18:56 pm

> Is Chris Davies:
> Uh ... I feel the need to point out that on Aerth, you can
> probably say the same thing about all the various pantheologies. Or are
> you trying to say that all the various Iberian tribes saw the light of
> Alhuax immediately, abandoned whatever crude stone idols they were
> worshipping; that there was never any forcible conversion on Aerth?
> That the Pon[ of the Roman synod of the Greco-Roman pantheon wouldn't
> like to see, say, the Avillonian isles abandon the Kell[c pantheon in
> favor of the worship of Jupiter Rex? [N.B. to anyone who objects to the
> use of the term Pon[ -- it was used to refer to the high priest of
> Rome a long [me before Rome was Chris[an.]
> Are you claiming that Atlantlans don't jus[fy their enslavement
> of Afrikkans on the grounds that "aper all, they're only heathens!".

> That no eorts are being made in Vargaard by any of the colonies to
> convert the "skraelings"?
> If so, you have a far more op[mis[c view of a polytheis[c
> world than I do, Mr. Newton.

As Gary Spechko said the Pagan/plythies[c world is extreemly tolerant of
other gods. They tend not to see them in terms of pantheons more as
a bunch of individual gods that appear to hold power for them. Most
pagan die[es are die[es of a par[cular tribe/place/thing. Thus in
history you get a wide range of known pagan die[es. From gods like the
Assyrian god Assur who is just a kind of bland personica[on of the
Assyrian empire, and Assur (the city) and the king and its power and
inuence, to gods like Adad (a Mesopotamian Storm god) who had a very
clearly dened personality and powers but was known as Adad of Nippur,
or Adad of Erech or Adad of Mari. In other words Adad had a wide following
and absorbed the personality of a large number of local storm/rain gods.

What does all this mean? Basically polythies[c religions are not missionary
religions. And it appears that other than the individual priests of a
god there are no true followers of a god. A person worshipped whichever god
was most appropriate at the moment. For example when a farmer in
Mesopotamia wanted to ensure a good rainfall to water his crops he would
pray to Adad (of his locality :), but would pray to Dummuzi at harvest [me
and Ishtar when he wanted to ahract the ahen[on of that young lovely
in the farm next door or when he was going into bahle. That is the
essence of polytheism.

There are two kinds of Monothiesm as well. The rst most well known one
is the modern one which is an exclusive religion. (IE, My god is the only
one, there can be no other god at all!) The second one, which it appears
was the kind the Jews followed un[l about 700BCE (I think, I'm not too
good with dates), allows for the existence of other gods, but for me the
only god is Yahweh ("You shall have no other gods *before* me").

Does anyone care? Do you all think that I should be taking my medica[on
more regularly or is this helping anyone?

Dan, who's spent en[rely too much [me at the Oriental Ins[tute of
the University of Chicago for his own good.

I will earn the right to hold the /Me/ of Knowledge!
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 09:32:15 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Lurk lurk lurk...too many people do that around here anyway! :)

Hmmm...I like the idea of worshipping the best of your ancestors. Here
is a ques[on (that probably can be answered: "if you want them to"):
Would the ancestors then become some sort of low power, quasi-deity? I
don't remember the list that Mike Phillips gave us the other day (Mike,
can you pass that along again, please????), but it occurs to me that the
greatest ancestors of such a culture may have some greater power, more
than likely "just" Supernatural, as opposed to En[tal, which would
probably be too powerful...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 13:48:28 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sat, 22 Apr 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Hmmm...I like the idea of worshipping the best of your ancestors. Here
> is a ques[on (that probably can be answered: "if you want them to"):
> Would the ancestors then become some sort of low power, quasi-deity? I

Probably a potency (legendary hero level) or, if they've been around long
enough and con[nue to be ac[vely worshipped, a quasi-deity.

> greatest ancestors of such a culture may have some greater power, more
> than likely "just" Supernatural, as opposed to En[tal, which would
> probably be too powerful...

Again, that's Potency and low-powered quasi-deital status. Note that the
Supernatural Vampires men[oned in the Mythus book are weak Potencies :-)

I might add that, in the Norse write-up (which is being revised), I
elevated a couple heroes of legend to Potency or Quasi-deital status in
order to round out the pantheon -- such as Svipdag, who was a mythical
hero who sought magickal knowledge to gain/recover his love, who later
married him. He achieved Potency, and was further elevated to
quasi-deity, and eventually demigod, as the Patron of the Magickal Arts.
Most (if not all) dweomercraepers would at least pay him nodding respect :-)


p.s. Keep an eye out, I have a couple more doozies of deital things
coming up.

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
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Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 10:28:07 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays

Also the area between the
Danube and the Black Sea (look on a map) is also moderately hilly.

>Lead in the water pipes is quite serious Dave. :) You really should >do
something about that unless you want to end up like a Roman >Emperor (pick
one they are all prehy much the same :).


>Blood, Blood everywhere, I goha go. What a mess.

I disagree Dan. Well, not about lead in Dave's water pipes--is that where he
gets his sense of humour?:)--but with the cut at your average loveable Roman
Emperor. Granted, some of them had an anity towards "blood everywhere"
(and they liked the mess) but they weren't all bad. Like the last Kaiser,
Spanish conquistadors, and certain American overseas conicts, history has
unfairly condemned these fellows. It was probably all those up[ght
Victorian historians who disliked some of their excesses. But Hadrian wasn't
such a bad fellow was he? And Vespasian, as well as being a family man,
certainly got things done and he was even fair to his ci[zens (cujng taxes
for one). Speaking of Wallachia, isn't it tough to have "the area between
the Danube and the Black Sea [be] moderately hilly."?
Now that I've had a lihle fun, Dan's point is well taken.

--Take calculated risks. That is quite dierent from being rash.-
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 10:28:11 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>

Subject: Re: Dei[es

Have any of you guys (funny, you ARE all guys...) seen the movie "The
Navigator"? It takes place in a 14th century English village, in Cumbria to
be exact, that is about to be overcome by plague, the Black Death. A boy,
who has visions, believes the village can be saved by tunneling through the
earth to make an oering to the "highest Cathedral in Christendom" (which
turns out to be in Wellington, NZ in 1988). I won't tell you the end but the
themes of pilgrimage, faith, sacrice, and even nuclear weapons, are well
intertwined. It is also very sad, in a stream of history sort of way. The
characters, like 50%-plus of the human species created so far, are all dead.
Dust. Dreams and hopes all gone, along with them, their families, and most
of their works. Terrifying, really.

But then I remembered (it being Easter and all) how that fear is, and was,
defeated (not for me, because I haven't really opened that closet in my soul
yet) by a large propor[on of the earth's popula[on. It is the
inclusiveness of, at least, Islam and Chris[anity [in par[cular, Catholics
as opposed to Protestants]. That is why they have been, and con[nue to be,
ahrac[ve to the poor and powerless. They promise, among other things,
eternal salva[on despite the suering of this world. Other religious
structures (what the Jesuits s[ll call "pagan" by the way) tended to be
exclusive. The ancient Mediteranean religions were certainly this way,
requiring great wealth or connec[ons to enter or at least be saved. Nor was
their view of the aperlife very appealing. Looked at in this way, instead
of the s[ and failure-plagued Church we think of today when the Catholic
Church is in the news, it is easier to understand the millions who ock to
see the Pon[ when he visits the Philippines, South America, or Africa.
Chris[anity, like Islam, is a religion of the poor that promises them their
suering will not all be for nothing. This is, of course, a New Testament
and Koran type of thing.

And now, of course, I have to place this into Mythus-list context.
Ironically, this type of religion seems to have no place in Mythus. A recent
debate on the Mythus-list decided that 1) the Mythus Priestcraep system
seems to be heavily reliant on a polythies[c framework; 2) Chris[anity
doesn't work in Mythus terms, it "is far too black and white to t within
the DJ construct." It is possible that a) the debaters were thinking of the
intolerant baggage that has ahached itself to that New Testament message
(certain Crusader's who used it to make a buck, everybody in Europe in the
17th century, southern Bab[sts...) or b) were thinking of the Old Testament
Yahweh, who was as monotheis[cally re & brimstone, ay thine enemies, all
other god's are false, etc. as they come.

But, I say, why not place a god like this into a DJ world? Just because
it's followers believed there was only one God, doesn't mean all others can't
also exist? First of all, you're being too rules-bound if you can't t it
in the Mythos. Second, you close o another neat way to have en[re
cultures in conict. Nothing beher than religion to get the blood boiling

(as we know quite well from Bosnia). You don't have to call it chris[anity
or islam but it s[ll can exist in a DJ world. Chris Davies, in his 4/21/95
post, noted that most of the mythologies on Aerth would probably be into
expansion of their sects through missionaries and yes, forcible conversions,
but even if they are not (like Augus[ne's pals the Manichees) this doesn't
mean you can't have other religions that are (human nature being what it is).

And, with apologies to Gary Spechko, the only reason polytheis[c religions
have a reputa[on for tolerance is that some of them actually were tolerant
of others. This does not mean that all, or even most, were any less
monopolis[c than monotheis[c religions. Certainly the Mezo-American
religions were not tolerant (human sacrice of ones neighbors tends to
frighten them); the Scandinavians? Hindu's? Slavic dei[es? None were
par[cularly tolerant. Of course their were some who were willing to co-opt
other religions. Greece and Rome come to mind. But you have to be careful
when you make generaliza[ons out of a few examples. Islam (to reverse
Gary's point), during the rst jihad, was also quite tolerant. One could
worship any deity you wanted, you just had to pay higher taxes if you were
not muslim. No burning at the stake, etc. But, in both the above examples,
the cultural context is all important. Much more so than if the religion is
poly- or mono-. Much more so than even Dan's point about local gods vs. one
god. And what about dates? The Akkadian religion (more like Dan's point)
and the Assyrian one is quite dierent. And tolerant or not the Assyrians
weren't the nicest people on the block...
I wrote all this because of a conversa[on, that has lingered in my memory
for a year or more, with a friend. I was trying to explain an idea I had
about early modern Europe (actually it's not new, I picked it up from Garreh
Majngly's "Armada" and James Burke's television show "Connec[ons"), that
people thought dierently back then. Their view of the world was based on
very dierent perspec[ves. 16th century Spanish dons thought a lot about
"God's plan", less about an earth-centric view of the universe, and even less
about interna[onal coopera[on (there being no such thing) and individual
rights. We, for example, do just the opposihe. Don't get me wrong, the
Spanish were not stupid. They may have had a dierent view of how
everything worked (one that accepted change only slowly) but it made perfect
sense at the [me. Gee, remember global warming? Or how about global
cooling? I brought up religion in this context and my friend said (roughly)
"that people who believe in religion have something wrong in their brains."
That has bothered me ever since, if only because of the eli[st no[on that
the 3-4 billion people who belive in something like that are ill. This [es
in again, I think, with how we, as 20th century humans, have a bit of
diculty with playing pre-industrial humans where magic actually works and
the gods have a physical impact on the world. We just don't understand.
Just like Augus[ne, if he were suddenly alive today, would have no comprehen
sion of our universe.

Tim Francis

--Take calculated risks. That is quite dierent from being rash.-=========================================================================

Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 10:36:01 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Frank Mentzer <Mythic@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Die[es


Die[es are miniscule food regimens.
Dei[es are ultrapowerful Beings.
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 10:04:36 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Monotheism

Something I've open considered is taking a stab at a mojor monotheis[c
religion In a game like Mythus. As I may have men[oned before... a friend of
mine and I came up with an interes[ng way to do this and not exclude
everything but Sunlight cas[ngs from the Priests of said Deity <Trying to
spell it right for you, Frank :) >, the method was to use Patron Saints, the
reverence of which would determine that preist ethos... sure, they are all
saints of a Sunlight god, but due to their legendary acts <and to
interpreta[on... the worship and percep[on of the ock has alot to do with
the deital powers> the Saints might not be Sunlight.

A preist of this Mono-deity <let's call him/her Lanaerth> might be a follower
in an order of Cryostrucians--The Order of Cryos, patron saint of Warriors. In
ancient [mes, Cryos as a powerful and holy knight for the Church... Bea[ed
in his life [me and Sainted upon his death. Probably a Sun priest.

Another preist of the same god might be a Crotoran
<Saint Crotoros--protector of the young>, a group of medicant, brown robed
monks with a vow of poverty or some such. They are well known to run hostels
for Orphaned youth in large ci[es with large plots of lange to grown fgood to
support the mission <if they are lucky in dona[ons> and are frequently seen on
street corners in their brown robes [ed o with a red sash, begging alms for
their mission and the poor, needy children... a priest of Moonlight, probably.

And let's not get into the preists of the Patron Saint of Theives and Beggors...
or of Whores and Barbers <don't ask me how she got both of them>, whatever.

In this framework, given a fairly open-minded clergy regarding other,
non-evil religions, monotheism could work... and could be quite eec[ve, as
you could have two preists with quite dierent preistly spheres that DON'T
have to argue religion all the [me... just Part of the [me :)

food for thought

doyce <I can't believe this started with me asking for the Aegyp[an god-list>
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 10:17:07 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 23 Apr 1995, Timothy L. Francis wrote:

> Also the area between the
> Danube and the Black Sea (look on a map) is also moderately hilly.
> >Lead in the water pipes is quite serious Dave. :) You really should >do
> something about that unless you want to end up like a Roman >Emperor (pick
> one they are all prehy much the same :).
> >Dan.
> >Blood, Blood everywhere, I goha go. What a mess.
> I disagree Dan. Well, not about lead in Dave's water pipes--is that where he
> gets his sense of humour?:)--but with the cut at your average loveable Roman
> Emperor. Granted, some of them had an anity towards "blood everywhere"
> (and they liked the mess) but they weren't all bad. Like the last Kaiser,
> Spanish conquistadors, and certain American overseas conicts, history has
> unfairly condemned these fellows. It was probably all those up[ght
> Victorian historians who disliked some of their excesses. But Hadrian wasn't
> such a bad fellow was he? And Vespasian, as well as being a family man,
> certainly got things done and he was even fair to his ci[zens (cujng taxes
> for one). Speaking of Wallachia, isn't it tough to have "the area between
> the Danube and the Black Sea [be] moderately hilly."?
> Now that I've had a lihle fun, Dan's point is well taken.
> --Take calculated risks. That is quite dierent from being rash.->
> Timo
<Nothing Deleted>
I think Dan had it prety close to right. I know that when I rst read
that bit about "pick one they are all prehy much the same :)" I thought
that he was refering to their current level of health, not their morality
or blood-thirstyness.

Humble Playtester of the
Cybermyth conversion

I could be wrong, but why would I want to do that?
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 10:58:59 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Dei[es
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 23 Apr 1995, Timothy L. Francis wrote:
> But, I say, why not place a god like this into a DJ world? Just because
> it's followers believed there was only one God, doesn't mean all others can't
> also exist? First of all, you're being too rules-bound if you can't t it
> in the Mythos. Second, you close o another neat way to have en[re

I think that having diiculty jng monotheis[c faiths into the
Mythos is caused by respect for Chris[anity, this carries over to Islam
and any other monothies[c religions you may think of. I think this is
due the fact (most of I think) are from a Judeo-Chris[an culture and we
are taught from birth, by society if not our parents, that "Jesus is Lord".
Even though Chris[ans maybe ridiculed as old fashioned or as fana[cs,
ie. the Chris[an right (which I consider myself to be a member of), when
you turn on Oprah the guests are whacked out but the audience seems to
try to enforce the tradi[ons (though watered down) which were taught to
us by Chris[anity.

I would go into Islam, but I know of Islam only that which I was taught
in my world history class is highschool. I think that Islam would be
much the same however.

Of course none of this needs to be true on Aerth. I just think this may
be why some of us have dicluty ins[tuing monotheism in the rules, a
desire not to oend whoever may be out there or UP THERE, by tampering
to much with the prac[ces of the religions. Also the more you change
the more you need to change. Researching prac[ses of common religions
is fairly easy, just go to wherever local people of that faith worship
and ask. If you change things you have to start over almost from scratch
and use the base religion primarily for the "avor" of your campign's

Humble playtester of the
Cybermyth Conversion

Listen to the gods, take their advice, but don't ever lend them money.

Oh yeah, try to put Jehovahs' Winesses in. :)

Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 14:22:43 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 23 Apr 1995, Frank Mentzer wrote:

> fyi:
> Die[es are miniscule food regimens.
> Dei[es are ultrapowerful Beings.

Well, I suppose in America today most people actually worship Die[es... :)

The more the merrier, I say. I wish we had goddesses of fer[lity and
love to worship... :)

Oh wait, I have a girlfriend. Never mind...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 14:27:52 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Monotheism
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Ah..."worship" of Saints.

There is a computer game called Darklands, I don't know how many of you
actually saw it, it's a couple years old by now, that dealt with this in
Medieval Germany. Each of the Saints provided dierent bonuses to the
characters in certain situa[ons. Like, for instance, you would have to
pray to one to get healed, and another to get villains to reveal the
truth. It is certainly a viable op[on.

Here is my current plan: two monotheis[c cultures, one with worshipped
Saints (what is the ocial word for that?) and one without. The Single

God people are all zealots (moonies?? :)) and they are hard to live with,
since the rest of the world is wrong. THe other culture gets along
beher with others since they have dierent aspects in dierent beings
as well..

Mike, would the Saints then be Powers? Quasi-dei[es? I can never get
the damn names straight... :)


Saints appearing to mortals would be more common and more logical that
actually having a GOD wander down and step on some people... :)

-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 16:42:34 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: durnit

Okay, i just cleaned out my <5 megs> of mythus stu I've accumulated in the
last two months out of my account and down to my hdd... wow... but i lost the
mime zip of Cybermyth in the process... canthe originator of that document I
s[ll haven't gured out how to read remail it to me? Please? please please

Oh, and send it in MIME and zipped to I think the
server there can undo Mime encode.

Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 17:31:06 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: mail address change

what's the address to send to to change your address for this list?

any help appreciated

Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 20:09:41 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>

Subject: Re: Die[es

At 09:32 AM 4/22/95 -0400, Hawkeye wrote:
>Hmmm...I like the idea of worshipping the best of your ancestors. Here
>is a ques[on (that probably can be answered: "if you want them to"):
>Would the ancestors then become some sort of low power, quasi-deity? I
>don't remember the list that Mike Phillips gave us the other day (Mike,
>can you pass that along again, please????), but it occurs to me that the
>greatest ancestors of such a culture may have some greater power, more
>than likely "just" Supernatural, as opposed to En[tal, which would
>probably be too powerful...

In my world, priests who worship their ancestors gain spells in the same
manner as all other priests. On an interac[ve level, I treat them as
Supernatural beings rather than En[tal beings, in that they can have a
conversa[on with the consul[ng priest and can have a clear idea of a
mortal perspec[ve, depending on how far back the ancestor is... And any
direct ac[ons that they might take would involve supernatural Heka rather
than en[tal (this has never happened). Basically I treat these beings as
agents of a great power, which happens to be all of them combined...

In a roleplaying, context, it makes for some fascina[ng arranged marriages,
as people vie to marry into the families of great heroes...

So, the answer really is "if you want them to." It works for me in my
low-magic world with lihle interven[on from extra-natural beings.

In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1995 20:28:13 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Dei[es

At 10:28 AM 4/23/95 -0400, Timothy L. Francis wrote:

>And, with apologies to Gary Spechko, the only reason polytheis[c religions
>have a reputa[on for tolerance is that some of them actually were tolerant
>of others. This does not mean that all, or even most, were any less
>monopolis[c than monotheis[c religions. Certainly the Mezo-American

I was by no means being all-encompassing, but was responding to the rst

message I'd seen on the topic (did I men[on I jumped in cold? <grin>) which
suggested that tolerance of other religions was not much of a likelihood in
any given world. Note that I said polytheis[c religions *tended* to be
more open than monotheis[c religions to other forms of worship, and used
words such as 'many' rather 'most' or 'all' ... my posi[on is one of the
middle ground.

>religions were not tolerant (human sacrice of ones neighbors tends to
>frighten them); the Scandinavians? Hindu's? Slavic dei[es? None were
>par[cularly tolerant.

But to counter that, one could use any of the thousands of variants of
Cel[c and pre-chris[an northern European religions. And 'tolerant' can
have many shades. Many religious communi[es (in the broadest sense) are
harsh on representa[ves of other religions preaching that their new way is
a)beher b)the one true way, and so on, but at the same [me perfectly
willing to co-exist with members of other religious communi[es. I would
argue this is the sort of religion represented in most gaming worlds. In my
own, it is the case for all except the two monotheis[c religions, which I
placed there to muddy the waters, and to be exploited by my villains later
in the immediate history of my world.

take care,

In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 08:11:16 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Help!

Hi everyone!
My players are a troublesome lot! Yesterday they wanted to know if a "subject"
spellcas[ng means that a spell (or char or wathevere) is applaiable to animals?
A bright young man wanted to cast "quickness" on his horse. Does anybody have
quidelines or sugges[ons? How many spells (or whatever) can aect one HP at a
Pal Woje

To err is human. To forgive is not company policy!

(@ @)

-- P}l A. Woje Norvegian Telecom phone : +47 75 51 24 42

P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway fax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) private: +47 75 58 48 71
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- email:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- (__) (__)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 08:15:42 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Help!

>Hi everyone!
>My players are a troublesome lot! Yesterday they wanted to know if a "subject"
> in
>spellcas[ng means that a spell (or char or wathevere) is applaiable to animals?
>A bright young man wanted to cast "quickness" on his horse. Does anybody have
>quidelines or sugges[ons? How many spells (or whatever) can aect one HP at a

Yes, I would allow it to be cast on the horse. The key word here is "subject", not
person or animal.

As far as the 2nd ques[on, it depends. Unless otherwise noted in the Cas[ng
descrip[on, mul[ple applica[ons of the same Cas[ng do not work, but otherwise, I'd
let them blow their Heka... ;)

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 11:27:40 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Die[es

> Uh ... I feel the need to point out that on Aerth, you can
>probably say the same thing about all the various pantheologies. Or are
>you trying to say that all the various Iberian tribes saw the light of
>Alhuax immediately, abandoned whatever crude stone idols they were
>worshipping; that there was never any forcible conversion on Aerth?
>That the Pon[ of the Roman synod of the Greco-Roman pantheon wouldn't
>like to see, say, the Avillonian isles abandon the Kell[c pantheon in
>favor of the worship of Jupiter Rex? [N.B. to anyone who objects to the

Actually, these are examples of what I *am* trying to say (perhaps I didn't
say it very clearly, that's all). Religions are almost always trying to
prove their merit and socio-poli[cal power, usually at the expense of
other religions.

The Mythus paradigm works well in that (at least in all situa[ons that
immediately spring to mind) those religions with the most followers tend
to be more "powerful" - most probably because followers = Heka generated
for the deity in ques[on.

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 11:34:55 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Die[es

>There is a point that you seem to have neglected: those religions that are
>themselves polytheist ALWAYS have a less hos[le view of other religious
>pantheons, no maher their form. The diculty arises when a monotheis[c
>religion comes into play (certainly not a rare incident). The monotheists
>oppose the polytheists because there's only one god, and damn you, mine is
>it. The polytheists get hot under the collar not because the monotheists
>worship a dierent God than they do, but because they categorically deny
>the existence of the polytheists's pantheon.
>Interac[ng polytheist cultures tend to take the view that the gods of the
>other pantheon may be dierent aspects of the gods worshipped in their own,
>or the same gods worshipped with dierent names and in dierent ways. If
>this is not possible, then there is generally at least room to recognize
>that in a cosmos full of gods, it's possible for someone to worship one that
>they don't.

Another excellent point, and one with which I wholeheartedly agree.

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 11:44:19 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Dei[es

Timothy Francis wrote:
>And now, of course, I have to place this into Mythus-list context.
>Ironically, this type of religion seems to have no place in Mythus. A recent
>debate on the Mythus-list decided that 1) the Mythus Priestcraep system

>seems to be heavily reliant on a polythies[c framework; 2) Chris[anity

>doesn't work in Mythus terms, it "is far too black and white to t within
>the DJ construct." It is possible that a) the debaters were thinking of the
>intolerant baggage that has ahached itself to that New Testament message
>(certain Crusader's who used it to make a buck, everybody in Europe in the
>17th century, southern Bab[sts...) or b) were thinking of the Old Testament
>Yahweh, who was as monotheis[cally re & brimstone, ay thine enemies, all
>other god's are false, etc. as they come.

Ah, but a religion like this *does* have a place in Mythus, but I think it would
be dicult to include (at least distasteful, depending upon the piety of the
game master) and to run. I don't think a campaign sholud be a reason for dissent
amongst the GM and players, which is what inclusion of a *Chris[an* religion
*could* be.

>But, I say, why not place a god like this into a DJ world? Just because
>it's followers believed there was only one God, doesn't mean all others can't
>also exist? First of all, you're being too rules-bound if you can't t it
>in the Mythos. Second, you close o another neat way to have en[re
>cultures in conict. Nothing beher than religion to get the blood boiling
>(as we know quite well from Bosnia). You don't have to call it chris[anity
>or islam but it s[ll can exist in a DJ world. Chris Davies, in his 4/21/95
>post, noted that most of the mythologies on Aerth would probably be into
>expansion of their sects through missionaries and yes, forcible conversions,
>but even if they are not (like Augus[ne's pals the Manichees) this doesn't
>mean you can't have other religions that are (human nature being what it is).

I think any enterprising GM could do this - with fantas[c results. I would
hesitate to make it Chris[anity, for two reasons. a) it would be hard to
capture the feel of Chris[anity of the period to do it sucient jus[ce,
and b) it could piss people o. Don't confuse the laher with poli[cal
correctness - which I abhor - I just prefer to avoid those things which could
turn good gamers o to a campaign. Handled properly, this is great.

BTW, Tim, your post was well-thought out and expressed. Thank you.

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 11:54:37 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Die[es vs. Dei[es

Frank Mentzer wrote:
>Die[es are miniscule food regimens.
>Dei[es are ultrapowerful Beings.

Typos are open errors arising from brains that engage more quickly than the
associated typist's ngers can skillfully deploy. They are the reason for
spell-checking sopware.

I'm fairly certain we aren't concerned with any food regimens here; I just
take it for granted what was meant. Don't take this too personally, but I
think you've been edi[ng too hard. Thanks for the reminder, though.

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 12:52:47 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es vs. Dei[es
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Then again, there could be a cult of Jenny Craig worshippers...

Would they be considered monotheis[c? or monoth"ie"s[c (sic)

Hmmm....that would be curious though. A group who create cas[ngs which
can removed unwanted weight from a body...just think of all the fun
things magick could do which we do not think about very open... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 11:33:07 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Help!

At 08:11 AM 4/24/95 +0200, P al Arild Woje wrote:
>Hi everyone!
>My players are a troublesome lot! Yesterday they wanted to know if a "subject"

> in
>spellcas[ng means that a spell (or char or wathevere) is applaiable to
>A bright young man wanted to cast "quickness" on his horse. Does anybody have
>quidelines or sugges[ons? How many spells (or whatever) can aect one HP at a
>Pal Woje

I'd allow it - I do in my campaigns. I have no limit to the # of spells
that can aect a person at once, but I do limit the number of triggers they
can carry to 3. Carrying more sets them all o.

In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 14:26:30 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Monotheism
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 23 Apr 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Ah..."worship" of Saints.

Absolutely. Aper all, no maher how down-to-earth the dei[es may seem
(at least in comparison to the modern concept of a somewhat removed god),
it never hurts to have a friendly ear to bend for celes[al intercession :-)

> Mike, would the Saints then be Powers? Quasi-dei[es? I can never get
> the damn names straight... :)

Potencies. If they've been around a long [me and have a lot of
support/recogni[on, perhaps even quasi-dei[es. If they are lling a
major hole in a pantheon, perhaps eventual eleva[on to demigod (say,
aper a millenia of ac[ve work and worship).

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 14:17:59 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es vs. Dei[es
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 24 Apr 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Hmmm....that would be curious though. A group who create cas[ngs which
> can removed unwanted weight from a body...just think of all the fun
> things magick could do which we do not think about very open... :)

You obviously haven't been reading the Cas[ng lists I've put together.....

[From the Priestesses of Venus:]

Grade III:

Time: Permanent Other Heka Costs:
Area: Self R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: 5:1 per pound
E/F/M: This Cas[ng is rarely used, as it takes some [me to perform (a
number of AT's equivalent to the number of pounds to be shed), and a
special bath that has already been consecrated to Venus. In addi[on, as
it can only be used for or by a priest or priestess of Venus, and they
rarely let themselves become unahrac[vely overweight, it is not in
great demand. The eect is that a number of pounds will be removed from
the body, never in such a way as to damage ahrac[veness, at a cost of 5
Heka and 1 AT per pound. Once completed, the bath water must be tossed
somewhere (such as over owers), where the stu that has been shed into
it can be used to further beauty, or else the pounds will be returned by
a rather displeased Venus.

<big grin>

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 14:24:10 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Help!

In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 24 Apr 1995, Gary Spechko wrote:

> I'd allow it - I do in my campaigns. I have no limit to the # of spells
> that can aect a person at once, but I do limit the number of triggers they
> can carry to 3. Carrying more sets them all o.

I don't limit trigger. At all. (well, except that all condi[ons of its
cas[ng must be made *at the [me of the original cas[ng*, so variables
must already be set). However, my players live in dreadful fear of a
Trigger holding a Trigger (which would immediately trigger all their
triggered Cas[ngs, thanks to whatever devious mind thought it up
(BluSponge?)), or running into a Dweomercraeper who decides to clear up
the pre-cast goodies by springing it on them :-)

Which just about makes it common as dirt, and prac[cally useless
precisely because everyone knows how to counter it :-)

(Just as an aside -- if you ever use Trigger Eect to hold a trap, and
they nd the magickal trap, and they disjoin it, remember that the
Trigger will probably be the one to go, so the normal spell goes o. I
*like* this Cas[ng. So many poten[al uses.)

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 16:52:20 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Mon Apr 24 16:31:20 1995

Inexorable Haand - This metal gauntlet bestows Great Strength and Quickness on
the user's right hand. (Raise all PM and PN ahributes by 20 points for that
hand, 1/6th of that for Trait score.) In addi[on, the user gains apports at

Eye of Lostro - This crystal ball has the ability to command outer planar
creatures. It can read other planes and control in either plane.
Conveniently, the Ete cannot be seen or detected by those of the type it

controls. Lostro sold this item to a king and re[red with the King's kingdom
and daughter. One moon later, Lostro and his new wife were never heard from
again. The kingdom was without sun for one full moon phase. Since then the
new owner has kept a low prole.

Sooty Cantos - Besides being dirty, there seems to be nothing outstanding about
this item, except that it leaves a trail.
Other sages believe this item instead to be a Song of Power, origina[ng
in Phaeree by some of their best singers, and elaborated upon by some of the
best mortal singers on Aerth. Others insist this is a group of songs (cantos
is the plural of canto), each a high Grade Spellsong. In any case, the
par[cular eect, no maher what the Cantos is, are not known, but are
theorized to be, in this case, connected to the Powers of Soot and Ash.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon Apr 24 16:51:36 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 16:53:00 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Mon Apr 24 16:41:49 1995

Robes of Night - This robe once put on, cannot be removed. It enshrowds the
wearer in owing black strips of shadow. Only the hood may be removed. All
armor and clothing on is transformed. At night, the person is invisible and
non-detectable by any means. Such total invisibility makes the person two
places harder to hit. THe drawback is that the person loses the ability to

Avalanche Mace - This mace has the ability to detect and create avalanches. It
also can be used to crush rock without damage, with a BAC bonus of +20 during


Sceptre of Days - This elaborate sceptre appears to be made of ne string of
prisma[c coloring when the light hits it. Upon the end is a spherical crystal
of 3 inch diameter. The sceptre has the ability to bestow youth unto
individuals whom have performed admirable services. It is rumored that this
youth comes at a cost of ability and knowledge, yet there are a great many whom
will take the chance and quest for such a blessing.

Imprimus the Sword - This sword is said to hold the combined heka of 20 full

prac[[oners. The sword can cleave through any surface or armor as though it
were buher, nega[ng up to 1000 heka defense value automa[cally. BAC is
doubled with 50% addi[onal damage. The Sword has some arcane intelligence and
can cast spells, usually to control its user. Imprimus is currently rumored to
rule a large castle in the clouds somewhere above Colzuvan.

Velax Infuser - The infuser is a 6' cast iron bowl which allows heka-FOrgers to
meld the Heka and Cas[ngs of one item into another. The eects are
cumula[ve, and rarely have been unstable.
$$HRComments by teskej Mon Apr 24 16:52:23 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 18:31:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Monotheism

I have been following the debate about monotheis[c religions, although not
too closely, and there is one point that I thought needed making (though
forgive me if someone has already made it).

One major dierence between monotheis[c religions in this world and any
Mythus world is that in this world one can rela[vely easily deny the
existence of a god since there is lihle clear evidence of his/her
existence. This makes it easy to come in and say to the heathens that they
have been mistaken all along. But in a world where the evidence for all gods
is manifest, where the preists of any god perform minor miracles every day
(cas[ngs), it's alot harder to say to the heathens that they were mistaken,
that there is only one god, and it's not the one you have been worshipping.
It makes it hard to understand what a monotheis[c religion could be
claiming, other than their god is the only god _worth worshipping_. Denying
the existence of a god that grants spells every day borders on the absurd.

Which brings up some related problems: If one religion is trying to convert
the worshippers of another religion, and we assume that the god of the
conversion targets doesn't want to be "absorbed" into the other god, how
does this conict manifest itself? Can the previous god of a convert punish
him by for jumping ship, or will the new God protect him? Do the two gods
get in a ght of some kind over it? (Obviously their worshippers can.) Will
one God up the ante by gran[ng his worshippers more cas[ngs than another
religion? I can't help thinking of that computer game Populus (or maybe it
was Populus Two) where you play a god gh[ng for worshippers. You can do
cool stu like cause plagues on the worshippers of your opponent. It might
be a reasonable model for a Mythus world.

You can of course, work this out any way you want, but one thing seems clear:
the dynamics of religious strife will be signicantly dierent than they
are in this world.

That's it. Thanks.

Mah B.
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 18:47:42 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Die[es vs. Dei[es
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Mike, you grin talking about Venus' "Cas[ng of Fat-Removal", but I think
it's a great idea...

Yes, in most game terms it's not that useful, but just think of the added
atmosphere it lends to the game...

(You caught me, though, I haven't read all the cas[ngs you've created...)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 06:09:07 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays
In-Reply-To: <> from "Timothy L.
Francis" at Apr 23, 95 10:28:07 am

> Timo
> >Blood, Blood everywhere, I goha go. What a mess.
> I disagree Dan. Well, not about lead in Dave's water pipes--is that where he
> gets his sense of humour?:)--but with the cut at your average loveable Roman
> Emperor. Granted, some of them had an anity towards "blood everywhere"
> (and they liked the mess) but they weren't all bad. Like the last Kaiser,
> Spanish conquistadors, and certain American overseas conicts, history has
> unfairly condemned these fellows. It was probably all those up[ght
> Victorian historians who disliked some of their excesses. But Hadrian wasn't
> such a bad fellow was he? And Vespasian, as well as being a family man,
> certainly got things done and he was even fair to his ci[zens (cujng taxes
> for one). Speaking of Wallachia, isn't it tough to have "the area between
> the Danube and the Black Sea [be] moderately hilly."?

> Now that I've had a lihle fun, Dan's point is well taken.

:) Uhh, Timo. The blood wasn't referring to the Emporers. It was referring
to my job. I work in the Blood Banking Industry and had a busy night, and
I needed to wrap up the message that had lain fallow for a few hours real
quick, so it seemed appropriate with Blood.

And if you look on a map the Danube takes a sharp northern turn about 70-100
miles from the Black Sea coast un[l it gets to the delta where it joins the
Black Sea. It was this area aper the northern turn that I was talking about
not the mouth of the river! :)


I need to sleep.
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 06:11:07 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays
In-Reply-To: <> from "dexter" at Apr
23, 95 10:17:07 am

> I think Dan had it prety close to right. I know that when I rst read
> that bit about "pick one they are all prehy much the same :)" I thought
> that he was refering to their current level of health, not their morality
> or blood-thirstyness.
> Devilbuny
> Humble Playtester of the
> Cybermyth conversion
You got it right Devilbuny. I don't know nearly enough about the Roman
emporers to be able to remark on their family life, though I did know that
they all had the problem with lead in the pipes.

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 06:58:20 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Monotheism
In-Reply-To: <> from "Mahhew Berry"
at Apr 24, 95 06:31:00 pm

> Mah Berry:

> One major dierence between monotheis[c religions in this world and any
> Mythus world is that in this world one can rela[vely easily deny the
> existence of a god since there is lihle clear evidence of his/her
> existence. This makes it easy to come in and say to the heathens that they
> have been mistaken all along. But in a world where the evidence for all gods
> is manifest, where the preists of any god perform minor miracles every day
> (cas[ngs), it's alot harder to say to the heathens that they were mistaken,
> that there is only one god, and it's not the one you have been worshipping.
> It makes it hard to understand what a monotheis[c religion could be
> claiming, other than their god is the only god _worth worshipping_. Denying
> the existence of a god that grants spells every day borders on the absurd.

Yeah, you have a very good point. How the heck would you convert someone?
I remember reading about a biblical account of some prophet (Isaiah?) proving
how powerful YHWH is compared to Baal (or other Pagan God of your choice).
He told the priests to tell their god to set re to the sacrice and claim
it. The priests danced around and beat their drums and called upon Baal to
accept the sacrices in re. Nothing. Then the prophet dug a trench
around the sacrice and lled it with water and watered down the animals
then he called upon YHWH to come set re to the sacrices and of course,
this being the bible and all and YHWH being essen[ally the hero of the
story, the sacrices immediately burst into ame. This would never
happen in Mythus. Either both gods prove their worth by burning the
sacrices or neither do. That kind of demonstra[on would be meaningless
in a sejng where all gods have power. What would you do? How could you
hope to prove your god was worth conver[ng to? Other than voluntary or
forced conversions. The convert would either have to be given no choice
or would have to make the decision on his/her own based on personal


> Which brings up some related problems: If one religion is trying to convert
> the worshippers of another religion, and we assume that the god of the
> conversion targets doesn't want to be "absorbed" into the other god, how
> does this conict manifest itself? Can the previous god of a convert punish
> him by for jumping ship, or will the new God protect him? Do the two gods
> get in a ght of some kind over it? (Obviously their worshippers can.) Will
> one God up the ante by gran[ng his worshippers more cas[ngs than another
> religion? I can't help thinking of that computer game Populus (or maybe it
> was Populus Two) where you play a god gh[ng for worshippers. You can do
> cool stu like cause plagues on the worshippers of your opponent. It might
> be a reasonable model for a Mythus world.
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 07:54:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Subject: Fire and Brimstone

>Yeah, you have a very good point. How the heck would you convert someone?
>I remember reading about a biblical account of some prophet (Isaiah?) proving
>how powerful YHWH is compared to Baal (or other Pagan God of your choice).
>He told the priests to tell their god to set re to the sacrice and claim
> This would never happen in Mythus. Either both gods prove their worth by
>burning the sacrices or neither do. That kind of demonstra[on would be
>meaningless in a sejng where all gods have power.
An on top of that, while both priests are dancing around the oering... an
Elementalist comes up and says "hmm? re? you guys what Fire?!? It that


<Priests duck the smoking chunks of meat falling out of the sky from the

I'm mean heck, forget god versus god... the people would be like...

"what can you do that our local hedge wizard can't?"

You hit it right on the head, Dan, conversion is going to have to be "which
moral structure suits me and mine beher?"

Un[l you get into regional power... maybe the Aegyp[an gods can't do much too
far from the Tri-Kingdom... and a preist of Ra has to nd a local sun god to
pay homage to in his name.

<stoke stoke stoke the re> :)


Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 18:27:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995

Fwd: teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Apr 25 18:22:20 1995
Hello everyone again. :)

A few more items to post to you. We are closing in on the 3/4 mark, but there
are s[ll roughly 60-70 na[ons lep of items to detail. I have 8 authors
roughly working on it, but I am always willing to get some more help, if anyone
is interested.

Heka-Forging is nished, and should be reviewed in an upcoming issue of DI.

I like the idea of the project with dierent pantheons, and would vote for
detailing Phonecian and Atlantlan early, as references on them seem to be
lacking. :)

I've also asked my players to come up with several new k/s bundles. I will
submit those to the net as well, when I receive them.

As always, comments and cri[cism are welcome. :)

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 18:28:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Apr 25 12:32:38 1995

Lion Signet - This item reputedly allows the passage to a special Phaeree world
full of talking intelligent creatures, various and odd Phaeree Folk, and
occasional sehlements of humans. The name of the world is Narnia, and it is a
parallel Phaeree/Aerth sejng. Reputedly, the wearer of this signet ring can
summon aid from that same land, usually reaching only (only?) the Land's
Greatest Heroes. Some also report the item is able to summon a Lion of
Supernatural Incredible Power named Aslan, who will serve the wearer of the
Ring faithfully.
SOme sages disagree with all of the above, no[ng the Ring to be one of
the few remaining items of the Golden Ochre School of Dweomercraep. Such same
sages are at a loss to state the fate of the GOlden Ochre School and its
animal-based cas[ngs.
This item is loosely based on the "Narnia" series by C.S. Lewis.

Meteor Sling - A gip from the Atlantlan Deity of the stars, astrology, and the
Cosmos, aside from augmen[ng these abili[es, as well as those of astronomy,
this device is also known for its potent abili[es as a weapon, able to enlarge

slingshot to meteor-size once per BT.

Tenth Formula of Algax - This Alchemy Formula is rumored to be amoungst Grades
XVI-XXVI in power, and is rumored to be of sucient power to cause immunity
to normal non-enchanted weapons, as well as gran[ng several other yet unknown
eects. Appparently, the formula creates enough po[on for an en[re army to
digest, and has been used in several (successful) bahles defending the

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Apr 25 18:27:31 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 18:29:07 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Apr 25 17:48:45 1995

Dreamdust Sta - This Sta has been handy in several major military
campaigns, proving eec[ve at placing a large number of enemy troops to
sleep. (M Trait at DR = "extreme" to resist) It also, according to several
well-publicized high level informa[on leaks, causes prophe[c dreams and
admonishing mys[cal visions, raising Fortune Telling, Divina[on, and
Mys[cism STEEPs. The exact nature of this bonus is unkown.

Atayad's Cosmic Palehe - This set of Items includes a Heka-Endowed Palehe,
Pigments, and a Magical Crystal Sphere representa[on of the heavens and all
the constella[ons. It is said that an Astrologer of Surpassing and Pioneer
Level Pain[ng Skill may alter the skies (and thus the future) by pain[ng the
desired Celes[al Event on the por[on of the Sphere represen[ng the Visible
Heavens centered at the loca[on of the desired event. (Thus if I desire an
event to happen in Pisa, I would paint the Sphere in the por[on of the skies
narmally visible in Pisa at night for that [me of year.) Thus, the Astrologer
may alter Horoscopes and Astrological Divinings, making comets appear,
supernovae explode, meteor showers occur, as well as many other Astronomical
Phenomena. As hinted above, these efects may be produced Aerth-wide, or the
Phenomena may be limited to one loca[on only.

Beads of Supernatural Conduit - Medita[on upon this necklace of beans (unknown
beans of Phaeree origin) has been proported to confer several Supernatural
Powers, including Supernatural Joss, Supernatural Heka, Supernatural
Ahrac[veness, Access to Supernatural Planes, and severasl Supernatural
Cas[ngs. The bane of the item lies in the Supernatural Counter-Quirks
associated with it.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Apr 25 18:28:30 1995

These items were created by J Teske.

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 18:29:55 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Apr 25 12:45:19 1995

Grid of Dual Energies - This item is in the employ of the "Society of Twelve",
an exclusive circle of Magick, rather eclec[c, but in the service of the
Government of Talmark. Its specic members are all government agents
therefore. Some say that this item creates a balance between White and Black
Dweomercraep, and also between Ethos of Sunlight and Ethos of Gloomy Darkness,
which thus enhances all abili[es of Grey Dweomercraep and those of Shadowy
Darkness Ethos. Furthermore, some allegate that the item is also a HUGE Heka
Reservoir of some 12,000 points, regenera[ng 1,000 points every other hour.
What is known is that users of this item have their heka originate from both
Posi[ve and Nega[ve Planes, making any eects of their spells more dicult
to resist (2 DRs harder, in general) and more dicult to negate (usually
cas[ngs seem to negate one or the other, but not BOTH posi[ve and nega[ve
energies). The item will change the Heka to that NOT negated for the total
cost of the cas[ng, ensuring complete spell func[on.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Apr 25 17:32:09 1995
Steingorm's Bag of Gaseous Forma[ons - This plain burlap bag holds a Mys[cal
Substance within its conne which self-regenerates every 24 hours. Reputedly
those of master sculp[ng talent can mold the substance into various desired
forms, and subsequently the forms because real physical substance. Many sages
have objected to this rumor however, sta[ng the permanence of such substances
like Hekalite and Oricalcum is inconceivable, and would give rise to the
prominence of Heka-forged devices in Talmark, a na[on not otherwise known for
its Heka-powered devices. A majority of these sages feel that the forms
created by the bag, though able to harm Full Physical Manifesta[ons, are
themselves only a Par[al Physical Manifesta[on, and thus are immune to
non-heka-enchanted weaponry. Typically then the forms are of troops and
soldiers, who, because they are only of Par[al Physical Manifesta[on are able
to pass through walls and other barriers. It is unknown at this [me which is


Timur's Iron Chests - These famed ferrous chests were used by Tamerlane (Timur)
in his numerous campaigns. Although exact legends obscure their func[on, it
is theorized that they increase the amount of wealth that is placed therein,
increasing the amount on a nightly basis.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Apr 25 18:29:19 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:31:06 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Items again


Rainbow Alembics - These items are powerful in the way of Alchemy, and
reputedly have Powers of Celes[al origin as well. Those who have viewed the
Alembics give diering descrip[ons of exact colors, material compos[[on,
and engraving/adornments. Each, however, does agree that each Alembic is a
Reservoir of 50-200 Heka for Alchemical Opera[ons only, and that each grants
bonus to any ahempted ALchemy opera[on. The exact nature of the bonus is
unclear, but is rumored to be a bonus to STEEP, bonus to the DR ahtempted, or
bonus to the actual dice roll. By common legend, there are 7 asks matching
the colors of the rainbow that pour forth Po[ons of grades X-XXIX power 7
[mes daily; Tuscany has declined to comment on such rumors. Some have
speculated that the veracity of all of Tuscany's Public Edicts stem as a side
eect of this item ie. they are unable to issue false statements (lie) in
public; perhaps this explains why ocials have declined comment.

Diaboldi's Mimic - Lihle is known about this secret weapon of Tuscany, with
the excep[on of its amazing powers to surprise. Apparently the item can blend
in anywhere, is impossible to scry or divine, can use any mode of transpor[on
(including Astral and Ethereal travel), and can hold up to 20 occupants at the
same [me; this is all according to common folklore however, and may easily be
a falsehood or exaggera[on.


Seaboots of Jason - These famous Items have been passed down from genera[on to
genera[on from the famous Hero Jason. Of their exact abili[es, however, none
can say, for Jason was under the protec[on of Hera as well as a known
fraternizer of witches, priestesses, and mages, all of whom could have caused
several of the legendary feats (pun intended) which are otherwise commonly
ahributed to the Boots. In any case, a majority of the sages allegate that
the Boots enabled Jason to escape the Crashing Rocks of Scylla and Carybdis,
but many sages disagree with this. Others theorize a Sea God gave these Boots
to Jason as a bequest to one of Jason's powerful (Immortal) allies, but few
legends support this rumor. Their true powers are unknown.

These items were created by John Teske.

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 21:32:32 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: List Gods (and stu)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 25 Apr 1995, Dr. John Teske Jr. wrote:

> I like the idea of the project with dierent pantheons, and would vote for
> detailing Phonecian and Atlantlan early, as references on them seem to be
> lacking. :)

Well, I have a lihle stu gathered on the Atlantlan pantheon, and John
Troy was working some other stu up before he lep the list.

If we're taking requests, more than anything I'd like to see those
campaign-specic pantheons that those of you *not* using AErth are
doing. For instance, I seem to recall wri[ng some cas[ngs for a deity
named Laashi (BluSponge's queen of mysteries and dark secrets), and I
wouldn't mind a run-down on said pantheon. Aper all, you never know
when one may venture beyond the bounds of AErth ;-) Double brownie
points if it's in Daily Deity format ;-)

(and, quite frankly, lots of historical informa[on is available, and in
almost all cases one can make do with the original DDG where necessary -doesn't have Voodoun stu, but using Cthulhu for Atlantlan, the rest is
covered at least supercially ;-) )

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 21:51:53 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Norse Gods: Preface

[This is a compila[on of some proposed changes/enhancements/clarica[ons
for development of the Norse dei[es -- I will be using this as a framework
for future cas[ng lists. Comments are, of course, welcome]

[DRAFT: 04/25/95]

[AErth-specic notes]


The purpose of this brief commentary is to explain a por[on of the
changes to the Earth-normal Norse pantheon. Since worship of the Norse
gods died out fairly early (being quickly consumed by Chris[anity) on
Earth, and the documenta[on is sketchy, the evolu[on of the pantheon is
sketchily documented at best, and it never had a chance to signicantly
interact with other pantheons.
The most remarkable aspect of the Norse pantheon is the general sense
of foreboding and darkness, and the fact that gods and men acted as
heroes, standing against the inevitable doom without inching. An
ahempt has been made to preserve this feel while also upda[ng the
dei[es and their ahendant spheres of inuence (so to speak).
This will form the basis of my write-ups of the various Norse


Except for the priesthoods (which are generally separate, simply
because orders have been founded as instruc[onal ins[tu[ons devoted to
a par[cular deity have been built and maintained), most people are
devoted to the pantheon as a whole. In some cases, a par[cular
individual will devote himself or herself* to a specic deity, and he
will do his utmost to live up to the retpua[on and legends of that
par[cular deity.
Instead, the average follower will pray to the appropriate deity for
a par[cular purpose. For instance, a young maid seeking marriage would
oer prayers to Frigga, or a warrior would oer praise to Thor, Odin,
or Tyr before bahle. The seafaring raiders might oer thanks to Njord
(for swip and safe travel) and Thor (for strength in bahle).
Many villages and smaller towns will have a 'patron' deity, and they
will open have names derived from the deity's name or nickname (for
instance, Grymsgorge, from Grym = Grim (common psuedonym taken by Odin)
and Gorge). In such a case, the village will open have a fes[val
honoring the deity in ques[on. Note that virtually all farming
communi[es revere Frey and oer thanks at harvest [me regardless of
other alia[ons.
The Norse are no less religious than any other people, and their
religions and priests play ac[ve roles in their daily lives. However,
many of the gods are fairly grim and unapproachable, and, over the
centuries, Norsemen have taken to oering pe[[ons to intermediaries
rather than the actual deity in personal prayer (so that a warrior
privately praying for strength will address his plea to Magni rather than
Thor). A very brief and incomplete list is at the end.

* Sorry, but con[nual he or she and himself or herself is just obnoxious

when wri[ng, so all further generic references will use the

tradi[onal masculine pronoun. This is not to convey any par[cular
gender-based bias, but instead to ease the strain and irrita[on on
the author.


[The various divini[es are referred to by their Skandian, rather than
Teutonic, names]


Odin Balance 'the Allfather', Wisdom, the Sky
Balder Sunlight Beauty
Bragi Balance Poetry, Eloquence, Skalds
Forse[ Balance Judgement, Judge of the Slain, Truth
Frey Moonlight Farming, Love
Freyja Shadowy Darkness Love and Beauty
Frigga ??? Marriage
Heimdall Balance Clear Sight, Guarding, Civiliza[on
Hel Gloomy Darkness Death
Idunn Sunlight Healing, Longevity, Spring
Loki Shadowy Darkness Fire, Mischief, Trickery, Betrayal
Njord Moonlight Sea
Thor Moonlight Strength, Thunder, Bahle
Tyr Balance Oaths, Honor

ODIN: God of Wisdom, God of the Runes, some sky inuence. Prayed to for
guidance and victory in bahle. Priests are uncommon, but are expected
to make sacrices to increase their knowledge, and to share the benet
of this knowledge. Open revered for his con[nual assistance of mankind
and the beleaguered, he is rarely prayed to for specics.

BALDER: Although the deity has been slain, he is occasionally referenced.
Further, the role he plays as being resurrected at or aper Ragnarok have
con[nued to grow, and it is generally thought that he will be a god of
light and goodness who will head the new pantheon aper the bahle is
concluded. He is rarely prayed to, although his is a name open on the
lips of those who need hope and reassurance of beher things to come.

BRAGI: His is the gip of eloquence and charisma, and praise (and
pe[[ons) are open heaped upon him, par[cularly when composing a new
work, or ahemp[ng to nd the right words for persuasion. Skalds,
poets, and other verbal and musical ar[sts open call upon him and grant
him special reverence.

FORSETI: Originally an obscure reference, against whose judgement none
can stand, he has become the arbiter of jus[ce, the ul[mate judge, and

the being who can forbid entrance into Valhalla if the Valkyries select
an unworthy soul. His name is almost always invoked before judicial
decisions are rendered.

FREY: Perhaps an ancient agricultural deity, thrust aside as the Norse
pantheon gained ascendance, Frey has remained popular among the farmers,
and his inuence is celebrated at plan[ng and harvest-[me. Thanks to
a number of literary works, he is open invoked by those wishing to keep
love strong and wishing to demonstrate their love, for his act of trading
his sword to gain his wife, thus leaving himself defenseless at Ragnarok.
He is occasionally associated with Phaeree, par[cularly the Seelie,
perhaps because of his associa[on with Aleim (the home of the Elves).

FREYJA: Aper signicant cultural contact with the various Greco-Roman
states, she has become similar in aspect to Venus, hailed as the fairest
of the Asynjor and the patroness of beauty in all its forms. However,
she maintains a hard edge, as half the souls of those slain in bahle are
hers and serve her.

FRIGGA: Odin's wife has always been a matronly gure, and she is rarely
praised, save by those commen[ng on matrimony and those ahemp[ng to
salvage or maintain marriages.

HEIMDALL: He has become a symbol of guardianship, and his name is invoked
in most oaths binding guards. He is also revered (and referenced) for
his stern devo[on to the duty of warding Bifrost, and he is occasionally
hailed for the legends sta[ng that it was his early travels that spread
the seed of civiliza[on.

HEL: The fearsome goddess of death, the queen of the icy realm, she has
taken darker and ercer aspects than originally granted. Plagues and
sicknesses are ahributed to her, as are most catastrophes. She is seen
as evil.

IDUNN: Originally a fairly minor deity, she has taken on aspects of
healing, compassion, and care. Further, because of her associa[on with
the golden apples which keep the gods from aging, she is also invoked by
those with long and healthy lives. Most of the healers of the Norse
lands pray to her for assistance.

LOKI: A mischievous trickster and blood-brother to Odin, he is known for
gejng the Aesir into and out of trouble. Ves[ges of his origin as a
god of re s[ll hang around his legends, but that aspect is dwarfed
next to the knowledge that it is his betrayal which will signal Ragnarok,
and that it is his mischief that caused the death of Balder. He is
associated with monsters (and thus, loosely, the Unseelie Phaeree) His
name is some[mes invoked by thieves, liars, and against those who betray
a trust.

NJORD: Originally a somewhat obscure Vanir, perhaps of the sea, and

father of Frey and Freyja, he has become a full-edged symbol of the sea
in all its majesty and glory. Ships are pledged to him when they are
built, and his name is readily on the lips of all who live by the sea.

THOR: The strongest of the Aesir, he is also associated with thunder and
lightning. He is called upon prior to bahles, and he is asked to lend
strength to the warrior and his weapons.

TYR: He is seen as the god of honor and oaths, and his name is almost
universally used in the vows binding lords to their subjects. He is
called upon by those fullling their du[es and those who are following
through on an oath made, no maher the cost to themselves. In some
sec[ons of the Norse states, he is called upon for strength against


[In a sense, these are the 'patron saints' of par[cular traits and
ac[ons. None of these have established cults or priesthoods, but they
are some[mes addressed under certain circumstances.]

Aegir Moonlight Seas, Sailors
Fulla ??? Handmaid, Service
Geon Moonlight Those Who Die Unwedded
Gripi Balance The Wisest of Men
Magni Sunlight Strength
Modi Balance Wrath
Nerthus Moonlight Lady of the Rivers
Norns, The Balance Fate, Des[ny
Sigyn Sunlight Protectress of the Wretched
Svipdag Shadowy Darkness Patron of Magic
Ullr Sunlight Glory
Volund Shadowy Darkness Smithcrap and Ar[sans

AEGIR: Possibly one of the original gods of the Norse region, he is
associated with the Giants. He is open ceded dominion over the seas,
sea voyages, and sailors.

FULLA: The handmaiden of Frigga, prayers are addressed to her for
intercession with Frigga, and for guidance in service.

GEFION: Perhaps originally the patron goddess of Zeaburg, she has since
been relegated to being the patron of those who die unwedded.

GRIPI: While Odin is the wisest of beings, Gripi hears more pleas for
wisdom, for he is considerably more approachable. Whether or not he
responds, of course, varies.

MAGNI: One of Thor's sons, his name means strength. Although devo[on to

Thor is much more common, his name is invoked when strength is necessary
(such as in wrestling).

MODI: The other son of Thor, he is the personica[on of Wrath. His
name is open upon the lips of those who are seeking vengeance.

NERTHUS: She is the sister of Njord, and whatever her provenance, she has
become the patron of the rivers (as an adjunct to Njord's domain over the

THE NORNS: These are the three Fates, and they determine the future (and
doom) of all men.

SIGYN: Loki's wife, her role in holding the cup preven[ng the painful
venom from dropping on him and causing him further torture has granted
her associa[on with the wretched and disadvantaged, and her name is
invoked when showing compassion to such folk.

SVIPDAG: A not inconsiderable mage when he sought advice from the spirit
of his mother in order to gain his wife, he has since gained tremendous
arcane knowledge, and he has achieved the dis[nc[on of being the patron
of Norse Heka-benders.

ULLR: Thor's step-son, Glory, he represents the honors of the


Norsemen fully believe that their pantheon serves their needs, and
that *all* the gods (no maher the region or pantheon) shall die at
Ragnarok, save the three fated to survive: Balder (who will be
resurrected), Vali, and Vidar. In this sense, in inter-pantheis[c
conict they are assured to be the long-term victors.
However, this does not in any way negate the validity of other
pantheons. The average Norseman, if he even considers the theological
possibili[es, would simply consider the other dei[es to be other, as
yet unknown, distant clans (such as the Vanir, the clan of Frey, Freyja,
and Njord).

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++

Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+

Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
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Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 21:50:49 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: You asked for it.....

Someone wondered what sort of format a diety might be put into. Here is
a sampling (taken from the revised version of Jupiter/Zeus -- I am working
on upda[ng the other Greco-Roman dei[es, but I have other projects too,
so it's fallen a lihle behind)

\ / \ /
|| ||
|| ZEUS ||
|| ||
/ \ / \

NAME AND DESCRIPTION: (Balance, agathocacological, chao[c) Zeus (G) or
Jupiter (R) was the king of the Olympians, fearsome in his fury but
amazing in his wisdom. He is married to Hera, although he had consorts
before the marriage and has been unfaithful since. He rose to his
posi[on by defea[ng his father, Kronos, with the assistance of his
mother. Aper he freed his siblings from his father's stomach, he,
Poseidon, and Hades drew lots for their dominion, and he won dominion
over the sky. He is a fearsome gure, commanding lightning, thunder,
and storms, and he is possessed of great wisdom.
Fickle and drawn to beauty, he is known to dally with beau[ful
mortals and other dei[es with surprising frequency, fathering heroes,
monsters, and more gods.

SYMBOLS, RITUALS: Zeus is open symbolized by an eagle, although
lightning bolts or a representa[on of the aegis are not uncommon. The
oak is of par[cular importance to him as well, and nearly all of his
clergy and many of his followers will make a pilgrimage to Epirus to
visit his holy oak.
Sacrices to Zeus generally include the burning of the fat, skin,
and entrails of an ox, as well as supplica[ons following the sacrice.
Depending on the region, these may take place at sowing and harvest, or

DESCRIPTION OF THE CLERGY: Zeus' (G) priests (there are no priestesses
allowed) form the backbone of the Grecian Synod, and his temples are

generally foremost in any city that worships the pantheon (save perhaps
where there is a god of par[cular local importances, such as Ares in
Sparta, in which case Zeus' temple is either rst among equals, or a
close second). Most of his clergy take up the spear for the chosen
weapon, and universally wear white (some[mes adorned with golden trim,
or various appropriate symbols). Priests of Zeus will generally disdain
the use of a horse (being a creature of Poseidon), although they are
willing to learn to ride aerial mounts of various sorts. When the
Grecian Synod meets, the Archpriest of Zeus presides (who is, by
deni[on, the Archpriest of the Synod as well).
Jupiter's (R) priests are similar to those of Zeus, although their
prominence is marginally less (due to the pantheon being considerably
less organized).

PRIESTLY CASTINGS: Most of the Cas[ngs which follow deal with
indelity, thunderstorms, lightning, and the like. Despite the
poli[cal power of the clergy as a whole, and the other traits of the
god, most clergy tend to focus on the former aspects.

Grade I:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 eld R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: Nil
E/F/M: This peen minute ritual calls upon Father Jupiter's aspect as a
grain god, and it is open requested by farmers who follow 'the Father of
the Sky' (as Jupiter is some[mes known). The ritual will result in a
10% increase in the crop grown on the eld, provided that the farmer
makes a suitable sacrice to Jupiter shortly before harvest [me (else
his elds will likely be stricken by a fearsome storm). The ritual
itself consists mainly of ques[ons asked by the priest and promises made
by the farmer.

Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: See below R&D: Nil
Distance: See below Other: 10:1 per addi[on thunderclap
E/F/M: By means of this Cas[ng, the priest is able to cause a
thunderclap to sound, as if there were a storm approaching or already
upon the area. The sound can be heard normally, as if the storm really
were there, yet there need not be a cloud in the sky. This is
occasionally used by priests of Zeus when coordina[ng something, or
when demonstra[ng that they really are priests of Zeus. The Cas[ng
will cause most normal animals to immediately seek shelter from the
"approaching storm", regardless of other indicators, and it has been
known to spook some par[cularly easily frightened animals.
Addi[onal thunderclaps can be summoned at a rate of 1 per 2 CT's, at
an addi[onal cost of 10 Heka per addi[onal thunderclap. The Caster has
control over the sound of the thunder (i.e. if it is a deep, rolling
sound or if it is a sudden, cracking sound, or somewhere in between).

Mul[ple thunderclaps do not need to have the same sound.

Time: 1 CT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: One object R&D: 10:1 per addi[onal D3
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Charm allows the priest of Zeus to add a slight spark
whenever the weapon strikes an opponent. The sparking will cause an
addi[onal D3 of electrical damage, and this may be increased to a
maximum of 1D3 per 10 STEEP possessed by the Caster, at a cost of 10 Heka
per addi[onal D3. The weapon should be appropriately consecrated to

Grade II:
Time: 1 BT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: One creature R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Cas[ng will allow the priest of Zeus to break down normal
inhibi[ons concerning delity and indelity in marriage, and even
encourage it if the natural inhibi[ons are not par[cularly strong.
While originally intended to mimic one of Zeus's natural tendencies,
some priests have used it to assist them in bedding any female they
choose, regardless of current state. The priesthood is working on
supressing the Cas[ng in order to not make their reputa[on any worse
than this Cas[ng has made it.

Time: 1 BT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: One creature R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Cas[ng allows the priest to make someone's voice as loud as
thunder, deep, rolling, and capable of being heard over great distances
(although with some delays due to the speed of sound!). It has been used
to allow generals to speak to the en[re army, or priests to speak to
really large gatherings. It has no signicant eect on those nearby
the speaker, although some people's ears will ring for some [me
aperwards if they stand too close.

Grade III:
Time: 1 AT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: One creature R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: The Priest using this Cas[ng can make an adulterer temporarily
appear as someone else, a stranger, thereby making an escape easier, or a
search more dicult. There is rumored to be a higher-grade version of
this Cas[ng, intended to be used to mask someone intending to perform
adultery as an appropriate person (such as the woman's husband) for the
evening, not unlike the legend of Uther and Ygraine. Note that this

disguise, while very good, lasts barely long enough to make an escape and
can not be placed on the priest performing the Cas[ng.

Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 25 yard long, 2 yards wide R&D: 20:1 per addi[onal D6
Distance: 1 chain per 10 STEEP Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Cas[ng causes a lightning bolt to fall from the sky at a
designated target, and then speed along the ground for a distance of up
to 25 yards. The bolt is around 2 yards wide, and can be summoned to any
point up to 1 chain per 10 STEEP away from the Caster. The base damage
is 1D6 points of electrical damage, which can be increased to a maximum
of 1D6 per 10 STEEP at a cost of 20 Heka per addi[onal D6.

Grade IV
Time: 1 hour per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: Special R&D: Nil
Distance: Special Other: Nil
E/F/M: By means of a lengthy ritual that takes half an hour to perform,
and includes many acts taken from legends and myths, a priest is able to
cause a goodly rainstorm in the region that will last at least one hour
per 10 STEEP. If the area is par[cularly prone to rain, and was on the
verge of raining anyways, this [me may well be tripled, and if in an
area that is very much not prone to rain, it may be halved. The Cas[ng
is capable of easing the eects of droughts, and open can restore
normal weather paherns to an area that is experiencing unusual weather
(JM's op[on), although the rain gathered will not be enough to make a
very dry area bloom into a very wet area. The Cas[ng is ckle, though,
and repeated use in the same area may result in the storm's eects being
malevolent instead of benign, or perhaps a drought extended. The ritual
is completed by sprinkling specially-blessed water over the area that
will serve as the center of the storm.

Grade V:
Time: 1 hour per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: Special R&D: Nil
Distance: Special Other: Nil
Special materia cost: 10,000 BUC consecrated water vessel, plus other
special accoutrements amoun[ng to an addi[onal 5,000 BUCs
E/F/M: This Ritual, which requires a full hour to work to maximum
potency, is much like Raincall (q.v.), but it causes a full, raging
thunderstorm to sweep across the area. This deluge will relieve droughts
of up to two months long, and can provide enough water for a desert
sehlement to last for several weeks. In areas par[cularly prone to
storms (such as semi-tropical coastlines), this can build to a full
hurricane that could take weeks to run its course. It will never disrupt
the normal weather paherns for an area, but it has been known to restore
them to their normal cycle aper being tampered with or in an unusual

year, perhaps because of a metaphysical "cleaning" eect.

No priest of Zeus can call this Cas[ng forth without adequate
jus[ca[on, because it is releasing a signicant amount of Zeus's
fury upon the world for a [me.

Grade VI:
Time: 1 hour per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: Self R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: Nil
Special materia cost: 20,000 BUC consecrated ritual accoutrements
E/F/M: This half-hour ritual, which calls upon the greatest blessings
Zeus can oer, causes the priest of Zeus using it to be transformed into
another form. This form is chosen at the [me of the ritual, and the
priest *must* be preparing himself to seduce a par[cularly ahrac[ve
female (preferably virgin as well). Unlike Zeus, the priest may only do
this once in his life[me. Sample forms include a bull, a slithering
shower of gold, a gentle rain shower, or any of the other forms that Zeus
has taken in his many conquests.

Grade VII:
Time: 1 half-hour per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: One man R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
Special materia cost: 30,000 BUC consecrated ritual accoutrements
E/F/M: This hour-long ritual, like the Transformself Ritual, will result
in the subject being transformed into a shape pleasing to the person he
is planning to seduce. The only marked dierence between the two
Cas[ngs is that the Alterseducer Ritual may be performed on any male
follower of Zeus, provided that (a) the follower has demonstrated the
utmost faith, (b) has an extremely passionate love for a beau[ful virgin
woman, and (c) holds his thoughts on her for the dura[on of the ritual.
The shape is chosen when the ritual is performed.


Terminus (minor god of boundaries and endings)

The Aegis: This legendary shield is open entrusted to Athena, although
Zeus does take it upon himself when necessary (or grants it to one of his
avatars). It is occasionally entrusted to a par[cularly favored mortal,
which is an event of great portent. Being of tremendous power and the
implement of a god, the Aegis is known to take several forms:

Goat-skin shield: When in the primordial form of a goatskin shield,
the Aegis is most powerful (being the original, so to speak). It can
turn aside nearly any thrust, it grants immunity to lightning and
other electrical ahacks, and when shaken at a foe it will cause

instant terror. In the hands of a Potency or greater, it can route

en[re armies.

Blazoned silver shield: Perhaps the most classical depic[on, the
Aegis in this form is s[ll tremendous shield, rendering virtual
immunity to weapons, but it less eec[ve as a symbol of terror.
When forcefully presented towards a mortal by any powerful being, it
will cause the mortal to ee in terror, but it cannot be used on
such a grand scale.

Fringed goat-skin armor or cloak: The least common of the forms in
ar[st's renderings, the Aegis conveys near immunity to weapons, and
total immunity to lightning and electricity. When the fringes are
shaken at a foe which knows itself to be weaker than the wearer, the
foe will probably turn and ee.

Thundercloud: This manifesta[on of the Aegis is only available to
Zeus' avatars (although the previous three might be lent to Athena
or par[cularly favored mortals). It appears as a dark cloud, either
around the head of the avatar, or hanging at his side. In addi[on
to incredible protec[ve abili[es, it can release thunderbolts and
lightning bolts, and those hearing the sound of its thuder are struck
by great terror.


Zeus was born the son of Kronos and Gaea, and he narrowly escaped
being swallowed (like his six older siblings), being raised apart and
eventually rising and overturning his father, and releasing his brethren.
Modern scholars, more aware than the primi[ves who ini[ally wrote the
legends of the actual levels of power and spheres of inuence of the
gods, have ascribed the 'swallowing' as conning the Olympians within
Non-Dimensionality, and Gaea tricking him into imprisoning a false Zeus
while the real Zeus sought a way to free his brothers and sisters.
Later, the division of Kronos' kingdom lep Zeus with the Sky (held to be
the Upper Planes by scholars), Poseidon with the Sea (Material Planes)
and Hades with the Underworld (Lower Planes).
The Olympians and the Titans, myth holds, are in a constant state of
conict and open outright war. Again, scholars ascribe a subtlety
behind the legends, claiming that the Titans were more primordial
inuences and powers, and the 'upstart' Olympians displaced them.
Further, the Titans are weakened by a general lack of regard from the
worshippers of the Roman aspect of the pantheon (the Numina being
occasionally men[oned, but almost never worshipped as such), thereby
explaining their imprisonment, weakening, and general lesser stature in
the myths.

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
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Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 00:36:41 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: You asked for it.....
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Boy, somebody's been doing their homework! :)

Thanks Mike, for the great informa[on. I am star[ng to get inspired.
Too bad school will preclude any real ac[vi[es...but I promise. I have
a pantheon, and a plan for more to be included...

It will get out here sooner or later... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 22:15:52 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Cas[ng list

It has come to my ahen[on that some of you have forgohen or missed
some of the more interes[ng cas[ngs that have tumbled o of my
keyboard (Hawkeye ;-) ), and so I gured I'd save y'all the headache of
trying to remember them all, and I'd just give you an index to all of the
cas[ngs I've produced so far for both the Greco-Roman and the Norse
pantheons. This is *not* a pos[ng of all the cas[ngs, just their names
and grades.....




I: Museaspect Ritual, Soplight Charm
II: Lyre of Apollo Charm, Minor Prophecy Ritual
III: Healing Light Ritual
IV: Shepherd's Watch Spell
V: Apollo's Song of the Sun Formula

I: Enhance Intoxica[on Charm, Spike Beverage Charm
II: Resist Intoxica[on Cantrip, Spike Drink Cantrip
III: Feast of Bacchus Formula
V: Fes[val of Bacchus Ritual

I: Assess Field Formula, Seedsprout Ritual
II: Fastweeder Formula, Frostshield Ritual
III: Earth Enrichen Ritual
IV: Fastharvest Ritual
V: Boun[ful Harvest Ritual

I: Animaltrack Formula, Ease Birth Pang Cantrip
II: Ease Birth Charm, Sureight Arrow Charm
III: Nurture Animal Ritual
IV: Suretarget Arrow Charm, Vaccina[on Shield Ritual
V: Nocturnal Tracking Formula

I: Detect Indelity Charm, Locate Spouse Formula
II: Encourage Fidelity Cantrip, Marital Bliss Ritual
III: Punish Transgression Formula
IV: Aair Enlightenment Ritual
V: Punish Indelity Ritual

I: Weaponspark Charm, Roll of Thunder Charm
II: Encourage Indelity Cantrip, Thundervoice Cantrip
III: Mask Adulterer Formula, Lightningstrike Cantrip
IV: Raincall Ritual
V: Thunderstorm Ritual

I: Assist Strike Charm, Swipspear Charm
II: Encourage Bahle Cantrip, Unbreakable Weapon Spell
III: Surestrike Cantrip
IV: Bloodlust Charm
V: Blessing of Mars Ritual

I: Fleekoot Cantrip, Safemessage Cantrip
II: Secretmessage Charm, Swiprunner Formula
III: Burst of Speed Charm
IV: Maskmovement Cantrip
V: Winged Boots Ritual

I: Assess Threat Spell, Fastparry Formula
II: Minerva's Wisdom Formula, Shield Strengthen Formula
III: Minerva's Aegis Ritual
IV: Blessarmy Ritual
V: Defend City Ritual

I: Bring Fish Formula, Fishfollow Ritual
II: Sealove Charm, Undersea Breathing Formula, Waverider Formula
III: Wavestrider Spell
IV: Watersteed Ritual
V: Springwater Ritual

I: Fear of Death Charm, Hound of Cerberus Ritual
II: Funereal Blessing Ritual, Underearth Freedom
III: Chariotride Ritual
IV: Seedbind Charm
V: Earthswallow Formula

I: Coiure Assurance Spell, Detect Truelove Charm, Perfect Makeup Formula
II: Enhance Ahrac[veness Formula, Detect Love Cantrip
III: Encourage Loving Spell, Improve Figure Ritual
IV: Lovebind Ritual
V: Improve Ahrac[veness Ritual

I: Rodentbanish Spell, Sweephearth Formula
II: Cleanse Room Formula, Warmth of Belonging Charm
III: Eveninglog Ritual
IV: Longburning Fire Ritual
V: Hearth & Home Ritual

I: Metaldouse Charm, Stronghammer Formula
II: Fireiron Charm
III: Minutehammer Formula
V: Heat of the Forge Formula


I: Boneset Cantrip, Healing, Minor Formula, Woundclosure Charm
II: Healing, Medium Formula, No Aging Charm
III: Fruit of Weal Formula, Healing, Major Formula
IV: Wholehealing Ritual
V: Apple of Youthening Ritual

I: Doomknowledge Ritual, Halerune Charm
II: Swipsteed Rune Charm, Swipstrike Rune Cantrip
III: Odin's Favor Charm
V: Greatknowledge Ritual

I: Berserk Charm, Thunderhead Charm
II: Fist of Thor Cantrip, Stormshield Formula
III: Thunderstorm Ritual
IV: Lightninghammer Spell
V: Thor's Wrath Ritual
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 22:12:01 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Priests of Vulcan

Vulcan (Shadowy Darkness, Benign, Ordered, Major God)

Vulcan, some[mes referred to as Mulciber and called Hephaestus by the
Greeks, was the disgured and lame son of Hera. Some rare myths hold
him to be the child of Jupiter and Juno, but more commonly he is
considered to have been born of and by Juno aper Minerva sprang, fullgrown, from Jupiter's brow. He was the god of re, but more importantly
the god of smithing and ar[sans. He is a foe of Mars, who cuckolds him
with Venus. He is denitely held in high esteem by blacksmiths
scahered throughout the Greco-Roman lands.

Vulcan has a small clergy, but most of his priests are smiths of one form
or another, and many are also accomplished ar[sans and open HekaForgers. Worship is focused, where it is focused at all, in small
shrines, and the tenders are generally referred to as Smiths or

Grade I:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 small object R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 yard Other: Nil
E/F/M: By use of this quick charm, the priest is able to quickly douse

a metal object as if it had been submerged in water (mimicking the

dousing of hot iron during the forging process). It is able to instantly
remove excessive heat from the object without damaging the object with
the speed. It is open used by priests as they are prac[cing
smithcrap, although it is also an eec[ve counter to the Hotmetal
Cantrip, since it instantly returns the metal aected to its original

Time: Special Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 hammer R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Cas[ng causes the head of the hammer to magickally
strengthen, as if it were made of the hardest material imaginable. It
will allow an ordinary hammer to forge even the strongest of metals (for
instance, a bronze hammer so strengthened could work adaman[te with no
damage to the hammer). If used in normal smithcrap, the Cas[ng will
last for 1 AT per point of STEEP possessed by the caster. The hammer
may also be used in combat, which adds 1 point of IMPACT damage
per 10 STEEP possessed, but it shortens the cas[ng to 1 CT per point of
STEEP possessed by the caster. The hammer must have been blessed at an
altar dedicated to Vulcan in order to be aected by the cas[ng.

Grade II:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: Up to 1 cubic foot R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This quick cas[ng causes the piece of iron or other
metal prepared for forging to heat extremely rapidly, so that it is ready
to be worked on within a maher of seconds. If it is used in combat, a
successful roll vs. Combat, Hand-to-Hand at DR "Dicult" must be made,
and the heat will inict 6D6 PD (Fire) the rst CT, 5D6 the second CT,
4D6 the third, etc. However, the priest must be prepared to defend his
ac[on to Vulcan, because he does not look kindly on such misuse of
ar[sanship. Note that resourceful priests have been known to rely on
this cas[ng to start their campres while travelling.

Grade III:
Time: 1 AT per STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 hammer R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This cas[ng aects a hammer consecrated to Vulcan's service, by
warping space around the head of the hammer. The net eect of this is
that the hammer can be used to work on extremely ne detail. Despite
the name of the cas[ng, it may be used on virtually any tool used in
smithcrap, so that a large pair of tongs may be used to hold ne wire,
a rude chisel used to do minute engraving, etc. It is said that the
great goldsmith and follower of Vulcan, Faberge, makes use of this

cas[ng on small tools in order to create some of the most minutelycarved crea[ons on AErth.

Grade V:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: Up to 1 cubic yard R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: Similar to the Fireiron Charm, this formula causes an object to
heat up rapidly, as if it had lain within the heart of a forge for a long
[me. It can aect considerably greater mass, including several pieces
of armor simultaneously. On those occasions where priests of Vulcan
dared to apply this to opponents, it rebounded upon the priest, reducing
him to ash instantaneously, leaving the spirit of the deceased stammering
a hasty explana[on to a very angry god!

Whew! Although it may not seem like it, this is a monumental moment in
the release of these cas[ng lists. The Olympians are complete! (For
those not in the know, the Olympians are twelve dei[es, plus their
ruler, Zeus/Jupiter, who form the primary focus of the Greco-Roman
pantheon according to Gary Gygax's columns in Mythic Masters Magazine,
issues 1 through 4.) The rst of these cas[ng lists was posted on the
12th of October, 1993. It's been a long road, and there is much more to
do, but this is a really neat thing to have accomplished, so I'm going to
be proud and bask in a warm feeling of accomplishment, at least for a
lihle while :-) (That doesn't mean I'm stopping!)

As you have already seen, I have lain the groundwork for a series of
Cas[ngs detailing the major Norse dei[es (my next target, due to a
request which gave my meandering imagina[on a focus :-) ). I will
return to the Greco-Roman pantheon at some point, to polish up what I
have and add a few minor gures (such as Asclepius, the patron of
Healing), and I will explore the AEgyp[an pantheon at some point (Thoth,
Horus, and Set are just crying out to be done :-) ), but I intend to
detail the major gures of the Aesir next: Idunn, Forse[, Loki, Hel,
Frey, Freyja, Bragi, Njord, and Tyr (and maybe a couple of others).

Oh yeah, and here's the obligatory comment that if these nd a home in
your campaign, also let me know. It's nice to hear that these lihle
[dbits are actually seeing use :-)

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es (collect 'em all):
[Mail me for them, if you missed 'em when they were rst posted]


Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury,

Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan
[Daily Deity, Overview] Idunn, Odin, Thor
Kuan Yu
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 22:12:20 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Priests/Healers of Idunn

Idunn (Sunlight, Benign, Ordered, Major God)

Idunn is the healer of the Norse gods and the guardian of the golden
apples which prevent the Aesir from aging, and she is the wife of Bragi,
the Skald of the Aesir. She was once betrayed to the Giants by Loki,
only to be rescued by him later. She has also come to be associated with
the spring, the season of renewal, and her name is praised in rites
celebra[ng the breaking of the snows and the coming warmth.

Idunn's priests and priestesses act as the healers of their communi[es,
and they open preside over the rites of spring. They are forbidden to
deny anyone their services, but they are not required to ac[vely seek
out those in need of healing, nor are they sworn against just violence.
Most of her clergy prac[ce the arts of First Aid and Herbalism, and with
increased contact with the east, they have incorporated Medicine,
Oriental into their normal training.

NOTE: For the healers and priests of Idunn, the Grade II, Basic Tutelary
Cas[ng "Healing, Minor Formula" is Grade I. This altered form of the
cas[ng may not be taught to any not sworn to Idunn's service, and only
her priests may learn it.

Grade I:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 limb R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This cantrip, designed to aid in the sejng of bones, assists the
healer by aligning the bones correctly and shiping fragments and shards
(if any) into the correct place, allowing a splint or cast to be placed
on the limb with the bones correctly set.

Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: By means of this cas[ng, the priest causes instant cleansing,

scabbing, and the beginning of healing to open wounds (it cannot be

applied aper someone has received the applica[on of the First Aid K/S
Area). Although it heals but a single point of Physical damage, it
prevents further blood loss and complica[ons due to infec[on. It is
ineec[ve against non-natural wounds (such as a specially enchanted
weapon which inicts wounds which do not close).

Grade II:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Formula restores points lost due to Physical damage to the
selected subject (which may be the caster) at the rate of 2D6 points of
damage per 10 STEEP points of the caster.

Time: 1 AT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Charm oers absolute protec[on against magickal aging of
any sort for the dura[on of the cas[ng. While natural aging (if
signicant) con[nues, magickal aging, such as that due to a curse or
magickal eect, is prevented. This will not lip a curse which causes
rapid aging, but it will temporarily halt the eects.

Grade III:
Time: 1 day per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 fruit R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 25:1 per addi[onal fruit
E/F/M: By means of this Formula, the priest seals the power of healing
within the skin of a fruit. The eects will remain, provided the fruit
is undamaged, for up to 1 day per 10 STEEP possessed by the caster, or
un[l it is consumed. Each such enchanted fruit, when eaten, will
restore 2D6 points of damage against each TRAIT (Mental, Physical, and
Spiritual). Note that the fruit must be ripe, but it will not spoil
while the enchantment remains; dried fruit simply will not serve!
Addi[onal fruit may be enchanted, at a cost of 25 Heka per addi[onal
fruit to a maximum of one fruit per 10 points of STEEP possessed by the

Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Formula restores points lost due to Physical damage to the
selected subject (which may be the caster) at the rate of 4D6 points of
damage per 10 STEEP points of the caster.

Grade IV:
Time: Special Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
Materia Cost: 1 golden apple worth at least 500 BUCs
E/F/M: This thirty-minute ritual, which must be performed without any
interferance and in a calm and secluded place, heals all Mental,
Physical, and Spiritual damage which has been suered by the subject.
In the course of the ritual, the golden apple is marked to represent all
the wounds of the subject, and then it is melted in a consecrated re,
and the wounds heal as this happens. No one may receive this ritual more
than once per month, or they risk the doubling of all wounds currently
inicted upon them.

Grade V:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
Materia Cost: 10 golden apples worth 1,000 BUCs each
E/F/M: This very sacred hour-long ritual is performed only for the
greatest services rendered to the priesthood. It youthen the recipient
ten years, removing all nega[ve aspects of the aging without aec[ng
knowledge, experience, or skills. This ritual may never be performed
more than once by any given priest of Idunn, and no one may receive the
benets of this ritual more than once in their life[me.

I'm not sure that this is my best crea[on. In my games, healing has
been con[nually fairly lacking, even with one or more priests in a given
party. My fear is that perhaps the above cas[ngs go too far and make
combat a frivolous decision, with guaranteed healing aperwards, but I
don't think they're unbalanced in the grand scheme of things. Aper all,
if a dying opponent reaches up and whispers 'Healer' to a priest of
Idunn, he must tend for that opponent as well as his companions! I hope
they work out and don't prove unbalanced.

And, hey, if they do, let me know. I love to hear that these lihle
oerings are of use to people :-) Successes, failures, grand pageantry,
whatever the use, it's always nice to hear it :-) (And if you think I
just threw the game completely out of whack, I'd s[ll like hear from ya)

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es (collect 'em all):
[Mail me for them, if you missed 'em when they were rst posted]

Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury,
Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan
[Daily Deity, Overview] Idunn, Odin, Thor
Kuan Yu
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 00:29:36 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Dei[es: Conversions

I've been giving the conversion issue a bit of thought. I gure the only
way for someone to convert to the worship of another pantheon is through
forcible "at swordpoint" conversion. The kind that happens when an area
is conquered by a foreign people who decide to impose their religion on
the conquered people. The other method is for the deity in ques[on to
prove his power to a worshipper directly. Someone who worships the
AEgyp[an pantheon is dying of thirst in the wastelands west of Babylonia
and comes upon an oasis with an idol of Enki (Babylonia/Sumerian) is
likely to convert to the worship of Enki, especially if Enki speaks to him
and tells him that he has saved him from death for whatever reason.

Missionaries, unless armed and backed by a conquering army would be simply
laughed at.

Just my thoughts,

It is raining en[erly too much out there.
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 11:10:13 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Dei[es: Conversions

I think Dan has picked out the two major ways of conversion in a world where
compe[ng Gods are real: force and favors. But I think there are some
interes[ng subtypes that Dan didn't men[on.

1) Avatar Contests - Minus Gretch, preist of Tomunga the War God travels
through the hinterlands conver[ng tribes of barbarian warriors. He walks
into a village, says "My God is beher". The Barbarians laugh, and Minus
says "If your God is so tough, let's see your preist beat me up." If Minus
wins, he can claim a superior God since the barbarian's preist lost on his
home court. Conversions follow. No one wants to back a loser. Non-violent

varia[ons might be "Oh yeah? Well if your god is so powerful and generous,
lets see your preist do this!" 'this' can be anything from ridding a eld
of pests to restoring sight to the blind.

2) Beher Beni's - this is a natural outcome of the non-violent avatar
contest. What it comes down to is "Hey Fred, join our cult. We have orgies
every tuesday and our God keeps our beds free of bedbugs."
"No thanks, we already got the bed-bug coverage, and we get an open bar at
our tuesday night orgie."
Gods try and pick up worshippers by increasing the benets they grant to
them, as opposed to other Gods. Kind of a free market economy for Gods.
This is a dangerous precident, since it can lead to gods being the
supplicants to the masses of worshippers. I suggest a clear demarca[on of
powers and realms of inuence to nip this in the bud. One God oers sex,
another booze, another wieght loss, another clear sailing, etc. Average
people will probably end up worshipping many gods.

Then, as Dan men[oned, there are the "Convert or Die!" and the "Gee, you
look like you could use a hand, but it'll cost you" strategies. Both very
eec[ve and [me honored methods.

Mah B.
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 13:48:08 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: [Adventure] Omen of the Black Dragon

[Ryan, you may not want to read this, it does contain some small hints of
what is yet to happen in our game]

Omen of the Black Dragon
Mike Phillips

[Once again, I nd it necessary to make a prefatory remark or two.
This adventure was run aper The Scarlet Scarring, and like its
predecessor, it owes its existence to John R. Troy
<>. He came up with the original idea, I just
eshed it out into a module-like format. This is not to say that I
never come up with an original adventure, merely that he has given me a
lot of useful stu while I've been developing background and other

Player's Introduc[on:

HP's with any of the following K/S Areas will experience a dream:
Astrology, Divina[on, Fortune Telling, Mys[cism, or Priestcraep.

> A strange dream invades your sleep. It begins with a view of the sea,
> extending to the horizon, waves gently rolling across your vision.
> Then, you see clouds forming, and a sinuous, black rep[le, with a long
> body and fearsome snout, tears its way free of the waves. Floa[ng in
> the air above the water, it looks about, almost as if frightened. If
> you are not mistaken, it appears to be a stylized dragon, not unlike
> those found on heraldic symbols.
> The clouds con[nue to roil, forming into a dark mass, from which
> pounces a giant black cat. The dragon makes an ahempt to dodge, but
> the cat chases it. The black clouds issue forth a horrible serpent,
> which rains insects and demons. The dragon, in its ahempt to escape,
> destroys many of these foes, but it is eventually subdued by the giant
> cat.
> In the background, at the edge of the waters, you see land. In fact,
> if you are not mistaken, it appears to be the coastline of Vargaard! A
> roar, or perhaps plea, for help issues from the dragon as it is
> swallowed by the cat, and then the vision fades, and you awaken.

The Markthegn, your employer, summons you the morning following this
strange dream. He gestures to one of his advisors. "Guillaume is my
chief Diviner, as you may know. He has worked long and hard to come
into contact with Taknari Chang, a powerful and aged indentured servant
from Ch'in, who has served his masters willingly."
He clears his throat. "Un[l recently, that is. He is now enslaved,
and employed by a dishonorable man. He seeks escape, warning that all
Vargaard must beware the coming of Darkness. His intent is to aid us,
for he believes that the Evil will appear here rst." Tarrant shakes
his head. sighing. "He is currently being held on a ship, registered in
Hispanola, and your job is to get him o."
As you consider ques[ons to ask, he holds up a hand. "Discre[on is
very important. I cannot stress that enough. A war with Hispanola
would wreck this na[on, economically if not militarily. To that end,
you will be given one of the most precious items from the state arsenal,
our ying carpet. Also, you will be given a small rod which has been
ahuned to Taknari's spirit. You can use it to track him. Regrehably,
we do not know where the ship currently is, although Taknari's
communica[on indicated that it might be docked at Falcondon."
He stands, concluding, "It is extremely important that discre[on is
exercised, and that he is brought to us safely. That is why I am
entrus[ng him to you. Best of luck, and my seneschal will conduct you
to the arsenal to collect the carpet." He and his advisors sweep from
the room.

JM's Introduc[on:

This adventure takes place in the harbor of Lisolet, the second-largest
city in Grandmark. The adventure is designed for 4 to 6 beginning HP's,
probably with fewer than 20 AP/G's apiece. Note that a cleverly-played
Morlaxa vs. inexperienced players playing Heka-users will probably

overmatch them. Keep in mind her tendency to 'toy' with her vic[ms,
and the desire to tantalize and torture rather than kill.

I. Falcondon's Harbor

Finding the vessel on which Taknari is imprisoned is a trivial task,
although the HP's should approach it with some cau[on (aper all,
Grandmark and Falcondonia are quietly preparing for war with each
other). The situa[on should be tense, and the HP's should hopefully
manage to get to Falcondon, probably by ying and over the water, under
the cover of night.
The Markthegn's informa[on is correct, and, among the many vessels at
anchor and docked, there is a carrak registered to Hispanola in the name
of Don Canbuva. The vessel, the Conquistador, sways gently where it is
moored. Regardless of the [me of night, two crew-members are on watch,
one fore and one ap, calling out to each other every peen minutes.
If it is early in the evening, the crew will likely be carousing, as
they have several days yet before they leave. However, the harbor is
patrolled by two small skis of Falcondonian men-at-arms, the Harbor
Guard. They are on the look out for smugglers and other suspicious
If the HP's are pa[ent, they will discover that day[me is a bad [me
to ahack (too many witnesses), in the early evening the vessel is
nearly deserted, but there are harbor guards around, but in the wee
hours of the morning, the vessel (like all of the harbor) is quiet and
s[ll. This is, indeed, the best [me to approach (the crew will mostly
be asleep, the mercenaries will likely be asleep as well, although
Morlaxa might actually be awake).
The Conquistador will depart one week aper the HP's arrive in
Falcondon, heading towards Wildedge, should the HP's wait that long.

II. The Carrak Conquistador

The Conquistador is an impressive vessel, and its current crew numbers
about 150 (fairly small for a vessel this size). There is a complement
of 20 Dakhlan mercenaries on board as well, all under the command of Don
Canbuva (who, in turn, is working with Morlaxa, so her commands are
obeyed as well). The crew will generally not be predisposed to
moles[ng the HP's, provided that they avoid moles[ng the crew.
However, the sentries will call out an alert should the HP's be seen
sneaking on board, and that will rouse the alarm.

Provided the HP's have not lost the wand, they will be able to locate
the cabin which holds Taknari with ease (it is a room near the Captain's
quarters in the ap sec[on of the vessel). The door is locked, but it
is easily opened from the outside (the key is hanging on the wall).
Opening the door without murmuring the word "Morlaxa" will cause the
Trigger Eect lain on the door to take eect, which sends a silent
alarm to Morlaxa. She will instantly be aware that the door has been
inappropriately opened, and she will undertake some Divina[on Cas[ngs

to determine who is seeing Taknari.

Taknari is easily un[ed and released, although he will be missing all
of his equipment and components. Fortunately, he has lain a specic
cas[ng of his own devising upon certain pieces, and he knows their
direc[on at all [mes. It is a trivial maher to nd the room holding
that chest, also a locked room (this [me, however, the key is not
hanging on the wall), an ocer's study.

Within the room, the chest stands on a table, and there are a couple
chairs scahered about. It is otherwise unfurnished. The chest has a
par[cularly complicated series of Triggered Eects and mul[-part
dweomers. First. a second silent alarm will alert Morlaxa to the
current state of aairs, and she will waken (and sober) the Captain if
he is asleep (see III. Final Confronta[on for full details). Second,
it will summon an Atlantlan Spirit Warrior (see OP's sec[on for full
details). If this is an inadequate challenge for the HP's, feel free to
make it two or three. Third, it will cause a magickal silence within
the connes of the room, to last for a full hour. The upshot of the
laher will be that the players cannot communicate their ac[ons to one
another and should submit ac[ons by note, and any specically verbal
eect (e.g. a command word) cannot be performed. All ahacks and
Cas[ngs will otherwise go o normally. Any and all Percep[on checks
should be made at least at one DR more dicult, if not several
(depending on how important auditory clues might be).

At any rate, aper defea[ng the Spirit Warrior, they will likely ee
towards their carpet in order to escape. A surprise or two awaits them

III. Final Confronta[on

Upon receiving the rst silent alarm, Morlaxa will immediately awaken
(if asleep, which she will not be during most of the night), and she
will head to the Captain's quarters, where she will awaken and sober him
as necessary. Upon receiving the second alarm, knowing that the
inltrators are in an area of silence, she will quickly gather the
Dakhlan mercenaries and seek out their means of egress (such as the
carpet), and she will gather them there.
In the mean[me, the Cap[an will take a quick look at his crew, and if
it looks like they have been abused or some members slain, he will rouse
them to defend the ship. Note that the crew will be unlikely to ght,
unless one or more of them are slain or otherwise injured. If they are
simply put to sleep or conned, they will probably not be angry enough
to do anything about it. Either way, Don Canbuva will seek out Morlaxa
and join her. If the HP's are very quick, they will reach the carpet,
Morlaxa, and the mercenaries before he does, although he will join them
about 10 CT's later.
By the [me the HP's reach the carpet, Morlaxa will have summoned an
Air Elemental (or possibly a Water Elemental, although the laher is
unlikely if she has found the carpet), and the 20 mercenaries and the

witch will certainly be ready for the HP's.

The exact direc[on taken in the combat will vary considerably by the
party, but Morlaxa will be concerned with self-preserva[on enough that
the mercenaries will be between her and the HP's, and the Air Elemental
will ank them. If/when she becomes seriously threatened, and it is
obvious that they are losing, she will dive overboard (protected by her
Cape) and swim some distance away (completely submerged, since she can
breathe water while wearing the Cape and expending small amounts of
Heka), only to bring out her Broom and y away.
Don Canbuva will assault the HP's with fury, although he will ee if
pressed and ahempt to gather the crew (if he has not already done so).
Note that if he is accompanied by the crew, the HP's will have a
par[cularly dicult [me, but the crew can probably be frightened
away by the HP's providing a really ashy show of devasta[ng magick.
If overwhelmed, the HP's will be imprisoned and sold to a slave caravan
in a short while.

If the HP's are successful in escaping, and Morlaxa is s[ll alive, she
will implore her Master to send a Sky Serpent aper them. The request
will be granted, and possibly more than one will be sent if life isn't
challenging enough already for the HP's. Unless immobilized and somehow
slain, Morlaxa will likely become a long-term villain, as she does not
take defeat easily.

IV. Loose Ends/Other Threads

The Markthegn will be pleased if Taknari is delivered to him, and he
will promptly employ the diviner. Taknari will warn that evil is
clouding the horizon, but he is uncertain what shape it may take. The
carpet will need to be returned to the Markthegn's arsenal (it is, aper
all, intended primarily for important state missions). If the HP's
successfully take the Shocksword from Don Canbuva, or any of the devices
or paraphernalia from Morlaxa, they will be permihed to keep it.
If victory is total, the EP's slain or captured, the pursuing ends
destroyed, Taknari recovered, and a major interna[onal incident
avoided, an award of 15 to 20 AP/G's (depending on the [me required to
complete the mission) should not be unresonable. However, since Morlaxa
will ee if obviously facing defeat, and a major confronta[on is
likely to kick up a s[nk, this is a very unlikely outcome!
If Taknari is delivered to the Markthegn, and things go fairly well,
the HP's deserve around 10 AP/G's (half that if an interna[onal
incident is started, a bare 2 AP/G's if war is precipitated).
If the HP's are forced to retreat, leaving Taknari in the hands of the
EP's, then they should be given a second chance, provided they pursue
the vessel. Give them 2 or 3 AP/G's for trying, then half their earned
reward upon successful comple[on of the mission.

As for the evil threatening Vargaard, it is up to the JM. One very
obvious sugges[on (and the one I am using, at least for now, in my own
campaign) is that the evil [de will be directed by an Atlantlan ancient

and evil power. The same one, in fact, with whom Morlaxa and her mentor
signed Pacts, and possibly the same Fiend behind some (or all) of the
covens in Falcondonia. Worse, the forces employed by this evil being
are linked to the Accursed, and to certain Unseelie creatures (including
a band of Slaugh which will ahempt to inltrate Grandmark by oering
to become advisors to the current Markthegn, Tarrant!)

V. Magick Items and New Cas[ngs

The following are several magickal items encountered in the Omen of the
Black Dragon, and they are unique to this module. In addi[on, a
Cas[ng used by Morlaxa (but not found anywhere on the vessel) is
detailed as well.

The Shocksword: This long sword appears ordinary, except for the
beau[ful sapphire in its hilt and the slight blue [nt to the blade.
In bahle, it causes damage as per a normal long sword, plus 1D6 points
of Electrical damage (which can quickly prove telling against a
heavily-armored opponent). In addi[on, the shocksword is able to throw
up to six bolts of lightning per day. The rst lightning bolt is at no
cost, but each addi[onal lightning bolt costs 10 Heka per bolt for each
addi[onal bolt thrown (i.e. 10 for the second bolt, 30 (10+20) for the
third, 60 (10+20+30) for the fourth, and so on). This Heka is drawn
from the persona wielding the blade. In no case may the blade throw
more than six bolts in any given 24 hour period. Each bolt of lightning
causes 6D6 points of Electrical PD, emanates from the [p of the blade,
and reaches as far as a full rod. The bolt is a mere ve feet wide, so
it is unlikely that more tha two people can be caught by it.

The Flying Carpet: By means of a command word, the pilot may establish a
temporary link with the carpet, which allows him to concentrate on the
carpet and direct its movement. While so direc[ng, the pilot may not
engage in any other ac[vity that requires any amount of concentra[on
(such as weaving a Cas[ng or combat), unless he sets the carpet on a
straight course and makes no further adjustments.

Dweomercraep, General (Grade III)
Morlaxa's Unbreakable Silence Cantrip
Time: 1 CT per STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: sphere, 1 rod radius per 10 STEEP R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 chain Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Cantrip causes all sound within the area to be completely
silenced, causing dicul[es with coordina[on of eort and
communica[on. Cas[ngs can s[ll be focused (unless they have a
specic verbal component, such as naming a True Name, or a Command must
be delivered to the subject) with no addi[onal penalty, but Percep[on
is stunted because of the lack of audial clues.

VI. OP's

Crew members
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 70, WL: 52, CL: 63 S: 60, EL: 48
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 35 PN: 35 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 17 PNCap: 17 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 9 MRPow: 9 PMPow: 14 PNPow: 14 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 14 PNSpd: 14 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9
Ini[a[ve Modiers: -6 with short sword

Ahack FAC Ahacks/CT DT Damage
Short Sword 27 3/2 P 3D6

Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 3 5 2 5 5 1 5
Super 3 5 2 5 5 1 5
Vital 3 5 2 5 5 1 5
Non 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Average 2 3 1 3 3 0 3
Armor: Clothing, treat as Byrnie
Average Armor: 2

The crew serves the Conquistador rst, and Hispanola second. While
they are privateers (or at least crew on a privateering vessel), they
will look out for themselves rst and each other second. They will
likely ee from a serious-looking party that is well-armed and armored,
although they can be incensed if signicantly aronted or if one of
their number is slain. They are easily spooked by signicant displays
of magick.

Dakhlan Mercenaries
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 75, WL: 56, CL: 67 S: 60, EL: 48
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 45 PN: 30 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 17 PNCap: 12 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 9 MRPow: 9 PMPow: 14 PNPow: 9 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 14 PNSpd: 9 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9
Ini[a[ve Modiers: -2 with long sword

Ahack FAC Ahacks/CT DT Damage
Long Sword 36 3/2 C/P 4D6

Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 13 25 9 11 9 11 -6
Super 12 37 24 11 11 13 -13
Vital 10 20 7 8 8 8 -3
Non 11 22 8 9 7 11 -6
Average 11 26 12 9 8 10 -7

Armor: Chain, Byrnie, Skull Cap (iron), Camail, Boots

Average Armor: 9

The Dakhlan Mercenaries report to Don Canbuva rst and Morlaxa second.
They will almost certainly not be encountered (since they bunk fore and
Taknari is in the ap compartments) un[l the very end. They are
dedicated to their commission and well aware that there is nowhere for
them to run on the boat, and that neither Morlaxa nor Don Canbuva will
be nice to them if they ee. They will ght to the death if put into
such a situa[on (although they will surrender honorably if and only if
they are deni[vely losing and are oered the chance).

Don Canbuva (Privateer)
Voca[on: Pirate
SEC: 7
M: 92, EL: 73 P: 106, WL: 79, CL: 95 S: 74, EL: 59
MM: 46 MR: 46 PM: 53 PN: 53 SM: 40 SP: 34
MMCap: 16 MRCap: 16 PMCap: 19 PNCap: 19 SMCap: 14 SPCap: 14
MMPow: 16 MRPow: 16 PMPow: 17 PNPow: 17 SMPow: 13 SPPow: 10
MMSpd: 14 MRSpd: 14 PMSpd: 17 PNSpd: 17 SMSpd: 13 SPSpd: 10
Ahrac[veness: 12
Joss: 5
Ini[a[ve Modiers: -5 for Shocksword

Major K/S Areas:
Combat, Hand Weapons 51
Combat, HTH Lethal 51
Combat, Hand Weapons, Missile 51
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical 41
Seamanship 51
Naviga[on 51
Swimming/Diving 41
Endurance 41

Ahack FAC Ahacks/CT DT Damage
Shocksword 57 2/CT C/P 4D6+8*
* plus 1D6 points of Electrical damage

Armor Chart:
Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 18 39 21 13 13 20 -13
Super 15 34 19 10 12 17 -10
Vital 10 20 7 8 8 8 -3
Non 14 28 14 11 11 13 -10
Average 14 30 14 10 11 14 -9
Average Armor: 12
Armor: Crested Helm, Brassarts, Chausses, Camail, Boots, Byrnie,
Chainmail (If he has [me, or is used as a con[nuing villian, note that

he would normally weare more - this assumes a night-[me ahack and

minimal [me to put on armor)

Heka-Genera[on Chart:
K/S Area STEEP Heka Generated Notes
Fortune Telling 31 31 + 10 = 41
Endurance 41 41 + 17 = 58
Pantheology 33 33 + 0 = 33
Total 238 (including P TRAIT)

Don Canbuva is a domineering man, and he is the Captain of the
Conquistador (assigned to the vessel aper the death of the previous
Captain). He is a good and eec[ve leader, both on land and at sea,
and he is commihed to Hispanola. He is moderately protec[ve of
Morlaxa, although he is well-aware that she can generally take care of
herself. He is prone to drink, however, and he spends many evenings
sleeping o the eects of a night of rowdy partying.

Don Canbuva will likely not have much [me to get into his armor, so he
will throw on the pieces men[oned above very quickly, grab his magickal
sword and begin rallying the crew. In general, he will ght un[l it
is obvious that he is losing, at which point he will ee (and try to
rally crew or mercenaries, as necessary). If he has [me, he will throw
on some other armor (some greaves, epillirons, breastplate, gauntlets,

Morlaxa (Elemental Mage & Witchcraeper)
Voca[on: Mage (Elemental School)
SEC: 5
M: 118, EL: 94 P: 76, WL: 57, CL: 68 S: 100, EL: 80
MM: 58 MR: 58 PM: 38 PN: 38 SM: 50 SP: 50
MMCap: 20 MRCap: 20 PMCap: 14 PNCap: 14 SMCap: 18 SPCap: 18
MMPow: 20 MRPow: 20 PMPow: 12 PNPow: 12 SMPow: 16 SPPow: 16
MMSpd: 18 MRSpd: 18 PMSpd: 12 PNSpd: 12 SMSpd: 16 SPSpd: 16
Ahrac[veness: 18
Joss: 9

Major K/S Areas:
Combat, Hand Weapons 31
Espionage 30
Subterranean Orienta[on 30

Heka-Genera[on Chart:
K/S Area STEEP Heka Generated Notes
Dweomercraep, General 61 61 + 118 = 179
Dweomercraep, Elemental 61 61 + 58 = 668
Dweomercraep, Black 51 51 + 20 = 71
Witchcraep 51 51x5 + 50 = 305 Pact (x5)

Divina[on 41 41 + 18 = 59
Sorcery 21 21 + 16 = 37
Conjura[on 41 41 + 16 = 57
Alchemy 34 34 + 50 = 84
Astrology 34 34 + 18 = 52
Exorcism 31 31 + 18 = 49
Heka-Forging 31 31 + 38 = 69
Magick 61 61 + 118 = 179
Metaphysics 34 34 + 18 = 52
Pantheology 30 30 + 0 = 30
Demonology 34 34 + 20 = 54
Gemsmith/Lapidary 31 31 + 12 = 43
Occul[sm 31 31 + 0 = 31 Total 1687 (incl M&S

Morlaxa is a vile being, evil through to her very cold heart. She has
tormented and teased Taknari, countering his Cas[ngs with her own. She
forged a Pact with an Atlantlan Ancient Master, and she has been granted
a mul[plier of 5 as a result. In addi[on, she is able to summon
certain Netherbeings, although her Pact is very strict over when she can
summon them.
Perhaps the darkest secret she possesses is that her mentor, a vile and
evil witch from the wilds of Falcondonia, is also an agent of the
Accursed. While Morlaxa is, as yet, unaware of the full extent of that
par[cular loosely-knit organiza[on, she is vaguely aware that her
mentor's colleagues are planning something devasta[ng for the con[nent
of Vargaard, beginning in Grandmark.
Note: It is probably easiest for the JM to give her just about every
Cas[ng for each K/S Area, and take [me prior to running the adventure
to work through which are readied and which she would likely use (based
on the JM, the players, and the HP's). A few sugges[ons are below.

Morlaxa is endishly clever, but she also has a tendency to apply that
cleverness to new ways of torturing other people. She will have cast an
Armor, Physical and Armor, Heka on herself immediately before any
confronta[on, with 100 points of each. In addi[on, she has an Armor,
Mental and Armor, Spiritual awai[ng their Triggers (Mental and
Spiritual damage, respec[vely), each also at 100 points. Also, she has
a Flight Cantrip Triggered, wai[ng for her to twist her hands in a
unique way, so that she can y with eec[vely no no[ce.
She will ee if it appears that things are going against her, taking
full advantage of her Witch's Cape (see Mythus Magick for full details)
and swimming away if necessary. She will gloat and counter her
opponents (or match them Cas[ng for Cas[ng, if she can), lejng her
minions do the primary work. If in a situa[on where it is obvious that
she is winning, she will oer her opponents a chance to surrender, in
which case she will imprison them to the best of her considerable

Morlaxa possesses a Ring of Hardiness, which grants her average armor

of 10 against all ahacks, as well as a miniaturized Broom secreted on
her person and her Cape. She also has two philtres of darkness (see
Mythus Magick for eects).

VII. Monstrous Things

Spirit Warrior
Iden[er: Spirit
Size: Human size
Modes & Rates of Movement: Human Standard
Ini[a[ve Modiers: -14 with Spear
Invulnerabili[es: Nil
Suscep[bili[es: Nil
Quirks: Nil
Ahrac[veness: Average
Average Armor Protec[on: 9
Heka-engendered: 100 (one-[me)

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 80, WL: 60, CL: 72 S: 60, EL: 48
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 40 PN: 40 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 14 PNCap: 14 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 12 MRPow: 12 PMPow: 13 PNPow: 13 SMPow: 12 SPPow: 12
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 13 PNSpd: 13 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9

Weapon FAC #AT DT Base
Spear 51 3/2 P 4D6+2

Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 10 15 15 15 15 20 -10
Super 12 18 17 17 17 21 -7
Vital 16 25 23 18 18 23 -13
Non 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Average 9 14 13 12 12 16 -7

This is a spirit summoned by Morlaxa to guard the chest of Taknari's
possessions. It was once a proud Atlantlan warrior, and it s[ll
possesses some of the skills that made it such a ne warrior. It is
similar to the Medium's Spirit Warrior, brought by the Spirit Warrior
Cantrip, although there are some minor modica[ons since it was a gip
from Morlaxa's Master.

Air Elemental
Iden[er: Elemental, Major

Habitat: Elemental Plane of Air

Modes & Rates of Movement:
Ini[a[ve Modiers: -10
Non-magickal weapons
Quirks: Nil
Average Armor Protec[on:

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 250, CL: 225 S: 60, EL: 48
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 125 PN: 125 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 45 PNCap: 45 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 12 MRPow: 12 PMPow: 40 PNPow: 40 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 40 PNSpd: 40 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9

Natural Weapons:
Weapon BAC #AT DT Damage
Natural Forces 50 2/CT * 5D6
* wind (Cut) or lightning (Electric)

Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 40 40 40 0 0 40 *
Super 30 30 30 0 0 30 *
Vital 20 20 20 0 0 20 *
Non 10 10 10 0 0 10 *
Average 25 25 25 0 0 25 *
* Invulnerable

The Air Elemental is serving Morlaxa, and it will ahack as commanded by her.

Atlantlan Sky Serpent
Iden[er: Serpent, Minor
Habitat: Nether Planes-Pandemonium
Size: 12 x man-size
Modes & Rates of Movement:
Slither: 68 yds/BT
Walk: 136 yds/BT
Run: 272 yds/BT
Fly: 336 yds/BT
Ini[a[ve Modiers: Normal, but see Powers

All non-enchanted weapons (except gold)
Insinua[on: Silver (x2)
Exposure: Direct sunlight or equivalent (D6+1 PD/CTs Daze aper 2 BTs)
Quirks: Nil
Ahrac[veness: -9 = Blasphemous
(check vs. SM CATEGORY at: Dazing = "Hard"; Fleeing = "Dicult";
Insanity = "Hard")
Average Armor Protec[on: Nil
Heka-Engendered: 6
Dodging/Avoidance: Nil, 20/15/10

Natural Weapons:
Ahacks BAC DT Base
Poison Breath* 35 Poison 66**
Bite 40 P 9D3+9
Constric[on 30 B 3D3+3***
* 2-yard range, 1 target
** One-[me instant
*** Constric[on will, in addi[on to inic[ng damage, seize its
vic[m on the ini[al strike and con[nue to damage him automa[cally
each CT aper that un[l the vic[m dies, the ahacker takes over its CL
in Physical damage, or the ahacker decides to release the subject. The
subsequent damage is Impact.

Darkseeing (as daylight)
Heal Self (3D3 points of PD each Bahle Turn)
Shape Change (to human/Serpent form 2/day)
Silent Movement (Slithering)
Wound, Mental/Spiritual (by Gaze, 1-chain range, if not otherwise
using another ahack form, damage 6D3, 6 total of both/day)

Cas[ng Ability:
Priestcraep, Gloomy Darkness, Grades I - VI, 680 Heka available

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M: 120, EL: 96 P: 680, WL: 510, CL: 120 S: 120, EL: 96
MM: 60 MR: 60 PM: 340 PN: 340 SM: 60 SP: 60
MMCap: 20 MRCap: 20 PMCap: 120 PNCap: 120 SMCap: 20 SPCap: 20
MMPow: 20 MRPow: 20 PMPow: 40 PNPow: 40 SMPow: 20 SPPow: 20
MMSpd: 20 MRSpd: 20 PMSpd: 180* PNSpd: 180* SMSpd: 20 SPSpd: 20

Armor Scheme:

Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.

Ultra 16 24 32 * * 32 12
Super 12 18 24 * * 24 9
Vital 8 12 16 * * 16 6
Non 4 6 8 * * 20 *
Average 10 15 20 * * 20 *
* Invulnerable

A Serpent of this sort, a Minor one, is a very nasty thing indeed, and
its opponents should be happy they aren't facing a more potent one! The
Serpent's head resembles a cross between a snake's and a crocodile's,
with long front fangs as has a snake, and rows of lesser teeth besides.
The creature has an Ophidian body some 50 feet long, about 2 feet in
diameter at its thickest part. Set along the middle third of the body,
the thickest por[on, are 6 pairs of legs of the sort which enable the
Serpent to move at either a sprawling or erect gait, or slither
noiselessly along ways no bigger than 2.2 foot diameter. It also has
the ability to y magickally.
Its intelligence allows it to use a Gaze ahack to weaken foes not
driven from its presence by the very sight of the Serpent. It will then
move to ahack at close quarters, ahemp[ng to constrict one opponent
while it assails another with breath and fang.
Sky Serpents of this sort are minor servants of the Atlantlan Ancient
Masters, and they are never encountered without some sort of Atlantlan
deital interference.
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 15:00:53 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Item rumors con[nue

The following item rumors were created by G.P.


The Wonderful Wine Country of Burgundy:

The taste of polished classical elegance one gets from drinking
pale Mossel wines is never expereinced before anywhere in the world. THe
country of Burgundy should be complimented for its incredible wine, for it is
to be yet bested. Unfortunately this is as far as my compliment fo for this
Kingdom of the North. Never before have I ever been robbed, three [me I tell
you, in any country but Burgundy. The villians here run loose, so watch your

money pursed while walking in the beau[ful countryside. Be assured t he next

[me I go here I shall have a dozen bodyguards at my side. In Metz I stayed
with my friend Treton Saran a noble of considerable wealth and power in the
Burgundy poli[cal realm. We spent a many of nights talking of the intrigues
of the court here in his country. I must admit the majority of the prople I
know , from all dierent types of countries they come from, have onthing in
common, the abilty of gejng in trouble in the poli[cal mess of their
country. My friend Treton tells me of the rumor that the Dukes of Luxemburg
are preparing a plot to break away from Burgundy and to unite with Flanders.
The kicker in this story is the fact that they are taking with them the THE
SIGN OF THE PALADINS, The Saviors, a group of Paladins of great honor and
reputa[on, The Saviors based in Luxemburg are planning to break away, and have
the Banner. THis powerful item is said to be a banner, a large magical pole
that stand 12 feet tale in the air when carred, a blue ag with whilte circle
with a golden sword that is in the middle, make up the rest of the banner. For
the amount of bahles this item has served in it s[ll looks brand new. It can
be easily carred by one man, it is said to be a great honor to be the falg
carrier when going into bahle. It is said that no harm, physical, magical,
spiristual or otherwise can ever eect the person carrying the banner. Ithe
banner gives the paladins such morale in combat that each man ghts like ve
men. It is also said that each paladin has his spiritual, physical and mental
abli[es doubled while in combat. Stories have been trickling down from some
of the survivors of the Francian Army that had clashed with Burgundy in a
bahle 23 years ago. Stories are that when the Saviors went into combat, only
700 of them went, that there was this harmony that surrounded them
and a light blue globe that surrounded them. IT was said that when they marched
through towns that the hos[le popula[ons there would be overwhelmed with
compassion to join there worthy cause. It was stated that when the ylep
Luxemburg the yhad only 700 men, but by the [me they reached the bahle eld
and faced the French Army, they easily numbered 10,000 gh[ng men. The
Paladin army outnumbered the french army 5 to 1. The bahle lasted only hours
before the surprised French had to make a tac[cal ee and broke ranks
, some eeing and other soldiers went to teh palading side.

Here are the other stories of the powerful items rumored to exist in Burgundy:


This mighty sword made from the gods themselves is in the hands of
Robert the 8th. It has been in the family for 2 genera[ons, it is rather to
my surprise a weapon forged in the mountains of the mysterious land of the
Inca's. How and why it is here in Burgundy, is not my guess to make. The
dukes of Vesoul, Mainz, Colmar and Epinal are all very loyal and very willingly
to die for the RObert. Yet this has not always been the case, when Robert the
8th took over power 11 years ago, the dukes that were there before the ones I
men[oned challanged his power, and plohed against him. and were ready to
take power by force. Robert the 8th showed quickly how ruthless and
determined he was. I was rumored that he went into a rage of terror against
those who opposed him, and killed all of the dukes that did, and all died in
very unusuall manners. One of the servant from Vesoul said that he saw the

origiinal duke's body being ung at least a mile into the air,
and the body was never seen coming down. A guard from Epinal saw a strange
looking living thing jammed into a brass jar. IN another account it was siad
that the King was able to walk through walls, and that one whole levels of
castles disappeared aper Robert got through there. What kind of sword this
issuppse to be is very strange indeed, the accounts I have given to you I don't
believe, IT is my personal belief that he whole world would be beher o, if
there were no powerful items out there.


This wonderful library is said to have everykind of book that was
ever made, the nice thing about this library is that all books just appear
here, they never have to send for a copy of anything, what ever book is made in
any corner of the world it is sent here too. There are magical glassed one can
wear to understand any langauge that is wrihen here, a person and also use a
magical stone that is in the library to copy any book you want into a blank
book if you bring it instantly. You can nd any book in an instant, by using a
gold ball, no more searching for days for the book you want! Its amzing
someone has nally thought of how to organize books! It is said that anybody
who enters gains permemnent increases in the knowledge they are looking for,
masterery level in anything you want. How many you can get is unknown to
myself. I have seen the library with my own eyes, and it is a building not
made of our earthly world. I was going to go in before someone told me that
this library actually dual exists on the pheare plane also, and that anyone who
wants to use can, but must perform a service for a pheare race that takes a
year to do. With that I turned around and went back home, know >I knew why
many people just looked and did not enter.


This hand sized round object, when picked up allows the person to
use Astrology at a beyond mastery level, with great heka use and power. It is
said that when this is done though a some kind of summoned creature appears and
is let loose to its free will. For some reason this object is under lock and
key in the vaults of the Burgundy Royal Palace. It might have to do with a
small incident last summer about a unknown terror that spread throughout the
countryside killing thousands of people, it took 300 Paladins, The Saviors,
usin their Magickal Banner to stop and kill it. Nobody has talked about this
incident yet.
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 19:24:54 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Priests of Vulcan
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List

In-Reply-To: <>


Faberge, Vulcan's worshipper, eh? (there, I read them, happy?)

I wonder what he could do with a dragon's egg??? :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 19:22:55 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cas[ng list
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>


Thank you very much. That list will help those of us who don't have a
lot of [me to sort through it all... :) like me! :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 13:48:08 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: [Adventure] Omen of the Black Dragon

[Ryan, you may not want to read this, it does contain some small hints of
what is yet to happen in our game]

Omen of the Black Dragon
Mike Phillips

[Once again, I nd it necessary to make a prefatory remark or two.
This adventure was run aper The Scarlet Scarring, and like its
predecessor, it owes its existence to John R. Troy
<>. He came up with the original idea, I just

eshed it out into a module-like format. This is not to say that I

never come up with an original adventure, merely that he has given me a
lot of useful stu while I've been developing background and other

Player's Introduc[on:

HP's with any of the following K/S Areas will experience a dream:
Astrology, Divina[on, Fortune Telling, Mys[cism, or Priestcraep.

> A strange dream invades your sleep. It begins with a view of the sea,
> extending to the horizon, waves gently rolling across your vision.
> Then, you see clouds forming, and a sinuous, black rep[le, with a long
> body and fearsome snout, tears its way free of the waves. Floa[ng in
> the air above the water, it looks about, almost as if frightened. If
> you are not mistaken, it appears to be a stylized dragon, not unlike
> those found on heraldic symbols.
> The clouds con[nue to roil, forming into a dark mass, from which
> pounces a giant black cat. The dragon makes an ahempt to dodge, but
> the cat chases it. The black clouds issue forth a horrible serpent,
> which rains insects and demons. The dragon, in its ahempt to escape,
> destroys many of these foes, but it is eventually subdued by the giant
> cat.
> In the background, at the edge of the waters, you see land. In fact,
> if you are not mistaken, it appears to be the coastline of Vargaard! A
> roar, or perhaps plea, for help issues from the dragon as it is
> swallowed by the cat, and then the vision fades, and you awaken.

The Markthegn, your employer, summons you the morning following this
strange dream. He gestures to one of his advisors. "Guillaume is my
chief Diviner, as you may know. He has worked long and hard to come
into contact with Taknari Chang, a powerful and aged indentured servant
from Ch'in, who has served his masters willingly."
He clears his throat. "Un[l recently, that is. He is now enslaved,
and employed by a dishonorable man. He seeks escape, warning that all
Vargaard must beware the coming of Darkness. His intent is to aid us,
for he believes that the Evil will appear here rst." Tarrant shakes
his head. sighing. "He is currently being held on a ship, registered in
Hispanola, and your job is to get him o."
As you consider ques[ons to ask, he holds up a hand. "Discre[on is
very important. I cannot stress that enough. A war with Hispanola
would wreck this na[on, economically if not militarily. To that end,
you will be given one of the most precious items from the state arsenal,
our ying carpet. Also, you will be given a small rod which has been
ahuned to Taknari's spirit. You can use it to track him. Regrehably,
we do not know where the ship currently is, although Taknari's
communica[on indicated that it might be docked at Falcondon."
He stands, concluding, "It is extremely important that discre[on is
exercised, and that he is brought to us safely. That is why I am
entrus[ng him to you. Best of luck, and my seneschal will conduct you

to the arsenal to collect the carpet." He and his advisors sweep from
the room.

JM's Introduc[on:

This adventure takes place in the harbor of Lisolet, the second-largest
city in Grandmark. The adventure is designed for 4 to 6 beginning HP's,
probably with fewer than 20 AP/G's apiece. Note that a cleverly-played
Morlaxa vs. inexperienced players playing Heka-users will probably
overmatch them. Keep in mind her tendency to 'toy' with her vic[ms,
and the desire to tantalize and torture rather than kill.

I. Falcondon's Harbor

Finding the vessel on which Taknari is imprisoned is a trivial task,
although the HP's should approach it with some cau[on (aper all,
Grandmark and Falcondonia are quietly preparing for war with each
other). The situa[on should be tense, and the HP's should hopefully
manage to get to Falcondon, probably by ying and over the water, under
the cover of night.
The Markthegn's informa[on is correct, and, among the many vessels at
anchor and docked, there is a carrak registered to Hispanola in the name
of Don Canbuva. The vessel, the Conquistador, sways gently where it is
moored. Regardless of the [me of night, two crew-members are on watch,
one fore and one ap, calling out to each other every peen minutes.
If it is early in the evening, the crew will likely be carousing, as
they have several days yet before they leave. However, the harbor is
patrolled by two small skis of Falcondonian men-at-arms, the Harbor
Guard. They are on the look out for smugglers and other suspicious
If the HP's are pa[ent, they will discover that day[me is a bad [me
to ahack (too many witnesses), in the early evening the vessel is
nearly deserted, but there are harbor guards around, but in the wee
hours of the morning, the vessel (like all of the harbor) is quiet and
s[ll. This is, indeed, the best [me to approach (the crew will mostly
be asleep, the mercenaries will likely be asleep as well, although
Morlaxa might actually be awake).
The Conquistador will depart one week aper the HP's arrive in
Falcondon, heading towards Wildedge, should the HP's wait that long.

II. The Carrak Conquistador

The Conquistador is an impressive vessel, and its current crew numbers
about 150 (fairly small for a vessel this size). There is a complement
of 20 Dakhlan mercenaries on board as well, all under the command of Don
Canbuva (who, in turn, is working with Morlaxa, so her commands are
obeyed as well). The crew will generally not be predisposed to
moles[ng the HP's, provided that they avoid moles[ng the crew.
However, the sentries will call out an alert should the HP's be seen
sneaking on board, and that will rouse the alarm.

Provided the HP's have not lost the wand, they will be able to locate
the cabin which holds Taknari with ease (it is a room near the Captain's
quarters in the ap sec[on of the vessel). The door is locked, but it
is easily opened from the outside (the key is hanging on the wall).
Opening the door without murmuring the word "Morlaxa" will cause the
Trigger Eect lain on the door to take eect, which sends a silent
alarm to Morlaxa. She will instantly be aware that the door has been
inappropriately opened, and she will undertake some Divina[on Cas[ngs
to determine who is seeing Taknari.
Taknari is easily un[ed and released, although he will be missing all
of his equipment and components. Fortunately, he has lain a specic
cas[ng of his own devising upon certain pieces, and he knows their
direc[on at all [mes. It is a trivial maher to nd the room holding
that chest, also a locked room (this [me, however, the key is not
hanging on the wall), an ocer's study.

Within the room, the chest stands on a table, and there are a couple
chairs scahered about. It is otherwise unfurnished. The chest has a
par[cularly complicated series of Triggered Eects and mul[-part
dweomers. First. a second silent alarm will alert Morlaxa to the
current state of aairs, and she will waken (and sober) the Captain if
he is asleep (see III. Final Confronta[on for full details). Second,
it will summon an Atlantlan Spirit Warrior (see OP's sec[on for full
details). If this is an inadequate challenge for the HP's, feel free to
make it two or three. Third, it will cause a magickal silence within
the connes of the room, to last for a full hour. The upshot of the
laher will be that the players cannot communicate their ac[ons to one
another and should submit ac[ons by note, and any specically verbal
eect (e.g. a command word) cannot be performed. All ahacks and
Cas[ngs will otherwise go o normally. Any and all Percep[on checks
should be made at least at one DR more dicult, if not several
(depending on how important auditory clues might be).

At any rate, aper defea[ng the Spirit Warrior, they will likely ee
towards their carpet in order to escape. A surprise or two awaits them

III. Final Confronta[on

Upon receiving the rst silent alarm, Morlaxa will immediately awaken
(if asleep, which she will not be during most of the night), and she
will head to the Captain's quarters, where she will awaken and sober him
as necessary. Upon receiving the second alarm, knowing that the
inltrators are in an area of silence, she will quickly gather the
Dakhlan mercenaries and seek out their means of egress (such as the
carpet), and she will gather them there.
In the mean[me, the Cap[an will take a quick look at his crew, and if
it looks like they have been abused or some members slain, he will rouse
them to defend the ship. Note that the crew will be unlikely to ght,

unless one or more of them are slain or otherwise injured. If they are
simply put to sleep or conned, they will probably not be angry enough
to do anything about it. Either way, Don Canbuva will seek out Morlaxa
and join her. If the HP's are very quick, they will reach the carpet,
Morlaxa, and the mercenaries before he does, although he will join them
about 10 CT's later.
By the [me the HP's reach the carpet, Morlaxa will have summoned an
Air Elemental (or possibly a Water Elemental, although the laher is
unlikely if she has found the carpet), and the 20 mercenaries and the
witch will certainly be ready for the HP's.
The exact direc[on taken in the combat will vary considerably by the
party, but Morlaxa will be concerned with self-preserva[on enough that
the mercenaries will be between her and the HP's, and the Air Elemental
will ank them. If/when she becomes seriously threatened, and it is
obvious that they are losing, she will dive overboard (protected by her
Cape) and swim some distance away (completely submerged, since she can
breathe water while wearing the Cape and expending small amounts of
Heka), only to bring out her Broom and y away.
Don Canbuva will assault the HP's with fury, although he will ee if
pressed and ahempt to gather the crew (if he has not already done so).
Note that if he is accompanied by the crew, the HP's will have a
par[cularly dicult [me, but the crew can probably be frightened
away by the HP's providing a really ashy show of devasta[ng magick.
If overwhelmed, the HP's will be imprisoned and sold to a slave caravan
in a short while.

If the HP's are successful in escaping, and Morlaxa is s[ll alive, she
will implore her Master to send a Sky Serpent aper them. The request
will be granted, and possibly more than one will be sent if life isn't
challenging enough already for the HP's. Unless immobilized and somehow
slain, Morlaxa will likely become a long-term villain, as she does not
take defeat easily.

IV. Loose Ends/Other Threads

The Markthegn will be pleased if Taknari is delivered to him, and he
will promptly employ the diviner. Taknari will warn that evil is
clouding the horizon, but he is uncertain what shape it may take. The
carpet will need to be returned to the Markthegn's arsenal (it is, aper
all, intended primarily for important state missions). If the HP's
successfully take the Shocksword from Don Canbuva, or any of the devices
or paraphernalia from Morlaxa, they will be permihed to keep it.
If victory is total, the EP's slain or captured, the pursuing ends
destroyed, Taknari recovered, and a major interna[onal incident
avoided, an award of 15 to 20 AP/G's (depending on the [me required to
complete the mission) should not be unresonable. However, since Morlaxa
will ee if obviously facing defeat, and a major confronta[on is
likely to kick up a s[nk, this is a very unlikely outcome!
If Taknari is delivered to the Markthegn, and things go fairly well,
the HP's deserve around 10 AP/G's (half that if an interna[onal

incident is started, a bare 2 AP/G's if war is precipitated).

If the HP's are forced to retreat, leaving Taknari in the hands of the
EP's, then they should be given a second chance, provided they pursue
the vessel. Give them 2 or 3 AP/G's for trying, then half their earned
reward upon successful comple[on of the mission.

As for the evil threatening Vargaard, it is up to the JM. One very
obvious sugges[on (and the one I am using, at least for now, in my own
campaign) is that the evil [de will be directed by an Atlantlan ancient
and evil power. The same one, in fact, with whom Morlaxa and her mentor
signed Pacts, and possibly the same Fiend behind some (or all) of the
covens in Falcondonia. Worse, the forces employed by this evil being
are linked to the Accursed, and to certain Unseelie creatures (including
a band of Slaugh which will ahempt to inltrate Grandmark by oering
to become advisors to the current Markthegn, Tarrant!)

V. Magick Items and New Cas[ngs

The following are several magickal items encountered in the Omen of the
Black Dragon, and they are unique to this module. In addi[on, a
Cas[ng used by Morlaxa (but not found anywhere on the vessel) is
detailed as well.

The Shocksword: This long sword appears ordinary, except for the
beau[ful sapphire in its hilt and the slight blue [nt to the blade.
In bahle, it causes damage as per a normal long sword, plus 1D6 points
of Electrical damage (which can quickly prove telling against a
heavily-armored opponent). In addi[on, the shocksword is able to throw
up to six bolts of lightning per day. The rst lightning bolt is at no
cost, but each addi[onal lightning bolt costs 10 Heka per bolt for each
addi[onal bolt thrown (i.e. 10 for the second bolt, 30 (10+20) for the
third, 60 (10+20+30) for the fourth, and so on). This Heka is drawn
from the persona wielding the blade. In no case may the blade throw
more than six bolts in any given 24 hour period. Each bolt of lightning
causes 6D6 points of Electrical PD, emanates from the [p of the blade,
and reaches as far as a full rod. The bolt is a mere ve feet wide, so
it is unlikely that more tha two people can be caught by it.

The Flying Carpet: By means of a command word, the pilot may establish a
temporary link with the carpet, which allows him to concentrate on the
carpet and direct its movement. While so direc[ng, the pilot may not
engage in any other ac[vity that requires any amount of concentra[on
(such as weaving a Cas[ng or combat), unless he sets the carpet on a
straight course and makes no further adjustments.

Dweomercraep, General (Grade III)
Morlaxa's Unbreakable Silence Cantrip
Time: 1 CT per STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: sphere, 1 rod radius per 10 STEEP R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 chain Other: Nil

E/F/M: This Cantrip causes all sound within the area to be completely
silenced, causing dicul[es with coordina[on of eort and
communica[on. Cas[ngs can s[ll be focused (unless they have a
specic verbal component, such as naming a True Name, or a Command must
be delivered to the subject) with no addi[onal penalty, but Percep[on
is stunted because of the lack of audial clues.

VI. OP's

Crew members
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 70, WL: 52, CL: 63 S: 60, EL: 48
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 35 PN: 35 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 17 PNCap: 17 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 9 MRPow: 9 PMPow: 14 PNPow: 14 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 14 PNSpd: 14 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9
Ini[a[ve Modiers: -6 with short sword

Ahack FAC Ahacks/CT DT Damage
Short Sword 27 3/2 P 3D6

Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 3 5 2 5 5 1 5
Super 3 5 2 5 5 1 5
Vital 3 5 2 5 5 1 5
Non 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Average 2 3 1 3 3 0 3
Armor: Clothing, treat as Byrnie
Average Armor: 2

The crew serves the Conquistador rst, and Hispanola second. While
they are privateers (or at least crew on a privateering vessel), they
will look out for themselves rst and each other second. They will
likely ee from a serious-looking party that is well-armed and armored,
although they can be incensed if signicantly aronted or if one of
their number is slain. They are easily spooked by signicant displays
of magick.

Dakhlan Mercenaries
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 75, WL: 56, CL: 67 S: 60, EL: 48
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 45 PN: 30 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 17 PNCap: 12 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 9 MRPow: 9 PMPow: 14 PNPow: 9 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 14 PNSpd: 9 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9
Ini[a[ve Modiers: -2 with long sword

Ahack FAC Ahacks/CT DT Damage

Long Sword 36 3/2 C/P 4D6

Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 13 25 9 11 9 11 -6
Super 12 37 24 11 11 13 -13
Vital 10 20 7 8 8 8 -3
Non 11 22 8 9 7 11 -6
Average 11 26 12 9 8 10 -7
Armor: Chain, Byrnie, Skull Cap (iron), Camail, Boots
Average Armor: 9

The Dakhlan Mercenaries report to Don Canbuva rst and Morlaxa second.
They will almost certainly not be encountered (since they bunk fore and
Taknari is in the ap compartments) un[l the very end. They are
dedicated to their commission and well aware that there is nowhere for
them to run on the boat, and that neither Morlaxa nor Don Canbuva will
be nice to them if they ee. They will ght to the death if put into
such a situa[on (although they will surrender honorably if and only if
they are deni[vely losing and are oered the chance).

Don Canbuva (Privateer)
Voca[on: Pirate
SEC: 7
M: 92, EL: 73 P: 106, WL: 79, CL: 95 S: 74, EL: 59
MM: 46 MR: 46 PM: 53 PN: 53 SM: 40 SP: 34
MMCap: 16 MRCap: 16 PMCap: 19 PNCap: 19 SMCap: 14 SPCap: 14
MMPow: 16 MRPow: 16 PMPow: 17 PNPow: 17 SMPow: 13 SPPow: 10
MMSpd: 14 MRSpd: 14 PMSpd: 17 PNSpd: 17 SMSpd: 13 SPSpd: 10
Ahrac[veness: 12
Joss: 5
Ini[a[ve Modiers: -5 for Shocksword

Major K/S Areas:
Combat, Hand Weapons 51
Combat, HTH Lethal 51
Combat, Hand Weapons, Missile 51
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical 41
Seamanship 51
Naviga[on 51
Swimming/Diving 41
Endurance 41

Ahack FAC Ahacks/CT DT Damage
Shocksword 57 2/CT C/P 4D6+8*
* plus 1D6 points of Electrical damage

Armor Chart:

Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.

Ultra 18 39 21 13 13 20 -13
Super 15 34 19 10 12 17 -10
Vital 10 20 7 8 8 8 -3
Non 14 28 14 11 11 13 -10
Average 14 30 14 10 11 14 -9
Average Armor: 12
Armor: Crested Helm, Brassarts, Chausses, Camail, Boots, Byrnie,
Chainmail (If he has [me, or is used as a con[nuing villian, note that
he would normally weare more - this assumes a night-[me ahack and
minimal [me to put on armor)

Heka-Genera[on Chart:
K/S Area STEEP Heka Generated Notes
Fortune Telling 31 31 + 10 = 41
Endurance 41 41 + 17 = 58
Pantheology 33 33 + 0 = 33
Total 238 (including P TRAIT)

Don Canbuva is a domineering man, and he is the Captain of the
Conquistador (assigned to the vessel aper the death of the previous
Captain). He is a good and eec[ve leader, both on land and at sea,
and he is commihed to Hispanola. He is moderately protec[ve of
Morlaxa, although he is well-aware that she can generally take care of
herself. He is prone to drink, however, and he spends many evenings
sleeping o the eects of a night of rowdy partying.

Don Canbuva will likely not have much [me to get into his armor, so he
will throw on the pieces men[oned above very quickly, grab his magickal
sword and begin rallying the crew. In general, he will ght un[l it
is obvious that he is losing, at which point he will ee (and try to
rally crew or mercenaries, as necessary). If he has [me, he will throw
on some other armor (some greaves, epillirons, breastplate, gauntlets,

Morlaxa (Elemental Mage & Witchcraeper)
Voca[on: Mage (Elemental School)
SEC: 5
M: 118, EL: 94 P: 76, WL: 57, CL: 68 S: 100, EL: 80
MM: 58 MR: 58 PM: 38 PN: 38 SM: 50 SP: 50
MMCap: 20 MRCap: 20 PMCap: 14 PNCap: 14 SMCap: 18 SPCap: 18
MMPow: 20 MRPow: 20 PMPow: 12 PNPow: 12 SMPow: 16 SPPow: 16
MMSpd: 18 MRSpd: 18 PMSpd: 12 PNSpd: 12 SMSpd: 16 SPSpd: 16
Ahrac[veness: 18
Joss: 9

Major K/S Areas:
Combat, Hand Weapons 31

Espionage 30
Subterranean Orienta[on 30

Heka-Genera[on Chart:
K/S Area STEEP Heka Generated Notes
Dweomercraep, General 61 61 + 118 = 179
Dweomercraep, Elemental 61 61 + 58 = 668
Dweomercraep, Black 51 51 + 20 = 71
Witchcraep 51 51x5 + 50 = 305 Pact (x5)
Divina[on 41 41 + 18 = 59
Sorcery 21 21 + 16 = 37
Conjura[on 41 41 + 16 = 57
Alchemy 34 34 + 50 = 84
Astrology 34 34 + 18 = 52
Exorcism 31 31 + 18 = 49
Heka-Forging 31 31 + 38 = 69
Magick 61 61 + 118 = 179
Metaphysics 34 34 + 18 = 52
Pantheology 30 30 + 0 = 30
Demonology 34 34 + 20 = 54
Gemsmith/Lapidary 31 31 + 12 = 43
Occul[sm 31 31 + 0 = 31 Total 1687 (incl M&S

Morlaxa is a vile being, evil through to her very cold heart. She has
tormented and teased Taknari, countering his Cas[ngs with her own. She
forged a Pact with an Atlantlan Ancient Master, and she has been granted
a mul[plier of 5 as a result. In addi[on, she is able to summon
certain Netherbeings, although her Pact is very strict over when she can
summon them.
Perhaps the darkest secret she possesses is that her mentor, a vile and
evil witch from the wilds of Falcondonia, is also an agent of the
Accursed. While Morlaxa is, as yet, unaware of the full extent of that
par[cular loosely-knit organiza[on, she is vaguely aware that her
mentor's colleagues are planning something devasta[ng for the con[nent
of Vargaard, beginning in Grandmark.
Note: It is probably easiest for the JM to give her just about every
Cas[ng for each K/S Area, and take [me prior to running the adventure
to work through which are readied and which she would likely use (based
on the JM, the players, and the HP's). A few sugges[ons are below.

Morlaxa is endishly clever, but she also has a tendency to apply that
cleverness to new ways of torturing other people. She will have cast an
Armor, Physical and Armor, Heka on herself immediately before any
confronta[on, with 100 points of each. In addi[on, she has an Armor,
Mental and Armor, Spiritual awai[ng their Triggers (Mental and
Spiritual damage, respec[vely), each also at 100 points. Also, she has
a Flight Cantrip Triggered, wai[ng for her to twist her hands in a

unique way, so that she can y with eec[vely no no[ce.

She will ee if it appears that things are going against her, taking
full advantage of her Witch's Cape (see Mythus Magick for full details)
and swimming away if necessary. She will gloat and counter her
opponents (or match them Cas[ng for Cas[ng, if she can), lejng her
minions do the primary work. If in a situa[on where it is obvious that
she is winning, she will oer her opponents a chance to surrender, in
which case she will imprison them to the best of her considerable
Morlaxa possesses a Ring of Hardiness, which grants her average armor
of 10 against all ahacks, as well as a miniaturized Broom secreted on
her person and her Cape. She also has two philtres of darkness (see
Mythus Magick for eects).

VII. Monstrous Things

Spirit Warrior
Iden[er: Spirit
Size: Human size
Modes & Rates of Movement: Human Standard
Ini[a[ve Modiers: -14 with Spear
Invulnerabili[es: Nil
Suscep[bili[es: Nil
Quirks: Nil
Ahrac[veness: Average
Average Armor Protec[on: 9
Heka-engendered: 100 (one-[me)

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 80, WL: 60, CL: 72 S: 60, EL: 48
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 40 PN: 40 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 14 PNCap: 14 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 12 MRPow: 12 PMPow: 13 PNPow: 13 SMPow: 12 SPPow: 12
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 13 PNSpd: 13 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9

Weapon FAC #AT DT Base
Spear 51 3/2 P 4D6+2

Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 10 15 15 15 15 20 -10
Super 12 18 17 17 17 21 -7
Vital 16 25 23 18 18 23 -13
Non 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Average 9 14 13 12 12 16 -7


This is a spirit summoned by Morlaxa to guard the chest of Taknari's

possessions. It was once a proud Atlantlan warrior, and it s[ll
possesses some of the skills that made it such a ne warrior. It is
similar to the Medium's Spirit Warrior, brought by the Spirit Warrior
Cantrip, although there are some minor modica[ons since it was a gip
from Morlaxa's Master.

Air Elemental
Iden[er: Elemental, Major
Habitat: Elemental Plane of Air
Modes & Rates of Movement:
Ini[a[ve Modiers: -10
Non-magickal weapons
Quirks: Nil
Average Armor Protec[on:

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 250, CL: 225 S: 60, EL: 48
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 125 PN: 125 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 45 PNCap: 45 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 12 MRPow: 12 PMPow: 40 PNPow: 40 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 40 PNSpd: 40 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9

Natural Weapons:
Weapon BAC #AT DT Damage
Natural Forces 50 2/CT * 5D6
* wind (Cut) or lightning (Electric)

Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 40 40 40 0 0 40 *
Super 30 30 30 0 0 30 *
Vital 20 20 20 0 0 20 *
Non 10 10 10 0 0 10 *
Average 25 25 25 0 0 25 *
* Invulnerable

The Air Elemental is serving Morlaxa, and it will ahack as commanded by her.

Atlantlan Sky Serpent

Iden[er: Serpent, Minor

Habitat: Nether Planes-Pandemonium
Size: 12 x man-size
Modes & Rates of Movement:
Slither: 68 yds/BT
Walk: 136 yds/BT
Run: 272 yds/BT
Fly: 336 yds/BT
Ini[a[ve Modiers: Normal, but see Powers
All non-enchanted weapons (except gold)
Insinua[on: Silver (x2)
Exposure: Direct sunlight or equivalent (D6+1 PD/CTs Daze aper 2 BTs)
Quirks: Nil
Ahrac[veness: -9 = Blasphemous
(check vs. SM CATEGORY at: Dazing = "Hard"; Fleeing = "Dicult";
Insanity = "Hard")
Average Armor Protec[on: Nil
Heka-Engendered: 6
Dodging/Avoidance: Nil, 20/15/10

Natural Weapons:
Ahacks BAC DT Base
Poison Breath* 35 Poison 66**
Bite 40 P 9D3+9
Constric[on 30 B 3D3+3***
* 2-yard range, 1 target
** One-[me instant
*** Constric[on will, in addi[on to inic[ng damage, seize its
vic[m on the ini[al strike and con[nue to damage him automa[cally
each CT aper that un[l the vic[m dies, the ahacker takes over its CL
in Physical damage, or the ahacker decides to release the subject. The
subsequent damage is Impact.

Darkseeing (as daylight)
Heal Self (3D3 points of PD each Bahle Turn)
Shape Change (to human/Serpent form 2/day)
Silent Movement (Slithering)
Wound, Mental/Spiritual (by Gaze, 1-chain range, if not otherwise
using another ahack form, damage 6D3, 6 total of both/day)

Cas[ng Ability:
Priestcraep, Gloomy Darkness, Grades I - VI, 680 Heka available

Sta[s[cal Detail:
M: 120, EL: 96 P: 680, WL: 510, CL: 120 S: 120, EL: 96
MM: 60 MR: 60 PM: 340 PN: 340 SM: 60 SP: 60
MMCap: 20 MRCap: 20 PMCap: 120 PNCap: 120 SMCap: 20 SPCap: 20
MMPow: 20 MRPow: 20 PMPow: 40 PNPow: 40 SMPow: 20 SPPow: 20
MMSpd: 20 MRSpd: 20 PMSpd: 180* PNSpd: 180* SMSpd: 20 SPSpd: 20

Armor Scheme:
Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem. Stun Elec.
Ultra 16 24 32 * * 32 12
Super 12 18 24 * * 24 9
Vital 8 12 16 * * 16 6
Non 4 6 8 * * 20 *
Average 10 15 20 * * 20 *
* Invulnerable

A Serpent of this sort, a Minor one, is a very nasty thing indeed, and
its opponents should be happy they aren't facing a more potent one! The
Serpent's head resembles a cross between a snake's and a crocodile's,
with long front fangs as has a snake, and rows of lesser teeth besides.
The creature has an Ophidian body some 50 feet long, about 2 feet in
diameter at its thickest part. Set along the middle third of the body,
the thickest por[on, are 6 pairs of legs of the sort which enable the
Serpent to move at either a sprawling or erect gait, or slither
noiselessly along ways no bigger than 2.2 foot diameter. It also has
the ability to y magickally.
Its intelligence allows it to use a Gaze ahack to weaken foes not
driven from its presence by the very sight of the Serpent. It will then
move to ahack at close quarters, ahemp[ng to constrict one opponent
while it assails another with breath and fang.
Sky Serpents of this sort are minor servants of the Atlantlan Ancient
Masters, and they are never encountered without some sort of Atlantlan
deital interference.
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 04:08:05 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Dei[es

Dave Newton wrote:

>I think any enterprising GM could do this - with fantas[c results. I
>would hesitate to make it Chris[anity, for two reasons. a) it would >be
hard to capture the feel of Chris[anity of the period to do it >sucient
jus[ce, and b) it could piss people o.

Dave, I agree. I wouldn't make it Chris[anity either (nor did I mean the

post to sound like it). Both because of your comments and earlier ones.
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 04:08:09 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays

> I think Dan had it prety close to right. I know that when I rst read
> that bit about "pick one they are all prehy much the same :)" I thought
> that he was refering to their current level of health, not their morality
> or blood-thirstyness.
> Devilbuny
> Humble Playtester of the
> Cybermyth conversion
>You got it right Devilbuny. I don't know nearly enough about the >Roman
emporers to be able to remark on their family life, though I >did know that
they all had the problem with lead in the pipes.


And I say, No. Lead pipes were only a problem in certain ci[es in Italy.
Most of the pipes used elsewhere were ceramic, brick, or even wood... not
all the Emperors resided in Rome, etc. Thus not all Emperor's had lead
related illnesses. That is not to say they may have had other problems...

I'm sorry to make such a fuss over a joke, but "Once a teacher, always

Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 09:54:10 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Prism of Eight Rays
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 28 Apr 1995, Timothy L. Francis wrote:

> > I think Dan had it prety close to right. I know that when I rst read
> > that bit about "pick one they are all prehy much the same :)" I thought
> > that he was refering to their current level of health, not their morality
> > or blood-thirstyness.
> >
> > Devilbuny
> > Humble Playtester of the
> > Cybermyth conversion

> >
> >You got it right Devilbuny. I don't know nearly enough about the >Roman
> emporers to be able to remark on their family life, though I >did know that
> they all had the problem with lead in the pipes.
> >Dan.
> And I say, No. Lead pipes were only a problem in certain ci[es in Italy.
> Most of the pipes used elsewhere were ceramic, brick, or even wood... not
> all the Emperors resided in Rome, etc. Thus not all Emperor's had lead
> related illnesses. That is not to say they may have had other problems...
> I'm sorry to make such a fuss over a joke, but "Once a teacher, always
> annoying..."
> Timo
Well actually, the emperors are all dead and that is a constant no maher
what caused it. :)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 10:05:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Cybermyth Plea

Ok, I give up :)

The <very kind> creator <and in fact one of the playtesters, too> of the
CyberMyth conversion for Mythus has tried repeatedly to send me a copy of the
Cybermyth rules...

He's sent them Zipped, zipped and MIME format, and zipped an MIMed to my
Unix account...

Nothing... I can't get the thing to hold integrity duringa down load.. and the
only thing my machine understands in the way of encoding is uudecode. So I have
to le a plea.

I've cleaned out both my account and my account
both... can some kind soul divide the le up into managable sizes for your
mailer and simply send it to me in ascii text format... It's fairly obvious to
me that my mailer system can't deal with zip or encodes...

I'd really like to get a look at the game.. any help's appreciated.


Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 12:41:13 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cybermyth Plea
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Hey, if you can wait a week...

I'm going to send most of the important stu as D.I. #6. This will
allow everyone who hasn't seen it a chance to comment. This will
probably be a big issue. Which, come to think of it, will trash my
account for a couple days. Oh well, it happens...

If you are in too much of a hurry, I'm sure someone can try to get it to
you. Did you say that you CAN work with UUencoded les?


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 19:58:12 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Sun Apr 30 19:54:10 1995
Hello again everyone.

Back from a long which I thankfully played Mythus. :)

A few of my players gave me new k/s bundles, and I can't say that I like all of
them, but I thought I post them to the list to see what people think. Just
aper this will follow the Miner/Prospector K/S by Steven Gullerud, and I think
later this week I will get some [me to post the Landowner, Coachman, and Bawd,
if not early next week. I'd be happy for comments. :)

Also, got some more magic items...but I won't get to those un[l later in the
week either. I'll try to post them as soon as I am able. Any comments on the
last group?

In the mean[me, take care... :)

Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 20:02:21 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: gullerud@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fwd: teskej->
Miner/Prospector Voca[on (Physical Trait)

SEC 1-5, 3 at start (2 for prospector).

This voca[on takes two forms. A miner is employed by government or
business to oversee mining opera[ons, usually conducted by slaves or
criminals. A prospector, on the other hand, is a solitary wanderer
looking for that one 'lucky strike' before re[ring to a life of
luxury. While the miner may not be well suited for a HP Voca[on, a
prospector could easily ship toward other professions should
prospects for a claim dry up. This Voca[on is quite focused in
Physical K/S Areas, although there is a number of Mental K/S Areas to
round out the bundle. Typically, only the lower and middle classes
will consider mining or prospec[ng as a poten[al Voca[on, hoping
that they may achieve higher status through the nd of a rich vein of
ore. Prospectors in par[cular will nd their outlook changed by the
discovery of sudden wealth. When playing such a persona, think of
hazardous work, digging, darkness, claim, and 'strike it rich'.

----------------------------------------------------------Mines & Mining 24 PMCap
Geology/Minerology 20 MMCap
Engineering 16 (MMCap+MRCap)x0.5
Speleology 16 PMCap
Appraisal 12 MRCap
Endurance* 12 (PMPow+PNPow)x0.5
Gambling 12 (MMCap+MRCap)x0.5
Gemology 12 MMCap
Handicraps/Handiworks 12 PNCap
Jack-Of-All-Trades 12 PMCap
Jury Rigging 12 SMCap
Mechanics 12 PMCap
Mountain Climbing 12 (PMPow+PNPow)x0.5
Subterranean Orienta[on 12 PNCap
Surveying/Topography 12 MRCap
Combat, Hand Weapons 8 (PMCap+PNCap)x0.5
Survival 8 PMCap
Divina[on* 4 SPCap
Tolerance 4 PNPow


$$HRComments by teskej Sun Apr 30 20:01:53 1995
This was composed by S Gullerud.
Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 01:05:29 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Miner/Prospector
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Well, my $0,05 (mine are worth more! :)

I like the Voca[on as a way to ll out a world, but I think it has a
prehy thin usability (sic). I think it would be good for a single
adventure, climb around a dungeon, hit something you shouldn't have...
type of thing, but I am afraid that over the course of a long campaign a
JM and player would have to try prehy hard to come up with a suitable
excuse for this HP to wander o and slay evil, save the world, and do
that sort of adventuring fun...

It would, however, make for a great OP, someone who hires the good-guy,
slay evil type HP's to help him out... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 08:06:32 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Miner/Prospector

Alternately, you can look at it the way a couple games do <Notably Warhammer,
which it looks like alot of your players are familiar with, John :)>, and say
the Miner/Prospecter is what they HP did Before he decided 'screw it, I'm
already risking my neck... might as well get a good story out of it for my
kids... provided I live that long...' and became an adrenaline junkie <excuse
me, I meant 'adventurer'>.

Other than that, the K/s bundle is accurate and well thought-out, given a bit
of work and background... a very useful guy in alot of circumstances.



Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 16:04:44 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Bill Mar[n <wmar[n@IO.COM>
Subject: Re: Cybermyth Plea
In-Reply-To: <>

I'm new to this list and this is the 1st I've heard of "Cybermyth." If
conversion les for Mythus for any genre are available, I'd appreciate
hearing about 'em.

Many thanks.

Bill Mar[n
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 17:47:23 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Priests of Loki

Loki (Gloomy Darkness, Malign, Chao[c, Great God)

Loki, son of Laufey (a giant) and blood-brother to Odin, was the god of
re, mischief, trickery, and betrayal (among other things). He fathered
a number of monsters, including Sleipnir (Odin's steed), Fenris (des[ned
to slay Odin), Jormungandr (the Midgard serpent des[ned to slay Thor),
and the goddess Hel. He betrayed Idunn to the Giants, then later rescued
her. It was his hand which placed and guided the mistletoe into Hoed's
hand which slew Balder. He seemed to be able to come and go freely in
Asgard un[l nally the Aesir bound him beneath the earth, where venom
con[nually drips on him. His wife, Sigyn, holds a cup to prevent him
from being touched by it, but when she needs to empty it, the venom falls
upon him again, and his writhing causes earthquakes. He was said to have
possessed the ability to ship his shape, convince anyone of anything
(given adequate [me), and a pair of boots which granted the ability to
y and walk on water.

Loki's priests are few and scahered, although worship of him is not
ac[vely banned in most places. They tend to travel a lot, s[rring up
mischief wherever they go, and most pursue the art of Grey Dweomercraep,
Disguise, Criminal Ac[vi[es (Mental and Physical), and Inuence.
Rites honoring Loki tend to involve re or tricks played on unsuspec[ng
communi[es. It is rumored that once every decade, there is a great
gathering of Loki's priests at some major town or city, and that tricks
are played, mischief s[rred, and strife sown for a full week, in honor
of Loki.

Grade I:


Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 10:1 addi[onal AT's
E/F/M: This charm allows the recipient to speak untruthfully without
being detected by any ordinary means, and Heka-based detec[on is only
successful aper a successful K/S vs. K/S contest between the detector
and the caster. This cas[ng does allow the caster to speak a lie while
under the various truth-telling cas[ngs granted to priests of Forse[
(although detec[on of the lie is per normal). The cas[ng may be
extended at a cost of 10 Heka per addi[onal AT, not to exceed a total of
1 AT per 10 STEEP possessed by the caster.

Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 0 R&D: Nil
Distance: 1" Other: Nil
E/F/M: This useful cas[ng causes a small gout of ame to shoot forth
from the nger of the caster. Although miniscule, it is adequate to
light an already-laid re, and it can cause larger res if directed
towards easily combus[ble material. It can be used in combat
situa[ons, although it causes a mere 1D6 points of re damage (and,
obviously, the caster has to be par[cularly close to the vic[m).

Grade II:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 pair of boots R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 10:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: This spell allows the caster to walk on calm water for a brief
dura[on. The water may be rippling, but it may not have anything that
qualies as waves (i.e. it can be used for rivers easily, but oceans are
almost always impossible to cross with this cas[ng). It must be lain on
boots specially consecrated to Loki, and the boots may not be used by
anyone other than the caster. The cas[ng may be extended by expending 10
Heka per addi[onal AT, to a maximum of 1 AT per 10 STEEP possessed by the

Time: 1 AT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: 10 rod radius sphere R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 chain per 10 STEEP Other: Nil
E/F/M: This insidious cas[ng allows priests of Loki to encourage strife
and mischief, sejng acquaintances at odds, enemies at each other's
throats, and even friendships get raw around the edges. The eect of
this cloud of discord is to cause all within it to treat each other with
mistrust, and to act against each other. The exact level of discord
depends upon the rela[onship of the individuals, so that friends might
begin playing hurkul pranks and swapping semi-good-natured insults,
while mere acquaintances will be remarkably chilly towards each other,

with an undertone of hos[lity, and enemies in a semi-peaceful situa[on

will begin looking for excuses to be at each other's throats. Each vic[m
receives a check against their SMCap ATTRIBUTE, with a modier based on
the exact rela[onship:

Rela[onship Modier
Lifelong Friends Very Easy (x4)
Blood Brethren Easy (x3)
Friends Moderate (x2)
Acquaintances Hard (x1)
Feuding Enemies Dicult (x0.5)
Natural Enemies Very Dicult (x0.25)
Arch-enemies Extreme (x0.1)

Note that this Cas[ng merely exacerbates current tendencies, with a
slight dose of irrita[on and frustra[on, and a poten[ally explosive
situa[on should become an explosion in most circumstances. Each major
provoca[on (such as half of the assembly becoming enraged and ahacking)
should force addi[onal checks. Those persons who are extremely
peaceful (advanced mys[cs, priests of gods of peace, etc.) should be
allowed to make the check against their full SM Category.

Grade III:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 pair of boots R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 25:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: This spell allows the caster to walk through the air for a brief
dura[on. The ability granted is not quite the same as ying, it simply
allows the wearer of the boots (which must have been specially
consecrated to Loki) to tread on the air as if it were solid. Rate of
movement is as if the person were walking on ordinary ground. Note that
the more turbulent the air is (such as in a storm), the slower and more
dicult movement is. The cas[ng may be extended by expending 25 Heka
per addi[onal AT, to a maximum of 1 AT per 10 STEEP possessed by the

Grade IV:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: Caster R&D: Nil
Distance: Special Other: 25:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: While this cantrip is in eect, anyone listening to the caster
speak can be easily inuenced by whatever he has to say. In eect,
unless the listener is aware of the danger and ac[vely resists
(successful check vs. SMCap at DR "Hard"), whatever is spoken by the
caster is taken as the truth, and suggested courses of ac[on will be
taken (provided there is no obvious harm in them, such as throwing
oneself over a cli or falling on one's dagger). ONLY those personas
who are aware of the danger and state they are ac[vely resis[ng receive

the check. The dura[on of the Cas[ng may be extended at the cost of 25
Heka per addi[onal AT, to a maximum of 1 AT per 10 STEEP possessed by
the caster.

Grade V:
Time: 1 AT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: Self R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: 10:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: This Spell allows the caster to change his shape. The resultant
change is solely physical, and the actual ATTRIBUTES, CATEGORIES, and
TRAITS remain unaected. Natural locomo[on is gained (i.e. a bird
could y). The actual shape taken can be any creature, although it may
not mimic a par[cular en[ty (i.e. the priest may become a seagull, but
not the seagull he saw the previous week with the odd purple spot on the
beak and glowing red eyes), and it must be stated in generic terms. The
size dieren[al allowed is the caster's steep in percentage of change.
In other words, a priest with a STEEP of 50 may alter his size up to 50%
of his normal size, becoming something half again as large, or half his
size. The priest may con[nue to change shape for the dura[on of the
cas[ng, taking 5 CT's per shape change. This Cas[ng may be extended by
the expenditure of 10 Heka per addi[onal AT, to a maximum of 1 AT per
point of STEEP possessed by the caster.

Just as a sort of note, I do keep my home page up to date, and some[mes
stu can be found on it which has not yet been posted or may never be
posted (URL: hhp://
I also regularly send updates to Muten Roshi's page, which can be reached
at URL: hhp:// , and copies
are uploaded to (anonymous FTP and gopher site). And,
of course, I can always be mailed with requests for dei[es to treat
(although I'm a bit busy with the Norse gods at the moment) or to request
copies of dei[es already covered.

These cas[ngs are being developed at the request of a list member, who
wanted to see more Norse stu for his game. Feedback is, of course,
welcome, and I hope to hear from any of you who use this in your games as
well (I mean, that's what they're there for). I have a some more ideas
for Loki, but they'll have to wait un[l I've gohen a couple other
dei[es (Forse[, Hel, and Bragi are high on my TODO list) out of the

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es (collect 'em all):
[Mail me for them, if you missed 'em when they were rst posted]

Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury,
Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan
[Daily Deity, Overview] Idunn, Loki, Odin, Thor
Kuan Yu
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 06:59:38 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Wed May 03 06:43:56 1995
Hello everyone.

I would like your comments on this K/S bundle, as I am not sure if all the
areas are chosen correctly, and I note a disappoin[ng lack of some areas I
would think essen[al to the bundle. Let me know what you think.

Wealthy Landowner (Spiritual Trait)

SEC Range 6-9 Star[ng SEC 7

This Bundle is generally the combina[on of a businessman and explorer.
Tending to business is the primary concern; however, there is [me for social
visi[ng and land explora[on/appraisal. The landowner must be suited for
caring for people, livestock, and property eec[vely and protably. Not
completely suited for adventuring, with a few choice k/s areas this OP could be
a strong assist to any group looking for strong support and nancial aid.
Recommended areas include: Green Dweomercraep, Magick, Travel, Mountain
Climbing, and Herbalism. Words one should keep in mind when roleplaying a
landowner include: prot, fair management, equity, and preserving natural

Judging 20 (SMC + SPC)/2
Appraisal 20 MRC
Economics/F/I 16 (MMC + MRC)/2
Hun[ng/Tracking 16 PNC
Nature Ahunement 16 SPC
Inuence 16 MRC
Animal Handling 12 SPPow
Astronomy * 12 MRC
Surveying/Topography 12 MRC
Survival 12 PMC
Business Administratn. 12 (MMC + MRC)/2
Cultured Palehe 12 PNC

Charisma[cism 8 SPC
Leadership 8 SMC
Swimming/Diving 8 (PNC + PMC)/2
Astrology * 8 SMC
Combat Hand Weapons 8 (PNC + PMC)/2
Domes[c Arts & Sci. 8 (MMC + MRC)/2
Ecology/Natural Sci. 8 MMC
Jury Rigging 4 SMC
Foriegn Lang. 4 MMC
Foriegn Lang. 4 MMC
Magne[sm 4 SPPow
First Aid 4 PNC
Handicraps/Handiworks 4 PNC

Let me know what you all think. :)

$$HRComments by teskej Wed May 03 06:59:18 1995
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 09:08:10 -1000
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Joshua Michael D'Andrea <dandrea@UHUNIX.UHCC.HAWAII.EDU>
Subject: wealthy landowner
In-Reply-To: <95May3.023027hst.11423(1)@relay1.Hawaii.Edu>

IMHO, The wealthy land owner bundle doesn't seem to t together very
well. First of all, if it is a spiritual voca[on, it doesn't seem to have
enough spiritual k/s areas. I think that instead it should be physical
or mental and include areas like extra ejquite, biography, cultured
palate, law, and poli[cal science, sports and nance.
I think that the wealthy land owner should be more of an
investor/noble kind of persona and the skill bundle should reect a lot
of free (play) [me. I don't think that his/her skills should make them
money grubbing businessmen.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joshua D'Andrea

University of Hawaii at Manoa
President, UH Way of Tea Club
School of Hawaiian, Asian
and Pacic Studies.

"Summer grass is all that remains of the warrior's dream."

Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 17:04:51 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: landowner

>Hello everyone.
>I would like your comments on this K/S bundle, as I am not sure if all the
>areas are chosen correctly, and I note a disappoin[ng lack of some areas I
>would think essen[al to the bundle. Let me know what you think.
>Wealthy Landowner (Spiritual Trait)
>SEC Range 6-9 Star[ng SEC 7
>This Bundle is generally the combina[on of a businessman and explorer.
>Judging 20 (SMC + SPC)/2
Did I miss this K/S somewhere? At any rate, not what I'd have at the top of the
heap, by any means.

>Appraisal 20 MRC
Good one, assuming some specializa[on

>Economics/F/I 16 (MMC + MRC)/2
>Hun[ng/Tracking 16 PNC
I can see where some land owners might have decided to take up some hun[ng in
their free [me, but to make it a stock part of the bundle <and a major one to
boot> seems inappropriate.

>Nature Ahunement 16 SPC
Hardly necessary... sure yes for some of his employees, but not necessary for
most land owners.

>Inuence 16 MRC

>Animal Handling 12 SPPow
>Astronomy * 12 MRC
I really fail to see the need for this one. Maybe divina[on... which would
help locate natural springs as well as forsee unfriendly weather paherns...
that's a lot more like than needing to sketch up a star chart on your

>Surveying/Topography 12 MRC
Good one, and one I'd have failed to no[ce.

>Survival 12 PMC

Same argument as hun[ng tracking or Nature ahunement above.

>Business Administratn. 12 (MMC + MRC)/2
I would make this one much further up the ladder. Up with Econ. at least.

>Cultured Palehe 12 PNC

>Charisma[cism 8 SPC
It helps.. but I really doubt it's totally necessary.

>Leadership 8 SMC
This one should be FAR up the ladder, probably in for mature Ahunement...
heck, swapping the two is good.

>Swimming/Diving 8 (PNC + PMC)/2
Again, how is this mandatory... SAILORS don't even have swimming/diving <a very
good historical point EGG made there>

>Astrology * 8 SMC

>Combat Hand Weapons 8 (PNC + PMC)/2
Certainly, and I would also have Missile weapons in here as well.

>Domes[c Arts & Sci. 8 (MMC + MRC)/2
Taken as a skill for professional households and their administra[on... I
would take this skill further up the ladder.

>Ecology/Natural Sci. 8 MMC
A good one and good placement for it.

>Jury Rigging 4 SMC
Heh, 'nu said.

>Foriegn Lang. 4 MMC
>Foriegn Lang. 4 MMC
>Magne[sm 4 SPPow
>First Aid 4 PNC
>Handicraps/Handiworks 4 PNC

I would say a few missing... Medicine, Veterinary and, oh, say AGRICULTURE?
Travel might be a low grade one... Some other comments above.

No aming intended, my percep[on of the Voca[on may dier...

<land owners son.>
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 19:30:18 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: your mail
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Why would a wealthy landowner have Astronomy or Astrology?

I'd provide an increase to the E[quehe K/S...

Other than that it's a good idea


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 20:13:20 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Dumping site?

I need to know what the mythus dumping site is and whether it would be
apropiate to put CyberMyth on there. I don't see why not but I can see
some one bitching if I do it without asking.

Thank you

Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 22:31:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hale <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: test

Someone please do me a fovor and post a "we heard yah, Doyce' message to
the list... so I can see if the address change worked.

Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 21:57:19 -0600

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: We heard ya

I got your message from the list.

Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 22:17:39 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: CyberMyth

CyberMyth is s[ll available via e-mail from me or Chris Beadles and is
now at in the pub/games/cyberpunk directory under or something like that.

Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 16:41:38 +1000
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: mark mclennan <markmcl@OZEMAIL.COM.AU>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth
In-Reply-To: <>

I'm new to the list, could someone explain what CyberMyth is ?

"Thats it man, GAME OVER over"

Mark Mclennan "Marek" ->
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 09:24:00 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 4 May 1995, mark mclennan wrote:

> I'm new to the list, could someone explain what CyberMyth is ?

Since I keep hearing that ques[on, I think I'll answer it for everyone...

CyberMyth is the result of a gamer dissa[sed with every Cyberpunk

genre system he came across aper nding the Dangerous Journeys RPG.
Some friends and I started the rst drap of CyberMyth about three years
ago. However, due to a lack of interest in the genre at the [me, it
quickly faded away. Aper moving 2,000 miles out of boredom, I started
the second drap, totally dierent from the rst, which also faded out
do to a lack of anyone else willing to help out.

In the mean[me I started up a Cyberpunk 2020 campaign, but was s[ll
dissa[sed with the system, but loved the sejng and the intense
descrip[ons of the equipment, weapons, and cyberware.

Hearing of T$R's lawsuit against GDW and Gary Gygax, and fearing that my
idea would never be published, I decided to simply convert Cyberpunk 2020
over to Mythus rules. The steps were simple but long, and I knew it
would never be legally published, so I took a few shortcuts (that's why
you need a CP 2020 book to play).

I open asked advice from those gamers around me, but all the work was
mine alone. I spend hours upon hours typing out pages, retyping, and
retyping, and ...

Anyone who has done any game design should be familiar with this (right
Dave). However, the steps started falling into place. First I looked
through CP 2020 and found which skills didn't exist in Mythus, and
transfered them over. Then I decided that the standard character
crea[on was too [ght for a cyber genre, so I changed it. Lihle
changes popped up along the way. Finally I had it done...

Now, down to specics...

CyberMyth is a conversion of Cyberpunk 2020 for the Dangerous Journeys
RPG. It requires the possession of both a Mythus and a Cyberpunk 2020
book to play. It takes place in a dark near-future, lled with crime,
violence, bad food, and corporate rule. (sounds kinda like L.A. or Detroit)

The system moves easy, aper initail character crea[on is done, which
for Mythus veterans out there, you should know it takes a while...

For GMs the system is par[cullarily (?) exible. I have allowed for
magic, the supernatural, the paranatural, whatever you want. All you
have to do is whip out a copy of Mythus Magick and you are on your way.
However, this is the sole discre[on of the GM, and I can't emphasize
that enough. Magic is an op[on not a rule by any means.

Hawkeye has promised that Dangerous Ideas #6 will contain CyberMyth in
it, but you can also get a copy by pping to or sending email to: or

Specify Uuencoded or MIME. We can also do text, but resent it :)

Sorry for being so long winded, but that's my nature :)

Game Designer of the now World Famous
CyberMyth Conversion
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 11:33:11 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth

>I open asked advice from those gamers around me, but all the work was
>mine alone. I spend hours upon hours typing out pages, retyping, and
>retyping, and ...
>Anyone who has done any game design should be familiar with this (right
>Dave). However, the steps started falling into place. First I looked

huh huh... yeah, typing. heh heh heh

>through CP 2020 and found which skills didn't exist in Mythus, and
>transfered them over. Then I decided that the standard character
>crea[on was too [ght for a cyber genre, so I changed it. Lihle
>changes popped up along the way. Finally I had it done...

>CyberMyth is a conversion of Cyberpunk 2020 for the Dangerous Journeys
>RPG. It requires the possession of both a Mythus and a Cyberpunk 2020
>book to play. It takes place in a dark near-future, lled with crime,
>violence, bad food, and corporate rule. (sounds kinda like L.A. or Detroit)

Waitaminute, I *like* the food in L.A., dammit :)


>Sorry for being so long winded, but that's my nature :)
>Game Designer of the now World Famous
> CyberMyth Conversion

Hmmm. long-winded *and* ego[s[cal (they always capitalize "Game Designer")...
Chris, are you *sure* you aren't a pro? <grin>


----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with

..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Blomethen Leaf Inc. All Rights Reserved
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 09:58:22 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 4 May 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> [snip]
> >I open asked advice from those gamers around me, but all the work was
> >mine alone. I spend hours upon hours typing out pages, retyping, and
> >retyping, and ...
> >
> >Anyone who has done any game design should be familiar with this (right
> >Dave). However, the steps started falling into place. First I looked
> huh huh... yeah, typing. heh heh heh
> >through CP 2020 and found which skills didn't exist in Mythus, and
> >transfered them over. Then I decided that the standard character
> >crea[on was too [ght for a cyber genre, so I changed it. Lihle
> >changes popped up along the way. Finally I had it done...
> >CyberMyth is a conversion of Cyberpunk 2020 for the Dangerous Journeys
> >RPG. It requires the possession of both a Mythus and a Cyberpunk 2020
> >book to play. It takes place in a dark near-future, lled with crime,
> >violence, bad food, and corporate rule. (sounds kinda like L.A. or Detroit)
> Waitaminute, I *like* the food in L.A., dammit :)
> [snip]
> >Sorry for being so long winded, but that's my nature :)
> >
> >Chris
> >Game Designer of the now World Famous
> > CyberMyth Conversion
> Hmmm. long-winded *and* ego[s[cal (they always capitalize "Game Designer")...
> Chris, are you *sure* you aren't a pro? <grin>

> Dave>
> ----------------------------------------------------------> Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
> ..then have all you want. - Dave Newton
> (C)1995 Blomethen Leaf Inc. All Rights Reserved
> ---------------------------------------------------------->
Trust me I'm no pro... otherwise I'd probably have been sued ve or six
[mes (weekly) and have the pretense of being payed! <sorry, had to
shoot back> :)

humble game designer...
BTW, when did ypu switch companies, Dave???
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 13:42:55 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Wealthy Landowner


It looks a bit like someone's idealized impression of what this type person
should be, combined with a bit of what they'd like before adventuring with

I could understand a Mental voca[on, or even a Physical one depending on the
personas outlook, but spiritual seems a bit o the mark.

The K/S areas have a lot of things this persona should have, but probably
didn't in most cases. Nature Ahunement being one. I'd move Surveying/Topo
farther down the list. While the landowner could likely read maps, they'd
probably hire someone to survey the land and make the map.

I don't have my books handy so I can't suggest alterna[ves, however, the
voca[on seems a bit skewed to me. 'course that's an opinion, and we all
know about those.

Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 13:35:07 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth

>Trust me I'm no pro... otherwise I'd probably have been sued ve or six
>[mes (weekly) and have the pretense of being payed! <sorry, had to
>shoot back> :)

*Paid!?* You mean I'm s'posed to get *paid* for this!?! Aaaaaaacccckkk!!!

>humble game designer...

That's beher... Just remember: the more humble you are, the fewer the ques[ons
you'll have to answer. ;)

> BTW, when did ypu switch companies, Dave???

Ummm. Well you see, er, that last one was kind of a joke, done in extremely baaad
taste. I could blame lack of sleep, but, heck - I just... Oh nevermind.

To clarify: Fygments is what I've been calling *my* company for like 5 or 6 years.
I understand from someone in the know that it's already taken - but no one's said
anything yet. I helped start Quintessen[al Mercy Studio last May with William
Spencer-Hale and s[ll work with QMS. ...and now I'm soon to change the name from
Fygments to <godonlyknowswhat>. Blomethen Leaf is a *joke*.

----------------------------------------------------------Yes, this is my .sig le. Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah....

Copyright (C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. fnord
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 13:48:38 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Dumping site?

>I need to know what the mythus dumping site is and whether it would be
>apropiate to put CyberMyth on there. I don't see why not but I can see
>some one bitching if I do it without asking.
>Thank you
> Devilbuny

And Papa bear said, "But I can't read MIME les." And Mama bear said,
"But I don't have a UUDecoder."

And Baby bear said, "Bitch, bitch, bitch; when can I download?!"


-----------------------------------------------------------------------How poli[cally correct does a hand grenade have to be? - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. beeble beeble beeble beeble
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 20:01:57 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Wealthy Landowner
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Okay, I've gured out the main problem with being a Wealthy Landowner HP...

You have other people do almost anything for you!

Which only leaves pass[mes, hobbies, and other wastes of [me (like the
Internet...:) for the owner to do...

Which limits which K/S Areas he'd get at the beginning...which is why I'd
say let this persona choose a bunch of other K/S's rather than the couple
that he'd get normally...


p.s. Do Wealthy people on Aerth inbreed like the nobles of old Europe?
In that case, I can think of some good Counter-Quirks... :)

-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 23:23:04 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Wealthy Landowner
In-Reply-To: <>

I think that people may be overlooking the fact that the wealthy
landowner was possibly not born wealthy. He probably had to do
everything for himself at one point and he has a lot of knowledge and skills.
I think I have seen some k/s bundles and sugges[ons for such that make

I don't know if there are rules for diminishing steeps for things
which are unused, it would be easier I think to adjust that in the


Aper all the wealthy land owner is wealthy now, he can aord
expensive things and he can aord to pay people to do his dirty work
both on the land (ditch digging, surveying, etc.) and any unscrupulous
things he may want done. He shouldn't just get skills for playing with toys.

Humble distributor of the now world famous
CyberMyth conversion

"I'll give you a tune-up you'll never forget if you give my husband some
lessons for the bedroom." --My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 01:41:45 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Ques[ons

I've been reading (and pos[ng too has[ly) for a lihle while now, and
while I'm recovering from a 3 inch gut wound, I thought I'd ask a couple of

1) What is Dangerous Ideas? and where do I get issues 1-5 if it's what I
think it is?

2) What, exactly, is the status of Mythus, unocially (Dave?). I spoke
with TSR's online chap and he informed me there are NO DJ projects planned
for '95 or '96. Does this mean TSR is giving up the rights to the game by
lejng the line die (I've been informed this will happen if they don't
publish, but my informant wasn't a lawyer and was trying to placate me..),
or does this mean that we're lep in the cold? What's the status of
Ascalon? Of the later Bes[aries? Etc...

3) Why do so few people post to this list if we've 150 readers?

Take care
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 01:48:27 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Wealthy Landowner

In-Reply-To: <> from "Richard Crook"

at May 4, 95 01:42:55 pm

I'd have to agree with most of the comments on this Voca[on. It
would t beher as a Mental voca[on, and Agriculture and a few other
K/S Areas should be swapped in for some of those suggested.

In addi[on to previous comments, I'd suggest that the beginning SEC
of this Voca[on should be 6 instead of 7. Owning a fair amount of
land may indicate success, but it is not enough to gain an awarded
[tle in the aristocracy. I'd also allow SEC 5, and maybe SEC 4
background personas select this Voca[on, reec[ng an accumula[on
of wealth un[l they can have others do the work for them.

Actually, 'Wealthy Landowner' seems to be more of a background than
a Voca[on. Such a person could range from the successful freeman to
the younger son of an aristocrat, inheri[ng only a sec[on of land.
I'd imagine these two backgrounds would produce very dierent K/S
bundles. One would be more a gentleman farmer in Voca[on, while the
other would be.....well, I'd be open for a good name. :)

Just my $0.02 (special sale, one day only)

Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 09:53:23 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Ques[on #2

>2) What, exactly, is the status of Mythus, unocially (Dave?). I spoke
>with TSR's online chap and he informed me there are NO DJ projects planned
>for '95 or '96. Does this mean TSR is giving up the rights to the game by
>lejng the line die (I've been informed this will happen if they don't
>publish, but my informant wasn't a lawyer and was trying to placate me..),
>or does this mean that we're lep in the cold? What's the status of
>Ascalon? Of the later Bes[aries? Etc...

As far as we all know (those who have asked, those who care), DJ will not be
con[nued as a product line by T$R, i.e., they are going to let it die now that
they own it. I don't have any professional dealings with them, but I'd guess they
are not going to do anything with it... a shame, since it probably cost them a
couple mil to acquire it in the sehlement with Trigee. *However*, just because
they are no longer going to publish or support DJ *does not* mean they are giving
up *any* rights. They have the copyright, and copyrights last a looong [me.

All the material you nd here is basically developed by "fans" (me included) to
keep the game alive. None of us are making any money at this, rather we are
doing it for the love of the game. If someone were so foolish to try and make

anything from this stu, T$R would have the legal right (as far as I understand
it) to sue the pants o them.

I have passed along a collec[on of unpublished - and unnished - stu (which
I'd developed without a contract, but in an[cipa[on of one) to Mah Pearson. He
and a number of the folks here are cleaning it up to distribute... but it's not
done yet. Pa[ence.

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 22:24:23 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ques[ons
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Dangerous Ideas can get you a 3 inch gut wound... :)

It's my ahempt to keep people crea[ng new stu for the game. People
send me their ideas (get it?) and crea[ons, and I just put them all
together in a lihle text le and send it to everyone that wants one.
If you are interested, they should be saved at (use
FTP, WWW or Gopher to get there). Mike Phillips and Muten Roshi both
have them on their WWW home pages (but as usual, I don't remember what
the addresses are--they are at Cerebus, or through it round-about...).


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sat, 6 May 1995 01:38:06 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Daniel A. Pickeh" <Sprrwhwk@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Ques[ons

(Physical Trait)
Level Range: 1-9

Star[ng SEC: 5

Base =

K/S Area STEEP Trait
Combat, Hand Weapons 24 Physical
Combat, Hand Weapons, Missile 20 Physical
Combat, HTH, Lethal 16 Physical
Combat, HTH, Non-Lethal 16 Physical
Speleology 16 Physical
Survival 16 Physical
Endurance 12 Physical
First Aid 12 Physical
Games, Physical 12 Physical
Jack of All Trades 12 Physical
Sports 12 Physical
Street-Wise 12 Spiritual
Travel 12 Physical
Escape 8 Physical
Handicraps/Handiwork 8 Physical
Jury-Rigging 8 Spiritual
Leadership 8 Spiritual
Mountaineering 8 Physical
Subterranean =C6rth 8 Mental
Foreign Language 4 Mental
Geography 4 Mental
Total 248 =

Glory and Adventure, the heart and soul of the Fighter/Adventurer. Withou=
these traits they would be lihle more than common soldiers or mercenarie=
The Fighter/Adventurer can come from any step of life, be that of the pea=
who wishes to follow in the footsteps of their favorite hero or that of t=
Nobel that wishes to have a =93vaca[on=94 from a dull poli[cal life. Th=
Fighter/Adventurer is a highly skill combatant, traveler and explorer.

Level Range: 1-9
Star[ng SEC: 4

Base =

K/S Area STEEP Trait
Combat, HTH, Lethal 24 Physical

Combat, HTH, Non-Lethal 20 Physical

Combat, Hand Weapons, Missile 16 Physical
Acroba[cs 12 Physical
Apotropaism 12 Mental
Combat, Hand Weapons 12 Physical/
or Priestcr=E6p * Spiritual
Games, Physical 12 Physical
Handicraps/Handiwork 12 Physical
Medicine, Oriental 12 Spiritual
Metaphysics 12 Spiritual
Mys[cism 12 Spiritual
Sports 12 Physical
Yoga 12 Spiritual
Acupuncture 8 Mental
Charisma[cism 8 Spiritual
Endurance 8 Physical
Escape 8 Physical
First Aid 8 Physical
Games, Mental 8 Mental
Religion 8 Spiritual
Tolerance 8 Physical
Hypno[sm 4 Mental
Mul[versal Spheres & Planes 4 Spiritual
Total 252 =

Guardians of the faith and physical perfec[onists. The masters of mind o=
body. The monk uses medita[on, discipline and rigorous training to forge=

their bodies into the perfect gh[ng machine. Weapon use is strictly
secondary. The use of hand-to-hand gh[ng styles and the ability to sur=
and adapt are the monks strongest companions. The player may choose what =
of monk he/she wishes to play, one of physical nature or that of the
spiritual monk-priest.

(Spiritual Trait)
Level Range: 1-7
Star[ng SEC: 4

Base =

K/S Area STEEP Trait
Spellsongs 24 Mental
Music 24 Physical
Combat, Hand Weapons 16 Physical

Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical 16 Physical

Musical Composi[on 16 Spiritual
Poetry & Lyrics 16 Spiritual
Street-Wise 16 Spiritual
Charisma[cism 12 Spiritual
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Mental 12 Mental
Current Events 12 Mental
Sociology/Culture 12 Mental
Thespianism 12 Spiritual
Travel 12 Physical
Buoonery 8 Spiritual
Combat, Hand Weapons, Missile 8 Physical
Geology/Foreign Lands 8 Mental
Handicraps/Handiwork 8 Physical
History 8 Mental
Jack of All Trades 8 Physical
Foreign Language 4 Mental
Foreign Language 4 Mental
Total 256 =

The bard, a singing minstrel, ghter and rogue. A singer of wondrous pla=
long since forgohen. Bards, because of their musical background, spend o=
1 AP per STEEP on any KS Skills that are music related, these include;
Spellsongs and Music. Bards use Physical as their secondary trait. Bards =
may be full pra[c[oners. Full pra[c[oners that have both Dweomercr=E6=
p and
Priestcr=E6p can only declare one of these as a primary cas[ng area. Th=
are no Bard-Mage-Priests.

The nished versions, I hope you all like them :) Sparrowhawk...Daniel
Date: Sat, 6 May 1995 01:07:20 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: more voca[ons

John Teske asked me to submit two more Voca[ons one of his group
members put together. Feel free to cri[que these as well. I think
John plans on using them as possible templates for OPs in his
campaign, once the voca[ons have been polished up.



In virtually any town or city in Aerth, there can be found a
professional guide and escort to the seedier sides of town. Want
someone familar with the new town your going to, look for a Bawd, they
know it all, inside and out, upside down, and all around blindfolded.
A Bawd is someone who is familiar with the full range of legal and
illegal, moral and immoral establishments, need to get to some place
ritzy? Need a place to hang low for a while? Well your in luck for
the Bawd knows all. They know all the best drinking houses,
restaurants and gambling halls there is. They cater to everybody.
They can gain access to hard to get places for those who are
outsiders. When you thik of bawd, think of; money, think of prot,
an[-authority, dupes, drink, food, travelers, opportunity, knowledge.

Level Range: 1-6,
HP SEC at Start:4
Trait: Mental

Street Wise: 24
Chrisma[cism: 16
Cultured Palate: 16
Inuence: 16
Current Events: 12
Combat, Hand Weapons: 12
Combat HTH, Lethal: 12
Gambling: 12
Biography/Geneology: 12
Sociology/Culture: 12
Decep[on: 12
Handicraps: 8
Jury-Rigging: 8
Survival: 8
Escape: 8
Appraisal: 8
Law: 8
FL: 8
FL: 8
FL: 8
Dweomercraep: 8
Magick: 8
Rari[es: 8
Animal handiling: 8
Crea[ve, Wri[ng: 4
Surveillance/Security: 4


Traveling the highways of roads between ci[es can some[mes be very
dangerous, especially if one has to go alone, of course a quick remedy
to this problem is to pay a lihle money and hitch a ride on the
coach. Probably one of the fastest ways of gejng around for the
common folk, hell for anybody! Brave Coachmen run these guantlets
between ci[es, through unworked roads, dangerous countryside, dark
forests, they face innumerable hazards to their life and to their
passengers. With most roads unadequately main[aned, threat of
Bandits, irate Toll-keepers it is the Coachmen's job alone to travel
to safety. Few Coachmen stay at this job for not very long, the risks
and perils are too great for for one man alone. When thinking of
Coachman, think: danger, peril at every corner, passengers, bandits,
tolls, routes, safety, protec[on of horses, risk taker, on the road.

Star[ng SEC: 4
Trait: Physical

Riding: 24
Animal handling: 16
Travel: 16
Survival: 16
Endurance: 16
Handicraps: 16
Jury-Rigging: 12
Combat, hand weapons: 12
Combat, missile weapons 12
First Aid: 12
Surveying/Topograpy: 12
Herbalism: 12
Medicine, Veteranary: 12
Gambling: 8
Escape: 8
Jack of All Trades: 8
Divina[on: 8
FL: 8
FL: 8
Geography/Foreign Lands: 4
Hun[ng/Tracking: 4
Mechanics: 4
Dweomercraep: 4
Magick: 4
Streetwise; 4
Date: Sat, 6 May 1995 15:46:19 -0400
Reply-To: Hawkeye <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ques[ons

X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List

In-Reply-To: <>

Nothing personal, but I don't really like the Monk Voca[on as wrihen.
I think it would be beher-named "Ninja" or "Mar[al Ar[st" or something
like that.

The most obvious omission: Philosophy. In addi[on, the Mys[cism, Yoga
and others such as Metaphysics and Medicine, Oriental should be higher
than the combat K/S Areas.

All three of these Voca[ons are certainly usable as is, but they smack
of the EGS (Evil Game System) to me.. :) (and I'm kind of phobic about
AD&D, especially conversions from it to Mythus...).

Oooo!! :) I'm a White Mythus Supremecist! :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sat, 6 May 1995 15:48:43 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: more voca[ons
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

HEY! Someone's been reading WFRP haven't they? :)

That's the only game I know that ever used the word "Bawd." :)

These are quite useful Voca[ons. More as OP's, but as said before, this
could be what the persona was before adventuring came knocking...

Warhammer happens to be a great game to convert stu from, especially to
those using Aerth (which doesn't include myself, but what the hell). The
Old Earth sejng of Warhammer is not too far dierent from Aerth, and
the loca[ons, people, and plots can be EASILY converted.


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sat, 6 May 1995 16:54:09 -0600

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Ques[ons

At 10:24 PM 5/5/95 -0400, Hawkeye wrote:
>Dangerous Ideas can get you a 3 inch gut wound... :)

As can many other things... fortunately, mine is healing nicely. I can sit
upright for a full hour now...

>It's my ahempt to keep people crea[ng new stu for the game. People
>send me their ideas (get it?) and crea[ons, and I just put them all
>together in a lihle text le and send it to everyone that wants one.
>If you are interested, they should be saved at (use

I found many fascina[ng things at this site, but no Dangerous Ideas
magazine copy...

In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sat, 6 May 1995 16:59:28 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Ques[on #2

At 09:53 AM 5/5/95 PDT, Dave Newton wrote:

>are not going to do anything with it... a shame, since it probably cost them a
>couple mil to acquire it in the sehlement with Trigee. *However*, just
>they are no longer going to publish or support DJ *does not* mean they are
>up *any* rights. They have the copyright, and copyrights last a looong [me.

Sigh. Too much to hope for, I guess... Pity I can't apply any pressure..
I'd oer to boycoh their other products, but I haven't bought a TSR
product in over 5 years as is...

>All the material you nd here is basically developed by "fans" (me
included) to
>keep the game alive. None of us are making any money at this, rather we are
>doing it for the love of the game. If someone were so foolish to try and make
>anything from this stu, T$R would have the legal right (as far as I

>it) to sue the pants o them.

Typical. Most of the other game companies promote player interest and
par[cipa[on. TSR punishes it. How do these idiots stay in business?
(Don't answer that - it's rhetorical, and I'm well aware of the idiocy of
the average TSR customer).

>I have passed along a collec[on of unpublished - and unnished - stu (which
>I'd developed without a contract, but in an[cipa[on of one) to Mah
Pearson. He
>and a number of the folks here are cleaning it up to distribute... but it's not
>done yet. Pa[ence.

That sounds promising. I guess I should do my part in this fan-product
thing, and put my stu together, as well. I do have two other gaming
projects on the go, but it's not like I have a real job this summer...

Take Care,
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 01:15:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Mythus to a halt?

Good evening,
Does anyone know what is happening with mythus? I heard they were
discon[nuing????? Thats crazy! Does anyone know (they told me TSR acquired
it somehow.) Goha admit, mythus = best made RPG ever.
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 01:21:02 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Ftp, les anything?

Another ques[on, :) Im rather new to this group, but I am very much
dedicated to Dangerous Journeys, and all their ideas. I was curious if
anyone knows of any les, or pp areas in which I could gather some more
ideas/record sheets/etc. Thanks again..
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 04:30:03 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>

Subject: Re: Ftp, les anything?

There are a few Web pages, though I don't have the URLs handy. . .and I
believe there are les at Is this correct?
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 07:08:00 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: pp site for mythus

For all the new people on the list here is the Mythus-l site I asked recently and got a response in a few days, but
there seems to be a lot of new people on the list. =)

So there you have it.

Humble distributor of the now world famous
CyberMyth conversion

Gree[ngs from Montana where concealed carry is mandatory for males
from 25-65 years old. I dare ya ta mug me.

I once killed a bee with a 12ga shotgun at 12' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 10:42:11 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Submissions

Now that school is out (for me at least) I am gejng interested in
providing another issue of Dangerous Ideas. In order to do so, I would
like to have some new submissions. Yes, I will be pujng a lot of
CyberMyth in this next issue, but I want to do some other stu as well.
(You don't want to really s[ck with only one thing at a [me, what fun
is that???) COme to think of it, I have Steve Gullerud and John Teske's
revision of the Heka-Forging rules as well. Maybe I will put some of
that in as well... :)

Stu that I am par[cularly interested in right now: Filler. Simple
stu, like magick items, new Cas[ngs, new monsters. Anything you guys
send will be accepted and added (maybe not in this upcoming issue, but
soon enough!). I will even take conversions from the EGS (Evil Game
System--AD&D to all you new guys...).

As usual, the more the merrier. Here is an example of a simple magick

item. Watch how quick it can get typed in. THis example is so you can't
sit there and complain about not having enough [me! :)

ForceDart Ring
This simple lihle silver ring has imbued in it the ability to
re ForceDarts (ala the 1st Grade Dweomercrap Cas[ng), but it has no
Heka in it at all. To use, the wearer must know a command word (or
ac[on) and spend 20 Heka of their own. It is just like using the
Cas[ng, but cannot fail (as long as your HP has 20 Heka).

There...prehy easy huh? :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 15:21:34 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Submissions

>>>>There...prehy easy huh? :)


Yup....... Except it's second grade and 35 Heka. Looks like the one I
posted about a year ago, 'cept I limited it at 3/day.

Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 18:40:05 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: RoBert <barbierj@DB.ERAU.EDU>
Subject: Schools of Magic

i am rather new to Mythus but what I've seen I've liked very much. I was
wondering where the schools of magic were located because I have yet to
be able to nd them. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanx in advance,

+ ///-----+
| sig le not feeling well today
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 18:15:09 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: gullerud@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fwd: teskej->

Anything Wheel
The Anything Wheel looks very similar to a roulehe wheel, except
that designs very similar to the various tarot cards replace the red
and black numbers. In addi[on, the stakes gambled at this Wheel are
substan[ally higher. This item can be used to decide the resolu[on
of any current dilemma - save one created by previous use of the
Wheel. The gure that the Wheel stops at will determine how the
dilemma will be resolved. Benecial and baneful resolu[ons are
equally likely, and this probablility cannot be altered by any
Cas[ngs or other outside inuences.
Only the noble families of Tripoli have access to the Anything
Wheel, and it is frequently used for pehy palace intrigue. However,
the Wheel has very rarely been consulted for na[onal crises, as it
favors more extreme results when more is at stake. One unlucky spin
in such a circumstance could bring the downfall of the en[re na[on.

Eighth Object of Entropy
Though the governmet denies it vigrously, many suspect Tripoli
has possession of this ar[fact. It is reputed to be a block of
lodestone, with a number of indecipherable runes faintly visible on
its surface.
If the local sages can be believed, this device absorbs a wide
variety of energy, conver[ng it into nega[ve Heka for use by the one
controlling the Object. Heka, light, and even life can be converted
into nega[ve Heka by this Object. Conrma[on of this informa[on
is impossible, as no record of this item's use exists.
Some Heka-users of Tripoly have demanded the destruc[on of this
Object of Entropy, claiming that it is drawing on local Heka sources.
Though this may be out of simple paranoia, it also gives credence to
the legend which claims that the Objects of Entropy would eventually
become capable of summoning its En[tal creator from his prison. Once
accomplished, the pair would once again take up the bahle to destroy
the mul[verse.

Adaman[ne Ram
The Adaman[ne Ram is in large part responsible for Tripoli's
reputa[on as a sea power. By itself, it has no apparent use, but
when ahached to the front of a ship the Ram's true power is revealed.
The ship with this device ahached is invulnerable to any physical
assult, both mundane and magickal in nature. Even supernatural-level
Heka ahacks have failed to scratch the hull of such a ship. The Ram
is also capable of cujng through solid objects as easily as through

water. Reefs, stone, and enemy ships will not even slow down a ship
equipped with the Ram. This item has turned the Tripoli Navy into a
force to be feared by pirates and na[ons alike, as it is impossible
to determine if a ship is equipped with the Ram un[l it begins its
rampage through enemy ships.
Despite the obvious power the Ram provides, Tripoli has been
reluctant to use it in anything but hit-and-run situa[ons. It has
been speculated that, while the ship may be invulnerable to ahack,
the crew is provided no special protec[on by the Ram, other than
cover behind the ship's hull.

Hughard's Cosmic Clock
This wonder is rumored to be hidden somewhere within Tripoli by
one of the secret socie[es ac[ve there. The Cosmic Clock is a huge
astrolabe of incredible complexity. It is said that every heavenly
body - from planets and moons to stars and comets - are charted and
tracked by this instrument.
When operated by a team of master Astrologers, the Clock will
allow travel through [me itself. Such travel is accomplished by
exact posi[oning of the instrument to represent the skies as they
would appear at the des[na[on's [me and place. A reversal of this
process will allow a [me traveller to return to the Clock. Needless
to say, this is dangerous to ahempt. Both the calcula[ons and the
instrument opera[on are performed at a DR of 'Extreme'. Missteps
usually result in the un[mely demise of the would-be [me traveller.
Authori[es in the secret socie[es of Aerth think that the
Eternal Vigilance Union, a group convinced that dark forces are
conspiring to take over Aerth governments, possesses this device. For
now, they are using the Clock to seek evidence of this conspiracy in
other [mes, despite the heavy casual[es suered. However, serious
consequences may occur if they adopt a more ac[ve policy in their
use of this item.


Moon Pearl
Though Ys would appear vulnerable to an ahack by sea, invaders
have learned the hard way about the formidable defense provided by the
Moon Pearl. The Pearl has incredible inuence on the [des and
oceans, able to aect them miles away from its loca[on. Thus seas
can be calmed from the eects of a storm, and the [des lessened to
prevent grounding of vessels leaving Ys' port.
However, no historian makes light of the Pearl's power.
Centuries ago, a eet of ships was gathered on the other side of the
English Channel, with the inten[on of closing a blockade on Ys and
bring about its capture. Just when the ships were about to leave
shore, a [dal wave struck, destroying every ship and killing most of
the men aboard.

An exact descrip[on of this ar[fact is unknown, but it is
surely the source of one of Ys' most powerful defenses. It is said
that the Fluxlever draws upon the Plane of Air to produce walls of
electricity. These walls can stretch 10's of leagues; enough to cover
the en[re border with Brehony. It is uncertain how intense these
barriers are or how long they can be maintained, as Ys has never used
the Fluxlever to its maximum capacity.
The most impressive barriers created with the Lever have been
along ancient stone pillars located south of the city. Sages
speculate that this is more than coincidence, and that these monuments
enhance or even supply power to the Fluxlever.

First Object of Entropy
This blackened rod of oracalcum and adaman[ne has been in the
city of Ys since its founding. It may have been carried by one of the
original leaders of this strange city. Some mages in Ys believe that
the Objects of Entropy, once a single weapon used by an Abyssal deity
ahemp[ng to destroy the rest of the mul[verse, can be reassembled
if all the pieces are brought together. However, divina[ons are
uncertain as to how many such Objects exist, except that there are at
least eight.
This par[cular Object may be directed against anything which
depends upon Heka. Cas[ngs within miles of a targehed area quickly
break down, even those of permanent nature up to and including Grade
XIX power! Any further Cas[ngs ahempted within this area while the
Object is ac[vated will have unpredictable, though probably
destruc[ve, Eects to the one foolish enough to try such a thing.
There is evidence that the boundary between the Material and the
Entropical Planes in the vicinity of this Object. Conjura[on and
Mediumship Cas[ngs used in Ys some[mes reach creatures from the
Entropical, even when the intent is much dierent.

Sixth Object of Entropy
The Sixth Object of Entropy is a sword-like blade of a metal
unlike anything found on Aerth or Phaeree. Anything pointed at by
this blade will immediately suer some sort of disasterous breakdown.
Weapons will snap at the hilt, buildings will spontaneously collapse,
and even creatures will suer from a fatal stroke or heart ahack.
Such an Eect will occur less than 1 BT aper the use of this Object.
Visitors have reported that the Lady of Ys has become concerned
that some of the mysterious disasters and deaths occurring in the city
are caused by this device, and has ordered it moved to a remote
sec[on of the city. It is s[ll heavily guarded, although a constant
stream of replacements is needed for all the guards who have died
under suspicious circumstances.
Recent reports from the Seelie Court indicate that Ys has begun a
determined explora[on of Phaeree to search for more Objects of
Entropy. The prospect of Ys obtaining more of these ar[facts has
caused nearby na[ons no end of concern.

$$HRComments by teskej Wed May 10 18:14:42 1995
These items were created by S. Gullerud.
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 19:35:05 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Submissions
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Well, okay, 2nd Grade, 35 Heka, so beat me... :) I didn't have a book

If you can, can you tell me the reasoning (other than the dreaded "game
balance") that a magick item like the Force Dart Ring, which works on the
HP's power, would be limited to 3 per day? A limit like that seems kind
of strange to me...

I actually used my version in a game, and it didn't get out of control...
the HP who owned it was too busy trying other, more powerful Cas[ngs,
and didn't have a ton of Heka to burn...

(You have to pick your spots...) :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 19:37:02 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Schools of Magic
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Now that is a curious ques[on...

Is it stated anywhere in Epic of Aerth as to the loca[on of the Schools
of Magick? If you look in the Mythus book at the Voca[on sec[on, it
lists the names of the schools (stu like "Quintessen[al Hall" or
something like that), but does not say that I've found that these are
actual places...

Or should people just s[ck 'em where they want? Or are there "Franchises"?
Oooo! :) McWizards! :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 00:54:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Now what..?

Now that TSR has claimed rights over Dangerous Journeys, does
that mean that Noone can order back issues. (ie, I have Mythus, Mythus
Magic, The GM Screen, the Beas[ary, and Epic of Aerth, but I heard of
something about Necropolis... is there any way I can order the stu you
guys made before you ceased in making new books, or is that everything
that you made?
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 12:16:28 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Now what..?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 11 May 1995, BORING wrote:

> Now that TSR has claimed rights over Dangerous Journeys, does
> that mean that Noone can order back issues. (ie, I have Mythus, Mythus
> Magic, The GM Screen, the Beas[ary, and Epic of Aerth, but I heard of
> something about Necropolis... is there any way I can order the stu you
> guys made before you ceased in making new books, or is that everything
> that you made?
> Thanks
You cannot order the books anymore. If you are fortunate you can nd
them in a hobby shop or book store, but the books are ocially out of

Necropolis is an Adventure/Aegyp[an Sourcebook, and in my opinion, a
must have for a GM as it has a long list of new Monsters (mostly Undead
and Phaeree denizens) plus the Aegyp[an sourcebook.


Humble game designer of CyberMyth

Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 15:31:28 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Ring of Force Darts


>>>>>If you can, can you tell me the reasoning (other than the dreaded "game
balance") that a magick item like the Force Dart Ring, which works on the
HP's power, would be limited to 3 per day? A limit like that seems kind of
strange to me...<<<<<

Actually, no. I did it that way because I didn't want an HP sijng back
throwing gazillions of Force Darts without rolling or working at it. Ok, ok,
the guy that got it could only use it about 8 [mes anyway, and since I
"ahune" that type of item to a user the limita[on is really not necessary.
At the [me I didn't want an item that one HP would consume his/her Heka
with, then toss to the next HP in the party..... Aper I decided to ahune
items of this sort the need for the limita[on was somewhat reduced because
as you noted a more powerful caster would likely be trying more powerful
cas[ngs anyway.

BTW, we allow force dart (and some other cas[ngs) a loca[on roll so this
isn't a mere toy to placate the minor Heka users.


Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 15:32:21 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Now what..?


Try your local stores. One in our local area s[ll carries Necropolis and
Epic of Aerth, although the other books are gejng harder to nd.

Otherwise, I believe that TSR will take phone orders for the main books,
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 14:49:07 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Subject: Re: Now what..?

In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 11 May 1995, Chris Beadles wrote:

> You cannot order the books anymore. If you are fortunate you can nd
> them in a hobby shop or book store, but the books are ocially out of
> print.
> Necropolis is an Adventure/Aegyp[an Sourcebook, and in my opinion, a
> must have for a GM as it has a long list of new Monsters (mostly Undead
> and Phaeree denizens) plus the Aegyp[an sourcebook.
> Chris
> Humble game designer of CyberMyth
iF i cant order them from GDW, wont tsr be able to have at least a few
copies lep, do ya know?
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 15:56:11 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Now what..?
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Here is something I am curious about:

Why will T$R not seell the rights to produce the game to some other small
company. They could sort of "lease" it out, and let someone else produce
it, but make that other company send any new products through T$R to see
if they are "Okay." That way, they would s[ll make some money on the
product, without was[ng all the money they spent gejng it.

This was done (more or less) by GW and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. GW
had ocially killed the WFRP project, and a small company named
Hogshead came by and picked it up. THey are not allowed to just go
produce anything they want (they are s[ll restricted by GW) but at least
the game is being re-printed.

Why doesn't T$R do something like that? Or haven't they thought of it?
Or has no one stepped up to do it? Or are they afraid DJ would kick the
shit out of AD&D on a level playing eld?

Just a think about...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 15:58:06 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ring of Force Darts
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Ah yes, something which is also a good idea:

Ahunement. I have kind of translated some of the "Key Knowledge" idea
from Earthdawn to the idea of ahuning magickal items to their users, for
just the reason you stated. Also, it makes the item seem more personal
to the possessor.

I never had the problem with HP's tossing magick items between them.
Most of my players' HP's were prehy possessive, and didn't let each
other borrow much... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 15:07:36 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Now what..?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 11 May 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Here is something I am curious about:
> Why will T$R not seell the rights to produce the game to some other small
> company. They could sort of "lease" it out, and let someone else produce
> it, but make that other company send any new products through T$R to see
> if they are "Okay." That way, they would s[ll make some money on the
> product, without was[ng all the money they spent gejng it.
Because TSR is afraid that Mythus will throw them out of business :)
Which they prolly would of <grumble..>
> This was done (more or less) by GW and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. GW
> had ocially killed the WFRP project, and a small company named

> Hogshead came by and picked it up. THey are not allowed to just go
> produce anything they want (they are s[ll restricted by GW) but at least
> the game is being re-printed.
> Why doesn't T$R do something like that? Or haven't they thought of it?
> Or has no one stepped up to do it? Or are they afraid DJ would kick the
> shit out of AD&D on a level playing eld?
Yes! My thoughts exactly! Hey, do you know TSR's address where we can
send these great ideas to them??
> Just a think about...
> Hawkeye
> -> Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 15:12:12 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Now what..?

At 02:16 PM 5/11/95 -0400, Chris Beadles wrote:
>On Thu, 11 May 1995, BORING wrote:
>> Now that TSR has claimed rights over Dangerous Journeys, does
>> that mean that Noone can order back issues. (ie, I have Mythus, Mythus
>> Magic, The GM Screen, the Beas[ary, and Epic of Aerth, but I heard of
>> something about Necropolis... is there any way I can order the stu you
>> guys made before you ceased in making new books, or is that everything
>> that you made?
>> Thanks
>You cannot order the books anymore. If you are fortunate you can nd
>them in a hobby shop or book store, but the books are ocially out of

For What It's Worth:
*ALL* Mythus related Items are available from both The Sentry Box
(Calgary AB Canada - they do interna[onal mail order), and from TD Imports
(Dealer Requests Only), also headquartered here in Calgary. If it comes
down to it, I can pick them up locally and ship them to folks in desperate

Take care,

In Real Life: Gary Spechko

In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)

Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 15:16:20 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Now what..?

At 03:07 PM 5/11/95 -0500, BORING wrote:
>On Thu, 11 May 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

>> Why doesn't T$R do something like that? Or haven't they thought of it?
>> Or has no one stepped up to do it? Or are they afraid DJ would kick the
>> shit out of AD&D on a level playing eld?
>Yes! My thoughts exactly! Hey, do you know TSR's address where we can
>send these great ideas to them??

They answer promptly, but never have much to say.

In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 01:11:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Now what..?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 11 May 1995, Gary Spechko wrote:

> At 03:07 PM 5/11/95 -0500, BORING wrote:
> >On Thu, 11 May 1995, Hawkeye wrote:
> >> Why doesn't T$R do something like that? Or haven't they thought of it?
> >> Or has no one stepped up to do it? Or are they afraid DJ would kick the
> >> shit out of AD&D on a level playing eld?
> >Yes! My thoughts exactly! Hey, do you know TSR's address where we can
> >send these great ideas to them??

> They answer promptly, but never have much to say.

> In Real Life: Gary Spechko
> In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
> Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
> Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
I have an idea to all the mythus players, maybe if we all sent Email to, and tell them to put mythus back on, they might actually
get a clue? If they got sent 160 or so lehers each from dierent
people, they might decide that they would make money aper all and
con[nue with the mythus tradi[on..:)
DJ can't die out, its way beher than AD&D, thats for sure.
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 08:50:09 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hale <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ring of Force Darts (fwd)

>BTW, we allow force dart (and some other cas[ngs) a loca[on roll so this
>isn't a mere toy to placate the minor Heka users.

Heh, I allowed Heka Bolt <grade 5> a strike loca[on roll... characters
loved it... [ll a mage hit em with it, maxed it up to 10d6, spent a joss
for max damage... and then I pointed out 4 of em were in a straight line,
spaced over about 40 feet... YIKES.

One of the players started to say 'damn, that's really hepy damage... I
mean, 60 points hijng anywhere other than non-vital would kill
somebody... to which I pointed out, if a Full Prac[[oner <the baddie
was> spent a Joss /And/ about 250 points of heka ... I didn't have a
problem with him gejng the exact same results as the primi[ve hunter
with the claymore... aper all, what did he think his own Joss were for? he
shut up aper that...

Course, the spell hit four people, which the claymore cant.. but it's
their fault for lining up :)

And for the record, thanks to joss points.. no one other than the one
bad guy that also got hit by the bolt took more than 30 points of so of
damage... the bad guy got hit in ultra-vital and took a whopping 240
points... yowch.

Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 13:36:29 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Now what..?
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Well, it's nice to see new blood tearing out of the gate gh[ng...

Thanks for the AOL address Gary, I think I will write and ask them a
ques[on or two...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 13:44:25 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: The leher I just sent

Hey gang...I gured, why not? :)

Here is a copy of the leher I just popped o to
Hopefully they will give me more than the form response ("we aren't
planning anything for '95 or '96). Hopefully, this can give us some

Now, the only thing we will have to gure out is, who would get it?
(read on to understand)


Here goes:

>From what I have heard, TSR does not plan to con[nue the Dangerous
Journeys line of RPG material. I would just like to say that I think it
is a shame, and also to oer an idea:

Is there any way TSR would consider "leasing" or "sub-lejng" the
Dangerous Journeys line to a smaller publisher?

There is an example of this going on now, with GW allowing Hogshead Press
to publish material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. GW had killed the
project altogether, but now it is resurrected. Hogshead has to go by
GW's rules, including publishing new material, but at least those of us
who are fans of WFRP are provided with new stu.

I wonder if the same could work for TSR and DJ. It seems to be a waste
that TSR went through a long, arduous legal bahle to acquire the DJ
line, and to see it just pushed under a rug really is unfortunate.

Thanks for reading this...

Jesse Gris
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 11:47:00 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Now what..?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 12 May 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Well, it's nice to see new blood tearing out of the gate gh[ng...
> Thanks for the AOL address Gary, I think I will write and ask them a
> ques[on or two...
> Hawkeye
I have already sent an inquiry to TSR. Thanks for the address Gary. I
hope something comes of this, and I hope more people will also send in
requests/pleas. :)

* Chris Beadles *
* *
* Game Designer of CyberMyth *
* Enjoy Life. This is NOT a rehersal. *
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 14:57:54 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Now what..?

>>>>Why will T$R not seell the rights to produce the game to some other small
company. <<<


It's called "Dog in the Manger" syndrome. And, they don't want the

compe[[on with their other product line.

Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 15:05:12 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Ring of Force Darts (fwd)


The Heka Bolt is eec[vely an area eect. I would never allow a loca[on
roll for this or any other "Heka direct" cas[ng. Including Heka Dart, tho
you could make a case for it. I 'spose you could make a case for an exposure
roll on Heka Bolt, but I wouldn't allow it in my group.

I allow loca[on rolls for cas[ngs which project a physical object or force,
but not those crea[ng damage from raw Heka.


Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 15:08:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: The leher I just sent


Good luck, but I wouldn't hold my breath. We had a major leher wri[ng
campaign going right aper the suit was resolved and to the best of my
knowledge there were no direct responses. I certainly never got one.

The only answers that I am aware of came from phone calls placed to TSR.
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 21:41:37 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Item rumors con[nue
In-Reply-To: <> from "Steven Olaf
Gullerud" at Apr 28, 95 03:00:53 pm


ROTTOTENKOPF means Red-Death-Head literally when translated from the

A Liabram is a book not a whole library.

Now for nice comments: I really like the Rohotenkopf story, as well as
the Astral Globe or similar device - prehy neat.

I always like to have powerfull magic to have a powerfull price. >:)

Dan Williamson
Blood is my life.
Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 02:04:58 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: The leher I just sent

OK, good idea, except I'd be real careful about gejng T$R involved in DJ in
any way. The LAST thing we want, I suspect, is another Flint Dille vehicle
shoved into a DJ wrapper, a la Buck Rogers. I don't think they'd add
anything good to the system, and there are unnumerable horrifying ways they
could wreck it.

A straight buyout would be beher, for then we'd be free of T$R meddling.
Any millionaires out there wai[ng to do bahle with the Dragon?

Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 01:00:47 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Item rumors con[nue
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dan T
Williamson" at May 12, 95 09:41:37 pm

> ROTTOTENKOPF means Red-Death-Head literally when translated from the
> German.
> A Liabram is a book not a whole library.
> Now for nice comments: I really like the Rohotenkopf story, as well as
> the Astral Globe or similar device - prehy neat.
> I always like to have powerfull magic to have a powerfull price. >:)


Thanks for the input. I can't take credit for wri[ng these; I was
just submijng the work done by one of John's group. I'm saving all
the comments and correc[ons for later work. John and I s[ll intend
to go back and address some of the missed legends, but we're trying to

get the last sec[on of item rumors wrihen rst. It's been slow
work, with midterms going on and ......

[Ran[ng about sta[s[cal thermodynamics, take-home midterms, and the
quarter system deleted. It wasn't prehy.]

Anyway, keep right on catching the errors. Sooner or later they
will be dealt with. :)

Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 09:32:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hale <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ring of Force Darts (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 12 May 1995, Richard Crook wrote:

> Doyce;
> The Heka Bolt is eec[vely an area eect. I would never allow a loca[on
> roll for this or any other "Heka direct" cas[ng. Including Heka Dart, tho
> you could make a case for it. I 'spose you could make a case for an exposure
> roll on Heka Bolt, but I wouldn't allow it in my group.
> I allow loca[on rolls for cas[ngs which project a physical object or force,
> but not those crea[ng damage from raw Heka.

well, here's my logic for it:It's a piecing ahack, which implies to me
using dierent protec[ons versus dierent types of armor, why list it
if not, and if you are going to worry about the kinds of armor and so
forth, then you also have to pay ahen[on to hit loca[on.

I use this for any spell other than
1> an area of eect like Heka Blast
2> something that uses an exposure roll.
3> something that is Impact damage <ie: stu that totally
ignores all armor.>--like Heka Beam, Grade 8 <a prehy common one for the
FP in the group to toss.>

Basically, if it lists the damage as a damage type <piercing, blunt,
whatever> than I have a hit loca[on rol on it, but armor does eect
it..., maybe I forgot to men[on that. Sounds like you just dene the
spell a bit dierently :)


Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 14:49:37 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)

This is the message that I received from T$R about an inquiry I sent:

---------- Forwarded message ---------Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 14:16:34 -0400
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys)

Sorry, DANGEROUS JOURNEYS material is no longer available. Thanks for your
interest in our games.

Rob Repp
Manager, Digital Projects Group
TSR, Inc.

Gee, what a great company...

Guess we'll have to try harder, guys.

* Chris Beadles *
* *
* Game Designer of CyberMyth *
* Enjoy Life. This is NOT a rehersal. *
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 14:16:18 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ring of Force Darts (fwd)
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

In the case of Cas[ngs which list the damage type you should use the
Average Armor values, rather than a Strike Loca[on roll. I think this
is stated in the Heka Combat sec[on of the Combat chapter...

An area eect of any sort (Cas[ng or otherwise) should always have an
Exposure roll, or an Avoidance roll, to determine any damage mul[plier.

Of course, I could be wrong... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 14:21:08 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: The shit they sent back

Here is the shit that Robbie sent me. As if I am interested in "their"
games. Screw them.

>We're not interested in that type of arrangement for DANGEROUS JOURNEYS.
> Thanks for your interest in our games.

>Rob Repp
>Manager, Digital Projects Group
>TSR, Inc.

This guy is frigging worthless. I wish there was someone a lihle higher
up that we could talk to.

That, and I am seriously comtempla[ng sending some childish immature
ame at the loser...


Is there a limit to the number of messages you can have on AOL? Maybe if
I send him a couple hundred he'd have to take no[ce and send a bit more
of a response...
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 12:41:52 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)

At 02:49 PM 5/13/95 -0600, Chris Beadles wrote:
>This is the message that I received from T$R about an inquiry I sent:
>---------- Forwarded message --------->Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 14:16:34 -0400

>Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys)
>Sorry, DANGEROUS JOURNEYS material is no longer available. Thanks for your
>interest in our games.
>Rob Repp
>Manager, Digital Projects Group
>TSR, Inc.
>Gee, what a great company...
>Guess we'll have to try harder, guys.

Perhaps you should reply:

Mr. Repp:
We're not interested in your games. We're interested in DJ. Since
you morons haven't sucient neurons ring to recognize that this game
deserves more ahen[on than your ridiculous "plate mail makes me harder to
hit" games, perhaps you should sell the rights to it to another company
(such as GDW) who can use it to put you out of business and out of our misery.


The 135 Par[cipants of the Mythus Mailing List.

<grin>. Just had to get that o my chest.

In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 12:49:16 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: The shit they sent back

At 02:21 PM 5/14/95 -0400, Hawkeye wrote:

>Is there a limit to the number of messages you can have on AOL? Maybe if
>I send him a couple hundred he'd have to take no[ce and send a bit more
>of a response...

It's a lovely thought, but they're lawsuit happy. They'd probably le suit
against you or have your local sysadmin give you the boot.

I guess we'll just have to maintain a thriving subculture away from their
watchful eyes. The philis[nes cannot stop us from playing the games we've
bought, or from FREELY distribu[ng it.

This message contains references to the intellectual property of T$R. Given
that they have so lihle intellect to work with, please ensure you give them
their due (50% of any prot you derive from reading this message).

Now, if we put a disclaimer like that on our stu, even their lawyers
cannot but see the light. :)

Take care,

In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 15:08:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Money

Despite their spokesman's response, I do believe they would sell DJ for
enough money. You have to realize that T$R does nothing unless they think it
will make them money. In most cases, they are right. Look at all the product
lines they are shujng down due to lack of sales.

There is another aspect, however, one which is always denied in ocial
communiques: revenge on EGG. They not only shut down Greyhawk, they rst
sytema[cally killed o all the "old" characters in a string of worthless
modules like "Vecna Lives" for no other reason than to purge all of his
remaining works from "their" system. As long as the people who ini[ated the
ouster of EGG from T$R in 1985 are s[ll slurping up the revenues, this will
be highly dicult. So much money will hve to be oered that I think it
highly unlikely a buyer, or even a consor[um of buyers, could put together a

The watchword is "Pa[ence". Sooner or later, especially when prots begin
to dive, these corporate suits will begin to smell fear and career-path o
to some other lucra[ve eld like hotel-motel management and the personal
vendeha factor will be gone, dropping the price drama[cally. So save those
pennies, boys and girls. . .
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 08:23:00 PDT

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)

>This is the message that I received from T$R about an inquiry I sent:
>---------- Forwarded message --------->Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 14:16:34 -0400
>Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys)
>Sorry, DANGEROUS JOURNEYS material is no longer available. Thanks for your
>interest in our games.
>Rob Repp
>Manager, Digital Projects Group
>TSR, Inc.

An "interest in their games". Now that's one hell of an assump[on! ;) Gee,
if you didn't know beher, you'd think they were s[ll number 1 in the
industry. I wonder what tune they'll be singing when they are number 3?

Dave----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on. All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 08:26:46 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: The shit they sent back

>Here is the shit that Robbie sent me. As if I am interested in "their"
>games. Screw them.
>>We're not interested in that type of arrangement for DANGEROUS JOURNEYS.
>> Thanks for your interest in our games.
>>Rob Repp
>>Manager, Digital Projects Group
>>TSR, Inc.
>This guy is frigging worthless. I wish there was someone a lihle higher

>up that we could talk to.

>That, and I am seriously comtempla[ng sending some childish immature
>ame at the loser...
>Is there a limit to the number of messages you can have on AOL? Maybe if
>I send him a couple hundred he'd have to take no[ce and send a bit more
>of a response...

When you are dealing with wienies, your only op[on is a cookout...

Actually, that would be the wrong thing to do, since the people only AOL don't
have a very big clue. Someone hacked into my account not too long ago, posted
some abusive stu in the game support area, and I got into a minor fracas
about it. First, they threatened to sue QMS for libel, and then I got a nasty
note from Frank Mentzer (OGFOgre), threatening to sue me personally if I
slammed him.

[side note: Frank's never liked me very much, but I can aord to be
magnanimous, since I got the Mythus project, and he didn't...]

When I explained what had happened, my partner got a big apology, and I got
nothing except a note from AOL's terms of service people sta[ng that I had
violated my terms of service and that if it happened again... etc.

I gather that AOL could really give a rat's ass about you, me, DJ, or any of
us here. That's kinda obvious from the way they a) treat their paid members,
and b) allow such clueless geeks on the internet. At this point, I'm only
there for the le transfer and the fact that I have a couple of people I talk
to online.

Bohom line, though: I wouldn't recommend doing anything stupid. Of course,
since you're not an AOL member, *you* have a certain amount of freedom of
expression. So if you do tell anyone to "go fuck themselves", tell 'em I said
hello. <grin>

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on. All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 10:21:45 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Now what..?

>They answer promptly, but never have much to say.

So what do you expect from someone who, in all probability, has no authority
and is paid to answer ques[ons online? I'm sure whoever it is, they aren't
always given the facts, and are probably real nice *normal* people like us...

To T$R, Dangerous Journeys is like a crazy aunt locked in a back room. You
don't like to talk about her too much, but you can't just get rid of her...

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 10:29:46 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Now what..?

>I have an idea to all the mythus players, maybe if we all sent Email to
>, and tell them to put mythus back on, they might actually
>get a clue? If they got sent 160 or so lehers each from dierent
>people, they might decide that they would make money aper all and
>con[nue with the mythus tradi[on..:)
> DJ can't die out, its way beher than AD&D, thats for sure.

A noble gesture, but it would take a lot more than 160 people. Print runs are
open 10,000 units and up. Besides, it's not the money or the compe[[on that
killed DJ - it was a personal grudge. Some people don't care what the
consequences are when they have a "score" to sehle. In that way of thinking,
who cares if a great game is buried? The fans will have to buy another game...

Dave----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 10:35:53 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Ring of Force Darts (fwd)

>And for the record, thanks to joss points.. no one other than the one
>bad guy that also got hit by the bolt took more than 30 points of so of
>damage... the bad guy got hit in ultra-vital and took a whopping 240
>points... yowch.

In one of my playtest sessions, there was an all-out joss bahle (the cas[ng
failed - "I use a point of Joss" - "It succeeded, but he uses a point to
counter - "I use another point to counter that" - he uses another point, etc).

When the dust cleared and one side had literally "run out of luck", the
FP PCFTer leader was basically splahered all over the walls by a par[al
prac[[oner who had used all of her Joss and all of her Heka in one bahle.

Let's just say that those who were lep listened to what she had to say *very*
carefully from that point on...

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 07:04:57 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 15 May 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> An "interest in their games". Now that's one hell of an assump[on! ;) Gee,
> if you didn't know beher, you'd think they were s[ll number 1 in the
> industry. I wonder what tune they'll be singing when they are number 3?
> Dave-

Hey Dave I get a feeling from this that you know something we (or at
least I) don't know. What two companies do you think could accomplish
this wonderful task?


Do not adjust your brain, there is a fault in reality.
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 09:16:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "wayne (w.m.) maclaurin" <waynem@BNR.CA>
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)

Come on people...

"TSR is bad"
"TSR is evil"

This is not a terribly produc[ve thread for this news group. If you
like that thread, go over and read or

Oh, and my guess is Dave N. is talking about Wizards of the Coast's
spectacular rise through the ranks of gaming companies. Magic:TheGathering
and its ospring are consistantly the number 1 (and open #2, #3, #4...)
best selling products in the market.

| Wayne MacLaurin Compu[ng Research Lab |
| Bell Northern Research |
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 10:14:02 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)

>Come on people...
> "TSR is bad"
> "TSR is evil"
>This is not a terribly produc[ve thread for this news group. If you
>like that thread, go over and read or
>Oh, and my guess is Dave N. is talking about Wizards of the Coast's
>spectacular rise through the ranks of gaming companies. Magic:TheGathering

>and its ospring are consistantly the number 1 (and open #2, #3, #4...)
>best selling products in the market.

Wayne is correct on both counts. (thanks, Wayne)

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on. All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 12:23:26 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Rodney W. Morris" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>; from "Dave Newton" at
May 15, 95 8:23 am

> An "interest in their games". Now that's one hell of an assump[on! ;) Gee,
> if you didn't know beher, you'd think they were s[ll number 1 in the
> industry. I wonder what tune they'll be singing when they are number 3?

If you examine net prots, WotC has got TSR beaten, but
that's with M:tG, not role playing games. I'm as much into bashing
TSR as the next dude, but who do you suggest is in #1 and #2?

Lucifer >:}
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 12:30:15 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Rodney W. Morris" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: The shit they sent back
In-Reply-To: <>; from "Dave Newton" at
May 15, 95 8:26 am

> I gather that AOL could really give a rat's ass about you, me, DJ, or any of
> us here. That's kinda obvious from the way they a) treat their paid members,
> and b) allow such clueless geeks on the internet. At this point, I'm only
> there for the le transfer and the fact that I have a couple of people I talk
> to online.

I've had the opposite response from the management of the
Online Gaming Forum (OGF, for those who aren't on AOL) in similar
situa[ons (I thought someone had hacked into my account and was
using up my [me, but they kindly directed me to the people who

could inform me exactly what had gone was my fault, not
I'm not certain what you mean by 'allow such clueless geeks
on the internet', but not everyone, especially in the public sector,
can start u[lizing the internet as well as those of us who've been
on it for years. Are you sugges[ng some sort of entry requirement
for AOL? Perhaps a literacy test?

> Bohom line, though: I wouldn't recommend doing anything stupid. Of course,
> since you're not an AOL member, *you* have a certain amount of freedom of
> expression. So if you do tell anyone to "go fuck themselves", tell 'em I said
> hello. <grin>

I didn't see the posts in ques[on, but perhaps someone
thought they were in character. You do seem to have a bit of a
temper, at [mes.

Lucifer >:}
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 13:08:50 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)

> If you examine net prots, WotC has got TSR beaten, but
>that's with M:tG, not role playing games. I'm as much into bashing
>TSR as the next dude, but who do you suggest is in #1 and #2?
> Lucifer >:}

IMHO, net prots is what T$R is all about, otherwise, explain the premature
burial of DJ. I would suggest that T$R is #2, and if they don't stop playing
their silly "We're King of the Mountain" game with the people who actually
*buy* stu, *someone* will make them #3 just like WotC made 'em #2.

There's an old saying in which I rmly believe: "Don't shit where you eat."

IMHO, of course.

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on. All Rights Reserved

Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 13:14:37 PDT

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: The shit they sent back

> I've had the opposite response from the management of the
>Online Gaming Forum (OGF, for those who aren't on AOL) in similar
>situa[ons (I thought someone had hacked into my account and was
>using up my [me, but they kindly directed me to the people who
>could inform me exactly what had gone was my fault, not

My problem was exacerbated by a personal conict, and should have been
handled like any other user's would have been. That's all I'm saying. And I
s[ll haven't gohen an apology (though apparently, an apology was due my
partner) aper the situa[on was explained. That's what tells me is a
*personal* problem... Do you *disagree*, Frank? If not, why is is the
company merits one (an apology), yet I don't?

> I'm not certain what you mean by 'allow such clueless geeks
>on the internet', but not everyone, especially in the public sector,
>can start u[lizing the internet as well as those of us who've been
>on it for years. Are you sugges[ng some sort of entry requirement
>for AOL? Perhaps a literacy test?

Pardon. As an AOL subscriber, I've had to grit my teeth at some of the AOL
bashing on the net. The problem is that AOL let the subscribers, young and
old, rush headlong into the jaws of a [ger without training, guidance, or
warning. The problem is that AOL did not respect the ci[zens of the net,
nor did the give their subscribers the benet of a single "Oh by the way,
there's this thing called 'Ne[quehe'" message.

>> Bohom line, though: I wouldn't recommend doing anything stupid. Of
>> since you're not an AOL member, *you* have a certain amount of freedom of
>> expression. So if you do tell anyone to "go fuck themselves", tell 'em I
>> hello. <grin>
> I didn't see the posts in ques[on, but perhaps someone
>thought they were in character. You do seem to have a bit of a
>temper, at [mes.

Good point. Actually, I have both a temper, *and* and ajtude (yes, I'm
proud of my accomplishments, not all of which have anything to do with DJ).
When you have to listen to every cri[c with a word processor and a laser
printer who wants to tell you what a piece of crap your game is, you learn to
develop broad shoulders.

But that's beside the point. I feel that it was never even ques[oned or
inves[gated properly; that the blame just automa[cally went to me. And
despite my protests, that's where the blame s[ll sits.

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on. All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 13:36:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "wayne (w.m.) maclaurin" <waynem@BNR.CA>
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)

In message "Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)", you write:

> If you examine net prots, WotC has got TSR beaten, but
> that's with M:tG, not role playing games. I'm as much into bashing
> TSR as the next dude, but who do you suggest is in #1 and #2?
> Lucifer >:}

Well... again, this isn't the best forum for this but...

WotC are #1 in the "gaming" industry. MtG isn't role-playing but it
has made a huge crater in the market.

#2 ? I'd just Steve Jackson Games. Between Gurps and the newly released
INWO, they have to be well up there. Perhaps White Wolf could be
another contender.

| Wayne MacLaurin Compu[ng Research Lab |
| Bell Northern Research |
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 16:11:39 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Ring of Force Darts (fwd)

>>>>>>Basically, if it lists the damage as a damage type <piercing, blunt,

whatever> than I have a hit loca[on rol on it, but armor does eect
it..., maybe I forgot to men[on that. Sounds like you just dene the
spell a bit dierently :)



There are several cas[ngs which specify damage type (piercing, blunt, etc)
but also indicate that armor is not applicable. I believe that Heka Bolt is
in this category. I think the confusion comes from the way in which magickal
armor gets handled.

There are two cases for handling magickal armor when ahacked by Heka (I
'spose there may be more but......), this is magickally enhanced physical
armor, NOT cas[ngs or powers which provide armor.

1) The protec[ve value of the armor is applied in total to the incoming
Heka ahack. Therefore, in the case of an incoming Heka Bolt the armor would
protect from 23 points of damage if it were +5 full studded leather.

2) The second school allows protec[on equal to the enhancement of the
armor, in the previous example the +5 FSLeather would provide 5 points of
protec[on against the ahack.

My group uses case 2 , as case 1 makes most cas[ngs under 5th grade prehy
much ineec[ve.

Actually even if I used case 1 I don't think I'd allow the loca[on roll on
anything with an area of eect. However, I'm willing to admit that its a
dierence in percep[on.

Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 18:52:58 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Mon May 15 18:12:31 1995
Ziva (cont.)

Oasis Compass - This hepy device appears to be a sundial made of wrought iron
roughly twenty feet in diameter. When put on a dais, it slowly summons water
to the area in the way of underground springs. If lep unhindered, within a
number of years a self-supplying oasis will be formed out of a wasteland. The
whole process takes roughly a decade. The main problem is a desire to move it
too early, and nding the correct placement so as not to destroy current

exis[ng trade routes. Aper the oasis is created and the Sundial is removed,
it stands to ght the odds of nature with the same ease or diculty as any
other oasis. It is believed Belvidere Oasis, Raghenta Oasis, and Villa Park
were all formed by this device.


Lavas[ck - These were common items during the War of the Fall. THey are last
eort ahempts of destroying hos[le invaders and monsters. The s[cks, when
planted rmly in the ground by a person born of land cause an erup[on. This
is a self-sacricing event of course, but it discouraged large enemy forces to
land and take control. These items were open haded down genera[ons from
father to son, but that tradi[on has started to change due to peace. The
names of those died through sacrice line the walls of the Ebony Marble Caves.
A rela[ve who dies\d in this manner is held in the highest manner, and
genera[ons will recognize him on the day of the fall.

Host of Unseen Messangers - This is a rough rock that dates back over a
thousand years before the fall. To keep in contact with various satellite
na[ons, messangers were used to travel abroad using Magick. As a source fo
that magical power, a towering pyramid was made using primordial marble (the
oldest purest material known). This Pyramid Primortalia Communikay enabled
con[nuous contact with the thousands of messangers and allowed them incredible
speed in addi[on to water-running. This was ne for many years/centuries,
un[l war was declared on the Unnamed One's Minions. When the Unnamed One
heard this, he tainted the pyramid, and all the messangers became spirits
trapped within its marble. Deled and unusable for its original purpose, the
pyramid was destroyed and the materials incorporated into other buildings.
However, much later, it was discovered that the spirits were s[ll connected to
the tainted marble. We know now that the spirits cannot be freed un[l they
perform a certain number of missions delivering messages, and thus are happy to
do so. The number of messages must be great for the same spirits have been
used for decades. The spirits are faithful and coopera[ve.

Well of Probability - Drinking of this water has unbelievable and unpredictable
eects. Anything can and will happen. From spontaneous combus[on to magical
enlightenment. Clones have formed, people disappeared, transforma[on to the
incredible and the hideous. Only pure curiousity and marvel can drive people
to this well, for there is no telling what can happen. Why people drink can
only be answered by the consumer.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon May 15 18:52:40 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 18:53:36 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995

Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Mon May 15 18:30:47 1995

Claws of Khampol - Khampol was a great warrior and ghter of his [me, before
the city was named aper him. His Shaman Friend, Gabul, created the claws from
his most prized acquisi[ons. The Claws are preserved in near perfect
condi[on and with the proper command, become the creatures they once were.
Inherently, these creatures are powerful, however the transforma[on has
eec[vely doubled all their traits accross the board, including Physical,
Mental, and Spiritual. Not only can they be summoned for protec[on hun[ng,
and ahacks, they have also been sought for great mascots. Again, as mascots,
all abili[es and benets given for normal mascots are doubled and addi[onal
new abili[es and quirks are conveyed to the owner. Also, the mascots can be
taught new skills and abili[es. Known claws include Jaguar, Jackal, Ring Tail
Monkey, Giant Rat, and the most powerful Lion. Others exist but have been
dispersed thorughout Aerth.

Five Symbol Rosary - When cas[ng Priestrcraep cas[ngs, this rosary halves
the heka expenditure and all cas[ngs are as if done by a full prac[[oner.
Rumor reports it used to be a Seven Symbol Rosary, however, two of the symbols
were used to call down the wrath of the deity. Rallgoth the Ancient is the
current possessor of the Rosary.

DoomDrums - When heard, these drums do a point of Spiritual damage to all who
opposed the cause of the person playing. Eects begin within miles and
con[nue un[l the subject has lost all will.


Beoctal's Hatchway - Gesta[on periods near this rock forma[on appear to be
one tenth of the normal [me. No one can say why this is, but the eect has
been counter-balanced by the number of predators in the area. Traveling nearby
is highly dangerous since there has also been conrmed sigh[ngs of a dragon.
$$HRComments by teskej Mon May 15 18:53:17 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 18:54:14 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Mon May 15 18:41:15 1995
Xalissa (cont)

Folio of Non-Dimensional Folds - This is a portal to the outer dimensions. It

has been more of a nuisance than a benet, since it cannot be detected and has
a tendency to move under its own voli[on. Many people have just disappeared
into the Folio. In [mes of trouble, however, it has the uncanny knack to
summon forth beings of an incredible nature abili[es and power. This is
especially helpful when gh[ng powers of the Ancient and Nameless One.

Pandemonic Rod - [ed. note: the following is typed correctly, with distor[ng
eects represen[ng the eects of the item] OrigiNALLY THIS WAS THOUGht to
be a control mechanism of the Pan d e m o n i c Machine, however, wheNEVER
CONTACT WAS MAde wiht the machine certain chaos ensured. It is believed the
same beinG WITCH CReated the Pandemonic Machine, created the Rod. Lihle
wrihen infor295ion is available because the magik which powers the rod has
the abilit]y 2 destroy antything wrihen 4bout it. Appprently the rod is a Rod
of Poly1m0o2r9p3hing en[[es into any ohter known lifeforem. It ws md smtme
much later tahn teh machinge, but yet i.......y have some eect or meanS of
conTOLLINg the machine which has not bn determinnnnned. Another mane abil[y
it sa; k dghm ".>+4("?"b-89aDhdf jh 7 890&:"

$$HRComments by teskej Mon May 15 18:53:54 1995
These items were created by AJ Scmidt.
Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 18:54:50 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Mon May 15 17:56:48 1995

Moonowers Tomb - There is an old fable which states, " Let the owers spring
forth from those that have dies before them." Supers[[on has followed this
by those who would convince others that on par[cular evenings in the Cemetary
of the Lightless Valley, there is an unmarked tomb which will bring one back to
the living. In this Valley, ower only bloom at night - The Moonower. If
sprinkled with the ashes of a lost one, the image of the person will appear and
be able to converse with the living. Some rumors also tell of an old woman who
lives in the catacombs of the Cemetery. As the tail is told, she knows how to
brew a po[on from the Moonower when mixed with the ashes of the deceased
will restore the body.


Text of SPhinxes - For the sake of Ziva, this is the only rumored place for the
Text, for Aegypt would surely conquer any na[on which will claim ownership of
this priceless tome. Inside complete instruc[ons on how to build and ac[vate
a Sphinx are contained. The Sphinx is a guardian of a pyramid, however, this
book explains how to make them empowered with the ability to take control of

the pyramid. Ramses II ordered the Book destroyed to protect the Great Sphinx,
but the author chose to smuggle his most prized work out of the country
instead. Furious Ramses ordered his whole family destroyed - every blood
rela[ve, no maher how distant! The possessor of the book has knowledge to
ac[vate any sphinx made and eec[vely take control of the Aegyp[an pyramids
with lihle eort.

Malcul's Measure - This is actually a script of wrihen music. When it is sung
at the end of a spellsong, the spellsong con[nues (or repeats) un[l the ne
is sung. Macul himself s[ll has a number of songs ac[ve today since none
have arrived to nish the nal chord.

Seare Projector - This lamp has the dreaded ability to transform the element
of water into the element of re. This has caused much protec[on and strife
for the na[on. During the last invasion, many rivers and irriga[on systems
were sacriced for the sake of the current ruler. Ziva S[ll has yet to fully
recover economically from the damage, however, it is temporarily safe from

Devo[onal Service Implements - These tunic accessories are colorful bands of
interwoven cloth worn over the right shoulder. When placed on an individual
during a religious ceremony, they convert devotedly to that religion.
Originally in the hands of the Set worshippers, these were used to take control
of Aegypt for a short [me. Now they are believed to be in the hands of
Priestess Grutara of Isis.

$$HRComments by teskej Mon May 15 18:54:37 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 02:55:06 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Ring of Force Darts (fwd)

One reason damage type may be listed is for those who use the full damage
rules and thereby might have magickal armor vs a specic damage type, e.g. a
buckler which adds 5 points vs, Pierce ahacks. In such a case, the 5 points
of magical protec[on is the only applicable armor towards Heka Darts or Heka
Bolt. Having specialized armor thus makes it less likely a given magickal
reward will quickly unbalance the group.

Another reason damage types are listed for Heka ahacks are for use against
monsters (remember them?), who are open immune to certain damage types (and
Suscep[ble to others).

Just my 2 pfennigs. . .
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 09:43:50 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Frank Mentzer <Mythic@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re Mr. Newton

I appreciate the worthwhile informa[on in more than 90% of the messages from
this ListServ. It's valuable enough to stay with, despite its occasional use
as a plakorm to spout hatred and lies. (But that's the nature of freedom of
speech. :)
First a few replies...

>I gather that AOL could really give a rat's ass about you, me, DJ, or any of
us here.
Correct in essence. In the mechanics of handling 2.5+ million
subscribers, the AOL sta simply does not have the [me to "care about" 2.5+
million personal Causes. The impersonal nature of the cybercity is
unfortunate but unavoidable due to its size. ListServs oer an excellent
and more personalized alterna[ve. :)

>That's kinda obvious from the way they... allow such clueless geeks on the
Yup, AOL allows anyone online who will pay the minimal fee. No biased,
prejudicial, arbitrary standards of snobby segrega[on are applied.

>AOL did not respect the ci[zens of the net, nor did the give their
subscribers the benet of a single "Oh by the way, there's this thing called
'Ne[quehe'" message.
Untrue; there are specic Ne[quehe guidelines, which most people don't
bother to read. You can lead a horse to water...

>[side note: Frank's never liked me very much, but I can aord to be
magnanimous, since I got the Mythus project, and he didn't...]
Just for the record... I declined Gary's oer to do any crea[ve work on
DJ, an[cipa[ng legal ahacks from TSR which I could not aord.
I useta like you, Dave, before your ac[ons and ajtudes changed that.
::shrug:: Do unto others...

>Do you *disagree*, Frank? If not, why is is the
company merits one (an apology), yet I don't?
I am unaware of ANY apologies, except the one oered ocially by QMS to
the OGF Sta.

And two rebuhals:

>First, they threatened to sue QMS for libel...
You, sir, are a liar. AOL never threatened to sue either yourself or QMS.

>I got a nasty note from Frank Mentzer (OGFOgre), threatening to sue me
You, sir, are a liar. I never threatened to sue you.

Frank Mentzer

ps: Thanks, Rodney, for a fresh breath of sanity in the fe[d sewer of
personal bile rampant in 5/14 ListServ digest.
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 11:40:50 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Um, Dave?

This involves a rather trivial maher that I have had a ques[on about
since picking up my rst Mythus book. I am hoping that Dave can answer
it, but if anyone else has the answer, feel free to reply.

My ques[on concerns the dedica[ons on the back of the opening
page. Just who are "the Lodge of the Secret and Mysterious Order of the
Freckled Goldsh"?

Thanks in Advance,
* Chris Beadles *
* *
* Game Designer of CyberMyth *
* Enjoy Life. This is NOT a rehersal. *
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 15:24:16 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Re Mr. Newton

Ouch. Wow, I guess I should be mad or hurt, or something. But the word
apathe[c comes to mind. I would however like to rebut the arrogant posing,
since this is about the largest group of people I know of that are s[ll loyal
to my co-crea[on...

>I appreciate the worthwhile informa[on in more than 90% of the messages from
>this ListServ. It's valuable enough to stay with, despite its occasional use
>as a plakorm to spout hatred and lies. (But that's the nature of freedom of
>speech. :)

I guess if it is anything worth gejng excited about enough to
protest over it qualies as "hatred". But nobody here hates TSR. They've
just alienated us to the point of frustra[on.

If it disagrees with your world view, it's "lies", hmmm? I've got e-mail from

you that supports what I've said. Try to be a lihle more professional, Frank.
Calling someone a liar is really bad form; especially someone who can watch you
choke on your own words. I can post the messages any[me you want to start

[AOL comments, all beside the point. They are a big, unfeeling company. Boohoo]

>>[side note: Frank's never liked me very much, but I can aord to be
>magnanimous, since I got the Mythus project, and he didn't...]
> Just for the record... I declined Gary's oer to do any crea[ve work on
>DJ, an[cipa[ng legal ahacks from TSR which I could not aord.

Interes[ng. Not quite the story I heard. I heard that you were too
*expensive*, since you were already published and your [me was *so*

> I useta like you, Dave, before your ac[ons and ajtudes changed that.
> ::shrug:: Do unto others...

Oh, gee. does this mean you won't be edi[ng my work anymore?

>And two rebuhals:
> You, sir, are a liar. AOL never threatened to sue either yourself or QMS.
> You, sir, are a liar. I never threatened to sue you.

Load yer printer when you want a snack.

Frank, I think you are a pompous ass. And *don't* call me "sir". <g>

I may be obnoxious, but at least I'm sincere. And I'm _done_ with this thread.
----------------------------------------------------------Just grin and nod your head. It really pisses 'em o!
(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on. All Rights Reserved
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 17:05:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus (Dangerous Journeys) (fwd)
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

If current trends (which I don't necessarily espouse, mind you, that is
why I play DJ!) con[nue, I wouldn't be surprised if a company like White
Wolf beats the crap out of T$R eventually. Games such as Vampire,
Werewolf and the like are par[cularly big here in Bualo, and they sell

like hotcakes... :)

GW is quite money-hungry themselves, but pujng out new and improved
wargames and miniatures that cost a bundle will help them...


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 17:20:55 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: okay, fresh air

Oooo, I think I qualied as putreed bile... :)

I am curious to hear what sorts of new rules people have been crea[ng
for their games. I have created a numer of them, but I don't have [me
right now to go through it. (since I'm out of town...)

Let's try to get a bit of crea[ve juices (bile? :) into this list. It
has been kind of stagnant other than magick items (which are nice, of
course!) for a lihle while...

Jesse (Hawkeye)

-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 17:26:12 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Re Mr. Newton
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

> I may be obnoxious, but at least I'm sincere. And I'm _done_ with this thread.

Yeah! That's what we need more of. People who have their opinions and
won't hide ... :) I get called obnoxious, too... :) By my girlfriend... :)

You know, I used to think all game writers were friends, kind of like
some big club. But, I guess some of the bigger ones got egos... :) I
would, too, I guess.

Dave, is anything going on with QMS and QMS-L? I thought I was

subscribed to QMS-L but then I never heard anything...

Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 17:18:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hale <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Re Mr. Newton
In-Reply-To: <>

Frank, I'm touched and heartened you s[ll give DJ some of your [me, at
least so far as to respond to posts...

Dave, Your involvement as well is heartening..

I will respond to the current thread in the way I would with any
par[cipants who seem to have a problem with one another, please, the
public opinions and veiws of both par[es have been adequetely expressed,
we all know where you both stand.. if you could, please take further
discussion--denatley personal, and certainly not concerned with DJ as a
whole-- to personal mail, thanks.

Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 17:28:09 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: DoomDrums
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dr. John Teske
Jr." at May 15, 95 06:53:36 pm

I really LIKE the Doom Drums as described by John. I can imagine the sound
barely heard in the distance, slowly sapping the will of those hearing them.

Bum Bum Bum Bum......


Dan W.
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 08:10:20 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Um, Dave?

> My ques[on concerns the dedica[ons on the back of the opening

>page. Just who are "the Lodge of the Secret and Mysterious Order of the
>Freckled Goldsh"?

If I told you, they wouldn't be secret and mysterious, now would they? ;)

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on. All Rights Reserved
Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 08:12:20 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: QMS-L etc.

>Dave, is anything going on with QMS and QMS-L? I thought I was
>subscribed to QMS-L but then I never heard anything...

We've been restructuring the company (again). We've dropped the magazine, and are
focusing on Rapture and Hand of Death so we can make our GenCon release date. I'm afraid
I've dropped the ball as far as the list is concerned. I'm redesigning our Web pages for
the new server (among other things) and I don't have anyone to delegate work to right

I promise to do beher.

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on. All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 00:20:37 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: QMS-L etc.
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Well, okay, as long as you promise... :)


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...
Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 00:31:35 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: item rumors

The following items were created by G.P.



I have decided to start wri[ng down the interes[ng stories I have
been hearing about ar[facts of the countries I have seen, my Friend Saladin
Qashini has persuaded me to venture into this area of wri[ng, below are my
reec[ons of the stories I have heard from various countries, I will start
out with the most interes[ng, Mongolia, a trully dangerous place indeed.

The Items of Mongolia:

When Genghis (Chingiz) Khan died it was trully the beginning of
the downfall of the Mongol Empire, Ogedei, son, and successor of Genghis Khan,
would tak most of Russia and Eastern Europe, and would threaten the west in
Poland. Ogedei would use a powerful ar[fact that helped him take Moscow, this
was the,
Seat of a Thousand Heroes:
Because of the importance of the clan in Mongol society,
ancestoral worship is practeced heavily, the belief that their family memmbers
pass onto a dierent 'beher' world is believed. When a person dies in the
Mongol world, the possesions are buried, as along with the slaves, and
some[mes statues of soldiers and horses are buried to give that ruler a army
in the next world. THE SEAT OF A THOUSAND HEROES is based o of this idea,
This magical throne which is made from the bones of many of the original clan

memebers is twice the size of a normal man. When the Khan sits in the chair he
is transported to the mys[cal plane his ancestors now live aper death.
Here he meets all the past clan leaders, past Khans, and the men who fuaght
under them, are all there. Here some sort of sacrice, what I do not know, is
given to the ancestors, then all of the former clan leaders, and past Khans and
their ghost armies are teleported back to Aerth to help the Khan now alive
bahle his enemies armies. Ogedei the son of Genghis Khan did this when he
overran Russia, this was why the MOngol horde did soo well, Ogedei even got his
father Genghis Khan to come back with his army of destruc[on. Son long as the
now living Khan stays in the throne, the ghost armies remain to ght for him.
Aper the bahles of Liegitz, and River Sajo, were the last [mes Ogedei was
able to use this ar[fact, it was said he was killed while in the throne,
taking with him the Seat of a Thousand Heroes to the other world.

Tengrl Dradle:
This power ar[fact that was necklace with a bronze star on the
end of it, was given to Genghis Khan by the Quriltai, the assembly of Mongol
Clansmen leaders that made him supreme ruler of the Mongols in the early days.
with this device Genghis Khan could unite all the clans under him, by some
magical force that boosted his leadership, and this item gave all who met
Genghis Khan to be obediantly loyal to him, all those that would serve under
him would be spiritually, Mentally, and physically enhanced during a bahle,
this is believed why the Mongols were soo good on horses. This item made it
possible to take Hsi-Hsia, and the Chin, and why many chinese footmen soldiers
defect to his side, and why Khwarazm-shah in persia fell to the Mongols, again
the misfortune of bahle displaced this item, Genghis died before he could tell
where he had lost it, many say it is in Persia somewhere. It was this item
that Ogedei was looking forward to receiving, and it is beleived that without
this item is why the Mongols had such a hard [me picking a new leader
aperwards, for without it every[me a Khan died, there would be a civil war to
decide the next one.

Wellsprings of Phaeree:
It is beleived that this well is s[ll in Karakorum, the cxapitol
of the once mighty Mongol Empire, for no water is found in this well, the
bohom can never be seen. It is rumored that when 10,000 people of the MOngols
enemy were sacriced into this well, that the well would ll up with this
strange clear blue liquid, and anybody drinking it would gain the master abilty
at shoo[ng a bow, master at riding a horse, and unhuman strength, and it would
allow each person who drank it to be able to do a eyebite power of mirror
imagof a dozen images of itself that would appear around the paerson when
wanted. THis item is said to have helped Kubilai Khan take the Sung Empire.
It also was used later on in the invasion of Syria aper death of Kubilai Khan.
This item has not been used in some two hundred years since Kubilai's death.
the cruelity of the mongols might be par[aly to blame of this item.
Why this awesome ar[fact has not been used, is unknown, it must be a good
reason for the savage Mongols not to use it in 200 years.

Dzajan Inuxer:
This ar[fact was built by Chinese engineers and wizards that were

under the servic of the Mongols. This horse looking cannon was used to destroy
city walls, it was the size of ve horses, it runs like a normal horse, and
even feels like a normal horse, but when in bahle, it runs up the side of a
wall touches it with its head, and the wall sec[on completely disapears.
Anybody on it disappears also. This item unfortunately is s[ll in the hands
of the Mongols, their enemies have long put in moats around their walls, this
has seemed for some strange reason to stop this ar[fact, this ar[fact is the
only opera[onal ar[fact the Mongols now use.

If the Mongols I beleive, ever get back the Seat of a Thousand Heroes, I
beleive the Hordes will be threatening the west again. Just as importantly if
the Tengrl Dradle is found, we all shall hear the earth rumble again from the
Hordes of Mongols that will gather.
Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 00:32:50 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: yes, more item rumors

The following items were also created by G.P.



The following comments are from the vast kingdom of the Sung.

Fix-Sea Sta:
When I was visi[ng this country I came about this story about the
Fix-Sea Sta, it is odd indeed, unbelievable of course, but the strange is, I
have heard the same exact story from Saladin Qashini, another explorer, we were
both in two dierent parts of the country. Take what you want from this story
as I ahempt to reaccount it for you.
It has been told it was this sta that helped fend o the Mongol
invasions for soo long. This sta has a green [nted color within the wooden
pole. On top crowning the sta is one large beau[ful sea shell, that is
closed, the sea shell is a sky blue. When the right word is spoken supposedly
the shell opens up, and the sound of the ocean can be heard, of course this is
not all it does, seconds later, water starts to gush out of it. IT is said it
can do any number of things, of course you could just point it at a foe and

knock him down, but you can command the water, to; form into elementals
humanshape and ghter like a soldier with a water sword and water shield, the
limits on making these is the limit of water in the ocean. A wall of water,
however big you want it can be made. It has even been used people say to
teleport the caster away, by forming a pool of water, the person with the sta
can jump in, and be teleported away, but you are teleported to the nearest
ocean or sea. In a bahle with the Mongols, the favourite tac[c of the sung
was to wait for the Mongols to ford a river, then over ood it and form a
water cave around them so they couldn't get out, and all would drown.

Mirrors of Yang and Yin:
This large mirror stands in the Hall of Tongin in the palace of
Min Shun Ti. It was once stolen by the White Lotas, a terrorist group.
A remarkable device I have seen in ac[on, to use it you have to stand in front
of the mirror, and all you have to do is know the person your thinking of and
you two will switch places immediately. You going to where they are, and they
being moved to where you are. The only problem there is no way of gejng back
magically once you have been teleported. The person who is teleported to your
side, will now be loyal to your kingdom, and the person who goes through, will
be loyal to whatever leader is overthere. The popular method is to send a
common servant, or soldier through and to bring back a strong wizard, or
ocial to the Sung side. This item does exist, I have seen it work, but I
quickly lep aper that, knowing that if I stayed to long they would want to
use me to do a switch for them, so be wary the next [me you get asked for no
reason at all to be a guest at the royal Hall of Tongin palace.

Eight Blossom Shield:
This shield needs a special type of garden to work correctly.
A garden with lots of well grown, hand cared for trees need to be grown, along
with many bushes, owers, lots of grass, several ponds, this type of garden
must be cared for by at least 2 dozen workers, and 4 capable wizards of some
sort. And most importantly, a green mage must be on the grounds at all [mes.
The shield is wooden, made by some trees from phearee, it is stored inside of
wooden box that hovers over one of the ponds in the garden. WHen the rst day
of spring comes, the shield can be placed among some of the branches of one of
the trees in the garden, the green mage along with the 4 mages, can drain all
of their heka into the tree, and wait for the transforma[on to begin
overnight. In the morning there will be eight dierent treemen will come to
life,m ready to serve those who summoned him. They are magic users beyond what
any human can do, they are warriors 50x any normal soldier. They are at least
20 p tall, and can shrink down to 10 feet tall. Probably another reason the
Mongols had a hard [me invading the Sung.

Poison Fire Tube:
This golden tube that is hallow in the inside, and looks as if it
has no purpose at all, is incredably dangerous. There are probably several
thous of these things in the hands of the Sung wizards, each of these tubes can
hold one hundred sheets with spells on them, when put inside, they vanish, and
the right magic word is needed to get them out. anybody not autherized to pick
them up gets shocked when the tube explodes into a ball of re that spits

streams of acid at the enemy. These tubes have been given as gips to enemies.
THere is no known way to stop the tube once it is in this state if you are teh
enemy, it is said the Mongols have one of these things locked away in a sealed
room, where the tube is s[ll a ball of re, spijng acid.

Lung Gong:
This musical intrument gong, is set upon a plakorm with wheels,
it is usually wheeled into a fairly large town, or 5,000 people, the priest of
the palace hits the gong, and everybody inside of the town turn into a magic
user of medium ability. This ability only lasts for a week, when the eect
wears o, half of the people vanish.

Favorable Wind Ear:
This cruel, and decep[ve device is used many [mes by the Sung
military. This crystal ball looking item, sends forth (when it is made to)
a silent gust of wind that carries over to an enemy country, it feeds the
military leaders there that it is [me to ahck their enemy, that it is the
right [me to do it, even though it may be the worst [me to do it, the Sung
Generals like to do this aper they have just fought a bahle with the opposing
army they have already beaten, once they ahack again, they are trully
Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 07:56:33 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Frank Mentzer <Mythic@AOL.COM>
Subject: Howdy.

Gary says hello. :)

fyi, I quietly and rmly stand by my previous post 100%.

Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 19:55:19 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Howdy.
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Tell Gary that we are s[ll behind the game, 100%...even if he can't be
here with us...

It will live on, I can promise that much.


-Life is a lot easier to deal with when you have an Angel...

Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 23:18:04 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: YMIR (yet more item rumors)

The following items were created by G.P.




Here are the rumors I have heard while in the splendid city of

Oromundo's Ahractor:
If one does not know their Naple History, Oromundo was famous
sage of Naples about 300 years ago, during this [me he worked closely with the
government at the [me, though he never lived on the property of the royal
family, always preferring his lone tower in the woods. One of his numerous
feats was the crea[on of the prize of the Naples navy, yes that is right, he
built a ship. With unkown help from several master boatbuilders, he built the
Oromundo's Ahractor, a warship twice the size of any normal warship aoat.
This ship is s[ll used today as the principal weapon of defense for Naples
naval security. It is believed that this ship can; make a fog cloud develope
within a one mile radius, obscuring other ships vision, but it does not obscure
its own, it can see as if it were normal daylight. This ship when in bahle
can bring forth a dozen other ghost ships to ght along side it.
It can also submerge into the water for several hours with no damage to its
crew. It has twice the normal movment rate than even the fastest sailing ship.
When this ship gets within a certain distance to another ship, a purple beam
strikes the other ship and draws closer to them, or it can push the other ship
into the water, submerging it. I have met with the sailors who help run the
ship, many have complained of a severe type of ver[go that grips them when
they get o of the ship, it some[mes last days, keeping them in their beds.
Some men who have been working on it for over a year, no longer get o the

ship, some have stayed on the ship for years, without taking a step on land.
Some even say the longer you stay on, less you ever want to venture onto land.

Bell of Repealing:
This bell can be seen on top of a tower overlooking the whole city
of Naples, it has been their before the days of the Roman Empire.
This bell when used, can draw forth the heka from the general popula[on of the
city below, bringing forth a 100 heka from each individual in the city.
WIth this enormous source of heka, it is no wonder why Naples has many mages in
its services, so long as the bell is ringing, this heka can be used. There is
a Bell squad Team, that is always on the read y to ring the Bell when needed,
their job is to keep the bell ringing for as long they are ordered to. For
centuries delega[ons from Phaeree have made trips in hopes of using the bell,
of course the Naples Kingdom has refused, their has been ahempts of stealing
the bell, the Slaugh, and the Drows, have been documented through history, of
ahemp[ng to steal this Bell, some[mes they ght one another to get teh
chance of stealing it. The recent uprisings in Naples have rendered this
useless at the moment, mobs of peasants of taken over control of the tower, the
cause of the uprisings is s[ll ocially unknown, rumors have it two Roman
spies have started it, Mar[al law has been called.

Libram of Amber:
This well documented ar[fact also has been in service in Naples
for well over 400 years, making it the backbone of Spell research and crea[on.
Surprisingly the libram of Amber is a small st sized amber stone that sits
upon a stone table. One knowing the password walks up to the table, and
vanishes inside the Gem, once inside the person is surrounded by books, many
ancient books from Bablyon, and Egypt, and even from Atlantas. Within this
libram many things can be done, research, spell crea[on, spell inhacement can
be made in here, magical abili[es by just being inside the library go up
every two hours one is in there. Every two hours there theree is a 1% chance
you won't be able to leave, it is said that this libram has well over hundred
mages that can not get out, that htey help those who come in with any work they
have. It has also been rumored that this amber stone has been misplaced as
well, ocialy Naples has not conrmed it or denied it, but some stories are
beginning to go around that some priest of Apollo and somebody else has taken
it, but their is no basis for this story.
Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 23:19:17 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: yes, more of same

More items created by G.P.





Here is some notes on this obscure empire from the heart of the
Azir heartland.

(let me take a second here to ll you in on this unknown kingdom, one
should not be quick to discard this small kingdom, for it rising fast, at the
moment it has a alliance with Bengal to crush Bihar, and is making plans to
ahack all at once; Delhi, Hind, Nepal and Sindraj, how can it do this??? I
will explain below).

Twin Rubies of Kali:
Oudh has one of this remarkable rubies in its possesion.
Kali is a kingdom on a alternate plane that has special links for unknown
reasons with Oudh, the rela[ons ship is a close one, it is through this ruby
that this connec[on forged, it is a gate between the two worlds, The ruby is
protected in a large castle in the heart of Oudh, it is said that the ruby is
in a room that takes up 3/4 of the space in the castle. The room that this
ruby is in is the size of the gate between the two worlds, and it is always
open, many stories tell of the constant talks the high ocials of Oudh have
with Kali inside of the Castle, now the rumore goes like this, that Oudh for
the last 25 years has been helping Kali in their alternate plane, with some
kind of problem, and it seems that this problem is now over for large amounts
of strange foregin devices and equipment have been seem stocked pile in various
castles throughout Oudh, and several regiment sized Kali armies have been seen
sta[oned through out the kingdom, it is said that this army grows stronger
every month, and this is the reason Oudh has suddenly now gohen very ac[ve.

Arms of the Rakshasas:
A project that was started over a 100 years ago, has now been
completed by the mages of Oudh. The Arms of the RAKSHASAS, the name comes from
the leading mage of the project. There are at least a 50 of these ar[facts,
it is basically one could say, a castle with wheels, it is just a lihle
smaller than a normal castle, with full bahle gear to along it, all of the
walls are magical, they can be shiped to open anywhere, and be made as big as
needed, there is a special garrison of 24 stone warriors in each of this
wheeled castles that meld right out of the stone when needed, they are beleived
to have the strength of 20 men. It is beleived these machines are beginning to
mass on the border of Kara, war is expected by the end of the month.

Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 11:33:10 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: YMIR (yet more item rumors)
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

Hmmm...Oromundo's Ahractor a boat?

I might have come up with a "Heka Magnet" or something like that...but
whatever works I guess... :)

Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 11:05:09 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Mon May 22 10:55:50 1995
Hello everyone.

I was going to restrain myself, but I think all might at least understand a bit
about my friend GP and his ramblings about a few of the Naplese items...

GP plays a Priest of Apollo with a Vow of Service in my Mythus game placed in
Rome. I recently gave them a mission to break a falsely accused Herbalist (an
FP) out of prison IN NAPLES, a country that was at that [me at war with Rome.
(of course with the Aeropa-wide war, Naples may actually ALLY with Rome for the
conict...ah, sigh.) In the process, as Rome was actually at War with Naples
at the [me, GP's Priest, as well as his companion, a Spellsinger/Bard, spent a
bunch of Joss and proceeded to cause a peasant revolt, hence his reference to
the two Roman spies (his own HP and another player's HP). They DID make it out
of Naples alive, with a few more Joss, of course. :) And the adventure
overall went very well and was alot of fun - it is truly amazing how many
rends you can nd with a special success on Camaradarie Chorus!!!!!

Just FYI.


PS. I am unsure, but amused about his choice in the naming Kali a dierent
country (although another country DOES ALSO have Twin RUbies of Kali) AND
I am unsure why he chose the Rakshasas to be the name of a sage instead of some
Phaeree-Monster-Creature-Beast. In any case it is an amusing twist on words,
and they are merely rumors aper all.....

Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 11:36:24 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: yes, more of same
X-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List
In-Reply-To: <>

The thing I like about all the powerful magickal items running around is
the poli[cal ramica[ons. You can't just go ahack someone else
without realizing that they will probably be able to turn some major
device against your people.

WHich would make poli[cal intruiges far more interes[ng. For example,
your countries intelligence group would have to ahempt to steal a
powerful item of your enemy, so you could then ahack...otherwise it's
just too dangerous...

Lots more interes[ng.... :)

Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 09:51:05 +22305458
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Mike Johnston <johnston@STU.BELOIT.EDU>
Subject: GenCon Mythus

I just got my GenCon prereg stu this week, and of course, no
Myhtus. This leads me to my ques[ons. Are there others on the list who are
planning to ahend? If so, would you be interested in sejng up a [me to
get together and play in the open gaming, or perhaps at one of the hotels?
It's kind of hard to nd players in my area, so I thought this might be a
cool idea. Let me know personally, or to the list if you might be interested
in something like this.

*Mike Johnston Beloit College Box 748 *
*Student Unix Manager 700 College St. *
*E-Mail To: Beloit, WI 53511 *
* (608) 363-2463 *
* "It's a class thing" *
Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 12:37:42 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>

From: Muten Roshi <roshi@UMD.UMICH.EDU>

Subject: Re: GenCon Mythus
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 23 May 1995, Mike Johnston wrote:

> Hello,
> I just got my GenCon prereg stu this week, and of course, no
> Myhtus. This leads me to my ques[ons. Are there others on the list who are
> planning to ahend? If so, would you be interested in sejng up a [me to
> get together and play in the open gaming, or perhaps at one of the hotels?
> It's kind of hard to nd players in my area, so I thought this might be a
> cool idea. Let me know personally, or to the list if you might be interested
> in something like this.

I got my stu to, and I wasn't expec[ng to nd any mythus
games in it. TSR has prehy much stomped it out for the mass market. :(

It would be cool to try and get another get together going this
year. Anyone else interested?

Muten Roshi (Andy Ehlert) Saiya-jin Produc[ons
E-Mail: WWW: hhp://
President of The Science, Fact, Fic[on, and Fantasy Gaming Club
Organizer: U of M Dearborn Anime Showings On irc: M_Roshi
Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 12:22:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon Mythus
In-Reply-To: <> from "Mike Johnston"
at May 23, 95 09:51:05 am

I'm planningon ahending GenCon. maybe a bit of open gaming would be
fun. Let me know what you decide. I don't have any idea where I'll be staying
But I might commute from my apartment in Chicago rather than spend $100+
a night. (Then again how much will Gas be?)

I don't have any plans yet, as it is only late May rather than Mid August.
(Why plan ahead that far? :)

Dan W.
Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 14:07:35 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon Mythus

Well, I will certainly be there, since this is going to be a big year for us.
And as a maher of fact, I just *happen* to have a couple of unpublished Mythus
scenarios - but I'd have to be convinced to run them, 'cause I'm going to be
real busy... I would guess that it'd probably be an all-night game, since I'll
be shmoozing during the day. I ain't cheap, but I can be had.

Oh and by the way. We are having a joint party at the Milwaukee Hilton
(formerly the Marc Plaza) on Thursday night. You are *all* invited and the
drinks are on me.

----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on. All Rights Reserved
Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 15:40:45 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Patrick Murphy <murphy@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon Mythus
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 23 May 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> Well, I will certainly be there, since this is going to be a big year for us.
> And as a maher of fact, I just *happen* to have a couple of unpublished Mythus
> scenarios - but I'd have to be convinced to run them, 'cause I'm going to be
> real busy... I would guess that it'd probably be an all-night game, since I'll
> be shmoozing during the day. I ain't cheap, but I can be had.
> Oh and by the way. We are having a joint party at the Milwaukee Hilton
> (formerly the Marc Plaza) on Thursday night. You are *all* invited and the
> drinks are on me.

Suddenly, the Irishman makes plans to ahend GenCon this year...

Make mine Jameson or Bush Mills, if you please. :^P

Anyway, I wasn't really thinking about going to GenCon, but if there were
a wicked huge (if I may slip out of my Southern Midlands dialect for a
sec) Mythus game, this die-hard fan might be inclined to make the trek...

If I do ahend, though, I will again ridicule anyone who complains about
the armor rules as being 'too complicated'!


P.S. Where again is the best place to upload scenarios and/or character
sheets? C'mon, people, the FTP sites looking sparse...
Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 16:26:27 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon Mythus

>> Oh and by the way. We are having a joint party at the Milwaukee Hilton
>> (formerly the Marc Plaza) on Thursday night. You are *all* invited and the
>> drinks are on me.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Suddenly, the Irishman makes plans to ahend GenCon this year...
>Make mine Jameson or Bush Mills, if you please. :^P

Suddenly, I know the cost of convincing me... :-o We must keep the Irishmen
in their drinks (being a Celt, and having an Irish partner, I understand this
all too well <grin>).

Actually, what I *meant* was: the catering is on us - but that doesn't mean
I'm not going to have a bohle of Jack Daniels or Stolichnaya (or both) within
pouring distance (shhh! I *don't* want to share my personal stu with 25,000

>Anyway, I wasn't really thinking about going to GenCon, but if there were
>a wicked huge (if I may slip out of my Southern Midlands dialect for a
>sec) Mythus game, this die-hard fan might be inclined to make the trek...

Just the few of us who are able to connect on this (I doubt I'll let *all* of
you in on it, but I don't think you'll all be going anyway...). I will
require some proof that the players are members of MYTHUS-L, though - why
should I let any "outsiders" elbow any you folks out? (NOTE: Spouses don't
count as outsiders).

For those of you who plan on showing up at the last minute, make sure you have
a place to stay - they book the rooms way in advance.

>If I do ahend, though, I will again ridicule anyone who complains about
>the armor rules as being 'too complicated'!

I shall endeavor to hold my tongue; I respect the Irish much more than, say,
certain editors...

Mise le meas,
----------------------------------------------------------Before you take oense, consider who you're dealing with
..then have all you want. - Dave Newton

(C)1995 Fygments of Our Imagina[on. All Rights Reserved
Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 21:45:50 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon Mythus

> Oh and by the way. We are having a joint party at the Milwaukee Hilton
> (formerly the Marc Plaza) on Thursday night. You are *all* invited and the
> drinks are on me.

Geez Dave. When you put it that way, the trip to Milwaukee doesn't sound
half as bad.

Tom, the Houston Lurker
Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 11:04:30 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Steen Pilegaard Maarup <spm@SIGMA.OU.DK>
Subject: What is this?

Well, this is my rst ahempt at mailing lists, so someone please tell me:
what is this I have joined?

Steen, Denmark
Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 11:17:31 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: P al Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: What is this?
In-Reply-To: <"811 Wed May 24 11:05:38 1995">

God dag, Steen!
You have joined the exclusive MYTHUS list, where we discuss
the Mythus Roleplaying game From GDW (which has been
lawfully STOLEN by TSR and DISCONTINUED and we all HATE
Here you can nd ideas, ask (and answer) ques[on and just

chat with people who play Mythus.

Er det godt nok svar?
Paal Woje, Bodo, Norway.
(@ @)
------------------------------o000---(_)---000o----------------------------------- P. A. Woje Norwegian Telecom Phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O. Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway Fax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) Private : +47 75 58 48 71
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- email:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (__) (__)
Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 08:01:37 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon Mythus

>Geez Dave. When you put it that way, the trip to Milwaukee doesn't sound
>half as bad.
>Tom, the Houston Lurker

You've never had a hangover from one of my par[es... heh heh heh.

------------------------------------------------------------(C)1995 Quintessen[al Mercy Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 17:09:31 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Scoh Schubert <Anarchon@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon Mythus

Gimme the address, please. :)
Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 19:29:12 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon Mythus


>>You've never had a hangover from one of my par[es... heh heh heh.

Are we talking projec[le vomi[ng or just deep seeded pain here? :D

Rockets! WoWo!
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 00:26:51 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: An Item

How about a Crossbow that puts extra speed into the bolt. This could be
with a normal bow too, but that's not as much fun. The crossbow
increases the speed of the bolt by a lot.

The eect is kind of interes[ng when thought out: the bolt punches
through armor like it wasn't there. Let's say it increases all
mul[pliers for armor nega[on by 2, even out at Extreme Range. So, for
instance, at Point Blank Range, according to the MMM #2 Weapons Table
(page 23), a Medium XBow negates 35 Piercing AF's and a Heavy XBow knocks
o 56 Piercing AF's (like I said, wasn't there).

You could always increase the mul[plier further, or just say that it
goes so fast that NO non-magickal armor can possibly stop the bolt.

The trick is, and the thing that makes this okay to use and not be way
too powerful: the bolts do no more damage!

Thinking this through kind of makes sense: A weapon can only do as much
[ssue damage as the size of it permits. Since this magickal Xbow's
bolts go so fast, they would probably punch right through the target and
just leave a nice clean hole. It can't really DO any more damage than
normal, since it's the same size wound: there's just no protec[on from
that wound...

What do you guys think?


(just a thought while contempla[ng Johnny Mnemonic and a Flechehe
sliver going real fast...)
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 00:40:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BITNET>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>

Subject: Specic Targets

Okay, here's another bit of contempla[on for y'all... :)

Let's say I have a persona who possesses Weapon, Special Skills (Specic
Target) and one who does not.

Now, they are both in the same situa[on: let's say that an EP has
something really powerful in his/her hand and the HP wants to or has to
knock it out.

For the persona possessing the K/S Area, the answer is rela[vely easy:
Decide, depending on the size of the thing in the EP's hand, what the
eec[ve Strike Loca[on is, and then read on the table in Mythus (page
3 of the GM Booklet) and there you go: let's say for the sake of it that
it is Ultra-Vitally small...this HP has a Dicult DR, rolled on THIS
K/S Area (that is important)...

Now, the persona that does not have the K/S Area in ques[on. What is
his DR? I would just assume 2 worse than the persona possessing the K/S
Area. In this case that would make it an Extreme roll. Of course, to
hit something Ultra-Vitally small with a weapon can't be easy!! :) More
importantly, however, is the ques[on: which K/S is used to make this
roll? His Combat K/S Area? Well, okay, that works for me, but then I
get this problem: what if the HP who has Weapons, Special Skills, but has
it at rela[vely low level (say, 10 STEEP), with a really high,
Specialized STEEP of 110 in a weapon? (or more likely, a 110 FAC)

According to the rules, he would have to use the Weapon Special Skills
STEEP at Dicult, which leaves him with a mere 5% chance to do it,
while his Combat K/S would give him an 11%.

In that case, should the player gure out which is beher for him, and
use that? In a case like this, the extremely STEEPed HP has a beher
chance than the HP with the actual skill needed.

Not that this is necessarily a problem. Nor is it likely to ever come up
in a game, since no one I know ever got a 110 FAC! But it's bugging me,
and I want to know what you all think of that one...

Jesse (feeling verbose)
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 07:27:14 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Specic Targets
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye" at May
25, 95 00:40:44 am


I would handle the situa[on in the following way: make sure it never comes

Ok so that answer isn't. I guess I would let the player choose the easiest
way. But I would not base it on his BAC I would base it on his Combat,
Hand Weapons K/S Area STEEP and certainly not on his FAC, his FAC would be
5% or 11%. Also remember how Specic Target works. 1) Roll to hit using
your FAC, 2) Roll to succeed at the Specic Target ahempt, (3) If you
fail that roll then roll Hit Loca[on at +20% (or something, I don't remember
the exact penalty), if you get over 100% you miss the target en[rely.
Given this use of the rules I might say that the player would have to use
Joss to ensure a hit on an Ultra-Vital hit loca[on (and cause x1 damage because the hand is *not* an Ultra-Vital loca[on for damage purposes) at the
Hit Loca[on stage while the HP skilled with Specic Target would get a
K/S roll to automa[cally hit the Ultra-Vital hand.

Now that I think of it some more, I think I like the second approach best.
If you fail the Specic Target roll you can always use JOss to make it

"This is America. If you don't like the freedom, get out of the country."
-- Behy's Mouth.
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 14:24:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Specic Targets
In-Reply-To: <>

Okay, some of that makes sense, but let me add some more:

Dan, you were right on the penalty to the failed Specic Target roll: it
is in fact +20 to the Strike Loca[on. So there are 3 steps:

1. Roll to hit
2. Roll to see if you hit the right spot.
3. If (2) fails roll Strike Loca[on with a +20 penalty.

This works great for someone who has Specic Target, but what if you
don't? You don't have anything to roll for (2.). So, do you
automa[cally fail? I have another idea, but I'd like to hear anyone
else's (Like Dave) ideas...

The problem I have is that it looks at rst glance that you cannot
target a specic point on the body without that K/S. Now, this sounds a
lot like the EGS to me... :)

Here's another interes[ng idea: could you perhaps add a modier to
determine Strike Loca[on when someone is ahacking high (going for the
head area) or ahacking low to perhaps sweep someone's legs? I'd think
subtract 10 or so from Strike Loca[on from High Hits (for (2.) in the
above steps) or add 10 for Low Hits...

Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 14:43:02 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Specic Targets

>Okay, some of that makes sense, but let me add some more:
>Dan, you were right on the penalty to the failed Specic Target roll: it
>is in fact +20 to the Strike Loca[on. So there are 3 steps:
>1. Roll to hit
>2. Roll to see if you hit the right spot.
>3. If (2) fails roll Strike Loca[on with a +20 penalty.
>This works great for someone who has Specic Target, but what if you
>don't? You don't have anything to roll for (2.). So, do you
>automa[cally fail? I have another idea, but I'd like to hear anyone
>else's (Like Dave) ideas...

Here's how I handle it (which is, coincidentally, how it should be done "by
the book" - I think...):

1- Roll to hit with whatever ahack form HP is using.
2- IF persona has Specic Target K/S, roll for that.
Success means specic target is hit, BUT failure does not indicate miss
3- ST may determine Strike Loca[on modier if ST hit, else roll does.

If a person does NOT have the K/S, skip two, and add addi[onal DRs to
combat FAC (#1) at GM's op[on [based upon rela[ve size and diculty to
see]. The head of a dragon isn't as hard to hit as the hind end of a game
designer (though both tend to be large)...

----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved

Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 15:11:21 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Specic Targets

In the case of a failed Quasi-Specic Target roll, i.e. someone w/o Weapons,
special, you might want to make the loca[on roll modier +30 or +40 rather
than the normal +20. If you are really detail oriented you may want to vary
it based on the target. A missed ST roll vs. something in the hand might be
+50, while a missed ST on a belt pouch may be +20.

The basis being what is around the targeted area that might get hit in the
case of a failed ST roll.

Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 14:47:12 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Specic Targets
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye"
at May 25,
95 02:24:22 pm

I suppose it depends on how detailed you want combat to be. Personally I
doubt I'd add a bonus for hijng the legs. They may be large and hard to
move out of the way, but they are also low and tend to be rela[vely far
away from you. If you purposefully swing at someone's legs you open put
yourself in a posi[on to get your head smacked. Are you prepared to give
a bonus to people who aim for a target's body? Or an even bigger bonus
to aim for any part of the target they happen to hit? I wont.

My point was that a person who is aiming for a specic target without the
skill is 'hoping' to hit that loca[on and might get lucky. In my view
that's why you have Joss, to do something ordinarily beyond your abili[es.
Now if I'm skilled I will have a much beher chance of inten[onally hijng
the gold medallion hanging from his chest.

You could also tack a modier to their hit loca[on roll *and* their to hit
roll (FAC), again allowing the HP to miss completely on an extreeme roll.

Another way to handle the situa[on where the HP is incredibly skilled is to
expand the K/S Area crossfeeding rules. This way the HP with a 110 STEEP
in Combat, Hand Weapons would add 11 points or so to his Weapons Special
Skills K/S.


"This is America. If you don't like the freedom, get out of the country."
-- Behy's Mouth.
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 17:02:20 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Barnes <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: An Item
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye" at May 25,
95 00:26:51 am

> How about a Crossbow that puts extra speed into the bolt. This could be
> with a normal bow too, but that's not as much fun. The crossbow
> increases the speed of the bolt by a lot.

How about giving it magically appearing mass?

> Thinking this through kind of makes sense: A weapon can only do as much
> [ssue damage as the size of it permits. Since this magickal Xbow's
> bolts go so fast, they would probably punch right through the target and
> just leave a nice clean hole. It can't really DO any more damage than
> normal, since it's the same size wound: there's just no protec[on from
> that wound...

If it went fast enough might not the impact shaher the bolt on
impact (dumdum bolts hmmmm) as I have seen wooden arrows do when
hijng even light objects when shot from a compound bow, or
might it turn 180 degres as a bullet does when it enters human

Neither is nice in its eects in either event.

Chris barnes
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 01:17:05 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Josh Elarton <JElarton@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: An Item


I like the idea of a crossbow bolt that can punch through armor, especially
at high speeds <g> But I am wondering about one thing you men[oned, bolts
not doing more that normal damage...

>Since this magickal Xbow's bolts go so fast, they would probably >punch
right through the target and just leave a nice clean hole. It >can't really

DO any more damage than normal, since it's the same >size wound: there's just
no protec[on from that wound...

Suppose that hole was through the chest. Clean hole or not, odds are good
that it would pierce a vital organ. Seems to me that it would do more than
normal damage in that case.
But what do I know, I'm not a doctor :-)

Any ideas?


PS I'm new to the list and was wondering if anyone is running a
Play By E-Mail Mythus campaign. I'd sure like to join one.
If you know of anyone that is, please let me know.
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 11:24:49 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Lurker comes out of the shadows

Hey oks!

I'm nally sehled with my nice comfortable summer Net access, and I thought
I would men[on the success o one of myu recent projects. For many players,
(esp me who regualrly fell asleep pouring over my Mythus book) the binding on
Myhtus (no backspace key ::sigh::) book was discovered to be a lihle weak.
I had heard from my JM of someone (maybe on the list) trying to put their
decrepit Mythus book into a three-ring binder. I wondered how this worked out
for them. As for me, I found that it works wonderfully. The couple of [mes
that I found myself dangerously close to cujng into precious text, I found that I was actually punching
the wrondg side <g>. I would recommend a few things
to those desperate enough to try something like this (seeing as the act is
quite irevocable),
10 Wait un[l you have no other choice.
2) reinfocement around the holes.
3) Steel your heart as the beau[ful two-page art-wrok is separated
forever. ::sni!::
4) Find a bound copy (spare) for special days.

Well, that's all for now!!
-------------------------------------Desperately seeking an actual rule in a White Wolf game so I can convert it
to Dangerous Journeys!! ;-)

Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 19:08:10 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mag. Xbow

<<<<If it went fast enough might not the impact shaher the bolt on
impact (dumdum bolts hmmmm) as I have seen wooden arrows do when
hijng even light objects when shot from a compound bow, or
might it turn 180 degres as a bullet does when it enters human

Could shaher, par[cularly if it was not built for the bow. In fact, it
could shaher on triggering if the bolt is not specially built for the
As far as tumbling on impact, not a chance. Look at the wehed length,
(kinda gory in this context) there is to much leverage keeping a bolt or
arrow straight.

So..... Are you gents ignoring the fact that heavy xbows already penetrate a
fair (or unfair) amount of armor? This was revised in MMM#2. I don't
remember the specic amount, but it is substan[al.

Date: Sat, 27 May 1995 08:11:37 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Sat May 27 08:08:10 1995
One of my friends has decided he wanted to work on a conversion for "Call of
Cthulhu (did I spell that right?) - and along with the k/s bundle crea[on
project, he has created a number of new k/s bundles. One of my friends will be
edi[ng the messages he has sent to me so as to present several new k/s

Also - we are closing in on the nal few countries for Magical Items. If any
of you come across items that are not detailed, PLEASE let me know. I think I
have detailed all the items in the countries covered so far.

Date: Sat, 27 May 1995 11:35:52 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: An Item
In-Reply-To: <>

Okay gang, thanks for the input on the crossbow...

Let me dene why it does not do more damage, in a modern (post-modern)

Let's say I am a target, wearing a bullet-proof vest. Now, there are two
guys about 20 feet away from me, and they are shoo[ng at me. One of
them has a Colt .45ACP pistol, and the other has one of those neat
Flechehe guns that uses magnets to ing a 2 mm sliver of steel at
super-sonic speeds. They both shoot me...

I would end up taking more damage (in game terms) with a chest hit from
the .45, even though it goes a lot slower. The echehe goes right
through the armor as if it wasn't there, but a 2mm sliver does not do a
lot of collateral damage to surrounding [ssue...

The .45 on the other hand splahers all over the place, and I'm laying on
my back.

The point for the crossbow is, it will s[ll do plenty of damage. Even
at Medium size, it does 3d6, and an Ultra-Vital hit with no armor
(because of the good penetra[on) will not leave a lot lep, I think...

As for the bolt shahering, I always thought they were more metal than
wood, basically like a big nail. There's not a real head like an arrow,
is there?

Date: Sat, 27 May 1995 11:44:23 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: PBEM Ahempt?

Josh the new guy just made a big CLICK go o in my head...

If there are enough people (like anywhere from 3 to 5 or maybe even 6)
lep around here for the summer who would seriously be interested in
playing in a campaign, let me know.

Here's my problem: I've been running one in reality for a while o and
on, but now that Johnny Mnemonic came out and we saw it, I have to put
Mythus on the shelf for a while and run Cyberpunk (or some facsimile
thereof). I just can't help it. Cyberpunk is like a virus to me: I can
take plenty of medica[on and ignore it for a while, but then it comes
back and hits me... :)

At any rate, I would love to run more Mythus, especially with the

campaign ideas I have.

Here are a couple sugges[ons I have right now (more are always
appreciated): I'd need people who could get responses in ever day or 2.
I want to do a lot, and I've seen plenty of PBEM's die o becuase people
just don't write anything back. I'd need people who want to put some
[me into this, because a: I'm running my own world, b: I have my own
races, Voca[ons, etc, and c: I changed some rules for HP Crea[on. Oh,
the other thing is, it would be Advanced Mythus, none of that Prime stu
for me...

So, if anyone wants to do that, and can put in a few minutes per day, let
me know, okay?

Date: Sat, 27 May 1995 17:09:15 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Races and Voca[ons

In light of my (stupid? :) decision to run a Mythus PBeM, I gured I
should bring out this important rule:

For my campaigns, Races have Voca[ons. This is unlike Mythus and Basic
D&D in that those rules both allow you to play a race, of which there is
far less dieren[a[on. The point is, I should be able to play a Dwarf
Wizard, with no knowledge of the underground if I really want...

The reason this is important: my world is prehy motley, on a scale like
Talislanta. There are plenty of human races and na[ons, but there are a
bunch (currently around 20) of dierent intelligent species that have
na[ons (or not) of their own. Generally, dierent na[ons have
dierent foci, so that some are great Heka-wielders, and some cannot
understand it at all. So be warned... :)

Oh, one other thing. For those who forgot, I don't like Dweomercrap, so
I re-named it Wizardry... :)

Dweomercrap should only be used by classica[on in the
scien[c name for Demiurge (pg 404 in your Mythus books!):
Dweomercrapus maximus.

If I may be so bold: I'd bet it wasn't Dave who decided to use the
word... :)

Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 17:05:39 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 16:22:31 1995
Yarbay (cont)

Sulmunem's Tapestry - This is the greatest treasure of Sulmunem. It appears to
be a woven tapestry of some high quality cloth, ready to be stained and
painted. Anything painted on the tapestry comes to pass. Thus if a portrait
of a victory is painted, then it will occur just as it is painted. Great
eort has been made to nd the nest dyes, paints, and ar[sts. Once the
tapestry is completed, it must be exposed to the moonlight on the longest night
of the year. The interpreta[on of the tapestry is very me[culous to detail,
thus only the best ar[sts are allowed to work on it.

Innitely Faceted Crystan - The magickal proper[es of this gem are s[ll not
understood. In the past, it has aided spell casters in many ways. FOr some
possessors of the crystal, it has illiminated the use of components. Others
have foiund they can acquire new cas[ngs, yet others have experienced the
abili[es of a totally new heka-producing areas. The eects have remained
permanently, however, someone started a rumor that believed some of the facets
were disappearing and the gem was shrinking. The scare caused the gem to be
locked in a museum as a na[onal treasure where viewers can marvel at its
beauty rather than its powers.

Lionblades of Yathbir - These blades of excep[onal quality have been rumored
to exist from the dawn of [me. They are curved swords, with metallic hilts
depic[ng claws opening up toward the blade, and the head and mane of the of a
lion along the hand hold. The blades convey leadership ability upon those who
wield them. Like lions over the kingdom, these blades are made for normal
ghters, rulers, and conquerors of men. Yathbir owned three such blades he
acquired from conquest and united the country of Yarbay.he bestowed them to his
three sons, who became rulers of their own, and none have challenged the throne
for many genera[ons. Since this [me, lihle ahen[on was given to the
swords, and they were thought to be purely ceremonial, un[l a fourth sword was
found by a slave in a gem mine a few decades ago. The other slaves rallied
around this person immediately, and a slave rebellion overe threw the local
fac[on. Today, the fourth sword is in the hands of Pot'tsed the Freeman and
he has established himself a a threat to the Yathbir Rulership. Both poli[cal
par[es have openly hired and contracted excavators and researchers in hopes to
be the rst to nd the ph sword, if it exists.

Xalissa (cont from previous post to the net-list)

An[kan Current - This is a sen[ent wave of enormous volume. It was one
thought to be an elemental king, but has been found to be much more. WIthin it

an en[re ecosystem of life thrives and grows. Mere-creatures, sea-creatures,

and the like live within its realms, hidden from the rest of the world. The
wave hasprotected the Isles from [me to [me by bidding calm waters in the
height of a storm for allies, or crushing the enemies of Atlantl by causing
waterspouts and [dal Waves.

Primal Planetary Models - These ancient mechanized models demonstrate the
planetary rela[onship with the stars, galaxy, and constella[ons. The are
permanent structures and appear to be animated on the power of the heavens.
Most of the structure is made of iron alloys and consumes many rooms of the
Castle Drachronus. WIthin the globes and structure it is rumored that there
are as many gems as stars in the sky, but the structures are carefully guarded
by the best Astrologers in the world. Astrology cas[ngs are 2 DRs easier, and
persons can be trained using these facili[es at half the cost and [me. This
Castle is considered to be an extended campus for the Univesity Da Plurda con
Pumptum O'Curisadad De Astronemica - a famous Atlantl school.

$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 17:04:51 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 17:06:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 16:09:16 1995

Sequela Ineable - The physical nature of this item is not describable or
tangible. SOme ssay that it is an invisible gaseous cloud without odor.
Others say it is simply a feeling or a thought that is transferred and
controlled by a single person. No one seems to be sure. Its eects, however,
are harshly felt. According to reports, it has the capacity to wipe out en[re
villages and ci[es. The Sequela Ineable infects all it touches with a
mysterious disease. This disease slowly dissolves the individual from the
intellect, then the nerves, and then the body disappears. There is no known
cure, and only one known to survive, although unconrmed rumors exist of
others whom have lived. The sole survivor holds the secret of the item, and is
somehow immortal because of it. Many people have called this person various
forms and deriva[ons of Death and Plague, but the most ancient records name
him Jin'thal The Lost. For centuries he looted and took from those destroyed
by the Sequela, un[l he became insane with greed and lonliness. All original
texts concerning the origin of this item state that it was found by a small
party of young men next to a tablet. An ensuing ght of ownership began. The
tablet told of how the item was capable of crea[ng great paradise or horric
hell. ZDuring the ght, the tablet fell o a ledge and was destroyed. Now
there are many stories with his item of destruc[on and its mysterious

controller. One states of a great caravan housing all the treasures of his
paths - including The Torsion Pulley, The Clep Arm of Togonthian, and The
Pillar of Faith. Another tale states he avenges those who have devoted their
life to free the oppresed. S[ll others feel the eects are deity related and
have nothing to do with an item.

$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 17:05:27 1995
These items were created by AJ SChmidt.
Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 20:24:04 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Josh Elarton <JElarton@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: PBEM Ahempt?


You know you can count me in. I'll be available all summer, and check the
mail at least once a day (usually more than once). You can mail me any info,
when and if you are ready.

Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 10:59:01 GMT+10
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Subject: Re: PBEM Ahempt?

So, if anyone wants to do that, and can put in a few minutes per day, let
me know, okay?


Howdy i would like to play along with you but I am new to this so you
will have to help me. I have never played before so you might want me
to sit on the sidelines and pick it up. I would really like to learn
though. thanking you robert green

* * * * *
* C U B *
* * * * *
Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 19:57:39 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 16:48:36 1995

Lute of Tangled Ways - This mysterious instrument is a much a curse as it is
useful. The player of the Lute becomes a Spellsinger of Great Prowess,
specializing music and SPellsinging STEEPs of +50 (or 50 if not already). The
Spellsinger can by no physical nor magical means lose the Lute, save Death.
FOr once joined, the souls are bonded. Past souls somehow remain connected,
for the spellsinger os privy to voer 50 languages, instantly knows any song
sung by a previous owner, and has immediate access to unlimited knowledge to
known Spellsong cas[ngs. The major drawback is that the owner is compelled
with the urge to seek conicts and travel. They may never remain in one place
for too long nor have any physical belonging to which they cannot carry, ride,
or take with them unencumbered.
$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 18:38:18 1995
Web of Time - Through this elaborate full length mirror, the [me line of a
person can be inves[gated - past present and future. This sen[ent mirror
focuses on all the inuences the person has touched and will touch in the
future, and makes remarkable predic[ons when asked. For a long [me it was
under the control of the government, used to convict criminals by their past
and future ac[ons. It is rumored there is a great Heka and component cost for
opera[on of the Web, but few specic details are known.

Achllech Ring - When worn long periods of [me, the wearer slowly becomes
spiritually enlightened, however, the body and mind appear to wither. The ring
is usually sought by young priests seeking spiritual prowess at the cost of
their body and minds. It is said that a priest or priestess who is of clear
conscience and proper medita[on may negate the harmful eects.

Lost Verses of Tydell ap Pennys - These scrolls contain the lost knowledge to
cast summonings from priestcraep areas you do not possess. There is a scroll
for each area and it is rumored that a tablet of mithril holds the answers for
cas[ng a spell from any Heka producing Spiritual area. Unfortunately, these
were destroyed during the Fall of Atlan[s, but it is rumored that parts of the
scroll s[ll exist. The Mithril tablet has never been found.

the spear Far-Seeker - Upon speaking the word "shich-ka-bob"and the true name
of any being so desired, the spear launches out to ahack that person. THe
named en[ty need not be in sight, and can be up to 100 miles away. THere is
no ahack roll, and damage done is 20d6 + 20 piercing damage. The spear can
penetrate physical barriers such as foliage, wood, glass, etc. However,
formidable stone and metal barriers prevent its nal des[na[on. Upon
hijng an impenetrable barrier, or the desired target, it teleports back to
its owner. This teleporta[on back takes 1200 heka from the owner, otherwise

it will stay where it last hit. It is rumored the spear is in the Talbeth
Mines, lodged in a passage, where a vic[m caused a cave-in rather than feel
its wrath.

$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 19:56:50 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 19:58:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 18:56:39 1995

SPheres of Opposi[on - THese two spheres were used in the previous centuries
to avoid the fate of wars. Uncontrollably, the two spheres would capture
leaders of opposing armies and isolate them in their own private bahle. THe
winner of the bahle became the winner of the war. If the conict did not
cease, the next leader was chosen. Since the advent of the SPheres, leaders
tended to be the strongest available warriors. Few na[ons led revolt without
truly asking themselves about their purpose and their prowess. Neighboring
na[ons avoided Cyprus because of this item.

Miasmal Reeds - These plants are only grown next to a river or the side of a
large body of water. They emit a harsh, crude vapor similar to pipe tobacco
which has two eects. FIrst, it has the tendency to corrode precious metals
such as gold, silver, pla[num, etc. Oddly brass, steel and [n and the like
common metals and alloys are unaected. Secondly, it causes a disease to
those whom are unfamiliar to their heavy odor. Since those na[ve to the land
have been around its complete life cycle, they remain safe, however, strangers
become violently ill within hours of exposure. Children appear to be
unhindered with either eect. "BLessed are the children, for they will come
to bear the fruits of life..."


Lion of Dester - This fabled idol was used as one of the rst money presses.
Its ornate design and gold overlay make it worth over a million BUCs, besides
historical value. Throughout years of use, it has stayed in remarkable shape,
and lately it has been assumed that the func[on of the Lion is to create
coins, not press them from precious metals. The Lion is said to be able to
make coins of any na[on and metal to perfect imita[on. If such a rumor was
true, economic markets could be crushed. THere is an outstanding ransom for
the item of 5 million BUCs by neighboring na[ons.

Vipersta of Ngammi - This sta has the ability to poison the land. Beside

the etchings of snakes on the shap, the VIpersta appears to be ahollow tube
made of brass. When one end is planted in the ground and an appropriate
concoc[on is poured through, the ground is impaired and made impotent to crops
and grazing. The sta also has heka and some control over snakes. It is
rumored that it can polymorph people into snakes and then control them,
however, this has not been witnessed by reliable sources.

Steelsharer - Stolen from Atlantl, this sword is one of the Peacesharer swords.
THese swords were made to ght the pandemonium monsters created near the
islands. The special purpose of this sword is to control metals of any sort,
including animate, inanimate, or sen[ent. Within its radius of control it can
rust, corrode, shine, or repair any form of metal or alloy. It is not
sen[ent, however, it appears to have an unlimited heka source. Of course in
bahle, metal armor yields no protec[on from the weapon and it negates 200
points of heka armor. Like all Peaceshares, it also does spiritual damage
equal to the physical damage so inicted, makes all ahacks 2 DRs easier, and
the possessor is impervious to mental ahacks and damage of a mental nature.
$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 19:57:26 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 19:58:43 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 19:19:21 1995

Triple Ring of Yurgi - This odd piece of jewelry has been mimicked throughout
the ages. The original had three brass rings bound in a triangular fashion.
WHen two were worn over the index and poin[ng nger one of three things would
happen. FIrst, one congura[on granted eternal life by proof against the
eects of aging, disease, or poisoning. The second congura[on causes the
user to be possessed by another person. The third ability causes the wearer to
switch iden[[es with the rst person who is looked in the eyes. Changing
the ring congura[on changes the ability and there is no way of telling the
rings apart physically to determine the correct congura[on. Since the
discovery of the item, many mock-ups were made to hide the true triple ring.
Since then it has become quite fashionable to wear a triple ring, and to this
day many forms ad sizes of triple rings can be found. Whose to say which one
is the true Ring of Yurgi.

COer of Need - This simple looking chest appears to be made of wood with
broad metal bands. In essence it is a wishing chest. Whatever you desire from
it will be produced at the [me. Stories of the chest date back a thousand
years. It seems whatever is taken from the chest is removed by some previous
or past owner. Simple common items are frequently lost and gained, but when a
great wish is granted, someone pays dearly. Usually the loss is as signicant

as the gain, but as stories dictate one man's discard is another man's
treasure. As one story goes, a servant asked for incredible wealth aper
stealing the box. The wealth was granted from the previous owner, who became
poor, however, the servant was soon discovered and the box and the money
returned to the owner. Another fable told of a person who wished for an elixir
of youth. Being young, he was not immediately recognized by his sta and his
estate was given to his son and his wife for a short [me. Aper things were
sehled, things appeared to be back to normal. Years later, when twin
grandchildren were born, one disappeared from the womb and the other grew up
normally. Much later, the young grandchild maiden mysteriously aged from
fourteen to her mid-for[es, which made her unable to bear children. Taken
with her tragedy, the grandfather gave her the box and pleaded with her to gain
her youth. Instead, she wished for a child. THe curse of the box is not
always so easily connected or explained, however, there is some measure of loss
connected to the measure of gain. Another constant with the box, is it tends
to get lost and forgohen. No one is really sure how this happens, but it is
usually found from [me and again in tales and storied of grief or great

$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 19:57:58 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 19:59:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 19:37:20 1995

Sundering Axe - or Axe of CLeaving. This axe is remarkably light compared to
its in[mida[ng looks. It is forged of Phaeree Reheel, an infamous rare
metal alloy which is harder than any surface in Aerth or Phaeree, yet is

Great Carpet of Jann - This ying Carpet has the ability to move men and
armies. Like regular ying carpets, it can hold up to eight passengers and
y at incredible speeds, this carpet has the ability to reduce the size and
mass of people and objects that remain in contact with the carpet. Thus,
generals have moved armies to ahack and returned with all the booty they could

Argent Cloud Lamp - This lamp has many undiscovered quali[es and power. The
lamp has ve lens (four sides and a bohom) and lens covers and a removable
lid. Through the lenses a glowing cloud of bluish silver gases can be seen.
By aligning with the stars and direc[on, opening dierent combina[ons of the
lenses, and orien[ng the lamp at dierent posi[ons, many of these powers are

invoked. The most common power of recollec[on is the Star BUrst of which a
large silver mass of energy is directed by a beam of silver light un[l it
explodes in the desired posi[on. This is the favored opening ahack of the
elite Army used to defend the na[on from invasion. Another ability is to
summon horric beings which blind a burn any living thing they can nd. THe
silver cyclone is caused by liping all the visions and spinning the lamp. It
is also capable of disintegra[on, re ex[nguishing, light, teleporta[on,
causing disease, causing mass blindness, holographic pojec[ons, etc. Lihle
is wrihen down about the item and experimenta[on is very dangerous, however,
the army has no inten[on of releasing the item.
$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 19:58:27 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 19:59:44 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 19:48:24 1995

Dolphinship of Larcas - "...and from the depths they came, to ram from below.
The ship once tame, rocked to and fro, the precious hull began to rip, throwing
us into chaos. We were beings seiged by the Dolphinship, under command of
Larcas." - From a song by Chord the Recorder on a visit to Afrik.
Few people live to tell the story of Larcas and his submersive ship. All
the tells tell of a great vessel which ahacks by ramming a ship from below.
"The ship appears to be a great sh with a blunt nose and a large dorsal n.
Where the blowhole is where the prisoners are taken in..." (those that survive)
At one [me, Larcas was the captain of this ship which is likely mistaken for a
sea monster, however, where the prisoners, treasure, and ship go is no mystery.
The Dolphinship is recorded to most open ahack at night, be resistant to
magical detec[on, and be manned by a sizable crew of pirates. The rest of the
legends speak only of the escapades of the crew, rather than the ship itself.

Occult Coer - When an appropriate amount of treasure is sacriced to this
ornate strongbox before an audience, the person speaking makes all rolls
against Inuence, Decep[on and CHarisma[cism. He or she may also implant
hypno[c sugges[on to individuals or the crowd at four DRs easier!

$$HRComments by teskej Sun May 28 19:58:57 1995
These items were created by AJ Schmidt.
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 10:10:30 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Cymru Magic: Achllech

In-Reply-To: <>


Do you folks know just how frigging hard that would be to say in Welsh?
:) (I only know cuz I'm trying to learn it)

Let me just say it ain't "Ack-leck"

I just tried it about a dozen [mes and the most accurate way is to just
make your mouth real mushy and spit... :)

Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 13:16:20 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: PBEM

>If there are enough people (like anywhere from 3 to 5 or maybe even 6)
>lep around here for the summer who would seriously be interested in
>playing in a campaign, let me know.

I'm interested! I've not played since I got the books.. been a GM all this
[me. But I'll try to behave and be a good player.

I'm s[ll working on the stu I'm sending you for the magazine... it's just
taking longer than expected, because I'm star[ng a business this summer,
and that's sucking most of my [me. I'll be sending you a whole pile of
monsters related in habitat and mo[va[on.

And I'll be sending an announcement of a new Mythus sopware package, just
as soon as the author lets me. It's 99% done alpha-tes[ng now...

>Here's my problem: I've been running one in reality for a while o and
>on, but now that Johnny Mnemonic came out and we saw it, I have to put
>Mythus on the shelf for a while and run Cyberpunk (or some facsimile
>thereof). I just can't help it. Cyberpunk is like a virus to me: I can
>take plenty of medica[on and ignore it for a while, but then it comes
>back and hits me... :)

Heh heh... I didn't like the fact the bodyguard wasn't show as being faster,
and Dolph should have appeared stronger, but the story was well done,and the
eects were great.

>Here are a couple sugges[ons I have right now (more are always
>appreciated): I'd need people who could get responses in ever day or 2.
>I want to do a lot, and I've seen plenty of PBEM's die o becuase people

>just don't write anything back. I'd need people who want to put some
>[me into this, because a: I'm running my own world, b: I have my own
>races, Voca[ons, etc, and c: I changed some rules for HP Crea[on. Oh,
>the other thing is, it would be Advanced Mythus, none of that Prime stu
>for me...

No prob. Count me in.
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 14:07:39 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: chris barnes <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: An Item

On Sat, 27 May 1995 11:35:52 -0400 Hawkeye wrote:
> Let's say I am a target, wearing a bullet-proof vest. Now, there are two
> guys about 20 feet away from me, and they are shoo[ng at me. One of
> them has a Colt .45ACP pistol, and the other has one of those neat
> Flechehe guns that uses magnets to ing a 2 mm sliver of steel at
> super-sonic speeds. They both shoot me...

Well the gauss gun is not actually in existence in a personal sidearm form...(says
he going out on a limb) ...but we'll take it as read.

> I would end up taking more damage (in game terms) with a chest hit from
> the .45, even though it goes a lot slower. The echehe goes right
> through the armor as if it wasn't there, but a 2mm sliver does not do a
> lot of collateral damage to surrounding [ssue...

> The .45 on the other hand splahers all over the place, and I'm laying on
> my back.

There are 2 damage eects here;
The .45 puts you on your back due to knockdown, the old mass [me velocity trick,
however the theory that you can use a real high velocity but low mass projec[le
with the same eect doesn't really add up.
My personal theory is that the .45 is ac[ng as a bludgeon, and you fall over due to
a combina[on of being hit, and loss of co-ordina[on due to the unexpected nature
of being hit rather than the actual force.
However if the projec[le is small and fast enough I think it turns into a
cujng/piercing type of damage where it wanders into you with so lihle resistance
you do not no[ce it much (witness vic[ms of shark bite who didnt even no[ce their
leg going).

The other is what is going on inside.

Both Apermath and twilight 2000 (tm, R etc) men[on tests carried out into the eect
of a bullet on esh, and I have seen TV programmes which seem to bear their
statements out.

Basically when a bullet hits it turns 180 degrees and exits going out backwards.
Don't ask me how the bullet knows how fast to turn, but there you are, thats science
for you. So the longer the bullet length the greater the damage that is done on the
way through if the bullet remains intact. This is one reaon rie bullets do more
immediate harm than pistol.

The other thing to take into account is a bullet breaking up inside the body, which
produces a lot of nasty lihle bleeders that the surgeons have a hard [me dealing
with, although this seems to cause death eventually rather than immediately, and
is a real hassle for the medics.

The thory behind echehes was that they could cause lots of small wounds to a
large area as there were a lot of them. This would keep the opposing sides medics
ocupied for ages picking out the bits from the wounded.

In a sci- context the echehe (as they usually are shot as single bullets) must be
seen as primarily an armour defea[ng weapon that does not do so much damage
when it gets through. I rather suspect that ( as we do not know whether a ulta high
velocity round will "tumble" or not) the echete will make a nice neat entry and exit
wound, and if it gets anything vital on the way through that is a bonus, although I
think I would s[ll prefer to face the guy with the .45 as most modern body armour
will not let a .45 round through. You may feel very sick and more than a bit sore but
at least you wont have a 2mm hole in you.

The reason a bolt will do less damage than a bullet is that because the bolt is so
long that its backside is s[ll wandering through the entry hole as the [p is thinking
of wandering back out it cannot tumble, so is conned to a simple cujng damage,
and pinning if you are standing in front of a door ;-) ,thus it only aects esh in the
immediate vicinity of the wound. Silly though it sounds but the larger object (the
bolt) produces a smaller hole in the body than the bullet (which produces truley
spectacular exit wounds). Also a bullet may "wander" through the body. One
medical programme I saw had a case of a bullet rentering the groin and exi[ng
though the skull at 90 degrees to its original path of ight (shudder).

> As for the bolt shahering, I always thought they were more metal than
> wood, basically like a big nail. There's not a real head like an arrow,
> is there?

Well it depends what the game designer says :-)
Out in the real world however a crossbow bolt is very like a short fat arrow in
construc[on. The pile (sharp pointy metal bit) is usually square in cross sec[on
rather than round, (its a beher shape for punching though armour) which terminates
in a socket that ts over the wooden shap. Dont forget metal = expensive, wood=
cheap, which is why many basic soldiers weapons have a large wood content.

The shap is quite fat to stand up to the short but intense pressure of release, say

about as fat as the diameter of your thumb joint where it joins your hand.
Longbow arrows have to deal with a rather more gentle release, and must be thin
and whippy (compara[vely) to deal with the archers paradox. The archers paradox
is that to y straight the arrow must bend around the bowstave. To achieve this the
arrow must have a certain bendyness (called spine) which causes the arrow to ex
around the bowstave and "shtail" o towards the target. Too much or lihle ex and
it will wang o in all direc[ons. It exes because the "release" is actually a "push
up the backside" by the bow string.

Crossbows on the other hand have a very short prod (the bendy bit) which is very
strong in poundage which gives the bolt a terric whack up the backside when
released. As the bolt just has to go straight o the crossbow without going around
anything it paid to make the shap as s[ as possible (i.e fat) to prevent whipping.

The etches (or ights), which are usually made of feathers on an arrow, were
usually made of parchment, leather, or wood on the bolt, and the nock at the back of
the arrow, which was craped lovingly to give a snug t over the string, is just
hacked into the bolt as the force of takeo will release it no maher how [ght it is.

I will admit the chances of a bolt going though armour and then shahering on that
nice sop esh is a bit silly, but think of the splinters...

Chris Barnes
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 09:18:16 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Races and Voca[ons

>Oh, one other thing. For those who forgot, I don't like Dweomercrap, so
>I re-named it Wizardry... :)
>Dweomercrap should only be used by classica[on in the
>scien[c name for Demiurge (pg 404 in your Mythus books!):
>Dweomercrapus maximus.
>If I may be so bold: I'd bet it wasn't Dave who decided to use the
>word... :)

<ahem> No, but I kinda like it. It took me long enough to learn this
word and others, I now try to use them in an everyday context, such as:
"Hey, I like your new ski boat - is that a DweomerCraep?"

And besides, when my friends and I are nished perver[ng the use of
Agathocacological, we're going to move on to Dweomercraep or


Agathopharmacological - good drugs
Agathocacoscatological - someone who doesn't give a shit

Now quit trying to s[r up trouble... <grin>

Dave----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 18:45:25 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Josh Elarton <JElarton@AOL.COM>
Subject: Mythus Sopware?

>And I'll be sending an announcement of a new Mythus sopware >package, just
as soon as the author lets me. It's 99% done >alpha-tes[ng now...

Can you give me a hint as to what type of "sopware package" this will be?
I'm dying to know...

Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 19:55:16 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Mythus Sopware?
In-Reply-To: <>

MYTHUS SOFTWARE! WOOO!!! :) I hope TSR Chokes & dies, yea yea.
Mythus slaughters AD&D
Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 20:23:46 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Edward Bromley <EPB3@AOL.COM>
Subject: specic cas[ngs

Since the list has been rather slow, I thought that I'd let everybody comment
on the two specic cas[ngs set forth below. These were given to me by a
player as possible specic cas[ngs. I'm curious as to what grade people
think they should be and (with respect to the rst cas[ng) what changes you
would suggest to keep it as a grade II cas[ng.

Charm Cas[ng Grade II

Time: 2 seconds / bug Other Heka Costs: nil
Area: one subject R & D: nil
Distance: 1 chain / 10 steep Other: 20 heka/1d6 bugs

This charm creates a number of energy missiles which unerringly strike the
intended target; the missiles have the appearance of a swarm which swarm
around the target. The caster is able to create 1d6 bugs plus 1D6 more at a
cost of 20 addi[onal heka per D6 of bugs. 1 point of physical damage is
inicted every 2 seconds per bug. The damage is not aected by normal
armor, though magical heka protec[on such as cas[ngs or enchanted armor,
could negate the damage of the bugs. A swarm can be rather disconcer[ng and
may be cause for distrac[on.

Fascinate (overlook) Cantrip

Time: 30 minutes/10 steep Other Heka Costs: nil
Area: 1 object or subject R & D: nil
Distance: sight Other: 10 heka per 0.5 cubic meters

This cantrip draws the ahen[on of the onlooker to the object* of the glamor
for curiousity sake. This in no way implants a desire to possess the object
of the spell nor can it ahract the ini[al ahen[on, i.e. the respondent
must have independently observed the object. The cantrip, in other words,
creates a desire to further inves[gate the object.

Note that this cantrip can be reversed to cause an object to be overlooked as
something not worthy of a second glance or inves[ga[on.

* The object can be animate or inanimate.
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 1995 01:47:06 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Agathocacological

Don't forget the other permuta[ons:

Agathocacologic: what a Priest of Balance uses to convert others to his/her
Agathachris[elogical: the belief that the most bizarre solu[on to a murder
is the most probable choice.

Thank you, thank you very much. . .(exit stage lep, ducking those hurled
shoes and bohles)

P.S. Wasn't that also the name of one of those girl singers in ABBA?

Date: Thu, 1 Jun 1995 14:06:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: specic cas[ngs


This cas[ng is a bit unclear to me. Is the [me 2 seconds or 2 seconds per
bug. Do they ahack more than once or poof and their gone?

Why 2 seconds as opposed to 1CT (3 seconds)? Regardless of the answers to
these ques[ons it looks like it needs a top end, 1 'bug' per 10 STEEP max?
or was 1d6 +1d6 intended to be the max.

Looks like your player knows the eect he wants, but needs to clarify the
whys and hows. On rst glance it looks overpowered for a Grade II, on
second.... well let's see the answers rst.

Jury's out on this, I think there is a similar cas[ng already, I'll check
the books.

What area are these intended to be.
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 1995 17:01:04 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

Dear Ed

> Since the list has been rather slow, I thought that I'd let everybody comment
> on the two specic cas[ngs set forth below.
Sure, summer gets rid of most of us college folks (or at least limits our Net
> what changes you
> would suggest to keep it as a grade II cas[ng.
Ummmm.....tough one.

> Charm Cas[ng Grade II

> Time: 2 seconds / bug Other Heka Costs: nil
> Area: one subject R & D: nil
> Distance: 1 chain / 10 steep Other: 20 heka/1d6 bugs

> This charm creates a number of energy missiles which unerringly strike the
> intended target; the missiles have the appearance of a swarm which swarm

> around the target. The caster is able to create 1d6 bugs plus 1D6 more at a
> cost of 20 addi[onal heka per D6 of bugs. 1 point of physical damage is
> inicted every 2 seconds per bug. The damage is not aected by normal
> armor, though magical heka protec[on such as cas[ngs or enchanted armor,
> could negate the damage of the bugs. A swarm can be rather disconcer[ng and
> may be cause for distrac[on.
Well, this sounds *very* similar to a cas[ng found in Elemental Dweomercraep.
I'm not sure, but I think its around grade V or VI, certainly no less than IV!
The cas[ng (for those of you with your Mythus Magick books handy is called
Lightningbugs Cantrip (or something like that). It does D6's of damage &
ignores non-Heka-based armor. The dierence being that the Lightningbugs
does area-of-eect damage. I think your player may be trying to reduce the
cas[ng grade by reducing the area of eect to one subject. Alas, it does
not come so easily to play with the rules. The trouble that I nd with it
is this problem of unerring accuracy. For in the Lightningbugs Cantrip (and
the similar Firebugs Cantrip which does D3's of damage), the "bugs" must
actually alight on the vic[m (determined randomly). Though I've never done
the sta[s[cs on it, I would imagine that the damage is generally going to be
prehy slight (esp. since anyone with pain receptors will get out of the area
of eect fast!) due to the fact that you aren't hit every turn unerringly.
Encourage your player to read his or her cas[ngs more carefully & RAISE the
cas[ng grade a level.
If you must keep it @ Grade II, I would recommend making it similar to the
Forcedart Charm with a special eect that the darts swarm like bees or
something. (that is that armor s[ll works & its eects are NOT sustained)

> Fascinate (overlook) Cantrip

> Time: 30 minutes/10 steep Other Heka Costs: nil
> Area: 1 object or subject R & D: nil
> Distance: sight Other: 10 heka per 0.5 cubic meters

> This cantrip draws the ahen[on of the onlooker to the object* of the glamor
> for curiousity sake. This in no way implants a desire to possess the object
> of the spell nor can it ahract the ini[al ahen[on, i.e. the respondent
> must have independently observed the object. The cantrip, in other words,
> creates a desire to further inves[gate the object.

> Note that this cantrip can be reversed to cause an object to be overlooked as
> something not worthy of a second glance or inves[ga[on.

> * The object can be animate or inanimate.

Hmmm...sounds like a Grey Dweomercrap or Ethos Shadowy Darkness cas[ng, thoughI can't quote this
one specically. My sugges[ons for making this one
workable are as follows:

1) 6ATs/10 steep??? (that's 30 minutes btw) Lower that base to 1AT or BT/10

steep. For one thing, it's MUCH less confusing that way & another, it's only
a Grade II. Let them add Heka if they have to make it long.

2) I like the addi[onal Heka for size adjustment. What's the base size though?I also think that a
maximum investment of Heka would be nice here too. Aper
all, there's only so much that a magickal construct can take. They are very
delicate machinery! ;-)

3) There should always be a loophole to get out of the glamyre eect. Things
with no "saving throw" should be reserved for Grade XI+. I recommend a roll
against MR Category or SP Category (or the ever-popular concerted search).

Now that I think about it, this sounds like the Apotropaism cas[ng called
Circle of Invisibility. Consult that for more details.

Well, that's my 2 dollars? Like it, or Lump it!

Date: Thu, 1 Jun 1995 16:58:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Jun 01 16:57:55 1995
What ever happened to Dangerous ideas?
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 1995 18:17:02 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Dangerous Ideas
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 1 Jun 1995, Dr. John Teske Jr. wrote:

> From: teskej Thu Jun 01 16:57:55 1995
> To:
> What ever happened to Dangerous ideas?

I'm lazy. :) That, and I'm star[ng up the new PBEM campaign, and
working, and entertaining my girlfriend, and I have to sleep at some
point each night... :)

I will get to it, I promise...


Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 00:02:53 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Josh Elarton <JElarton@AOL.COM>
Subject: Dangerous Ideas

I'm curious. What's "Dangerous Ideas"?

Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 08:19:50 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Dangerous Ideas
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 2 Jun 1995, Josh Elarton wrote:

> I'm curious. What's "Dangerous Ideas"?

For the benet of people who have no heard: Dangerous Ideas is my
"gathering" of DJ-Mythus ideas and crea[ons. Almost everyone here has
put something together new together at some point. I just oered to
collect it and send it back out as a single text le.

I have 5 issues, and I'm currently planning the 6th. I am trying to
decide how much of CyberMyth I want to put in it. There will also be my
plans for the Cyberpunk-Dangerous Journeys genre, plus possibly John
Teske and Steve Gullerud's re-do of Heka Forging...

Hopefully I will be able to do it this weekend...

Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 08:23:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "wayne (w.m.) maclaurin" <waynem@BNR.CA>
Subject: TSR admits DJ books s[ll available

Just in case anybody is s[ll looking for DJ books....

Ar[cle: 33211 of
From: (TSRJIM)
Subject: Re: Mythus by Gary Gygax

Date: 1 Jun 1995 20:18:45 -0400

Organiza[on: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <3qlld5$>
References: <3qkodi$>
Reply-To: (TSRJIM)

I was lucky enough to purchase the books before T$R banned
them from the market. Any discussion about the system would
be welcome. Personaly I think Mythus is the best but somewhat
complicated fantasy role-playing system around.

The books have not been banned. They are available through the Mail Order
Hobby Shop (414) 248-3625.
+++++++++++++++ Jim Butler, Editor/Designer +++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++ TSR, Inc. ++++++++++++++++++++++++
=================== Email:

| Wayne MacLaurin Distributed Compu[ng Architecture |
| Bell Northern Research |
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 08:34:37 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Dangerous Ideas

>Hopefully I will be able to do it this weekend...

Wait! Was that a ying pig I just saw!? <grin>

p.s. To you newcomers, Jesse is the classic Mythus overacheiver (and a girlfriend
too? Wow, you almost have a life, dude!)

----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.

(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved

Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 08:56:09 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: TSR admits DJ books s[ll available
In-Reply-To: <"23256 Fri Jun 2 08:23:34 1995">

So, the point to that message is:

Go buy one! Direct from Mail Order Hobby Shop!

That's the best way to hit T$R where it counts: they will no[ce if
people start buying DJ...

I may do it anyway, even though I already have 2 of Mythus and Mythus
Magick... :) Is there much use for 2 Epic's?

Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 08:59:04 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Dangerous Ideas
In-Reply-To: <Chameleon.4.00.950602083746.dnewton>

On Fri, 2 Jun 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> >Hopefully I will be able to do it this weekend...
> >
> >Jesse
> >
> Wait! Was that a ying pig I just saw!? <grin>

Ow!! That hurt...right below the belt... :)

> Dave>
> p.s. To you newcomers, Jesse is the classic Mythus overacheiver (and a
> girlfriend too? Wow, you almost have a life, dude!)

I do have a life...that's why I can't get these D.I.'s out any quicker... :)

And hey, at least I'm doing *something* with Mythus! Sorry if my drive
to do more puts me way behind... :)

Oh, one other thing: is there such a thing as a "classic" Mythus
overachiever? It occurs to me that something that has only been around a
couple years can't really have a classic anything! :)

Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 09:05:02 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: TSR admits DJ books s[ll available

At 08:56 AM 6/2/95 -0400, Hawkeye wrote:
>So, the point to that message is:
>Go buy one! Direct from Mail Order Hobby Shop!
>That's the best way to hit T$R where it counts: they will no[ce if
>people start buying DJ...
>I may do it anyway, even though I already have 2 of Mythus and Mythus
>Magick... :) Is there much use for 2 Epic's?

Not unless yours displays the rather dismal ability to fall apart as fast as
the others.. I've 3 copies of each of the Mythus and Magick books, and while
the Magick ones are holding together, all the mythus ones are falling apart.
Epic and Beas[ary are doing just ne, tho... (probably because I don't
use them, having my own world, and not generally nding porcupines a threat
to my characters, or dinosaurs appropriate to the world...).

Take care,
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
WWW: hhp://
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 11:48:44 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: TSR admits DJ books s[ll available

>Not unless yours displays the rather dismal ability to fall apart as fast as
>the others.. I've 3 copies of each of the Mythus and Magick books, and while
>the Magick ones are holding together, all the mythus ones are falling apart.
> Epic and Beas[ary are doing just ne, tho... (probably because I don't
>use them, having my own world, and not generally nding porcupines a threat
>to my characters, or dinosaurs appropriate to the world...).

The reason for that (at least what I was told) is because the printer used the
wrong glue when binding the books. The good news is it was only the rst print
run of the rst two books.

----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 14:42:33 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: TSR admits DJ books s[ll available
In-Reply-To: <Chameleon.4.00.950602115501.dnewton>

On Fri, 2 Jun 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> >
> >Not unless yours displays the rather dismal ability to fall apart as fast as
> >the others.. I've 3 copies of each of the Mythus and Magick books, and while
> >the Magick ones are holding together, all the mythus ones are falling apart.
> > Epic and Beas[ary are doing just ne, tho... (probably because I don't
> >use them, having my own world, and not generally nding porcupines a threat
> >to my characters, or dinosaurs appropriate to the world...).
> The reason for that (at least what I was told) is because the printer used the
> wrong glue when binding the books. The good news is it was only the rst print
> run of the rst two books.
> Dave
Dave: It was T$R saboteurs who did it.

Date: Sat, 3 Jun 1995 01:42:24 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: 1 and 2 handed swords.

Hi again, it's me, the rabble rouser. :) I just can't resist f-ing with
rules... :)

Dave, maybe you can tell me this one: What good is the Sub-Area "2-Handed

Weapons?" At best there are 2 whole weapons here, and for most HP's, you
will only ever see one.

Here is the solu[on I propose: Change the Sword Sub-Areas to
1. Medium Swords
2. Heavy Swords

in 2: 2-Handed Sword, Bastard Sword, Broad Sword, Cutlass, Falchion,
Khopesh (since the end is so heavy), and Tulwar. Essen[ally, any of the
blades that have a SF of 6 or more.

in 1: all the other swords (yes, even Foil--you can't go s[ck it in
dagger/knife...) :)

Anyway, that's the way I'm playing it...

Did anyone no[ce we're up to around 140 subscribers to this list???
Cool shit if you ask me...

Date: Sun, 4 Jun 1995 00:43:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: 1 and 2 handed swords.

>>>>>Dave, maybe you can tell me this one: What good is the Sub-Area
Weapons?" At best there are 2 whole weapons here, and for most HP's, you
will only ever see one.<<<<<

What about two handed hammers, axes, maces, etc. 2-handed weapons can cover
alot of ground. Instead of splijng up the exis[ng sub-areas, you might
instead want to make this kind of a specialty sub-area (much as oren[ne
gh[ng is in the Weapon, Special Skill K/S). Basically, the HP must
possess the basic sub-area (ie. sword) before picking up two-handed weapon
(allowing for two-handed swords). This might get a bit nikpicky, but then,
this is Jesse we're talking about. :D

Date: Mon, 5 Jun 1995 01:07:57 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: 1 and 2 handed swords.
In-Reply-To: <>

You shouldn't have men[oned the Floren[ne thing... I think for that you
ought to be able to use more than one weapon in your other hand.
"Wait...I can use a knife but not a dagger or s[leho?"

I think sword-play is far dierent than Axe or Club-play. With an axe
or club, you just whack the unfortunate opponent as hard as you can.
With a sword, you have to hit hard, and then push or pull to achieve the
slicing bit... :) Since the sword doesn't have the pure concentrated
energy that an axe, hammer or club possess, you have to do a lihle more
to get the job done...

Just an opinion.... :)

Date: Mon, 5 Jun 1995 13:26:31 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "C.I.Barnes" <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: 1 and 2 handed swords.
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SOL.3.91.950605010437.16466A-100000 from "Hawkeye" at Jun 5, 95 01:07:57 am

> I think sword-play is far dierent than Axe or Club-play.

Not really, 2 handed sword is closer to 2 handed axe/ polearm/
2handed club than to a light one handed sword like a tulwar,
technique is dierent, not a ques[on of weight.

> With an axe
> or club, you just whack the unfortunate opponent as hard as you can.
> With a sword, you have to hit hard, and then push or pull to achieve the
> slicing bit... :)

Two handed sword doesnt slice, just whacks as hard as you
possibly can.

The major dierence between the opera[on of a one handed and 2
handed sword is in the parry method. 1 hander can use a shield,
so your stance tends to be either shield on, with the sword
behind your body for the surprise strike, or facing using both
shield and sword in equal propor[ons for parrying (although I
did know a mad buger who stood sword on and used a shield in
emergencies only).
The 2 hander is also your only parrying item, unless you have
got a buckler, or are willing to use your armour as a shield,
consequently you tend to stand weapon on (turned sideways on)

and maneuver with one or the other leg in front depending on

which stroke you are using.

The problem with clubs/ polearms et al is that you do not really
want to parry with them, avoidance is best otherwise you soon
end up wielding a short s[ck.
The obvious excep[on is the various parries you can do with a
halberd et al using the s[cky out metal bits of the head, but
not a good subs[tute for a shield or sword for parrying, and
you relly only want to use it to prevent thrusts and waving the
[p about rather than facing a full on chop.

Two handed swords are not really that heavy, a bit heavier than
bastard swords which you can use 1 handed, and they are balanced
a lot beher than lumps of wood so you can recover from a
commihed stroke that missed surprisingly quickly.
A sword ght of any type tends to be a series of ahacks and
parries that happen so fast and are blocked ins[nc[vely that
it is open hard to tell who struck, and who parried, even if
you are the combahant.

It open pays to play a defensive game un[l suddenly something
clicks, everything goes real slow, and you can feel THAT STRIKE
come out of somewhere deep inside, and the next thing you know
your opponent is at on his back with a dent in his helmet.

By their nature clubs tend to encourage single s[ke ahacks,
with any parries being done with a shield if you have one, and
you tend to baher away at each other un[l one gets a good
whack in.

Chris Barnes
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 1995 13:05:43 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "C.I.Barnes" <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: TSR admits DJ books s[ll available
In-Reply-To: <Chameleon.4.00.950602115501.dnewton from "Dave Newton" at Jun 2,
95 11:48:44 am

> >Not unless yours displays the rather dismal ability to fall apart as fast as
> >the others..
> The reason for that (at least what I was told) is because the printer used the
> wrong glue when binding the books. The good news is it was only the rst print
> run of the rst two books.

> Dave
Now, can we get them for unt for purpose or not merchantable
quality? :)

Mind you it might help if publishers had a seperate sheet in the
book (i. e. not ahatched like tsr maps are ) for a character
sheet so you did not have to break the spine trying to copy the
damn thing!!!! More sabotage?

Date: Mon, 5 Jun 1995 09:45:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: TSR admits DJ books s[ll available
In-Reply-To: <>

> Mind you it might help if publishers had a seperate sheet in the
> book (i. e. not ahatched like tsr maps are ) for a character
> sheet so you did not have to break the spine trying to copy the
> damn thing!!!! More sabotage?
> Chris

Of course, if you just make your own (which would work beher of course!)
you won't have to break the book. I have one Mythus book which falls
apart (I bought that as soon as it came out, so I'd bet that was a rst
prin[ng) and one which doesn't. The book which doesn't has an
interes[ng problem though: some pages are washed out, as if the printer
ran out of ink. It's bizarre, and barely readable. It *is* readable,
though, so it's not too bad... :)

I think it's all a big conspiracy. With aliens involved, too!

All this crap thrown at Mythus, and there are s[ll 140 people on this
list! Well, okay, 140 addresses. If we could get even one quarter of
those 140 to speak up!!!! it would get loud around here...and would be a
lot more fun!

Date: Mon, 5 Jun 1995 09:53:17 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: 1 and 2 handed swords.

At 01:26 PM 6/5/95 +0100, C.I.Barnes wrote:

>Two handed sword doesnt slice, just whacks as hard as you
>possibly can.

This was the case in period; but magical weapons would throw this o a wee
bit... weapons that are enchanted to maintain a ne cujng edge are
troublesome for us; we cannot expect them to penentrate plate armor, and so
the whack analogy does apply there, but against an unarmored opponent, they
would do more damage than the bludgeoning eect one sees in even the
sharper period blades.

>The major dierence between the opera[on of a one handed and 2
>handed sword is in the parry method. 1 hander can use a shield,
>so your stance tends to be either shield on, with the sword
>behind your body for the surprise strike, or facing using both
>shield and sword in equal propor[ons for parrying (although I
>did know a mad buger who stood sword on and used a shield in
>emergencies only).

I must disagree en[rely on this point. Many one handed swords allow the
wielder to use the Point as well as the edge, and this changes the style of
gh[ng drama[cally. A thrust does a Signicantly greater amount of
damage than a cut applied with the same force, and gets much more
penentra[on, and is more likely to be fatal. The Point is also much faster
than the edge. Thus, weapons such as the dueling sword and the rapier
require a very dierent style of gh[ng from weapons such as broadswords
or bastard swords. Parries versus point ahacks dier drama[cally from
parries vs edge ahacks, but in your example, above, the style of weapon
parry is iden[cal.. you place your blade perpendicular to his on two planes
and take the brunt of the blow as close to your own hilt as you can manage.
This applies equally well to one- and two-handed swords. A parry vs a
piercing ahack involves moving the advancing point of the opponent's weapon
out of line; there is no opposing the direct force of the blade. This is
why thrus[ng weapons can be so much lighter than cujng weapons.
This does raise some ques[ons for me, however: Do any of you use
the weapon breakage rules? I nd they slow an already slow combat system
too much. I do have some diculty with light weapons parrying heavy
weapons, as well.. the system doesn't seem to take into account the fact
that a rapier is not designed to parry a full cut from even a broadsword,
and is very likely to break in this situa[on...

Take care,
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
WWW: hhp://
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum

Date: Mon, 5 Jun 1995 14:07:40 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Schools of Magick

Has anyone done any further development on the ve schools of Dweomercraep?
The Mythus texts only go so far as to set them up for the dweomercraeper
voca[ons and a slight men[on in EoAe, nothing else. As they are exis[ng
forces in my campaign, I'm curious if anyone else has done more intense
detail with these ins[tu[ons (I seem to remember Jesse asking if the
college names listed in the rulebook were specic loca[ons, or

Date: Tue, 6 Jun 1995 15:45:43 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Schools of Magick
In-Reply-To: <> from "Tom Harrison" at Jun 5,
95 02:07:40 pm

Tom In my game I have reorganized the magic system - or actually I would if
any of the players were magic using types. But I am planning on basing the
cas[ng choices much more heavily on the School or Tradi[on, as I call
them, that the wizard learned to prac[ce magic in. The Tradi[on dictates
the kind of magic that the wizard can use, currently magic is divided into
the following areas: Pain[ng: Pictures, Runes, Symbols; Cas[ngs: Natural,
Mental, Astral, Elemental; Rituals: Demonology, Invoca[on, Spirit Binding,
Rituals. But I am not en[rely happy with that division any more and may
be changing it. I say that it is impossible for a wizard to learn how to
cast a spell from an area, or approach, that is not taught in their Tradi[on
- Magic is based on belief, if you aren't taught and have complete belief
in the modes of magic use you use, it will not work.

I haven't used any of the school names in the Mythus book for a Tradi[on
yet, but I may in the future. So far I've only made one Tradi[on - the
Order of the Rainbow Serpent. It was once an animis[c religion worshipping
the Rainbow Serpent - An Australian Aboriginal character- that has since
been perverted into the worship of all the evil, destruc[ve characteris[cs
of Set. In my world the true worship of Set as such concentrates on his
God of War and Natural Disaster characteris[cs rather than his evilness.
While it is not a truly good religion in my world it is much beher than
the worship of Horus or Osiris. But then my world is based on a twisted

parody of Earth. Stay away from fer[lity cults on Otherworld!


Also at Enki@Suba.Com.

I am Heaven, I am Earth, I am Enki!
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 1995 17:32:50 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Schools of Magick
In-Reply-To: <> from "Tom Harrison" at Jun 5,
95 02:07:40 pm

I just read that message again. Franchises? Yech, I can't think of any
idea that is more anathema to my idea of Magical Tradi[ons.

"Hi I'm a mage of the McDonalds School - Fear Me!"

I think not.

Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 02:14:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Schools of Magick


Hey, Hawkeye gets the blame for that one. He poised the ques[on rst.

Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 09:40:02 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Schools of Magick
In-Reply-To: <>

Oh sure! Blame me!! :)

I love goong with rules...

Has anyone created new Laws of Magick? I thought of a couple minor ones:
Law of Light, which allows for the manipula[on of "ows of light
energy" and it's Black Wizardry counterpart, the Law of Darkness. That
one says that Dark is what is real, and light is merely the abscense
(sp??) of Darkness... :)


Jesse/Hawkeye, the rules f-er... :)
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 11:24:24 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Schools of Magick

>Has anyone created new Laws of Magick? I thought of a couple minor ones:
>Law of Light, which allows for the manipula[on of "ows of light
>energy" and it's Black Wizardry counterpart, the Law of Darkness. That
>one says that Dark is what is real, and light is merely the abscense
>(sp??) of Darkness... :)

Actually, the Laws of Magick are drawn from actual "Pagan" source material included in the bibliography. Not that I'm promo[ng any "real" belief system
over another (cf. Rapture: the Second Coming, due in July from Quintessen[al
Mercy Studio <ahem>)... But it's sort of like saying "I just created another
sec[on for the Bible". Complete or not, these works are what they are and new
sec[ons may or may not be accepted by those familiar with them.

My sugges[on: Expand the *schools* of magick. I.E., White School
Dweomercraepers who have a "major" in various forms of light and sound (Hmmm.
"The George Lucas School of Industrial Light and Magic(k)"...

Naw. Nevermind.


----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 11:26:36 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Schools of Magick
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Hawkeye" at Jun 7,

95 09:40:02 am


I'll have to look at the laws of Magic again but I doubt that I would
want to add any Laws to the list, the reason being that those laws came
from long established occult beliefs. I suppose it would be very appropriate
to come up with a complete list of new laws for a sejng that is supposed
to be very dierent from earth, which mine is not - only a shadow of it.

Besides I don't use the Laws of Magic very open - they don't t into my
Magic System very well yet, give me [me and mo[va[on. :)


Life is a lot easier to deal with if you do not expect happiness....
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 12:21:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Clay Hanna <clayh@GENESIS.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Gary Gygax's whereabouts...

Hello, My name is Clay Hanna, and I am the chair of MSC NOVA. NOVA is
the gaming and recrea[on commihee at Texas A&M University. We deal
mainly in role-playing games such as Dangerous Journeys. Each year, we
put on two cons, NOVACON and WARCON. We try and get good guests for all
of our cons. This year, we have decided to shoot for Gary Gygax
himself. We gure that it's worth a shot. Anyway, if anyone could help
us track him down to get in contact with him, that would be great. If
you would like more info on NOVA and our cons, feel free to ask. Thanks
a lot guys, and I appreciate any and all help we can get.
Clay Hanna
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 23:58:37 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Schools of Magick
In-Reply-To: <>

> Hawkeye,
> I'll have to look at the laws of Magic again but I doubt that I would
> want to add any Laws to the list, the reason being that those laws came
> from long established occult beliefs. I suppose it would be very appropriate
> to come up with a complete list of new laws for a sejng that is supposed

> to be very dierent from earth, which mine is not - only a shadow of it.

Yeah yeah... :) Well, so I didn't know those laws came from some real
occult stuf...I suppose I'm too rooted in this current reality... :)

And besides, if I didn't try to goof with the rules, who the heck would? :)

Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 01:31:27 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Schools of Magick

So I guess no one out there uses the presented Schools (Ebondark college,
Shadowy Forum, etc.)? I like the idea of tradi[ons, but it doesn't help me
with my ques[on.

Wai[ng to see more on magickal tradi[ons and Mythus Magick (such as how did
you reorganize spells). But I'm biased and have my priori[es. What about
the _schools_... :)


One down, three to go! GO ROCKETS!!!!!
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 08:14:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Jun 08 08:08:38 1995
The ideas of actual Schools of Magick, par[[oned within various physical
locales as colleges and Universi[es par[cularly appeals to me, par[cularly
with regards to organizing a Vow system for Dweomercraep. I have a TON of
projects currently undergoing work in the Mythus system, and one of them that I
do plan to get to includes a system for Schools/Universi[es/Colleges of
Magick/Dweomercraep. So I agree with your idea and plan to use it, but I
haven't eshed it out for my own world yet.

ALso, for those interested, I am making the nal push for magic items. About
75% of the countries are detailed at this [me, and only a few more remain. I
hope to receive the remainder in the next feww weeks.


Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 07:14:07 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Gary Gygax's whereabouts...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.NXT.3.90.950607121447.1506A@genesis>

On Wed, 7 Jun 1995, Clay Hanna wrote:

> Hello, My name is Clay Hanna, and I am the chair of MSC NOVA. NOVA is
> the gaming and recrea[on commihee at Texas A&M University. We deal
> mainly in role-playing games such as Dangerous Journeys. Each year, we
> put on two cons, NOVACON and WARCON. We try and get good guests for all
> of our cons. This year, we have decided to shoot for Gary Gygax
> himself. We gure that it's worth a shot. Anyway, if anyone could help
> us track him down to get in contact with him, that would be great. If
> you would like more info on NOVA and our cons, feel free to ask. Thanks
> a lot guys, and I appreciate any and all help we can get.
> Clay Hanna
Forget Gary, get Dave!

Chris Beadles
Game Designer of CyberMyth
Kaos on IRC
----------------------------------------------------------------Out of the frying pan and shoved up the ass with a red hot poker.
-Showdown at Lihle Tokyo
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 08:19:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Schools of Magick
In-Reply-To: <> from "Tom Harrison" at Jun 8,
95 01:31:27 am

> Wai[ng to see more on magickal tradi[ons and Mythus Magick (such as how did
> you reorganize spells). But I'm biased and have my priori[es. What about
> the _schools_... :)

I reorganized the spells so that they would t into my divisions of magic.
For example, most of the cas[ngs that were XXX Ritual went into the Ritual
area, all of the cas[ngs that involved spirits of various kinds went into
Spirit Binding area. The rest were divided how I felt they should be. I
haven't done all of the cas[ngs yet, only some of them. If you want a sample

I'll try to remember to bring it with me next week.

Like I said before I haven't made any Tradi[ons yet, but I suppose I could
try and ar[culate how I would create one.

> One down, three to go! GO ROCKETS!!!!!

Uhh, Who are the Rockets?

Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 10:07:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Ken Kitowski <kkitow@HEALTH1.UWSP.EDU>
Subject: John: your email address

Is mdclin Marsheld Clinic? As in Marsheld, WI? If so, then we =
are quite close to each other. I'm in Stevens Point. Oh well, just =
thought I'd point that out. Anyone else out there around Stevens Point, =
WI? Just


[BTW: I hope this gets sent properly. It is my rst ahempt at =
sending Internet mail via MS Exchange and Exchange seems to always want =
to add formajng characters and font info stu].
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 11:20:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

Fwd: teskej->
On Wed, 7 Jun 1995, Clay Hanna wrote:

> Hello, My name is Clay Hanna, and I am the chair of MSC NOVA. NOVA is
> the gaming and recrea[on commihee at Texas A&M University. We deal
> mainly in role-playing games such as Dangerous Journeys. Each year, we
> put on two cons, NOVACON and WARCON. We try and get good guests for all
> of our cons. This year, we have decided to shoot for Gary Gygax
> himself. We gure that it's worth a shot. Anyway, if anyone could help
> us track him down to get in contact with him, that would be great. If
> you would like more info on NOVA and our cons, feel free to ask. Thanks
> a lot guys, and I appreciate any and all help we can get.

> Clay Hanna

Forget Gary, get Dave!

Chris Beadles
Game Designer of CyberMyth
Kaos on IRC
----------------------------------------------------------------Out of the frying pan and shoved up the ass with a red hot poker.
-Showdown at Lihle Tokyo
----------------------------------------------------------------$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jun 08 11:19:10 1995
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 15:01:19 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Most kind of you

>Forget Gary, get Dave!
>Chris Beadles
>Game Designer of CyberMyth
>Kaos on IRC
>---------------------------------------------------------------->Out of the frying pan and shoved up the ass with a red hot poker.
> -Showdown at Lihle Tokyo
>---------------------------------------------------------------->$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jun 08 11:19:10 1995

Thanks, guys - I'm speechless [but I'm sure *that* won't last long

And, hey; I'd really like to see the stu on Schools of
Dweomercrap. I know John's too busy... anyone else like to take
a shot? I'll be happy to edit and make sugges[ons, but I won't be
able to write it myself - we have two products to release and two
major conven[ons to deal with by July/August, as well as the
legal, accoun[ng, and incorpora[on issues that I'm dealing with

(not to men[on the GEN*CON party planning <heh heh heh>). Bohom
line: Gawd I hope we make some money, 'cause this is a royal pain.

Not only that, I'm in the process of sejng up an *ocial* web
site, so I can take the heat o of Mah Pearson's server. My
domain s/b registered by Friday, and I will be available by sending
mail to either or

Abervon is the name of my new domain, and I will be hos[ng pages
for various game companies (including QMS, of course) and providing
free links to others who already have pages somewhere else...

--------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 16:57:58 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Most kind of you

>>>>And, hey; I'd really like to see the stu on Schools of
Dweomercrap. I know John's too busy... anyone else like to take
a shot?<<<<

Well, in a way, I'm already in the process of doing just that. I'm taking
advantage of the summer to do some overhaul work on my campaign and this work
happens to include more detail on the Schools of Magick. That's the
principle reason I asked if players were running with the concept of 50
Ebondark Colleges exis[ng or if each had individual names, aims, etc.
I'm using a new game system (ARIA) - please don't hate me for this, its an
incredible system with enough of similari[es to DJ to make me happy - but my
campaign sejng is s[ll grounded in Mythus and thus, I won't be changing
much sejng wise. Also, unless my gaming group agrees, I'll s[ll be using
DJ mechanics for most of my game play. ARIA is simply a beher system when
it comes to campaign design, and it covers alot of ground that DJ ignored or
never got to. Each school would in ARIA erms be called a "Voca[onal
Sejng", a place where the persona in ques[on goes to acquire certain
skills and training. VSs set up the possibili[es for skills and voca[ons
within itself, as well as the purposes and designs it ins[lls in its
students. So be expec[ng a few posts on the maher soon, as soon as I get
the [me to put some work into it.


Who are the Rockets?????? Check out the game Friday on NBC and nd out!

Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 17:02:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jun 08 15:26:02 1995

Beads of Fac[ons - This necklace of ne gems (some rumor it to be of
seashells), if used to meditate and pray in a fashion that is proper for the
par[cular caste of the user, will create dissent and discord amoung the user's
enemies. It does this with unfailing accuracy, and swiply too, aec[ng its
targets within minutes to hours. This has aided Tirhut in several military
campaigns and also has been of assistance in treaty nego[a[ons.

Scroll of the Master Tiger - This several volume scroll is the equivalent of a
master text, done in scroll form, of the virtues and powers of electromagne[sm
and gravity, and their applica[on in archetypal cas[ng form. Many have
declared its ideas here[cal as it advocated separa[on from tradi[onal
Elemental Dweomercraep School and thus crea[on of a new School of
Dweomercraep: Fluorescent Orange. (Or was it Electric Blue?) A few reclusive
and otherwise unnoteworthy sages believe this book instead to pertain to the
arts of medita[on, unarmed combat (both lethal and non-lethal types), and
sensory enhancement (similar to Hyperaesthesia, but more powerful), and thus
consider the Scroll to be a Master trea[se on Yoga. Its origins are


Machina Arcanum - This modern marvel of the Arts of Heka-Forging (Foraging?)
becomes even more wonderous when it is taken into considera[on that its date
of construc[on was over a millenia in the past. It is rumored that several
Great Masters have had their inuence on the device and its crea[on,
including such Great Ones as Daedalus (Father of Icarus), Akhenaten, Marcus
Antonius, Socrates, Plato, Valeria Messalina, Lao Tse, Li Po, and Count Jean de
Dunois. Reputedly the device is a great War Machine, but is also capable of a
level of thought that transcends human Capacity (ie Mental Trait >300). It is
fearsome on the bahleeld, but has not been used on the bahleeld within
memory, so its powers for which it is fear are widely varied, gossiped, and
inconsistent. Perhaps it is the mystery surrounding the item and its Mental
Facul[es that makes it to this day Parthia's strongest Magical Ar[fact.

Khayyam's Versal Jewels - Authori[es dier on the exact size, form, shape,
and powers of these gems. Some say the "versal" is short for universal,
meaning whole/en[re, and speculate as to the extension of the natural magical

proper[es inherent to all gems. Others state that versal refers to reversal,
and state the gems are able to cause a reversion to an earlier [me, especially
if events do not favor Parthia. There is a third school of thought that
speculates as to the gems' abili[es based on the principles embodied in
Khayyam's Famous Mys[cism Cas[ngs AND then turning (versal = la[n for
turning) the gems. This theory holds that the gems' powers are based on a
proper alignment, and change in alignment by turning changes the powers
present and brings a new eect into being. Dierent eects could then be
brought out by turning dierent combina[ons of gems. Parthia's ocial
comments have espoused the rst of these theories but have been so vague as to
be suspicious for concealment of other hidden power(s); hence part of or all of
the other rumors may yet have some truth to them.
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jun 08 17:01:28 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 17:03:46 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jun 08 16:10:24 1995
Parthia (cont)

Cleaver of Mountains - Most famous for the ac[on for which it is named, this
device has the amazing ability to alter terrain to that which is the most
favorable type for the user. Reputedly it has caused rivers and seas to dry up
and to ood, caused volcanoes to erupt and crevasses to ll, and its greatest
power/feat was that of cleaving mountains to let a mountain-ringed na[on be
exposed to a hoarde of invading barbarians. It also is one of the few items
that has constantly changed possessing na[on's hands every few years, having
been known to be once in the possession of at least 50 na[ons (individually
and sequen[ally, not all simultaneously).


Four Rings of Strovkivar - These four rings allow the wearer to alter one of
the Four Basic Elements of Alchemy; therefore when used in combina[on, the
Four Rings allow transmuta[on of any one substance into any other. The eect
of any one individual ring is usually quite devasta[ng and lethal. [Consider
altering the amount of water in a human (or the amount of Fire or Earth {or
AIr}) for example, or altering the amount of Fire in a Rock (or Air {can you
say exploding rock?}), or using all Four Rings together to alter a plain object
such as a lump of coal into a diamond, pla[num, oricalcum, or Hekalite? I
think the power of these rings is quite easily shown.] Perhaps rumor only, but
several people have recently come from Ukrimia telling strange tales of
unnatural eects called "myutaishuns" that some of the ci[zens there seem to
be acquiring, and seem to blame these "eects" on the Rings (either secondary

to use (thus the "eects" represent a large scale eect of the Rings) or
secondary to abuse (thus the "eects" are side-eects)). Many neighboring
na[ons have vowed to send "observers" to nd out the truth of the maher.

$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jun 08 17:02:55 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 17:04:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jun 08 16:28:00 1995

Thunderbolt Sword - The blade of this sword has a jagged edge much as a
lightning bolt. Many historians agree that not only does the sword do physical
damage, but that it also does Electrical Damage as well; some credit it with
capabili[es of summoning erce electrical storms under control of the
wielder, with thunderbolts that frighten causing failure of morale and
lightning that strikes whole companies dead.

Jeweled Serpent - This Black Silk Shirt is Bejeweled with some of the nest
jewels in the Orient. According to common Folk Legend, this shirt provides the
wearer with invulnerability to all weapons, enchanted or no, and all
hand-to-hand lethal and non-lethal ahacks. It reputedly also eases
medita[on, boosts skills in yoga and enhances some Mys[cism skills.

Two Madness Bag - This bag produces two types of contagious insanity, that is,
insanity that may be spread much as a disease. The rst is that of psycho[c
schizophrenic paranoia, corrup[ng its vic[ms to believe all are against them,
with matching illusions/hallucina[ons to enhance the insanity. The second is
a severe catatonia, with those aected caring about lihle to nothing, and
thus easily being overcome by those that might accost them. There are some
that state these two insani[es are one in the same, and that the "real" second
type of insanity granted by the bag is a bahle-fury lust clinically best
dened as a homicidal mania.
Two further details need men[on: (1) contagiousness = 90% with STR=300
for both (2) allies of the user are immune to the illness (but woe to any

Dragon[ger Helms - These Helms were made in small profusion to well-equip one
unit of the Tongking Military Forces. They are rumored to be endowed with the
ability to mimic Hour of the Dragon Mys[cism Archetypal Cas[ng, but also
contain Mys[cal Powers granted by the Colored Dragons of the Celes[al Court.
Some are even rumored to allow shapeshiping to the form of a Dragon, while
other grant Flight, and s[ll other grant dierent powers. The exact number

of these Helms is not known; several well-known foreign intelligence services

place the number at 56.

$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jun 08 17:03:47 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 17:05:14 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jun 08 16:49:38 1995

Flute of Cargale - This special silver ute, made by a Kel[c Spellsinger as a
Favor to a Roman Emporer, and subsequently given into Numidian Hands (or so
they claim) has had many powers ascribed to it, most of which are assuredly
powers stemming from the SPellsong k/s area and likely powers of its Owners and
not of the item itself. The FLute has been the source of any number of now
near-legendary intrigues. Its main ability, a common thread through many
tales, is its ability to Florachange and Faunalter on a grand, na[onwide

Codex of Supernatural Fonts - This book details how might mere mortals learn to
harness supernatural fonts of power and cast lower grades (X-XIII) of
supernatural cas[ngs. Mages of fair repute have postulated that fonts of
En[tal, as well as Preternatural, power must exist for this work to detail
Fonts of Supernatural Power intermediate between the two. Some state the book
agrees with this theory and expounds upon the loca[on of such Fonts (Fountains
of Power); none have actually proven any of this however, and some have gone so
far as to disregard all of the above and alledge the Book to contain a
selec[on of Glyphs (types of wri[ng or "Fonts") of SUpernatural Level (Grade
X to XIX) in intensity.


First Feather Crown - This crown was reportedly constructed of the feathers of
the rst birds on Aerth, and allows the wearer to controll ALL avians, even if
not ying or incapable of ight, in a 500 mile radius. It also allows the
wearer to communicate with them and ask for services; addi[onally, some say
the Crown allows the wearer to y.
$$HRComments by teskej Thu Jun 08 17:04:26 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 18:20:00 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Clay Hanna <clayh@GENESIS.TAMU.EDU>

Subject: Re: Most kind of you
In-Reply-To: <>

You guys want Dave Newton at our con? That makes several of us. I've
already sent him some e-mail about it, and I can't wait to hear from
him. I would have men[oned him in my original message, but I gured it
would be a longshot nding even Gary here! Boy, was I wrong. The last
thing I ever expected was to get e-mail from Dave Newton himself.
Anyway, I will keep everyone posted. And, Dave, if your out there, let's
get together and discuss it some[me. Thnks for the info, too.
Clay Hanna
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 18:23:07 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: back again....with more item rumors

Well, I've nally managed to crawl out from under the homework that
built up over "dead week" (a very ironic name, that).

I've got some stu to send to the net that has sat in my account
for a while. We'll start with some item rumors by G.P.




Below are the descrip[ons of the rumors that are around in this
strange country.

Veils of Concealment:
Rumors upon rumors are spread daily about this magicant item,
everyday there is a new meaning behind these words. The latest has despelled
a supposed false rumor, that this name does not imply what it really is, it is
actually a crystal stone that is the size of a man's head. It sits in the

palace of Khurgen. This device is suppose to at will of the Khan, can make
everybody in the whole palace seem to just disappear. When in reality they all
have turned into invisivle ethereal ghosts that can move around, and s[ll
casts spells, it is unkown how long this eect lasts, it is safe to say that
this palace is trully the most protected, and safest. Though, their are leaks
of informa[on that say, that in assassina[on has just taken the life of the
high foreign minister, if this gets any more than it has the safety of the
palace may be in jeopardy.

Ravening Idol:
This powerful ar[fact at once belongedf to the conquering Mongols
that had come through here centuries ago. This device can summon 10,000 iron
horses, that go faster than any mount, and can withstand incredible amounts of
damage form physical and magical sources. When anyone sits upon these things,
they instantly become a master horsemen.

Caster OF Moun[ans:
This item can bring forth mountains to protect a city, it springs
forth from the ground.
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 18:25:53 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: gambler voca[on

Here is a gambler K/S bundle by G.P. I believe this one was taken
from Warhammer as well. It may be useful as a thief variant, but make
of it what you will.

Gambler SEC range: 1-6, star[ng SEC: 4

Many people are out there to make the easy money. Gamblers seek to use
their skills to make money at the expense of other people. Some[mes you win,
some[mes you lose, but nomaher how much BUCs you have, there is always [me
for another game. A gambler doesn't care about tommorow, today is the moment,
BUCs are to be spent, the dream of the "Big Game" is always in their quest.
Gamblers tend to be dripers, going from one town to another, leaving behind
big debts some[mes, some[mes being kicked out for taking everybodyies money.
IT is a hard life. The appearence is everything for the Gambler, never show
what you are feeling in the inside. When playing the Gambler think of,
winning, losing, spending, risk taking, no tommmorow, gambling, decep[on,
"the Big Game".

Gambling: 24
Games, Mental: 16
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Mental: 16
Decep[on: 16

Logic: 16
Appraisal: 12
Escape: 12
Streetwise: 12
Mathema[cs: 12
Disguise: 12
Inuence: 8
Lip Reading: 8
Surivival: 8
Handicraps: 8
Combat HTH, Lethal: 8
Combat HTH, NON-Lethal: 8
Combat Hand Weapons: 8
Travel: 8
Divina[on: 8
FL: 4
FL: 4
FL: 4
Biography/Genoelogy: 4
Cultured Palate: 4
Sports: 4
Rari[es: 4

Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 18:38:38 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: cthulhu mythos voca[ons

Here are some of voca[ons one of John's group members adapted out
of the Cthulhu game system. I don't know if anyone is considering
running this type of genre, but they certainly can be used in other
more modern, game sejngs.

For those unfamiliar with Cthulhu (doubkul, but I'll describe it
anyway), it is the most horrible of the creatures in the horror
stories of H.P. Lovecrap. The stories are set in the 1920s, with
characters nding out that there exist things of which man was not
meant to know. The protagonists would discover impossible, horribly
powerful creatures, and usually go insane and/or die horribly. The
game system follows this rather closely. Purists will complain if
characters survive with life and sanity intact aper an adventure.


-------------------**Private Eye**

The private eye is a free lance detec[ve with his own small agency,
possibly employing his own assitants and secratarty. Most Private eyes spend
their [me working as opera[ves with na[onal agancies or city police forces
before going out on there own. The usual business of a Private eye is boring,
doing paper work, dealing with divorces, comman mundane problems.
Lihle of their [me is dealing with criminals and gunghts, when playing a
Private Eye think of : inves[ga[ng, long days, small pay, guns, adventure,
paper work, independent, stake outs, and persuading.

Criminology: 20
Police Work: 24
Inuence: 16
Weapons, Small arms: 16
Educa[on: 12
Law: 12
Library Science: 12
Disguise: 12
Street Wise: 12
Judgement: 12
Chrisma[cism: 8
Survival: 8
Espionage: 8
Sociology/Culture: 8
Escape: 8
Photogragphy: 8
Handicraps: 4
Travel: 4
Logic: 4
Cryptography: 4

**An[que Dealer**

An[que dealers may have their own shops, retail items ouhhrough their
homes, or go on extended trips selling their goods. These dealers have among
their collec[ons a vast amount of valuable goods that can not be gohen from
anywhere. Their dealings in this market bring them in contact with many
dierent people, some[mes from all around the world.
WHen playing this persona think of; selling, buying, old objects, travel,
research, clients, history and money.

Rari[es: 24
Travel: 16
Appraisal: 16
Finance/Inves[ng: 16
History: 16
Library Science: 12
Educa[on: 12
FL: 12
FL: 12

Archeology: 8
Architecture: 8
INuence: 8
Litrature: 8
Photography: 8
Drawing: 8
Survival: 4
Handicraps: 4
Current Events: 4
Chrisma[cism: 4
FL: 4


These are reporters who use cameras, A true photojournalist is expected
to write prose as well as take pictures to go along with it. Newsreels come
into being in the 1920s, Heavy bulky 35mm lm equipment is hauled around the
globe in search of exci[ng news stories, spor[8ng events, beauty pagenants.
Thrills and dangers are the key word in the newsreel industry.
When playing this exci[ng persona think of; travel, running, canmeras,
stories, thrills, adventure, danger, the perfect story, and newspapers.

Journalism: 20
Current Events: 16
Inuence: 16
Photograpghy: 16
Street wise: 16
Chrisma[cism: 12
Lip Reading: 12
Police work: 12
Library Science: 12
Educa[on: 12
Disguise: 8
Law: 8
Travel: 8
Impersona[on: 8
Pyschology: 8
Handicraps: 4
Survival: 4
History: 4
FL: 4

**MadHouse Ahendant**

Aside from the regular amounts of doctors and nurses that are in a
sanitarium, these places also employ many ahendants who are open chosen for
their strength and size. The life of the Madhouse Ahendant is a dangerous

one, some[mes being ahacked by crazy pa[ents, staying up late nights

watching them to make sure thier is no trouble. it certainly takes a special
breed to become a madhousae ahendant, think of this when playing:
club, order, watching, drugs, danger, strong, ghts, rst aid.

Combat, hand weapons: 20 (Must specialize in Club)
Endurance: 16
First Aid: 16
Combat, HTH< Lethal: 16
Combat HTH, Non Lethal: 16
Pyschology: 12
Leadership: 12
Inuence: 12
Judgement: 12
Survival: 12
Sociolgy/Culture: 12
Medicine: 8
Domes[c/Arts and Sciences: 8
Psychiatary: 8
Jury Rigging: 4
Tolerence: 4
Escape: 4
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical: 4
Handicraps: 4


Sharp dressers, they are open dangerous in private. Gangsters
keep a plush oce in a desirable downtown oca[on, many individuals of this
eld prefer a ashy lifestyle, want ahen[on. Aside from liquor, organized
crime deals in pros[jon, narco[cs, gambling, and many other forms of
corrup[ons. THough most gangs are of Irish, Italian, and Jewish origins, it
does include all na[onal[es. A gangster co9uld be the boss of a whole part
of a city, or a mere underling working for the boss. Gangsters are for sure to
have contacts in the gov. When playing Ganster think of: guns, bribes,
judges, ghts, money, undercover, stealth, contor[on, black mail,

Weapons, Small Arms: 24
Combat,HTH, Lethal: 16
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical: 16
StreetWise: 16
Gambling: 16
Escape: 12
Survival: 12
Endurance: 12
Escape: 12
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Mental: 8
Decp[on: 8

Espionage: 8
Impersona[on: 8
Toxicology: 4
Current Events: 4
Handicraps: 4
Weapons, heavy Arms: 8
Combat HTH, Non Lethal: 8
Inuence: 8

SEC levels
---------Private Eye: (Physical Trait Persona, SEC: 6).
An[que Dealer: (Mental Trait Persona SEC: 5)>
PHotojournalist: (PHYsical Trait persona SEC: 6).
Madhouse Ahendant: (Physical Trait Persona SEC: 4).
Gangster: (Physical Trait Persona SEC: 4-7).

*Catholic Priest* (Spiritual Trait) Star[ng SEC: 7

Members of the clergy are exposed to odd mysteries more open than many
other occupa[ons, Parishioners confessiing crimes or sins, seeking aid, or
wan[ng advice about weird dreams that lead the clergy stumbling into the life
of inves[ga[ong. Priests are celibate and answer directly to the hierarchy
of the Catholic Church. Priest are everywhere, from a small town to a big
church in the city. But all have one thing in common, helping out people.
When playing a Priest think about: knowledge, helping, God, religion, truth,
honesty, people, bible, sacrice.

Theology: 24
Religion: 20
Philosophy: 16
Leadership: 16
Magne[sm: 16
Educa[on: 12
Inuence: 12
Charisma[cism: 12
Poetry/Lyrics: 12
Business Admin: 8
Finance/Inves[ng: 8
Sociology/Culture: 8
Psychology: 8
FL: 8
FL: 4
FL: 4
Logic: 4
Survival: 4
Handicraps: 4
Cultured Palate: 4

**Federal Agent**

Physical Trait, Star[ng SEC: 6

There are a vast variety of federal law agents, some are uniformed, such as
US Marshals, or agents of the Customs Department. Others, the Bureau of
Inves[ga[on, the Secret Service are plainclothes and operate similar to
detec[ves. THeir lives are just in as much danger as their police brothers,
their interests though, are usually at a na[onal interest level. When playing
the Federal Agent think of this : government, undercover, na[onal security,
secret, law, direct, and protec[on.

Weapons, Small Arms: 24
Combat HTH, Lethal: 16
Combat HTH, Non Lethal: 16
Police Work: 16
Law: 16
Espionage: 12
Inuence: 12
Educa[on: 12
Disguise: 12
Survival: 8
Sports: 8
Judgement: 8
Pyschology: 8
First Aid: 8
Escape: 8
Street Wise: 12
Handicraps: 4
Travel: 4
Photography: 4
FL: 4
FL: 4

**Bank Robber**

Physical Trait Persona, Star[ng SEC: 3

Bank robbers are independent operators, While the East Coast and West
coast are controled by urban gangs, thses foot-loose cr[minals are most
commonly found in the Midwest. Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger, Baby-Face
Nelson, and Prehy Boy Floyd are some examples. working in small groups, bank
robbers are always on the move cirss crossing all over america. They some[mes
have the Robin Hoo reputa[ons, rarely commi[ng crimes against working class
people. When playing this dangerous persona think of: money, banks, hit and
run, running, hotles, on the road, guns and night life.

Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical: 24

Criminal Ac[viites, Mental; 16

Weapons, Small Arms: 16
Combat, hand weapons: 12
Combat HTH Lethal: 12
Street Wise: 12
Decep[on: 12
Inuence: 12
Disguise: 16
Gambling: 8
Survival: 8
Escape: 8
Appraisal: 8
handicraps: 8
Travel: 8
Jury Rigging: 4
Explosives/Demoli[ons: 4
Jack of All Trades: 4
Impersona[on: 4


Spiritual Tra[ Persona Star[ng SEC: 4

A writer can be a struggling novelist, pulp hack, magazine author,
screen play writer, song lyricist, poet, or a adver[sing copy writer. THe
writer is just trying to make a buck in the [me of wealth, most [mes these
writers have other jobs to support their wri[ng, hope in that they will
someday succed. Think of this whe nplayng the Writer: wri[ng, survivial, low
money, adventure, need for ideas, informa[on.

Wri[ng, Crea[ve: 24
Poetry Lyrics: 16
Library Science: 16
Literature: 16
Current Events: 16
Educa[on: 12
History: 12
TRavel: 12
Philosophy: 8
Drawing: 8
Sociology/Culture: 8
Pyschology: 8
Journalism: 8
Law: 8
FL: 4
FL: 4
Survival: 4
Handicraps: 4
Cultured Palate: 4

Logic: 4
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 19:05:43 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Most kind of you
In-Reply-To: <> from "Tom Harrison" at Jun 8,
95 04:57:58 pm

> >>>>And, hey; I'd really like to see the stu on Schools of
> Dweomercrap. I know John's too busy... anyone else like to take
> a shot?<<<<

Heh, with appologies to Hawkeye, the idea of franchises makes me
cringe. ;) I keep imagining some faceless appren[ce standing behind
a counter handing out spellbooks and asking, "Do you want fries with

I'd love to see unique schools, perhaps even training
dweomercraepers with slightly dierent voca[on K/S bundles to
reect their philosophy. Of course, since these colleges would be
the main source of dweomercraepers, they would have lots of poli[cal
clout, secret agendas, and so on. Anyway, this sounds similar to what
Tom is working on, so I'll eagerly await his results.

At one point, John and I were discussing a way to replace full
prac[ce with some sort of vow-like progression. (and make those
players sweat a bit for that extra power) With Schools being the
source of that power, it's just begging for the personas to be
gradually dragged into a net of intrigue as they stuggle toward full
prac[ce. Hmmmmmmm, maybe I'll actually get some Mythus-related
projects done now that summer has nally arrived.

Oh, and Dave, you _would_ have to go and give me a reason to regret
missing GenCon this year.........


(realizing new disadvantages for grad school and 2000 miles distance
from home)
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 22:09:42 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William J Mar[n <wmar[n@HUBCAP.CLEMSON.EDU>
Subject: Re: cthulhu mythos voca[ons
In-Reply-To: <199506090138.SAA02059@elaine8.Stanford.EDU>

Thanks for the Cthulhu voca[ons; I'm denately interested in trying

Dangerous Journeys in a Lovecrapian sejng.

By the way, does anyone know if anything was done on <>Unhallowed<>, the
planned supernatural horror game? If so, could you let me know what's
available, and where?


Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 23:22:53 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Most kind of you
In-Reply-To: <Pine.NXT.3.90.950608181608.1200A-100000@genesis>

On Thu, 8 Jun 1995, Clay Hanna wrote:

> You guys want Dave Newton at our con? That makes several of us. I've
> already sent him some e-mail about it, and I can't wait to hear from
> him. I would have men[oned him in my original message, but I gured it
> would be a longshot nding even Gary here! Boy, was I wrong. The last
> thing I ever expected was to get e-mail from Dave Newton himself.

Look out! He's going to mock you for "hero worship"!! :)

That's what he did to me, about a year ago... :)

Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 23:27:16 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: cthulhu mythos voca[ons
In-Reply-To: <>

The only thing we ever saw (me anyway!) on Unhallowed was a rela[vely
simple introduc[on in one of the last Mythic Masters Magazines.

It's my view (probably caused by someone else, but I don't remember who
at the moment) that if Gary and Dave were able/allowed by GDW to put out
Unhallowed rst T$R may not have sued them...

I really don't think T$R was just out to get Gary, since I don't think he
every got sued over Cyborg Commando. (I just liked the 2x10 rolls...)

Of course, I could be completely wrong on all three of those paragraphs.
If I am, will someone slap me and tell me the truth? :)

Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 08:07:55 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Aria

>I'm using a new game system (ARIA) - please don't hate me for this, its an
>incredible system with enough of similari[es to DJ to make me happy - but my
>campaign sejng is s[ll grounded in Mythus and thus, I won't be changing
>much sejng wise. Also, unless my gaming group agrees, I'll s[ll be using
>DJ mechanics for most of my game play. ARIA is simply a beher system when
>it comes to campaign design, and it covers alot of ground that DJ ignored or
>never got to.
[snipped the rest]

I'm familiar with Aria and Last Unicorn games. I'll tell Chris[an you like it.
In fact, the party we're throwing at GEN*CON will be a group eort, and Last
Unicorn is one of the par[cipants. They are some nice guys, and I hope those of
you who are planning on ahending GEN*CON will drop in on Thursday night to meet
all of my friends in the gaming industry.

Aria is (IMHO) a good complement for Mythus (and vice versa). And besides, it's
not a product that's being buried by T$R...

----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 08:17:41 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Most kind of you

>You guys want Dave Newton at our con? That makes several of us. I've
>already sent him some e-mail about it, and I can't wait to hear from
>him. I would have men[oned him in my original message, but I gured it
>would be a longshot nding even Gary here! Boy, was I wrong. The last
>thing I ever expected was to get e-mail from Dave Newton himself.
>Anyway, I will keep everyone posted. And, Dave, if your out there, let's
>get together and discuss it some[me. Thnks for the info, too.
>Clay Hanna
>Chair, MSC NOVA

I'm currently discussing the conven[on vs. publica[on schedule with William - we
should know something soon. BTW, any of you who are associated with conven[ons can
contact us at:

Mike Hill
Conven[on Liason
Quintessen[al Mercy Studio
5385 Brihon Drive
Villa Rica, GA 30180
(404) 832-6545 [and yes, it stays busy]

----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 08:30:46 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: DMCp & GEN*CON

> I'd love to see unique schools, perhaps even training
>dweomercraepers with slightly dierent voca[on K/S bundles to
>reect their philosophy. Of course, since these colleges would be
>the main source of dweomercraepers, they would have lots of poli[cal
>clout, secret agendas, and so on. Anyway, this sounds similar to what
>Tom is working on, so I'll eagerly await his results.

Exactly. If you want to be a hedge prac[[oner, you have lots of op[ons. But I
see each School as being unique (or perhaps with a former alumni going o to start
a sister school on another con[nent). No franchises.


> Oh, and Dave, you _would_ have to go and give me a reason to regret
>missing GenCon this year.........

I go to GEN*CON every year. Last year, aper the divorce nearly wiped me out
nancially, I was only able to ahend aper receiving my "pay-o" check from T$R
(I *love* the irony). It was, I think, a 13 hour drive for us...

----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.

(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved

Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 08:37:25 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Unhallowed

>By the way, does anyone know if anything was done on <>Unhallowed<>, the
>planned supernatural horror game? If so, could you let me know what's
>available, and where?

The Unhallowed was never published, although it was nished in rst drap
form *before* Mythus was begun. To my knowledge, it is not available anywhere.


----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 03:15:38 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Sued?

Well, I don't know about Unhallowed, but I do remember mee[ng EGG at the
last GenCon I went to and buying a bunch of Fantasy Master (TM?) products,
one of which was "The Convert." In the newsleher that New Inni[es
distributed to the faithful, there was men[on of of a lawsuit blocking its
ini[al release, but that the suit had been sehled and this would allow the
release of the product. This was the same conven[on where the ini[al
release of Necropolis was scheduled to happen (as an FM product) but didn't.
Soon aperwards New Inni[es seemed to vanish and I feared TSR's
machina[ons had driven Gary into seclusion. Lihle did I know that a few
years later he would be back with Mythus, whose rst full-length adventure
was (surprise!) Necropolis. Of course, then the real bahle began, and we
all know how that came out.
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 10:47:32 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: chris barnes <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: 1 and 2 handed swords.

On Mon, 5 Jun 1995 09:53:17 -0600 Gary Spechko wrote:

> >Two handed sword doesnt slice, just whacks as hard as you
> >possibly can.
> This was the case in period; but magical weapons would throw this o a wee
> bit...
Hmm, I tend not to think of magical weapons as "sharper" but rather are beher
balanced. This would give a bonus to hit against all armours. In addi[on any extra
damage could be considered either as a more precise hit due to the ability to direct
the weapon beher or alterna[vely a series of small nicks and cuts on vulnerable
bits (and you have those no maher what armour you wear)

> >The major dierence between the opera[on of a one handed and 2
> >handed sword is in the parry method. 1 hander can use a shield,
> >so your stance tends to be either shield on, with the sword
> >behind your body for the surprise strike, or facing using both
> >shield and sword in equal propor[ons for parrying

> I must disagree en[rely on this point. Many one handed swords allow the
> wielder to use the Point as well as the edge, and this changes the style of
> gh[ng drama[cally.

I agree, in fact the style changes so drama[cally there is almost a pause and ship
of technique/stance when changing to a thrust.

> A thrust does a Signicantly greater amount of
> damage than a cut applied with the same force, and gets much more
> penentra[on, and is more likely to be fatal. The Point is also much faster
> than the edge. Thus, weapons such as the dueling sword and the rapier
> require a very dierent style of gh[ng from weapons such as broadswords
> or bastard swords.

I was not really taking small sword and rapier gh[ng into account in the post,
partly because they are a much later weapon historically and would only come
across swords of the same type (especially the small sword which was eec[vely
a gentlemans dueling weapon).
"The thrust will do more damage" is a bit ambiguous and I think should be related
to the weapon in hand. A weapon designed to thrust will do more damage by that
means, for example a rapier will do more damage on the thrust than the cut, but a
broadsword [or axe :-) ] will do more damage on a cut than a thrust.
It should also be related to the expected armour protec[on the weapon was
designed to defeat. For example the rapier was designed for a [me when there was
no armour lep eec[vely. As there was no armour to defeat it could be made
lighter, and so its thin blade gave it speed and length which favoured the thrust.
The broadsword was designed to defeat skins/mail armour and as such it favoured
the weight in the blade for breaking things even if encountered mail. The bastard
sword on the other hand is a bit of a compromise. At that [me the armour worn by
the nobility was proof against all but the strongest of whacking, hence the
wholesale adop[on of the pollaxe by noble foot soldiers. The pollaxe was not so
good against the ri ra however as they were armed with similar heavy things on

a s[ck.
Enter the bastard sword, the symbol of knightly authority (the sword) was retained
but its blade was lengthened, and strengthened in cross sec[on to enable good
strong 2 handed thrusts into the chinks of armour worn by other nobles. It also in
many cases retained its shap edges (not so with the estoc) to enable it to be used
with the other knightly advantage over the commoner, the horse. Thus s[ll
retaining u[lity against lighter armed foe.

> Parries versus point ahacks dier drama[cally from
> parries vs edge ahacks, but in your example, above, the style of weapon
> parry is iden[cal.. you place your blade perpendicular to his on two planes
> and take the brunt of the blow as close to your own hilt as you can manage.
> This applies equally well to one- and two-handed swords. A parry vs a
> piercing ahack involves moving the advancing point of the opponent's weapon
> out of line; there is no opposing the direct force of the blade. This is
> why thrus[ng weapons can be so much lighter than cujng weapons.

I agree, also shields are useful against the thrust, so is gejng out of the way :-)
> This does raise some ques[ons for me, however: Do any of you use
> the weapon breakage rules? I nd they slow an already slow combat system
> too much. I do have some diculty with light weapons parrying heavy
> weapons, as well.. the system doesn't seem to take into account the fact
> that a rapier is not designed to parry a full cut from even a broadsword,
> and is very likely to break in this situa[on...

We tested a civil war (1600's) style sword against an arming sword typical of those
in the early 1400's. The rapier broke aper 5 parries.
OK this is in no way scien[c as the construc[on of modern sword is not quite the
same as the originals, and the weights of reenactment blades tend to be heavier
due to having to have a blunt edge which adds to the overall thickness if you want
to retain the correct cross sec[on, but at least the construc[o of the two weapons
was similar so the only dierences were the thickness of the blades.

In overview my conclusions are;
Changing from a slashing to a thrus[ng ahack requires a change of posi[on and
ajtude (mental).
A blanket claim as to the damage done by a thrust or a cut is only valid on like
weapons, a thrus[ng rapier may do the same damage as a slashing arming sword
against an opponent with no armour.
Some thrus[ng weapons were designed just to defeat armour, and for those
weapons (e.g. the bastard sword) a thrust would have a beher chance to defeat the
armour protec[on, but that does not mean that if there was no armour the thrust
would do more damage, it all depends on where you hit. A thrust to the chest is
likely to do more damge than a slash (protec[on form the rib cage) but a slash to
the arm is more likely to do more damage than a thrust.
Dont parry anything but a rapier with a rapier.
Doesn't mythus already have a system of breakages if you parry, never used it so
I dont know how slow it is, I just say you cannot parry a 2 handed sword with a
rapier, it is very likely to break, but do it if you want.....

Chris Barnes
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 08:51:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Fri Jun 09 08:44:59 1995
I was looking over my pos[ngs of Magical Items yesterday to the network and
realized that the items for Ukrimia were not well explained. (The Four Rings)
Each Ring controls one individual element of the Four Primary Elements of
Alchemy and may individually alter the content of that element in any one item.
Alchemy believes that ALL of crea[on is composed of various ra[os of these
primary four elements, and thus altering the ra[o alters the item. Therefore,
an item may not change much if just one "element" is altered, but if ALL FOUR
were altered (by combined eect of all Four Rings), any one substance could be
changed into any other. However, each individual ring is s[ll fairly
powerful, as the example of water-logging or severely dehydra[ng a human
shows, increasing the level of re in a rock (does it turn to magma, or
explode, or burn or what?) or increasing the level of air in rock (?exploding?)
or deple[ng humans (or animals) or air (nasty!).

Is that clearer?

More items coming this weekend, hopefully.

$$HRComments by teskej Fri Jun 09 08:51:09 1995
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 13:08:34 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: 1 and 2 handed swords.

All good points, but one more thing I'd like to add - In a *game* these skills
ahempt to cover not only raw skill, but gh[ng style, prociency, strategy,
in[mida[on (combat, not hard looks and presence), and the type of weapon being
used. This is hardly an exact science. Don't lose sight of that, judge it based
on common sense, and have fun. This is all star[ng to sound like so much heavy
metal penis envy <grin>.

And nally, you may have the biggest, sharpest, most enchanted sword in the
world, but if you are wearing plate armor, and you don't connect with that scrawny
lihle thief, *expect* him to eventually wear you down, sit on your chest and
carve you like the turkey you are. Some[mes it's worth a few bahle scars to

kick some serious buh.

Besides, scars impress the peasants [not to men[on the ladies...] ;)


----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 18:36:51 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: 1 and 2 handed swords.
In-Reply-To: <>

Of course, if you have a big-ass metal sword, and big-ass metal armor,
you can expect any JM worth his weight to toss in a lihle wizard with a
lihle Lightning-type Cas[ng... :)

"Oh, you have a nega[ve 25 AF vs. Electrical Ahacks? Oooooo, and you
just rolled a 6 Exposure roll??? Hmmm...what was that you told me you
wanted your next HP to be?"

I love electricity. :)

What I did in my world was to form Green Iron. This "species" of the
metal is alchemically created from Ironwood trees (makes sense!) and it
func[ons just like normal iron, except it does not conduct electricity...

Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 19:07:50 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Frank Mentzer <Mythic@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Gary Gygax's whereabouts...

Gary can be Emailed at:


Good luck. ;>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 1995 13:15:32 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "C.I.Barnes" <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>

Subject: Re: 1 and 2 handed swords.

In-Reply-To: <Chameleon.4.00.950609131847.dnewton from "Dave Newton" at Jun 9,
95 01:08:34 pm

Dave wrote;
>All good points, but one more thing I'd like to add - In a *game* these
>skills ahempt to cover not only raw skill, but gh[ng style, prociency,
>strategy,in[mida[on (combat, not hard looks and presence), and the type of
>weapon being used. This is hardly an exact science. Don't lose sight of
>that, judge it based on common sense, and have fun.

Agreed, although basic raw skill enables you to convert more easily from
one gh[ng style to another. I do not think that a skill in a
slashing weapon should give you a prociency in a thrus[ng
weapon, there is a great deal of dierence between a broadsword
and a rapier for instance, and believe it or not a skill in
broadsword and shield work is a great deal of help when trying
to use a mace.
We found that the most eec[ve ghters are those who also
learned to dance, it gave you a beher balance, footwork, and an
awareness of your surroundings. (This is 15th century dancing
I'm talking about) So perhaps the dancing by the nobility during
the winter months had more than just gejng your leg over as
its purpose.

> This is all star[ng to sound like so much heavy metal penis envy <grin>.

But I don't envy anyone with a heavy metal penis. <more grins>

>And nally, you may have the biggest, sharpest, most enchanted sword in the
>world, but if you are wearing plate armor, and you don't connect with that
>scrawny lihle thief, *expect* him to eventually wear you down, sit on your
>chest and carve you like the turkey you are.

Funny that, it's exactly what the English archers, sick with
dysenty and bare bumed as they had the runs, did at agincourt
once the heavy boys got to close, theirs nothing worse than a
severe mauling (literaly) or a dagger up the unprotected
back...of the leg.

> Some[mes it's worth a few bahle scars to kick some serious buh.

Ugh no thanks. In that situa[on I'd rather use the thiefs
natural ability to beat anyone in a ght by at least ten yards.
Once nicely out of reach pepper the overgrown lobster with a few
heavy objects and that should do the trick.

By the way, on your post about unhallowed, who does own it?

Chris Barnes
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 1995 13:27:14 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "C.I.Barnes" <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Electric (was 1 & 2 handed)
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Hawkeye" at Jun 9,
95 06:36:51 pm

Hawkeye wrote
> Of course, if you have a big-ass metal sword, and big-ass metal armor,
> you can expect any JM worth his weight to toss in a lihle wizard with a
> lihle Lightning-type Cas[ng... :)
> "Oh, you have a nega[ve 25 AF vs. Electrical Ahacks? Oooooo, and you
> just rolled a 6 Exposure roll??? Hmmm...what was that you told me you
> wanted your next HP to be?"
> I love electricity. :)

Yes, been meaning to men[on this. I have a litle problem with
the electricity vs metal armour bit. I know its a good way to
discourage the wearing of armour, and makes electrical ahacks
that much more frightening but;
If you are wearing a complete harness of plate or mail wouldn't
the bolt just go straight to Earth via the easily conduc[ng
metal rather than try to pass through the body (which is a
slightly worse conductor.
I can see the idea where the armour does not touch the ground it
would have to travel through your legs to earth, but the full
harnessess should earth nicely.
In addi[on your skin does not touch the metal of the armour,
there is always a padded jacket between you and the metal. OK it
may get soaked with sweat (think of all those lovely conduc[ng
salts) but its not a good conduc[ng contact.
Most padded jackets were made of cloth (especially canvas) tow
(which I s[ll have not found a denite answer on what it is)
and/or wool. Some of these are not real good at conduc[ng.
Also if this "combat mechanic" is actually known about in the
game world might not some smart alec make a jacket with a non
conduc[ve lining (rubber perhaps <grin>).

Mind you I suppose the heroic posture of standing on a hill top
with your sword raised high in a thunderstorm is a bit
dangerous, no wonder there are no old barbarians.

Chris Barnes
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 1995 12:45:43 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

Dave writes:
> My sugges[on: Expand the *schools* of magick. I.E., White School
> Dweomercraepers who have a "major" in various forms of light and sound (Hmmm.
> "The George Lucas School of Industrial Light and Magic(k)"...

This is part of an ongoing discussion, and since I ended up dele[ng much of
it from my box in a mad rush to get rid of mail (ya leave yer account for
just a FEW DAYS and.....BOOM) I'll start here and wade through. First of
all, I think that the idea of a "major" makes a good deal of sense for the
Schools of magick. My understanding of Dweomercraep in the Mythus genre
is that the study of it is *Big*. It would be a very strange and devoted
bird indeed who could gain even a cursory understanding of all the knowledge
which Dweomercraep contains. (My def btw of cursory understanding would be
to have some level (STEEP) of knowledge in all ve schools.) In game terms,
I can see this func[oning similarly to K/S Sub-Areas. Personally, I do not
agree with the one Sub-Area per ten steep rule, par[cularly for a School of
Dweomercraep. It makes more sense to me that one Sub-area (or "major" in
a school) would be permihed per ten steep, but that gaining the Sub-Area would require training from
the nearby ins[tute of Magick for the school (that means
APs + BUCs boys -n- girls!). This "major" would determine which spells a
personna could access at the start of game play. Other spells in the school
wouldn't be incomprehensible (s[ll "Studyable") --just as a Social
Psychologist can understand a Developmental Psychologist's work, but it
is more dicult because his/her area of specialty is dierent-- but the
Cas[ng would never be able to be "Known" without further training.

Some of the divisions are easy:

Elemental School : Fire, Water, Aerth, Air, Heka

White: Healing, Harmony, Protec[on

Black: Discord, Pain, Perversion

Green: Plants, Animals, Weather

Grey: Shadows, Illusion, Concealment

Others may not be so clear. Any sugges[ons? Am I gejng close to what
people want to see in development of the Schools? Feedback!! ...please...

Date: Sat, 10 Jun 1995 14:07:46 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: 1 and 2 handed swords.

At 10:47 AM 6/9/95 PDT, chris barnes wrote:

>"The thrust will do more damage" is a bit ambiguous and I think should be
>to the weapon in hand. A weapon designed to thrust will do more damage by that
>means, for example a rapier will do more damage on the thrust than the cut,
but a
>broadsword [or axe :-) ] will do more damage on a cut than a thrust.

>A blanket claim as to the damage done by a thrust or a cut is only valid on
>weapons, a thrus[ng rapier may do the same damage as a slashing arming sword
>against an opponent with no armour.

I'm afraid I'll have to stand behind my original asser[on. When talking
about weapons that have both point and edge, a thrust with the point will
ALWAYS, 100% of the [me, inict more damage to an unarmored piece of esh
than a cut, applying exactly the same amount of force. The dierence is in
the area of the point of contact between the blade and the esh. The
smaller this is, the greater the force per square inch, the greater the damage.

A cujng weapon will create a long shallow gash. A piercing weapon will
create a small deep wound. The depth of the wound is more important than
the size of it when it comes to placing the recipient of the wound in
jeopardy of his or her life.

When armour comes into play, mythus does a good job, because the TYPE of
armour makes a drama[c dierence in damage protec[on. When wearing full
plate (15th C Gothic, for example), all damage really should be considered
bludgeoning damage, and cujng or Bludgeoning ahacks are the most
eec[ve way of delivering this. Only punch-daggers can successfully use a
thrust against a fully armored knight in gothic plate. Arrows - perhaps
could punch through, but I'm dealing with melee weapons here.
Chain mail is designed to protect against the cut, and so cujng
weapons again should be considered bludgeoning, but chainmail is useless
against a good hard thrust with a weapon that has a suciently small point
because the weapon will burst the rings of mail apart - this is not the sort
of damage chain is designed to protect against. Now, it is possible to weld
each ring of mail so that it resists this beher, but it's VERY [me
consuming and VERY hard work, and in my world, I'd say it only happens to
unsurpassed suits.

That brings up one other point. Chainmail and ringmail should be
about 500% the price of plate. Chain mail is harder to make given period
tools (ever tried bea[ng metal into wire, or stretching it without mundane
toys to help?). In a world that has full access to both, Plate should be
much more common.

Arg. Jesse, I'm working on my character. Honest I am...

In Real Life: Gary Spechko
WWW: hhp://
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 1995 20:21:07 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: 1 and 2 handed swords.
In-Reply-To: <>

> That brings up one other point. Chainmail and ringmail should be
> about 500% the price of plate. Chain mail is harder to make given period
> tools (ever tried bea[ng metal into wire, or stretching it without mundane
> toys to help?). In a world that has full access to both, Plate should be
> much more common.

Get a hedge alchemist and he ought to be able to stretch out metal...if
he's worth anything... :)

> Arg. Jesse, I'm working on my character. Honest I am...

Yeah sure! :) And besides, it's "Heroic Persona"... :)

Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 12:31:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Schools of Magic

As far as the schools of magic, Edward Bromley and I scrapped them in the
campaigns we run. We ended up replacing them with magical languages. The
reason we did this is that the way the spells are grouped now seems to be
based on the ethics of the prac[[oner. (I should say that this scheme
originally came out of our deep dissa[sfac[on with the second edi[on of

AD&D, but we liked it so well that we kept it when we migrated to Mythus.)

White school does only nice stu, Black school does mean stu. The
elemental school is denitely an excep[on to this, and the green and grey
are too to a certain extent. What we wanted to do was limit the types of
magic that a Dweomercraper could perform, but found that the schools as they
existed didn't really limit their subject maher in terms of the physical
world, but rather in the kinds of acts you were willing to do. A black
school prac[[oner might cause leprosy instead of curing it, as a white
school prac[[oner would, but they both have similar technical knowledge
about diseases and the human body.

What we ended up doing was making magical or true languages, which we similar
to truenames. Each language is a system of describing the world from
dierent points of view that emphasized dierent aspects. One language is
focused on percep[on and the mental aspects of the universe, and basically
used most of the grey school spells. Another deals with everything as
varia[ons and modica[ons of energy and [mespace, and so is used for
dealing with dimensional and planar mechanics. Another deals with organic
materials and living systems, and so get used for "green and brown" magic, as
well as healing and necromancy. You get the idea.

The result is that HPs with dierent subareas of Dweomercraping (use a
dierent language) have very dierent abili[es and area of inuence, even
when they are all nice people (or all mean, in the case of my campaign.) It
provides a way to serious limit player power in that not every dweomercraper
can create extra-dimensional space, and inuence bodily func[ons, and throw
out heka-bolts, etc. It's not just that your teacher told you not to do it
that way or didn't show you, but that you don't have the tools.

Like I said before, Mythus has a VASTLY SUPERIOR magic system to AD&D's, so I
wouldn't say the system needed this modica[on, but we were using it
already and it ts well with my world where magic is scarce enough that
there simply aren't enough Dweomercrapers to support Colleges
(Dweomercraping is done on an appren[ce system). We lep leave the
Elemental school prehy much intact, as well as the Green and Grey schools.
Black, White, and General cas[ngs get redistributed over the six dierent

To answer a ques[on before it gets asked: No, we do not have the
redistributed cas[ng lists by language. For now we are doing it on a
cas[ng by cas[ng basis as our HPs get more powerful, and spending our [me
working on magical metaphysics, heka-forging, and other related issues.

Well, that's what we did with the schools of magic. Hope you found it
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 23:04:55 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 21:24:46 1995
Hello again everyone.

Con[nuing on with the magical item project I have about another 10 na[ons
here for your feas[ng. Hope the items are to your liking.

As always comments are appreciated.

I do plan to start helping with the Pantheon stu as soon as this project is
over. I know alot of people wanted several dierent pantheons detailed, or at
least sugges[ons put out for pantheon members. I would be happy to add my 2
cents on the Norse pantheon and the VERY COMPLETE pos[ng of a few months back,
once this project is done.


$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 23:04:33 1995
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 23:05:42 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 21:27:35 1995

Therri's Irresis[ble Ahractor - It is unclear exactly what form this item
takes, but it apparently is of sucient power to convince large numbers of
enemy troops to defect. It does this by subtley (sp?) ahrac[ng them to the
country of Numidia, namely by ahrac[ng troops with lures of beher lives,
beher mates, or beher chances of poli[cal, economic, and social advancement.
Reputedly its powers stem from the Divinity Venus, as Therri is a High
Priestess of that order. Supposedly the item only works if worn by a female.


Unyielding Girdle - This girdle is of great value in defense, for it
supposedlyprovides means necessary to hold an unyielding defense successfully.
Part of its means of doing this relies on the Ethos of Balance, with the Girdle
somehow augmen[ng Navarre's powers to [p the Scales of Fate in Navarre's

Tomko's Chessboard - This blue and yellow marble chessboard supports pieces

made of silver inlaid with sapphires and gold inlaid with topaz. Each of the
pieces is fashioned aper a Greco-Roman deity, and reputedly may confer and/or
counter powers of a minor supernatural sort (Grade X - XV). With a grand total
of 32 pieces, this amount of power is nothing to sco at. Some say that the
pieces may also be used to perform Rituals of Divine Interven[on, but this is
all heresay and has never been seen by any reliable observers on or o the


Khemi Papyrus - This radical text supposedly espouses a here[cal Priestcraep
Ethos, the Ethos of Imbalance. Cas[ngs as well as beliefs and doctrine are
contained within the text, and form the founda[on of a secret organiza[on
within the government structure. Although various sects have tried to
eradicate them, numerous ahempts have, for many and sundry reasons, failed
repeatedly. Some say this is an eect of the item itself.
Supposedly the sect also has a sponsoring Aegyp[an deity, although which
is s[ll unclear. Sects of Balance have had vigorous demonstra[ons against
this secret sect and its use in the government. The government has denied all
of the above and actually has claimed that the text has recently been stolen
and is in the hands of the Afrik criminal underworld. Of course this could be
an elaborate coverup of the real situa[on. No one knows for sure.

Horned Fe[sh - This fe[sh serves as an amulet, charm, and talisman, but its
greatest power is that of a fe[sh, a channeling agent and focus of ahen[on
for an Aegyp[an Deity ( exact one unknown ). As an amulet, it is able to
provide protec[on on a grand scale. As a charm, it is capable of nega[ng the
rst 3 joss factors spent against its owner. Lastly, as a talisman, it
protects its possessor against any form of death while the possessor is on a
Shaped in the form of a tusked elephant, it is also capable of
specically aiding allied troops in bahle, increasing both BAC and morale (S
Trait). It also has powers as detailed under "Fe[shes" on pp. 333-334,
including stroes of up to 10 Joss Factors, altering rolls (%) up to 10 points
in either direc[on as desired, possessing all K/S areas of its owner at 3d10
STEEP, and the ability to self-teleport.

$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 23:05:08 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 23:06:25 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 21:49:23 1995

Nine Phoenix Scrolls - Although each scroll has its own unique power, all of
these items reect the eternality that is the Essence of the Phoenix - its
nature of being born again out of the ashes. It is said that each of the nine
scroll can summon a Unique Phoenix with Individualized Magic Powers/Abili[es.
Phyrigia is said to currently hold 3 of the 9 Scrolls, and the powers of each
one is, in general, known. One renews huge tracts of barren lans and restores
life to lands that have otherwise been blighted. The same scroll is said to be
able to restore life to otherwise dead plants. The second allows resurrec[on
and rejuvena[on of dead or elderly people. The last allows reconstruc[on of
destroyed items/building/materials. (Sugges[ons for powers of other scrolls


Disc of Delight - A roll vs. SM Category must be made for each soldier on the
bahleeld when this marvelous disc is exposed. Its exact descrip[on varies
according to the observer, and reportedly it never looks the same to any two
observers, nor to any one observer at two seperate moments. The roll must be
made at DR = "Extreme", elsewise each soldier so failing the roll will become
so delighted with the view of the disc, and the possessing na[on (in this case
Genoa), that he/she will defect and join Genoese forces and ght, and if
necessary, die for them.

Chart of Reckoning - This chart has the capability of reckoning the diculty
of any mass combat, with the corresponding capability of providing helpful
advice to sway the odds in its owners' favor. The advice although helpful has
not always proved prac[cal. For instance, in one such bahle the chart was
consulted, and the night before bahle it gave the answer: each soldier was to
be equipped with 4 more swords, a total amount of nearly 1/2 million swords
then being needed. (Hard to come by on the eve of a HUGE bahle.) Some say
that this item can be used to reckon the diculty of other tasks, but the
veracity of this is not known.


Winged Helms of the Vanir - The precise number of these Helms is not known but
is somewhere in the range of 30 to 75, according to many of the public
statements that Gotland has stated through the years. In any case there is
supposed to be enough to oukit one elite force of troops. They confer powers
of ight, precogni[on, augury, invisibility, grant both a PM and PN
bonues,and give a bonus to the K/S Area of Combat, Hand Weapons. Some are also
imbued with various spirits which, in addi[on to the above, also grant the
ability to cast Dweomercraep (School[s] unknown) Cas[ngs. It is unknown if
all the Helms do this or just a select few.

$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 23:05:55 1995

These iteems were created by J Teske.

Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 23:07:06 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 22:07:49 1995

Replica[ng Sword - This plain sword has only a few abili[es, but is
nevertheless a greatly feared weapon. The rst is that it confers a +25 to
BAC. The second is that, on command, any number of [mes, it can replicate
itself, complete with magical powers, but only will do so for ci[zens of
Marrakech. In the few skirmishes Marrakech has lost, these extra
"replica[ons" somehow always disappear, and thus cannot be looted from the
bahleeld. An army of soldiers each with a +25 BAC sword is Quite an Army
indeed! Neighboring na[ons of Berberia, Dakhlan, and Maghreb report that the
item has no other powers that they are aware of.

Tables of Insurmountable Obstacles - The Prince has availed himself use of this
item on countless occasions. According to the socialites associa[ng with the
powers of this Sovereignity, the Tables are an elaborate collec[on of Books,
which, when posed a situa[on, are able to nd an obstacle within its pages so
as to provide benet to Marrakech. Its most famous use was opening the page
of the Tables when posed a query of how to defend a pass when the army was too
far away to travel and defend it. The Tables by coincidence opened to a page
of a table, and advised the Prince to tear the page out and throw it to the
ground while standing it the pass. He cast it to the ground, and lo! A
plethora of wooden, ceramic, glass, and metal tables of all shapes and sizes
thereupon lled the pass. They only disappeared agter the threat had
subsided. Some[mes the Volumes give advice, some[mes they give items (such
as above), but all are obstacles provided by the work will be truly
insurmountable _IF_ the situa[on is described in its en[rety and in great


Words of Kron - These words, when spoken, must also include the name of a
target na[on. Accroding to several War Texts, these words then incite a civil
revolt in anyone of the lower classes (SEC 1-3) if (SMCap + SPCap) at DR=
"Extreme" is failed. (On average, thusly, 98% of the peasant and poor
popula[on will revolt.) Others claim that it is pure coincidence that over
75% of na[ons ahacking Moldavia aubsequently cease ahacks on Moldavia due
to internal strife. Only the King in Odessa knows for sure.

$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 23:06:38 1995

These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 23:07:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 22:22:53 1995

Eldsource Ring - Reputedly this ring may summon forth the powers of the "Old
Ones", consis[ng of Horrible Powers of Witchcraep, Ethos of Gloomy Darkness,
and Black Dweomercraep, of Grades X - XXIX in power.
Moldavia has disavowed this rumor and stated that although the exact
extent of its item's powers is a maher of state security, they are willing to
disclose that the ring may age mass numbers of people. Thus the ring is
"supposedly" named in a very apt fashion ("eld/source" = source of old age).
Some go so far as to speculate that the ring ages a total of 75,000 human years
when ac[vated (ie 10 years aging each to 7500 recipients, 75 years aging each
to 1000 recipients, etc.). Accusers of Moldavia note that the power thus
revealed by the government is s[ll in keeping with the previous rumor of the
item's Dark Powers. Moldavia has not replied to these most recent charges yet.


Drachenmeister Whip - This Whip was supposedly originally made in the Orient,
some say at the [me when Nippon and Germania were on good terms. It reputedly
has a handle fashioned in the form of a dragon's head, and inlaid with
diamonds. It is said that the diamonds are able to change hue and with each
hue, a new power/ability is granted/endowed upon the possessor of the weapon.
Each power is paherned aper the corresponding Colored Dragon of the Imperial
Celes[al Court:
black - (guardian dragons) grants regenera[ng armor (M,S, and P) of 100
points each to the wielder and 10 points each to all troops under
thje wielder's command
blue - (du[ful dragons) grants the ability to assess the character of
any beings met, and grants Aura Sight (with the proper knowledge
of how to interpret such auras) to all the wielder's troops
green - (messenger dragons) grants the ability of all troops to communi cate by means of a Sending Cas[ng up to 5x/day; (luck dragons)
addi[onally, acts as a regenera[ng 5 Joss reservoir
purple- (royalty with Aethereal Powers) grants the wielder to be able to
move large masses of troops through Astral or Aethereal Plane; in
addi[on, adds to Leadership and Charisma[cism K/S Areas
red - (dragons of power,strength) adds 60 to Combat, Hand Weapons Skill
of the wielder and 20 to Combat Hand Weapons Skill of the

troops of the wielder; also improves ini[a[ve (unknown amount)

white - (dragons of virtue) negates any sort of mental or spiritual
control ahempts aec[ng any wielder-friendly troops on the
Although Germania has had several oers for purchase of this item, it has
declined all. Some na[ons have thus vowed to steal the item; Germania scos
at such rumors, however, sta[ng the device has its own protec[on against
thep. In the current war between Germania and its allies and Greece/Roman and
their allies, some na[ons may wish to ahempt to overcome this "protec[on" to
steal so great a prize.

$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 23:07:17 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 23:08:36 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 22:44:51 1995

Ragahgol - This spear is known to legend as an ar[fact capable of par[ng
seas/lakes, summoning plagues, and producing piollars of re. Some say it may
turn water and other imbibable substances to poisonous blood as well. It
apparently had been used in the past as a sta, but now it enjoys use as an
edged combat weapon. Its strengths lie along the the powers of Fire and Water
(specically depriva[on of Water to enemies and Provision of Water to
friends); in the desert, more re (heat) and less water are a deadly

Megath - This shield has the picture of a scorpion on it, done in mosaic with a
ruby for a tail-s[nger. It is capable of summoning up terrible sandstorms,
providing movement for large numbers of troops on a moving sand-dune
("sand-wave"), much like surng, and can arrange for sandholes (= sinkholes)
to swallow up en[re companies of enemy troops. Perhaps its greatest power
lies in the mild poison it imbues on all friendly troops' weapons, STR 5-10,
with immediate onset of damage. (Thus 12.5 to 25 damage immediately.) This
eect alone has kept many a country from ahacking Phillis[a.


Sampo of the Netherspheres - It is unclear what exactly this device is or its
powers. Pohjola closely guards any informa[on about the device - those that go
in search of such informa[on never, without excep[on, return. Worse yet,
their souls are never recovered, and cannot be summoned to provide post-mortem
informa[on. Some asllegate that these eects are due to the item itself. It

does at the very least seem as if Necroman[c and Sorcerous Arts are involved.
No one really knows for sure.


Aether Engine - this device is similar to many of the ar[facts of other
powerful countries - it provides for mass transporta[on of troops in a
near-instant fashion. Allegedly, it also has powers in increasing Mental
Ac[ons, Mental Stats, Thought, allowing paranormal auguries, detec[on of
aural sight, heka, and preternatural danger, allows eects similar to a
doppleganger, invisibility, both mundane and preternatural, allows thought
sensa[on and ESP, and grants parascopy. Most sages and wisemen believe the
powers truly belonging to the item are a mixture and a blend of these two
divergent lists of abili[es.

Salver of Olean - This tray for serving food and beverages (def. of salver) is
able to imbue edible items placed on it with several abili[es. Amoung the
beher known of these abili[es, several have been used en masse with edibles
distributed to the troop prior to a bahle. The list is as
follows:truth-telling, speed, strength, painkillers, an[toxin, ying,
minimus, maximus, arrest disease, regenera[on, rejuvena[on, paralyzing,
sleep, and love. It is unknown at what cost the above eects are obtained.
What is known is that these eects are all cast as if Grade XXV with 500
addi[onal points thrown in for resistances. Rumor has it that some[mes
foodstus are also imbued with some of the more annoying Witchcraep Cas[ngs,
aec[ng their imbiber/eater according to Cas[ngs of similar names. Phyrigia
has not replied ocially to these rumors.

$$HRComments by teskej Sun Jun 11 23:08:02 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 11:57:24 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "C.I.Barnes" <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: more heavy metal penis envy :-) was swords
In-Reply-To: <> from "Gary Spechko" at Jun
10, 95 02:07:46 pm

The following is approximately 6 screens long, sorry for the
(almost) full quo[ng. If the list gets bored of this let us know
and we'll argue it out via private email.

Gary Specko wrote

> I'm afraid I'll have to stand behind my original asser[on. When talking
> about weapons that have both point and edge, a thrust with the point will
> ALWAYS, 100% of the [me, inict more damage to an unarmored piece of esh
> than a cut, applying exactly the same amount of force. The dierence is in

> the area of the point of contact between the blade and the esh. The
> smaller this is, the greater the force per square inch, the greater the damage.

This is just the point (hoho) it is not the force of the blow
that does the damage in a thrust, a fast and slow thrust by the
same weapon will do approximately the same damage (and with mass
x velocity they will have dierent force) as the force per
square inch applied against bare esh far exceeds that required
to pierce the esh, the rest is just overkill.
The damage caused by a thrust is the puncturing of vital bits as
it goes through, causing bleeding (open internal).

> A cujng weapon will create a long shallow gash. A piercing weapon will
> create a small deep wound. The depth of the wound is more important than
> the size of it when it comes to placing the recipient of the wound in
> jeopardy of his or her life.

Again I disagree (what made you think I would) a cujng weapon
can and will create a deep gash, in fact pole arms open removed
en[re limbs if you look at some of the chronicles.
What causes the damage is the amount of stu aected, i.e. the
more esh you cut the graeater the bleeding, more damage to
bits that make you move, more chance of severing something
really vital like an artery, and more pain. Where thrusts win
is it is quite hard to hit the chest with a cut, as the angle is
all wrong if you are facing your opponent, and there is all
sorts of extraneous bits in the way (e. g. shoulders, hips,
arms), but the thrust almost wants to head for those lovely
vital organs in the chest and abdomen, and if you get hit in
those you are in trouble (i.e more game related "damage" to
the func[oning of the organism even though there is less
physical mess, nothing to do with force, but rather placement)

But this gets away from my main point, each weapon is designed
to be used in a par[cular way, in a par[cular period and
context against a par[cular type of defence, all of which
is ignoring the dictates of fashion of course.

For example the longbow was considerably superior to the hand
guns that were available un[l way into the 16th century. Armies
were equipped with them for 2 reasons;
(a) Less training required to use
(b) King joe bloggs down the road had these neat and fashionable
items, so I'll go one beher and have more of them.

History shows that
(a) A single handed chopper is lethal against lightly armoured
(b) Above a certain protec[on then the only single handed

weapon to defeat armour is the thrust

(c) 2 handed choppers are beher than 1 handed thrust against
plate type armours
(d) In single combat (i.e. not in pike blocks) the 2 handed
chopper is beher at piercing armour than a 2 handed thrust.

Dont forget that when comparing a chop with a thrust you must
take into considera[on not only that the thrust weapon has a
smaller point, and thus a greater concentra[on of penetra[ve
power, but also that the 2 handed chopper (especially the
polearms) used the mass of metal on the head on a long pole to
build up terric kine[c energy in a swing, so the velocity
obtained was greater than is possible than the thrust, and there
is greater eec[ve mass in the head, although the pressure
must be divided amongst the greater area of the axe type blade.
This is why the pollaxe was so popular in the 15th c, and the
bills anmongst the commonners, as you had aa axe blade for
cracking plate across the joints, and also a point for nishing
o anyone on the ground (good for winkling between the cracks)

> When armour comes into play, mythus does a good job, because the TYPE of
> armour makes a drama[c dierence in damage protec[on. When wearing full
> plate (15th C Gothic, for example), all damage really should be considered
> bludgeoning damage, and cujng or Bludgeoning ahacks are the most
> eec[ve way of delivering this. Only punch-daggers can successfully use a
> thrust against a fully armored knight in gothic plate.

I half agree with this, the most eec[ve use of the thrust
against gothic plate is when you have your opponent pinned
somehow so you have [me to place your thrus[ng weapon
correctly to avoid the armour, apart from that does not maher
what type of thrus[ng weapon you use
Apart from that use a heavy chopper, that way even if you miss
the bit you were aiming at you may do collateral damage (e. g.
dented plate, warped joints) which may discomfort the opponent
of slow him down.

> Arrows - perhaps could punch through, but I'm dealing with
> melee weapons here.

Yes arrows are ideal, but would not penetrate the best harness
of gothic or milanese plate if s[ke full on (and I mean the best
ones worn by higher nobility) as always you have plate and you
have plate, you get what you pay for.

> Chain mail is designed to protect against the cut, and so cujng
> weapons again should be considered bludgeoning, but chainmail is useless
> against a good hard thrust with a weapon that has a suciently small point
> because the weapon will burst the rings of mail apart - this is not the sort

> of damage chain is designed to protect against.


> Now, it is possible to weld each ring of mail so that it resists this beher,
> but it's VERY [me consuming and VERY hard work

Was never done historically, dont forget they did not have arc
welders and by the [me you got it to sucient temperature to
re weld the ring it wouls also weld itself to the other 4
rings it is connected to, result one big piece of inexible
wire mesh.

> That brings up one other point. Chainmail and ringmail should be
> about 500% the price of plate. Chain mail is harder to make given period
> tools

Nope, mail was cheaper un[l the ammuni[on armours started to
appear at the end of the 15th century (and look at how crappy
they were), a common alterna[ve was brigandine made of small
plates which where rela[ely easy to produce. This provided good
protec[on and is, I think, underrated as a form of armour in
the gaming world.

> (ever tried bea[ng metal into wire, or stretching it without mundane
> toys to help?).

Yes, less skill and metallurgic knowledge required than to shape
plate, and we have the advantage of plate steel now, no bea[ng
it at out of a bilet, believe me wire is easier.

>In a world that has full access to both, Plate should be
> much more common.

It should be where there is an excess of spare cash and a lot of
wandering all over the world, every good ghter should have a
brigandine for travel and a set of plate sijng in the hall for
when the nas[es are out in force.
3 reasons it was not more common;
price (i.e. lack of "spare" cash beyond survival needs)
people did not usually need it (they never travelled)
All obs[cles which mythus removes, even if it does add in the
electrical problem....

Chris Barnes
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 08:34:54 PDT

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Magic "majors"

>Some of the divisions are easy:
>Elemental School : Fire, Water, Aerth, Air, Heka
>White: Healing, Harmony, Protec[on
>Black: Discord, Pain, Perversion
>Green: Plants, Animals, Weather
>Grey: Shadows, Illusion, Concealment
>Others may not be so clear. Any sugges[ons? Am I gejng close to what
>people want to see in development of the Schools? Feedback!! ...please...
> --Ryan

This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. In fact, I think you
could probably sit down with Mythus Magick and place the Cas[ngs into specic
classes of spells. I did something of this sort when I was developing them out
from Gary's original list, but I think I did it on a scrap of paper that was
subsequently lost.

Dave----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 10:04:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Raszi City

This is one of the things I'm working on over my three month break for my
Aedonn campaign. I thought I might post it and see what everyone thought. A
few notes, Raszi are a degenerate species of elves, amphibious and somewhat
crazy, but not nessecarily evil. Tru'esk, as can probably be guessed from
the ar[cle below, are gypsy-like folk. They are well traveled and full of
lore and magickal stories.



The City of Yy-n'suh

Yy-n'suh is the legendary city of the Raszi. None but they and the nomadic
Tru'esk know of its loca[on. It is the largest of all the Raszi
communi[es, who rarely gather into groups of more than one hundred, and home
to the richest glories of that race. It is the home of the Raszi Whig, their
lord, and also one of the most sacred shrines to Malhuun within the Red
The city, if one can truly call it that, is laid out much like other Raszi
communi[es. Built within a cypress grove on the banks of the Wesslo bayou,
the majority of the city is compressed of the mud funnels in which the Raszi
make their homes. The streets are shallow reservoirs which the ci[zens
travel by wading or swimming. The deep channels of the bayou are unusally
raped. There are many guard plakorms built of reeds and disguised by moss
hidden in the cypress around the bayou, as it is also home to many of the
dangerous predators of the Red Delta: crocidiles, enormous eels, and even
devil bears can be found along its path. The bayou sees no trac from
those other than Raszi. Intruders are allowed to simply pass through or are
destroyed, for the city is so well hidden that one can only nd it if he
knows what to look for.

The Golden Gri
The guards of the city, known as the Gri, dress in loose sheets of golden
dyed cohon and hide their pale, luminous features with mud and symbols of
war and bravery. These are savage warriors who are comfortable confron[ng
the large crocidiles of the region in single combat. They are armed with
wickedly barbed poles and razor lined bracers, both lined with foul
paralyzing poisons. Some wear sec[ons of armor made of bark and bone, woven
together by moss. They have also developed an eec[ve tac[c in throwing
lighted pieces of mi[us moss which, when burned, acts as a mild
helucinegenic (very distrac[ng and discomfor[ng to those not used to its
eects). They move with cunning silence and few know they have been ahacked
before the fall dead into the water. Tru'esk who pass through the region
toss oerings and valuables into the bayou's waters in return for safe

The Whig and the Mud Palace
At the heart of the city, built between four monstrously tall cypress trees,
sits the Whig's Mud Palace. It is by far the grandest of all Raszi
arcitecture and is said to have been built back in the current Whig's
infancy, having now stood for over 400 years. The place is lighted by
lumious mosses and small oil lamps and is truly a marvel to behold.
The closest transla[on of Whig to the common Imperial dialect is
"father-head." It is the word used for the ruler of all the raszi. All
revere him, all fear him. None will stand for his disgrace. It is said in
tales among the Tru'esk, that the Whig, named Goo'raef Netliik, is half

demon, thus accoun[ng for his incredible old age. He is an enormous hulk
and rarely leaves his throne. Wicked and decadent, he possesses a cunning
intellect tempered by a healthy dose of paranoia. Even the most powerful
raszi are hesitant to cross his path or deny his wishes.
The Whig has many wives and children. Only the sons are allowed to live
while the daughters act as concubines un[l they reach adulthood, when they
are fed to the beasts of the Wesslo, only one of the Whig's perverse
appe[tes. The servants are slaves of many races who fulll the Whig's
needs. It is said that they are kept in the lthier parts of the Mud Palace
and kept alive on rice and leeches. Many fall prey to mud burrowing
vampires, or so say the Tru'esk.

The Well of Malhuun
A much more benign monument to the former glory of the Raszi is this shrine
to the river god, Malhuun. It is tended by thirty priests who lead the
ci[zens in worship every full moon. They possess one noted relic: a
necklace of pearls. Not creatureof the Great River may bring harm to the
wearer. Of course, only the high priest wears this and he serves un[l his
natural death.
The well itself, a deep cistern of pris[ne water, is inhabited by large,
golden carp. On the full moon sols[ce, one of these carp is taken and its
esh shared by the ci[zens. These carp are holy, and taking one of them is
an act against Malhuun, punishable by death.

The Trees of the Dead
These enormous tree is noted for its low, thick branches. They stand out
dras[cally against the surrounding moss covered cypress. A simple look will
reveal many pits and burrows in the trunks of these trees. In these the dead
of the raszi nobility are laid to rest. Bound in cohon and prepared with
herbs and elixirs, these dead are mummied, despite the humidity of the
wetlands. It is believed that the sap of these trees has a dehydra[ng
quality to it, and the ground surrounding the roots is uniformally dry.
Perhaps these trees simply absorb large quani[[es of water, but the
Tru'esk talk of demons and malign spirits dancing along their branches. Few
raszi are bold enough to visit this grove at night.
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 11:45:47 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Aria
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Dave Newton" at Jun 9,
95 08:07:55 am

I have the Aria Worldbook and I am very pleased with it. I only use it to
create na[ons and my world. I wish I had a more ac[ve gaming group to
use it to create a shared country. So far I've used it to create most of the
na[on of Alpha[a/Araya which is based on Egypt in my world. I am in the
midst of following the rules for making a marketplace and coming up with

prices for goods.

Its extreemly complicated when you think of it. But I suppose eventually
I will have a world that is detailed on an unprecedented scale. That's
what I like. Now if I just had more players.....


PS: My cas[ng list will come later I hope. I s[ll need to remember to bring
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 14:11:15 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Aria
In-Reply-To: <>

Hey, can one of you Aria types tell me what the company name is that
makes this stu, and what books are available?? I have never heard of
it before, but if Mythus players and JM's recommend it, you know it must
be good (we have good taste!) :)

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 14:27:59 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Aria

>Hey, can one of you Aria types tell me what the company name is that
>makes this stu, and what books are available?? I have never heard of
>it before, but if Mythus players and JM's recommend it, you know it must
>be good (we have good taste!) :)

Last Unicorn Games.
You should be able to nd their stu in ner game stores. For a descrip[on
of their products, or if you have any ques[ons, they may be reached at:

And if you talk to a guy named Chris[an Moore, tell him I said "hi".


The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.

(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 15:19:59 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Shameless ARIA plug...

ARIA is produced by Last Unicorn Games, headed by Chris[an Moore and co.
The rst print run is s[ll available but a slightly cleaned-up 2nd print
(with a few correc[ons) should be available soon. Currently, the
Roleplaying and World books are available, but the new Mythguide Pack is at
the printers and should be in stores soon.

What are they?
Roleplaying: Basically that and more. Roleplaying establishes how to create
races, personas, socie[es, narra[ve enviornments, and how to run with them.
In ARIA, you create everything (except the combat system, which has plently
of room for modica[ons) - including a magic system unique to your sejng!
It can get long winded at [mes, and its somewhat more ambiguous than DJ,
but the mechanics have enough similari[es that you'll nd yourself second
guessing the writers.
Worlds: A more indepth approach to crea[ng socie[es: villages, towns,
ci[es, na[ons, con[nents, etc. They all t the mold. This book is
almost generic, and makes a good star[ng point (its where I got started).
The prelude contains the core rules of the system, and allows you to get
your feet wet with a product that you can use for _any_ system. Well worth
the money!!!!
Mythguide Pack: Consists of a gamemaster's (Mythguide's) screen, a booklet
on crea[ng Mythguide Personas (OPs), and a booklet of all the important
tables from the Roleplaying book (remenicent of the Mythus screen booklet?).

Check it out!

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 16:08:55 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Aria

Hmm.. I've never played, nor even seen Aria, but I do know the loca[on of
their web page, and since no one else has men[oned it:


Have fun,
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
WWW: hhp://
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 16:21:02 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Arg!

Arg.. I need you to tell me the stat modca[ons being a Greyman gives me...

Here I am ready to nish up the character, and boom.. trouble already...

Take care,
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
WWW: hhp://
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal, seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://

Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 07:55:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: gullerud@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fwd: teskej->

Fourfold Diadem
The kings of Dalma[a have been very giped monarchs, but it was
only recently when the incompetent Prince Tvtak rose to the throne and
was transformed into a renown orator that magick was suspected. Years
of divina[on and spying have nally revealed that Dalma[a's crown,
the stunning Fourfold Diadem, is actually a powerful enchanted device.
The Fourfold Diadem is an oricalcum headband onto which four
large diamonds have been mounted. An former member of Dalma[a's
royal court, exiled for embezzling the royal treasury, has said that
this headband grants a fourfold mul[plier to the STEEP of a K/S Area
that the wearer has shown a natural inclina[on toward. It is also
said that other K/S Areas are boosted by lesser amounts in order to

make the wearer a beher ruler.

This new knowledge of the Diadem has fueled some wild
specula[on. Open there has been suspicion that there is a power
behind the throne. A few individuals unhappy with the current rulers
have suspected the Diadem is actually intelligent, and is manipula[ng
Dalma[an policies toward its own ends.

Journal of Clandes[ne Occurences
Dalma[a boasts of some of the most daring spies on Aerth. While
this may be true, other governments scornfully reply that this is only
because of this powerful Journal rather than any unique quali[es of
Dalma[a's ci[zenry.
There are conic[ng reports as to the actual power of the
Journal. Some sages insist that reading this journal before going on
a clandes[ne mission will grant 9 Joss factors and a doubling of
STEEP in Espionage. Others claim that the Journal is a powerful aid
for the Heka-Forging of impermanent (disjoinable) items, but only
those which would aid a specied spying mission. Such a power would
explain the abundance of ingenious devices carried by Dalma[a's
spies, which would be almost impossible to create in any quan[[es by
most Heka forgers.
Whatever its true power, the Journal certainly is hidden well.
Ahempts to locate and steal this text have met with complete failure.

This item looks to be merely a thin six foot long marble sta,
but in fact it is arguably the most powerful item known devoted toward
Elemental dweomercraep, par[cularly for Aerth magick. It is
suspected that the archmage currently possessing it has secluded
himself in the mountains of Dalma[a, perhaps concentra[ng on
The Stonesta allows its bearer to use any Aerth-related
Dweomercraep Cas[ng with no Heka cost. Also, this sta can store
up to 1000 Heka worth of these cas[ngs, which can be ac[vated at
faster than Eyebite speed. The item also grants complete authority
over the creatures na[ve to the plane of Aerth. Even elemental
princes will willingly serve one weilding the Stonesta. S[ll more
formidible are several powers, unique to the item, which range in
power from Grade X to Grade XXV.
It is said that the Stonesta is a builder's tool unlike any
other. With it, a dweomercraeper can shape stone buildings with the
beauty of marble, the luminesence of opal, and the strength of
adaman[ne - all done by merely willing the structure to be.


Serpentship of Yig
Sages disagree violently about whether the Serpentship is a
living creature, a powerful fe[sh, or a unique golem. Whatever its
exact nature, it is certainly a warship to be feared. The Serpentship

of Yig appears to be a golden serpent over 200 feet in length with a

longboat axed to its back. The Serpentship needs no oars or sails;
instead it swims through the water, eortlessly par[ng the waves of
the strongest storms. No one knows the top speed of this vessel, but
some shermen claim that they have seen it outrun the fastest storm.
In bahle, the Serpentship merely coils around another ship,
crushing it within a few CTs. If pressed, it can breathe a mighty
cone of ame able to incinerate a number of vessels at once. Few
have any more than guesses as to the Serpentship's weaknesses, and
none are willing to risk their lives pujng their theories to the

Danmark claims to have this dreaded weapon safely under lock and
key. However, rumors s[ll are heard which state that the
necromancers of Danmark have regained it, and are busy killing each
other for sole possession of the blade. The Skullaxe is a terrible
sight to behold. It is a double-headed axe whose blade is made of an
uniden[ed jet black metal. The handle and jngs of the axe are
made en[rely of bone, while a humanoid skull adornes the handle end.
Despite any ahempts to clean it, the Skullaxe is always stained with
s[ll-wet blood.
S[ll, the power of the Skullaxe is far more fearsome than its
appearance. In the hands of a necromancer, any intelligent creature
slain by the axe will rise again as a zombie under the bearer's
control. These zombies are strengthened by the proximity of the
Skullaxe, even regenera[ng if touched by the axe. In addi[on, each
death brought about by this axe gives a por[on of the vic[m's health
and Heka to its bearer. The prospect of facing a fearsome zombie army
has made Danmark very protec[ve of the Skullaxe.


Sigil of Amemt
Amemt was a legendary dweomercraeper whose research into Heka
storage eventually made possible the great pyramids of Aegypt.
Although the pyramids remain as a testament to his work, other
countries possess notable works of his which survived the ages.
The Sigil is said to be an amulet on which the root inscrip[on
for a superior form of Heka storage is inscribed. By itself, the
Sigil is a source of Supernatural Heka. It can contain up to 1000
points of such Heka, and this reservoir is fully recharged within one
Dweomercraepers fortunate enough to study this Sigil have
developed glyphs with ten [mes the storage capacity of standard
glyphs. Unfortunately, this benet only is gained by those studying
the Sigil directly. Ahempts to teach their systems to others have
amounted to disasterous, even deadly, failures.
Recent reports out of Darfur claim that they are using the Sigil

to power a mighty device developed by Aegyp[an mages. Some wonder if

this is a prelude to war, but others suspect that the Sigil is growing
unstable, sigh[ng a subtle but no[cable migra[on of nobility out of
Darfur's capital city.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 13 07:54:48 1995
These items were created by S. Gullerud.
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 11:22:27 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Subject: Teske's Magic Item Project ...
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dr. John Teske
Jr." at Jun 11, 95 11:04:55 pm

> Con[nuing on with the magical item project I have about another 10 na[ons
> here for your feas[ng. Hope the items are to your liking.
> As always comments are appreciated.
> I do plan to start helping with the Pantheon stu as soon as this
> project is over. I know alot of people wanted several dierent
> pantheons detailed, or at least sugges[ons put out for pantheon members.
> I would be happy to add my 2 cents on the Norse pantheon and the VERY
> COMPLETE pos[ng of a few months back, once this project is done.

Are all these archived somewhere? I'm sure I missed quite a few ... hehehe

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl et Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 14:40:08 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Muten Roshi <roshi@UMD.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Teske's Magic Item Project ...
X-To: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 13 Jun 1995, Cause of Death wrote:

> Are all these archived somewhere? I'm sure I missed quite a few ... hehehe


I just nishited HTMLizing the majority of them. Check out my
homepage. The address is in my sig. Let me know what everyone thinks.

Muten Roshi (Andy Ehlert)
E-Mail: WWW: hhp://
President of The Science, Fact, Fic[on, and Fantasy Gaming Club
Organizer: U of M Dearborn Anime Showings On irc: M_Roshi
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 11:48:13 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Teske's Magic Item Project ...
In-Reply-To: <> from "Cause of Death"
at Jun 13, 95 11:22:27 am

Regarding the item rumor project:

> Are all these archived somewhere? I'm sure I missed quite a few ... hehehe

Roshi has a web page with an archive of all the item rumor posts at


I'm also archiving all the rumors, and will be uploading the le to
a pp site when it is completed. If anyone wishes, I can email them a
copy of what has been done so far.

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 11:58:36 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Subject: Re: Teske's Magic Item Project ...
In-Reply-To: <199506131848.LAA23950@elaine10.Stanford.EDU> from "Steven Olaf
Gullerud" at Jun 13, 95 11:48:13 am

> I'm also archiving all the rumors, and will be uploading the le to a
> pp site when it is completed. If anyone wishes, I can email them a copy
> of what has been done so far.

I'd like a copy of that ... heheh send it this way!

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__. Raa Amon Zepol

\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl et Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 16:22:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Sigil of Ament
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dr. John Teske
Jr." at Jun 13, 95 07:55:23 am

Dan the content editor here,

I just nished reading the latest magic items. I only recognized
one name. The Sigil of Amemt refers to the elds of Ament where the dead
live in paradise. Obliga[ons do not end with death, the Dead must con[nue
to work for the Gods and the Fields of Ament are where the planta[ons
and farms are. It is a part of paradise. The underworld as a whole is
called Duat or Tuat, something like that.

Egypt person, and my campaign will start again soon. Hopefully.
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 15:50:17 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Sigil of Ament
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dan T Williamson" at Jun
13, 95 04:22:29 pm

> Dan the content editor here,
> I just nished reading the latest magic items. I only recognized
> one name. The Sigil of Amemt refers to the elds of Ament where the dead
> live in paradise. Obliga[ons do not end with death, the Dead must con[nue
> to work for the Gods and the Fields of Ament are where the planta[ons
> and farms are. It is a part of paradise. The underworld as a whole is
> called Duat or Tuat, something like that.
> Dan.
> Egypt person, and my campaign will start again soon. Hopefully.


Thanks for catching that. I had a uneasy feeling that Amemt was
a specic reference to something, but my reference search (with what
I have available) came up empty.

Something to add to my revision list. :)

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 17:12:00 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Hawkeye's PBEM

Hey Hawkeye, are we gaming deprived people on the list going to get
updates on how your PBEM is going? I'd love to see some gaming
summaries again on the list to see what kind of campaigns are out

If I get a chance to play this summer, I'll ll in everyone on how
John Teske's campaign is going as the German-Roman war gets

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 22:14:13 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: more heavy metal penis en...

Chris Barnes' reply to Gary Spechko was quite good. I really like your
comments. They did, however, s[r up the morass of sewage that is my brain
to discourse on a brief tangen[al point (!) :) You wrote:

"For example the longbow was considerably superior to the hand
guns that were available un[l way into the 16th century. Armies
were equipped with them for 2 reasons;
(a) Less training required to use
(b) King joe bloggs down the road had these neat and fashionable
items, so I'll go one beher and have more of them."

True enough, but (and I think you know this) there are several other factors
1 - not only were arquebusiers easier to train (than archers; who required a
level of prac[ce more approaching a knight or men-at-arms than a pikeman)
but, because of this, they were CHEAPER. One thing we in the gaming world
tend to forget (as you noted) was how poor everyone used to be (and s[ll is
in a large chunk of the world). To be a poor King was not unusual. And it
just gets worse in the early modern period when the Dutch gure out how to

borrow money...
2 - "King joe bloggs" likes handguns not because the fellow down the road
has them but also because they are just the thing for making lots of
noise--scaring away untrained levies--and delivering missile shock ahacks on
cavalry, pikes, etc. More importantly, there is no limit to the numbers of
arquebusiers you can hire, as long as you have the money, but more on this
3 - Most importantly, as you know, the longbow was a par[cularly English
weapon, although I apologize to any Welsh on the list. It was quite useful
for slaughtering bunches of infantry, and the Scots tended to help the
English in this regard by conveniently assembling in columns. But the key
point here, and the whole point of this splurge, is that other peoples did
not have longbows. Certainly the Scots didn't have them (in any numbers
anyway) and when viewed from the con[nent the longbow seems to have been
virtually a "secret weapon" when rst used by the three Edwards. Why is

First, the longbow is terribly dicult to use. Archeological studies, and
extant documents, show the skeletons of archers to have their ngers and arm
bones deformed by the great pull strength of their bows (the genesis, no
doubt, of the PM requirement in Mythus--although it could be higher). It
took a long [me to learn how to use a longbow, much in the way that a good
sword & buckler man, and especially a knight, requires years of training.
The English developed these yeoman archers because the constant Welsh border
skirmishes produced them "naturally." A product of a par[cular set of
social circumstances, the archers were of nite quan[ty. You realize this
is the case when, during the 1440-50s, the French are busy driving the
English out of most of their holdings in Gascony, Normandy, etc., the English
garrisons suer such rates of ahri[on that there are not enough archers
lep in England to replace them. And you can't just whip up a new batch of
archers, like you can arquebusiers, if you get your hands on some money...

Ok,ok, you're now all saying "what's the bloody point!?"

Well, it has to do with these lines from Gary & Chris:

">In a world that has full access to both, Plate should be
> much more common.

It should be where there is an excess of spare cash and a lot of
wandering all over the world, every good ghter should have a
brigandine for travel and a set of plate sijng in the hall for
when the nas[es are out in force.
3 reasons it was not more common;
price (i.e. lack of "spare" cash beyond survival needs)
people did not usually need it (they never travelled)
All obs[cles which mythus removes, even if it does add in the
electrical problem...."

The key point is "a lot of wandering all over the world." In my campaign,
actually Mah Berry & I, this is true of characters, but realis[cally how
true is it of the mass of the popula[on? It follows that just as languages,
culture, religions, can be regional then why not weapons and armor.
Especially so when you have the longbow example. For the French certainly
tried to recruit a cadre of archers but never succeeded. The economic-social
context just not right. When you start looking, all sorts of other examples
come to light. The Spanish infantry were the most professional army in the
world in the 16th century partly because the nobility was willing to be
footsoldiers, unlike the aristocracy in England, France, or Italy; the
Spanish cavalry could not stand against the French because they had developed
as light horse while gh[ng the Moors in Aragon and Grenada; the Genoese,
Floren[nes, and Vene[ans supplied almost all the mercenary crossbowmen
because only Italy had the developed ar[san economy in the 15-16th centuries
to produce crossbow mechanisms; etc. etc.

To make a long story short these means that Mah & I have said that you can
only nd certain weapons, and therefore certain armor (and vice versa), in
certain dis[nct areas. In our Steppe lands, there is no plate or even much
metal armor, thus no armor crunching-piercing weapons such as bastard swords,
long swords, etc. and much use of sabers, horses, and composite short bows,
etc. The point is to make weapons & armor cultural, it adds avor to the
campaign, it is more historically realis[c, everybody doesn't have the same
boring weapons, and (best of all from a GM perspec[ve) it is a way to force
characters to pick weapons from those huge 3D6 damage selec[ons on the
Mythus chart.

Just a sugges[on,
Tim Francis
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 23:10:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Hawkeye's PBEM
In-Reply-To: <199506140012.RAA24774@elaine42.Stanford.EDU>

Hi Gang:

I'll tell you what happens when something does happen... :)

I've been taking my [me with crea[ng the HP's for my campaign. Since
I'm on my own world (hmmm..that didn't quite come out right!) and I've
some new rules it's taking some [me.

I will, however, post regular summaries once the ac[on begins. I'll
have to keep many things hidden at least at rst, since all the players
read this list... :)


Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 23:19:24 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Welsh, and Cultures

Yer Damn right some of us Welsh are around here--damn the English! :)
(see below)

Tim (and thus Mah) have hit upon exactly what I've been trying to do
with my game: make dierent cultures stand out. I just never had the
[me/inspira[on to think it all the way through.

Thanks guys, again, for the insight...
(You're making it an interes[ng habit...)


::::::': ::: " { `:::::. '' ,.::::::::::
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:::::::::::::'.::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::' ::::::::::::::
:::::::'.....:.. ::::::::'......:. :::::::::'....::.`::::::::::::
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 13:22:07 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "C.I.Barnes" <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: heavy metal ...

In-Reply-To: <> from "Timothy L. Francis" at Jun

13, 95 10:14:13 pm

Tim Francis awful lot
I am in total agreement with all the points you make, well done.
In par[cular the bit below....

> etc. The point is to make weapons & armor cultural, it adds avor to the
> campaign, it is more historically realis[c, everybody doesn't have the same
> boring weapons, and (best of all from a GM perspec[ve) it is a way to force
> characters to pick weapons from those huge 3D6 damage selec[ons on the
> Mythus chart.

No doubt players will s[ll try to "minimax" their op[ons by
impor[ng weapons from outside, paying someone to teach them and
all that. For a long [me we (not the royal we honest) have
shied away from using certain weapons and armour in all our
games (e.g. plate, halberds, 2 handed swords) to the extent that
when I went to Stacon (a small conven[on in Staord Englend,
mostly those 'orrid card things ugh) last weekend it felt odd to
hear all the other players loading up to the eyeballs with all
sorts of hevy ordinance.

I like the sytem we had where the ref would not assume that we
had bought the highest protec[on we could, and adjusted the
opponents based on our equipment as well as ability, lets face
it the situa[on is just as equal if everyone has daggers rather
than FGMP-15s eh?

On the longbow, the reason England could produce archers of the
standard required was the law requiring all men over a certain
age to prac[ce each Sunday aper church, kinda like na[onal
service, and the numbers declined in part to the pernicious
inunce of other pasjmes drawing their interest away,
including football. Pity, I would have liked to have seen
archery as the na[onal sport, but can you imagine archery
hooligans (shudder).

Chris Barnes
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 12:08:11 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: FW: Get ready for the censors...

On Thu, 15 Jun 1995 11:58:01 -0400 wrote:


>c.1995 N.Y. Times News Service
>WASHINGTON - The Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday for a measure that
>would impose heavy nes and prison terms on people who distribute sexually
>explicit or other ``lthy'' material over computer networks, in the most
>aggressive step yet by Congress to regulate cyberspace.
>Vo[ng 84-16 in a session rife with lurid talk about child pornography and
>on-line descrip[ons of bes[ality, advocates of tough regula[on easily
>overwhelmed objec[ons from a handful of lawmakers who said the measure would
>violate Cons[tu[onal rights to free speech and threaten the growth of
>computer networks.
>``Take a look at this disgus[ng material, pictures which were copied for
>free o the Internet only this week,'' said Sen. Jim Exon, D-Neb., and the
>measure's sponsor, as he brandished a big blue binder with a bright red label
>that read ``Cau[on.''
>Earlier in the day, sponsors of the measure had been pushing to broaden its
>scope to include cable television, proposing prison terms for operators of
>cable systems transmijng indecent material.
>But in a spate of last-minute nego[a[ons, backers of the measure agreed to
>remove that provision.
>Exon's measure was added to a sweeping telecommunica[ons bill that is
>broadly intended to deregulate the telephone, cable television and
>broadcas[ng industries. The Senate is expected to approve the en[re bill,
>perhaps as soon as Thursday, aper various other amendments are considered.
>The House Commerce Commihee recently passed a similar telecommunica[ons
>overhaul bill, but it does not include any provisions about pornography and
>The amendment would impose nes of up to $100,000 and prison terms of up to
>two years for people who knowingly transmit any indecent material over a
>computer network accessible to people under the age of 18.
>It would also block any ``obscene lewd, lascivious, lthy or indecent''
>comment, request or sugges[on that is made over a computer network and is
>intended to annoy or harass another person.
>Civil rights advocates immediately denounced Wednesday's vote, saying it
>would intrude on a wide range of private communica[ons between consen[ng
>adults. Cri[cs said that the amendment would aect more than hard-core
>pornography and would make it a crime to include foul language in pos[ngs in
>on-line forums or on the Internet, the global computer web.

>They also said the provision on annoying or harassing communica[on could

>make people who use electronic mail liable for statements that would be
>protected in a tradi[onal leher.
>Supporters of the Exon amendment, however, maintain they are merely extending
>exis[ng laws against dial-a-porn and telephone harassment to the new medium.
>The Clinton administra[on is opposed to the measure, and had supported an
>alterna[ve proposal by Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., that would have ordered
>the Jus[ce Department to carry out a study of ways to deal with sexually
>explicit material on the Internet.
>Leahy, who brought a foot-high stack of pe[[ons from 35,000 users of
>on-line services, said the new restric[ons were a threat to free speech and
>a danger to the Internet, a global network of computers that has exploded in
>popularity over the last few years.
>``None of us is in favor of pornography,'' he said. ``But we can accomplish
>the goal of keeping pornography away from children without imposing a big new
>layer of government censorship and without destroying the Internet.''
>Opponents to the measure also noted that much of the trac on the global
>Internet falls outside the purview of U.S. law.
>Many senators viewed Wednesday's debate as something of a sideshow to the
>broader telecommunica[ons bill, though few were prepared cast a vote against
>the measure, which opponents might later ahack as support for pornography.
>``I think it's [me we sent a message,'' said Sen. Alan Simpson, R-Wyo., even
>as he acknowledged poten[al problems involving free speech. ``We'll sort it
>out,'' he said, referring to further renements.
>But at least one conserva[ve Republican, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch of Utah,
>denounced the measure as a poli[cal cheap shot.
>``It's kind of a game, to see who can be the most against pornography and
>obscenity,'' he said. ``It's a poli[cal exercise, and I'm against it.''
>Transmihed: 95-06-14 23:02:24 EDTCompanies that operate commercial on-line
>computer services were muted in their response. As currently draped, the
>measure oers a long series of protec[ons to on-line services that merely
>act as a carrier for individuals who use their networks to disseminate
>sexually explicit material.
>The legal concept would be similar to the current prac[ce of not holding
>telephone companies accountable for people who use the phone network to break

>the law.
>But because on-line service providers like America Online or Prodigy Services
>open have moderators who monitor on-line discussion groups, the industry has
>worried that they might some[mes s[ll be held accountable for the content
>of the messages.
>A trade group for on-line services, the Interac[ve Services Associa[on,
>quickly cri[cized the measure.
>Objec[ng that the amendment had not ahempted to iden[fy less restric[ve,
>technological approaches to blocking pornography over computer networks, the
>associa[on said it was draped far too has[ly and would not eec[vely
>protect children.
>Meanwhile, the Senate moved steadily closer toward passing the overall
>telecommunica[ons bill, which ahempts to knock down the regulatory barriers
>and promote compe[[on between the local telephone, long-distance and cable
>television industries.
>Late Wednesday apernoon, Senate leaders patched together a grudging
>compromise between the local Bell telephone companies and the long-distance
>carriers, which want to enter each other's markets.
>Under that provision, which was whisked through on a voice vote aper days of
>backroom nego[a[ons, long-distance companies would be able to get quicker
>access to the market for short-haul long-distance calls than they would have
>under previous draps of the measure.
>The regional Bell companies currently dominate this $13 billion market,
>because customers who use rival carriers must rst dial a ve-digit code.
>The Bell companies wanted to keep that cumbersome system un[l they are
>permihed to oer other types of long-distance service - something they are
>currently forbidden to do.
>Under the compromise, 10 states, including New York and Connec[cut, would be
>allowed to proceed with eorts to give all compe[tors equal access to the
>short-haul market. But the short-haul business of the Bell companies would
>remain protected for at least three years in all other states.
>Lawmakers were s[ll bracing for one other big ght, expected on Thursday,
>over provisions that would greatly relax cable television price regula[ons.
>Wednesday, however, the most important vote was on indecency and the
>Internet. Exon and other supporters of tough restric[ons said they had
>carefully draped their provision to avoid any interference with free speech.
>To a great extent, the measure is modeled on exis[ng laws that were wrihen

>to prohibit obscene telephone calls and other forms of telephone harassment.
>The measure also draws on a body of court decisions about regula[ng
>``indecent'' material in television or radio broadcas[ng.
>Under the law, indecent programming is much milder than obscenity or
>pornography, which are not protected by Cons[tu[onal rights to free speech.
>Indecent material includes explicit sexual material, four-leher words and
>explicit descrip[ons of sexual ac[vity or excretory func[ons.
>Under current law, the federal government is permihed to block indecent
>programming on over-the-air radio or television at [mes when children are
>most likely to be in the audience.
>But computer and communica[ons experts say the amendment is certain to raise
>a host of new legal and prac[cal issues that arise with the basic nature of
>the Internet.
>The World Wide Web, a segment of the Internet that has exploded in
>popularity, quickly blends the dis[nc[on between people who send and
>receive sexual material.
>People armed with a modem and the proper sopware can tap into thousands of
>dierent ``Web sites'' and retrieve images, documents and even full-mo[on
>video with the mere click of a mouse.
>As a prac[cal maher, moreover, the Internet is inherently global in nature
>and dicult for a single government to control.
>People using the Internet can tap into computers on other con[nents as
>easily as they reach computers across town, and the cost is no dierent.
>Likewise, people in the United States can set up Internet sites outside the
>United States and electronically replenish it with new material without every
>leaving the country.
>Wednesday, however, many lawmakers appeared untroubled about the complexity.
>``I always vote the way my mother tells me,'' Simpson said. ``There are
>always contradic[ons.''
>Transmihed: 95-06-14 23:02:44 EDT

Interes[ng how you will soon only be able to (leagally) talk about killing
and not fucking. When will they outlaw thinking as well?


The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.

..At least that's what I thought, un[l these morally superior
assholes took over the government. Now it's only poli[cs.

You can take my life, but you will never take my freedom.
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 09:29:38 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Peters <jopeters@UCDAVIS.EDU>
Subject: Forcesta Charm

Has anyone had any problems with players abusing the Forcesta Charm
available to priests? Just last weekend, a necromancer in the party
summoned several skeletons to ahack a golem. The priest in the group
equipped them with walking s[cks imbued with the Forcesta Charm, and
the necromancer sent them to whack on the golem and break the s[cks,
doing a signicant (100 pts) amount of impact damage to the golem for
each s[ck.

Any recommenda[ons? Perhaps the s[cks should not break quite so easily
because they are unsurpassed?

Thanks, (because this will come up again)


John Othmar Peters (916)752-6063 : Voice
Programmer/Analyst (916)754-8071 : FAX
Social Science Data Service
University of California Davis
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 09:29:37 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Subject: Re: FW: Get ready for the censors...
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Dave Newton" at Jun 15,
95 12:08:11 pm

> Interes[ng how you will soon only be able to (leagally) talk about killing
> and not fucking. When will they outlaw thinking as well?

Even if they do make this law, they'll NEVER be able to fully police the

Just like they cant outlaw people from fucking, they cant keep us from
being shihy to one another.

They will soon nd out that they just cant take away our right to be
assholes! ;)

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl et Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 12:55:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Forcesta Charm
In-Reply-To: <>
from "John Peters" at Jun 15, 95 09:29:38 am

> Has anyone had any problems with players abusing the Forcesta Charm
> available to priests? Just last weekend, a necromancer in the party
> summoned several skeletons to ahack a golem. The priest in the group
> equipped them with walking s[cks imbued with the Forcesta Charm, and
> the necromancer sent them to whack on the golem and break the s[cks,
> doing a signicant (100 pts) amount of impact damage to the golem for
> each s[ck.

1) I have to assume this was not a priest of sunlight or something that would
restrict his coopera[on with a necromancer. 2) How much did they pay for
these "Unsurpassed Walking S[cks"? I know today that if you want to buy a
truly unsurpassed walking s[ck you pay upwards of $100 each. Unsurpassed
means that it was carefully and beau[fully carved, sanded, laqured or
shellacked and shod with a metal [p. Not the kind of thing you nd in the

I'm not immediately familiar with the Forcesta charm so I can't comment on
any abuses to the inten[oned use of the cas[ng.

Also aren't skeletons kind of weak? The sta is not going to break from simply
whacking the golem. And the skeletons are not going to be able to break it
over their knobby knees. Its up to the golem to inten[onally break the

I usually don't have to rely on these kind of ra[onals to keep my players
from abusing the magic system. I simply tell them that magic use is
inherently evil and ahracts the ahen[on of otherworldly beings. I think

they have gured out that that means if they abuse their powers they will
*PAY* for it. So they usually try to keep magic use to a minimum. >:)


Yes I am a Lovecrap/Howard fan. >:)
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 13:48:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Clay Hanna <clayh@GENESIS.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Re: FW: Get ready for the censors...
In-Reply-To: <>

They won't be able to go through with this regula[on. This law was made
by peple who have absolutely no understanding of the Internet. While
they may be able to (and I doubt that they will) regulate sites in
America, they won't be able to regulate sites in foreign countries.
The only way that they could do it is by totally shujng o the worlds
communica[ons systems. I don't think that Sen. Exon dumbass understands
that the net is accessed over the PHONE LINES. Even if they did that,
we're smart enough to work around the government. Aper all, they were
stupid enough to piss us o.

Clay Hanna
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 15:43:55 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Charles Hagenbuch <hagendaz@POSTOFFICE.PTD.NET>
Subject: Re: FW: Get ready for the censors...

Dave Newton wrote:

>Interes[ng how you will soon only be able to (leagally) talk about killing
>and not fucking. When will they outlaw thinking as well?

Reminds me of the Bloom County episode where Bill 'n Opus are looking for
something to make a "bang" for the fourth of July, i.e. recrackers. But
recrackers are illegal (mostly), so the guy in the store ends up selling
them a gun. Makes you wonder, huh?


A lurker speaks!
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 14:46:24 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Forcesta Charm
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 15 Jun 1995, John Peters wrote:

> Has anyone had any problems with players abusing the Forcesta Charm
> available to priests? Just last weekend, a necromancer in the party
> summoned several skeletons to ahack a golem. The priest in the group
> equipped them with walking s[cks imbued with the Forcesta Charm, and
> the necromancer sent them to whack on the golem and break the s[cks,
> doing a signicant (100 pts) amount of impact damage to the golem for
> each s[ck.
> Any recommenda[ons? Perhaps the s[cks should not break quite so easily
> because they are unsurpassed?
> Thanks, (because this will come up again)
> -John
Try using a bigger golem. If your players are able to use spells
eec[vely and crea[vely this is good. The situa[on you describe is
not a problem or an abuse unless they use that combo as a crutch. Good
players who come up with good ideas will use them again. If you think
this may be a problem, don't let it work next [me. Think of a reason
in advance why it won't work. Make them be crea[ve, it adds so much to
the game.


They gave me a buhon that said "humble".
Then they took it away because I wore it.
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 18:21:47 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Forcesta Charm
In-Reply-To: <>
from "John Peters" at Jun 15, 95 09:29:38 am

Well, I've got my books in front of me and a few things come to mind:

1) Each 'whack' that doesn't break the sta s[ll drains a
charge, doing an extra 1D6 blunt damage, but reducing the
impact damage when the sta does break later.

2) The impact damage is done to all beings in a 6 foot

radius. I can't imagine the skeletons would survive, unless

they were sent one at a [me. Whether any other staves within
range would then break as well is an open ques[on.

Forcesta makes the target sta Unsurpassed quality, so cost of
the sta isn't much of an issue. I'd require the skeletons to make a
PM Catagory check at least at DR 'Dicult' or 'V. Dicult' to
successfully break the sta, in order to reect the quality of the

I no[ce that the Cas[ng descrip[on species a 'normal walking
sta of stout sort, quartersta, bo s[ck, or the like'. I would
think that this would preclude the use of this Cas[ng on very slender
staves in order to break them easier.

It's an interes[ng use of Forcesta Charm in any case.

Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 13:23:17 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

From root Fri Jun 16 13:16:33 1995
Received: from uvaarpa.Virginia.EDU by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA24085; Fri, 16 Jun 1995 13:14:45 -0400
Received: from by id aa00622;
16 Jun 95 13:13 EDT
Received: by (8.6.10/1.34)
id NAA06353; Fri, 16 Jun 1995 13:13:04 -0400
From: Elizabeth Snead <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: dwe0mercraep
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 95 13:13:03 EDT
X-Mailer: PENELM [version 2.3.1 PL11]
Status: R

Thanks to Dave's encouragement, I have decided to try detailing
the schools of dweomercraep and the philosophies espoused
therein. What follows are some rst thoughts concerning my aims
in all this crea[vity. If you want to see something else, TELL
ME! Also, if you want to help out in some aspect of the project,
please let me know by private email. (

In my mind, each of the ins[tu[ons of higher learning men[oned
in the main Mythus book to be true centers of magickal learning
on AErth (or elsewhere if you choose for your campaign). They
each have physical loca[ons on the material plane (and quite

possibly elsewhere). In other words, your HPs can visit these

places; however, the welcome they receive there is up to the
all-benevolent --ahem-- JM. Certainly they would have at least
a visitors center with some leaets and free coee (or no more
than 5 BUCs a cup)!

On another level, each of these ins[tutes represent the focus of
a certain point of view within the eld of dweomercraep. Other
ins[tu[ons of magick in the eld will tend to follow one of
the great ins[tu[ons, at least to some extent. Then again, in
the hinterlands it is so dicult to sta a magickal ins[tute
that there will probably be more texture to the philosophical
leanings of the DMs (Doctors of Magery) in a college in the less
civilized states.

In addi[on to the philosophical bent of a given school or
hekaur, there are a number of speciali[es within each eld (or
school if you prefer). The great ins[tu[ons will be able to
provide instruc[on in all concentra[ons of the eld at or near
the cujng edge of knowledge. There may be beher places out
there for a given specialty, but not by much! I men[oned some
ideas for concentra[ons in an earlier post, but the clearest
example for those who missed it is in the Elemental school (Fire,
Water, Air, AErth, and Heka/an[-Heka). Other ins[tu[ons will
probably be able to provide some instruc[on in any concentra[on
of the eld, but will generally concentrate on catering to the
needs of (or designs upon) an area. For example, an elementalist
ins[tute located near a fron[er region where there are a large
number of predators might focus on animal-related magick and

The project will begin by detailing the philosophies of each of
the great ins[tu[ons. Descrip[ons of some of the magick
concentra[ons for each eld will follow. Finally, travellers
will report on what they saw and heard in and about the great
ins[tu[ons a la item rumors. Sugges[ons, comments, and
ques[ons are always welcome. But of course, this is done at the
risk of being asked to help out! ;-)

Let's make some magick!
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 13:40:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Forcesta Charm
In-Reply-To: <199506160121.SAA07534@elaine18.Stanford.EDU> from "Steven Olaf
Gullerud" at Jun 15, 95 06:21:47 pm

> Forcesta makes the target sta Unsurpassed quality, so cost of
> the sta isn't much of an issue. I'd require the skeletons to make a
> PM Catagory check at least at DR 'Dicult' or 'V. Dicult' to
> successfully break the sta, in order to reect the quality of the
> weapon.

I'll bet the *inten[on*, very important to my view of magic, of the cas[ng
is for the caster of the spell to break the sta as a last resort. I might
go so far as to say that if anyone other than the caster inten[onally
breaks the sta nothing happens, aper factoring in the circumstances.
In my view magic is **NOT** science and should not be treated as such. OK,
so the way the HP was taught the cas[ng it will add damage when used to
strike a target, and if the sta is broken it will catastrophically
explode, causeing the user to become a martyr for the faith. If you try to
use the cas[ng for other, similar uses the eec[veness should depend on
the faith - this *is* a priest spell - and beliefs of the religion. I might
say that if the sta is given to a non-believer the sta would not work at
all, the skeletons are not un-believers, they are non-believers and incapable
of independent thought, least of all religious belief. The cas[ng also
makes the sta "unsurpassed" which may be a game term way of saying "will not
break under most circumstances." Where "most circumstances" is highly
subjec[ve, but then all magic is *highly subjec[ve*. What hapens if a
priest is walking along, minding his own business, or praying and trips over
the sta and breaks it accidentally - BOOM! I don't think so. The sta just
shoulden't break unless the caster inten[onally breaks it. The caster. Not
any mindless, nonbeliever skeletons. If I were the diety, and I was
modeled aper a Greek, human like, god I'd be very pissed at this cheapening
of my granted power. Look for another approach to defea[ng the Golem.

However this scien[c, mini-maxing approach to magic is deeply ingrained
in most players and its mighty tough to work it out of them. The proper
applica[on of "bad Karma" has worked in my case. >:)

We're not dealing with grenades and guns here folks.
Merlin would never have armed all the knights of Camelot
with +5 Vorpal Swords.... Hint.
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 16:31:26 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Peters <jopeters@UCDAVIS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Forcesta Charm
In-Reply-To: <>

Thanks for all the responses! A friend of mine suggested something along
the lines of what Dan men[ons: that the sta should be ahuned to the
creator, and will not explode unless the caster breaks it (i.e.
retribu[ve strike). As fun as the Forcesta is, I think that is the

route I will take.


John Othmar Peters (916)752-6063 : Voice
Programmer/Analyst (916)754-8071 : FAX
Social Science Data Service
University of California Davis

On Fri, 16 Jun 1995, Dan T Williamson wrote:

> I'll bet the *inten[on*, very important to my view of magic, of the cas[ng
> is for the caster of the spell to break the sta as a last resort. I might
> go so far as to say that if anyone other than the caster inten[onally
> breaks the sta nothing happens, aper factoring in the circumstances.
> of independent thought, least of all religious belief. The cas[ng also
> makes the sta "unsurpassed" which may be a game term way of saying "will not
> break under most circumstances." Where "most circumstances" is highly
> subjec[ve, but then all magic is *highly subjec[ve*. What hapens if a
> priest is walking along, minding his own business, or praying and trips over
> the sta and breaks it accidentally - BOOM! I don't think so. The sta just
> shoulden't break unless the caster inten[onally breaks it. The caster. Not
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 1995 08:23:23 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Forcesta Charm
In-Reply-To: <>

OK, here is one solu[on, give your players a hint. Be sneaky back. If
they try using forcestaves as explosive devices, use it against them.
Imagine having to break down a door barred by a Forcesta. Or beher
yet, while enchan[ng them, have a disgruntled EP ahempt an
assassina[on. Like, oh, throwing a Cas[ng at the sta to break it, or
a few well placed crossbow bolts should do the trick. Thrown hammers,
etc. If your players are smart they'll take the hint. If not, be
blunt. Say something like "It was a good idea, but don't abuse it". If
they con[nue to, then take dras[c measures. My group has never had
this problem, but I did use the door trick men[oned above once. :)

Chris Beadles
Game Designer of CyberMyth
Kaos on IRC
----------------------------------------------------------------Out of the frying pan and shoved up the ass with a red hot poker.

-Showdown at Lihle Tokyo

Date: Sun, 18 Jun 1995 05:40:26 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan Osborne <Daniel806@AOL.COM>

Date: Sun, 18 Jun 1995 05:56:35 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Schools of Magick

My thoughts on magickal educa[on:

The Schools of Dweomercraep are more akin to fraternal orders than actual
ins[tu[ons except for their body of learning. Each school has a set of
hand signals by which they communicate with each other, and these cross
na[onal borders, though the "vocabulary" is quite limited. Open graduates
wear dis[nc[ve ribbons or paraphenalia as well, and there is a rivalry
between dierent schools as well as friendliness towards members of one's
own school, regardless of na[onal origin, e.g. "Aren't you an Old Etonian?"
"No, sorry old chap, this is Harrow, you see." "Ah, couldn't tell it from
the soup stain on your vest. Sorry."

All magickal colleges teach General Dweomercraep plus one or more Schools
depending on the loca[on and bent of the administra[on. On Earth we have
colleges that specialize on medicine, technology, journalism, usw; on AErth
the College of Magick in London might favor White and Green over the other
three schools, givng a student beher educa[on in those areas, whereas the
College of Magick in York might focus more on Elemental Magick, although the
others would s[ll be taught at lower eec[veness. Naturally, areas such
as Apotropaism, Spellsongs, and some of the Spiritual K/S Areas would also be
available to prac[[oners, par[cularly useful ones such as Divina[on and

Where the diering philosophies arise are from the natural bent of the
teachers. In one country, White Dweomercraep might be seen as the most
popular because the country is "Good" (e.g. Lyonesse), whereas Black
Dweomercraep might be popular in Ys due to the "Evil" of its inhabitants.

What I would like to see spelled out more is not so much the ideas behind the
Schools of Magick as the characteris[cs of each of the ve ethoi. It's
easy to use the comparisons from AD&D, but they are not easy correla[ons.
Shadowy Darkness, for example, is not Evil but it's not Good or Neutral
either. There are only two clear impresssions I have of its tenets:

1. It is the ethos of all of the dei[es of the underworld in every
religion. This is, no doubt, because the majority of ancient religions
pictured the underworld as a dark, shadowy place (open populated with

2. It seems to me to be the ethos of Vengeance. Popular comic gures who
take the law into their own hands, killing murderers rather than capturing
them for trial, are open depicted as the dark loners who would seem to live
life in the shadows. A character fron DC Comics leaps to mind as a typical
Shadowy Darkness type: the Spectre.
BTW, I would also place Superman as Sunlight and Batman as Moonlight (though
it would not be hard to argue that Batman is open in Shadowy Darkness
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 1995 15:16:00 METDST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "R. Roos" <rye@NETLAND.NL>
Subject: I'm Alive

It took a while but i'm nally uptodate aper reading myth9293.txt,

mythus94.log and all the digests i've received from dec.94 (when i


So no repea[ng stupid ques[ons from me (i hope).

Can anyone tell me which books really got published and what there isbn is

so i can try to order them.

I have DJ-Mythus, DJ-Epic of AErth, DJ-Mythus Magick, DJ-Necropolis,

DJ-Mythus Gamemaster's Screen and The Anubis Murders.

I'm already trying to order gdw5005 DJ-Bes[ary (wish me luck).

Some info about me:


male, 25, Librarian


SF,Fantasy (Aldiss, Auel, Bear, Eddings, Holdstock, LeGuin, May, Tolkien,

Williams, Wingrove, Zelazny)

TV,Film (X-Files, Outer Limits, Stargate etc.)

History (Bri[sh Isles, Albion, Arthurian legends, Gaelic and Irishmyths)

Languages (ME. English, Gaelic, ME. Dutch, La[n)

rpg exper[se: ;-)

Warhammer (a long [me ago)

enemy within campain (player and gm)

restless dead (gm)

several of my own hand (gm)

doomstones 1-3 (gm and player)

Shadowrun (about once a month)

s[ll running around in Seahle (player)

running around in na[ve country (gm)

Mythus group 1 (every week) JM

started with (3) reallife persona

wandering around Earth and AErth trying to nd a link

between Teo[acan, Tihuanaco, Stonehenge and Gizeh

group 2 (once a month) JM

started with (4) HP

trying to survive Necropolis

group 3 (odd weeks) JM

started with (2) reallife persona

wandering around Albion trying to get back to Earth

I try to have at least one megasession with group 1 and

3 every holiday.

If someone is interested i'll be pos[ng mythussession updates, so let me now.

CU, Rye O'Domhnaill

Id quod est praestan[ssimum maximeque optabile omnibus sanis et bonis et

bea[s, cum dignitate o[um.

Pro Ses[o, xlv.98

Date: Sun, 18 Jun 1995 15:18:00 METDST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "R. Roos" <rye@NETLAND.NL>
Subject: Playing with Reallife persona as HP

Aper discussing Mythus with possible players, we tought that using

reallife persona in this Mul[Genre Roleplaying system. Trying to nd a

fast and simple way to describe a person in characteris[cs who can be

used in a mythus game. This is what we came up with.

Crea[ng HP from Reallife persona.

Reallife persona to HP conversion in a nutshell. Each HP has 250 total

STEEP. How they devide this is up to the player, but he/she has to

convince me (and the other players) he/she has the k/s a par[cular STEEP

level (5, 11, 16, 21, 26 or 31) using STEEP level descrip[ons

(GM's Screen p.20)

Depending on what K/S they choose they are assigned 1st, 2nd and 3th TRAIT

(46, 36, 26 or 21) using TRAIT score descrip[ons (mythus p.42)

I don't grant any magick for reallife persona they have to acquire them during


The rst [me they travel through a portal they make a mutate roll.

01-10 some[ng happens

11-00 nothing happens


01-10 change race

11-34 change magic ability

35-74 change trait score

75-00 quicks

change race:

I (JM) choose a race i think ts the player, lejng the player think he

rolls for it.

;-) group1 has a player who changes gradually from (macho) male into

dryad (i rolled for characteris[cs which also change)

(try playing a brownie :-) 'seen willow!?')

change magic ability:

roll d%/2 on spiritual k/s areas (GM's screen p.21) 01-37 = K/S

38-50 = 2 K/S roll again (max 4 K/S)

I keep them in the dark '[l they have to use a K/S the rst [me when

they discover knowing something...

change trait score:

1D6 on XXCap for which XXCap

1D20 increase


1D4 quirks

1 = counter quirk

2 = quirk

3 = 2 quirks

4 = 3 quirks

Crea[ng was a lot of fun and took about 15 minutes /HP

A session earlier I gave them a sheet with STEEP level descrip[ons and

the task to make a summary of there knowledge and skills using a maximum

of 250 points.

Aper crea[ng HP from reallife persona, it was fun seeing the player

going to some length trying to convince me they had a par[cular skill.

(eg. hth-combat) we could go one playing.

Any input on this would be appreaciated.

CU, Rye

Ok my english may not be awless but then I don't ask you to write in dutch.


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 08:24:01 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Playing with Reallife persona as HP

> 1D4 quirks
> 1 = counter quirk
> 2 = quirk
> 3 = 2 quirks
> 4 = 3 quirks

(If I were human, I believe my response would be...)
I would recommend changing the table to:

1 = counter quirk
2 = quirk
3 = 2 counter quirks, 1 quirk
4 = 1 counter quirk, 2 quirks

(If I were human)

p.s. Thanks for pos[ng the interes[ng info, Rye.
------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.

(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 09:54:34 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: My reorganiza[on of Cas[ngs

To reiterate the dierent Roads/Approaches/Types of Magic in my system:
Pain[ng: Runes, Symbols and Pictures.
Cas[ng: Astral, Elemental, Mental, and Natural.
Ritual: Demonology, Invoca[on, Rituals and Spirit Binding.

Picture/Rune/Symbol Cas[ngs Mental Cas[ngs
Magical Marker Charm Apports Cantrip
Inuence of Scorpio Spell Energy Gip Charm
Star Chart Place Formula Hemisphere of Yin Cantrip
Astromancy Spell Materializa[on Cantrip
Minor Horoscope Formula Spellbind Cantrip
Sigil of Avoidance Spell Hemisphere of Yang Cantrip
Symbol of Sugges[on Cantrip Hyperaesthesia Formula
War of Eleazar Spell Levitate Cantrip
Cypher of Protec[on Charm Reduplica[on Formula
Inuence of Virgo Ritual Parakinesis Cantrip
Inuence of Venus Cantrip Telempathize Spell
Alchindus' Sigil Formula Psychokinesis Cantrip
Shield of Eleazar Charm Wound, Mental Charm
Talisman of Bodin Formula Thought Message Charm
Circle of Balance Cantrip
Elemental Cas[ngs Mass Hypnosis Cantrip
Crystalomancy Spell Mys[c Bullets Charm
Power of Wood Charm Torpify Charm
Power of Aerth Charm Telepathy Cantrip
Power of Water Charm Mys[c Missile Charm
Power of Metal Charm Inner Beauty Cantrip
Power of Fire Charm Netherslay Cantrip
Teleport Cantrip

I think you begin to get the idea and I'm gejng [red of typing spells in.
As you might be able to gure out from the limited number of Elemental
Cas[ngs I have only sorted a few of the Cas[ng Areas, Mediumship, Mys[cism
Exorcism and maybe some others. I'm not en[rely happy with the cas[ngs in the
Mental list; they were supposed to be more self aec[ng like strength increase
or other physical and mental enhancements. If anyone is interested in more of
these lists I'll try to get to it a bit a day. All cas[ngs listed above are
from MYTHUS MAGICK and are detailed therein. They are also probably copyright


Demon Fairy, our poor Mary (TSR)
Sucking all the Glo from Glory,
Maker, Take 'er away!
--Sun 60

"This is America. If you don't like the freedom, get out of the country"
-- Behy's Mouth
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 00:18:47 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: GenCon and Mythus: two great tastes...

Hey all! It seems my friend and I are planning a trip to Wisconsin in [me
for GenCon. Are there s[ll plans for a big Mythus open game - both of us
would love to get in on it! I'm also looking forward to bumming beers o
Dave if we can ever nd that big party MQS(?) is throwing! Ever had a
Shiner Bock, Dave? We'll bring you one. :D

Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 01:04:16 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Best..

Undoubtedly Mythus is the best rpg system ever created, with a
lihle bit of confusion, but once the rules are clung on to, it leaves a
beau[ful chime. I have a few ques[ons to all those who have an answer..?
1) I recently got a book, the anubis murders, (Prehy good so far) And I
know T$R ceased produc[on, but I was curious if anyone wrote any other
mythus novels over internet perhaps?
2) I'm curious as to why sub areas would all have the same percen[ge? or
am I reading it incorrectly? (Like criminal ac[vies physical, the steep
for picking pockets & hiding would be the same %? Wouldnt there be quite
a few excep[ons to this rule?)
3) There is soooo much text on mythus over internet, someone told me
someone was trying to put in all the important ideas (like dangerous
ideas or something) on a pp site, from this mailing list. Is this true?
and if so, where could I nd such a le? :)
4) Can someone please tell me more of this GenCon, Im quite unfamiliar of
it, I know its a gathering for RPGists, but thatsa bout all I know
thanks a bunch,
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 08:42:10 PDT

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon and Mythus: two great tastes...

>Hey all! It seems my friend and I are planning a trip to Wisconsin in [me
>for GenCon. Are there s[ll plans for a big Mythus open game - both of us
>would love to get in on it! I'm also looking forward to bumming beers o
>Dave if we can ever nd that big party MQS(?) is throwing! Ever had a
>Shiner Bock, Dave? We'll bring you one. :D

Excellent! By the way, the party is going to be in the Marc Plaza (now the
Milwaukee Hilton) on Thursday, August 10 at around 10pm. We're working out
details with Last Unicorn, Pariah, and someone else I can't remember (good
thing I'm not in charge of the party, right?)

I'm sure we will run out of food, drink up all the crappy beer, and a great
[me. And of course, the secret password for the liquor will be "Mythus is
the best product TSR ever trashed"... Hopefully there will be TSR people
there to hear it, but I doubt the management will let them fraternize with us
bad boys.

Rumour: We are trying to nd a "beverage company" to sponsor the party - in
which case, we'll all get thrown out together <grin>. If we can't, there's
always BYOBooze. Aper all, the beer catering is expensive as hell - ~$80 a
keg for the cheapest stu!!


------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 08:54:15 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: European fan ques[ons

Hey folks! I just got this leher from Hungary, and I thought it would
be helpful to them if I posted it on the List. With all of the nal
work gejng Rapture laid out and to print, I don't have [me right now
to answer these ques[ons in the detail they deserve - beside the fact
that some of the answers are based upon individual JM preferences.

I would really appreciate it if some of you took a moment to *E-Mail*

some of your thoughts to the originators (and don't forget to CC the
list so the rest of us can benet!)

Thanks in advance!

On 22 Jun 95 10:25:11 +0100 wrote:
>Dear Dave!
>We are the most fana[c MYTHUS roleplayers (from the few) in Hungary,
>and we've got some problems with the game.
>We would like to send this leher to the whole list, but we have some
>authority problems. We can only recieve the lehers or write to a
>specic Email adress, just like yours. (You can send our leher to
>the others, if you like.)
>So we would like to ask some ques[ons.
>1) First of all can you tell us, how can we get the Mythic Master
> Magazin? We couldn't subscribe it, because we don't have Visa card.
>2) Mythus book, page 164, Missile ROF modiers: A HP with Combat
> Hand Weapons, Missile K/S of 46 can re 3 aimed shot whit a longbow
> in 3 second. I think, it's a lihle bit irrealis[c.
>3) Mythus book, page 219, right column: In the example Alyssa casts a
> Fireburst Cantrip. We can't nd this cas[ngs nowhere in the two
> rulebook. How does this cas[ng works?
>4) What are the par[cular Ultra-vital, Super-vital, Vital, and
> Non-vital areas of the human body?
>5) How can a HP aim a blow to an EP's arm, head, throat, etc with or
> without the Weapon, Special Skill K/S - Specic Target sub-area?
>6) What is the average monthly income per SEC?
> (For example what is a peasant's or a merchant's mounthly wage?)
>7) Mythus book, page 135, right column: To gain a whole new Heka
> genera[ng K/S, the HP needs a lots of APs (that's ok.) and a
> successfull very dicult(!!!) roll in the Occul[sm or Mys[cism
> What about if the HP doesn't have these K/Ss?
> For example at the white, green, and elemental school
> On the other hand the black and gray dweomercrapers and all of the
> Mys[cism voca[ons can get new Heka genera[ng K/S.

>8) Mythus book, page 124, "Rolling via guesswork": By the rules if a
> HP doesn't have a K/S his default steep is 1. But there are a lot
> of things and K/S that everybody can do.
> For example hiding in the bushes at night. It's an easy task.
> But if your HP doesn't have the Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical,
> sub-area, he/she has no chance.
> Other examples: cocking a simple meal, hit somebody with st, climb
> a tree, throw a small rock, etc.
> The book states that the GM can allow to roll for an ahribute
> instead of the default steep wich is 1.
> But what's in that case, if a HP has the necessary K/S, but his
> is lower than his connec[ng ahribute wich can be used as his
> default level?
>9) The game's armor system is great, but without some pictures of the
> armor parts it's very hard for us to guess what armor
> parts/accessories can or can't be worn at the same [me.
> Can you give us some armor archtypes, just like the chain mail in
> Mythus book, page 230? (For example a plate mail, a full plate, a
> leather armor, etc.)
>We s[ll have got some ques[ons (mostly about the cas[ngs), but we
>these for an other leher.
>Our Email adress is <H10785cso@huella.bitnet>.
>Thank You for your help in advance!
> Csitari Gabor
> Csornyei Zoltan
> Kis Robert
> Kutasi Zoltan
> Litkei Csaba

------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 15:20:43 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Pal Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>

Subject: Re: GenCon and Mythus: two great tastes...
In-Reply-To: <>

Gee! I whish I lived somewhat closer Milwaukee! I wouldn't mind
ahending GenCon and a certain Party (TM?), but swimming 'cross
the pond and hitching to Milwaukee is somewhat beyond my
physical TRAIT (and traveling by other means is beyond my
nancial TRAIT). So, have a good one, and make a toast for us
Mythus players in Europe!
Pal W.

"Wha'ya mean I'm dead?! There's now f... way a single longbow
arrow can kill me!"
(@ @)
----------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------P. A. Woje Norwegian Telecom Phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O.Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway Telefax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) Private : +47 75 58 48 71

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (__) (__)
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 10:01:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon and Mythus: two great tastes

Dave Newton said:
"Excellent! By the way, the party is going to be in the Marc Plaza (now the
Milwaukee Hilton) on Thursday, August 10 at around 10pm. We're working out
details with Last Unicorn, Pariah, and someone else I can't remember (good
thing I'm not in charge of the party, right?)"

"I'm sure we will run out of food, drink up all the crappy beer, and a great
[me. And of course, the secret password for the liquor will be "Mythus is
the best product TSR ever trashed"... Hopefully there will be TSR people
there to hear it, but I doubt the management will let them fraternize with us
bad boys."

Great, I live less than 2 hours from Milwaukee so I really have no excuse not
to go and you have to schedule the party at 10pm so I HAVE to take friday o.
(Like I really needed an excuse) I will be at GenCon, I look forward to
mee[ng Dave, Tom and others from the Mythus List.

Beware, Magick is about to undergo a revolu[on.

"How can I relax?! I'm uninsured and unarmed! I'm as good as dead!"
-- Calvin.
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 12:42:51 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon and Mythus: two great tastes

Just for you, we'll start the party at 9:00. You'll *s[ll* never make it to
work on Friday, 'cause I'll probably feel like gaming aperwards. Goha use up
the energy while I got it - as anyone who's ever gamed with me on Sunday knows,
I'm ridiculous aper about 72 hours...


------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 13:21:46 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon and Mythus: two great tastes...

DAMN! I've got a nal on the 9th, so I don't know that we'll be within
shou[ng distance of Milwaulkee by Thursday night. Here's to hoping, though.
Hell, even if we can't make it to Dave's party I'll be looking for everyone.
Let's see about gejng a game together.

Hey Dave, how's about running an undercover demo of Rapture. :D

Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 13:34:50 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon and Mythus: two great tastes...
In-Reply-To: <>

Not having money sucks... :(

Oh GenCon for me...not like Milwaukee is anywhere near me


Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 14:28:12 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: GenCon and Mythus: two great tastes...

>DAMN! I've got a nal on the 9th, so I don't know that we'll be within
>shou[ng distance of Milwaulkee by Thursday night. Here's to hoping,
> Hell, even if we can't make it to Dave's party I'll be looking for
> Let's see about gejng a game together.
>Hey Dave, how's about running an undercover demo of Rapture. :D

Rapture will be out by then (should be out by mid-July). And I'm running
it now - the only thing is, you have to come to Georgia to play!

------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 15:19:10 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: European fan ques[ons
X-To: H10785cso@huella.bitnet

Fellow Hungarian Gamers (or should that be Hungarian Fellow Gamers?);

I'm sure you'll get plenty of responses, however, here's another set of
opinions anyway.

1) To the best of my knowledge, MMM is no longer available. Yet another
excellent product trashed by TSR. There are a number of electronic copies
which were purchased by various list users, but I don't think we sorted out
the legali[es of distribu[ng them. Then again, I don't know what the
copyright laws are like in Hungary, maybe its not a problem. ;-)

2) We ran into this problem as well. The ROF mul[pliers are for thrown

weapons only. Not for propelled missiles such as those from bows, xbows,
blowguns, etc.

3) I believe this is a typo and should read reash (3rd grade Elemental)
not reburst.

4) The closest I've come to this info is a chart in one of the MMM issues
which dealt with armor coverage. It really isn't cri[cal knowledge, but
maybe someone else will express an opinion.

5) Unless you adapt some house rules they can't. This is not covered in the
core rules.

6) See the DMI on the wealth table. This is the amount coming to the HP
each month aper standard expenses. i.e. if he owns a house, maintenance
came out before DMI.

7) Interes[ng problem. It hasn't come up in our games yet. However, I'd
say you pick an appropriate ahribute and roll vs. that. Perhaps MM or MR
Cap for DCraep? IMNSHO this should not have been dependent on a K/S area
in the rst place. Yet another hit for the editor. There are a few of
these gotchas in the system, where another K/S area is referenced in order to
do something in a K/S area.

8) I think you'll nd that most people on the list use the averaged armor
tables. However, there are a few diehards around that will be happy to
address this. (Right folks?)

Hope this helped. If you have any other Q's either send them through Dave or
direct to me at


Rick C.
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 16:28:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Gencon? W?w?w?

Hello, I've heard of gencon, and I would really love to go.. but
I do need to know a few things.
a) Where is it exactly (city,s tate, address)
b) How much does it cost?
c) When is it?
d) How will i nd the 'mythus people?' :)
e) Should we bring some characters (are we rpg'ing or speaking of the
future of DJ?)

f) Can we buy more mythus things from ya?

Thanks for your [me, and hopefully cya there :)
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 17:09:46 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: European fan ques[ons
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Dave Newton" at Jun 22,
95 08:54:15 am

> On 22 Jun 95 10:25:11 +0100 wrote:
> >5) How can a HP aim a blow to an EP's arm, head, throat, etc with or
> > without the Weapon, Special Skill K/S - Specic Target sub-area?

If they get lucky or use Joss they can hit the area they are aiming for. :)
Otherwise they wont. I always rely on the hit loca[on tables unless the
HP has the skill. But then I also always give them the op[on to use
Joss to modify the roll.

> >7) Mythus book, page 135, right column: To gain a whole new Heka
> > genera[ng K/S, the HP needs a lots of APs (that's ok.) and a
> > successfull very dicult(!!!) roll in the Occul[sm or Mys[cism
> K/S.
> > What about if the HP doesn't have these K/Ss?
> > For example at the white, green, and elemental school
> dweomercrapers.
> > On the other hand the black and gray dweomercrapers and all of the
> > Mys[cism voca[ons can get new Heka genera[ng K/S.

In my view that is why you are given freebie K/S Areas at the start. If
you overlook the necessity of gejng Mys[cism or Occul[sm you lose out
on gejng new Heka Genera[ng K/S Areas. Its never come up in my games but
I'm prehy sure I'd enforce it. Then again I'm changing the way magic
works in my world, so it may not apply. I also might allow the HP to
learn the K/S Area but not be able to use any cas[ngs or get any Heka
from the K?S Area un[l they pass that roll. Possibly allowing one roll for
each 5 - 10 APGs they spend on the K/S Area. Or every 10 STEEP.

> >9) The game's armor system is great, but without some pictures of the
> > armor parts it's very hard for us to guess what armor
> > parts/accessories can or can't be worn at the same [me.
> > Can you give us some armor archtypes, just like the chain mail in
> the
> > Mythus book, page 230? (For example a plate mail, a full plate, a
> > leather armor, etc.)

I would suggest looking at the Palladium Book of Weapons, Armor and Castles
for excellent Pictures, or go to the armory in Gratz, Austria they have some
really cool stu and I'm sure you could get someone to tell you all about
the dierent pieces. OR you could use the loca[on numbers listed on the
chart and say that no more than one piece can cover a number (I think there
are 12 loca[ons this way).. I don't remember any of the numbers but they
are there.

> >Our Email adress is <H10785cso@huella.bitnet>.
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 19:09:39 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: European fan ques[ons
In-Reply-To: <>

On the problem with needing Mys[cism and/or Occul[sm:

How possibly could the HP have learned either in the rst place????? If
you don't have them you can't get them, and you can't get them without
having them...

Boo boo. Big boo boo. It occurs to me that some sort of Mental roll
should be made for Mental Heka-K/S Areas, and a Spiritual roll for the
ones on the other side.


Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 21:34:17 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: European fan ques[ons
In-Reply-To: <>

> >4) What are the par[cular Ultra-vital, Super-vital, Vital, and
> > Non-vital areas of the human body?

We use two rolls, loca[on and severity. First we roll for loca[on,
this is the physical loca[on on the body on a d10. Then we roll for
severity, this determines the damage mul[plier; Non-vital would do
normal damage, Vital would do double, Super-vital would do triple, and
Ultra-vital does four [mes normal damage. I don't know o the top of
my head what the loca[ons are, but it is something like 1,2 lep leg,
3,4 right leg, 5,6,7, chest, 8 lep arm, 9 right arm, and 10 head.

> > What about if the HP doesn't have these K/Ss?

> > For example at the white, green, and elemental school
> dweomercrapers.
> > On the other hand the black and gray dweomercrapers and all of the
> > Mys[cism voca[ons can get new Heka genera[ng K/S.

Perhaps your players have overlooked the advantages of the Mys[cism K/S.
We use it as almost a spiritual percep[on type skill. It allows us to
know when "Someone is messin' with us." almost all the HPs in our game
take Mys[cism and those who don't usually regret not taking it.

> >8) Mythus book, page 124, "Rolling via guesswork": By the rules if a
> > HP doesn't have a K/S his default steep is 1. But there are a lot
> > of things and K/S that everybody can do.
> > For example hiding in the bushes at night. It's an easy task.
> > But if your HP doesn't have the Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical,
> Hiding
> > sub-area, he/she has no chance.
> > Other examples: cocking a simple meal, hit somebody with st, climb
> > a tree, throw a small rock, etc.

I think that many of these things should be allowed almost automa[cally
depending on what you are trying to do. If for example you are trying to
throw a rock to get ahen[on, you might roll and if you get a special
failure then the rock would fall from your hand behind you would not be
noi[ced. If you are trying to hit a window and get the ahen[on of
someone within, you would be trying to hit a target and would need the
skill to do so. If you intend to throw the rock as an ahack you again
are aiming at a specic target (person or beast)

Hijng somebody with a st does require skill (I found out the hard way
when I was young that I didn't have that skill at the [me I needed it.)
If you are willing to get the game eect of hijng like a girl then you
can go for it. I think that these skills are almost always required to
do things eec[vely, but there is always a chance to have things go your
way with or without the K/S, this should be handled by using the
appropriate ahribute as this is your HP's natural ap[tude in whatever
area you are dealing with.

Mundane ac[vi[es should be allowed IMHO. I do not think that it is
needed to roll for food poisoning when an HP tries to cook a meal without
the skill of "Prepare Gormet Food". This meal may need to be wrestled
down the throat, but it does not need to be checked for harmful
proper[es unless some foul rancid food ws used in prepara[on, or if the
JM is trying to think of a way to punnish the HPs for something.


I think, therefore I think, and that is all I think. I think?

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 14:19:05 +0100

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Csornyei Zoltan <H10785Cso@ELLA.HU>
Subject: more Q's from Magyaria

Here is the next group!

We would like to ask your opinion again about the following ques[ons:

1) Mythus Magic, page 86, "Thornspear cantrip": There are a lots of
cas[ngs that re some kind of magickal projec[le (for example
Thornspear, Heka dart, heka bolt, etc.) In the case of Thornspear,
the book says, that the thorne like darts are ying with unerring
accuracy to strike their target. Can the caster aim it to anywhere?
For example to the lep eye of an EP? (ie. Ultra-Vital)
It's very important, because the Thornspear Cantrip does 3d6 piercing
damage wich is almost nothing against an armored opponent. But if it
gets a mul[plier for the Ultra-Vital, it will do beher.

2) Mythus Magic, page 14, "Heka Regenera[on": Maybe we
missunderstood something, but it's seems, that the Heka users needs a
good bookkeeper to count the regenerated Heka. Can somebody explain,
how does it works?

3) Mythus book, page 235,"Axe, bahle": The descrip[on says, that
the bahleaxe (and the bastard sword) can be wield with 1 or 2 hand.
Is there any diference
in the damage, WP, speed, etc. ?

Did somebody no[ce, that in the weapon table in the Game Master's
Screen the parameters of some weapons arn't the same as in the
Mythus book?

4) Is the Combat HTH, non-lethal the only way to ahack to stun
Is the sta the only weaopn wich has the damage type stun? What
about maces?
A HP can't ahack to stun an EP with his sts? (ie. Combat, HTH

5) Does horse lances double damage when used in charge, just like in
the AD&D?

6) Mythus book, page 311, "Natural weapon damages": By the rules, a
troll (a 'Large' monster) does 1d6 points of damage with his claws.
(or smash: 2d3)
An average warrior with Combat HTH, lethal K/S of 35 can inict 2d6
points of damage, plus his damage modier for the high PMPow.

The ques[on is: Can monsters apply damage modier for its high
PMPow to their base damage?

7) By the way, where can we nd some kind of "Monster Manual" for
the Mythus? Maybe somewhere here on this list?...

8) Mythus Magick, page 28, "Target Resistance": There is a table with
added heke costs. Who has got heka resistance? Have the HPs
some resistance for their traits? If have, how does it work
for example against a heka bolt, a minimus spell, or an invisible
chains charm?

Thanks in advance!
Csitari Gabor
Csornyei Zoltan
Kis Robert
Kutasi Zoltan
Litkei Csaba
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 11:59:09 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

From root Tue Jun 20 12:16:44 1995
Received: from uvaarpa.Virginia.EDU by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA23922; Tue, 20 Jun 1995 11:53:17 -0400
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20 Jun 95 11:51 EDT
Received: by (8.6.10/1.34)
id LAA09877; Tue, 20 Jun 1995 11:51:05 -0400
From: Elizabeth Snead <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Dweomercraep: Black School (development)
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 95 11:51:04 EDT
X-Mailer: PENELM [version 2.3.1 PL11]
Status: R

The following post details the fac[ons and majors of the Black
school of dweomercraep, as promised in the previous post. It is
a rst drap of ideas, and I would like to hear people's
opinions. All stu & so men[oned in MM & DJ:M are the (stolen)
intellectual property of T$R, Ink.(blot). They reserve the right
to sue my buh if I ever try to make money o of this, but 1) I
wouldn't try and 2) you can't bleed money from a broke college
student, so nyah! ;-)

Fac[ons within the school: While the Abyssal Ins[tute and

Ebondark College both agree that the strong should rule over the
weak and that power is best drawn from the lower planes, they are
very much opposed concerning the proper method of that rule.

Ebondark College: members of this movement in the black school
rely upon fear and the domina[on of others to gain power for
themselves. They prize order and structure almost as much as
their knowledge of the dark arts from which they derive power.
However, some of their numbers are not above permi[ng temporal
chaos in the interest of establishing a greater overall order
(with themselves at the top of the power structure of course)
There is no room among Ebondark prac[[oners for the weak or the
undiciplined. To defy the orders of a superior hekaur in the
movement can be suicidal, intollerable, and expected.

Abyssal Ins[tute: prac[[oners in the Abyssal movement are
masters of dark chaos. They understand only the tyrrany of
terror. Ins[tu[ons of this mindset are found only in the most
fearsome of locales and open remote from civiliza[on. This
protects both the secrecy of their research as well as providing
their membership protec[on from an angry populace. Though the
Abyssal are not as powerful as the more organized Ebondark
movement, they are much more dangerous due to their destruc[ve
poten[al and the power open associated with individuals in
their order.

Concentra[ons in the Black School: The majors of darkness are
taught in both the Ebondark and Abyssal movements, as the
cas[ngs have their uses for prac[[oners of either philosophy.

Discord: This concentra[on can be used to bring down rival
organiza[ons or just to add terror and confusion to any
situa[on. Its an[thesis is the White school concentra[on of

Pain: This concentra[on specializes in the control or
degrada[on of the physical body or objects and thus is the
an[thesis to the White school concentra[on of Healing.

Perversion: This concentra[on may be employed for deceit, thep,
or falsehood. Some also consider it the mental version of the
Pain Sub-Area, though the mental cas[ngs are open taught to
students in Pain as well. Perversion is the an[thesis of the
White school concentra[on of Knowledge.

Ques[ons? Comments? Discussion? Speak!

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 14:01:07 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

> Here is the next group!

> We would like to ask your opinion again about the following ques[ons:
Ok! Shoot.

> 1) Mythus Magic, page 86, "Thornspear cantrip": There are a lots of
> cas[ngs that re some kind of magickal projec[le (for example
> Thornspear, Heka dart, heka bolt, etc.) In the case of Thornspear,
> the book says, that the thorne like darts are ying with unerring
> accuracy to strike their target. Can the caster aim it to anywhere?
> For example to the lep eye of an EP? (ie. Ultra-Vital)
> It's very important, because the Thornspear Cantrip does 3d6 piercing
> damage wich is almost nothing against an armored opponent. But if it
> gets a mul[plier for the Ultra-Vital, it will do beher.
The way that we usually read unerring accuracy in my gaming group is that
the creature or personna you are targe[ng is hit with no opportunity to dodge
(unless of course they disappear or other Heka or Powers are involved). If the
cas[ng does Heka damage, it would probably ignore normal armor. However, if
it is as the Thornspear cantrip men[oned above, I think a strike loca[on roll
would be in order. OF course, others may disagree with this. It is a ques[on
probably best answered through your own judgement and/or discussion on the list
as a whole. My opinion is that projec[les which do a specic damage type
produce a temporary physical object engendered with magickal striking ability
which guarantees th opponent will be hit, but not nessecarily where.

> 2) Mythus Magic, page 14, "Heka Regenera[on": Maybe we
> missunderstood something, but it's seems, that the Heka users needs a
> good bookkeeper to count the regenerated Heka. Can somebody explain,
> how does it works?
Myself, I have never really been happy with the Heka Regenera[on charts.
They are en[rely too ambiguous, and the text does not explain them any beher.
I think you will nd a mul[tude of explana[ons on the list, but here is what
we generally do in my group. The chart lists a number of things which a
personna can do to regain their Heka, and it tells you the number of points
which can be gohen per K/S area for each hour spent at this ac[vity. If
you divide your heka into a number of pools for each Heka genera[ng K/S area,
then everything makes sense. However, it makes Heka in a K/S with no cas[ngs
useless which makes no sense at all. For this reason, everyone I have ever
heard of playing this game has a general Heka pool from which they draw for
all of their cas[ngs and engendered abili[es. So, if you choose to use the
chart, it tells you how much Heka is generated per hour doing that thing up

to the limit of the personnas K/S or the maximum allowed on the chart, whicheveris LOWER. By
elimina[ng the considera[on for dierent pools, we have found a most workable solu[on. However, I
would be interested to hear what others
think of this problem.

> 3) Mythus book, page 235,"Axe, bahle": The descrip[on says, that
> the bahleaxe (and the bastard sword) can be wield with 1 or 2 hand.
> Is there any diference
> in the damage, WP, speed, etc. ?

> Did somebody no[ce, that in the weapon table in the Game Master's
> Screen the parameters of some weapons arn't the same as in the
> Mythus book?
No, I had not noted the dierences in the parameters as I am a player
who has never taken a good look at the GM screen. As for the bahle-axe
and bastard sword, I am no expert in weponry, but just to take a stab at
it, I would say that any personna who isn't two or three points above the
minimum PMPow to wield such weapons would probably quickly [re and possibly
have penal[es imposed to STEEP for using such large weapons one-handed.

> 4) Is the Combat HTH, non-lethal the only way to ahack to stun
> somebody?
'Fraid so. Lethal combat training does not include learning to pull
your punches. Concentra[on is put on learning to make the killing
blow quickly and eciently. Of course, it is up to the individual
JM whether a well-steeped ghter can try to pull a blow at an
increasted diculty.

> Is the sta the only weaopn wich has the damage type stun? What
> about maces?
Maces are surprisingly messy war implements. They are weighted to do
crushing damage to their targets. Actually, Stun is a specic type
of lethal damage (making welts and bruises on the personna). If a
personna wants to do non-lethal damage, they must declare this ahead
of the ahack roll. (P.223 Column 1. Mythus book)
Brass knuckles and bo s[cks also do lethal stun damage.

> A HP can't ahack to stun an EP with his sts? (ie. Combat, HTH
> lethal)
Sure, HPs can duke it out with an EP. However, if they are engaged in
lethal combat, it means LETHAL. You can kill someone with your bare
hands. Don't you folks have boxing in Hungary? The damage type would
be stun (lethal) for all hand/foot ahacks.

> 5) Does horse lances double damage when used in charge, just like in
> the AD&D?
Isn't 4-6D6 damage plus strike loca[on enough for you people??? What
manner of dragons have you been gh[ng? No double damage, IMHO. I think

it might be built into the damage listed already. y

> 6) Mythus book, page 311, "Natural weapon damages": By the rules, a
> troll (a 'Large' monster) does 1d6 points of damage with his claws.
> (or smash: 2d3)
> An average warrior with Combat HTH, lethal K/S of 35 can inict 2d6
> points of damage, plus his damage modier for the high PMPow.

> The ques[on is: Can monsters apply damage modier for its high
> PMPow to their base damage?
First of all, I'm not certain about this, but I think that Trolls on
Phaeree have P Traits of around 400 or so. This would put them in the
category of 'Huge' creatures. Regardless, creatures get physical damage
bonuses for their size, no maher how massive they are! However, you may
wish to create your own damage bounus scale for truly humongous creatures.
If you do, be sure to post it to the list!!

> 7) By the way, where can we nd some kind of "Monster Manual" for
> the Mythus? Maybe somewhere here on this list?...
There was published a beas[ary for AErth. It is s[ll available through
mail-order from someplace in Canada I think, but I don't have the address
handy. Anyone? Also, there have long been rumors of a Phaeree beas[ary
....somewhere which might be under construc[on. Stay tuned to the list
for details, rumors, etc.

> 8) Mythus Magick, page 28, "Target Resistance": There is a table with
> added heke costs. Who has got heka resistance? Have the HPs
> some resistance for their traits? If have, how does it work
> for example against a heka bolt, a minimus spell, or an invisible
> chains charm?
Unless specied, a creature does not have innate heka resistance. Humans
and Humanoids do not. If a creature is listed as having heka resistance,
it should be treated as renewing Heka armor which must be overcome before
any spell may be cast on them, regardless of whether it is baneful or
benecial to the creature. If insucient heka is spent to both cast
and overcome the resistance, the cas[ng FAILS! In eect, Target
Resistance is a limited form of heka immunity.

Also, for the pleasure of your voracious Mythus appe[[es, there is
a gopher site, an FTP site, and a number of Web sites to peruse. Enjoy!

directory: /pub/Role-Playing/Fantasy/Mythuso

WWW: hhp:// (var. hours)

That's all fer now!!

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 13:01:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Runic Magick

I've done some serious thinking about my new magic system and I've
decided that rather than try to map Mythus Magic onto my own magic
system I'd just make all the dierent spells as well and use the
cas[ngs from Mythus Magick that t.


Runic Magic

Runes are known to be able to be used for four dierent tasks, which
I will call Enchantments, Sorceries, Divina[on and Power. There are
also four dierent known Runic systems that are beher suited to one
or the other tasks. The four known kinds of Runes are Futhark,
Chiyuvaz, the Uholen system and the one known only as Bent or Crooked
Runes. Each system is par[cularly suited to a dierent task.

Using Runes to eect Enchantment is one of the most powerful forms of
magic possible with Runes. The painter will inscribe the runes on the
object to be enchanted and the runes will transfer their power to the
object. By this means Runeweapons and other runic magical items may be
created. Typically the eect of the Runes does not extend beyond the
object enchanted.

Using Runes for Sorceries involves inscribing the runes on some, open
perishable item, and invoking their power. Using runes in this manner
allows their power to aect a wide area. The most common uses of this
kind of power are curses and blessings.

Divina[on invloves the more familiar forms of rune cas[ng as well as
meditaion on the varoius runes. It can be used to gain guidance, gather
informa[on and predict the future.

Drawing upon the power inherent in the Runes is the last known ability
of Runes. The prac[[oner ahempts to draw forth the power behind the
Rune to achieve a desired eect. Each Rune has a dierent power and
can achieve a dierent eect.

Comments, ques[ons, opinions, compliments?

BTW: This is going to GMAST and MYHTUS lists.
"How can I relax?! I'm uninsured and unarmed! I'm as good as dead!"
-- Calvin.
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 13:05:45 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: CyberMyth

Hi all. It has been a while since I have posted (to the relief of many)
but I need some input from people. My gaming group has been playing
CyberMyth, alterna[ng with my Mythus campaign, and we've made a few
rules modica[ons. What I would like to hear is if anyone else out
there has played the conversion yet, and what complaints, praises,
modica[ons, or general comments you have.

We have had two game sessions with the HPs involved in prolonged
Fireghts as they ahempted to break into a Corporate R&D facility. The
building had cameras everywhere, alarms, and hiring guards from Arasaka.
The guards were equipped with Heavy Armored Jackets, Flack Pants, and
Nylon Helmets. The helmets had tracking signals, life monitors, IR
vision, and radio gear. The guards carried 12-guage shotguns with shot,
9mm pistols, and three carried medium assault ries. The building was
two stories, and the group had to get to the second level to get to the
researcher's terminal to get the Netrunner to their self-contained system
(no access to Internet :( ).

Now then, the group had one Netrunner (very lihle armor, medium pistol),
a "typical American" solo (medium armor, chainsaw, heavy pistol), a
Japanese solo (medium armor, medium SMG), a Japanese assassin (lotz o'
armor, SMG, 10 gauge shotgun, grenade launcher), and a cyborg (four
cyberlimbs, tons of add-on, self armored rather well, shotgun).

That was the sejng. The group decided to go through the back loading
dock, which happened to be opposite of the elevators, which were right by
the front door. It started a reght on an elevated loadinbg dock that
was about 6-8' above the par[es posi[on. Aper the bahle, we got in
several arguments about the rules, which slowly calmed down into a
discussion. One modica[on was the eleva[on rule. In the Mythus
system the defender gets a big bonus if he is a higher eleva[on. It is
also easier to hit someone from a higher eleva[on. Well, most everyone
in my group has red guns from [me to [me, and they disagreed to a
point. We decided that eleva[on modifers would only apply under proper
circumstances, i.e. a sniper in a second story window ring down at the
street level.

Second, a rule never really discussed well was dodge factor. In the
world of speed enhancements dodge factors play a big roll. So, we
decided that prone players get no dodge factor if they want to recieve
the ring bonus for being prone. Also dodge factors don't apply against
area aect weapons, BUT the secondary targets can make avoidance rolls
to avoid being hit. During our combat sessions I proved that shotguins
can kill with a single hit. Joss ew like mad to minimize damage.
Aper the group had killed 15 guards they made it to the last room, where
the Netrunner went to work, and everyone went and got paid.
Unfortunately, one of the hired Netrunners with a direct link to the
system had already downloaded 30 seconds of camera footage of the group
breaking in...

In apermath (err.. aperthought?) I went a lihle hard on everyone. The
Netrunner blew three Joss in the Net to avoid a brainwipe. The cyborg
lost 9 Joss in combat, and the assassin lost 2. That was all those three
had! The American lost 5 of his 14. The Japanese solo blew 9 of his
10. When someone got hit with a shotgun the general cry of "MINIMIZE"
would go into eect. The funniest part was when the guards would get
dazed, re, miss, roll on the scaher table to see where the blast ended
up, and s[ll hit a few people! The Netrunner escaped totally unscathed.
The solos and assassin had between 20 to 50 PD each. The cyborg had
amassed 166 PD, aper armor, spread over his body. This is the rst
character in the group to have a cyberlimb (4 in his case). Keeping in
mind that each limb has it's own P Triat, WL, and CL it made it alot of
fun to see the cyborg worry about func[oning correctly. Using the hit
loca[on (since shotgun blasts use averaged armor) I tried to be fair
about distribu[ng damage. All in all, he took about 40 PD, his legs and
lep arm were badly damaged, but func[oning. His right arm, which had
taken damage like everything else, but with two assault rie rounds
added in, had reached its WL, and all ac[ons preformed through it were
as if dazed! The cyborg proved that cyborgs are tougher than normal HPs
(166 PD!) but require a high maintanence cost (he has to pay to x his

It was alot of fun for everyone. I awarded 3 Joss to the Cyborg,
Netrunner, and Assassin for being the most ac[ve of the group in
combat/Netrunning (relfec[ng that they were lucky to get through {Spending Joss} and are
lucking s[ll) The other two got one each. Everyone also recieved 8 AP/Gs.

The screams of protest were great when people got shot, especially with
the shotguns! The cyborg thought he was dead when he was out of Joss,
and got hit at short range with a shotgun. Note: instead of using an
exposure roll for shotgun blasts we used Hit Severity (Ultra, Super,
etc). The wound was Super-vital, for a total modier of x9 damage! He
thought he was dead. Aper damage was distributed over his body,
however, he laughed, said he could take another, and quickly moved behind
complete cover to nurse his now dazed arm.

Send responses to the e-mail address below, and I hope other people have

had as much fun as we have.

Chris Beadles
Game Designer of CyberMyth
Kaos on IRC
----------------------------------------------------------------If you're not expected then you're not invited, so f*ck o!
-"Johnny Mneumonic" the movie
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 15:34:21 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Magyaria

Hello again. Following are Q&As per your last mail.

------>>1) Would you like to tell us, how can we get the electronic copies of
>>the MMM?

>>Maybe the owners of the rights (Gary and Dave?) wouldn't care if >>some
>>roleplayers from 'Magyaria' get it for personal use.
>>Otherwise, there isn't any law about net copyrights in Hungary.

I'm sure that Gary wouldn't mind at this point, however, he no longer owns
the rights to the system or MMM. It was all part of the suit from TSR. They
got everything and reportedly threw away the overstock of MMMs. Stupid, but
we already knew that. Since TSR owns the rights they would have to approve
the distribu[on I guess. We have approached them about uploading the les
to their area on AOL, no luck so far.

---->>5) Do you have some house rules to make the game beher (about >>strike

Not really, we use the standard rules. However, we do allow hit loca[on
rolls for some cas[ngs as well as physical ahacks.

>>6) We think, that the DMI in the wealth table is for the HPs, not for
>>the OPs. It states, that a person with a SEC up to 4 has no DMI.

Oops, I thought we were discussing HPs. However, it is probably useable for
OPs as well. Bear in mind that peasants generally didn't have ANY free cash
available. It all went into survival and day to day living. So, eec[vely
no DMI. I don't have any guidelines for gross income on OPs, sorry.

Hope this helps.


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 15:56:29 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: more Q's from Magyaria

Ok, more incoming. (ducks).

>>1) Mythus Magic, page 86, "Thornspear cantrip":

Yes, this is a problem. My answer is two fold. First, add all of the
missiles aimed a single target together for one CT. i.e. three missiles
becomes 9d6. Second, this is one of the cas[ngs I do allow a loca[on roll
on. So, no you can't actually target an eye, however, you do have a chance
of hijng it.

>>2) Mythus Magic, page 14, "Heka Regenera[on": Maybe we
>> missunderstood something, but it's seems, that the Heka users >>needs a
good bookkeeper to count the regenerated Heka. Can >>somebody explain, how
does it works?

Nope, you have it right. This is really a pain in the tail to do per the
rules. We never have, and never will. We lump all of the Heka into a single
"pool", from which all cas[ngs draw. We further arbitrarily dene half of
the Heka used as ACT, and half as K/S based. This is only inportant for
regenera[on of the pool.

>>3) Mythus book, page 235,"Axe, bahle": The descrip[on says, that
>> the bahleaxe (and the bastard sword) can be wield with 1 or 2 hand.
>> Is there any diference in the damage, WP, speed, etc. ?

I'll have to check the bahle axe as this came up recently. However, in the
case of the Bastard Sword, the only dierence appears to be the PMPower
required to use the weapon. See the specic descrip[on in the MHB.
(Mythus Handbook).

>> Did somebody no[ce, that in the weapon table in the Game Master's
>> Screen the parameters of some weapons arn't the same as in the
>> Mythus book?

This was a deliberable correc[on and supercedes the informa[on in the MHB.
Long bows gained the ability to skewer just about anything with this change.
There is a second correc[on/expansion including many new weapons in MMM (#2

I think).

>>4) Is the Combat HTH, non-lethal the only way to ahack to stun
>> somebody?
>Is the sta the only weaopn wich has the damage type stun? What
>> about maces?
>> A HP can't ahack to stun an EP with his sts? (ie. Combat, HTH

a) No, some weapons and cas[ngs do stun damage.
b) There are other weapons, but I don't have my books handy. Perhaps Bo and
Jo, Sap, etc.
c) Not per the rules, but we allow it. Just dene up front which eect
you are trying for.

>>5) Does horse lances double damage when used in charge, just like >>in the

Oops, they men[oned the EGS. Guess I can't talk to you anymore. Just
kidding. Lances get armor penetra[on when used in a charge. Amount
depends on the lance (actually horse) type. The book in the JM shield should

>>6) Mythus book, page 311, "Natural weapon damages": By the rules, >>a troll
(a 'Large' monster) does 1d6 points of damage with his claws.
>> (or smash: 2d3)
>>An average warrior with Combat HTH, lethal K/S of 35 can inict >>2d6
points of damage, plus his damage modier for the high >>PMPow.

Take the natural damages in the MHB with a grain of salt. When they released
the Mythus Bes[ary much of this changed. If you don't have it, try to nd
it. Even if you don't use the crihers therein, the informa[on is useful.

>> The ques[on is: Can monsters apply damage modier for its high
>> PMPow to their base damage?

Yes, yes, YES. Plus some more, just 'cause I'm in a bad mood.

>>>7) By the way, where can we nd some kind of "Monster Manual" >>for the
Mythus? Maybe somewhere here on this list?...

It's called the Mythus Bes[ary. It actually got released prior to the TSR

>>8) Mythus Magick, page 28, "Target Resistance": There is a table with
>> added heke costs. Who has got heka resistance? Have the HPs
>> some resistance for their traits? If have, how does it work
>> for example against a heka bolt, a minimus spell, or an invisible
>> chains charm?

I hate this topic. This was not one of the beher sec[ons of the manual.
IMHO, no, HPs don't. Normal OPs don't. Some crihers, demons, etc. do.
To summarize its use, vs. damage use the R factor as armor, i.e. it lessens
or eliminates the damage taken.
For links treat it as mental/spiritual armor as appropriate.
For other cas[ngs, if the caster has not added Heka specically to counter
the resistance the cas[ng has no eect. The caster must meet or exceed the
R factor of the criher. Makes for an interes[ng guessing game (and Heka
sink) when you are encountering new crihers.

Hope this helps. (Otherwise I got typers cramp for nothing ;-))


Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 15:38:16 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Gencon? W?w?w?
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/> from "Kenny
Hill" at Jun 22,
95 04:28:13 pm

> a) Where is it exactly (city,s tate, address)

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Mecca COnven[on center.

> b) How much does it cost?

$5 or $10 a day usually.

> c) When is it?

August 10 to 13.

> d) How will i nd the 'mythus people?' :)

Spend some Joss.

> e) Should we bring some characters (are we rpg'ing or speaking of the
> future of DJ?)

Of course. Both.

> f) Can we buy more mythus things from ya?

Not likely.

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 18:27:02 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On Friday, June 23, Dan Williamson writes:o

> I've done some serious thinking about my new magic system and I've
> decided that rather than try to map Mythus Magic onto my own magic
> system I'd just make all the dierent spells as well and use the
> cas[ngs from Mythus Magick that t.

Ok. Sounds like fun!

> Runic Magic

[stu deleted]

> Using Runes to eect Enchantment is one of the most powerful forms of
> magic possible with Runes. The painter will inscribe the runes on the
> object to be enchanted and the runes will transfer their power to the
> object. By this means Runeweapons and other runic magical items may be
> created. Typically the eect of the Runes does not extend beyond the
> object enchanted.
Ok, so for example a sword might be enchanted as a aming weapon with
runes to the eect of "Cause Fire." "

> Using Runes for Sorceries involves inscribing the runes on some, open
> perishable item, and invoking their power. Using runes in this manner
> allows their power to aect a wide area. The most common uses of this
> kind of power are curses and blessings.
Does using the power destroy the Rune/Item? How are they dierent from
Enchan[ng runes if they both are used on items?

> Divina[on invloves the more familiar forms of rune cas[ng as well as
> meditaion on the varoius runes. It can be used to gain guidance, gather
> informa[on and predict the future.
Ok. Sounds good so far.

> Drawing upon the power inherent in the Runes is the last known ability
> of Runes. The prac[[oner ahempts to draw forth the power behind the
> Rune to achieve a desired eect. Each Rune has a dierent power and
> can achieve a dierent eect.
Wait a minute. I'm confused. I thought that the Runes were the source
of power for all of the above. Do the prac[[oners have an inherent heka
store which they use to invoke the other three powers men[oned above or
what? Where is the power coming from? Can anyone invoke these runes?
Please clarify the dierences between the powers here.

> Comments, ques[ons, opinions, compliments?
You got 'em Bub. It sounds like you have some interes[ng ideas so far,
but I'd like to see a lihle more of your idea before I make too many of
the wrong assump[ons about your magic system. Is there any room at all
for cas[ng "on the y?" Sigils, etc?

Details man! Details!!
btw, please feel free to comment on my ongoing project as well. Idea
exchange is the best spark-plug for the imagina[on.

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 19:19:56 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: more Q's from Magyaria
In-Reply-To: <>

> >>4) Is the Combat HTH, non-lethal the only way to ahack to stun
> >> somebody?
As a mar[al ar[st I spent several years feeling very condent that my
training would be useful to protect me if I ever needed it. I was
however quite reluctant to use it because I was good, but I had the skill
to maim or kill. I felt uncomfortable with the prospect of doing this
and did not feel that my skill was sucient to allow me the luxury of
checking ahacks. I now am of a higher level of skill (steep) and I
could eec[vely stun with my training without taking undue risk. :)

This is why I think that at high steeps HPs with Combat HTH lethal would
and should be able to stun if that is the anounced intent. A special
failure would require a d3 roll to determine the result. 1, success but
with STRANGE consequences. 2, failure miss completely. 3, hit lethal

You may wish to prorate this depending on the level of the roll, or to
ignore it completely. I just though of this as I read the ques[on and I
have not play tested it or discussed it with anyone in my group, but
based on real-world (yuck) experience I would say that this makes sense
at least as I am typing.

Wai[ng to play CyberMyth again

...and tonight in Los Angeles, Kalifornia, thousands of teenagers will

drive up and down Hollywood Blvd endlessly searching for sex.

--My Life with the thrill Kill Kult
Final Blindness
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 15:38:25 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Csornyei Zoltan <H10785Cso@ELLA.HU>
Subject: armour

Is there somebody good at armors?

In the humanoid armor table (Gamemaster's Screen, page 8,9) Aper
some of the armors there is a '@' that means, that the suit covers every
Category but more pieces of armor can be added to reinforce the suit.

In the case of some armor it's easy. For example to the chain mail
it can be added a helmet, gauntlets, boot, chausses, etc.
On the other hand I don't know what armor parts contains the Plate,
Armor Suit and what other accesories can be added.
For example contains it some kind of helmet or can it be worn a
chain mail under it?

An example of some kind of Full Plate Armor would help a lot!

Thanks in advance!
Kutasi Zoltan
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 15:39:21 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Csornyei Zoltan <H10785Cso@ELLA.HU>
Subject: Next Magyaria

Thanks for the lehers but we have s[ll some things to discuss.
Here it comes...

We used to play AD&D (Is it a forbidden word on this list?) for
several years so we automa[caly compare the Cas[ngs with the Spells
of that game. All of them came from the same source anyway (i.e. Gary
It's seems to us that some cas[ngs are too or less powerfull to.
Maybe we are just accustomed to that old game.

So I would like to ask your opinion about the following cas[ngs.

1) Mythus Magick, page 35, "Quicken Cantrip": This cas[ng is similar
to "Haste" (AD&D, Magic-user, 3th level). I think it should be at
Grade III because it turns the warriors into a storm of blades for
low heka cost.

2) Mythus Magick, page 40, "Un[e Charm": What makes this lihle
handy charm to a Grade III cas[ng?

3) Mythus Magick, page 43, "Weapon of Defense Charm": It would a very
good protec[on Cas[ng at lower Grade not at Grade V.

4) Mythus Magick, page 65, "Summon Elemental Aid Cantrip": In my
opinion to summon such a creature should be required more [me then
15 second.

5) Mythus Magick, page 66, "Elemental Missile Charm": With this charm
the caster with a STEEP 51 can inict 6d3+6 points of damage and his
chance to the succes is only 51% (DR hard). The same dweomercraper
can inict 5d6+10 PD with the "Heka darts Charm" with a DR of Easy.
Why should a dweomwercraper use this cas[ng?

6) Mythus Magick, page 171, "Harn's Hidden Passage Spell":Prac[cally
it's a kind of invisibility for the whole party. It makes
dicul[es for the GM because it's easy to cast it.

7) Mythus Magick, page 178, "Know Disposi[on Cantrip":This cas[ng
exposes all the sly EPs at rst sight.

8) Mythus Magick, page 236, "Materializa[on Cantrip": This cas[ng
is very usefull. Maybe too usefull to be a Grade I cas[ng. The spell
with the same eect is a 4th level Magic user spell called "Item".

These was only a few examples because I hadn't red the whole Magic
book yet.

Kutasi Zoltan

ps.: Did you heard that the hungarian transla[on of the AD&D 2nd
edi[on is coming out on the winter of this year? I wonder what [tle
will it has!
Maybe "Fejleszteh Bortonok Es Sarkanyok".
How does it sound?
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 12:26:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Sidwell <sidwell@CS.UMR.EDU>
Subject: Re: Next Magyaria
In-Reply-To: <MYTHUS-L%95062611012902@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU> from "Csornyei
Zoltan" at Jun 26, 95 03:39:21 pm

> So I would like to ask your opinion about the following cas[ngs.

> 1) Mythus Magick, page 35, "Quicken Cantrip": This cas[ng is similar
> to "Haste" (AD&D, Magic-user, 3th level). I think it should be at
> Grade III because it turns the warriors into a storm of blades for
> low heka cost.

I think tnis is balanced by the short dura[on.

> 6) Mythus Magick, page 171, "Harn's Hidden Passage Spell":Prac[cally
> it's a kind of invisibility for the whole party. It makes
> dicul[es for the GM because it's easy to cast it.

To my understanding this only works against things that are not ac[vely
watching for stu, which alert sentries would be, on the other hand it
works good for that watchdog (monster) that is just wai[ng and ahacks
what comes across it.

> 8) Mythus Magick, page 236, "Materializa[on Cantrip": This cas[ng
> is very usefull. Maybe too usefull to be a Grade I cas[ng. The spell
> with the same eect is a 4th level Magic user spell called "Item".

I agree on this one, this is way to powerfull a spell for a grade one,
especially when you consider the shear quani[es of material that can be
created and the comparison between it and the grade nine gray dweomercraep
cas[ng that i cant rember the name of right now (shadowweave?).
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 12:50:00 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: armour

---------From: Csornyei Zoltan
Sent: June 26, 1995 8:38
To: Mul[ple recipients of list MYTHUS-L
Subject: armour

Is there somebody good at armors?

In the humanoid armor table (Gamemaster's Screen, page 8,9) Aper
some of the armors there is a '@' that means, that the suit covers every
Category but more pieces of armor can be added to reinforce the suit.

In the case of some armor it's easy. For example to the chain mail
it can be added a helmet, gauntlets, boot, chausses, etc.
On the other hand I don't know what armor parts contains the Plate,
Armor Suit and what other accesories can be added.
For example contains it some kind of helmet or can it be worn a
chain mail under it?

An example of some kind of Full Plate Armor would help a lot!

Actually, when a someone is wearing a SUIT, it's considered to be a FULL SUIT, including helm, etc.
Nothing else can be added and s[ll be maneuverable. The armor protec[on listed is all you can get.
Note the rela[vely low speed penalty.

If you want to build your armor by pieces, true, you can get a much higher protec[on value, however
you are paying a penalty in speed-factors.

Michael Nagy
a.k.a. Dekker, Fluellen of Exeter
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 14:49:40 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Next Magyaria

>>So I would like to ask your opinion about the following cas[ngs.

Ok, I don't have any books handy so my answers may be a bit vague on the
cas[ngs with which I am unfamiliar (or they may be non-existent).

>>1) Mythus Magick, page 35, "Quicken Cantrip": This cas[ng is >>similar
>>to "Haste" (AD&D, Magic-user, 3th level). I think it should be at
>>Grade III because it turns the warriors into a storm of blades for
>>low heka cost.

This cas[ng has been chewed to death here and in most gaming groups. Most
of the player's and JMs I've talked to agree that it is too powerful for a
Grade I cas[ng. I have modied the cas[ng as follows:
Grade II
Cost: 35 Heka per receipient (with Aperature in eect this is a real
limita[on on # for PPracs.)
Dura[on: 1 CT/STEEP
There is also a sliding scale of penal[es depending on how many [mes
Quicken has been cast on a given HP in a 24 hour period.

All of this tends to make this more of an emergency "we're in deep guano"
aid, as opposed to an every combat play balance problem.

>>2) Mythus Magick, page 40, "Un[e Charm": What makes this lihle
>>handy charm to a Grade III cas[ng?

I don't remember the details, however, possibly the oensive poten[al? "MY

>>3) Mythus Magick, page 43, "Weapon of Defense Charm": It would a >>very
good protec[on Cas[ng at lower Grade not at Grade V.

No real comment, but I remember having similar thoughts. No one in our group
has ever really used this. Especially as many of them have materializa[on

>>4) Mythus Magick, page 65, "Summon Elemental Aid Cantrip": In >>my opinion
to summon such a creature should be required more >>[me then 15 second.


>>5) Mythus Magick, page 66, "Elemental Missile Charm": With this >>charm the
caster with a STEEP 51 can inict 6d3+6 points of damage >>and his chance to
the succes is only 51% (DR hard). The same >>dweomercraper can inict
5d6+10 PD with the "Heka darts Charm" >>with a DR of Easy.
>>Why should a dweomwercraper use this cas[ng?

Generally only if the elemental bonuses are worth the decrease in base
damage. I have also par[ally modied this cas[ng so that certain versions
receive a loca[on roll.

>>6) Mythus Magick, page 171, "Harn's Hidden Passage >>Spell":Prac[cally
it's a kind of invisibility for the whole party. It >>makes dicul[es for
the GM because it's easy to cast it.

There are two main limita[ons to this cas[ng. One, the [me delay required
to get it ac[viated makes it a poor "get away quick" cas[ng. Two, this is
more of an enforced inahen[on eect than true invisibility. If someone
covered by the cas[ng makes his/herself no[cable through noise, smell,
etc., it cancels the cas[ng. In addi[on, if the person(s) you are trying
to evade can see you, or know where you are when you cast it, it won't work.

All in all, this is s[ll a very eec[ve cas[ng. I usually combine its
use with a required stealth (sneaking) type roll depending on the tac[cal

>>7) Mythus Magick, page 178, "Know Disposi[on Cantrip":This >>cas[ng
exposes all the sly EPs at rst sight.

???... However, any bad guy in his right mind (other than minor pests) will
have the ability to counter such things.

>>8) Mythus Magick, page 236, "Materializa[on Cantrip": This cas[ng
>>is very usefull. Maybe too usefull to be a Grade I cas[ng. The spell
>>with the same eect is a 4th level Magic user spell called "Item".

Great cas[ng, but with limita[ons. Simple items of single piece

Bear in mind that certain K/S areas (cas[ng areas) will be beher at some
eects than will other K/Ss. So a similar eect may be lower grade in one
area than another. The idea is that it should all balance out aper all is
said and done.

Hope this helps.


Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 11:22:34 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Runic Magic
In-Reply-To: <> from "Snead Ryan W"
at Jun 23, 95 06:27:02 pm

My replies to Ryan Sneed.

> Ok. Sounds like fun!

Oh, It is.

> > Using Runes to eect Enchantment is one of the most powerful forms of
> > magic possible with Runes. The painter will inscribe the runes on the
> > object to be enchanted and the runes will transfer their power to the
> > object. By this means Runeweapons and other runic magical items may be
> > created. Typically the eect of the Runes does not extend beyond the
> > object enchanted.
> Ok, so for example a sword might be enchanted as a aming weapon with
> runes to the eect of "Cause Fire." "

Essen[ally yes that is correct. However I will not specify exactly what
runes you need to include to enchant the weapon. Basically I will work it
a lot like Heka Forging. The Forger will dene what powers will go into
the item and that will dictate the amount of heka or monetary costs will
have to be invested into the project. It creates a permanent magical item.

> > Using Runes for Sorceries involves inscribing the runes on some, open
> > perishable item, and invoking their power. Using runes in this manner
> > allows their power to aect a wide area. The most common uses of this
> > kind of power are curses and blessings.
> Does using the power destroy the Rune/Item? How are they dierent from
> Enchan[ng runes if they both are used on items?

No, using the power does not destroy the item or runes. Ok the fundamental
dierence is that Runic Enchantments aect the *item* they are inscribed
on while Runic Sorceries aect the *area* the inscribed item is placed and

not the item. The one example that I have already is the "Sta of Scorn"
which is a oak sta inscribed with runes detailing the curse and naming the
reasons and person responsible for the curse topped by a severed horses head.
The runes might say: "I, Colcu, place this Sta of Scorn in the land of
Arnedd so that disease, misfortune and misery will beset the House of Ys.
I will this to happen to repay them for their treachery and lies," and should
probably be colored with the carver's blood. It should also have a [me limit
but that is not required, such things wear out over [me.

> > Drawing upon the power inherent in the Runes is the last known ability
> > of Runes. The prac[[oner ahempts to draw forth the power behind the
> > Rune to achieve a desired eect. Each Rune has a dierent power and
> > can achieve a dierent eect.
> Wait a minute. I'm confused. I thought that the Runes were the source
> of power for all of the above. Do the prac[[oners have an inherent heka
> store which they use to invoke the other three powers men[oned above or
> what? Where is the power coming from? Can anyone invoke these runes?
> Please clarify the dierences between the powers here.

Well yes they are... Kind of. At its simplest a rune is simply a carving
on a block of wood, bone or stone, but those with the knowledge will see the
links to realms beyond normal space and [me. Any [me a rune is carved those
links are formed, however unless something is done to 'ac[vate' the links
they will remain inert and 'harmless'. When a prac[[oner ahempts to draw
Power out of a rune she is ahemp[ng to make manifest the essence of the
rune in this reality. An example from Mythus Magic is the Mah Chi spells in
Mys[cism. Each rune has a meaning or essence, drawing on the power of the
rune for no other purpose than to make that essence appear on this plane is
what this type of rune use means. It is the only [me a single rune is used
alone. For example, taking your example with the aming sword above there is
a rune who's essence is "Fire or Flame" Drawing upon the power of this rune
might cause a massive conagra[on to erupt at some, fairly nearby loca[on.

> You got 'em Bub. It sounds like you have some interes[ng ideas so far,
> but I'd like to see a lihle more of your idea before I make too many of
> the wrong assump[ons about your magic system. Is there any room at all
> for cas[ng "on the y?" Sigils, etc?

And I appreciate them. The whole system is based on the prac[[oners
belief in her abili[es. If you don't believe it will work it wont work.
This makes it extremely dicult to learn new ways of doing magic, but the
tradi[ons will be broad enough to allow a lot of room for the mage.
Cas[ngs on the y: absolutely! Enchantment and sorceries are made for doing
on the y. As are Drawing the Power of the Rune, but there is alimited amount
of eects you can get that way. They are not fast, it might take a day to
cast a sorcery or it might take a month to forge a magic sword. Sigils are
moving into the realm of Symbols which is the next area I will be detailing.
If you want a preview look at the Palladium Role-Playing Game Diabolists.

> Details man! Details!!

Give me a few days and I'll provide a list of inherent powers for the Futhark
Rune system.
I don't really intend to provide any details for Enchantments, Sorceries or
Divina[ons. I'd rather leave that up to the individual players.

> btw, please feel free to comment on my ongoing project as well. Idea
> exchange is the best spark-plug for the imagina[on.

I'll get around to it eventually. Honest.

Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 14:32:04 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Next Magyaria

At 12:26 PM 6/26/95 -0500, Richard Sidwell wrote:
>> So I would like to ask your opinion about the following cas[ngs.
>> 1) Mythus Magick, page 35, "Quicken Cantrip": This cas[ng is similar
>> to "Haste" (AD&D, Magic-user, 3th level). I think it should be at
>> Grade III because it turns the warriors into a storm of blades for
>> low heka cost.
>I think tnis is balanced by the short dura[on.

I don't. In my campaign (admihedly an epic one, with largerthan life
heroes) there's a young lady who ghts oren[ne. Her STEEP is sucent
to give her 3 ahacks/CT (6 gh[ng Floren[ne). The spellcasters in the
group rou[nely cast "trigger eects charm" so that when she draws her
right handed weapon, she is quickened. She gets 12 ahacks per CT. She's a
cuisinart. The only thing that saves my poor OPs is that they tend to wear
full plate, and her rapiers are less than eec[ve against this.

In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal; seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
VP, CCGS Sopware Consul[ng
WWW: hhp://
WWW: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 18:04:32 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>

Subject: Re: Next Magyaria

In-Reply-To: <MYTHUS-L%95062611012902@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

On Mon, 26 Jun 1995, Csornyei Zoltan wrote:

> We used to play AD&D (Is it a forbidden word on this list?) for

ick ick ick! No, it's not forbidden... :) Just distasteful to some of
us... (like me, for instance!) A beher acronym would be EGS, which
simply stands for: Evil Game System...

I don't have much opinion on the Cas[ngs you've asked about, though. I
just change things I don't like and groove with it. For instance: I
moved one of the Pentacle Cas[ngs in Conjura[on down in Grade and moved
all the other K/S versions of the same up a few. Why? Well, Conjurors
are supposed to summon things, and this seemed to be a vital Cas[ng for
that K/S Area. Oh, the other one I lep alone was Sorcery, since they
like to summon things, too... :)

> ps.: Did you heard that the hungarian transla[on of the AD&D 2nd
> edi[on is coming out on the winter of this year? I wonder what [tle
> will it has!
> Maybe "Fejleszteh Bortonok Es Sarkanyok".
> How does it sound?

Beats me! How do you pronounce it? And what does it mean? :)


Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 16:18:30 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Next Magyaria

---------From: Hawkeye
Sent: June 26, 1995 16:04
To: Mul[ple recipients of list MYTHUS-L
Subject: Re: Next Magyaria


On Mon, 26 Jun 1995, Csornyei Zoltan wrote:

> will it has!
> Maybe "Fejleszteh Bortonok Es Sarkanyok".

> How does it sound?

Beats me! How do you pronounce it? And what does it mean? :)


Can't put pronuncia[on key here, but it means "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons", and the words are in
that order (Fe.. = Advanced/improved, Bor... = dungeons, Es=and, Sar... = dragons)

sorry, I'm lazy for retyping, and can't type Hungarian worth beans.

Michael Nagy
a.k.a. Dekker, Fluellen of Exeter
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 18:26:10 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Next Magyaria
In-Reply-To: <>

Oh, I have an important thought about Cas[ngs in Mythus, which I forgot
a couple minutes ago:

Don't think of the Cas[ngs in terms of game eects! You have to look
at the mechanism behind what is going on in order to understand some of
the placements of some Cas[ngs: as in why some are seemingly in
mysterious places... :)

Let me see if I can come up with a decent example...

It occurs to me that a 'simple' basic force like iner[a should not be
too dicult to aect: thus the low Grades of such Cas[ngs as Armor,
Physical, Quicken, Voli[on (from Heka Forging), Bounce, etc... Also in
the "simple" category would be the crea[on of non-magickal eects:
non-magickal re and so forth.

Complex things happen when you get into the manipula[on of intangible
things or the man. of Heka itself. Also increasing a Cas[ng's
diculty would be the speed in which it may be cast, its area of
eect, and the dura[on.

Which also leads to the thought that the higher someone's STEEP is, the
shorter he should be able to make a Cas[ng occur. Maybe something like
this: for each level of success a Cas[ng is successful, reduce the
Cas[ng [me by 1 CT, or in the case of a Special Success, reduce it to
the next lower [me category. In the case of Eyebites and Charms, the

reduc[on should be in the Speed Factor range, since the Cas[ngs are so
darn quick in the rst place...

Anyway, some food (bytes?) for thought...


Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 18:31:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Next Magyaria
In-Reply-To: <>

My thoughts on Quicken:

It is a Cantrip. If not Readied, there should be no way the caster
should be able to get it o during a combat. Even if readied,
intelligent villains will no[ce everyone wai[ng for the Cas[ng to go
o and will think of something... :)

You will have to add R-Factor for anyone it is used on. Usually R-Factor
is 1 tenth the Physical Trait of the target (not much, but it adds up!).

Enemies ought to be smart enough to counter this with Trudge. And if
they ready it, it will make for a nasty surprise... :)


Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 22:25:55 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Mythus Character Generator

Well, I've nally nished it (almost). The rst public release of my Mythus Character Generator is now
available. It will be available at the MPGN pp site as soon as some lines free up, and I can log on to
submit it. In the mean[me, you can get your copy at:


and follow the link for character generators. It takes a fair amount of memory and disk space, but it
brings the [me needed to create characters down to 5 minutes when you know what you're doing. This
is not only good for Game Masters who have to create non-player-characters by the dozen, but it also
means players can quickly set up characters, while being guided through all the steps.

While there are a couple other programs which create characters, this one is quite a bit more complex
than those. Try it.

Please download it and give it and give it a try. Tell me what you think of it, and what you think could be

If you have any problems installing it, please contact me at
Michael Nagy
a.k.a. Dekker, Fluellen of Exeter
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 12:16:05 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

Fwd: teskej->

Twin Rubies of Kali
Dehli claims that it has possession of the true Rubies of Kali,
and reports of their powers seem to conrm this. The Rubies are
reportedly awless and each the size of a hen's egg. Though these
gems are nearly priceless by themselves, their worth in deterring
aggression against Dehli puts them beyond price.
The Rubies are as bloodthirsty as the deity they are named aper.
When carried in the midst of an regiment or army, each soldier gains
an addi[on to each Physical Ahribue score every[me one of them
slays an enemy in hand-to-hand combat. Ahributes increase faster if
there are fewer to divide the bonus among, although Ahributes cannot
be increased above racial maximums in any case.
This increase in power lasts only a few days aper a bahle, but
for that dura[on the troops are almost uncontrollable, consumed by a
desire to seek out foes and spill their blood. It is said that those
who have been under the inuence of the Rubies never completely lose
this bloodthirsty and vicious behavior. This may explain why Dehli
has not used these gems on a war of conquest.
One wild rumor has surfaced that says actually only one of the
Rubies is authen[c, and that its twin was stolen centuries ago.
Dehli strenuously denies any such accusa[on.

Shield of Rishis
This Shield was created in ages past by the best Astrologers of
the en[re con[nent. The Shield is made of a black metal, in which
are set seven diamonds in a pahern iden[cal to the Seven Sages, or
the Big Dipper as it is known in other parts of Aerth.
The Shield of Rishis gives its bearer the knowledge of the
future. This knowledge of what will befall individuals and countries
makes the owner seem like one of the legendary Sages indeed. The

Shield's greater, but more subtle, power frees its owner from his fate
as fortold by the stars, and allows him to change the future of
others. Changing the future, as revealed by the Shield, comes at a
price, though the details of this are not known.
Some of Dehli's greatest heros have borne the Shield. Though
they accomplished great deeds with its aid, they almost all died
performing deeds which saved Dehli, and some[mes the con[nent as

Unfailing Bualo
Located in a small village in northern Dehli, this item is a
magnicent marble statue located in the central square. Though this
village is located in a strategic point for an invasion, it has never
been captured. The village inhabitants insist that this is solely due
to the Bualo in their midst.
The Bualo's power, as best can be made out from wild stories
told by the village elders, is to allow defenders to defeat any
invading force, no maher how impossible the odds. During every
ahack, the village defenders have crushed or pushed back the invading
army. The Bualo does not does not prevent the village from
suering staggaring losses, so Dehli always sta[ons a signicant
force there during war[me.
The local Scien[c Law guild insists that the Bualo is not
magickal at all, but rather the belief of the villagers (and the
invaders) in the statue's power has given them victory. Members of
the guild have been caught trying to subs[tute a face statue for the
Bualo in order to prove their theory. Their ac[vi[es have since
been outlawed in Dehli.


Roaring Voice Horn
This hollowed-out animal horn is actually an item of great power.
It has two func[ons, both of which Epirus has used to great eect.
If a person yells into the Horn, a roar of such intensity will result
that city walls, and indeed en[re ci[es, will crumble and collapse.
The second power of the Horn allows an individual to give an
irresitable command to a large number of people. A word or short
phrase is shouted into the Horn. This command is make loud enough
that it can be heard 1 mile away in front of the Horn, and a shorter
distance in other direc[ons. All people hearing this command,
including the one using the Horn, will immediately follow this order
this order, unless they have defenses of at least Grade XX in power.
The order will be obeyed for a few days, or un[l it is completed.
Epirus has learned to use this last ability with cau[on. Once,
a general used the Horn against a riot around the palace by shou[ng,
"Stop!", without protec[ng himself from the sound. Everyone in the
city's center stayed mon[onless for the next two days.

Inescapable Cage
Only the most dangerous and vile criminals need fear the
Inescapable Cage, though for them it is a horrible punishment indeed.
The Cage is made of an odd loadstone/hekalite alloy wire, which is
twisted and sculpted to form 100 small, intricate cells. Upon the use
of a command word, known only to the ruler of Epirus, a named vic[m
is placed into one of these cells, which then glows with a pale light.
The prisoner lives out his or her natural lifespan, sustained by the
magicks of the Cage. Upon the death of a prisoner, that cell grows
dark again, ready for another vic[m.
Although it is a simple maher to place someone into the Cage, it
is impossible to remove someone from it. Indeed, it would take the
combined might of several En[tal beings to free a single occupant.
It is said that destroying the Cage, if possible at all, would kill
all trapped inside it as well. It is also rumored that certain Dark
powers which have ravaged Aerth in ages past are imprisoned within the


The Three Forbidden Scrolls of Grosapis
These infamous Scrolls have been locked away, never to see the
light of day aper their rst (and only) disastrous use. These
scrolls were penned by a deranged Green dweomercraeper who campaigned
against civiliza[on itself as being harmful to nature.
This dweomercraeper, whose name has been forgohen, was both
mocked and dismissed by the ci[zens of Falcondonia as a harmless
crackpot. When he nally died, he lep three scrolls with a note
claiming that horrible things would happen to anyone who dared read
the secrets contained therin. Egged on by onlookers and strong drink,
the sheri who found the Scrolls read aloud from the rst one.
Nothing happened that day, so the Scrolls were put away and forgohen
The next day past, and nothing out of the ordinary con[nued to
The second day past much the same as the previous two.
On the third day, a swarm of huge bees covering some 10 square
miles decended on the sheri and the village where he lived.
Hundereds of people died from the bee s[ngs, which seemed more potent
than ordinary bee venom. The sheri himself was stung so many [mes
that his corpse was buried by the dying bees that ahacked him.
No one has dared so much as a glance at these Scrolls since, but
it is said that the other scrolls are much more powerful than the rst.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 12:15:42 1995
These items were created by S Gullerud.
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 11:54:20 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 20 07:50:55 1995

Unbreachable Defenses - Recent reports from the common merchants sellling goods
on the streets of Kiev note that some of the brickwork of those same streets
has not only a strange congura[on, but also a strange glow, upon occasion.
In fact, several criminals were foiled, according on one merchant, in a recent
ahempted robbery of a jeweler's home, because that same brickwork brilliantly
lit up, displaying the criminals well enough so that they could be easily
captured by the city guard. Some of the older merchants note that the same
thing happened when Kiev was being assaulted from barbarians from the east, and
that apparently the brickwork somehow repulsed the invaders, keeeping them from
sacking the city. At the [me when they were physically assaul[ng the city,
the same brickwork apparently then manifested a several-layered sphere of
defenses that proved unbreachable. Many mages have noted that the strange
brickwork throughout the city is indica[ve overall of a circle and could be
used as a giant exclusion pentacle, but many other mages have disagreed, and
state that the brickwork is some small part of a large unique magic item that
they term The Unbreachable Defenses. Only the Czar knows the truth.
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 20 12:41:25 1995


Bringer of Avalanches - Musicians throughout the country of Katehar have
theorized about the exact descrip[on of the Bringer, and many lovely tales
have been spun about it and its marvelous musical abili[es. No two
descrip[ons are the same. Equal in number are the tales describing the other
abili[es of the Bringer of Avalanches, many of them sounding suspiciously
similar to Spellsong cas[ngs. And of course, ALL the musicians na[ve to
Katehar have also bragged about having the honor of once playing the Bringer.
The discerning traveler would best beware of such rumors, lest there exist some
underlying truth to them; as unlikely as it may seem, the Bringer may indeed be
as powerful as many of the tales say, and indeed, many people may think they
have played the Bringer as a side-eect of the Bringer itself.

Tome of Hidden Byways - This most erudite work, authored by the famous mage
Newton (some people argue if it was the reknown D Newton or the reknown I
Newton), is a master work of Divina[on. Apparently the item is an outstanding
reference/tool for discovering "loopholes" and other hidden informa[on. This
has enabled Katehar to "trick" several neighboring na[ons into contracts full
of loopholes for Katehar to exploit (which some say Katehar has done).
However, this work excels at discovering hidden informa[on, dispelling
heka-masking magicks. IT is also capable of discovering ways out of
par[cularly "[ght" situa[ons. Some say it is also a tool to Portals and

Doors, and other list a group of passages for teleporta[on ("Corridors") that
the work also allows access to. All of this is unsubstan[ated.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 11:53:51 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 11:57:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Wed Jun 21 07:07:41 1995

Durindana - This famous sword is well-reknown for its many famous legends,
making Francia the proud owner of a legendary ar[fact. However, it appears
that Francian ocials have been tampering with the legend recently, so to
speak. Not only does the Durindana have all the powers that has been
ahributed to it in legend, but healers have noted a recent addi[on to the
famed sword's repertoire (sp?): wounds caused by the sword _cannot_ be healed.
Ahempts have been made, including Miracle Ritual, and all have proved
unsuccessful at healing. Vic[ms of the sword usually die of blood loss or
infec[on, with all ahempts to prevent the death proving useless. Wild
specula[on as to which Francian ocial would have added such a dread power
to such a famous weapon has caused a series of inves[ga[ons in the Francian
government that con[nue to this day; some of the commoners are voicing a new
movement to have the Oracle at Delphi provide insight into the situa[on.
Aristocrats and middle class voice their concern that the item have the dread
power removed, although most express concern over further tampering with an
already extremely powerful magic item. A few aristocrats, philosophers and
sages amoung them, believe this is a temporary manifesta[on of power innate to
the item, and when the item is somehow sa[sed that "jus[ce" is done, this
power will disappear. All in all, the mystery remains and a solu[on looks a
while in coming.

Sun Crown - This famed crown is rumored to grant the wearer complete control of
the Sun, including the ability to cause eclipses, brighter/dimmer light,
more/less heat, varia[on of length of the day, etc. SOme also say that it
allows a STEEP of 360 in Ethos of Sunlight and White Dweomercraep with no
penalty to either area as would normally happen (no DR 3 nega[ve modier as
described in Mythus Magic (Book 2)). A furniture merchant in the South of
Francia recently overheard soldiers escor[ng a government "furniture caravan"
speak of a shining Crown studed with gems and formed of bright yellow gold,
glowing with its own light. Apparently, according to the same source, Francia
was escor[ng the item to a famed Astrologer for further delinea[on of powers
and (???) addi[on of new ones. Its exact des[na[on at that [me was

Horn of Roland - Francia seems to have a penchant for items with a diverse and
rich background, and the Horn of Roland is no excep[on. Detailing the history
of this magical device would take considerable [me and eort, and much is
based on heresay and third-party tes[mony. It seems that Francia has decided
that the Horn needs a new power, however, and has been consul[ng bankers
throughout the country on the best means for increasing capital/gross na[onal
product/wealth. Addi[onally, many Francian investors have also noted that the
government is entertaining several ocials from the Kel[c Isles as well as
the Aegyp[an Empire, and most speculate that one of these ocials will do
the addi[onal enchan[ng of the Horn. Some of the more well-respected powers
in General Dweomercraep have proposed that perhaps Francia could make the most
capital with a [me-traveling device, but White Dweomercraepers are
universally opposed to the idea. One thing is certain: the future of this
device is undetermined.

Maifroid's Ironbound Grimore - This master trea[se on Alchemy seems to be the
source of several of Francian powers in the Heka Arts. Francia is reknown for
its ability in Alchemy, even so far as to manufacture explosive magical devices
for export; most posit this several volume bound work as the source of much of
this power. Secondly, Francian items seem all to have addi[onal powers being
added to them every some many (20-50) years; again, most posit this work as the
source of the ability to grant addi[onal powers to ar[factual items. Indeed,
it seems as if many of the powers that be are interested in Francian
enchantments of their items; no ocial agreements have been made yet with any
foreign power, as far as is known. Lastly, rumor has it that this item is also
currently been upgraded, with several Goldsmiths wri[ng addi[onal sec[ons on
the power innate to their metal, including power innate to dierent-hued gold,
as well as gold alloys. Rumor has it that when this sec[on is nished, all
of the items in Francian possession will again undergo addi[onal enchantments;
fortunately, as the sec[on was just started, it will not be nished for quite
some [me, and nearby powers can try to sehle their dierences with Francia
in the meanwhile.
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 11:57:16 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 12:19:53 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 11:59:35 1995

Lamps of Shadow - Amounst the villages spread far and wide throughout this
country, the Lamps of Shadows are famous for mass-transit of troops via "shadow
travel". Shipping agents also tell that ar[cles for trade are eciently
shunted to major centers of foriegn trade via the Lamps. Reputedly, the skills
in Mediumship and Fortune Telling are also improved by the Lamps. Wisewomen

report that the Lamps do this by summoning spirits out of the shadows, and
using them to aid the users of the Lamps to tell the future. Many of the
visitors to this foriegn land have seen seances performed with the Lamps, and
swear it to be true.

Chains of Mulhey - These chains form an inclusive pentacle of sucient
strength to hold any creature/spirit so summoned. Several mediums have
declared the item also allows summoning of Phaeree creatures with the
addi[onal ability to bind them to servitude. Rumors are always to be had
about items such as this, and thus, according to the local priests, the Chains
are able to change their own weight and density, and thus can oat, as well as
serve to drown its vic[m (a service reputedly open used) according to the
same sources.

Scorpion Crossbow - SOme state this is a ballista that automa[cally poisons
each bolt. Others quote a rumor that the Prince himself was nego[a[ng with
Numidian leaders, pledging his support, along with the Scorpion Crossbow, to
Numidia, in exchange for Numidian support to destroy Thapsis. Barika, a famous
modern hero, recently spoke of the Crossbow's addi[onal powers: it is able to
shoot in any direc[on through use of sudden rota[on; it is mobile and heavily
armored; it is self-loading; it shoots 6x/CT, and it needs a total crew of 4 to
man it eec[vely. And there are those who assert vigorously the Scorpion
Crossbow is the name of an elite force of the Army of Berberia, trained in the
use of poisons and crossbows, and using magic crossbows to make their aim more
deadly. Some state each of the magical items are iden[cal and are the real
Scorpion Crossbows.

Cayd's Mountain Hawk - This modern marvel of heka-forging is capable of
mechanically-aided ight. Apparently then, according to the alchemists in
nearby na[ons, this renders Berberia capable of dropping alchemical bombs on
enemy troops below. Rumor has it that some of Berberia's more eec[ve bombs
are imported from Francia. This construct may move very fast, become Ethereal
and Astral, transport up to 350 elite troops, and is capable of long ight
[me before "refueling" with Heka, capable therefore of long-range spy

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 12:19:22 1995
Pardon the misspelling of Berberia. These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 12:41:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 12:20:34 1995

Nimtagoe's Creeping Castle - This oa[ng Castle moves, if ever so slowly,

across the Lombardy countryside, travelling from Innsbruck to Bergamo to

Cremona, principally (sp?). Horse theives across Lombardy have grown to fear
the oa[ng menace, as it serves as the Auxilliary for the Army and the Guard.
Some even go so far as to asserrt that the Floa[ng Fortress (another nickname)
has means to nd and hunt out criminals. Several personages assert that there
are addi[onal powers of Heka Reservoir, augmen[ng Apotropaism, boos[ng
General Dweomercraep and Basic Tutelary Cas[ngs.

Book of Probing - Some of the chefs and waiters in the nest restaurants in
Brescia have overheard government ocials speaking of this item and its
powers. According to these same chefs, several [mes the Book of Probing was
men[oned in reference to a here[cal Ethos Cult, the Ethos of the Flickering
Light. One waiter asserted that he overheard men[on of the Book as detailing
the Ethos and its tenets, and also as it being a great introspec[ve work on
the inner probings of the soul, gran[ng powers in medita[on, as well as
Psychogenic powers. However, the busboy sta reported that the Book was
rather the torture device for the here[cs captured.

Langobard Spear - The number of these spears is numerous, but s[ll small in
comparison to the size of the Lombard Army. Military sta openly acknowledge
the powers as such: BAC +20, Damage Bonus IV, Quicken, Inuence of Mars, a
daily regenera[ng Joss Reservoir of 3 Joss, as well as a Con[ngencied-Cas[ng
of the weilder's choice. Many of the soldiers so wielding the Spears assert
that they also grant good luck, especially in gambling. One boasted that he
personally bested several professional gamblers in Cards, so long as his spear
was present. Most gambling halls know of this "power", and demand now that ALL
weapons be lep in the lobby, out of sight and presence of their owners.

Kaideriene's Markers - Lombardy seems to have mul[ple copies of many of its
magical items if not all, as even as there are mul[ple copies of the Spear and
the Markers, so some insist that there is more than one Floa[ng Fortress and
one Book of Probing.
In any case, beggars tell of the streets of Cremona of the Markers set
over the countryside of Lombardy, enabling fast communica[on over large
distances. Beggars who have ahempted to use these devices themselves to
start/"improve" the Beggars' Guild have been so far unsuccessful. Some of
those same beggars were entrapped by the Markers, and then sequestered and
jailed. Those same Beggars are for some reason in seclusion and cannot be
spoken to, for any reason, according to Brescian ocials.
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 12:40:53 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 13:01:40 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 12:41:54 1995


Bladed hedge of Warding - Engineers were involved in the construc[on of these
ne swords. Their users would be scahered across an en[re unit, perfectly
dispersed for ac[va[on. Upon ac[va[on, these wards would serve as
protec[on to dweomers up to Grade XX (with 500 resistance) and also provided
M,S, and P armor, as well as a double-powered Quicken. SOme engineers also
tell of the Swords' capability to create for[ca[ons, amoung them a bladed
hedge of swords enspelled with many wards, similar to a mul[ply-dweomered
Hekahedge or Spirithedge (see Spellsong cas[ngs of same name).


Papyri of 9 Steps - Supposedly, according to several master weavers, this
object allows the reader knowledge of the 9 Steps required in Heka-Forging an
Ar[fact. These steps are the supposed route of crea[on of the Table of
Memory, described below. Many master crapsman weavers are lobbying for the
crea[on of an ar[fact to augment weaving skill throughout the na[on, to give
Keshu a major export and thus strengthen the economy. S[ll, the supporters
are overall small; Keshu has yet to announce any plans of the Papyri yet; many
special interest groups are lobbying for concerns similar to that of the

Table of Memory - This invaluable wrihen work has knowledge, objec[ve
knowledge, of all of history. As desired by its user, it can reference any
subject, [tle, or author. Mostly it has been valued, according to several
government clerks, in proper organiza[on of les, and the nding of missing
informa[on. Although no ocial police comment could be obtained, the police
has been noted to have a "knack" (sp?) of catching lawbreakers within one week
of their oense. Rumor has it, however, that pioneer-level Cryptography K/S
Area Skill is needed to break its otherwise nas[ly encoded messages.


Formulas of Extension - Philosophers have [me and again debated on the ethical
and moral implica[ons of this item, and it is s[ll hotly debated amoungst
most magical/magian socie[es about the proper use of this item. Apparently,
according to the philosophers, this volume is essen[ally a formula to extend
the dura[on of anything desired - life, death, pain, misery, joy, cas[ng
eects, etc. No one debates its power and the poten[al uses nonetheless.

Shadowmakes Axe - Reportedly this axe transforms the vic[m into shadows
permanently. A master leatherworker recently told of seeing 7 such items, and
spoke of dierent gemstone-hilt varia[ons. Apparently, he had been hired to
come up with a handlecover to hide their value whilst being slung backside.
Others s[ll speculate as to the veracity of this, but a few stablehands nearby
have sworn the leatherworker's story as true. One can only speculate as to
what the dierent gemstones may mean.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 13:01:10 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 13:19:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 13:03:10 1995

Midian Transdisposer - This item is best known about Aeropa as recently
rediscovered, although some argue Lydia nally was able to repossess it from
some of the more powerful crime lords. Its main power is that of transpor[ng
large amounts of troops to the bahleeld, but it is notoriously also capable
of transpor[ng large amounts of _enemy_ troops _away_ from the bahleeld.
(Actually FAR away from the bahleeld, but that is another rumor! :) )
This second tac[c has been used open for Lydia to regain seized fortresses
and other heavily guarded areas. Some also speculate upon its recent
acquisi[on by the crime lords resulted in freeing many criminals, thus being
responsible for Lydia's recent upstroke in crime.

Iconblade - This sword is famous for its abili[es in combat, individual
combat and mass combat. Most spies report Lydia as being horribly protec[ve
of this item, but also note its associa[on with the system of Icons and Pylons
along Lydia's irregular northern border. It is rumored that they form an
elaborate defense alarm, set in mo[on in earlier [mes vs. the many hos[le
enemies to the South. Recent excava[ons have revealed evidence of a prior
east and west pylon/icon border, now all in shambles, destroyed aeons ago.
Some state Lydia plans to reconstruct these, but that is wild specula[on at
the present [me.


Instrument of Audial Submission - Philosophers have long puzzles over the
symbolism of this item, for it is a triangle that is the mighty Instrument of
Audial Submission. Older references cited by such sages refer to a trio of
Instruments of Submission, including a Harpsichord and Piccolo (sp??). These
same philosophers state that volumes on musical instruments tell of the
fearsome power that all who hear must endure, and ul[mately crumble before.
Each listener must make a roll at DR = dicult for 1 instrument, DR = very
dicult for 2 instruments, and DR = extreme for 3 instruments, with NO
modiers applying (except Joss, which requires double normal expenditure to
change DRs to a more favorable DR). Those failing the roll become submissive
as long as the instrument(s) are played; a new roll is required every 20 CTs.
There are some sages who allegate that the Instruments have other powers,

namely that of faster heka regenera[on, but currently neither are these
specula[ons conrmed nor denied by the German government.

$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 13:19:08 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 13:51:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 13:20:07 1995

Green Fire Diamond - Rumors about this par[cular diamond are prominent
throughout Germania, and the diamond is op talked about in halls of drinking
as well as hals of power. The majority of its powers pertain to Mys[cism, for
which it is an unsurpassed quality gem with an addi[onal 2 DR bonus, and
double the Heka Reservoir capacity. It also serves as a focus for Green
Dweomercraep Cas[ngs, Elemental Dweomercraep Cas[ngs (re spells only),
and General Dweomercraep Cas[ngs. Its most famous quality is that of
improvement of all alcoholic beverages on average 2 DRs (2 Grades), as well as
improvement of foodstus approximately 1 Grade (DR). This eect becomes more
prominent in closer proximity to the item, and in par[cular, has heightened
sales of German ale and foodstus in recent years.

Brasses of Discord - These musical instruments comprise in number about 20, and
consist of trombones, trumpets, and tubas, and are reknown for their ability to
cause about 500 humans (per instrument) to become discordant. They also
prevent Spellsongs in their proximity, and negate countering cas[ngs of grades
I-IX. Farmers in Germania hate the use of these items, for they have
pronounced eect on local livestock, which several Frankfurt-local farmers
allegate is stronger than their eect on humans. In any case, widespread
dismay amoungst those in the farming industry causes their use to be rare, and
only when other op[ons are lacking.

Miming and Tyrng - These two famous swords of Norse legend were recently (in
the past 250 years) further enchanted with cas[ngs per[nent to cold weather
survival/movement, improved combat tac[cs, and leadership. Weapon Instructors
and Trainers throughout Aeropa know well that Phaeree was essen[al in further
enchan[ng these items; some have gone so far as to speculate about the various
powers, phaeree in nature, that the devices may now possess. Military
Strategists have noted that the country of Germania does seem to be
consolida[ng power, and rumors concerning further Phaeree-aided relic
sword-construc[ons are as yet unconrmed.

Leather Garb of Jocularity - This Jester's oukit made mostly of leather has
the ability to change into any ajre desired, given 2 CTs [me. Its use

informally has been banned by entertainers in Germany, as its powers are too
great and too easily abused. Entertainers are of the opinion Georey
Bardacious is the curretn owner of the item, but many skalds, bawds, and
coachmen throughout Germany suspect the Government has bought him out.
Reputedly it aids all areas connected to the Entertainer K/S Bundle, and though
its exact amount varies, most agree that the garb grants these K/S Areas at
double normall star[ng STEEP. Furthermore, it is thought that the item grants
a 3 DR bonus to buoonery and a DR bonus in Thespianism if comedy is the
subject. It is known for its ability to induce mirth/forgekulness in large
number of people. Some entertainers allegate this garb is possessed, ci[ng
changes in Georey's personality. By and large these accusa[ons have been
denied by the Garb's various owners.
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 13:51:06 1995
These items were created by J Teske.
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 14:00:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Dr. John Teske Jr." <teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU>

From: teskej Thu Apr 13 11:16:47 1995
Fwd: teskej->
$$HRComments by teskej Tue Jun 27 13:52:21 1995
Hello again everyone!

Sorry about the lace of a preface, but I wa sin a hurry to get the items to the
list. The items so presented represent a third of the work remaining to be
done on the project, only about 12% REMAINS. :)

Also, a comment about the recent debates on Quicken. I thought this cas[ng
was a trie ridiculous, so I applied one of my favorite GM axioms: if the HPs
can do it, so can the EPs. However, this s[ll made the process of combat more
lethal. So recently, I enacted the 30 beat rule as presented in Mythus
Masters, and that I addi[onally stated that Quicken although Doubling the
Ac[ons per CT, does NOT change the spacing of the ac[ons. Furthermore, I
stated quicken did not give any extra "beats" but it did give a -10 to
ini[a[ve, which usually means the Quickened HPs went rst, and thus received
their "full 30 beats".

If the above is confusing let me know, and I can explain in a longer post.

I plan to nish the items within the next month, and thereaper devote some
energy to the pantheon project proposed a few months ago.

Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 20:06:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>

Subject: Weapon Speed factors...

Supposedly weapon speed factors are only counted in aper the
ini[a[ve roll during the rst ct of the bahle? I believe that's
correct, and then every ahack aper that is 10 init points long (with
weapons that is.) Welllll, I've made an easy bonus for people who like
to use smaller weapons, come on, A dagger is naturally faster because of
the lack of weight :). All I do is instead of taking the next 10 init
points later to ahack again, I take 4 + the Weapons speed factor. (I
got 4 from the combat hand 2 hand with hands.) It makes sense, you use
your hands, hence the 4, and then whatever the sf for the weapon would
be. I think this balances weaker weapons a lihle more.
Tell me what ya think, or if you have beher ideas?
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 21:58:12 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Weapon Speed factors...

Ken's idea for the speed factors sounds good. We are about to start using a
similar rule out of MMM in my campaign, the only dierence being that the
spacing is only the weapon's speed factor. If you combine this rule with the
rule that the CT ends aper the slowest combatant's rst ahack (and all
ahacks aper that are lost), it makes the faster weapons much more
ahrac[ve. You should end up gejng more ahacks per CT than someone with
a slow weapon, and thus making up for the lesser damage from each ahack.

Hopefully this plays out as expected, and the wide selec[on of 3d6 damage
weapons will be much more ahrac[ve for use against lightly armored
opponents than a halberd, and the slower 4, 5, and 6d6 weapons with thier
superior armor penetra[on will remain the choice when facing heavily armored

>Supposedly weapon speed factors are only counted in aper the
ini[a[ve roll during the rst ct of the bahle?

I was under the impression that you counted in the speed factor when rolling
ini[a[ve for each and every CT of the bahle. This makes sense to me since
the ac[on/reac[on [mes of a large and heavy weapon remainl slower during
the en[re combat, not just the in[al engagement.

-Mah Berry
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 00:40:31 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Weapon Speed factors...

In-Reply-To: <>

I believe, in Rick Blair's excellent Exposi[on on Ini[a[ve (nd it if
you can...) that for the spaced ac[on rules each and every ahack of any
sort will automa[cally add 2 SF every ahempt...

I'll have to look it up, but I'm prehy sure that's the idea...


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 00:57:58 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Weapon Speed factors...
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 27 Jun 1995, Mahhew Berry wrote:

> Ken's idea for the speed factors sounds good. We are about to start using a
> similar rule out of MMM in my campaign, the only dierence being that the
> spacing is only the weapon's speed factor. If you combine this rule with the
> rule that the CT ends aper the slowest combatant's rst ahack (and all
> ahacks aper that are lost), it makes the faster weapons much more
> ahrac[ve. You should end up gejng more ahacks per CT than someone with
> a slow weapon, and thus making up for the lesser damage from each ahack.
> Hopefully this plays out as expected, and the wide selec[on of 3d6 damage
> weapons will be much more ahrac[ve for use against lightly armored
> opponents than a halberd, and the slower 4, 5, and 6d6 weapons with thier
> superior armor penetra[on will remain the choice when facing heavily armored
> foes.
> >Supposedly weapon speed factors are only counted in aper the
> ini[a[ve roll during the rst ct of the bahle?
> I was under the impression that you counted in the speed factor when rolling
> ini[a[ve for each and every CT of the bahle. This makes sense to me since
> the ac[on/reac[on [mes of a large and heavy weapon remainl slower during
> the en[re combat, not just the in[al engagement.
> -Mah Berry
Oh, one addi[on to that idea, its 4+Weapon Sf + Armor SF Pen :) It makes
those who use Plate mail all the worse (besides who ever heard of a
knight who went buck wild with a dagger anyways? Hehe :) )

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 10:04:09 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

The Magyarians write:

> We used to play AD&D (Is it a forbidden word on this list?) for
> several years so we automa[caly compare the Cas[ngs with the
> Spells
> of that game. All of them came from the same source anyway
Comparisons are common enough, but I don't think that they can
be made too closely (certainly no closer than with any other
gaming system.) See explana[on of the taboo below.

> 1) Mythus Magick, page 35, "Quicken Cantrip": This cas[ng is
> similar to "Haste" (AD&D, Magic-user, 3th level). I think it
> should be at Grade III because it turns the warriors into a
> storm of blades for low heka cost.
I agree with the previous poster, Richard Sidwell. The
disadvantage of Quicken is its dura[on. As for saving it with
a Trigger, I will remind my fellow SCAdian (and everyone else)
that power tricks like that should be used with care.
::Places a triggered trigger trap on the door leading to that
ques[on :-)

> 2) Mythus Magick, page 40, "Un[e Charm": What makes this
> lihle handy charm to a Grade III cas[ng?
I can think of two immediate applica[ons for this cas[ng.
First, it is a Charm! Speed is essen[al when making the big
escape. Second, has anyone ever heard of the Gourdian knot?

> 3) Mythus Magick, page 43, "Weapon of Defense Charm": It would
> a very good protec[on Cas[ng at lower Grade not at Grade V.
A few things to note here. Again, it's a charm. Second, it
would be an amazing counter to a quickened oren[ne ghter
with 12 ahacks per CT.

> 4) Mythus Magick, page 65, "Summon Elemental Aid Cantrip": In
> my opinion to summon such a creature should be required more
> [me then 15 second.
Normal rules of summoning do not apply to this cas[ng. The
elementalist mage does not need to draw protec[ve pentacles
to keep the elemental in/out of anything. Why should it take
longer than 15 seconds?

> 5) Mythus Magick, page 66, "Elemental Missile Charm": With this
> charm the caster with a STEEP 51 can inict 6d3+6 points of
> damage and his chance to the succes is only 51% (DR hard). The
> same dweomercraper can inict 5d6+10 PD with the "Heka darts

> Charm" with a DR of Easy. Why should a dweomwercraper use

> this cas[ng?
This actually brings up an interes[ng point. According to the text,
Heka darts y "as fast as arrows," and Elemental Missles "zip forth
twice as fast as an arrow sped from a bow." I have never met with a
rule in Mythus where this would actually make a dierence, but the
dis[nc[on is there regardless. On the other hand, in a world where
reac[ons might be faster like Cybermyth (or say...Changeling maybe?),
this could be dierent. Anyone know what's going on? Dave?

> 6) Mythus Magick, page 171, "Harn's Hidden Passage Spell":Prac[cally
> it's a kind of invisibility for the whole party. It makes dicul[es
> for the GM because it's easy to cast it.
It is a cheap form of invisibility. However, as has been pointed out
already, the opinion of cheap tricks like this on the list is to treat
them as poor cousin to the more specic cas[ng. Go ahead, give the
castle guard captain a widgy feeling when the HP scrapes his foot against
a stone. Sure, it'll cost him a point of Joss, but he's a prehy lucky
guy, isn't he?

> 7) Mythus Magick, page 178, "Know Disposi[on Cantrip":This
> cas[ng exposes all the sly EPs at rst sight.
Actually, it exposes ONE sly EP at rst sight. If your party members
are actually paranoid enough to check the disposi[on of everyone they
meet, let them! In the mean[me, protect your EPs with a much cheaper
form of paranoia. I recommend the Alter Aura Ritual for big nas[es,
the Aural Reec[on Spell for a group, or (in a pinch) the Auraswitch
Eyebite. Of course, if your bad boy is not of the Priestly bent or a
Witch, any form of mental armor will do.

> 8) Mythus Magick, page 236, "Materializa[on Cantrip": This
> cas[ng is very usefull. Maybe too usefull to be a Grade I cas[ng. The
> spell with the same eect is a 4th level Magic user spell called
> "Item".

Interes[ng. Well, I'll tell you that I saw this cas[ng and thought
to myself, "YES! My HP needs to have it!" It is very useful. However,
if you don't like it so much, perhaps it is a rare and unusual cas[ng
on your world. Maybe a mysterious spell cast with heka from beyond the
en[tal realms (read JM Heka) erased it from the grimoires and minds of
everyone on that plane shortly aper it was researched. Otherwise, just
give it (or the Fortune Teller version on p. 230) to your EPs and let them
play with it.
Also, Materializa[on does not compare to the Shadow Weaving Formula.
Weaves have lifespans of days, not minutes or seconds. Also, you can
create MUCH larger things with less Heka (like a Keep).

> These was only a few examples because I hadn't red the whole
> Magic book yet.
Have fun!

> Viszlat!
> Kutasi Zoltan

--Ryan Snead

> Maybe "Fejleszteh Bortonok Es Sarkanyok".
> How does it sound?
Well, if it's from T$R, it can't be that good.
btw, EGS (aka Dung. and Drags.) is not a popular system among many converts
to Mythus. Many here believe it was stolen from Gary Gygax and then
systema[cally raped and ruined by its current owners. Personally, I will
never know. I came upon her ravished body long aper she had become a
seasoned and decrepit whore, spreading the diseases of rules lawyering,
munchkinism, and God(dess)-killing throughout the gaming community.

I have come to pity the once fer[le earth-mother to roleplaying.

I despise her pimp, but not for what it did to her --rather to EGG's
youngest daughter.
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 11:39:48 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Magyarian ques[ons...

First of all, I think you guys have answered these ques[ons as well as
I could have. When in doubt as to why a cas[ng is Grade x instead of
Grade z, always look rst to the SPEED (Charm/Cantrip/etc.) then to the
PLANE OF ORIGIN, and then to DURATION. Damage is open part of the
formula, but remember that cas[ngs in Mythus are calculated from EFFECT
to CAUSE - not as cause and eect events.

The damage eect is only part of what actually happens in most cases.
Remember that in a magically produced explosion, there are probably
several components of the physical manifesta[on: heat, noise, re,
concussion, and so on. [And, BTW, these are necessary in many cases to
render something with "real" eects, since the caster would have a
harder [me crea[ng something as unreal as an explosion with no noise
and which didn't throw things around (it wouldn't bloody well be an
explosion, would it?)]

>> 5) Mythus Magick, page 66, "Elemental Missile Charm": With this
>> charm the caster with a STEEP 51 can inict 6d3+6 points of
>> damage and his chance to the succes is only 51% (DR hard). The
>> same dweomercraper can inict 5d6+10 PD with the "Heka darts

>> Charm" with a DR of Easy. Why should a dweomwercraper use

>> this cas[ng?
>This actually brings up an interes[ng point. According to the text,
>Heka darts y "as fast as arrows," and Elemental Missles "zip forth
>twice as fast as an arrow sped from a bow." I have never met with a
>rule in Mythus where this would actually make a dierence, but the
>dis[nc[on is there regardless. On the other hand, in a world where
>reac[ons might be faster like Cybermyth (or say...Changeling maybe?),
>this could be dierent. Anyone know what's going on? Dave?

Damn good ques[on. If I wrote that, I don't remember it. Whether it
was me balancing speed of eect [remember: EFFECT to CAUSE] or just
some purple prose lling, I'm not sure. You guys sure are down to the
minor stu, here.

------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 11:52:40 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Oh and by the way [GenCon]

Gail Gygax and I are trying to convince Gary to come to GenCon, and
I'd like to get him to ahend the Quintessen[al Mercy Studio
party. I'll let you know what the deal is, but he'll probably be
there for the con at some point anyway.

------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 11:21:57 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Weapon Speed factors...

At 08:06 PM 6/27/95 -0500, Kenny Hill wrote:
> Supposedly weapon speed factors are only counted in aper the
>ini[a[ve roll during the rst ct of the bahle? I believe that's
>correct, and then every ahack aper that is 10 init points long (with
>weapons that is.) Welllll, I've made an easy bonus for people who like
>to use smaller weapons, come on, A dagger is naturally faster because of

>the lack of weight :). All I do is instead of taking the next 10 init
>points later to ahack again, I take 4 + the Weapons speed factor. (I
>got 4 from the combat hand 2 hand with hands.) It makes sense, you use
>your hands, hence the 4, and then whatever the sf for the weapon would
>be. I think this balances weaker weapons a lihle more.
> Tell me what ya think, or if you have beher ideas?

I use 1+wpn spd between ahacks. It works very well, and I've been using it
for well over a year...
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal; seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
VP, CCGS Sopware Consul[ng
WWW: hhp://
WWW: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 13:19:01 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

>>This actually brings up an interes[ng point. According to the text,
>>Heka darts y "as fast as arrows," and Elemental Missles "zip forth
>>twice as fast as an arrow sped from a bow." I have never met with a
>>rule in Mythus where this would actually make a dierence, but the
>>dis[nc[on is there regardless. On the other hand, in a world where
>>reac[ons might be faster like Cybermyth (or say...Changeling maybe?),
>>this could be dierent. Anyone know what's going on? Dave?

> Damn good ques[on. If I wrote that, I don't remember it. Whether it
> was me balancing speed of eect [remember: EFFECT to CAUSE] or just
> some purple prose lling, I'm not sure. You guys sure are down to the
> minor stu, here.

Sorry Dave, didn't mean to be picking at nits (or gnats). I am open
facinated by trivial details. Guess you might say I'm easily amused.
That's the thing in Mythus that sparks my imagina[on. The genius is
open in the details.

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 13:54:49 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Faster than a speeding arrow...

Ryan Wrote:
>That's the thing in Mythus that sparks my imagina[on. The genius is
>open in the details.

Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment... <grin>

------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 14:48:16 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "David J. Weber" <dweber@UWCMAIL.UWC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Weapon Speed factors...
In-Reply-To: your message of Tue Jun 27 20:06:33 -0500 1995

> Tell me what ya think, or if you have beher ideas?

I have made my own rules for Mar[al Arts & Ini[a[ve. Please make all the
comments you can - it is s[ll being tested. I am also working on a cri[cal
hit chart (I used to play RoleMaster & WarHammer) and will post it when it is

Ini[a[ve is calculated as follows:

Combat Hand Weapons d10-PMSpd+SF+Weapon Speed
Combat Missile Weapons d10-PNSpd+SF+Weapon Speed
Mental Combat d10-MRSpd
Spiritual Combat d10-SPSpd
Other (dive, run, etc.) d10-PNSpd+SF+ac[on(see below)

Steep Ahack Mar[al Hand Foot Mar[al Arts
Rate Arts Rate Ahacks Ahacks Weapons
1-15 10 6 1d3 1d6 1d6
16-30 9 5 1d6 2d6 2d6
31-45 7 4 2d6 3d6 3d6
46-60 5 3 2d6+3 3d6+3 4d6
61+ 3 2 3d6 4d6 4d6+3

Normal ac[vi[es:
Diving 5
Rising 4
Turning 3
Tumbling 12
Drawing Weapon 7

Moving weapon from hand to hand 2

Ahacking WS
Dazed +5

Time between ahacks:
Combat, HW, Missile Reloading AR w ROF
Combat, HW AR
Hands (2), Foot, etc. MAR

Well. . .

"The Most Advanced Home Gaming System in the Universe"
3DO (GoldStar - Panasonic - Sanyo) (Tranthor Alain Sorz)
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 23:20:54 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Weapon Speed factors...
In-Reply-To: <MYTHUS-L%95062914481623@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

On Thu, 29 Jun 1995, David J. Weber wrote:

> > Tell me what ya think, or if you have beher ideas?
> I have made my own rules for Mar[al Arts & Ini[a[ve. Please make all the
> comments you can - it is s[ll being tested. I am also working on a cri[cal
> hit chart (I used to play RoleMaster & WarHammer) and will post it when it is
> ready.
> Ini[a[ve is calculated as follows:
> Combat Hand Weapons d10-PMSpd+SF+Weapon Speed
> Combat Missile Weapons d10-PNSpd+SF+Weapon Speed
> Mental Combat d10-MRSpd
> Spiritual Combat d10-SPSpd
> Other (dive, run, etc.) d10-PNSpd+SF+ac[on(see below)
> Steep Ahack Mar[al Hand Foot Mar[al Arts
> Rate Arts Rate Ahacks Ahacks Weapons
> 1-15 10 6 1d3 1d6 1d6
> 16-30 9 5 1d6 2d6 2d6
> 31-45 7 4 2d6 3d6 3d6
> 46-60 5 3 2d6+3 3d6+3 4d6
> 61+ 3 2 3d6 4d6 4d6+3
> Normal ac[vi[es:
> Diving 5
> Rising 4
> Turning 3

> Tumbling 12
> Drawing Weapon 7
> Moving weapon from hand to hand 2
> Ahacking WS
> Dazed +5
> Time between ahacks:
> Combat, HW, Missile Reloading AR w ROF
> Combat, HW AR
> Hands (2), Foot, etc. MAR
> Well. . .
> "The Most Advanced Home Gaming System in the Universe"
> 3DO (GoldStar - Panasonic - Sanyo) (Tranthor Alain Sorz)
Its good except that you should add SF Pen for armor! :)
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 23:27:37 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Shields r too powerful.?

Hmmm, I dont know if you guys have had the same problem, or if someone
has designed a x for it, but shields are just waaay to powerful (in my
opinion.) Lets take a man gh[ng a dog for example. The man has 2/1
for his ahacks, ok? Lets say he has 50 steep when ahacking the dog?
Hmmm. so if the dog tries to bite the man, he has to roll 98+ to fail?
Isnt that a bit unfair? What ideas have you guys come up with for such a
thing? One sugges[on that I do, is that I relate K/S vs. K/S idea, in
which a more skilled person would have a beher defence chance (ie his
bac is 51 yours is 61, you look at the ks chart and do that as the nal
mul[plier (only in defending with a shield, defenately not for ahacking
:) ) But then what about that poor lihle dog who cant bite him because
he has 50 steep and it has only 30? Am I just reading the rules wrong?
Need help plz, too many players use shields, play people with high steep,
and waste anything animalish without breaking sweat, well at least here.
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 07:48:08 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Csornyei Zoltan <H10785Cso@ELLA.HU>
Subject: Cas[ngs

Dave wrote:

>When in doubt as to why a cas[ng is Grade x instead of
>Grade z, always look rst to the SPEED (Charm/Cantrip/etc.) then to the
>PLANE OF ORIGIN, and then to DURATION. Damage is open part of the
>formula, but remember that cas[ngs in Mythus are calculated from EFFECT
>to CAUSE - not as cause and eect events.

He is right in many thing, but in my experiences some things works
dierently in prac[ce than in theory.

In most situa[on the party has enough [me to prepair for the ac[on
(Break into the Tower of the Black Wizard, etc.)
In this case, the SPEED doesn,t count.
For example the "Summon Elemental Aid Cantrip". Maybe it isn't a hard
job for an Elemental Dweomercraper to cast it. So he can summon
4 elemental in a minute and send them against an orc camp.
(Just imagine what would the orcs do when they see 4 Fire elemental
emerging from their camp-re.)

Most of the combat encounters are resolved in a few CTs (usually less
then 10).
So the cas[ngs doesn't have to need too much DURATION.
For example in the case of "Quicken Cantrip" (Dur.: 2 AT) a HP with
this cas[ng can walk about 1000 yard and than ght for 100 CTs with
double ahack rate wich makes him a hard opponent.
(or march 1500 yard and ght for 50 CTs.)

From the point of view of the PLANE OF ORIGN and the LAWS OF MAGICK
all of the cas[ngs are at their place.
But in my opinion, from the point of view of GAME BALANCE some
cas[ngs facilitate the party's work too much while others became rare used
because of their high grade for their eect.

It's harder thing for me to GMing Mythus than DMing EGS.
(What a name!)

Kutasi Zoltan
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 07:49:02 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Csornyei Zoltan <H10785Cso@ELLA.HU>
Subject: Ini[a[ve

In the combat situa[ons we no[ced that the combatant with the
higher inita[ve (i.e. who strikes later) gets advantage.

The beginer of the turn strikes (what else could he do?).
If it was a hit then his opponent can decide to strike back or parry.
In case of UV or SV he choose parry. If he has a shield too he's got
a good chance.
If it was a miss he just strikes back.

So if a ghter wears heavy armor and wields heavy weapon, he's
chance to get the opportunity to parry is increased.

What could we do? Any house rules?

The Magyarians
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 08:07:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/> from "Kenny
Hill" at Jun 29,
95 11:27:37 pm

The way I always play it, In order to parry with a shield or a weapon you
need to give up an ahack. Otherwise the shield is simply armor or no
benet, depending on how you want it to work. Thus the person with the
ini[a[ve will usually end up gejng an ahack every round while his
opponent will have to wait for him to make a mistake (miss) in order to
get a swing in. In our experience shields really slow down combat, but
they aren't overly powerfull. The dog's only advantage against an armed,
armored, beshielded opponent is it's speed. If I were a knight in full plate
with a long sword and shield I would simply ignore the dog or at most kick it
in the snout rather than engage it in combat. What honor is there in killing
someone's dog? None.

Shields, don't leave home without it.

Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 11:52:55 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Ini[a[ve

The Magyarians have a very good point. Counterpunching in Mythus using the

basic combat rules is a very good strategy for all the reasons men[oned. If
you have joss to assure no one hit kills on you (Special successes to UV), I
think it is a superior gh[ng strategy. It also allows you to pile on
armor and use big weapons since you don't care how slow you are.

There are two cures for this situa[on. The rst is to allow the person
with the faster ini[a[ve to hold their ahack un[l they wish to strike,
and rule that held ahacks can't be taken in the same in[a[ve beat as
another. What this generally leads to is two people staring each other down
for a CT, which happens a lot.

The second, and I think beher, solu[on is to use the 30 beat combat system
for ini[a[ve with the round ending on the slowest person's ini[a[ve.
This encourages you to be fast since chances are you won't get in those
extra ahacks unless you are reasonably faster than your opponent. If you
also use the weapon speed (or weapon speed + 2, or 4, or whatever) to
determine when the second and third ahacks are, this encourages use of
faster weapons.

I have one other solu[on that I can't recommend yet, since it hasn't been
playtested by our group enough, and I have some qualms about it. But in any
case, the solu[on is simply to say that you must decide whether to parry the
ahack before it is rolled. This way you take away the advantage of wai[ng
because you don't get that op[on to parry if it is a hit, or strike back if
it is a miss. As I said, I'm not to sure about this. We haven't played
enough lately to see how it really aects combat, and I think it goes to far
in that there really are some strikes that you know you don't have to parry,
that you can see are too far o the mark, and you use that moment to step in
and throw your own strike. But then again, it's not as if I can instantly
tell which strikes will hit me, and which won't. Some clearly will, some
clearly won't, and some you just can't tell.

Well, just some sugges[ons.

Mah Berry
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 12:51:34 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Sight <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ini[a[ve
In-Reply-To: <>

> The second, and I think beher, solu[on is to use the 30 beat combat system
> for ini[a[ve with the round ending on the slowest person's ini[a[ve.
> This encourages you to be fast since chances are you won't get in those
> extra ahacks unless you are reasonably faster than your opponent. If you
> also use the weapon speed (or weapon speed + 2, or 4, or whatever) to
> determine when the second and third ahacks are, this encourages use of
> faster weapons.

We use that in my campaign, works very well. People generally prefer
weapons like scimitars and rapiers over claymores.. :) course, that 10 WP
score on those weapons is an encouragement, as well.

> I have one other solu[on that I can't recommend yet, since it hasn't been
> playtested by our group enough, and I have some qualms about it. But in any
> case, the solu[on is simply to say that you must decide whether to parry the
> ahack before it is rolled. This way you take away the advantage of wai[ng
> because you don't get that op[on to parry if it is a hit, or strike back if
> it is a miss. As I said, I'm not to sure about this. We haven't played
> enough lately to see how it really aects combat,

I automa[cally assumed this rule in my campaign... 'he's ahacking, are
you going to parry?' leaves no room for 'I wait and see if he's REALLY
going to hit me..' as an answer. If, on the other hand, you parry
when the guy is already missing, and you succeed, I allow a chance to
disarm the poor oaf, and double the chance if the guy REALLY missed--so
there is some benet to be gained... but if you're using a slower
weapon, or one you don't have lots of ahacks with, parrying will limit
your combat eec[veness, but so does Dying, so it's sort of a trade
o. :)

Note, real screw ups on parry rolls will get the defender disarmed AND
hurt in my campaign, just to let you know.

just my 2

Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 14:55:16 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Ini[a[ve

Even under the standard rules, you must declare a parry BEFORE the loca[on
roll. So none of that "gee, is it a non-vital or UV hit" stu. On the
other hand it does allow the HP to not parry the dog bite in favor of the
incoming halberd.
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 15:01:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?

Shields can be very powerful, and should be to some extent. There are a
couple of cures, some good, some not so.

1) If you interpret the rules strictly you can rule that oren[ne is
required to get full parries with the o-hand. This will at least require
the HP to burn a sh..pot full of APs to raise Weapons special to a usable
level. We don't use this, but considered it.

2) Make all of the parry DRs one worse. This doesn't help the dog much, but
certainly shortens warrior on warrior type combats. We just started this, I
like it so far.

3) K/S vs. K/S...... Considered this, and it probably makes the most sense,
however, it would further complicate and length an already slow combat

Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 14:38:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Black Schools of Dweomercraep
In-Reply-To: <> from "Snead Ryan W"
at Jun 23, 95 11:59:09 am


> Fac[ons within the school: While the Abyssal Ins[tute and
> Ebondark College both agree that the strong should rule over the
> weak and that power is best drawn from the lower planes, they are
> very much opposed concerning the proper method of that rule.

Yea, but what are their goals and philosphy? Ok, so they're 'Evil.'
But what are they trying to accomplish? Are they meerly using immoral
means to achieve knowledge and individual power? You make it sound like
they are an organiza[on all working for the same/similar goal. Is this

> Ebondark College: members of this movement in the black school
> rely upon fear and the domina[on of others to gain power for
> themselves. They prize order and structure almost as much as
> their knowledge of the dark arts from which they derive power.
> However, some of their numbers are not above permi[ng temporal
> chaos in the interest of establishing a greater overall order
> (with themselves at the top of the power structure of course)
> There is no room among Ebondark prac[[oners for the weak or the
> undiciplined. To defy the orders of a superior hekaur in the
> movement can be suicidal, intollerable, and expected.
> Abyssal Ins[tute: prac[[oners in the Abyssal movement are
> masters of dark chaos. They understand only the tyrrany of
> terror. Ins[tu[ons of this mindset are found only in the most

> fearsome of locales and open remote from civiliza[on. This

> protects both the secrecy of their research as well as providing
> their membership protec[on from an angry populace. Though the
> Abyssal are not as powerful as the more organized Ebondark
> movement, they are much more dangerous due to their destruc[ve
> poten[al and the power open associated with individuals in
> their order.
> Concentra[ons in the Black School: The majors of darkness are
> taught in both the Ebondark and Abyssal movements, as the
> cas[ngs have their uses for prac[[oners of either philosophy.
> Discord: This concentra[on can be used to bring down rival
> organiza[ons or just to add terror and confusion to any
> situa[on. Its an[thesis is the White school concentra[on of
> Harmony.

Do you have dened spell lists for these majors?

> Pain: This concentra[on specializes in the control or
> degrada[on of the physical body or objects and thus is the
> an[thesis to the White school concentra[on of Healing.
> Perversion: This concentra[on may be employed for deceit, thep,
> or falsehood. Some also consider it the mental version of the
> Pain Sub-Area, though the mental cas[ngs are open taught to
> students in Pain as well. Perversion is the an[thesis of the
> White school concentra[on of Knowledge.

I'd write more but I simply don't have [me right now.

Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 16:04:07 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Sight <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Ini[a[ve
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 30 Jun 1995, Richard Crook wrote:

> Even under the standard rules, you must declare a parry BEFORE the loca[on
> roll. So none of that "gee, is it a non-vital or UV hit" stu. On the
> other hand it does allow the HP to not parry the dog bite in favor of the
> incoming halberd.
Hmm...interes[ng... I had missed that in the basic rules... actually, I
rather like it... gives me a bit of what I was doing with something of

skill and competence of the HP thrown in... <add add add> cool.

Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 16:07:15 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Sight <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 30 Jun 1995, Richard Crook wrote:

> Shields can be very powerful, and should be to some extent. There are a
> couple of cures, some good, some not so.
> 1) If you interpret the rules strictly you can rule that oren[ne is
> required to get full parries with the o-hand. This will at least require
> the HP to burn a sh..pot full of APs to raise Weapons special to a usable
> level. We don't use this, but considered it.

I'm doint this... so far only one guy really uses shield at all, so...

> 2) Make all of the parry DRs one worse. This doesn't help the dog much, but
> certainly shortens warrior on warrior type combats. We just started this, I
> like it so far.

Interes[ng... but I gure if I'm already making em pay through the nose
for the ability, they should be good at it.

> 3) K/S vs. K/S...... Considered this, and it probably makes the most sense,
> however, it would further complicate and length an already slow combat
> system.

Eck, one of the most dicult procedures in what is arguably a very
simple system to learn... I rarely use it.

Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 07:24:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.90.950630160513.11814B-100000@sunsh> from "Sight"
at Jun 30, 95 04:07:15 pm

Another thing I do is force those using a shield to decide at the start of

the combat round, before ini[a[ve is rolled to decide whether or not they
want to use the shield for armor (hold it close to the body passively) or
use it for parrying (ac[ve defense). If they decide to use it ac[vely and
somehow fail the parry roll or run out of ac[ons to use for a parry the
opponents ahacks that connect will not have to deal with as much armor.
And the shield is only good against ahacks coming from the front lep/right
quarter. Ahacks coming from the rear or opposite side do not have to deal
with the shield and are impossible to parry with the shield.

Yes the combat system is slow, but there are a lot of shortcuts you can take
if you know the system well enough. I s[ll like it. Not that rules really
mean that much to me anymore.

Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 13:55:30 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 30 Jun 1995, Dan T Williamson wrote:

> The way I always play it, In order to parry with a shield or a weapon you
> need to give up an ahack. Otherwise the shield is simply armor or no
> benet, depending on how you want it to work. Thus the person with the
> ini[a[ve will usually end up gejng an ahack every round while his
> opponent will have to wait for him to make a mistake (miss) in order to
> get a swing in. In our experience shields really slow down combat, but
> they aren't overly powerfull. The dog's only advantage against an armed,
> armored, beshielded opponent is it's speed. If I were a knight in full plate
> with a long sword and shield I would simply ignore the dog or at most kick it
> in the snout rather than engage it in combat. What honor is there in killing
> someone's dog? None.
> Shields, don't leave home without it.
> Dan.
True! but wouldnt that mean a man who has 2 ahacks and spends on to
parry will most always defeat a man who only has 1 ahack?
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 14:20:12 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/> from "Kenny

Hill" at Jul 1,
95 01:55:30 pm

> True! but wouldnt that mean a man who has 2 ahacks and spends on to
> parry will most always defeat a man who only has 1 ahack?

Yes. What's your point? If you want to do beher against a superior opponent
use magic or learn oren[ne with sword and shield. That will eec[vely
double your ahacks, because you will get a full compliment of ahacks with
the sword and a full complement of ahacks to use for parrying wiht your

I have never bothered with the concept of game balance. Unless it applies to
the characters in rela[on with each other. If someone has a character that
is god in every situa[on (god not good)the others start to get bored or

Which is a bad thing.
"Nobody ever pays me a penny for my thoughts."
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 17:06:39 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Karl J. Sak" <KarlSak@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Ini[a[ve

please take me o the mailing list. thanks
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 20:04:48 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Brice Mahhews <ClsertoGOD@AOL.COM>

smart to inves[gate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 19:13:10 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: FASTCASH

At 08:04 PM 7/1/95 -0400, Brice Mahhews wrote lots of useless shit.

Where do these assholes nd our mailing lists? Anyone know who to complain
to on AOL?


OOTC: Anyone tried Mike Nagy's new Mythus program yet? Any comments on it?
I've submihed several to him.. I think he'd appreciate more feedback.

In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal; seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
VP, CCGS Sopware Consul[ng
WWW: hhp://
WWW: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 19:19:46 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: FASTCASH

If he could make 50k, what is he doing adver[sing it? The only reason he'd want others to know about it
is if it's a pyramid scheme. Loser

Michael Nagy
a.k.a. Dekker, Fluellen of Exeter
---------From: Brice Mahhews
Sent: July 1, 1995 18:04
To: Mul[ple recipients of list MYTHUS-L

smart to inves[gate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 21:36:40 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

> True! but wouldnt that mean a man who has 2 ahacks and spends on to
> parry will most always defeat a man who only has 1 ahack?

Damn straight! It occurs to me that if you are able to move (i.e.
ahack) twice as fast as your foe, you could wait un[l he ahacks, parry
it (ahempt to do so, anyway), and then get what amounts to a "free"
strike against him...

I'll take those odds any day of the week...


Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 21:41:07 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: FASTCASH
In-Reply-To: <>

Wow! That almost had anything to do with Mythus!

Hmmm...maybe the Economic Benets of K/S Use sec[on...

Hey.. :) He was trying to use his Criminal Ac[vi[es, Mental (Fraud)
K/S Area...too bad he rolled a Special Failure... :)


Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 21:58:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Brice Mahhews <ClsertoGOD@AOL.COM>
Subject: SORRY

My inten[ons where not to upset or anger anyone. I merely wanted to try and
help you. I am sorry if I did cost any of you money. I am unsubscribing to
this mailing list now.

Brice Mahhews
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 1995 11:56:08 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sat, 1 Jul 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> > True! but wouldnt that mean a man who has 2 ahacks and spends on to
> > parry will most always defeat a man who only has 1 ahack?
> Damn straight! It occurs to me that if you are able to move (i.e.
> ahack) twice as fast as your foe, you could wait un[l he ahacks, parry
> it (ahempt to do so, anyway), and then get what amounts to a "free"
> strike against him...
> I'll take those odds any day of the week...
> Jesse
I dont know tho :/ If the shields didnt parry so easily, y'know? For
example, If your opponent has more bac than you, its obvious he's more
skilled in his weapons, but you can parry that with your shield just as
easy as one with 5 steep points...? Dont know about you but if I was
gh[ng a person with a shield I would use all my tac[cs to get around
the shield, and if my skills outqualied my opponents I think I would be
able to do it easier.
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 1995 16:55:32 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

If I am following everything correctly the problems with shields and
ini[a[ve are closely [ed together.

If a CT ends as soon as the last person gets his rst ac[on then in
an one on one bahle each person would get one ahack.
Unless one was so much faster than the other that they were able to
take two ac[ons before the other had a chance to go.

Quicken anyone? and fast weapons if using the weapon speed spacing
rule vs 10 for hand weapons

So if you take one ac[on to parry your opponent, turns over, reroll
for ini[a[ve.

This brings up another problem though...take two quickened duelists

using foils say, add in a trudged ghter wearing plate mail and
using a claymore, these two suddenly go from one ac[on a round to 3,
4, 5, 6 possibly. I am interpre[ng things wrong?

Mah Speer

(Captain! Warbird decloacking to starboard!)
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 1995 23:52:34 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

> I dont know tho :/ If the shields didnt parry so easily, y'know? For
> example, If your opponent has more bac than you, its obvious he's more
> skilled in his weapons, but you can parry that with your shield just as
> easy as one with 5 steep points...? Dont know about you but if I was
> gh[ng a person with a shield I would use all my tac[cs to get around
> the shield, and if my skills outqualied my opponents I think I would be
> able to do it easier.

Okay, you have a point, but if you are spending all of your [me (or "all
my tac[cs") to get around the shield, you thus could not be spending
[me paying ahen[on to my ahacks. Thus, I'd probably win, even if you
were more skilled than I.


Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 00:03:16 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 2 Jul 1995, MR MATTHEW J SPEER wrote:

> If I am following everything correctly the problems with shields and
> ini[a[ve are closely [ed together.'s not really a problem though... :)

> If a CT ends as soon as the last person gets his rst ac[on then in
> an one on one bahle each person would get one ahack.
> Unless one was so much faster than the other that they were able to

> take two ac[ons before the other had a chance to go.


> Quicken anyone? and fast weapons if using the weapon speed spacing
> rule vs 10 for hand weapons
> So if you take one ac[on to parry your opponent, turns over, reroll
> for ini[a[ve.


> This brings up another problem though...take two quickened duelists
> using foils say, add in a trudged ghter wearing plate mail and
> using a claymore, these two suddenly go from one ac[on a round to 3,
> 4, 5, 6 possibly. I am interpre[ng things wrong?

Nope. That's the way it would work: let's think about it. Really.
Wouldn't a couple of thin, quick, dar[ng duellists using rapiers be
able to run circles around a big ol' warrior with big ol' plate mail on?
:) I'd say, sure would! :)

Of course, the rapiers would have to be prehy good quality and the
duellists prehy good themselves to even dent the guy in plate... :)


Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 00:09:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 2 Jul 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> > I dont know tho :/ If the shields didnt parry so easily, y'know? For
> > example, If your opponent has more bac than you, its obvious he's more
> > skilled in his weapons, but you can parry that with your shield just as
> > easy as one with 5 steep points...? Dont know about you but if I was
> > gh[ng a person with a shield I would use all my tac[cs to get around
> > the shield, and if my skills outqualied my opponents I think I would be
> > able to do it easier.
> Okay, you have a point, but if you are spending all of your [me (or "all
> my tac[cs") to get around the shield, you thus could not be spending
> [me paying ahen[on to my ahacks. Thus, I'd probably win, even if you
> were more skilled than I.

> Jesse
Good point, I guess I was just a lihle confused about shields, but aper
a lihle bit of thought, it all makes sense.
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 00:18:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Magic...

Ok, enough about the shields :) You guys are right, it makes
sense. Magic has always been a lihle foggy, I was curious if you people
would help clarify some things. When you get Heka from K/s areas, the
pool is just for that K/S area, correct? Some of the K/S Areas dont
supply spells to go with it. Like Metaphysics? What spells does
metaphysics support?
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 1995 23:39:09 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Magic...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Mon, 3 Jul 1995, Kenny Hill wrote:

> Ok, enough about the shields :) You guys are right, it makes
> sense. Magic has always been a lihle foggy, I was curious if you people
> would help clarify some things. When you get Heka from K/s areas, the
> pool is just for that K/S area, correct? Some of the K/S Areas dont
> supply spells to go with it. Like Metaphysics? What spells does
> metaphysics support?
> thanx
> -Ken
Well, the way we do is when you get heka from any k/s area it goes into a
common pool and we do not worry about this heka, or that heka. For us it
is all just "heka". Do what you can with it and hopefully it works well.

I believe that I have played in a campaign in the past where we restricted
the use of heka to the k/s area that generated it, but that was done to
try to limit the power of a par[cular player's hp. It seems that he
liked to go into bahle with ight on and heka-blast ready. A strong

roleplayer that guy was. (Yawn)

Well that is all I have to say for now.

Date: Sun, 2 Jul 1995 23:17:29 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dahlin Jeremy <dahli923@UIDAHO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

I admit that as far as the game system is concerned shields are quite
powerful. I'm trying to decide on increasing the diculty for shield
parries, or requiring the oren[ne K/S.
Of course, if one looks at history it's plainly obvious that shields are
very eec[ve. Why else would they be so prevailant in the past and
present (by present I mean in police riot squads, etc.)

Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 01:24:28 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Sidwell <sidwell@CS.UMR.EDU>
Subject: Re: Magic...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/> from "Kenny
Hill" at Jul 3,
95 00:18:48 am

> ....... When you get Heka from K/s areas, the
> pool is just for that K/S area, correct? Some of the K/S Areas dont
> supply spells to go with it. Like Metaphysics? What spells does
> metaphysics support?

The way we've enterpred the rules only the areas that specically
say the heka goes to a certain skill are limited that way.
Like Music is limited to Spellsongs. Most KS areas don't have this
limit stated.

Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 10:31:50 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

>So if you take one ac[on to parry your opponent, turns over, reroll

>for ini[a[ve.

There is a problem that with the combat system using 30 beats that Mah Speer
has picked up on. If someone really fast is gh[ng with an average smuck
and a slowpoke, and he chooses to ahack the slowpoke, if the slowpoke
chooses to parry then the CT ends before the average smuck gets to ahack.
This could go on for a long [me, with the average smuck NEVER gejng an

The way we solved this in our group is to say that the CT ends on the slowest
person's rolled ini[a[ve if he acts on or before that beat, or when they do
act if they act aper that beat (though they never want to).

Mah Berry
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 10:15:28 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Sight <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Magic...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

I'm not anal reten[ve anough to want to have the players keep track of
their magic pools, i'm afraid, The players have one big pool of magic
power they can call on for spells out of any discipline they are schooled in.

simple, maybe too much so, works for me.

Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 11:24:31 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Magic...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

I have always assumed that it was a single pool in which all the HP's
Heka went...

I have recently redid that thought however: instead of a single pool,
personas have 3: Universal, Direct Generated and Divine Generated.
Essen[ally, Universal can be used anywhere, and is generated by
ATTRIBUTES, Endurance and probably Yoga. Direct Heka is that which the
persona generates himself. Stu like Dweomercrap must fall in this
range. Divine Heka is that which is "given" to the HP from some "other"
source, like a God(dess). Priestcrap/Religion must fall into this 3rd

The trick which makes people dierent is, all the other Heka Genera[ng

K/S's can be Direct OR Divine, and the player's op[on. Once set, it
can't change, of course...but it allows you to have a faith-based
Spellsinger, for instance, or a "scien[c" Exorcist. This may result
in changes in the 'look' of some cas[ngs and use of the individual K/S
Area, but I think it adds a lihle more depth to it... (not like we
really needed more depth, I just liked the idea beher...) :)


Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 11:27:23 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields
In-Reply-To: <>


I believe the "rule" says that the CT ends when the slowest persona goes
once, right?

In your example, the mid-range guy becomes the slowest when the slow guy

The easiest way I can think to say this is: The CT ends once the last
person gets to do one thing...


Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 10:50:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields
In-Reply-To: <> from "Mahhew Berry" at Jul 3,
95 10:31:50 am

> The way we solved this in our group is to say that the CT ends on the slowest
> person's rolled ini[a[ve if he acts on or before that beat, or when they do
> act if they act aper that beat (though they never want to).

My word this sounds complicated. What do you guys have a drum to keep the
beat? :) I add 10 to ini[a[ve for each addi[onal ahack and leave it at
that. I really don't mind if combat drags out because both sides have
shields. The alterna[ve is usually the one who decides not to use it to
parry simply dies quickly. The other important thing to keep track of is

damage to weaponry and shields from parries. Though the weapon damage rules
don't take into account rela[ve strengths of weapons. It seems to me to be
foolish to ahempt to parry a claymore with a rapier or foil, but under the
rules both weapons are the same strength. Weak. So I throw in a good deal
of common sense. "You parry the knight's blow with your foil? Are you
sure?" "Sure, my foil is unsurpassed and has 60 PTrait." "Your foil snaps
like a twig, take 37 PD." "Waaahhhh!"

Advocate for Common sense above rules.
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 12:46:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tranthor Alain Sorz <tsorz@UWCSMS1.UWC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Weapon Speed factors...

>Its good except that you should add SF Pen for armor! :)

Actually I do, but I did not document that. . .
"The Most Advanced Home Gaming System in the Universe" - 3DO (Tranthor Alain Sorz)
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 12:27:01 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Shields r too powerful.?

At 11:17 PM 7/2/95 -0700, Dahlin Jeremy wrote:
>I admit that as far as the game system is concerned shields are quite
>powerful. I'm trying to decide on increasing the diculty for shield
>parries, or requiring the oren[ne K/S.

In my campaign, shields count as armor only, unless one has chosen them as a
weapon, and has oren[ne OR has no other weapon in hand. Only then can a
player parry with a shield, and it, of course, costs an ahack with that
weapon. It really helps cut down on guys specializing, too..

In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal; seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
VP, CCGS Sopware Consul[ng
WWW: hhp://
WWW: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 14:31:42 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

>In your example, the mid-range guy becomes the slowest when the slow guy

That's a really interes[ng way of interpre[ng the rule, Jesse. I looked
back at the book, and it says "Aper the highest ini[a[ve par[cipant has
nished resolving ac[ons, then the old CT ends and a new one begins."
(Mythus, p.210) It also says this before the sec[on on the op[onal
spacing of ac[ons. The posi[on and the wording give me the feeling that
the rule wasn't really wrihen with the spaced ac[ons in mind. I guess that
is a four beer way of saying that the rule is ambiguous.

I like your interpreta[on as it makes weapon speed even more important in
certain situa[ons, and the rule simpler. Of course the likelyhood of a
situa[on like the one in my example is prehy small, which is why I bet the
rule is ambiguous: the situa[on simply never occured in playtes[ng. How
many people out there have even run into the problem? I'll bet the number is
close to zero.

Well, that's enough hair splijng for one day.

Mah Berry
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 13:36:55 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Aaron P. Brezenski" <abrez@CASBAH.ACNS.NWU.EDU>
Subject: Art?

Anyone else out there picked up any copies of Mythus art?

I bought the original of the Mythus Magick cover this Saturday from Tim
Conrad, and am wondering if anyone knows what's happened to art from some of
the other books or novels.


-Aaron Brezenski
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's not someone out to get me."

Card-Carrying Member of the Illumina[
"If it can't be expressed in gures, it is not science. It is opinion."
"... what are the facts, and to how many decimal places?"
-- Lazarus Long

Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 15:17:31 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields
In-Reply-To: <>

> That's a really interes[ng way of interpre[ng the rule, Jesse. I looked

Thanks! :)

> I like your interpreta[on as it makes weapon speed even more important in
> certain situa[ons, and the rule simpler. Of course the likelyhood of a
> situa[on like the one in my example is prehy small, which is why I bet the
> rule is ambiguous: the situa[on simply never occured in playtes[ng. How
> many people out there have even run into the problem? I'll bet the number is
> close to zero.

Well, there are two easy examples when spaced ac[ons become kind of
important, in rela[on to who gets to do what, and who gets to act and
who doesn't... :)

1. Zombies. They always go slow. Well, the Mythus rulebook doesn't say
that they do, but their PMSpd is a big ol' 6... :) They would generally
ahack last in a round, but what if you had a slow (~10 PMSpd) warrior
wearing plate and using a bahle axe (or whatever), but he has like a 65
STEEP. Against Zombies, who knows who would go last? :)

2. Lots of fast, mul[ple ac[on guys. If everyone in a combat Quickens
themselves, and are using light, quick weapons, no one will be able to
get all their ahacks: since the slowest guy only gets one ahack.


Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 14:49:52 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dahlin Jeremy <dahli923@UIDAHO.EDU>

The dual full prac[[oner in my campain essentualy gets the best of both
worlds. He gets the x10 mul[plier to his dweomercrap and to his
priestcrap. He can also cast their respec[ve spells at one DR easier.
The book never realy states what the eects are. I was wondering how
other JM's out there handle it?

I also allow par[al prac[[oners to cast spells above their grade limit
in their main K/S area. i.e. an alchemist cas[ng alchemist spells.

Jeremy Dahlin
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 06:59:43 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Quicken

Three ways to keep "Quicken" + "Trigger Eect" from gejng out of hand:
1. Let the bad guys use it too. If a quickened warrior with 6 ahacks (or
even twelve) is awesome, so too is a quickened vampire or monster that sucks
TRAIT points by touch. . .This is not so much an evening-out of powers as it
is an escala[on, however.
2. Counter it with either "Trudge" from the baddies (reducing it to normal)
or "Disjunc[on." Remember that "Disjunc[on" aects a *Cas[ng*, not just
a subject, so if "Quicken" is the lowest Grade in the vicinity (which at
Grade I it usually is), all those under a single eect of "Quicken" will
nd their quickness disjoined.
3. Exploit it. If an Eect trigger is "Ac[vate when I am ahacked," then
send a horde of bats at the HP about once per AT. Aper sppeding up and
slowing down 12 or 13 [mes in a row, some serious Heka deple[on sets in.
4. (Bonus) Have your game world invaded by a race of eight-armed
interplanetary (or Subterranean) warriors that wield a sword in each hand but
are honor-bound by their cultural pride to parry with at least half of these
ahacks. Perhaps was[ng those extra ahacks on parries will cause the
players to save "Quicken" for emergencies.
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 07:12:19 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Speeding arrows

My guess is that EGG was sejng things up in his systema[c way for a future
expansion of Mythus/DJ to allow for even more detailed combat resolu[on. In
fact, there is a quote to that eect in one of the books. I don't have them
with me, but it went something like "This will be described further in a
later work dealing with combat in a more detailed fashion."

As usual, Gary saw far beyond the rst few books. It shows that he had the
structure planned out before the rst book was even wrihen. It makes the
magnitude of TSR's rapacity naked to even the most jaded eye.
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 07:40:20 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

I think shields in the EGS were of such small eect on combat that in Mythus
it was decided to make them more eec[ve. However, in order to keep them
from being too powerful, a number of things must be kept in mind.
1. Enforce the SF ini[a[ve penal[es for using a shield. Even two points
can make a dierence in a combat where the par[cipants are doing more
complex things than standard toe-to-toe hacking. The most obvious example is
moving and ahacking in the same CT. The added penalty for moving will
almost always put that par[cipant last unless he/she is using an ultrafast
weapon or is quickened.
2. A shield is armor only (and nothing else) unless the person has the
"Shields" sub-area, which allows parries. Even then, the roll is against
BAC, so if a person has 50 STEEP in shields he/she *should* be parrying 1 out
of every 2 hits on average. Hence the example someone used about 5 STEEP
being as useful as 50 is not accurate. A person then needs Floren[ne STEEP
to ahack with the shield, and these ahacks count against parries.
3. The number of parries is based on the size of the shield, not the STEEP.
A buckler parries only one ahack per CT even if used by Arnold
Schwarzenneger. Its advantage is speed and lightness, sacricing protec[ve
area to do so. A small shield has two parries and a large shield has three
parries per CT, period.
4. Strictly enforce posi[on modiers. An ahack on the unshielded ank
cannot be shield-parried, even if that is the only opponent. Likewise, I
combine "armor" and "parry" eects when determining whether a shield can be
used versus a given ahack. If you say you will use your small shield to
parry one ahack, you can only use its armor value versus one addi[onal
ahack, not every ahack from the front/lep area (assuming
5. Lastly, let the bad guys have shields, too. I turned a Ginzu HP into
someone with sweat on their brow by simply remembering that my
shield-equipped baddies could all be doing shield parries against his
ahacks. Even at a BAC of 35 they were stopping enough of his ahacks to
make gh[ng six of them a real challenge instead of a 2 CT bloodbath he
would normally yawn through.
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 11:32:34 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Abervon RPG web site

Hi guys! Sorry I've been absent, but I ew to Aus[n, Texas last
weekend, and I've been really busy with QMS stu. Anyway, I just
wanted to let you know that I've put together the prototype for my new
web site - The Abervon Roleplaying Game Pages.

If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to take a look and give me some
comments about what's there (or *not* there, considering it's not
done). I plan on having links to other gaming-related pages as well
as playing host for several companies.

The address is:


Check it out and sent me some e-mail if you have any comments or
favorite sites you'd like to see included. Also, I want to put
together lists of non-prot gaming organiza[ons, mailing lists,
upcoming conven[ons, and other resources for us gamers and designers.
So if you know the names/addresses of those I need to contact let me,
or them, know.

I'm eventually going to phase out my netcom account since this one is
where my domain will be. Please make a note of this new address (even
though I'll probably maintain the other account '[l the end of the
summer). It is:


Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 12:13:00 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>

---------From: Dahlin Jeremy
Sent: July 3, 1995 15:49
To: Mul[ple recipients of list MYTHUS-L

The dual full prac[[oner in my campain essentualy gets the best of both
worlds. He gets the x10 mul[plier to his dweomercrap and to his
priestcrap. He can also cast their respec[ve spells at one DR easier.
The book never realy states what the eects are. I was wondering how
other JM's out there handle it?

I also allow par[al prac[[oners to cast spells above their grade limit
in their main K/S area. i.e. an alchemist cas[ng alchemist spells.

Jeremy Dahlin

Well, other DM's usually don't HAVE to handle it... The odds of rolling that kind of character are
denitely NOT very good. Remember, they have ONE roll to tell if they have Priestcraep, and then they
have to make ONE MORE ROLL to tell if they have Dweomercraep. Fixed dice aside, those are prehy slim
odds, and forcing that roll to be made in front of the GM will prevent the players from... re-rolling the
second die because they were so close.. :)

If they DO make it, yes, they ARE very powerful, but anyone they meet will see they are powerful, and
will plot to take their life rst! Play your villans smart. Don't make it easy for the mage by only targejng
the grunts. Perhaps have someone kidnap the mage from the rear while the grunts are busy. Or
perhaps a levered pit trap for when the desired mage walks over it (and then seals up to prevent entry)
while the mage is whisked away.

You don't necessarily have to prevent your characters from being powerful, just remember that you have
to balance the game by being more powerful an opponent yourself. Otherwise it gets too easy, and
eventually boring. Enemies have intelligence. And if they win, give them APs, and let them increase, and
become regular foes (if they con[nue living)

Hope that helps!

Michael Nagy
a.k.a. Dekker, Fluellen of Exeter
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 12:24:19 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Crass Commercial Announcement

Hi folks.
I've just opened a mail order retail outlet for Gaming supplies on
the Net, and I thought I'd adver[se to you all (just this once). We do
carry Mythus products (and will un[l our supplier runs out) - right now, I
have everything available except the rst book (Mythus itself). I do have
some of the packs containing it, the Mythus Magick book, Necropolis, the
Bes[ary, and (I think) Mythus Prime.

Prices are all in Canadian dollars, and overseas orders are welcome. U.S.
customers get the great current exchange rate on the stu, too.

The store's at hhp://
If you don't have web access, you can email your order to me, or to the
business itself (

That's it. No more adver[sing from me.

Take care
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal; seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
VP, CCGS Sopware Consul[ng

WWW: hhp://
WWW: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 16:24:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

I thouhgt Donald Eccles had some good ideas about shileds but two parts
confused me:

>2. A shield is armor only (and nothing else) unless the person has the
>"Shields" sub-area, which allows parries. Even then, the roll is against
>BAC, so if a person has 50 STEEP in shields he/she *should* be parrying 1
>of every 2 hits on average. Hence the example someone used about 5 STEEP
>being as useful as 50 is not accurate. A person then needs Floren[ne STEEP
>to ahack with the shield, and these ahacks count against parries.

While you must roll against your BAC to parry with a shield, the table on
p.228 clearly shows that the DR for a shield vs a hand weapon is Moderate,
so you will be parrying 96% of the [me. The modier is Hard vs small
thrown weapons, and dicult vs arrows, bolts, etc

>3. The number of parries is based on the size of the shield, not the STEEP.
> A buckler parries only one ahack per CT even if used by Arnold
>Schwarzenneger. Its advantage is speed and lightness, sacricing
>area to do so. A small shield has two parries and a large shield has three
>parries per CT, period.

This is true, but is only part of the truth. The number of parries you can
do is aected by the STEEP in that you must have an unused ahack availible
to parry with. So even if you have the shields subarea, and have a large
shield, and have an opponent on the lep ank, you must also have 3 unused
ahacks to actually use the 3 parries the shield is capable of. This may
have been assumed when donald wrote #3, but I wanted to make it explicitly
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 17:49:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Mass combat...

I have a ques[on that hopefully someone has made soemthing for?
How would you have mass combat (like 1000 so people vs. 1000 so people?)
anyone made anything?

Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 23:02:11 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Rodney W. Morris" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mass combat...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>; from "Kenny
Hill" at Jul 4,
95 5:49 pm

> I have a ques[on that hopefully someone has made soemthing for?
> How would you have mass combat (like 1000 so people vs. 1000 so people?)
> anyone made anything?

I posted the following a while back, but I guess no one'd
mind if I posted it again. Yes, for those who remember, Luci's
s[ll lurking around here...he just doesn't play Mythus anymore :(
The formajng on the unit sheet is prehy bad...but I'm not
really certain how to get it right and keep everything that's
there. Also, it's no where near completed. I had intended on
making rules for AP/Bs (AP/Bahle), training, etc. Hope this helps

Mythus Mass Combat

Unit Types
Cavalry, Archer
Cavalry, Crossbowman

Unit Descriptors

Unit Types
Move: 1/2 or 1
Descriptors: Regular, Elite, Shock
Row Eec[veness: 2 (4 for longbowmen)
Archers consist of soldiers armed primarily with bows. If
an archer unit enters melee combat, they must change unit type to

infantry, with the necessary command roll.

Move: 1 (Special: movement of mount)
Descriptors: Regular, Elite, Shock
Row Eec[veness: 1
Cavalry are soldiers on horseback. They are the only unit
that can actually ride through another unit, unless a pike or shield
wall is successful in repelling the cavalry ahack. If they are
successful in entering another unit, that unit must immediately make
a "moderate" DR Rout Check or ee, unless the unit being
inltrated is also a cavalry unit. If the unit remains intact, all
units touching an enemy unit (within both the intruding cavalry unit
and the defending unit).

Move: 0 or 1
Descriptors: Mili[a, Regular, Elite
Row Eec[veness: 1
Crossbowmen consist of soldiers armed with crossbows. These
units will usually have a row of infantrymen in front of their
ring line who are essen[ally shield-bearers. Before the
crossbowmen re, the front line pulls up their sheilds to form a
shield-wall for the crossbowmen to re over. Units with an
Infantry row are designated as such by an (I) aper the unit type. A
tac[c of medium and heavy crossbowmen is to have the rst row step
back aper ring its bolts to load while the second row steps
forward to re and so on. For medium crossbowmen, this will allow
for an ahack every round, instead of one every two. For heavy
crossbowmen, this will result in two ahacks every three rounds, in
stead of one every three (a third row could not assist in this
manner). Only regular and elite crossbowmen trained in this Special
Tac[c could perform this task.

Move: 1 or 1(special: movement of mount)
Descriptors: Mili[a, Regular, Elite, Shock
Row Eec[veness: 0
These troops are basically infantry who use horses to ride
into combat and dismount to ght (where they become normal
infantry). It takes 1/2 of their infantry movement to dismount
their steeds. Usually, 25% of the unit remains behind to keep the
steeds in order;otherwise, the steeds will ee (unless intelligent,
whereas it becomes the GMs peroga[ve.

Move: 3/4 or 1
Descriptors: Mili[a, Regular, Elite, Shock
Row Eec[veness: 1
Infantry are units which carry melee weapons, such as swords

and maces. They are the backbone of any army. An infantry unit
need not a commander to ght, though it tends to be inecient
without one. These units are the cheapest to train and equip.

Move: 3/4
Descriptors: Mili[a, Regular, Elite, Shock
Row Eec[veness: 2 to 3
Pikemen include any pole-arm using unit, including
Halbadiers. They have proven themselves throughout history as the
best and cheapest defense against cavalry and fairly eec[ve
against infantry as well. Pikemen u[lizing pole-arms with a reach
of 4 or less have a row eec[veness of 2. Those with a reach
higher than 4 have a row eec[veness of 3. In melee combat, only
the third row can ahack.

Unit Descriptors

Mili[a: Lihle to no training. Aper gaining four AP/B
points, this unit becomes regular, regardless of how those points
were spent.
Base Morale: SM Category x 0.75
Base Discipline: MR Category x 0.75
Raw Weapon STEEP (w/o WP added): 0 - 15
Special Tac[cs: None

Regular: Minimal training and/or combat experience. Aper
gaining peen AP/B points, this unit can opt to become Elite. If
the training for Elite status fails, the unit can try again every
ve AP/B points thereaper. At least three special tac[cs will
have had to be learned and a weapon STEEP of 20 is minimum.
Base Morale: SM Category
Base Discipline: MR Category
Raw Weapon STEEP (w/o WP added): 10-25
Special Tac[cs: Forma[on (automa[c), Charge
(automa[c), Rally (2AP/Bs), Shield-Wall (3 AP/Bs),
Pike-Wall (3 AP/Bs), Forma[on change (4 AP/Bs), Controlled
Retreat (3 AP/Bs), Push (4 AP/Bs), Row Switch (3AP/Bs, only
for medium or heavy crossbowmen)

Elite: Special training and/or extensive combat experience.
Aper gaining thirty AP/B points, this unit can opt to become
Shock. At least two new tac[cs must have been learned from the
"Elite" category, Raw Weapon STEEP must reach 20, and at least ve
AP/Bs must have been earned in bahle. If the unit fails to
upgrade, the unit can try again every ten AP/B points thereaper.
Base Morale: SM Category x 1.5
Base Discipline: MR Category x 2.0
Raw Weapon STEEP: 20 - 35
Special Tac[cs: Rally (automa[c if not already

known), Double Push (5 AP/B; only if trained for Push)

Shock: Extensive training and combat experience. There is
no higher level of mar[al excellence.
Base Morale: SM Category x 2.0
Base Discipline: MR Category x 4.0
Raw Weapon STEEP: 30 - 50+
Special Tac[cs: All "regular" tac[cs, if not
already known, are automa[c; Triple Push (6 AP/Bs),
Quadruple Push (10 AP/Bs)

Unit Descrip[on
Type: Elite cavalry, regular pikemen, etc.
Move: The P Trait of the unit divided by 10, rounded down.
Move Mul[pliers: see unit types and descriptors
March (Move + 50%):
Forced March (Move + 100%):
Irregular March/Retreat (Move + 200%):
Ahack Chance, per weapon: The WP of the weapon plus the
average STEEP of the unit in that weapon, excluding
any Special Commanders and individuals whose STEEP
exceeds +/- 20% of the average.
Damage: Weapon's average damage plus unit bonuses.
Unit Damage Capacity: Damage mul[plied by number of
individuals in unit capable of dealing said damage.
Defense: Average damage reduc[on from armor; determine only
pierce, cut and blunt.
Morale: Determine base by unit descriptor, roll 3D6-10 for
the modier, if it has not already been determined;
add the commander's Command Ra[ng and any special
Formidability: Factor of fear capable of causing to other
units, results in a subtrac[on from Morale.
Discipline: Based upon descriptor of unit.
Mental TRAIT: Physical TRAIT: Spiritual TRAIT:
MRCategory: PMCategory: SMCategory:
MMCategory: PNCategory: SPCategory
Special Abili[es/Invulnerabili[es/Sucep[bli[es: This is
mostly for non-human units or units under some sort
of magickal assistance.
Tac[cs Known: List all Special Tac[cs that the unit is trained for.

Ahack Procedures
When a unit ahacks, roll against the STEEP of the unit.
Subtract the STEEP from the number rolled. If the number is
posi[ve, the damage the unit has dealt will increase. If the
number is nega[ve, the damage will decrease. Refer to the
following chart for details.

Dierence Damage Mul[plier

50+ Eight
46 - 49 Six
41 - 45 Five
36 - 40 Four
26 - 35 Three
16 - 25 Two
-15 - 15 One
-20 - -16 0.75
-25 - -21 0.5
-35 - -26 0.25
-50 - -36 0.1
-51 or less 0

Damage dealt by an ahacking unit is equal to the Damage
Capacity (damage of any single individual mul[plied by the number
of individuals capable of ahacking) of the unit mul[plied by the
Damage Mul[plier. The Defense value of the defending unit is then
subtracted from the Damage. Divide the remainder by the P TRAIT of
the individuals within the unit and remove that many units from the
bahle eld. Keep a record of percentages in smaller bahles. In
large-scale bahles, it is permissable to round to the nearest
integer for damage.

Unit Descrip[on
Unit Name:
Unit Commander:
Move: _____
Move Mul[pliers:
March (Move + 50%): _____
Forced March (Move + 100%): _____
Irregular March/Retreat (Move + 200%): _____
Ahack Chance, per weapon:

___________________ _____ ___________________ _____

___________________ _____ ___________________ _____

___________________ _____ ___________________ _____

___________________ _____ ___________________ _____

___________________ _____ ___________________ _____

___________________ _____ ___________________ _____
Unit Damage Capacity:

___________________ _____ ___________________ _____

___________________ _____ ___________________ _____

___________________ _____ ___________________ _____
Pierce: _____
Cut: _____
Blunt: _____
Morale: _____
Formidability: _____
Discipline: _____
Mental TRAIT: _____ Physical TRAIT:
_____ Spiritual TRAIT: _____
MRCategory: _____ PMCategory:
_____ SMCategory: _____
MMCategory: _____ PNCategory:
_____ SPCategory: _____
Special Abili[es/Invulnerabili[es/Sucep[bli[es:


Tac[cs Known:


Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 01:29:02 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Mass combat...

> I have a ques[on that hopefully someone has made soemthing for?
>How would you have mass combat (like 1000 so people vs. 1000 so people?)
>anyone made anything?

I believe Gary addressed this in an ar[cle in one of the MMM magazines.
Personally, I don't normally handle it with dice, unless the characters

are directly involved. What I do is compare the numbers, the compara[ve

morale, and who I want to win [ ;) ] and then come up with some narra[ve.
Of course, if the personas are embroiled in the bahle, I let 'em ght,
but I'm real loose on specics - the players usually have some form of

And if they don't, they're screwed. War is hell.

Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 08:13:04 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Pal Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Re: Mass combat...
In-Reply-To: <>

> I have a ques[on that hopefully someone has made soemthing for?
>How would you have mass combat (like 1000 so people vs. 1000 so people?)
>anyone made anything?

I once ended a campaign with a "grand melee" with rougly 50.000 men (er.. sorry,
soldiers) on each side. I used a neat lihle game called "Men at arms" which came
with the magazine "Strategy and Tac[cs". The players controlled a couple of
brigades on one side (reinforcements), while I controlled the rest and the other
side. "Men at arms" is a generic strategy game suitable for portraying ancient
bahles (early greek to the english civil war). The counters are light, ordinary and
heavy infantry, archers, cavallry , phalanx etc. A very good game, it's only drawback beeing that it uses squares instead of hexes.
My players liked it, so I'll use it again should the situa[on demand it.
With regards!
Pal Woje.
(@ @)
----------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------P. A. Woje Norwegian Telecom Phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O.Box 321, N-8001 Bodo, Norway Telefax : +47 75 51 24 01
IT Department (TI.N) Private : +47 75 58 48 71

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (__) (__)
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 14:20:39 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: [CASTINGS] Priests of Forse[

Forse[ (Balance, Agathocacological, Ordered, Major God)

Forse[ was originally nothing more than an obscure reference to a being
'against whose judgement none can stand'. In the intervening centuries
since the penning of the Eddas, however, on Aerth he has risen to
prominence as the deity of judgement, over both the living and the dead.
He is said to stand guard at the entrance to Valhalla (the Hall of the
Dead), where he can bar the entrance of a spirit selected by the
Valkyries, if the spirit does not deserve the privilege of ea[ng with
the dead and gh[ng at Ragnarok.

Forse['s priesthood is made up of travelling priests who act as judges
in disputes and at Things. In the larger ci[es, however, one or more
priests of Forse[ will typically make up the judiciary, and there will
be sucient need for judgements that they will not travel far. The
priests are empowered with cas[ngs allowing them to act in this role,
and many train heavily in the arts of Divina[on.

Grade I:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: Caster R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: Nil
E/F/M: Aper hearing the evidence as presented by the complainent and
the defense presented, and the priest has determined that the defendant
is guilty, this Formula may be used to seek guidance as to an appropriate
judgement. Upon successful employment of the Cas[ng, the priest will
know what the appropriate punishment for the transgression (considering
all circumstances), and Forse['s punishment is pronounced. Note that
the Cas[ng does *not* provide any means of enforcing the punishment,
merely indica[ng what the appropriate punishment would be.

Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 10:1 addi[onal ATs
E/F/M: This ritual allows the priest to force a subject to tell the
truth. Note that a successful check vs. the SMCap ATTRIBUTE at DR
"Hard" will allow the subject to resist the eects, and cas[ngs or
abili[es which allow lies to be told undetectably will allow the subject
to speak lies without problems. Note that this is typically used on
witnesses in trials presided over by priests of Forse[.

Grade II:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Cas[ng is employed to force a responsible party to give
the warranted weregild (bloodmoney) for the death of another. The

subject must have already been declared guilty by due process of law,
and must be avoiding paying the just recompense. If the subject has
already been declared guilty in the face of Forse[ (namely a priest
of Forse[ has judged him), then there is no chance to avoid the
cas[ng, and the necessity of forcing the payment will weigh heavily
against the spirit of the subject when his spirit reaches the doors
of Valhalla. Otherwise, the subject may make a roll vs. SMCap at DR
"Hard" to resist the cas[ng.

Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: By means of this ritual, the priest can read the spirit of the
subject, determining, on the whole, if it is likely that the subject
would be allowed to pass into Valhalla. It does not reveal past ac[ons,
nor does it give an indica[on of the tendencies of the subject, only
whether the past ac[ons of the subject are such that Forse[ would bar
his spirit's entrance into Valhalla.

Grade III:
Time: Special Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This powerful Formula grants the wisdom of Forse[ to the priest,
causing the priest to make the correct judgement and places a magickal
mark on the subject (visible to all Heka-aware individuals), which will
remain un[l the judgement has been fullled. Note that there is no
mortal way to resist the judgement, and in Norse areas the mark may make
the subject shunned by those who are Heka-aware and know the meaning of
the mark. The mark cannot be removed without the use of at least
Supernatural Heka, and a special ritual, but it will disappear as soon
as the judgement is complete. For instance, Erik is judged to one year's
slavery, and the mark is placed on him. Un[l the year of servitude is
done and past, the mark remains, but it will disappear as soon as the
slavery is complete.

Grade IV:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: Courtroom R&D: Nil
Distance: Special Other: 10:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: This Ritual, performed before convening the court, will cause all
persons ahes[ng to facts to speak the truth at all [mes. Those persons
which have no special abili[es (K/S Areas, magickal eects, etc.) to
lie freely have no chance to resist this cas[ng, while those which do
must make a successful check (if provided by the eect), or else make
a successful roll vs. SMCap at DR "Dicult" to lie. Otherwise, the
unvarnished truth will be spoken.

Grade V:
Time: Special Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: Nil
E/F/M: This very powerful Ritual, which takes peen minutes to perform,
is similar to the Render Judgement Formula (q.v.), except that the
resul[ng mark cannot be removed without En[tal Heka, and it adds
enforcement capabili[es to the cas[ng. For every week that the subject
does not work towards the comple[on of his sentence, he loses 1 point
in each ATTRIBUTE, a loss which will reverse itself at the rate of 1
point per week working towards the comple[on of the sentence. Suce
it to say that most recipients of this ritual complete their sentence
with a minimum of fuss.

Well, there are several more Norse gods crying out for immediate
treatment (Bragi, Njord, Frey, Freyja, Hel), which will probably be done
next, and in no par[cular order. I may dip into the Chinsungese or
assemble a useful but incomplete list or two while doing them, but that's
where the future plans stand as of the moment. (Looking at my notes, I
would say that Frey and Freyja will be the last of the ones listed to be
done, and Bragi and Hel are next.) I recently purchased Mythic Egypt (by
ICE), not half-bad, quite useful, actually. It doesn't quite mesh 100%
with either my own research or Gygax's notes (from MMM and Necropolis), but
that's to be expected. Then again, I no[ced one inconsitency betwixt
the MMM stu and the Necropolis stu <grin>. I may do Thoth soon,
just because I want to ;-)

I am doing the Norse gods at the request of a list member, although there
is obviously a certain amount of desire on my part to work on them :-)
As you can see, I do take requests, and I treasure feedback. Let me know
what you think :-)

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es (collect 'em all):
[Mail me for them, if you missed 'em when they were rst posted]

Kuan Yu
Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury,
Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan
[Daily Deity, Overview] Forse[, Idunn, Loki, Odin, Thor

FTP/gopher:, in pub/Role-Playing/Fantasy/Mythus/Cas[ngs

hhp://[ngs [home site]
hhp://[ngs.toc.html [mirror]
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 17:25:30 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Hello&What Happened

Hi there!!
My name is Michael and I recently subscribed to this list. I bought Mythus a few
years ago the rst [me I saw it, and I know own all published Mythus material except a few
Journeys mags. I have two ques[ons.
1 I realize that you guys probably spent months discussing this, but what the heck
happened to Mythus? I nally found a fantasy game that doesn't make me feel like puking
over absurdi[es, and now its dead!? I heard from friends it was bought out or something.

2 Apparently the City of Ascalon thing was just about ready to go when this
happened. What happened to this?
When I wrote Gary,(more than a year ago), there were lots of people working on
things. Is anything availible??

Mike C.
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 00:49:50 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mass combat...

A good point. The biggest bahle my HPs have undertaken yet is a
temple/fortress full of nas[es, wherein they managed to get surrounded in a
big chamber by about half the fortress's con[ngent. I did it using
one-one-one rolls and it took several weeks to resolve the bahle.

I think Pal Woje's idea is a good one. Take your favorite board game and
write some
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 00:50:53 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mass combat...

OOPS! I accidently sent my last message incomplete by hijng the

undocumented "Send Message" keyboard shortcut. I wish I knew what it was so

I could avoid it. Anyway, here it is again:

A good point. The biggest bahle my HPs have undertaken yet is a
temple/fortress full of nas[es, wherein they managed to get surrounded in a
big chamber by about half the fortress's con[ngent. I did it using
one-one-one rolls and it took several weeks to resolve the bahle.

I think Pal Woje's idea is a good one. Take your favorite board game and
write some new Mythus-derived rules, or use the ones in MMM. We can't repost
the ar[cle here for copyright reasons, but if you would like specic
details, e-mail me directly.

My favorite fantasy board game is SPI's Swords & Sorcery, a good game in its
own right but it also has counters for both troops and leaders, lending
itself very well to Mythus modica[on. If only I had more free [me. . .
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 17:42:47 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: chris barnes <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Art?

On Mon, 3 Jul 1995 13:36:55 -0500 Aaron P. Brezenski wrote:

> Anyone else out there picked up any copies of Mythus art?
> I bought the original of the Mythus Magick cover this Saturday from Tim
> Conrad, and am wondering if anyone knows what's happened to art from some of
> the other books or novels.
No I haven't, I did not realise you could generally.
Does anyone know the going rate for artwork (black and white as well as colour),
and where to get art from rpg ar[sts. It could make a nice present.

chris barnes
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 18:01:02 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: chris barnes <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

Well I have kept out of this debate so far (in case the words "penis" "envy" and
"metal" crop up again <g>). but here are a few points I found at odds with the
prac[cal aspects of shield work

On Tue, 4 Jul 1995 07:40:20 -0400 Donald Eccles wrote:

> 2. A shield is armor only (and nothing else) unless the person has the
> "Shields" sub-area, which allows parries. Even then, the roll is against
> BAC, so if a person has 50 STEEP in shields he/she *should* be parrying 1 out
> of every 2 hits on average.

We found that with a medium sized shield that was not too heavy even the
clumsiest oaf could parry hits from the knees up about 75% of the [me as the
shield does not require too much movement to block the blow.

> The number of parries is based on the size of the shield, not the STEEP.
> A buckler parries only one ahack per CT even if used by Arnold
> Schwarzenneger. Its advantage is speed and lightness, sacricing protec[ve
> area to do so. A small shield has two parries and a large shield has three
> parries per CT, period.

If you are facing a sword or other similar weapon (as opposed to a missile weapon)
the buckler is every bit as eec[ve as the larger shields. It is eec[vely used as
an ac[ve parry "weapon" using a punching mo[on of the st rather than using it as
an extension to the whole arm as you would use a larger shield. The areas are
protected by the moving object rather than by passive metal and the advantages
and disadvantages just about even out if you are competent.
This is all providing you are any good in a scrap, and can react quickly. For those
further down the useful scale then give them the biggest shield you can. It will slow
them down alright when they want to ahack, but the "ac[ve defence" bit does not
have to be so nely honed.

So how to translate this to game terms?
A good ghter will do just as well with a buckler as a larger shield against an
oppponent as good as or weaker than himself.
You can make more parries against one opponent with a buckler than a larger
shield as being unencumbered the whole ght speeds up, blows are exchanged at
a greater frequency.
A weak ghter can hamper a good opponent beher with a large shield as it is a pig
to get a decent stroke around a large shield.
The good ghter will outclass the weaker opponent armed with a buckler as will be
able to an[cipate and defeat the parries. The buckler has no passive defence value
to aid the incompetent.

Try to gure that one out. Could make for real complex rules eh?

Chris Barnes
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 13:31:39 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 7 Jul 1995, chris barnes wrote:

> > 2. A shield is armor only (and nothing else) unless the person has the
> > "Shields" sub-area, which allows parries. Even then, the roll is against
> > BAC, so if a person has 50 STEEP in shields he/she *should* be parrying 1 out
> > of every 2 hits on average.
> We found that with a medium sized shield that was not too heavy even the
> clumsiest oaf could parry hits from the knees up about 75% of the [me as the
> shield does not require too much movement to block the blow.
> > The number of parries is based on the size of the shield, not the STEEP.
> > A buckler parries only one ahack per CT even if used by Arnold
> > Schwarzenneger. Its advantage is speed and lightness, sacricing protec[ve
> > area to do so. A small shield has two parries and a large shield has three
> > parries per CT, period.
> So how to translate this to game terms?
> A good ghter will do just as well with a buckler as a larger shield
> against an oppponent as good as or weaker than himself.
> You can make more parries against one opponent with a buckler than a larger
> shield as being unencumbered the whole ght speeds up, blows are
> exchanged at a greater frequency.
> A weak ghter can hamper a good opponent beher with a large shield as
> it is a pig to get a decent stroke around a large shield.
> The good ghter will outclass the weaker opponent armed with a buckler
> as will be able to an[cipate and defeat the parries. The buckler has
> no passive defence value to aid the incompetent.
> Try to gure that one out. Could make for real complex rules eh?

Believe it or not, this is not as tough as it sounds, and may in fact be
exactly what the game was designed to handle! Now that I have thought
about it, here is my interpreta[on (which is correct, so deal with it! :)

You automa[cally gain the AF's from having a shield (armor factors).
This is the "passive" defense, which is much beher for large shields and
explains why they provide more protec[on.

You can only actually ahempt to Parry ahacks if you have the Shields
Sub-Area. Floren[ne wouldn't hurt either, but that's not the point of
this post... You get a number of parries equal to whatever your STEEP
allows, with no regard as to the size of the shield: It may be easier to
parry with a big shield, but since bucklers are quicker they are able to
get the same ahempts... here's a quick chart to make that thought easier
to understand (hopefully):

Shield Parries due to: Size Encumberence Total:
Buckler few many somewhere in

Larger many few the middle...

See: if Encumberence where the only limi[ng factor on parries, bucklers
would always get more. If Size were it, Large shields win.

So, take your pick: if your HP sucks at Melee, get the biggest dumb
shield you can get. It will slow you down but at least you will have
lots of AF's... (from fontal ahacks, anyway)

If you are a good warrior, quick and STEEPed, get a buckler. It will not
aect your Speed much, and if you have Floren[ne you will parry tons of
whatever is thrown against you.

By god! I think I've created a strategy! :)


Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 14:11:58 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields


<<> Try to gure that one out. Could make for real complex rules eh?

>>Believe it or not, this is not as tough as it sounds, and may in fact be
>>exactly what the game was designed to handle! Now that I have >>thought
>>about it, here is my interpreta[on (which is correct, so deal with it! :)

Well, opinions as to viability aside, I doubt this is what that had in mind,
otherwise they wouldn't have expressly stated that bucklers get one, smalls
get two, and larges get three. I believe it also says that you lose the AFs
of the shield any[me it is used to parry.

Who knows, it might have had something to do with what the designers had in
mind, but not what was printed.

Not that I disagree with a few of the assump[ons, but I am looking for ways
to streamline things, not make them more complex. It also puts you in the
posi[on of providing a rela[ve skill ra[ng for OPs for the players.

Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 14:02:02 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>

Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

Jesse said:

>Believe it or not, this is not as tough as it sounds, and may in fact be
>exactly what the game was designed to handle! Now that I have thought
>about it, here is my interpreta[on (which is correct, so deal with it! :)
>You automa[cally gain the AF's from having a shield (armor factors).
>This is the "passive" defense, which is much beher for large shields and
>explains why they provide more protec[on.

So far so good...

>You can only actually ahempt to Parry ahacks if you have the Shields
>Sub-Area. Floren[ne wouldn't hurt either, but that's not the point of

You may NOT use a shield (or a buckler, I <think> - check the rules on
that) when gh[ng oren[ne, dude.

>this post... You get a number of parries equal to whatever your STEEP
>allows, with no regard as to the size of the shield: It may be easier to
>parry with a big shield, but since bucklers are quicker they are able to
>get the same ahempts... here's a quick chart to make that thought easier
>to understand (hopefully):
>Shield Parries due to: Size Encumberence Total:
>Buckler few many somewhere in
>Larger many few the middle...
>See: if Encumberence where the only limi[ng factor on parries, bucklers
>would always get more. If Size were it, Large shields win.

Oh Gawd! Another table! Didn't Gary and I wear you folks out with all the
tables we put in? Nice try, and not too terribly unrealis[c. Of course,
never forget that the persona with the huge f'ing shield is going to get
[red *real* fast. Then all you need is a can opener...

>So, take your pick: if your HP sucks at Melee, get the biggest dumb
>shield you can get. It will slow you down but at least you will have
>lots of AF's... (from fontal ahacks, anyway)

Actually, I would recommend that if your character sucks at melee, hire
some Big Dumb Dude (shield op[onal) to protect you... and keep your buh in
the back of the group! ;)

>If you are a good warrior, quick and STEEPed, get a buckler. It will not
>aect your Speed much, and if you have Floren[ne you will parry tons of

>whatever is thrown against you.

And if you're really good, get an enchanted loincloth of protec[on (patent
pending) and take whatever ac[ons required to rid the land of the
shield-bearing sheep! <g>

>By god! I think I've created a strategy! :)

I love strategy. Barring that, brute force almost always works.

p.s. I didn't even use the words "penis", "envy", or "metal" once. So there!

Every man dies. Not every man truly lives.
(Anyone know where I can get that poster?)
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 13:08:05 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

At 02:02 PM 7/7/95 PDT, Dave Newton wrote:

>>You can only actually ahempt to Parry ahacks if you have the Shields
>>Sub-Area. Floren[ne wouldn't hurt either, but that's not the point of
>You may NOT use a shield (or a buckler, I <think> - check the rules on
>that) when gh[ng oren[ne, dude.

Say what? I don't allow my players to parry with their shields and ahack
in the same CT UNLESS they have Floren[ne with Shield as one of their wpns.

>Oh Gawd! Another table! Didn't Gary and I wear you folks out with all the
>tables we put in? Nice try, and not too terribly unrealis[c. Of course,
>never forget that the persona with the huge f'ing shield is going to get
>[red *real* fast. Then all you need is a can opener...

Not so. If it's a large round shield, perhaps; if one can force the bearer
to maintain the arm-bar pose with it for long enough. But any kind of kite
or tower shield will not disturb the bearer unduly at all - assuming, of
course, that he has trained with such a toy.

Take care,

In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)

Bravo of Avacal; seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
VP, CCGS Sopware Consul[ng
WWW: hhp://
WWW: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 13:15:28 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

At 02:11 PM 7/7/95 -0400, Richard Crook wrote:

>Well, opinions as to viability aside, I doubt this is what that had in mind,
>otherwise they wouldn't have expressly stated that bucklers get one, smalls
>get two, and larges get three. I believe it also says that you lose the AFs
>of the shield any[me it is used to parry.

What a hideous thought. No maher what the printed rules say, a large
shield used to parry an ahack is s[ll going to provide armor value, if
only because the ahacker simply cannot get to any of the body's vital bits
while the bearer has it in posi[on (and parrying does NOT move a shield out
of posi[on - it only has to move a few inches in any direc[on to prevent a
rigid weapon from striking). I also threw out the nonsense with # of
parries being dependent on shield size. I can parry just as open with a
dagger as I can with a buckler, and with a large shield.

>Not that I disagree with a few of the assump[ons, but I am looking for ways
>to streamline things, not make them more complex. It also puts you in the
>posi[on of providing a rela[ve skill ra[ng for OPs for the players.

1) Parry as open as you have ahacks lep to parry with.
2) Shields keep armor protec[on
3) Bucklers have no armor value except for Non-Vital (the hand holding it) they are strictly a parrying device that happen to get shield benets (And
I'm strongly considering removing that, as well).

Streamlined enough?

Take care,
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal; seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
VP, CCGS Sopware Consul[ng
WWW: hhp://

WWW: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 16:02:09 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

I have a feeling we are star[ng to stray from the rules as published into
specic house rules. I'm not that sure about what the book says ('cause I didn't
write that part), but I'm prehy sure that the oren[ne gh[ng skill covered
gh[ng with a dirk and a sword - and did not include shields. That's why I said
check it. [I can't, I don't have a copy of the rules here at work]

In any case, I suspect this is one of those instances where game balance made for
a stupid (or at least unrealis[c rule). I don't know how many [mes Gary and I
went round on stupid stu and eventually decided *something*... I do know that a
lot of these things were discussed ad nauseum, and even though I can't remember
the whys of some of the results, they made sense (to us) at the [me.

My personal feelings on the maher (YMMV): lose the AFs when parrying, no shields
and oren[ne gh[ng. This is coming from someone who likes to play balls to
the wall, every man for himself, shields are for the phalanxes not the individual,
show me someone with a shield and I'll show you someone who has one hand full, if
you must use that shield you can't be that good with your sword, and what happens
when I kick the bohom of that kite shield between your legs, mister?

My company has a bail policy - does your company have a health plan?
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 18:53:10 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields


One more [me around the shield wall.

Actually, the rules as wrihen (or edited, take your pick) specically
require the oren[ne skill to use a weapon and shield if you want to ATTACK
with the shield. It says nothing regarding parrying with it, we allow
parries as long as the shield sub area is held.


Don't forget fun stu like shield to shield binding. Is that eec[vely a

parry vs. a parry?????

Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 17:41:01 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

At 06:53 PM 7/7/95 -0400, Richard Crook wrote:
>Don't forget fun stu like shield to shield binding. Is that eec[vely a
>parry vs. a parry?????

I'd call that grappling. And I'd make it part of the shield descrip[on.
Large round shields are dicult to use in this fashion, but med. kite
shields let you hook your opponent's shield quite well. It doesn't prevent
shield parrying in one direc[on, tho - I don't allow shield binds to work
in my campaign... Not that my players would bother with it.

"Look. He's wearing all that armour!"
"Cor! And 'is 'orse, too!"
"And Look at that great bleeding wall he's carrying!"
"Hit 'im with sommat electrical!"

'Course, on the Eastern con[nent, where all the na[ves wear full plate,
the characters are extremely under-armoured themselves, and think
electricity is God's gip to them. They haven't faced an ocer, yet tho.

Take care,
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal; seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
VP, CCGS Sopware Consul[ng
WWW: hhp://
WWW: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 23:24:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Op[onal gh[ng...

Gree[ngs all, I would just like to say that I have incorporated
a few extras of gh[ng, for things which I couldnt nd in Mythus.

Specic Targe[ng...

Yes, I know there is a K/S area for this, but in all honesty I
believe a person (with a most likely worse chance, naturally) can s[ll
make an honest eort to aim for a body part. Also I wrote up a lihle
chart of all the places which I think the body part belongs, please
correct me if I'm wrong :).
1) Shoulders
2) Theigh
3) Side
4) Back
1) Legs
2) Arms
Super Vital
1) Chest
2) Head
3) hands
4) Feet
5) Shin
6) Stomach (In my opinion, I believe if you ever get diced in the
stomach, its going to bring about quite a nasty pain, natually this could
be Nonvital if it were a scratch, but then again that would be for almost
any body part, eh?)
Ultra Vital
1) Neck
2) Groin
I know this is probably o, and I'd love to get feedback, and
now here is my way of doing a called shot w/o having specic targe[ng
(I tried to simplify it as fast as possible so I know I took out alot of
When a called shot hits (there is no hit roll penalty), refer to
this chart to determine if you hit where you wanted it to (this is your
new hit loca[on roll when you called shot (Determine if its
non,vit,sup,or ult by the table from above or your own made up table.)
Nonvital Rolls: Nonvital: 1-90 Miss:91+
Vital : 1-30 Nonvital: 31-80 Miss: 81+
SuperV : 1-25 Nonvital: 26-70 Miss: 71+
UltraV : 1-15 Nonvital: 16-60 Miss: 61+
Modiers...* For every 5 steep in that combat form, there is a -1% bonus
marked o the roll. Also, as a penalty to the roll, is the opponents
dodge percentage.

Parrying is the mere deec[on of an object (or at least that is
how i see it. In our mar[al arts class, a parry is not the stopping of
an ahack, yet the redirec[on of one, hence less destruc[ve.) Blocking
is more destruc[ve for weapon damage, and to successfully block, you
just call one and make a normal parry roll. When rolling for weapon
breakage, here are some modiers...
Lighter weapons tend to break easier when used on heavier. To the one

who has a weapon that requires more PMPow to use, he gathers a bonus to
the weapon breakage of 1% for ever dierence. Also if the weapon is
metal-cujng vs. wooden or whip, the ending percentage is doubled.
(Example. Claymore (PMPow req 20) vs. Spear (PMPow req 6). Prehy
obvious the claymore will have a 14% bonus due to the Pow dierence.
Add that to 10% (Average wooden breakage) for a total of 24%. Since the
spear is wooden and the claymore is metal-cujng, it is doubled to 48%
chance the wooden weapon takes breaking damage.

A Favorite among many. Weapons that have more than a 2 reach
dierence are unalbe to disarm each other (ie. Claymore vs. dagger). In
order to successfully disarm, one must rst make a successful hit roll.
Then both players roll against their Combat hand Weapons. If both fail,
or both succeed, then the Disarm was wasted. The ahacker MUST make his
roll and the defender MUST miss his.
Modiers to the DR:
Weapon is made for disarming (whip): Gm determines depending on the weapon.
Disarming 2 handed weapon: +1 DR Penalty to ahacker, -1 DR bonus to

Wehn you bash, you add 1/2 your bonus damage to your bonus damage
rounded down (ie +3 would be +1 more for a total of +4). For every +1
damage there is a 3% penalty to the hit roll.

Oppisate of bashing, when you concentrate on hijng, and not the
hit itself. You get no damage bonus from strength, but you may add your
PNPow and PNSpd to your FAC. Also, damage goes down by 1 die (ie 3d6 is
now 2d6. 1d6 is now 1d3). In order to do this you must have at least 3
PMPow points over the Min PMPow to wield the weapon.

Can someone clarify something? Does it say anywhere what reach
can do for you? How do you keep someone at bay? Well heres what I have
it do. When running into melee range, the weapon with the greatest reach
will most obviously and likely ahack rst, but not always. For ever
reach the ahacker has over the opponent, he gets a one [me -5
ini[a[ve bonus (He gets this bonus every [me someone runs in on him
while he's ahacking at him.)

Destroying Items...
It is just like a called shot (Like above) only most all of the called
shots are super-vital (for hands). When the Supervital(or whatever) is
hit, it inicts full damage to the item ONLY. Instead of the opponents
dodge factor as a penalty to the roll, it is now the opponents PNSpd as a
penalty, otherwise its just like a called shot.


Now I know for sure many of you will disagree (Hell, I even
disagree on some of these, but hey, we play RPG's to role play, we're not
number freaks, yeah?). This is saying that just because you dont know
mar[al arts doesnt mean you cant punch well in the is my idea...
Brawling is dicult at combat hand weapons (50% in other words)
Jab: 1d3 -1 Dr bonus Init: 2
Roundhouse Punch: 2d6 +1 Dr penalty Init: 7
Kick: 2d3 Init:8
Elbow: 1d6 + 3 +1 Dr penalty Init:7
Knee: 3d3 +1 Dr penalty Init:12
Throw: Yes i know many factors come into eect when throwing, and alot
of you mar[al ar[sts will disagree on this (Hey, I've been in it 5
years, but im rambling, oops..) just remember that this is brawling, wild
ahacking (since they have not studied form.)
To throw a guy around, both mul[ply PMPow by 2. This is the base in
which both people roll K/S Vs. K/S for. If the ahacker makes his roll
and the defender fails, the opponent is thrown for 1d6 feet. A person
who is thrown usually takes 1d6 damage, but is most likely knocked down
on the oor (laying). The person knocked down must make a PNPow roll of
Easy else he is winded and cannot get up the next ct (Though he will be
able to sit up, not stand.) Some ks areas would help prevent this (like
tumbling or falling (ie. breakfalling)). If the ahacker and defender
fails, then the throw is wasted. If the Defender suceeds and the
ahacker fails, well, then the tables turn! the defender has gohen the
best out of the ahacker, and if he chooses (he will not lose an ahack
for this) he may ahempt to throw the ahacker (redo this over switching
the roles.)

Addi[onal FAC Modica[ons...
Ahacking someone who is laying down: -1 DR Bonus
Ahacking someone who is sijng: +20% to hit

Bashing someone in the back of their legs to make them buckle. This can
work with any type of weapon EXCEPT For cujng. To trip, all you have
to do is make a called Vital shot. If successful, opponent must make a
PNPow roll (hard, *1) or else he falls and takes 1/2 damage of the weapon
(nonvital hit though). The person will be sijng where he may choose to
stand next ct.

Well thats mainly all i have for now, tell me what you think, what you
think I could do to improve it, what you guys have.
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 1995 01:18:36 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: [CASTINGS] Priests of Hel

Hel (Gloomy Darkness, Malign, Ordered, Great Goddess)

A dark and jealous goddess, Hel presides over the Nieheim, the icy
realm of the unblessed spirits which do not reside in Valhalla. She has
taken even darker aspects as [me has progressed, and she is seen as the
patron of the witches in Norse countries, and she is said to bring death
and plague in her wake. She is the daughter of Loki, but she will ght
with the Aesir at Ragnarok. She has great and monstrous guardians
protec[ng the realm of the dead, and evil spirits, serpents, and other
creatures are open associated with her.

Most of Hel's priesthood is hidden and secre[ve, and they do not
adver[se their allegiance. In addi[on, a subset of her priests have
also taken up the dark arts of Necromancy and Witchcraep, which reects
poorly on what aspects remain semi-public. It is said that the largest
gatherings celebra[ng her inuence occur on the nights of the onequarter and three-quarter moon (when half is light, and half is dark,
mirroring her appearance), and that the spirits of the departed moan in
accompaniment to the rites.

Hel's priests will ac[vely seek out and destroy Necromancy which is
prac[ced without the sanc[on of Hel's approval, seeing it as
unwarranted torturing of the dead.

Grade I:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: Caster R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: 10:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: By means of this Cas[ng, the priestess of Hel is able to endure
much lower temperatures than would normally be permihed. The priestess
is able to bear any natural cold temperature, regardless of what it might
be. Further, this cas[ng grants the priestess 2 points of armor per 10
STEEP vs. any form of cold damage. Addi[onal AT's of protec[on may be
gained by expending 10 Heka per addi[onal AT of dura[on, not to exceed
1 AT per 10 STEEP possessed by the caster.

Time: 1 hour Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 object R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: 10:1 addi[onal hour
E/F/M: This cas[ng allows the priest of Hel to temporarily bind a spirit
to guard an object (whether it be a door, a chest, a sword, or a table)
or reasonable size (i.e. not a house, or a ship). The spirit is unable
to directly ahack those who approach the guarded object, but it is able
to create a disturbing atmosphere around it which sends chills through
the bodies of those approaching the object. This feeling reaches out 1
yard per 10 STEEP possessed by the caster, and for every BT spent within
this radius, those approaching the object must make a check vs. SMCap at
DR "Easy" or be possessed by an eerie, indescribable sensa[on and will

suer chills (no damage, but a temporary -5 to all STEEP checks because
of the distrac[on). Once the feeling begins, it does not go away un[l
the person leaves the radius of the eect.
If the object is moved, stolen, or opened, the spirit immediately
vanishes. However, the priest who ac[vated this cas[ng will know as
soon as the spirit departs, whether because the dura[on has expired, the
object was stolen/opened, or the cas[ng was defeated.

Grade II:
Time: 1 CT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: Self R&D: 10:1 addi[onal D6
Distance: 0 Other: Nil
E/F/M: This cantrip allows the caster to breathe a cone of incredible
cold. The cone begins at the caster's mouth and reaches three rods, with
the end being 1 rod in diameter. The cold will cause 1D6 points of Cold
damage from the unearthly chill, plus an Exposure roll. The cantrip
allows the caster to breathe this cone once and only once, although it
can be held for a brief while before being used. The damage may be
increased at a cost of 25 Heka per addi[onal D6, not to exceed 1D6 per
10 STEEP possessed by the caster.

Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 chain radius/10 STEEP R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 chain/STEEP (sight) Other: 10:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: This cantrip will cause an icy mist to come into existence, which
will decrease the range of vision to no more than a rod within the
shiping, freezing vapors (assuming bright light to begin with, otherwise
sight will be nigh impossible). Further, items exposed to the mist for
more than 1 AT will be coated with a sheen of ice, assuming that they do
not possess the heat to melt the forming coat, and re-based ahacks are
only half as eec[ve as normal (although a major re-based cas[ng,
such as a Fireash Cantrip will burn the Coldmist away, ending the
cas[ng, but not before its eects are halved). The cas[ng endures but
1 AT, although the caster may extend this by expending 10 Heka per
addi[onal AT desired, not to exceed a total dura[on of 1 AT per 10
STEEP possessed by the caster.

Grade III:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: up to 1 yd radius/10 STEEP R&D: 20/1D6 damage
Distance: 1 chain/10 STEEP Other: Nil
E/F/M: This cas[ng creates a sphere of incredible cold. Before the
cas[ng is ac[vated, the caster must determine area to be aected
(distance, radius, etc). Note that it will aect *only* the designated
area, which may include solids such as walls, and it will not alter its
shape to conform to barriers. In order to cause any damage, the caster
must spend 20 Heka per 1D6 of damage desired, not to exceed 1D6 per 10

STEEP possessed. This cas[ng does gain an Exposure roll for all
aected by it, and extremely hot items (such as heated stone or metal)
might crack or warp from the sudden shock of the cold, as judged by the

Grade IV:
Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:
Area: Special R&D: Nil
Distance: Special Other: 25:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: This ten-minute ritual calls forth a snowserpent, a servant of
Hel, to serve the priest for a brief dura[on. The snowserpent will have
the following sta[s[cs:

Snowserpent, Minor
Base Scheme (+/- 2D10)
M: 60, EL: 48 P: 200, CL: 180 S: 60, EL: 48
MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 100 PN: 100 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 60 PNCap: 60 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 9 MRPow: 9 PMPow: 25 PNPow: 25 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 15 PNSpd: 15 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9

Heka: 850

Armor Scheme:
Area Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec
Ultra 40 20 40 12 16 40 12
Super 30 15 30 9 12 30 9
Vital 20 10 20 6 8 20 6
Non 10 5 10 3 4 10 3
Average 25 12 25 7 10 25 7

Snowserpents may bite twice per round, at STEEP 41, inic[ng 4D6 points
of piercing per bite. They may breathe cold as per the Breath of Cold
Cantrip once per BT as their ahack for that round, eec[vely cas[ng
it at 41 STEEP.

The snowserpent may be commanded to ght for the priest, although if
it is slain, Hel will be displeased. More commonly, it will be summoned
for a show of force, for desperate defense, or for a brief s[nt as a
guard (especially as a triggered cas[ng). Some par[cularly powerful
priests have been known to bind snowserpents to their service for longer
periods of [me.
A snowserpent may not be summoned by a given priest more than once
per month.

Grade V:
Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil

Distance: Touch Other: Nil

Special Materia Cost: Steel dagger consecrated to Hel and bejewelled with
at least 5,000 BUCs worth of opals and pearls
E/F/M: This powerful, hour-long ritual will slay the vic[m with no hope
of the spirit being conducted into Valhalla. The spirit will instead
travel to Nieheim, from which it cannot be returned or reached by any
means. The vic[m may ahempt to resist this ritual, which requires a
successful roll vs. SMCap at DR "Dicult", in which case the spirit
will go wherever it is des[ned to go, although the vic[m s[ll dies. A
successful roll vs. SMCap at DR "Extreme", however, allows the vic[m to
stay alive, albeit severely Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually wounded
(take damage equal to three-quarters of each TRAIT before any current
wounds are counted), and a special success on this roll allows all damage
to be resisted. Note that those whose lives have been judged forfeit by
a priest of Forse[ with due process of law have *no* chance to resist
this Ritual.
Rumors persist of a Grade VII or VIII version of this ritual which
takes less [me and allows no chance to resist.

Whew. The way Hel is presented here places her as the 'evil' of the
Norse pantheon, something which strikes me as a logical extension of her
original place in the pantheon considering the extra centuries of
civiliza[on, worship, and development that the Norse na[ons on AErth
get. Keep in mind, however, that she will ght with the AEsir against
the Giants at Ragnarok, whereas Loki will guide the Giants to the
bahleeld. So, in the end, she is tolerated beher, despite her darker

Anyways, here's the obligatory note that I'm wri[ng these up at the
request of a list member (I take requests :-) ), and the obligatory
request for feedback. Note that I've added the URL's to my page and
Roshi's mirror of my cas[ng informa[on below.

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es (collect 'em all):
[Mail me for them, if you missed 'em when they were rst posted]

Kuan Yu
Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury,
Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan
[Daily Deity, Overview] Forse[, Hel, Idunn, Loki, Odin, Thor

FTP/gopher:, in pub/Role-Playing/Fantasy/Mythus/Cas[ngs

hhp://[ngs [home site]
hhp://[ngs.toc.html [mirror]
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 23:29:28 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Op[onal gh[ng...

At 11:24 PM 7/7/95 -0500, Kenny Hill wrote:
> Gree[ngs all, I would just like to say that I have incorporated
>a few extras of gh[ng, for things which I couldnt nd in Mythus.

I'll not comment on most of your message; I nd the exis[ng rules
acceptable for most of what you've got. But I do want to comment on your
hit loca[ons.

>Specic Targe[ng...
> Yes, I know there is a K/S area for this, but in all honesty I
>believe a person (with a most likely worse chance, naturally) can s[ll
>make an honest eort to aim for a body part. Also I wrote up a lihle
>chart of all the places which I think the body part belongs, please
>correct me if I'm wrong :).

A character does not need the skill to hit a specic body part in my
campaign; they're just 2DRs harder to hit than if you have the skill.
As for areas:

>1) Shoulders
>2) Theigh
>3) Side
>4) Back

Urk. The only places I consider non-vital are limb extremi[es (also the
easiest things to hit - hence the frequency of this in combat). A damaging
blow to a shoulder will likely disable the associated limb en[rely. The
thighs contain some damned big veins.. Vital at the least. For what it's
worth; here's what I associate with each type (note this is for damage
purposes. Aiming at a hand is dicult, and might require a roll to hit
super-vital, but the damage it causes is non-vital, and only gets a x1 dmg

Note that, for me, a body part does not necessarily always correspond to a
wound severity. One can bit hit in the face, and take only a non-vital
wound (having a cheek pierced, for instance). So what I'm pujng here is

the maximum category that can apply to a body part in my campaign. One can
never take a super-vital blow to the hand, for instance. Tho, at some
point, I might allow such things, and bring in rules on crippling and
permanent damage... you get hit for super-vital with a mace, and it's to the
hand, then perhaps the hand is crushed and eternally useless. Super vital
damage would apply because the body'd go into shock, etc.

So, for now:
Max Non Vital areas:
Lower legs, arms.

Max Vital areas,
Thighs, hips, shoulder points.

Max Super-Vital Areas:
Everything else but groin and throat.

Max Ultra-Vital Areas:
Groin and throat.

Oh. One last thing. In my campaign at present, if you're hit in the vital
or beher for more than 20 points aper armor has had it's eect, you're
gh[ng at -10 STEEP. That applies to ALL K/S areas. Wounds have their

Take care,
In the SCA: Thore de Bethune (Toray)
Bravo of Avacal; seneschal, Collegium Pa[endi Pa[enter
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
In Real Life: Gary Spechko
VP, CCGS Sopware Consul[ng
WWW: hhp://
WWW: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 1995 17:01:07 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields
In-Reply-To: <>

Me and Dave, generally:

> >Believe it or not, this is not as tough as it sounds, and may in fact be
> >exactly what the game was designed to handle! Now that I have thought
> >about it, here is my interpreta[on (which is correct, so deal with it! :)
> >
> >You automa[cally gain the AF's from having a shield (armor factors).
> >This is the "passive" defense, which is much beher for large shields and

> >explains why they provide more protec[on.

> So far so good...
> >You can only actually ahempt to Parry ahacks if you have the Shields
> >Sub-Area. Floren[ne wouldn't hurt either, but that's not the point of
> You may NOT use a shield (or a buckler, I <think> - check the rules on
> that) when gh[ng oren[ne, dude.

Well, I don't mean, gh[ng with 2 weapons AND using a shield.
Floren[ne gives you addi[onal ahacks with the o-hand, right? In
that case, you should be able to use those as parries...

> >this post... You get a number of parries equal to whatever your STEEP
> >allows, with no regard as to the size of the shield: It may be easier to
> >parry with a big shield, but since bucklers are quicker they are able to
> >get the same ahempts... here's a quick chart to make that thought easier
> >to understand (hopefully):
> >
> >
> >Shield Parries due to: Size Encumberence Total:
> >Buckler few many somewhere in
> >Larger many few the middle...
> >
> >See: if Encumberence where the only limi[ng factor on parries, bucklers
> >would always get more. If Size were it, Large shields win.
> Oh Gawd! Another table! Didn't Gary and I wear you folks out with all the
> tables we put in? Nice try, and not too terribly unrealis[c. Of course,
> never forget that the persona with the huge f'ing shield is going to get
> [red *real* fast. Then all you need is a can opener...

Well, yeah, forget the chart. :) I just put it in there for
understanding (some of which was my own...)

You are correct in the assump[on that Big shields [re you quickly. I
did that a couple [mes, and my lep arm hurt for a week! (or course, I'm
a weakling, so what do you want?? :)

At any rate, with a CT being only 3 seconds, a warrior should not really
[re all that much aper 10 or 15 CT's...

> >So, take your pick: if your HP sucks at Melee, get the biggest dumb
> >shield you can get. It will slow you down but at least you will have
> >lots of AF's... (from fontal ahacks, anyway)
> Actually, I would recommend that if your character sucks at melee, hire
> some Big Dumb Dude (shield op[onal) to protect you... and keep your buh in
> the back of the group! ;)

Well, okay...that works, too...un[l the big dumb dude gets [red... :)

> >If you are a good warrior, quick and STEEPed, get a buckler. It will not
> >aect your Speed much, and if you have Floren[ne you will parry tons of
> >whatever is thrown against you.
> And if you're really good, get an enchanted loincloth of protec[on (patent
> pending) and take whatever ac[ons required to rid the land of the
> shield-bearing sheep! <g>

Never be afraid to change rules! :)


Date: Sat, 8 Jul 1995 17:10:07 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields
In-Reply-To: <>

Okay, I just looked up the rules:

You need to have Combat, Hand Weapons (Shields) to use shields for
Parrying. "In order to ahack with the shield one must have the Weapons,
Special Skill (Floren[ne) K/S (see below)." <--that's the quote; don't
actually see below, there's nothing there! :)

Now, cruising over to the Floren[ne sec[on... "When emplying this
two-handed gh[ng style, each weapon receives its full ahack rate
(except nunchaku...).

Therefore, if you don't have Floren[ne, but you do have Shields, you can
only parry with your equivalent number of weapon ahacks. Thus, if you
are a poor sap with 26 STEEP in broad sword, you can EITHER ahack with
it OR Parry, not both...if you have Floren[ne you get an ahack AND a
shield ac[on (parry or ahack).

Confusing. Should then, a persona with ONLY the Shields Sub-Area gain
ahacks with the o-hand (based on Shields' STEEP) in addi[on to normal
ahacks? That would be the way I'd do it...


Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 03:37:00 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: ini[a[ve and shields

The ambiguity regarding shields is one of the ques[ons I had hoped would be
addressed in MMM before the TSR takeover. When I started running Mythus I
had to address these ques[ons for my players, open making snap decisions.
I made the number of parries based n shield size due to comments in the
rst book, under the descrip[on of shields as armor.

"Bucklers may defend against only one ahack per CT." Does "defend against"
mean "parry" or does it mean "use their AF to protect against"? Since there
was also the ques[on of how many shield ahacks and parries an HP could make
with both the Shields Sub-Area and Floren[ne, I set up this structure:

No skill: shield counts AFs only (from front and shielded side, of course).
Shields Sub-Area: as above plus parries based on shield size; no ahacks
(unless you've just been disarmed and your shield is now your only weapon in
Shields plus Floren[ne: as above plus ahacks based on STEEP with the
shield. This is the most eec[ve combina[on for a professional soldier.

So far, this has worked for me. It has worked smoothly enough to not be too
much of a problem, leaving me free to answer the *really* tough ques[ons,
like "Can I use HTH Non-Lethal to punch someone and s[ll parry with a
shield?" or "Is a small shield big enough to hide behind?"


Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 12:26:52 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Op[onal gh[ng...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Fri, 7 Jul 1995, Kenny Hill wrote:

> Specic Targe[ng...
> Yes, I know there is a K/S area for this, but in all honesty I
> believe a person (with a most likely worse chance, naturally) can s[ll
> make an honest eort to aim for a body part. Also I wrote up a lihle
> chart of all the places which I think the body part belongs, please
> correct me if I'm wrong :).

I like this, , but I think this can be xed with DR modiers. :)

> NonVital
> Vital
> Super Vital
> Ultra Vital
Well, here is how we do it. We roll for loca[on on a d-10
1 head
2-4 torso
5 right arm
6 lep arm
7,8 right leg
9,10 lep leg

We then roll for severity and mul[ply the hit [mes the severity similar
to DR ra[ngs

I like this system because it allows for the scratch, and the big hit to
any loca[on on the body.

Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 13:00:35 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Beadles <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Op[onal gh[ng...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Sun, 9 Jul 1995, dexter wrote:

> Well, here is how we do it. We roll for loca[on on a d-10
> 1 head
> 2-4 torso
> 5 right arm
> 6 lep arm
> 7,8 right leg
> 9,10 lep leg
> We then roll for severity and mul[ply the hit [mes the severity similar
> to DR ra[ngs
> I like this system because it allows for the scratch, and the big hit to
> any loca[on on the body.
> devilbuny

A few notes to expand this (in other words, things devilbuny forgot :) )

This is the system I "borrowed" from Cyberpunk when making CyberMyth to
solve the problem, of "but what if he hits my cyberarm". First, aper a
hit is scored, roll to see where it hit (the d10 chart above). Then,
roll for wound severity (Hit Loca[on in Mythus). Sure he smacked ya in
the head, but it was only a scratch. Or, wow, took his leg clean o!
Some other things to know:

When a limb (or head) takes half the the persona's P Triat in a single hit,
roll immediately on the Permanent Damage table. ("OOOwwwww, he cut my arm
o!") This allows some real fun things to happen. Also, if a limb (or
head) takes the en[re P Triat in a single hit (Yes you are s[ll dead) the
oending loca[on is severed. This makes combat graphic, and the HPs
love it when they dismember people (great stress relief, do not try at home).

It also allows the GM to mess with players (in a good way of course).
Like, for instance, the GM can penalize a player on certain ac[ons if
there arm is all mangled up. Or movement can slow if the legs are hurt
badly. GMs, this is your realm to play with.

A footnote on armor, armor defends all severi[es equally (Non-, Vital,
etc), but not all loca[ons. Use common sense when determining which
covers which. I use this system for Mythus and CyberMyth, and the
players love it.

Chris Beadles
Game Designer of CyberMyth
Kaos on IRC
----------------------------------------------------------------If you're not expected then you're not invited, so f*ck o!
-"Johnny Mneumonic" the movie
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 21:58:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Op[onal gh[ng...
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Sun, 9 Jul 1995, dexter wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Jul 1995, Kenny Hill wrote:
> >
> > Specic Targe[ng...
> > Yes, I know there is a K/S area for this, but in all honesty I

> > believe a person (with a most likely worse chance, naturally) can s[ll
> > make an honest eort to aim for a body part. Also I wrote up a lihle
> > chart of all the places which I think the body part belongs, please
> > correct me if I'm wrong :).
> I like this, , but I think this can be xed with DR modiers. :)
> > NonVital
> (snip)
> > Vital
> (snip)
> > Super Vital
> (snip)
> > Ultra Vital
> (snip)
> Well, here is how we do it. We roll for loca[on on a d-10
> 1 head
> 2-4 torso
> 5 right arm
> 6 lep arm
> 7,8 right leg
> 9,10 lep leg
> We then roll for severity and mul[ply the hit [mes the severity similar
> to DR ra[ngs
> I like this system because it allows for the scratch, and the big hit to
> any loca[on on the body.
> devilbuny
True, but if you ultra vitaled someone in the arm, but the armor from
your helmet saved you.. :) know what im saying, you'd ahve to edit the
armor with the hit loca[on too, but a great idea, nonethelss.
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 14:14:36 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Op[onal gh[ng...

Buried somewhere in the depths of one of the MMMs is EGGs table of armor
coverages, hit loca[ons, etc. Next [me I'm near it and have the computer
on I'll post it. In the mean[me, if someone else nds it feel free to beat
me to it.


Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 18:51:22 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Gygax & mythus

What is gary gygax doing nowadays now that Mythus is o the
shelves of stores? Did he give up all together on the game and making
something new? Also, while i was in I saw the
monsters list (it was like 77k or so) and it ended in .ps. what do you
need to view it? I used a text editor but it was all garbled.
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 20:40:56 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Gygax & mythus
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Tue, 11 Jul 1995, Kenny Hill wrote:

> What is gary gygax doing nowadays now that Mythus is o the
> shelves of stores? Did he give up all together on the game and making
> something new? Also, while i was in I saw the
> monsters list (it was like 77k or so) and it ended in .ps. what do you
> need to view it? I used a text editor but it was all garbled.
> thanx
> -ken
Well the monsters list has the .ps ending because it is a postscript
le. To see it you need a postscript printer or an emulator, I had an
emulator, but my hard drive got wiped and I lost everything. I have not
yet bothered to get another, but there are several available via pp.
As far as I know there is no way to view ps les without prin[ng them.

Mike Paulus
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 00:11:04 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Gygax & mythus

>As far as I know there is no way to view ps les without prin[ng them.

Actually, if you have access to a UNIX machine, which has "xv", you CAN
view postscript les. Simply start xv and open the le just like any other

graphics le.

Michael Nagy
a.k.a. Dekker, Fluellen of Exeter
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 09:10:52 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Ken Kitowski <kkitow@HEALTH1.UWSP.EDU>
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 10 Jul 1995 to 11 Jul 1995

>As far as I know there is no way to view ps les without prin[ng them.
Well, I use something called Ghostscript to view and/or print them. Should
be available on There are ms windows, dos, and I even
think os/2 versions available. It is kinda klunky of a program, but it gets
the job done.

Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 10:15:23 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 10 Jul 1995 to 11 Jul 1995
In-Reply-To: <MYTHUS-L%95071209105309@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

On Wed, 12 Jul 1995, Ken Kitowski wrote:

> >As far as I know there is no way to view ps les without prin[ng them.

> Well, I use something called Ghostscript to view and/or print them. Should
> be available on There are ms windows, dos, and I even
> think os/2 versions available. It is kinda klunky of a program, but it gets
> the job done.

It's not klunky on a *real* OS, like Unix..... in fact, it makes a
*great* printer lter, since you can treat your printer as a PostScript
printer. All the [me. Everywhere. :-)

However, there are also, as men[oned above, versions for OS/2, Mac, and
DOS. Try pp://

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?

********** Join the FNN today! **********

Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 10:17:21 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Gygax & mythus
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 12 Jul 1995, Michael Nagy wrote:

> >As far as I know there is no way to view ps les without prin[ng them.
> Actually, if you have access to a UNIX machine, which has "xv", you CAN
> view postscript les. Simply start xv and open the le just like any other
> graphics le.

Assuming that Ghostscript is installed with op[ons to output to graphics
les compiled in, otherwise xv won't do it (it doesn't have an internal
PostScript converter).

Of course, we're uherly o-topic now.....

It's a nice bes[ary (the [tle is Y.A.D.C Bes[ary, which stands for Yet
Another Damn Campaign Bes[ary).

Anyone else done anything with crea[ng monsters?

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
********** Join the FNN today! **********
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 22:29:57 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <Sifrit@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Gygax & mythus

For those of us who erased the address where the Bes[ary le is stashed,
could someone re-send it?

Thanks, Tim

"Only the State can make you free." -- J. Rosenberg
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 1995 20:17:25 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Balthazar <barbierj@DB.ERAU.EDU>
Subject: I need some help!!!
In-Reply-To: <>

I've just recently gohen the cyberpunk conversion to Mythus and the
charater generator. I seem to be having trouble with both of them. The
generator doesn't seem to save at all. Other than that the generator is
cool. The problem with cyberpunk is i can't seem to read the les
correctly. What are the wrihen in?

Any help would be appricated.

| Summer is cool but it is like also hot, | Balthazar |
| but that is what makes it cool. | |
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 1995 22:55:30 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Psychogenics=rocket scien[st to gure out

I have read Mythus Magic psychogenics about ten [mes, and
s[ll, I yam quite lost! Could someone plz explain it to me? thanx

-oensive parry Those who always think the only way to defend is with defense,
heres a solu[on, I call it, oensive parry. This idea is taken o of
a philopino(sp?) mar[al art, (which I might add is quite ugly!). The
trick is to slash the rst thing that comes towards you (naturally the
hand with weapons.) heres the rules..
#1) the weapon must be slashing
or piercing (preferably slashing.)
#2) Reach must be 1, or 2. Anything beyond is just too big.
Call your oensive parry before the strike (just as a normal
parry would.) and should a hit come into play, then its your turn. Your
oensive parry is 1 dr harder (so its usually dicult (50%) your
steep). Should you make your roll, you have successfully evaded the
ahack, along with slashing your opponents arm or so (Its a free NonVital
hit. damage bonus due to high strength is halved due to the coordina[on
that must be placed in its stead.)
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 1995 23:06:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>

Subject: More op[onal rules..

Heres some more op[onal rules (Oensive parry is the previous one i
sent. ) Please give me feedback or new ideas :)

When a weapon does more damage than the opponents PNCap, then the
opponent falls down (sijng penalty) The only modier is the armor's
resistance to stun damage marked o before the damage to compare to
PNCap. (sijng penalty +20% for them to hit you, -20% for you to hit them.)

To trap a weapon, is just like disarming (see my previous leher
I wrote about a week ago if curious). if the opponent wants his weapon
back in his control, there will be a base ks vs. ks score of PMPow x 2.
The oppoenent must win and the trapper must lose. Note, this may also
trap shield. (Yes, this move is vague, so you may wish to limit this to
certain weapons.)

And nally, Fa[gue..
Too many people cujng everyone in half with claymores? Gejng
[red of the man who ghts for 5 minutes straight, and have a fresh new
oppoenent jump in, yet the man ghts just as well as he did 5 minutes
ago? Fa[gue is the answer, I make up the list, up to the GM to think up
the penalty..
Fa[gue is the total physical Trait. Recommended the GM keep
note cards of Players fa[gue so while they roll you mark it o (and no
[me is lost). here are ways of losing fa[gue..
Ahacking: Armor SF Penalty + Weapon Speed Factor
Gejng Hit: The total Damage taken ( I believe a man who gets
smashed with a maul, might not be able to uhh, ght as well, yep.)
Standing up(From sijng): 4 + Armor SF Penalty
Moving: 2 + Armor Sf penalty per yard.
One ct of rest will give your PnPow of Fa[gue back. Also, when
you run out of fa[gue points (once per day) you may call upon your inner
strength(or your god) for more power. What you do is make a Moderate
SMSpd roll, should you make it, you will get 1d6 mul[plied by your SMPow
score bonus fa[gue points (aha! and you thought SM was pointless if you
werent a priest!)
Well thats it for now, tell me what ya think, eh?
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 15:21:43 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: More op[onal rules..



When a weapon does more damage than the opponents PNCap...<<<

PNCap??? Maybe for a dodge or similar ac[on, but not for knockdown. This
should be a PM related thing as you are assuming the persona has already been

Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 15:57:08 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: More op[onal rules..
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 14 Jul 1995, Richard Crook wrote:

> Ken;
> >>>Knockdowns...
> When a weapon does more damage than the opponents PNCap...<<<
> PNCap??? Maybe for a dodge or similar ac[on, but not for knockdown. This
> should be a PM related thing as you are assuming the persona has already been
> hit.
> Later
PNCap being because its not the actual hit that is bringing you down, but
the shock of the hit. Anything dealing with nerves is PN, hence the
PNCap :).
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 19:33:49 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: More op[onal rules..

<<<<PNCap being because its not the actual hit that is bringing you down, but
the shock of the hit. Anything dealing with nerves is PN, hence the
PNCap :).

So it's actually based on the damage taken by the persona, not the damage
done by the weapon. I was assuming physical knockdown. Neural trauma is a
bit iy in a combat situa[on, mostly it doesn't kick in un[l the ght is
over and the adrenaline rush fades.
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 19:03:26 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: More op[onal rules..
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 14 Jul 1995, Richard Crook wrote:

> <<<<PNCap being because its not the actual hit that is bringing you down, but
> the shock of the hit. Anything dealing with nerves is PN, hence the
> PNCap :).
> -Ken<<<<<
> So it's actually based on the damage taken by the persona, not the damage
> done by the weapon. I was assuming physical knockdown. Neural trauma is a
> bit iy in a combat situa[on, mostly it doesn't kick in un[l the ght is
> over and the adrenaline rush fades.
True, Well PMCap might work beher, I guess it would just call
for the situa[on.. For example, if you took more damage than your nerves
could handle (lets take an example. Someone swings a club and smacks you
in your arm hard. Your arm goes limp, not because it's broken, but the
nerves sent shock. (then you get that icky [ngly feeling in a few
minutes.)) But I can see PMCap working all the same, I just guess
dierent situa[ons call for dierent strategies eh?
(more or less Im speaking of hijng nerves (take pressure points for
example. The reason why you cringe when someone pushes them has nothing
to do with PM, its all PN.))
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 14:07:42 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Rodney W. Morris" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Greyhawk?

I've got a ques[on to pose to the various members of
mythus-l. I'm personally a fan of Gygax's Greyhawk sejng, moreso
than even Aerth (though they seem to be derived from the same
campaign). I was wondering if the various list members thought that
it would be alright to discuss sejng specic (not rules
specic...unless it's DJ, of course!) informa[on and share ideas
and concepts about Greyhawk (especially now that the deity of money
has dropped the line!).
Just an idea. Maybe, if there was enough interest, we could
place something like GH: in the subject header to permit people who
could care less out of it.
Thanks for you considera[on and [me.

Lucifer >:}

Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 17:11:39 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Patrick Murphy <murphy@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU>
Subject: Re: More op[onal rules..
In-Reply-To: <>

OK, so this is completely o-topic, but trac is slow, and with the
rela[vely large number of 'old-[mers' from TSR that might be exposed to
this list (sorry, guys), I thought this the best place to ask.

What has become of Merle Rasmussen?

Just wondering. Some friends of mine and I dusted o our old Top Secret
rules and I've thought about adap[ng them to DJ. Then I no[ced I
haven't heard anything out of The Administrator for a while. Seems weird
that there are no real spy games on the market these days. I know GDW
had their Merc stu, which was of course completely combat-oriented, and
that the 'disappearance' of the Russian Menace has hurt James Bond and
all, but thinking of all the good [mes we had with the old TS rules
(God, they're *peen* years old!) makes me wonder.


Patrick M.

P.S. Feel free to mail me privately if anyone knows...unless you think
there are others who'd be interested in his whereabouts.
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 14:15:43 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Greyhawk?
In-Reply-To: <> from "Rodney W. Morris" at
Jul 15, 95 02:07:42 pm

Greyhawk has always been my favorite fantasy sejng. Though I'm star[ng to
really like my own sejng. I'd be happy to discuss it here.

Maybe we could rename the list BURIED-L "Discussion list concerning really
cool products buried by TSR." :)

Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 22:12:22 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Greyhawk?

>Maybe we could rename the list BURIED-L "Discussion list concerning really
>cool products buried by TSR." :)


Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 21:34:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: MYTHUS-L Digest - 10 Jul 1995 to 11 Jul 1995
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 12 Jul 1995, Phillips Michael S wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Jul 1995, Ken Kitowski wrote:
> > >As far as I know there is no way to view ps les without prin[ng them.
> > Well, I use something called Ghostscript to view and/or print them. Should
> > be available on There are ms windows, dos, and I even
> > think os/2 versions available. It is kinda klunky of a program, but it gets
> > the job done.
> It's not klunky on a *real* OS, like Unix..... in fact, it makes a
> *great* printer lter, since you can treat your printer as a PostScript
> printer. All the [me. Everywhere. :-)
> However, there are also, as men[oned above, versions for OS/2, Mac, and
> DOS. Try pp://
> -> Mike Phillips,
> Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
> Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
> Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
> Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
> ********** Join the FNN today! **********
What is the [tle of the le called for DOS? :)
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 16:11:58 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Sight <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>

Subject: Listserver

Could someone send me some informa[on about sejng up a list server?

Any info appreciated

Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 00:12:06 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Mythus magic = TIME

hello all I was wondering if someone could help me with a slight
problem. Magic. I love all the spells that they have in the book, but
very few people want to play anyone who deals with magic in my campaign
because it takes them 4-7 hours to get through with everything.. Also
when I did have a par[al prac[[oner he slowed the game down too much
ipping through the pages of mythus magic trying to nd a spell to
match every situa[on I threw at them. It just takes too long when
someone has 120 spells or so. Is there a way to cut down the spells
without being unfair to the magic using group?
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 23:29:28 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Wed, 19 Jul 1995, Kenny Hill wrote:

> hello all I was wondering if someone could help me with a slight
> problem. Magic. I love all the spells that they have in the book, but
> very few people want to play anyone who deals with magic in my campaign
> because it takes them 4-7 hours to get through with everything.. Also
> when I did have a par[al prac[[oner he slowed the game down too much
> ipping through the pages of mythus magic trying to nd a spell to
> match every situa[on I threw at them. It just takes too long when
> someone has 120 spells or so. Is there a way to cut down the spells
> without being unfair to the magic using group?
> thanx
Well in the campaign I play in we have several HPs that use magic and I
believe that they are all using only one school of deomercrap. This
gives them a single school and the generals to keep track of. Also the
players are generously rewarded in aps for wri[ng out spellbooks. One

player has the spells, what they do in game terms, some runic rendering
and diagrams of them, and brief incanta[ons wrihen out for each spell,
all hand wrihen on parchment. This spellbook lls a notebook. (he
doesn't have a job or a girlfriend or a drivers liscence for that maher,
but he has a cool spellbook.)

Try having the players use fewer types of magic, or talk to them about
running a game in a world other that aerth. One where magic is rare,
maybe they are not interested in magic. Four Barbarians runnig around
causing trouble could be fun. Look at Conan comics. He doesn't use
magic, or have friends who use magic who s[ck around for long, but he
does ne.

I could go on for weeks. maybe I should run a game. :) (ouch, SCARRY!)

Mike Paulus
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 23:55:35 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME

>Try having the players use fewer types of magic, or talk to them about
>running a game in a world other that aerth. One where magic is rare,
>maybe they are not interested in magic. Four Barbarians runnig around
>causing trouble could be fun. Look at Conan comics. He doesn't use
>magic, or have friends who use magic who s[ck around for long, but he
>does ne.

Though the other players (and the GM alike) don't like it, I usually only play with
my primary spell school. Sure, my characters have many k/s areas which
have spells, but I nd it much easier to play when they have far fewer choices...

Is that really a good idea? <shrug> just makes me play a lihle faster.
I s[ll can't nd that "spell-for-all-occasions" though.. :)

Michael Nagy
a.k.a. Dekker, Fluellen of Exeter
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 08:47:59 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Wed, 19 Jul 1995, Kenny Hill wrote:

> hello all I was wondering if someone could help me with a slight
> problem. Magic. I love all the spells that they have in the book, but
> very few people want to play anyone who deals with magic in my campaign
> because it takes them 4-7 hours to get through with everything..

I have one dedicated Hekau-lover (Hi, Ryan <wave>) who also tends to help
out those exploring the magick system. Aper all, he's been just about
the only person who has *really* explored it in my group.

We make an eort to spread persona crea[on out -- one full session when
star[ng a campaign, to get the basics out (Traits/Categories/Ahributes,
Voca[on if applicable, Joss, background, campaign ingorma[on, cas[ng
selec[on if necessary), then spread out cross-feeding and nalizing of
cas[ng choice *aper* gejng underway. Otherwise, I lose players due
to the persona-crea[on process.....

I might add it only takes this long when doing the whole bunch at once -we've got it down to about half an hour for a single, barely magickal
persona, or about 2 hours for a full prac[[oner.

> Also
> when I did have a par[al prac[[oner he slowed the game down too much
> ipping through the pages of mythus magic trying to nd a spell to
> match every situa[on I threw at them. It just takes too long when
> someone has 120 spells or so. Is there a way to cut down the spells
> without being unfair to the magic using group?

Sure. Use the Known/Recallable/Studyable rules! Require that the
persona adhere to those rules, and that they have thumbnail informa[on
of the Known's and Recallable's on paper in front of them while playing.
Since Recallables and Studyables aren't as easily usable in the heat of
play, this cuts down delays in combat and other [me-intensive periods,
while s[ll allowing exibility when they're safe and sound back at the
keep (or whatever). Aper all, the Studyable's are easily cast when
there is no pressure.....

Each of the major magickally-ac[ve personas have a couple pages of
thumbnail informa[on on the cas[ngs, so references to MM are much less
common than they used to be :-)

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
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Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 09:32:02 +22299548
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Johnston <johnston@STU.BELOIT.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/> from "Kenny
Hill" at Jul 19,
95 00:12:06 am

> hello all I was wondering if someone could help me with a slight
> problem. Magic. I love all the spells that they have in the book, but
> very few people want to play anyone who deals with magic in my campaign
> because it takes them 4-7 hours to get through with everything.. Also
> when I did have a par[al prac[[oner he slowed the game down too much
> ipping through the pages of mythus magic trying to nd a spell to
> match every situa[on I threw at them. It just takes too long when
> someone has 120 spells or so. Is there a way to cut down the spells
> without being unfair to the magic using group?
> thanx
I have the exact problem in my game. You nd that you wait around un[l all
the heka users can scan the book twenty [mes. "Yeah I know I have something
that might sorta help..... let me see if I can nd it." I nd this even
more annoying when I'm looking for a role-playing solu[on, rather than
taking a half hour to ip through the book. Our solu[on has been to
severely limit the numer of spells one has to start a character o. I
personally let them only choose their seconday number of spells to be split
between all of their cas[ng areas. This makes them only have to learn 40,
instead of 80 spells. If they are a mage or a priest, however, I give them
the choice to learn their full poten[al of spells. For speedier game play,
I force all spellcasters to copy important spell info on to index cards. I
found this greatly speeds up play [me, and it also keeps the "never have
the book when you need it" syndrome down. Hope this helps.
*Mike Johnston Beloit College Box 748 *
*Student Unix Manager 700 College St. *
*E-Mail To: Beloit, WI 53511 *
* (608) 363-2463 *
* "It's a class thing" *
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 10:52:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Sight <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 19 Jul 1995, Mike Johnston wrote:

> > when I did have a par[al prac[[oner he slowed the game down too much
> > ipping through the pages of mythus magic trying to nd a spell to
> > match every situa[on I threw at them. It just takes too long when

> I have the exact problem in my game. You nd that you wait around un[l all
> the heka users can scan the book twenty [mes. "Yeah I know I have something
> that might sorta help..... let me see if I can nd it." I nd this even
> more annoying when I'm looking for a role-playing solu[on, rather than
> taking a half hour to ip through the book. Our solu[on has been to

The spell sheets in the back of Mythus magic.
Make em ll em out.
Make em use em.

Except in the case of REALLY complicated cas[ngs <which should generally
only be used in moments when the player has TIME anyway> DON"T LET THE

Period. Ever. Not during a Game.
Or the main rules. Ever, During a game.

If there is a disagreement between you're opinion of what should be the
eect and the players, and the book would solve it, unless it is
Life-Threatening: Don't Look it up Right Then.

Write down a note to check it AFTER the game.

Put the books in another room during play.

also, on spell lists.
The number known, number recallable, etc is the MAXIMUM, not the BASE.

I would suggest:

MAX total number of STARTING spells = Mental Mnemonic Cap

that's for primary areas, secondary, EVERYthing.

start em hungry, start em lean...

20 is less than 120 :), and you will nd that, if you went through and
counted aper about 6 months... your FP Mage prolly regularly used about
20 of the cas[ngs anyway.


"For our ght is not against esh and blood, \

but against the rulers, against the authori[es,\
against the powers of this dark world \
and against the spiritual forces of evil \
in the heavenly realms." \
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 13:15:19 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME

First, I never allow a magic-using persona to start with the maximum. The
number 20 came up in a previous post, and that sounds about right (base the
number on the appropriate Capacity score).

Second, here's a good idea regarding [me required and knowledge of the

Consider what you get with the EGS when you start... one or two crummy spells
then run like hell. Let the HPs pick 4 or 5 that sound really good to them,
then anything aper that would be an OTS (at a really HIGH cas[ng cost). This
will s[ll give them the ability to use cas[ngs, and even tailor some magic
based on what they want to do. Most importantly, you (as GM) determine what
acceptable, in terms of cost and results, for OTS cas[ngs.

Note that this is for the rst couple of sessions. As the players get more
curious, they will have to dig through Magick ON THEIR OWN TIME. This saves
everyone else [me when sejng up a session. I recommend tape ags or
Post-It Notes to mark the loca[on for the most commonly used sec[ons of the
book (you should see my master copy-it looks like a rainbow!).

------------------------------------------------E-mail: -or-
Web: hhp://
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 19:03:51 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John Teske Jr." <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME

The way I handled this problem is that however long the play takes to nd

the spell, I state that their CHARACTER takes that long to decide on a
cas[ng. Beware, though, and give the players some leeway, but ul[mately
they must preparre their characters and WHAT their characters can do BEFORE
the gaming session. They can always read during "down [me " to refresh
their memory of spells/cas[ngs too.

Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 23:52:28 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.90.950719104430.11646A-100000@sunsh> from "Sight"
at Jul 19, 95 10:52:22 am

Given that I'm revamping the magic system (slowly, very slowly) my
solu[on will not work for others. I was planning on star[ng out
heka types with just a few special cas[ngs, less than ten, depending
on the type of mage. Then again it is a lower magic campaign than
the average. Any addi[onal cas[ngs that the mage learns will be
either self researched or discovered in a text someplace. This
way the player will not be forced to suddenly learn a whole slew of
cas[ngs at once and will be able to easily integrate them into
game play. This approach will probably con[nue un[l the players
start to be more familiar with the magic system.

Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 15:31:09 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME
In-Reply-To: <>

My solu[on (the right one, baby! :)

Give them half the number suggested in Mythus Magick. Thus, take the
total number of Cas[ngs listed in the book for the K/S Area, and take a
percentage of them equal to half the persona's STEEP.

Yeah, the players have to sort through a bunch of crap at the beginning.
But you know what? They learn fast. It only takes [me the rst few
sessions. Then, smart players will write down a couple important details
for each one they use frequently, and then life goes on.

It's not that hard, people. It's just because it is something new and
big--people get scared. Not me... :)

(I do the .5 STEEP thing to reduce the power of the HP's, not to make
life easier for players. The GM's job is open hard, why should the
players be let o real easy? :))


Date: Sat, 22 Jul 1995 10:08:20 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME

At 03:31 PM 7/21/95 -0400, Hawkeye wrote:
>My solu[on (the right one, baby! :)

La. I allow my players the full range of spells that they can cast. They
choose all the spells they're capable of at startup. They get no others
unless they're found, etc...
This process soons lets the players decided if they want to be mages
or have lihle or no magick. About half of my players are very good with
the magick book and play heka-ac[ve characters. The others avoid heka
genera[ng skills and very rarely cast spells.
I, along with a couple of my players, am familiar with every spell
that's commonly used in the campaign. If I can be aware of all the spells,
I can make sugges[ons to those players who aren't quite up to it just yet,
as can my more experienced players. I nd that magick doesn't slow the
system any more than it already is.

Not a solu[on, but an opinion.

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
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Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 1995 13:25:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus magic = TIME

The way we handle this problem in the campaign I run with Tim Francis is
similar to Jesse and John's solu[ons. First, HPs only start with 3 or 4
cas[ngs in most areas. This way they get to know the few that they start
with, and remember the ones they gain during gaming. Second, I STRONGLY
suggest to my players that they write the page number of the cas[ng next to
it, as I open ask them to show me the descrip[on of the cas[ng in order to
ajudicate it's eects (unless it is one that I know already). Third, I

don't allow [me soley to search through the books. We keep combat rolling.
I ask what each character intends to do at the beginning of the CT. If they
say "Uh, I think want to cast a spell, but I don't know which one" their
character spends the CT standing there looking dumbfounded. A CT is only 3
seconds, players who don't know what they want their HP to do spend the CT
thinking about it.

I should men[on that we do however, allow players to say "Look, I think I
want to cast X, but I can't remember if it has the range. If it doesn't,
I'll cast Y." This player obviously knows her spells, but doesn't have all
the details memorized, and in this case the details maher. That's ok, there
are far too many spells to memorize each one. I'll give her a minute to look
up the spell and nd the range. The other [me that we will all wait a
minute or two for another player is when they are doing an on-the-spot
cas[ng. We use a rule that Edward Bromley ins[tuted in his campaign, which
is that if you want to use an OTS cas[ng, you must make up a limmerick,
poem, haiku, or rhyme that describes what you want the cas[ng to do. The
beher the limmerick, the beher the cas[ng works. This keeps the use of
OTS cas[ngs under control, and has produced some very funny moments in the

The bohom line is that since the combat is rather slow, if the player can't
gure out what they want to do in the next CT in the [me it takes to run
through everyone else's ac[ons, then their HP can't gure out what to do

Mah B.
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 23:30:22 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: A ques[on to liven things up

Well, this list has been quiet enough lately. I'll try to liven
things up by asking a ques[on. Has anyone tried modifying the
voca[ons to lower beginning STEEPs, or to easily allow non-human
races to have voca[ons? (I know Hawkeye at least has done something
with the rst)

The group I'm in is considering a campaign in a non-Aerth world with
a lower magic level and a number of other changes. As long as we're
going to be crea[ng a set of house rules for the game, I've proposed
making a hybrid system based on Mythus. At least that way, everyone
will understand what combat rules we're using. :P It will also quiet
a few sugges[ons that have been made to go back to (shudder) the EGS.

As you can see, I'm willing to go to great lengths to avoid this.

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 09:49:59 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up
In-Reply-To: <199507250630.XAA20785@elaine20.Stanford.EDU>

> Well, this list has been quiet enough lately. I'll try to liven
> things up by asking a ques[on. Has anyone tried modifying the
> voca[ons to lower beginning STEEPs, or to easily allow non-human
> races to have voca[ons? (I know Hawkeye at least has done something
> with the rst)

Steve, you've hit my favorite subject! :)

You are right--I have done something with both your sugges[ons, actually.

Here we go:

* 75% star[ng STEEP numbers. I have only modied the STEEP's listed
with the Voca[ons, not the ATTRIBUTEs of the HP's. So, you add the full
ATTRIBUTE with 75% of the rest...

Of course, my ATTRIBUTEs are rolled with 3D6+2 instead of the normal
2D6+8. This brings the average from like 15 to 12, or something...that
in eect lowers STEEPs as well...

* As for racial Voca[ons: just do it! :) This is easy. You just create
specic Voca[ons if you want (you could even just use the ones for
humans...), give the other races some ATTRIBUTE Modica[ons, possibly
some Universal K/S Area changes, and some Racial Quirks/CounterQuirks.
Try to provide some psychological dierences as well, so that the other
races don't end up like "Humans with Pointy Ears." (Something I hated
about the EGS--not enough dierences...

This is not hard at all. I've created numerous races, and Voca[ons to go
along. Maybe if you're lucky I'll post some... :)

> a few sugges[ons that have been made to go back to (shudder) the EGS.
> As you can see, I'm willing to go to great lengths to avoid this.
> :)

ick ick ick ick! :)


FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2!

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 11:04:39 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On 7/25/95, Steven Gullerud wrote:
(comments by Ryan Snead)

> Well, this list has been quiet enough lately. I'll try to liven
> things up by asking a ques[on. Has anyone tried modifying the
> voca[ons to lower beginning STEEPs, or to easily allow non-human
> races to have voca[ons? (I know Hawkeye at least has done something
> with the rst)
I always wondered why anyone would want to lower beginning STEEP for
Heroic Personas. Perhaps it is the large number of JMs on the list.
Whatever the reason, speaking as a player: I don't nd a game to be as
much fun if I can't DO anything. IMHO the majority of HPs start o at
about the right level. Maybe I'm just not abusing the rules in the right
I tried to create some non-human HPs for a short game I ran one summer. The
key in my mind is to just to use the bonus K/S and then (if nessecary) switch
out a few skills from the non-human HP bundle. If this doesn't work, do as the
other poster suggested and use the Voca[on bundle for humans with racial
quirks/counterquirks. It's not hard if you only try.

> The group I'm in is considering a campaign in a non-Aerth world with
> a lower magic level and a number of other changes. As long as we're
> going to be crea[ng a set of house rules for the game, I've proposed
> making a hybrid system based on Mythus. At least that way, everyone
> will understand what combat rules we're using. :P It will also quiet
> a few sugges[ons that have been made to go back to (shudder) the EGS.
Hybrid system? You mean between Mythus and EGS? Isn't that like ma[ng
a human with a lemeur? If you're really dead set against using Mythus
combat rules, I would suggest checking out the Mythus prime sec[on on
combat. It's a much more stream-lined method based on a simple 10-count
ini[a[ve round. You also might have to modify some of the spells which
are intended to speed up or slow down their target(s) (like quicken and
trudge). Our gaming group used the Mythus prime combat rules successfully
for a while with Advanced Mythus HPs. The best part of this is of course
that you never have to gure out @#$%@&%$@ THACO!!! (not that I ever really
understood how Plate Mail made you really hard to hit anyway!)

> As you can see, I'm willing to go to great lengths to avoid this.
Well, here's hoping that I've shortened your journey.


P.S. Low magic? What's that supposed to be like? Earth?

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 08:25:47 -0700

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up-Non Aerth

To tell you the truth, I really don't like Aerth world as a whole, though I do like the
History stu and the thumbnail sketches of the various na[ons. I especially dislike the
faery world and the hollow earth stu. No[ce how everything is made in an almost cookie
cuher fashion. I did like the map style, but lihle else about them.

I have been working on a sejng which is in many ways like Aerth minus of course,
everything I don't like. Of course I have a huge number of other rules revisions underway,
and I am set to begin GMing in less than a week!! Think I'll be ready? Not if your smart.
Included in this is rules presen[ng races as a development choice, not Archetype.
(Is it just me, or are there a lot of fundamental similari[es w/ basic D&D).

What is the EGS?????

Mike C.
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 11:56:53 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Scoh Schubert <Anarchon@AOL.COM>
Subject: Removal

Please remove me from your list.
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 10:44:17 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up
In-Reply-To: <> from "Snead Ryan W"
at Jul 25, 95 11:04:39 am

> Ryan Snead wrote:

> I always wondered why anyone would want to lower beginning STEEP for
> Heroic Personas. Perhaps it is the large number of JMs on the list.
> Whatever the reason, speaking as a player: I don't nd a game to be
> as much fun if I can't DO anything. IMHO the majority of HPs start
> o at about the right level. Maybe I'm just not abusing the rules
> in the right way.

Well, I've found that most players in our group manage to have
star[ng characters with at least a 51 in a primary cas[ng-area and
41 in several others if they are spell oriented, and a BAC around 80
if they are a ghter specialized in a weapon group. I think there is

room for characters a bit less powerful than this, who will s[ll
survive Mythus combat. I like the challenge of developing a character
star[ng from a slightly lower power level.

> Hybrid system? You mean between Mythus and EGS? Isn't that like ma[ng
> a human with a lemeur? If you're really dead set against using Mythus
> combat rules, I would suggest checking out the Mythus prime sec[on on
> combat. It's a much more stream-lined method based on a simple 10-count
> ini[a[ve round. You also might have to modify some of the spells which
> are intended to speed up or slow down their target(s) (like quicken and
> trudge). Our gaming group used the Mythus prime combat rules successfully
> for a while with Advanced Mythus HPs. The best part of this is of course
> that you never have to gure out @#$%@&%$@ THACO!!! (not that I ever really
> understood how Plate Mail made you really hard to hit anyway!)

Oops. Hybrid was probably the wrong word to use. I have _no_
inten[on of combining EGS game mechanics with Mythus rules. (what a
Frankenstein moster that would be) It's more a case of wri[ng up all
the house rules and jng them with Mythus rules so everyone in the
group understands them. We've been playing with the dierent
op[onal rules for combat, but at the moment no one is sure what exact
mechanics we are using now. As long as the group is star[ng fresh,
we may make a few more modica[ons to Mythus rules to address issues
which have come up in the current campaign.

If anything, you could say the revisions are a hybrid to make Mythus
rules t an EGS game world. Yes, I once played EGS before I saw the
light. The mechanics were horrible, but the world the game was set
in was a very enjoyable one. Most of the modica[ons will be to the
character genera[on rules, since they have done lihle to discourage
the group's players from selec[ng lots of cas[ng-genera[ng K/S Areas.

> P.S. Low magic? What's that supposed to be like? Earth?

Nope, just more of a tradi[onal fantasy sejng. More non-spell
using ghters and thieves, and Heka-users with a narrower focus than
some Mythus voca[ons.
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 10:49:46 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up-Non Aerth
In-Reply-To: <> from "Michael J Conard" at
Jul 25, 95 08:25:47 am

> What is the EGS?????

EGS stands for Evil Game System, a term coined up in this list to
refer to AD&D (trademark of TSR, ad nauseum). Some contributers to

mythus-l have rather strong feelings about the subject. :)

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 11:05:22 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Hawkeye" at Jul 25,
95 09:49:59 am

Hawkeye wrote:

> Steve, you've hit my favorite subject! :)

I thought I recalled some enthusiasm from you earlier on this
subject. ;)

> * 75% star[ng STEEP numbers. I have only modied the STEEP's listed
> with the Voca[ons, not the ATTRIBUTEs of the HP's. So, you add the full
> ATTRIBUTE with 75% of the rest...

This is probably very close to what I'll end up proposing to the
rest of the group.


> * As for racial Voca[ons: just do it! :) This is easy. You just create
> specic Voca[ons if you want (you could even just use the ones for
> humans...), give the other races some ATTRIBUTE Modica[ons, possibly
> some Universal K/S Area changes, and some Racial Quirks/CounterQuirks.
> Try to provide some psychological dierences as well, so that the other
> races don't end up like "Humans with Pointy Ears." (Something I hated
> about the EGS--not enough dierences...

What I've been toying with is a method which would let you put a
race package together with any of the voca[ons, as opposed to
modifying the general racial voca[ons in Mythus. I really like the
idea of racial quirks/counterquirks though. I think I'm going to
steal that idea.

> This is not hard at all. I've created numerous races, and Voca[ons to go
> along. Maybe if you're lucky I'll post some... :)

I'd be very interested in them all. It would keep the list ac[ve,
at any rate.

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 15:15:16 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up
In-Reply-To: <199507251805.LAA09479@elaine31.Stanford.EDU>

> Hawkeye wrote:
> > Steve, you've hit my favorite subject! :)
> I thought I recalled some enthusiasm from you earlier on this
> subject. ;)

Darn right!

> What I've been toying with is a method which would let you put a
> race package together with any of the voca[ons, as opposed to
> modifying the general racial voca[ons in Mythus. I really like the
> idea of racial quirks/counterquirks though. I think I'm going to
> steal that idea.

I don't use any of that Racial stu in Mythus. What I have done is
start with the race. Come up with the descrip[on, culture, etc, and
then decide what sorts of Voca[ons would make sense for them. Then, if
one of the exis[ng ones work, I'll use it, maybe make a few changes, or
whatever. Then, if there are Voca[ons I'd like that don't exist, or
just aren't right, I'll just get out the Mythus GM's Booklet that came
with the JM's screen, and start picking out K/S Areas. Beher yet, I
have made up a couple K/S Areas when I needed to...

That is the nice thing about Mythus: it has created a reasonable standard
to which you can create new stu very easily. Just try to come up with
a new race/class/voca[on/occupa[on in some other game! Or, worse, try
to come up with new skills! :)

> > This is not hard at all. I've created numerous races, and Voca[ons to go
> > along. Maybe if you're lucky I'll post some... :)
> I'd be very interested in them all. It would keep the list ac[ve,
> at any rate.

Okay, just so you don't drool on your keyboard and electrically shock
yourself (if you wear a metal ring, you get a -1 Electrical AF, Non-Vital

The Greymen are one of many human races on my con[nent. They have,
surprisingly, stone grey skin (males are darker than females). They are
a happy, carefree race. They have 6 ngers per hand, are generally
greedy and deathly afraid of heights: imagine a city of thousands of
one-story brick buildings... :)

Anyway, they most honored profession is that of the Blade Warrior. They
like blades of all sorts. So, essen[ally, I took the Mercenary/Soldier
and Cavalier and mixed them up a bit. Mostly Merc, though, since they
are not par[cularly religious... :)

As an added note: their na[on is ruled by the family with the most
wealth. This family rules un[l another thinks it has enough wealth to
surpass the other. Then, the whole country comes together for the
Fes[val of the Coun[ng. For a few weeks nothing gets done, each family
publically counts/reveals all its wealth, and the winner gets to rule the
country (and decide how trade will be conducted, mainly...). The loosing
family is disgraced, and is generally ridiculed for a genera[on...


FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2!
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 14:54:45 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up
In-Reply-To: <>

Well, this has been interes[ng to read. :)

A solu[on that I have put into use is to have the players make their HPs
with me, so that I can warn them away from certain things (high STEEPS in
combat/Cas[ng related areas, Min/Maxing, etc.). It usually works, my
player tend to make characters that are well-rounded, but far from being
"wimps". Also, my players have to design their "persona" before they
roll up their character. This helps me to "modify" their characters to
t the personality they designed. I ask my players ques[on (lotz of)
about how their HPs would respond to situa[ons, and how they would react
to so and so happening, etc. It really helps out, and no rules need be

A problem happened recently when a player of mine decided to go against
some of my wishes. He was playing a Gray Mage, Par[al Prac[[oner,
dabbling in Black Dweomercraep, Necromancy (for countering not cas[ng),
and Conjura[on. I made my wishes known to him by disjuc[ng alot of the
lihle "extras" he had, and talked to him aper the game about his
character. We have worked things out (for now) and he agrees to keep his
character "toned down" to keep game balance and not endanger the other
HPs by my having to throw more challenging encounters their way. :)

Game Designer of CyberMyth

------------------------------------------------------------ "We tread where angels fear to go, where childish crimes are
yours and mine."
-My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 18:21:50 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up-Non Aerth
In-Reply-To: <>

> I have been working on a sejng which is in many ways like Aerth minus of
> course, everything I don't like. Of course I have a huge number of
> other rules revisions underway, and I am set to begin GMing in less than
> a week!! Think I'll be ready?

Rest on the Seventh day: it's tradi[onal.

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 16:33:45 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Half Chewed Gristle
Subject: Muskets and other gunpowder fuckle-wuckles ... :)
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950725181817.20498A-100000@sunsh> from "Doyce
Testerman" at Jul 25, 95 06:21:50 pm

Does anyone have any rules or invented any rules reguarding muskets,
intlocks, etc? I'm trying to create something spi, and I need My
gunpowder x! Hahah

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl et Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 17:06:11 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Re: Muskets and other gunpowder fuckle-wuckles ... :)

>Does anyone have any rules or invented any rules reguarding muskets,

>intlocks, etc? I'm trying to create something spi, and I need My

>gunpowder x! Hahah

AHHHHHHHHHH!! NOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo...................

In my mileux, there is no such thing. Magic is replaces physical laws of this world
with its own. NO GUNPOWDER!! The only explosions are made by mages.

Has no-one ever thought, realis[cally, what the result of allowing gunpowder would
be? Why, everyone would end up carrying Uzi's. Absurd you say?? for maybe a century
aper the introduc[on of gunpowder, sure. But in a couple hundred years guns would
replace all forms of combat as it takes eect virtually instantaneously, and is useable by
any damn fool, (which our present society reects.) Am I the only one who hates this stu
with vengence??( On the other hand, Am I the only one who has players talking seriously
of bringing in Apache ahack helicopters??--rather HAD--bye-bye munchkin!!)

Mike C.
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 23:09:05 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Muskets
In-Reply-To: <> from "Cause of Death"
at Jul 25, 95 04:33:45 pm

> Does anyone have any rules or invented any rules reguarding muskets,
> intlocks, etc? I'm trying to create something spi, and I need My
> gunpowder x! Hahah

If you ask Hawkeye for an old one of his Dangerous Ideas e-zines, I
wrote an ar[cle detailing how to include early rearms in Mythus.
The weapons were rather dissapoin[ng (except the M16) as the low
power of the muskets kept damage down to something like 2 or 3d6. If
he can't provide you with the e-zine, I will try to dig it up again, but
it will take quite a bit of [me, so be prepared to wait.


"There's nothing like a good gunght to uplip the spirit."
-- Calvin.
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 21:58:31 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Half Chewed Gristle
Subject: Re: Muskets and other gunpowder fuckle-wuckles ... :)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Michael J Conard" at

Jul 25, 95 05:06:11 pm

>> Does anyone have any rules or invented any rules reguarding muskets,
>> intlocks, etc? I'm trying to create something spi, and I need My
>> gunpowder x! Hahah
> AHHHHHHHHHH!! NOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo...................
> Has no-one ever thought, realis[cally, what the result of allowing
> gunpowder would be? Why, everyone would end up carrying Uzi's. Absurd
> you say?? for maybe a century aper the introduc[on of gunpowder, sure.
> But in a couple hundred years guns would replace all forms of combat as
> it takes eect virtually instantaneously, and is useable by any damn
> fool, (which our present society reects.) Am I the only one who hates
> this stu with vengence??( On the other hand, Am I the only one who has
> players talking seriously of bringing in Apache ahack
> helicopters??--rather HAD--bye-bye munchkin!!)

Yeah ... I've thought about this, but there's an element of an anime series
that I want to add to My world, and it requires muskets.

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl et Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 22:05:54 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Half Chewed Gristle
Subject: Re: Muskets
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dan T Williamson" at Jul
25, 95 11:09:05 pm

> If you ask Hawkeye for an old one of his Dangerous Ideas e-zines, I wrote
> an ar[cle detailing how to include early rearms in Mythus. The
> weapons were rather dissapoin[ng (except the M16) as the low power of
> the muskets kept damage down to something like 2 or 3d6. If he can't
> provide you with the e-zine, I will try to dig it up again, but it will
> take quite a bit of [me, so be prepared to wait.

Oh ... I have 'em all. I'll look thru them then. Thanks!

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death

/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl et Sadistykl

/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 00:26:46 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Muskets and other gunpowder fuckle-wuckles ... :)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 25 Jul 1995, Michael J Conard wrote:

> >Does anyone have any rules or invented any rules reguarding muskets,
> >intlocks, etc? I'm trying to create something spi, and I need My
> >gunpowder x! Hahah
> AHHHHHHHHHH!! NOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo...................
> In my mileux, there is no such thing. Magic is replaces physical laws of this world
> with its own. NO GUNPOWDER!! The only explosions are made by mages.
> Has no-one ever thought, realis[cally, what the result of allowing gunpowder would
> be? Why, everyone would end up carrying Uzi's. Absurd you say?? for maybe a century
> aper the introduc[on of gunpowder, sure. But in a couple hundred years guns would
> replace all forms of combat as it takes eect virtually instantaneously, and is useable by
> any damn fool, (which our present society reects.) Am I the only one who hates this stu
> with vengence??( On the other hand, Am I the only one who has players talking seriously
> of bringing in Apache ahack helicopters??--rather HAD--bye-bye munchkin!!)
> Mike C.
I hear ya, no gun powder, but then again it depends on what kinda
Genre the person wants to accomplish, eh? Besides, if rearms became
that big, you know par[al prac[[oners will denately make counter
spells (like rst level spells that just clog up their barrels, :) )
Yip! Ho! Ho!
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 00:32:34 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Problems with making characters..

Mythus is indeedly the ul[mate rpg, even though certain
companies ,cough> would rather cease the distribu[on than let a great
idea really rocket <coughbastardscough> but anyways one thing that people
always seem to say when making a character is..

"oh gee I dont know what to play.." they will look through the
book for hours as if they overlooked the "secret Voca[on".
They feel like none of the voca[ons are that special because all
they are are K/s areas slapped together. Is there anything we can do to
make Mythus voca[ons more individualized than just K/S areas, they just
make all the classes feel ordinary.
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 00:21:25 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Problems with making characters..
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/> from "Kenny
Hill" at Jul 26,
95 00:32:34 am

> Mythus is indeedly the ul[mate rpg, even though certain
> companies ,cough> would rather cease the distribu[on than let a great
> idea really rocket <coughbastardscough> but anyways one thing that people
> always seem to say when making a character is..
> "oh gee I dont know what to play.." they will look through the
> book for hours as if they overlooked the "secret Voca[on".
> They feel like none of the voca[ons are that special because all
> they are are K/s areas slapped together. Is there anything we can do to
> make Mythus voca[ons more individualized than just K/S areas, they just
> make all the classes feel ordinary.
> -Ken

You could try cujng the number of K/S Areas in each voca[on, and
allowing each player more freedom to select K/S Areas to customize
their character. Of course, this would require more supervision to
prevent some players from taking advantage of the extra freedom.

Another possibility is to have players come to you with their own
Voca[ons. That way, you get more to use for your OPs, and they get a
chance to exercise their crea[vity a bit.

Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 08:30:15 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Problems with making characters..
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Wed, 26 Jul 1995, Kenny Hill wrote:

> "oh gee I dont know what to play.." they will look through the

> book for hours as if they overlooked the "secret Voca[on".

> They feel like none of the voca[ons are that special because all
> they are are K/s areas slapped together. Is there anything we can do to
> make Mythus voca[ons more individualized than just K/S areas, they just
> make all the classes feel ordinary.

Sure. Don't let them look at the book un[l *aper* they have their
persona roughed out ;-) That way, it's a simple maher to either adjust
an exis[ng Voca[on (I've been known to switch around K/S Areas in the
Poet/Musician Voca[on to give a good Spellsinger), or whip out a new K/S

Works for me :-)

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 13:54:11 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Muskets
In-Reply-To: <>

Of course I can come up with the e-mag! :) The ques[on is, how much
will I get paid?? :)

Just kidding...let me know and I'll try to get it to whomever needs it.
I don't remember which issue it was in...

Someone ought to put them on FTP somewhere...if they aren't already.


FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2!
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 13:59:53 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Problems with making characters..
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Wed, 26 Jul 1995, Kenny Hill wrote:

> Mythus is indeedly the ul[mate rpg, even though certain
> companies ,cough> would rather cease the distribu[on than let a great
> idea really rocket <coughbastardscough> but anyways one thing that people
> always seem to say when making a character is..
> "oh gee I dont know what to play.." they will look through the
> book for hours as if they overlooked the "secret Voca[on".
> They feel like none of the voca[ons are that special because all
> they are are K/s areas slapped together. Is there anything we can do to
> make Mythus voca[ons more individualized than just K/S areas, they just
> make all the classes feel ordinary.
> -Ken

What I would do (and have, in the past) is go through HP crea[on
background-rst. That is, decide with the player exactly what they want
to do, and why, and create the HP's history. THen, create K/S Areas to
go with it. Aria Roleplaying would be fantas[c to do this. I haven't
done it that way yet, but I will soon... :)

Another way to really increase dierences: provide dierent racial and
species choices--complete with details about the race/species. It's just
another addi[onal possibility...


FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2!
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 14:31:54 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Dangerous Ideas (was Re: Muskets)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 26 Jul 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Someone ought to put them on FTP somewhere...if they aren't already.

If they aren't already there, I'll be s[cking them on
shortly (if you want).

Also, they are available via the WWW from:

Note that the former is the preferred site, since it's faster (the laher
site is a fairly, but not 100%, reliable site connected via a 19200
modem-like object).


Mike Phillips,

Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 16:43:40 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Dangerous e-zines

> If you ask Hawkeye for an old one of his Dangerous Ideas e-zines, I

Where can I get these???

Mike C.
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 23:42:47 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Half Chewed Gristle
Subject: Re: Muskets
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Hawkeye" at Jul 26,
95 01:54:11 pm

> Of course I can come up with the e-mag! :) The ques[on is, how much
> will I get paid?? :)
> Just kidding...let me know and I'll try to get it to whomever needs it.
> I don't remember which issue it was in...
> Someone ought to put them on FTP somewhere...if they aren't already.

Actually, I found it on Mutenroshi's WWW site. It was in #4. Some cool shit
in dem Dangerous Ideas! :)

Someone should set up an pp site so whoever with a cool idea can upload it
to the site for all to see! heheheh

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl et Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 12:36:11 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On Tue, 25 July, Steven Olaf wrote:

> Well, I've found that most players in our group manage to have
> star[ng characters with at least a 51 in a primary cas[ng-area and
> 41 in several others if they are spell oriented, and a BAC around 80
> if they are a ghter specialized in a weapon group. I think there is
> room for characters a bit less powerful than this, who will s[ll
> survive Mythus combat. I like the challenge of developing a character
> star[ng from a slightly lower power level.

That's odd. I don't think I've ever seen a Voca[on lis[ng with base
STEEP over 24. Even if the personna in ques[on has a 20 in the given
ahribute (the maximum according to vanilla Mythus 2d6+8), they s[ll get
a maximum star[ng STEEP of 44 (and THAT should be unusual in itself).
If they use the op[on of adding steep instead of taking a bonus K/S or
because of age modica[ons, remind them that this is limited to a +5
OVERALL steep addi[on. That's the only way I can think of for them
to get a beginning STEEP of 51. Maybe you should check their math skills.

I have found my personnas tend to run about 10 STEEP lower than the
personnas of your players. I won't comment on the 80 BAC since I am
a strongly heka-oriented player and not immediately familiar with the
physical combat rules. However, it does seem a lihle high.

Another thing to keep in mind about age modica[on rules. If they
play an old geezer to get mondo STEEP and spiritual ahribute advantages,
don't let them downplay the physical degrada[on that comes with it. Maybe
give them a counter-quirk or two like:
Arthri[c: -10 to all physical-based skills
Then, if you're feeling nice, you can give them the quirk:
Weather-sensi[ve: +5 to Nature Ahunement (sub area ?)
"I can feel the rain coming in my bones! Ouch!!"

Anyways, I don't know what kind of math they're using to roll up
personnas, but I would be interested to know where they get those numbers.
The way Mike gives out APs around here, it took about a year to get my HP
to that level. Sit down with your players during character crea[on, and
for goodness sake don't let them do their addi[on in base 8! ::grin::

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 12:57:43 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>

At 12:36 PM 7/27/95 -0400, Snead Ryan W wrote:
>That's odd. I don't think I've ever seen a Voca[on lis[ng with base
>STEEP over 24. Even if the personna in ques[on has a 20 in the given
>ahribute (the maximum according to vanilla Mythus 2d6+8), they s[ll get
>a maximum star[ng STEEP of 44 (and THAT should be unusual in itself).
>If they use the op[on of adding steep instead of taking a bonus K/S or
>because of age modica[ons, remind them that this is limited to a +5
>OVERALL steep addi[on. That's the only way I can think of for them
>to get a beginning STEEP of 51. Maybe you should check their math skills.

Not so. It's a base 6 you can add, not 5. Personas can boost their Caps
via age modiers. And the STEEP gained through age modiers has no
limita[ons on how it may be spent. So it's quite possible.

>I have found my personnas tend to run about 10 STEEP lower than the
>personnas of your players. I won't comment on the 80 BAC since I am
>a strongly heka-oriented player and not immediately familiar with the
>physical combat rules. However, it does seem a lihle high.

It's very high. I have a couple of very competent characters in my
campaigns, but I don't believe either of them have over a 60 STEEP in
anything (I restrict STEEPs above 60 by saying they must nd someone to
teach them advanced concepts at this point). If they were to specialize in
a given weapon, however, an 80 STEEP becomes quite possible with that
weapon. In my campaign this means that their parry skill with their shield
drops, assuming they use one. And most characters who are that good to
begin with have no need to specialize.

Take care,
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 13:11:41 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>

>--------->From: Gary Spechko
>Sent: July 27, 1995 12:57
>To: Mul[ple recipients of list MYTHUS-L
>Not so. It's a base 6 you can add, not 5. Personas can boost their Caps
>via age modiers. And the STEEP gained through age modiers has no
>limita[ons on how it may be spent. So it's quite possible.

Not quite true.. remember my "geezer", Gary?? You can not spend age-acquired STEEP
to boost HEKA genera[ng skills. Kinda a bummer, but it prevents a star[ng character
to have a steep of 100 in Dweomercraep or something...

Michael Nagy
a.k.a. Dekker, Fluellen of Exeter
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Home Page
Red Dwarf Home Page:
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 14:53:13 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mike's Awarding of AP's
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 27 Jul 1995, Snead Ryan W wrote:

> Another thing to keep in mind about age modica[on rules. If they
> play an old geezer to get mondo STEEP and spiritual ahribute advantages,
> don't let them downplay the physical degrada[on that comes with it. Maybe
> give them a counter-quirk or two like:
> Arthri[c: -10 to all physical-based skills
> Then, if you're feeling nice, you can give them the quirk:
> Weather-sensi[ve: +5 to Nature Ahunement (sub area ?)
> "I can feel the rain coming in my bones! Ouch!!"

Or just remind them that they're moving more slowly, and that they can't
ght for very long, and diculty climbing stairs.....

> The way Mike gives out APs around here, it took about a year to get my HP
> to that level.

Now, now, no cheap shots ;-) I'm too easy of a target ;-)

Seriously, this does bring up a ques[on. I'm fairly s[ngy with AP's,
resul[ng in slow but steady persona improvement, but we also game
somewhat slowly (an adventure that *should* be completed in a single
session open gets sidetracked and wanders into a three or four session
story). What rules of thumb do others use for their AP (and non-AP) rewards?

As an example of mine, last semester we started with the Scarlet Scaring
(previously posted here), and the HP's walked away with a handful of AP's
(8 or 10 apiece, if memory serves), plus three minor magickal items and a
comission in the Markthegn's service. (The minor magickal items were the

Lightspear, the Sword of Skill, and the Sword of Shininess, taken from a
Raje shaman.) A brief and surrealis[c dream adventure followed, with
a couple AP's, and then the Omen of the Black Dragon was run next,
resul[ng in roughly 15 AP's apiece and a new contact/friend (Omen was
certainly deserving of that amount). Finally, two shorter adventures,
one involving a quick jaunt up the coast, and the other involving the
unstoppering of a VERY potent bohle of magickal liquid, each gran[ng
between 3 and 6 AP's.

My rule of thumb, if there is one, is to 'make it worth while', using the
guidelines in the Mythus book as a star[ng point. I almost always award
an AP/S or two for clever or appropriate K/S use (for instance, clever
use of Divina[on in the Scarlet Scaring), and occasionally a point of
Joss (if one has a par[cularly lucky or unlucky evening). Then, of
course, there are appropriate material awards -- rarely money, they're
already being paid by the Markthegn ;-)

And, on a competely unrelated tangent, since I'm thinking of the game
this coming semester, how does one pronounce Slaugh, anyways?

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 12:44:46 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: character STEEPs
In-Reply-To: <> from "Snead Ryan W"
at Jul 27, 95 12:36:11 pm

Ryan wrote:
> On Tue, 25 July, Steven Olaf wrote:
> > Well, I've found that most players in our group manage to have
> > star[ng characters with at least a 51 in a primary cas[ng-area and
> > 41 in several others if they are spell oriented, and a BAC around 80
> > if they are a ghter specialized in a weapon group. I think there is
> > room for characters a bit less powerful than this, who will s[ll
> > survive Mythus combat. I like the challenge of developing a character
> > star[ng from a slightly lower power level.
> That's odd. I don't think I've ever seen a Voca[on lis[ng with base
> STEEP over 24. Even if the personna in ques[on has a 20 in the given
> ahribute (the maximum according to vanilla Mythus 2d6+8), they s[ll get
> a maximum star[ng STEEP of 44 (and THAT should be unusual in itself).

> If they use the op[on of adding steep instead of taking a bonus K/S or
> because of age modica[ons, remind them that this is limited to a +5
> OVERALL steep addi[on. That's the only way I can think of for them
> to get a beginning STEEP of 51. Maybe you should check their math skills.

[snipping some good age-related counter-quirks]

> Anyways, I don't know what kind of math they're using to roll up
> personnas, but I would be interested to know where they get those numbers.
> The way Mike gives out APs around here, it took about a year to get my HP
> to that level. Sit down with your players during character crea[on, and
> for goodness sake don't let them do their addi[on in base 8! ::grin::

First, just to explain; I'm merely a player-in-exile from John
Teske's group, and only really get to play when I'm on vaca[on from
the grad school grind. I have been working on rules and plot ideas to
keep the withdrawl symptoms away. :) Of course, I'm not trying to
get John in trouble here, when these characters were created we were
all s[ll learning Mythus rules and power levels.

Anyway, here is the math that was used to create characters
currently being played:

1) Ahributes rolled by 2d6+8 method
2) +3 is added to the primary trait - +1 to each cap and +1 to
one other, randomly selected. I believe this is an
op[onal rule in Mythus, but I don't have the book handy.
3) Everyone has been taking the enhanced STEEP op[on, which
allows 2 to 6 points to be spent to increase a k/s area
4) John has been awarding 8 AP/Gs for a complete history and
personality for each character. This has usually been used
to 'crest' key K/S areas for the character.

For a cas[ng area with a 24 Base STEEP, this gives:
24+(19 20, or 21 usually)+6 = 49 to 51 STEEP, which is easily brought
to 51 using the ini[al history-related AP/Gs.

For combat related characters, players here have tended to select
the lower age classes which give bonuses to PM and PN caps, and then
specialize in a weapon group. The 1.5x mul[plier to a 50 STEEP,
along with the addi[on of weapon points to BAC, gives a BAC right
around 80.

Of course, geh[ng rid of the +3 bonus to primary trait, enhanced
STEEP op[on, and history AP/Gs would lower those beginning STEEPs to
around the level you are used to. It would also help if more players
were interested in developing more than just 1 or 2 K/S Areas. It's
not a good survival strategy, but John hasn't managed to convice every
player yet. Not that he hasn't been trying, he just has some

stubborn players. :)

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 16:23:38 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Star[ng STEEP

>Anyways, I don't know what kind of math they're using to roll up
>personnas, but I would be interested to know where they get those numbers.
>The way Mike gives out APs around here, it took about a year to get my HP
>to that level. Sit down with your players during character crea[on, and
>for goodness sake don't let them do their addi[on in base 8! ::grin::

And tell 'em *Dave said* that when the nal drap lep him to go to Gary &
editors, THE MAXIMUM STEEP you could have was 50 (because the maximum
ATTRIBUTE scores were 20)... All the rest of those bonuses were put in
aperwards. And since many STEEP scores are an average, that means that
both related Capacity scores must be 20. Anyone with more than a couple of
20s in their scores is going to have my ahen[on when they roll for the
important stu - LIKE CRITICAL FAILURES [heh heh heh].

Personally, I would have to thouroghly test the mehle of any player who
came into one of my games with a star[ng persona with an 80 STEEP in
*anything* (Aha! So you're a warrior, eh?! Well, won't *we* have some fun
together... Get out your dice, big boy - I feel like tes[ng monsters!).

But that's just me, and you know how I get...

DaveLook for me at the Pariah Press booth ay GEN*CON (or at the Safe House).

------------------------------------------------E-mail: -or-
Web: hhp://
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 16:25:34 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Slaugh & stu

>And, on a competely unrelated tangent, since I'm thinking of the game
>this coming semester, how does one pronounce Slaugh, anyways?

I've heard it pronounced "slaw" by the old fart <ahem> master himself.

[as in would you like slaugh with that?] ;)

Which reminds me BTW; Gary WILL be at GEN*CON on Thursday at least, and Luke
Gygax will be running a Mythus game, too.

I will more than likely have some interes[ng stu from Gary to put in my
web pages in the next couple of weeks, too. And God willing, I'll update
the damn thing by next week.

------------------------------------------------E-mail: -or-
Web: hhp://
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 14:30:46 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: High steeps

What is this facina[on with begining HPs with high steeps? In the
campaigns I play in the players tend to take as many dierent k/s areas
as they can get star[ng out. We add our ahributes to these as we start
the campaign and if you add up the numeric values of all the steeps in
all the k/s areas it would be signicantly higher than Making a more
specialized HP with fewer k/s's. This is just another way to make the
rules work in your favor, but it lends itself beher to play and
developement of an HP for a long campaign.

We tend to have HPs with steeps in the 20's and 30's mostly with each HP
having 2-3 steeps in the 40's to start. We use advancement rules for
steeps that allow normal spending of aps up to a steep of 50, at that
point the cost for further advancement doubles for that steep. There is
an increasing scale but I do not know where it goes from there, my HP's
highest steep is 44 (combat, hand weapons) and I have yet to spend any of
my aps.

Low steeps are not a big problem. look at the steep level descrip[ons.
Is it really that important that an HP start with a PHD (41-50) in
A balanced HP should have a lot of k/s's with steeps in the 20's and
30's. Someone may achieve great things in one or two areas, such as
olympic athletes in their late teens or early 20's, but not in many areas.
Developing skills of that sort requires [me and eort, and you don't
have enough of that to play with when your HP is 23 years old. :)

Well that's what I think, and therefore it MUST be corect. =P~~~

Mike paulus
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 22:43:26 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John Teske Jr." <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: slaugh

I believe slaugh is said "slaw" like cole slaw. :) (seriously)

I also agree with S. Gullerud's calcula[ons of star[ng steeps. I do have
several characters (oops, HPs) with combat steeps in the 70s and several Hps
with heka genera[ng cas[ng-genera[ng steeps in the 50s. There is a price
that Steve has alluded to for such overspecializa[on, as I try to give HPs
problems that they have LOWER steeps in. (usually, but not always, it makes
the players too frustrated if you do it all the [me.)

Comments welcome.


PS. For those of you who email me privately regarding projects on occasion, I
do have a new email address... Yes, Mike Phillips and
Hawkeye, that means you. I will post some stu to the net as soon as I can
gure out how to.
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 20:55:13 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <cbead@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: AP/G awards

I know that Mike Phillips brought up a ques[on on how to hand out APs,
or something of that nature..

OH, well, here goes...

We just had a scenario go for three sessions. Our sessions are held once
a week and last generally about eight hours, aperwhich we BS for a few
hours about how everyone played, how my game was ran, so on so forth...
Well, this last scenario was all role-playing, with a brief Orc lair
inves[ga[on. I awarded on average 6 AP/G to the players. This was
based purely on role-playing (I have a very ac[ve ROLE-PLAYING group).
I recieved one complaint that it wasn't enough, and we discussed it for
about an hour un[l he saw it my way :)

I award more APs for role-playing than for anything else, usually.

Excep[onally good uses of skills or good ideas result in bonuses. We

added a new member to our group several weeks ago, who plays a Dwarven
Soldier (normal Dwarf Voca[on). He wasn't quite sure where he t in,
and was the youngest member of our group (17 going on 22), so he was
fairly quiet. Well, two weeks ago he opened up. I awarded more APs,
because he had improved quite drama[cally. He gained an extra by coming
up with a nipy Dwarf saying, "Whatever strokes yer beard", that amused
the hell out of me. One of my beher players, suering from sleep
deprava[on, dozed o for two hours last game and was heavilt penalized
for it!

Now, the way I award APs is to have everyone talk about the game aper
the session is over. We compliment (rarely), cri[ze (constantly), and
just talk about how everyone thinks things should be. I listen
carefully, throw in my $2, and take notes. I write down how many APs
everyone gets (1 to 8) and keep track. Aper the scenario runs its
course and it comes [me to actually award APs, I average them out.
Plain and simple. I then add in points for Victory and Special
Condi[ons and the like. But all the base APs are averaged from the
dierent sessions. I feel that this is fairer to the group, as if
someone is having a bad day on the day I award, his beher deeds might be
forgohen. This prevents that. Hope I helped, at least a lihle...

Game Designer of CyberMyth
------------------------------------------------------------ "We tread where angels fear to go, where childish crimes are
yours and mine."
-My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 00:44:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: High STEEPS

<<<<<Not so. It's a base 6 you can add, not 5. Personas can boost their
via age modiers. And the STEEP gained through age modiers has no
limita[ons on how it may be spent. So it's quite possible.>>>>>>

While the age STEEP is not limited in quan[ty, it does say that it cannot be
used to augment Heka Cas[ng areas. I guess someone ggered it was ok for
a warrior to improve with age, but not a wizard. I don't really agree with
this, but it hasn't been enough of a problem to make waves over.


Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 00:33:31 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mike's Awarding of AP's
In-Reply-To: <>

> And, on a competely unrelated tangent, since I'm thinking of the game
> this coming semester, how does one pronounce Slaugh, anyways?

Hmmm...this wouldn't have anything to do with the coming adventures,
would it?? :)

I'd say either "Slo" or "Sloth"...


FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2, Aria, Mythus...
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 02:12:30 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up-Non Aerth

Actually, EGS stands for Established Game System, but Evil now ts much
beher. . .
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 00:12:05 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up-Non Aerth
In-Reply-To: <> from "Donald Eccles" at Jul 28,
95 02:12:30 am

> Actually, EGS stands for Established Game System, but Evil now ts much
> beher. . .

Whoops! Well, aper some of the past threads on this mailing list,
I must have unconciously switched terms. ;)

Well, either I have to sentence myself to reading the FAQ a few [mes,
or someone will just have to revise it.


Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 09:10:30 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up-Non Aerth
In-Reply-To: <199507280712.AAA08256@elaine11.Stanford.EDU>

> >
> > Actually, EGS stands for Established Game System, but Evil now ts much
> > beher. . .
> >
> Whoops! Well, aper some of the past threads on this mailing list,
> I must have unconciously switched terms. ;)
> Well, either I have to sentence myself to reading the FAQ a few [mes,
> or someone will just have to revise it.
> Steven

Who the heck ever used "Established"???? I never heard that one... :)
Honestly, one day I just needed a new name for AD&D since I was so sick
of it...


FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2, Aria, Mythus...
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 07:13:51 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: A ques[on to liven things up-Non Aerth
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 28 Jul 1995, Donald Eccles wrote:

> Actually, EGS stands for Established Game System, but Evil now ts much
> beher. . . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
It is EVIL Game System. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

Mike Paulus
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 17:25:27 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On Friday, July 28, Mike Phillips wrote:

>> The way Mike gives out APs around here, it took about a year to get my HP
>> to that level.

> Now, now, no cheap shots ;-) I'm too easy of a target ;-)
Actually, I intended to men[on Mike's awarding of APs as a good example.
However, as usual, my mind went o on other tangents before I could complete
the thought, so it didn't quite come out right. Besides, I'd rather not face
what he would throw at us if we started advancing too fast!

[deleted some stu]

> And, on a competely unrelated tangent, since I'm thinking of the game
> this coming semester, how does one pronounce Slaugh, anyways?
EEEP! See what I mean. ;-)

Dat's all fer now!
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 1995 11:08:48 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mike's AP Awards and Slaugh and stu
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 28 Jul 1995, Snead Ryan W wrote:

> On Friday, July 28, Mike Phillips wrote:
> > And, on a competely unrelated tangent, since I'm thinking of the game
> > this coming semester, how does one pronounce Slaugh, anyways?
> EEEP! See what I mean. ;-)

Oops <big wink> didn't mean to let that cat out of the bag (yet)

He's worried now, cool.....

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 1995 11:41:38 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Slaugh & stu
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 27 Jul 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> >
> >And, on a competely unrelated tangent, since I'm thinking of the game
> >this coming semester, how does one pronounce Slaugh, anyways?
> >
> I've heard it pronounced "slaw" by the old fart <ahem> master himself.
> [as in would you like slaugh with that?] ;)
> Which reminds me BTW; Gary WILL be at GEN*CON on Thursday at least, and Luke
> Gygax will be running a Mythus game, too.
> I will more than likely have some interes[ng stu from Gary to put in my
> web pages in the next couple of weeks, too. And God willing, I'll update
> the damn thing by next week.
> Dave>
> ------------------------------------------------> E-mail: -or-
> Web: hhp://
Gary s[ll writes Mythus ideas?? :)
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 1995 11:52:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: EGS Mimmics Mythus...

Yes its true, I s[ll play EGS, although I would rather play
mythus, we've been doing EGS for about 6 years and it just has alot more
atmosphere. Lately though, I dont know if people have been keeping up to
date or not, It feels like EGS is copying mythus. They came out with a
new handbook that has all the Mythus weapons. Soon theyre coming out
with a handbook to where mages can wear armor and ghters can cast
spells, etc. etc.
Their combat rounds are now 6 seconds (instead of 1 minute.)
Watch, soon theyll probably turn Nonweapons into percentage rolls. This
isnt necessarily a bad turn, but it just makes me want to say one thing..

Owell, I dunno, maybe its just Im paranoid. Heh.

Date: Sun, 30 Jul 1995 19:25:05 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Slaugh & stu

>> I will more than likely have some interes[ng stu from Gary to put in
>> web pages in the next couple of weeks, too. And God willing, I'll
>> the damn thing by next week.
>> Dave
>Gary s[ll writes Mythus ideas?? :)

No; this will be regarding NEW stu from Gary. I'll be talking to him at
GEN*CON about it. The upshot is this: I oered to put anything he wanted
online, he said he would probably have something for me. Not even I know
what it might be...

------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 01:57:33 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Josh Elarton <JElarton@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: EGS Mimmics Mythus...

In a message dated 95-07-30 12:49:35 EDT, you write:

> Lately though, I dont know if people have been keeping up to
>date or not, It feels like EGS is copying mythus. They came out with a
>new handbook that has all the Mythus weapons.

Makes you wonder doesn't it??? But since they own the rights to Mythus,
what's to stop them from releasing Myhus ideas AS AD&D? I doubt they are
obligated to inform people in the ne print that what they are buying is
really from a dierent game system...

Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 09:41:25 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: EGS Mimmics Mythus...
In-Reply-To: <>

> > Lately though, I dont know if people have been keeping up to
> >date or not, It feels like EGS is copying mythus. They came out with a
> >new handbook that has all the Mythus weapons.
> Makes you wonder doesn't it??? But since they own the rights to Mythus,
> what's to stop them from releasing Myhus ideas AS AD&D? I doubt they are
> obligated to inform people in the ne print that what they are buying is
> really from a dierent game system...
I don't know about you, but if T$R scraped AD&D and replaced it with
Mythus but called it AD&D III I would buy it and preserve my Mythus
books in pris[ne condi[on to show everyone that I was on the boat rst.


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Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 21:52:11 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: EGS Mimmics Mythus...
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 31 Jul 1995, Josh Elarton wrote:

> In a message dated 95-07-30 12:49:35 EDT, you write:
> > Lately though, I dont know if people have been keeping up to
> >date or not, It feels like EGS is copying mythus. They came out with a
> >new handbook that has all the Mythus weapons.
> Makes you wonder doesn't it??? But since they own the rights to Mythus,
> what's to stop them from releasing Myhus ideas AS AD&D? I doubt they are
> obligated to inform people in the ne print that what they are buying is
> really from a dierent game system...
> Josh
Who knows, this may not be too bad of a thing, what if
mysteriously , in about 10 years EGS TURNS INTO MYTHUS!!!
-Ken :)
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 14:29:34 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Ridascreen - Biopharm <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Ques[ons of a new listmember

Gree[ngs everybody,

I'm new on the Net, recently (Juli 27) subscribed to this list, and like
what I am nding in my
mailbox. One of the things I read, was that it is a bit quiet in this
mailinglist. Well, I would like
to do something about that.

To introduce myself and give you a litle background on me, I'm 31, male,
live in Almere
(about 15 miles from our capital city Amsterdam that by right is famous for
its red light
district, its cultural mixture, its general tollerance and its tollarance
towards sop drugs: "If you
want to have a good [me, anything is possible in Amsterdam"), in The
Netherlands (for you
Americans: that is in Europe, on the North Sea coast, west of Germany, and

east of
England). I became interested in science c[on and fantasy a looooooong
[me ago, and
discovered during my PhD studies that you can not only passively read books
on SF and
Fantasy, but that you can enjoy it ac[vely by role-playing. Fantas[c! I
started with AD&D, but
disliked the rigidly xed character class and level system. About a year
ago I bought Mythus
and Mythus Magick and I'm in love with this skill-dependent system.

Enough about me, let's talk about Mythus. I am very interested what has been
discussed in
the past here, so I downloaded the past mail from the listserver. This
resulted directly in an
angry message from the system administrator because it was more than my allowed
diskspace. I haven't nnished reading it all (ca. 5 Mb text), but I started
with the most recent
mail. I found some discussions that will be very helpful running my campaign.

I found a reply to a message that apparently stated that someone has started
or will start a
Mythus campaign as Play By E-mail. I'm very interested in this. Could
someone tell me the
status of this project?

I recently started as GM, and immediately ran into some dicul[es. One of
the foremost is
this. In our new group we have quite a dierence in ajtudes: some players
are do-goodies
that have choosen the Ethos of Moonlight, while some others are totallly
evil and have
choosen Shadowy and Gloomy Darkness combined with Black Magick and Necromancy.
The ques[on is: How do I prevent these HPs from killing each other? What
elements can I
incorporate in the game to keep both types interested? By the way, the game
is situated in
Aztek. Does anybody have a worked-out Aztek pantheon? I'm reading up with
respect to the
Aztek culture and am trying to work it out myself, but could use some help.

What exactly was the outcome of the trial against GDW on Mythus? I
understand that T$R
has the "rights" to the game system, but that they will not extend it. Does
that mean they
have all the rights to everything that is related to this game or that they
only can block
commercial ac[vi[es related to Mythus? Is it legal to publish part of the
books (e.g.
electronically) on a not-for-prot basis, since they are no longer in press?

Further, one of the books men[ons a new scenario in AEgypt, other than the
Necropolis and
Advanced Mythus. Can I obtain a photocopy of these books from someone?

This has become a loooong message, I hope you have kept up with me un[l here.

Hope to hear from you,

Harold Stringer
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 21:38:54 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Ques[ons of a new listmember
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 2 Aug 1995, Ridascreen - Biopharm wrote:

> Gree[ngs everybody,
> I'm new on the Net, recently (Juli 27) subscribed to this list, and like
> what I am nding in my
> mailbox. One of the things I read, was that it is a bit quiet in this
> mailinglist. Well, I would like
> to do something about that.
> To introduce myself and give you a litle background on me, I'm 31, male,
> live in Almere
> (about 15 miles from our capital city Amsterdam that by right is famous for
> its red light
> district, its cultural mixture, its general tollerance and its tollarance
> towards sop drugs: "If you
> want to have a good [me, anything is possible in Amsterdam"), in The
> Netherlands (for you
> Americans: that is in Europe, on the North Sea coast, west of Germany, and
> east of
> England). I became interested in science c[on and fantasy a looooooong
> [me ago, and
> discovered during my PhD studies that you can not only passively read books
> on SF and
> Fantasy, but that you can enjoy it ac[vely by role-playing. Fantas[c! I
> started with AD&D, but
> disliked the rigidly xed character class and level system. About a year
> ago I bought Mythus
> and Mythus Magick and I'm in love with this skill-dependent system.
Ill have to agree w/ya there! Ad&d is every concrete with classes
whereas mythus believes in the character, not the class.

> Enough about me, let's talk about Mythus. I am very interested what has been
> discussed in
> the past here, so I downloaded the past mail from the listserver. This
> resulted directly in an
> angry message from the system administrator because it was more than my allowed
> diskspace. I haven't nnished reading it all (ca. 5 Mb text), but I started
> with the most recent
> mail. I found some discussions that will be very helpful running my campaign.
> I found a reply to a message that apparently stated that someone has started
> or will start a
> Mythus campaign as Play By E-mail. I'm very interested in this. Could
> someone tell me the
> status of this project?

WHOAH! AN EXCELLENT IDEA! one prob.. who will dm? :)
> I recently started as GM, and immediately ran into some dicul[es. One of
> the foremost is
> this. In our new group we have quite a dierence in ajtudes: some players
> are do-goodies
> that have choosen the Ethos of Moonlight, while some others are totallly
> evil and have
> choosen Shadowy and Gloomy Darkness combined with Black Magick and Necromancy.
> The ques[on is: How do I prevent these HPs from killing each other? What
> elements can I
> incorporate in the game to keep both types interested? By the way, the game
> is situated in
> Aztek. Does anybody have a worked-out Aztek pantheon? I'm reading up with
> respect to the
> Aztek culture and am trying to work it out myself, but could use some help.

You know I have no idea about the Azteks, but about the characters
I think you should either let them at each other (because if you dont let
them at each other, then your taking away their freedom, and that is
what separates role playing games from computer games. Free will.)
or suggest to players to not worship such diversity (I dont recommend
this, but if you tell them that your game will be messed up if they
dont then usually they listen.) Or you could just GM Separately, one
for the good ethos people, one for the evil. Break it down, and there
wont be too many conicts.
> What exactly was the outcome of the trial against GDW on Mythus? I
> understand that T$R
> has the "rights" to the game system, but that they will not extend it. Does
> that mean they
> have all the rights to everything that is related to this game or that they

> only can block

> commercial ac[vi[es related to Mythus? Is it legal to publish part of the
> books (e.g.
> electronically) on a not-for-prot basis, since they are no longer in press?
> Further, one of the books men[ons a new scenario in AEgypt, other than the
> Necropolis and
> Advanced Mythus. Can I obtain a photocopy of these books from someone?
> This has become a loooong message, I hope you have kept up with me un[l here.
> Hope to hear from you,
> Harold Stringer

T$R are weenies, thats all there is to it. I have no clue if they'll
ever give it back to us. personally I think theyre trying to convert
AD&D w/mythus ideas, because they need the crea[vity of Gary Gygax.
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 08:27:13 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Ques[ons of a new listmember
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

> On Wed, 2 Aug 1995, Ridascreen - Biopharm wrote:
> > I recently started as GM, and immediately ran into some dicul[es. One of
> > the foremost is
> > this. In our new group we have quite a dierence in ajtudes: some players
> > are do-goodies
> > that have choosen the Ethos of Moonlight, while some others are totallly
> > evil and have
> > choosen Shadowy and Gloomy Darkness combined with Black Magick and Necromancy.
> > The ques[on is: How do I prevent these HPs from killing each other? What
> > elements can I
> > incorporate in the game to keep both types interested? By the way, the game
> > is situated in
> > Aztek. Does anybody have a worked-out Aztek pantheon? I'm reading up with
> > respect to the
> > Aztek culture and am trying to work it out myself, but could use some help.
> >
> You know I have no idea about the Azteks, but about the characters
> I think you should either let them at each other (because if you dont let
> them at each other, then your taking away their freedom, and that is

> what separates role playing games from computer games. Free will.)
> or suggest to players to not worship such diversity (I dont recommend
> this, but if you tell them that your game will be messed up if they
> dont then usually they listen.) Or you could just GM Separately, one
> for the good ethos people, one for the evil. Break it down, and there
> wont be too many conicts.

Reading Kenny's response kicked out an idea in my own overac[ve brain.
Split a single campaign into two dierent parts one for evil HPs and one
for good. You could even have two dierent groups and not tell them
that the other exists, just let them think that there is a group of
good/evil personas opposing their goals. Let them miss each other by
ve minutes in game [me repeatedly throughout the campaign. Then have
a big bahle, invite everyone to play at the same [me and have them try
to kill each other's HPs. This would allow you to keep the campaign very
ballanced, but s[ll keep it interes[ng. You have some control over
what happens along the way, but what if the good and evil groups both go
looking for the same magic item? Who gets there rst? If the evil HPs
have taken an item of power from a people whom the good group intended
to borrow that item, do the good HPs take on the added responsibility
of recovering that item?

You can keep balance along the way by exer[ng some control over what
k/s's get aps spent in them. This helps to ensure a good bahle which
while s[ll having a decisive victor is fun for everyone to play out.
Having an HP die doing great damage to the opposing group and therefore
being the deciding factor in the bahle is fun? Would a gloomy darkness
HP do such a thing?

I would assume that on the surface the evil HPs would appear more
powerful than those in the good group, but I think a closer look would
reveal that there most likely a good balance of power there
automa[caly. It is also my experience that good HPs work together beher.
They tend to think of the good of the group and the mission, while evil
HPs think "How can I save MY ass?" For this reason the evil HPs should
have a lihle edge in the power department.

Well before I type all day and begin wri[ng a campaign, I will cut my
self o and go clean my bathroom (Eeeeeeuuch!)

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 10:50:33 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On Wed, Aug 2, Harold Stringer wrote:

> Gree[ngs everybody,

Gree[ngs from Virginia, USA.

[Introduc[on and interes[ng biographical notes deleted]
> but that you can enjoy it ac[vely by role-playing. Fantas[c! I
> started with AD&D, but
> disliked the rigidly xed character class and level system.
Yes! RPGs are wonderful! And I think that you will nd you are
far from alone in your love of SF & Fantasy in RPG circles :-)
However, I'm sorry that you had to go through the trauma and expense
of playing (A)dvanced (D)iscomfort & (D)yslexia (which we call EGS (Evil
Gaming System) on the list).

> About a year ago I bought Mythus
> and Mythus Magick and I'm in love with this skill-dependent system.
There are actually a number of skill-based systems on the market, but
we think Mythus is best as well.
[more stu deleted]

> mail. I found some discussions that will be very helpful running my campaign.
Glad you enjoyed it! :-)

[stu about online campaign deleted]

> I recently started as GM, and immediately ran into some dicul[es. One of
This is a common lament. Being a Journeys Master (JM) is not as easy as some
people make it look. .

> the foremost is
> this. In our new group we have quite a dierence in ajtudes: some players
> are do-goodies
> that have choosen the Ethos of Moonlight, while some others are totallly
> evil and have
> choosen Shadowy and Gloomy Darkness combined with Black Magick and Necromancy.
> The ques[on is: How do I prevent these HPs from killing each other? What
> elements can I
> incorporate in the game to keep both types interested? By the way, the game
> is situated in
> Aztek. Does anybody have a worked-out Aztek pantheon? I'm reading up with
> respect to the
> Aztek culture and am trying to work it out myself, but could use some help.
I would suggest separa[ng the groups and running them against each other.
If you are very crapy about it, they may not even realize that they are
playing against each other un[l the nal climac[c bahle. Have the players
pass notes back and forth between each other and you. Since they want to play
such disparate personali[es, give them what they want, but make sure that
the do-goodies and totally-evil ones players don't know what the other group's
characters are doing! .
Most important of all, please periodically update those of us on the list
about what adventures you and your players are having. I have a feeling

that your campaign could denately reach epic propor[ons, and if you
think there isn't much trac on the list, the number of campaign ideas
are coming as fast as vehicles at a four-way stop intersec[on on the moon.

> What exactly was the outcome of the trial against GDW on Mythus? I
> understand that T$R
> has the "rights" to the game system, but that they will not extend it. Does
> that mean they
> have all the rights to everything that is related to this game or that they
> only can block
> commercial ac[vi[es related to Mythus? Is it legal to publish part of the
> books (e.g.
> electronically) on a not-for-prot basis, since they are no longer in press?
The short answer to the rst ques[on is "Yes, they own everything." We
cannot prot by anything published here or anywhere else rela[ng to Mythus.
As for the books published by GDW and bought by T$R, it is my understanding
that the "rights" they bought included the right to publish those books
previously put out by GDW, or not. They chose not. So, the answer to the
second ques[on is, "No, it is not legal to publish or reproduce the books
in any form or forum." However, they are available used in many gaming
shops throughout North America and Europe. Gary Spechko may even snail some
to you from his shop in Canada.
> Further, one of the books men[ons a new scenario in AEgypt, other than the
> Necropolis and
> Advanced Mythus. Can I obtain a photocopy of these books from someone?
I'm not sure I've ever heard of any new scenarios in AEgypt other than the
Necropolis. There was a city sourcebook called "The City of Askalon" which
was apparently about to go to the printers when T$R got the publica[on
rights to Dangerous Journeys. It was never published. Just to make things
simple, here is a list of books I know to have been published by GDW:.
(0) Mythus Prime
(1) Mythus
(2) Mythus Magick
(3) Epic of AErth
(4) Necropolis
(5) Mythus Beas[ary
I think that might even be the right order (though not the actual order of

Ya know, someone oughta make up a short FAQ for this list.

Dat's all fer now!
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 18:02:58 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Rodney W. Morris" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: EGS Mimmics Mythus...

In-Reply-To: <>; from "Josh Elarton" at Jul 31,

95 1:57 am

> > Lately though, I dont know if people have been keeping up to
> >date or not, It feels like EGS is copying mythus. They came out with a
> >new handbook that has all the Mythus weapons.
> Makes you wonder doesn't it??? But since they own the rights to Mythus,
> what's to stop them from releasing Myhus ideas AS AD&D? I doubt they are
> obligated to inform people in the ne print that what they are buying is
> really from a dierent game system...

To be honest, the rules in ques[on, as a group, seem more
similar to GURPS than Mythus. The Players Op[on Book: Combat &
Tac[cs actually is a good buy; there's a lot of original and
not-so-original stu in it, and it's stocked full of rules
addi[ons to that game popularly known around these parts as the

Just my opinion.

Lucifer >:}
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 19:27:12 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Ques[ons of a new listmember
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>
from "dexter" at Aug 3, 95 08:27:13 am

Devilbunny intoned thusly:
> Split a single campaign into two dierent parts one for evil HPs and one
> for good. You could even have two dierent groups and not tell them
> that the other exists, just let them think that there is a group of
> good/evil personas opposing their goals. Let them miss each other by
> ve minutes in game [me repeatedly throughout the campaign. Then have
> a big bahle, invite everyone to play at the same [me and have them try
> to kill each other's HPs. This would allow you to keep the campaign very
> ballanced, but s[ll keep it interes[ng. You have some control over
> what happens along the way, but what if the good and evil groups both go
> looking for the same magic item? Who gets there rst? If the evil HPs
> have taken an item of power from a people whom the good group intended
> to borrow that item, do the good HPs take on the added responsibility
> of recovering that item?

I have a friend who did you one beher. He has two groups, some of the
players have characters in both groups. Each group is set on dierent
dimesions/gaming worlds that are very dierent. One group is a more or less
straight medieval fantasy and I think the other one is more of a sci-

sejng. Anyway the two groups are both dealing (indirectly) with a
dimension hopping en[ty (see RIFTS) that is providing a Necromancer with
power in the fantasy sejng and is the major bad guy in the sci- sejng
what one group does aects the other group. The best thing is both
groups are completely unaware that they are in the same mul[verse
gh[ng the same enemy. I thought it was the coolest idea ever.

Currently a Minion of Greg.
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 19:29:31 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Dave's Bash

No this is not a ques[on on the best way to handle blunt, stun or
impact damage in Mythus. It is a ques[on for Dave, are we s[ll invited
to the QMS Studio's party next Thursday night? And if so where and when
and should I and my cohort bring anything?

Thank you.
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 23:00:08 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: The QMS Bash

>No this is not a ques[on on the best way to handle blunt, stun or
>impact damage in Mythus. It is a ques[on for Dave, are we s[ll invited
>to the QMS Studio's party next Thursday night? And if so where and when
>and should I and my cohort bring anything?

Okay, here's the deal for GEN*CON:

We had a few problems gejng all of the logis[cs of the party taken care of,
so the ballroom scene is out ;) HOWEVER, we will be cruising into Milwaukee
some[me Wednesday (anybody wanna give me a ride from the airport? <grin>),
and Thursday night we will be partying at the Safe House.

And of course, we will be there '[l Monday (not the Safe House - they will
prob'ly throw us out before the dealer's room opens on Friday)!

Rapture is at the printers, and we will have it on Friday morning (of course,
you are *all* welcome to pop by and buy a t-shirt on Thursday! heh heh heh!).
We are going to be sharing a booth with Pariah Press, located somewhere near

White Wolf and WotC.

I *will* be running Mythus at GEN*CON, and anyone who wants to play should
bring characters and maybe a bohle of their favorite beverage (mine are Jack
Daniels and Stoli <hint!>), and maybe a spare woman or two (sorry, ladies, I
am *such* a pig, and I hate not having a woman to spoil at this con).

Okay... before I get myself into *too* much trouble, I've got to get ouha
here and get ready for one hell of a conven[on! See y'all there, right?!

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 23:03:42 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: The QMS Bash
In-Reply-To: <>

You're all a bunch of...

[censored for obvious reasons]

[Kaos will NOT be ahending GEN CON this year >:( ]

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 23:40:03 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: The QMS Bash
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Thu, 3 Aug 1995, Kaos wrote:

> You're all a bunch of...
> [censored for obvious reasons]
> [Kaos will NOT be ahending GEN CON this year >:( ]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

> "I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
> and my desire to piss with lights on."
> -Randal from "Clerks"
> ------------------------------------------------------------->

I Am glad I am not Kaos, for all the obvious reasons. <grin>
I also will not be at GEN CON this year, BUT I will expect at least one
dozen mailings about it on the list.

I have your email addresses and not one of you uses PGP.

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Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1995 16:47:28 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: "evil" HPs and "good" HPs in one party

Hi Devilbuny, Hi Ken, Hi Dan, Hi Ryan,

Thank you all for replying to my mail.
What's the normal way to reply to your replies, via the listserver or via
privat mail?

Do we use names or handles? By the way, what's your name: paulus, dexter or
devilbuny? It's a bit confusing to me.

Several people said: split up the party. I would love to have two par[es
compe[ng with each other working pro and con on the same goals. However,
the party is too small to do that, but I will adapt the idea a bit and give
them selected private assignments (on paper so that they only will know
about it).

Hopefully the "evil ones" will see "the light" and indeed use their
knowledge of "the dark" in other ways than it was intended to. I may have
fun with the deity which is renounced... (They haven't made vows yet, but
maybe I can s[mulate the dark ones a bit. Just to increase the fun!)

I now think I will let the HPs at each other if that occurs, just to see
what happens and to see how far they go in that.

Ryan, you asked me to update the list on our adventures. Well, I don't know
yet. I am just star[ng as GM (JM?), and up [l now my campaign has been
mostly hack and slash, not very much role-playing (the age level varies from
22 to 31, and some of the people are trying to compensate for the stress of
the oce life and interac[on with customers).
Furhtermore, if I compare what I have developed so far is not up to the
standard with other things in the list. Probably for the [me being, I will
rip ideas from you guys, t them in my campain and see where it goes. If it
becomes interes[ng I will post the results.
I don't know if I understand this correctly, but I interpet "there isn't
much trac on the list, the number of campaign ideas are coming as fast as
vehicles at a four-way stop intersec[on on the moon" as there are not much
campaign ideas.

Maybe somebody can give me some [ps on how to write scenario's for gaming,
I have discovered that there are several people who are prehy serious about
Mythus and gaming on the list. This may be a nice topic to discuss here. So
how about it guys: lets start a post-grad course on gaming and scenario
wri[ng! Like, what makes a scenario interes[ng, how do you build up
suspension, how do you prepare the situa[on, how do you make a scenario
that is not only suited for one specic party but also for others so that
it eventually may wind up here in the list.
Up [ll now I have been opera[on on gut feelings alone. Save my party of an
inexperienced GM. (By the way, what is preferred: GM or JM?)
The problem I have at the moment is that if I prepare what I thought of as a
"student-proof" scenario, the party nds ways to circumvent the most logic
solu[ons. I mostly try to solve this by trying to get them to role-play,
but some[me they just kill everybody (OPs and EPs).
How do you solve this kind of things, without using "the Finger of God"?
If you prepare a scenario, do you build in several pathways that the party
can follow to succeed, or do you "force" them towards crucial events, or do
you just let if ow and see what happens?

By the way, one of the things I am busy trying to nd out at the moment is

how to es[mate the "interes[ng" amout of opposi[on. Especially in combat

situa[ons. In the rst session, one of the party members was almost killed
because they all kept fumbling, while the opposi[on kept scoring hits. What
do you do then as GM: reduce the damage you roll for the EPs, or do you say
"What the hell, it may teach them a lesson not to ahack when you rst
should have tryed to talk."? In concreto: is there a rule of thumb for
genera[ng the number and strength of EPs?

Harold Stringer

Since I lep the University and joined private industry, I have not had the
opportunity to speek English frequently. Any correc[ons on my English are
welcome. Please not via the list, but via my mail address:
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1995 11:57:32 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: "evil" HPs and "good" HPs in one party
In-Reply-To: <>

> Hi Devilbuny, Hi Ken, Hi Dan, Hi Ryan,
> Thank you all for replying to my mail.
> What's the normal way to reply to your replies, via the listserver or via
> privat mail?

Ooo, use the list! That way, more people get more ideas... :)

> Do we use names or handles? By the way, what's your name: paulus, dexter or
> devilbuny? It's a bit confusing to me.

Just call him knucklehead... :)

> Several people said: split up the party. I would love to have two par[es
> compe[ng with each other working pro and con on the same goals. However,
> the party is too small to do that, but I will adapt the idea a bit and give
> them selected private assignments (on paper so that they only will know
> about it).

I'd say, split them up anyway. It's a lot of fun to play with 2, maybe 3
players. You get more done that way... :)
> Hopefully the "evil ones" will see "the light" and indeed use their
> knowledge of "the dark" in other ways than it was intended to. I may have
> fun with the deity which is renounced... (They haven't made vows yet, but
> maybe I can s[mulate the dark ones a bit. Just to increase the fun!)

If you make the Black vows really rude, disgus[ng, illegal, immoral (all

of which could apply...) the players may lose their interest in doing it...

> Ryan, you asked me to update the list on our adventures. Well, I don't know
> yet. I am just star[ng as GM (JM?), and up [l now my campaign has been
> mostly hack and slash, not very much role-playing (the age level varies from
> 22 to 31, and some of the people are trying to compensate for the stress of
> the oce life and interac[on with customers).

Hahahahah!! Of course, you could just play some war/board game and pound
on that for a while... or set them up to play some Mortal Kombat ahead of
the game... :)

> Furhtermore, if I compare what I have developed so far is not up to the
> standard with other things in the list. Probably for the [me being, I will
> rip ideas from you guys, t them in my campain and see where it goes. If it
> becomes interes[ng I will post the results.
> I don't know if I understand this correctly, but I interpet "there isn't
> much trac on the list, the number of campaign ideas are coming as fast as
> vehicles at a four-way stop intersec[on on the moon" as there are not much
> campaign ideas.

Don't worry about campaign ideas being not "up to standard". As long as
people are entertained, who cares? And dont' worry about stealing other
people's ideas...I do it all the [me! Besides, there's nothing wrong
with it unless you want to make money o them... :)

> Maybe somebody can give me some [ps on how to write scenario's for gaming,
> I have discovered that there are several people who are prehy serious about
> Mythus and gaming on the list. This may be a nice topic to discuss here. So
> how about it guys: lets start a post-grad course on gaming and scenario
> wri[ng! Like, what makes a scenario interes[ng, how do you build up
> suspension, how do you prepare the situa[on, how do you make a scenario
> that is not only suited for one specic party but also for others so that
> it eventually may wind up here in the list.
> Up [ll now I have been opera[on on gut feelings alone. Save my party of an
> inexperienced GM. (By the way, what is preferred: GM or JM?)
> The problem I have at the moment is that if I prepare what I thought of as a
> "student-proof" scenario, the party nds ways to circumvent the most logic
> solu[ons. I mostly try to solve this by trying to get them to role-play,
> but some[me they just kill everybody (OPs and EPs).
> How do you solve this kind of things, without using "the Finger of God"?
> If you prepare a scenario, do you build in several pathways that the party
> can follow to succeed, or do you "force" them towards crucial events, or do
> you just let if ow and see what happens?

What I try to do is create an occasional session or two with absolutely
no combat involved. Some[mes it is harder to accomplish, but it gives
the en[re gang a break from the combat themes. You can do dierent
sorts of things: chases, poli[cal intrigues, family themes (my favorite:
have an HP's lihle sister fall in love with another HP...)...stu like

that is a lot of fun.

> By the way, one of the things I am busy trying to nd out at the moment is
> how to es[mate the "interes[ng" amout of opposi[on. Especially in combat
> situa[ons. In the rst session, one of the party members was almost killed
> because they all kept fumbling, while the opposi[on kept scoring hits. What
> do you do then as GM: reduce the damage you roll for the EPs, or do you say
> "What the hell, it may teach them a lesson not to ahack when you rst
> should have tryed to talk."? In concreto: is there a rule of thumb for
> genera[ng the number and strength of EPs?

No specic numbers that I know of. I think it all depends on the
circumstance. If you really don't want the HP's to ahack a group, make
it *obvious* that the other side is much stronger. For instance, against
a group of 6 HP's, toss about 60 pig-men against them, and make it
obvious that they are not to be tried with. If they s[ll decide to
ahack, smack them around! Don't necessarily kill them: capture is
usually just as humilia[ng...and then the enemies can interrogate them.
Hmmm...that's sounds fun...I think I'll do that! :)

> Harold Stringer
> P.S.
> Since I lep the University and joined private industry, I have not had the
> opportunity to speek English frequently. Any correc[ons on my English are
> welcome. Please not via the list, but via my mail address:

Have no fear: your english is as good or beher than some Americans! :)


FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2, Aria, Mythus...
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1995 09:51:16 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: A campaign I am playing in

I don't know all (or many) of the details in the campaign I am curently
playing in, but I will give you what I know because Chris has created an
epic campaign set in Aerth.
OUr party consists of a Realm knight as the leader (played by me) an
alfar with mys[sism, a grey mage with some balck which he has
sworn not to use and some knowledge of necromancy, and a dwarf with heka
forging. We did have a preist of Thor, an assasin, and a thief turned
ghter, but they all quit the group. :(
I tell you this because when it came [me to make characters Chris had
each of us make a character to t the campaign he had in mind.

The campaign takes place in saxony in an area called Five Towns, there is
something going on there, and the group is suposed to nd out what. All
the members of the group have the quirk/conterquirk of being members of
the Bavarian Illumina[. We are on a mission from them to seek
informa[on about the ve towns area because the Illumina['s library
was destroyed a few hundred years ago and they have not been able to
recover the lost knowledge of that area.

In each of the ve towns is an obelisk, the obelisks when viewed from
above form a pentacle. we do not know much more about them at this [me.

We have found a three pages from a book of lost lore, this book lists
magic items that we may be able to locate. We are looking for one of the
items now. Unfortunately this item is hidden somewhere in a catacombs
that Chris calls "Chris' lihle taste of Necropolis." EWE!

I should be able to give more info on a campaign that we have been
playing in for for several months, but I am not refering to my notes so...

BTW my name is Mike Paulus, dexter and devilbuny are but two of my many
nicknames. I prefer devilbuny for things dealing with the net.

Well that's all I have, beher than nothing. :)

Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1995 22:17:35 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: A campaign I am playing in
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

Hey Devilbunny:

Your Realm Knight...does that happen to be the one I put into one of the
early edi[ons of Dangerous Ideas?

I'm just curious to hear if it is, since no one that I don't know
personally has ever used that Voca[on...whoa. Kinda cool (not from an
ego-enhancing point, which is odd...) :)


FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2, Aria, Mythus...
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1995 20:31:50 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>

Subject: Re: A campaign I am playing in
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 4 Aug 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> Hey Devilbunny:
> Your Realm Knight...does that happen to be the one I put into one of the
> early edi[ons of Dangerous Ideas?
> I'm just curious to hear if it is, since no one that I don't know
> personally has ever used that Voca[on...whoa. Kinda cool (not from an
> ego-enhancing point, which is odd...) :)

Yep that's the one, I chose it because it was new. We just got net
access and got all these new toys I wanted to play with all of them. the
Realm Knight was one of them so....

Mike Paulus

Date: Sat, 5 Aug 1995 13:43:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On Friday, Aug 4, Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV wrote:

[stu deleted]

> Several people said: split up the party. I would love to have two par[es
> compe[ng with each other working pro and con on the same goals. However,
> the party is too small to do that, but I will adapt the idea a bit and give
> them selected private assignments (on paper so that they only will know
> about it).
Like the other poster said, having two or three players in a group can be
fun. Also, with a system as large and complex as Mythus, you may nd having
fewer players in a single group less cumbersome. This is not as simplis[c
a system as the EGS. It is a thinking person's game. Actually, your idea
about private assignments isn't too far o from what I was originally
sugges[ng. I wouldn't split them up at all. If things are quiet and all

a player sees is some furious note-passing between someone of the opposing

ethos and the JM (preferred term), it can become quite like a good game of
high stakes poker. "Should I prepare that pre-emp[ve strike reash for
that goodie, or is he just discussing the price of a good wine with the

[stu deleted]

> Ryan, you asked me to update the list on our adventures. Well, I don't know
> yet. I am just star[ng as GM (JM?), and up [l now my campaign has been
> mostly hack and slash, not very much role-playing (the age level varies from
> 22 to 31, and some of the people are trying to compensate for the stress of
> the oce life and interac[on with customers).
Hey, we all had to start somewhere! I would suggest asking your players to
vent their frustra[ons elsewhere. Maybe a trial for wrongful murder would
work. I like the idea of an HPs sister falling in lust for one of the other
HPs. Just give them a few situa[ons where it is VERY obvious that killing
would only complicate mahers.

> Furhtermore, if I compare what I have developed so far is not up to the
> standard with other things in the list. Probably for the [me being, I will
> rip ideas from you guys, t them in my campain and see where it goes. If it
> becomes interes[ng I will post the results.
Awwwwww, Come on Harold! You're just being shy. I'm sure that you are every
bit as crea[ve as any one of us. We promise not to laugh. (unless of course
it is funny! (: )

> I don't know if I understand this correctly, but I interpet "there isn't
> much trac on the list, the number of campaign ideas are coming as fast as
> vehicles at a four-way stop intersec[on on the moon" as there are not much
> campaign ideas.
You got it bub! Good transla[on of a made-up euphamism.

[stu deleted]

> The problem I have at the moment is that if I prepare what I thought of as a
> "student-proof" scenario, the party nds ways to circumvent the most logic
> solu[ons. I mostly try to solve this by trying to get them to role-play,
> but some[me they just kill everybody (OPs and EPs).
> How do you solve this kind of things, without using "the Finger of God"?
> If you prepare a scenario, do you build in several pathways that the party
> can follow to succeed, or do you "force" them towards crucial events, or do
> you just let if ow and see what happens?
If they kill everybody, let them have consequences. As for using the Finger
of God, go ahead, you're beher than God. You are the JM. You have God's
Mighty Anvil on your side. If the HPs get o track, send them clues that
they are not going the right way. You can use any or all of the sugges[ons
you stated to achieve the goal. It depends on what style you wish to use.

> By the way, one of the things I am busy trying to nd out at the moment is

> how to es[mate the "interes[ng" amout of opposi[on. Especially in combat

> situa[ons. In the rst session, one of the party members was almost killed
> because they all kept fumbling, while the opposi[on kept scoring hits. What
> do you do then as GM: reduce the damage you roll for the EPs, or do you say
> "What the hell, it may teach them a lesson not to ahack when you rst
> should have tryed to talk."? In concreto: is there a rule of thumb for
> genera[ng the number and strength of EPs?
No rules per se. Just similar numbers and steeps for the EPs, maybe lower for
cannon fodder. As for whether to teach them a lesson or not, the answer is
"Yes, to both." take it in turns. DO what your mood and gut tell you for
the situa[on.

In short Harold, your ins[ncts are good. Go with them, learn from it,
and to hell with the consequences. Be prepared to make appologies for
your mistakes though.

Date: Sat, 5 Aug 1995 18:14:01 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: My Recent Mythus Games

[Hey, there's something to be said for having to come in and mount a new
1.2Gb drive in a Novell server -- while wai[ng for the *&&&^$ disk
badblocks test to nish -- a mere 249123 blocks, at probably about 3
blocks a second, there's all sorts of [me to share gaming experiences ;-) ]

Lo and behold, against all chance and expecta[on, I was able to run a
Mythus Prime game *twice* this summer! Ah, the joy, the pleasure.....

I had three players, two of which are not exactly big-[me RPGer's (one
has played only a few [mes, and then I think only Shadowrun and Heroes
Unlimited, and the other hadn't played in years, and vaguely recalls
sijng through a DA&A (name changed to protect the guilty) session some
years ago), the third of which is my wife and is almost always involved
in any game I run. Big surprise there ;-)

[First session, game lasted approximately 5 hours, including HP crea[on,
rules explana[on, picking a place to start (ini[al choice, Mystara vs.
AErth, AErth wone because it sounded more 'interes[ng', AEropa won for
same reason, Francia followed by JM at.]

Anyways, aper taking all of 30 second to explain how the skills worked
("You have a percentage chance to do something under fairly hard
circumstances. You roll dice which produce a percentage. If you made it
within your chance to do it, you did it. Wow, that was tough, wasn't
it?"), and another minute to explain TRAITS, we hopped in, whipped out

three HPs (one Merc/Soldier, one Mountebank, one Thief (mental)), jointly
decided that Francia sounded like a cool place to start, and hopped in.

Oh, I suppose I ought to men[on that I didn't even have a kernel of an
idea to run with when we got together (I wasn't sure what style
interested them), and so we were making this up as we went along ;-)

Robyn was the Merc/Soldier, at one point in [me she had served in one of
the King's elite forces, something akin to the Musketeers. A 40ish,
hard-bihen woman, she didn't take anything from anyone.

Maxie was the favored son who, determined he could do no wrong, embezzled
from the business he was in (namely, his family's, which I gave all sorts
of underworld [es to just to keep things interes[ng), and so he was
eeing the jus[ce due him ;-)

The third guy, whose name escapes me, was a fast-talking con man, a
driper determined to beher himself by gathering boatloads of money,
power, and pres[ge. Of course, he was just out of the slums, but he
felt des[ned for beher things.....

Well, as luck would have it, they all reached a nameless, small farming
village in central Francia, which had just been knocked over by an armed
band (who had burned down the store and taken the now-deceased
shopkeeper's life savings, a not inconsiderable sum) which threatened to
return in two weeks and kill everyone in the town if they weren't paid a
substan[on sum.

All three inves[gated (each for their own reasons), and met while on the
road north to pursue the trail. Naturally, they fell to bickering in no
[me whatsoever, but this was cut short as they approached the royal
preserve some two days ride to the north. Nearly immediately, they came
across a band of soldiers numbering the same as those who knocked over
the village, and looked rather seedy to boot (you know, rust spots on
their weapons/armor, slightly slack discipline, unpleasant appearance),
and the party was convinced these were the culprits (they were, but I
strung it out a while ;-) ).

An aborted and failed fast talk ahempt (the con man tried to convince
them his father was King and was usurped by the present King -- uhhhhhh,
right. The soldiers weren't the brightest, but s[ll.....) later, they
managed to snag an escort north (they didn't provoke a ght, outnumbered
two to one as they were). A couple unevenkul days later, they reached
the northern border of the preserve, and ambushed their escorts (on the
convic[on of Robyn, who was absolutely certain these were the guilty
folks). A short [me later (two game days), they ambushed the remaining
four. Of course, Robyn kicked some tail, but Maxie took a bea[ng and
ed into the woods, and the con man went toe-to-toe with the leader
(Gerard) and came out quite the worse for wear -- un[l that Special
Success at the last second managed to explode the standard-issue rebomb

Gerard had tucked into his belt.

Oh, might I men[on Gerard had half-chain which was magically enchanted
to weigh half as much and provide 3 addi[onal points of armor (giving
him AF of 9, rather than the normal 6). The con man stole the chain
mail, of course ;-)

Meanwhile, Maxie had ed, and Robyn slaughtered two of the remaining
three (the third ed into the woods before he was killed, and no one was
able to give eec[ve chase).

They recovered the shopkeeper's treasure, part of which was depleted, and
a box with a rather largish gem and a note indica[ng some folks were
coming through Real Soon.

[end of rst session, beginning of second]

[The session started with a fresh pot of coee, one player showing up
rather late, and a couple bohles of home brew to test ;-) We were late
gejng started, so this session was only ~2.5 hours of actual play.]

The group decided to lay in ambush to gure out what was going on, and I
let them ddle around and roleplay out the decision-making process
(which was some interes[ng arguing, I might add ;-) ). They almost
ahacked and killed each other, but then they sehled down.

Oh, I almost forgot -- the seal under the note with the gem was
(naturally) that of the mercan[le concern Maxie had embezzled from..........

Well, [me passed, they healed up, and then the caravan approached. The
con man had concocted a cock'n'bull story of some sort, but the older of
the three men on the two wagons kept eyeing Maxie..... (There were two
run of the mill thugs and one older guy.) Finally, interrup[ng the con
man, he look at Maxie. "I know you. What is your name?"

Maxie, faking dumb, "Duhhhh, I don't even know my name" (you shoulda seen
the look he had on his face :-) ). One failed percep[on check revealed
only that this older fellow seemed vaguely familiar, but the the older
fellow turned to the thug next to him, pointed at Maxie, and said "Kill
him, Guido."

Then all hell broke loose as the thugs red their crossbows, Maxie
ducked, the two others charged, and combat began. Whew. Guiseppe (the
older guy) knew some magic and started throwing Forcedarts around, and it
took Robyn and the con man (now decked out in the NICE chain mail,
weilding a bastard sword) a while to hammer down Guido and Nunzio's Heka
armor, then their P TRAITs of 60, and Maxie was gejng creamed by magick
un[l he nally got through Guiseppe's Heka Armor.

Guiseppe retreated aper Guido & Nunzio had fallen, grabbed a vial out of

the nearest wagon, and held it threateningly. Maxie backed o, Robyn

started patching up the con man (I wish I could remember his name!), and
Guiseppe murmured a few brief words and disappeared! He immediately ew
upwards, and moments later there was an explosion (he dropped the vial he
was carrying, but fortunately missed the wagon :-) ).

Well, anyways, they discovered four chests of silver, loads of arrows,
and a couple crates of these vials. No one wanted *antyhing* to do with
them, so they bagged the silver, and the shopkeeper's chest, and rode
back to the village. They gave the shopkeeper's money to the villagers,
hugn around the fes[val thrown in their honor for a couple days, and
then headed back to the preserve. However, the campsite/wagons/patrol
stores were stripped clean, and no one had any signicant skills to
gure out what happened.

And now they head east (more later, probably, aper school starts.....)


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 07:53:02 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Mar[al arts rules

Chris Beadles and I are wri[ng new mar[al arts rules. I reread the
rules in DI 5, but Chris refuses to read it un[l he has wrihen his

We are planning on having an oriental campaign, and Chris wants to
convert a lot of the rules from Gary's Oriental Adventures book for EGS.
He wants mar[al arts to be special, almost mythical. The kind of thing
you would put in bad movies and dubb into english, real bad stu. I am
helping for (I guess) real world experience. I give input on number of
ahacks, damage per type of ahack, BAC modiers, etc.

I think that most of what we do will be a simplied version of the rules
that Hawkeye compiled in DI 5. (Sorry, I can't remember who wrote them.)
I argue very strongly in favor of using the rules and modifying them to
t what Chris wants, but he wants to see if he can come up with
something beher.

The work that we have done so far has been very nice. Taking the base

ideas and making them into Mythus, the way it should be. (With CyberMyth
I think Chris solved problems by making Mythus into Cyberpunk 2020 :) )

Chris or I will be sure to write up what we come up with and get it out
on the list.

Gee, this is ready to send, all I need to do now is delete that ansi of
the chaos symbol and mail. hehe

Mike Paulus
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 09:29:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Mar[al arts rules
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>
from "dexter" at Aug 7, 95 07:53:02 am


Have you looked at the Palladium book Ninjas spies and Private Eyes book
(that is not the exact [tle but close enough to get you there)? Or
Mythic China (also by Palladium)?

They both seem to cover the kind of mar[al arts you want. I bet Mythic
China has more than the Ninjas book does. But Ninjas has lots of
mar[al arts notes and is a lot of fun if you are playing Palladium. :)

Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 09:50:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: The QMS Bash
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Dave Newton" at Aug 3, 95 11:00:08 pm

> >No this is not a ques[on on the best way to handle blunt, stun or
> >impact damage in Mythus. It is a ques[on for Dave, are we s[ll invited
> >to the QMS Studio's party next Thursday night? And if so where and when
> >and should I and my cohort bring anything?
> Okay, here's the deal for GEN*CON:
> We had a few problems gejng all of the logis[cs of the party taken care of,
> so the ballroom scene is out ;) HOWEVER, we will be cruising into Milwaukee
> some[me Wednesday (anybody wanna give me a ride from the airport? <grin>),
> and Thursday night we will be partying at the Safe House.

And I took a day o of work to go to your party! Darn, I guess I'll just have
to do something more construc[ve with my [me. :)

As I've never been able to nd the safe house I guess I'll just see you at
the dealer booths.

> Rapture is at the printers, and we will have it on Friday morning (of course,
> you are *all* welcome to pop by and buy a t-shirt on Thursday! heh heh heh!).
> We are going to be sharing a booth with Pariah Press, located somewhere near
> White Wolf and WotC.

What is Rapture again? I guess I can always nd out at the Con.....

> I *will* be running Mythus at GEN*CON, and anyone who wants to play should
> bring characters and maybe a bohle of their favorite beverage (mine are Jack
> Daniels and Stoli <hint!>) [Stu about spare women deleted in good taste]

I'll come by the QMS booth and ask about this. I guess my favorite beverage
would have to be either Koala Springs Kiwi-Lime-Grapefruit or Fruitopia
Cranberry Lemonade Vision. :)

Dan Williamson
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 10:21:07 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Mar[al arts rules
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 7 Aug 1995, Dan T Williamson wrote:

> Have you looked at the Palladium book Ninjas spies and Private Eyes book
> (that is not the exact [tle but close enough to get you there)? Or
> Mythic China (also by Palladium)?
> They both seem to cover the kind of mar[al arts you want. I bet Mythic
> China has more than the Ninjas book does. But Ninjas has lots of
> mar[al arts notes and is a lot of fun if you are playing Palladium. :)
> Dan.
I have played the Ninjas and Superspies Palladium game, it gives some
interes[ng ideas.

Since I wrote the rst part I remembered that we are also going to
create several new voca[ons and some new K/S areas perhaps as well.
We will have to create a monk, gh[ng monk, ninja, samurai, damiyo,
oriental barbarian (like mongul horde), and I think we had some others.

Some of these we can convert exis[ng voca[ons.

For the ninja will probably do something like have a voca[on for ninja with
124 points, and have players then create their own voca[on with the remaining
124 points. It is not acceptable to walk around town saying "I am a
ninja, come mess with me." so you need to be something else. Combat and
heka genera[ng K/S areas could be taken, but at no higher than 8 for the
"sub" persona.

Our magic will be limited to spiritual types and elemental dweomercraep.

We plan on not having occidental HPs at all, but Chris may allow one.

We have been working on this since yesterday, and therefore we don't have
a lot worked out, but we can use input, and as I said, we will let you
know what we do with all this. :)

Mike Paulus
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 13:13:32 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: The QMS Bash

Dan, et al...
>And I took a day o of work to go to your party! Darn, I guess I'll just have
>to do something more construc[ve with my [me. :)

Never fear! We'll s[ll have a party (albeit a wandering one!), what with the
Safe House, The Bombay Bicycle Club (in the Hilton), and whatever the hell the
name of the bar in the Hyah is... plus all of the poten[al places where we can
sit down, and talk around Milwaukee, including wherever we will be gaming!

>As I've never been able to nd the safe house I guess I'll just see you at
>the dealer booths.

I'm sure prehy much anyone at the booth (548-568) can tell you where the Safe
House is.

>What is Rapture again? I guess I can always nd out at the Con.....

Rapture is a roleplaying game of theological terror set during the [me of the
Biblical Armageddon. We are the rst company to cover the end of the world in
this form, but from what I see in the industry, we won't be the last. It's an
awesome game, and in the two sessions I ran during playtest, I was stunned at the
powerful personal insights. It's like being a hero all over again, and though the
characters are facing odds that are overwhelming, the game is about hope. This is
gonna be one hot system. And just to toss in a teaser, I'm currently wri[ng
another system for next year that will use the same core rules as Rapture...

To learn more about Quintessen[al Mercy Studio, Inc. and our products, join the
QMS-L listserv at this same address (, or check out my web pages:

>> I *will* be running Mythus at GEN*CON, and anyone who wants to play should
>> bring characters and maybe a bohle of their favorite beverage (mine are Jack
>> Daniels and Stoli <hint!>) [Stu about spare women deleted in good taste]

Awww, shucks. I kinda like being tasteless. Just ask anyone who knows me. <grin>

>I'll come by the QMS booth and ask about this. I guess my favorite beverage
>would have to be either Koala Springs Kiwi-Lime-Grapefruit or Fruitopia
>Cranberry Lemonade Vision. :)

Remember: anyone who wants to play should bring their own HPs, and COMPLETE
Cas[ng lists, since one of the scenarios is the Spellcasters' Tourney (more info
to come tomorrow). The other scenario, BTW, is a quick l'il hack & slash dungeon
that's one of the most enjoyable romps I've had in a while...

One other thing... If anyone has a room where we can game, that will ensure a
longer playing [me, since I'm sharing my room with others in the company who are
going to want to sleep (sleeping at GEN*CON - go gure!).

p.s. I'm ying in on Wednesday evening, so anyone who's there can leave me a
message at the Hilton.
------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 1995 20:24:11 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Mythus WWW Page

Okay, at long last, my real Internet connec[on has arrived ;-)

What this means, for those who are curious, is that the WWW page I had
available (which was done by hijacking a port on one of the machines and
redirec[ng it to my serial line and Linux box at work) is now available
via a whopping 56K connec[on. (Sorry, our campus backbone is s[ll
being put in place, at which point it will jump to a 10M connec[on)

Anyways, we're s[ll hashing out name service, and un[l the site has a
name (I'm pulling for, it can s[ll be reached at:


This is a fairly permanent address as these things go, so feel free to
link to it ;-)

(and change your links if you are linking to it)



-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 1995 23:03:07 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Mar[al arts combat and styles (update)

Well, Chris has nished doing his thing and I like what he has done.
He has converted not the rules but the basic ideas of mar[al arts styles
and their crea[on from the old T$R Oreintal Adventures book to Mythus.

Now this conversion is not really made to t into a normal campaign.
It is for a complete oriental campaign. We have new K/S areas;
Calligraphy, Flower Arranging, Origami, and Tea Ceremony. There are also
new voca[ons for samurai, ninja, wu jen, and several others. I don't
have the new voca[ons in front of me, so I will not go into them.

In the next few days we will make stats for weapons that are not included
in Mythus, and write out the rules for honour and posi[on.

When all of this is done, we will zip up all the MSWord les and send them
out via email to those who would like them. (like we did with CyberMyth)
We will also place them in an archive on a site or two and make their existence
there known to those on the list. :)

The mar[al arts rules are very nice, and they make use of armour
unpleasant for HPs. Chris amazes me with his ahen[on to detail and his
luck (or is it his subconscious mind?) <grin>

The way things are set up, the rules lend themselves to a very
roleplaying intense/poli[cal campaign. Or that could just be the
impression I get from Chris, given his xa[on for the Japanese culture
and his percep[ons of such.

Well as usual I have gone on for a long [me without saying much. I will
now make myself stop typing.

I will keep you up on this even though with any luck many of you will be
at GEN-CON, and will get any other updates when you get back (rat bastards).
<jealous stare>

Mike Paulus
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 12:38:48 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Oriental Adventures

As Mike has been saying, I have been working on conver[ng Oriental
Adventures (OA) for Mythus to use in a campaign I plan on running in a month
or so. My player will hopefully begin character crea[on in about two

Now, I have turned all of the classes found in OA into Voca[ons, with
the excep[on of the Oriental Barbarian. I have done some things with the
SEC Table as well. I have introduced ve new K/S areas, including Combat,
Mar[al Arts, taken from the prociencies in OA. I s[ll need to add
new weapons and armor, and take out those not available. I am running
the campaign in Nippon, because I love Japan.

I s[ll need to decide how much more I want to change or integrate. I am
thinking of using the honor system as is, because I have plagerized
enough as it goes, and I don't forsee a lot of changes that I could
make. It would primarily be used as a role-playing tool. Also, I will
keep Ancestry and Birthrights unchanged. For those of you without an OA
book, I recommend it <duck for cover> even though it is a T$R book. Gary
wrote it, and underneath all of the AD&D blather, it provides a good
basis for a roleplaying sejng, as well as some interes[ng Charts and

Anyone who wants a copy of my conversion can stu it. Just kidding. I
will have it available as soon as I nish it. Hopefully by Friday night.

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"

Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 12:00:33 -0400

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Je Sharpe <sharpe@LIPLUS.LI-BUSINESS.AB.CA>
Subject: Re: Oriental Adventures
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

Message-Id: <1995Aug11.100008-0600@C08B481A>
Date: 11 Aug 1995 10:00:07 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer:BWMail for Windows Version 3.2

In <Pine.BSD/>, Kaos wrote:

>As Mike has been saying, I have been working on conver[ng Oriental
>Adventures (OA) for Mythus to use in a campaign I plan on running in a month

Always a great idea. :-) Please post here, or announce the archive

>I s[ll need to decide how much more I want to change or integrate. I
>thinking of using the honor system as is, because I have plagerized
>enough as it goes, and I don't forsee a lot of changes that I could

F*ck 'em - go ahead and plagerize. With your work, something usefull my
come out of the EGS.

>book, I recommend it <duck for cover> even though it is a T$R book.
>wrote it, and underneath all of the AD&D blather, it provides a
>basis for a roleplaying sejng, as well as some interes[ng Charts

I found the Bushido RPG a much beher product, and it predates the
release of T$R's Oriental Adventures. If you can nd a copy, give it a
try - its more grihy, realis[c, and bloody. It has great system and
ideas that can be converted to Mythus (I had played the game in the
mid/early 80's). Piles more weapons, armor, skills, honor, family,
combat rules, bahle rules, magic, etc, etc.

Good luck on you Mythus OA project.


--Je "Caesar" Sharpe <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 23:13:53 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>

Subject: OA update

Well, Chris has nished the mar[al arts rules, voca[ons, armour, and
has only 8 more weapons to detail for the conversion. He should be done
with this tomorrow, and I will proof-read what he has typed up and then
we will print copies for ourselves. Then I will create the zip le and
send it out to those who want it. I do not think that we will have ascii
to send out. I think it would be nice to put the whole thing on the
list, and the trac on the list would not hurt, but I know I do not want
to retype the whole thing and make tables by hand. ;)

I just want everyone to know that we will have it done most likely
tomorrow morning and that if you have asked for it you should recieve it
tomorrow apernoon.

Mike Paulus
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 1995 06:07:14 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Half Chewed Gristle
Subject: Re: OA update
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>
from "dexter" at Aug 11, 95 11:13:53 pm

> I just want everyone to know that we will have it done most likely
> tomorrow morning and that if you have asked for it you should recieve it
> tomorrow apernoon.

I would love a copy of this ... heheh

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl et Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 1995 14:53:23 EDT
Reply-To: Je Sharpe <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Je Sharpe <jsharpe@ACCESS.AWINC.COM>
Subject: New Oriental Skills

With the ahen[on towards an oriental campaign recently, I thought I'd post a few rule addi[ons our
group used. They were never made prehy, so please bear with me.

In a few days, I'll get around to pos[ng the addi[onal sub-areas for exis[ng skills.

Oriental skills that could not easily be integrated into the current Mythus
system. Many others exist, but beyond the name, are repe[[ve of those that


Hojojutsu P PNCap {Rope Binding}
A technique for binding, usually using a rope, so that a foe cannot escape.
Can also be used to counter an ahempt to bind the individual, or even to
escape. The ahacker must have rendered the Target helpless before an ahept
can be made.

Shogaku S SMCap {Calligraphy}
"Shogaku", the "Classic of Calligraphy" is the art of forming one's script
or ideographs with exquisite control and beauty. The HP must be fully
literate in an alphabet in order to use Shogaku.

Calligraphy is used to copy magical or religious texts eec[vely. It is
also used in drawing up legal or ocal documents and to enhance the value
of literary works.

There are open contests at higher SEC levels using this skill.

Tori-oi S SMCap {Hawking}
This is actually two skills; used as a social ritual among nobility, also
used to train a bird to ahack upon command. Open the bird will have razor
sharp talons to damage or to distract. Most open it is used to hunt for

Za-zen S SPPow {Medita[on}
Though a rule exists withing Mythus for this skill, in an oriental campaign
a more detailed rule is necessary. "Za-zen", is the art of medita[on. The
Bushi used Za-zen to train his mind not to feel fear. The Budoka drove his
body to the ul[mate development by tapping energies (Heka) through
media[on. Clergy must make use of this in order to use their priestly
powers to fullest extent. It also serves HP's as a defense by increasing
his Heka target resistance by a factor propor[al to the chosen diculty
ra[ng. Za-zen can also enhance the recovery of minor damage, doubling the
rate at which damage is recovered.

* Increased STEEP can also increase a HP's "Ki".

Cha-no-yu S SMCap {Tea Ceremony}
The "Cha-no-yu", or Tea Ceremony, is an austere social ritual built around

the making and serving of a cup of tea, or "cha". Every ac[on must be
invested with a dignity that far transcends the brewing of the tea.
Par[cipants free their minds from the demands of the outside world, in the
clean connes of the "Cha-shitsu", a small pavilion or special room
dedicated to the tea ceremony. The guests join in a special communion of
spirt with their host, leaving refreshed in body and mind. Status can be
increased by a hos[ng a masterfull "Cha-no-yu".

* A character gains "Wa" by the proper performance of the tea ceremony.

Shiatsu M MMCap {Massage}
"Shiatsu", or therapeu[c massage is a minor form of healing art.
Successfully applying it to a rested character increases the rate of which
he recovers damage.

A whole class of travelling, blind masseurs exist in Nippon.

--Je "Caesar" Sharpe <>
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 1995 17:55:41 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

On, Sat, Aug 12, Je Sharpe wrote: om>

[stu deleted]
> In a few days, I'll get around to pos[ng the addi[onal sub-areas for
> exis[ng skills.
kewl. looking forward to seeing them.

> Oriental skills that could not easily be integrated into the current Mythus
> system. Many others exist, but beyond the name, are repe[[ve of those that
> exist.
Currently, I have an ac[ve HP who is a priest of Kuan Yu (par[al
prac[c[oner). For this reason, I have been watching the recent development
in oriental campaigns with interest. Now you say that these skills are not
compa[ble with the current Mythus system. Huhn? What's so dierent?
I am quite prepared to suck my shoe leather for asking this, but I don't
understand why what I have seen (which admihedly isn't much) could not
be used by oriental personnas in a Mythus campaign (be it oriental or

[some really neat skills deleted]

--Ryan Snead
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 08:48:01 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Do Smithing/Welding and Music produce Heka?


I'm extending Robert Wright's Mythus Character Generator.

I'm not much of a rules-lawyer, and therefore I'm slighly confused.

The ques[on is:
- Mythus Magick Table at Page 8: Smithing/Welding is *NOT* a Heka
producing area.
- Mythus at Page 100: Smithing/Welding is a Heka producing area.
- Journey Masters Table book at Page 20: Smithing/Welding is a Heka
producing area.
- Mythus at Page 172: Smithing/Welding is *NOT* a Heka producing area.

- Mythus Magick Table at Page 8: Music is a Heka producing area.
- Mythus at Page 100: Music is *NOT* a Heka producing area.
- Journey Masters Table book at Page 20: Music is *NOT* a Heka producing
- Mythus at Page 171: Music is *NOT* a Heka producing area.

What is correct?

Advocatus Diaboli

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Marke[ng Manager The Netherlands
Sta[onsplein 40 Tel/Fax +31 - 36 53 64 798
1315 KT Almere
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 12:09:34 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Request for Mythus Oriental Adventures ZIP-le

Hi Mike,

Hi have been reading back mail, and saw that you and Chris are working on
Oriental rules for Mythus and that you are willing to send the new rules
le to interested people.
Well, I'm interested very much! For one, I am quite interested in the
Japanese culture and philosophy as I have trained an original style Karate.
I would love to see how you both t the Bushido system in the Mythus gaming

In my evening hours I'm trying to extend the Mythus Character Generator
program that was ini[ated by Robert Wright, and extended by a several
others. I try to extend the program form a Trait stats generator to a
program that also allows the player to select a HP voca[on, bonus K/S Areas
and/or trade those areas for extra STEEP.
It is more work than I presumed when I started about a week ago, but I hope
it will be nished for tes[ng by the end of the year.

The coming 4 to 5 weeks I will be on holiday in Great Brihain, so I will
not be able to respond to mail or thank you for sending the new rules
update. Therefore I would like to thank you and Chris in advance. My (work)
Internet address is

See you,

Advocatus Diaboli
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Marke[ng Manager The Netherlands
Sta[onsplein 40 Tel/Fax +31 - 36 53 64 798
1315 KT Almere
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =========================================================================
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 10:00:35 -0400

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Je Sharpe <sharpe@LIPLUS.LI-BUSINESS.AB.CA>
Subject: Re: OA New Skills
In-Reply-To: <>

In <>, Snead Ryan W wrote:

>> Oriental skills that could not easily be integrated into the current Mythus
>> system. Many others exist, but beyond the name, are repe[[ve of those that
>> exist.
>in oriental campaigns with interest. Now you say that these skills are
>not compa[ble with the current Mythus system. Huhn? What's so

Sorry, aper I re-read my passage - it appears that my english sucks.
:-) I meant there are many skills (ie - bojujitsu) that can be included
with exis[ng rules (in the example, staves). I can give a
comprehensive list of skills that were used withing my campaign, and the
actually Nipponese words used (as I did for the previous pos[ng). Yet,
those skills aready exist.

My next pos[ng is an addi[on of skill sub-areas that could not easily
be included into exis[ng rules. (actually I have to nd the darn le
again <g>)

>I am quite prepared to suck my shoe leather for asking this, but I

>don't understand why what I have seen (which admihedly isn't much)
>could not be used by oriental personnas in a Mythus campaign (be it
>oriental or occidental).
Hope I answered this in the above. If my English is again (shall we
say...) crappy, then just shout. Any, and all, correspondence is

Thanx for the note...

--Je "Caesar" Sharpe <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 08:48:45 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Re: Do Smithing/Welding and Music produce Heka?

- Mythus Magick Table at Page 8: Smithing/Welding is *NOT* a Heka
producing area.
- Mythus at Page 100: Smithing/Welding is a Heka producing area.

- Journey Masters Table book at Page 20: Smithing/Welding is a Heka

producing area.
- Mythus at Page 172: Smithing/Welding is *NOT* a Heka producing area.

- Mythus Magick Table at Page 8: Music is a Heka producing area.
- Mythus at Page 100: Music is *NOT* a Heka producing area.
- Journey Masters Table book at Page 20: Music is *NOT* a Heka producing
- Mythus at Page 171: Music is *NOT* a Heka producing area.

These are really prehy simple. The areas themselves are not intrinsically Heka
"genera[ng", and thus alone they confer no Heka. However, when coupled with the
appropriate K/S Areas (i.e. Spellsongs or Heka Forging), they do grant addi[onal Heka
points, for use in the coupled K/S area only,(at least that's how it works in my game).

Pelias the Sorcerer(Mike C.)
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 13:10:35 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: OA: I don't have it yet.

Hi there,
We have been so busy gejng this thing done making HPs fpr the new
campaign and playing our current campaign, that Chris has not sent me the
les yet. I have them on laser sheets, but I am not about to type it
all in. :)

I will send them to everyone who has asked for them as soon as I get them.

Mike Paulus
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 20:39:59 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: OA

Ok, I sent it out. I sent it out uuencoded even to the one person who
requested MIME. Please email me if you need help or if you want a copy
and have not received it yet.
You will need a font called lucida caligraphy to print the HP sheets.
As I have stated before, the les were created with winword and MSpublish.

I think that the mar[al arts rules are very good, but may unbalance a
campaign where it would not make sense to have OPs and EPs trained in
mar[al arts as well as HPs. For this reason I think it would be beher
to use the rules in this conversion in Oriental campaigns, but you
certainly feel free to run your games however you like. :)

Chris has already called me and had me change a rule. On page two of the
mar[al arts K/S in the second paragraph of the rst colum, it says that
a style will have 1d8 special maneuvers. This should read 1d6+2 special

Well have fun with the stu and let us know what you think of it.

Mike Paulus
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 23:43:41 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Smithing/Welding & Music / GENCON

Hey guys,
To the best o my recollec[on, the following are true:

>- Mythus at Page 100: Smithing/Welding is a Heka producing area.
>- Journey Masters Table book at Page 20: Smithing/Welding is a Heka
> producing area.

>- Mythus Magick Table at Page 8: Music is a Heka producing area.

p.s. Didn't get a chance to play at GenCon aper all - Rapture was a
HUGE success. I'll post some details later. Plus, for shits & grins,
I'm going to send a copy of at least one of the scenarios, but will
need a volunteer to convert maps for everyones' use...

p.p.s The folks at GDW asked Gary and I what was up w/ DJ. It
appears a LOT of people were asking them last weekend. We told
'em just what we know: Nothing...
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 09:32:35 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: oa.con

When I was zipping up the les for the oriental adventures conversion I
called the zip le oa.con, I should have named it or somesuch,
but I didn't. If you are having trouble just try pkzip. That should
solve the problem.

Please get back to us about the rules aper you have had a chance to look
them over.

Mike Paulus
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 08:37:39 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Half Chewed Gristle
Subject: Re: oa.con
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>
from "dexter" at Aug 15, 95 09:32:35 am

> When I was zipping up the les for the oriental adventures conversion I
> called the zip le oa.con, I should have named it or somesuch,
> but I didn't. If you are having trouble just try pkzip. That should
> solve the problem.

I was able to unzip it. Thanks again

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl et Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 11:50:18 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Half Chewed Gristle
Subject: Mythus Campaign Worlds ...
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Dave Newton" at Aug 14, 95 11:43:41 pm

I'm currently in the process of construc[ng a campaign world for Mythus,
and I'd like to have some pointers, and [ps from experienced Mythus GM's.

So ... send Me your words of advice, and your worlds! heheh

Well ... maybe not yer worlds ...

Maybe we can get some people to post their worlds to the list.

Just a thought ...

- /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl et Sadistykl

/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ Killing Vic[ms Found

\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 16:01:13 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus Campaign Worlds ...
In-Reply-To: <>

Okay, here we go guys! :)

I have plenty of ideas for worlds, which is why I'm building my own. I
will have to think about this for a while before hgiving you more
explicit advice, but for now:

Make it consistent!

Make it LOGICAL!

Make it "realis[c". By realis[c, I don't mean you have to follow any
kind of historical background (although that can be fun for a country or
two: take my Shellerdon for example...). I mean, create countries and
situa[ons which make sense regarding their circumstances. For instance,
if you make a country full of pacists, don't make them warriors. Make
them ahempt to remain neutral in conicts, or have them gejng whacked
around by various conquerors...

Just make Sense! :)


FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2, Aria, Mythus...
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 14:49:47 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus Campaign Worlds ...
In-Reply-To: <> from "Cause of Death"
at Aug 15, 95 11:50:18 am

Hmmmm..... I could post what I have on my world and may, once I gure out
how to transfer it in a readable format, but what makes a campaign world
specically Mythusy? I've run Mythus in a historical sejng (or semihistorical), Greyhawk and a world of my own crea[on. I've heard others
here say they have played Mythus on Mystara (another D&D sejng), Aerth,
Cyberpunk/Shadowrun Megalopolis, and countless other strange loca[ons.

Again what makes a 'mythus' world?


Sorry, but I never did nd Dave's booth at GenCon or Rapture. I could not
remember the name of the company who's booth he was sharing and did not
see a sign for Rapture, I wanted to get a look at it. :(
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 18:23:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John Teske Jr." <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: GenCon

Hello again everyone.

Several topics to address here...

1) I would be very interested in the rules for Oriental Adventures, as
Steve Gullerud and I are trying to come up with a conversion
for my EGS campaign world, and it includes MANY OA npc's.
So, I'd be very interested and happy to give any thoughts on the

2) GenCon...Dave was at the Pariah Press booth, but I didn't see him
for the rst coupla days and nally asked about him on Saturday.
I got to talk to him Sunday mainly, and asked him to clear up a
number of things which had been bugging me. (various and sun dry minor points...)

3) I am fed up with there being NO Dangerous Journey events at con ven[ons; why is TSR not suppor[ng the BEST roleplaying system
in existence? (I'm denitely biased.) :) Therefore, I have talked
it over with some of my friends here in Wisconsin, and together,
SOMEHOW, we will put on a DJ event both at Winter Fantasy and
at GenCon next year. :) I am curious to know how many people
would show up to Winter Fantasy and at GenCon to
me on the list or privately.

4) I have published a bunch of materials on Magical Items of Aerth;
much of the work has been contribu[ons from players in my
DJ game. We have only 20 countries lep, and then the en[re
book's magical items will be detailed. I will start doing some in
the near future, as soon as I overcome technical problems with
my system.

5) Once I have completed the magical items, I would like to do as
Dave suggested and detail the pantheons of Aerth. I do not want
to go into as much detail as Mike Phillips has gone (not that I do
not like it, in fact I have been using a lot of his cas[ngs in my

game....) but in the interest of space and [me it would be very

dicult if not extreme. I am intersted in input about the pantheons
as I by no means have many refernces.

Anyway, I am interested in comments upon the above. Please feel free to post
whatever addi[ons or sugges[ons you may have.

Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 10:48:08 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Muten Roshi <roshi@UMD.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Smithing/Welding & Music / GENCON
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 14 Aug 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> p.s. Didn't get a chance to play at GenCon aper all - Rapture was a
> HUGE success. I'll post some details later. Plus, for shits & grins,
> I'm going to send a copy of at least one of the scenarios, but will
> need a volunteer to convert maps for everyones' use...

BTW, Where was everyone! We waited and waited, but no one showed
up! OK, let's hear the excuses... :)

Rapture is awesome. {plug, plug} I would highly recommend it.

Muten Roshi (Andy Ehlert)
E-Mail: WWW: hhp://
President of The Science, Fact, Fic[on, and Fantasy Gaming Club
Organizer: U of M Dearborn Anime Showings On irc: M_Roshi
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 09:36:40 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: GenCon
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 15 Aug 1995, John Teske Jr. wrote:

> 5) Once I have completed the magical items, I would like to do as
> Dave suggested and detail the pantheons of Aerth. I do not want
> to go into as much detail as Mike Phillips has gone (not that I do
> not like it, in fact I have been using a lot of his cas[ngs in my

> game....) but in the interest of space and [me it would be very
> dicult if not extreme. I am intersted in input about the pantheons
> as I by no means have many refernces.

Well, since it hasn't come to frui[on yet, I haven't men[oned it, but I
have a mostly-complete list of *major* dei[es and pantheon overviews of
most of the cultures of AErth. I may be able to polish it up enough to
put it out Monday (it will not include much Atlantlan or any Lemurian, of
course), we'll see. I'm not happy with my primary sources, so I'm s[ll
researching, and it's gonna be a stepping o point as I sidestep to a
couple more pantheons.

Here's hoping I have [me around the move :-)

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 09:33:26 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus Campaign Worlds ...
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 15 Aug 1995, Cause of Death wrote:

> So ... send Me your words of advice, and your worlds! heheh

I have run games (using Mythus and Mythus Prime) so far set in:
Vargaard (AErth)
Francia (AErth)
AEgypt (AErth)
Karameikos (Mystara)
Darokin (Mystara)

The most useful advice (from my point of view) I can give is to spend
[me thinking about the world. Make it real, make it consistent. Don't
let the players run totally roughshod over it (there are other people,
with lives, on it :-) ), but don't make them insignicant either.

Oh yeah, avoid 'world-saving/shahering events', since that tends to
diminish the value of the world :-) (Something TSR should learn.)

I have found that AErth is a very rich world to play in, with a lihle

thought. Keep in mind that there is some small trade with Subterranean
AErth (now *there's* an adventure/campaign hook just wai[ng to happen),
prac[cally every culture/lifestyle is represented somewhere (and they
logically t together), and there is so much source material it's
overwhelming. Think about it, drag out your history books, and spend a
few weeks, er, hours at the local library reading about the area in
ques[on. But don't skip the social and folk tales books, since they are
at least as valuable :-)

Then, of course, you have the Accursed running around mucking things up,
and there's this whole counter-world (Phaeree) which is [ed heavily to
AErth. So heavily that a major war in one is reected in the other (a
buried reference, Epic of AErth, p.20, I think), and denizens of Phaeree
may spill over to either stop or start wars on AErth in order to help
their fac[ons in Phaeree. The Fay are helped by peace (of course), the
various Unseelie are helped by unrest (Goblins, Slaugh, Drow, others).

And there's always the list's development of magickal item rumors and the
major ar[facts many na[ons possess to add to the poli[cal scene.
Treat these like magical nukes, they're held but never used, and they
can seriously enrichen a campaign.

However, don't lose yourself in the big picture so badly you lose track
of the party ;-) Pick a region, and s[ck to it unless there is a good
reason not to.

Personally, I use pre-fab worlds (a) because I can start customizing
things at a lower level (na[onal and popula[on centers), and (b) I
don't have the [me to develop that much detail from scratch. Makes it
easier for us working s[ types :-) (And my ahempts so far have been
dismal failures)

> Well ... maybe not yer worlds ...
> Maybe we can get some people to post their worlds to the list.

Well, *I* couldn't, I am lacking [me enough that I customize published
worlds. TSR wouldn't be happy if I started pos[ng the AErth and Mystara
source material to the Net ;-)

Anyways, hope my ramblings are of at least some help.

Mike Phillips

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?

Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 13:08:38 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus Campaign Worlds

As far as running a campaign world goes, I have to agree with Hawkeye
and Mike Phillips that realism and consistency are the most important.
Having large scale principles, like laws of magic, helps alot. Don't go in
for the case by case dogma[c descisions based on whether you feel what the
players are doing is to powerful at that point, and disrupts your plans.
This tends to squash out crea[ve thinking by the players ("Hey, good idea.
Too good in fact. Sorry, you can't do that because it upsets game
balance.") You'll also end up with the players throwing these descisions back
in your face when the logic of them conicts. I know from experience, some
of my players are lawyers. Larger principles should be guides in making
descisions, not just excuses for ruling out what you don't like. IF you set
up you world right, you shouldn't be in the posi[on of dealing with a game
balance disrup[ng ac[on or ability in the rst place. In addi[on,
following the principles you set up to their logical conclusions in
par[cular situa[ons can some[mes lead to surprising and interes[ng
results, even for you. Making decisions on stu like technology levels,
trade paherns, the possibility of [me travel backwards, just how common
Dweomercrapers are, how old the civiliza[on is, and, of course, principles
for how magick works will give you a framework in which to deal with all the
individual problems as they come up.

The other thing I would men[on is history. A campaign that moves from city
to city, adventure to adventure with no recurring OP characters can be fun,
but you can get much more out of a campaign if there are recurring characters
and places already visited that come into play again. Let the players get a
reputa[on in a city based on their ac[ons, be it favorable or unfavorable.
Long running squabbles between groups that the players are invovled in(like
churchs, or clans, or guilds) can provide tons of really meaningful gaming,
the kind where your players area really pissed at the other side and go out
of their way to get them back. Problems from previous adventures that the
players never completely dealt with should come back to haunt them. In
Edward Bromley's campaign our HPs are s[ll trying to kill this @$%%#$ker
called the Wizard of Red Tears, something like 10 game years and mul[ple
encounters aper we rst ran into him. We blew it when we rst encountered
him by not immediately stabbing him in his bed as he slept, and so he woke up
and fought his way out, hur[ng us badly. We've been trying to tack his hide
to our barn door ever since. This powerful but mundane part of one normal
adventure has turned into a real focus of purpose (and venom) in the
campaign. I really want to stomp the bastard's brains out, him and all his
were-rat buddies.

Well, that's my 2 cents.

Mah Berry

Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 10:09:18 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Rapture

I have the luck to have a Rapture book to look through, since Muten Roshi
(aka Andy Ehlert) is vaca[oning at my place, and I had a neat thought.

What about doing a Mythus/Rapture cross? Put the Rapture Universe to the
Mythus rules. What do ya think, Dave? :)

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 17:04:24 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Mythus List and other stu

Would anyone be interested in making a list everyone on this list, with groupings by
playing group(if applicable), loca[on, and campaign sejng.

and HEY, How about pos[ng adventures and gaming stu??!
The only adventures I've been able to get besides Necropolis are the two o of
No-one's wri[ng this stu except us.

I am working on a campaign world right now and star[ng up a campaign in SoCal.
I am having diculty coming up with a viable way of bringing individuals of vastly
dierent birthplaces into a group. Any Ideas??

The future of physical condi[ons is uncertain, so I may be unable to respond in the
near future.

Pelias the Sorcerer(I don't care if it's dened as evil)

(Mike C.)

Is there a way to send grax les through e-mail?? So we don't have to do these
idio[c looking leher-number maps??

Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 17:18:57 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Unreleased Products and more

Does anyone (Dave?) have contact with the writers for the Ascalon and Gods of the
North? Could we have some kind of collec[on or something to pay for the material? I
realize that TFucking$FuckingR bought the rights to this stu, and that this is probably
illegal but I don't give a shit and I want the stu too damn badly.

I'm calm I really am.
Could we pay for an e-mail, or could someone put me in contact with these writers??
Could Gary give some input into Lower planes monsters
demons/devils/daemons/slaad and on adap[ng Temple and Demon Queen and Slavers to

I don't think I've asked for a taller order of anything this year, and even a lihle
contribu[on would be greatly appreciated.

Pelias the Motherfucking Sorcerer
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 20:48:07 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Rapture

>What about doing a Mythus/Rapture cross? Put the Rapture Universe to the
>Mythus rules. What do ya think, Dave? :)

Uhhhh... no. Not only are they two dierent game systems, the whole point
to Rapture would be diluted. Rapture was designed to be dark and moody, and
the system specically ts that.

I doubt the Mythus rules would t the Rapture sejng anyway. Not that we
don't appreciate the thought, but I couldn't bear seeing William go into
convulsions every [me someone said something like "but my Priest is a Full

And I wouldn't want to be the one to dig the dice out of their forehead,

Just say no. Just buy Rapture. Or else...

Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 20:56:53 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Unreleased Products and more

>I realize that TFucking$FuckingR bought the rights to this stu, and that this is
>probably illegal but I don't give a shit and I want the stu too damn badly.

You got it. Don't hold your breath. I wouldn't take the money, anyway: I'm only here
for shits & grins.

*However* ... I heard an interes[ng rumour at GEN CON that some of the unreleased
stu *is* out there - you just need to know where to get it. (And NO, don't ask me)

This *is* the internet, remember?

Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 20:47:10 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus List and other stu
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 17 Aug 1995, Michael J Conard wrote:

> Would anyone be interested in making a list everyone on this list, with groupings by
> playing group(if applicable), loca[on, and campaign sejng.

Blech :-) A subscribers list (not as complete) is available by mailing
LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU with the body of the message:

The informa[on would change too quickly to be of par[cular value. I
would say it would be more interes[ng to know who has used where in
their games. For instance, I have used Grandmark, Wildedge, and
Falcondonia from Vargaard, with a VERY brief stop in Nova Sco[a (not
enough to do any development other than its rela[on to Grandmark, the
central na[on in my current Advanced Mythus game), Francia in a
two-session one-shot (already described on the list), and AEgypt for a
short-lived Prime game when rst learning the system. I have also used
both Karameikos and Darokin (TSR's Mystara sejng) with Advanced Mythus,
plus por[ons of Sind, Glantri, and Ylaruam.

> and HEY, How about pos[ng adventures and gaming stu??!
> The only adventures I've been able to get besides Necropolis are

> the two o of Cerebus.

Uhhhh, you could'a dropped me a line and said you liked (or disliked)
'em, you know :-) I like feedback. I thrive on feedback. I love
comments saying someone actually DOWNLOADED the stu I wrote (and, I
might add, ran). FEEDBACK!!!!! So, didja like the two?

p.s. There is a copy of Winged Horse oa[ng around, it is an early
drap of an adventure which was slated to be included in one of the
Mythus products, or so I hear. Hey, Eddie, you s[ll around? Want to

I keep meaning to Webify and PostScript it, so that it can be stuck on
cerebus and my Web site, but I just don't have *a lot* of [me.....

> No-one's wri[ng this stu except us.

Yeah, well, whaddya expect? Honestly, it *is* a rather deadish gaming
system (not to say we're dead, I mean I s[ll play Mythus regularly and
have reams of notes and material I am organizing for others to take
advantage of, but commercially it is about as dead as games get,

So write something and post it to the list :-)

> I am working on a campaign world right now and star[ng up a campaign in SoCal.
> I am having diculty coming up with a viable way of bringing individuals of vastly
> dierent birthplaces into a group. Any Ideas??

Create a common thread. Build on the persona concepts. Come up with a
viable reason why each would be where they are. As an example, in the
Grandmark-based game I am currently running (well, it's on hiatus for the
summer, but it should be star[ng up again RSN), all the personas work
for the Markthegn in some capacity or another, thereby giving *all* an
excuse to be there. He is an ambi[ous man, hiring all the exper[se he
can to force his na[on into the ranks of 'powers' rather than 'bit
players'. And he's doing a job of it :-) (I won't say more, one of my
players is on the list)

> Is there a way to send grax les through e-mail?? So we don't have to do these
> idio[c looking leher-number maps??

UUencode them. MIME-encode them. FTP them to my machine, and I'll s[ck
them on my web site :-)

Hey, as a reminder, the URL is hhp:// to my
mythus pages (leave o the mythus/ to get my home page), and I just
stuck up three more magic items and a descrip[on of an Atlantlan Ancient
Master :-)

Mike Phillips (no fancy alter-ego)

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 20:23:16 EDT
Reply-To: Je Sharpe <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Je Sharpe <jsharpe@ACCESS.AWINC.COM>
Subject: Kell[c Gods

I seem to remember several projects involving crea[ng a few pantheons. Has anyone created the Kell[c
pantheon? And are they will to part with it?? :-)

Just wondering if I should recreate the wheel...

--Je "Caesar" Sharpe <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 09:09:13 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus List and other stu
In-Reply-To: <>

> I am working on a campaign world right now and star[ng up a campaign
> in SoCal.
> I am having diculty coming up with a viable way of bringing individuals
> of vastly dierent birthplaces into a group. Any Ideas??

Plenty, but you'll have to be more specic...who are the HP's, what are
the dierent backgrounds, stu like that...

> Is there a way to send grax les through e-mail?? So we don't have to
> do these idio[c looking leher-number maps??

Easy: UUencode/decode. There is a version which works for DOS machines
(I don't remember the ocial name) which works on everything I've tried
so far. It is fairly simple to use, as well... Look on any of your
favorite FTP sites in an archiving programs directory...


FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2, Aria, Mythus...

Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 09:11:16 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Unreleased Products and more
In-Reply-To: <>

> Pelias the Mother****ing Sorcerer

I think the anger/excitement hits us all at one point or another... :)
Don't worry, you'll get over it.

Jesse (who s[ll wants more Mythus stu, but isn't holding his breath)

FREEDOM to choose: If you have one, choose OS/2, Aria, Mythus...
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 16:10:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>

Mah, buddy, you s[ll around? E-mail me, please!

Mike Phillips,

(sorry to everyone else, but I can't seem to nd him anywhere, and his
web page dried up)
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 13:47:30 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: WWW and Ascalon

>Hey, as a reminder, the URL is hhp:// to my
>mythus pages (leave o the mythus/ to get my home page), and I just
>stuck up three more magic items and a descrip[on of an Atlantlan Ancient
>Master :-)

I have had no luck gejng onto your site. I'm not sure why, it just tells me Connec[on
[med out. BTW I loved the two adventures, and Dangerous Ideas, and the Pantheology
stu, but haven't run them yet.
If anyone knows how to get Ascalon ;) conspiratorial wink ;) please connect me,
e-mail me, etc. If complete conden[ality is required, it will be given. I am beginning a
campaign in the Mediterranean/Northern Afrik area and that would be a tremendous help.


Mike C
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 18:15:20 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: WWW and Ascalon

As memory serves, Ascalon is the personal property of Loren Wiseman at GDW.
It was not completed at the [me of the sehlement and was not included.
Obviously it could not be released as a Mythus supplement. I don't know if
he has subsequently sold it or not.
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 1995 02:28:07 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Lawrence Ruiz <GOOFERAMA@AOL.COM>
Subject: Looking for a game in Fort Lauderdale

Just moved to Fort Lauderdale and my wife & I are looking for a campaign.
Any out there that need 2 more players?
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 1995 12:32:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Alex S. User" <RPGmonster@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Looking for a game in For...

I'm not sure where that is.....
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 11:11:55 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: WWW and Ascalon

>As memory serves, Ascalon is the personal property of Loren Wiseman at GDW.
> It was not completed at the [me of the sehlement and was not included.
> Obviously it could not be released as a Mythus supplement. I don't know if
>he has subsequently sold it or not.

You are correct. And since it's Mythus-specic, he probably can't sell it;
he could re-use his ideas, though. BTW, Loren is no longer with GDW.

------------------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.

(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved. Oh, get *over* it!
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 16:53:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Lawrence Ruiz <GOOFERAMA@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Looking for a game in For...

Yeah, the [tle got clipped. It is Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 22:19:48 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: [CASTINGS] Priests of Bragi

Bragi (Balance, Benign, Ordered, Minor God)

Bragi, husband of Idunn, was the Skald of the Aesir. It was he who
played in the halls of Valhalla (much to the delight of the other Aesir
and the mortal spirits awai[ng their day of glory at Ragnarok), and his
songs are open echoed in ceremonies on AErth. His name is open called
upon by those composing music or wri[ng lyrics, especially those who
wish to create a las[ng saga.

Bragi's priests are few in number, and all are musically inclined.
Virtually all can sing well, and most can play at least one instrument.
Many take up the studies of Spellsongs as well, for obvious reasons, and
many of the greatest skalds have been priests of Bragi. The priesthood
is indigent, travelling wherever the mood (and the need for their
ministra[ons) take them, spreading music and sagas as they go. There is
a loose hierarchy at best, and new priests are trained on the road as
need be.

Grade I:
Time: 1 hour Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 drink R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 rod Other: 10:1 addi[onal hour
E/F/M: This formula allows the priest to cause one normal-sized drink
(such as a normal stein or agon) to imbue those who consume at least
half of it to sing beher than they would normally. This manifests
itself as a temporary +10 to the imbiber's singing ability, or a base
STEEP of 10 if the person has no skill in the maher. It is most open
applied to the drinks of those who have no sense of pitch, a problem that
is partly alleviated for the dura[on of the cas[ng (and thus saves the
priest's delicately trained ears from horrible caterwauling).


Time: 1 AT Other Heka Costs:

Area: 1 subject R&D: Nil
Distance: Touch Other: 10:1 addi[onal AT
E/F/M: This short-lived cas[ng clears the mind of the subject of all
distrac[ons, allowing him to concentrate on the composi[on at hand.
While it is of brief dura[on, that is open all that is necessary to get
the crea[ve process moving, and this cas[ng will usually remove any
instance of writer's block that the subject may be laboring under. For
short composi[ons (such as a dihy, ode, or short commemora[ve song),
this cas[ng decreases the DR of the subject's work by one (such as from
"Dicult" to "Hard" if the composer is under intense [me pressure),
and mul[ple applica[ons or a lengthy dura[on (in excess of an hour or
more) will serve similarly for longer works. Truly major works, such as
a full opera, symphony, or similar, will rarely be helped at all by such
a minor cas[ng (although a given aria or overture might stand out from
the rest of the work if it were composed under the applica[on of this

Grade II:
Time: 1 AT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: Self R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: Nil
E/F/M: By means of this Cas[ng, the priest improves his verbal abili[es
such that he cannot mis-speak or oend those to whom he is speaking
(although if the cas[ng is woven with a cri[cal failure, he shall misspeak at every step, insult those to whom he is speaking, and generally
incite them to great anger). While statements made under the inuence
of this cas[ng will leave a favorable impression with those to whom the
caster spoke, they will only marginally have a posi[ve long-term
inuence, and no more than gentle persuasion (such as nudging a
generally warlike king into declaring war) will actually be eec[ve.

Grade III:
Time: 1 AT per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: Self R&D: Nil
Distance: 0 Other: Nil
Special Materia Cost: A sip of mead brewed by the caster's own hand,
taken from a drinking vessel worth no less than 100 BUCs and
dedicated to Bragi's talents
E/F/M: This impressive spell will allow the caster to speak awlessly,
persuade listeners easily, and generally favorable impress those around
him so much that they may be talked into nearly any reasonable ac[on.
For the dura[on of this Cas[ng, the priest will act as if he had a
bonus of one half his Priestcraep STEEP to either Charisma[cism or
Inuence, with the immediate temporary gran[ng of all sub-areas,
depending upon the ac[on taken at any given point in [me. For
instance, if the caster were ahemp[ng to persuade someone, the bonus
would apply to his Inuence STEEP. Note that the bonus may go back and

forth as long as the dura[on lasts, but it may not be used twice for the
same ac[on (i.e. using Charisma[cism to double Inuence). In such a
case, the bonus must be applied to one or the other, but not both.

Grade V:
Time: 1 hour per 10 STEEP Other Heka Costs:
Area: Special R&D: Nil
Distance: Special Other: Nil
E/F/M: This short ritual of but 1 AT, when performed over a suitable
container of mead, will render it a potent assistant for the act of
composi[on. The magick will persist in the liquid for one hour per 10
STEEP possessed by the caster. It is most eec[ve when consumed
en[rely by one person (although obviously not *too* quickly), but it may
be spread among many people with suitable lessening of eects. In the
case of a single imbiber, it will imbue him with incredible
concentra[on, and nothing short of a major catastrophe will be able to
distract him from the composi[on at hand. Further, the DR of any
ahempt at composi[on shall be lessened by two, and the speed of
composi[on doubled. While under the inuence of a single applica[on
of this ritual, it is perfectly possible for a skilled composer to create
even a work of such length as a medium-length symphony in a single day.
Of course, if the mead is taken too quickly, the composer might pass out
before comple[ng his magnum opus (depending on his tolerance of alcohol).
No one may partake of this special beverage and reap its benets
more than once per year, although mul[ple drinks in a single year will
simply result in that por[on of the benets being lost.

I am developing por[ons of the Norse pantheon for a list member (yes, I
do requests, and some[mes even in a [mely manner!) Like all of the
cas[ngs I toss out to the list for comment, these have not been tested
in actual play (yet), and so I appreciate praise, ahery, complaints,
ames, or any commentary indica[ng these aren't falling on deaf
terminals :-) I'm especially ahered if someone tells me they are
using them in their game (hint hint ;-) ).

For those curious about hints of what's coming, Njord is just around the
corner, and then I'll take my leave of the Norse pantheon for a lihle
while ([me to work on something else). I may piddle around with an
Atlantlan deity or two, maybe revisit the Chinsungese, knock o an
AEgyp[an or two. I've also been crea[ng a thumbnail list covering
*all* the major pantheons of AErth, and the Nipponese (Japanese) and
Kell[c pantheons look *really* invi[ng. If I can get up the energy to
go to the library and do the necessary research ;-)

Mike Phillips

I have developed Cas[ngs for the following dei[es (collect 'em all):
[Mail me for them, if you missed 'em when they were rst posted]

Kuan Yu
Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury,
Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan
[Daily Deity, Overview]
Bragi, Forse[, Hel, Idunn, Loki, Odin, Thor

FTP/gopher:, in pub/Role-Playing/Fantasy/Mythus/Cas[ngs

hhp://[ngs/ [home site]
hhp://[ngs.toc.html [mirror]
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 1995 19:29:09 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Lawrence Ruiz <GOOFERAMA@AOL.COM>

JMs & players I have found a shop here in Fort Lauderdale that has issues 2-6 of GDW's
Journeys, some in plas[c. If you would like a copy, contact me & I'll set
it up with you. I s[ll have not found anyone here in Ft. Lauderdale that
plays. If you are reading this list and live in Ft. Lauderdale, mail me.
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 1995 12:01:10 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Eric Medalis <astolfo@INTERACCESS.COM>
Subject: Re: JOURNEYS

>JMs & players >I have found a shop here in Fort Lauderdale that has issues 2-6 of GDW's
>Journeys, some in plas[c. If you would like a copy, contact me & I'll set
>it up with you. I s[ll have not found anyone here in Ft. Lauderdale that
>plays. If you are reading this list and live in Ft. Lauderdale, mail me.

There is a games store in chicago - games plus that has mul[ple copies of
these issues in various condi[ons. Thier Phone # is 708 577 9656. They
also have the rulebooks. I got an autographed copy of Mythus at an auc[on
of theirs for $2.00!!
Speaking of Journeys magazine, Doues anyone know what exactly
happened in issue three with the movie sec[on. In the magazine, it says
"Due to a chain of events made up equally of honest mistakes and poor

judgements, part of the movie review column printed in the magazine this
month included a review of a lm and a provaci[ve photograph which were
not appropriate to the tone of the magazine and in any event were completly
un related to the subject maher covered in roleplaying games. As a result,
the oending page has been removed and we are sorry for the inconvince."
What was the Film? Does anyone know. It's been driving me nuts for

---------------------------------------------------------"Do you fool around?" -A 60 year old Jerry lewis in drag talking to Jerry
Lewis in "Hardly working".
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 1995 12:18:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: JOURNEYS
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sat, 26 Aug 1995, Lawrence Ruiz wrote:

> JMs & players > I have found a shop here in Fort Lauderdale that has issues 2-6 of GDW's
> Journeys, some in plas[c. If you would like a copy, contact me & I'll set
> it up with you. I s[ll have not found anyone here in Ft. Lauderdale that
> plays. If you are reading this list and live in Ft. Lauderdale, mail me.
Would you happen to have necropolis, and if so , how much ya chargin? :)
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 1995 15:38:31 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Lawrence Ruiz <GOOFERAMA@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: JOURNEYS

>Would you happen to have necropolis, and if so , how much ya chargin? :)

I'm not selling them, but trying to help out those who don't have access.
The shop didn't have any Mythus manuals out, but I will ask today if they
have them in the back.

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 14:06:42 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: eartr03 <eartr03@INF.COM>
Subject: HELP !!

Hi !!!!

Please tell me what is this newgroup about ?
I subscribed to it thinking it is about games, etc. But I can't make
out anything of what is happening out there.

Thanks in advance.

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 08:34:30 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: HELP !!
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 28 Aug 1995, eartr03 wrote:

> Hi !!!!
> Please tell me what is this newgroup about ?
> I subscribed to it thinking it is about games, etc. But I can't make
> out anything of what is happening out there.

Hey you are in the right place. The ONLY place for discusion, and
sharing ideas on the ULTIMATE game Dangerous Journeys MYTHUS.
This list has been slow lately, and recently the trac it has had has
been about GEN-CON....but we are gamers. We have to talk about Mecca. <g>

Just wait, something of use to you should show up shortly (if you're
lucky) and if you have not played Mythus down what you have to do to get
the books while they are s[ll available.


I think you should be able to get the sacred books of gaming (Mythus,
Mythus Magick) used, or you can order them from a few mail-order oukits
that s[ll have some. Hurry while supplies last, oer not good in some
states, bateriesnot included, some assembly required small, void where

If you have not played Mythus repent for the end is near. Ok so I played
Rapture last weekend, I will probably never be the same.

*jumping around like a raving gamer* HOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!

*Plug* :)

Ok now, I think I have control back. If you have not played Mythus and

just subscribed to this list for general gaming ideas have fun. If you
try Mythus, you will like it. It is the most realis[c game system there is
in existance. Once you play Mythus I can't imagine going back to T$R games.
> Aditya

Hey, I did it. I only whigged out once, and my Rapture character even
lived through the rst sesion. :)

Mike Paulus

Losing my mind four games at a [me.
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 09:35:32 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: HELP !!
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Mon, 28 Aug 1995, dexter wrote:

> Hey, I did it. I only whigged out once, and my Rapture character even
> lived through the rst sesion. :)
> Mike Paulus

Me too! I was in the same Rapture game. Andy ran it (muten roshi) and
we had four players. I didn't wig out though! I DID blow away two
Silver Skulls with a shotgun though, although I did have a hand in
helping me out with it (to be specic, a dismembered hand which I threw
on the ground, when the Skulls stopped to check it out, I jumped out and
pumped o ve shots. Four hit!)

Loved the game though. Send the message along to Will and Mike, OK Dave?

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 11:18:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: HELP !! err Rapture.

In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>
from "dexter" at Aug 28, 95 08:34:30 am

> If you have not played Mythus repent for the end is near. Ok so I played
> Rapture last weekend, I will probably never be the same.
> Hey, I did it. I only whigged out once, and my Rapture character even
> lived through the rst sesion. :)

So, I take it you liked Rapture? :) I saw it in the game store and ipped
through it the other day. Its prehy. And of course I'll bet it has some
interes[ng ideas (the only reason I buy games anymore) . I was kind of
surprised at the lack of Islamic "cults" or whatever they are called. Why
were there only two? Also except for a few token "pagan" groups none of
the other non-Judeo-Chris[an religions were addressed (eg. Buddism, Hinduism,
Shinto, Tao, etc.). I guess I was wondering why that was done. (Time,
exper[se, and space probably)

What aspects of Rapture could I import into my other games?


I also want to discuss Greyhawk with people if they want.
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 15:30:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William Hale <dyr@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: HELP !! err Rapture.

>So, I take it you liked Rapture? :) I saw it in the game store and ipped
>through it the other day. Its prehy. And of course I'll bet it has some
>interes[ng ideas (the only reason I buy games anymore) . I was kind of
>surprised at the lack of Islamic "cults" or whatever they are called. Why
>were there only two? Also except for a few token "pagan" groups none of
>the other non-Judeo-Chris[an religions were addressed (eg. Buddism, Hinduism,
>Shinto, Tao, etc.). I guess I was wondering why that was done. (Time,
>exper[se, and space probably)
>What aspects of Rapture could I import into my other games?

Okay, William is gonna come out of hiding. As for the lack of certain
groups, well...that's easy. There was only so much space in the main
sourcebook for Icons considering there are so many diering religious
ideals and again, so many dialects of each ideal. In future supplements, we
will provide for this by including many new Icons to the system including

Buddhists, Hindus, all of the eastern religions, Na[ve American Icons and
any other religious system prominent in the world. We will also detail cults
and Icons of the Lodge and the Universal Church as well. This is only the
beginning and the depth and scope of the game system will con[nue to grow.
I hope you enjoy it and if I can answer any ques[ons or be of help, please ask.

William Spencer-Hale

There is a man...Playing a violin...and the strings are the nerves in his
own arms. A twisted soul - the mortar...Despair - the bricks. To build a
temple to sadness.

J.O'Barr, The Crow

Welcome to the Atrocity Exhibi[on
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 12:50:05 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Re: JOURNEYS

JMs & players I have found a shop here in Fort Lauderdale that has issues 2-6 of GDW's
Journeys, some in plas[c. If you would like a copy, contact me & I'll set
it up with you. I s[ll have not found anyone here in Ft. Lauderdale that
plays. If you are reading this list and live in Ft. Lauderdale, mail me.

Hi, my name is Mike, and I am interested in issues 2&3&5&6.
Please send all details necessary. BTW, I may have someone interested in Mythus
you could contact. By his e-mail address I am not sure he lives in Florida, but I think he
I don't know how interested in the game he is, but contact him and introduce yourself,
and maybe you guys can play together. He contacted me regarding gejng ahold of
Mythus material.

Good Luck,

Pelias the Sorcerer
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 16:04:55 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dave@ABERVON.COM>
Subject: Re: HELP !! err Rapture.

Okay, let's not bore the Mythus folks with Rapture stu. There *is* a
mailing list where we can discuss this, and you subscribe as follows:


In the contents of the message, include the following line:

SUBSCRIBE QMS-L (your name)

Really, guys it's okay. I'm on both lists, and I haven't been swamped
(of course not, we've all been pos[ng Rapture stu *here*)...

"Innite goodness means crea[ng a being that you
know in advance is going to complain."
from The Ninth Congura[on
-------------------------------------------------Web page: hhp://
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 16:27:20 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Pentacles

I have a general ques[on for the populace: can a person inside a Pentacle
proofed against Full Physical manifesta[ons make Heka ahacks against foes

In MM there seem to be two ideas: rst, that you cannot do this since
"whatever can pass through a pentacle can breach it. The two excep[ons to
this are gaseous substances and Heka" (pg. 19). However, on the same page it
also says "only some[hng which the pentacle isn't warded against . . .can
even do so much as step on it." In other words, since a FPM Pentacle is also
by default proofed against Heka, Heka cannot travel the wrong way through it
without breaching it. Yet it says Heka is an excep[on.

I tend to think you cannot re Cas[ngs out of the safety of a Pentacle
without opening doors in the eld, which then exposes you to incoming Heka
ahacks in return. However, I would like the opinions of other experienced
JMs (and players).

Please, hurry--there's a game tonight and my players will need to make
tac[cal decisions based on my ruling.

Thank you, one and all.


P.S. Haven't forgohen about the Kell[c Gods someone requested, but I need

to transcribe my notes from paper to disk, so it will be a bit. Perhaps this

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 17:00:02 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dave@ABERVON.COM>
Subject: Re: Pentacles

>I have a general ques[on for the populace: can a person inside a Pentacle
>proofed against Full Physical manifesta[ons make Heka ahacks against foes
Depends. Pentacles are either Inclusive or Exclusive. Re-read Mythus Magic,
remembering that they are designed to either keep something in or out, but
not both.

"Innite goodness means crea[ng a being that you
know in advance is going to complain."
from The Ninth Congura[on
-------------------------------------------------Web page: hhp://
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 17:03:10 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dave@ABERVON.COM>
Subject: Re: HELP !!

Mike Paulus writes
>If you have not played Mythus repent for the end is near. Ok so I played
>Rapture last weekend, I will probably never be the same.
>*jumping around like a raving gamer* HOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!

Yeah, it's how the game aects me, too. My room mate had the audacity to
me she thought we were being too loud, but when you're character's favorite
hi-tech van gets shot up while his friends borrowed it to escape a demon (who
did beher than get the license plate, he possessed a member of the party)
then painted it with *house* paint to change the color (because the
were looking for the group, of course), and then they insult your host, the
redneck gunsmith at his remote compound *lled* with fana[cal

let's just say polite conversa[on is right out.

"Innite goodness means crea[ng a being that you
know in advance is going to complain."
from The Ninth Congura[on
-------------------------------------------------Web page: hhp://
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 19:06:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Mythus Info...

I just subscribed to this list and I need any and all ideas for monster stats
and pantheons of gods and anything else that will help my game...

Thank you

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 18:10:16 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Gejng in touch with the Listmaster

Hi there.. I'm trying to get in touch with the person who is taking care =
of this mailing-list. A message to "listmaster@whatever" bounced back =
(probably because it's just an automated listmaster).

Does anyone know who I should be contac[ng? I don't have that =
very-rst message I got from the listmaster so I don't have that =
informa[on package.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Michael Nagy
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:18:40 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jeremy Dahlin <dahli923@UIDAHO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Pentacles

>I have a general ques[on for the populace: can a person inside a Pentacle

>proofed against Full Physical manifesta[ons make Heka ahacks against foes
>In MM there seem to be two ideas: rst, that you cannot do this since
>"whatever can pass through a pentacle can breach it. The two excep[ons to
>this are gaseous substances and Heka" (pg. 19). However, on the same page it
>also says "only some[hng which the pentacle isn't warded against . . .can
>even do so much as step on it." In other words, since a FPM Pentacle is also
>by default proofed against Heka, Heka cannot travel the wrong way through it
>without breaching it. Yet it says Heka is an excep[on.
The way I run this is that heka in it's natural form can pass through the
pentacle. (i.e. someone inside the pentacle can recharge thier heka). Heka
in the form of cas[ngs cannot pass through the barrier unless there is a
window. Though this does leave the problem as to how a conjuror casts spells
upon summoned creatures.

Jeremy Dahlin
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 07:41:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Pentacles
In-Reply-To: <> from "Donald Eccles"
at Aug 28, 95 04:27:20 pm

> I have a general ques[on for the populace: can a person inside a Pentacle
> proofed against Full Physical manifesta[ons make Heka ahacks against foes
> outside?
> In MM there seem to be two ideas: rst, that you cannot do this since
> "whatever can pass through a pentacle can breach it. The two excep[ons to
> this are gaseous substances and Heka" (pg. 19). However, on the same page it
> also says "only some[hng which the pentacle isn't warded against . . .can
> even do so much as step on it." In other words, since a FPM Pentacle is also
> by default proofed against Heka, Heka cannot travel the wrong way through it
> without breaching it. Yet it says Heka is an excep[on.

OK, the way it works is like this (Its really quite logical): A pentacle is
either exclusive (keeps things out) or inclusive (keeps things in). In your
example, it sounds like you have an exclusive pentacle designed to keep
FPM's out. In this case you can hurl heka (or arrows in my view) out the
pentacle, but if you try to step out of it or ght on the edge (ie swing
a sword at a creature outside the pentacle) you will disrupt the pentacle.
However I usually say you need to specify exactly what can and can't cross
the barrier, if you want to ing heka at a creature outside your pentacle
that protects against heka from the outside you will disrupt the pentacle
unless you open a door (but I don't allow the concept of doors - I think
they are silly). So if you want to freely combat a creature with Heka you

must be prepared to take its heka ahacks as well, but you can keep it from
ripping you limb from limb physically.

This way if you are a sorcerer using a series of pentacles to summon a
demon or other nasty you sit inside an exclusive pentacle and summon the
creature into an inclusive pentacle to try and keep it from gejng you or
gejng away.

Does this make sense?

Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 08:32:13 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: ATTENTION! (how to remove yourself or update your account for the
MYTHUS-L, etc)

Some/many have been trying to modify their list accounts, or even trying =
to remove themselves, and asked me to forward this if/when I found it... =
Here's a short command-list that I nally was able to nd. Read it, =
and you can follow the instruc[ons to get more detailed informa[on. =
Good Luck.

with any of the following commands. No subject needed, just type your =
command as the message and send it o.
I got this list by sending HELP.

LISTSERV version 1.8b - most commonly used commands

Info <topic|listname> Order documenta[on
Lists <Detail|Short|Global> Get a descrip[on of all lists
SUBscribe listname <full name> Subscribe to a list
SIGNOFF listname Sign o from a list
SIGNOFF * (NETWIDE - from all lists on all servers
REView listname <op[ons> Review a list
Query listname Query your subscrip[on op[ons
SET listname op[ons Update your subscrip[on op[ons
INDex <lelist_name> Order a list of LISTSERV les
GET lename letype Order a le from LISTSERV
REGister full_name|OFF Tell LISTSERV about your name

There are more commands (AFD, FUI, PW, etc). Send an INFO REFCARD for a
comprehensive reference card, or just INFO for a list of available
documenta[on les.

This server is managed by:


Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 12:23:29 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Pentacles
In-Reply-To: <>

I think Dave said it: this simple sentence answers all:

Pentacles are one-way doors.

Therefore, if you are inside an Exclusive one, nothing can get in. For
the sake of Game-Simplicity, most JM's would let things like air pass
through. I wouldn't though, simply to preserve the logic of the whole
idea of "keeping everything out." That includes regenera[ng Heka, too...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 16:22:28 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Gods

While I'm wai[ng for [me to transcribe my Kell[c Gods, here is a list of
AEgyp[an dei[es. It is very sparse, but should make someone a good launch


Aapep (Apophis, Rerek, "The Roarer")-Gloomy Darkness
Greater deity & master of all Evil Serpents, Draco-Serpents, Monsters, etc.;
manifesta[on of Set & Lord of Darkness; enemy of the dead; his bane is the
sycamore tree.

One of the sacred sh guarding the boat of Ra; the other was Anet.

Guardian of the gates of dawn; accompanied by the lions Dua and Sef; earth

Amemt(Amemait, Ammit)-Shadowy Darkness
Eater of the dead (those who failed judgement); part crocodile, part hippo,
part lio, dweller in Amen[.

Amset(Imse[, Mestha, Mes[)-Shadowy Darkness
Son of Heru(Horus); associated with Osiris; guardian of the south, Canopic
protector of the liver or stomach & large intes[nes.

Amun(Amon, Amen, Ammon, "The Hidden One")-Moonlight
Deity of fer[lity, things hidden, and secrets; ram-headed avatar; husband
of Mut; very ancient (pre-dynas[c); originally a god of agriculture;
governed wind, air, and invisibility; became Supreme Deity of Egypt.

One of the sacred sh guarding the boat of Ra; the other was Abtu.

Possibly a name for Anhur.

War and sun god; son of Hathor.

Consort of Menthu.

Anqet(Anquet, Anuket, "the Lady of Sa[")-Balance
Personica[on of the Nile as nourisher of the elds; sister of Sa[,
second wife of Khnum.

Anubis(Anpu, Anup, Wip)-Shadowy Darkness
Deity of the aperlife; more powerful deity; associated with Osiris; child of
Osiris and Nepthys (or of Set, or of Ra).

Anzety-Shadowy Darkness?
Pre-Osiris deity represented as human head on pole & arms wielding a crook
and ail.

Apet(Opet, Reret, Taueret, Thoueris)-Balance
Duty = keep Sebk in check; open appeared with Bes; hippo-goddess & goddess
of fer[lity and domes[c interests.

Sacred bull of Osiris/Ptah.

Apuat(Wadjet, Wapwawet, Upuat, Ophois)-Moonlight
More powerful deity; associated with Osiris; brother of Anubis.


Ash (God of the Land of Tehennu)- Moonlight?
Lion/snake/vulture headed deity of foreign origin; also called "God of the
Land of the Olive-Tree."

Ancient sun-god.

Bast(Bastet, Bubas[s, Ubastet)-Moonlight
Goddess of cats and lynxes.

Concerns = jocularity, music, dance, happy fortune; inimical of Evil and a
protector of children.

Buto(Bouto, Edjo, Uadjit, Udjo, Wadjet, Wadjit)-Balance
Commands serpents; of Light and weal; allied to those who ght Evil; sister
of Nekhebit.

Chons (Khonsu)-Moonlight
Great deity, foe of Evil, Gloomy Darkness, and demon-slayer.

Nubian god worshipped in Egypt.

Duamutef-Shadowy Darkness
Son of Heru(Horus); associated with Osiris; guardian of the east, Canopic
protector of the stomach or heart & lungs.

Geb(Gae, Qeb)-Balance
Earth-god; father of Osiris, Isis, Set, Horus the elder, and Nephthys.


Hapi-Shadowy Darkness
Son of Heru(Horus); associated with Osiris; guardian of the north, Canopic
protector of the lungs or small viscerae of the body.

Greater deity, god of the Nylle river.

Sky-goddess; protector of women.

God of the East Wind.

Son of Ra.

(aka Horus?); deity of guardianship; associated with Osiris.


Son of Ra.

Child of Ra; the embodiment of Divine Uherance.

God of the West Wind.

Isis(Aset)-Shadowy Darkness
Associated with Osiris; goddess of magic.

Probably a form of Isis.

Iubeni (Iubani)-Gloomy Darkness


Kekit-Shadowy Darkness
God of darkness.

Khebsenef(Qebhsneuf)-Shadowy Darkness
Son of Heru(Horus); associated with Osiris; guardian of the west, Canopic
protector of the intes[nes or liver & gall-bladder.

(Balance?); associated with Osiris; god of fer[lity and crea[on.

Daughter of Ra; deity of law, order, and jus[ce.

Mapet-Shadowy Darkness
Lynx-goddess; enemy of Aapep.

Pre-dynas[c mother goddess.

Menthu(Bukhe, Munt)-Sunlight?
War and sky god.

Possibly a form of Menthu or Min.

Merit-segrit-Shadowy Darkness?
Associated with Osiris.

Goddess of the eighth hour.


Associated with Bes and Heru.

God of fer[lity and harvest; protector of travellers.

Mother goddess; consort of Amun; represented with sheep's head.

God of the sejng sun; son of Sekhmet and Ptah.

Goddess of war and the loom.

Friend of Buto.

Goddess of the harvest.

Associated with Osiris; sister of Isis; goddess of magic.

Goddess of the sky; protectress of the dead.

Osiris(Asar, Andje[)-Shadowy Darkness
Greater deity of the aperlife, ruler of the Duat (underworld), commander of
the Savage-Faced Messengers (Fiends); savior of the Egyp[an people.

God of the North Wind.

Pakhut(Pakhet, Pakheth)-Sunlight

Par-Shadowy Darkness
God of transforma[ons.

Ptah-Shadowy Darkness
More powerful; associated with Osiris; creator-god, architect of the

Greater deity of the sun; avatars = Chepri, Atmu, Auf (Af).

Ra-heru-ku[-Shadowy Darkness
Possibly a form of Ra-Herakhty (sun-god).


Consort of Ra.

Goddess of birth and child-bearing.

Sebk (Sobk, Sebek, Sobek, Sebeq)-Gloomy Darkness
Crocodile deity; ally of Set, son of Neith.

Seker (Sokar, Sokaris, "The Closer of the Day")-Gloomy Darkness
God of darkness and decay in the earth; one of the oldest gods of the dead;
associated with Osiris.

Greater deity of retribu[on, consort of Ptah, one of the chief powers of
Sunlight in AEgypt.

Sept("Lord of Slaughter", "Lord of the East")-Sunlight
War god.

Serqet (Serqit, Selquet, Selkit)-Gloomy Darkness

Goddess of wri[ng and books (also literature).

Set (Seth, Setekh, Setesh, The Red One)-Gloomy Darkness
Greater deity of evil; brother of Isis & Osiris, son of Nut and Geb or Nut
and Ra, brother and husband of Nepthys.

God of the South Wind.

(part of Sunlight?) God of light and air.

Goddess of rain and moisture.

Thoth(Djhowtey, Aah-Te-Hu[)-Moonlight
(Balance?); more powerful; Greater deity; Concerns = knowledge and
intellectual magick; associated with Osiris.

Tu-t("Lord of Evil in Serpent Form")-Gloomy Darkness?

Duty = keep Sebk in check; possibly male form of Apet.

Upnat-Shadowy Darkness?
(brother of Anubis?).
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 15:16:02 -0700

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Aegyp[an Die[es

Could you mail that again?? I accidentally deleted that e-mail.


Pelias the Sorcerer
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 07:23:05 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Larry Barry <barry@CGS.C4.GMEDS.COM>
Subject: Beas[ery


I am new to Mythus and this list. I picked up a copy of Mythus and
Mythus Magick at a local used book store. I was wondering if anyone
knew where I could get a copy of the Beas[ery?


There are men too gentle to live among wolves :
-- a poem by James Kavanaugh : Larry Barry
=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-My Opinions are Mine and Mine Alone-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 09:59:07 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Death and HPs

I have a ques[on for the group (since things have been slow).
How do you (or your GM) handle the death of a HP?

Is it as simple as "roll up a new character" or what other
methods do you use. I prefer not to kill the characters in the
campaign(s) I run, as my players are rather skilled and play really well
(with the excep[on of one person with min/maxes so that I really HATE
his characters). So I usually try to avoid killing the HPs. My
scenarios are usually rather well balanced, so the only deaths that occur
are usually through the players making a mistake, me overes[ma[ng their
characters prowess, or the most common, bad die rolls.
In the last game session I ran, the group encountered a pair
of Greater Troglodytes. One character got killed (took his P Trait on
the nose). I allowed him to survive by spending three points of Joss,

his last three... Anyway, I did this for a few reasons. One, the
player is one of my best role-players and adds a lot to the game. Two,
we are in the middle of a large "dungeon-crawl" and it would be weeks
before he could bring a new character in. Three, his character is really
well developed and he put alot of [me and eort into him. Four, the
death was the result of the lucky die rolls of the GM :) .
If the death is due to player stupidity or does not hinder the
sessions (like if I have a large clima[c ght at the end of a
scenario), I usually let it stand. In the case of a large clima[c
bahle, I usually use smaller ghts to weaken the HPs down, build hte
story and feeling of fear or drama, and take out any cheap tricks that
tend to use, i.e. Trigger Eects, Hold Eects, one-shot dedicated Heka
Reservoirs, ijteres[ng spell combos, etc. It allows them to use their
unique ideas without taking away the diculty of the end ght.
Hope to hear some responses soon!

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 13:25:02 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Ar[s Phillips <APHILLIP@MAIL.MCG.EDU>
Subject: New Blood

I would like a lihle informa[on about what goes on here at this

Thanks in advance,
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 11:41:30 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Death and HPs

At 09:59 AM 9/1/95 -0600, Kaos wrote:
> I have a ques[on for the group (since things have been slow).
>How do you (or your GM) handle the death of a HP?

Normally, I try to avoid killing HPs. Un[l very recently, I did it only at
the request of players who were [red of their characters. I'm currently
running two campaigns, however, one of which I classify as dark. In this

campaign , I gave the players reams of informa[on about the bad guys, how
tough they were, and blatantly told them that if they entered a certain
region they would be killed. They were given a mission (ok, they were
forced into it by elves, whom they despise) which involved something on the
other side of the bad guys' turf, and they set o on a route around bad guy
territory. But they got stupid, and decided to go through the center of the
Aldar territory. So I'm lejng them play it out. One character died in the
rst contact with an Aldar patrol, a second one died (well, was petried)
two sessions later.
The players do not mind. Now, they're from campaigns where
characters die on a regular basis, and your mileage may vary, but one of
them made it very clear to me that it's not fun/challenging if there's no
chance of HP casual[es. So if they're stupid, I have no compunc[ons about
killing them.

(The other campaign's an epic rollick, but I'm no longer averse to killing
characters in that one, either, now).

As for advice:
An HP should never be killed by a lucky dice roll. That's what Joss
is for. On occasion, I will tell my players to spend Joss if I've just
rolled a hit on them and I don't think they can survive it. HPs should be
killed for stupidity, on the other hand.

Take care,
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 13:37:47 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>
Subject: Re: JOURNEYS

I am s[ll interested in gejng Mythus Mag #2,3,5,6. Can you get them for me? What
will the price be and where do I send it??

BTW, did you contact that other guy in Florida who was interested in Mythus??


Mike C
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 16:59:39 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael J Conard <conardm@WATMAIL.UCR.EDU>

Subject: I must be going

I am gejng kicked o the UCR computer system, and un[l I ....heheh....resurface at
UCLA, within a month or so, I will say addoiux errrr-- bye yeah, that's the [cket.

Pelias the Sorcerer
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 1995 08:24:19 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: My Campaign

Well, the list is s[ll prehy slow, so i'll post some more ;)

The campaign I am running is currently taking place in Saxony,
and the HPs are currently in some old catacombs beneath the Temple of
Idunn in Cologne. The story is that an earthquake (caused by a
meteorite) destroyed much of the catacombs and allowed an Evil presence
to inltrate some sacred springs that existed there. Some holy items
were lost when this happened. There are also a few other things going
on, but since one of my players is on this list, I won't reveal that info
just yet. :)
Well, the HPs have found a few pages from a book detailing
Magickal Items. One of the items that was detailed is said to be in the
catacombs. When inquiring in the Temple of Idunn they were allowed to
enter the old catacombs and begin searching. Aper several encounters
with undead, and one with greater troglodytes, they have completed the
rst level of the catacombs. There are two to go, but they are much
smaller than the rst, and much more dicult. One HP has died, but I
allowed an interven[on of Joss to prevent this, and bring him to one
point below death instead.
They also had several non-combat challenges to overcome,
including a riddle that had to solve based on two visions one of the HPs
had, some "Very DIcult" Pantheology checks, and the Grey Mage
disjunc[ng many traps along the way.
The descrip[ons of the catacombs are very graphic and gory (or
so I'm told) so I may have Mike Paulus either post the scenario on an FTP
site and/or send it to those who want a copy (aper Mike and the group
have nished it in three weeks of course!). My only warnings are that
the descrip[on ARE graphic, the second and third levels are somewhat
lacking in very complex details (I was gejng REALLY [red of wri[ng
the scenario by that point) and there is quite a bit of combat. Also,
this campaign is specically designed to my campaign, so you will not
have the stats for one of the major EPs who makes a camio appearance, and
for one of the FPs who is currently traveling with the group, and has a
major role in one part, although any good GM can improvise at that point.
Anyone interested in recieveing a copy e-mail me at the address
below, or write Mike at

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 1995 10:59:48 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Death and HPs

> I have a ques[on for the group (since things have been slow).
>How do you (or your GM) handle the death of a HP?

I handle it this way:

If they are too stupid, they die.
If they are too clever, they die.
If they are too weak, they die.
If they are too strong, they die.

But really, the only thing you can do is be fair. Never kill a persona out of
hand. Stop combat-related gaming when people are punchy from lack of sleep. Let
'em roleplay instead. The only [me I'll kill a persona is when the player is
disrup[ve, or the persona is unduly throwing his weight around (I hate pushy
players). Then I'll lie in wait with something geared to kill just
them (preferably something that *they* would ini[ate, so it really becomes
their fault for fucking with it).

Always give personas the benet of the doubt, and let them use their Joss to
avoid death.

Don't kill someone with a random die roll if you can help it, and if you nd
the encounter too overbalanced for the group, allow the bad guys to screw up
(fumbles, slipping, etc.) Don't make it a circus, though.

But remember, people die. If they don't go into combat realizing this, they are
stupid (see above). Just make sure the adventure is worthwhile, the story is
sound, and the players have fun.

e-mail: or

web URL: hhp://

Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 18:00:34 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John Teske Jr." <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Death

I have had the unfortunate happenstance to kill a few of my HPs, but usually
when they were doing foolish things - ie. taking on an AErth Giant
singlehandedly, taking on a Greater Fire ELemental singlehandedly, or slaying
innocent priests of Benign Faiths. ( I have
a player :( who delights in "tricking" me and doing unheroic (evil) acts when
the adventure calls for good ones - he explains it by saying that that is his
HP's idea of being heroic, and then comes up with imsy jus[ca[ons. So
far one of his characters has died...with another one poten[ally awai[ng
death in the wings....)

I have made spells such as Inuence of Pisces somewhat available to my HPs
by way of connec[ons, and this has resulted in all the characters being
"brought back". (All except for the one men[oned above; not a single party
member wished to bring him back.) I do use the Op[onal Rules listed under
Appendix I of Dangerous Journeys Mythus (pg 393) as a mandatory process of
being "resurrected". I jus[fy it by saying that the character is never
really resurrected, but rather their closest parallel persona is pulled from
the closest parallel plane while the corpse replaces the body of that
parallel plane. The character must come up with a history that explains the
changes in their character, otherwise I do not allow their "resurrected" HP
to re-enter the game.

Thoughts? Comments?
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 18:07:55 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John Teske Jr." <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Legendary Journeys

I asked a while ago about how many people would be interested in playing
Dangerous Journeys at Winter Fantasy in February and GenCon in August on a
yearly basis. I will explain why as no one has responded.

I have talked it over with my group, and we have decided to run an ongoing
year-to-year game called Legendary Journeys. The idea is quite simple
really. The rst conven[on you ahend, you role up a Mythus Character
using standard rules. Then you play an event at that coinven[on, and gain
the corresponding ap's. Next conven[on, you pull out the same character,
having added in the previously earned ap's, and play that same character

again in a few NEW events, earning addi[onal ap's with which you can improve
your character.

Now people may say so what? The beauty of this game system is that your
character can do things IN-BETWEEN conven[ons, using the rules found on 136.
So say you can't ahend conven[ons but just once a year. Fine - your HP
studies topics of your choice for a year, per the rules on page 136.

Ques[ons? COmments? Is that clear enough, or should I explain it more?
Somebody answer, please?
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 18:31:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Death
In-Reply-To: <> from "John Teske Jr."
at Sep 5, 95 06:00:34 pm

> <snip> or slaying
> innocent priests of Benign Faiths. ( I have
> a player :( who delights in "tricking" me and doing unheroic (evil) acts when
> the adventure calls for good ones - he explains it by saying that that is his
> HP's idea of being heroic, and then comes up with imsy jus[ca[ons.
> <snip>
> Thoughts? Comments?

Demonic players exist everywhere. Someone on the GMAST-L list said to take
them out to the porch and shoot them as an example to the others. But I
don't suppose that's the kind of death you are talking about, is it? :)

Death is a dicult ques[on, I would be inclined to kill the HPs when the
dice say they should die - combat is supposed to be deadly and they know the
risks. But it takes so long to get a character going and longer to get a
good character concept going and its such a shame to wipe that out due to
unlucky/lucky dice rolls.

Right now I have a single player, and I'm not about to kill him, other than the
once which was done for campaign reasons. But I can't let him know that,
most of the NPCs will be surrenduring or running away rather than dying so
maybe he will get the picture when faced with a deadly situa[on.

I have condence in him, he's prehy bright.

Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 19:34:05 -0600

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: a campaign.

Hi, I have received many requests for the campaign that kaos has been
pos[ng about. I will be more than happy to send it out to those who ask
for it, but i don't have it yet because I am s[ll playing in it. :)

It is good, very good. last week when we played I had emo[ons. not the
kind you roleplay, the kind you feel and try to hide, even from yourself,
and we are in a dungeon crawl and have been for a couple of months.

When kaos designed this dungeon he said he had to change his own personal
ethos, and he was gloomy darkness before. :)

The rest of the campaign is a bit lighter (thank god) and is a lot of fun
to play in.

| Here Lies |
| Mike Paulus |
| By Popular Demand |
| |
| You Think THIS |
| Will Stop Me |
| |
| R.I.P...? |
| |
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 20:00:11 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: dexter <mpaulus@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: leaders

I am playing the leader in the mythus campaign I play in, and this is
quite a change for me, because in the past I have always been a player
who speaks when spoken to and carries extra skills for the benet of the
group. I think that it is much more rewarding than just showing up for
the game and following the player who is most asser[ve. I am not, and
will not be the most asser[ve player, but I do lead the group, and they
follow Morrak, my HP, because they respect him. he is a atrong reluctant
leader. He listens to those who know the ways of magick, because he does
not know much about it, but he always calls the shots, open against the
advice of our mage and our mys[c.

I would recomend playing a leader to any of you who have challenges with

your roleplaying. Much like real life, Morrak (well okay it's really me)
does not know what the hell to do much of the [me, but something must be
done, so he (I) do SOMETHING, even if it is wrong, it is beher than
doing nothing. When you play the leader, everyone looks to you and you
have to step up to the plate and swing the bat. maybe you hit a homerun,
maybe you bunt, or get walked, or strike out, but the main thing is you
do something. It was just what I needed to give me a push to start
actually roleplaying, and now I do cute things with my characters for
other games. Things like taking NO combat skills. :) This really makes
you get crea[ve. "we need to kill those to things? ok, I will create a
diversion and then take cover, you guys stab it in the back while it
follows me." not the type of thing I would do with a realm knight. (or
the type of thing I have actually done in a game) You don't need to play
HP's with no combat skills to be crea[ve, but if you do you just have no
other choice.

Well a usual I am in the middle of a huge ramble session. I will end
this now before I have to have QMS publish this under the [tle
"confessions of a mediocre roleplayer"

Mike Paulus
Long on words,
Light on content.

| Here Lies |
| Mike Paulus |
| By Popular Demand |
| |
| You Think THIS |
| Will Stop Me |
| |
| R.I.P...? |
| |
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 22:35:07 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: leaders

>Well a usual I am in the middle of a huge ramble session. I will end
>this now before I have to have QMS publish this under the [tle
>"confessions of a mediocre roleplayer"
>Mike Paulus
>Long on words,
>Light on content.


I guess it's hard to dis[nguish the MYTHUS-L and QMS-L lists some[mes,
considering all of the QMS designers subscribe to both. Sheesh!

And, unfortunately for the rest of the industry, we're going to avoid
mediocre... Sorry. :)

Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 22:31:28 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: a campaign.

Mike wrote:
>It is good, very good. last week when we played I had emo[ons. not the
>kind you roleplay, the kind you feel and try to hide, even from yourself,
>and we are in a dungeon crawl and have been for a couple of months.

I think I've found the reason I like Rapture so much - the emo[on involved.
IMHO, any game system that can be used to make people think is a good one; any
which is capable of making the players *feel* is excep[onal.

Of course, this is largely due to the eort of a good game master, but some
systems lend themselves to thoughkul gaming beher than others.

Date: Wed, 6 Sep 1995 11:31:53 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: CyberMyth

Well, I have been at work again (on CyberMyth, God forbid I get a REAL job!)

I am currently working on conver[ng some more rulz for
CyberMyth, namely the vehicle construc[on rulz from Maximum Metal. I am
doing this in such a way that us Mythus playerz without the benet of
having the book can s[ll use all the rulz. I s[ll have quite a bit to do,
but anyone interested in gejng a copy can either email me or dexter. I'd say
it'll be done in about a week. Aper I nish this, I will go back to the
Cyberpunk2020 book and convert some of the basic equipment that I neglected to
do the rst [me around. THEN, I will begin doing Chromebook I. Now,
everything will be done in Microsop Word .doc format, and will be sent
out either MIME or Uuencoded, at your request. Chromebook I (my version)
will probably be done in Microsop Publisher .pub format, since I may be

able to get ahold of a scanner, and include pictures with all the new
toys :)
As a side note, I have incorporated the mar[al arts system that
I translated from Oriental Adventures into my CyberMyth game. It adds a
lihle 'mys[cism' to the game (Ironskin, Levi[a[on, Speed, etc.) but I
can't see it unbalancing anything (we haven't played using it yet).
Besides, Combat, HTH, Lethal s[ll has it's advantages, i.e.
specializing, not needing a sensei, usually more diverse, etc. Comments
and sugges[ons welcome. Sarcas[c comments from Dave are OK too, I guess...

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 1995 11:46:39 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: House Rules

Hi all.
I'm a lihle curious as to the house rules people use for combat.
I've found that my players are generally unhappy with the slow pace of a
combat round, and I've come up with these changes. I'd appreciate hearing
opinions on them. They can also be looked at, along with a very few (but
ever increasing) bits of my campaign world on my Home Page.

Mythus House Rules - Combat
Determining Ini[a[ve:
=B7 Players begin ac[vity during a CT based on their appropriate Speed
Atrribute (PMSpd for melee, etc). This is determined by subtrac[ng their
appropriate speed ahribute from 25.
=B7 Second and later ahacks occur at intervals based on the character=92s
weapon=92s wpn speed, strength, and armor penalty (NOT including their=
if any). Here=92s the formula for working out your character=92s interval=
each weapon:
Int=3DWpn=92s SFPen + armor=92s SFPen - (PMPow-Wpn=92s Min PMPow)
That is, for every point of strength the weilder has over the weapon=92s
Minimum PMPow requirement, he may reduce the interval by one.
Ini[a[ve Example:
Bakaris has a PMSpd of 17 and a PMPow of 18. His raw natural ini[a[ve
is 8. He, however, wears full plate armour, and carries a large kite

shield. His armor penalty is 5 (2 without shield). His actual raw

ini[a[ve is 13. He wields, one handed, a bastard sword (SFPen 7).
Therefore, he would get his rst ahack on segment 20 if he didn=92t move.
His second ahack would come on 27. His interval is 7 =3D(7+2 - (18-16))
=B7 1 is the lowest possible ini[a[ve.
=B7 if two or more characters go in a given segment, the one with the=
appropriate speed ahribute goes rst, unless one is quickened.
=B7 a CT lasts 30 segments (3 seconds). Any ahacks that would come aper
this point are lost.
=B7 a charm goes o on the caster=92s ini[a[ve the following CT, and the
caster may use the segment Following that to begin his or her next ac[on.
=B7 Movement is possible ANY number of [mes in a CT, provided the total
distance moved is no more than a half move for the persona involved (unless
the persona wishes to give up all ahacks and make a full move). Movement
ini[a[ve is calculated at a rate of 1 segment per hex, and the character=
miniature shall move on the board every segment. In the interest of
playability, I=92ll allow movement even during the [me that a character=
be swinging a weapon (note, therefore, that it is possible to take a step on
25, and land a bahle axe blow on a target you=92ve just moved into range=
on 26). Standard penal[es to FAC for movement apply.
=B7 quickened personas get a -5 segment ini[a[ve bonus, their interval is
halved, and they may move a quickened half move (a normal full move) at a
rate of 2 hexes per segment, and s[ll ahack, or a quickened full move
(double normal movement rate) at the cost of gejng no ahacks.

O Hand ahacks and Floren[ne Figh[ng
=B7 When, for whatever reason, a character=92s primary hand is out of combat
(holding onto a rope, etc), a persona may choose to ght with his or her
o-hand. He uses his normal BAC and # of ahacks, but all ac[ons are
performed at 1 DR harder (i.e. it=92s a dicult roll to hit an opponent
instead of a hard).
=B7 When using a weapon in one=92s o hand at the Same [me as one is using=
weapon in one=92s primary hand, ahacks from the o-hand weapon are treated
as having the STEEP of the persona=92s Weapons, Special Skills (oren[ne)
skill for purposes of determining BAC and # of ahacks. If a persona does
not have the oren[ne skill, then this is 0 STEEP, + the weapon=92s WP,
meaning the BAC will be the weapon=92s weapon points, and the persona will=
1 ahack or parry with that hand.

Hit Loca[ons and Catastrophic Damage
=B7 On a normal hit (ie, one in which no called shot is made), one rolls for
non-vital to ultra vital normally.

=B7 On cri[cal hits, one rolls on the hit loca[on table, below. Each area
listed is assigned a max-severity value of non-vital, vital, super-vital, or
ultra-vital. The shin, for instance, has a maximum severity of non-vital,
and any hit to the shin will do non-vital damage, and be resisted by the
vic[m=92s non-vital armor.
=B7 Aper the hit loca[on has been determined, the standard roll is made to
determine hit severity. (This includes specic target choices of non-vital
through ultra-vital). If a body part is hit in such a fashion that it takes
a wound more severe than it=92s max-severity value, then there is a chance=
catastrophic damage. The aicted persona must make a Physical Avoidance
roll at DR =93Hard.=94 If the roll succeeds, the wound severity is reduced=
the max-severity for the body part, and no catastrophic damage occurs. If
the roll fails, catastrophic damage has occurred, with these results:
=B7 Dmg Severity is 1 level higher than area=92s maximum-severity
=B7 Func[on temporarily impaired for 1D6 CTs (movement halved, # of ahacks
or parries halved, or whatever is appropriate for the body part hit)
=B7 Dmg Severity is 2 levels higher than area=92s maximum-severity
=B7 Func[on loss for 1D6 CTs (no movement for leg hits, no ahacks or=
with aicted arm, etc).
=B7 Vic[m Stunned for 1D3 CTs (dazing rules apply)
=B7 Dmg Severity is 3 levels higher than area=92s maximum severity
=B7 permanent damage occurs, requiring magickal healing to repair
=B7 may involve amputa[on of limbs
=B7 vic[m takes double damage (ie, vital damage to a non-vital area,=
by the non-vital armor)
=B7 vic[m is stunned for 1D6 CTs
=B7 Permanent impairment or loss of func[on for aicted body part without
magickal healing.

Called Shots
=B7 A persona may choose to
=B7 aim for a specic body part and do a random-severity wound
=B7 this requires a roll on the hit loca[on table=92s diculty column
(against the ahacker=92s Specic Target (Wpns Spcl Skls) STEEP.
=B7 damage severity is rolled normally; catastrophic damage a possiblity
=B7 aim for a specic body part and ahempt to inict a specic severity=
=B7 this requires a roll on the hit loca[on table=92s diculty column for=
body part against the ahacker=92s Specic Target STEEP.
=B7 it also requires a normal Wpns, Spcl Skills (specic target) roll at=
standard DRs

Hit Loca[on Table

Roll Loca[on Max-Severity Called shot DR

01-03 Head Super-vital Dicult
04-06 Neck Ultra-vital Dicult
07-12 Lep Shoulder Vital Moderate
13-18 Right Shoulder Vital Moderate
19-22 Upper Arm (Right) Non-vital Moderate
23-25 Upper Arm (Lep) Non-vital Moderate
26 Elbow (Right) Non-vital Hard
27 Elbow (Lep) Non-vital Hard
28-30 Forearm (Lep) Non-vital Moderate
31-33 Forearm (Right) Non-vital Moderate
34 Hand (Right) Non-vital Hard
35 Hand (Lep) Non-vital Hard
36-40 Upper Torso (lep) Super Vital Hard
41-45 Lower Torso (lep) Super-Vital Hard
46-50 Upper Torso (right) Super-Vital Hard
51-55 Lower Torso (right) Super-Vital Hard
56-60 Upper Torso (centre)Ultra-Vital Hard
61-65 Lower Torso (centre)Ultra-Vital Hard
66-70 Hip (right) Vital Hard
71-75 Hip (lep) Vital Hard
76-77 Groin Ultra-Vital Dicult
78-82 Upper Leg (lep) Vital Moderate
83-87 Upper Leg (right) Vital Moderate
88-89 Knee (lep) Non-vital Hard
90-91 Knee (right) Non-vital Hard
92-94 Lower Leg (right) Non-vital Hard
95-97 Lower Leg (lep) Non-vital Hard
98 Foot (Lep) Non-vital Hard
99 Foot (Right) Non-vital Hard
00 Miss None N/A

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 1995 16:08:24 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: [MONSTER] Yeth

Hey, created this for use recently, so I gured I'd pass it along to the
list. The YETH have a paragraph in Epic of AErth, under the part about
Phaeree (since that's where they're from).

Ryan Snead, don't read further, at least not yet(h). These crihers are
showing up again Real Soon Now.....

Some further commentary -- they are intended to be used in conjunc[on

with Slaugh (since they are the hun[ng dogs for aforemen[oned nas[es),
and thus while not par[cularly powerful, when backed up by powerful Hekaurs,
they make GREAT nas[es. Especially if more of them are around ;-) to be
called to the hunt.

Comments welcome, but if stats are involved, please leave the warning to my
player intact. I'd rather that the details weren't spoiled yet.

Without further ado.....

Mike Phillips,


Iden[er: Phaeree, Canid
Habitat: Interior Phaeree
Size: 3 x human-size (4'-6' long, 450-675#)
Number Appearing:
Modes & Rates of Movement:
Walk: 140 yards/BT
Trot: 280 yards/BT
Run: 420 yards/BT
Ini[a[ve Modiers: Human standard
Outstanding K/S Areas/Sub-Areas & STEEP: n/a
Joss Factors: 0
Ahrac[veness: 3-8 (2+1D6)
Inner Beauty/Ugliness: 0
Invulnerabili[es: Poisons
Contact: Ferrous metals (x3)
Insinua[on: Ferrous metals (x3)
Allergy: 1 AT exposure to ferrous metals inicts 1 point of PD per BT
Proximity: 1 AT exposure to ferrous metal (1000 points in 10 feet)
inicts 1 point PD per BT thereaper
Average Armor Protec[on: 6
Quirks: Nil
Cas[ngs: Nil

Ahacks BAC Dmg Type Base Bonus
Smash 40 B 2D6 6
Claw (x2) 35 C/P 2D6 6
Bite 30 C/P * 6
* by head type:
hound: 2D3+2
hyena: 4D3
lizard: 2D6


Alter Head Shape
Area of Eect: Self
Delivered by: Thought
Range: n/s
Time: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power allows the Yeth to alter the shape of its normally vaguely
humanoid head to become that of virtually any other creature of
comparable size. Typical choices include that of a hound, a hyena, or
even a lizard.

Cause Fear
Area of Eect: 1 Subject
Delivered by: Voice (baying)
Range: 50 yards
Time: 1 CT
Dura[on: 5D6 ATs
Frequency: 3 per day
The eects of this power mimic those of the Dweomercraep Charm Fright
(CG I, Black School).

Fellow Summoning
Area of Eect: 2-12 (2D6) subjects
Delivered by: Voice (baying)
Range: 1 mile radius
Time: 3D3 ATs
Dura[on: Instantaneous
Frequency: 1/day
This power enables the Yeth to call up to 12 others of its kind to its

Run on Air/Water
Area of Eect: Self
Delivered by: Thought
Range: n/a
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power allows the Yeth to run upon the air or water as if it were
at land.

Sta[s[cal Detail
Base Scheme (+/-1D6 per ATTRIBUTE)
M(cunning): 40 P:140,WL:105,CL:126
MM: 20 MR: 20 PM: 70 PN: 70

MMCap: 8 MRCap: 8 PMCap: 34 PNCap: 32

MMPow: 6 MRPow: 6 PMPow: 18 PNPow: 18
MMSpd: 6 MRSpd: 6 PMSpd; 18 PNSpd: 20

Armor Scheme
Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec.
Ultra 12 12 12 8 8 12 8
Super 9 9 9 6 6 9 6
Vital 6 6 6 4 4 6 4
Non 3 3 3 2 2 3 2
Average 7 7 7 5 5 7 5

Commentary & Descrip[on
These fearsome hound-like goblin creatures are open used as runningand hun[ng-dogs by the Slaugh. They are able to run into the air or
over water as if it were a smooth, rm eld, and the sound of their
howling sets fear in the minds of most sen[ent beings.
Perhaps more deadly, they are able to alter their normally
vaguely-humanoid heads into nearly any shape, although the preferred
shapes are those of hounds, hyenas, and a lizard-shaped head.
They almost always run in packs, and it is rare to nd them outside of
their na[ve regions in Inner Phaeree without Slaugh nearby.

Created by: Mike Phillips,
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 1995 16:46:27 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jeremy Dahlin <dahli923@UIDAHO.EDU>
Subject: Re: House Rules

>Mythus House Rules - Combat
>Determining Ini[a[ve:
>=B7 Players begin ac[vity during a CT based on their appropriate Speed
>Atrribute (PMSpd for melee, etc). This is determined by subtrac[ng their
>appropriate speed ahribute from 25.

I s[ll use the D10 -(Speed Ah) +Wpn SF +Armor SF +Shield SF +any other=

>=B7 Second and later ahacks occur at intervals based on the character=92s
>weapon=92s wpn speed, strength, and armor penalty (NOT including their=
>if any). Here=92s the formula for working out your character=92s interval=
>each weapon:
> Int=3DWpn=92s SFPen + armor=92s SFPen - (PMPow-Wpn=92s Min PMPow)
> That is, for every point of strength the weilder has over the weapon=92s
>Minimum PMPow requirement, he may reduce the interval by one.

The reduc[on of speed for a higher strength is and interes[ng change. =
I use and interval of 4 + Wpns SF + Armor Sf + Shield SF

>=B7 if two or more characters go in a given segment, the one with the=
>appropriate speed ahribute goes rst, unless one is quickened.

I say they go at the same [me, the dierence ones speed would make in=
of a second are minimal at best.

>=B7 a CT lasts 30 segments (3 seconds). Any ahacks that would come aper
>this point are lost.

Same here.

>=B7 a charm goes o on the caster=92s ini[a[ve the following CT, and the
>caster may use the segment Following that to begin his or her next ac[on.

I run my spells dierently. The eets of a spell go o on the casters=
ini[a[ve in=20
the turn it was cast. Eyebites have a SF of 5, and Charms have and SF of=
In other words it takes one second to cast a charm spell.

>=B7 quickened personas get a -5 segment ini[a[ve bonus, their interval is
>halved, and they may move a quickened half move (a normal full move) at a
>rate of 2 hexes per segment, and s[ll ahack, or a quickened full move
>(double normal movement rate) at the cost of gejng no ahacks.

All the same except they get a -10 to init.

>O Hand ahacks and Floren[ne Figh[ng

When simultanious ahacks occur between two HPs I make them use their=20
oren[ne skill if they want to parry and ahack on that phase.

>Hit Loca[ons and Catastrophic Damage
>=B7 On a normal hit (ie, one in which no called shot is made), one rolls=
>non-vital to ultra vital normally.
>=B7 On cri[cal hits, one rolls on the hit loca[on table, below. Each=

>listed is assigned a max-severity value of non-vital, vital, super-vital,=

>ultra-vital. The shin, for instance, has a maximum severity of non-vital,
>and any hit to the shin will do non-vital damage, and be resisted by the
>vic[m=92s non-vital armor.

Whats a cri[cal hit? Do you mean special success?

Mmm, I like the Hit loca[ons and catastrophic damage. In fact I may=20
just implement it very soon.

Jeremy Dahlin
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 1995 08:48:51 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: House Rules

I prehy much use the rules straight from the Mythus book, with a few

I use the following formula: 1d10 - **Spd (** appropriate ah.
for ahack type) + Speed o' weapon + any ac[ons (i.e. moving, reloading,
etc.) + armor speed. Intervals of ahacks use this base number plus the
weapon's speed and armor speed. When gh[ng ambidextrously or
oren[ne, the player rolls a seperate d10 for each hand.

Hit Loca[on
We use a Hit Loca[on table, and then roll Severity (non-, vital,
super, or ultra). The hit loca[on table simply tells us where you got
hit and what armor applies. the table is:
1d10 Loca[on
1 Head
2-4 Torso
5/6 R/L Arm
7-8/9-0 R/L Leg
The armor charts have been redone to show which actual loca[ons it
covers, i.e. legs, arms, etc. Armor is assumed to cover all severi[es on
that loca[on. Then severity is rolled to determine how sever the wound
is. Another side eect of the hit lcoa[on table is the introduc[on of
a few new damage rules. When a limb or the head takes 50%+ of the
persona's P Trait in a single hit, you roll immediately on the Permanent
Damage table to see if any ill-eects have occured (like severing a
limb). If a persona takes 100%+ of the P Trait to any loca[on the
loca[on is severed from the torso, ot the torso is cut in half. This
makes for graphic combat, but does lihle else. However, it can come

into play should a HP be brought back to life through a means that may
not restore mmissing limbs, or which wouldn't work if the HP was beheaded
or cut in half!

That's all for now.

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 1995 15:36:39 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: House Rules
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>
from "Kaos" at Sep 8, 95 08:48:51 am

I guess the only house rules I would add about combat would be the eect
of encumbrance on ini[a[ve.

I think I will probably add in dierent spacing of ahacks (I usually just
add 10 to the ini[al ini[a[ve to determine when the next ahack goes o).

Most of my house rules come up in Magick and HP crea[on.


"I pragma[cally turn my whims into priciples." -- Calvin.
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 1995 21:27:31 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Andrew Shockney <ashockne@FREENET.COLUMBUS.OH.US>
Subject: Re: Legendary Journeys
In-Reply-To: <>

This sounds like an outstanding presenta[on! I would love to par[cipate
in such a campaign. If I may also be so forward as to oer my services,
I've been a DM for 11 years, and bought Dangerous Journeys at the Gen Con
it came out. I would love to run a module at the 1996 Origins to be held
in my home-town--Columbus, Ohio!

I have not have the joy of comple[ng a successful Dangerous Journeys
campaign, because of two things: 1) My players are rules-lawyers spoiled

on AD&D; 2)General lack of intrest in a complicated game system. This

opportunity to play with other players who are willing to work within the
realms of this beau[ful game system is very en[cing!

Hoping to hear from you soon...ashockne@freenet.col
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 15:04:25 CDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Cushing <A551@FHSUVM.FHSU.EDU>
Subject: Curses

Hello everyone. I am new to the list, and very glad to have found it.
I'm in the process of going thru all the old logs (latest read about
Feb 94) and wanted to add my two cents.
In some of those messages, there was quite a bit of talk about curses
and how to get rid of them. I would like to share something out of our
early and only campaign so far, right aper Mythus was released. We were
running thru the Necropolis adventure with a small group. Since we kept
gejng hit by Set RaHoteps curses and barely surviving... once only due
to th JM's grace when a 1 ton block fell on someone :), I ended up studying
the magical laws a lot. I was running a Full Prac[oner Mage (Grey), and
developed a spell to help divert the curses. I borrowed the Magick book from
the JM and eventually came up with something. The curses were coming from
the Set Rahotep, a dead (mostly) mage/priest. I started with a small gem of
at least 1000 BUC value, and inscribed the name Osiris-<HP name> using the
Law of Contagion to establish a connec[on between the HP and Osiris, Sets
natural enemy. I then formed a clay statuehe around the gem, in the shape
of the HP, using the Law of Similarity to connect the statuehe to the Hp.
Aper that, I cast a Ritual forming all the connec[ons. The idea behind it
was that the curse would seek the HP, be transferred to the statuehe thru
the Law of Similarity, where it would (hopefully) also be directed par[ally
at Osiris, because of the Law of Contagion. Then thru the Law of Opposi[on
and the enmity of Osiris and Set, the power of the curse would be cancelled.
I spent all week between sessions working on it, then spent a lot of heka and
a few joss, not to men[on all the rolls against the appropriate skills, to
try to get it to work. I made the magick skill roll, and must have put
enough thought into it to please the JM, because it worked. For those of you
who are wondering about the curse, it was kind of like a game of killer tag.
There were many traps in the module; they were nasty enough, but not lethalunless you where the one with the curse! We were s[ll lucky, because it
was a one shot deal - when the power of the curse hit (at the trap) the
statuehe was destroyed and that HP could get hit with the curse again!
Anyway, thought I'd drop in my two cents.... like the list so far,
found some good stu in the old messages, I hope it keeps up. BTW (may
have an answer soon anyway, since I sent a message to Frank), is MMM s[ll
around? See ya all later!
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 08:45:02 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Mythus book (s[ll) for sale in London, UK

Hi all,

I read in the mail, that has accumulated during my vaca[on in Britain, that
someone asked (if I remember correctly) if the Necropolis was s[ll obtainable.

I bought some miniatures in a shop in London that s[ll has Mythus books,
and that gives a 50% price reduc[on on all products (except computer
programs) because it is discon[nuing their role-playing department.
There is only one problem: they didn't put their complete address on the
receipt I got. So if anyone is willing to put some eort in it, here are
the data I have on them:

Future Zone Games Centre
Oxford street (a couple of stores east of the Virgin Megastore)
United Kingdom
Vatreg 591 937 301 Branche No 76

How to get the missing informa[on, such as street and telephone number, I
don't know. But hey, they say you can nd anything you want on the Interet.

Good luck,

Advocatus Diaboli

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Marke[ng Manager The Netherlands
Sta[onsplein 40 Tel/Fax +31 - 36 53 64 798
1315 KT Almere
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =========================================================================
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 07:14:00 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>

Subject: Re: Curses

In-Reply-To: <MYTHUS-L%95091116262305@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU> from "Mike Cushing"
at Sep 11, 95 03:04:25 pm

> <snip>I started with a small gem of
> at least 1000 BUC value, and inscribed the name Osiris-<HP name> using the
> Law of Contagion to establish a connec[on between the HP and Osiris, Sets
> natural enemy. I then formed a clay statuehe around the gem, in the shape
> of the HP, using the Law of Similarity to connect the statuehe to the Hp.
> Aper that, I cast a Ritual forming all the connec[ons. The idea behind it
> was that the curse would seek the HP, be transferred to the statuehe thru
> the Law of Similarity, where it would (hopefully) also be directed par[ally
> at Osiris, because of the Law of Contagion. Then thru the Law of Opposi[on
> and the enmity of Osiris and Set, the power of the curse would be cancelled.

Really neat idea! The only problem I see is that the Egyp[ans would refer to
a dead person by their "Osiris Name." For example, my name is Dan, aper I
die I would be called Osiris-Dan, whenever someone wanted to refer to me. I'm
not sure what that would do to your ushtebi (clay statue), but a beher
god would be Horus. Osiris and Set are brothers who hate each other, Horus
and Set actually try to kill one another a lot. Once Set killed Osiris, Osiris
went down to rule Tuat and prehy much lep Set alone. My other ques[on is
why a gem? The tradi[onal Ushtebi were carved of stone and inset with
heiroglyphs sta[ng that the ushtebi was to perform work for the person they
were buried with. It would not be unreasonable to require a 1000BUC carved
soapstone (or other stone) Ushtebi designated for a par[cular HP. Besides
the ushtebi's tradi[onal use as a scapegoat would t in perfectly with the
new use as a curse ahractor.

Really impressive idea though. I would denitely award you extra AP's for it!


-"Some people are pragma[sts, taking things as they come and making the
best of the choices available.
"Some people are idealists standing for principle and refusing to compromise.
"And some people just act of any whim that enters their heads."
"I pragma[cally turn my whims into principles." -- Calvin.
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 13:22:18 +22299548
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Johnston <johnston@STU.BELOIT.EDU>
Subject: Re: Legendary Journeys
In-Reply-To: <> from "John Teske Jr."
at Sep 5, 95 06:07:55 pm

I would denately be interested, as I ahend both cons every year.

*Mike Johnston Beloit College Box 748 *
*Student Unix Manager 700 College St. *
*E-Mail To: Beloit, WI 53511 *
* (608) 363-2463 *
* "It's a class thing" *
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 12:18:33 -0400
Reply-To: Snead Ryan W <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Problem with an itchy trigger eect
In-Reply-To: <MYTHUS-L%95091116262305@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

In the past, the ques[on has been brought up on the list as to why
the Trigger Eect Formula (Dweomercraep, General, MM pp.36) is only
a Grade I cas[ng. The problem has been that some players have decided
to walk around with triggered Armor, Heka Darts, and even Fireashes which,
in the opinion of many listmembers (esp. JMs), has the unfortunate tendency
to greatly unbalance the game. One nice foil to HPs with too many triggers
has come from trigger itself, and that is to hold a trigger inside of a
trigger so that (according to the text of the spell), once trigger-a sets
o trigger-b, trigger-b sets o all of the triggers in the area of eect.

This alone has served to make players in our local group rather
conserva[ve in their use of this cas[ng. However, it s[ll does not
explain why trigger eect is such a CHEAP cas[ng grade-wise, especially
when there are other cas[ngs of higher grade which appear to do the same
or very similar things. One reason the cheapness of Trigger is a
disadvantage occured to me today while I was reading Disjunc[on Charm
(Dweomercraep, General, MM pp.34). The problem with Disjunc[on is that
it cannot be directed at a specic cas[ng other than one the personna
cast him or herself. It ahacks the lowest grade cas[ng in the area of
eect, regardless of who cast it. Therefore, if anyone in the party elects
to trigger something on themselves, they have to repair STEEP rods away from
the disjoining before it can take place (or risk sejng o the
triggered cas[ng!)

So, what does this mean other than a major nuisance for HPs? Naturally, it
means a really nasty trap!

Step one: Trigger a trigger to go o when someone (heh...the HPs) enter
a room.
Step two: Trigger one or more disjunc[ons in the area of eect.
Step three: Trigger a nasty physical damage spell (preferably area
eect, but more importantly greater than Grade I). Beher yet, make things
interes[ng by making it an appropriate summoning spell. (Combat is more

fun than blowing away the HPs.)

Btw, don't forget the dedicated reservoirs for the disjunc[on spell(s) to
draw from. Otherwise, the one who sets this trap is as drained as the ones
who fall for it. ;-)

Step three could also poten[ally hold a communica[ons spell (like
Thought Message). This kind of silent alarm gives the EPs a chance to
set up an ambush.

Thoughts? Ques[ons? Comments? Blondes?
--Ryan Snead
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 13:00:48 CDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Cushing <A551@FHSUVM.FHSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cursed & Egyp[an mythology

To Dan Williamson,
To be honest, I only have a basic knowledge of Egyp[on mythology,
so I was kinda inven[ng the spell as I went... As for the use of
soapstone, chalk that one up to a lack of knowledge as well, plus the
fact that I was using what I had at hand, namely some treasure we had
found... not to men[on being in a bit of a hurry. :)

To Ryan Snead, about the Trigger Cantrip,
Man, you are nasty and sneaky with that trap idea... I LIKE IT!!! ;)

BTW, can anyone tell me if MMM is s[ll being published? I sent a msg to
Frank, but haven't heard back yet.
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 14:38:54 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Cursed & Egyp[an mythology
In-Reply-To: <MYTHUS-L%95091314044428@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU> from "Mike Cushing"
at Sep 13, 95 01:00:48 pm

> To Dan Williamson,
> To be honest, I only have a basic knowledge of Egyp[on mythology,
> so I was kinda inven[ng the spell as I went... As for the use of
> soapstone, chalk that one up to a lack of knowledge as well, plus the
> fact that I was using what I had at hand, namely some treasure we had
> found... not to men[on being in a bit of a hurry. :)

Well, that's why I told you. Not to correct you, but to enhance an

already excellent idea.

Plus the use of gratui[ously expensive material components in the name
of "game balance" (which is what it looked like :) bugs me. Actually most
things in the name of Game Balance bug me.

> BTW, can anyone tell me if MMM is s[ll being published? I sent a msg to
> Frank, but haven't heard back yet.

No its not.

Minion of Greg
Also at Enki@Suba.Com

-"Some people are pragma[sts, taking things as they come and making the
best of the choices available.
"Some people are idealists standing for principle and refusing to compromise.
"And some people just act of any whim that enters their heads."
"I pragma[cally turn my whims into principles." -- Calvin.
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 16:45:34 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Problem with an itchy trigger eect
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 13 Sep 1995, Snead Ryan W wrote:

> This alone has served to make players in our local group rather
> conserva[ve in their use of this cas[ng.

Um, "rather conserva[ve"? FRIGHTENED is more like it. Just because I
related that story (was it BluSponge who originally posted it) about a
listmember JMing a group, and one munchkinesque player 'sneaking in' a
dozen acorns with a trigger'd Fireash on them.... and a door with an
innocent trigger which in turn triggered the *other* trigger eect, and
blew said elemental FP into microscopic dust..........

They almost won't touch trigger with a ten-rod an[-Heka pole. :-)


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+

Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''

Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 1995 08:31:37 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cursed & Egyp[an mythology
In-Reply-To: <MYTHUS-L%95091314044428@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Don't expect to nd MMM's mostly gone (some people around
here have all 6, like me...but I doubt you can buy it anywhere (else)).


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 1995 08:33:28 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cursed & Egyp[an mythology
In-Reply-To: <>


> Plus the use of gratui[ously expensive material components in the name
> of "game balance" (which is what it looked like :) bugs me. Actually most
> things in the name of Game Balance bug me.


I couldn't agree more!

Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 10:05:45 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Quirks and Such

I have a few ques[ons/comments to make about Quirks and Counter-quirks.
How do most GMs handle this area? Do you use the chart, or other means,
of nding out quirks/counter-quirks? Is it mandatory for your HPs to
start o with quirks/counter-quirks, and if so, how many? Can they gain
or lose them later?

Now, to answer my own ques[ons.

I (being a GM) have the players choose their own quirks/counter-quirks
for their HPs, but must approve them through me. They must be balanced.
They can have as many, or none, as they want. We never roll on the
table, but they may choose something from it. I never allow huge
quirks/counter-quirks (huge is a rela[ve term). I also allow HPs to
aquire/lose quirks/counter-quirks should a situa[on arise to allow for it.

For example, one of the HPs in our group, an Alfar, had the following:
+10 STEEP to Educa[on, Literature, Linguis[cs
A new Foreign Language at 20 STEEP
Avoids violence and abhors killing.

He was a scholorly type who hated killing, since he was taught to show
restraint and control by the Illumina[ (the organiza[on the HPs belong
to). However, during hte course of the adventures he had fallen in love
with a female dark elf (they were former enemies, but had a common friend
who had them work together, the Drow is an OP). Later (last session) she
was kidnapped by a very powerful Necromancer and member of the Accursed.
The group decided to take a six month game-[me break to increase skills
and ahributes (and to allow new players to join, and play some
CyberMyth). The Alfar decided to spend his [me tracking the Drow down
to rescue her. His trail led him across Aeropa and back, as he trailed a
slave train that she had been sold into. The caravan disappeared near
Vienna, and so does the trail (there is a portal to Phaeree there in my
campaign, that leads to Interior Phaeree, she is being sold to her
people, the Drow). The Alfar plans to gather his friends together (the
other HPs) and nd out about the disappearance to nd the dark elf.

NOW, along the way he has somewhat overcome his hatred of violence, since
he has found something worth gh[ng for. He has also taken a Vow of
Service to Tyr (god of jus[ce and war) in the pursuit of jus[ce. In
addi[on to the standard Vow package (extra Heka) he took on several
quirks/counter-quirks that are based on his Vow. He can enter a
bahle-rage if he is gh[ng for a good cause (REALLY good) that allows
him to ght even past death, and ignore any penal[es along the way. It
increases his BAC and damage, but he cannot parry or use Cas[ngs/Powers
in such a state. At the end he is healed at the rate of 1 PD for 5 Heka,
un[l brought to his RL or he runs out of Heka. However, this is a
rarely used ability, and puts a few extra counter-quirks on him. If he
should ever ahack anyone who is undeserving (innocents, the wrong
person, etc.) he is struck blind for an amount of [me determined by the
situa[on. This prevents him from using his ability for evil. Also,
like I said his ability of bahle-rage is VERY limited, like for those
big clima[c end-ghts. Also, he can detect lies and falsehoods with
60% accuracy, however, he himself is unable to tell lies or falsehoods,
if he tries, he spouts out the truth instead.

Hope to get some replies soon.

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 14:42:30 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Quirks and Such

I've always allowed my players to roll from the chart. Though a bad roll can
totally screw a persona concept (and therefore is subject to judicial review)
this has always been one of the most enjoyable parts of HP crea[on IMHO.

I put no limits on how many standard quirks/counter quirks a persona can
have, but I only allow a single supplemental quirk/counter quirk per persona.
This keeps the god characters down somewhat.

I'm sure that everyone prefers to do it dierently. Your method seems
prehy sound and probably a bit more player friendly.

Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 22:25:54 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <TimandMere@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Quirks and Such

In a message dated 95-09-15 12:12:16 EDT, you write:

>I have a few ques[ons/comments to make about Quirks and Counter-quirks.
>How do most GMs handle this area? Do you use the chart, or other means,
>of nding out quirks/counter-quirks? Is it mandatory for your HPs to
>start o with quirks/counter-quirks, and if so, how many? Can they gain
>or lose them later?

To tell you the truth, we just ignore them completely.

Tim & Mah & Tad & Andy
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 08:38:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Quirks and Such
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>
from "Kaos" at Sep 15, 95 10:05:45 am

> I have a few ques[ons/comments to make about Quirks and Counter-quirks.
> How do most GMs handle this area? Do you use the chart, or other means,
> of nding out quirks/counter-quirks? Is it mandatory for your HPs to
> start o with quirks/counter-quirks, and if so, how many? Can they gain
> or lose them later?

I usually don't give quirks out at all. Now I will give special abili[es to
HPs if they have done something to earn them. I had revamped the vow stu
for priests (Vow of Service) and made some of the benets special abili[es,
quirks if you will.

Minion of Greg
Also at

-"Some people are pragma[sts, taking things as they come and making the
best of the choices available.
"Some people are idealists standing for principle and refusing to compromise.
"And some people just act of any whim that enters their heads."
"I pragma[cally turn my whims into principles." -- Calvin.
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 18:25:35 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Quirks and Such

>snip< I had revamped the vow stu for priests (Vow of Service) and made
some of the benets special abili[es, quirks if you will.>snip<

any altera[ons to the rules that run more smoothly or that you just prefer
to use please send them to me at

I am s[ll looking for monsters and pantheons send any stats to me too

also I lost the printout I made on how to get the archives can some one help


Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 18:00:55 -0700

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Quirks and Such
In-Reply-To: <> from "Dan T Williamson" at Sep
18, 95 08:38:23 am

Dan wrote:
> I usually don't give quirks out at all. Now I will give special abili[es to
> HPs if they have done something to earn them. I had revamped the vow stu
> for priests (Vow of Service) and made some of the benets special abili[es,
> quirks if you will.

I see someone else beat me to this, but I'd love to see this posted to
the list, if you were willing. I know a number of people who would be
intrigued by this idea. (including myself, of course)

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 15:27:55 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Csornyei Zoltan <h10785cso@ELLA.HU>

Some words about quirks.

I think it's not a very important, but a very interes[ng part of the
game system. For use it, I suggest the followings:

Every player may have one ore two quirks, but not more, because it's
only a periferic part of the characters personality. The character
must to have so many quirks, than quanter-qirks, and vica-versa.
NEVER allow the player to choose his quirk or quanter-quirk. In every
case roll for it, because it's highly independent from the
character's other aspects, so nd it random. If the result is
impossible, for example a spell-singer with no music ability, roll again.

Perhaps it helps.

And I have a ques[on also for everyone:

One of my players decided to have a familiar (a rat actually). He
made the summon mascot, and the ritual of the heart ritual
succesfully. Now, he would like to make from the rat a fe[sh. In the
Magick book it's wrihen, that there are many cas[ngs to summon a
small spirit into the mascot. But what spells these are? Or it is
simply from the conjura[on skill?

Wai[ng for answers

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 12:34:39 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Quirks and Such
In-Reply-To: <>

Hey Dan, Minion of Greg:

Would you care to share with us your revela[ons regarding the
"revamping" of Vows?

Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 10:56:52 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Re: Quirks and Such
X-To: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
In-Reply-To: <>

Well, I allow my players to pick out as many quirks as they want (all
subject to my approval) but must also take enough counter-quirks to
balance it all out (so they could take two or three lihle quirks and a
big counter-quirk, etc.), also subject to my approval. If they are
having a hard [me coming up with something, I always recommend things
that t the character idea, or t into my campaign. I don't allow them
to roll on the chart. Most of my players have very strong character
ideas before any die rolling is even made, and alot of the [me, the
quirks are choosen before the HP is rolled up.

Hope this helps,

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 13:01:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Quirks and Such

In-Reply-To: <> from

"Hawkeye" at Sep 19,
95 12:34:39 pm

> Hey Dan, Minion of Greg:
> Would you care to share with us your revela[ons regarding the
> "revamping" of Vows?


Did my post not make it to the list? I got some kind of wierd error message
from the system, but I assumed that meant the reply from the server got
trashed. If not, I'll rewrite it.

Minion of Greg
-"I pragma[cally turn my whims into principles." -- Calvin.
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 03:28:34 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: No Subject

Yes, you need to nd (via JM design as part of the scenario) a friendly
spirit to bind to the familiar. This can be a JM reward for good
role-playing instead of the usual money & magick payos. Use the
Conjura[on, Necromancy, or Mediumship skills to locate one.
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 23:21:30 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Looking for...

Hi. Is there a Lawrence Barry on this list? If so: My email to you keeps
bouncing. Please send me a note so that I can get a new address for you.

Take care,
Gary Spechko

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 09:41:52 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Mythus: My Web Site (boy is my face red)

Some [me ago, in a minor accident, I blew away a symbolic link in my
home directory on my machine. Well, it happened to be the symbolic link
to my html directory, you know, the symbolic link that allowed hhpd to
say "Ah, this is the user's HTML directory". Well, see, I test my web
pages in local mode, so I missed out uherly that it was broken.


Suce it to say, the link is back, and I'll be a lot more careful in
the future :-) So try it again, if you have been having NO luck gejng in:


Sorry about the inconvenience,


-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 13:23:11 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Mike's Yeth


I like the Yeth which you created a few days ago, but I have a ques[on:

What is the use of changing the form of the head? Gee, I hope Ryan
doesn't see that...or maybe by now it doesn't maher... :)

Anyway, the only dierence between them which I saw was an increase in
damage along the way. So, why wouldn't a Yeth just switch to the head
with the biggest teeth and leave it there?

Perhaps the head gains the abili[es of the creature copied (such that a
hound-head would increase its sense of smell...), but that's why I wanted
to ask! :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 17:55:57 CDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Cushing <A551@FHSUVM.FHSU.EDU>
Subject: Mountebank

Hi all, got a silly ques[on.
I'm in the process of star[ng a new campaign and one of my players
wants to have a tradi[onal-style travelling bard. The poet/musician
is a bit upper-crust for his taste, so aper some thinking I recommended
that he start with the Mountebank and add spellsongs and the other stu
he wants. This process made me look at the skill lis[ngs for the
Mountebank for the rst [me, which leads to my ques[on. Why are
Priestcrap & Dweomercrap included? I'm kinda confused on this. Can he
cast priest and mage spells, without religion and magick, or are they just
there so he knows something about the appropriate spells?
Help??? Advice??? Money???
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 1995 11:12:42 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Subject: Mountebank

I gured that the Mountebank would be doing a lot of
impersona[ons, so by having these skills he could pass himself o
as a Dweomercraeper or Priest. The one I made up went ahead and
aquired Magick and Religion from his extra skills.
I think that this Voca[on is rather useful and well rounded.

Date: Sun, 24 Sep 1995 15:06:56 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mountebank

Like Mah, I think this allows a Mountebank to pass himself o as a
magigian/priest to the average OP, *not* a true prac[[oner who would sni
the fellow out in an instant.

I think the inclusion of these K/S areas allows the HP to pick general
Dweo/Priest Cas[ngs of the apporpriate Grade, but without taking a
School/Ethos as another Area they cannot use those Cas[ngs. Also, without

the accompanying area (Magick and/or Religion) they cannot understand th Laws
of Magick and hence cannot create Specic Cas[ngs or modify Cas[ngs on the
y. They also cannot call upon a guild/church for assisstance, as they are
not true prac[[oners.
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 15:49:31 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mountebank

As listed in the voca[on, DCraep and PCraep are info only skills. Adding
Magick and/or Religion would permit the use of cas[ngs as a par[al
prac[[oner (lessen you're gonna let them roll for full prac).
You might want to require a vow of some sort for the PCraep.

The character could opt to add a DCraep school, but that would require yet
another elec[ve k/s area. If he wants a bard type character that area would
be beher used for other skills.

If I were running this campaign, I'd would most likely allow or require (mood
dependent) the player to replace one or both of these k/ss with something
appropriate for the character.

Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 13:25:23 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mike's Yeth
In-Reply-To: <>


On Fri, 22 Sep 1995, Hawkeye wrote:

> What is the use of changing the form of the head? Gee, I hope Ryan
> doesn't see that...or maybe by now it doesn't maher... :)

Well, primarily it's a 'what's appropriate' thing. It's not just damage,
it's also sensory and fearsome.

> Anyway, the only dierence between them which I saw was an increase in
> damage along the way. So, why wouldn't a Yeth just switch to the head
> with the biggest teeth and leave it there?

Nope. Why would they? The biggest teeth are not always the most
eec[ve, and certain heads would be more fearsome than others
(par[cularly a sleek wolf-like would generally be more awe-inspiring

than some malformed lizardish thing), and it would also make sense that
the yeth would imitate the most awesome thing they had seen recently anyways.

Not to men[on that the Slaugh which command them might be trying for a
par[cular eect, which would be uherly destroyed by a pack of
giggling, hyena-headed Yeth :-)

> Perhaps the head gains the abili[es of the creature copied (such that a
> hound-head would increase its sense of smell...), but that's why I wanted
> to ask! :)

Actually, that was the inten[on. Obviously, all normal features would
be copied, but special abili[es (gaze ahacks, breath weapons) would not.

I'm glad you asked :-)

-Mike Phillips,
Computer and AV Services |(v2.1) GCS/P d? H s+:+ g+ p? au+ a- w++
Marshall-Wythe Law Library | v+(-)(?*) C++++ UL++++$ P+ L++ 3- E--- N+
Williamsburg, VA | K- W--- M V-- po--- Y+ t+ !5 jx R+++ G''''
Listowner: | tv-- b++ D+ B--- e u++ h--- f? r+++ !n y?
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 00:17:15 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <Sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: Re:, Bard

The following is what my group designed for the traveling bard... I hope it is useful.

(Spiritual Trait)
Level Range: 1-7
Star[ng SEC: 4

K/S Area STEEP Trait
Spellsongs 24 Mental
Music 24 Physical
Combat, Hand Weapons 16 Physical
Criminal Ac[vi[es,
Physical 16 Physical
Musical Composi[on 16 Spiritual
Poetry & Lyrics 16 Spiritual
Street-Wise 16 Spiritual
Charisma[cism 12 Spiritual

Criminal Ac[vi[es,
Mental 12 Mental
Current Events 12 Mental
Sociology/Culture 12 Mental
Thespianism 12 Spiritual
Travel 12 Physical
Buoonery 8 Spiritual
Combat, Hand Weapons,
Missile 8 Physical
Geology/Foreign Lands 8 Mental
Handicraps/Handiwork 8 Physical
History 8 Mental
Jack of All Trades 8 Physical
Foreign Language 4 Mental
Foreign Language 4 Mental
Total 256

The bard, a singing minstrel, ghter and rogue. A singer of wondrous places long since
forgohen. Bards, because of their musical background, spend only 1 AP per STEEP on any
KS Skills that are music related, these include; Spellsongs and Music. Bards use Physical
as their secondary trait. Bards also may be full pra[c[oners. Full pra[c[oners that
have both Dweomercr and Priestcr can only declare one of these as a primary cas[ng
area. There are no Bard-Mage-Priests.
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 08:52:53 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Hello?

Just seeing if anyone is s[ll alive out there. Haven't seen much coming
out of this group lately.

For those of you wai[ng for the copy of my scenario that I men[oned, my
harddrive wiped about a week ago, so I am working on it AGAIN. :(

For Mike Phillips: If you have any more norse dei[es, feel free to send
them my way.

Thanx all,

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"

Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 15:19:25 -0400

Reply-To: Genera[on X <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Comments: RFC822 error: <W> SENDER eld duplicated. Last occurrence was
From: Genera[on X <genx@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Genera[on X EZine

This message is in MIME format. The rst part should be readable text,
while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

Content-Type: TEXT/MIXED; BOUNDARY="0-847383760-812423656:#19055"

I am in the process of crea[ng an EZine (Electronic Magizine) which will
display the thoughts and dreams, as well as other things that the X Genera[on
reects. I need people (who are from the X Genera[on) to write ar[cles as
well as stories, based at least loosly on the X Genera[on. If you know anyone
who could do this please refer this informa[on to them. I also need people who
would like to subscribe (anyone can do this). And hopefuly adver[sers!
This could help to setup a web page.
I posted an ahchmnt which is my .plan. This ought to help in dening my
purpose beher.

Kevin Swarts,
------------------------------------Genera[on X,
P.O. Box 6943
Eureka, Ca. 95502

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name=".plan"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
Content-ID: <>
Content-Descrip[on: This is my .plan


Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 15:27:35 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Genera[on X <genx@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Genera[on X Sub. Form (fwd)

To join the Genera[on X EZine, by either subscribing, or wri[ng, email
me at, with Subscribe or Sub or something to that
nature, in the Subject eld. Then in the text follow the guideline below.

Name: (only if name can go public, otherwise men[on secret)
Age: (necessary)
Sex: (not necessary)
Mail Address:
Phone #:
Email Address: (necessary)
Interests: (use this sec[on to list your interests, as well as any help
that you can give us)

Genera[on X is at this [me only accessable through email
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 15:10:05 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: J <jsloan@BLKBOX.COM>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X Sub. Form (fwd)

Oohh, does it have any good Mythus ar[cles? No? Then get o the list.

By the way, yes, there is someone here alive.


GO ROCKETS!!! Clutch City '95 |
. _ . |
---- |\_|/__/| |
/# /_\_ / / \/ \ \ |
| |/o\o\ /__|O||O|__ \ |
| \\_/_/ |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | |
/ |_ | | | (____) | || |
| ||\_ ~| \/\___/\__/ // |
| ||| \/ (_/ || |
| |||_ | ROCKETS || |
\// | | 34 ||\ |
|| | \ //_/ |
||_ \ \______// |
\_| o| __ || __|| |
/\___/ (____(____) |
/ ||||__ |
(___)_) |
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 16:53:19 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Genera[on X <genx@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X Sub. Form (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <9510021504.aa13986@blkbox.COM>

Actually, if you wanted to you can write an ar[cle about it. I am quite
aware of the fact that DJ is now history... :(. I would like some in
depth ar[cles on DJ.

Genera[on X Editor-in-Chief
Kevin Swarts

Genera[on X
P.O. Box 6943
Eureka, Ca. 95502
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 15:17:58 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: No wonder we have a bad rep

You ever get the impression some people are too thick to no[ce they're
being amed?

Oh. For what it's worth, my mythus campaign world will be online some[me
fairly soon, and the Superhero genre is coming along fairly well.


Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 18:16:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William Hale <dyr@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X Sub. Form (fwd)

>Oohh, does it have any good Mythus ar[cles? No? Then get o the list.

I don't usually post to this list but I feel I have to. Well put on the
above comment. Who the hell is this anyway?

William Spencer-Hale
Quintessen[al Mercy Studio

There is a man...Playing a violin...and the strings are the nerves in his
own arms. A twisted soul - the mortar...Despair - the bricks. To build a
temple to sadness.

J.O'Barr, The Crow

Welcome to the Atrocity Exhibi[on
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 18:58:46 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>

Subject: Re: Hello?

I'm s[ll out here and looking for creature stats for the typical fantasy
monsters (ogres, orcs, trolls and whatnot...)

any and all die[es are also welcome...


Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 17:34:24 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Hello?

At 06:58 PM 10/2/95 -0400, William A Helm wrote:
>I'm s[ll out here and looking for creature stats for the typical fantasy
>monsters (ogres, orcs, trolls and whatnot...)

So make some of them up and post them for all to see. If we can all share
the monsters we've created this way, we can build our own bes[ary (one that
actually contains monsters instead of the mundane animals that ll the
volume GDW produced).

Take care,

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 17:03:21 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Hello?

Kaos wrote:
>Just seeing if anyone is s[ll alive out there. Haven't seen much coming
>out of this group lately.
Working on that. I'm in the process of transla[ng the scenario/ac[ons of
our group into English. However, this only happens in the rare free hours
that I have (and if I'm really mo[vated :)).

>For those of you wai[ng for the copy of my scenario that I men[oned, my
>harddrive wiped about a week ago, so I am working on it AGAIN. :(
Bet you're working either on a Mac or using Windows....

I'm sorry to hear that, since I'm looking forward to see how others work out
their scenarios for DJ.

Recently one of the players in my group made a sugges[on for handling
absent HPs. He would like to have them present as FPs. So their knowledge,
skills & items would not be lost to those that were present. It took some
discussion, but nally I ruled that it wouldn't be fair for the absent
player to come the next [me, and hear "Last [me your HP volunteered to be
our champion to bahle their champion. We helped you as well as we could,
but I'm sorry to say you didn't win. In fact you lost so terribly, that we
are now trying to raise enough funds to ressurect you.".

How dow you handle AP in the case of absent players? What I do now is to
keep track of the [mes each player joins us, and award AP in rato to their
appearance. Any other ideas?

Advocatus Diaboli

Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 12:48:47 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: No wonder we have a bad rep
In-Reply-To: <>

Oh goodie, the Superhero Genre is coming! :)

When Gary, when?

I am curious...



Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"

Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 11:28:52 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Superhero Stu

At 12:48 PM 10/3/95 -0400, Hawkeye wrote:
>Oh goodie, the Superhero Genre is coming! :)
>When Gary, when?

I cannae say, for sure.. I'd hate to set a deadline and then miss it. I'm
working full[me and going to school full[me, so Mythus [me is rather rare
at the moment. Suce it to say that it WILL be out...

Take care,

(nishing work on voca[ons for worlds that aren't as heka-ac[ve as the

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 16:53:06 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Creature Stats...

I have asked for stats for creatures above and beyond the bes[ary because I
want to see what other people do and see what works for them. I am not the
main JM in my group and we are doing city hopping right now but would like to
do something with the phaeree and a dongeon or two...noone in the group has
[me to sitdown and create creatures as we all work full[me and ght for
the [me to game with anyfrequency at all.

all suges[ons are welcome and appreciated

Thank you

Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 20:39:41 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X EZine

Aper e-mailing a fairly polite message (on my other machine, or I'd post it
for general consump[on), I got the ahached reply from "Genera[on X"

I gure the line's been drawn, so I'll just post my *public* reply, as I
the same toward anyone with the gall and lack of class required to spam


On Tue, 3 Oct 1995 11:59:39 -0400 (EDT) Genera[on X wrote:
>Sorry Dave! I didn't know it bothered the world so much. I am doing no
>harm by pos[ng these messages. Infact it is completly within my rights.

Insofar as you have posted an ad on a mailing list that has ques[onable
rela[on to your pompous, unprofessional lihle 'zine, yes you *have*
done harm - to your credibility. Where I and others might have either
subscribed or contributed had you posted a DJ-related post with an
"oh by the way, we've got this zine..." tacked on, you've just generated
some bad blood.

>As for no[ng my provider, go ahead. Don't just threaten someone, DO IT!

I merely stated that it's what you can look forward to if you keep it up.
When you start tossing out challenges like that, be careful you don't piss
o some hacker with enough [me on his hands to fry you *and* your service
provider. I never threatened you, silly child. What's the maher, do you
need them to bolster your worth?

>I think you are a foolish, self centered fool. And I'm not afraid to
>admit it. I s[ll need to know what listserv you are talking about, I'm
>sub to a lot.

(Here's the clue that this dick-weed is spamming every m-list he can).
As for the weak ahempt at insult, I've been called a lot worse by a lot
beher. Your mother was a hamster, and your father stank of elderberries.

>Well I'm not a dick, so if you want, I will stop pos[ng. But I will tell
>every one on the listserv of your supression of the rst amendment
>(Freedom of Speech). I'm sure they would like to know about moderm
>communists on our listserves.

Help! Help! He's being repressed! Quick, somebody get him a cons[tu[on!

>One last thing. Are you the Dave Newton who coauthored the DJ series with

>Gary Gygax?

Yes, I am. And you are.....?

>With the freedom of the internet,
>I will conquer,
>You know who

No, but I'll give a free copy of Rapture to the rst person who blasts
this stupid fucker's account into oblivion and can prove it. No, wait.
That might be illegal. Sorry.

And every word is nonsense but I understand it all
-------------------------------------------------Web page: hhp://
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 22:23:39 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William Hale <dyr@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X EZine

>On Tue, 3 Oct 1995 11:59:39 -0400 (EDT) Genera[on X wrote:
>>Sorry Dave! I didn't know it bothered the world so much. I am doing no
>>harm by pos[ng these messages. Infact it is completly within my rights.

Screw your messages and your rights. This is a M-List for informa[on
regarding the Dangerous Journeys game system, not your preten[ous, silly,
insignicant lihle Genera[on X 'zine. Here's a Genera[on X idea for ya':
take the Kurt Cobain express, baby!

>>As for no[ng my provider, go ahead. Don't just threaten someone, DO IT!

Its easy to be brave over a faceless machine, huh? What a freakin' weasel.
Don't I hear your mommy calling...?

>>I think you are a foolish, self centered fool. And I'm not afraid to
>>admit it. I s[ll need to know what listserv you are talking about, I'm
>>sub to a lot.

Dave is a foolish, self-centered fool. Aper wri[ng several interna[onally
acclaimed books and supplements he's earned his degree worm-boy. And your
creden[als are...?

>>Well I'm not a dick, so if you want, I will stop pos[ng. But I will tell
>>every one on the listserv of your supression of the rst amendment
>>(Freedom of Speech). I'm sure they would like to know about moderm
>>communists on our listserves.

Supress THIS shit-boy! Come on... step closer.

>>One last thing. Are you the Dave Newton who coauthored the DJ series with
>>Gary Gygax?

Oh, you're quick. What was that, a second thought suck-up? Wipe your chin.

>>With the freedom of the internet,
>>I will conquer,
>>You know who

What the hell are you talking about? Do you have an idea? I will be having
classes later on how to write a coherent thought...I suggest you ahend.

Sorry guys, but I had to do it. I've been subcribed to the Mythus-L for a
while and I enjoy reading stu about the game that my friend co-wrote, not
listen to some imbecile stand up on his goofy lihle soapbox and ll my
mailbox with trash.

This has been a test.


William Spencer-Hale

There is a man...Playing a violin...and the strings are the nerves in his
own arms. A twisted soul - the mortar...Despair - the bricks. To build a
temple to sadness.

J.O'Barr, The Crow

Welcome to the Atrocity Exhibi[on
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 22:59:16 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Rodney W. Morris" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X EZine...let it drop...
In-Reply-To: <>; from "William Hale"
at Oct 3, 95 10:23 pm

I don't have the personal addresses of those men[oned
below, so this has to go listwide. Apologies.

> >On Tue, 3 Oct 1995 11:59:39 -0400 (EDT) Genera[on X wrote:
> >>Sorry Dave! I didn't know it bothered the world so much. I am doing no
> >>harm by pos[ng these messages. Infact it is completly within my rights.

> Screw your messages and your rights. This is a M-List for informa[on
> regarding the Dangerous Journeys game system, not your preten[ous, silly,
> insignicant lihle Genera[on X 'zine. Here's a Genera[on X idea for ya':
> take the Kurt Cobain express, baby!

Gentlemen, please! The listserv is not more a place for the
employees/founders of QMS to ame people than it is a forum for
magazine editors to publicize. I deeply respect Mister Newton's
achievements in the eld, but it greatly diminishes his own
respectability to permit himself to be drawn into such a frivolous
ame war, and is even more damaging to have his message repeated by
someone so closely associated with him. I know, or, rather, I
prefer to believe Mr. Newton didn't call you up, Mr. Hale, to ask
you to make the post, and I'm making no accusa[ons to that point,
but it does add insult to injury, so to speak.
Now come on, let's get back to Mythus, and let the ame war

Lucifer >:}
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 23:00:47 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Muten Roshi <roshi@UMD.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X EZine
In-Reply-To: <>

Now, now....Dave and Will calm down. There's nothing you can do
to this person that nature hasn't already done. :)

[Andy goes back to developing an an[-spam ritual, and seeking out the
source of the intelligence sucking device that is aec[ng society.]

Muten Roshi (Andy Ehlert)
E-Mail: WWW: hhp://
President of The Science, Fact, Fic[on, and Fantasy Gaming Club
Organizer: U of M Dearborn Anime Showings On irc: M_Roshi
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 23:37:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William Hale <dyr@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X EZine...let it drop...

> Gentlemen, please! The listserv is not more a place for the
>employees/founders of QMS to ame people than it is a forum for
>magazine editors to publicize. I deeply respect Mister Newton's
>achievements in the eld, but it greatly diminishes his own
>respectability to permit himself to be drawn into such a frivolous
>ame war, and is even more damaging to have his message repeated by

>someone so closely associated with him. I know, or, rather, I

>prefer to believe Mr. Newton didn't call you up, Mr. Hale, to ask
>you to make the post, and I'm making no accusa[ons to that point,
>but it does add insult to injury, so to speak.
> Now come on, let's get back to Mythus, and let the ame war
> Lucifer >:}

Sounds good to me :) <William holsters his weapon> So, lets get back to this
Mythus thang.


There is a man...Playing a violin...and the strings are the nerves in his
own arms. A twisted soul - the mortar...Despair - the bricks. To build a
temple to sadness.

J.O'Barr, The Crow

Welcome to the Atrocity Exhibi[on
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 23:39:07 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William Hale <dyr@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X EZine

> Now, now....Dave and Will calm down. There's nothing you can do
>to this person that nature hasn't already done. :)

Well put. I shall ame no further.

>[Andy goes back to developing an an[-spam ritual, and seeking out the
>source of the intelligence sucking device that is aec[ng society.]

I thought it was the O.J. Simpson trial. Okay, back to the Mythus groove.


There is a man...Playing a violin...and the strings are the nerves in his
own arms. A twisted soul - the mortar...Despair - the bricks. To build a
temple to sadness.

J.O'Barr, The Crow

Welcome to the Atrocity Exhibi[on

Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 23:03:02 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Clay Hanna <clayh@GENESIS.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Hello?
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

Hey guys!
I know this is short no[ce, but it appears that Dave Newton will be at
NOVACON this weekend! I know we are all excited about it, and I hope you
guys all come out to see him. The con is held at Texas A&M University
and will take place in the Memorial Student Center. It starts Friday,
October 6 and runs un[l Sunday, October 8. For more info, call 409
845-1515. Ask for someone with NOVA. Admission will be $12. I'll bet
you're glad everything is nally sehled, eh Dave? Anyway, call or
email me for more info.
Clay Hanna
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 23:24:30 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Duck Buher <jsloan@BLKBOX.COM>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X EZine

I thank you, Dave, for taking care of the maher. I was a bit pissed when
I wrote my ini[al respose to that 'zine leher.

But like what's been said before, back to Mythus. I'm gld to say that
aper a long drought, I am gejng ready to run Mythus again (and Rapture
on another night). Unfortunately, I forgot alot of the Magick rules, so
I'm having to re-learn it. I'll keep you informed how both games are going
(Rapture on the QMS listserv).


GO ROCKETS!!! Clutch City '95 |
. _ . |
---- |\_|/__/| |
/# /_\_ / / \/ \ \ |
| |/o\o\ /__|O||O|__ \ |
| \\_/_/ |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | |
/ |_ | | | (____) | || |
| ||\_ ~| \/\___/\__/ // |
| ||| \/ (_/ || |
| |||_ | ROCKETS || |
\// | | 34 ||\ |
|| | \ //_/ |

||_ \ \______// |
\_| o| __ || __|| |
/\___/ (____(____) |
/ ||||__ |
(___)_) |
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 00:47:08 -0400
Reply-To: Genera[on X <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Comments: RFC822 error: <W> SENDER eld duplicated. Last occurrence was
From: Genera[on X <genx@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Dave's message to Genx

Well it seems the great and all powerful, Dave Newton, has gone and
posted my message to everyone in the listserv without my permission.
Another breach of my rights. Are you English or something. As for
knocking the American Cons[tu[on, you are a fool again Dave. America is
the greatest na[on in the world... So don't knock it. And since I am a
ci[zen as well as a civil servant to it, that en[hles me to spam your
presious lihle listserv.
As for the reason of pos[ng on to your listserv, I just wanted to give
the community of Genera[on X'ers, who are your predominent genera[on in
the roleplaying community a chance to ght and stand up for what they
want, as well as dream. One issue I wanted to come from here was about
the destruc[on of DJ, and it being taken by TSR. Yes I am a fan, or now
maybe was, since I see what Dave Newton is like.
Dave I think you need to grow up!

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 2 Oct 95 15:28:08 PDT
From: Dave Newton <>
To: Genera[on X <>
Subject: RE: Genera[on X EZine

>Kevin Swarts,
>------------------------------------>Genera[on X,
>P.O. Box 6943
>Eureka, Ca. 95502


Please refrain from pos[ng any future adver[sements to this mailing

list. While I wish you luck with your magazine, this is not the place to
solicit. If you persist in this sort of spam, you'll probably nd one of
the next responses will be for someone to alert your service provider,
complaining of inappropriate use. Depending upon your provider, this
could cost you your account.
And every word is nonsense but I understand it all
-------------------------------------------------Web page: hhp://
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 01:32:28 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jeremy Dahlin <dahli923@UIDAHO.EDU>
Subject: Cri[cal Hit System

Some [me ago there was a post dealing with hit loca[ons and
catastrophic damage. I would appreciate if if someone would repost it. Thanks.

Jeremy Dahlin
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 11:16:56 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Cri[cal Hit System

At 01:32 AM 10/4/95 -0700, Jeremy Dahlin wrote:
> Some [me ago there was a post dealing with hit loca[ons and
>catastrophic damage. I would appreciate if if someone would repost it.

That would be mine... lemme see if I can nd it again in a format I can
post here.
Ok. Please note that there have been some changes to it, especially to the
ini[a[ve por[on. These were made to improve speed of play, and beher
maintain the game ow. IF anyone's interested, I'll post the Combat Quick
Sheet that goes with this to my Mythus web page.

Mythus House Rules - Combat
Determining Ini[a[ve:
=B7 Players begin ac[vity during a CT based on their appropriate Speed
Atrribute (PMSpd for melee, etc). This is determined by subtrac[ng their
appropriate speed ahribute from 25.
=B7 Second and later ahacks occur at intervals based on the character=92s
weapon=92s wpn speed, strength, and armor penalty (NOT including their=
if any). Here=92s the formula for working out your character=92s interval=

each weapon:
Int=3DWpn=92s SFPen + armor=92s SFPen - (PMPow-Wpn=92s Min PMPow)
That is, for every point of strength the weilder has over the weapon=92s
Minimum PMPow requirement, he may reduce the interval by one.
Ini[a[ve Example:
Bakaris has a PMSpd of 17 and a PMPow of 18. His raw natural ini[a[ve
is 8. He, however, wears full plate armour, and carries a large kite
shield. His armor penalty is 5 (2 without shield). His actual raw
ini[a[ve is 13. He wields, one handed, a bastard sword (SFPen 7).
Therefore, he would get his rst ahack on segment 20 if he didn=92t move.
His second ahack would come on 27. His interval is 7 =3D(7+2 - (18-16))
=B7 1 is the lowest possible ini[a[ve.
=B7 if two or more characters go in a given segment, the one with the=
appropriate speed ahribute goes rst, unless one is quickened.
=B7 a CT lasts 30 segments (3 seconds). Any ahacks that would come aper
this point are lost.
=B7 a charm goes o on the caster=92s ini[a[ve the following CT, and the
caster may use the segment Following that to begin his or her next ac[on.
=B7 Movement is possible ANY number of [mes in a CT, provided the total
distance moved is no more than a half move for the persona involved (unless
the persona wishes to give up all ahacks and make a full move). Movement
ini[a[ve is calculated at a rate of 1 segment per hex, and the character=
miniature shall move on the board every segment. In the interest of
playability, I=92ll allow movement even during the [me that a character=
be swinging a weapon (note, therefore, that it is possible to take a step on
25, and land a bahle axe blow on a target you=92ve just moved into range=
on 26). Standard penal[es to FAC for movement apply.
=B7 quickened personas get a -5 segment ini[a[ve bonus, their interval is
halved, and they may move a quickened half move (a normal full move) at a
rate of 2 hexes per segment, and s[ll ahack, or a quickened full move
(double normal movement rate) at the cost of gejng no ahacks.

O Hand ahacks and Floren[ne Figh[ng
=B7 When, for whatever reason, a character=92s primary hand is out of combat
(holding onto a rope, etc), a persona may choose to ght with his or her
o-hand. He uses his normal BAC and # of ahacks, but all ac[ons are
performed at 1 DR harder (i.e. it=92s a dicult roll to hit an opponent
instead of a hard).
=B7 When using a weapon in one=92s o hand at the Same [me as one is using=
weapon in one=92s primary hand, ahacks from the o-hand weapon are treated
as having the STEEP of the persona=92s Weapons, Special Skills (oren[ne)
skill for purposes of determining BAC and # of ahacks. If a persona does

not have the oren[ne skill, then this is 0 STEEP, + the weapon=92s WP,
meaning the BAC will be the weapon=92s weapon points, and the persona will=
1 ahack or parry with that hand.

Hit Loca[ons and Catastrophic Damage
=B7 On a normal hit (ie, one in which no called shot is made), one rolls for
non-vital to ultra vital normally.
=B7 On cri[cal hits, one rolls on the hit loca[on table, below. Each area
listed is assigned a max-severity value of non-vital, vital, super-vital, or
ultra-vital. The shin, for instance, has a maximum severity of non-vital,
and any hit to the shin will do non-vital damage, and be resisted by the
vic[m=92s non-vital armor.
=B7 Aper the hit loca[on has been determined, the standard roll is made to
determine hit severity. (This includes specic target choices of non-vital
through ultra-vital). If a body part is hit in such a fashion that it takes
a wound more severe than it=92s max-severity value, then there is a chance=
catastrophic damage. The aicted persona must make a Physical Avoidance
roll at DR =93Hard.=94 If the roll succeeds, the wound severity is reduced=
the max-severity for the body part, and no catastrophic damage occurs. If
the roll fails, catastrophic damage has occurred, with these results:
=B7 Dmg Severity is 1 level higher than area=92s maximum-severity
=B7 Func[on temporarily impaired for 1D6 CTs (movement halved, # of ahacks
or parries halved, or whatever is appropriate for the body part hit)
=B7 Dmg Severity is 2 levels higher than area=92s maximum-severity
=B7 Func[on loss for 1D6 CTs (no movement for leg hits, no ahacks or=
with aicted arm, etc).
=B7 Vic[m Stunned for 1D3 CTs (dazing rules apply)
=B7 Dmg Severity is 3 levels higher than area=92s maximum severity
=B7 permanent damage occurs, requiring magickal healing to repair
=B7 may involve amputa[on of limbs
=B7 vic[m takes double damage (ie, vital damage to a non-vital area,=
by the non-vital armor)
=B7 vic[m is stunned for 1D6 CTs
=B7 Permanent impairment or loss of func[on for aicted body part without
magickal healing.

Called Shots
=B7 A persona may choose to
=B7 aim for a specic body part and do a random-severity wound
=B7 this requires a roll on the hit loca[on table=92s diculty column
(against the ahacker=92s Specic Target (Wpns Spcl Skls) STEEP.
=B7 damage severity is rolled normally; catastrophic damage a possiblity
=B7 aim for a specic body part and ahempt to inict a specic severity=

=B7 this requires a roll on the hit loca[on table=92s diculty column for=
body part against the ahacker=92s Specic Target STEEP.
=B7 it also requires a normal Wpns, Spcl Skills (specic target) roll at=
standard DRs
Hit Loca[on Table
Roll Loca[on Max-Severity Called shot DR
01-03 Head Super-vital Dicult
04-06 Neck Ultra-vital Dicult
07-12 Lep Shoulder Vital Moderate
13-18 Right Shoulder Vital Moderate
19-22 Upper Arm (Right) Non-vital Moderate
23-25 Upper Arm (Lep) Non-vital Moderate
26 Elbow (Right) Non-vital Hard
27 Elbow (Lep) Non-vital Hard
28-30 Forearm (Lep) Non-vital Moderate
31-33 Forearm (Right) Non-vital Moderate
34 Hand (Right) Non-vital Hard
35 Hand (Lep) Non-vital Hard
36-40 Upper Torso (lep) Super Vital Hard
41-45 Lower Torso (lep) Super-Vital Hard
46-50 Upper Torso (right) Super-Vital Hard
51-55 Lower Torso (right) Super-Vital Hard
56-60 Upper Torso (centre Ultra-Vital Hard
61-65 Lower Torso (centre Ultra-Vital Hard
66-70 Hip (right) Vital Hard
71-75 Hip (lep) Vital Hard
76-77 Groin Ultra-Vital Dicult
78-82 Upper Leg (lep) Vital Moderate
83-87 Upper Leg (right) Vital Moderate
88-89 Knee (lep) Non-vital Hard
90-91 Knee (right) Non-vital Hard
92-94 Lower Leg (right) Non-vital Hard
95-97 Lower Leg (lep) Non-vital Hard
98 Foot (Lep) Non-vital Hard
99 Foot (Right) Non-vital Hard
00 Miss None N/A

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 12:08:36 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Zoltan Grose <zoltan@SLIP.NET>
Subject: Re: Hello?

>At 06:58 PM 10/2/95 -0400, William A Helm wrote:

>>I'm s[ll out here and looking for creature stats for the typical fantasy
>>monsters (ogres, orcs, trolls and whatnot...)
>So make some of them up and post them for all to see. If we can all share
>the monsters we've created this way, we can build our own bes[ary (one that
>actually contains monsters instead of the mundane animals that ll the
>volume GDW produced).

Reading some old mail from the shadows of this list and I had to pop in and
say that I like the Beas[ary. "Mundane" animals are exactly what's needed
in most worlds. If every player knows the strengths and weaknesses of, say,
ogres, they're more willing to go toe-to-toe. If all they know is wolves
and man-ea[ng trees, that ogre is not only big and scary but now a
possibly very dangerous opponent.

-Zoltan (a dierent Zoltan)
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 23:59:23 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Beas[ary

I didn't say we don't use the beas[ary, just that we want more in our
campaign and I woul like to see what other people are doing for stats of the
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 22:42:22 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <Sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: Re: Beas[ary

I have a good ques[on for everybody... What ever happened to the Mythus Phaere monster
manual? The last I heard of it, it was suppost it be posted on the list. But, that was
about a year and a half ago. Any Dave?

Sparrowhawk (Daniel Pickeh)
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 1995 14:43:17 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: nightlife <KSSC@ACAD1.ALASKA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Genera[on X Sub. Form (fwd)

what is genera[on x ?
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 11:37:02 +0100

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Jan Kraheberger (CIP 91)"
Subject: Some Ques[ons about rules et al.


my rst ques[on is about the interior world.
In "The Epic of Aerth" I read on page 48 "Specula[on that some form of Gate
or Door was used to accomplish this is fatuous, for it is well established
that Gates cannot exist in the interior wolrd, and the unreliablity of Heka
makes Door opera[on unreliable, if not absolutely lethal (see Inner AErth,
on page 58)."
On page 58 I can't see any useful informa[on about that. Knows someone of
you more about this unreliability of Heka in interior AErth, or is this
a phenomenon that happens to the whole AErth ???
Has somebody played a scenario or campaign in Inner AErth ???

What does An[-Joss mean ??? Where can I get more informa[on about that ???


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! Keep grandma o the streets -- ! jnkraheb@CIP.informa[ !
! legalize bingo. ! !
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 11:26:58 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: Re: Some Ques[ons about rules et al.

Back... at least for a lihle while, anyway...

>In "The Epic of Aerth" I read on page 48 "Specula[on that some form of Gate
>or Door was used to accomplish this is fatuous, for it is well established
>that Gates cannot exist in the interior wolrd, and the unreliablity of Heka
>makes Door opera[on unreliable, if not absolutely lethal (see Inner AErth,
>On page 58 I can't see any useful informa[on about that. Knows someone of
>you more about this unreliability of Heka in interior AErth, or is this
>a phenomenon that happens to the whole AErth ???

I think this is something that was deleted out of the original manuscript.
From what I know, Inner AErth is supposed to be a place that is magick
unstable--at least in part. I suspect Mr. Gygax wished to prevent magick
from making it easy for people to enter and leave the lost world.

I /suspect/ reashes and heka-bolts work ne, but stu that would allow
people to easilly enter and leave the realm, such as teleporta[on, ights,
and portal crea[on doesn't work. (You need something to go up against a
T-Rex!!!) Compare the EGG World of Greyhawk module WG6 "Isle of the Ape"
for a likely example of what was intended.

>What does An[-Joss mean ??? Where can I get more informa[on about that ???

I think this was a term that was scrubbed...I think An[-Joss is when you
use Joss against a foe.

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <==/Should/ work, will move here soon.
please try to use this one. <==Always reliable. <==An alternate for the above.
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 13:40:35 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Duck Buher <jsloan@BLKBOX.COM>
Subject: HTH, Lethal

Has anyone come up with any alterna[ve weapons to use under HTH, Lethal in
the case that their are no Mar[al Arts in the campaign?


GO ROCKETS!!! Clutch City '95 |
. _ . |
---- |\_|/__/| |
/# /_\_ / / \/ \ \ |
| |/o\o\ /__|O||O|__ \ |
| \\_/_/ |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | |
/ |_ | | | (____) | || |
| ||\_ ~| \/\___/\__/ // |
| ||| \/ (_/ || |
| |||_ | ROCKETS || |
\// | | 34 ||\ |
|| | \ //_/ |
||_ \ \______// |
\_| o| __ || __|| |
/\___/ (____(____) |
/ ||||__ |
(___)_) |

Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 15:27:01 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: HTH, Lethal

If you can nd a kindly soul, ask some one for a synopsis of the informa[on
in issue 2 (or was it 3?) of Mythic Masters Magazine. Not that anyone around
here would think of viola[ng TSR's fairly-won copyright (cough, hack), but
it should be possible to get you the info legally and not too slowly. If no
one else oers, I'll do it myself.

That issue had a spate of ar[cles about combat, weapons, et. al., including
new Mar[al Arts weapons.
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 15:23:24 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Duck Buher <jsloan@BLKBOX.COM>
Subject: Re: HTH, Lethal

>If you can nd a kindly soul, ask some one for a synopsis of the informa[on
>in issue 2 (or was it 3?) of Mythic Masters Magazine. Not that anyone around
>here would think of viola[ng TSR's fairly-won copyright (cough, hack), but
>it should be possible to get you the info legally and not too slowly. If no
>one else oers, I'll do it myself.
>That issue had a spate of ar[cles about combat, weapons, et. al., including
>new Mar[al Arts weapons.

Well, I have issues 1-5, so thanks for poin[ng that out. All I need is
issue 6 :::hint hint:::


GO ROCKETS!!! Clutch City '95 |
. _ . |
---- |\_|/__/| |
/# /_\_ / / \/ \ \ |
| |/o\o\ /__|O||O|__ \ |
| \\_/_/ |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | |
/ |_ | | | (____) | || |
| ||\_ ~| \/\___/\__/ // |
| ||| \/ (_/ || |
| |||_ | ROCKETS || |
\// | | 34 ||\ |
|| | \ //_/ |

||_ \ \______// |
\_| o| __ || __|| |
/\___/ (____(____) |
/ ||||__ |
(___)_) |
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 03:25:35 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Where do you nd?
In-Reply-To: <9510081517.aa27476@blkbox.COM>

I was wondering if Mythus Bes[ary was ever published. And if so, does
anyone have a spare copy they would like to sell?

Another thing, does anyone have any MP, EP, FP HPG, Animals, etc... That
they could email me o hand. I don't want to inconvenence (sp) anyone.

Or if you have anything that could be useful in an adventure, I would
also be interested.
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 03:29:50 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Another ques[on

Being new here I probably missed this years ago, but what exactly
happened to the Dangerous Journeys line. And why did TSR get the rights
to it.
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 15:34:41 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>

>>>>What does An[-Joss mean ??? Where can I get more informa[on about that

Opinion (quasi-informed):

An[-Joss is what EP's etc. use to counter an HP's use of Joss. i.e. Joss
that is not ac[vely used, just used to counter another persona's use of

Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 16:17:10 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: No Subject

An[-Joss is just the game mechanic for bad luck. Just as a scenario might
award APs or Joss points to an HP for good behavior, bad or selsh ac[ons
might bring the s[gma of An[-Joss.

An HP aicted with An[-Joss has it used against the HP by the JM at
his/her whim when a par[cularly important ac[on takes place. It can also
be ahached to an HP through certain Cas[ngs. It diers from an EP's Joss
in that it does not reside in a foe or strike via delibera[on, it just

At least, this is my opinion based on the reading of the published materials.
We would all welcome Dave's or Garys opinion on the subject, of course.
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 17:11:04 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Where do you nd?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 9 Oct 1995, Local Access wrote:

> I was wondering if Mythus Bes[ary was ever published. And if so, does
> anyone have a spare copy they would like to sell?
Yes and no. A beas[ary for AErth was published and is s[ll available in
ner used book sec[ons of gaming stores across the planet. It is also
available from some mail order places who s[ll have some stocks. (I
think there's one in western Canada somewhere, Vancoover maybe?) The other
published stu (Mythus Prime, Mythus, Mythus Magick, Necropolis, and
Epic of AErth) is similarly available.

> Another thing, does anyone have any MP, EP, FP HPG, Animals, etc... That
> they could email me o hand. I don't want to inconvenence (sp) anyone.
I don't have any myself, but there are also a number of nasty preternatural,
supernatural, and unmortal netherthings with stats in Necropolis (big

> Or if you have anything that could be useful in an adventure, I would
> also be interested.
Well, I have some dice, but I think you can nd those on your own. ;-)

Good luck! And good gaming.


Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 10:11:26 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Suits of Armor

I thought I would post this as it might be useful to players and JMs alike.
The following are pre-assembled suits of armor I have made up for my
campaign. They tend to be a bit heavy, but are quite protec[ve. There are
some new pieces of armor in here also. Most of them are in the case of the
pieced leather armor. Pieced leather has no historical precedent as far as I
know. I made it up because players (especially the sneaky types) are always
asking for some closely hed non-metal armor to skulk around in. The plate
armor included comes out of the curious fact (previously men[oned on the
list) that if you add up all the pieces of plate listed separately in the
armor sec[on, you get very dierent numbers than are listed for plate
armor, suit. These suits are made exactly in this manner. They are heavy
and slow, but VERY protec[ve.

If you feel like it, please double check the numbers on these suits before
you use them. There are undoubtedly mistakes in the math (<.75 gets rounded

Mah Berry

Suits of Armor

Pieced Leather Armor - this is a custom made suit of patches or plates of
cuir-boulli on a sop leather base. It is engineered on similar principles
as plate armor, but is made so as to lie very close to the body contours, and
so can only be made by above average leather armorers. This is the kind of
expensive leather armor that one can wear all day with lihle more discomfort
than normal clothing. It also tends to be worn by thieves because it
provides good coverage while hindering the player very lihle, and providing
a good close t. The prices can rise to very high levels if the pieces are
intricately tooled.

Item Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec AP Cat SF Pen Area
Leather gauntlets 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 N 1/3 4
Leather brassarts 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 N 1/3 9
Leather chausses 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 N 1/2 7
Leather cuirass 2 2 2 5 5 1 6 USV 1/2 3,8
Leather Taces 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 V 1/2 6
Leather boots 1 2 1 3 3 1 5 N 1/2 7
Leather skull cap 2 3 2 2 2 1 3 S - 2
Leather cup 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 S - 10
Leather gorget 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 U 1/3 11

Hit Loc Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec
Non 4 5 4 6 6 4 18
Vital 4 4 4 7 7 2 9
Super 5 6 5 8 8 3 11
Ultra 3 3 3 7 7 2 9
Average 4 5 4 7 7 3 12
Speed factor is 3.
The most common subs[tu[ons are a steel skullcap, a heavier cuirass, and a
steel codpiece. The steel skullcap makes almost no dierence in
wearability, but the codpiece is uncomfortable, and the studded leather
jerkin even more so. A gambeson may be worn underneath, but generally is not
bothered with because of bulk.

Chain Mail Suit - This consists of a chain mail hauberk, gambeson, codpiece,
an open face helmet, camail, gauntlets, boots, and greaves.
PierceCut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec
Non-vital 16 29 15 13 15 15 -4
Vital 12 25 12 7 11 14 -6
Super-V 15 34 20 10 12 22 -7
Ultra-V 15 34 19 11 12 20 -12
Average 14 30 16 10 12 18 -7
Speed factor is 7.

Banded Mail - Consists of the following: Banded mail, gambeson, helm,
camail, codpiece, gauntlets, greaves, and boots
PierceCut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec
Non-vital 19 26 25 22 19 23 -1
Vital 11 14 17 14 10 17 1
Super-V 18 31 30 19 19 30 -8
Ultra-V 19 31 29 20 17 28 -7
Average 17 25 25 19 16 24 -7
Speed factor is 6.

Coat of Plates - This heavy armor consists of a cuirass, gambeson,
epaulihres, salade, camail, tuilles, codpiece, chausses, brassarts,
gauntlets, and boots.
Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec
Non-vital 14 24 18 14 17 12 0
Vital 14 22 20 18 18 23 -5
Super-V 23 38 35 22 23 32 -16
Ultra-V 17 33 32 20 20 27 -14
Average 17 29 26 18 19 23 -9
Speed factor is 7

Footman's Full Plate Armor - This is the heavy armor designed for the real
rough and tumble of the eld, not the fancy plate of posers. It is the most
protec[ve armor available that can be used in foot combat. It consists of
the following: gambeson, armet, gorget, breastplate, backplate, epaulieres,
roundels, brassarts, demi-brassarts, demi-vambraces, courdiere, gauntlets,

taces, tuilles, hoguine, codpiece, demi-plate, poleyns, cuissart,

demi-jambarts, boots and sabbahons.
PierceCut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec
Non-vital 33 54 49 40 38 32 -26
Vital 28 50 46 39 35 44 -18
Super-V 28 42 40 29 28 47 -12
Ultra-V 31 45 42 32 37 47 -18
Average 30 48 44 35 34 42 -18
The speed factor is 12.

Horseman's Full Plate omits the hoguine.
PierceCut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec
Non-vital 31 51 44 35 34 34 -16
Vital 28 50 46 39 35 44 -18
Super-V 28 42 40 29 28 47 -12
Ultra-V 31 45 42 32 37 47 -18
Average 29 47 43 34 33 43 -16
The speed factor is 11.

Til[ng Armor adds a plaquet and the following to the horseman's full plate:
Brow Reinforce - An extra plate added to the forehead and upper face area of
the helmet.
Til[ng Bevoir - Very similar to the mentonnihre, this piece screws into the
breastplate and protects the throat, chin, lips, and ears. One main purpose
seems to have been to keep the knights neck from being snapped back by a
lance or other blow.
Grandguard - this large piece of armor comes in one or two pieces and covers
the lower lep side of the helmet, the gorget, the lep shoulder, and the
lep side of the breast. It was essen[ally a small shield that was ahached
to the [l[ng armor so that the knight could use his lep hand to control
the horse.
Item Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec AP Cat SF Pen Area
Brow Reinforce 4 3 3 - 1 2 -2 S 1/3 2
Grandgard 10 8 8 3 3 10 -3 U,S,V 1 11,8,3
Til[ng Bevoir 5 4 4 2 1 3 -2 U 1 11

PierceCut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec
Non-vital 31 51 44 35 35 34 -16
Vital 38 58 54 42 38 58 -31
Super-V 42 53 51 32 34 63 -27
Ultra-V 46 57 54 37 41 65 -33
Average 39 55 51 36 37 55 -27
Speed factor is 13.

Full Tilt Armor - This is armor designed for no other purpose than the [lt.
It is essen[ally a specialized version of the [l[ng plate that uses extra
heavy plates where lance contact is possible. The helmet is a frog-mouth
[l[ng helm screwed directly to the breastplate.
Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec
Non-vital 33 51 44 35 35 37 -17

Vital 50 66 67 46 42 66 -34
Super-V 50 59 60 33 38 67 -35
Ultra-V 58 65 63 41 45 71 -39
Average 48 60 58 39 40 60 -31
The speed factor is 16, and two-handed weapons cannot be used while in this
armor. Opponents on anks cannot be seen.

New Pieces of Armor
Item Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec Cat Pen Area
Jerkin, stud leather 4 7 5 5 5 2 4 USV 1 3
plate cod piece 2 5 3 2 3 5 -2 S 1/2 10
Leather cuirass 2 2 2 5 5 1 6 USV 1/2 3,8
Leather Taces 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 V 1/2 6
Leather gauntlets 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 N 1/3 4
Leather brassarts 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 N 1/3 9
Leather chausses 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 N 1/2 6,7
Leather cup 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 S - 10
Leather gorget 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 U 1/3 11
Brow Reinforce 4 3 3 - 1 2 -2 S 1/3 2
Grandgard 10 8 8 3 3 10 -3 U,S,V 1 11,8,3
Til[ng Bevoir 5 4 4 2 1 3 -2 U 1 11
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 14:29:59 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: No Subject

>>>>An[-Joss is just the game mechanic for bad luck. Just as a scenario
might award APs or Joss points to an HP for good behavior, bad or selsh
ac[ons might bring the s[gma of An[-Joss.<<<<

I don't buy it Darkman... Certain creatures/monsters, EPs etc. have
An[-joss factors. I don't remember specics, but you might check out the
vampires etc. in the Mythus handbook.

Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 14:44:02 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Suits of Armor
In-Reply-To: <>

Thanks for the armor info...this is what I've been trying to work out for
a while now, know where the [me goes! :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 16:22:48 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: An[ Joss

Joss and An[-Joss are eec[vely the same. An[-Joss is a term that refers
to the use of Joss to BLOCK an opponent's use of Joss. Simple, eh?


And every word is nonsense but I understand it all
-------------------------------------------------Web page: hhp://
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 22:50:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Dangerous Ideas

Hey Hawkeye-
Any upcoming issues of Dangerous Ideas I can look forward to?
Just interested.

Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 22:52:32 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Shamanism

In reviewing things I have pulled o the list in the past few months,
someone was working on Shamanism. Some of my HPs are going to be travelling
to Vargaard, and I was hoping to use the Shamanism rules...has anyone further
eshed them out??? I could really use some help in having it esh out -- I
am up to my ears in scenario crea[on alone....


Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 22:56:08 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Schools

Hello again.

Just also noted, in going through stu I have pulled o the net over the
past few months, someone (I think it was Ryan Snead (?)) was detailing the
Schools/College of Mages, but then the topic died. He had detailed the two
Black Colleges, but no further. Any possibility that anyone has done any
more work on the subject? In par[cular I am interested in both Grey and
White Schools as I have dweomercraepers in both in my campaign. I was
hoping to use the material....

Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 01:35:33 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: New to list!

Hello All!

I'm new to the list and I'd just like to meet some of you. I'm especially
interested in mee[ng mythus players/jm's in Arizona or Oregon. Also, has
anyone had any thoughts or experience regarding using the mythus system for a
rennaisance type sejng with primi[ve rearms, very lihle magic, etc.?

Looking forward to your replies!
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 05:32:07 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: Re: Shamanism

>In reviewing things I have pulled o the list in the past few months,
>someone was working on Shamanism. Some of my HPs are going to be
>travelling to Vargaard, and I was hoping to use the Shamanism rules...has
>anyone further eshed them out???

Out of curiousity, why would there be a need for a Shamanism K/S area? I'd
think that with Heka being complex the various cas[ngs for this area are
split all among the other Heka K/S areas (Conjura[on, Aportropism,
Herbalism). The Prima[ve Voca[ons seem to stress this too, and so does
the Appendix where Voodoo is considered an amalgam of other K/S areas.

Just curious

DJ Site: hhp://www.[
John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <==/Should/ work, will move here soon.
please try to use this one. <==Always reliable. <==An alternate for the above.
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 13:10:32 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Suits of Armor

>I thought I would post this as it might be useful to players and JMs alike.
> The following are pre-assembled suits of armor I have made up for my

Thanks for the armor stats! When I started with our group, I foolishly
allowed them to choose whatever they wanted...

This severely limits me now, in giving them new armor items. This has given
me new items and ideas. Great!

I'm also looking for nice ideas on magical items. Hint, hint :)


Advocatus Diaboli


I would like to add one more thing:
More More More More More More More More More More More More More More More

Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265


(C) 1995
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 09:01:59 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shamanism
In-Reply-To: <199510110932.FAA02041@zork.[>

On Wed, 11 Oct 1995, John R. Troy wrote:

> >In reviewing things I have pulled o the list in the past few months,
> >someone was working on Shamanism. Some of my HPs are going to be
> >travelling to Vargaard, and I was hoping to use the Shamanism rules...has
> >anyone further eshed them out???

To answer John Teske's ques[on, I have not done further development.
The need has not been there, and all I have at the moment are some
scahered notes.

Regrehably, I haven't had much [me for much development at all, and so
the Cas[ngs I would like to have done are so much vapor..... for now :-)

> Out of curiousity, why would there be a need for a Shamanism K/S area? I'd
> think that with Heka being complex the various cas[ngs for this area are
> split all among the other Heka K/S areas (Conjura[on, Aportropism,
> Herbalism). The Prima[ve Voca[ons seem to stress this too, and so does
> the Appendix where Voodoo is considered an amalgam of other K/S areas.

To answer John Troy's ques[on, I considered it a need primarily because
all of the other K/S areas seem *to me* to stress a more advanced view of
the world, Heka, and spirituality, and they were just too sophis[cated
for the tribes of Vargaard (with only the Iroukia poten[ally even
beginning to approach the philosophical thought of AEropa). As a result,
I felt it appropriate to create a new Heka-genera[ng K/S Area whose
primary purpose was to gather those appropriate pieces and abili[es
(most of which, incidentally, do *not* have an equivalent in the
aforemen[oned alternate K/S Areas) into one place for use primarily in
OP's of various sorts. I do not have a copy of it handy, otherwise I
would happily forward it back to the list (it makes more sense if you can
see it). I *think* it was originally posted in late January or February.

Mike Phillips,
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 08:06:39 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>

Subject: Re: New to list!
In-Reply-To: <> from "Jason Furedy"
at Oct 11, 95 01:35:33 am

Thus spake Jason Furedy
> Also, has
> anyone had any thoughts or experience regarding using the mythus system for a
> rennaisance type sejng with primi[ve rearms, very lihle magic, etc.?

See my ar[cle in Dangerous Ideas (BTW Hawkeye when can we expect the next one?
:) on Firearms for this period converted into DJ stats. If you don't have it
or no one can forward it to you I'll try to dig it up.

-"I pragma[cally turn my whims into principles." -- Calvin.
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 11:50:36 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Dangerous Ideas
In-Reply-To: <>

Oh, who knows? :)

Maybe, if I get mo[vated... :)

I will upt out a call for submissions and stu fairly soon I think. I
will have to ask for everyone's address again, since most are probably
out of date... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 18:09:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Randy M. Schoen" <cerebus@SAT.NET>
Subject: Hello All!

It has been a long [me since I've been on this list and I don't even know
how many people are s[ll here. However, I'm about to embark on a great
Advanced Mythus campaign (as well as a friend of mine) so I'm going to be
producing a plethora of stu to be posted.

In the next few weeks I'm going to be establishing the Dogbark Pages, which

will include a great wealth of HTML-ized Mythus, Aria, and perhaps

Rolemaster & MERP stu...

I'll keep ya posted!

Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 21:17:40 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Schools
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 10 Oct 1995, John Teske Jr wrote:

> Hello again.
> Just also noted, in going through stu I have pulled o the net over the
> past few months, someone (I think it was Ryan Snead (?)) was detailing the
> Schools/College of Mages, but then the topic died. He had detailed the two
> Black Colleges, but no further. Any possibility that anyone has done any
> more work on the subject? In par[cular I am interested in both Grey and
> White Schools as I have dweomercraepers in both in my campaign. I was
> hoping to use the material....
Well, I had been working on some White school stu, but I never put it
to the list because interest in the subject seemed to be scant at best. If
people are really interested though, I suppose I could dig up my notes and
post them in a readable format.

Speak now or forever search my recycling bin.

Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 19:15:27 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Subject: Re: Dangerous Ideas
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hawkeye"
at Oct 11,
95 11:50:36 am

> Oh, who knows? :)
> Maybe, if I get mo[vated... :)
> I will upt out a call for submissions and stu fairly soon I think. I

> will have to ask for everyone's address again, since most are probably
> out of date... :)

Whoa. Submissions for Dangerous Ideas. Maybe I'll whip up some Munchkin
Mythus thingie ... hehehe

*MY* adress aint ouha date. hehehe

- /\__^__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_^___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ _ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl est Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ^ \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 23:33:50 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Schools
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Snead Ryan W" at Oct 11, 95 09:17:40 pm

> Well, I had been working on some White school stu, but I never put it
> to the list because interest in the subject seemed to be scant at best. If
> people are really interested though, I suppose I could dig up my notes and
> post them in a readable format.
> Speak now or forever search my recycling bin.

I'm speaking, I'm speaking!!

Actually, I was very interested in what you had posted so far.
Unfortunately, I got too busy to let the list know that. :P At any
rate, you can count another vote for some new material being posted here.
Un[l Mah sent the armor info, I was beginning to wonder where all that
crea[vity previously seen on Mythus-l had gone.

On a related note, some of you might recall the item rumor project that
was going on several months ago. Well, aper a signicant burnout, we
got mo[vated and have more or less nished up the last few countries.
I'll probably manage to send them to the list some[me next week, followed
by an complete, indexed le ready for the pp site.

Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 10:10:24 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: "Joel F. Yoder" <JayWiye@AOL.COM>
Subject: D.I.

I am the bearer of the following:

"Mike Phillips: Jesse said to tell us all where to nd the D.I. issues
in HTML-format!"

(Jesse is trying to help me get the informa[on--thanks!)

I also would like to know a couple of things...1) someone in the
rpg.marketplace group is selling the rst issue of Journeys for $10. Is
this unreasonable or can't I get it cheaper? 2) Where can I get this Mythic
Masters mag whose name has been tossed round a bit? I remember downloading a
very incomplete copy of the rst issue but that was before I had full
internet access etc.

If anyone has [me to respond to these things and maybe bring me up to speed
on the whole copywright issue, I'd really appreciate it.

Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 09:55:11 -0400
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Je Sharpe <sharpe@LIPLUS.LI-BUSINESS.AB.CA>
Subject: Re: Schools
In-Reply-To: <>

In <>, Snead Ryan W wrote:

>Well, I had been working on some White school stu, but I never put it
>to the list because interest in the subject seemed to be scant at best. If
>people are really interested though, I suppose I could dig up my notes and
>post them in a readable format.
>Speak now or forever search my recycling bin.

Post 'em! :-) Please. Also, any previous work would be appreciated.

-Je Sharpe <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 11:18:10 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: D.I.

At 10:10 AM 10/12/95 -0400, Joel F. Yoder wrote:
>I also would like to know a couple of things...1) someone in the
>rpg.marketplace group is selling the rst issue of Journeys for $10. Is
>this unreasonable or can't I get it cheaper? 2) Where can I get this Mythic

Seems ridiculously overpriced to me. It should s[ll be available at cover

I'll take a look today and see if I have any lep.

Take care,

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 22:58:41 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hagenbuch/Kohler <hagendaz@POSTOFFICE.PTD.NET>
Subject: New stu!!!

Post it!!!!!
Post it!!!!!
Post it!!!!!
Post it!!!!!
Post it!!!!!
Post it!!!!!
Post it!!!!!
Post it!!!!!

(point made?)

Seriously, i would LOVE to see new stu on any subject....i open
don't get to post thanks for stu because of [me (everyone seems to have
that problem...) but i really appreciate everything that gets posted. Who
knows, for that new issue of D.I., i might even be able to produce
mythus forever
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 23:19:45 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Schools

Please post the stu on schools. I am planning to use the stu on each of
the schools as I have characters who are trying to delve into each of the
schoools (oo?) of magic. I have one player who is playing a grey
dweomercraeper in par[cular, bvut I have a dwarf who is trying to get into
one of the colleges of white dweomercraep, a bard who is trying to raise his
steep in green dweomercraep, and a cavalier who is trying to get a real high
score in elemental dweomercraep.
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 23:20:37 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Item Rumors

Hello Everyone.

In a con[nuing eort to nish detailing the last of the item rumors, I
have some further items for your perusal tonight. As always feedback is


Moving Hill of Dunmound Turpenhowe - Several formers have laughed at the
legend of the moving hill. Supposedly though, according to cartographers
and topographers, the terrain of Lyonesse has changed over the many centuries
of its existence. It may be therefore that there is not just one "moving
hill" but several, or it may be that this "relic" is just a device that is
capable of "moving hills" and otherwise changing terrain. A "moving hill"
can be used to transport armies, storm castle walls, ford rivers, cross
chasms, cross channels, bury enemy armies, and hide friendly encampments,
just to name a few uses, according to Lyonesse military tac[cians.
Map-makers con[nue to be frustrated by the changing terrain of Lyonesse,
with the government apparently ignoring any pleas from them to stop
interfering with their eorts.

Flame of Purity - Occul[sts suggest that this device is meant for both
occult means of divina[on as well as its more well-known uses in Alchemy.
It is rumored that crystals formed in the Flame of Purity provide beher
results, and seances performed in the presence of the Flame are more likely
to succeed in their goals. Some have gone so far to suggest exorcisms are
more likely to be successful as well, and although government ocials have
con[nued to refuse comment, several animal trainers in the Royal Household
have heard of spectacular eects of incense burned in the Flame of Purity.
Alchemists in seeveral countries state all of the above is rubbish
sta[ng that certainly the Flame of Purity is a magical re of supernatural
origin, a necessary component in several cas[ngs of grades X - XIX.
Reputedly po[ons and dusts burned in it will aect masses at the same
[me. THe government s[ll has no comment.

Four ELemental ALembics - Each of these fearsome items is capable of

summoning a natural disaster of the associated element, completely under the

owner's control. SUch disasters are:
water - tsunami, hurricane, rainstorm
air - tornado, hurricane, windstorm
re - inferno, forest blaze, restorm
earth - earthquake, sandstorm
It is unknown how these items not only manufacture their eects but maintain
control of them. This is also outrageous considering the Phaeree origin of
these ar[facts; reportedly these all do need Phaeree/Outer Planar
Gems/Materia to operate correctly EACH [me they are used.
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 00:13:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Shamanism

I would be interested in seeing what you've worked up for this new voca[on.

Also, I heard the "Iroukia" men[oned. Has there been any further
development of Vargaard since The Epic of Aerth?
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 00:19:27 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythic Masters

I need help!

I've heard about this magazine a bit but hav never seen one. Although I did
see a par[al copy online. Can anyone tell me where complete copies can be
found? On the net or hard copies, whatever?

Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 00:44:03 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: Mythic Masters
In-Reply-To: <>

I would like to know as well.

On Fri, 13 Oct 1995, Jason Furedy wrote:

> I need help!
> I've heard about this magazine a bit but hav never seen one. Although I did

> see a par[al copy online. Can anyone tell me where complete copies can be
> found? On the net or hard copies, whatever?
> Thanks.
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 02:02:33 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Item Rumors



Fragarach - This sword is famed for its many legends. Its name "The
Answerer" refers to the fact that it always hits if its wielder is hit by any
enemy weapon. Of course it can hit rst. It is heavily enchanted with many
major heka-forging enchantments including a more powerful form of item
invulnerability. It is extremely heavy, and reputedly requires a PMPow of 23
to be wielded, though its powers can always be called upon by its owner. A
seven foot long blade forged of Toledo steel, it is etched with runes of harp
mastery, poetry, warrior skills, and dweomercraep. It is unknown what other
powers the weapon has, but the Runes are supposed to provide a clue.

Amluth - The King's Shieldbearer and/or Champion is the tradi[onal bearer of
this powerful weapon. It forms the basis of an elite knighthood sworn to
protect the King, His family, and His reputa[on. Although some discount the
actual existence of the Sword as a mere myth, many people through Lyonnesse
have sworn they have seen it used in several ceremonies. It is forged of
Hekalite alloy, inlaid with white gold and pla[num, and set with a few small
but noteworthy gems. It is the object of several enchantments to enhance
combat and leadership skills, as well as provide bonuses in military science.
Its precise powers remain a mystery.

The Harp of the Albard - This powerful harp, in a country many regard as the
home of Spellsongs, has been the subject of several thousand rumors and
dozens of odes and ballads. Musicians throughout the Kel[c Isles and
Northern Aeropa have all heard of the item, and a goodly number of them have
also been fortunate enough to have actually seen it in ac[on. Its exact
descrip[on varies from teller to teller, and it may well be that the harp is
able to change its appearance/percep[on, as no two accounts are the same.
Some state the harp is able to grant a 50 STEEP in Music to all who hear
it, and claim that the harpist can then use these newly-made chorus of
musicians to generate Heka for Spellsongs. It reputedly is the object of
several permanent SPellsongs and several ac[ve cas[ngs of Green
Dweomercraep and Ethos of Moonlight nature. Others claim that similar harps
exist for all combina[ons of Dweomercraep and Ethoi, but this has not been
proven. S[ll others claim that the Harp is not a single en[ty but rather

an essence of Magick that temporarily enchants one harp but may switch from
one harp to another. WIth such a change comes new powers and abili[es.
Given the plethora of descirp[ons of the harp and its appearance in
loca[ons miles apart only minutes apart, the last of these rumors certainly
seems plausible.


Book of Origina[ons - "To understand the Present, We must all be able to
understand our origins." - Numitorius Agrippa; "Past behavior predicts
future behavior." - Unknown.
This trea[se details the origins of any item selected by its reader,
limited to items that the reader has possession of, or is within 100 miles of
the reader. It is also able to possess the origins of some of the more
famous personages about the Globe. Treat the item as if it had a STEEP of
240 in Mental and Physical Percep[on, Appraisal, Biography/Geneology,
Streetwise, Rari[es, and Judgement (all subareas). ANy other helpful K/S
areas are possessed at a STEEP of 120. Many ocials con[nue to deny that
the item has any spell cas[ng abili[es with regard to divina[on and
fortune telling, but with the above abili[es it is easy to see how someone
could conclude that the item does indeed possess cas[ng abili[es.

Springsource Sta - Weaponsmiths have long rumored that this item does not
in fact possess material form. Others have commented on the ageless nature
of the King's help. A third source, one apothecary of Pyongyang, theorizes
that the sta is not a weapon but actually a group of ahendants to the
King. Each wears a symbol of water on a silver chain about the waist, for
unknown reasons, and dresses rather plainly. They all have rather
non-descript features. In bahle they show their usefulness as the sta of
8 "people" are an ENDLESS supply of heka, allowing those who would tap into
them to cast all cas[ngs at 2 DRs easier. Many foreign hekaurs state this
rumor is certainly untrue and is designed to keep the true powers of the
Sta secret.
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 02:30:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Item Rumors 3

Hello. Part 3


The Seven Precious Branch - Plasterers and glass-blowers across Pohai are
open called upon by the Ruler of Pohai Chu'mying Wang to create miniature
lifelike images of livestock, fruits, and nuts. minerals are also
replicated. According to popular legend, once these miniature works of
ar[s[c sculpture are in the hands of the government, they are placed on the
Seven Precious Branch, seven items at a [me. For the next several months,

the Branch then causes all forms of that item to abundantly mul[ply. It is
unknown how it precisely does this, but it is rumored that it operates on a
principle similar to the Materializa[on Cas[ng of Mys[cism.

Celes[al Carp - This simple lihle harmless sh is kept in the King's
Palace. It is rumored to be able to transform into a Dragon, a True Dragon.
Member of the Celes[al Bureaucracy. Sailmakers also insist that this lihle
sh is able to control sh throughout the en[re of Pohai, from Goldsh to
Pirhana (sp?). Such sh and other aqua[c beings are also capable of being
summoned by the Carp. Some claim it is responsible for summoning whales to
defend Pohai during a naval bahle 8 years ago. (Eight whales kept
surfacing, capsizing nearly all enemy vessles.) Some animal trainers claim
that this harmless sh is also capable of transforming aqua[c animals,
crea[ng swarms of pirhana near enemy ships, with sharks for an addi[onal
added touch. It is not known if that is true, but it is curious that many
domes[cated animals did disappear when the Carp's powers have been called
upon in the recent past.


Rods of Command and Obedience - These two magical rods can be used to control
the ac[ons and behavior of a large number of people. The exact number of
people that can be simultaneously be aected by the items is MRx1000. The
Rod of Command, if the subject fails a roll against SMPow x 1/2 at
DR="extreme", can be used to completely control an individual's ac[ons, as
limited by verbal communica[on of the wielder. The Rod of Obedience has no
need of such communica[on. If a vic[m of that wand fails an SMPow x 1/2 at
DR="extreme" roll, then the wielder is acknowledged as a friendly but
superior power , of whom the subject will unfailing follow instruc[ons save
those that are self-destruc[ve.
Clockmakers in Helve[a travelled to Russ at one [me at the behest of
the Czar. THey were aected bythe devices and, according to rumor, made one
of the greatest, if not the most bizarre, [mepieces known to exist.
Sculptors, architects, and even foreign pastry chefs also report similar
experiences. FOrtunately, no harm ever seems to some from the use of these
two rods. SOme allege this is one side-eect of the Rods themselves.

Signs of Time - Unlike many [me altering devices which seem to be able to
ne-tune any abuse of [me they create, these signs are rather wild and
unpredictable. THey are used as weapons only, and have no known benecial
powers. THe rst rapidly advances [me, aging all in its eect area by
1d10 years per CT of use. The second rapidly reverses [me, causing all in
its area of eect to lose 1d30 years of age per CT of use. The third causes
a reality ship to all in its area of eect, switching those people with
their wyrds (see Wyrd Ritual Ethos of Sunlight Cas[ng). THese "wyrds" can
be created by the rules in Dangerous Journeys pages 394-395. The fourth
negates the eects of the other 3 signs. Only 4 signs are known to exist.
Use of the signs against enemy armies has caused deaths to thousands who
have dared to oppose Russ.

Axe of the FOrests - Reportedly, this device grants the K/S areas associated
with the Forester K/S bundle (as detailed in the Mythus Masters Magazine) at
a respec[ve STEEP, or at +50 if already possessed. These may excede
maximums as imposed by TRAIT scores.
Some also allege that the device is capable of summoning Phaeree
creatures sympathe[c to the cause of the forest. This rumor is however as
yet unconrmed.

More to come....

Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 00:47:15 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Dangerous Ideas

At 11:50 AM 10/11/95 -0400, Hawkeye wrote:
>Oh, who knows? :)
>Maybe, if I get mo[vated... :)
>I will upt out a call for submissions and stu fairly soon I think. I
>will have to ask for everyone's address again, since most are probably
>out of date... :)

You would. Can I call my house rules for combat a submission? <Grin>. I'll
also send in a new voca[on list, modifying all voca[ons for use in a world
that's not quite so heka-rich as Aerth, etc - this is large, tho... a couple
dozen pages, as I've added about a dozen new voca[ons), and perhaps some
creatures (they'll all be geared for my combat system, however... and will
have xed ini[a[ve ahacks and intervals) and items.

Take care,

(wondering if people are willing to put up with a crass commercial
announcement about how lihle Mythus stu I have lep in the CCGS store..)

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 02:49:27 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Item Rumors 4

In case people are wondering what I am doing.....about a year ago I started a
project to detail rumors about all the items men[oned in the Epic of Aerth
book. I neglected to explain this when I started pos[ng items to the apologies. Anyway, we are down to the last few countries...21 to
be p[recise....and I am trying to nish them... I have had technical
dicul[es and Board exams over the past 3 months, so I have been rather
negleckul in my input to the list...but now I gure it is [me to nish
this project and then move onto some other things.



Blackwalker - This is a costumeof black silk with a silver crescent on the
back, and an orange serpent writhing above the crescent. (See descrip[on of
the Na[on's ag. {hint}) It has with it a black turban and face mask. It
is capable of gran[ng to the wearer the capability of killing soldiers in
their sleep. Although the precise means for mass destruc[on is not known,
it is rumored that the mists open are seen in the enemy camp the night
before a bahle with Lybbos. Blacksmiths who have set up their smithies
behind the front have set up smithies in such conquered camps. RUmors of
dried husks of men, dehydrated to the point of death, are commonplace amoung
them, done by a mist that sucks out all the liquid, but only in a sleeping

Key of the Pits - This Tome details the Key in which many evil SPellsongs
from the Lower Planes are composed. The Key is a non-harmonic atonal scale
of 9 notes.SUppposedly with these 9 notes a total of 666 Spellsongs (Evil all
of them) of Grades IX-XIX are created and detailed in this musical reference
work. Pohers throughout Lybbos have a well-known tale of the SPellsong
which enchaned all their pots to become lifelike and hos[le, ahacking and
killing those who would ahack Lybbos, but then later slayijng some Lybbian
ci[zens as well.
Whatever many rumors may describe this ar[fact as, one thing remains:
it is used sparingly and only in [mes of great need.


Silver Barracuda Armor - SOme sages openly debate whether or not this item
has any heka-engendered powers at all. The item is apparently made from the
skin of one giant silver barracuda that was able to swallow men whole.
Addi[onally it is reinforced with bits of coral, and decorated with pearls,
mother-of-pearl, and seashells. Western jewelers also doubt the veracity of
the item, sta[ng it is a hoax to ar[cially elevate prices of Panay-Sulu
pearls and coral. Na[ves to the area decry such accusa[on sta[ng this
item has many sea powers associated with it, as well as an aura of
leadership, charisma[cism, and inuence. Unfortunately no one who has
actually worn the Silver Barracuda Armor was available for comment.

Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 03:07:10 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Item Rumors 5

Last One of this Group. I have a few more items which I will get around to
over the weekend....then, provided I can get a few fron one of my friend to
Stevn Gullerud, we should be able to nish this year long project in the
next couple of weeks.


The Flying Tower of Ernest - This tower was made by the great Heka-Forger
Ernest. SOme say he was also a great and most crea[ve writer, for it is
widely known that control of the tower must be done through a large tome
found in the Tower's highest room. Several legends make the Tower out to be
a [me-traveling device that can travel to parallel world/[mes; several
children's stories tell of fantas[c creatures met by the hero/heroine
through such dimensional travel. Kel[c bards also rumor the "control
manual" is full of Spellsongs and that the device is controlled by magical
music and tunes. It is known however that the "ride of the Valkyries"
(Wagner) is frequently heard near the Tower when it is used in bahle.

Dreamspider Loom-This device has several powers that the Crown of FLanders
has kept secret for a long while. Its only publically known power is to
enable two-way visul, audial, and hekau communica[on between 2 individuals.
It is rumored several nubles hostle to the current Prince RObert VI were
slain using heka-cas[ngs and the device. Commoners also hold the device as
cursed, resul[ng in the ill fortune of the Ruling house, and the current
Prince RObert VI's sterility. SOme have even gone so far as to allege the
current Prince is non other that the Dread Pirate Roberts known to haunt the
icy waters of the North Sea. These people do seem to have a disturbing
tendency to disappear and never be heard from again.

Lens of the Savants - This awesome instrument imparts all the non-haka
genera[ng areas of the Sage bundle at a score of 100. Some say that it
raises all Mental STEEPs possessed by the wearer to a score of 100, even if
the Mental Trait of the wearer is not that high. The spectacles also impart
an ability of Aural Sight (qv.). Their liability is not known, but
apparently communica[on is omewhat hampered by the item, rendering its
wearer capable only of babblespeech and otherwise illiterate. There have
been some Rari[es experts who state the device grants a limited STEEP of
31-51 in Mental and Spiritual Heka-Genera[ng areas associated with the Sage
K/S bundle, but this has not been veried.

Well, that is all for now. More items later.....'

ANy thoughts?

Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 00:27:39 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: rumors et al
In-Reply-To: <> from "John Teske Jr"
at Oct 13, 95 03:07:10 am


Forwarded all the rumors back to you. I'm heading back to the
apartment. Problem set is going very slowly. It gures to be a
long night. Sleep depreva[on here I come.

Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 00:30:19 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Sigh
In-Reply-To: <> from "John Teske Jr"
at Oct 13, 95 03:07:10 am

You know you've been up to late when you send personal email to the
mythus-l list. :P Ah well, live and learn.
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 15:13:53 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythic Masters

MMM Again.

Finding MMM is a bit problema[cal. It was subscrip[on only, so it's not
available through the normal outlets to my knowledge.

TSR received the surplus issues per the sehlement. According to TSR
personnel this surplus was destroyed.

I have lobbied several [mes with TSR to have electronic copies uploaded to
the TSR area of AOL, however, in typical "dog in the manger" fashion they
refuse to allow this.

The informa[on in MMM is a must for any Mythus gaming group.

Good Luck.
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 15:30:33 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: Re: Shamanism

>Also, I heard the "Iroukia" men[oned. Has there been any further
>development of Vargaard since The Epic of Aerth?

Mike has a campaign of his own in Vargaard. Mean[me, I've been working on
ideas for wri[ng a few essays on Vargaard. If I do, they'll be on my Web Site.

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <==/Should/ work, will move here soon.
please try to use this one. <==Always reliable. <==An alternate for the above.
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 21:36:17 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Campaign & scenario design


When I started on this list, I had some trouble with non-matching Ethoi of
several of the HPs in my campaign. (Good vs. Bad.)
Like one of you said, this sorts itself out. The player felt that his HP
didn't quite t in, so the HP disappeared, and hey presto, a new HP was
parachuted into the scenario. Another HP was "modied" (without the HP
having to crash into the ground, and be rebuild for around $6 000 000,= to
make him beher, stronger, faster.... ;) ), and now ts the groups
inten[ons much beher.

What this message truly is about is Campaign & Scenario Design.
A while ago (I can't nd the message, but is was a reply to Good and Evil
HPs in a campaign), it was remarked that the rst demand of a well
conducted campaign was CONSISTANCY, and the second demand is LOGIC.
Well, I agree that those elements are vital to a well designed campaign.

However, I have no[ced a prac[cal obstacle to these prime direc[ves for
Campaign Design.
One, if I design my scenario quite ridgidly --in the meaning of "you have to
do A before B, otherwise you won't get anywhere...(like in computer

games)--, my players systema[cally (?) fail to no[ce the evident things

that could be done to solve the scenario with limited risks. They apparently
revel in seeking out the most convoluted and dangerous routes to do it.
Failing to do nd such a solu[on they walk around and generally radiate

Two, having discarded the ridgid scenario method, I now only work out the
key encounters and key places they will have to visit. I "go with the ow",
and try to coax them to do the things necessary. But I'm not quite sa[sed
with this method because this way it is quite dicult to adhere to the
previously determined scenario. Consistancy suers in this way, because
some[mes I as GM have to cut a few corners to make things happen... This
needlessly complicates the plot.

Three, how do I design "wheels within wheels"? I had a basic idea how to
start, but now I need a Grand Plot in my Campaign to keep things going
without going into epic scale bahles etc. or jumping around in the game
world (AErth) a lot.

What I'm looking for is an "abstract" trea[se on Campaign Scenario Design.
Probably, this is a bit heavy request for a rst reply to this message. But
a couple of checklists of Do's and Don't's would be a great start.

All those professional game designers and scenario writers must be aware of
the fact that there are no contemporary manuals for this type of work, as
far as I know (except for the ancient *Il Principe* by N.M., but this one I
do not consider contemporary). Don't you worry about the quality of future
genera[ons of Game and Scenario Designers who will follow the trail you are
breaking for them?
Aper some careful use of my personal scrying crystal and use of my
Spiritual K/S Areas such as Divina[on (for which our Heavenly Game Master
secretly made my rolls, and gave me the impression that what I saw is
absolutely true), I happen to have the impression that you all work from 9
to 5, with al least 2 hours lunch breaks and have several luxuriously long
coee and tea breaks in the morning and apernoon, lled with idle
chajng on the wheater, sports, and Clinton's latest Bosnia poli[cs,
company supplied computer games, and that at home the wife and lovely
kiddies require all you loving ahen[on, and that all your free weekends
and weeks long vaca[ons are lled with joyfull visits to distant and close
rela[ves that have thrilling news on the latest addi[on to the family
tree, so therefore my very humble opinion is that us poor educa[on-deprived
game masters would benet so incredebly much from your collected knowledge
that when the Time Comes, you will all be excused for your sins and go
straight to Walhalla. (Wow, this sentence stretches 14 lines on my screen!!
And without doubt will be gramma[cally incorrect.) So, please, please
donate some of your ample spare [me to hammer out on this magickal device
with the glowing rectangle the way you work and send us your insights in
this tricky material via the arkane Internet Virtual Plane so that we
ignorant followers of The Way of Mythus may magickally and instantly
transform into Arch-Journey-Masters capable of conduc[ng Grand Campaigns

with complex plots within plots.

Basically, what I'm asking for is an on-line course in Zen and the Art of
Game Mastering... (wink, wink, notch, notch, know what I mean, know what I
mean...) :)
I'm sure you do know when to apply Irony, when you read certain sentences.
This to prevent aming on irrelevant details.

With your help I hope to be able to spare you from my ample ramblings on a
saterday apernoon, hoping to get some inspira[on to add a new twist to the
already very convoluted plot of my campaign. :)

Let me hear from you all. Both those who love and who hate the idea.

Advocatus Diaboli

Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 21:36:22 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Item Rumors

Dear John,

Love the ideas you posted. Probably, I'm going to use some of them, but
don't know when.

Keep them coming....

Harold Stringer
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 22:27:28 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>

Subject: Re: Campaign & Scenario design

Campaign design has to be the hardest thing to do in RPGs. I really think
that logic and consistency are a necessity, but I don't think they are
constric[ve in the way Harold suggests. One problem I have found is that
you open end up asking yourself, "gee, what should happen in this situa[on?
I guess it depends on the laws around here. I wonder what the law should
be?" In other words, you end up with so much freedom to create you have
nothing to help you. You have to make everything up on the spot. This is not
desirable. That's why people make up their worlds BEFORE they start the
campaign. Of course no maher how much you make up, you will always have to
make stu up on the spot. What I have found helps the most is making up
more general informa[on about the world, something that gives you structure
to build on when you do have to make things up on the spot. By doing stu
like deciding what the economy is like, whether there are banks, etc. you
make your job easier and avoid inconsistency.

I have been doing work recently on overall economics and costs, and it has
helped with consistency in terms of pricing. I got caught by my players
recently because I told them that their horses could be sold for 100 pieces
of silver in the town they were in, which made a lot of sense given the
situa[on. Unfortunately, by making it up on the spot I ended up with a
price that was 100 [mes less than they had paid for the horses much earlier
in the campaign. While prices vary over loca[on and situa[on, I basically
got caught with my JM pants down.

Horse prices may seem minor, but that is good. I used to get caught on more
substan[ve issues about the way magic worked, so I worked out a physics of
magic to combat that. This problem carries over into campaign and scenario
design, and the xes are similar. When working on bad guys, their place in
the world and their mo[va[on are the most important things to make up.
Stats can be made up on the y. I like to do a lot of top-down design when
it comes to scenarios, as well as bohom-up. I start with an idea for a part
of an adventure, and then when I get stuck I try and gure out how all this
would t into larger poli[cal and economic dimensions. Why is this witch
down in the sewers? What does she have to gain? How does it serve the
purposes of the devil who granted the witch her powers? So you end up
designing the power struggle in hell to understand the devil's mo[va[on,
which explains the witch's behavior, and also suggests some new elements that
could be added into the scenario, like compe[[ve witches. So it's not just
the good guys versus the witch, it's the good guys versus the witch versus
the other witch. Does this make sense?

Let me give an real example: (Tad and any other players in the Nodd campaign,
you can stop reading now. I'm about to talk about the upcoming adventure.)

The next scenario is an ahempted assassina[on of the players. They will
probably survive since they are reasonably smart and have joss. Aperwards,
they will try and nd out who sent the assassins. The nearby city will have
many candidates who might want to see them dead. But who else besides the

guilty party should be a suspect? The party is aligned with a par[cular

senatorial fac[on of the nearby empire. We decided that in order to
generate some believable suspects, we needed to lay out the internal
poli[cs of the imperial senate, who hates who, etc. That way we (I co-JM
with another person) could have members of some of the fac[ons opposed to
their fac[on in the city, and as they inves[gate they will nd out who is
gh[ng the fac[on they have aligned themselves with, and thus who might
want them dead. So by going to the level of senatorial poli[cs, we not only
generated a framework that helps us come up with a much more believable set
of suspects, but it lays the groundwork for a lot of further scenarios, and a
huge part of the campaign (the HPs want to eventually take over the empire.)

When you are doing stu like this, logic will help suggest what one part of
the world should be like, given what you have said about another part. Logic
doesn't have to restrict you that much, it more open suggests possibili[es
that you might not have found. When combined with making up larger parts of
your world like poli[cal struggles or characteris[cs of magic, the two give
you enough structure to help you with those dicult player ques[ons and
ac[ons that force you to make stu up on the spot, without forcing you or
the players down one par[cular path.

The biggest advantage of this method of gaming and scenario construc[on is
that it allows your players opportuni[es to think crea[vely. Instead of
being faced with a set of dogma[c rulings that they have trouble
an[cipa[ng, or a knowledge that if they come up with a really ingenious and
powerful cas[ng that it will be disallowed or toned down because of "game
balance", they are free to explore the implica[ons of what you have told
them so far. I nd that this open leads to the players poin[ng out stu
I hadn't thought of before, which makes playing more interes[ng for me, and
the world created during play much richer and more believable. The down side
is that it takes alot of [me on the JM's part. But I think it is worth it.

That's enough babble for one pos[ng. I hope it helps.

Mah Berry
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 00:48:54 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Why not roleplay

Does anyone want to play DJ over the net? If so I'm interested
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 09:42:51 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Frank Mentzer <Mythic@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythic Masters

Ya da, TSR owns MMM. I have all the original ASCII & GIF les (as do many
of y'all, I'm sure), but distribu[on is expressly prohibited by TSR.
Praps they refuse in part 'cause they misplaced the les. I'll ask 'em.

Frank Mentzer
Editor, Mythic Masters(tm) Magazine (RIP)
Lurker, Mythus-L ;>
(and eschewing a fancy sig to waste your space & [me)
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 13:08:08 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Schools
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 12 Oct 1995, John Teske Jr wrote:

> Please post the stu on schools. I am planning to use the stu on each of
> the schools as I have characters who are trying to delve into each of the
> schoools (oo?) of magic. I have one player who is playing a grey
> dweomercraeper in par[cular, bvut I have a dwarf who is trying to get into
> one of the colleges of white dweomercraep, a bard who is trying to raise his
> steep in green dweomercraep, and a cavalier who is trying to get a real high
> score in elemental dweomercraep.
Thanks to John and others for their response about development in the Schools
of Dweomercraep. Your interest has restored life to the project unlike
the usual eect of interest in development of a T$R-owned project). I have
been fran[cally collec[ng my notes for the past several days, and I
discovered that some of them may be missing! If anyone has copies of the
posts I made over the summer or can tell me where to nd the archives for
1995. Please post them to the list or email me. I would like at the
very least to make this work as consistent as possible (another common
problem with Terminated and $[ll Rubbish-owned products).

As far as I can tell, the mythus-l archives on cerebus go up to the end
of 1994.

:: Dweomercraeper gets caught with his magic wand down (no comments
please) ::

Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 13:28:09 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Josh Elarton <JElarton@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay

I sure would be interested. Are you oering to run a campaign? Or are
looking for one to play in? In either case, if anyone knows of a DJ campaign
being run on the net, I'd be interested.
A few months ago, a short-lived Mythus PBeM game was started. Not exactly
sure what happened to it... Oh, hi there Jesse! *grin*

Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 14:29:09 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Schools
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Snead Ryan W" at Oct 15, 95 01:08:08 pm

> Thanks to John and others for their response about development in the Schools
> of Dweomercraep. Your interest has restored life to the project unlike
> the usual eect of interest in development of a T$R-owned project). I have
> been fran[cally collec[ng my notes for the past several days, and I
> discovered that some of them may be missing! If anyone has copies of the
> posts I made over the summer or can tell me where to nd the archives for
> 1995. Please post them to the list or email me. I would like at the
> very least to make this work as consistent as possible (another common
> problem with Terminated and $[ll Rubbish-owned products).

Well, I just searched through the mythus-l posts I've been saving and
found two on the subject. Since there seems to be a number of new
people here, I decided to send them to the en[re list as a review.

Aper all, we can't have Ryan's work slow down due to missing notes! ;)

From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: dwe0mercraep

Thanks to Dave's encouragement, I have decided to try detailing
the schools of dweomercraep and the philosophies espoused
therein. What follows are some rst thoughts concerning my aims
in all this crea[vity. If you want to see something else, TELL
ME! Also, if you want to help out in some aspect of the project,
please let me know by private email. (

In my mind, each of the ins[tu[ons of higher learning men[oned
in the main Mythus book to be true centers of magickal learning

on AErth (or elsewhere if you choose for your campaign). They

each have physical loca[ons on the material plane (and quite
possibly elsewhere). In other words, your HPs can visit these
places; however, the welcome they receive there is up to the
all-benevolent --ahem-- JM. Certainly they would have at least
a visitors center with some leaets and free coee (or no more
than 5 BUCs a cup)!

On another level, each of these ins[tutes represent the focus of
a certain point of view within the eld of dweomercraep. Other
ins[tu[ons of magick in the eld will tend to follow one of
the great ins[tu[ons, at least to some extent. Then again, in
the hinterlands it is so dicult to sta a magickal ins[tute
that there will probably be more texture to the philosophical
leanings of the DMs (Doctors of Magery) in a college in the less
civilized states.

In addi[on to the philosophical bent of a given school or
hekaur, there are a number of speciali[es within each eld (or
school if you prefer). The great ins[tu[ons will be able to
provide instruc[on in all concentra[ons of the eld at or near
the cujng edge of knowledge. There may be beher places out
there for a given specialty, but not by much! I men[oned some
ideas for concentra[ons in an earlier post, but the clearest
example for those who missed it is in the Elemental school (Fire,
Water, Air, AErth, and Heka/an[-Heka). Other ins[tu[ons will
probably be able to provide some instruc[on in any concentra[on
of the eld, but will generally concentrate on catering to the
needs of (or designs upon) an area. For example, an elementalist
ins[tute located near a fron[er region where there are a large
number of predators might focus on animal-related magick and

The project will begin by detailing the philosophies of each of
the great ins[tu[ons. Descrip[ons of some of the magick
concentra[ons for each eld will follow. Finally, travellers
will report on what they saw and heard in and about the great
ins[tu[ons a la item rumors. Sugges[ons, comments, and
ques[ons are always welcome. But of course, this is done at the
risk of being asked to help out! ;-)

Let's make some magick!
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 14:30:55 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Schools

In-Reply-To: <> from

"Snead Ryan W" at Oct 15, 95 01:08:08 pm

The post detailing the Black school:

From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Dweomercraep: Black School (development)

The following post details the fac[ons and majors of the Black
school of dweomercraep, as promised in the previous post. It is
a rst drap of ideas, and I would like to hear people's
opinions. All stu & so men[oned in MM & DJ:M are the (stolen)
intellectual property of T$R, Ink.(blot). They reserve the right
to sue my buh if I ever try to make money o of this, but 1) I
wouldn't try and 2) you can't bleed money from a broke college
student, so nyah! ;-)

Fac[ons within the school: While the Abyssal Ins[tute and
Ebondark College both agree that the strong should rule over the
weak and that power is best drawn from the lower planes, they are
very much opposed concerning the proper method of that rule.

Ebondark College: members of this movement in the black school
rely upon fear and the domina[on of others to gain power for
themselves. They prize order and structure almost as much as
their knowledge of the dark arts from which they derive power.
However, some of their numbers are not above permi[ng temporal
chaos in the interest of establishing a greater overall order
(with themselves at the top of the power structure of course)
There is no room among Ebondark prac[[oners for the weak or the
undiciplined. To defy the orders of a superior hekaur in the
movement can be suicidal, intollerable, and expected.

Abyssal Ins[tute: prac[[oners in the Abyssal movement are
masters of dark chaos. They understand only the tyrrany of
terror. Ins[tu[ons of this mindset are found only in the most
fearsome of locales and open remote from civiliza[on. This
protects both the secrecy of their research as well as providing
their membership protec[on from an angry populace. Though the
Abyssal are not as powerful as the more organized Ebondark
movement, they are much more dangerous due to their destruc[ve
poten[al and the power open associated with individuals in
their order.

Concentra[ons in the Black School: The majors of darkness are
taught in both the Ebondark and Abyssal movements, as the
cas[ngs have their uses for prac[[oners of either philosophy.

Discord: This concentra[on can be used to bring down rival

organiza[ons or just to add terror and confusion to any
situa[on. Its an[thesis is the White school concentra[on of

Pain: This concentra[on specializes in the control or
degrada[on of the physical body or objects and thus is the
an[thesis to the White school concentra[on of Healing.

Perversion: This concentra[on may be employed for deceit, thep,
or falsehood. Some also consider it the mental version of the
Pain Sub-Area, though the mental cas[ngs are open taught to
students in Pain as well. Perversion is the an[thesis of the
White school concentra[on of Knowledge.

Ques[ons? Comments? Discussion? Speak!

Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 14:34:07 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Schools
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Snead Ryan W" at Oct 15, 95 01:08:08 pm

Found one more along with Dave Newton's response to the orignal idea.

----------From: Dave Newton <dnewton@NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Magic "majors"

>Some of the divisions are easy:
>Elemental School : Fire, Water, Aerth, Air, Heka
>White: Healing, Harmony, Protec[on
>Black: Discord, Pain, Perversion
>Green: Plants, Animals, Weather
>Grey: Shadows, Illusion, Concealment
>Others may not be so clear. Any sugges[ons? Am I gejng close to what
>people want to see in development of the Schools? Feedback!! ...please...

> --Ryan

This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. In fact, I think you
could probably sit down with Mythus Magick and place the Cas[ngs into specic
classes of spells. I did something of this sort when I was developing them out
from Gary's original list, but I think I did it on a scrap of paper that was
subsequently lost.

Dave----------------------------------------------------------The First Amendment is a guarantee that has no expira[on date.
(C)1995 Dave Newton. All Rights Reserved
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 17:52:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay
In-Reply-To: <>

Well what I was thinking was using either a PBEM forum, or maybe even a
ytalk forum to run a campaign. I would rather nd someone else to JM, as
well as other players
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 17:55:03 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Why TSR
In-Reply-To: <199510152130.OAA13797@elaine25.Stanford.EDU>

Why did TSR win the rights to DJ? I've always wondered.
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 18:01:05 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Mythus Magick on disk
In-Reply-To: <199510152134.OAA13868@elaine25.Stanford.EDU>

Has anyone heard of anybody pujng Mythus Magick into a simple BASIC
program. I was wondering because some three or more years back I tried.
So far I have about 1/2 of the A's done. But when I was programming it, I
did it in GWBASIC, ans GW has it's drawbacks (like it sucks). If anyone
knows where to get a GWBASIC to QBASIC (or even just ASCII) converter,
please tell me! Maybe it will spark my interest to nish the project.

Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 18:50:51 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: W Keith Work <wkwork@AIRMAIL.NET>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay

>Does anyone want to play DJ over the net? If so I'm interested

I'm rela[vely new to the group here... DJ?
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 17:11:23 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: More item rumors

Here are rumors concerning the items of Farz, Finmark, and Poland.


Disc of Mitra
It is generally acknowledged that the legendary Disc of Mitra is
responsible for most of Farz' recent accomplishments in turning its
arid land into respectable farmland. No reports are available
regarding the exact appearance of the Disc, as it is jealously guarded
by the ruling house of Farz. Renown sages on Farz society suspect
that the Disc was originally created by priests of Mitra with the aim
of gaining popularity with the masses. However, the ruler of Farz saw
the value of such a device, and obtained it (possibly by force) for
use at his own discression.
When placed on concecrated ground, the Disc of Mitra will make
surrounding land fer[le, at the rate of 2 miles radius per year up to
a maximum of 10 miles. The Disc must be lep in a single loca[on for
an en[re year before any benets are realized. However, almost any
type of ground can be made fer[le by the Disc, and as far as anyone
knows this eect is permanent in nature.
A few wild rumors claim that the Disc is able to use
Celes[al-based Cas[ngs against any would-be thieves. This has been
dismissed by most experts as propeganda.

Fireseed Tree
The Fireseed Tree is feared by surrounding countries, and with
good reason, as a stockpile of its seeds would pose a deadly threat.
Though none know its exact loca[on, it is known that the Tree is a
magnicent palm tree at least twice as tall as any in the country.
Its seeds appear much like a coconut, except that they are dull red in

color and are uncomfortably hot to the touch.

These seeds are the cause of concern to other countries. The
Fireseeds are unstable, and will explode when dropped from a
signicant height or subjected to a sharp blow. When this occurs,
the Fireseed sprays a aming liquid over as much as a square mile of
territory. The res caused by this liquid will con[nue to burn
un[l all combus[ble material is turned into ash. Unfortunately, the
Fireseeds have also shown a tendency to explode when excessive Heka
use occurs nearby.
Sages suspect both the Tree and any stockpile of Fireseeds must
be located in a desert. If any accident were to occur with the
handling of a Fireseed, the explosion of an en[re collec[on of them
would devestate a huge sec[on of Farz. Such hazards may explain
Farz' reluctance to use the seeds in warfare, as a reprisal could
jepordize both their supply and their country.

Innite Arrowcase
The Innite Arrowcase has been of great aid in Farz' war
eorts. As the name implies, it is the source of an inexhaustable
supply of Excep[onal quality arrows for any type of bow. These
arrows, while possessing no bonuses to BAC or damage, are able to harm
foes only aected by enchanted weapons. In addi[on, these arrows
have a 50% increase in range, making archers armed with such arrows a
deadly foe indeed. While it is not known how rapidly arrows are
produced, it is suspected that it is enough to keep an en[re regiment
of archers in perpetual supply.
A lesser known, but perhaps more deadly power of the Arrowcase is
the ability to make arrows specically ahuned to the distruc[on of
a single person. This arrow takes at least one week to make,
requiring very detailed informa[on about the targeted individual.
Once created, such an arrow is a supreme tool of assassina[on - it
cannot be parried, blocked, or doged, and will penetrate any standard
Heka based defenses. It's range is triple that of a standard arrow,
and gains a +20 BAC bonus. If this arrow strikes its intended target,
death is guaranteed.
Needless to say, Farz has not used the second power of the
Arrowcase open, fearing a decisive reprisal from Babylonia.

Rendering of the Lut
Though some argue whether this tome was named aper the desert of
the same name or visa versa, there is no ques[on that the two are
closely related. The tome is said to be the color and texture of
sand. Its pages contain Cas[ngs of great destruc[ve power, almost
all drawing upon the power of both Fire and Earth. These Cas[ngs
range from Grades I to XX in power. Some troubling rumors have
surfaced indica[ng that land ravaged by these cas[ngs cannot be
healed except by the greatest of En[tal magicks.
Legends of the region men[on that, long ago, a dweomercraeper
of great ability was driven insane by his studies. Instead of using
his magick to aid his country, he instead strove to turn all the land

about him into lifeless desert.

Alarmed, dweomercraepers ahempted to stop this carnage, but
found themselves unable to resist the horrible Cas[ngs the mad mage
had discovered. Finally, in a clima[c bahle that lep almost all
the combatants dead, the insane dweomercraeper was destroyed.
Unfortunately, the magick released from the Tome created the Lut
desert, which has resisted all ahempts to reclaim it to this day.


Book of Naming
This is the most treasured item of Finmark's Bardic College.
This Book contains truenames of a sort specic to Spellsongs. Though
the only truenames available are those of living things with cunning
intellect or less, they s[ll have incredible power. All spellsongs
used by one who knows the truename of the intended targed have x10 the
normal eect, with no resistance possible and double the chance of a
special success. Also, spellsingers may improvise spellsongs around a
truename on the spot, and only use as much Heka as an established
Archetypical Cas[ng.
The skill and [me required to understand the contents of the
Book of Naming are formidable. One must have at least a STEEP of 71
in Spellsongs, and even the simplest of truenames require at least a
year of study to master. Finmark's bards have been cau[ous in
gran[ng access to the Book, and no more than 2 or 3 bards not na[ve
to Finmark have seen its contents.

Kulervo's Sleigh
This remarkable item is regularly seen during Finmark's days of
fes[val, though it has also been used to warn the popula[on during
[mes of crisis. The Sleigh itself seems unremarkable to anyone but
an expert, who will see unmistakable signs of Elven crapsmanship.
Kulervo's Sleigh demonstrates its power when eight steeds are
ahached to it. Both the Sleigh and the steeds gain the power of
ight. An extradimensional space in the back of the Sleigh allows
the storage of several tons of supplies without any change in the
Sleigh's apparent weight. S[ll more incredible, [me slows almost to
a stands[ll for anyone on the Sleigh, allowing them to visit every
household in Finmark in a single night, if they so wished.
In recent memory, the Sleigh has been pulled by reindeer, and
driven by a cheerful man dressed in red.


Copper-Enclosed Grimoire
Claimed to have been the work of Merlin by the Lyonnesse in a
dispute over righkul ownership, the Grimoire is undoubtedly a
powerful ar[fact. Through the instruc[ons given within this tome

and from its own power, an experienced conjurer may open portals into
the Supernatural or even the En[tal Planes. These portals are used
as Heka sources of incredible power and, though they seldom last
longer than several days, they represent a huge deterrent against any
Opening one of these portals is not without risk, even with the
power of the Grimoire. The Heka emina[ng from the portal must be
used immediately, lest it build up in the area and eventually cause
the portal to implode. Without powerful pentacles and symbols
surrounding the portal, a being na[ve to the plane to which the
portal is ahuned may emerge and wreak havok in the area. Despite
these risks, the benet of a huge Heka source is open irresitable
during an crisis.

Entropy Lance
Few would dare to ght one wielding the Entropy Lance, as it is
equalled by few other weapons on Aerth. The touch of the Lance
instantly crumbles armor and shields into rust, rendering them
powerless to protect the wearer from the Lance. Even heavily
enchanted armor is vulnerable to this eect. Likewise, any weapon
striking the Lance or its bearer will crumble into powder. Only the
heaviest of blows will deliver any damage before the weapon is
destroyed. Even Heka-based ahacks are said to unravel in the
presence of the Lance.
It is said that the only ahack eec[ve against one wielding
the Entropy Lance is hand-to-hand combat. However, ahemp[ng to
ahack a mounted foe in such a way without being skewered on the Lance
is a challenge indeed.
Though some fear that the Lance is somehow related to the other
Entropy-based items, such as the Objects of Entropy, Poland seems
unconcerned about the issue.

Willowlands Baton
This unremarkable wooden rod was enchanted by a nature priest
completely opposed to the harves[ng of any trees in her domain. Now,
however, Poland's military possessed the Baton for use in the
country's defense.
The Willowlands Baton allows the wielder to animate and control
every willow tree within a 1 mile radius. These trees will understand
and obey complex instruc[ons given telepathically through the Baton.
Though the trees are not toughened or otherwise protected by this
item, thier usefulness in warfare is obvious. Several [mes enemy
forces have been defeated by the forest they were marching through.
In recent years, hos[le armies have been known to avoid Polish forces
arrayed near willow trees, fearing the use of the Baton.
The Baton does have one drawback, which has nature priests
frequently opposing its use. Any animated trees not returned to their
original loca[on will die aper 24 hours have passed.
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 20:18:29 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Why TSR

Because they had more money.
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 21:51:30 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: Why TSR
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 15 Oct 1995, Donald Eccles wrote:

> Because they had more money.
So why woulld TSR buy something that they had no inten[on on selling. I
took bussiness, and that would seem unwise.
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 22:54:53 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Wilson Liaw <macgyver@INFINET.COM>
Subject: Re: TSR

>> Because they had more money.
> So why woulld TSR buy something that they had no inten[on on
> selling. I
> took bussiness, and that would seem unwise.

Only TSR knonws why they did what they did. I think it's really
more of emo[onal reason rather than logic if you ask me.

Mythus wasn't selling that well, TSR certainly is in no danger.
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 02:38:02 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay

I would also be interested in an online Mythus campaign. If any JMs out
there have such an inclina[on, please let us know!


Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 02:42:03 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythic Masters

Please let us know what TSR has to say regarding the "destroyed" copies
of MMM. I assume you would be willing to give them a replacement copy, but
would they actually be willing to distribute it?

Thanks for all your eorts,
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 02:48:59 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Why TSR

Because they hated Gary Gygax and used Mythus as their tool to extract pehy
revenge by crushing him.
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 02:11:26 EDT
Reply-To: "Randy M. Schoen" <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Randy M. Schoen" <cerebus@SAT.NET>
Subject: Re: TSR

Here's the full-length story . . . [NOTE: Parts, some or all of this
may not necessarily be accurate]

T$R has a certain method of keeping control of the gaming market: if
they are presented with something that seems threatening to their
product they either make an equivalent T$R game, or they destroy the
dangerous product.

When Dangerous Journeys came out, a mul[-genre system, T$R published
Amazing Engine, their mul[-genre system . . . When Aria came out, a
society-based FRPG, T$R published Birthright, also society-based . . .
Under the threat of such games as Shadowrun, Kult and Mage, T$R
published Planescape, the punk AD&D genre. Under the threat of
Vampire, T$R revamped Ravenlop from a module to a campaign world . .
. T$R hasn't done an original work since . . . well, I dunno, since
Forgohen Realms, I guess.

Mythus, on the other hand, was also one of those dangerous products.
Wrihen by Gygax, the man, the myth, the grandpa, DJ presents quite a
few AD&D-like rules; but so does Rolemaster, RuneQuest, and
prac[cally every other RPG that exists today. Perhaps it was a

personal vendeha against Gygax, who knows?

The story goes: when Gygax lep T$R in 1985, part of his par[ng
agreement was that he was not to publish another fantasy roleplaying
game for "x" number of years. Gygax signed and said, "Fine with me."
However, he immediately began working on DJ - not necessarily as
something to be published, but something other than AD&D to play.

Gygax was approached by GDW in 1992 to write a mul[genre game system
and the rst module of Dangerous Dimensions (as it was originally
called) was actually Unhallowed, the horror genre wrihen with Mike
something. However, JVC (who was going to produce a series of
Nintendo games based on it) wanted a fantasy game (hey, it's Gygax
aper all), so Gary and Dave Newton slammed their heads together and
created Mythus based on what Gygax had already done, combined with new
material from Dave, married to the DD system formulated by Gygax and

This was a rushed, rushed product. Lester Smith was placed as the
editor and given a couple thousand pages of manuscript to have made
into a publishable game within a year. It couldn't be done, and it
wasn't. Smith did the best an editor could do, but it wasn't enough
to save the game from obscurity. Frequent last minute changes made by
GDW (some[mes without Gygax's or Newton's say-so, such as the Heka
charts) made the game that much more confusing.

Back to T$R, they got wind of the game and threatened a lawsuit even
before the game was to hit the stands, mainly based on their claim
that Gygax breached his contract; they claimed that the contract
forbade him to even work on an FRPG whilst Gary claims that the
contract said nothing about what he did in his spare [me. What made
it worse was DJ's release date came barely a month aper Gygax's
agreement with T$R concerning FRPG publica[ons ended.

T$R was especially mied at the game's [tle: Dangerous Dimensions.
They claimed that gamers, who are fond of shortening everything down
to their ini[als would call Gygax's game DD, which was too similar to
D&D. So GDW graciously changed it to Dangerous Journeys (much beher
name, IMO).

T$R was sent a copy of the game per request and GDW received summons
shortly thereaper. T$R's lawyers used a method of li[ga[on called
"throw it all at the wall and see what s[cks." Of the endless reams
of complaints, some of them bitched about the fact that Mythus used
dice as a determinant for random events, etc, etc. Stu that all
RPGs use.

T$R wasn't sure they could win the suit, but they knew they could suck
GDW dry and send them out of business. This almost happened, and if
it wasn't for GDW's release of Traveller: the New Era and their

agreement with T$R, GDW would be no more.

The agreement was mutual, and the PR from all three par[es claims
that it was "amiable." Rumour had it that Gygax was signed on by T$R
as a crea[ve consultant should they decide to do something with the
game system. Last I heard, the new T$R prez was quite interested in
pursuing the game as a more advanced alterna[ve to AD&D. But of
course, that's just rumour.

With the agreement, GDW sold its en[re stock of Mythus products to
T$R and handed over all the rights. Frank Mentzer lost Mythic Masters
in the process.

Also lost in the exchange was the Unhallowed and Changeling (a weird
sci- genre) manuscripts, as well as the Phaeree Bes[ary and the
ready-to-ship City of Ascalon campaign boxed set. No telling what
else was lost. So, like the ark at the end of the movie, all of that
stu disappeared into an endless warehouse . . .

Of Frank Mentzer, we'll he's s[ll lurking <g>. Of Dave Newton, he
moved on to create Quintessen[al Mercy Studios. Of Gary Gygax . . .
well, who knows? Last I heard, he s[ll rides Harleys, catches a good
spor[ng event when he can, runs campaigns for his son and his son's
friends once a week, writes a few hours a day and reads about the same
amount. He was working on some sort of CD-ROM but I don't know what
became of that, either. Is he doing anything related to RPGs? Who

Hope this enlightened . . .
Cerebus, who was there from the beginning and even had an ar[cle
published in MMM... :D
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 02:13:42 EDT
Reply-To: "Randy M. Schoen" <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Randy M. Schoen" <cerebus@SAT.NET>
Subject: Re: Mythus Magick on disk

On Sun, 15 Oct 1995 18:01:05 -0400 you wrote:

>Has anyone heard of anybody pujng Mythus Magick into a simple BASIC

What's the point in doing that? I think the best thing that could be
done to Mythus would be to make it a searchable and indexable CD-ROM
(like they do with bibles). Second to that, a complete HTML-ized
version of Mythus, complete with extensive cross-references would be
terric too. However, T$R would destroy us should we try.


Cerebus/2 <*> OS/2 & Linux <*> Aria & Mythus

-------------------------------------------------:A mad doctor, is it?
:I'm not mad, just nervous.
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 03:15:28 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: TSR
In-Reply-To: <>

Why doesn't someone complain to TSR, maybe boycoh their systems, etc. I
wonder if there would be any way to by the DJ system back... Would be
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 03:19:39 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: Why TSR
In-Reply-To: <>

I always thought that the DJ line was won by TSR in a lawsuit?
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 05:21:53 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: What Gary is Doing

>Of Gary Gygax . . .
>well, who knows? Last I heard, he s[ll rides Harleys, catches a good
>spor[ng event when he can, runs campaigns for his son and his son's
>friends once a week, writes a few hours a day and reads about the same
>amount. He was working on some sort of CD-ROM but I don't know what
>became of that, either. Is he doing anything related to RPGs? Who

Actually, he writes more--the equivalent of 60hrs/week. Supposedly, he's
designed "A Dozen Games", but how developed they are and for what media
(paper, computer) are a mystery. At least to this author.

The CD-ROM you men[oned, Hunters of Ralk, should have been out by now.
There was even a preview of it on Interac[ve Entertainment from Spring.
However, according to Gary, it's been put in "limbo pending asessment of
costs". Apparently, it may have cost Cyberdreams too much to produce, and
they have a new manager who isn't thrilled about it. If it ever does come
out, it will be out in 1996, not later this year.

Gary seems to be concentra[ng on Computer RPGs/Adventures, which are being
designed for MACs/PCs and PSX systems. He's working on another one as we
speak, and I think nished another one due late this year--but you know
computer delays. I think pen and paper RPGs aren't a priority anymore.
Could be the market--he feels CRPGs reach a much wider audience and the
Paper one is oversaturated.

He's wri[ng novels again though.

He's working on a humorous fantasy novel with a partner, but I know lihle more.

The rst one will be a short story included in a WHITE WOLF anthology
called Dark Des[ny. I don't know if this is a World of Darkness
collec[on. It should be hijng the stands before Halloween, though.

While it might not be accepted, he's also wrihen a novella for Faerd and
the Grey Mouser, again for White Wolf. My guess is he's thrilled about it,
since that was one of HIS inuences.

Wonder if he could be convinced to write a sourcebook for the World of
Darkness, since he's doing stu for the old Ivory Dog!

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <==/Should/ work, s[ll new,
please try to use this one. <==Always reliable. <==An alternate for the above.
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 13:04:45 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Mythus Magick on disk

>Has anyone heard of anybody pujng Mythus Magick into a simple BASIC
>program. I was wondering because some three or more years back I tried.
>So far I have about 1/2 of the A's done. But when I was programming it, I
>did it in GWBASIC, ans GW has it's drawbacks (like it sucks). If anyone
>knows where to get a GWBASIC to QBASIC (or even just ASCII) converter,
>please tell me! Maybe it will spark my interest to nish the project.
At the moment I'm extending the exis[ng Turbo Pascal program for rolling
character sta[s[c (TRAIT scores, etc.) to include choice of voca[ons, K/S
(sub)Areas, and the possibility to update your HP STEEP (and for the
long-lived, the TRAIT scores), and automa[c calcula[on of Personal Heka.

All standard Mythus K/S Areas and Voca[ons are incorporated. I'm working on
the interface to allow you to choose your Voca[on and subsequently
addi[onal K/S Areas, or let you trade in the bonus Areas for an increase in

I hope to be able to release to the list a priliminary version around the
end of Januari, because I'm working hard on an examina[on I have to take in
Januari, apart from having to work for a living.

So, if your enthousias[c build your own Character Generator, we can than
test the program outputs against each other to see if there are any errors
in it. Otherwise, be pa[ent un[l I have some spare [me.

By the way, you'll know when I'm nearly nished with this project when I
start asking people on the list to send we the Voca[ons and K/S Areas they
have developed to me in a format that I can incorporate in the program.


Advocatus Diaboli

Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 08:05:56 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Prince O. Darkness" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Why TSR
In-Reply-To: <>; from
"Local Access" at Oct 15, 95 9:51 pm

> > Because they had more money.
> So why woulld TSR buy something that they had no inten[on on selling. I
> took bussiness, and that would seem unwise.

Well, that's because you're not gejng the whole story.

Not that I have the whole story, either, but I'll repeat what I've

For the last few years, TSR has been consolida[ng it's
copyrights. This prehy much began with paying Mayfair games a Lot
o' Money to get out of a contract with them where Mayfair was
publishing a "made for AD&D" series (some of which wasn't bad, but
mostly, it was poor quality stu). Then, they turned their legal
guns on DJ. TSR's main claim was that DJ had been worked on by E.
Gary Gygax while he was s[ll working for TSR, using TSR resources
to work on it. GDW or Trigee Enterprises really didn't have the
money to ght a bahle with the TSR legal engine for long, and soon
was forced to sehle, with TSR gejng all rights to DJ.

TSR has gone on the record as sta[ng that it has no current
inten[on to support the DJ line, but neither will they release the
copyright. Personally, I think it was an ahempt to run EGG out of
the RPG business and, unfortunately, it succeeded, perhaps once and
for all (though Mr. Troy's recent report of his ac[vi[es with
White Wolf is encouraging). Unfortunately, as a result of the case,
DJ didn't sell very well at all...which is the reason TSR gives for
not suppor[ng it. :(

All of this is hearsay and opinion. I wasn't involved with
what happened at all...but it was extensively reported on this list
as it transpired.

Lucifer >:}

-Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste.
I've been around for a long, long year, stolen many a man's soul and fame.
I was around when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain.
Made damn sure Pilate washed his hands, and sealed his fate.
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name...
-- The Rolling Stones, "Sympathy for the Devil"
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 08:17:02 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Prince O. Darkness" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: TSR
In-Reply-To: <>; from
"Local Access" at Oct 16, 95 3:15 am

> Why doesn't someone complain to TSR, maybe boycoh their systems, etc. I
> wonder if there would be any way to by the DJ system back... Would be
> interested.

Been there, done that. TSR doesn't seem interested, and as

long as they've got their army of 13 year olds buying AD&D, they've
got nothing to worry about from us. People on the list have tried
the angry approach, the nice approach, the logic approach, the
whining approach, and just about any approach to an argument you can
think of to keep DJ going...none of it worked (yet).

Though someone (Cerebus, I think) men[oned a new prez at Williams out? Who is it?

Lucifer >:}

-Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste.
I've been around for a long, long year, stolen many a man's soul and fame.
I was around when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain.
Made damn sure Pilate washed his hands, and sealed his fate.
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name...
-- The Rolling Stones, "Sympathy for the Devil"
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 13:30:41 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Pal Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Re: TSR
In-Reply-To: <>

Yes, I know we are wandering a bit away from the inten[ons of this
list, but I have a ques[on. The roumors have it that GDW and (God
forbid) Avalon Hill are beeing sold out. Now, the only companies with
enough money to buy them (at least Avalon Hill) would probably be
TSR and maybe White Wolf. (I can't wait to see the TSR version of
Advanced Squad Leader) Has anyone heard anything about this,
or is it (hopefully) the result of somebody's nightmare?
With regards!
(@ @)
----------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------P. A. Woje Norwegian Telecom Phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O.Box 321, N-8001 Bod|, Norway Telefax : +47 75 51 24 01
R&D department (FoU Bod|) Private : +47 75 58 48 71

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (__) (__)
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 09:58:50 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Tranthor Alain Sorz <tsorz@UWCSMS1.UWC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus Magick on disk

> Has anyone heard of anybody pujng Mythus Magick into a simple BASIC
> program. I was wondering because some three or more years back I tried.
> So far I have about 1/2 of the A's done. But when I was programming it, I
> did it in GWBASIC, ans GW has it's drawbacks (like it sucks). If anyone
> knows where to get a GWBASIC to QBASIC (or even just ASCII) converter,
> please tell me! Maybe it will spark my interest to nish the project.

When you save in GWBASIC try the following:


The ,A will tell it to be saved in ASCII format. You can now call it up in
QBASIC and con[nue to have fun. . .

-"The Most Advanced Home Gaming System in the Universe" - 3DO (Tranthor Alain Sorz)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 09:03:29 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: TSR

At 03:15 AM 10/16/95 -0400, Local Access wrote:
>Why doesn't someone complain to TSR, maybe boycoh their systems, etc. I
>wonder if there would be any way to by the DJ system back... Would be

Heh heh. I've personally been boycojng TSR for years, on the sound
principle that I don't like any of the games they produce. If they were to
re-release Mythus (preferably an updated version, updated by Gary & Dave)
I'd certainly do my part to boost their sales (It's a standing joke in
Calgary that I single-handedly kept GDW aoat through buying Mythus
products). And if they came out with some other startlingly good product
(like a decent skill based system in which armor doesn't make you harder to
hit, but harder to hurt <grin>, or a decent, supported version of Gamma
World), I'd likely even pick up a copy of that. So my boycoh's not
malicious - I just don't buy crap.

Take care,
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum

Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 09:09:03 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus Magick on disk

At 01:04 PM 10/16/95 +0100, Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV wrote:
>By the way, you'll know when I'm nearly nished with this project when I
>start asking people on the list to send we the Voca[ons and K/S Areas they
>have developed to me in a format that I can incorporate in the program.

Ah. I was going to ask about this. Can you leave the input end open? I use
a completely dierent list of voca[ons in my world (212 points instead of
248 for a start), and would like the freedom to be able to enter these And
edit the exis[ng voca[ons.
(I think I've about 36 dierent voca[ons.)

Take care,
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 14:34:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William Hale <dyr@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay

> I sure would be interested. Are you oering to run a campaign? Or are
>looking for one to play in? In either case, if anyone knows of a DJ campaign
>being run on the net, I'd be interested.
> A few months ago, a short-lived Mythus PBeM game was started. Not exactly
>sure what happened to it... Oh, hi there Jesse! *grin*

I might be interested in playing myself. Let me in on any details when you
can. later...

William Spencer-Hale

There is a man...Playing a violin...and the strings are the nerves in his
own arms. A twisted soul - the mortar...Despair - the bricks. To build a
temple to sadness.

J.O'Barr, The Crow

Welcome to the Atrocity Exhibi[on

Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 17:44:57 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Eric Medalis <astolfo@INTERACCESS.COM>
Subject: the accursed

anyone done anything intres[ng with the accursed?
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 18:17:15 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Phillip L. Harkield" <plh@INDIRECT.COM>
Subject: Re: the accursed

>anyone done anything intres[ng with the accursed?
HEY, my divorce from the accursed was nal over two years ago!!!!

Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 20:35:35 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay
In-Reply-To: <>

It looks like we have alot of peopole who want to play a net game od DJ.
Does anyone want to volunteer to be the JM? If so I think the requests to
play should go to s/he...
Another thing, in the back of every DJ book, there is a ad for a DJ
computer game. I called the company that was selling them, they said they
had no idea of its' existence. The man said he worked there for years and
never heard of it????? Where is it, does anyone have a copy of this
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 22:35:53 CDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Cushing <A551@FHSUVM.FHSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: the accursed

Hi all. Just thought I'd share what I'm doing in my upcoming campaign with
the accursed. I've created my own world, gods and all.... stealing some idea
s from Raymond Fiest's Midkemia books in the process. In my world, the gods ar
e the survivors of a very ancient, very powerful race who travelled all over th
e universe. They also duelled each other a lot, and had a small birthrate, so
there never were too many of them. At some point, one of them encountered the

Accursed (who I've tenta[velly pictured as the Balrog out of Tolkien - big and
nasty). Recognizing the danger of the Accursed, they held council and voted f
or a Jyhad. The few who didnt go along were banished to the interior world for
ever - eventually becoming the gods of the interior. The rest went to war. Th
e war was fairly equal - the Lords were more powerful, but the Accursed had the
numbers. Aper much slaughter, the remaining Lords returned home; more died ov
er [me thru duels and Accursed ambushes while travelling. The surviving Lords
(about a dozen) grew in power and became the reigning gods.
While I don't ever intend for the Accursed to nd the world, they do play
a part. The players will eventually be led into the main plot - including trav
elling into the distant past. About a thousand years ago, a mage managed to ma
ke contact with one of the Accurse, who promptly blasted his mind and aected
a par[al possesion. The mage lived in a very large empire located in what is
now a desert..... S[ll working on the rest. ;)
BTW thanks for all the info on the Mountebank & Bards.
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 00:51:21 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythic Masters

>>>> Praps they refuse in part 'cause they misplaced the les. I'll ask

I wish it were that simple Frank. When I asked about it I oered to provide
the les if they couldn't nd 'em. S[ll no go. S[ll, maybe you'll have
beher luck. For all those sans MMM I certainly hope so.


Rick C.
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 01:07:19 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Cas[ngs so far

This message is in MIME format. The rst part should be readable text,
while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I decided to just revamp my GWBASIC Mythus Cas[ngs program. I converted
it to QBASIC, but saw that it was to hard to make the GWBASIC
unstructured form into the structured QBASIC. So I restarted over. So far

I have a few cas[ngs and a simple start up menu, check it out on QBASIC
or I think even Visual Basic will except the code.
If you like what I got so far, and you know how to program maybe we could
join in making a complete A-Z cas[ng program. Write me for details.
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="cas[ngs.bas"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
Content-ID: <>



Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 12:43:50 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Item Rumors 5
In-Reply-To: <>

> ANy thoughts?


> John

Okay, this has been an impressive project. I have been pathe[cally
remiss in helping, but I did get that one country done... :)

At any rate, if anyone wants to collect all these item rumors, proof-read
them, and print them on a nice laser printer, and mail the nished bit
to me, I'll pay you for the service. Of course, for "copyright" issues,
I might not be allowed to pay you more than the money it takes for you to
do the work, but I don't know how much that is (hint hint).


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 12:54:07 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay
In-Reply-To: <>

Oh, hi Josh! :)

Uh...well, where did that PBEM go?...hmmm...

I think it got placed in the same spot as D.I.: Cool things to do if I
had the [me. I'm having more fun working out the planet than actually
using it for anything. At the moment. One of these days... :)

(My problem is that I get in over my head, and then my mind wanders o
to do something else...)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 12:55:43 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Why TSR
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 15 Oct 1995, Local Access wrote:

> Why did TSR win the rights to DJ? I've always wondered.

Uh...they have more money. This sucks...uh...huh..huh huh huh uh...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 13:01:51 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: TSR
In-Reply-To: <>

> Why doesn't someone complain to TSR, maybe boycoh their systems, etc. I
> wonder if there would be any way to by the DJ system back... Would be
> interested.

I already am boycojng them. Not that I myself am making one bit of
dierence--so is 99% of the rest of the world's popula[on... :)

I wholeheartedly tell people to avoid buying their shit. And some[mes
it works. People are idiots though. The same people who love T$R also
love Microsop. Not to go o on a tangent... :)

I digress...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 13:08:33 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: TSR
In-Reply-To: <>

Hey Gary-
I may just put that in as a new .sig: "I just don't buy crap!"

Sounds like a mantra for a new world! :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 13:12:59 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cas[ngs so far
In-Reply-To: <>

Ouch that's complex! :)

And it would take a year to nish...

I think an easier (if less high-tech) way to do this would be to put the
needed Cas[ngs on index cards. Just the ones that your HP possesses. A
friend of mine really did this well and it helps a TON!


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 13:18:21 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Reducing Magick

Okay, I think this has been done before, but I don't know if it's been
done well... :)

To anyone who has reduced the amount of magick available to HP's:

How have you accomplished this within the framework of an intelligent,
logical, and consistant world/reality?

Anyone who has perhaps used/reference the ARIA books may understand what
I'm really aper. So would Gary Spechko and Mah Berry (the two most
logical gamers I know oand...not to oend anyone else! :)).

Anyway, what I'm trying to do is really make it more dicult for people
who do not devote their lives to magick to learn it at all, or with any
great success. An example: the Mercenary who knows how to toss around

But, I don't just want to say "Your HP can't do that." That is such
bullsh!t and one of the major reasons I won't play any new D&D crap. Or
certain GM's I know... :)

At any rate, a serious discussion (hopefully with an example or two!)
would be great to start! :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 13:21:29 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Numbers Game...

Gary Spechko (everyone else might be interested):

You men[oned, when talking in the direc[on of Harold Springer, that you
created Voca[ons with 212 base STEEP points. How has this worked for you?

I have an alterna[ve, which I have enjoyed immensely (of course, the
players usually whine, but oh well...). Take the original scores for
STEEP and use 75% of each. This brings the average STEEP from 248 to
(click click on the calculator...) 186. I have really liked the
reduc[on in power...

I'd also be interested in hearing about the Voca[ons you've done (as I
think I said once before...). Are they signicantly dierent?????? :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 13:35:06 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Larry Barry <barry@CGS.C4.GMEDS.COM>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick

> Anyone who has perhaps used/reference the ARIA books may understand what
> I'm really aper. So would Gary Spechko and Mah Berry (the two most
> logical gamers I know oand...not to oend anyone else! :)).
> Anyway, what I'm trying to do is really make it more dicult for people
> who do not devote their lives to magick to learn it at all, or with any
> great success. An example: the Mercenary who knows how to toss around
> Fireballs...
Well for priests, you can use the Granted Omnesseance stu from ARIA.
You must be devoted to your god (or whatever) or you will not be granted
any Heka.

You could basically use the ARIA Magick crea[on system to redo the
way magic (Heka) is gained. The spells can stay and most everything
else, you just have to redo who can gather/gain Heka. With this
limita[on (which can be built in with your world in a logical and
consistant manner), you can control who has access to magic (i.e. only
those who devote their lives to it).

ASIDE: Since purcashing ARIA, I have used it exclusively for designing
worlds, races, magic and the like. Great reference material. S[ll
trying to work through the mechanics though.


There are men too gentle to live among wolves :
-- a poem by James Kavanaugh : Larry Barry
=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-My Opinions are Mine and Mine Alone-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 13:26:26 -0400
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Je Sharpe <sharpe@LIPLUS.LI-BUSINESS.AB.CA>
Subject: Re: TSR
In-Reply-To: <>

In <>, Hawkeye wrote:

>> Why doesn't someone complain to TSR, maybe boycoh their systems,
>>etc. I wonder if there would be any way to by the DJ system back...
>>Would be interested.
>I already am boycojng them. Not that I myself am making one bit of
>dierence--so is 99% of the rest of the world's popula[on... :)

So am I. I'm also a (loud) an[-T$R advocate whenever I get the chance.
But, I like to think my choices (as well as others) make a dierence.

>I wholeheartedly tell people to avoid buying their shit. And some[mes
>it works. People are idiots though. The same people who love T$R also
>love Microsop. Not to go o on a tangent... :)


-Je <>

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Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 14:36:43 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Prince O. Darkness" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: TSR
In-Reply-To: <>; from
"Hawkeye" at Oct 17, 95 1:01 pm

> > Why doesn't someone complain to TSR, maybe boycoh their systems, etc. I
> > wonder if there would be any way to by the DJ system back... Would be
> > interested.
> I already am boycojng them. Not that I myself am making one bit of
> dierence--so is 99% of the rest of the world's popula[on... :)
> I wholeheartedly tell people to avoid buying their shit. And some[mes
> it works. People are idiots though. The same people who love T$R also
> love Microsop. Not to go o on a tangent... :)

Well, I love neither TSR nor Microsop, but I'm typing

through Windows and running a modied AD&D game. I think it's
fairly dangerous to boycoh any company across the board, even TSR.
Recently, their quality level has seemed to be on the upswing. Some
recent products of interest:

Planescape. If you can't deal with the name changes of the
various lower planar beings, don't buy this one. It's as close as
TSR gets to cyberpunk.

Player's Op[on: Combat & Tac[cs. Finally, AD&D combat
with some role playing...more tac[cal op[ons than Mythus, even ;)

Mystara. Any of the old D&D Known World Gazeteers and much
of the newer stu is excellent work...I can barely tell its from

Do I like TSR, as a, but I don't hate them. I
think it's prehy despicable and craven, what they did to Mythus,
but I could see myself digressing to that level of pejness if one
of my old enemies reared his head. If you had a chance to run TSR
out of business, would _you_ do it?
Regardless of their business tac[cs, much of their recent
material isn't that bad. They've s[ll got a long way to go before
they'll reach the level of detail or realism that Mythus has, but
there's no doubt in my mind that they're headed in that direc[on.
Who knows, when an AD&D3 comes out, they might actually have a game
comparable in quality to Mythus. *shrug*

Lucifer >:} not sold out...just forgiving...

-Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste.
I've been around for a long, long year, stolen many a man's soul and fame.
I was around when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain.
Made damn sure Pilate washed his hands, and sealed his fate.
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name...
-- The Rolling Stones, "Sympathy for the Devil"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 20:15:53 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Mythus Magick on disk

>Ah. I was going to ask about this.
That's the problem with computers, they forget at the wrong [mes... ;)

>Can you leave the input end open?

At the moment, the only way to add new voca[ons is to recompile the
program. Changing this is not the top priority now, gejng the program to
work within 640 kb is. Progress is slow, but coming.
> I use
>a completely dierent list of voca[ons in my world (212 points instead of
>248 for a start), and would like the freedom to be able to enter these And
>edit the exis[ng voca[ons.
>(I think I've about 36 dierent voca[ons.)
Love to hear about those...

>Take care,
Always! I'm thinking about buying shares in the rubber industry.

CU'L8er (Oh how I hate this type of things :P)

Advocatus diaboli

Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 20:15:57 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Campaign & Scenario design

Dear Mah,

Thanks for the food for thought. I'm chewing on it, and will start diges[ng
it shortly. Then I would like to talk about it some more.


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere

Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands

1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 20:16:00 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay

> I sure would be interested. Are you oering to run a campaign? Or are
>looking for one to play in? In either case, if anyone knows of a DJ campaign
>being run on the net, I'd be interested.
> A few months ago, a short-lived Mythus PBeM game was started. Not exactly
>sure what happened to it... Oh, hi there Jesse! *grin*

I'm interested in playing! Anyone keeping score of players?

Let's make a list:

?? (I deleted the orginal mail)
Local Access
Josh Elarton
William Spencer-Hale
Harold Stringer

Anybody else I overlooked? Please add to the list!


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995

Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 20:16:03 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: TSR

>Reply-To: "Randy M. Schoen" <>
>Subject: Re: TSR

>Gygax was approached by GDW in 1992 to write a mul[genre game system
>and the rst module of Dangerous Dimensions (as it was originally
>called) was actually Unhallowed, the horror genre wrihen with Mike
Is this s[ll for sale? If not anyone got a copy of it?

>Also lost in the exchange was the Unhallowed and Changeling (a weird
>sci- genre) manuscripts, as well as the Phaeree Bes[ary and the
>ready-to-ship City of Ascalon campaign boxed set. No telling what
>else was lost. So, like the ark at the end of the movie, all of that
>stu disappeared into an endless warehouse . . .
OK, here's part of the answer. I'm not asking anyone to do something
illegal, but if you know something more, mail me privately.

Thanks for the info. Who is the new prez. we can imprez at T$R by lling
his/her/its mailbox with encouragements for the brilliant idea of giving CPR
to Dangerous Journeys? As long as there is no gene therapy or cloning
involved, I'm suppor[ng it! (In this case, opera[ons on my favourite game
plan in its foetal/infant stadium are ethically allowed, IMHO.)

BTW, "foetal/infant" is not to put this sublime game system down or ridicule
it, mr Gygax/Dave/others, but I strongly believe that this system is only at
the start of its future! And with tender care can outgrow AD&D easily!

Harold Stringer

Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995

Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 15:50:26 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Tidbits

To answer several Things:

First, Steven Gullerud HAS been keeping track of all the items. We are down
to the last dozen countries' worth of items and then the ENTIRE of Epic of
Aerth's items are nished. I believe he plans to make it available on a web
site, but he might be persuaded to put it there a bit early.

Second, Mythus characters seem comparable to 8th to 9th level EGS characters
when they begin play. Steve and I are working on a grand conversion schema
for EGS characters that enable the conversion of near 1st level characters.
COincidentally, this ends up being about in the neighborhood of Hawkeye's
proposed 3/4 rule - or about 186 points to start.

Third, I have a problem, and I was wondering if the collec[ve minds of the
list could help me out. One of my players is playing a poet/musician, and
has specialized in music a capella. He sees no reason why he should learn to
play an instrument for cas[ng SPellsongs. I thought about penalizing him
for NOT playing an instrument, but he is already viciously howling at this.
Perhaps it would be beher to oer him some rewards for playing an
instrument and singing a SPellsong (costs last heka, etc.) I was wondering
if people on the net have any idea what resonable rewards might be to
encourage this bard to sing a spellsong AND play an instrument?

Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 16:40:02 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: Tidbits
In-Reply-To: <>

It sounds like this poet musician is playing an instrument, his vocal
chords. Your vocal chords are in thmeselves an instrument.
But this is just my opinion
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 13:44:03 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Olaf Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Tidbits

In-Reply-To: <> from "John Teske

Jr" at Oct 17, 95 03:50:26 pm

John wrote:
> First, Steven Gullerud HAS been keeping track of all the items. We are down
> to the last dozen countries' worth of items and then the ENTIRE of Epic of
> Aerth's items are nished. I believe he plans to make it available on a web
> site, but he might be persuaded to put it there a bit early.

I'll add a bit to this: I've been organizing and edi[ng the submihed
rumors. I've been sending updates to Roshi, who has almost all the
current rumors on his web page. (aside to Roshi: I've got another
batch coming your way in a day or so) He's got them in a very nice
format, I might add.

Once the last few items are submihed, I'll put together an index for
the whole lot and submit it to the Mythus pp site. If for some reason
there are list members without web or pp access, I'll be happy to
email them a copy once it is nished.

> Second, Mythus characters seem comparable to 8th to 9th level EGS characters
> when they begin play. Steve and I are working on a grand conversion schema
> for EGS characters that enable the conversion of near 1st level characters.
> COincidentally, this ends up being about in the neighborhood of Hawkeye's
> proposed 3/4 rule - or about 186 points to start.

Just in case someone thinks John and I have went back to the EGS dark
side, the system is s[ll Mythus, not ADnD. It is as much an alternate
character crea[on system as it is a vehicle to convert EGS characters
to the Mythus system. It was constructed to allow all races to use the
same voca[ons, place a cost on all those Cas[ng-genera[ng K/S Areas
to keep the magic level down a bit, and create lower-powered star[ng
characters. I think the actual voca[on totals are at 220 STEEP, but
the elimina[on of most bonus K/S Areas from Trait scores brings it in
line with Hawkeye's rule of thumb.

Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 18:06:57 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick

The simplest way is to have players roll o the magick demographics table
from MM. If they don't make the cut, they can't use Heka. Another way, and
the way I did it in my campaign, was to seriously limit the HP's star[ng
cas[ngs. I also halved the power of par[al prac[[oners, which helped

Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 18:24:19 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick
In-Reply-To: <>

Great ideas regarding using you have any idea when ARIA will be
re-printed?? ;) (don't have RPing yet...)

O-topic, sorry. :)

Oh, here:

I use ARIA Worlds to dene every society on my planet. Other than that
I have used Mythus to do everything. ARIA is very...complete. I like
that. I have a feeling DJ would have been such if it wasn't so hurriedly
done...oh well!


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 18:32:56 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hagenbuch/Kohler <hagendaz@POSTOFFICE.PTD.NET>
Subject: Item Rumors

A lurker speaks....
I have a tenta[ve project going to collect the item rumors in
DocMaker les, organized alphabe[cally. If anyone is interested, let me
know and i'll post to the list when parts are done...
I can see two problems, however...One, I didn't save the credits on
the early posts, as I didn't think I'd be distribu[ng them. Two, DocMaker
is a mac program, and I KNOW that not everyone on the list has a mac :). I
could export ascii les, but the point is to organize them so they're
easier to browse. So if anyone has a sugges[on for a similar program thats
cross plakorm, I'm all ears.
Gimme some feedback on this....
Charles Hagenbuch

P.S. On the conversion subject, has anyone else with a mac managed to

translate the Oriental Adventures les?

Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 18:33:01 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hagenbuch/Kohler <hagendaz@POSTOFFICE.PTD.NET>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick

>Anyway, what I'm trying to do is really make it more dicult for people
>who do not devote their lives to magick to learn it at all, or with any
>great success. An example: the Mercenary who knows how to toss around

What about using the requirement for full prac[ce, that magick steep be
equal to dweomercraep or you use the lower steep, but applying it to not
just full prac[[oners? Another way I can see is disallowing heka K/S's as
bonus K/S's, unless the player can jus[fy it to your sa[sfac[on?

About the magick requirement, I don't think that should apply to most of
the alternate K/S areas like herbalism et al, because they seem to be more
or less complete philosophies.

Yes this is a rough idea...let me know if anyone likes it

Charles Hagenbuch
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 18:36:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Tidbits
In-Reply-To: <>

> Second, Mythus characters seem comparable to 8th to 9th level EGS characters
> when they begin play. Steve and I are working on a grand conversion schema
> for EGS characters that enable the conversion of near 1st level characters.
> COincidentally, this ends up being about in the neighborhood of Hawkeye's
> proposed 3/4 rule - or about 186 points to start.

Before anyone new asks, EGS = Evil Game System. Coined by me. Figure it
out...but the discussion had just come again... :)

John--I am very curious to see what other sorts of things you are doing
to reduce star[ng power levels. I love reduc[ons... :)

> Third, I have a problem, and I was wondering if the collec[ve minds of the

Should you be telling us this?? :-D

> list could help me out. One of my players is playing a poet/musician, and
> has specialized in music a capella. He sees no reason why he should learn to
> play an instrument for cas[ng SPellsongs. I thought about penalizing him
> for NOT playing an instrument, but he is already viciously howling at this.
> Perhaps it would be beher to oer him some rewards for playing an
> instrument and singing a SPellsong (costs last heka, etc.) I was wondering
> if people on the net have any idea what resonable rewards might be to
> encourage this bard to sing a spellsong AND play an instrument?

John--why do you want him to play an instrument so badly? Singing should
be good enough...

If you really want, make the addi[on of an instrument reduce the cost of
all spellsongs by like 10-25% or something...

Of course, if he only wants to sing, make the campaign during the winter
and give him a cold... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 18:10:42 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Numbers Game...

At 01:21 PM 10/17/95 -0400, Hawkeye wrote:
>Gary Spechko (everyone else might be interested):
>You men[oned, when talking in the direc[on of Harold Springer, that you
>created Voca[ons with 212 base STEEP points. How has this worked for you?

Very very well. There's not much no[ceable dierence in the skill levels
of players in their primary areas (it's higher in some cases), but the
players have to be very careful about which extra voca[ons they choose (I
allow only one extra cas[ng area per persona, and one more heka-genera[ng
one. Given the very low # of those in most of the voca[ons, this limits
spellcas[ng a fair bit). There've been a number of cases where players
have bemoaned the fact they didn't take Phaeree Folk and Culture, or crowed
that they Did take Architecture, and see how helpful it was <Grin>.

>I have an alterna[ve, which I have enjoyed immensely (of course, the
>players usually whine, but oh well...). Take the original scores for
>STEEP and use 75% of each. This brings the average STEEP from 248 to
>(click click on the calculator...) 186. I have really liked the
>reduc[on in power...

The reduc[on in power isn't what I was aper, really.. I wanted a more

limited scope for the adventurers... there were too many characters that
really could do everything. Now, there's more specializa[on, and more
co-opera[on going on.

>I'd also be interested in hearing about the Voca[ons you've done (as I
>think I said once before...). Are they signicantly dierent?????? :)

Well, I've just sent them your way as a DI submission <grin>. Let me know
what you think.

Take care,

(If anyone else is interested in them, and can't wait for DI to show, let me
know and I'll post them to my web site and to the list here).
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 19:48:17 CDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Cushing <A551@FHSUVM.FHSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Tidbits

John, a few thoughts about your poet/musician. You might want to re-read t
he descrip[on of Spellsongs, and see how you want to interpret this. "to empl
oy properly any Spellsong, on must therefore have the Physical K/S area of Musi
c.... Also, unless the Cas[ng is made with accompying music played on some in
strument by the Spellsinger..., the Heka cost of the Cas[ng is double the norm
al for each Cas[ng Grade." I read this to mean he needs an instrument regardl

Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 21:41:49 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick

Reducing magick in a world is a project that involves the whole way you put
your world together. I have been running a "reduced" magic world for about 4
years now, and playing in one for 12 (It started as a heavily modied AD&D
campaign, but got ported to Mythus when our GM discovered it), and it's hard
to do without modifying the spell lists, which is an enormous project. Here
are some bits and pieces that might help:
1) Make resurrec[on and life extension harder to accomplish. Wizards who

only live to be 90 don't produce as much and as powerful magick as one who
lives 230 yrs. And in a violent world where wizards must gamble with their
lives for power, most don't grow very old. Remember, magic is power, and
power ahracts enemies and people who want to relieve you of it.
2) Treat all people in the world as if they were HPs when you do your
thinking. Aper all, the players are the cream of the crop. If they can't
make lots of items and cast a billion cas[ngs, neither can anyone else.
This keeps the number of magic items way down, and tends to moderate the few
that there are. Wands of instant death & wish fulllment are too hard to
make, and no one would bother with all that trouble to make the equivalent of
the AD&D +1 dagger (ever wonder who it was in those AD&D modules who risked a
point of cons[tu[on again and again to make all those wimpy magic items?)
For the small stu use impermanent items that can be disjoined.
3) Treat cas[ngs much more like long poems or mar[al arts katas: they
take a long [me to develop or learn. They aren't just a lihle something
that you toss o, like some limerick you learned in a bar. Anyone ever try
and memorize a speech or kata that takes 5 minutes to perform? It ain't
easy, especially if you need to do it well. And then to say your player
knows 10-15 rituals, plus over 100 shorter ones? (And then there are the
recallable one in addi[on.) Taken like this, you can start to see why you
have to devote your life to the art. Cas[ngs in my world are hard to come
up with, demanding to learn, and valued in much the same way as a great
chef's recipes, or any other trade secret. Casual users just don't have the
[me to learn all those cas[ngs, even if someone were willing to give them
to them.
4) In line with number 3, give HPs who don't select some sort of Heka
wielding as their voca[on only a few cas[ngs, like two grade 1 and one
grade 2 if they have a 30 STEEP. Don't give that many more even to full-[me
heka wielders (this has been discussed already on the list).
5) Get rid of the idea of Colleges or actual schools of magic. The
existence of such en[[es requires a fairly large number of students, and
thus a large number of casters in society. Make serious heka users rarer. A
beher model might be a witches coven, or a mar[al arts master. You train
with a person, not an ins[tu[on. This person has a few students, but no
more than a dozen in their life[me. I have a list of the Dweomercrap full
prac[[oners in my world. There are 37, including the HPs. If for every
person born capable of full prac[ce there are 10,000 other people (MM, p.5),
they should be prehy rare. You should also gure that not all of them get
trained to their capacity, if at all. You could push the ra[o higher. Make
it 1 in 100,000 born is capable of full prac[ce.

Well, that's all I can think of right now. Hope it is what you are looking

Mah Berry
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 22:06:34 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Eric Medalis <astolfo@INTERACCESS.COM>

Subject: Re: Reducing Magick

>To anyone who has reduced the amount of magick available to HP's:
>How have you accomplished this within the framework of an intelligent,
>logical, and consistant world/reality?
I ran a world once wherein the dominant power was a catholic style church
called the path of saints. The church was divided into two fueding
branches, the northern path and the southern path(protestant & Catholic)
who waged bloody wars against each other but found common cause to
imprision magic users.
Magick users in the world were either members of dillehan[sh secret
soci[es, members of fer[lity cults (shamans, witches, etc..),
necromancers (a clerical underground), Lodge members ( a neo-masonic
group), or eccentric sages. They were denatly not the mainstream.
I found this gave me alot of control over the distribu[on of magick.
Ecclesias[c magick is the easist to regulate, espc if you dont allow
nonsense like scrolls for clerics or interchangeble magic items (your
priest of Osiris nds a scroll and a mace on the EHP of Set - great Ill
take em and use 'em on Set's servants.) The church also kept the level of
heka use in the general society down, thus preven[ng it from being common
In order for other Heka users to gain spells, they then have to get them.
The lodge member must travel himself to get the spell from the spell book
of a rival lodge or an ancient library of whatever. No book, no spell.
Having spells come from a historical source rather than a dice roll or a
declara[on also is a spur to roleplaying. I'm working on doing this with
Aerth, using historical and semihistorical facts. Thus my mages in the
Lodge of Enlightment will work from Aristotles Book of secrets and my
necromancers will risk all on Solomons grimorie - books they will have to
An easy way to control magickal items is to not allow them to be used
without a ceremony - the weapons or items must cleansed of their nega[ve
karma in order to be used. Tie the diculty ra[ng to the power of the
item and if its a failure, the item dis[nigrates - ashes to ashes.
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 00:09:14 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Duck Buher <jsloan@BLKBOX.COM>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay

>Let's make a list:
>?? (I deleted the orginal mail)
>Local Access
>Josh Elarton
>William Spencer-Hale
>Harold Stringer

>Anybody else I overlooked? Please add to the list!

Add me


GO ROCKETS!!! Clutch City '95 |
. _ . |
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/# /_\_ / / \/ \ \ |
| |/o\o\ /__|O||O|__ \ |
| \\_/_/ |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | |
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| ||| \/ (_/ || |
| |||_ | ROCKETS || |
\// | | 34 ||\ |
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||_ \ \______// |
\_| o| __ || __|| |
/\___/ (____(____) |
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(___)_) |
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 23:26:02 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Item rumors con[nue

I'm not sure how many there are yet to go, but it certainly isn't
many. Enjoy. Comments are welcome.


Inversion Sword
This ancient tulwar is usually worn by the general of Siam's armies,
though it is seldom drawn in bahle. The Inversion Sword has no combat
bonuses, but it is nevertheless able to decide the outcome of a bahle.
When drawn, the Sword will reverse the [de of an ongoing bahle -- A
crushing defeat turns into victory, a victory into disaster. (If
a general would be insane enough to draw the Sword in such a situa[on!)
Drawing this blade is not without its costs, though it is not
certain precisely what they are. At the very least it takes a heavy
physical toll on its wearer, draining a large percentage of P Trait.

Siam's enemies also suspect that a victory brought about by the Sword
causes Siam forces to lose later bahles in a war. This is hard to
verify, as historically the Inversion Sword has only been used in a
nal decisive bahle in a conict.

Jewel Flower Circle
The Jewel Flower Circle is the ocial crown of Siam. It is a
wonder to behold -- a slender band of gold suppor[ng 2 dozen owers,
each petal of which is a single gemstone. The rumors surrounding this
item are too wild and varied to draw any conclusions about its true
powers. Siam considers any informa[on regarding the Circle to be a
na[onal secret.
It is, however, possible to guess the item's powers from the ac[ons
and behavior of Siam's rulers through history. All of them have shown
remarkable knowledge of events concerning Siam and surrounding regions.
Almost all who gain audience with him are unable to deceive or withold
informa[on important to Siam. Enemies from foreign countries and
poten[al revolu[onaries within Siam have inexplicably been ahacked by
powerful Phaeree creatures, who disappear aper their ahack is completed.
Other tales can be found in Siam's history, but only these have occurred
open enough to implicate the Circle as their source.


Genii Grimoire
This tome is said to be the crea[on of a powerful archimage, though
the government of Sindraj insists that it was a freely given gip from
Phaeree. In any case, there can be lihle doubt as to the Grimoire's
origin, for it is a truly powerful item. Within it are summonings capable
of binding lesser djinn or erit for up to 9 years, greater ones for up to
a full year. These genii will be willing servants of the summoner for as
long as the Grimoire is held, for it is a symbol of authority to them.
They will go out of their way to defend the holder of the Grimoire from any
danger, even from genii not under control of the Grimoire!
Since Sindraj is not overowing with genii, it may be that the various
Genii do not appreciate the existance of the Grimoire. An agreement or
delicate balance of power may exist that allows Sindraj to con[nue
possessing this tome.

Makbar's Talisman and Chalice
These oricalcum works of art have no power by themselves, but
when one drinks from the Chalice and wears the Talisman, their potency is
revealed. The person gains dweomercraep in both general and one
specic school at 91 STEEP. Full prac[cioner status is also granted in
dweomercraep, as well as priestcraep if the bearer possesses that
K/S Area. Combat abili[es are also raised signicantly, though to
what extent is not en[rely clear.
When drinking from the chalice, a quest must be named for the
individual. If this quest advances the causes of Good, then the benets
are gained for the dura[on of the quest. If the quest is not pure, or

the person deviates from its goals, uher destruc[on will be earned
instead. Priests are usually chosen to use Makbar's Talisman and Chalice, as
they usually gain the greatest benets from the items and they are least
likely to stray from a given quest.
Because of the quest nature of these items, some claim that they
originated in Lyonesse, where the Chalice is beher known as the Holy
Grail. Most experts discount this claim, and Sindraj vehemently denies
it, but that doesn't stop occasional pilgrimages of knights seeking to
reclaim the Grail.

Stone of Passage
This obsidian obelisk supposedly is the product of an ancient
civiliza[on that rose soon aper Atlantl. Its power is without
ques[on, although the Stone's limita[ons are not well known even
to the rulers of Sindraj.
Any person touching the Stone of Passage may concentrate on an
individual and instantly know their loca[on. If desired, they
may then travel to that individual within a single heartbeat, returning
whenever they might desire. Though such power might invite assassina[ons
or other criminal acts, the Stone is instead used to gather knowledge and
speed communica[ons.
It is rumored that the Stone allows travel through [me as well as
space, though this has not been conrmed. There have been a few in
Sindraj who claim to have studied under masters long dead: Merlin,
Da Vinci, and Confucius, among others. This may be sheer sophistry, or
actually the work of the Stone.
More troubling is the claim that travel to the future is possible.
Certain obscure legends state that the gods destroyed the Stone's creators
and en[re civiliza[on for stealing knowledge from the future. Other
versions, also troubling, close with the civiliza[on destroying itself
by meddling with its own past.

This scimitar's blade is made of gold and its hilt of glass, yet
no force yet brought to bear against it has even scratched it. The
warrior who wields Tagholil gains great speed, able to move and ahack
three [mes quicker than normal. The scimitar also grants a dodging
factor of 60, making its wielder nearly impossible to hit.
Despite these formidable powers, combat prowess is not what makes
Tagholil feared by en[re armies. The blade can summon cyclones and
control thier movement. These cyclones carve paths of destruc[on through
enemy forces, scahering them to be defeated by Sindraj regulars. Histories
record that during a major bahle against Hind, three twisters were
summoned simultaneously during a sunny, cloudless day. The sight
of these unnatural storms and the damage they wrought quickly brought
about an end to the war.
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 08:53:05 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Pal Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>

Subject: Reducing Magick
In-Reply-To: <>

> Okay, I think this has been done before, but I don't know if it's been
> done well... :)
> To anyone who has reduced the amount of magick available to HP's:
> How have you accomplished this within the framework of an intelligent,
> logical, and consistant world/reality?

I tried a new approach. Have you read any of David Eddings books? The
rst two series, I mean. Here you have what is called the "sound" of magic.
Cas[ng spells makes a "sound" that only other magic users can hear. The
range of the sound increases with grade (from a few yards for a Grade I spell
up to miles for a Grade IX). This works quite well. The players own paranoia
puts all kinds of restric[ons into play (which I never thought of), not to men[on
the reac[on when they "hear" a high-grade spell being cast in the
neighbourhood! I usually let them cast against DWEOMMERCR[FT or
PRIESTCR[FT) to try to discover the grade and in some rare cases, which
spell was cast. I have also halfed the number of spells they can have.
It works for me.
(@ @)
----------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------P. A. Woje Norwegian Telecom Phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O.Box 321, N-8001 Bod|, Norway Telefax : +47 75 51 24 01
R&D department (FoU Bod|) Private : +47 75 58 48 71

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (__) (__)
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 09:14:27 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: TSR

>Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 14:36:43 EDT
>Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
>Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
>From: "Prince O. Darkness" <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>
>Subject: Re: TSR
>To: Mul[ple recipients of list MYTHUS-L <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

> Do I like TSR, as a, but I don't hate them. I
>think it's prehy despicable and craven, what they did to Mythus,

>but I could see myself digressing to that level of pejness if one

>of my old enemies reared his head. If you had a chance to run TSR
>out of business, would _you_ do it?
No, I would buy the whole lot, and then give the responsible people a raise
in salary and a contract for life.
Then change their job descrip[ons, so they suddenly nd themselfes
addressed as "Janitor, the toilets need to be unplugged. Please see to it
now.". Grin.
Seriously, you can't hate a company. Only people... Most probably the people
responsible had a bad youth, didn't get their tricicle when they were three
years old, wore shoes two sizes too small for them. Don't blame them, blame
their parents who are responsible for raising them, and and who got a
special failure of the worst backring kind when making a roll for Raising

Advocatus diaboli
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 08:36:49 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick

At 08:53 AM 10/18/95 +0100, you wrote:
>> Okay, I think this has been done before, but I don't know if it's been
>> done well... :)
>> To anyone who has reduced the amount of magick available to HP's:
>> How have you accomplished this within the framework of an intelligent,
>> logical, and consistant world/reality?
>I tried a new approach. Have you read any of David Eddings books? The
>rst two series, I mean. Here you have what is called the "sound" of magic.
>Cas[ng spells makes a "sound" that only other magic users can hear. The
>range of the sound increases with grade (from a few yards for a Grade I spell
>up to miles for a Grade IX). This works quite well. The players own paranoia
>puts all kinds of restric[ons into play (which I never thought of), not to
>the reac[on when they "hear" a high-grade spell being cast in the
>neighbourhood! I usually let them cast against DWEOMMERCR[FT or
>PRIESTCR[FT) to try to discover the grade and in some rare cases, which
>spell was cast. I have also halfed the number of spells they can have.
>It works for me.

This is actually hinted at by Mr. Gygax in his own books for Dangerous
Journeys. In the rst novel, The Anubis Murders, there are hints dropped
that powerful cas[ngs are more likely to be no[ced by mages and the like.
(In the novel, they use a bard's Spellsongs to create wind for the ship,
since only a potent Spellsinger could detect that). He's also men[oned

that in other works, both within DJ and without, as well as the fact that
magick prac[oners have a "unique signature" that can iden[fy the persona
who cast the item.

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <==/Should/ work, s[ll new,
please try to use this one. <==Always reliable. <==An alternate for the above.
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 14:47:57 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick
In-Reply-To: <>

You did it again. :) If you come up with more ideas, feel free to whip
them o to the rest of us.

My problem is, I half-think of many of your ideas, but I seem to have
trouble expressing them, or at least organizing them clearly...oh well.


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:42:20 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: the accursed
In-Reply-To: <v01510100aca89eb85599@[]>

On Mon, 16 Oct 1995, Eric Medalis wrote:

> anyone done anything intres[ng with the accursed?

Yes, but one of my players is on the list, so I'm not going to talk about
it ;-)

Mike Phillips,
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:50:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Phillips Michael S <msphil@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Shamanism
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 13 Oct 1995, Jason Furedy wrote:

> I would be interested in seeing what you've worked up for this new voca[on.

I'll dig it up, clean it up, and s[ck it on my web site the next [me I
remember. And it's been about six months, so it wouldn't hurt to re-post
it either :-)

> Also, I heard the "Iroukia" men[oned. Has there been any further
> development of Vargaard since The Epic of Aerth?

Er, not ocially. Of course, ocially, there hasn't been development
for a year and a half. On the other hand, I've been running a game set
in Vargaard, and so I worked up some more details which hadn't been
included in Epic of AErth. While maybe not 100% ocial, I don't think
I did a bad job :-) Specic areas include Iroukia, Wildedge, and
Grandmark, and John Troy did some stu with Falcondonia.


Mike Phillips,
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 12:24:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: jayh@MS.UKY.EDU
Subject: Re: Item Rumors
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hagenbuch/Kohler" at
Oct 17, 95 06:32:56 pm

> I can see two problems, however...One, I didn't save the credits on
> the early posts, as I didn't think I'd be distribu[ng them. Two, DocMaker
> is a mac program, and I KNOW that not everyone on the list has a mac :). I
> could export ascii les, but the point is to organize them so they're
> easier to browse. So if anyone has a sugges[on for a similar program thats
> cross plakorm, I'm all ears.

I would suggest Word 6.0, if you have it. The le format is the same on Macs
and PCs, most PC word processors will read it, WordPad in Windows 95 reads it,
and there's a free viewer available somewhere on Though if
DocMaker has things like hyperlinks, an ordinary word processor le may not be
what you're looking for. Perhaps you should do it in HTML?
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 19:24:49 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Hagenbuch/Kohler <hagendaz@POSTOFFICE.PTD.NET>
Subject: Re: Item Rumors

>I would suggest Word 6.0, if you have it. The le format is the same on Macs
>and PCs, most PC word processors will read it, WordPad in Windows 95 reads it,
>and there's a free viewer available somewhere on Though if
>DocMaker has things like hyperlinks, an ordinary word processor le may not be
>what you're looking for. Perhaps you should do it in HTML?

I don't have Word 6, but i'm not looking for a word processor....DocMaker
lets you organize ma[erial by chapter, so I was pujng a country per
chapter...makes it easier to skip around. HTML would work, but mroshi has
just about everything on his web site. I was looking for an oine format
that could be accessed without a phone call, for those of us without a
permanent net connec[on...

About the credits...if everyone would mail me a list of what countries you
did and the name you want to be listed by, i'll make up a credits chapter
that'll go in every le.

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 19:32:49 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: Atlan[an Dei[es


I've been doing some very sporadic, piecemeal work on the Atlan[an
Pantheon, and have heard from one person who doesn't have Web Access wan[ng
them. Well, this is a copy of the Precis--an overview of the major groups
of dei[es. This is very spartan, but it's a start.

Please forgive the HTML least its readable.



<TITLE>Demiurgic Dreams: The Atlan[an Pantheon (Precis)</TITLE>

<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Internet Assistant for Word 2.0 Beta">



A JRT Produc[on&#133;


<IMG SRC="atpan.gif" ALT="The Atlan[an Pantheon (Precis)" ALIGN="BOTTOM">

<I>The Atlan[an Pantheon is a pantheon I've dabbled in&#133;
one where I've tried to create to serve JMs both looking to esh
out Atlan[s as well as to provide a template for ones own campaign
worlds and realms. It is based on what lihle was published by
OHL and GGG for Mythus and Dangerous Journeys.</I>
<I>I've provided links to some of the individual descrip[ons.
Please keep in mind that I only dabble in this from [me to [me,
and that a full-edged Pantheon would not be published or &quot;webbed&quot;.
I don't have the [me.</I>
<I>If you want to create something for this pantheon and see it
printed here, you can always drop me a line at <A
If I like it, and I have the room to spare (limited space, sorry),
I'll print it here.</I>

<H2>The Eld</H2>

The Eld (also known as the Eldest En[[es), are the rst of
the Dei[es, those who existed at the birth of the worlds. They
are to the gods what the gods are to the mundane. There are only
three of them, all of Greatest Rank. These beings are respected
by gods and not worshiped by mortals.
<H3>EA (&#140;&AElig;) </H3>

EA is the rst being, the one who brought order to the storms
that shook the Astral Sea when the sparks of light awoke the lifeless
formless mass. He was the rst Sen[ent, the Master of Thought
and Conceptuality, bringer of Time, and Master Mys[c of the Quasi-En[tal.
Some say he is pure He is removed from all, yet intervenes to
aid all. Supposedly, he created the mental energy that allowed
thought, opened the powers of the Quasi-En[tal planes to stabilize
the cosmos and form the spheres and subordinate planes, as well
as empowered the spark that created spiritual force to be strong
and independent.

EA retreated back to his mysterious realms, places that are likely

beyond conceptuality, but does let his thoughts be known to all
when needed.
EA does not have a stable form. When EA appears, he appears as
a surrealis[c form, usually an altered form of a normal creature,
a bizzare op[cal illusion, or a form that is &quot;greater&quot;
than 3 Dimensions and envelops non-ecludian geometry. For instance,
EA's appeared in visions and dreams as a humanoid with a smooth
head having no eyes nose, ears or mouth on it, two oa[ng mouths
and eyes in the palms of its hands. Once he appears as a burning
stone, another [me as a two-dimensional dog with a cats head
and a human mouth.
EA's symbol is an open Hand containing eyes on its skin. He is
removed enough that he does not grant mortals spells, and has
no clergy. Some few true Mys[cs and Savants, however, ahempt
to tap his energy.

&AElig;na is &quot;Mother Earth&quot;. She created the mundane
realms and mundane spirits, forming the essence of the elements.
Aper this task was done, she removed herself from ac[vity, imbued
herself in all mundane, and went into a permanent rest.
She is never seen, but is omnipresent on the mundane spheres.
Her main daughter, Adyani, could be an avatar or aspect of her,
perhaps. Adyani and her daughters refer to &AElig;na as &quot;siress&quot;
and &quot;Grandmother&quot; and Womb of us all.

Oxo was known as the black wave, the formless dark, the black
amoeba. This en[ty was the rst spirit to shun the light, seek
the dark, and tapped the An[-power at the end of the Ocean. The
creature, lacking mental energy but aware with alien supra-cunning,
gained extra power from consump[on. Forming the Deep Old, it
sent corrup[on and destruc[on. It brought consump[on to the
once-utopian life cycle, bringing carnivores, rot, decay, and
the like to what was once an everlas[ng life cycle. Oxo according
to legend was responsible for the rise of rep[les and dinosaurs
on &AElig;rth.
Oxo was nally checked by the High Ones. These being began a
long war with him. Alhuhax, lord of the High Ones, nally slew
his form and scahered his subordinates. Oxo is &quot;dead&quot;&#133;but
as one of the Eld, who can say whether or not such a creature
can be destroyed. Perhaps Oxo is imbued in all Evil now-or maybe
he awaits or regenerates in a realm beyond Immortal's knowledge.

Who can say?

<I>This Trinity is described just to provide an overview of the
pantheon. These en[[es aren't worshiped, but they are important
to the overall whole. They also give the gods something to fear.

<H2>The Deep Old (Ancient Masters)</H2>

The Deep Old are the ospring of Oxo. Oxo birthed several powerful
gods from his consump[on and nega[ve heka.
The Deep Old are demonic, chao[c, monstrous gods that tend to
represent animalis[c and evil nature. They gained strength in
the mundane spheres long ago because of their anity or with
rep[lian and insec[an natures, as well as monsters and serpents
and demons and other dark en[[es of nether origins. They also
lord over chaos and demonic races too. All seek domina[on and
their own mysterious ends, though they see humans as best as chahel
to be exploited.
The Deep Old were exiled when Oxo was killed by Alhuhax, and have
been forced behind the scenes by the tarpings of civiliza[on
and the work of the High Ones. They were also subordinated when
one of their member, Demogorgon, decided to exploit humanity and
thus gained power and status, using order to serve his dark ends.
Yet, they have not lost their power in the &quot;Outer Dark&quot;,
and any foothold they gain on the Mundane planes could [p the
Known Deep Old
<LI><A HREF="shuralox.htm">Shuralohx</A>

<I>The Deep Old should be considered similar to those Dei[es
found in the c[cious work of Mike Moorcock or H.P. Lovecrap.
They are meant to provide the level of chaos and fear that can't
be gained from the Dark Maquis.</I>

<H2>The High Ones</H2>

The High Ones were ini[ally the spiritual en[[es and dei[es
created by &AElig;na. Adyani, her &quot;daughter&quot;, had several
daughters of her own, who handled the aairs of nature. Technically,
this race would count as being &quot;Ancient Masters&quot; as
well, but they joined the second wave.
During the [me of great darkness, when Oxo and his deep old were
threatening the utopia that &AElig;na created on the mundane and
in the &AElig;ther, including early humanity, EA appeared and
sent a bolt towards the bright realms. From that the High Ones
were awakened, a humanoid race of gods, and from this place built
a city in the Supernal Spheres. Whether EA &quot;created&quot;
them is a subject of debate, but it is more likely he summoned
a race of en[[es that formed on the Supernal Spheres. This race
of humanoids, lead by <A HREF="alhuhax.htm">Alhuhax</A>, fought
the inuences of the Darkness, slew Oxo aper a lenghty bahle,
and shahered the Deep Old's hold on the mundane.
During the bahle, to keep the mundane balanced and to lessen
the power of the Deep Old, one of the High Ones, Honryu, took
much of the power of Nega[ve Heka, that dealing with Death and
Darkness. Honryu took over the Twilight Realms, and his nature
ended up forming a &quot;shadow guild&quot;, an &quot;underground&quot;
in the city similar to what is formed today in human ci[es with
crime guilds. This split enabled the coming of Demogorgon, who
exploited this weakness and gave the High Ones a new enemy to
Known High Ones (Not listed&#133;s[ll forming them&#133;)
<I>JMs crea[ng this race should think of the &quot;Classic&quot;
pantheons of Western Civiliza[on when forming or eshing out
this pantheon, as well as those from most modern fantasy literature
and RPGs.</I>

<H2>The Dark Marquis (Ancient Masters)</H2>

One of the Deep Old was an en[ty called Demogorgon. When Oxo
was slain, this creature retreated to dark realms. He looked at
the race of the High Ones and the Race of Humanity and saw
he could exploit.
With the races he controlled, and created, he gained power. He
stole some races from Honryu's Twilight Kingdom, such as the Devils.
All these races serve him as his Dark Marquis. (While Demogorgon's
subordinates are Kings or Princes in their own rights, he forces

them to refer to themselves as Marquis as a symbol of respect

and fealty.)
Known Dark Marquis
<LI>Fabyani (The Prince of the Devils)
<LI>Nurillion (Dark Magus, Archlicheurge, the Master of the Undead)
<LI>Yagsrtualia (Queen of the Hags)

And more&#133;
<I>JMs should treat The Dark Marquis as a sub-pantheon of demons.
Inspira[on of this comes from the various Fantasy RPGs out there
that deal with such en[[es, including AD&amp;D. Much inspira[on
of this comes from the way EGG structured his Gord The Rogue Books,
with subraces of evil serving Infestrix, Graz'zt or other races.

[<A HREF="ddmain.htm">Return to Demiurgic Dreams</A>]

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <==/Should/ work, s[ll new,
please try to use this one. <==Always reliable. <==An alternate for the above.
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 19:33:21 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: Conver[ng DocMaker Format

>> So if anyone has a sugges[on for a similar program thats
>> cross plakorm, I'm all ears.
>I would suggest Word 6.0, if you have it. The le format is the same on Macs
>and PCs, most PC word processors will read it, WordPad in Windows 95 reads it,
>and there's a free viewer available somewhere on Though if
>DocMaker has things like hyperlinks, an ordinary word processor le may not be
>what you're looking for. Perhaps you should do it in HTML?

I strongly suggest using HTML. It can be read by MACs, PCs, and UNIX
systems with no forma[ng errors. It's also results in less-bloated les.
Hell, I could send les here HTML, and you can read them, unlike RTF or
encoded stu.

Many editors exist for HTML.

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <==/Should/ work, s[ll new,
please try to use this one. <==Always reliable. <==An alternate for the above.
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 17:46:59 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Item Rumors
In-Reply-To: <> from "Hagenbuch/Kohler" at
Oct 18, 95 07:24:49 pm

> About the credits...if everyone would mail me a list of what countries you
> did and the name you want to be listed by, i'll make up a credits chapter
> that'll go in every le.

I think I can save everyone the trouble. I have an edited version
of the item rumors organized, with the name of contributer listed with
each country. I'll be happy to send it to you if you want, and it
should save you spellchecking work as well.

I'll probably put together a Word 6 version aper everything is
completed, if only to save a few forests. The 80 column ASCII le
would eat up over 100 pages if printed....

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 21:02:32 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay

I'm interested in playing! Please add my name to your list.

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 21:48:00 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay
In-Reply-To: <>

It looks like we have enough players, who wnats to JM?
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 23:21:53 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <TimandMere@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick

In a message dated 95-10-17 21:45:16 EDT, you write:

>5) Get rid of the idea of Colleges or actual schools of magic. The
>existence of such en[[es requires a fairly large number of students, and
>thus a large number of casters in society. Make serious heka users rarer.
>beher model might be a witches coven, or a mar[al arts master. You train
>with a person, not an ins[tu[on. This person has a few students, but no
>more than a dozen in their life[me. I have a list of the Dweomercrap
>prac[[oners in my world. There are 37, including the HPs. If for every
>person born capable of full prac[ce there are 10,000 other people (MM,
>they should be prehy rare. You should also gure that not all of them get
>trained to their capacity, if at all. You could push the ra[o higher.
>it 1 in 100,000 born is capable of full prac[ce.


I am Mah's co-GM. Another point to make here is that by reducing magick in
the manner described above, you make all the other K/S areas and
non-dweamercraeper spell-casters that much more fun and useful. Lots of
Full Prac[[oners running around is just no fun if your HP is not one of

Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 01:00:05 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay

In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 18 Oct 1995, Local Access wrote:

> It looks like we have enough players, who wnats to JM?

Ha ha ha! There's your problem isn't it? I'd love to play, too! I've
never been able to PLAY Mythus yet...just JM.

I would love to run a PBEM, but I don't have [me (ask Josh what happens
when I don't have [me. Actually, just no[ce how many D.I. issues have
hit your mailboxes lately... :))


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 08:48:35 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: List of people for PBeM (part 1)

Interested people in a Play By E-Mail Mythus are so far:

Local Access
Josh Elarton
William Spencer-Hale
Harold Stringer
Duck Buher (Jason Sloan?)

Anybody else I overlooked? Please add to the list!

We're s[ll desparately looking for a JM!!
Any volunteer(s)?

Maybe an idea. We could think of appoin[ng an experienced listmember as JM.
Or we could appoint the person who has ahributed the most to the list on
grounds that he is really into the game.
Or I could roll dice on all 165 members of the list...
Sugges[ons are welcome.


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere

Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands

1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 03:49:37 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Michael J. Hill" <aspect@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay

>It looks like we have enough players, who wnats to JM?

What, exactly is involved in JM'ing online. I would prefer to play but I do
have several ideas that could be incorporated into a campaign.
"Not knowing is the province of the uninformed."
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 03:55:30 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Michael J. Hill" <aspect@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM (part 1)

>Interested people in a Play By E-Mail Mythus are so far:

>Anybody else I overlooked? Please add to the list!

Even though I mostly sit back and read the mail, yes I am interested in
playing, and whoever should happen to JM, I would like to see how my war
dogs turned out in actual use.

"Not knowing is the province of the uninformed."

Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 04:24:04 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay
In-Reply-To: <>

An idea of how to play does come to mind (since I did bring up this idea)
we could either play via ytalk, irc, or a public chat site, which I know
of, or we could just play a very long email game. Why not take a vote.

What ever is most exceptable to the group is ne with me
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 09:41:03 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: chris barnes <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Item Rumors/ le formats

On Wed, 18 Oct 1995 17:46:59 -0700 Steven Gullerud wrote:

> I think I can save everyone the trouble. I have an edited version
> of the item rumors organized, with the name of contributer listed with
> each country. I'll be happy to send it to you if you want, and it
> should save you spellchecking work as well.
> I'll probably put together a Word 6 version aper everything is
> completed, if only to save a few forests. The 80 column ASCII le
> would eat up over 100 pages if printed....

First up, good job doing the work, and then oering it (I know what a bitch it is to
convert ascii to a real format <grin>)

However I keep having this argument with people about word 6.
Yes there is a converter available on the net, but the download [me over a modem
is horric.
Yes ascii is horrible, but html is not much beher in that you likewise need to
download a converter in a large le to get a word processor to use it. (As above not
everyone uses www)

If you do oer a word processed format why not use rk? Most pc and macs can
read it, and the le size is about 1/3rd that of word 6.

You may s[ll have those that can only read ascii, but rk will retain all the essen[al
informa[on and reaches a wider audience than word 6. Word 6 will quite happily
save to an exercise save a copy of your word 6 document into rk and

compare le sizes (although the smaller the original the greater the percentage
dierence in size)

Sadly not everyone using the mailing list has a university based high speed link
like I do, a lot of the list use modems and/or aol which costs money to get a large
le downloaded or sent to them.
A lot of the world (especially universi[es) have decide not to follow the bill gates
marke[ng machine and have standardised on word2/win 3.1, so to them word 6 is

I did advcate the use of word 2 format as a standard for a while but I think rk will
retain almost all the same informa[on anyway.

I'll shut up before the AOL mob moan at me for was[ng bandwidth ;- P

See ya
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:02:30 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Conver[ng DocMaker Format

>>> So if anyone has a sugges[on for a similar program thats
>>> cross plakorm, I'm all ears.
>>I would suggest Word 6.0, if you have it. The le format is the same on
>>Macs and PCs,
Please, don't use Word. We use WordPerfect at my company and sadly WP has
enormous diculty with Word (its supposed to be able to read it, but
stubornly refuses to do what it is supposed to do).

John suggested:
>I strongly suggest using HTML. It can be read by MACs, PCs, and UNIX
>systems with no forma[ng errors. It's also results in less-bloated les.
>Hell, I could send les here HTML, and you can read them, unlike RTF or
>encoded stu.
>Many editors exist for HTML.
I must say I'm in favour of his sugges[on. Mainly, for even if you don't
have access to a HTML reader, you can s[ll read them into your favourite
wordprocessor and simply delete or Find/Replace all HTML codes.


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer

Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:43:43 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: List of people for PBeM (part 2)

Interested people in a Play By E-Mail Mythus are so far:

Local Access
Josh Elarton
William Spencer-Hale
Harold Stringer
Duck Buher (Jason Sloan?)
Jason Furedy
Hawkey (Jesse)
Michael J. Hill (tentavily interested in JM'ing?)

Anybody else I overlooked? Please add to the list!

Are we s[ll looking for a JM, Michael?

By the way, Jesse wrote:
"I would love to run a PBEM, but I don't have [me (ask Josh what happens
when I don't have [me."
Josh, what happens if Jesse doesn't have [me?


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265


(C) 1995
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:43:46 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay

>An idea of how to play does come to mind (since I did bring up this idea)
>we could either play via ytalk, irc, or a public chat site, which I know
>of, or we could just play a very long email game. Why not take a vote.
>What ever is most exceptable to the group is ne with me
Nice idea, but have you thought about [me-zones? I would love to be the one
to give you your wake-up call in the morning for the rst session of the
day. IMO, on-line playing would impose serious limita[ons to a world-wide
group of players.

I prefer the laher op[on (e-mail), also because we're not connected to the
Internet backbone, but via a telephone-line which makes fancy things
something for the future.


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 08:51:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Larry Barry <barry@CGS.C4.GMEDS.COM>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM (part 2)


Here I come, a lurker, trying to sehle the big ques[on.
I will be willing to JM this lihle excursion if all of you
are comfortable with the following:

1) I will post some informa[on about the campaign
on Monday

2) I will e-mail moves no more than 2 [mes a week
(usually Monday morning and Thursday morning).

3) You must have pa[ence

4) More will follow.

My experience:

1) 19 years of Role-playing experience.
2) Many, Many systems (EGS, Cthulu, Shadowrun,
EarthDawn, ARIA, TORG, Hero, GURPS, Dragonquest,
Mythus, Warhammer, PSI, Pendragon, Twilight 2000,
James Bond, White Wolf, Castle Falkenstein,
and probably a few more that I can't remember).
3) Many years as player and Game Master
4) Great Ideas :)
5) Nice guy

If you are all interested (see list below), let me know and
I can work up something to post on monday. I don't have access
to a mail server, so we would have to do this with mailing lists.


There are men too gentle to live among wolves :
-- a poem by James Kavanaugh : Larry Barry
=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-My Opinions are Mine and Mine Alone-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 09:05:05 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Greg Yukl <gyukl@MELPAR.ESYS.COM>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM (part 2)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Larry Barry" at
Oct 19, 95 08:51:44 am

> OK,

> Here I come, a lurker, trying to sehle the big ques[on.

> I will be willing to JM this lihle excursion if all of you
> are comfortable with the following:
> 1) I will post some informa[on about the campaign
> on Monday
> 2) I will e-mail moves no more than 2 [mes a week
> (usually Monday morning and Thursday morning).
> 3) You must have pa[ence
> 4) More will follow.
> My experience:
> 1) 19 years of Role-playing experience.
> 2) Many, Many systems (EGS, Cthulu, Shadowrun,
> EarthDawn, ARIA, TORG, Hero, GURPS, Dragonquest,
> Mythus, Warhammer, PSI, Pendragon, Twilight 2000,
> James Bond, White Wolf, Castle Falkenstein,
> and probably a few more that I can't remember).
> 3) Many years as player and Game Master
> 4) Great Ideas :)
> 5) Nice guy
> If you are all interested (see list below), let me know and
> I can work up something to post on monday. I don't have access
> to a mail server, so we would have to do this with mailing lists.
> Larry
> =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+
> There are men too gentle to live among wolves :
> -- a poem by James Kavanaugh : Larry Barry
> =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-My Opinions are Mine and Mine Alone-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+


I didn't put myself on the earlier lists, but I would be interested
in par[cipa[ng as a player. I have the Mythus rules and have created several
characters to see how the character crea[on process works, but have never
had an opportunity to actually play (which is why I'd like to try the

Greg Yukl
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 09:08:27 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Larry Barry <barry@CGS.C4.GMEDS.COM>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM (part 2)


Before I get ooded with requests by people who want to play I
should set a player limit. Thus it is set at 8 people. What
I will do is next Monday I will post some overall campaign info,
and call for characters to be submihed. (I will be looking for
good character concep[on and background and a wide mix of
voca[ons). From the list of characters submihed (1 per person)
I will choose 8 (if I get over that) to be in the campaign. The
rest will be placed on a wai[ng list to join if someone drops
out for any reason.

Sound fair?

More on Monday.


There are men too gentle to live among wolves :
-- a poem by James Kavanaugh : Larry Barry
=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-My Opinions are Mine and Mine Alone-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:12:37 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Joel F. Yoder" <JayWiye@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick

>About the magick requirement, I don't think that should apply to most of
>the alternate K/S areas like herbalism et al, because they seem to be more
>or less complete philosophies.

I denately agree with this. I only allow those whose characters are
focused on magic and nothing else to use certain categories of magic, with
the idea that these are more demanding and take more rigorous study. I would
divide it up in the following way:

Usable Only By Specialists: Dweomercraep, Pristcraep, Alchemy,
Conjura[on, Exorcism, Heka-Forging, Necromancy, Sorcery

Open to All: Divina[on, Fortune Telling, Herbalsim, Mediumship, Spellsongs,

Open to All at Lower Levels: Mys[cism, Apotropaism

Obviously, I have my own personal reasons for dividing things this way, but I
think you can see the general logic involved. Not everyone would agree, I'm

--Joel (
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:22:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Sight <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Why not roleplay
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 19 Oct 1995, Local Access wrote:

> An idea of how to play does come to mind (since I did bring up this idea)
> we could either play via ytalk, irc, or a public chat site, which I know
> of, or we could just play a very long email game. Why not take a vote.

Alternately, I can whip up a Mush-format/type place, done one of two ways:

Just a virtual 'room', and you log on as yourself

A 'bits and pieces' version of the campaignsejng... complete with a
dicerolling func[on <this would take about a week longer... and would be
generally geared to be completely compa[ble with the mythus rules,
complete with an online stats sheet.

<I have to have SOMEthing to do aper I move to denver.>

aka: Conner d'Avillez if i'm in this PB-N

> What ever is most exceptable to the group is ne with me
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 11:28:52 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Duck Buher <jsloan@BLKBOX.COM>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM (part 1)

>Interested people in a Play By E-Mail Mythus are so far:
>Local Access
>Josh Elarton

>William Spencer-Hale
>Harold Stringer
>Duck Buher (Jason Sloan?)

Yes, DuckBuher is Jason Sloan :)


GO ROCKETS!!! Clutch City '95 |
. _ . |
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/# /_\_ / / \/ \ \ |
| |/o\o\ /__|O||O|__ \ |
| \\_/_/ |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | |
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| ||| \/ (_/ || |
| |||_ | ROCKETS || |
\// | | 34 ||\ |
|| | \ //_/ |
||_ \ \______// |
\_| o| __ || __|| |
/\___/ (____(____) |
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(___)_) |
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 11:47:19 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Davies <cdavies@GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick
In-Reply-To: <>

> I denately agree with this. I only allow those whose characters are
> focused on magic and nothing else to use certain categories of magic, with
> the idea that these are more demanding and take more rigorous study. I would
> divide it up in the following way:
> Usable Only By Specialists: Dweomercraep, Pristcraep, Alchemy,
> Conjura[on, Exorcism, Heka-Forging, Necromancy, Sorcery.
> Open to All: Divina[on, Fortune Telling, Herbalsim, Mediumship, Spellsongs,
> Witchcraep

Why is Witchcraep (fundamentally the same thing as Sorcery,
but with dierent tradi[ons) Open to all?
I would say that the lower levels of Spellsongs might be Open to

All, but that Mediumship is denitely a specialist art.

> Open to All at Lower Levels: Mys[cism, Apotropaism
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 16:27:45 MDT
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Subject: New Member

My real name is Jared Bagley, I play Magic, AD&D, Dragon Dice,
and I'm looking for more people to play with. Write me!

Jared Bagley
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 23:59:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: W Keith Work <wkwork@AIRMAIL.NET>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM (part 1)

>Interested people in a Play By E-Mail Mythus are so far:
>Local Access
>Josh Elarton
>William Spencer-Hale
>Harold Stringer
>Duck Buher (Jason Sloan?)
Keith Work
>Anybody else I overlooked? Please add to the list!

I'd love to play, but I'll need some pointers...

Keith (
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 23:14:12 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: New Member

At 04:27 PM 10/19/95 MDT, Majere wrote:
> My real name is Jared Bagley, I play Magic, AD&D, Dragon Dice,
>and I'm looking for more people to play with. Write me!

This is probably not the best mailing list for you to be on, friend. There
must be dozens of lists for unfortunate TSR gamers out there, and even more
for WOC lemmings. I'd recommend you nd their lists... this one's for Mythus.

Take care,
Gary Spechko
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 02:23:12 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM (part 2)
In-Reply-To: <>

Sounds cool to me!
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 05:43:25 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Shamanism

Thanks for the info!

I'd love to see what you've done with Vargaard as well. I'm currently
pujng together a world; low magic, gun powder, coloniza[on, etc. Actually
the world is already done, I'm just conver[ng to Mythus from AD&D, which is
no small task.

Talk to you later.
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 05:44:03 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM (part 2)

Eagerly looking forward to your game!

Should we wait un[l you post the details Monday before submijng
What's your stand on custom voca[ons?

Can't wait!

Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 08:21:06 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Larry Barry <barry@CGS.C4.GMEDS.COM>
Subject: PBEM


I think that there is enough of a response to actually start
running this thing.

More detail will follow on Monday. I will post how to create
a character, where to mail, more gory details, etc........

I say Monday because, I only have email access at work and need
to get alot of things seheled before this campaign begins. The
weekend to work on it would be nice.

Things to start thinking about.......
This WILL be an advanced Mythus game.
I will most likely just be using the standard voca[ons.
Your charcters background and personality writups will be the
most important factor for determining if you are among the
ini[al 8.
I will most likely be using Aerth as a campaign sejng (for
now :):). S[ll undecided as to where (Any preferences).
Things will start low powered (75% of ini[al values listed
for each voca[on).

More to follow.......


There are men too gentle to live among wolves :
-- a poem by James Kavanaugh : Larry Barry
=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-My Opinions are Mine and Mine Alone-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 15:01:16 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Pal Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: New Member
In-Reply-To: <>

AD&D? From TSR?!?!?!
Hmmmm....... ;)
(@ @)

P. A. Woje Norwegian Telecom Phone : +47 75 51 24 42

P.O.Box 321, N-8001 Bod|, Norway Telefax : +47 75 51 24 01
R&D department (FoU Bod|) Private : +47 75 58 48 71

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (__) (__)
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 16:32:13 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: List of people for PBeM (part 3)

Interested people in a Play By E-Mail Mythus are so far:
(Friday 951020, 16:10 GMT+1)

Local Access
Josh Elarton
William Spencer-Hale
Harold Stringer
Jason Sloan
Jason Furedy
Hawkey (Jesse)
Michael J. Hill
Greg Yukl
Keith Work

Thank you Larry, for accep[ng the challenging task of JM'ing for the BPeM!

This is the nal list I will compose. I presume you will post a list of
people who will be playing, and who will be on the wai[ng list. Any
proposal on how we keep track of those on the wai[ng list wan[ng to play?

I like the idea of pos[ng game informa[on on Monday and Thrusday becaus,
like you, I only have access via my work.

Further, I say you don't have acccess to a mail server, and probably work
with a mailing list. Maybe it is a nice idea to post everything that goes on
in the PBeM here on the list, since all interac[on will be via e-mail. We
can then all follow the campaign, listen, learn and get new ideas. Another
benet could be that if one of the players drops out, someone else from the
wai[ng list can join without having to review a lot of previous ac[ons.

Larry, one more ques[on, do we submit character proposals to the Mythus
List, or do we mail them to your e-mail address?

See you,



Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 11:56:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Michael J. Hill" <aspect@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM

Concerning the Characters, may theu be pre-established characters or must
they be newly generated HPs?
"Not knowing is the province of the uninformed."
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 11:08:00 MDT
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM (part 1)

I'm a beginner. I'd love to play, but I'd have to have someone teach

Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 11:10:36 MDT
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>


Subject: Re: New Member

Think you could send me a couple of those lists? That's exactly what
I'm looking for!

Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 14:19:36 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Larry Barry <barry@CGS.C4.GMEDS.COM>
Subject: Character Submission for PBEM

OK, Here it is. Read, enjoy and have fun. I decided to
put this out on Friday to give everyone the weekend to
work on the characters. If you are reading this on
Monday, not to worry, character submission is open un[l
the 25th (see below).

Rules for DJ PBEM Character Crea[on
1) All characters must be newly created for this game.
2) Do NOT Roll for your character. You have 234 points
to allocate to the 18 ahributes. (This can give
you a 13 in every ahribute.) Nothing higher than
a 20 and nothing lower than a 5.
3) All voca[ons listed in Advanced Mythus are allowed.
4) Non-human characters are NOT allowed.
5) SEC maybe chosen (or rolled) based on your
characters background. Roll all money normally.
6) You may roll or choose your ahrac[veness.
7) I will determine star[ng Joss for each character.
8) Characters start with 75% of the values listed for
each voca[on. (i.e. if the base STEEP is 16 +
some traits, it is now 12 +).
9) If you wish to try for full prac[onership, submit
your character as a par[al prac[oner. If accepted
I will determine if your character has full prac[ce.
10) The number of staring spells for all categories is
cut in half.
11) All other characters (i.e. not par[al prac[oners),
maybe able to channel Heka. I will determine this
aper the character is submihed.
12) Extensive personality and background writeups are
encouraged. If more than 8 characters are
submihed, I will choose based on background and

13) Assume in your writeup that your character is
currently heading to/already at xxxx* for
the Fes[val of Renewal**.
14) Assume you character is not very wise to the
ways of the world***.
15) If anyone wants to know each other before we
start (brothers/friends/enemies) I leave that
to you to discuss amongst yourselves and work
into your backgrounds.
16) Mail your completed character by 4:00pm EST,
Wednesday, October 25 to
Use "[DJ] Character Submission" as your subject.
17) How things will work in the campaign (i.e. all the
other stu not in this mailing) will be mailed to
those selected for the campaign before we get

*Sorry, I am doing this at work (trying to get it
out early) and I do not have my notes. Anyhow, it
is a city in what we now call southern Spain.
I will mail the name of the city out on Monday.

**The Fes[val of Renewal is a gathering that takes
place once every 7 years. It is a [me for
rejoicing, trading, partying and celebra[ng the
great cycle of life. Most heads of state and
VIPs ahend the Fes[val. More informa[on on
the Fes[val will follow based on your characters

***By this I mean that your character does not have
any knowledge of the world and how it works beyond
the area they grew up/studied/trained/whatever.
This will allow for the characters to explore
the world during the campaign and allow me to
explain things as we go. I am using Aerth
(Mostly the maps), but don't assume you know

There are men too gentle to live among wolves :
-- a poem by James Kavanaugh : Larry Barry
=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-My Opinions are Mine and Mine Alone-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 12:34:59 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>

I always wondered what the ocial rule is for becoming full prac[[oner:

you have a 1 in 4 chance
(Mage: p. 78, col. 2, al. 1; Priest: p. 85, col. 1, al. 4)
you have a chance D% <= MMCap or SMCap
(Mage: p. 142, col. 1, al. 6; Priest: p. 195, col. 1, al. 2)

As a house rule, I use the roll against MMCap (no priests in my campaign
yet). The dierence is rather small, 25% vs. <= 20% of MMCap (max. 2D10+8).

How do you handle this?

Advocatus Diaboli


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 09:17:43 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Sight <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: your mail
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sat, 21 Oct 1995, Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV wrote:

> I always wondered what the ocial rule is for becoming full prac[[oner:
> either
> you have a 1 in 4 chance
> (Mage: p. 78, col. 2, al. 1; Priest: p. 85, col. 1, al. 4)
> or

> you have a chance D% <= MMCap or SMCap

> (Mage: p. 142, col. 1, al. 6; Priest: p. 195, col. 1, al. 2)
> As a house rule, I use the roll against MMCap (no priests in my campaign
> yet). The dierence is rather small, 25% vs. <= 20% of MMCap (max. 2D10+8).
> How do you handle this?

Well, to even qualify, they have to have a Mental or Spiritual above 100,
so I have them roll under their score, minus 100, if i'm looking to cut
down RAW POWER in the game.

ie: Mental of 104 means 4 percent chance of FP.

Scary thing is, I've got a double FP in my campaign now... rolled a 4 and
a 1 :P
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 12:49:06 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: No Subject

Your second choice is correct. It should be around a 20% chance of full
prac[ce, unless you really have no problems with a mirade of FPs running
around in your world.

Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 13:35:25 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Full Prac[ce

This is the correct rendering:

"you have a chance D% <= MMCap or SMCap
(Mage: p. 142, col. 1, al. 6; Priest: p. 195, col. 1, al. 2)"
AND only if your applicable TRAIT is 101+ and you are a pure
Dweomercraeper/Priestcraeper, not simply a character with those K/S Areas.

We could start up the whole Full/Par[al Prac[[oner thread again, if you
are interested, but remember: it's your game, so run it whatever way you
feel comfortable.

I never had a problem with Full Prac[[oners being too powerful, by the way.
I have a player who is s[ll running the Par[al Prac[[oner Gray

Dweomercraeper he ini[ally rolled in 1992, and who has yet to lose his HP's
life, whereas one poor soul has been through 6 HPs in the same [me, two of
which were Full Prac[[oner Dweomercraepers (one White, one Green).

He is currently playing an assassin who has been converted to Good by the
Kell[c Church of Albion and whose special mission is to slay demons. He
thus func[ons as an unnocal arm of that church, sort of the driping
gun-slinger--er, sword, slinger. He is quite happy having Apotropaism as his
only Cas[ng Area.

Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 00:25:55 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Josh Elarton <JElarton@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: List of people for PBeM (part 2)

In a message dated 95-10-19 06:53:54 EDT, you write:

>By the way, Jesse wrote:
>"I would love to run a PBEM, but I don't have [me (ask Josh what happens
>when I don't have [me."
>Josh, what happens if Jesse doesn't have [me?

He goes away on a trip and never returns... Your character ends up in
limbo, wondering if he'll ever see another day. Or another turn :-)
No hard feelings Jesse!

Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 01:26:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: TESTING

Test test test
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 01:33:35 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Full Prac[ce

>>>>This is the correct rendering:

"you have a chance D% <= MMCap or SMCap

(Mage: p. 142, col. 1, al. 6; Priest: p. 195, col. 1, al. 2)"

AND only if your applicable TRAIT is 101+ and you are a pure
Dweomercraeper/Priestcraeper, not simply a character with those K/S

However, the book alludes to FPs who are NOT DCraeper/PCraepers, and EGG
published at least two CHOPs (Complete Heroic or Other Persona ??) in Mythic
Masters who were indeed not D or PCraepers.

Really just depends on the power level you want in your game.
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 03:04:42 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Full Prac[ce

Indeed. One of the biggest headaches for those new to Mythus must be that
long example of melee combat published in the rst volume. It is riddled
with contradic[ons, and I think I noted one paragraph where every sentence
contained an error. I don't have the book handy, but it's around page 230 or
so, where someone with 86 STEEP has to make a "Hard" roll to ac[vate a Grade
III Cas[ng!

Oh, by the way, I have another ques[on. Again, I can't dredge up the page
number, but in the descrip[on of Mental Combat, there is a discrepancy
regarding the fourth form, "Ahacking To Control." In the body of text there
is a statement regarding how much damage the controlled persona takes while
in that state; that amount is dierent in the sidebar summary. Has anyone
had this issue arise yet, and if so which way did you go? (My feeling is
that the text is more accurate than the sidebar, since so many of the tables
in Mythus contained aws; but I'm interested in hearing what others have to
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 08:17:27 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Joel F. Yoder" <JayWiye@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Reducing Magick

In a message dated 95-10-19 13:49:19 EDT, you write:

>> Usable Only By Specialists: Dweomercraep, Pristcraep, Alchemy,
>> Conjura[on, Exorcism, Heka-Forging, Necromancy, Sorcery.
>> Open to All: Divina[on, Fortune Telling, Herbalsim, Mediumship,
>> Witchcraep
> Why is Witchcraep (fundamentally the same thing as Sorcery,

>but with dierent tradi[ons) Open to all?

> I would say that the lower levels of Spellsongs might be Open to
>All, but that Mediumship is denitely a specialist art.

Because when I think of Witchcraep, I think of hidden cults among normal,
everyday townspeople, whereas Sorcery suggests highly intellectual
spellcasters. I know the rules say Witchcraepers use "personal nega[ve
Heka" but I don't go by this...

As for Mediumship, perhaps you're right...but it s[ll seems like "low magic"
(the type prac[ced by commoners) to me. But of course in historical America
mediumship was a very scien[c (or pseudo-scien[c) art.

Much of this is just a maher of personal taste, anyway--what kind of magic
"feels realis[c" for non-specialists to have. In addi[on, I would close
o the very upper levels of any skill to those not willing to devote
themselves wholly to it.

Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 11:53:44 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Full Prac[ce

At 03:04 AM 10/22/95 -0400, Donald Eccles wrote:
>Indeed. One of the biggest headaches for those new to Mythus must be that
>long example of melee combat published in the rst volume. It is riddled
>with contradic[ons, and I think I noted one paragraph where every sentence
>contained an error. I don't have the book handy, but it's around page 230 or
>so, where someone with 86 STEEP has to make a "Hard" roll to ac[vate a Grade
>III Cas[ng!

If you're using environmental modiers, and you should, that's correct if
the cas[ng is being done in a combat environment. Besides, that's s[ll an
86% chance of success.

Take care,
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 19:08:15 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>

Subject: Re: Full Prac[ce

"If you're using environmental modiers, and you should, that's correct if
the cas[ng is being done in a combat environment. Besides, that's s[ll an
86% chance of success."

Yes, but my point is that there are other errors, and even if environmental
factors result in the aforemen[oned modica[on, it isn't pointed out in
the text, leaving newcomers confused.
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 20:18:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Numbers Game...

Yes please post any new voca[ons you've made...

Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 08:46:39 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Larry Barry <barry@CGS.C4.GMEDS.COM>
Subject: PBEM: Monday Update (City Name)

As I promised, here is the stu.

The Fes[val of Renewal is being held in the city
of Corunna located in Cas[le.

Keep those characters coming (I have 2).


There are men too gentle to live among wolves :
-- a poem by James Kavanaugh : Larry Barry
=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-My Opinions are Mine and Mine Alone-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 13:40:47 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: your mail

Hi Sight,

>Well, to even qualify, they have to have a Mental or Spiritual above 100,
>so I have them roll under their score, minus 100, if i'm looking to cut

>down RAW POWER in the game.

>ie: Mental of 104 means 4 percent chance of FP.
>Scary thing is, I've got a double FP in my campaign now... rolled a 4 and
>a 1 :P

Isn't this a bit harsh?

I recently noted that a quite some listmembers are in favour of having
low-powered HPs in their campaigns, and especially are wary of high-powered
magic users.

I'm easier in this. Especially for magic users it goes that being disturbed
during cas[ng ruins it. Most interes[ng cas[ngs take a long, long [me to
perform, certainly during a combat situa[on. So there's no problem
maintaining game balance with Heka users. Just have them interrupted, of
give them a very hard DR due to a noisy, crowded and dangerous environment.

Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 08:41:18 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kaos <kaos@CYBERPORT.NET>
Subject: Armor Ques[on

I just need a conrma[on, since a member of my group argues otherwise,
despite what the rules say.

The contraversey is "Armor is or isn't mul[plied by Severity (Strike

The way the campaign has been run is that only natural armor is
mul[plied by Strike Loca[on, and anything else isn't. Simple as that.
Responces welcome, ASAP, as I am losing Net access as of this Friday.

Game Designer of CyberMyth
--------------------------------------------------------------"I'm caught in the middle, torn between my loyalty for the boss
and my desire to piss with lights on."
-Randal from "Clerks"
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 11:24:31 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>

Subject: Re: Armor Ques[on

Armor is never modied by severity. If that were the case, there'd be no
real dierence between a Non-Vital, Vital, etc. hit.

Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 16:34:46 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: PBEM: Monday Update (City Name)


>The Fes[val of Renewal is being held in the city
>of Corunna located in Cas[le.
I was wai[ng for this informa[on to incorporate it in my descrip[on.

>Keep those characters coming (I have 2).
Working on it, working on it! :)

I suered some insomnia last night so I now have quite some material for
you. Any preferred wordprocessor (as long as it is WP for DOS, then it's OK
with me). :)


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 09:50:56 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: your mail

>I recently noted that a quite some listmembers are in favour of having
>low-powered HPs in their campaigns, and especially are wary of high-powered
>magic users.

It's not the level of power that worries me - it's the number of cas[ng
areas. Too much versa[lity in a single HP makes co-opera[on less
necessary among the players..

>I'm easier in this. Especially for magic users it goes that being disturbed
>during cas[ng ruins it. Most interes[ng cas[ngs take a long, long [me to
>perform, certainly during a combat situa[on. So there's no problem
>maintaining game balance with Heka users. Just have them interrupted, of
>give them a very hard DR due to a noisy, crowded and dangerous environment.

I don't have a problem with players doing anything like that... I never give
a DR of harder than "Hard" in a combat situa[on unless the HP is rushing
the cas[ng, or doing without material, soma[c, or verbal components (yes,
I've moved EGS terminology over - sorry).

And I've found that, for the most part, spells are less eec[ve in combat
than steel. In fact, 99 [mes out of 100, a group with warriors and mages
will annihilate a larger group of pure spellcasters.

Take care,
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 09:53:49 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Armor Ques[on

At 08:41 AM 10/23/95 -0600, Kaos wrote:
>The way the campaign has been run is that only natural armor is
>mul[plied by Strike Loca[on, and anything else isn't. Simple as that.
>Responces welcome, ASAP, as I am losing Net access as of this Friday.

Armor is not mul[plied at all for hit loca[on. Even natural armor.. that
should already be gured into the chart. Armor's already given a value at
USVN loca[ons. If one suit gives beher protec[on in the ultra vital,
it'll say that on the chart as is...

Not very clear, but I hope the point is made...

Take care,

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 11:56:04 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Larry Barry <barry@CGS.C4.GMEDS.COM>
Subject: Re: PBEM: Monday Update (City Name)

Just send the character to me in ASCII Text format please!

Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 23:44:10 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>

Hi all. I am back on the list with a new provider and I had to say hi.
Well I have grabed the message logs from while I was gone and I will be busy
reading for a day or three. :)
I will go now as I have a class 9 hours and I should get some sleep.
Mike Paulus
The leading distributor of CyberMyth on the Internet
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 03:37:20 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Where are YOU?

Just curious, is anyone on this list in Arizona?

How about Portland, Oregon?

I'm in Tucson, Arizona but will be moving to Portland in the rela[vely near

Looking forward to hearing from you all!
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 09:11:32 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Larry Barry <barry@CGS.C4.GMEDS.COM>
Subject: PBEM


If anyone was having trouble gejng me mail last night
(Monday) it is because our system went down. Please
try again.

PS. I got yours Harold.

Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 12:01:10 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Armor Ques[on

The mul[plica[on eect you speak of only applies to monsters and animals.
It does not have anything to do with ar[cial armor.
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 16:24:00 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Sight <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 24 Oct 1995, Jason Furedy wrote:

> Just curious, is anyone on this list in Arizona?
> How about Portland, Oregon?

Wow, great minds think alike, I was just going to ask the same thing
regarding the Denver metropolitan area... specically the region of
Lakewood and Golden, etc: the west side.

Anyone thereabouts?

Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 19:48:40 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Alex Johnson <SDTroll@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

OK, now it is a trend.

Anyone in or around Flint MI?

Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 22:31:56 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Erik T. Dunneh" <Kalrithian@AOL.COM>
Subject: Liches

I don't know if you guys are interested in creatures or not, but here's
one i'm working on. Some stats are missing because these EP's are very
powerful and ment to be very unique. Please help with ideas, it's s[ll in
development stage.

The Lich

The term Lich incorporates a broad group of undead spell casters. No two
of them are exactly the same. Also, the means by which lichdom is obtained
and the type of lich varies. There are three general categories of liches :
Lich, Nether
Lich (True)
Lich (Greater)

Common Informa[on:

Iden[er : Undead
Habitat : Aerth
Size: Human
Ini[[ve Modier : Human standard
Movement: Human standard : P Trait/BT
Joss(An[-Joss) : 6 - 14
Ahrac[veness : 3 (may vary)

Invulnerbili[es: All non-enchanted weapons, Chemicals, Cold, Diease,
Electricity, Poision
Suscepibili[es: Exposure: Sunlight 1 pd / BT
Quirks: JM's discre[on
Dodging / Avoidance : varies w/ traits

All liches generally have their primary cas[ng area at a level = to it's
corresponding trait
Necromancy will be near or at this level also.
All other skills will be lep up to the JM to reect the history of the


Powers: (varies with idividual)
Common Powers: Resistance to Heka ( if you use this), Darkseeing, Aurasight,
Command undead.

Sta[s[cs: M Trait : 101-240; S Trait: 101-240; P Trait: 40-100(typicaly)

Armor: Peirce Cut Blunt Fire** Chem. Stun Elec.
UV * 16 16 16 *** 16 ***
SV 12 12 12 12
V 8 8 8 8
NV 4 4 4 4
* Max. 1 point / Die damage
** Immune to non-magical re
*** Invulnerable

Lich, Nether

These creatures were once sorcerers of great power. The transforma[on to
lichdom is acomplished by a combina[on of sorcery and necromancy. The
secrets used to become a lich of this sort are generally given by nether
beings to thier sorcerers in exchange for addi[ons to their Pact. These
secrets are known by VERY few beings and are guarded jealously. They are
also given out even more rarely, because the chance for surviving the
spellcas[ng and the eects of the spells are not good. The soul of a
sorcerer is valuable to most of these creatures and if it doesn't survive the
spell then it is useless to the creature.
If the spell used is miscast then the sorcer is killed and his soul goes to
his master as normal. If the spell is cast then the sorcerer must hold his
spirit together as it is bond with the negi[ve energies of the abysal
This requires a roll of (MR Pow + SP Pow + SM Pow)%. Failure results in the
destuc[on of the soul. This obviously a dangerous and desperate act with a
great chance of loss for the sorcerer or the demon.
In general to obtain this status the sorcer must have the following Traits:
M: 101+ P:any S: 101+ These are minimum requirements. Also, note that
they are lower than the other two because the sorcerer is aided by his
Heka generated by a Nether Lich is 2 X sorcery normal, and all sorcery
spells are at a -1 DR.

Lich , True

These beings are the spellcrapers (typically failed Dweomercrapers and
Priests) who seeks eternal life through Necromancy. They must posese a
genius level intellect and a strong spirit to reserch and survive this
transforma[on. Generally a lich of this sort results from a spellcaster
who seeks a way to escape death and/or a way to gain more power. The risks
are the same as with the Nether Lich. The transforma[on is slightly
dierent though. The combina[on with the negi[ve energy leaves the lich
as a being that loses much of it's humanity over [me. Usually, aper a
long [me, all that is lep of the original personality is a burning desire
to accomplish what drove the spellcaster to turn to lichdom (power, revnge,

eternal life...).
Required minimum Tra[s:
M: 121+ P: any S: 101+
Heka is generated a 2 X full prac[[oner normal in primary cas[ng area.
All cas[ngs at -1 DR ( unless of supernatural origin for the most powerful

Lich , Greater

These are the same as a True Lich except for the fact that they were full
prac[[oners ( Mage and/or Priest) in life.
Required traits: Same as Lich , True.
Heka is generated at 4 X full prac[[oner normal in primary cas[ng area.
All cas[ngs are at -1 DR except for main school which is -2 DR.

These enhanced cas[ngs reect the liches enhanced powers and it's long life
of reserch and mastery of magic. These are general guidelines and may
dier from lich to lich. Yes, they may seem very powerful, but they are the
greatest of undead creatures.

Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 22:36:21 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <>

Well I guess I have to ask as well. Anyone from the Eureka, CA area?
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 21:00:03 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Davies <cdavies@GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <>

Okay. Why not?
Anybody here from CANADA?
Not anywhere specic in Canada ...

Chris Davies, Advocate for Darkness, Part-Time Champion of Light.

"Tell them, from this place, we will deliver no[ce to the parliaments of
conquerors that a line has been drawn against the darkness, and we will
hold that line, no maher the cost."

Captain John Sheridan, "The Long Twilight Struggle"

Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 23:00:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Michael J. Hill" <aspect@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

All right, all right, I'll bite.
Anyone from Villa Rica, GA ?
(Dave...William, if you look over your shoulder and ask me why I'm gonna
smack you).

or Atlanta ?

or Georgia?

Is there anyone out there at all?

My momentary lapse of sanity is over. Thank you for your coopera[on. Move
along now...nothing to see here...move along.

Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 21:24:57 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

At 09:00 PM 10/24/95 -0600, Chris Davies wrote:
> Okay. Why not?
> Anybody here from CANADA?
> Not anywhere specic in Canada ...

Heh.. the Americans ask by city, you ask by country. There are at least a
couple of other Canadians here beside you and I... Michael Nagy and I are
from Calgary, AB, and I suspect some of my other players also lurk on the

Take care,
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 01:14:19 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>

Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

OK, since it is a trend, I'll bite. Anyone on the list from San Diego?
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 23:40:35 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <Sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

I am from then San Diego area, Escondido to be more precise.

------------------------------------Name: Daniel Pickeh
Date: 10/24/95
Time: 23:40:35
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 08:17:14 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Pal Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <Chameleon.951024234211.sprrwhwk@Default>

Since we are at it..... Norway, anyone?

(@ @)
----------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------P. A. Woje Norwegian Telecom Phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O.Box 321, N-8001 Bod|, Norway Telefax : +47 75 51 24 01
R&D department (FoU Bod|) Private : +47 75 58 48 71

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (__) (__)
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 09:11:51 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Muten Roshi <roshi@UMD.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <Chameleon.951024234211.sprrwhwk@Default>

I'm from Albion. :)

Muten Roshi (Andy Ehlert)

E-Mail: WWW: hhp://

President of The Science, Fact, Fic[on, and Fantasy Gaming Club
Organizer: U of M Dearborn Anime Showings On irc: M_Roshi
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 10:18:37 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <>

Okay, okay, Pal rules! Norway is the best (I think Harold in the
Netherlands will come in a very close second...) :)

I'm not even going to bother... (besides, you can all see I come from the
University of Bualo...use your Percep[on, Mental (Understanding) and
gure it out...)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 08:14:07 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

I am here in whitesh montana for now but I will join the Navy soon.
Mike Paulus
The leading distributor of CyberMyth on the Internet
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 11:21:14 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: Re: Liches

>I don't know if you guys are interested in creatures or not, but here's
>one i'm working on. Some stats are missing because these EP's are very
>powerful and ment to be very unique. Please help with ideas, it's s[ll in
>the development stage.
>The Lich

Your ideas were interes[ng.

The Liche (the "e" being the Mythus spelling) as presented seems weaker than

what is perhaps the truly most powerful unliving, the Supernatural Vampire.
That thing can kick buh and take names (if they're Truenames). If you
truly want the Liche (at least the Nether) to be the utmost in power, you'll
have to put it on par with that. Such creatures cross over into the Nether.

A few sugges[ons...

Rather than terms "Nether Lich" and "True Lich", I would suggest dening
the creatures as "Liche, Supernatural" and "Liche, Preternatural". That
brings them in line with other Mythus crea[ons...and "True" Lich implies
IMO "Greater" status, which doesn't sit with me.

Also, strictly IMO, regarding the Nether Liche, a Nethercreature of power
would not wish to create an Unliving creature of such potency. These
creatures are likely those who are powerful enough to have /broken/ their
pact yet kept all their power, and such creatures would be of the Potency
level. If you're following the Supernatural Vampire model, it stands to
reason such creatures would have a Soul Object or something similar.

The "True" Liche looks good, though I recommend that they only have Full
Prac[oners in their ranks. Why? Well, think about it. To undergo
Lichedom is a rare achievement, normally unahainable by most. It's logical
to assume that only the best get to be Liches.

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <==/Should/ work, s[ll new,
please try to use this one. <==Always reliable. <==An alternate for the above.
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 12:51:22 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Josh Elarton <JElarton@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

My turn? Eastern Iowa anyone?

Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 13:41:55 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Erik T. Dunneh" <Kalrithian@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Liches

>The Liche as presented seems weaker than what is perhaps the most powerful
>unliving, the Supernatural Vampire.

Well, the stats given for the liche were the absolute minimums. I'll give
a example of what I was thinking about as "Greater Liche" at the end of
this. The spelling of Liche (with an 'e') is ne. I remember reading
that somewhere now that you men[on it...

>Also, strictly IMO, regarding the Nether Liche, a Nether creature of power
>would not wish to create a Unliving creature of such potency.

Well, the reasoning behind the crea[on of a Nether Liche is this:
A Nether creature may have more to gain in the long run by losing the soul of
the sorcerer in order to complete a goal in which none of it's servants
have to power to obtain. That is the reasoning behind the extension of the
pact. Also, if you want to jus[fy the crea[on from the Nether creatures
point of view, have it demand that the Soul Object be kept in it's
possession. That will keep that Liche in line no maher it's power!

On the subject of soul objects, I never really cared for the idea in any
Well, maybe in some circumstances. It would work well in the above

>The "True" Liche looks good, though I recommend that they only have Full
>Prac[[oners in their ranks.

I wanted to leave a opening for those of great skill and accomplishment to be
able to obtain a way to link themselves to greater magic. They may not have
the inborn abili[es of a Full Prac[[oner but they can s[ll obtain the
knowledge. They could exist, but a failed mage would have to dedicate his
life to obtaining knowledge of magic in a way similar to that of a Full
Prac[[oner. This would make them rare(even among Liches). What do you

Well, here's a sample of the poten[al power of a Liche that I just whipped
up. Remember the stats in the original mail were a minimum. A liche can
obtain human max in Traits (perhaps more?) and eventually raise his K/S's
to match!

Sample Greater Liche:

Soltar the Ancient (AKA Soltar the Eternal, Ruler of the dead,....)

Movement: 66 yards / BT
Joss: 14
Ahrac[veness: 1

Invulnerbili[es: All non-enchanted weapons, Chemicals, Cold, Disease,
Electricity, Poison.
Vunerbili[es: Exposure: Sunlight, 1 PD / CT

Quirks: Soltar takes no damage from nega[ve heka ahacks. Cas[ngs that use
only nega[ve heka have only 50% eect (other than damage).
Counter Quirks: Double damage from posi[ve heka ahacks. Other posi[ve heka
cas[ngs that target him have 150% eect.
* NOTE: Damage is doubled only aper penetra[ng armor, cas[ngs...

P Trait: 66 M Trait: 220 S Trait: 196
PM: 33 PN:33 MM: 108 MR: 112 SM: 98 SP:98
PmCap: 12 PnCap: 12 MmCap: 42 MrCap: 42 SmCap: 40 SpCap: 42
PmPow: 11 PnPow: 12 MmPow: 34 MrPow: 34 SmPow: 34 SpPow: 34
PmSpd: 10 PnSpd: 9 MmSpd: 32 MmSpd: 36 SmSpd: 24 SpSpd: 22

Dweomercrap, Black : 215
, Elemental : 175
, Gray : 137
Magick : 215
Necromancy : 196
Alchemy : 113
Mys[cism : 114
Divina[on : 93
Herbalism : 78
plus other heka genera[ng areas......

Darkseeing, Resists Heka(12 R Factor), enhanced control of undead : This
ability allows Soltar to command up to his S Trait in mindless undead.
Also, he can command up to S Trait/10 undead of lesser power (this will vary
depending on the undead in your game).

As you see becoming a Liche can be a way for a mortal to obtain upernatural

The P Trait of a Liche would be that of the spell caster before lichedom.
This may seem low, but devices and armor spells cast at high steep can
give the liche extrordinary protec[on.

Any other advice john? Anyone? What about creatures everyone has adapted
to the game? I thought I read something about Giants somewhere....

Thanks for the words of Wisdom John! :)
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 18:01:28 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

I am an hour north of NYC in Connec[cut...

Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 17:08:59 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: mike paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: berserkers

Hi I am trying to make a berserker based on the primi[ve warrior voca[on
and I am interested in input on rules for the "rage". I want it to be a
very unpleasant thing. I think that it should be it's own quirk/counterquirk.
I think that a berserker should get at least one extra ahack per CT and
should not get any BAC bonus. Possibly a minus to BAC?
I am not sure if the problems with the rage should be failling to recognize
other HPs and maybe ahacking them, or if he should take metal or spiritual
I was thinking that at the begining of every combat session or maybe even
every CT he should get 1-3 Joss factor type things, which could only be used
to increase hit loca[on.
I am quite sure that I want my berserker to be from Skand, but I don't know
a whole lot about them.
Well any help will be very, uh....Helpful. :)

Mike Paulus
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 21:08:12 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Michael J. Hill" <aspect@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: berserkers

>Hi I am trying to make a berserker based on the primi[ve warrior voca[on
>and I am interested in input on rules for the "rage".
>Mike Paulus

Instead of Quirk/Counterquirk try making the "rage" a K/S area that can be
improved upon through experience. As the Berserker becomes more experienced
he/she will be more capable of bringing on the rage and quelling it.

As a detriment have any ahack against the Berserker treated as one level
worse. In other words, since the Berserker has no concern for personal
safety they will tend to ingnore "insignifgant" ahacks, thus not protect
thenselves against them.

Just a few items of input.

Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 23:43:33 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Patrick Murphy <murphy@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU? yet again
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 24 Oct 1995, Michael J. Hill wrote:

> Anyone from Villa Rica, GA ?
> (Dave...William, if you look over your shoulder and ask me why I'm gonna
> smack you).

Hey, what's that, two of us now in the south?

Add one for Chapel Hill, NC.

OK, so back to Mythus in general...I have a simple scenario Word le
that I'd be willing to upload somewhere (I was ready to submit it to
Journeys)... <sni>. Any place in par[cular I should put it? (Cerebus?)

Patrick M.
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 22:59:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Sight <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: berserkers
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 25 Oct 1995, mike paulus wrote:

> Hi I am trying to make a berserker based on the primi[ve warrior voca[on
> and I am interested in input on rules for the "rage". I want it to be a
> very unpleasant thing. I think that it should be it's own quirk/counterquirk.
> I think that a berserker should get at least one extra ahack per CT and
> should not get any BAC bonus. Possibly a minus to BAC?

hmmm... lesse, o the top of my head.

possibly a quick and counterquick...

1/ +3 to 5 damage bonus while berserk due to enraged status
2/ No bonus or penalty to hit.
3/ False PD points equal to one tenth the HP's total, with WL modied
accordingly and Cri[al Level disappearing during the Rage
4/ May not be mentally ahacked while enraged <intelligence drops to
brute cunning>
5/ May not cast spells
6/ May not engage in ranged combat, only close to melee at top speed.

7/ May not parry <?>--<dunno bout that, that's a really tough call,
that's nearly suicide in mythus>--certainly may make no other
defensive manuevers <posi[oning, sheild use, etc.> -- pry would
s[ll let em parry.
8/ Person is 'wiped out' for number of hours equal to number of CT's they
were berserk... all skills at half, no spell cas[ng.
9/ Character can 'choose' to berserk and make a roll versus thier SM
total -- success or failure means they berserk -- (depending on how you
and the GM see it working... for a norse barbarian raging out, I'd say
he'd have to fail to induce it, but in the case of say, Lancelot in
_First Knight_, that character would have to Make the Roll to 'get in
the Zone'.) GM can also have a berserk come upon them at an unwanted,
stressfull [me, this roll should always be SM x 1 or worse. Recovery
is the same roll, make every CT aper combat ends and they are lep
with no target.
/10 Finally, Social S[gma <Berserker>

> I am not sure if the problems with the rage should be failling to recognize
> other HPs and maybe ahacking them, or if he should take metal or spiritual
> damage...

Hmm... taking spiritual damage might be good, comrades would probably be
safe as long as they make no overt movements at the player.

> I was thinking that at the begining of every combat session or maybe even
> every CT he should get 1-3 Joss factor type things, which could only be used
> to increase hit loca[on.

I don't think that would be a very good thing... the damage bonus and
extra PD would make them prehy tough anyway... if that isn't enough,
take out the modica[ons to skills and combat for going past WL as well
as CL while in a rage.

Hope this helps.

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 00:46:52 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

Yet another from San Diego County (North). Vista.
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 01:07:18 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

Then there is me in Houston, Texas. Anyone else down here?

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 00:19:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: berserkers
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951025223427.14807A-100000@sunbird> from "Sight"
at Oct 25, 95 10:59:22 pm

Thus spake Sight
> possibly a quick and counterquick...
> 1/ +3 to 5 damage bonus while berserk due to enraged status
> 2/ No bonus or penalty to hit.
> 3/ False PD points equal to one tenth the HP's total, with WL modied
> accordingly and Cri[al Level disappearing during the Rage
> 4/ May not be mentally ahacked while enraged <intelligence drops to
> brute cunning>

I'd drop this.

> 5/ May not cast spells
> 6/ May not engage in ranged combat, only close to melee at top speed.
> 7/ May not parry <?>--<dunno bout that, that's a really tough call,
> that's nearly suicide in mythus>--certainly may make no other
> defensive manuevers <posi[oning, sheild use, etc.> -- pry would
> s[ll let em parry.

I'd let them parry all they wanted.

> 8/ Person is 'wiped out' for number of hours equal to number of CT's they
> were berserk... all skills at half, no spell cas[ng.

I'd say they would be wiped out for a number of hours based on the amount
of BTs or longer that they were beserk for.

> 9/ Character can 'choose' to berserk and make a roll versus thier SM
> total -- success or failure means they berserk -- (depending on how you
> and the GM see it working... for a norse barbarian raging out, I'd say
> he'd have to fail to induce it, but in the case of say, Lancelot in
> _First Knight_, that character would have to Make the Roll to 'get in
> the Zone'.) GM can also have a berserk come upon them at an unwanted,
> stressfull [me, this roll should always be SM x 1 or worse. Recovery
> is the same roll, make every CT aper combat ends and they are lep
> with no target.

I would make them work up the beserk and make it take a few BTs or even an AT.
Goha spend some [me calling on the animal spirit.

> /10 Finally, Social S[gma <Berserker>

Actually, werent the beserkers given special treatment? Werent they considered
especially holy or something? I would not place a social s[gma on a
character with the beserk quirk. I think the best way to handle it is to
make it a "super" quirk, because it really is not something you train for.

The beserk should last a minimum of an AT and a maximum of several ATs.

I don't think the quirk should be all that usefull for extended adventuring
sessions. If you are going to go wandering through a dungeon crawl with
lots of lihle combats, you beher not go beserk or you will be more of
a disadvantage to your companions. If you can prepare for the combat
ahead of [me and only expect one single combat than it could be quite


-"I pragma[cally turn my whims into principles." -- Calvin.
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 00:43:50 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Duck Buher <jsloan@BLKBOX.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

>Then there is me in Houston, Texas. Anyone else down here?

I'm in Houston, we'll have to get together and game some[me.


BTW, see you in November :)

GO ROCKETS!!! Clutch City '95 |
. _ . |
---- |\_|/__/| |
/# /_\_ / / \/ \ \ |
| |/o\o\ /__|O||O|__ \ |
| \\_/_/ |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | |
/ |_ | | | (____) | || |
| ||\_ ~| \/\___/\__/ // |
| ||| \/ (_/ || |

| |||_ | ROCKETS || |
\// | | 34 ||\ |
|| | \ //_/ |
||_ \ \______// |
\_| o| __ || __|| |
/\___/ (____(____) |
/ ||||__ |
(___)_) |
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 00:23:47 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Michael Nagy <nagym@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Where Are You?: The current list... You wanted to know

Ok, to this date, these are the people who have submihed their names.
It's current as of Oct 25/95. Will update in a week or two.

PLEASE: If you are going to reply to the list, PLEASE cut out all the
names. Everyone got a copy the rst [me, they don't need mul[ple
copies bouncing around. If you want, email me *personally* with changes,
and I will incorporate them, and re-issue the list later. Thanks.


Jason Furedy
Tucson, Arizona but will be moving to Portland in the rela[vely near future

Denver metropolitan area... specically the region of Lakewood and Golden, etc: the west side.

Alex Johnson
Anyone in or around Flint MI?

Chris Davies
CANADA? Not anywhere specic in Canada ...

Gary Spechko
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Michael J. Hill

Villa Rica, GA

Donald Eccles
San Diego, CA

Daniel Pickeh
San Diego, CA (Escondido)

Pal Arild Woje

Muten Roshi
I'm from Albion. :)

Mike Paulus
Whitesh, Montana for now but I will join the Navy soon

University of Bualo

Josh Elarton
Eastern Iowa

William A Helm
hour north of NYC in Connec[cut...

Patrick Murphy
Chapel Hill, NC.

Local Access
Eureka, CA

Richard Crook
San Diego County (North), CA (Vista)

Tom Harrison
Houston, Texas

Duck Buher
Houston, Texas
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 02:22:55 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Michael J. Hill" <aspect@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU? yet again

>Hey, what's that, two of us now in the south?

I just happen to be roomates with Dave Newton, so Mythus is a part of my
everyday life I guess.

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 03:04:25 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

Damn, J! All this [me and I never knew you were there!


Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 03:39:28 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Balthazar <s0rjbarb@HIBBS.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <>; from "William A
Helm" at Oct 25, 95 6:01 pm

I'm in Richmond, VA.
|Balthazar |Today is the |
|s0rjbarb@hibbs. | Day aper |
| | Yesterday. |
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 09:59:23 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>

Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

Just responding to the trend.

Right Hawkeye, sure I will respond!!!

Anyone from The Netherlands?

For you Americans: No, The Netherlands are not neighbours of Norway (Hai,
Pal), nor is it the capital of Belgium or or a province of Germany.

However, I like the adjucidum of Mr. Gygax on joining The Netherlands and
Belgium into one country. However, I must strongly protest against calling
it FLANDERS. HOLLAND would have been a much beher name, IMHO.

To all 165 members on this list, where you from?


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 10:37:01 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Pal Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <>

Yo Harold.
Well, when you look at the distance from USA we are almost
neighbours, but since I live just above the ar[c circle (which
comparebly puts me way up in northern Alaska) it's s[ll not
very close.
It's fun to see what geographical acroba[cs [rth contains.
I seems to live in "Finnmark" which has annected Kola from
the Russians. Cool! How about you Vargardians across the
pond? Do you recognize your country?

(@ @)
----------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------P. A. Woje Norwegian Telecom Phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O.Box 321, N-8001 Bod|, Norway Telefax : +47 75 51 24 01
R&D department (FoU Bod|) Private : +47 75 58 48 71

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (__) (__)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 12:11:48 PDT
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: chris barnes <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: o Re: Where are YOU? yet again

On Thu, 26 Oct 1995 02:22:55 -0500 Michael J. Hill wrote:

> I just happen to be roomates with Dave Newton, so Mythus is a part of my
> everyday life I guess.

He seems to be conspicuous by his absence at the moment, are the posts too dull
or have you [ed his (electronic) tongue to the kitchen table? :-)

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 12:14:30 PDT
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: chris barnes <bu6467@WLV.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Where are EC?

On Thu, 26 Oct 1995 09:59:23 +0100 Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV

> For you Americans: No, The Netherlands are not neighbours of Norway (Hai,
> Pal), nor is it the capital of Belgium or or a province of Germany.

But isn't Belgium the capital of Germany?

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 08:29:07 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: I am a moron.

Hi guys, I deleted the address of the hardy individual who is running the
PBEM, and I need to send equipment lists and stu of that nature to him.
I'd like to do this today, befoer I have to pack my computer up and move
to Denver tomorrow morning, so if you know the address, or are he < :) >,
please send it over to me, danke.


ps: my reason for having my mailing name set as 'sight' is gone as of
last sunday <campaign over, saying goodbye to the 'gang' tonight> so to
limit confusion, that's who I am, but I ain't no more. :)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 09:59:13 -0400
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Je Sharpe <sharpe@LIPLUS.LI-BUSINESS.AB.CA>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <"8197 95/10/26

>It's fun to see what geographical acroba[cs [rth contains.
>I seems to live in "Finnmark" which has annected Kola from
>the Russians. Cool! How about you Vargardians across the
>pond? Do you recognize your country?

Of course I recognize where I live! ...usually. :-)

I'm in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 12:55:09 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: berserkers

>>Hi I am trying to make a berserker based on the primi[ve warrior voca[on
>>and I am interested in input on rules for the "rage".
>>Mike Paulus
>Instead of Quirk/Counterquirk try making the "rage" a K/S area that can be
>improved upon through experience. As the Berserker becomes more experienced
>he/she will be more capable of bringing on the rage and quelling it.

No, I disagree - Rage would be a Quirk, denitely. Bonus to chance of hijng,
plus an extra step on Strike Loca[on Table. The ip-side is the personas
has no parry ability, and damage recieved is normal.

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 13:00:30 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU? yet again

>I just happen to be roomates with Dave Newton, so Mythus is a part of my
>everyday life I guess.

Name dropper. Next I bet you'll say you know Gary Gygax & William Spencer-Hale!


Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 14:54:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Michael J. Hill" <aspect@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU? yet again

>Name dropper. Next I bet you'll say you know Gary Gygax & William Spencer-Hale!
Well....actually....I would guess that the answer would be yes to that. :)
Aren't you suppossed to be edi[ng an anthology right now? <grin>

"Not knowing is the province of the uninformed."
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 14:13:02 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Eric Medalis <astolfo@INTERACCESS.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

>For you Americans: No, The Netherlands are not neighbours of Norway (Hai,
>Pal), nor is it the capital of Belgium or or a province of Germany.

I'm from chicago. For you Dutch: Chicago is not a neighbor of canada or
mexico, nor is it the capital of Texas or in the state of Californa.
I think we can assume we are all intelligent on this list. Aper all, we
play Mythus, don't we?

"you don't make friends with salad."
-the simpsons.
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 12:48:28 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Subject: Where am I?
In-Reply-To: <> from "Tom Harrison"
at Oct 26, 95 01:07:18 am

I'm from Los Angeles ...

- /\__^__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_^___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ _ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl est Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 23:29:12 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Thomas Biskup <tb@SARANXIS.RUHR.DE>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <>

Ok, just to join in on this...

Germany, Gelsenkirchen (in the Ruhrgebiet).



-Thomas Biskup email to:

"Would you choose one life over one thousand?

I refuse to let arithme[c decide ques[ons like that."
-- Data and Picard, "Jus[ce", stardate 41255.6
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 19:09:40 EDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

I am from San Antonio, TX

Right down the road from Chigaco, the capital of Texas (er okay, well
Aus[n actually)

Tom and Duck, its a three hour drive, but who knows it might work...

Mah Speer
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 23:24:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William Hale <dyr@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU? yet again

>>Name dropper. Next I bet you'll say you know Gary Gygax & William
>Well....actually....I would guess that the answer would be yes to that. :)
>Aren't you suppossed to be edi[ng an anthology right now? <grin>

Uh, yeah :) Nice call Mike. <g>


There is a man...Playing a violin...and the strings are the nerves in his
own arms. A twisted soul - the mortar...Despair - the bricks. To build a
temple to sadness.

J.O'Barr, The Crow

Welcome to the Atrocity Exhibi[on

Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 02:18:14 -0400

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: George Goins <Katsin@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

I'm from Santa Fe Springs, CA.

Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 02:20:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?
In-Reply-To: <v01510100acb598e8f3e7@[]> from "Eric Medalis" at
Oct 26, 95 02:13:02 pm

Dag, I can't resist joining the bandwagon. Especially when it has
become a ood.

I live in downtown Chicago.


-"I pragma[cally turn my whims into principles." -- Calvin.
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 09:52:30 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <TimandMere@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

My turn too. From the deepest pit of the great cavernous beast itself...
Washington, DC.
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 15:07:45 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?

> I'm from chicago. For you Dutch: Chicago is not a neighbor of canada or
>mexico, nor is it the capital of Texas or in the state of Californa.
>I think we can assume we are all intelligent on this list. Aper all, we
>play Mythus, don't we?
>"you don't make friends with salad."
> -the simpsons.

Point taken.


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 22:21:19 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Pablo Lowry <cbotero@GROVE.UFL.EDU>
Subject: Geographic Me Too
In-Reply-To: <m0sNKF2-000uw7C@netland>

Presently in Gainesville, Florida...

Originally from Epic of AErth page 109: Amazonia, Inca, Temuco**

** Temuco is the southern military capital marking fron[er in that
direc[on--now a rela[ve back water. Tell me about it. :)

Magical devices (Temuco):

Cultrun: Magical Drum that generates hekka.
Rehue: A magical totem with steps to climb to top. If it has been
prepared with bay leaves, and you jump o of it, you increase
your hekka drama[cally.


Trauco: Father of all ilegi[mate children.
Cuero Vivo: (Live skin), water animal that comes to life when an animal
skin is dropped in a body of water. It suocates anyone
it can catch.
Quiltro: a ferocious mut.


Machitun: Fes[val where you can either get very drunk drinking
chupilcas (wine and toasted our) or generate a sh*t
load of hekka. Requires many par[cipants.

Magic Users:

Machi: Female Shaman, usually healer.

El Huacho
Pablo Lowry
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 22:05:21 PDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Geographic Me Too

>Presently in Gainesville, Florida...
>Originally from Epic of AErth page 109: Amazonia, Inca, Temuco**
Didn't you forget about the giant round-eared mouse? <grin>

Daveyes, I'm s[ll edi[ng, Mike. Yahbee Minhya
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 00:16:06 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: Where are You?

Is "eastern Iowa" near La Crosse Wisconsin?

J Teske
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 00:30:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William Hale <dyr@MINDSPRING.COM>

Subject: Re: Where are You?

Alright, alright...I'll play...sheeeesh.

Villa Rica, GA. Roommates with Thing One and Thing Two.

William Spencer-Hale

There is a man...Playing a violin...and the strings are the nerves in his
own arms. A twisted soul - the mortar...Despair - the bricks. To build a
temple to sadness.

J.O'Barr, The Crow

Welcome to the Atrocity Exhibi[on
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 00:30:44 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Hagenbuch/Kohler <hagendaz@POSTOFFICE.PTD.NET>
Subject: Where AM I??

Apparently in hickville PA.....also known as Selinsgrove, its about an hour
north of harrisburg....if you haven't heard of harrisburg you're nowhere
near me :)
Charles Hagenbuch
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 18:09:17 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Jan Kraheberger (CIP 91)"
Subject: Re: Where are YOU?


I'm from Nuernberg, GERMANY

(Capital of Franken :-)


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION !
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 17:10:58 -0400
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Local Access <laccess@M-NET.ARBORNET.ORG>
Subject: Let's talk about Mythus
In-Reply-To: <199510281709.SAA21482@faui01.informa[>

Let's get back onto the subject. MYTHUS
I got nothin' to say :)
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 1995 11:50:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: New OP/HP K/S Bundle

Hello. This past spring and earlyt summer some of my players were submijng
new k/s bundles. I have a few to add that some of my players have submihed

The Inves[gator (created by AJ Schmidt)
Physical Trait SEC 4-8 SEC at Start 5

This voca[on is the answer to the super-sleuth in the Mythus Campaign.
THis person resorts to myriad abili[es in order to solve crimess and
prosecute oenders. The role of this OP is very well-dened and can be
used in a variety of situa[ons from the bumbling detec[ve to the
greatly-assis[ve private eye. The feasibility of the HP use is, of course
dependent on the GM but with a total of 264 base STEEP, it is not
unreasonable. This type of persona would be quite helpful, and I nd it
very adaptable to many situa[ons. TO summarize some of the ideas to give
this character life, think of archetypal Inves[gators such as Sherlock
Holmes, Columbo, The Harts (of Hart to Hart), Charlie Chan, Ms. Marple, or
Murder She Wrote. Many others could also be listed. The main modica[on
ate the addi[on of informa[on-gathering spell-cas[ng areas of Divina[on
and Fortune Telling, which would be ne and needed addi[ons for a heka
ac[ve campaign, and accepted methods as part of the means of inves[ga[on.

K/S Base STEEP Ahribute

Criminology 20 MRCap
Surveillance/Security 16 PNCap
Police WOrk 16 AVg of P
Logic 16

Law 16 AVg
of M Caps
Hun[ng Tracking 12 PNCap
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical 12 Avg of PCaps
Espionage 12 AVg of
Combat, HW 12 Avg of
Combat HtH NL 12 Avg of PCaps
Streetwise 12 SPCap
Divina[on 8 SPCap
Fortune Telling 8 SPCap
Percep[on Physical 8 MRCAP
Escape 8 Avg of
Survival 8
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Mental 8 MMCap
Decep[on 8 MRcap
Current Events 8 Avg of M
Gambling 4 Avg of
M Caps
Foreign Language 4 MMCap
Foreign Language 4 MMCap
Inuence 4 MRCap
Biography/Geneology 4 MMCap
Handicraps/Handiworks 4 PNCap
Tolerance 4 PNPow
Cultured Palate 4 PNCap

As you can see, this persona is adap[ve to a variety of situa[ons. THe
STEEP total is just a bit higher than most because of the many demads on this
sort of Persona and the great variety of trait scores used.

Some suggested k/s addi[ons might be:
Mental: Appraisal, History, Hypno[sm, Literature
Physical: Combat HW Missle, Combat HtH Lethal, First Aid, Travel,
Spiritual: Alchemy, Impersona[on, Buoonery, Magne[sm, Leadership.


Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 08:48:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Ken Kitowski <kkitow@HEALTH1.UWSP.EDU>

Subject: Re: Where are you?

>Is "eastern Iowa" near La Crosse Wisconsin?
>J Teske
At least there is someone else in the same state as me. I'm in central
Wisconsin (Stevens Point).
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 09:06:37 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: Re: New OP/HP K/S Bundle


First, for comparison, in case you didn't have it, here's the Voca[on for
Consultant Inves[gator Voca[on (Mental Trait), from the third Genre that
was in MMM--once called Changeling, hereaper refered to by this author as
SHATTERSOL. In any event, this was from the Victorian Era, and was designed
to b

Appraisal 8
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Mental 8
Criminology 20
Cryptography 8
Current Events 8
Espionage 8
Games, Mental 8
Law 12
Linguis[cs 8
Lip Reading and Sign Language 12
Methods and Systems 12
Rari[es 8
Sociology/Culture 8
Toxicology 12

Combat, HTH (NL) 8
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical 8
Disguise 8
Games, Physical 4
Hun[ng and Tracking 8
Legerdemain 8
Percep[on, Physical 8
Police Work 12

Sports 8
Weapons, Small Arms 8

Judgements 12
Occult Sciences 4
Spa[al Reasoning 8
Street-Wise 12
Thespianism 12

Total 288

Most of these would translate into the Mythus game.
Weapons, Small Arms (Guns) would be replaced by Hand Weapons Combat.
Occult Sciences is specic to Unhallowed/Shahersol.

Comparing yours, it looks very good. However, I would remove Fortune
Telling, since that's not intended to be the same as Divina[on--it refers
to a specic individual, a willing one. Perhaps Aportropism should be
added to the mix--aper all, the HP could be pujng himself into the line
of re, and on AErth, that means a lot of problems.

One thing I would strongly suggest is adding Demonology to the mix as well.
Demonology in Mythus deals with knowing those who make pacts with Evil and
use Devilshine. In other words, it would give the HP knowledge of those
most likely to commit these crimes, including the "big name" casters.

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <Primary Address <Secondary, Being deleted soon.
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 14:51:55 GMT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Derek Powell <sukdap@MVS.SAS.COM>
Subject: Help... Informa[on

Can anyone tell me where I can get some "Beginners" informa[on on mythus
the type of game.. what it can be played on etc...

Derek Powell
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 20:14:01 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Chris Calvert <calvert@UCLA.EDU>
Subject: I'm Back and stu

Hi guys, I'm actually Michael Conard(aka Pelias the Sorcerer), not
Chris Calvert. It's his computer, etc.blah blah.
Anyway, I'm back again, for those who remember me, and I play
Mythus, therefore, I am, for those who do not.

What I Have Been Working On

A bunch of stu including
Variant ahribute system(done-kinda)
combat system(s[ll under construc[on)
magic System(barely started)
and a Campaign Sejng-nameless as yet, but otherwise conceptually nearly
complete.Lots of Robert E. Howard inuences, some EGS inuences, some
Greyhawk inuences(I am engineering it to accomidate Temple, Slavers, GDQ
and Horrors series), many historical inuences, lots of personal crea[vity
inuences, and of course, lots of Aerth inuences.
It may seem like I am trying to redo everything, but they all draw
on Mythus primarily. Anyway, none of this is in computerized form, yet. It
will be soon. Maybe. Assuming I s[ll live and have [me aper Midterms.
So you may see some stu from me in the future.
BTW, I say an online shop selling the out o' print(grrrr) Mythus
stu, but I did not record the loca[on. I will try to nd it and post
it. My campaign has yet to clear the ground with school, incomplete world
development and incomplete rules development.
Also BTW, I am now at UCLA,(in case you couldn't gure that out
from the address).

With more Forthcoming when possible,

Pelias the Sorcerer
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 23:13:54 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Help... Informa[on
In-Reply-To: <> from "Derek Powell" at
Oct 30, 95 02:51:55 pm

Thus spake Derek Powell
> Can anyone tell me where I can get some "Beginners" informa[on on mythus
> the type of game.. what it can be played on etc...
First and most basically: Dangerous Journeys/Mythus is *not* a computer game.
It is played with paper and pencils, dice, imagina[on a few rules and
maybe miniature gures. The rules were published by GDW, and then given

to TSR who has currently decided that Mythus is not popular enough to
con[nue suppor[ng it. You can s[ll nd the rules in game stores if
you look hard enough.

It is an RPG (Role Playing Game). In the original sense of the word, Wizardry
and Ul[ma xx are *not* Role Playing Games!


-"I pragma[cally turn my whims into principles." -- Calvin.
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 17:44:12 CDT
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Cushing <A551@FHSUVM.FHSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Restric[ng magic

Hi all. A short while ago, several people were asking about ways to eithe
r run a low magic campaign or restrict magic use. An idea about that hit me ea
rlier while I was reading... the book is 'Liavek', which is a shared world conc
ept like 'Thieves World' a while back. Anyway, the basic premise here is that
everyone has magic - or luck as they call it. Your luck really only comes into
play on your birthday, during the hours your mother was in labor. Every year
during that [me, you have tremendously good luck. The way one becomes a mage
is to struggle with this wild luck through all of your birth hours, forcing it
into a container of your choosing - usually a piece of jewelry, though it can b
e anything small and inconspicuous. This process has to be repeated EVERY year,
and during that [me all enchantments you cast will fade, as your luck returns
to you. Not only that, but if you're luck object is three paces or more away,
you can't cast anything. I think all of us can see the disadvantages this wou
ld put onto a mage, and it wouldn't take much to work into the game system. Th
is would also limit magic items, at least the high power stu, as they are mad
e buy a mage inves[ng his luck into an item.... Oh, yeah, one thing they said
about the investure process... it takes a lot of training and willpower, and i
s usually fatal if you fail. Another problem for players - what if they dont k
now when exactly they were born? This whole process could throw in many kinks
for your players....
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 22:17:08 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: limited power

My JM just lets us (well the heka users) put cas[ngs on rods of wood,
weapons, what ever we have, and he will usually have a place along the way
where all these goodies get disjuncted. This way we can use our good ideas
and be crea[ve, but s[ll not be overly powerful when the big stu comes

down. His theory is that being allowed to use the ideas and have instant
access to spells like sonic blast (as one player's HP always carries with an
ac[va[on word 'BANG') encorages us to keep trying new things, but he takes
them away in simple but reasonable ways so we don't overpower the game he
has set up. I hope that my JM is on of the beher ones in existance,
because I hate to think about poeple being beher at it than Chris is. :)

Mike Paulus
Join the Navy and see the pond.
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 10:01:03 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Preface to Phaeree Tales

Phaeree Tales, introduc[on

Hi there. Some of y'all may actually have a vague memory of my
existance. Well, I've been busy and consumed with other projects, so
I haven't been doing too much Mythusing (either playing or crea[ng) for
a while. Hey, too bad, it's my life :-) (If you want to see part of
what has been consuming my [me, check out pp:// and
look at the compe[[on game library.z5).
As you can see, I have a new address. This doesn't mean that I'm
not checking (although is preferred
for any sort of Mythus-related material), and said address will eventually
be forwarded. While commen[ng on changing addresses, my web page is
probably easier to remember as: <hhp://>, to
eventually be located at <hhp://>.
I s[ll have some gods-related material on tap, to be released
eventually. I have some scahered Phaeree notes, mostly my own crea[ons
of various sorts. I have the ines[mable Dave Newton's Phaeree Tales
columns from MMM.
I will ahempt to hold myself to a schedule and release a new Phaeree
Tales column at the start of each month, which should give plenty of [me to
think and research and develop two, three, or four Phaeree creatures each
[me. We'll see how it goes, but I'm lled with the normal good inten[ons
at this point :-) (Besides, it's a nice break from the mind-numbing work
of doing god aper god aper god aper god aper god aper god aper god
aper god, well, you get the idea.)
For those who are curious, yes, I have seen the Phaeree Bes[ary. It
is a collec[on of empty skeletons of Mythus criher stats with a few
scahered notes lled in -- mostly those which were in published material.
It duplicates the descrip[ons in the Epic of AErth, with the important
parts highlighted (e.g. "great heka") for ease of later development. It
is not the Holy Grail of fantas[c monsters some people have built it
They are my own interpreta[ons, developed from scratch using myth and

legend as my guide, taking into account any spin that Mr. Gygax placed on
them in the Epic of AErth descrip[ons.
Let's just say that I'm back, and with a vengeance :-)

Mike Phillips,

(for those who are curious, Njord of the Norse Mythos and Thoth of the
AEgyp[an mythos are the most likely next developments, although I had
a couple more thoughts regarding Loki)
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 10:05:00 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Phaeree Tales #1: Pranksters

It's the beginning of the month, and that means it must be [me for.....

---------------------------------- | Phaeree Tales |
| (with apologies to Dave Newton |
| for stealing the format) |

So far, the delvings into Phaeree have focused primarily on those of
the malign sort, from the fearsome Goblins, Orcs, Slaugh, Ejns, Drow,
and Yeth, through the not-quite benevolent Centaurs, Banshee, Adshee, and
Stone Giants. Yes, there has been a brief look at the Fay and the
friendly AErth Giants, but even they have an edge to them.
Lest one conclude, however, that all the folk of Phaeree are somehow
averse to dealing with humans, and reclusive (if not downright nasty),
here are a trio of pranksters which have plagued humanity for a very long
[me, yet rarely cause them direct harm..
A couple of notes generally apply to all three of these prankish
Phaeree. First, they tend towards solitude rather than grouping, although
they do tend to seek out vic[ms for their pranks. Some[mes, they will
associate themselves a par[cular loca[on or person. Second, these
Phaeree are not par[cularly suscep[ble to ferrous metals (although
they cause discomfort, they do not cause extra damage). They are s[ll
aected by cold iron in par[cular, of course. And third, all three have
legends around them which indicate that capturing one can lead to granted


The mists open, showing an open and rolling eld. Trees are o

in the distance, and in the center of our view is a small, homely man.
He is bent over something, and we make adjustments to zoom in on him.
His face is fairly homely, although he does appear to be quite competent
at shoemaking, judging by his precision and speed. With a mischievous
expression, he looks up at us and winks. In our surprise, we take
our eyes o of him, and he ickers from view.
We allow the mists to close on the Leprechaun, although we dwell for
a moment on a classic tale of a Leprechaun and a hapless vic[m. The
vic[m in this case has just caught a Leprechaun, having been very
careful to never take his eyes o of the Phaeree. He demands that
the Leprechaun lead him to treasure, which the Leprechaun does, and the
man marks the spot with a large, bright bow. Since the Leprechaun is
s[ll under his thrall, the man demands that the Phaeree not touch the
marker, or otherwise disturb it, then he goes home for a shovel.
When he returns, he nds iden[cal bows [ed around every single
tree in sight, and with no hope of digging it all up, he goes home in
disgust. One making deals with such a Phaeree should beware their
mischief and trickery!

Iden[er: Humanoid, Faerie
Habitat: Exterior Phaeree, Occidental
Size: 0.5 x human-size
Number Appearing: 1
Modes & Rates of Movement: Human Standard
Walk: 64 yards/BT
Trot: 128 yards/BT
Run: 192 yards/BT
Ini[a[ve Modiers: Human Standard
Outstanding K/S Areas/Sub-Areas & STEEP:
Games, Mental at 33-60 (30+3D10)
Handicraps/Handiwork at 42-60 (40+2D10)
Leatherwork at 42-60 (40+2D10)
Legerdemain at 33-60 (30+3D10)
Percep[on, Mental at 43-70 (40+3D10)
Joss Factors: 5-10 (4+1D6)
Dodging/Avoidance: Nil and 30/20/20
Ahrac[veness: 6-11 (5+D6)
Inner Beauty/Ugliness: Nil
Invulnerabili[es: Nil
Insinua[on: Cold iron (x2)
Contact: Cold iron (x1)
Allergy: 1 BT of exposure to cold iron (100 pounds in 10 feet)
inicts 1 point PD/CT thereaper
Average Armor Protec[on: 2
Quirks: Nil
Cas[ngs: Nil

Ahacks BAC Dmg Type Base Bonus

by weapon STEEP weapon weapon 0


Area of Eect: Individual
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Self
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power is similar to the Gray Dweomercraep Charm Bacon's
Invisibility, save only that the Leprechaun may not use it while
being directly observed.

Object Duplica[on
Area of Eect: One object
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Line of sight
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: Permanent
Frequency: At will
This power allows the Leprechaun to perfectly imitate any ordinary,
pre-exis[ng item. The classic example is making hundreds of ribbons
duplica[ng the one marking hidden treasure.

Precision Crapmanship
Area of Eect: Individual
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Self
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power allows the Leprechaun to perform his crap with perfec[on,
regardless of what tools he may have at hand.

Area of Eect: Individual only
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Self
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: Instantaneous
Frequency: 3/day
This power is essen[ally the same as the Dweomercraep, General
cas[ng of the same name. It may not be used if the Leprechaun is
either under direct observa[on or caught.

Treasure Loca[on
Area of Eect: Self
Delivered by: Thought

Range: 100 yards

Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power allows the Leprechaun to locate any hidden/buried treasure
within the range and instantly know what it is, how valuable it is, and
how best to get to it.

Wish Gran[ng
Area of Eect: Individual
Delivered by: Word and gesture
Range: Touch
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: Permanent
Frequency: Variable
This power enables the Leprechaun to grant up to three wishes upon a
single individual. Any such wishes must be used immediately or they
will be lost. Of course, the JM should take every possible
opportunity to twist or pervert the intent of such wishes.

Sta[s[cal Detail
Base Scheme (+/- 2D3 per ATTRIBUTE)
M: 96 EL: 76 P: 64 WL: 48 CL: 57 S: 64 EL: 51
MM: 48 MR: 48 PM: 26 PN: 38 SM: 32 SP: 32
MMCap: 18 MRCap: 18 PMCap: 10 PNCap: 14 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 15 MRPow: 15 PMPow: 8 PNPow: 12 SMPow: 10 SPPow: 10
MMSpd: 15 MRSpd: 15 PMSpd: 8 PNSpd: 12 SMSpd: 10 SPSpd: 10

Armor Scheme:
Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec.
Ultra 4 4 8 0 0 8 4
Super 3 3 6 0 0 6 3
Vital 2 2 4 0 0 4 2
Non 1 1 2 0 0 2 1
Average 2 2 5 0 0 5 2

Commentary & Descrip[on:
Leprechauns are related to brownies and silkies, being a lihle folk
with homely faces, ever-mischievous expressions, and an apprecia[on for
pranks and commo[on-causing of all sorts. They are a highly magickal
race, although they personally do not employ Heka.
Leprechauns are industrious lihle shoemakers (the only crap for
which they have or have shown any ap[tude), and they do enjoy playing
pranks. If one is able to catch a Leprechaun and keep one's eye on him
for the dura[on, it is said that he will grant the captor a wish (or
three wishes, or knowledge of the nearest treasure), depending perhaps on
the Leprechaun and perhaps on the captor. However, the use of force
against a Leprechaun in any damaging way allows him full range of his
abili[es, and the Leprechaun is likely to immediately retreat.
Leprechauns also occasionally sneak around human sehlements,

invisible, to work mischief, and reports have indicated that they have
employed some limited shape-changing ability while doing so.


It was at this point that we paused to refresh ourselves before
con[nuing our explora[ons. However, our glasses were quite empty! We
immediately headed for the cellar, where we found a diminu[ve, aged man
sipping the very wine we had intended for ourselves! He stood, at most,
three feet in height and was nely dressed, his red overcoat matching
his reddened nose quite nicely.
He chuckled as we sighed, having just no[ced that the cask was now
quite empty. He then disappeared, his laughter hanging in the air behind
him. Only then did we realize that we were plagued by a Cluracan.

Iden[er: Humanoid, Hobgoblin
Habitat: Subterranean Phaeree, Occidental
Size: 0.5 x human-size
Number Appearing: 1
Modes & Rates of Movement: Human Standard
Walk: 64 yards/BT
Trot: 128 yards/BT
Run: 192 yards/BT
Ini[a[ve Modiers: Human Standard
Outstanding K/S Areas/Sub-Areas & STEEP:
Cultured Palate at 62-80 (60+2D10)
Games, Mental at 42-60 (40+2D10)
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical at 41-50 (40+D10)
Acroba[cs/Gymnas[cs at 31-40 (30+D10)
Logic at 31-40 (30+D10)
Percep[on (Mental) at 31-40 (30+D10)
Joss Factors: 7-12 (6+1D6)
Dodging/Avoidance: Nil and 30/20/30
Ahrac[veness: 9-11 (8+D3)
Inner Beauty/Ugliness: Nil
Invulnerabili[es: Nil
Insinua[on: Cold iron (x2)
Contact: Cold iron (x1)
Allergy: 1 BT of exposure to cold iron (100 pounds in 10 feet)
inicts 1 point PD/CT thereaper
Average Armor Protec[on: 2
Quirks: Nil
Cas[ngs: Nil

Ahacks BAC Dmg Type Base Bonus
by weapon STEEP weapon weapon 0


Area of Eect: Individual
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Self
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power is similar to the Gray Dweomercraep Charm Bacon's

Change Appearance
Area of Eect: Individual
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Self
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: 3/day
The Cluracan can alter his appearance into a frightening aspect,
open choosing a half-wolf, half-human form, a full eight feet
in height. Others are possible, and the form so chosen will open
be the most eec[ve one for the situa[on. This power may only
be used in self-defense and when protec[ng beverage stores from
those who lack permission to use them.

Area of Eect: Individual
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Self
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power allows the Cluracan to change his size to as lihle as
one-tenth his normal height, or anything between his normal height
and this limit.

Consume Drinks
Area of Eect: 10 chain radius
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Self
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power allows the Cluracan to take the drinks from anything
within the area of eect as if he had imbibed them without ever
touching whatever they are stored in. It is at the whim of the
Cluracan as to what is taken, but it may not exceed approximately
100 gallons per day.

Float in Air
Area of Eect: Individual
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Self
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power allows the Cluracan to 'hang in the air', similar to a
levita[on trick. However, the Cluracan is limited to horizontal
movement, in order to lower himself, he must let himself fall, and
he must pull himself up in order to rise.

Sta[s[cal Detail
Base Scheme (+/- 2D3 per ATTRIBUTE)
M: 96 EL: 76 P: 64 WL: 48 CL: 57 S: 96 EL: 76
MM: 48 MR: 48 PM: 26 PN: 38 SM: 48 SP: 48
MMCap: 18 MRCap: 18 PMCap: 10 PNCap: 14 SMCap: 18 SPCap: 18
MMPow: 15 MRPow: 15 PMPow: 8 PNPow: 12 SMPow: 15 SPPow: 15
MMSpd: 15 MRSpd: 15 PMSpd: 8 PNSpd: 12 SMSpd: 15 SPSpd: 15

Armor Scheme:
Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec.
Ultra 4 4 8 0 0 8 4
Super 3 3 6 0 0 6 3
Vital 2 2 4 0 0 4 2
Non 1 1 2 0 0 2 1
Average 2 2 5 0 0 5 2

Commentary & Descrip[on:
The Cluracan (or Cluricaune) is a Hobgoblin form of Leprechaun which
is inordinately fond of wine, spirits, beer, and ale. They are solitary
creatures, although they tend to happily latch themselves onto
unsuspec[ng folk. Once ahached to a dwelling, they stay in the wine
cellar (or equivalent), where they poach the supply. One benet is that
servants and the like who ahempt to take a drink without the owner's
permission will likely be scared o by the lihle fellow, but it is
doubkul that the cost is worth it.
Families have been known to move their en[re household in the hopes
that the Cluracan plaguing them will not follow, but these mischievous
lihle fellows will open stow away in the packed goods and follow the
The Cluracan is some[mes addressed as "Naggeneen", a word implying a
small quan[ty of drink. He always appears as an old-looking, diminu[ve
man of no more than three feet in height, well-dressed. It is said that
all Cluracan carry a lihle leather purse, the Spre' na Skillenagh (or
Shilling Fortune), which contains a single coin which, once spent, renews
itself. They are said to enjoy ne tobacco as well, and open know the
way to hidden treasure.
Cluracan are tricky and clever, and they will avoid skirmishes to the

best of their (considerable) ability. Even if trapped, they will seek

(and usually nd) a way out. They are possessed of ordinary strength,
although once bound they will alter their appearance and can achieve
remarkable feats, including the doubling or trebling of their strength
and speed. Those who dare capture one may be granted wishes but should
denitely take a great deal of cau[on!


The mists part once again, although this [me they appear to open
on AErth, and not Phaeree. Judging from the sky, it appears to be
night, and we see four large gures marching along, carrying what
looks like a body. They call out something we cannot here, and a very
scared man comes forward. Judging by the ac[ons, the four giants
make the man cook the body, and then they leave. Moments later, the
body falls from its perch above the re, and the frightened man
Aper he is out of sight, the four giant men return, laughing, and
they body, the re, and the barn in the background all dissolve. They
point in the direc[on which the frightened man ran, and, chortling to
themselves, pursue him.
Nodding to ourselves, we close the portal, certain we have seen
the mysterious trickster known as a Fir Darrig.

Fir Darrig
Iden[er: Humanoid, Hobgoblin
Habitat: Subterranean Phaeree, Occidental
Size: 0.5 x human-size
Number Appearing: 1 or 2-6 (2D3)
Modes & Rates of Movement: Human Standard
Walk: 96 yards/BT
Trot: 192 yards/BT
Run: 288 yards/BT
Ini[a[ve Modiers: Human Standard
Outstanding K/S Areas/Sub-Areas & STEEP:
Buoonery at 45-90 (40+5D10)
Combat, Hand-to-Hand, Non-Lethal at 34-70 (30+4D10)
Criminal Ac[vi[es, Physical at 43-70 (40+3D10)
Dweomercraep, Gray at 53-80 (50+3D10)
Games, Mental at 32-50 (30+2D10)
Games, Physical at 31-40 (30+D10)
Percep[on, Mental at 42-60 (40+2D10)
Thespianism at 32-50 (30+2D10)
Joss Factors: 4-9 (3+1D6)
Dodging/Avoidance: Nil and 20/30/20
Ahrac[veness: 5-8 (4+D3)
Inner Beauty/Ugliness: Nil
Invulnerabili[es: Nil

Insinua[on: Cold iron (x2)

Contact: Cold iron (x1)
Allergy: 1 BT of exposure to cold iron (100 pounds in 10 feet)
inicts 1 point PD/CT thereaper
Average Armor Protec[on: 5
Quirks: Nil
Cas[ngs: By K/S Area

Ahacks BAC Dmg Type Base Bonus
by weapon STEEP weapon weapon 0


Area of Eect: Individual
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Self
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power is similar to the Gray Dweomercraep Charm Bacon's

Play on Subconscious Dreads & Fears
Area of Eect: Individual
Delivered by: Thought
Range: 100 yards
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
Once the Fir Darrig has ahached himself to a par[cular person,
he will open use this ability to learn what fears and dreads the
individual has that he can use to his own ends. Note that a
Fir Darrig who has been properly greeted will be unable to employ
ability upon those who greeted him.

Area of Eect: Individual
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Self
Time: 1 CT
Dura[on: While concentra[ng
Frequency: At will
This power allows the Fir Darrig to change to virtually any shape,
although he is bound by the results of using Play on Subconscious
Dreads & Fears or by a roughly human form.

Area of Eect: Individual only
Delivered by: Thought

Range: Self
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: Instantaneous
Frequency: At will
This power is similar to the Dweomercraep, General cas[ng of the
same name.

Sta[s[cal Detail
Base Scheme (+/- 1D6 per ATTRIBUTE)
M: 64 EL: 51 P: 96 WL: 72 CL: 86 S: 64 EL: 51
MM: 32 MR: 32 PM: 48 PN: 48 SM: 32 SP: 32
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 18 PNCap: 18 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 10 MRPow: 10 PMPow: 15 PNPow: 15 SMPow: 10 SPPow: 10
MMSpd: 10 MRSpd: 10 PMSpd: 15 PNSpd: 15 SMSpd: 10 SPSpd: 10

Armor Scheme:
Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun Elec.
Ultra 8 8 16 4 4 16 4
Super 6 6 12 3 3 12 3
Vital 4 4 8 2 2 8 2
Non 2 2 4 1 1 4 1
Average 5 5 10 2 2 10 2

Commentary & Descrip[on:
The Fir Darrig (also Fir Dhearga or Fear Dearg) are diminu[ve, simian
Hobgoblins. They typically wear a red cap and coat, and thus the name
(the Red Man). The Fir Darrig are inordinately fond of cruel prac[cal
jokes, and they tend to be rude. They open travel alone, although there
are occasional incidents where an unlucky vic[m has run across mul[ple
Fir Darrig having a lihle fun.
Many Fir Darrig have taken up the habit of travelling and seeking to
warm themselves by others' res, and the Fir Darrig so refused is likely
to play harmful pranks upon the refuser. The correct response to such a
request (and one which will leave the Fir Darrig kindly disposed towards
the individual and unlikely to harm him) would be "Na dean fochmoid fainn"
("Do not mock us").
The Fir Darrig are known to be shape-shipers, and they open use
this ability to strike fear into those they wish to annoy. They are able
to employ a fair amount of Heka towards their Gray Dweomercraep,
although they tend to limit themselves by not using the directly harmful
cas[ngs (such as the Well-Tenebroused Blade, etc.). Unlucky souls who
have been caught in the grip of Phaeree have reported that they were led
to a gate back to AErth by a kind Fir Darrig.

Join us next [me, when we nish up the brief look at the Shee
(Gwyllion, Lannanshees, and Lunan[shees).

Mike Phillips,

Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 17:00:21 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: limited power

Hi Mike,
>My JM just lets us (well the heka users) put cas[ngs on rods of wood,
>weapons, what ever we have, and he will usually have a place along the way
>where all these goodies get disjuncted. This way we can use our good ideas
>and be crea[ve, but s[ll not be overly powerful when the big stu comes
>down. His theory is that being allowed to use the ideas and have instant
>access to spells like sonic blast (as one player's HP always carries with an
>ac[va[on word 'BANG') encorages us to keep trying new things, but he takes
>them away in simple but reasonable ways so we don't overpower the game he
>has set up.
Nice idea, thanks for sharing it.

>I hope that my JM is on of the beher ones in existance,
>because I hate to think about poeple being beher at it than Chris is. :)
He's taken something from you that you *need back really, really badly???* :-)

Harold Stringer
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 16:02:09 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Tales #1: Pranksters
In-Reply-To: <>

Excellent! I have a ques[on though:

Are you going to save these on your Web Page? It may be easier for me to
collect them at a later date (seeing as my hard drive blew up two nights

Thanks for the work!

(I should really post some of my own shit...)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 17:46:37 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Tales #1: Pranksters
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Jesse wrote:

> Are you going to save these on your Web Page? It may be easier for me to
> collect them at a later date (seeing as my hard drive blew up two nights
> ago...).

Naturally. Of course, there is a certain lag due to conver[ng them to
HTML :-) It'll be a couple days before they are there.

> Thanks for the work!
Now *that's* the reason why I do what I do :-)
(that, and news that my modest contribu[ons make
their way into someone else's game :-) )

> (I should really post some of my own sh-t...)

Tsk, tsk, such language..... And yes, you should ;-)
Saaaaaaaay....... Wasn't DI#6 promised, oh, say, six months ago?

Mike Phillips,
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 18:41:05 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Muten Roshi <roshi@UMD.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Tales #1: Pranksters
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Jesse wrote:

> Are you going to save these on your Web Page? It may be easier for me to
> collect them at a later date (seeing as my hard drive blew up two nights
> ago...).

If it doesn't show up on his page, it is denately going on
mine. :)

Good work Mike!

Muten Roshi (Andy Ehlert)

E-Mail: WWW: hhp://

President of The Science, Fact, Fic[on, and Fantasy Gaming Club
Organizer: U of M Dearborn Anime Showings On irc: M_Roshi
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 21:35:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: New Criher: SKULLSPOOK

Iden[er: Undead, Spirit
Habitat: Astral, Netherplanes, Night Material
Size: 1 x human-size
Number Appearing: 1
Modes & Rates of Movement:
Float/Fly: 120 yds/BT
Ini[a[ve Modiers: Human Standard
Outstanding K/S Areas/Sub-Areas & STEEP:

Joss Factors: 2
Dodging/Avoidance:17 22/48/40
Ahrac[veness: 0 "Horrid" (Dazing, "Easy"; Fleeing,
Non-enchanted Weapons
Sunlight (Forces creature to NPM form)
Incense, d6 SD/BT, Dazing 1/AT
Holy Water, 1 Vial, 2D6 P Damage
Silver Weapons, x1
Gold Weapons, x1
Average Armor Protec[on: 13
Quirks: Dodging is double due to Skull "oa[ng" around
its form and small size.

Ahacks BAC Damage Type Base Bonus
Vampiric Touch 55 Physical or Spiritual2D6 N/A

Assume NPM (Astral) Form
Area of Eect: Skullspook
Delivered by: Thought
Range: Skullspook

Time: 1 CT
Frequency: At Will (but See Below)

A Skullspook can ship its from from PPM to an invisible
NPM u[lizing the Astral Plane. In this form, the
Skullspook is invisible to normal sight and can't ahack
save for its Hex Gaze. A Skullspook can only assume PPM
once/BT, but it can assume NPM at will. Exposure to
sunlight forces the creature to assume NPM for as long
as it is present.

Dark Bolts
Area of Eect: 1 Creature
Delivered by: Gaze
Range: Sight to 1 Chain
Time: 1 CT
Dura[on: Instantanious
Frequency: 1/AT, 3/Day

The Skullspook can unleash a bolt of Nega[ve Heka 1/AT,
which does 4D6 P (Impact) Damage to the Target.

Dark Seeing
Area of Eect: Skullspook
Delivered by: N/A
Range: Sight
Time: N/A
Dura[on: Always ac[ve
Frequency: N/A

The Skullspook can see in Darkness as if it Sunlight.

Heka Resistance
Area of Eect: Skullspook
Delivered by: N/A
Range: Skullspook
Time: N/A
Dura[on: N/A
Frequency: Always Ac[ve
This power provides a 3 point R-Factor to resist vs. Any
cas[ng or power.

Hex Gaze
Area of Eect: 1 Creature or being
Delivered by: Sight

Range: 1 Chain
Time: Same CT (Eyebite)
Dura[on: See Below
Frequency: 1/Day

A Skullspook has a special ability in its NPM. It has
the ability to cast a minor eyebite of the Witchcr'p
variety. This power encompases all of the minor Hex and
Inuence cas[ngs found on page 286 of the Mythus Magic
book. It may choose any one of these cas[ngs per day.
The "Seeking" Skullspooks are some[mes called upon to
use these powers to slowly curse and aict a vic[m
and/or its associates from aar.

Summoning Howl
Area of Eect: Skullspook
Delivered by: Word (Howl)
Range: Within 1 Chain
Time: 1 CT
Dura[on: N/A
Frequency: 1/Day
A "Wild" or "Sen[nel" Skullspook has the ability to
summon its fellows from the darkness of the Nether.
When the Skullspook Howls, it must roll vs. SPCap at DR
"Hard". If it is successful, D3 Skullspooks will arrive
in the area 1BT later. This occurs no maher what, even
if the Skullspook who made the call is destroyed.

Area of Eect: 1 Target
Delivered by: Thought (if tasked)
Range: 10 Leagues
Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: Un[l broken by defensive cas[ng/power.
Frequency: 1/hour

A Skullspook conjured to seek a creature/persona has the
ability to track its assigned prey anywhere if the
target is within 10 Leagues of the creature. This power
can be blocked by the proper cas[ngs or powers, in
which case the creature can make one ahempt/hour to re establish the dweomer.

Vampiric Touch
Area of Eect: 1 Creature
Delivered by: Touch
Range: Touch

Time: Instantaneous
Dura[on: Permanent
This power is a form of ahack by the undead creature.
If the creature suceedes with its ahack, the vic[m
takes either 2D6 P (Blood Drain) or 2D6 Spiritual Damage
per touch. The Skullspook will only ahack Spiritually
if that is the only way to harm a persona or creature
since they crave hot blood rather than spiritual

Sta[s[cal Detail:
Base Scheme
M(Cunning):76 P: 50 WL: CL: S: 130 EL:104
MM: 34 MR: 34 PM: 25 PN: 25 SM: 65 SP: 65
MMCap:12 MRCap:12 PMCap:16 PNCap:16 SMCap:25 SPCap:25
MMPow:11 MRPow:11 PMPow: 4 PNPow:4 SMPow:20 SPPow:20
MMSpd:11 MRSpd:11 PMSpd:12* PNSpd:12* SMSpd:20 SPSpd:20

* Eec[ve Spd is mul[plied by 2 (see quirk)
Armor Scheme:
Ultra 48 36 24 * * 40 12
Super 24 18 16 * * 30 8
Vital - - - - - - Non - - - - - - Average 18 13 10 * * 17 5

Commentary & Descrip[on:

Skullspooks are a form of Vampiric Undead that is
something akin to a Spirit-Golem. Unlike other spirit based undead, these creatures have no true intellect, yet
possess a great cunning and have un[lize considerable
tac[cs in combat and stealth as well as performing tasks
for summoners.

Skullspooks are beleived to be created by forces or
being from the Netherplanes, such a Great Demons or other
beings capable of Supernatural Cas[ngs. However, such
creatures are summonable, and their are primarilly found
in the service of some Devilshine prac[oner (Necromancy,
Witchcraep, or even Sorcerey), though other prac[oners
u[lize them (various Demonurgists, some powerful Black
School Mages). The creatures are also u[lized by
certain Priests of Darkness (mostly Gloom but not unknown
to Shadow), and cas[ngs to summon these creatures are
known to several sects, including those serving Hectate,

Orcus, Dispater, Set, Lovitar, Dadga, The Tibetan Bon,

Hel, The Atlan[an Ancient Masters and other Dark

When manifes[ng themselves on the Material,
Skullspooks appear as in a strange PPM. They appear
similar to wraiths, a smokey, translucent form, but of a
more vague shape. Two features, however, remain sta[c.
The rst is a pair of hands, which glow a deep crimson.
The second and more prominent one is the Skull, a sickly
fulgelinous colored human, clean of all esh, with
sickly mauve pinpricks of light where the eyes should be.

Skullspooks are only of one race, but because of some
dierences in their powers, they come under "three"
catagories. The rst are "Wild" Skullspooks, which are
not serving a being, and are usually seeking prey to
devour. There are also "Sen[nel" Skullspooks, which are
bound to a certain area, as guards for some
item/creature/area. Then there are "Seeking"
Skullspooks, which are tasked to either spy or assault a
target with its powers. The laher two will only serve
for short-term unless allowed to feed regularly.

The Skullspook primary ahack form is its vampiric
touch. Each hand drains 2D6 P from the persona, draining
his or her blood. Of course, the hands being non corporeal, they can penetrate all armor that is not
designed to keep out such forms. The creature can also
use this ability to drain spiritual energy from a persona
or creature, but will only do so if it is unable to drain
P from the creature (either due to a protec[ve dweomer
vs. Vampirism, ahacking another NPM, etc.) since it
prefers blood.

Skullspooks also have the power to unleash dark bolts
from their eyes, though they can't u[lize the power that
open. "Wild" and "Sen[nel" Skullspooks also have the
ability to summon others of their ilk from the
Netherplanes, the creatures hearing the unholy howl
across the Astral dimension. "Seeking" Skullspooks also
have the power to track a specic target, and also are
the only Skullspooks seen using the Hex Gaze power.

The Skullspooks PPM prevents most ahacks. The Skull,
however, is the creatures weakspot. While having some
minimal armored "hide" and invulnerabili[es, the Skull
is susceptable to ahacks. In combat, the Skull is
treated as either a Supervital or Ultravital loca[on.
This makes any blow towards the skull damaging as it is

aected by the x3 or x4 mul[plier, but the ahacker

must specically aim for the skull, and thus make the
successful roll on the Strike-Loca[on Table. (The PPM
is treated as 1 "Being", since the hands interpose
themselves and the Skull is "ahached" to the ectoplasmic
form). If the JM/Players don't use the Strike Loca[on
rules, then to simulate this diculty all combat rolls
vs. A Skullspook are made at -1 DR.

Skullspooks can only operate at night or places
shielded from the light of the sun. The Sun does no
damage to the creature, but forces it into NPM.
Skullspooks take damage from Holy Water, which burns
their skulls, and incense. In addi[on to magickal
weapons and electricity, They can be hurt by Silver or
Gold weapons, and incense burned in their presence
"poisons" their spiritual forms. A Skullspook is immune
to mental ahacks but not spiritual damage. While in NPM
the Skullspook is succepatable to Spirit Traps, it should
be noted that, even though there is a PPM form to the
Skullspooks material manifesta[on, a Skullspook can't be
Spirit Trapped since the Skull is in FPM.

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <Primary Address <Secondary, Being deleted soon.
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 09:16:10 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Preface to Phaeree Tales

Hi Mike,

Nice stu! Thanks for sharing it.

> I will ahempt to hold myself to a schedule and release a new Phaeree
>Tales column at the start of each month, which should give plenty of [me to
>think and research and develop two, three, or four Phaeree creatures each
>[me. We'll see how it goes, but I'm lled with the normal good inten[ons
>at this point :-)
I have reserved a special disk for your contribu[ons! Keep them coming! :)

Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 09:40:49 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: New Criher: SKULLSPOOK
In-Reply-To: <199511030235.VAA28463@zork.[>

On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, John R. Troy wrote:

> Vampiric Touch
> Area of Eect: 1 Creature
> Delivered by: Touch
> Range: Touch
> Time: Instantaneous
> Dura[on: Permanent
> Frequency:
> Descrip[on:
> This power is a form of ahack by the undead creature.
> If the creature suceedes with its ahack, the vic[m
> takes either 2D6 P (Blood Drain) or 2D6 Spiritual Damage
> per touch. The Skullspook will only ahack Spiritually
> if that is the only way to harm a persona or creature
> since they crave hot blood rather than spiritual
> essense.

Just out of curiosity, shouldn't this add back to the Skullspook's P
TRAIT, or did I miss something? Say, adding 1 P per 2 P drained, with
the added amount draining away, say, 1 P per hour or something..... It
would make a ghoulish method of healing, too ;-) (In other words, the
creature would *have* to drain blood to heal.)

Just a thought. Otherwise, nice criher. Um, Ryan, watch out ;-) (just

Mike Phillips,
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 09:15:13 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: Re: New Criher: SKULLSPOOK

>Just out of curiosity, shouldn't this add back to the Skullspook's P
>TRAIT, or did I miss something? Say, adding 1 P per 2 P drained, with
>the added amount draining away, say, 1 P per hour or something..... It
>would make a ghoulish method of healing, too ;-) (In other words, the
>creature would *have* to drain blood to heal.)

I thought about that, but I concluded that would make the creature /too/
powerful. Note that Vampiric ahacks do not always see immediate benets
to the drainer. They feed o blood, but don't get any health benets from least none that can be seen in a combat situa[on.

>Just a thought. Otherwise, nice criher. Um, Ryan, watch out ;-) (just

My intent for this criher was to create a servant creature for those dark
prac[oners or creatures. I especially see a lack of beings in Mythus that
can be "sent" somewhere afar--a staple of . I wanted something that an evil
witch or sorceror could conjure and then send against a vic[m or opponent.
A party may relax at an inn--then suddenly come face to face with 2 or three
of these creatures. The Hex power also has possibilites for a more
insideous curse.

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <Primary Address <Secondary, Being deleted soon.
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 09:30:30 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Tales #1: Pranksters
In-Reply-To: <>

> Saaaaaaaay....... Wasn't DI#6 promised, oh, say, six months ago?

Ohhhhh...shut up! (think that guy from Rocky Horror...)

Of course, now that my SAMSUNG drive blew apart (don't buy them!), I have
an excuse... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 19:01:25 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Tales #1: Pranksters
In-Reply-To: <>

It's bad form to follow up one's own e-mail, but hey, I lep a footnote

On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Mike Phillips wrote:

> ----------------------------------> | Phaeree Tales |
> | (with apologies to Dave Newton |
> | for stealing the format) |
> ---------------------------------->

I forgot to add that those who are looking to use these in a game sejng
should probably read The Callahan Touch, by Spider Robinson. Among the
other intriguing happenings, a half Fir Darrig half-Pooka joins the
crowd, as does a Cluricaun, and they are both well-done, well-wrihen,
and a good source of ideas. They are NOT intended as the sort of
adversary that you pit players against in the struggle against (or for)
world domina[on. They're pests. Good-natured, humorous, pests.
Preferably lovable, although the Fir Darrig are cantankerous, rude, and
nasty, but not par[cularly harmful, just contrary.

And, no, I haven't inicted them on my players yet. We haven't been
mee[ng recently.....

I can't recommend The Callahan Touch enough, and it wouldn't hurt to read
the whole series ;-)

Mike Phillips,
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 1995 12:04:31 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Csornyei Zoltan <h10785cso@ELLA.HU>
Subject: Where are You?

I'm from Keszthely, Hungary.

Is there anybody on the web from Magyaria?

Date: Mon, 6 Nov 1995 16:54:07 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>

Subject: K/S vs K/S rolls

I've got a ques[on: has anyone considered changing the K/S vs K/S
contest roll table? During a bit of boredom, I played around with a
spreadsheet and calculated some probabili[es. For a 6 point STEEP
dierence between the two contestants, victory is 90% certain at
low STEEPs (around 20) and is virtually certain at 41+ STEEP.

It may just be me, but this seems a bit rapid a change from having a
dierence of 5 STEEP or less. Anyone else no[ce this and played with
the table?

Date: Mon, 6 Nov 1995 20:09:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Where From?

Anyone out there from Tampa?
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 1995 10:43:33 CET
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Kwacz <GOTHREK@VM.AMU.EDU.PL>

Anyone out there from POLAND ?

Date: Tue, 7 Nov 1995 12:20:43 CST
Reply-To: Cerebus <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Randy Schoen <cerebus@SAT.NET>
Subject: Re: K/S vs K/S rolls

** Reply to note from Steven Gullerud
<gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU> 11/06/95
4:54pm -0800

> I've got a ques[on: has anyone considered changing
the K/S vs K/S
> contest roll table?

Actually, we no[ced not only a similar discrepancy, but
also that it was rather cumbersome. Also, there were a
few grey areas (such as interpre[ng what happens when

both are successful, etc).

So we ditched the whole thing and decided that whoever
rolls the highest wins. DRs are s[ll gured in, D% rolled
& STEEP added; highest total is the victor. It also
allows for a margin of victory in steps of either 1, 5 or

<*> OS/2 <*> Linux <*> Aria <*> Phish <*> Floyd <*> Tull
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 07:08:32 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <dtesterm@SUNFLOWR.USD.EDU>
Subject: Subscribe instuc[ons

Hello everyone, I just switched to a new mailing address, and I'd like to
recieve my Mythus-L mail mail there, but can't nd the instuc[ons on
where and how to subscibe... anyone want to post me the commands and
address to send them to?


Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 23:59:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Subscribe instuc[ons
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951107191951.7230A-100000@sunsh>


See the Mythus-l address? (up there ---^) Just write to "listserv"
instead of "mythus-l" and say "subscribe" in the body of the message...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1995 10:52:24 +0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: David MacKinnon <davidm@MUDGE.IT.COM.AU>
Subject: Weapon Quality

A fair while ago I picked up some rules someone posted for weapon
quality aec[ng BAC and damage, but seem to have lost it, and I can't
nd it on the mythus archives, if anyone has it lying around I'd
appreciate it if they could email it to me, or post it on the list.

| David MacKinnon | |
| - Wulf lover | +61 4 11146993 |
| - net addict | Resides in Perth, Western |
| - RPG enthusiast | Australia |
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 15:00:03 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Heka Forging

Someone just reminded me...

Steve Gullerud, John Teske, did you guys ever nish the excellent
recrea[on of Heka-Forging?

Or did I just miss it... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 13:56:11 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Heka Forging
In-Reply-To: <>
from "Jesse" at Nov 15, 95 03:00:03 pm

>Jesse wrote:
> Someone just reminded me...
> Steve Gullerud, John Teske, did you guys ever nish the excellent
> recrea[on of Heka-Forging?
> Or did I just miss it... :)

Well, I hate to say it, but that eort was to be a submission for
one of those long-delayed DI issues. ;)

In any case, it is completed except for a few examples to illustrate
the system. We've emailed it out to a few people who have requested a
copy, but otherwise it's been sijng around wai[ng for a player in
the group to get around to making some magical armor. (gejng close,

I'd s[ll like to give Dangerous Ideas rst shot at distribu[ng the
Heka-Forging revision, since Jesse proposed that such a project be
done in a previous issue. If DI's illustrious editor has too many [me
constraints, I suppose we could be persuaded to submit the work to the
list in general.

Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 19:09:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka Forging

I would like to see the Heka-forging info on the list or sent to me at

Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 19:25:10 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <bear@NEXUS.INTEREALM.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka Forging
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 15 Nov 1995, William A Helm wrote:

> I would like to see the Heka-forging info on the list or sent to me at
> thanks
> Bill
Ahem, second that.

Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 23:39:18 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Heka Forging
In-Reply-To: <199511152156.NAA07082@elaine30.Stanford.EDU>

Oh I remember! :) Thanks Steve...

Well, I can have an honest excuse this [me: when my Samsung (crap) drive
shorted out, I kind of lost everything I had. Believe me, I was more
worried about losing about 150 pages of notes on my con[nent of Tora
than some D.I. notes... :) It's a good adver[sement for tape drives... :)

Anyway, Steve, write me personally: how long is the HF stu? I would
like to throw together a simple D.I. #6 just to get back into it <g>.

"If you send it, it will come" says a ghostly voice...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 23:46:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: D.I. Ahempt

Okay, here I go again... :)

My pain-in-the-ass term papers need to be done by Monday. If they aren't
you won't hear from me again, so don't worry... :)

I would like to get back into the whole Dangerous Ideas thing. However,
I lost all the stu I had when my HD shorted out (it was neat: spark,
smoke, fumes...).

First o, if you want a copy, let me know. I don't even have the
original mailing lists anymore.

Second, I want Steve's HF stu to go in #6. Anything else you guys want
to send me will be appreciated, but I will probably only have space for
some magick items, Cas[ngs...short stu like that.

Third, please please please do a good job formajng stu. I can deal
with extra linefeeds here and there, but if someone sends me something
that's 85 characters wide, it makes my life a pain in the arse... :)

Finally, I'm s[ll only going to produce this as ASCII. I don't have an

HTML editor, or I might do it in that format. I don't really want to do

any other, since people never use the same sopware (I suggest
WPerfect!). Besides, that's what Mike Phillips is here for! :)

Oh, something I'd be interested in for the future: Conver[ng ARIA stu
to Mythus, par[cularly character genera[on...

Well, I'll quit for now, and wait for the ood to hit...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 23:45:04 CST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Cushing <A551@FHSUVM.FHSU.EDU>
Subject: DI

Hey Jesse, count me in for the next DI.... any chance of gejng back issues?
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 23:05:41 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: Dangerous Ideas

I have all the past DIs in a single le that I can send to anyone who wants it.

Please try to mail me directly, not the list. no need to spam everyone's
mailbox with requests. :)

BTW Jesse I would like DI 6 when you get it ready.

bye 4 now
Mike Paulus

I shall come and the seas shall part.
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 14:22:41 +0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: David MacKinnon <davidm@MUDGE.IT.COM.AU>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt
In-Reply-To: <> from "Jesse"
at Nov 15,
95 11:46:24 pm

> First o, if you want a copy, let me know. I don't even have the
> original mailing lists anymore.

Hi, umm, if you s[ll have them, I'd appreciate back copies of DI, most of
my saved mail (including DI) got wiped and I'm star[ng up a campaign soon.


| David MacKinnon | |
| - Wulf lover | +61 4 11146993 |
| - net addict | Resides in Perth, Western |
| - RPG enthusiast | Australia |
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 08:59:25 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt

Dear Jesse,

>First o, if you want a copy, let me know. I don't even have the
>original mailing lists anymore.
Please put me on the mailinglist. My address is

>Well, I'll quit for now, and wait for the ood to hit...

Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 09:31:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Dangerous Ideas back issues (loca[on)

As a reminder, y'all can nd D.I. back issues at:

hhp:// (both text and HTML)
hhp:// (HTML only)

Just so poor Hawkeye doesn't get ooded *too* severely :-)

Mike Phillips,
Mythus: hhp://
Home: hhp://
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 12:35:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt

Jesse wrote:

>>Oh, something I'd be interested in for the future: Conver[ng ARIA stu
>>to Mythus, par[cularly character genera[on...

Now that would be purely incredible! I would _love_ to see that done.

Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 10:32:25 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt
In-Reply-To: <> from "Jesse"
at Nov 15,
95 11:46:24 pm

> First o, if you want a copy, let me know. I don't even have the
> original mailing lists anymore.

Hahah send that fucker over to Me when it's done! :)

I had a few ideas, but I havent actually wrihen them down onto paper
yet. Maybe I should ... heheh

- /\__^__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_^___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ Cause of Death
/ _ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl est Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 05:59:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt

Please add me to the DI mailing list.

Thanks alot!
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 08:19:45 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt


I hope you don't forget me. I s[ll read DJ stu when it comes my way, and
even check out the ARIA board.

Please add me to the list for D.I. #6.

Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 08:44:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt
In-Reply-To: <>

> >>Oh, something I'd be interested in for the future: Conver[ng ARIA stu
> >>to Mythus, par[cularly character genera[on...
> Now that would be purely incredible! I would _love_ to see that done.
> Tom

Wouldn't that be fun?? I'd do it but Roleplaying Ain't Out Yet!! :) :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 11:26:10 -30000
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt

Please add me to the list also.
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 11:09:23 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt
In-Reply-To: <>

Hello all, I've created some other house rules for mythus, and I
was curious what you all thought of them?
Subareas: Mythus has excellent ideas for subares,except for the
fact that ALL of the subareas are the same percentage. Some people are
naturally more skilled in, say swords, than tridents. The way I have it
is.. When star[ng or conver[ng, let all the sub-areas remain
unchanged. Divide sub-areas in their own percentage. To nd out the
STEEP of the K/S, it will be the highest sub-area steep. All subs raise
individually, and when a new sub-area is gained, it starts with 1/2 of
the lowest STEEP of the Sub-Area group. I know this accounts for slow
raising, but I never liked the idea that Pick pocke[ng and sneaking were
all at the same STEEP. GM's could award more AP's.
The way I do it is award less AP's *but* I raise their K/S areas
when they use them. I was having a problem with people gh[ng gh[ng
gh[ng, then raising their Agriculture, or something totally
unrelated. WHich isnt bad, but s[ll. Just keep note to make sure they
dont exceed their 5 points per adventure when they raise and everything
should be alright. Besides, it'll inspire the players to use more K/S in
crea[ve ways. (I generally award about 1 AP for every hour or so
played(If they do anything.))
Im s[ll not sure what I shoudl do about reach? Any good
sugges[ons? All of mine were decent, but I know there has to be beher.
Well that's all folks. tell me whatya think hmm?
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 10:29:19 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt

Please add me to the DI mailing list.

Thanks, Sprrawhawk

Date: 11/17/95
Time: 10:29:19
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 14:46:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: K/S Sub-Areas (was Re: D.I. Ahempt)
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSD/>

On Fri, 17 Nov 1995, Kenny Hill wrote:

> Subareas: Mythus has excellent ideas for subares,except for the
> fact that ALL of the subareas are the same percentage. Some people are
> naturally more skilled in, say swords, than tridents. The way I have it
> is.. When star[ng or conver[ng, let all the sub-areas remain
> unchanged. Divide sub-areas in their own percentage. To nd out the
> STEEP of the K/S, it will be the highest sub-area steep. All subs raise
> individually, and when a new sub-area is gained, it starts with 1/2 of
> the lowest STEEP of the Sub-Area group. I know this accounts for slow
> raising, but I never liked the idea that Pick pocke[ng and sneaking were
> all at the same STEEP. GM's could award more AP's.

This is what I've been considering doing, although I might have a player
revolt on my hands if I tried it (they think they have too much
book-keeping already :-/ )

> The way I do it is award less AP's *but* I raise their K/S areas
> when they use them. I was having a problem with people gh[ng gh[ng
> gh[ng, then raising their Agriculture, or something totally
> unrelated. WHich isnt bad, but s[ll. Just keep note to make sure they
> dont exceed their 5 points per adventure when they raise and everything
> should be alright. Besides, it'll inspire the players to use more K/S in
> crea[ve ways. (I generally award about 1 AP for every hour or so
> played(If they do anything.))

I sort of get around this by mixing the rewards: An AP/S or two, a few
AP/G's, and maybe a free point of Joss or other remarkable reward. Or
the occasional Cas[ng or Heka-infused item, or some piece of knowledge.
That way, people *do* spread their AP/G's to things other than their
primary K/S Areas (since their primary Areas tend to advance somewhat
regardless of what they do).

Of course, I'm prehy spare with the AP's anyways, so I doubt I should
[nker with the advancement op[ons *too* much. I'd lose all my players :-/

> Im s[ll not sure what I shoudl do about reach? Any good
> sugges[ons? All of mine were decent, but I know there has to be beher.

Assuming you mean reach in combat, well, I just wing it. We use gures
(okay, I beat my players over the head and make them use my half-painted,
unnished gures), or in a pinch a chalkboard, and we
eyeball/guess[mate. No major complaints of which I am aware so far.....


Mike Phillips,
Mythus: hhp://
Home page: hhp://
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 15:40:03 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt

>>Wouldn't that be fun?? I'd do it but Roleplaying Ain't Out Yet!! :) :)


Damn. I guess its a good thing that I got mine while it was s[ll around.

Oh well, maybe for D.I.#7 then.

Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 15:47:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: K/S Sub-Areas (was Re: D.I. Ahempt)

Just to comment on this, I have a rule with my group: You can only raise K/S
Areas that you used during the game session.

On the other hand, Chaosium's system has a reasonable alterna[ve. Every[me
a PC rolls a cri[cal success, they mark that skill. Then, at the end of the
game session, they roll percen[les. If they roll over that marked skill's
number (%), that skill may be raise by 1d6.

Both of these can solve the problems you've been having as well as your own
alterna[ve. Of course, if what you do works, go with it. Others with the
same problem may wish to consider any of the three alterna[ves.


Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 13:15:00 PST

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Paul Wocken <SCG@WSDOT.WA.GOV>
Subject: Re: DI #6

I would appreciate it if you would add me to your distribu[on list for
D.I. Thanks.

Paul Wocken
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 18:19:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt

Please add me to the list as well


Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 17:15:29 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: K/S Sub-Areas
In-Reply-To: <> from "Tom Harrison"
at Nov 17, 95 03:47:57 pm

Thus spake Tom Harrison
> On the other hand, Chaosium's system has a reasonable alterna[ve. Every[me
> a PC rolls a cri[cal success, they mark that skill. Then, at the end of the
> game session, they roll percen[les. If they roll over that marked skill's
> number (%), that skill may be raise by 1d6.

I use something similar. If the HP uses a skill in a signicant manner,
they put a mark by it. At the end of the adventure they roll d% over the
skill level they gain one point of STEEP for that skill. Then I never
have to worry about APs. I also award Joss, AP/S and AP/X when I feel it
is applicable. Every reward is appropriate to the feats accomplished. If
the HP was brave and heroic without the use of Joss I give them addi[onal
Joss at the end of the adventure. Favors, equipment and magic items are
other appropriate rewards.


-"You never know where the day will take you. You may nd yourself
halfway around the world in the shark-infested waters of true-tolife living. Or you may nd yourself going down to the store for
a lozenge. You can't know, can you? No! You goha ride that wave, you
goha suck that lozenge!" The Tick.
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 15:48:30 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Calvert <calvert@UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt

Why not just mail it to everyone on the list and save us all headaches??

Pelias the Sorcerer

Mike Conard
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 22:13:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Joel F. Yoder" <JayWiye@AOL.COM>
Subject: Pos[ng to the list

In a message dated 95-11-17 18:55:12 EST, you write:

> Why not just mail it to everyone on the list and save us all
>Pelias the Sorcerer
>Mike Conard

Yes, I may be the only person who feels this way (but I doubt it) but I'm
[red of gejng 10 messages from the Mythus list a day, 9 of which are
directed to a par[cular person and one of which is actually something I
might use. It's like gejng a bunch of Christmas presents, most of which
turn out to be merely wrapped boxes (to use a seasonal simile).

Perhaps in the future people who call for responses generally should ask that
e-mail be sent to them directly, not to the list. If it's something the
whole list might like to see (like the list of where members live that drew
so many posts recently) they could compile it and post it as one message
later. Just an idea.

BTW, I'm from Mishawaka IN...see, I was even reluctant to reply to the call
for addresses because of this problem. I guess I'm just overly sensi[ve...

Joel (
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 00:55:37 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Thomas Biskup <tb@SARANXIS.RUHR.DE>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt
In-Reply-To: <Chameleon.951117102943.Sprrwhwk@DAN>

Please add me, too (I hate this kind of follow-up ;-)


-Thomas Biskup email to:
"Would you choose one life over one thousand?
I refuse to let arithme[c decide ques[ons like that."
-- Data and Picard, "Jus[ce", stardate 41255.6
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 14:35:45 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: K/S Sub-Areas

Hi all,

Several people discussed the way K/S skills are raised.

One type of house rule is the marking of skills used during the game.
Aper nishing the adventure, the players count the number of [mes that
the skill was used, and if they then roll D% *over* that number the HP gets
an increase of 1D6 in that par[cular skill.

I'm in favour of coun[ng the number of [mes a skill is used, and rewarding
STEEP according to that.
However, I use a modied version of the above. I don't like rolling D%
*OVER* the number of [mes a skill is used. This is quite unfair in my
opinion, as it tends to make players extend only the most frequently used
skills. Moreover, the more they use the skill, the smaller the chance
becomes they get an increase in that skill, and that is contrary to normal
life where you do certain things a lot, and then learn about them (mostly
from your mistakes :) ). Since most of y adventures are quite long, my
players use their HP's skills a lot before gejng APs.

My house rule is as follows. The players count the [mes they use each of
their skills. At the end of the adventure, they get a mul[plier on the
number of [mes they used an (sub)area, and then roll D% <= to that number
to get a 1D3 increase in STEEP.

The modiers are as follows:

Voca[onal K/S Areas, Primary Trait 1D3 Mul[plier
Voca[onal K/S Areas, Secondairy Trait 1D4 Mul[plier
Voca[onal K/S Areas, Ter[ary Trait 1D6 Mul[plier
Other K/S Areas, Primary Trait 1D8 Mul[plier
Other K/S Areas, Secondary Trait 1D10 Mul[plier
Other K/S Areas, Ter[ary Trait 1D20 Mul[plier

This way, they also rais K/S Areas other then the most frequently used, like
combat or Dweomercraep or Priestcraep, and become more all-round
adventurers. Furthermore, the more open they use a skill, the higher the
chance they get an increase in that skill, instead of lowering the chance
they get an increase.
The 1D3 increase may be varied depending on the length of the adventure or
the number of [mes a skill was used. For every full mul[ple of 100% chance
to increase of STEEP, one 1D3 is gained, while for the remaining frac[on of
chance (e.g. 25%) the player rolls D% to see if the HP gains another 1D3

For example, a voca[onal K/S Area, Primary Trait was used 25 [mes. The
Mul[plier rolled a 2. The chance to get a STEEP increase is now 50%. The
player then rolls D%, and is succesfull when he/she rolls 50 or less. When
succesull he/she get a 1D3 STEEP increase on that area.
Another example. In a bizzar adventure, a K/S Area, Ter[ary Trait is used
very frequently, say 15 [mes in total. The mul[plier rolled was 15. So the
chance to get an increase is 225%. This result is then broken down to: 100%
chance for 1D3 increase + 100% chance for 1D3 increase + 25% chance for 1D3

Because these increases are a bonus to the APs they get for each adventure,
I'm rela[vely conserva[ve in handing out APs, since these APs are
generally used to increase the player's favourite K/S Area(s).

Comments please!

Harold Stringer.

Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265

(C) 1995
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 11:35:56 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Raising K/S Areas

The rule used in the campaign I play in is that a maximum of 5 APs may be put
in a skill you used that adventure, unless you raised it the maximal amount
last adventure in which case you can only put 3 into it. If you didn't use
the skill in the adventure you can only put 2 APs into it.

This does prevent the Figh[ng-all-day-and-then-raising-my-literature-STEEP
syndrome while s[ll allowing some advancement in those odd skills that don't
get used open, par[ally because they are so low.

Mah B.
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 11:51:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Combat Reach
In-Reply-To: <>

I've decided to handle reach a lihle more detailed:

Each weapon has a range of reach numbers (in yards, I guess). For
instance, the halberd has like a 4-5 range. You can't ahack anything
outside that range without moving (which takes [me, which means you
can't ahack as much), and there's a penalty to FAC if someone's within
your reach zone. So, if someone is standing right next to you, it's
going to be tough to whack him with your big, over-the-head swing of a

Exactly what the penalty should be I haven't decided yet... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 11:54:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt
In-Reply-To: <>

> Why not just mail it to everyone on the list and save us all headaches??
> Pelias the Sorcerer
> Mike Conard

Well, some people might not want it...

Anyone out there not want it?


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 12:02:18 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Raising K/S Areas
In-Reply-To: <>

I think I like the idea of using AP/S's more than AP/G's. I don't really
like to restrict what people add STEEP to, however.

The thinking is, what are the HP's doing during down-[me, when the JM
says "Okay, a few days pass, let's move on." During those [mes the HP's
are doing something, but we are just not detailing it. Maybe, at that
point, they are prac[cing some K/S which doesn't get used too open in
the curent situa[on.

So, maybe a good way to do it is, add AP/S's during the adventure, and
then award fewer AP/G's at the end. But, at the end, those AP/G's can be
used wherever they are wanted...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 12:07:02 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: D.I. Time Saving...

Okay, this is going to be a pain in the buh...

I think I will send D.I. out to the list once it is together (maybe like

Wednesday night). I will assume that since 180 people are so are
interested enough in Mythus that they will be interested in some honest
ideas for it. :)

So, don't bother wri[ng to me saying "I want it", okay? The only people
I want to hear from are the following:

1. People who want it sent to an address *other* than the one Mythus-L
mails to.

2. People who, in some way, nd out about D.I. but aren't on Mythus-L.
I think there are a couple people like that...

3. People who will volunteer to put D.I. in interes[ng places: someone
had put them on Compuserve I think. AOL and Prodigy would be nice, too.

4. Anyone with ideas or submissions to send to me.

And get to me privately, okay? I agree with the guy who wrote that it
was kind of annoying to read a dozen messages on Mythus-L that are really
just meant for me. (Thanks Dan--the most recent guy to write directly to
me! :)



-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 18:31:29 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: K/S Sub-Areas

Harold wrote:
>One type of house rule is the marking of skills used during the game.
>Aper nishing the adventure, the players count the number of [mes that
>the skill was used, and if they then roll D% *over* that number the HP gets
>an increase of 1D6 in that par[cular skill.

I like this method as an alterna[ve to the way it's done in DJ, but like Harold, I
don't like that you have to roll OVER the number (it's a valid game limita[on, but
I don't think it reects the diculty or ease of the increase in real-life

>My house rule is as follows. The players count the [mes they use each of
>their skills. At the end of the adventure, they get a mul[plier on the
>number of [mes they used an (sub)area, and then roll D% <= to that number

>to get a 1D3 increase in STEEP.

>The modiers are as follows:
>Voca[onal K/S Areas, Primary Trait 1D3 Mul[plier
>Voca[onal K/S Areas, Secondairy Trait 1D4 Mul[plier
>Voca[onal K/S Areas, Ter[ary Trait 1D6 Mul[plier
>Other K/S Areas, Primary Trait 1D8 Mul[plier
>Other K/S Areas, Secondary Trait 1D10 Mul[plier
>Other K/S Areas, Ter[ary Trait 1D20 Mul[plier

This is why I prefer the method we came up with: it's simpler, and open to
specic, situa[on-based modica[ons by the GM. Also, note above that Harold is
now re-introducing all the dice that we removed from the system. Next thing you
know we have EarthDawn <grin>.

What ever method you use, it should be simple, and allow the GM to make an on the
spot judgement based on the situa[on and the player's performance (which is one of
the most important things, and is best measured by the GM). I think there was some
ar[cle in a Mythic Masters Magazine covering this... if anyone can nd it,
perhaps paraphrasing it here for everyone might be useful.

Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 18:41:18 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Raising K/S Areas

Mah B. wrote:
>This does prevent the Figh[ng-all-day-and-then-raising-my-literature-STEEP
>syndrome while s[ll allowing some advancement in those odd skills that don't
>get used open, par[ally because they are so low.

Also remember that an adventure typically does not comprise the 24 hour/7 day
existence of the persona, and there are [mes when the persona is following
pursuits that aren't necessarily germane to a roleplaying session. If the character
enjoys cooking, or reading (or whatever), perhaps something is learned during the
pursuit of such that might help the HP gain experience in a minor K/S. But you
don't necessarily want to roleplay that unless it has a direct bearing on the

Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 17:22:53 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Doyce Testerman <bear@NEXUS.INTEREALM.COM>

Subject: Re: D.I. Ahempt
In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 16 Nov 1995, Tom Harrison wrote:

> Jesse wrote:
> >>Oh, something I'd be interested in for the future: Conver[ng ARIA stu
> >>to Mythus, par[cularly character genera[on...
> Now that would be purely incredible! I would _love_ to see that done.
> Tom
whelp, I like doing that kind of stu... now all that has to happen is
for my Aria stu to show up in the mail... anyone know o hand how long
it takes for it to show up once you give em the credit card number? :)

Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 03:23:18 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Raising K/S Areas

Also, may I point out that if you limit an HP to spending Accomplishment
Points on areas used in an adventure, you (as JM) have an obliga[on to
design adventures using K/S Areas your players want to pursue. That way,
they are forced to think of dierent solu[ons to problems as well as being
able to develop the areas they want.

It also allows a campaign to take development paths other than might be
followed in "beat up the bad guy" scenarios, such as when the characters must
act diploma[cally to prevent a way between two countries. One of my players
uses his "ght evil" adventures as a sideline for his HP's business and
open tries to sell things in the lihle hamlets they frequent. This strikes
me as typical of real human behavior, and is a real bright thing to see in a
campaign. Therefore, I don't limit which areas they want to spend their APs
on, provided they have a good ra[onale for doing so, e.g. "While we're on
the ship to Albion I'm doing a lot of reading about Kell[c gods." Even if
they never make a Pantheology roll during the scenario, that is sucient
for me to allow them to develop it.
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 10:58:16 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Ray A. Dion" <rayd@GLEN-NET.CA>
Subject: Cas[ngs and Heka

Hello all,

There are a couple of rules involving cas[ngs that I was hoping someone
could interpret for me.

The rst is in regards to the General Dweomercraep cas[ng,
Trigger Eect Formula. This cas[ng seems incredibly powerful. It appears
that the Dweomercraeper could, with enough [me, hold 10 Armor, Physical
cantrips for later use at the wave of his hand (the specic triggering
event). How exactly does this work? Is the heka for the held eect
expended when it is rst held or when its eect takes place? Is there any
limit to the number of held eects that may be held at one [me (using one
cas[ng for each). Are these held eects imobile or does that depend on
the eect itself? When does the eect occure aper it is triggered. Or
does this just automa[cally ini[ate the cas[ng of the triggered eect?
I've compared this Formula to the second Grade Cas[ng Hold Eects Spell
(which seems much weaker). I realize that I am reading something
incorrectly. Anyone have any ideas?

The second problem I have come across involves Heka Resistance. It
states on page 28 of the Mythus Magick book that "Some targets have a
Resistance to Heka" but in the next sentance claims, "Any[me a sen[ent
creature is to be aected directly by Heka...the TRAIT of the subject must
be overcome. Does this mean that some non-sen[ent and all sen[ent
creatures (including the HPs) have Heka resistance? Or must one
specically be Heka resistant (the chart on the page 28 indica[ng the
degree of resistance)?

Third and nally, The Damage Factor Component is the amount of Heka
one must spend for a cas[ng to inict damage (in a 1:1 ra[o). Is this
cost above and beyond all other Heka concidera[ons for the ac[va[on of
the cas[ng? How does this aect the random die rolls of Cas[ngs such as
Heka Bolt? If I roll full damage for a cas[ng but only spent 2 Heka
towards DFC, does that mean I inict only two points of damage? Is this
expendature of Heka automa[c or must the caster specically include more
heka to cover possible damage? This rule makes more sense for Specic
Cas[ngs it seems.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 10:13:33 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <bear@NEXUS.INTEREALM.COM>
Subject: Re: Cas[ngs and Heka
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 19 Nov 1995, Ray A. Dion wrote:

> Hello all,
> There are a couple of rules involving cas[ngs that I was hoping someone
> could interpret for me.
> The rst is in regards to the General Dweomercraep cas[ng,
> Trigger Eect Formula. This cas[ng seems incredibly powerful. It appears

<<laughs for awhile>> Heh, here we go again. :)

> that the Dweomercraeper could, with enough [me, hold 10 Armor, Physical
> cantrips for later use at the wave of his hand (the specic triggering
> event). How exactly does this work? Is the heka for the held eect
> expended when it is rst held or when its eect takes place? Is there any
> limit to the number of held eects that may be held at one [me (using one
> cas[ng for each). Are these held eects imobile or does that depend on
> the eect itself? When does the eect occure aper it is triggered. Or
> does this just automa[cally ini[ate the cas[ng of the triggered eect?
> I've compared this Formula to the second Grade Cas[ng Hold Eects Spell
> (which seems much weaker). I realize that I am reading something
> incorrectly. Anyone have any ideas?

Okay, here, (as best as I can remember) is the summa[on of many of the
rulings on Trigger:

1> Trigger prehy much works just like it reads.

2> The trigger costs as much to cast as whatever spell it is 'binding'
<House Rule>

3> Triggers can't hold 'combat spells' <ie: spells you can point -- heka
bolt type stu, or any healing magic, unless it's supposed to aect the
person who was carrying the trigger when it is triggered> That's
what 'hold eects' is for. <House Rule? dunno, pry just logic>

4> Triggers are inherently simple and easy to mess with <check out I think
Mike's favorite 'trigger triggerer trap' for one way to do it.>
Triggers are really useful, but also well-known by most casters,
even a hedge wizard, and most have come up with interes[ng ways
messing up triggers--insert endish JM trick here.

5> Triggers are basic <see a trend here> and as such aren't 'insulated'
well, in my campaign, this means that trying to put two triggers
close together mean they'll both go o <read: on the same persona>

6> Basically, what people want out of this is a 'spell grenade', which it
is, to a point... Trigger is a molotov cocktail: ugly, and prehy
much anyone can make one in the sink at home, and you're about as

likely to hurt yourself as your target with em... Check out the
Grade 6 'Runic Symbol' <Gray Dw.>for an example of a much more
stable and reliable cas[ng <which I s[ll use the 'sympathe[c
triggering' rule on <see #5 above>

> The second problem I have come across involves Heka Resistance. It
> states on page 28 of the Mythus Magick book that "Some targets have a
> Resistance to Heka" but in the next sentance claims, "Any[me a sen[ent
> creature is to be aected directly by Heka...the TRAIT of the subject must
> be overcome. Does this mean that some non-sen[ent and all sen[ent
> creatures (including the HPs) have Heka resistance? Or must one
> specically be Heka resistant (the chart on the page 28 indica[ng the
> degree of resistance)?

The answer is yes, sort of. I only apply this in situa[ons where the
spell is trying to overcome the targets natural resistance to the spell:
this DOES NOT apply to thinks like Heka Bolt... I am referring to various
spells that have to 'overcome' a Persona, like:
Things that change the target <change to stone, change to goo,
change to shrubbery)
Things that aect the targets physical system <healing spells, if
for some reason they don't WANT to be healed>
etc etc

> Third and nally, The Damage Factor Component is the amount of Heka
> one must spend for a cas[ng to inict damage (in a 1:1 ra[o). Is this
> cost above and beyond all other Heka concidera[ons for the ac[va[on of
> the cas[ng? How does this aect the random die rolls of Cas[ngs such as
> Heka Bolt? If I roll full damage for a cas[ng but only spent 2 Heka
> towards DFC, does that mean I inict only two points of damage? Is this
> expendature of Heka automa[c or must the caster specically include more
> heka to cover possible damage? This rule makes more sense for Specic
> Cas[ngs it seems.

Wow, one of those situa[ons I really wish there was an example in the
book to illustrate.
Chris, you found a good one... I don't think we've ever discussed that.
Ummm.... wellll. I'd say that if you were going to apply it to combat spells
the caster would...

1> Pay the ACE
2> Make the success roll
3> Make the damage roll
4> Pay heka equal to the damage rolled.

5a> par[cularly malicious JM's might make them state the amount they

were going to pump into the spell for damage rst.

Anyone else have a reply on this one? We don't do too much spell design
in my campaign, and most of it isn't combat oriented...

"Ultavarios' Stones of Bathing Comfort' while useful and highly protable
for the player who came up with the spell, doesn't really have a 'damage
factor' to accomodate for. < :) -- if you're interested though, I can
send you the spell, it's prehy neat.>

Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 12:46:00 EST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "William T. Grin" <0002033556@MCIMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Raising K/S Areas

how do I get o this list. I no longer have [me to par[cipate.




Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 18:43:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Ray A. Dion" <rayd@GLEN-NET.CA>
Subject: Pantheons

Gree[ngs All,

Does anyone have the names and basic informa[on on the pantheons
that Dave Newton put up on the list. Does anyone have a compleated set of
pantheons/dei[es that they are using in an Aerth campaign. Anything
rela[ng to this would be appreciated.

Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 00:02:21 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Pantheons

> Does anyone have the names and basic informa[on on the pantheons
>that Dave Newton put up on the list. Does anyone have a compleated set of
>pantheons/dei[es that they are using in an Aerth campaign. Anything
>rela[ng to this would be appreciated.

Just to clarify, I didn't post any of the material to the list. In all the
craziness with QMS during the past year, I've forgohen just who got the
stu that I passed along to Mike Philips.

Unfortunately, while I have it, all of the work Michele and I did on the
unpublished Mythus projects has been archived and pulled from my mac,
which is now in use by our Art Director. I'm not even sure where the disks
are... :(

Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 21:37:47 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: DI back issues.

Well I have sent them out to everyone I know of who asked for the them.

If you ask for them and haven't gohen them, or if you want them now, email
me and ask. :)

Mike Paulus

I shall come and the seas shall part.
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 00:22:46 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cas[ngs and Heka
In-Reply-To: <>

Oh no, not Trigger Eect again! :)

I don't remember, what was the general concensus on that one?

I think I've decided to create mul[ple triggers, or limit it in some
way. As it is wrihen it's just too strong. Perhaps the triggering
event must be something in par[ in some way...hmmm...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 00:28:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cas[ngs and Heka
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SV4.3.91.951119094938.4816A-100000@nexus>

> The answer is yes, sort of. I only apply this in situa[ons where the
> spell is trying to overcome the targets natural resistance to the spell:
> this DOES NOT apply to thinks like Heka Bolt... I am referring to various
> spells that have to 'overcome' a Persona, like:
> Things that change the target <change to stone, change to goo,
> change to shrubbery)
> Things that aect the targets physical system <healing spells, if
> for some reason they don't WANT to be healed>
> etc etc

Doyce: please please please be careful with this one! It is my belief
(as well as others around here) that magick does not discriminate! This
means that there is no dierence whether or not a persona *wants* to be
aected by magick. Therefore, you have to overcome their na[ve
resistance even to help them.

I feel this makes magick a more logical, realis[c eect. Of course, if
you want it to act the "regular" way, go for it...just make sure you

detail it for other situa[ons: for instance, does resistance come into
play if you are doing something to someone who doesn't know it's coming?
What if it's a healing that they don't know about???

> 5a> par[cularly malicious JM's might make them state the amount they
> were going to pump into the spell for damage rst.

I believe most Cas[ngs state how much damage is built in. The 1-1 rule
is generally for specic Cas[ngs, I thought...

I also think there ought to be a limit: the caster's TRAIT, maybe?


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 00:29:51 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: DI back issues.
In-Reply-To: <>

> Well I have sent them out to everyone I know of who asked for the them.
> If you ask for them and haven't gohen them, or if you want them now, email
> me and ask. :)

Mike- thanks for taking care of that for me... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 23:04:54 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: trigger eect

What we do in the group I play in is something like (I don't play a
deomercreaper soo...) when you set it up you decide what will trigger it.
drawing a weapon, or saying a certain word for example.

If the spell is triggered by a physical (or other ac[on) it takes eect
with the speed of an eyebite, if it is triggered by saying a word, it goes
o as a charm.

I may not have this right, but I think I remember this being decided because
we were unclear about what happens with trigger eect, and we needed a
concrete ruling on when triggered cas[ngs go into eect.

This was done because the mages wanted everthing to go o as an eyebite,
and the JM wouldn't allow that so a compromise was made. Now our grey mage
(our only doemercreaper) can set tanumbrause blade to go o when he draws
his sword, but he will be very careful about when he draws it.

Having other triggers around is not a problem for us. We only have one
player who is a min/maxer, and we our JM is good at keeping him under
control. Trigger eect is not too powerful if it is used sparingly.

I think that making triggers unstable should be avoided unless players try
to always use/abuse it for silly advantages. But I don't have to run a
campaign. :)

--Men who operate in the twilight fringes of ocial violence share common
gene[c markers.
from- When The Almond Tree Blossoms
By David Aikman
Mike Paulus

I shall come and the seas shall part.
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 23:17:56 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <bear@NEXUS.INTEREALM.COM>
Subject: Re: Cas[ngs and Heka
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Jesse wrote:

> > The answer is yes, sort of. I only apply this in situa[ons where the
> > spell is trying to overcome the targets natural resistance to the spell:
> > this DOES NOT apply to thinks like Heka Bolt... I am referring to various
> > spells that have to 'overcome' a Persona, like:
> > Things that change the target <change to stone, change to goo,
> > change to shrubbery)
> > Things that aect the targets physical system <healing spells, if
> > for some reason they don't WANT to be healed>
> > etc etc

Hmm.. okay, lemme take this one at a [me... so you can see where I'm
going with it.

> Doyce: please please please be careful with this one! It is my belief

> (as well as others around here) that magick does not discriminate! This

Okay, no, magick does not discriminate, but _targets_ do. <more on that down

> means that there is no dierence whether or not a persona *wants* to be
> aected by magick. Therefore, you have to overcome their na[ve
> resistance even to help them.

Not if one uses the same internal logic that I use in my
campaign. My concept of the workings of the magick [e in prehy closely
with... gawd, I can't remember who's trea[se on Chi and Heka it was that
appeared in (i think) DI #5... which requires a close rela[onship
between the energy of an individual and their ability to focus it to the
use of Heka I'm going to expand on that basis to illustrate my thoughts
on this one:

Every living thing possesses an aura of some kind, strength depending on
the rela[ve physical life force of the creature... when a person is
trying to... let's say, turn a man into a shrubbery, and he does not want
to be so turned, his na[ve fears, anxiety, will and resistance forms the
energy that surrounds his body into a ... resistant force of a sort.

Now, of course, like our brains, humans (and of course most other
creatures> can use only a small percentage of their aura in this way...
they can 'focus' it only subconsciously and weakly. In a nice parallel to
the use of one's mind: one point of addi[onal heka must be invested to
'overcome' this resistance in the target per 10 points of Body--ie: about
10percent of the persona's physicality/focus/energy is actually being
used :)... Maybe creatures with 'innate Heka resistance' are merely those
who can u[lize this natural resistance much more eciently?

Now, as you can see here, it is not a maher at all of the spell
discrimina[ng... it is the subconscious will of the target screaming
'NO!' as loud as it can...

Now we look at a healing-type spell: in this case... _under most
circumstances_, the subjects 'aura' is recep[ve... the target _wants_ to
be aected, and the subconscious eect this has on the character's aura
is to allow the cas[ng to pass to the target unhindered.

Now, to take that example further... are there circumstances where a
caster might need to overcome that resistance to cast a healing spell
successfully? Sure... the subject might be crazed and resis[ng because
he feels he is in danger... perhaps healing spells have some detrimental
eect on him... a certain psuedo vampiric HP comes to mind...

Might a Shrubbery-Caster some[mes not have to overcome the target's

Again, the answer is 'yes', depending on specic circumstances: the

subject might be drugged, drunk or soundly asleep, I think surprise would
have to be ABSOLUTELY total for an awake and alert target not to be able
to resist at all, but it could conceivably happen... perhaps in the case
of a betrayal by a friend... nally, the guy might WANT to be a
Shrubbery... I, can't think of WHY, but it could happen. :)

> I feel this makes magick a more logical, realis[c eect. Of course, if
> you want it to act the "regular" way, go for it...just make sure you

Actually, I (probably ego[s[cally ;) ) think this makes Magick very
interes[ng... not really 'regular' at all. It also nicely makes some
otherwise 'at' circumstances a JM's judgement call... something I'm
prehy happy with (I play Amber Diceless alot too (sheepish grin))

> detail it for other situa[ons: for instance, does resistance come into
> play if you are doing something to someone who doesn't know it's coming?
> What if it's a healing that they don't know about???

Again, those considera[ons are situa[onal, to be judged byt the JM, and
I think I covered most of those situa[ons above... a man who does not
want to be healed, but is unconscious, might not have any say in the
maher, realis[cally or metaphysically speaking.

> > 5a> par[cularly malicious JM's might make them state the amount they
> > were going to pump into the spell for damage rst.
> I believe most Cas[ngs state how much damage is built in. The 1-1 rule
> is generally for specic Cas[ngs, I thought...

Oh sure... that would be my ruling too, but I think Chris was asking...
Could/Does it also apply to things like 'Heka Bolt' and if so, how? What
I was men[oning was just a way of making the players pay for the damage
of a 'random damage' spell, should he desire it... _I_ wouldn't do it,
because I think the price is high enough, when your dice could turn south
on you on any given cas[ng... for those looking to limit casters
somewhat, this might do it nicely... it would be a real pain with things
like Heka darts, though :P

> I also think there ought to be a limit: the caster's TRAIT, maybe?

Yup, in those cas[ngs where it is 'One Heka = One point of Damage' TRAIT
is normally the limit... the only 'textbook' excep[on to that is Wound,
Mental, which notably does not have a limit to the number of points you
can pump into it... <yeeeeowch>. This does not mean I don't enforce one,

just the the rules say there isn't one. :)

> Jesse
Hope I illustrated why I answered the way I did... I hadn't made these
thoughts concrete even for myself un[l now. :)

Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 23:53:56 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <bear@NEXUS.INTEREALM.COM>
Subject: Re: trigger eect
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 19 Nov 1995, Mike Paulus wrote:

> This was done because the mages wanted everthing to go o as an eyebite,
> and the JM wouldn't allow that so a compromise was made. Now our grey mage
> (our only doemercreaper) can set tanumbrause blade to go o when he draws
> his sword, but he will be very careful about when he draws it.

Whoa, I think the player or the JM should re-read that spell... the spell
Itself is set up so that it goes o when the weapon is drawn... no
Trigger eect is required to set it up that way...

I should know, one of the HP's is a Grey FPract and generally 'dresses
up' everyone's main weapons with this spell out of habit...

+10 to damage, +10 to hit, and 1 DR more dicult to parry the invisible
blade (supposed to be impossible to parry, actually, but I think NOT ;) )

Major Headache... Then again, Disjunc[ons LOVE to home in on that lihle
Grade Two cas[ng... the down side being the Disjuncter has to shell out
about 270 heka to take the spell out. :P

I also generally have this 'low-end' cas[ng get messed up by close
proximity to other such cas[ngs... a Guy with this set on two of his
blades while carrying a trigger eect on an amulet or something is going
to have a problem gejng anything to work properly... 'magickal sta[c'
from 'leaky spells'

> I think that making triggers unstable should be avoided unless players try
> to always use/abuse it for silly advantages. But I don't have to run a
> campaign. :)

Hmm, I should clarify my posi[on and reasoning for this and other rules

I use on some of the Trigger eect/Hold eect Cas[ngs.

The reason doesn't lie with 'player control'... I have, as a test,
allowed players full run of the system As It Stands... just to see what
kind of Abuse the game could withstand without becoming unbalanced... I
didn't throw the rules out, but I didn't make any more up than there
were... and the Game as it was designed handled it all... the mechanics
didn't break down under the onslaught of full use with no addi[onal reins.

I added these adjustments for the purpose of internal logic, not 'limita[on'

The reason I have personally for needing these limita[ons is the balance of
one spell versus another and the internal logic of my gaming sejng... I
look at the Trigger Eect cas[ng and I think to myself 'okay, ne, no
problem...' but then I look at a Grade Six Grey School cas[ng that does
the same thing... and i have to think that there must be a dierence...

Why go to all that extra work of 'symbolizing' the spell with a rune,
and paying the extra Heka, if a Grade One General Cas[ng does the same
thing? There has to be a reason... the reasons I came up with were
reliability and quality.

I look at spells as energy... I generally look at 'held' spells as electric
devices in a manner of speaking...


Say you have two hand tazers you can use... one that costs 20 bucks
and one that costs... 125... If they both are the same voltage, and both
can carry the same wallop, which do you think is 'beher'? Do you think
they are equal? Heh, which would You rather have :)

Do you think it's possible the cheap one is going to be giving you light
shocks as it sits in your pocket? Nothing major, but maybe a like bite
every now and again?

(And yeah, I do have triggers do that, depending on the magickal ac[vity
in the area :) )

Do you think maybe there will be some feedback when you use the cheap
one? Something that leaves your hand a lihle numb?

What do you think _might_ happen if you've got 2 or 3 or 6 of these
things in one pocket... and you get hit with a tazer yourself?


I'm sure you see where I'm going with this... The Grade Six spell is
beher because it is more reliable and basically a beher constructed cage
for your spell... Trigger is aordable, but is a poor subs[tute to the

'real thing.'

<Insert Computer Simile Here :) >

Anyway, I just thought I'd toss this out... I dont' think, aper this
long, the ques[ons we pose out here are really rules transla[on... once
you get used to Gary's 'elephan[[s of the Vocabulary' the 'rules' are
prehy clear... aper that it's a ques[on of internal logic and the
'avor' of the game you choose to run... the possibility is there to
have a very consistent system set up... one in which a player will PREFER
to use a higher cost spell that does basically the same thing... because
logic dictates they are going to have far fewer headaches relying on a beher
designed, more eec[ve cas[ng.

A far cry from the EGS ... where the denate feel is that of 'slots
lled with ammuni[on': something that smacks heavily of the uglier
parts of the wargame roots inherent in most games, which turn the mage
from a character func[oning within a logical reality to a Miniature with
a Magic Swiss Army Uzi with a certain number of shots.

Whew... who gave me all that Mountain Dew... sheesh. :)


Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 09:45:59 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Trigger, Triggered Triggers, and other nas[es.....

Well, speaking only for myself, I don't place strange limits on Trigger.
Or, to put it another way, any *reasonable* ac[on may trigger a Cas[ng
(e.g. a par[cular twist of the hand, a nonsense word, taking
Physical/Mental/Spiritual damage, etc), but the Cas[ng so triggered must
have any and all 'variable' parameters set at the [me of Cas[ng the
Trigger. In other words, one could actually cast a Fireash (for
example) in a Trigger, just realize that the range, direc[on, etc. is
set when the Trigger is set up.

For those who can't think of an applica[on of the above, imagine a door
with a Fireash triggered at ground zero when opened.....

As for Trigger being too powerful, consider the following things:
(1) Trigger can be cast to TRIGGER EFFECTS which are being held within
a trigger. Make liberal use of the Triggered Trigger cas[ngs
(especially right before the Big Nasty), which will immediately
trigger all cas[ngs within the area of eect, and probably
really mess things up (mul[ple Armor (x) spells will cancel

themselves out)

(2) The Heka is spent when the Cas[ng is placed in the Trigger, and
the amount placed is Cas[ng + Trigger (which is 20 Heka). Prehy
cheap but, oh, so easily countered :-)

(3) The bad guys make use of it too, and it makes for very neat traps.
(See below about Disjoining, too)

(4) Disjoin has an interes[ng eect -- it disjoins only the lowest
grade cas[ng in the area of eect, which means that the Trigger
would be the cas[ng disjoined -- which makes Trigger even more
devasta[ng since a Trigger'd trap (and, honestly, what group of
adventurers holes up and lays traps all around themselves rather
than stumbling through them?) will s[ll be set o by an ahempt
to disjoin it!

(5) Tell your players about that wonderful story someone on Mythus-L
told about a pick-up game he ran -- in which an Elemental Dw.
had about 13 or 15 coins with Trigger'd (ground-zero) Fireashes,
and how the JM let it slide -- and a trap he had devised before
(a Trigger'd Trigger) nearly slew half the party, and turned said
Dweomercraeper into ash..... The players will quickly be a lihle
careful with just what they keep Trigger'd.

As for me, I would do what I had Morlaxa in Omen of the Black Dragon do:
one Triggered Flight, awai[ng a gesture,
one Triggered Armor, Physical, Mental, and Spiritual awai[ng each type
of damage
one Triggered Armor, Physical, and Heka, awai[ng a gesture

The laher were triggered immediately before the Final Reckoning, so to
speak, and having been readied some [me before, cost her no Heka.

Liberal use of Triggered Triggers (or even the mere threat) will
generally keep the (ab)use of Triggers to a bare and necessary minimum.
And if that's not enough, given them a sneaky, cowardly, devious opponent
who, every two or three nights, teleports a coin with a Triggered Trigger
on it (to ac[vate when it hits the ground) a foot o the earth in the
middle of their camp. Repeat as necessary ;-) Then, immediately aper
they've spent most of their Heka re-building all their Triggers, throw
something at them that the Heka they've spent would *really* help while
gh[ng -- like a small raiding party of Drow or Slaugh.

Sheesh. Why place limits on it when the unlimited use of Trigger can be
SOOOO much more fun? ;-)

Mike Phillips,
Mythus: hhp://
Home page: hhp://

Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 09:40:19 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Kenny Hill <khill@MONARCH.PAPILLION.NE.US>
Subject: Re: Pantheons
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 19 Nov 1995, Ray A. Dion wrote:

> Gree[ngs All,
> Does anyone have the names and basic informa[on on the pantheons
> that Dave Newton put up on the list. Does anyone have a compleated set of
> pantheons/dei[es that they are using in an Aerth campaign. Anything
> rela[ng to this would be appreciated.
> Chris
Wouldnt that be in the FTP Site,
Theres some diety people in there I belive..look around.
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 14:28:24 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Trigger, Triggered Triggers, and other nas[es.....

At 09:45 AM 11/20/95 -0500, Mike Phillips wrote:
>Well, speaking only for myself, I don't place strange limits on Trigger.

>Sheesh. Why place limits on it when the unlimited use of Trigger can be
>SOOOO much more fun? ;-)

Because a triggered trigger would set o only ONE of the mul[tude of
triggers carried by your group. Not all the trigger spells. One of them.

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
CCGS Online Game Store: hhp://
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Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 19:16:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Trigger, Triggered Triggers, and other nas[es.....

In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Gary Spechko wrote:

> At 09:45 AM 11/20/95 -0500, Mike Phillips wrote:
> >Well, speaking only for myself, I don't place strange limits on Trigger.
> >Sheesh. Why place limits on it when the unlimited use of Trigger can be
> >SOOOO much more fun? ;-)
> Because a triggered trigger would set o only ONE of the mul[tude of
> triggers carried by your group. Not all the trigger spells. One of them.

Depends on how you read it:
"In the second applica[on, the Formula sends forth its dweomer into a
radius equal to the Distance possible for the prac[[oner, thus
triggering the held Eect of a Cas[ng previously laid within that area."

Within the logic of the rst part ("sends forth its dweomer into a
radius equal etc."), it follows that the Formula does not stop when it
hits the rst Trigger. The second part ("of a Cas[ng") is ambiguous,
possibly inten[onally. Given the usual clarity of most statements, e.g.
"all" or "only one", in the texts of other Cas[ngs, I think the exact
meaning of the laher is a JM-specic ruling..... (naturally)

I interpret it such that any and all Triggered Eects would be
triggered. The lack of any indica[on of 'sen[ence' within the Cas[ng,
or even a signicant descrip[on of its ac[ons or that it zzles once
it hits a Trigger leads me to the following analogy:

The rst applica[on lets one weave a Cas[ng into a 'container'.
(certainly a generic and Grade I cas[ng)

The second applica[on sends out a 'signal' that unlatches a container.

However, given that even within the text of the message it extends to the
full radius regardless of whether it trips one or not, it follows that
anything it hits is triggered.

I'd have to say that neither ruling (it triggers only one or it triggers
all of them) is inaccurate, but I s[ll feel that the structure of the magic
system and the text of the Cas[ng lead one to the laher rather than the

But it hasn't been a signicant issue of (ab)use as a result of said
ruling, and it certainly seems to be far less of a contor[on than (a)
cas[ng Trigger at the Grade of the held cas[ng (b) expending Heka at
the [me of Triggering or (c) limi[ng Triggers to any ATTRIBUTE, TRAIT, or
STEEP, so the elegant simplicity of interpre[ng one word ("a") certainly
appeals to the sense of the system and my sense of aesthe[cs.

Or even beher, simply cross out "a" and pencil in an "s" aper "Cas[ng"
in the JM's copy, so it reads, in part: "of Cas[ngs previously laid" which
isn't perfect but then it's in the rules.
So there :^) <-- That means I'm in a good mood and having fun, and
joking around, sort of :-)

Mike Phillips,
Mythus: hhp://
Home page: hhp://
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 16:34:40 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Trigger, Triggered Triggers, and other nas[es.....

At 07:16 PM 11/20/95 -0500, Mike Phillips wrote:
>> >Well, speaking only for myself, I don't place strange limits on Trigger.
>> >Sheesh. Why place limits on it when the unlimited use of Trigger can
>> >SOOOO much more fun? ;-)

>> Because a triggered trigger would set o only ONE of the mul[tude of
>> triggers carried by your group. Not all the trigger spells. One of them.

>Depends on how you read it:
>"In the second applica[on, the Formula sends forth its dweomer into a
>radius equal to the Distance possible for the prac[[oner, thus
>triggering the held Eect of a Cas[ng previously laid within that area."
>Within the logic of the rst part ("sends forth its dweomer into a
>radius equal etc."), it follows that the Formula does not stop when it
>hits the rst Trigger. The second part ("of a Cas[ng") is ambiguous,
>possibly inten[onally. Given the usual clarity of most statements, e.g.
>"all" or "only one", in the texts of other Cas[ngs, I think the exact
>meaning of the laher is a JM-specic ruling..... (naturally)

Unfortunately (for I would prefer to use your interpreta[on), "a" is
par[cularly singular enough for me. If there's more than one trigger about
I determine which goes o randomly.

> The rst applica[on lets one weave a Cas[ng into a 'container'.
> (certainly a generic and Grade I cas[ng)
> The second applica[on sends out a 'signal' that unlatches a container.
>However, given that even within the text of the message it extends to the
>full radius regardless of whether it trips one or not, it follows that
>anything it hits is triggered.

Sound reasoning, except for that nasty lihle "a".

>I'd have to say that neither ruling (it triggers only one or it triggers
>all of them) is inaccurate, but I s[ll feel that the structure of the magic
>system and the text of the Cas[ng lead one to the laher rather than the
>But it hasn't been a signicant issue of (ab)use as a result of said
>ruling, and it certainly seems to be far less of a contor[on than (a)
>cas[ng Trigger at the Grade of the held cas[ng (b) expending Heka at
>the [me of Triggering or (c) limi[ng Triggers to any ATTRIBUTE, TRAIT, or
>STEEP, so the elegant simplicity of interpre[ng one word ("a") certainly
>appeals to the sense of the system and my sense of aesthe[cs.
>Or even beher, simply cross out "a" and pencil in an "s" aper "Cas[ng"
>in the JM's copy, so it reads, in part: "of Cas[ngs previously laid" which
>isn't perfect but then it's in the rules.

That then becomes a house rule, of the same sort the rest of us use. I
limit the number of triggers a persona can carry to 3 (the 4th sets them all
o); you remove the limita[on on the number that can be set o at once by
the second applica[on of the spell. Neither op[on is invalid.

Take care,
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 20:07:20 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Trigger, Triggered Triggers, and other nas[es.....
In-Reply-To: <>

On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Gary Spechko wrote:

> At 07:16 PM 11/20/95 -0500, Mike Phillips wrote:
> >> >Well, speaking only for myself, I don't place strange limits on Trigger.
> >> >Sheesh. Why place limits on it when the unlimited use of Trigger can
> >> >SOOOO much more fun? ;-)
> >> Because a triggered trigger would set o only ONE of the mul[tude of
> >> triggers carried by your group. Not all the trigger spells. One of them.
> >Depends on how you read it:
> >"In the second applica[on, the Formula sends forth its dweomer into a
> >radius equal to the Distance possible for the prac[[oner, thus
> >triggering the held Eect of a Cas[ng previously laid within that area."
> >
> >Within the logic of the rst part ("sends forth its dweomer into a
> >radius equal etc."), it follows that the Formula does not stop when it
> >hits the rst Trigger. The second part ("of a Cas[ng") is ambiguous,

> >possibly inten[onally. Given the usual clarity of most statements, e.g.
> >"all" or "only one", in the texts of other Cas[ngs, I think the exact
> >meaning of the laher is a JM-specic ruling..... (naturally)
> Unfortunately (for I would prefer to use your interpreta[on), "a" is
> par[cularly singular enough for me. If there's more than one trigger about
> I determine which goes o randomly.

The problem with interpre[ng "a" is that implies a capriciousness or
general lack of order to the magickal eect, something which is very
much lacking from the overall structure (taken to an arguable extreme :-) )
of the magick system. The use of "a" contradicts the "sends forth its
dweomer into a radius &c.", since it would stop either at the rst
Trigger encountered, triggering it, or it would point out the random element.

If memory serves, our resident Mythus author (Mr. Newton) pointed out
that it wasn't his authorship at all, but it was tossed in by Gygax. Why
do I have a feeling that this is Yet Another Hasty Phrase tossed out and
improperly (if at all) edited, resul[ng in the same SNAFU as the rather
famous "1D6 per 10 feet [for every 10 feet] fallen", in which a [ny but
vital piece was overlooked/edited out.

Regardless, I can't reconcile the two, and it simply Doesn't Make Sense
that a Grade I Cas[ng *isn't* fairly fragile and thus easily Trigger'd
by an appropriate Heka eect :-)

I will also point out that you missed the obvious hole in my logic: check
out the "Area" of Trigger Eect: "Area: 1 cas[ng" which blows my logic
out of the water. I s[ll maintain its a fair use, or else I'll just use
the Cas[ng I append to this post :-)

This has the distressing side-thought, however, that Triggering a
Triggered Eect via the second applica[on of the Cas[ng should require
that the individual be aware of the Cas[ng, otherwise the Cas[ng would
likely miss..... ;-)

> >I'd have to say that neither ruling (it triggers only one or it triggers
> >all of them) is inaccurate, but I s[ll feel that the structure of the magic
> >system and the text of the Cas[ng lead one to the laher rather than the
> >former.
> >But it hasn't been a signicant issue of (ab)use as a result of said
> >ruling, and it certainly seems to be far less of a contor[on than (a)
> >cas[ng Trigger at the Grade of the held cas[ng (b) expending Heka at
> >the [me of Triggering or (c) limi[ng Triggers to any ATTRIBUTE, TRAIT, or
> >STEEP, so the elegant simplicity of interpre[ng one word ("a") certainly
> >appeals to the sense of the system and my sense of aesthe[cs.
> >Or even beher, simply cross out "a" and pencil in an "s" aper "Cas[ng"
> >in the JM's copy, so it reads, in part: "of Cas[ngs previously laid" which
> >isn't perfect but then it's in the rules.

> That then becomes a house rule, of the same sort the rest of us use. I
> limit the number of triggers a persona can carry to 3 (the 4th sets them all
> o); you remove the limita[on on the number that can be set o at once by
> the second applica[on of the spell. Neither op[on is invalid.

A house rule with far fewer contor[ons ;-)

Seriously, though, you realize of course that we're sejng a horrible
example for the rest of the list. I mean, we're disagreeing over a minor
rules interpreta[on/textual reading, and we're not calling names,
aming, or otherwise gejng in a hu.

And now that I've nished pounding my head into the brick wall of your
stance, and you haven't altered my interpreta[on at all, and we're s[ll
being wonderfully civil.....

Here's the *really simple* solu[on to all of the above:

Time: Instantaneous Other Heka Costs:
Area: 1 foot radius per STEEP R&D: Nil
Distance: 1 foot per STEEP Other: Nil
E/F/M: This Formula sends forth its dweomer into a radius equal to the
Distance possible for the prac[[oner, thus triggering the held Eects
of all Trigger Eect Cas[ngs lain within that area.

Now, you can argue that it should be Grade III, or such a Cas[ng is
foolishness, but I would point out that, accep[ng (for the moment) your
thoughts, we can consider the Trigger Eect (applica[on two) to be
knocking on one door, and this is simply knocking on a dozen or so doors,
certainly only a maher of degree :-) The *other* op[on is to simply
add an 'Other' cost: 1 Heka per Cas[ng to be Triggered (bearing in mind
that the Triggering of a Cas[ng should be a minor thing). It's s[ll
prehy unlikely to get more than a dozen Triggers in an area, especially
with the liberal applica[on of a Cas[ng along these lines.

I s[ll think that it should be built into the original spell -- aper
all, it *is* such a simple and basic eect, and such a minor magick that
dozens or more counters would already have been devised (not to men[on
counters of the counters), and I will con[nue to use my original ruling
-- aper all, it's a potent weapon for the HP's, too.....

(Once they catch on to how much the EP's rely on it, however, it may be
turned against the bad guys.....)

But I'm gejng too pedan[c. Cheer-frighkully-ho, and all that.....

Have a pleasant evening,

Mike Phillips,

Mythus: hhp://
Home page: hhp://
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 20:46:47 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Okay, here they come...

I'm going to log into your site and start transferring now. Lotsa goodies...

Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 12:31:39 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cas[ngs and Heka
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SV4.3.91.951119224413.26398A-100000@nexus>

You made yourself much clearer, and I think I like your theories...

I kind of like to think of Heka (or Mana, as the Sylvanor call it--they
don't like Aegirians... :)) like gravity: it will aect you unless you
have an an[-gravity belt. :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 09:37:21 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Gorman <pendrake@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Pantheons

I'm afraid that I don't have any "specic", in game terms, pantheons.
However, I have an excellent book on Aegyp[an deitys called "Egyp[an
Magick" by Gerald & Behy Schueler. This book can be found in just about
any new-age store or new-age sec[on of your favorite bookstore. The
complete Egyp[an pantheon is covered as well as a great number of
religious/magickal rites; guaranteed to be a great sourcebook for Mythus.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
"Love is the Law, Love under Will"
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 12:47:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Heka World System

Hey guys, the discussion Doyce and I had gave me an idea:

How would it sound to have more than one logical system of magick
occuring in a single game world?

My idea, as it stands now, would be the following: Wizardry, and other
"scien[c" magicks would not be aected by the "emo[onal state" of
the target. This means, basically, that an eect will happen, but
everyone has innate resistance to it. I'll have to dene which of the
K/S Areas could be dened in this way.

The other logic would be for more Spiritual magicks. In this case, the
state of the persona must be considered. If they want an eect to
happen to them, it most likely will--no resistance Heka need be added.
If they really really don't want it to happen, they will probably get
more resistance.

Spiritual eects would require greater resistance Heka be used against
an unwilling target than "scien[c" eects, but then again, no
resistance Heka is needed against willing subjects.

Does it make sense to have dierent "schools" of magick in the world use
dierent systems? It's like dierent ways to using medicine these
days: holis[c stu may work as well as tradi[onal medicine. They're
just a dierent way to do the same thing...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 12:50:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: More on the same

Okay, here's another thought:

How would mul[ple magick systems aect each other? Would it be easier,
or harder, for "herme[c" magick to aect "spiritual" magick?

This could create some interes[ng problems, if a party of tradi[onal
herme[c wizards ahacked a conclave of druids... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 13:45:29 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka World System
In-Reply-To: <> from "Jesse" at
Nov 21,
95 12:47:57 pm

In my world magic powers are essen[ally based on belief. If a
wizard beleives that his spells will not aect a target unless
he knows the target's truename that his spells will be useless
un[l he learns the truename. He is also likely to have a means
of learning truenames. By the same token if a wizard believes that
if he speaks the Word Of Desola[on the target will be destroyed
regardless wether he knows the truename or not.

If the two belief systems clash than the wizard must overcome the
target's faith to aect the target, regardless of the eect.
Heal or Harm it makes no dierence. I'm sure there are holes, since I
currently have no PC wizards or priests it has not been put to the test.

This leads to lots of seemingly incompa[ble magical tradi[ons and
lots of inchoherence and inconsistencies, but it all makes sense to

-"You never know where the day will take you. You may nd yourself
halfway around the world in the shark-infested waters of true-tolife living. Or you may nd yourself going down to the store for
a lozenge. You can't know, can you? No! You goha ride that wave, you
goha suck that lozenge!" The Tick.
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 18:15:18 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: About that cryp[c message from Dave.....

Dave lep a cryp[c message on Mythus-L last night, about 'logging into

your site'. Well, he was logging into mine, and dropping o a couple of
goodies which, in his own words:
--------------------------------Date: Mon, November 20, 1995
Subject: Designer's Notes

I'm placing this new material into the public domain, and I want nothing
out of it but to further the enjoyment of loyal Mythus fans everywhere.
It is NOT ocial material, it is simply a collec[on of notes and useful
macros. Dangerous Journeys and Mythus are trademarks of TSR, Inc. and are
used without their permission.

Please refrain from asking any terribly detailed ques[ons, as I really
don't have [me to support the macros, and if you don't have Excel, I
don't know what to tell you (other than talk to others on the list who
might). The Mac Word (version 4.0) les should be readable by most word
The les in ques[on are: -- a collec[on of Excel Macros for Doing Neat Stu
(OP/Monster genera[on, etc) -- another collec[on of Excel Macros for Doing More Neat
[I haven't looked at either one, Excel is not on our site license, and
Quahro doesn't understand the macros] -- Extremely skeletal notes on Faerie creatures -- this is
the same sketchy stu I referred to in an earlier pos[ng.
If you're expec[ng developed stu, you will likely be
disappointed, but it may s[ll prove useful.
dei[ -- Extremely skeletal deital notes, mostly outlines and stu.
Might prove useful, same caveat as before applies.

He has donated the informa[on into the public domain, and it was *NEVER*
under any sort of contract, and it was *NEVER* ocially done and *I*T*
*I*S* *N*O*T* *O*F*F*I*C*I*A*L* material of any sort. On the other hand,
it is probably of some interest to loyal Mythus fans :-)

Anyways, they are linked from my Mythus page (see .sig).


Mike Phillips,
Mythus: hhp://
Home page: hhp://
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 19:14:02 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: About that cryp[c message from Dave.....
In-Reply-To: <>

Wheee heee!!! :)

What some of us have been wai[ng for!


Hmm...Quatro doesn't understand the macros, huh? Oh well, maybe I'll put
Excel on the machine just long enough to manually translate them...

(Micro$op $ux)

Thanks Dave!


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 20:28:05 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <bear@NEXUS.INTEREALM.COM>
Subject: Re: Cas[ngs and Heka
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 21 Nov 1995, Jesse wrote:

> Doyce>
> You made yourself much clearer, and I think I like your theories...

<G> cool, I like the fact you 'think' you do :)

> I kind of like to think of Heka (or Mana, as the Sylvanor call it--they
> don't like Aegirians... :)) like gravity: it will aect you unless you
> have an an[-gravity belt. :)

I think of it like water... it will aect you, but you can aect it. :)

Ever read _Black Sun Rising?_ Take that and that trea[se on Chi/Heka,
and we're gejng closer to my nebulous idea of how things work.
Admihedly, it does have a slightly dierent, somewhat more difergent
approach to the whole 'thing'

Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 20:32:47 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <bear@NEXUS.INTEREALM.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka World System
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 21 Nov 1995, Jesse wrote:

> Hey guys, the discussion Doyce and I had gave me an idea:
> How would it sound to have more than one logical system of magick
> occuring in a single game world?
> My idea, as it stands now, would be the following: Wizardry, and other
> "scien[c" magicks would not be aected by the "emo[onal state" of
> the target.
> The other logic would be for more Spiritual magicks. In this case, the
> state of the persona must be considered. If they want an eect to
> happen to them, it most likely will--no resistance Heka need be added.
> If they really really don't want it to happen, they will probably get
> more resistance.

I'm suddenly put in mind of the inuence of the caster themselve's
inuence over the cas[ng... how much diernce does it make that the
caster Believes that the subconscious will of the target has some
aect... or that it has no eect?

Could lead to some interes[ng arguments between the magickal Student of
daVinci and the Magickal student of Lao Tzu. ;)

<someone get the caeine away from me and jesse :)>

Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 20:45:18 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <bear@NEXUS.INTEREALM.COM>
Subject: Re: More on the same
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 21 Nov 1995, Jesse wrote:

> Okay, here's another thought:

> How would mul[ple magick systems aect each other? Would it be easier,
> or harder, for "herme[c" magick to aect "spiritual" magick?
> This could create some interes[ng problems, if a party of tradi[onal
> herme[c wizards ahacked a conclave of druids... :)
> Jesse

I need to men[on something in here about my approach to this whole
thing..., since Jasse brought up combat...

I don't put things like Heka Bolt and other, let's call them 'unsubtle'
ahack spells in with those spells which suer 'resistance cost' under
'normal' circumstances... ie: I only check magic resistance, or add on
addi[onal resistance cost, for those creatures who in game terms have
'natural magick resistance' -- ie: you don't have to pump in an extra 10
points of heka for every normal guy your heka bolt will hit just so they
are aected--their 'resistance' is gejng fried along with the rest of
them, and hurts just as much.

Without <hopefully> lapsing into another lengthy explana[on... let me
sum it up by saying your basic 'turn subject to shrub' spell must in some
manner interact with the subject's aura: by shiping it or whatnot... The
'turn subject to Charred Ash' Type spells do not interact with the
target's aura anymore than they do with the target's clothes...

Let's put it this way... the 'altera[on' type spells much also change
the subjects aura... think of their aura as a layer of really cold silly
puhy that requires that extra eort to work.

<<NOW I'm gejng out there ;) >>...

Heka bolt doesn't seek to mold the silly puhy around the target, it
seeks to hit it with a blowtorch... as this is in essense a part of the
target as well, it doesn't oer any protec[on as it gets burnt away...
in the same way your SKIN doesn't oer you abla[ve armor protec[on as
it gets burnt away <seman[cs aside.>

I think I covered the what and the why in there... though it is a lihle
wierd as an example, even for me :)

Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 00:47:09 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Heka World System
In-Reply-To: <>

> This leads to lots of seemingly incompa[ble magical tradi[ons and

> lots of inchoherence and inconsistencies, but it all makes sense to
> me.

Ah...the key. As long as it makes sense to you... :)

It seems to me that it may be dicult to quan[fy the results,
however. What if the target is inanimate, or unintelligent? Would I, as
a simple appren[ce, be able to blow a chair to bits just because I
believe I can do it?

It is an interes[ng concept...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 00:54:06 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Heka World System
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SV4.3.91.951121202956.20791B-100000@nexus>

> I'm suddenly put in mind of the inuence of the caster themselve's
> inuence over the cas[ng... how much diernce does it make that the
> caster Believes that the subconscious will of the target has some
> aect... or that it has no eect?

I think that this is the eect of being taught by one school or another
(just we don't get into that discussion again, I'm using "school" to mean
"theory" or "teaching method"). If you are taught by daVinci (see below
:) you would not believe that the spirit of the target had anything to do
with it.

> Could lead to some interes[ng arguments between the magickal Student of
> daVinci and the Magickal student of Lao Tzu. ;)
> <someone get the caeine away from me and jesse :)>

Oh I wish it was caeine... :)

This leads me to think that in a world-system such as this, magick turns
into more of a religion: the most correct answer is that neither side is
coompletely correct, but they aren't wrong either. Just like, which god
is the creator, Odin or Zeus? (or whatever)

I think that this leads to some incredibly fun role-playing
possibili[es. Think of the poli[cal intrigues this causes, not to

men[on whole socie[es based on one or the other (maybe the herme[c's
hate the spiritualists).

In game terms, we'll have to come up with two dierent Heka Use
sub-chapters. Not too hard, but it may be tough to keep track of.
During the course of the game, the *caster* is the one who counts. If
he's a herme[c, everything has resistance to his sort of Heka. If he's
a spiritualist, he can easily aect willing targets. Not too hard, I
don't think... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 07:48:09 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka World System
In-Reply-To: <> from "Jesse" at
Nov 22,
95 00:47:09 am

Thus spake Jesse
> It seems to me that it may be dicult to quan[fy the results,
> however. What if the target is inanimate, or unintelligent? Would I, as
> a simple appren[ce, be able to blow a chair to bits just because I
> believe I can do it?
> It is an interes[ng concept...

Yes it is. If the target is inanimate or unintelligent you have no belief
of the target to overcome and the spell is that much easier. However it
is rare that a prac[[oner would have such complete condence in their
abili[es to do whatever they wanted without a 'focus.' For example, a
young, appren[ce wizard might have seen the master reduce a chair to ash
by a mere word. But the appren[ce may not know the word, and even if he
discovered it would have to know how to correctly pronounce the word. And
on top of that the tradi[on may beleive in forming par[cular mental paherns
when speaking the word to cause the eect, thus even knowing the word will
not be enough for the appren[ce un[l he becomes condent enough to
actually cast the spell and destroy the chair. A real world example might be
in order here: I can blow a chair (or anything else) up myself. No joking.
By merely a guesture if I so wish. However I will require that I have
placed an appropriate amount of explosive (C4 or dynamite) on the oending
object and rigged it with a radio detonator. Once these focuses have been
achieved, I can destroy the oending chair with a guesture. Does anyone
here disagree? I thought not. Is it magic? Of a sort, clearly not the
'tradi[onal' kind of magic, but the magic of technology which is possible

due to a belief in science.

In my system doing magic without a focus of some kind is extremely dicult.
The more complicated the focus the more drama[c the eect can be and the
easier it will be as well. I suppose I could work out a table of this
maybe that will be my project for today.


-"You never know where the day will take you. You may nd yourself
halfway around the world in the shark-infested waters of true-tolife living. Or you may nd yourself going down to the store for
a lozenge. You can't know, can you? No! You goha ride that wave, you
goha suck that lozenge!" The Tick.
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 12:46:58 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Trigger, again, and again, and (you get the idea)

I'm going to avoid most of the debate this [me and limit my input to the use
of Trigger (ver 2) to trigger Trigger (ver 1). Try saying that 83 [mes
quickly. Since my original post of the Trigger trigger trap my ngers have
gohen [red of the topic.

I'd say this usage should only trigger one of Trigger cas[ngs in the area of
eect. This goes back to the "rela[ve" power of cas[ngs. Using a 20 Heka
cas[ng to negate a 20 Heka cas[ng sounds reasonable. Using the same 20
Heka cas[ng to trigger 100 Triggers (or 2000 Heka) doesn't. Where do you
draw the line.

I'd further suggest that a caster could add 20 point increments to the
Trigger (v2) in an ahempt to trigger more of the Triggers (v1), in this case
he/she would be well advised to do something to "scout" the area prior to
cas[ng so that he knows what he's up against. Whether the addt'l Heka has
to be commihed up front or "drawn" ala the Disjunc[on Charm is purely up to
the JM.

Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 16:46:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Ray A. Dion" <rayd@GLEN-NET.CA>
Subject: Re: Heka World System

>Yes it is. If the target is inanimate or unintelligent you have no belief
>of the target to overcome and the spell is that much easier. However it

>is rare that a prac[[oner would have such complete condence in their
>abili[es to do whatever they wanted without a 'focus.' For example, a
>young, appren[ce wizard might have seen the master reduce a chair to ash
>by a mere word. But the appren[ce may not know the word, and even if he
>discovered it would have to know how to correctly pronounce the word. And
>on top of that the tradi[on may beleive in forming par[cular mental paherns
>when speaking the word to cause the eect, thus even knowing the word will
>not be enough for the appren[ce un[l he becomes condent enough to
>actually cast the spell and destroy the chair. A real world example might be
>in order here: I can blow a chair (or anything else) up myself. No joking.
>By merely a guesture if I so wish. However I will require that I have
>placed an appropriate amount of explosive (C4 or dynamite) on the oending
>object and rigged it with a radio detonator. Once these focuses have been
>achieved, I can destroy the oending chair with a guesture. Does anyone
>here disagree? I thought not. Is it magic? Of a sort, clearly not the
>'tradi[onal' kind of magic, but the magic of technology which is possible
>due to a belief in science.
>In my system doing magic without a focus of some kind is extremely dicult.
>The more complicated the focus the more drama[c the eect can be and the
>easier it will be as well. I suppose I could work out a table of this
>maybe that will be my project for today.

Part of the focus is likely to be the length of the cas[ng and the
complexity of the materia and gestures necessary for the magick to occure
(sound familiar?). A ritual is so much more powerful at a compari[vely low
heka cost because it primes the caster's mind to stronger beliefe. All
those candles and "magickal" phrases are to help the caster to believe in
his magick (even though I believe anyone could do it without them if he/she
believed stongly enough). The preceived "need" for these focuses is used by
the prac[[oners of makick to resrict thier power to a select few. This
slant on magick seems to aply more to spiritual magick than mental (the
spiritual trait being, among other things, the ability to belive aper all).

I think that mental magick works on a set of laws that exist as a
result of long standing beliefe in the power of magick (like heaver-than-air
ight is in ours). This is dierent from the spiritual magick above in
that the spiritual is the beliefe in one's self or a higher power, not
strick, unwavering laws (the understanding of which falling under the mental

This might t nicely with the debate about resistance to heka.

Anyway, just an idea.

Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 16:56:00 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Ray A. Dion" <rayd@GLEN-NET.CA>
Subject: Re: Heka World System

Another thought: Perhaps the lack of mental Cas[ng areas (as
compared to spiritual) is the result of the proximity of Phaeree. Because
of it's Chao[c nature, the development of formal laws on Aerth is more
dicult (and less prac[cal)

Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 18:45:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: About that cryp[c message from Dave.....

If some kind soul can translate the material so I can read it with quatro pro
for windowsand or microsop word for windows I would be eternally grateful


Date: Thu, 23 Nov 1995 10:48:14 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Berry <Anaxamenes@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka World System

I have a couple comments on the heka world systems that have been discussed
so far. The rst is that Dan Williamson's sounds similar to Tibetan
Buddhism, where the very fabric of the world is determined by belief. The
stronger your mind, the more say you have in the way the world is. People
who have strong minds can y simply because they believe they can y, and
their belief is stronger than other's disbelief. I can't personally
recommend this, since I haven't read it, but one of my players said that the
Tibetan Book of the Dead is very good for ideas about how magic works that
are along these general lines. The copy I have is ISBN 0-19-500223-7.
One problem with using this kind of explana[on in a world where "scien[c
magic" (magic is a law governed phenomena of the objec[ve world) also works
is explaining what the world is like. If belief is sucient for magic,
what happens when beleif goes up against scien[c magic? Which comes out
on top? Are the laws of the more scien[c magic just another belief
system? If so, the world comes out ne, but scien[c magic isn't really
scien[c magic anymore. The "natural laws' that it uses aren't really laws
at all, just another set of beliefs.
If the scien[c magic really is what it claims to be, then it seems that
scien[c magic must win, since natural law is natural LAW. If this is the

case then it looks like belief can only have power when unopposed by
scien[c magic, and when it doesn't violate natural law. This doesn't
leave a lot of room.
I don't know how this will work in other's worlds (or even if it works at
all), but liking both styles of magic, I tried to resolve the conict by
making the mental heka using areas the manipula[on of heka on a more
conscious, ra[onal level. Ones that uses laws and formulas, etc. Spiritual
heka using areas are more unconscious, ins[nc[ve, less ra[onal areas.
Ones that use intui[ons, faith, and zen. The way I unite them is to say
that the soul interacts with heka in both cases to accomplish eects on the
world. For Spiritual stu, belief doesn't directly aect the chair you
want to explode, but rather it is an alternate way of gathering and focusing
heka to do the damage according to the natural laws that govern heka and
mundane objects like chairs. The stronger the belief, the more heka you
manipulate. Essen[ally I am going the opposite direc[on of making
scien[c magic a belief system, I'm giving a scien[c explana[on for how
belief works. Belief based magic is just a dierent way for the soul to
take advantage of it's natural ability to aect heka. It's kind of like the
body using dierent muscles.

Mah B.
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 1995 17:01:38 EST
Reply-To: "Randy M. Schoen" <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Randy M. Schoen" <cerebus@SAT.NET>
Subject: The Mythus & Aria Admixture

Hey gang!

I couldn't help but no[ce the brief men[oning of using Aria-style
persona crea[on with Mythus rules . . . which is exactly what I've
been working on as of late. Although I don't have much complaint with
Mythus's current crea[on system (other than that it is tedious and
repe[[ve), I certainly felt Aria's system to be a bit beher.

So, if anyone's interested, I'll gather my notes up into something
legible and somewhat organised and either post it to the list or
perhaps send it for the next issue of DI. Regardless, its a hepy bit
of rules which reprints a lot of stu from the Aria books (of course,
I also use Kinship, Heritage Templates, et al., with Mythus too).

Cerebus/2 <*> OS/2 & Linux <*> Aria & Mythus
-------------------------------------------------:A mad doctor, is it?
:I'm not mad, just nervous.

Date: Fri, 24 Nov 1995 21:58:48 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: The Mythus & Aria Admixture
X-To: "Randy M. Schoen" <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Ah Cerebus!

By all means, gather up all those notes! :)


btw, how much do you know about OS/2? Know anything about video?

-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 01:19:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Avoidance

Quick ques[on....
It says in DJ that Avoidance is the sum of the respec[ve speeds.
(i don't have the page # oand, my book has been lent out, trying to
recruit players)
But in the "published" scenarios, it OPs and EPs are only at half.
Which is correct?

Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 09:45:03 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <bear@NEXUS.INTEREALM.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka World System
In-Reply-To: <>

> > I'm suddenly put in mind of the inuence of the caster themselve's
> > inuence over the cas[ng... how much diernce does it make that the
> > caster Believes that the subconscious will of the target has some
> > aect... or that it has no eect?
> I think that this leads to some incredibly fun role-playing
> possibili[es. Think of the poli[cal intrigues this causes, not to
> men[on whole socie[es based on one or the other (maybe the herme[c's

> hate the spiritualists).

> In game terms, we'll have to come up with two dierent Heka Use
> sub-chapters. Not too hard, but it may be tough to keep track of.

Does this remind anyone else of a fantasy version of the shadow-run magic
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 11:59:55 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Voca[ons and stu

Ok.. I've nally produced a mostly-complete list of voca[ons for my world.
I've put a copy of it in MS Word 6.0 format and in MS-DOS text format on my
Mythus Web Page. The le is 29 pages long in Word, and contains 50 voca[ons.

I've also added some world informa[on to my web page, including a .gif map
of one of the con[nents. If you're interested in any of this stu, have
at it.

Oh, and I've translated all the macros and doc les that were in Mac format
on Mike's home page into DOS format (Word 6 and Excel 5 formats). Some of
the macros don't work because they're missing some les, but the
informa[on's quite good).

Having looked at the faerie informa[on Dave kindly released to us, I think
we should start lling in some of the blanks he and GG lep. There's lots
of good informa[on there, but there's a lot more empty forms. Anyone
interested in helping split up what's there and lling it in?

What I'm looking at doing is replacing the pages in the MS word doc one by
one.. monster by monster... I've got room on my web page to put all the
les, even in HTML format....

Take care,

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 16:32:22 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Voca[ons and stu

>Oh, and I've translated all the macros and doc les that were in Mac format

>on Mike's home page into DOS format (Word 6 and Excel 5 formats). Some of
>the macros don't work because they're missing some les, but the
>informa[on's quite good).

The les should be there (they are either HP sheets or blank templates), they
just have DOS names - not the longer macintosh names).

>Having looked at the faerie informa[on Dave kindly released to us, I think
>we should start lling in some of the blanks he and GG lep. There's lots
>of good informa[on there, but there's a lot more empty forms. Anyone
>interested in helping split up what's there and lling it in?

Just for clarica[on, the material I released was mine, as it was work in
progress. I specically avoided releasing anything from Gary, as it belongs to
TSR at this point... :(

>What I'm looking at doing is replacing the pages in the MS word doc one by
>one.. monster by monster... I've got room on my web page to put all the
>les, even in HTML format....

I'm glad there's been a posi[ve response to this stu; I dreaded releasing
such sketchy material to the public. I'm sure y'all can do something good with

Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 11:30:32 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Voca[ons and stu

At 04:32 PM 11/25/95 PST, Dave Newton wrote:
>The les should be there (they are either HP sheets or blank templates), they
>just have DOS names - not the longer macintosh names).

I suspected as much, but without being able to tell which lenames got
truncated to what I can't put em back (I'm using win95, so I can put em
back). No maher.. there's some good stu in there even without the
macros I couldn't make work.

>>Having looked at the faerie informa[on Dave kindly released to us, I think

>Just for clarica[on, the material I released was mine, as it was work in
>progress. I specically avoided releasing anything from Gary, as it belongs to
>TSR at this point... :(

Aha. An important point, I suspect. I shan't make that mistake again.

>I'm glad there's been a posi[ve response to this stu; I dreaded releasing

>such sketchy material to the public. I'm sure y'all can do something good
with it.

well, I'm certainly willing to try. This is s[ll the best RPG I've played...

Take care,
Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 14:47:33 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Voca[ons and stu

>I suspected as much, but without being able to tell which lenames got
>truncated to what I can't put em back (I'm using win95, so I can put em
>back). No maher.. there's some good stu in there even without the
>macros I couldn't make work.

If you look in the rst couple of cells in column A (probably A5, 6 or 7),
you'll see the reference to the le name.With a lihle checking, you can nd
the spreadsheet that it's trying to open (XLS les are spreadsheets, XLM les
are macros). In almost every case, the le is a character sheet or a monster
template sheet.

Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 00:40:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Avoidance

The correct base Avoidance is the sum of the Speed ATTRIBUTES. Although this
was calculated incorrectly in :Necropolis," it was rec[ed in the Mythus
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 22:53:23 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: CyberMyth

Hi, I just got a phone call from Chris Beadles, he did the conversion of
CyberMyth. Anyway, he has SCRAPPED the net running system and is designing
a new one from scratch.

The new system will have beher rules for dataforts and the VR envirionment.
I don't know how he intends to do this really, he just told me to ask any
of you cybergenre gamers for input. Basically he wants a brainstorming
session. :) (I told him it was snowing in my head.)

I also am conver[ng the whole of cybermyth to ascii text and I will make it
availlable ASAP.

Well I goha go to sleep so I can get up and go to work in the morning. :)
Mike Paulus

I shall come and the seas shall part.
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 01:39:02 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth
In-Reply-To: <>


What do you want to know (input for Netrunning, that is...). I love
Cyberpunk--does anyone remember the original black box with the really
cheap produc[on value? :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 02:33:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Avoidance

thank you.....
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 23:31:35 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <Sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Manuals and stu...

This message is primarly aimed at Dave Newton, but really concerns everybody.

I down loaded the Phaeree les that you recently uploaded to public domain. Aper
looking them over I came to the conclusion that the Phaeree manual was derived from the

Excel les PH1.XLS, PH2.XLS and PH3.XLS. These seem to have the root data for the
manual. Aper looking over the Phaeree maunal it self. I no[ced that the manual did not
contain many of the Goblin entries lled in (only the basics) that where located in the
"PH" les, which I prompty placed into my manual. However it seems that there is a
large chunk of crihers missing, as if maybe there is a PH4.XLS le missing. I don;t
suppose you might have this missing le?

Next Ques[on.

I don't suppose you have a copy of the crihers found in the Mythus Manual sill around.
I am in the process of copying all the crihers from this manual to the Phaeree manual.
Plus I am making two new sec[ons, one for Undead/Unliving/Unalive and the other for
Misc creatures for the list and other sources.

When i get this done I will post a copy (in word 6.0 format) for anybody who may want a

Thanks, Daniel Pickeh
------------------------------------Name: Daniel Pickeh
Date: 11/26/95
Time: 23:31:36
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 10:34:37 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Okay, here they come...

>I'm going to log into your site and start transferring now. Lotsa goodies...
Thanks Dave!


Work: Private:
Ridascreen-Biopharm BV Harold Stringer
Dept. Clinical Diagnos[cs Jimi Hendrixstraat 42 H.A.R. Stringer 1311 HZ Almere
Sta[onsplein 40 The Netherlands
1315 KT Almere Tel/Fax +31 - (0)36 53 64 798
The Netherlands
Tel +31 - (0)36 53 43 445
Fax +31 - (0)36 53 47 265


(C) 1995
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 08:48:08 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka World System
In-Reply-To: <> from "Ray A. Dion" at
Nov 22, 95 04:46:04 pm

Thus spake Ray A. Dion
> I think that mental magick works on a set of laws that exist as a
> result of long standing beliefe in the power of magick (like heaver-than-air
> ight is in ours). This is dierent from the spiritual magick above in
> that the spiritual is the beliefe in one's self or a higher power, not
> strick, unwavering laws (the understanding of which falling under the mental
> trait)

One of the reasons I sought this explana[on for magic is that I did not like
having more than one type of magic. I think that all magic is the same
fundamentally. The idea of two systems of physics in a world is as alien.
Can you imagine the acclera[on of gravity being dierent depending on who
you were? Rediculous.

For the most part all tradi[ons believe that the same sort of eects can
be accomplished, but they all dier in the means to achieve those ends.

I use the Spiritual trait to determine how much raw talent an HP has for
magic, the Mental trait is used to determine how well they have learned
their lessons when being taught to use magic. Mental inuences STEEP and
Spiritual inuences Heka.


-"You never know where the day will take you. You may nd yourself
halfway around the world in the shark-infested waters of true-tolife living. Or you may nd yourself going down to the store for
a lozenge. You can't know, can you? No! You goha ride that wave, you
goha suck that lozenge!" The Tick.
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 08:54:58 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Heka World System

In-Reply-To: <> from "Mahhew Berry"

at Nov 23, 95 10:48:14 am

Thus spake Mahhew Berry
> I have a couple comments on the heka world systems that have been discussed
> so far. The rst is that Dan Williamson's sounds similar to Tibetan
> Buddhism, where the very fabric of the world is determined by belief. The
> stronger your mind, the more say you have in the way the world is. People
> who have strong minds can y simply because they believe they can y, and
> their belief is stronger than other's disbelief. I can't personally
> recommend this, since I haven't read it, but one of my players said that the
> Tibetan Book of the Dead is very good for ideas about how magic works that
> are along these general lines. The copy I have is ISBN 0-19-500223-7.

I'll have to take a look at that, thanks. I've been meaning to read it for
a while, but never got around to it.

> One problem with using this kind of explana[on in a world where "scien[c
> magic" (magic is a law governed phenomena of the objec[ve world) also works
> is explaining what the world is like. If belief is sucient for magic,
> what happens when beleif goes up against scien[c magic? Which comes out
> on top? Are the laws of the more scien[c magic just another belief
> system? If so, the world comes out ne, but scien[c magic isn't really
> scien[c magic anymore. The "natural laws' that it uses aren't really laws
> at all, just another set of beliefs.

As I said in my reply to Ray, in my world there is only one Magic. It makes
things more consistent. I don't have a problem with making science a
version of magic belief. Some of the things possible with science border on
the miraculous anyway. :)


-"You never know where the day will take you. You may nd yourself
halfway around the world in the shark-infested waters of true-tolife living. Or you may nd yourself going down to the store for
a lozenge. You can't know, can you? No! You goha ride that wave, you
goha suck that lozenge!" The Tick.
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 13:49:36 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: triley <triley@FREENET.CALGARY.AB.CA>
Organiza[on: Calgary Free-Net
Subject: involvement

I have been reading the wires lately. What I want to know is how do I get
involved? Any help appreciated.

Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 19:29:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Heka World System
In-Reply-To: <>

> One of the reasons I sought this explana[on for magic is that I did not like
> having more than one type of magic. I think that all magic is the same
> fundamentally. The idea of two systems of physics in a world is as alien.
> Can you imagine the acclera[on of gravity being dierent depending on who
> you were? Rediculous.

Funny, I don't think my ideas are Rediculous (sic). Look at it this
way: I feel that the world was created by forces of nature some 4.5
billion years ago. Gravity, some dust, some heat, a couple nipy
chemical equa[ons and pow!

My friend's father, a reverend, would probably not think the same way.
Hmm...same world, two completely dierent views on how it was created.
Ridiculous? Hardly...

To put it another way. My buddy the biologist is going to look at life
in a completely dierent way than my pal the chemist. Are they
dierent? No...

My idea about magick is that Heka is Heka. Period. Humans (and other
sen[ent races) have dierent *methods* of manipula[ng the Heka.
Therefore, they get dierent results.

A realist or an impressionist ar[st. Which is beher?


> For the most part all tradi[ons believe that the same sort of eects can
> be accomplished, but they all dier in the means to achieve those ends.

But you just said dierent "physics" is ridiculous. You just made my
point. The ends will be slightly dierent depending on how you get
there. Try this on for size: run employee payroll numbers to get
employee taxes using ADP's service and ABRA-Pay sopware. You'll get
dierent numbers. Even though they are both right (according to the IRS).

Okay, now I'm done... :)



Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"

Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 19:08:55 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: FW: involvement

>I have been reading the wires lately. What I want to know is how do I get
>involved? Any help appreciated.
> Tim

What would you like to get involved with? Anything in par[cular?
Date: 11/27/95
Time: 19:08:55
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 21:21:13 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "W. Keith Work" <wkwork@AIRMAIL.NET>
Subject: Re: FW: involvement

>>I have been reading the wires lately. What I want to know is how do I get
>>involved? Any help appreciated.
>> Tim
>What would you like to get involved with? Anything in par[cular?

I had to smile at that one... :)
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 04:06:37 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Cause of Death <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Subject: Cri[cal Hit Tables ...
In-Reply-To: <> from "Jesse" at
Nov 27,
95 07:29:17 pm

Has anyone out there created some gruesome cri[cal hit table for Mythus?
I'd love to see one. >;)

- /\__^__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_^___/\__.

\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ The End Complete

/ _ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl est Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 19:12:28 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: FW: Re: Phaeree Manuals and stu...

A message from Dave...
---------------Original Message--------------Daniel,

>I down loaded the Phaeree les that you recently uploaded to public domain. Aper
>looking them over I came to the conclusion that the Phaeree manual was derived from the
>Excel les PH1.XLS, PH2.XLS and PH3.XLS. These seem to have the root data for the
>manual. Aper looking over the Phaeree maunal it self. I no[ced that the manual did
>contain many of the Goblin entries lled in (only the basics) that where located in
>"PH" les, which I prompty placed into my manual. However it seems that there is a
>large chunk of crihers missing, as if maybe there is a PH4.XLS le missing. I don;t
>suppose you might have this missing le?

That's because I didn't nish genera[ng the numbers. Things got really crazy in my
life at that point and since there was no immediate indica[on that the TSR suit would
end (and thus, no immediate contract was forthcoming), I stopped development.

The macro, BEASTIES.XLM, is what I used to put the crihers stats together, and each
[me I ran it, I backed up the prior sessions onto those PHn.XLS les. I've forgohen
which template the macro wrote to, but it should be listed at the top of the macro; I
did include plenty of comments in the macro as to what it is doing.

>Next Ques[on.
>I don't suppose you have a copy of the crihers found in the Mythus Manual sill around.
>I am in the process of copying all the crihers from this manual to the Phaeree manual.
>Plus I am making two new sec[ons, one for Undead/Unliving/Unalive and the other for
>Misc creatures for the list and other sources.

I do, but as that material is owned by TSR, I may not distribute it. Sorry. :(

>When i get this done I will post a copy (in word 6.0 format) for anybody who may want a

I'd love a copy when you are done.


It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.
-Oscar Wilde.
-------------------------------------------------Web page: hhp://

----------End of Original Message---------
Date: 11/27/95
Time: 19:12:28
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 13:55:51 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: FW: Re: Phaeree Manuals and stu...

In a message dated 95-11-28 13:49:31 EST, you write:

>I'd love a copy when you are done>

Count me in too,
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 18:23:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: FW: Re: Phaeree Manuals and stu...

If you are gonna start coun[ng people in on that please add me to the


Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 19:09:36 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Calvert <calvert@UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Re: FW: Re: Phaeree Manuals and stu...

At 07:12 PM 11/27/95 PST, you wrote:

>A message from Dave...

>---------------Original Message-------------->Daniel,
>>I down loaded the Phaeree les that you recently uploaded to public
domain. Aper

Where are these things that are being posted?? I haven't seen anything new
on cerebus for a while.

Pelias the Sorcerer

Mike Conard
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 19:09:39 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Calvert <calvert@UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Re: CyberMyth

At 01:39 AM 11/27/95 -0500, you wrote:

Is this addressing me??

Pelias the Sorcerer

Mike Conard

>What do you want to know (input for Netrunning, that is...). I love
>Cyberpunk--does anyone remember the original black box with the really
>cheap produc[on value? :)
>->Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 21:44:58 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: CyberMyth

Well, the main body of the new system is done I think. I have not seen it,
but I was told that the new netrunning system is quite similar to the one in

shaddowrun. (which I have also never seen)

I will post in in ascii text as soon as I get a copy, and then I hope some
of you can oer some ideas to improve on what Chris has done. :)

BTW Chris has no email and may not have net access from now on. So if you
have something to oer please email me and I will get it to him. :)
Mike Paulus

I shall come and the seas shall part.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 20:42:46 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Manuals and stu...

For all who would love a copy of the phaeree manual aper I have worked with it a bit,
PLEASE, give me a lihle [me, say a couple of weeks? Please also remimber that the manual
is INCOMPLETE. I have most of the monster names and entries but very lihle details on many
of the monsters. When I get to the point and [me I feel that the manual is formated
correctlly and all the ROUGH informa[on has been added then I will e-mail it out. When I
get to that point I will need LOTS of help comple[ng the manual and anybody that wishes to
help, just e-mail me. Also remimber that there is at least one person, I know of, s[ll
crea[ng crihers for this manual and that would be Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>. As
far I as I'm concerend Mike and Dave Newton has the nal say on what Ocal monster go
into this book. As far as unocal ones...well that is at the back of the book.

The only thing I would like to see is everybody on the Mythus-L giving a hand with this
manual and let get this thing done and out to everyone.

For anybody who cares the manual unchanged form Dave computer is at


Down loaded it if you can't wait

Later Everybody, Sparrowhawk (Daniel Pickeh)
Date: 11/28/95
Time: 20:42:46
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 02:55:27 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mahhew Pearson <mpearson@M3.PCIX.COM>

Greeings all Mythus-L people..

Your friendly neighborhood List Moderator here..

I am about to open up the new Mythus-L web site and FTP site.. but what I
need is the following..

I need people to anon-FTP the les over to the new
site... in /incoming/mythus

PLEASE if you have [me drag some les over there..

The Web site is coming along great as well.. I intend on pujng up a
search engine to search the mythus-l archives da[ng back to 1993 !!!
on a topical search.

Now that Dave has is releasing again the old pharee stu... we can
distribute is on the new site.. I have had the pleasure in the past of
working with the Phaeree material and it is quite good.. infact the
en[re Faerie sec[on my crew completed stats for about a year ago :)
and I will post them up as well..

The Mythus FTP archives will be permanantly housed at:

Watch for the WWW site coming soon at (to TSR: .org are
non prot orgs, in this case gaming enthusiasts, so BITE ME)

Mahhew Pearson
MYTHUS-L Moderator
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 10:17:42 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Manuals and stu...
In-Reply-To: <Chameleon.951128210106.Sprrwhwk@DAN>

On Tue, 28 Nov 1995, < Daniel Pickeh> wrote:

> Also remimber that there is at least one person, I know of, s[ll
> crea[ng crihers for this manual and that would be Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>. As
> far I as I'm concerend Mike and Dave Newton has the nal say on what Ocal monster go
> into this book.


For those who are curious, the next Phaeree Tales will probably come out

Monday, barring major disaster. The Gwyllion, Lannanshee, and

Lunan[shee are on the list, with a few Sea-based Hobgoblins some[me in
early January.

> For anybody who cares the manual unchanged form Dave computer is at
> hhp://

With conversions coming as soon as I can get the les converted :-)

Mike Phillips,
Mythus: hhp://
Home page: hhp://
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 09:32:55 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
In-Reply-To: <>

Go Mah Go! :) (Where've you been anyway?) :)

I was going through the old MMM's last night (looking for rules to
change, imagine that), and I saw an old group of Mythus-L messages about
an HP that someone had posted, people commen[ng on it, etc. It occurred
to me that this would be a fun thing to do.

So, I gure when I get a few minutes, I'll post something interes[ng
that I've created recently (who knows what at this point), and see what
everyone else thinks...

btw, has anyone done up some rules regarding sunburn? I'm sending the
gang to the desert.... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 19:57:03 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Balanced Opposi[on

I am looking for advice. I am going to be star[ng a mythus campaign
for the rst [me. I love the system but I'm not real condent in my
ability to challenge the players without killing them o. How can o\you
gauge the power of opponents in the mythus system? Most importantly, for

star[ng personas? I'm an old, old hand at AD&D, but mythus doesn't provide
the easy pigeon holing of levels and hit dice. Any [ps would be most

Thank you,

Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 19:13:25 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Doyce Testerman <bear@NEXUS.INTEREALM.COM>
Subject: Re: Balanced Opposi[on
In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 29 Nov 1995, Jason Furedy wrote:

> I am looking for advice. I am going to be star[ng a mythus campaign
> for the rst [me. I love the system but I'm not real condent in my
> ability to challenge the players without killing them o. How can o\you
> gauge the power of opponents in the mythus system? Most importantly, for
> star[ng personas? I'm an old, old hand at AD&D, but mythus doesn't provide
> the easy pigeon holing of levels and hit dice. Any [ps would be most
> appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Jason

whew, toughie... I can only tell you what I do.

1> start simple--work within a limited scope at rst: an island, a city,
something of that nature--a framework not as likely to run away from you.

2> challenge gradually-- bring in challenges to the PC's a lihle at a
[me, star[ng smallish... what you would guess is below their average
ability to handle, then work you're way up to tasks and challenges that
really take it to em... this has the added bonus of giving your
Players a good idea of how they rate.

3> bring in combat a bit at a [me--this is Important: if you favor
smaller, more numerous Opponents, like Orcs, goblins, or my old favorite,
Humans, start out with only a few in a small skirmish... maybe a very
small numerical advantage for the bad guys .. but lower stats...
gradually work yourself up to the challenge and tac[cal strain of
mul[ple adversaries in a complicated arrangement or surrounding... if
you like one big bad guy... like Ogres, dragons, or my old favorite,
Humans. :) .. again, start small: young or old versions of the creatures...
or alternately, an advantage on the side of the players: a secret
weapon... favorable condi[ons... or maybe just a handy escape route for

when their buhs start to get kicked. :)

A few other things to keep in mind: it's very easy to go from 'I feel
ne' to 'mother, where's my mother?' in the course of perhaps one
round... be wary of nearly killing someone by accident... however, 'nearly'
killing someone might give them some cau[on later... provided it looks
like you KNEW that was going to happen, not that you were surprised too.

Someone said that star[ng Mythus character are about the same as 9th
level adnd characters and that seems about right... use this as a scale
if it helps... Jesse uses a scale that starts out players much closer to
1st level Dnd guys... my starters probably come in around 5th or so... I
never bothered to gure it out.

Dunno? did any of this help?


Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 18:18:42 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Calvert <calvert@UCLA.EDU>

At 09:32 AM 11/29/95 -0500, you wrote:
>I was going through the old MMM's last night (looking for rules to
Where are these things?? I subscribed when it originally was being
formed, but I never recieved even one copy. Obviously, that issue is long
dead, but I would like to see the material.


Mike Conard
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 23:42:00 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <Sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: Phaeree Manual Update

Just an update...

I have all the Phaeree crihers that I know of entered and formahed in the manual. I
have also created the two new sec[ons, Undead/Unalive/Unliving and The Unocal Pages.
The UUU sec[on currently contains about 22 dead with about 10-12 to be added. The
Unocal Pages currently have 15 crihers.

If anybody has any monsters or crihers that you would like to add, send me <my address,

not the list> the criher in standard Bes[ary format and I'll put them [me
------------------------------------Name: Daniel Pickeh
Date: 11/29/95
Time: 23:42:00
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 15:52:08 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Okay, here they come...

>I'm going to log into your site and start transferring now. Lotsa goodies...
Thanks Dave!

Sorry for the late reply, but this mail got damaged underway, so I'm
resending it. Just want to show appecia[on for your work.

Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 21:30:34 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Desert Advice

In a message dated 95-11-29 09:50:18 EST, you write:

>btw, has anyone done up some rules regarding sunburn? I'm sending the
>gang to the desert.... :)

No rules, as of yet...just some prac[cal experience.
I was shipped to Sauidi Arabia in the October of 1990, and came home April
1991, so I know a lihle about desert survival.
I am fair skinned (s[ll trying to get rid of that farmer tan), blue get the point.
The sunburn wasn't really a danger to could always roll down your
sleeves and cover your head...with a Kevlar helmet.
The danger was dehydra[ some point....nearly everyone in my company
got dehydrated. As the months progressed, the need for massive intakes of
water deminished, and we grew accustomed to it.
My thought is for you to have some sort of dehydra[on rules (and

sunburn), un[l sucent [me elapses for the HPs to adjust (a couple of
And then there's equipment........when we hit the dirt late October we
were on duty from Day 1 (Military Police.......82nd Airborne Division). We
were tasked with the maintaining of security for all US personel. The main
threat at that point was believed to be Terrorists. So we had our body
armor, helmets and full combat load from the moment we touched Saudi Soil.
And you'd ought to think seriously about encumbered HPs...
They'll dehydrate faster than those who aren't encumbered. Even restricive
clothing will be detrimental as HPs sweat to death under their heavy armor...
Anyway.....enough of my ramblings........Hoped it helped...for what it's

Chris Stainton
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 16:08:51 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Eric Medalis <astolfo@INTERACCESS.COM>
Subject: Mythus being slammed

Yep, its happening again, this [me on There's a huge
thread about how Mythus sucks, how the graphics and layout of the manuals
are no good("Circa 1982") etc... There's really no point in trying to
defend the game to people who s[ll play dnd - just kidding - but it does
raise a ques[on in my mind. Why do we love this system? I'd love to get
your opinions on what you like and dislike about Mythus.
Myself, it's the exability and realism. Granted there's a large
investment to be made in learning the system, but once you do, you can do
anything with it - the rules are inhernt in the stats.
Further, Aerth is absolutly the greatest sejng ever produced for a game.
The concept of Phariee resolves just about every contradic[on inherant in
most milleaux, i.e why the hell havent the other races taken over the
world? And the work done on subterranean Aerth was brilliant - the ecology
and racial composi[ons and balances. As a fan of Pellucidar, I love
Interior Aerth.
But best of all, there is no need to purchase supplements to detail the
world - no need to spend $20 every couple of months to make sure you have
the "ocial" version. Want to detail your world? Just head to the
library. It's all there for free, and you might learn something.
Ok, I'm just doing this cause the thread pissed me o and aper several
other experiences with the readers of that newsgroup I know it's pointless
to try to post a response. But I'd love to get a lihle ammo from fellow
Aerthlings. So tell me what you love about Mythus.
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 17:41:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed

In-Reply-To: <v01510102ace5280bf326@[]>

On Fri, 1 Dec 1995, Eric Medalis wrote:

> Yep, its happening again, this [me on There's a huge
> thread about how Mythus sucks, how the graphics and layout of the manuals
> are no good("Circa 1982") etc... There's really no point in trying to
> defend the game to people who s[ll play dnd - just kidding - but it does
> raise a ques[on in my mind. Why do we love this system? I'd love to get
> your opinions on what you like and dislike about Mythus.


(1) The milieu (but you said that already). I *love* the way its divided
up. I mean, at the start I didn't like it a lot, and then I started
thinking about it. If fecund, destruc[ve Man lived next to near-barren
and long-lived Elf, Man would triumph, and how. We'll skip the dwarves
and the rest :-) Having Phaeree separate (and a realm in which Man is
*not* very 'at home' at all) resolves that basic problem and allows one
to get away from the 'All races but Man are in decline' mind-set.

It works, if you take the [me to look at it.

(2) The fundamental system is logical, exible, extensible, and
consistent. That's no mean feat! It is as deep or as shallow as you
want it to be, but above all, THE DETAIL IS ALREADY THERE. You can
overlook what you want, but you don't have to invent all sorts of stu
to get things to work Just Right. (I am reminded of the ten-page
document we used to have in my AD&D group which outlined the house rules
we played under -- haven't had but one house rule in Mythus (a learning
curve), and I'm probably going to ditch that).

(3) The fundamental skill checks are logical and linear, with an
easy-to-understand diculty system. No 3D6 bell curves, no dice pools,
no "use a d47, but you want under your THARK0 this [me, even though you
wanted over it last [me". I have been summing this par[cular
infatua[on up as: "I can explain it to my mother in law. All of it.
She who gazed on incomprehensibly as we ahempted to teach her Magic: the
Gathering, she who could not grasp Basic D&D at all, understands Mythus
Prime." Yes. The numbers *mean* something. You look at the STEEP
score, and that's your percentage chance to accomplish such a task at a
moderately hard level of diculty (say, swinging a sword while (a)
weighed down by armor, (b) having ridden all day, and (c) a ringing
headache), and if things make it more dicult, it's "Twice as hard".

That sort of easy, intui[ve, comprehensible scaling is a lot more
dicult to achieve than it sounds.

(4) The avor and level of detail in Mythus is enthralling. Just
enthralling. For the most part, nothing stands out as 'being wrong'

(well, okay, except for Psychogenics IMHO -- I don't touch the things),
but the rules have 'avor' and 'background' to them. JOURNEYS#1 had an
interes[ng ar[cle by Steve Jackson, called '3 Ways to Skin a Cat', in
which he talked about 'generic' games (a la Hot Lead and GURPS), which
are incredibly exible and boundless, but lose some avor, 'mixed'
games (a la Torg) in which everything is thrown together, and 'modular'
games (a la Champions and DJ [was supposed to be]) in which each genre
kept its avor and uniqueness while having links/conversions into
related genres. Yeah, it doesn't mix as well as, oh, GURPS Vampire and
GURPS Cyberpunk, but hey, the rules are beher avored (completely IMHO)
than GURPS Fantasy + GURPS Magic + GURPS Grimoire + GURPS Fantasy Folk.

(5) It oats my boat. I like it. It func[ons the way *I* think a game
should func[on. It has been developed mostly along the same lines I
usually think along. It meshes with my personality and my hopes, and it
is really a very very nice system. A lihle cantankerous, and you need
to cozy up with it and get comfortable, but, boy, is it worth the eort!

It is imposing, but rewarding.

The redoubtable Mr. Gygax summed this up *very* well himself:

"...There are supercial resemblances, of course,
because it is roleplaying, aper all. In order to achieve
the game form there have to be certain forms that establish
it as that sort of game. Yet beyond those the system begins
to diverge, open radically, from other RPGs...It
could be that certain cri[cisms of the system, and the
reluctance of some gamers to try it, stem from the clear
dieren[a[on between it and the rest of the pack. Those
imposing books are daun[ng to the dilehantes and casual
par[cipants who believe that shallow milieux with minimal
rules enable easy play and empower those employing such
devices. Wrong.
What these sorts of games do is limit the scope of play
to the par[cular genre and milieu and force conformity
through lack of choice..."
[Mythic Masters Magazine, v1 n1, "GAME SPEAK" by E. Gary Gygax]

(6) It's all published <sigh> I would happily have picked up all further
Mythus supplements, and I was par[cularly keen to see the
Pantheleons/Panthearies/Pantheon books, and the Phaeree Bes[ary. I
*REALLY* looked forward to the publica[on of Unhallowed. I was wai[ng
for more hints about Changeling, since the sejng had already set me
drooling..... However, even then, it could easily be played with one
book. Mythus. That was all that was necessary. (Okay, so GURPS does
just ne with the basic book, I won't argue that :-) )

But you just wouldn't/couldn't sehle in with a group in which you
couldn't play unless you had the Compleat Lep-Handed Mys[cs with

Bleached Blond Hair SourceBook, and all related Draggin' Magazine

ar[cles, and a ream of House Rules to make it work.

I suppose there are other reasons, too, but it is hard to quan[fy any
more than I already have.

Those who derogate Mythus have not had the pleasant opportunity of
discovering just what is there, just how deep it runs, just how much is
s[ll wai[ng. I'm s[ll nding new, fascina[ng and interes[ng
insights to the structure and world every [me I pick up one of the

Maybe my whole reason boils down to one simple word:


Yeah, that sums it up well :-)

Thanks for everything, Messrs. Gygax and Newton (and McCauley
(unhallowed), Menztner (MMM), Kellogg (product editor later on), and
everyone else who ever did anything for it).

Mike Phillips,
Mythus: hhp://
Home page: hhp://
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 14:31:59 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: Phaeree Manual Update

Hello All,

This here is a Phaeree manual update. We currently have the following stats on the

Sec[on Total entries Complete Stats only % Done
Faerie 87 12 75 28%
Hobgoblin 100 10 9 10%
Goblin 141 9 24 6%
Undead/Unalive/Unliving 24 16 1 66%
Unocal Monsters 17 17 0 100% *
----- ----- ----- ------ 369 64 109 17%

* This sec[on will never be done...just always updated.

As you can see from the numbers above, there is quite alot of work yet to be done. The only
thing I have yet to do to the manual is to add the crihers that Mike is adding on monday
and the crihers that Mah Pearson and his group have completed. Once these have beed added
you all can have this thing.

If anyone has any Monsters/Crihers that they would like me to add to this thing, E-Mail me
the stats and I'll see what I can do, given [me.

I also have a ques[on for Dave; What did you use for the source of the crihers? It would
be helpful for genera[ng stats, sizes and powers for the undocumented monsters.

Later all, Daniel
Date: 12/01/95
Time: 12:49:39
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 16:46:06 CST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Cushing <A551@FHSUVM.FHSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus bashing

Hi all.
Just to chip in my two cents worth.... why do I love Mythus??? Hmmm.... I
think it all boils down to exibility of the system. You can make ANY
character your heart desires - over [me. There are no restric[ons about
magi not using swords, clerics no edged weapons, etc, etc. If someone
complains about it being dicult to learn, think back to when you rst
started AD&D. For me anyway, and most people I know, it was complicated AT
FIRST... but the more you play, the more familiar it is. And before you
bash AD&D for 'requiring' many supplements, think how many you really need
for a good campaign. A group I was in ran many high quality campaigns with
just the basics - DMG, Players Handbook, and some monster info... the rest
was more for the benet of T$R than for players with good imagina[on.
As good as AD&D was, Mythus is much beher - its like comparing kindergarten
with college, as far as the development of basic concepts is concerned.
My most favorite thing about Mythus is the exibility of character crea[on,
but the mo[va[on is changed as well... In D&D, unless you had a strange DM,
everyone was broke, and you went for the gold - not so with Mythus; the
mo[va[on is less gold based, and can be tuned by the GM to more realis[c
I s[ll like AD&D (1st edi[on) and will keep those books (especially
since my DMG is signed by Gary); but I would rather play Mythus.

Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 18:28:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed

I love the versa[lity of a skill based system as opposed to a class based
system. "I am a Fighter so I get these skills" has become boring (even
though I s[ll play the "other" game from [me to [me) and I have come to
like dening my characters by what they know and can do. I make my
characters and then look at their skills and say "If I was playin AD&D this
would be a Fighter/Mage/Thief/Ranger/Priest" or something similar depending
on the concept I am currently playing with. I also like the expanded
sta[s[cs instead of the same old "str,int,wis, dex,con,cha" there is more
to it than those numbers and Mythus handles it perfectly. Then there is the
magic system...

I don't play one game exclusively. I have played just about every game out
there and some that aren't. I have been gaming for 16+ years. thats just a
lihle back ground to give weight to my opinions...

by the way if anyone has converted the material that Mr. Newton provided so
that I can read it with microsop word ver 2.0a and/or quahro pro ver 5.0
please send it to me at


Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 22:27:52 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: ARIA?

I've heard this game discussed on the list and was curious as to what it
is. I't's an RPG I assume, but when I asked about it at my local game store,
they hadn't heard of it. I'd really appreciate it if someone could explain
the premise, as well as who makes it, when it came out etc.


Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 02:41:05 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Desert Advice
In-Reply-To: <>


Thanks for the interes[ng thoughts on dehydra[ng. I honestly hadn't
even thought about that... :) I doubt any players will have either...

I will let you all know when I come up with something...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 02:50:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed
In-Reply-To: <v01510102ace5280bf326@[]>

Why I love Mythus (or..."what I did on my summer vaca[on"... :)

Because it's rare. Because it's dierent. All the stu you said in
the rst place (but I'm trying to add something more). Because people
who hate it can't see past trees to see the forest (or whatever).
Because people who can play no FRPG but ADND are the same sort of people
who would ban rock-n-roll, hate homoexuals, and are probably socially
pathe[c lihle termites.

Why do you bother to read rec.frp.???.adnd? There is no point. Thanks
for pissing me o...I was having a nice night... :)

Perhaps we should send the names of all 180+ people who like Mythus
enough to hang out on this list to that f***ing D&D list and say "F you
you worms--these are the people who really understand gaming."

I wonder, did the asses on D&D all go out an buy all the spiy shihy
new books? Edi[on 2.5? :)

Sorry, I'll quit now...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 03:00:54 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: My response to Mythus bashing redone

Allow me to revise my previous rant:

The people who like AD&D and hate Mythus are the same sorts of people who
think Microsop is the Great-and-Powerful Sopware King who would *never*
give us a product that wasn't perfect.

These people are also the same who like the power of Windows over OS/2.
(aesthe[cs aside, get a life Win95. No style... :)) Or Linux.

These people probably believe everything they read in the paper or hear
on the news...

These people are the same who think Marvel comics are the best and don't
read anything else, except maybe a lihle DC now and then (not that I
really know much about comics--friends tell me this...).

Know what I mean? It's the dierence between independence and running
with the crowd...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 13:34:15 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed

>On Fri, 1 Dec 1995, Eric Medalis wrote:
>> raise a ques[on in my mind. Why do we love this system? I'd love to get
>> your opinions on what you like and dislike about Mythus.

Mike Phillips, William A Helm, and Mike Cushing all responded to summ up the
advantages of Mythus very well.

What can be added?
Except the following response: shou[ng "Hear, Hear", whilst thumping loudly
on the keyboard :)

Does anyone feel the need to correspond these thoughts to the uneducated
people on the

Harold Stringer
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 10:21:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Slam Dance on Mythus

Just a thought.....maybe we could get all the "what I like about Mythus,
waht I don't like About Mythus" mailings onto one big have as
propaganda for all the "other game" fans who con[nually salm a system too
complex for them to handle...........

Just a thought.........

good gaming,
Chris Stainton
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 11:41:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: D.I. #6 coming soon to a... inbox near you! :)

Okay, so I nally got o my ass and started to put it together. I just
have to add a couple more things and o we go...

I am going to send out this issue over Mythus-L in general. If someone,
for some reason, doesn't want it, look for the subject header "***D.I. #6
is Here!***" or something like that...and delete it... :)

I'm just doing this for now because it's easier than trying to keep track
of all the people who emailed recently. I hope you all don't mind too
much. Maybe in the future I can get an actual mailing list set up to do
it...but un[l then, this is what we get. :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 18:34:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Joel F. Yoder" <JayWiye@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: What I like

There are quite a few things I DON'T like about Mythus, but conversely, quite
a few things that I do. One is the magic system, which has been discussed
quite a bit recently I see. I haven't had [me to read all of the posts, but
I'd like to throw my two cents in anyway!

The thing that struck me immediately about Mythus was the fact that magic
users could have a number of dierent skills, with their ahendant spell
lists. This diers quite a bit from other games on the market where you are
either one type of wizard or another (like RoleMaster, Palladium) or where
there is only one type of wizard you can be (DnD). Even those games that
have magic "skills" tend to break them down into control over certain types
of spells, rather than the categories that Mythus uses.

This is how I see the magic skills in Mythus. They dene a "type" of magic
used, as well as a group of eects. Thus the dierence between
Dweomercraep and Witchcraep, or Priestcraep and Mys[cism, is more that
just a type of eect. In fact, eects in many of these groups tend to
overlap. But the avor is decidedly dierent, and I would argue that the
world-view of magic expressed in these dierent skills is dierent as well.

This has some bearing on the discussion of magic as one system or many that
has been going on lately. To me, the very strength of Mythus lies in its
recogni[on of dierent "systems" of magic that dierent types of
prac[[oners use. In fact, I'm in favor of going even farther in this
direc[on and making the skills even more diverse in the way that they are
used and thought about by prac[[oners.

To end up, I would like to point out to those who react strongly to cri[cism
of Mythus that a lot of the cri[cism is well founded and is probably why the
game never had commercial success. As far as the layout goes, that's only a
valid argument against a game system for supercial people, but there were a
lot of errors, confusing rules, and awkward sentences--and there are problems
that run deeper, too, although these are open a maher of personal taste
(dislike for the ahribute system, for instance, in my case). S[ll, this is
a good game and users of other systems could learn a lot by looking more
closely at it before they badmouth it.

Joel (
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 19:22:36 CST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Cushing <A551@FHSUVM.FHSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Desert issues and Mythus bashing

Jesse - another thing about the desert to keep in mind... (not from
personal experience & I could be wrong). I know that caene in high heat
bad, because it irritates the bladder & makes on go more - leading to
faster loss of uids. However, I am not sure what eect alcohol (all
those lled wineskins) would do....

Also, about all those who cri[cize Mythus for being raw and unnished..
I wonder what the ini[al version of D&D was like, aper its crea[on
from Chainmail rules (??)... probably not the nished product touted
about today....

Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 00:11:19 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: What I like
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sat, 2 Dec 1995, Joel F. Yoder wrote:

> To end up, I would like to point out to those who react strongly to cri[cism
> of Mythus that a lot of the cri[cism is well founded and is probably why the
> game never had commercial success. As far as the layout goes, that's only a
> valid argument against a game system for supercial people, but there were a
> lot of errors, confusing rules, and awkward sentences--and there are problems
> that run deeper, too, although these are open a maher of personal taste
> (dislike for the ahribute system, for instance, in my case).

A cau[on worthy of repea[ng (being a moderately large oender
myself). I will admit that *for me specically*, the Mythus wordings
don't generally bother me, and I'm reasonably fond of and apprecia[ve of
the prose style. The layout sucked, but that wasn't Messrs. Gygax' and
Newton's fault. Not easily referenced. It has been a problem during games.

However, much cri[cism *is* unfounded, open the repe[[on of other
people's misapprehensions (i.e. maligning on hearsay), and that *is*
worth countering.

So, everyone, take the above quoted words to heart :-)

> S[ll, this is
> a good game and users of other systems could learn a lot by looking more
> closely at it before they badmouth it.

I'd like to add that the converse is true. I have spent a lot of [me
looking here, there, and everywhere for The One True System (TOTS, now
*there's* a catchy name -- appeals to the kid in me :-) ). I have tried
and discarded a fair number, but each has had one or two ideas (at least)
worth pursuing.

GURPS ranks a close second to Mythus, and if Mythus hadn't been there, I
would have sehled on it (I suspect). The whole point-balanced character
crea[on works, and it's reasonably detailed. I just don't like the
underlying, 3D6-ness of the system. On the other hand, it's great source
material, and I read the books a lot. Not to men[on that I may give
some of the ideas a whirl some day (under Mythus, naturally ;-) ), such
as the sugges[on in GURPS Cyberpunk to run a Mages & Cyberpunk game -but not like Shadowrun. Try using Guilds instead of Corps, use magic
items instead of cyberware, etc.

Anyways, I admire the GURPS approach to designing a character, and I wish
that (for instance) Quirks/Counterquirks were as well integrated.

Hey, anyone done some point-based persona design rules?

It's late, I'm babbling. Cya later,

Mike Phillips,
Mythus: hhp://
Home page: hhp://
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 00:13:08 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed

In a message dated 95-12-02 07:40:47 EST, you write:

>Does anyone feel the need to correspond these thoughts to the uneducated
>people on the


Make a huge le composed of all the "why i like..." lehers,
and have all 180 members of Mythus-L upload it periodically to the AD&D
But would we be stooping to their level?
Would we gain more players?
Which is worse?
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 00:54:40 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: John Teske Jr <TeskeJ@AOL.COM>
Subject: more items

Hello again. Sorry about the long hiatus but I have been busy doing alot of
other stu...working on advancing my campaign.....working at work...s[ll
unpacking from my July move.....

In any case over this weekend, the last few items should make it to the list.
I have three in this message and three in my next pos[ng, and Steve
Gullerud should be pos[ng the last of the items (a large post, to be sure) I
snailmailed him this week. Just to bring everyone up to speed....This
project of item rumors was started a year ago in eort to detail all of the
Magical Devices listed under the na[ons described in Epic of Aerth. The
project is now in its nal stages.
Steve hopefully will men[on where it can be found, in alphabe[cal order by

country, on the net.


Pinioned Spear - Wether this item is unique or in fact several items, it is
undoubtedly capable of inic[ng grievous wounds. Apparently on a
successful hit, the spearhead _mul[plies_, causing the equivalent of 4 hits,
each equal to the original hit in total damage inicted. Rumors also exist
that no non-heka-enchanted armor can withstand its blows. Addi[onally, each
such spear is enchanted with several heka-forging cas[ngs;some say that a
legion of the Roumanian army is oukihed with these items, and thus, in
large numbers, is also granted protec[on from Spiritual ahacks, as well as
Mental Armor, noted objec[vely as a boost to morale.


Ymir's Helm - In a country famous for its long and biher winters, this item,
conveying powers over the winter elements, is invaluable for combat
commencing in the coldest season. Powers of ice-shaping, winter sports,
winter travel, heat protec[on/protec[on from exposure, vision in
darkness/blizzard condi[ons, and the capacity of summoning weather-capable
Phaeree creatures are just a few of the powers that children's stories
ahribute to the item. Alfar regard this item as all-powerful and greatly
revere any wearer/bearer of it; some say that their god created it, even
though its possession later fell to Ymir. No one knows for sure, nor how it
precisely fell into human hands, and no Alfar have ever commented on the


Sunsource Scroll of Sinanju - This scroll gives the na[on of Sinanju
singular control as a grade XXIX cas[ng over the intensity of light and heat
of the sun. Either of these two con be varied independently, thus it can be
a cold bright day or a dark hot one, and anything in between.

More to come later,
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 22:34:04 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Gorman <pendrake@IX.NETCOM.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed

You hit the nail on the head - the sejng is what hooked me. Truth
be told, I love the character crea[on and dislike the combat rules.
I love/hate the Magick system because of the level of detail. But

the sejng is great!! I'd say more but you said it well enough in
your post.
Lsstly, cri[cal AD&Ders??? Mythus wasn't wrihen at 6th grade
level - nu said.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
"Love is the Law, Love under Will"
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 01:43:38 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed

I know all about this. You might have no[ced that I occasionally s[ck up
for Mythus when I get riled enough to spend a few minutes on line doing it.
I don't feel I should have to jus[fy myself to these people. Anyone who
sits around and slams DJ and Gygax, but s[ll plays AD&D is a bit on the
hypocri[cal side. No, he wasn't involved in the 2nd ed., but everything in
it is a minor rehash of EGG's stu.
As for what I like about Mythus, I like the fact that it has all of my
favorite rules from various systems all wrapped into one. Now if it only had
a free form spell system, it would be _perfect_!

The Uni-Lurker
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 22:46:13 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Also item rumors

Well, I see John just stole most of what I was going to include in
this email message. :)

Anyway, I've just received the last batch of items and, other than
the odd missing entry here and there, rumors now exist for all the items
men[oned in Epic of Aerth. Over the next couple of days, I'll be
sending this batch to the list (as I convert them to ASCII les).
Then, I'll work on pujng something together for the Mythus pp site.

For those of you who are wai[ng for copies of this in various forms,
I haven't forgohen about you. I'll be fullling my promises to send
you rumor data les as soon as I can, aper sending the latest entries
to the list. However, an email reminder of my commihments would be
appreciated. ;)

Anyone who would like to look at previously submihed item rumors should
check out Roshi's web page. I don't have the address on hand, but I
believe most other Mythus-related web pages have a pointer to it.

The following batch of item rumors were submihed by AJ Schmidt.

Date: Sat, 2 Dec 1995 22:48:57 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Item rumors


Seven Major Ecclesias[cal Items
Much secrecy shrouds the existence of these powerful Druidic
items. The witches of the Isles have sought the powers of these items
to overturn the balance of nature and witchcraep.
The most renown item is the Sta of Ow. This Sta keeps the
balance of nature on the Isles. Without it, weather would be
controlled by the forces of nature. The Sta keeps all deceased
within the realm of the dead and all weather controlled. The Druids
believe that the winds have [es with those whom have passed on
before. The sta keeps disturbances associated with this in check.
The other items are of major consequence, but hidden from even
the most powerful divina[ons; even their names are not spoken to
ensure their safety from cults of evil. Perhaps when the sects of
evil are less powerful, such items may be more visibly helpful, but
even this is not likely given the secrecy of the druids.


Black Star Seal
This is a wax press made of iron, made in the mold of a
seven-pointed star. The press does not appear to be anything special,
but is made of very ne materials in an expert manner.
When used to seal a leher with a special black wax, it teleports
the message directly to the intended person. This also works across
parallel planes, Phaeree, or alternate dimensions. Most commonly this
is used for war[me communica[on to generals and admirals of

Censor of Inuences
This item was recently taken from Ch'in before the last treaty
was signed. It is made of brass and shows slight wear in the form of
dents. When used with burning coals and a precise formula of herbs

and greenery, the Censor becomes a potent means to inuence, command,

and hypno[ze people.
The Censor automa[cally gains a special success during any use
of inuence, hypno[sm, or magne[sm. There is no limit to the
number of vic[ms, but in Ch'in it has been known to spiritually cure
thousands. Aper the precise formula is burned, all one needs do is
breathe a small part of the fumes emihed. However, great cau[on
must be used. When the Manchurian wisemen rst used it, it killed at
least a dozen people -- including the wisemen.


Adaman[ne Citadel
This grand tower stands ve rods high and has a diameter of six
rods at the base tapering to three rods at the top. The tower appears
to be completely made of a rare black metal, smithied about 300 A.F.
The Citadel is a Heka reservoir similar to a pyramid and is
impregnable from the outside. It is completely immune to magic,
weapons, natural disasters, and the like. For the last two centuries
it has been occupied by the Scarlet Mage and his appren[ces. The
type of dweomercraep and magic studied and researched is very
secre[ve, and only one appren[ce is accepted there each decade.


Baraka Robes
This full length robe looks to be dull gray wool when not worn.
It possesses a hood, a midstrap, two exterior pockets, and twelve
interior pockets. The robe is an instrument of espionage and
smuggling. It eec[vely grants a 51 STEEP to those who do not have
the Espionage skill, and adds 50 to those K/S Areas otherwise. The
robes can also confers disguise and impersona[on at 51 STEEP. The
pockets each hold up to a cubic meter of material without hindrance.
Baraka was an overlord of the criminal underground who, in his
late years, transformed into a philanthropist and vigilante. He
wished to undo the hate and misfortune he had spread in his life[me,
thus spending his last two decades robbing and smuggling from crime
organiza[ons and giving to the poor. The robes were his most prized
possession and it is said he passed them on to others who would
con[nue his work vindica[ng the crimes Baraka did in his early life.

Spider Galley
This ship appears to have unusual decora[ve carvings resembling
arachnids of some type. The sails seem to be made of black webbing
and the ship as a whole looks like a large elongated spider.
The uniqueness of this vessel is that it is capable of speeds up
to sixty miles per hour. When the sails catch a full breeze, the
whole ship is liped above the water and it appears to skate upon the

top of the waves with its eight legs. The bow has a mechanism which
allows the head and pincers of the spider to lower, making an
eec[ve ram when the ship is moving at top speeds. The legs not
only hydroplane, but also serve to ahack nearby ships and can be used
to portage the boat onto or across land. In some rare instances, they
can also be used to row the boat, but it is believed that the boat can
create wind of its own and usually does not need this last ability.

Undaun[ng Persuer
This crystal vial appears to be a nely craped perfume bohle
with a nasty curse. When the lid is removed, a force comes over the
individual which causes them to lose a point from both Spiritual and
Mental Traits every hour. The force is open accompanied by delusions
of being chased or hunted. There appears to be no cure for this
aic[on, and the bohle is unbreakable -- possibly made of pure
This item is credited for nearly destroying much of the ruling
class by itself in the mid-second century. Much is documented on the
demise of the elite by a mysterious disease. the Persuer was the only
common link to their fate. It was rumored destroyed in the third
century, but another such plague aicted a group of masons some four
centuries later. It was assumed they found the item during the
renova[on of a castle, but because of the delusions, hid the item
from others who could have helped.


Eighteves Ring
This simple looking pla[num ring has a very unique ability. It
gives the person an extra evening every week. Seven days aper the
person rst puts on the ring, they nd themselves repea[ng the last
day aper they have gone to bed. At this point in [me, two of the
individuals exist. The laher person has the complete knowledge of
the events in the rst individual's day. While this gives a great
advantage, the laher individual may never directly approach the rst
without great stress. Such an encounter would risk the destruc[on of
the individual's soul. (roll versus Spiritual Trait at Extreme or lose
all Spiritual health)

Pe[[on Unfailing Scroll
This Scroll has the ability to be reused and can accept spells
cast into it. It is capable of holding up to ve spells at one [me.
When the person controlling the Scroll commands it, the spell is cast
from the Scroll with an automa[c special success.

Zas[g's Inverted Pyramid
This building is considered by some to be a wonder of the world.
This building is a marvel of engineering for it is a pyramid -constructed upside down! The building is constructed of metallic

alloys and is a 20 foot square on the bohom, rising 70 feet up to a

120 foot square. Atop lies a great plaza of buildings and training
shacks. The government has long used this building as a planning
center, headquarters, and training base for the army. It is believed
to have many Heka-based and mechanical defenses. Currently the
pyramid is under siege by a warring na[on, thus none of its secrets
will be revealed in this document. However, reports say the pyramid
and the forces within are fairing well in the bahle.


This short sword is made of a material which looks like ivory.
The Milanese refer to the substance as white steel because of its
resilience and durability. The exact process of making, molding, or
enchan[ng this type of metal is unknown.
Balisarda is renown for its ability and is said to be stained
with blood. In [mes of need the sword is used by the Duke for both
defense and oense. Any person who wields the sword doubles their
eec[ve BAC. In addi[on, all hits are considered ultra-vital. It
negates 200 points of Heka armor and 30 points of physical armor when
it strikes. Allies gh[ng within 4 rods of Balisarda also gain the
double BAC bonus. While the blade is in sight no ally will ee out
of fear.

Five Inuence Wand
This Wand has the symbols of the ve inuences of nature upon
it depicted in three dimensional geometric shapes. With combina[ons
and twists of these shapes, the Wand has various eects upon nature.
The Wand appears to be made of some Hekalite alloy and resembles an
infant's toy.
The shapes rotate in the Wand much like beads on string. The
ve shapes are cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and
icosahedron -- corresponding to the spheres of Fire, Water, Air,
Earth, and Space. Manipula[ng combina[ons of these shapes allows
the bearer of the Wand to control nature itself. According to
legends, it appears that the wand can produce almost any desired force
of nature. The Wand was last known to be in the lost city of Gordzabo
during a great earthquake in 174 AD, where it was presumably buried.

Tome of Causal Sources
This valuable tome is oddly wrihen with white ink on black
paper. The cover is made of a iridescent black hide of unknown
origin. The book itself is quite lengthy, being over a thousand
pages. The print is uncannily small, and cannot be read without some
sort of visual aid such as magnifying glass.
The book describes the workings of the malign human nature.
Reading the text cover to cover automa[cally bestows a criminology
STEEP of 50. Using it as a training aid add an addi[onal 1d6 to

STEEP in addi[on to the d6-1 base roll. Using such a device while
researching a crime of human nature yields an automa[c success. If
the case cannot be solved using the tome, then the crime must have
been commihed by one of Phaeree origin. To say the least, the book
is in high demand.
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 11:48:53 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Point-basing HP's
In-Reply-To: <>

Sure it was late, but there's an idea worth pursuing! I would love to
see this one done! :)

(see the subject line if you are confused... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 11:51:42 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed
In-Reply-To: <>

> As for what I like about Mythus, I like the fact that it has all of my
> favorite rules from various systems all wrapped into one. Now if it only had
> a free form spell system, it would be _perfect_!
> Tom
> The Uni-Lurker

Oh no! My inbox just blew up! :)

Tom, you can't just go say stu like that and not do anything about it.
:) It should be fairly easy to come up with free-form cas[ng. Tell us
what you want. Or do it yourself. It can get done, you know... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"

Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 12:16:30 -0500

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Desert issues and Mythus bashing

In a message dated 95-12-02 20:28:38 EST, you write:

>Jesse - another thing about the desert to keep in mind... (not from
>personal experience & I could be wrong). I know that caene in high heat
>bad, because it irritates the bladder & makes on go more - leading to
>faster loss of uids. However, I am not sure what eect alcohol (all
>those lled wineskins) would do....

Certain drugs, such as caeine, did cause one to dehydrate faster, than
normal, but in that situa[on, being awake was more important than s[cking
an IV in your arm (the most common remedy).
Alcohol.....well of course, Saudi Arabia, being the center of the Muslim
world, allowed no US troops to bring in alcohol. So me being a MP, I say I
have no idea what it does in that climate.....
Of the record.......Sun brings out the eects of alcohol faster than
Heat does, too. Combined, the eects of Alcohol were more intense, and more
quickly reached than "normal". Of course...Alcohol dehydrates you anyway, so
dehydra[on was also more intense. And the hangovers were
a nightmare, too. But that is, of course, "just what I heard".
Tobacco, primarily chewing or dip, also laid out a good number of troops
because it dehydrated them without warning, as well.

Just some Thoughts.........

Good Gaming,
Chris Stainton
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 15:33:47 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Alex Johnson <SDTroll@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Desert issues and Mythus ...

I can tell you alcohol is very bad in the desert. It is a diure[c, which
means increased uid loss from urina[on. Although it would seem to help in
the short term, you would lose more water from drinking it.

I like the exability of Mythus. Like someone men[oned, you can make any
character because it is skill based. I also liked the fact that the combat
system was reasonably realis[c, but not as bogged down as role-master. The
biggest down side I have seen is the eort required to make a character. I
have had to almost drag some of my group into the game, because they didn't
want to take the [me to make a character. They all liked it once the game

started, however.
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 17:32:01 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Point-basing HP's

>> As for what I like about Mythus, I like the fact that it has all of my
>> favorite rules from various systems all wrapped into one. Now if it only
>> a free form spell system, it would be _perfect_!
>> Tom
>> The Uni-Lurker

>Oh no! My inbox just blew up! :)

>Tom, you can't just go say stu like that and not do anything about it.
>:) It should be fairly easy to come up with free-form cas[ng. Tell us
>what you want. Or do it yourself. It can get done, you know... :)


Hmmm. Actually, I have had a few ideas. I may try pujng a few things
together and playing them out. What would mostly come of it would be a
muta[on of the current Mythus spell crea[on rules mixed with a fair share
of the Darkurthe Legends, Masterbook, and ARIA systems. Sounds kinda fun,
actually. It's been too long since I [nkered with the Mythus system.

The Quasi-Lurker
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 15:32:24 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: what about new pp?

I just grabbed all the stu in the mythus directories on cerebus, and I
tried to move them to the new site at and I could not write to
the incoming directory.

Is there a hold on that for a while? Is it not going on yet? I grabbed
the stu to help out (and as an excuse to get everything there on my new

Let me know when I can put the les over. :)

BTW I would like the pharrie materials that have been converted, but I have

lost the message about where the stu is at. If someone could please tell
the list again so those of us who don't things the rst [me (well maybe
it's just me) can get at it.

Mike Paulus

I shall come and the seas shall part.
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 19:11:21 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Timothy L. Francis" <TimandMere@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: What I like

A lot of people have praised the Mythus system these past few days, and
bashed some others, while Joel F. Yoder and Mike Phillips had some real good
points about no system being really perfect. So I thought I'd throw in my 2
cents worth (cost per e-mail?) about the system.

Several other people (since deleted so I don't have their names) have
men[oned the % based K/S system and the variety of skills available to any
player as one of the beher ideas. My gaming group (it includes Mah Berry,
whom some of you know) agrees. Allowing any character to dabble in a few
heka genera[ng areas, even if they aren't a full prac[[oner, and allowing
any character to pick some skills from any area (like a mage who knows how to
climb walls) opens up a universe of possibility to every player. Unlike some
RPGs we know.

The point is the system allows more freedom and exibility. Which brings up
my main point. IMHO, the beauty of this system means one does not have to
rely on a world made by the game designers (Aerth or Greyhawk) to get the
most out of the system. In fact, I believe it is beher not to use the
designed world. I mean no disrespect to Aerth when I say this but an example
should suce.

Guilds. Mike said in a recent message, when switching from a Cyber world to
>Try using Guilds instead of Corps, use magic
>items instead of cyberware, etc.
Now guilds are a essen[ally a union. And they were strongest in Europe
(13-14th centuries) when the growth of regional trade and a money-based
economy began to threaten their hold on local aairs. They were much weaker
in the Mediterranean basin where a money-based economy had never vanished.
But, for various reasons, it is s[ll a cliche that guilds controlled the
medieval world. But why, in Aerth, where the money ow seems quite high,
should Guilds be a dening force in the world?

Now, of course, I may be too picky. You can dene guild in dierent ways
for example. The Starre Guild in the back of volume one should actually be

a company, or a syndicate, rather than a medieval "guild." The point I'm

trying to make is that Mythus allows us to break out of the mold of
northwestern medieval Europe, not just in geography, but also in cultural and
social ways as well. History is a limitless source of ideas if you can
design a world to that makes that conceptual breakthrough. And the
skill-based K/S system allows you to take advantage of all this. Aper all,
an Engineer or Explorer character would be much more at home in the
post-Renaissance world of Early Modern Europe or the cosmopolitan Empires of
the Near East, India, or China, than the staid backwater of medieval Europe.
It takes a lot of work (does it ever!), and I don't mean to denigrate those
who like Aerth, but the rewards, for GMing and playing, are very great.

Tim Francis ([
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 19:37:07 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed

>Thanks for everything, Messrs. Gygax and Newton (and McCauley
>(unhallowed), Menztner (MMM), Kellogg (product editor later on), and
>everyone else who ever did anything for it).

Thanks, Mike. Personally, I think it's the gamers that make a system. And the
kind of loyalty I've seen here makes me wish Those Scurrilous Ruans had
taken a beher look at what they had a chance to produce. In a sentence, what
makes DJ great is the freshness it brought to intelligent and crea[ve RPG
players (as opposed to the thoroughly chewed and now tasteless mush that the
sheep play). Oh dear, does that sound too caus[c?

Oh well, fuck 'em. You folks are great. My thanks to all of *you*.

Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 19:51:44 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: What I like

>To end up, I would like to point out to those who react strongly to cri[cism
>of Mythus that a lot of the cri[cism is well founded and is probably why the
>game never had commercial success. As far as the layout goes, that's only a
>valid argument against a game system for supercial people, but there were a
>lot of errors, confusing rules, and awkward sentences--and there are problems
>that run deeper, too, although these are open a maher of personal taste
>(dislike for the ahribute system, for instance, in my case). S[ll, this is
>a good game and users of other systems could learn a lot by looking more
>closely at it before they badmouth it.


A couple of points, here. Cri[cism is good - as long as it's construc[ve. We
game designers (believe it or not) like intelligent cri[cism. It helps us
make beher games, and thus, sell more product.

The game was not successful in large part because Trigee/Omega Helios/GDW were
unable to fund supplements as they should have since there was a very large
dragon breathing down their neck. Lawyers fees etc. cost the game its proper
development, and I did a lot of stu for FREE because I believed in the game
- just as many folks here s[ll do.

As I said, cri[cism can be good, and there were no problems that could not
have been addressed had there been money to produce/promote the system
properly. On the other hand, senseless slamming does lihle to help anything.
Your points are well taken. Some other people just like the fact that they
have something to say, and the ability to say it - valid or not.

Layout (not just artwork, but the logical structure of a product) is
important. If info is hard to nd, if it's hard to read, or if a book is
organized poorly, then it makes a good game worth much less to someone who
might otherwise play it. I thought that the structure of Mythus was very good,
but of course I'm biased.

And all of the errors were mine, if that helps anyone... <grin> Seriously, it
takes a lot to eld a system where the word count on the rst read-through
is *over one million words*.

Date: Sun, 3 Dec 1995 23:53:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: My response to Mythus bashing redone

Careful Jesse.....

You are doing exactly what you're complaining about the "other" people doing.
Slamming products you don't like. What's the point. 'specially on a Mythus

I understand there is an "I hate Microsop, the System, etc." club and help
line somewhere.

..... And now, back to our regularly scheduled Mythus discussion.....
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 14:57:02 +0200
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: sharon <m5-shar@CARMEL.HAIFA.AC.IL>
Subject: help!!

we are two new members. what the hell is this group about?!
can somebody help this poor lost souls?!?
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 14:20:49 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Pal Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: help!!
In-Reply-To: <>

Hi, two lost souls (is that ocial?)!
Just kidding...
This is a list for all the people out there who play the fantasy
roleplaying game "Mythus" from GDW (well, er, TSR now,
but we don't like to talk about it), and for all other roleplaying
fans as well. We discuss rules, ideas, scenarios, items (you
name it) and lately, some very kind (and industrious) members
of this group has taken it upon themselvs to work upon a very
large project which was originally in[[ated by The Co-Creator
himself (am I right here Dave?). This work will in [me become
one of the pillars in this system, I dear say!
If you want more background about Mythus and/or this list, just
give us a hint and we'll be glad to help you!
With regards!
P. A. Woje
(@ @)
----------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------P. A. Woje Norwegian Telecom Phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O.Box 321, N-8001 Bod|, Norway Telefax : +47 75 51 24 01
R&D department (FoU Bod|) Private : +47 75 58 48 71

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (__) (__)
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 18:01:58 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Calvert <calvert@UCLA.EDU>

I have wrihen several [mes but have yet to get a response. Am I
not gejng through or does nobody care??? My latest ques[on was about the
Mythic Masters Magazine, which I paid for a subscrip[on to never recieved
an issue of.
Could someone help me out here?

Mike C.
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 00:22:18 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: your mail
In-Reply-To: <>

Did they cash the check? This would seem interes[ng to me since when
MMM died o (which it did, when T$R won everything) I got a refund for
the unused por[on...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 08:08:09 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Pal Arild Woje <Pal-Arild.Woje@BODO.IT.TELENOR.NO>
Subject: Mythic Masters Magazine
In-Reply-To: <>

Hmmm, can't say I have seen this ques[on before, so it's
even money it didn't get through earlier.
What is/was Mythic Master Magazine? If it was an ocial GDW
product I don't think you'll ever see it, and in that case you
should try to get your money back (perhaps from TSR ;).
(@ @)
----------------------------------o000-----(_)-----000o----------------------------P. A. Woje Norwegian Telecom Phone : +47 75 51 24 42
P.O.Box 321, N-8001 Bod|, Norway Telefax : +47 75 51 24 01
R&D department (FoU Bod|) Private : +47 75 58 48 71

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (__) (__)
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 08:55:10 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dan T Williamson <dtw@IDM.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed

In-Reply-To: <v01510102ace5280bf326@[]> from "Eric Medalis" at

Dec 1, 95 04:08:51 pm

Thus spake Eric Medalis
> Myself, it's the exability and realism. Granted there's a large
> investment to be made in learning the system, but once you do, you can do
> anything with it - the rules are inhernt in the stats.

Actually I like the system because it is a Heroic fantasy, skill-based
game system. I do not nd it realis[c. Flexible yes, realis[c not even
close. I think trying to use the system for anything other than Heoroic
(err Heroic) fantasy is a mistake. I know a lot of people here use the
system for Cyberpunk and sci-. I would never do this. When I submihed
gun rules for an issue of DI, I es[mated the damage from a single M16 round
at 13d6, and with an ROF of (nearly the en[re clip) this makes an unreasonable
number of dice in my opinion. That is why I would not use it for any modern
gun intensive sejng.

There is always an investment when learning any new system. Mythus is no
more complicated than any other system, even if the rulebooks are daun[ng.
There is a lot of u in them.

> Further, Aerth is absolutly the greatest sejng ever produced for a game.
> The concept of Phariee resolves just about every contradic[on inherant in
> most milleaux, i.e why the hell havent the other races taken over the
> world? And the work done on subterranean Aerth was brilliant - the ecology
> and racial composi[ons and balances. As a fan of Pellucidar, I love
> Interior Aerth.

I have to disagree most completely on this. I nd Aerth to be almost what I
like, but lacking all of the stu I nd interes[ng. I think they are
trying to do a magic oriented version of modern earth and without more
avor text to describe it, it falls at. I don't like that kind of
sejng in any case. Either make magic mysterious or not at all in my
book. Phaerie is interes[ng, but I don't like the way it is used. It
makes it too mundane for me. I have nothing good to say about Interior

> But best of all, there is no need to purchase supplements to detail the
> world - no need to spend $20 every couple of months to make sure you have
> the "ocial" version. Want to detail your world? Just head to the
> library. It's all there for free, and you might learn something.

This I like. A lot.

All in all I like the exibility of Mythus. I will con[nue using it
for Heroic Fantasy. I also really like the Magic system (oops Magick.)


-"You never know where the day will take you. You may nd yourself
halfway around the world in the shark-infested waters of true-tolife living. Or you may nd yourself going down to the store for
a lozenge. You can't know, can you? No! You goha ride that wave, you
goha suck that lozenge!" The Tick.
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 11:35:28 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: What I like
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 3 Dec 1995, Timothy L. Francis wrote:

> A lot of people have praised the Mythus system these past few days, and
> bashed some others, while Joel F. Yoder and Mike Phillips had some real good
> points about no system being really perfect.

I'll simply state that no system is perfect, but Mythus meshes very very
closely with what I think is a perfect system, and lacking the [me to do
more than dabble in game design, it'll denitely do :-)

> Guilds. Mike said in a recent message, when switching from a Cyber world to
> Mythus,
> >Try using Guilds instead of Corps, use magic
> >items instead of cyberware, etc.
> Now guilds are a essen[ally a union. And they were strongest in Europe
> (13-14th centuries) when the growth of regional trade and a money-based
> economy began to threaten their hold on local aairs. They were much weaker
> in the Mediterranean basin where a money-based economy had never vanished.
> But, for various reasons, it is s[ll a cliche that guilds controlled the
> medieval world. But why, in Aerth, where the money ow seems quite high,
> should Guilds be a dening force in the world?

Interes[ng that an o-the-cu comment wandered far aeld :-) The
*inten[on* was to use a magicky-cyberpunkish (in ajtude and structure)
world, in which the Guilds have risen to extreme domina[on, outstripping
even governments, much like the (mega)corpora[ons. Shoot, the Genom
Guild would be a lot of fun -- magickally-engineered biological weapons,
heh heh heh.....

As for why the Guilds have as much control as they have in AErth
(Assuming that's one of the details one doesn't change), isn't it a
staple of the literature that Mythus (like AD&D before it) is based
upon? Tolkien didn't have it, but others have.

Or, as you later speculated, maybe they aren't Guilds in the *classic*
and *Earthly* sense, but they have kept the [tle 'Guild' as part of the

name for tradi[onal reasons.

Consider the College of William & Mary. That's the [tle, really. The
College has kept that par[cular [tle *despite the fact that it is
incorrect* because that's what it says on the charter from King William &
Queen Mary. W&M is really a University, with several Colleges (Arts &
Sciences, Law, Business, Educa[on), but the Colleges are called
"Schools" for reasons of tradi[on as well (and, honestly, "The
University of William & Mary" just plain sounds wrong).

Who's to say that the Guilds didn't either (a) die or (b) evolve into
companies with signicant assets?

> skill-based K/S system allows you to take advantage of all this. Aper all,
> an Engineer or Explorer character would be much more at home in the
> post-Renaissance world of Early Modern Europe or the cosmopolitan Empires of
> the Near East, India, or China, than the staid backwater of medieval Europe.
> It takes a lot of work (does it ever!), and I don't mean to denigrate those
> who like Aerth, but the rewards, for GMing and playing, are very great.

Of course, I dodged the whole thing. My game is set in Grandmark, on
Vargaard :-)

Mike Phillips,
Mythus: hhp://
Home page: hhp://
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 10:54:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: your mail

In a message dated 95-12-05 00:29:51 EST, you write:

>Did they cash the check? This would seem interes[ng to me since when
>MMM died o (which it did, when T$R won everything) I got a refund for
>the unused por[on...

Even beher ques[on. If T$R has the rights to the game, and magazine,
and the magazine ows a customer money....................................
Then does T$R owe that person $$$, or have T$R's lawyers gured out a way
around that?

It's sad when a GAMING company focuses more on Takeovers than making quality
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 10:54:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: No Subject

In a message dated 95-12-04 21:22:47 EST, you write:

> I have wrihen several [mes but have yet to get a response. Am I
>not gejng through or does nobody care??? My latest ques[on was about the
>Mythic Masters Magazine, which I paid for a subscrip[on to never recieved
>an issue of.
>Could someone help me out here?
>Mike C.

Do you want an ahorney or what?
I bet certain members of this list have all the Issues SCANNED by now and
have it ready to go out....................
And I'm sure the ar[cles were originally wrihen on a computer, so the les
are somewhere............................

Good Gaming,
Chris Stainton
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 09:51:00 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: World Demise <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Subject: T$R ... Blark
In-Reply-To: <> from "Christopher
Stainton" at Dec 5, 95 10:54:10 am

> It's sad when a GAMING company focuses more on Takeovers than making
> quality games.................

You think T$R <spit> is a quality company? I admit, I love Darksun and
Dragon Lance, but everything else by T$R blows ... heheh

When a company threatens to sue everyone on the net, because they have AD&D
shit in their FTP directory that wasnt approved by them, it's [me to
boycoh them.

I remain, Despiser of T$R <spit>: Raa Amon Zepol

- /\__^__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_^___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ The End Complete
/ _ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl est Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 15:58:23 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Cyber?

Hey Cyber guys...

Did you ever do one of the following:

1. Get the stu formahed properly for ASCII, so I can easily s[ck it
in a later D.I. issue?

2. Finish the recrea[on of the Netrunning rules?

Curious for possibly obvious reasons... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 20:30:22 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Aaron P. Brezenski" <apbtjs@PRIMENET.COM>
Subject: What's happening?

Hi, all!

Just got back on the list aper a four-month hiatus...

What's been going on since I've been gone (besides the usual an[-T$R
amewars, of course...)?

Has Dave e-published any more stu? Any new news on DJ? Word from
Mentzer? Gygax?


E-mail me personally if you think the rest of the list would be annoyed by a

public distribu[on...

Aaron Brezenski

"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there isn't someone out to get me."

Card-Carrying Member of the Illumina[
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 23:55:18 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: Re: Cyber?

>Hey Cyber guys...
>Did you ever do one of the following:
>1. Get the stu formahed properly for ASCII, so I can easily s[ck it
>in a later D.I. issue?

I am s[ll in the process fo doing the reformat in ASCII. I am almost done.
All the tables are a bitch.

>2. Finish the recrea[on of the Netrunning rules?

This is Chris's dept. and he is busy playing necromunda gejng his
hobbyshop going and working on the Mythus campaign that he is running, the
CyberMyth campaign he is co-running, and the Mythus campaign he is playing
in. Between all that, his girlfriend, and his son, he doesn't get a lot
done on the new netrunning rules at one [me.

>->Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Mike Paulus

I shall come and the seas shall part.
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 06:44:42 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Calvert <calvert@UCLA.EDU>

Subject: Re: No Subject

At 10:54 AM 12/5/95 -0500, you wrote:

>I bet certain members of this list have all the Issues SCANNED by now and
>have it ready to go out....................
hmmm, that would be nice, wouldn't it!?
I wonder if someone could send it to me.
On cerebus all they have is a preview and all the really important stu is


Chris Calvert
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 06:44:39 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Calvert <calvert@UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Re: your mail

At 12:22 AM 12/5/95 -0500, you wrote:
>Did they cash the check? This would seem interes[ng to me since when
>MMM died o (which it did, when T$R won everything) I got a refund for
>the unused por[on...

To tell you the truth, I really do not remember. This was over two years
ago, and I moved shortly aper ordering it. It is likely that any
correspondence to me was lost, because I AM sure that I never recieved
anything. Anyway, the money was not as important to me as the informa[on.
Where can I get the stu that was published in MMM?
Do you think I should check with T$R about gejng my stu? I do
think the check was cashed, but I don't know(hmmm, think I'll do some checking).


Chris Calvert
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 11:51:45 -0500

Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>

From: Je Sharpe <sharpe@LIPLUS.LI-BUSINESS.AB.CA>
Subject: Re: Mythus being slammed
In-Reply-To: <>

In <>, Christopher Stainton wrote:

>Make a huge le composed of all the "why i like..." lehers,
>and have all 180 members of Mythus-L upload it periodically to the AD&D

Its malicious, its nasty, and I luv it! :-) Write a script that posts
two msgs, one a Mythus FAQ (is there one?), the other a compila[on of
gamers comments re: Mythus, once every six weeks or so.

>But would we be stooping to their level?

Perhaps they would wish to rise to our level! <eg>

>Would we gain more players?

Of course - press, good or bad, will at least get the Mythus name tossed
about. The more intelligent and mature gamers will come to see the
odvious (to us that enjoy and play the rpg) benits which they may not
have been exposed too.

Just a thought...
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 09:17:50 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Raa Amon Zepol <xaemyl@NETCOM.COM>
Organiza[on: Wickednesse Incorporeal!
Subject: Re: T$R ... Blark

> HAD is the key I don't think they are in the business of
> making quality games....anymore. They used to, when a certain author was
> at the helm. Every[me I pick up my Oriental Adventures book, or my
> original Dei[es and Demigods (w/ Cthulhu & Melnibonian) I get
> goosebumps, and i sigh.............Why cant T$R return to the
> basics?.......another sigh........

I open ask Myself that very ques[on. hehehe I love 1st Edi[on D&D, but
the whole Tra$eR experience lep a sour taste in My mouth.


/\__^__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_^___/\__.
\ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ The End Complete
/ _ \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ Xaemyl est Sadistykl
/ \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ \\ Killing Vic[ms Found
\ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ Many More Must Suer
\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ Feel The Power of Pain
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 11:26:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: T$R ... Blark
X-cc: worlddemise <>

In a message dated 95-12-05 23:22:48 EST, you write:

>You think T$R <spit> is a quality company? I

HAD is the key I don't think they are in the business of making
quality games....anymore. They used to, when a certain author was at the
helm. Every[me I pick up my Oriental Adventures book, or my original
Dei[es and Demigods (w/ Cthulhu & Melnibonian) I get goosebumps, and i
sigh.............Why cant T$R return to the basics?.......another

But if they couldn't out out a sourcebook everymonth,
I guess they couldn't pay their ahorneys' Fees...................sigh

Good Gaming Not Flaming,
Chris Stainton
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 15:09:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Mythic Masters Revisited

The real problem in gejng this informa[on disemminated is (of course) TSR.
The refuse to post it or to let it be posted.

You're was[ng your [me checking with them for back issues or subscrip[on
info. According to TSR all MMM stock was destroyed aper they received it.
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 20:08:52 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Ray A. Dion" <rayd@GLEN-NET.CA>
Subject: Re: Mythic Masters Revisited

>The real problem in gejng this informa[on disemminated is (of course) TSR.

> The refuse to post it or to let it be posted.

>You're was[ng your [me checking with them for back issues or subscrip[on
>info. According to TSR all MMM stock was destroyed aper they received it.

Oh course, if someone just happened to have them, just HAPPENED to post
them, I would be the last to tell.



Oh, is anyone working on freeform spellcas[ng? I have a couple of ideas if
anyone would like to hear them.
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 19:50:15 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: MMM posts to the list.

Pos[ng those things to the list is a bad idea, not only because it IS
illegal, but because you and I
don't know if someone from T$R is monitoring this list to make sure that we
don't do things like that.

It wouldn't hurt them nancialy, and it would help Mythus fans, (and maybe
even ease some of the nega[ve feelings many of us have toward T$R) but THEY
do own it and THEY do have the right to keep it from going around.

If you have it scanned and want to distribute it do it in PRIVATE email. DO
NOT use the list. Don't even men[on doing it on the list (like I just did,
shame on me. <grin>)

I wouldn't mind T$R's stance on these types of things if they were making
the material available for purchase so that we could have it and they could
prot. But if they want to keep the only quality material they own up
their ass with all their shihy products that is their right. This is a free
country (The USA) and they can be dumb if they want to. :)

Mike Paulus

I shall come and the seas shall part.
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 00:46:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Cyber?

In-Reply-To: <>

> >1. Get the stu formahed properly for ASCII, so I can easily s[ck it
> >in a later D.I. issue?
> I am s[ll in the process fo doing the reformat in ASCII. I am almost done.
> All the tables are a bitch.

You'll note I didn't oer to do it! ;-)

Send it along when you've the [me...

Well, if I didn't have a nal tomorrow and a lab due, I'd nish D.I.
6. Oh well, it'll just have to wait...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 01:09:08 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythic Masters Revisited

In a message dated 95-12-06 18:18:48 EST, you write:

>According to TSR all MMM stock was destroyed aper they received it.

Yeah, I buy that one, I've also go this GREAT lihle property in south
Florida I'm trying to ooad. It's got a beau[ful view of the SWAMP!!!!!

I donno how many of you are keeping up with T$Rs new stu, but they've got
new books out (suprize!) which remind me of another game The Creator made.
Now in AD&D 3rd edi[on(or whatever the hell it is!), Priests can cast some
mage spells, and vice versa (i think)
And the Ahributes (STR INT......etc) can be divided down into 2 dierent
categories...kinda like...Hmmm....Kinda Like
MENTAL= Reasoning + Memnonic(sp?) ...any way I ramble.

Good Gaming,
Chris Stainton
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 07:33:55 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Ray A. Dion" <rayd@GLEN-NET.CA>
Subject: Grumblings

>Yeah, I buy that one, I've also go this GREAT lihle property in south
>Florida I'm trying to ooad. It's got a beau[ful view of the SWAMP!!!!!
>I donno how many of you are keeping up with T$Rs new stu, but they've got
>new books out (suprize!) which remind me of another game The Creator made.
>Now in AD&D 3rd edi[on(or whatever the hell it is!), Priests can cast some
>mage spells, and vice versa (i think)
>And the Ahributes (STR INT......etc) can be divided down into 2 dierent
>categories...kinda like...Hmmm....Kinda Like
>MENTAL= Reasoning + Memnonic(sp?) ...any way I ramble.
>Good Gaming,
>Chris Stainton

I heard something about that as well. It is increadable how stagnant AD&D
has gohen. Appearently, there are exactly 18 stats in the game now (I
wonder where that number came from...)

I suspect that there may be crea[ve people working for T$R, but way pay
crea[ve people to design original stu when you can just steal it, right?


Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 11:33:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Patrick Murphy <murphy@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU>
Subject: Corporate Idiocy

Well, friends, sorry to waste bandwidth, but
I just thought I'd show you how brain death must run
rampant among the corporate elite. As one who was glad to see TSR take
the number 2 spot, I thought WotC was dierent. However, read the
ahached message, and you'll see great systems are doomed everywhere...
WotC is apparently canning everything that's not a card game, including
Everyway. And I was an ArM 4th edi[on playtester!

All my favorites have been cancelled...First Mythus, then Al-Qadim, now
Ars Magica?!? You'd think my name was Murphy.

---------- Forwarded message ---------Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 11:17:38 -0800
From: Wade Racine <gargoyle@WIZARDS.COM>
To: Mul[ple recipients of list ARS-MAGICA-L
Subject: READ THIS NOW!!!

It is my very sincere regret to inform all of you that the Ars Magica
line has been cancelled by Wizards of the Coast. All produc[on of all
products is ceasing immediately, including Ars Magica 4th edi[on. The
future of ArM as a line is unknown, as it may just be completely killed
or spun o to another company. That is the decision of the upper level
management here at WotC.

Along with ArM goes my job. I am unsure if I will nd another
opportunity here at the company, or if my future lies elsewhere. My last
day at my current posi[on is Friday, December 8th, 1995.

If you have ques[ons or comments about this decision, please do not send
them to me. I'm going to be very busy gejng things wrapped up.
Instead, you may send them to ques[, our Customer Service
department, or to our President, Peter Adkison, at

Thank you all for your [me, eort, and support. I'm very sorry we
couldn't get ArM4 out...perhaps someone else will.

--Wade Racine
--Ars Magica Line Developer (un[l 12/8/95)
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 11:36:11 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Tom Harrison <BluSponge@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythic Masters Revisited

Chris wrote:

>Oh, is anyone working on freeform spellcas[ng? I have a couple of ideas if
>anyone would like to hear them.

I'm thinking about it and would love to hear any ideas you have.

Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 17:36:18 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Mythic Masters Revisited

In a message dated 95-12-07 02:18:19 EST, you write:

>Yeah, I buy that one, I've also go this GREAT lihle property in south
>Florida I'm trying to ooad. It's got a beau[ful view of the SWAMP!!!!!

I was referring to MMM (Mythus Masters Magazine), and actually I have lihle
doubt that they did destroy the bulk of them anyway. Anyone want to comment

on how much stock they actually got? (Frank?)

Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 00:17:20 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Beas[ary 2

About this new Beas[ary thing...

God DAMN that things big! :)

Okay, who's doing what with it? I tried to mail Gary Spechko but he
didn't return that. I know someone else was looking at it (sorry I
forgot you).

Let's get crankin' on this thing. It is my rm belief that we really
need to split this up into more manageable parts. Anyone care to toss
out an idea as to how we will do this? Perhaps one species at a [me:
like, I just read "Greenfolk" for one, and that Alfar are "Elves". Maybe
we ought to concentrate on one group at a [me...


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 23:24:43 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Paulus <moses@NETRIX.NET>
Subject: Re: Grumblings

>I suspect that there may be crea[ve people working for T$R, but way pay
>crea[ve people to design original stu when you can just steal it, right?

Well technically they did buy it, but....


I think I will go le a Federal copyright on my name just in case T$R
decides to use it and then sue me for it. :)

Mike Paulus

I shall come and the seas shall part.
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 03:20:57 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Grumblings

>I think I will go le a Federal copyright on my name just in case T$R
>decides to use it and then sue me for it. :)

No, just like the "dice" proviso I heard about, that s[ll wouldn't protect
you. I heard one of the complaints against Mythus led by TSR's lawyers was
its use of dice to generate random numbers. (!)

Apparently, the makers of Monopoly, Parcheesi, and all the board games of the
50's and 60's had beher watch out, since they obviously stole the idea from
TSR before it was formed. In like manner, YOU as a person are using a name,
and the idea of having a name for a person was obviouly stolen from TSR.
You'd beher just hand your wallet over to them right now, buddy, and maybe
they'll let you keep your car and house. Maybe.

But on to a real Mythus ques[on: I'm sure that this ques[on is one of the
ones that was hashed about earlier, but what is the thought of various JMs on
combat between two gures in Par[al Physical Manifesta[on? If a PPM form
means you have almost no (but s[ll some) mass, can you have Physical combat
with another PPM OP? Does damage work the same way? My thought is to have
them only do frac[onal damage to each other (1/10?), but i would like to
know if anyone else has had a PPM HP ahack a PPM OP in their campaign.
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 00:22:08 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <Sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: FW: Beas[ary 2

>About this new Beas[ary thing...
>God DAMN that things big! :)
>Okay, who's doing what with it? I tried to mail Gary Spechko but he
>didn't return that. I know someone else was looking at it (sorry I
>forgot you).
>Let's get crankin' on this thing. It is my rm belief that we really
>need to split this up into more manageable parts. Anyone care to toss
>out an idea as to how we will do this? Perhaps one species at a [me:
>like, I just read "Greenfolk" for one, and that Alfar are "Elves". Maybe
>we ought to concentrate on one group at a [me...


I have taken up the task of organizing the Phaeree manual... I have so far reformahed
the manual, added about 25 - 50 crihers from all the dierent resources. I am
currently wai[ng on Gary Spechko... he promised to give me some crihers. Mahhew
Pearson is also typing up a load of crihers. Mike is adding crihers and pos[ng then
to the list...

Peaple who have volunteered to lend a hand are;

Gary Spechko
Mike Philips
Mahhew Pearson
Richard Crook
Daniel Pickeh (me)

and if you are ofering to help then; Jesse

When I get the crihers that Gary is adding back, then I will add them to the manual and
post the en[re thing on somebody's web page and e-mail copies to all who have requested
it. At that [me I will then compile a list of crihers that need minor rework and
crihers that need to be nished and send that list to each of the volunteers and ask
them to make sugges[ons on what they would like to develop and assign the crihers
accordingly. Compleated crihers get posted on to Mike web page (or so i'm told). If the
crihers are developed at a reasonable speed, I'll update the master document and post
it about once a month (or there about).

Later all, Daniel Pickeh
------------------------------------Name: Daniel Pickeh
Date: 12/08/95
Time: 00:22:08
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 02:59:24 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Chris Calvert <calvert@UCLA.EDU>
Subject: New Archetype&stu:Ar[cer

Hi guys,
This is something I've been thinking about for a while, and nally
nished aper a ood of papers and presenta[ons was done/turned in.
Anyway, consider this my early Christmas present to you all on the list,
please forgive any errors, and I hope you enjoy it.

Pelias the Sorcerer

Mike Conard

Ar[cer Voca[on(Physical Trait)

The ar[cer is a rare and respected individual. Typically found only in
the larger ci[es of more the technologically advanced civiliza[ons, the
ar[cer is the supreme crapsman, capable of building devices of
unparalleled crea[vity and u[lity. Each ar[cer is typically
specialized with certain types of devices(i.e. some specialize in [mepieces
and/or locks, some in glassware for manipula[on of light or specialized
alchemical apparatus, some in weaponry, etc.) Not all ar[cers are
necessarily of mechanical bent, some are simply highly skilled crapsmen,
but the archetype refers more to the former. Not infrequently, these
individuals are in the employ of the nobility or at least courted by them,
for their skills and devices are always in demand. (Think of Faberge eggs
and Swiss watches). This voca[on is most apt for dwarves and humans. When
playing, think dedica[on, mastery, crea[vity, unique, crap, intricate,
pa[ence, innova[on, detail, moving parts, mechanics.

K/S Areas Beginning
Ar[ce 20
Smithing/Welding 20
Arms&Armor 16
Heka Forging* 16
Mechanics 16
Gemsmith/Lapidiary* 16
Alchemy* 12
Cryptography 12
Drawing 12
Foreign Lang[choice] 12
Games, Mental 12
Handicraps/Handiwork 12
Inuence 12
Logic 12
Mathema[cs 12
Prin[ng 12
Street-Wise 8
Survival 8
Combat, Hand Weapons 4
Toxicology 4

New K/S Area

This refers to the mechanical engineering of craping small objects with
mul[ple working parts, as opposed to other types of engineering or
construc[on. Smithing/welding is absolutely required for use of this skill.

This skill is rolled against twice. First, when any device is designed
ini[[ally, and the diculty for this should be at least Hard(subject to
JM adjuca[on), and second, each [me each device is physically completed.
Failure in the rst case indicates a awed plan, and the device will fail
even normal circumstances, failure in the second case may not be immediately
apparent, and is essen[ally awed workmanship. The second test should
also have a co-test in smithing/welding, etc. as appropriate to the nature
of the device to be built, but these tests should be considerably less
dicult than the design test. If the second test fails, the result will
be breakage at a cri[cal [me, and due to the need to protect their
reputa[on, ar[cers
typically test the items they make very thoroughly and extensively before
selling them. Naturally, the diculty of all tests should increase with
the complexity of the device, and the more func[ons it is capable of.
Like Magick and Dweomercrap, Craping is a specialized and powerful skill,
requiring great dedica[on, and thus should not be very widespread or prevalent.
This area is most frequently used in making locks and traps.

Sample Devices

Leodoh's Dart Tube
The dart jet is capable of projec[ng a missle of some sort with a
considerable degree of force. The bore is approximately 1/2" across, and
the tube is of strong steel, approximately 8 inches in length. The dart
tube is powered by a powerful spring anchored in the base. The tube ejects
the missle, when triggered with fully the force of a long bow. However, the
compression of the spring allows for only 3"-4" projec[les, thus Leodoh
uses various types of dart as ammuni[on, including enchanted darts that
will superheat or shaher aper striking the target, doing internal damage.
The dart tube is typically
concealed beneath the owing robes of the ar[cer, and used to ahack
from surprise. He usually has at least two(one under each forearm) with
him, and more if feeling par[cularly paranoid or threatened.
Leodoh is also known to have recently perfected a ame projector of some
kind, with an ahack range of over ten feet.

Jake's Locket
Made by an ar[cer of Saxony aper the assassin Jaques performed some
special "favors" for him, the Locket appears to be nothing more than a
nely engraved and enjewelled silver locket in which one might place the
painted insert of a loved one, to be viewed on opening of the locket.
However, if the back of the slim case is prised o in the appropriate
manner(Easy if known, Very Dicult if not, and Extreme to discover by
manual inspec[on if nature of locket is completely unknown) a full set of
theives picks is exposed. These picks, although very slim, are formed from
a steel adaman[um alloy, making them stronger than normal picks and tools.
Addi[onally, once the back and picks
are removed, the glass covering for the painted representa[on will func[on

as a lens, magickally amplifying ambient light levels by 25 [mes on the

object of inspec[on(typically lock/keyhole/ trap) if there is any present,
or provides the equivalent of weak candlelight radiance upon the object if
there is no radiance present. These weaker abili[es are usable once per
day for about 1 AT. Each of the twelve small rubies set into the face and
back of the locket acts as a heka resevior(as Heka Binding-Alchemy VIII)
containing 5 points each(60 Heka total), each regenera[ng one point of heka
per day. The locket is enchanted to use this Heka as in either the form of
a Treacherous Blow Formula or Pilfer Charm(both Black School II). Each is
usable almost instantly, but each is res[cted to no more than one use per
two days. Lastly(and most
sinister)the locket contains a 1" hollow needle with a Springblade
enchantment and small resevoir for poison . One might use this by
presen[ng the picture to someone and ac[va[ng the Treacherous Blow, then
ac[vate Springblade and stab, ahacking with surprise, almost surely
injec[ng the poison and killing the vic[m.
It also bears a number of minor enchantments against scratching and dirt,
including Resiliency, which help to confuse the truly astute looking for the
source of heka aura.
In spite of this, aper three successful and shocking assassina[ons, it is
now imfamous and it's descrip[on is widely known.

Author's Note-This is intended as more of an OP Voca[on, but I see no
reason why it could not be availible to HPs.

Chris Calvert
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 11:39:17 -0700
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Gary Spechko <spechko@NUCLEUS.COM>
Subject: Re: Beas[ary 2

At 12:17 AM 12/8/95 -0500, Jesse wrote:
>About this new Beas[ary thing...
>God DAMN that things big! :)
>Okay, who's doing what with it? I tried to mail Gary Spechko but he
>didn't return that. I know someone else was looking at it (sorry I
>forgot you).

Yes I did! <Grin>. Guess it didn't get through.. I'm changing mail servers
next week. Anyway, the other chap's running with the ball, so I'm going to
jump on his bandwagon instead of compe[ng with it.

>Let's get crankin' on this thing. It is my rm belief that we really

>need to split this up into more manageable parts. Anyone care to toss
>out an idea as to how we will do this? Perhaps one species at a [me:
>like, I just read "Greenfolk" for one, and that Alfar are "Elves". Maybe
>we ought to concentrate on one group at a [me...

Suits me.

Avacal WWW Page: hhp://
Jag's Lair: hhp://
Cuius Tes[culos habes, habeas Cardia et Cerebellum
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 13:32:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Frank Mentzer <Mythic@AOL.COM>
Subject: MMM redux

Mike C.:
My latest ques[on was about the Mythic Masters Magazine, which I paid for
a subscrip[on to never recieved an issue of. Could someone help me out

Doubkul. I edited and produced MMM, and delivered 'em all to Trigee; they
handled all the distribu[on. If you moved and didn't contact 'em with your
new address, then your copies were probably returned to Trigee and stacked up
for your future claim -- but then TSR got 'em. If TSR later destroyed your
property, TSR is liable for your refund (imho).

C. Stainton:
I bet certain members of this list have all the Issues SCANNED by now and
have it ready to go out... And I'm sure the ar[cles were originally wrihen
on a computer, so the les are somewhere...

Such ac[vity is blantantly illegal, and by encouraging it you're leaving
yourself open to ac[on by TSR. I do indeed have all the original les
archived. And I refuse to distribute 'em, because that would be illegal.
(I'm keeping them in case TSR oers to purchase them -- they own the
informa[on but not the les themselves -- since I received absolutely
nothing for producing MMM, and nothing from the TSR/GDW/Trigee lawsuit.)

C. Stainton:
>According to TSR all MMM stock was destroyed aper they received it.
Yeah, I buy that one, I've also go this GREAT lihle property in south
Florida I'm trying to ooad.

Weird as it may seem, TSR throws out a LOT of valuable things. In the
mid-80's I rescued a lot of artwork en route to the dumpster, including
originals by Elmore and Parkinson, and re-routed 'em to the GenCon Auc[on

(which I was running at the [me).

R. Crook:
Anyone want to comment on how much stock they actually got? (Frank?)

Very lihle, I'm sure; we didn't print more than a couple dozen extras of any
issue. Very small print runs, minizine... quite rare & valuable, especially
considering the density of crucial game informa[on from Gary & others

-- Frank Mentzer
-- M-L Lurker, Web/Net Browser, and
-- Former Editor in Chief, Mythic Masters Magazine (RIP)
-- Currently senior sta, AOL Online Gaming Forums
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 13:22:37 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Manifesta[ons
In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 8 Dec 1995, Donald Eccles wrote:

> But on to a real Mythus ques[on: I'm sure that this ques[on is one of the
> ones that was hashed about earlier, but what is the thought of various JMs on
> combat between two gures in Par[al Physical Manifesta[on? If a PPM form
> means you have almost no (but s[ll some) mass, can you have Physical combat
> with another PPM OP? Does damage work the same way? My thought is to have
> them only do frac[onal damage to each other (1/10?), but i would like to
> know if anyone else has had a PPM HP ahack a PPM OP in their campaign.
Actually, I don't think this has ever been brought up on the list. Based
upon a cursory check of the Mythus book, it is my considered opinion that
part of the answer lies in your deni[on of the three manifesta[on
types: Full Physical Manifesta[on (FPM), Par[al Physical Manifesta[on
(PPM), and Non-Physical Manifesta[on (NPM).

FPMs are the objects and creatures we are all familiar with in our normal
daily lives, and others of their ilk. NPMs are the pure mind/spirit
beings and other things of their ilk which cannot be sensed with the
physical body alone. They REQUIRE some kind of mys[cal percep[on to be
perceived by a creature with any sort of phisical manifesta[on, full or
par[al (although you might allow PPMs a percep[on roll because of their
somewhat dual nature).
Clearly NPMs cannot harm each other by physical combat. The very idea of this
is absurd. Also, a FPM cannot normally harm a NPM or PPM. It's like trying to
hit the breeze, or in the case of a PPM, a viscous breeze. (In fact,
those FPM creatures or beings with vibratory senses can perceive a PPM at
DR.) This brings me to my next point, which is that whether or not two
PPMs can use physical combat will depend on just how phyiscal/viscous

they are. IMHO, PPM is a con[nuim between FPM and PPM. In general, if
a PPM is visible to unaugmented vision (e.g. reects light), they are
probably about as viscous as you can get without fully manifes[ng. See
the table below for an idea.

----------------------------------------------------------------------Percent PM

-9 - 0 Actually NPM, can perceive NPM without DR.

01 - 25 % Cannot harm other PPMs physically, perceives
NPM at DR of "Easy."

26 - 50 % Can harm PPMs at (100-%dierence in PM)
(see example below), perceives NPM at DR
of "Moderate."

51 - 75 % Can harm PPMs who are equal or greater
in their percentage physicality, perceives
NPM at DR of "Rou[ne(x1.5)." Can be harmed
by physical magickal weapons at PPMs percentage
physicality. Perceived by FPMs at DR "Moderate"
or "Hard."

76 - 100 % Can harm PPMs who are equal or greater
in their percentage physicality, perceives
NPM at DR of "Hard." Can be harmed by
physical weapons at PPMs percentage
physicality, or by magickal weapons as normal.
Perceived by FPMs without DR.
You may wonder why I put this table in the form of a percen[le chart, or
perhaps you see where I am going with this. If a creature or being is
not na[ve to the PPM form (like most HPs), their percentage
manifesta[on is essen[ally uncontrolled unless they are able to make a
conscious eort to do so. So, for each CT of combat, have your PPMs
roll a straight percen[le and compare it against the chart above. They
may roll against their appropriate magickal or psychogenic skill to
control their percent physical manifesta[on for one BT. (However, make them
roll to see what percent physicality they achieve). If they don't like
it, they may try again in the next CT or release control as a free
ac[on. If the other HPs can see it, they have a 50% chance of being
able to hit it without using magickal weapons.

Naturally, a spirit or creature na[ve to the PPM will have complete
control of their percentage manifesta[on at all [nes, as will a physical
being accustomed to PPM not engaged in combat.

Well, that's my $2.50 on the subject. Comments? Gripes? Applause?

--Ryan Snead

P.S. I plan to work on detailing the Schools of magick over my winter
break, pos[ng things periodically for comment. Aper I complete the
work (some [me in mid-January), I will make a bulk pos[ng of all the
informa[on to the list. If anyone wants to assist me with the work (say
detailing a favorite School), please let me know by private email.
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 11:50:49 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <Sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>

Does anyone have any good reference books for mythological
crihers? I need some reading material so that I may begin
crea[ng crihers for the Phaeree Manual

Thanks, Daniel.
Date: 12/08/95
Time: 11:50:49
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 15:04:17 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Manifesta[ons

I suppose the PPM issue depends on how you dene the state. Some of the
descrip[ons imply that the bulk of the persona form is "elsewhere", another
plane or whatever. If so, and you assume that they are both in the same
"set" of planes, then damage would be normal or close to it.

Otherwise, wave. and hope the other guy doesn't have an Mental or Spiritual
ahack form.
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 1995 00:24:34 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: PPM
In-Reply-To: <>

The way I understand it:

PPM cannot aect physical world objects, and physical world objects

can't aect them (unless it's magick and says so...). But, there's
s[ll a ghostly shape which can be seen.

NPM might as well not exist. :) They are really gone gone gone.


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 1995 12:34:48 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Mark A. Hart" <MarkAHart@AOL.COM>
Subject: UNSUBSCRIBE ME!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 00:33:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Christopher Stainton <StaintonC@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: UNSUBSCRIBE ME!!!!!!!!!!!

In a message dated 95-12-09 12:36:18 EST, you write:


Hey, send the commands to listserv@Brown....
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 02:37:31 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Excel Macros

Hey guys
Has anyone tried to use the Excel macros which were so graciously
provided for our general consump[on by Dave? I am currently trying to
get the HP Generator to work, and it (the macro) comes up with a problem
when trying to use the following command: Ac[vate("PersonaGenerator")
That might not be exactly the thing, but I know it's Ac[vate.

What is wrong here? Does anyone know Excel? Dave, can I ask you, or
will I get brushed o? :)

Using the beas[e-generator that's there would be MUCHO helpful in
lling in the blanks in the Phaeree Beas[ary... :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 02:00:35 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <Sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: Re: Excel Macros

Hey Jesse,

I have a new ver. of the Excel speedsheet that is in Excel 7.0. All i've done is
reworked to for PC Excel instead of MAC Excel, Let me know if you want then, they are
realy quite incomplete.

Later Daniel Pickeh.
------------------------------------Name: Daniel Pickeh
Date: 12/10/95
Time: 02:00:35
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 14:33:12 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: MMM redux

Thanks for the info. I'm sure you cleared up a lot of ques[ons for the folks
here (including me).

Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 14:35:59 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Manifesta[ons

>Actually, I don't think this has ever been brought up on the list. Based
>upon a cursory check of the Mythus book, it is my considered opinion that
>part of the answer lies in your deni[on of the three manifesta[on

>types: Full Physical Manifesta[on (FPM), Par[al Physical Manifesta[on

>(PPM), and Non-Physical Manifesta[on (NPM).

That's prehy much it. Anything short of a FPM will need to resort to either
Mental/Spiritual combat or u[lize heka-based powers/abili[es/cas[ngs which
aect other than the Physical universe.

Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 14:58:16 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Internet Protest Day on December 12th
X-To: Marsha Ann Folks <>
X-cc: Alexandra <>,
Amber <>, Ann <>,
Anna Halbert <>,
Arthur Bernard Byrne <abb3w@fulton.seas.Virginia.EDU>,
Blue Velvet <an165925@anon.penet.>,
Cassandra Drennon <>,
Chris[ne Feneval <>,
Clay Hanna <clayh@GENESIS.TAMU.EDU>,
"Corey T. Holzer" <>,
Dan Carroll <>,
Danaldi White <>,
Deb <>, Dee <>,
Erin <>, Hawkeye <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>,, Jennifer L Taylor <>,
Joe Parsons <>,
John Ross <>, Kala <>,
Kala Spangler <>,
Karen Morrione <>,
"Karen Y. Hays" <>,
Kathleen Ellis <>,
Ken K[owski <jvannorm@UWSPMAIL.UWSP.EDU>,
Kim Gentry <>,
Lady Loverly <>, Lorax <>,
Mark Poole <>,
Marsha Ann Folks <>,
Mahhew E Pearson <>,
"Mahhew E. Pearson" <pearson@HCC01.BABSON.EDU>,
mistress darkness <>,
"Mitchell J. Gross" <>,
Muten Roshi <>,
Pes[lence <>,
Powell & Cheryl <>,, Robin Carroll <>,
Sarah Smith <>,
Valerie Shahan <>,

War <>, Whitney <>,

William Spencer-Hale <>

Thanks, swee[e. I'm forwarding this to my en[re mailing list. BTW,
to anyone who recieves this, I thank you for any ac[on you take to
keep the government's grubby hands of our net!

>Please do what you can. Nadine Strossen (President of the ACLU) is a bit
>concerned at this latest legisla[ve ahempt to curtail our
>cons[tu[onally guaranteed right to freedom of speech and expression.
>Thank you. :-)
>---------- Forwarded message --------->Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 21:56:35 -0500
>Subject: Internet Protest Day on December 12th
>Fellow Internet users,
>Eorts currently underway in Congress to pass legisla[on which would
>regulate the content of the Internet, including measures which are a clear
>viola[on of our right to free speech, threaten the freedom and security
>of every user of the Internet. At the request of Voters
>Telecommunica[ons Watch, we are distribu[ng the following call to ac[on
>to all members of the MindVox community. We strongly urge all of you to
>par[cipate in the Internet Protest Day next week.
>Thank you.
>Bruce Fancher
> - - - - - - - - >
> On Tuesday December 12, 1995, Join With Hundreds of Thousands
> Of Your Fellow Internet Users In
> Internet Day of Protest: Tuesday December 12, 1995

> What You Can Do Now

> List of Par[cipa[ng Organiza[ons
>Outrageous proposals to censor the Internet demand that the Internet
>Community take swip and immediate ac[on. We must stand up and let
>Congress know that we will not tolerate their ahempts to destroy this
>medium! Please join hundreds of thousands of your fellow ci[zens in a
>na[onal day of protest on Tuesday December 12, 1995.
>As you know, on Wednesday December 6, 1995, the House Conference
>Commihee on Telecommunica[ons Reform voted to impose far reaching and
>uncons[tu[onal "indecency" restric[ons on the Internet and other
>interac[ve media, including large commercial online services (such as
>America Online, Compuserve, and Prodigy) and smaller Internet Service
>Providers such as Panix, the Well, Echo, and Mindvox.
>These restric[ons threaten the very existence of the Internet and
>interac[ve media as a means of free expression, educa[on, and
>commerce. If enacted, the Internet as we know it will never be the
>Libraries will not be able to put any books online that might
>oend a child somewhere. No "Catcher in the Rye" or "Ulysses" on the net.
>Internet Service Providers could face criminal penal[es for allowing
>children to subscribe to their Internet Services, forcing many small
>companies to simply refuse to sell their services to anyone under 18. Worst
>of all, everything you say and publish on the net will have to be "dumbed
>down" to that which is acceptable to a child.
>As Internet users, we simply must not allow this assault against the
>Internet and our most basic freedoms go unchallenged.
>On Tuesday December 12, the organiza[ons below are urging you to
>join us in a NATIONAL DAY OF PROTEST. The goal is to ood key members of
>the House and Senate with phone calls, faxes and email with the message
>that the Internet community WILL NOT TOLERATE Congressional ahempts to
>destroy the Internet, limit our freedoms and trample on our rights.
>Below are the phone, fax, and email address of several key members of
>Congress on this issue and instruc[ons on what you can do to join the
>Day of Protest to save the Net.
>1. Throughout the day Tuesday December 12, please contact as many
> members of Congress on the list below as you can. If you are only
> able to make one call, contact House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Finally,

> if the Senator or Representa[ve from your state is on the list

> below, be sure to contact him or her also.
>2. Urge each Member of Congress to "stop the madness". Tell them that
> they are about to pass legisla[on that will destroy the Internet as
> an educa[onal and commercial medium. If you are at a loss for
> words, try the following sample communique:
> Sample phone call:
> Both the House and Senate bills designed to protect children
> from objec[onable material on the Internet will actually
> destroy the Internet as an medium for educa[on, commerce, and
> poli[cal discourse. There are other, less restric[ve ways to
> address this issue.
> I urge you to oppose both measures being proposed in the
> conference commihee. This is an important elec[on issue to
> me.
> Sample leher (fax or email):
> The Senate conferees are considering ways to protect children
> from inappropriate material on the Internet. A vote for either
> the House or Senate proposals will result in the destruc[on of
> the Internet as a viable medium for free expression, educa[on,
> commerce. Libraries will not be able to put their en[re book
> collec[ons online. Everyday people like me will risk massive
> nes and prison sentences for public discussions someone s
> somewhere might consider "indecent".
> There are other, less restric[ve ways to protect children from
> objec[onable material online. This is an important elec[on
> issue to me.
>3. If you're in San Francisco, or near enough to get there, go to
> the Rally Against Censorship from Ground Zero of the Digital Revolu[on:
> WHEN: Monday, December 11, 1995 12:00 - 1:00 PM
> WHERE: South Park (between 2nd and 3rd, Bryant and Brannon) San Francisco.
> SPEAKERS: To be announced
> BRING: Ahen[on-grabbing posters, signs, and banners that demonstrate
> your commihment to free speech and expression, and your feelings
> about Congress.
> FOR UPDATED INFORMATION (including rain info):
> hhp://
>4. Mail a note to to let us know you did your part.
> Although you will not receive a reply due to the number of
> an[cipated responses, we'll be coun[ng up the number of people that

> par[cipated in the day of protest.

> P ST Name and Address Phone Fax
> = == ======================== ============== ==============
> R AK Stevens, Ted 1-202-224-3004 1-202-224-1044
> R AZ McCain, John 1-202-224-2235 1-602-952-8702
> D HI Inouye, Daniel K. 1-202-224-3934 1-202-224-6747
> R KS Dole, Robert 1-202-224-6521 1-202-228-1245
> D KY Ford, Wendell H. 1-202-224-4343 1-202-224-0046
> R MS Loh, Trent 1-202-224-6253 1-202-224-2262
> R MT Burns, Conrad R. 1-202-224-2644 1-202-224-8594
> D NE Exon, J. J. 1-202-224-4224 1-202-224-5213
> D SC Hollings, Ernest F. 1-202-224-6121 1-202-224-4293
> R SD Pressler, Larry 1-202-224-5842 1-202-224-1259
> R WA Gorton, Slade 1-202-224-3441 1-202-224-9393
> D WV Rockefeller, John D. 1-202-224-6472 n.a.
> Dist ST Name, Address, and Party Phone Fax
> ==== == ======================== ============== ==============
> 6 GA Gingrich, Newt (R) 1-202-225-4501 1-202-225-4656
> 2428 RHOB
> 14 MI Conyers Jr., John (D) 1-202-225-5126 1-202-225-0072
> 2426 RHOB
> 1 CO Schroeder, Patricia (D) 1-202-225-4431 1-202-225-5842
> 2307 RHOB
> 18 TX Jackson-Lee, Sheila (D) 1-202-225-3816 1-202-225-3317
> 1520 LHOB
> 6 TN Gordon, Bart (D) 1-202-225-4231 1-202-225-6887
> 2201 RHOB
>4. Forward this alert to all of your wired friends.
>In order to use the net more eec[vely, several organiza[ons have
>joined forces on a single Congressional net campaign to stop the
>Communica[ons Decency Act.
>American Civil Liber[es Union * American Communica[on Associa[on *

>American Council for the Arts * Arts & Technology Society * Associa[on
>of Alterna[ve Newsweeklies * biancaTroll produc[ons * Boston
>Coali[on for Freedom of Expression * Californians Against Censorship
>Together * Center For Democracy And Technology * Centre for Democra[c
>Communica[ons * Center for Public Representa[on * Ci[zen's Voice >New Zealand * Cloud 9 Internet *Computer Communicators Associa[on *
>Computel Network Services * Computer Professionals for Social
>Responsibility * Cross Connec[on * Cyber-Rights Campaign * CyberQueer
>Lounge * Dorsai Embassy * Dutch Digital Ci[zens' Movement * ECHO
>Communica[ons Group, Inc. * Electronic Fron[er Canada * Electronic
>Fron[er Founda[on * Electronic Fron[er Founda[on - Aus[n *
>Electronic Fron[ers Australia * Electronic Fron[ers Houston *
>Electronic Fron[ers New Hampshire * Electronic Privacy Informa[on
>Center * Feminists For Free Expression * First Amendment Teach-In *
>Florida Coali[on Against Censorship * FranceCom, Inc. Web Adver[sing
>Services * Friendly An[-Censorship Taskforce for Students * Hands
>O! The Net * Inland Book Company * Inner Circle Technologies, Inc. *
>Inst. for Global Communica[ons * Internet On-Ramp, Inc. * Internet
>Users Consor[um * Joint Ar[sts' and Music Promo[ons Poli[cal Ac[on
>Commihee * The Libertarian Party * Marijuana Policy Project *
>Metropolitan Data Networks Ltd. * MindVox * MN Grassroots Party *
>Na[onal Bicycle Greenway * Na[onal Campaign for Freedom of Expression
>* Na[onal Coali[on Against Censorship * Na[onal Gay and Lesbian Task
>Force * Na[onal Public Telecompu[ng Network * Na[onal Writers Union
>* Oregon Coast RISC * Panix Public Access Internet * People for the
>American Way * Republican Liberty Caucus * Rock Out Censorship *
>Society for Electronic Access * The Thing Interna[onal BBS Network *
>The WELL * Voters Telecommunica[ons Watch
>(Note: All 'Electronic Fron[er' organiza[ons are independent en[[es,
> not EFF chapters or divisions.)
> End Alert
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 15:07:00 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Dave Newton <dirk@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: Excel Macros

Jesse asks:

>Has anyone tried to use the Excel macros which were so graciously
>provided for our general consump[on by Dave? I am currently trying to
>get the HP Generator to work, and it (the macro) comes up with a problem

>when trying to use the following command: Ac[vate("PersonaGenerator")

>That might not be exactly the thing, but I know it's Ac[vate.

The ACTIVATE command switches between sheets. In this case it is ahemp[ng
to switch to the macro sheet. Depending on the names you use for the two
sheets, replace all instances with either the name of the macro, or the
name of the HP Sheet template.

>What is wrong here? Does anyone know Excel? Dave, can I ask you, or
>will I get brushed o? :)

Ha! Unless I read my mail at work (where I can't reply), I always answer my
mail - it might takes months, though, so prac[ce holding your breath... ;)

>Using the beas[e-generator that's there would be MUCHO helpful in
>lling in the blanks in the Phaeree Beas[ary... :)

The beas[e macro works the same way (switching between sheets), but if any
of you get it working (on a PC, that is) let the list know; it is well
worth it!

Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 22:40:12 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Patrick Murphy <murphy@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Excel Macros
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 10 Dec 1995, Dave Newton wrote:

> >Has anyone tried to use the Excel macros which were so graciously
> >provided for our general consump[on by Dave? I am currently trying to
> >get the HP Generator to work, and it (the macro) comes up with a problem
> >when trying to use the following command: Ac[vate("PersonaGenerator")
> >That might not be exactly the thing, but I know it's Ac[vate.
> The ACTIVATE command switches between sheets. In this case it is ahemp[ng
> to switch to the macro sheet. Depending on the names you use for the two
> sheets, replace all instances with either the name of the macro, or the
> name of the HP Sheet template.

In other words, HPGEN.XLM should be renamed PersonaGenerator or you
should change the macro to Ac[vate("HPGEN.XLM"). You'll love it once
you get it working...nice job, Dave! I won't ask how long that took.

One le I haven't got anything to work on is the HEKACALC.XLM le...the
icon looks like a macro but nothing seems to happen...same with the
TOWN-something-or-other. Can anyone point me in the right direc[on?

Dave? Maybe these didn't get nished.

Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 20:22:13 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Excel Macros
In-Reply-To: <> from
"Patrick Murphy" at Dec 10, 95 10:40:12 pm

I'm glad to see people are gejng the Excel macros gured out.
Would someone please compile a list of changes needed for each macro
and send it to the list? I imagine I could gure it out if I spent
some [me on it, but it's the end of the quarter, and I'm lazy. :)
It looks like some others here would appreciate the help as well.

Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 09:29:51 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Patrick Murphy <murphy@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Excel Macros (fwd)

Dave respondeth to my query regarding the macros:

>One le I haven't got anything to work on is the HEKACALC.XLM le...the
>icon looks like a macro but nothing seems to happen...same with the
>TOWN-something-or-other. Can anyone point me in the right direc[on?
>Dave? Maybe these didn't get nished.

The two sheets to which you are referring need to be open, and they return
data within themselves, I believe. In fact, I think I misnamed the
HEKACALC.XLM when I transferred it - I don't think it's a macro at all

The Heka calculator allows you to copy and paste stats from the HPSHEET to
the upper lep corner , and generates Heka based on the scores (you supply
the base STEEP scores, and any non-zero amount will generate Heka). It's
not awless, but it takes a lot of the drudgery out of doing several HPs
with Heka-genera[ng K/S Areas.

Actually, I'm not sure if I ever nished the CITYTOWN generator (it
should have all the numbers for genera[ng popula[on and building stats # of stories, construc[on, etc.). Kind of a cool method that I used
manually, and I thought it would be useful in a macro.


And now somebody asked for a list of name changes...I will get the ball
rolling (I think these are right):

HEKAPWR.XLS -> Heka Power Sheet
POWERS.XLM -> Powers Macro
HPGEN.XLM -> PersonaGenerator
QWIKSHT1.XLS -> QuickSheet
YEGODS.XLS -> Yegods

I s[ll haven't got some macros to work, but Dave's info will help. Maybe
we could keep each other appraised of which ones work, which ones don't,
which ones need name changes, etc.

Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 01:12:32 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: item rumors

Here are some more item rumors submihed by AJ Schmidt.


Shell of the Deep
This nau[lus-shaped shell has an ebony shine so reec[ve that
you can see images in it as though it were a mirror. The Shell is of
a crustacean no larger than three feet in diameter. It has always
been an enigma in that no one ever nds it, as the Shell simply
chooses an owner for itself. This item has infrequently shown up in
sehlements on the western shores of Vaarguard and Brasilia, but it
remains for the most part in Lemuria.
Ancient tribes record the presence of the Shell as a omen of
rebellion, for it appears to seek out [mes of strife and tribula[on.
There appears to be some deital connec[on, but it is uncertain which
dei[es are involved. The Shell has the ability to bestow Heka in
excess of 10,000 points for par[al prac[[oner priests. The Heka
can be used all at once, or in separate Cas[ngs. Aperture has no
limit with respect to this device, though it does have its cost. For
every 100 points of Heka used, a bea[ng human heart must be fed to it
within one week. If that condi[on is not met, all life within 10
miles is destroyed by acidic rain or [dal wave.


Casual Components
These items appear to be nothing more than dried cubes of mud
with no special markings or runes. The Nepal Guard and Army uses
these extensively in the eld when crea[ng po[ons, elixirs, or
using Cas[ngs requiring Materia. Any Cas[ng using the Casual
Component instead of standard Materia is guaranteed a special success
if cast correctly.
The only problem is that the Components are open accompanied by
several normal nonmagickal cubes indis[nguishable from the true
Components. Cas[ng without the correct Component causes a special
failure. The Components do not radiate magic and cannot be detected
by divina[on Cas[ngs. By some mys[cal means, the Napaleese can
always discern which ones are the Casual Components, though they
refuse to explain their methods.

Chest of Ivory Dreaming
This fabled chest is made of black mammoth tusk and black
elephant hide. Within is a blue diamond the size of an elephant's eye
called the Eye Dreamer. The Chest itself is laminated such that
reec[ons can be seen on its inside cover and walls. The last
res[ng place of this chest is in a hidden elephant's graveyard. Many
have quested to nd the graveyard for the fortune of ivory there, but
the truly wise seek out the Chest.
There are tales of both fortune and woe regarding the Chest
recorded in the scrolls of Hin. The graveyard is said to be "...high
in the mountains where a pass falls into a valley where the eldest of
pachyderms nd eternal rest." Many have searched for this place, but
few have actually succeeded, and fewer yet have returned. Those
select few have looked at their own reec[on within the chest
without seeing the Eye, and have had their dreams come true. The
others who did not return are said to have seen the Eye and fell to
the tempta[on of wealth and greed, and were turned to dust.
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 01:13:48 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: item rumors again

More of the same. As always, any comments or feedback is welcome.




Brakki's Elemental Athenor
The Athenor is an magical advisor of an elemental nature. It
appears to be a golem of reec[ve liquid metal capable of changing
into any element. The golem can assume any form, but prefers that of
a seven foot liquid metal gure.
Brakki was trying to do something never accomplished before,
create a golem of pure elemental Materia capable of communing with the
elements. He was more successful than he imagined. The new form was
named Bea and became a close advisor, protector, and friend. Bea and
Brakki became protectors of the environment and were a force to reckon
with by any who abused the elements.
Somehow Brakki infused a golem of mercury with a spirit of nature
and elements. Bea has limitless power when in contact with pure
elemental substance through a spiritual link. When cut o by magical
means or captured in a pentacle, the golem is useless and freezes.
Bea is capable of controlling any element, whether it is alone or in a
Though the golem has been seen recently, Brakki has been out of
touch for py years, and if found would be over 130 years old. It
is suspected that they were caught in a well-prepared ambush which
brought about Brakki's demise.

The dragonship Ellide is said to actually be a human shaman of
the same name, now permanently transformed into his present form. He
has been used to terrorize enemy coasts and port ci[es for years.
Ellide is a longboat with the wings, head, and claws of a dragon. It
has all the strengths, maneuverability, and abili[es of a greater
water dragon, and can carry two dozen men easily.
Ages ago, the shaman Ellide served Nien in [mes of war by
seizing enemy ships and crew. Possessing an unknown item of powerful
magick, he could transform himself, a ship, and its crew into the form
of a dragon. The shaman would then y to a Nien port, change
back, and allow troops to take the enemy crew prisoner. Some[mes, he
would transform one of Nien's own ships for a surprise ahack on an
enemy coast.
Finally, one of Nien's foes tried to put a stop to Ellide.
They prepared a longboat, magickally enchan[ng it with a high
resistance to Heka Eects. Then they placed it in the vanguard of a
eet heading toward Nien, and waited. The shaman indeed came and
tried to transform with the ship. However, the power of his item was
insucient to overcome the ship's resistances. The change to dragon
form began, then froze in an intermediate shape. Ellide found he
could neither change completely into a dragon nor return to his human
form. He successfully returned to Nien, where he con[nues his
service to the navy.


Bronze Raptor
This gurehead was reportedly on the rst ship to cross the
Titanic Ocean. The Brass gurehead is a rough sculpture of an eagle
or hawk. The gurehead has many jagged edges and points -- too many
to dis[nguish the exact species of the bird depicted. Nonetheless,
legends clearly state that the bird is a raptor.
The Raptor was rst men[oned in a fable da[ng back two
millennia. It was a gip from Odin to the travelers of the sea who
held his faith secure. It was delivered to the people by Thor, who
secured it onto a ceremonial ship with a single hammer blow. Both
dei[es have granted powers to the icon.
The Raptor conveys invulnerability to the ship from non-magickal
forces of any kind and 300 points of Heka armor. Because of this,
ships bearing the Raptor became renown for ramming. The gurehead
also has naviga[onal talents and the ability to control weather.
Neustria has made many copies of this gurehead for its ships so no
enemy might know which carries the true Raptor.

Theorums Text of Siggin
This is a text made from the diaries of the great Engineer
Siggin. The book was wrihen in script by Master Geovanious. He
edited the diaries and notes of Siggin in such a way that the work is
comprehensive and makes Engineering very understandable. The book has
a hard leather cover engraved with a mechanical steam machine. The
pages are linen covered with handwrihen text. It is said that
Geovanious needed an en[re decade to complete the Text.
For reasons unknown, this work can not be copied. Perhaps
protec[ons have been placed to protect the marvelous secrets hidden
within the book It speaks of crea[ng great machines of locomo[on and
warfare. Most of the work has marvelous feats of inven[on using
steam and oil, though one specic chapter deals with the ability to
use gears and mechanisms instead of Heka-Forging. Though various
Heka-Forging opera[ons are detailed in the Text, it mostly
concentrates on the wondrous feats possible through engineering alone.
The mage guilds of southern na[ons have oered rewards for the
capture or destruc[on of the Theorums Text, as they regard it as a
threat to their posi[on in society. It is uncertain whether their
fears are well founded or not.

Thunderstrike Spear
This Spear is made of ivory and has runes of great sea creatures
and of magick. Its point is barbed and almost harpoon-like. On a
quiet night you can hear it humming and see a pale-yellowish glow. The
spear has had many owners. Vorax the Conqueror, perhaps the most
famous owner, claimed to know over 100 commands for the Spear. Sages
claim the Spear was originally made from the Giants' dragon who
guarded the Bifrost Bridge before Heimdall defeated it. Now the spear
is believed to be lodged in the mast of the Mist Ship of Ghortor.

Some of its fabled powers include various weather-related

Eects, including lightning, hail, and sleet. The Spear is also said
to grant formidable gh[ng prowess to its wielder, and has a
seemingly unlimited Heka reservoir to draw upon. However, a dierent
command word is required for each power. Since the Mist Ship of
Ghortor is a ghost ship, last known to have been seen regularly over
700 years ago, lihle else has been recorded.
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 19:41:29 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jason Furedy <Preliathor@AOL.COM>
Subject: Internet Legisla[on

Senator McCain,
The Senate conferences are considering ways to protect children from
inappropriate material on the Internet. A vote for either the House or
Senate proposals will result in the destruc[on of the Internet as a viable
medium for free expression, educa[on, and commerce. Libraries will not be
able to put their en[re book collec[ons online. Everyday people like me
will risk massive nes and prison sentences for public discussions that
someone, somewhere, might consider "indecent".
There are other, less restric[ve ways to protect children from
objec[onable material online. This is a very important issue to me. One
that deals directly with our Cons[tu[onal rights. Please, cast your vote
for smaller government, fewer restric[ons, and the Bill of Rights.

Yours sincerely,

Tucson, AZ
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 17:40:11 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Internet Legisla[on
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 12 Dec 1995, Jason Furedy wrote:

> Senator McCain,
> The Senate conferences are considering ways to protect children from
> inappropriate material on the Internet. A vote for either the House or
> Senate proposals will result in the destruc[on of the Internet as a viable
> medium for free expression, educa[on, and commerce. Libraries will not be
> able to put their en[re book collec[ons online. Everyday people like me
> will risk massive nes and prison sentences for public discussions that
> someone, somewhere, might consider "indecent".
> There are other, less restric[ve ways to protect children from

> objec[onable material online. This is a very important issue to me. One
> that deals directly with our Cons[tu[onal rights. Please, cast your vote
> for smaller government, fewer restric[ons, and the Bill of Rights.
> Yours sincerely,
> Jason
> Tucson, AZ
Wow. I didn't know that there were Mythus'ers in the Senate. Maybe
those poli[cians aren't so bad aper all. At least they know good
gaming. ;-)

And in the spirit of Senate rules, on to something more germane to the
discussion. I was ipping through the magic book (I think it was under
Conjura[on or Mediumship), and found a creature descrip[on which might
shed some light on the recent discussion on the nature of PPM.
Specically, I am referring to a cas[ng which summons Ghosts, that is
spirits of departed human/humanoids of a malign nature who refuse to
leave the material plane. While they themselves must rely upon
Mental/Spiritual ahacks to aect FPM beings (at least un[l they are
powerful enough to manifest fully physically), they are referred to as
being weak enough to be ahacked physically. I don't recall the details
exactly and cannot reference them here, but it's at least worth checking out.

--Ryan Snead
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 19:23:04 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Erik T. Dunneh" <Kalrithian@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: New Archetype&stu:Ar[cer

Looks good, but I think a character like that should also have the
Physics K/S in the bundle.
Light, springs, and engineering are all physics based. Later! :)
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 1995 18:47:54 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Item rumors

Here are some more item rumors submihed by AJ Schmidt. Feel free to
send any comments or correc[ons about the background of these item names.
There are only 2 or 3 more countries to go before this project is complete.
I will have a nished version available soon aperward.



Great Drum of Order
This large [mpani drum is sounded during the longest day of the
year. It is made of brass and can be heard for miles, echoing
throughout the hills and valleys of Teutonia. For the year following
the bea[ng of the Drum, civil unrest is prevented within the country.
The Drum has been used for 83 years, ever since the item was found.
Its origin is unknown, though other na[ons have spent a great deal of
eort in uncovering the Great Drum's secrets. Certainly, many
na[ons would desire such an item, as not only has there not been any
civil uprisings, but crimes commihed by ci[zens of Teutonia have
dropped sharply due to the eects of the Drum.

Impenetrable Helm
This Helm is part of a suit of full plate armor, which is of ne
crapsmanship, and is shined to a mirror polish. The armor has the
crest of Teutonia done in blood red with gold accents on its
Although the armor provides magical Heka protec[on, the Helm is
the true ar[fact. As long as the Helm is worn, one is impervious to
mental, physical, and spiritual damage. With the power of the Helm,
the armor is protected from any type of damage, and cannot be removed
without the consent of the one wearing it. It even provides nutri[on
and sustenance to anyone wearing it, elimina[ng the need for sleep,
food, or even air.
The only known weakness possessed by the Helm is that one wearing
it can be overwhelmed by shear numbers and restrained. This nearly
happened in the year 923, when Prince Huphrey was pulled o his horse
while wearing the Helm in bahle. Only the quick ac[on of his
knights saved him and the Helm from being lost.

Throne of Teutonia
This well craped throne is made of cherry and ne fruit
woods. The crest of Teutonia is displayed prominently over the head
rest, ornamented with gold leaf. It is in excellent condi[on,
considering its age of over six centuries; its red velvet seat shows
only nominal wear.
The throne was originally used by the rulers of Teutonia for
defense against magical ahack. During the mid 300s, there was an
inltra[on of witches in the royal court. The Inquisi[on was
considered too risky a response to this threat, so the Throne was
installed. Cas[ngs may not be used within 20 leagues of the Throne
without the mental permission of the person seated there. Rulers
approved certain spells, but the constant interrup[on of court led to
a law to eliminate Cas[ngs within the capital city. This law became
a hindrance to Teutonia aper a century of magical advancement on

Aerth lep Teutonia far behind.

Teutonia tried using dierent overseers for the Throne to allow
greater magick use within the city. Aper a number of power
struggles, the Ministry of Defense acquired the Throne. They monitor
the use of Cas[ngs 24 hours a day, and ne anyone using Cas[ngs
without government approval.
The awesome power of the Throne has been a great asset to the
defense of the na[on. However, magical research has been moved to
remote sites. To compensate for this, Teutonia has waged war in hopes
of gaining great magick, and spends much of its resources in the
acquisi[on magickal items, cas[ngs, and ar[facts from neighboring

Unanswerable Demands of von Jungst
This script is a paragraph open read during government rallies.
Its exact wording is uncertain and there is only one known copy.
Apparently when heard, the audience is placed into a hypno[c trance.
During this [me, they are compelled to serve the country of Teutonia.
There is no known protec[on against the Demands, which have caused
the demise of many criminals and spies from other countries. It is
also believed that any orders given aper the Demands are followed
without ques[on, by anyone hearing them. The existence of this
script have made many na[ons wary when nego[a[ng trea[es with


Dud Skull
This Skull is an alien's skull which appears to be a cross
between a primate and a tyrannosaurus. The Skull is preserved by a
metallic coa[ng of an unknown alloy. When ac[vated, the Skull
banishes any malign spirit and prevents all spiritual ahacks within a
100 mile radius. Nothing else is known about this ar[fact.

Fiend Horn
This Horn is made of a black cone-shape animal horn. While the
Horn appears to be of Phaeree origin, it is most likely from the skull
of a end. The purpose of the Horn is to destroy other-planar
beings. When blown, a cone of gray, shiping light is projected for a
distance of several chains. All extra-planar beings are destroyed -as if erased from existence. The size of the cone is dependent on the
Heka expended when the Horn is used.

Iron Divining Wheel
The Wheel is a round wheel used to divine certain outcomes. It
is roughly 5' in diameter and covered in runes. Divina[on STEEPs are
eec[vely doubled when this device is spun in conjunc[on with a
The Divining Wheel also is capable of producing three-dimensional

images of remote areas in a manner similar but superior to crystal

balls or magic mirrors. Individuals so viewed may be mentally probed,
ahacked mentally, or even given hypno[c sugges[ons.

Lotus Jewel
This is a black ower six inches in diameter, craped of onyx
with veins and leaves of jade. It is dicult to say how such a
perfect carving could have been made without the aid of Phaeree
magick. The Lotus has the ability to summon and the consciousness of
an individual, either living or dead. An en[ty within the Jewel has
access to their normal store of Heka plus an addi[onal 2000 points,
and possesses double their former Heka Aperture. It has been used by
the previous Grand High Lama to protect and teach the present Grand
Lama. In desperate or dangerous missions, the Lotus Jewel has been
sent along as both advisor and protector.
The ower is said to be a gip from a great Adshee over two
millennia ago. It is said to be capable of stealing the soul of an
unwilling person, but has not been used for that purpose. It is
considered the greatest honor to be lent the Lotus, and considered the
highest trust and importance to be placed on a mission requiring such

Nine Solu[on Vial
This decanter appears of be made of a glazed ceramic in an
oriental style. Pictures of lakes, rivers, and streams adorn its
side. The Vial produces nine Heka-engendered solu[ons per day.
These are especially valuable to Heka forgers, alchemists, and
herbalists for they produce special successes whenever used in their
formulas or opera[ons.

Thrice Locked Tome
This tome holds the secret of longevity and immortality. It is
wrihen in an ancient language and the cover is made of an unknown
leather. Three brass locks hold the binding closed. Although the
tome was discovered nearly a millennium ago, the Tome's [tle has only
recently been deciphered to read "Libram Arcana Life Everlas[ng."
The Took has some wicked defenses. Anyone scrying its contents
must roll against MMCap at a DR of Extreme or be disintegrated. Any
ahempt to open one of the three locks requires a similar roll, with
the same results for failure. While a few rare individuals have
managed to divine some meaning from the Tome, its cover's recent
transla[on was required to verify its purpose and history. A book
with such a [tle was rumored to have been held by the rst Emperor
of Azir two millennia before the Fall, but was lost, and the keys to
its locks scahered across the con[nent.
At this [me, only one key has been located, and none dare divine
where the other two are. Ahempts to create duplicate keys have been
fu[le, while the search for the two keys have lasted nearly ve

Date: Sat, 16 Dec 1995 18:48:44 -0800

Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: and more.....

More items by AJ Schmidt.


Astral Conveyance
This locket is made of ne pla[num laden with diamonds; worth a
small fortune in crapsmanship alone. It is oval shaped with carvings
depic[ng wind and water on front and back. The gems are held by a
ne wire mesh in such a way that they may be moved and manipulated.
The locket can be opened to reveal two vortexes on its inner faces.
When touched, one vortex takes the traveler to a dierent Plane, the
other allows a return to the traveler's Plane of origin.
Wearing the Conveyance confers the ability to survive in any of
the alternate Planes it can reach. It is believed, with a great deal
of addi[onal Heka, a traveler may take companions, but this is not
certain. Currently the Astral Conveyance is on display in the museum
at Castle For[tude of Duke Grandeaous II. It has not been used for
nearly two centuries, as the proper gem congura[ons have been
forgohen. It is displayed in a glass case, open to show the vortexes
to prove its authen[city.

This is a large agate cut in the shape of a car[oid, or heart.
On the surface of the three foot gem are thousands of crystals,
glimmering in the light. The Hekaheart is a large regenera[ng Heka
Reservoir with a capacity of at least 20,000 Heka. The crystals may
be grown and removed, and serve as sources of up to 10,000 Heka.
Accomplished sculptors may cause the crystals to grow to any desired
form through use of mind, spirit, and Heka. The fabulous crystal
statuehes are almost pure Heka, and melt away once the Heka within
them is used. A par[ally drained crystal may be touched to the
Hekaheart to restore its full Heka capacity; otherwise they may not be
Years ago, Trebizond gave away these statuehes as gips to
foreign ambassadors when they believed them to be beau[ful, but
useless. Now that their true power is known, the country closely
guards both the Hekaheart and all statuehes made from it. From [me
to [me, the statuehes have been given to heroes who have performed
great deeds for Trebizond.

Igar's Smokesring
This unique item remains an enigma. Below Castle Pertenes,
within the largest dungeon, lies a perfectly circular ring of smoke.
The smoke varies in hue from light blue to dark gray or black.

Usually, it has a combina[on of colors giving it a marbled

appearance. The Smokesring gives o neither smell nor heat, but
instead radiates a great deal of posi[ve and nega[ve Heka.
The Smokesring is named aper the guard Igar, who was the sole
surviving witness to its crea[on. Unfortunately, he died hours aper
he was discovered, and those searching the castle could not see him
but could only hear his voice. Igar raved about the death and madness
caused by the glowing ring of smoke.
Igar's Smokesring is a source of random magickal Eects for
anyone who touches it. Some of these Eects are rela[vely benign,
such as change of skin and hair color, height or sex. The Smokesring
also has totally disgured individuals and even made a few completely
disappear! On the other hand, several miraculous changes have been
caused by this item. One person became a full prac[[oner simply by
touch, while another was healed of leprosy. As yet, no clear pahern
or control mechanism has been discovered. While the Smokesring is an
item of great poten[al, only fools or desperate people dare to
approach it.

Iron Alterna[ves of Xanadides
These are shackles of unsurpassed quality meant to secure the
arms, legs and neck of a prisoner. Separate but integral to the item
are two arm bands meant to be worn on the forearms. All this appears
to be made of ne polished steel.
Xanadides was a cruel ruler who especially enjoyed the suering
of prisoners being tortured. The Iron Alterna[ves were his favorite
means of torture, which he used to inict pain on those close to the
prisoner. The arm bands enabled Xanadides to transform into the
person bound by the shackles -- gaining the appearance, memories, and
skills of the prisoner. Thus changed, he could assume that person's
life and ruin both family and reputa[on. Even if the prisoner was
allowed to live, he found no welcome upon his return.
Xanadides nally died, and the Iron Alterna[ves were seized by
Trebizond's military. It is unknown how this powerful item is
currently being used.

This copper wand has no dis[nguishing marks or symbols, except
that it is more shiny at one end, indica[ng where it is grasped.
This probably has prevented a number of burns, as the other end is
very hot to the touch -- hot enough to ignite dry combus[bles.
The Meteorswand is used to ignite and ex[nguish res. In
competent hands, it can control natural res, summon re elementals,
and cause lava to erupt from the ground. As its name suggests, the
Meteorswand can even be used to direct aming meteors to strike a
target. This last ahack form is renown for ending long sieges and
wars. Anywhere from 4 to 10 square miles of terrain is completely
devastated by the ahack, leaving almost nothing alive in its path.
At the present [me it is believed that an elite adventuring
group is using the wand to rid the country of an invasion of wererats.

Sir Cicero of the First Dwarven Command is leading the expedi[on,

accompanied by Fr. Thomas, Chord the Boy Wonder, General Kala Stoh,
and the aged Mistress of Magick, Gabriella.
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 00:24:11 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Yes, more item rumors

Here is anothe set of rumors submihed by AJ Schmidt. Hope you enjoy



Talisman of Darkforce
The Talisman is an ornately carved ebony bone with a human skull
on one end. Closer examina[on reveals that it is in fact made of
metal instead of bone, with two glowing rubies in the eye sockets of
the skull.
The Talisman taps into the Abyssal Plane, allowing its wielder
access to prac[cally unlimited amounts of nega[ve Heka. This Heka
can be used to power any Cas[ng which the wielder knows. Though this
subs[tutes for any use of personal Heka, there is a cost. First,
depending on the type of Cas[ng, the Eect will be twisted by
nega[ve Heka toward darkness, death and destruc[on. The more
opposed the plane from which the Cas[ng ordinarily draws its power,
the greater the change in the Eect. Secondly, the Talisman will
destroy surrounding life as a side eect of its use to power a
Cas[ng. This destruc[on is propor[onal to the Grade of the
Cas[ng; in one instance, the Talisman destroyed an en[re forest
while powering a Grade IX Cas[ng.
The Talisman can also summon and control Netherealm or undead
creatures. This func[on draws upon the owner's personal spirit,
causing spiritual damage and risking soul death upon its use. It is
said the Talisman has a spirit which will possess those who look into
its ruby eyes. No one has ever lived to dispute this rumor, though
its past owners all have tended toward the same malicious and evil

Wri[ngs of Morglos
These books are the greatest crea[ons of Morglos, chronicling
his fall into insanity and his ahempts to make up for the horrors he
helped create. A master of alchemy, dweomercraep, mediumship,
necromancy, and sorcery, Morglos began his work in an ahempt to bring
back his family, who had died in a terrible re. The strain of the

experimenta[on broke his mind, as he abandoned the raising of the

dead to instead work on crea[ng undead abomina[ons made from dead
Years of such work nally produced the set of books known as
_The Crea[on_. The individual tomes are called: Crea[ng the Link to
Netherworld, Crea[ng the Netherbody, Crea[on and Anointment of
Power, and Crea[ng the Undead Vessel. Use of the powerful Cas[ngs
and opera[ons recorded here enable one to fashion golems from dead
esh, create undead which feed o of the living, and even the
transfer of spirits into an inanimate golem body. Using this
collected knowledge, Morglos and his assistants released horrible
creatures who terrorized the populous, all in an ahempt to bring
loved ones back to life.
Eventually, Morglos saw the destruc[on his work had caused to
his home country and regained his sanity. To atone for what he had
done, he abandoned his research and instead studied exorcism and other
means of destroying the undead. He was killed before he could destroy
all his vile crea[ons, either by the government who feared that
Morglos was s[ll crea[ng the horrible monsters, or by powerful
Netherbeings who did not want to lose their power over the region.
However, Morglos' master scribe Homglum managed to assemble his later
work into a set of tomes knows as _The Destruc[on_. The [tles of
these books include: Incanta[ons of Destroying the Everliving,
Destruc[on of a Lich, Destruc[on of the Fanged, The Dismemberment of
Those Animated, and Undead Decay Cas[ngs. (The last released bound
spirits to their nal rest)
Some of Morglos' creatures have survived to terrorize the
ci[zens of Transylvania. Thus, the name of Morglos is s[ll spoken
as a curse (if at all) and his works viewed as an abomina[on. It is
not known where the Wri[ngs are kept, as even the benecial books
would be burned by people afraid of another epidemic of undead.

This prominent axe was created in the 2nd century for Count
Riendalf to prevent undead creatures from escaping Transylvania. The
axe itself has a hap of steel and a blade made en[rely of star
granite -- a rock unique to Transylvania and found in bedrock under
almost the en[re country. Star granite is so named because the
colored inclusions on the black granite surface looks like the stars
on a clear night. The Staraxe is quite heavy, requiring a PMpow of at
least 20 to wield it properly.
Any undead walking above star granite falls under the great
dweomer of the axe, and may not escape to land which does not contain
star granite. When an undead creature ahempts to leave such ground,
the Staraxe appears and bathes the creature with light and heat as
intense as the sun's own. Count Riendalf was the only person able to
wield the axe, and is rumored to appear with it when it appears. He
is said to have taken undead form to beher fulll his oath to
protect innocent mortals from the wrath of the Netherworld.
Whether these rumors are true or not, conrmed reports from

neighboring na[ons state that bright ashes of light have been seen
near the borders of Transylvania. Ocial sources claim these are
nothing more than meteors.
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 01:03:10 -0800
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Steven Gullerud <gullerud@LELAND.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Item rumors...coming to an end

These two countries are the last ones to be submihed. Now, only a
few missed items have to be sent in before this project is completed.
I hope to send out the complete ascii le soon, but Christmas vaca[on
might delay that a bit. I'll have to nd another subject to contribute
to the list soon. :)

Anyway, these items were wrihen by G. Pueschner.



Key of Binding
During a meal with Habdar, the ruler of Sheba, I learned much
about the secrets of his country. The informa[on is most likely
true, though he was more than a lihle drunk at the [me. The Key of
Binding is evidently a most powerful item, able to control an en[re
country (or at least the rulers there). Ages ago, it is said that the
whole of Middle Azir was united under one ruler by the power of the
Habdar conded that [es of blood are required before the Key's
power can take hold. Currently, Ophir has felt the eects of the Key
aper a marriage was arranged between a member of Sheba's royal family
and the Ophirian sultanate. This marriage was evidently enough for
the Key; I have seen wrihen instruc[ons sent to Ophirian government
dicta[ng policies to take on certain issues.
Though Habdar seems convinced that blood [es are necessary, I
suspect that this Key might be able to control other countries without
such leverage.

Lunarcrescent Sword
I almost didn't learn about this item during my stay in Sheba.
It was only when I was refused entrance to a heavily guarded room that
I became suspicious and inves[gated. The Sword has been locked up
for years in a room plated with copper and sealed with magical
protec[ons and stone walls some 20 feet thick.
Only a few members of the lower classes would dare tell me
anything about the Sword's powers. One old man claimed that it was

the one weapon that could enable the commoners to overthrow their
corrupt leaders. Years ago, the Lunarcrescent Sword was held by a
great man of common birth. He used it to rally nearly all those
belonging to the lower class to his side, and began a revolu[on that
nearly toppled Sheba's rulers. Only the combined magick of every
dweomercraeper in the na[on was able to capture the leader and his
My only evidence that this story might truly point to the Sword's
powers is that the old man had died before I could visit him again.
The guards claimed that it was merely an unfortunate accident. Aper
that, I never was greeted as warmly by my host, the ruler of Sheba.

Narqub's Interwoven Strands
Another interes[ng item, the Strands are supposedly of Aegyp[an
origin. I have no idea what this item looks like, but I have heard
that it has the power to inuence the weather. Sheba uses it to keep
its farms produc[ve by preven[ng drought. I have seen elds where
it rains one minute, stops suddenly to reveal clear skies, then begin
raining again. I do not understand why Sheba only uses this item for
agriculture, as it could be devasta[ng if used against enemy naval
forces. They do know its value, however, as they refused to show me
the item. Oddly enough, everyone denies that the Strands have
anything to do with Sheba's ports and docks, which are the safest in
the whole world.

Venerable Lamps
These pearl-encrusted Lamps have nothing at all to do with
shedding light. Instead, they contain or create incredible quan[[es
of sand. When the Lamp is opened, sand shoots out to obliterate all
in its path.
I was fortunate enough to accompany a patrol armed with one of
these items. We were charged by a force of at least py bandits,
expec[ng to overwhelm us to get to a caravan we were guarding. The
leader merely pointed the Lamp and opened it. Out shot what must have
been tons of sand. When we all could see again, not a single bandit
could be seen; all had been buried by the sand.


Crystals of Cold
Svergie claims that these diamonds are used by its ar[sts to
create the fabulous life-like crystal statues famous in all Aeropa.
They open fetch a great price from people eager to own one of these
exo[c pieces. Owners claim that the statues are so well done that
the subjects seem to have been turned into ice while in mo[on.
I, however, know that these claims are far closer to the truth
than anyone dares dream. Foreigners to Svergie disappear from [me to
[me, about as frequently as these statues are made. Though all
Cas[ngs reveal the statues to be nothing more than just that, I have

heard reports of people recognizing missing rela[ves in the faces of

these statues. It's a wonder I ever travel to the North.

When I caught a glimpse of this sword I thought it was broken,
for it was nothing but a fancy golden hilt. When I heard that it was
the Firetongue, I knew my rst impression was very much mistaken.
When drawn, the sword has a blade of ame hot enough to cut through
steel. It is easy to believe the horrible tales veterans tell about
the sword literally carving through whole ranks of soldiers.
If that were all Firetongue could do, I'm sure opposing armies
wouldn't fear it nearly as much as they do. The sword can also shoot
out ames and cause explosions of re in the distance. I thought I
saw one such bahle from afar; it looked like a volcano was trying to
rise out of a forest. It's one weakness, if my sources can be
believed, is that it grants no protec[on to its wielder from its own

Sovereign Horn
This Horn is feared by every ruler and is the dream of any leader
of a revolu[on. Historians have told me that this item caused the
nal downfall of the Svergian empire by enabling a revolt against the
king to succeed. Though ini[ally the Horn was held in honor by the
new populist leaders of Svergie, Ivarr III now guards it deep in some
hidden vault.
I nd it curious that the Sovereign Horn has the same powers
ahributed to it as Sheba's Lunarcrescent Sword. Perhaps they were
made by the same person, or are related in some other way. Whatever
the case, the Horn is said to cause hordes of people to rally to one's
cause -- so long as it leads to the downfall of the current rulers of
that country.
Personally, I don't believe these stories, as a ruler would
surely destroy such an item rather than risk its use. I suspect that
it can be used to cause revolts in other countries. Ivarr III might
hope to use it to put rulers in power who would favor a new
Russ-Svergie alliance. If Svergie ever ahempted such a strategy, I
imagine the en[re region would be plunged into war.

This item is actually an en[re fort posi[oned at the
southernmost [p of the na[on. Stormhammer is visible from miles
away at sea, because of the shine from its silvery walls. The fort
gets its name from its manner of ahack; any hos[le ships approaching
it are quickly sunk by small but very intense storms. These storms
can be summoned at distances greater than 10 leagues. Hence, na[ons
like Gotland hesitate to ahack Svergie, for doing so would make sea
trade with most of Aeropa impossible.
No one has been allowed to see the inside of Stormhammer. Even I
have had my requests to visit denied; they even threatened to send
storms aper me if I approached! I have heard a few friends say that

a single weapon is the source of the en[re fort's power, and that it
is kept there to prevent its thep. I'm not sure if I can believe
such a tale, for Svergie would surely benet more if such power could
be moved wherever it was needed.

Wind Hat
This hat gives a singer a voice "like that of the gods". I have
heard a concert given by one wearing this item, and was astounded by
the vocal range and talent of the soloist. Others about me were dazed
hours aper the concert was nished. Some have said that the Hat
makes one immortal, though I am certain that is because the quality of
voice it grants sounds much the same from one person to the next.
What is strange, according to my friends, is that some singers
have kept their incredible voice even when wearing no hat at all.
Perhaps the public appearances of such singers, all wearing the "Wind
Hat", actually do not have the true magickal item at all! It would
explain, despite ocial claims that the Hat is only used to enhance
operas and the like, the odd stories I have heard regarding Svergie's
army. Survivors from some of Svergie's greatest victories have told
about shouts loud enough to shaher stone walls, or Spellsongs the
like of which no bard has ever sung. I'd be careful before invading
Svergie, for I don't think I'd enjoy such an experience.
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 19:54:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "John R. Troy" <johntroy@TIAC.NET>
Subject: Santa Claus: DJ Style

Being so close to the holidays, I have a few thoughts running through my head.

How would one handle Santa on AErth?

Well, we have counterparts for daVinci and even Nikola Tesla on AErth. If
this is the place where legend and myth exist, then we goha have Santa!

I would assume that Santa Claus would be some form of Quasi-Deity that
resides on Phaeree's North Pole. He would most likely be revered by the
Finnish/Kalvean(sp?) Mythos, if he had to belong to any. (I like to think
there are some immortals that stay outside Pantheon structure.)

What would be his voca[on? Hmm.

Well, the legends (what lihle I know) speak of Santa Claus--or more AErth
like, Kris Kringle--as a crapsman--so perhaps he was an engineer or
ar[san. This would obviously lead itself to something akin to an alchemist
and heka-forger on AErth, seeing as magick is common. Giving that he's an
immortal, he Likely knows true dweomercrap, White School. He would need
such skill to perform these feats. (Though, admitedly, on AErth, such
skills are less rare...but he can do his stu in one night, supposedly).

Oh, and he MUST know Divina[on on a Supernatural level.

The "elves" would most likely be alfen or brownies, more likely the
laher--perhaps a special sub-race of them. (Aurora Brownies). Likely
skilled in both ar[sanship and alchemy. Flying reindeer, no problem...this
is Phaeree! The sleigh and bag would possible be true ar[facts, on at
least a Supernatural Level. (The sleigh would probably be a
[me/dimensional travel plakorm, enhancing the reindeer's powers.)

Hell, perhaps Phaeree is the home of Santa for Earth as well!

I could even see Kris doing other things besides just delivering toys during
the feasts of Yule. Perhaps he protects innocent children and families from
harm. Clearly, as an immortal, he'd likely have to deal with evil of other
ilk, most notably Louhi and the other evil Kalevean potencies, or even
Nordic and Slavic ones. He might have a patron in Ukko, serving his needs
at [mes. Perhaps he'd act as a heka-forger for worthy and willing
adventurers, though they'd have to prove their worth. (Could Kringle be a
patron for the adventurers? It does have its possibili[es!)

Anybody else have any ideas or comments? If anybody has any specic
informa[on regarding the legend of Santa Claus, especially where it
concerns ancient/medivial myth, would be much appreciated.

John R. Troy (JRT)
johntroy@[ <Primary Address <Secondary, Being deleted soon.
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 14:17:34 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Santa Claus: DJ Style

No, not this again! Stop me before I post my Myths rendi[on of "Rudolph The
Red-Nosed Reindeer!" AAAAGGGHHH!
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 23:59:01 PST
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "< Daniel Pickeh>" <Sprrwhwk@SPARROWHAWK.WANET.NET>
Subject: Christmas Break...

Hello All,

This place has been dead around here since someone announced that it was

Christmas season. Since I'm going to do much on the Phaeree manual over Christmas, I
will, however, compose a list of about 50 to 60 crihers. Then I'm going to divide them
up into groups of 10. Next I'm going to give the group of volunteers these crihers and
let them get started crea[ng crihers. Before all this comes to pass I will take the
document as it now stands and send it to everyone who has requested a copy, including
the volunteers. As monsters are completed just send them to me for inclusion in the
manual and I'll post them to the list and pass them on to the web sight.

If any body has ques[ons, keep them to mean just drop me a leher.

Later All, Daniel

------------------------------------Name: Daniel Pickeh
Date: 12/20/95
Time: 23:59:01
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 14:34:41 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Ray A. Dion" <rayd@GLEN-NET.CA>
Subject: Phaeree Manual

I would like a copy of the Phaeree manual that is being distributed please.


Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 15:19:40 -0600
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Eric Medalis <astolfo@INTERACCESS.COM>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Manual

I'd also like a copy of the pharee manual if possible.
Also, has anyone run Necropolis? I'm gonna be running it soon and was
wondering if anyone had any sugges[ons for playing, i.e. adjus[ng MPG
strenghts (up or Down), problem spots, etc... I've got four players who are
old hands at gaming but new to Mythus.
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 00:06:47 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Necropolis
In-Reply-To: <v01510100ac7f0e34b6@[]>

Ah...something I can answer.

I ran Necropolis as one of the rst real campaigns I ran using Mythus.
I actually had some HP's running around doing some other stu and I
managed to steer them in the direc[on of the scenario. Here are a
couple of thoughts (it was about 2 years ago, so don't ask me too much!)

First, I felt that the HP's we made really overpowered the rst part of
the adventure. The enemies in Aartuat were no match for them. They
really weren't very far advanced beyond crea[on, either.

Second, if they don't have any magickal abili[es (weapons or cas[ngs)
it will be unbeatable. I had a poor assassin who was having a ball as I
placed them in more "civilized" plots, but against the demons his fairly
magickal dagger just didn't cut it (pun intended!).

Finally, make sure there's a good reason for the HP's to go there! Don't
use any sort of cheesy scenario devices, or it will denitely take away
from the great avor of it all. It doesn't maher whether or not you
are using it in the "chance search" way or the "hired by good guys to
nd evil" way (I don't remember what they're labeled in the book
itself--if you've read it you know what I'm talking about). The rst
[me they did it they were given the map and Tribesman's Account as a
reward for an earlier job, and o they went. I'm going to run it again
(with a dierent group, mainly, and some vastly dierent HP's), but
this [me, Pharoah's son has been assassinated in a plot to undermine the
current Dynasty, while the forces of Set ahempt to bring about the
return of Rahotep just in [me to replace Pharoah and bring about the
beginning of a new's a lot of fun. :) The HP's are up to
their ears, and don't really know what's going on (well, except for my
brother, but he is working as a para-government "problem solver"...)

Anyway, any other ques[ons?


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 03:39:50 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Frode Jacobsen <frodeja@POWERTECH.NO>
Subject: Newbie


Please send me a copy of the Phaeree manual.

I'm new to this list and would appreciate it if anyone could tell me

what you
have been / are doing on the list. I play the game with two friends of mine, one
of whom is the GM. Since I got online access a few months ago I've been
searching for info on Mythus, anything is of interest.

For my own part my interest is all things heka-genera[ng, comes from
playing a mage/priest I guess, and any new info on Phaeree.

Has anyone out there done any work on bahlesystem-rules? Our GM is in
the process of conver[ng Mythus sta[s[cs to Warhammer.

So please send any info to my email adress, if you don't want to ood the
group with old news.



Frode Jacobsen Tel. +47 22269441
Emil Korsmos Vei 23 email:
0678 Oslo
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 22:38:24 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Manual

I would like a copy of the Phaeree manual that is being distributed please.


"Why for you put me in the cold cold ground?"
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 15:16:30 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Thomas Biskup <tb@SARANXIS.RUHR.DE>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Manual
In-Reply-To: <>

I would like a copy of the Phaeree manual too. Please :-)


-Thomas Biskup email to:

"Would you choose one life over one thousand?

I refuse to let arithme[c decide ques[ons like that."
-- Data and Picard, "Jus[ce", stardate 41255.6
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 04:51:46 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: George Goins <Katsin@AOL.COM>
Subject: Armor and Magic

I want to know if regular armor can protect a character from heka-based
cas[ngs like heka-bolt charm? In the spells descrip[on, it says "Heka
Bolts are not aected by non-magical armor." But on page 220 of the Mythus
book it seems like regular armor can protect you from cas[ngs like heka-bolt

George Goins
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 04:58:10 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: George Goins <Katsin@AOL.COM>
Subject: Armor and Heka use

Those of you on the list that are running a Mythus campaign; do you allow
your heka users to wear armor?

George Goins
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 11:11:34 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Frode Jacobsen <frodeja@POWERTECH.NO>
Subject: Re: Armor and Heka use

>Those of you on the list that are running a Mythus campaign; do you allow
>your heka users to wear armor?
>George Goins
In our campaign heka-users are allowed to wear any kind of armor, but
for each speed factor above 2 the DR becomes one harder, of course there are
special kinds of armor but then they are expensive and hard to get.

Best wishes


Frode Jacobsen Tel. +47 22269441

Emil Korsmos Vei 23 email:

0678 Oslo
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 10:30:52 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Armor and Heka use
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 26 Dec 1995, George Goins wrote:

> Those of you on the list that are running a Mythus campaign; do you allow
> your heka users to wear armor?

Absolutely. There is no prohibi[on whatsoever, and it does not
signicantly aect game balance. Believe you me :-)

Of course, I was never one to worship at the altar of Game Balance
(reverbera[on eect from nowhere in par[cular).

Without it, Hekaurs would easily be toast in a heavy combat situa[on.
Armor Physical, et al. are handy, but take way too long to cast (even
when readied) to be *really* useful in a nasty hand-to-hand situa[on.

On the other hand, the player of the Full Prac[[oner (Elemental Mage)
in my group has chosen to basically rely on Armor, Physical and a couple
of handy Triggers, to protect her HP, because Armor is rather out of
character for the persona.

Besides, a Forester who couldn't mix his Herbal concoc[ons or read some
omens while wearing his leathers just wouldn't make sense.

Now for a side trip. I'm curious how some of y'all rule, since I seem to
be fairly liberal in my interpreta[ons regarding Heka. In each of the
Armor, XXX cas[ngs (Dweomercraep, General), it says something to the
eect of: Only one Cas[ngs of this type can be on a persona at a [me.

My ruling, born out by at least one published scenario, is that this
means that only one Physical Armor, one Mental Armor, one Spiritual
Armor, and one Heka Armor can be on the persona at any given [me, rather
than only one Armor, XXX at a [me (which would arguably make only the
Full-Persona Armor even interes[ng ;-) ).

Agreement? Disagreement? Thoughts? What happens when the second Armor,
whatever is cast? Does it dissipate, leaving the old one in place, or
does it wipe out the old one and the new one together, or does it replace
the old one? Dave?

Mike Phillips, | LINUX: The OS that people

Mythus: hhp:// | choose without $200
Home page: hhp:// | million of marke[ng
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 10:44:31 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Armor and Magic
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 26 Dec 1995, George Goins wrote:

> I want to know if regular armor can protect a character from heka-based
> cas[ngs like heka-bolt charm? In the spells descrip[on, it says "Heka
> Bolts are not aected by non-magical armor." But on page 220 of the Mythus
> book it seems like regular armor can protect you from cas[ngs like heka-bolt
> charm....

If the armor is not magickal, the Heka Bolt (and many others) simply
ignores it. There are some Cas[ngs which do Physical Damage (quite a
few, in fact) which *will* be absorbed by the armor. A few examples are:
Fireknives Charm, Icearrows Charm, Slingstones Cantrip, Acidspray
Cantrip, Cold Ray Cantrip, Elemental Missile Charm, Acid Jet Cantrip,
Alkaline Shower Cantrip, and Fludd's Fire Spell.

Of course, in some cases the armor is rather quickly turned into Swiss
cheese (or worse), or the Armor enhances the damage (in Cold Ray, for
instance, damage is treated as Electrical for purposes of how well it
assists against the cold -- OUCHIE if one has a lot of metal on).


Mike Phillips, | LINUX: The OS that people
Mythus: hhp:// | choose without $200
Home page: hhp:// | million of marke[ng
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 12:28:03 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Armor and Heka use (fwd)

Dave asked me to forward this to the list:

---------- Forwarded message ---------Date: Tue, 26 Dec 95 09:40:54 PST
From: Dave Newton <>
To: Mike Phillips <mike@LAWLIB.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Armor and Heka use

Mike: Please post this reply.

Regarding armor, Mike Phillips said:
>My ruling, born out by at least one published scenario, is that this
>means that only one Physical Armor, one Mental Armor, one Spiritual
>Armor, and one Heka Armor can be on the persona at any given [me, rather
>than only one Armor, XXX at a [me (which would arguably make only the
>Full-Persona Armor even interes[ng ;-) ).
>Agreement? Disagreement? Thoughts? What happens when the second Armor,
>whatever is cast? Does it dissipate, leaving the old one in place, or
>does it wipe out the old one and the new one together, or does it replace
>the old one? Dave?

Dave sez:
One of each type, and only one. Magickal armor is not cumula[ve. This is
prehy much for [reverbera[on] GAME BALANCE... Subsequent Cas[ngs of the
same type REPLACE the previous armor of that type. Super strict GMs may
wish to allow only one of any type, but I allow for one of each. Anything
beyond that is ridiculous (Oh wow, dude. I've got two thousand points of
Mental Spiritual, Physical and Heka armor, and I'm going to go kick that
dragon's ugly buh... [Ahhh... No. I think NOT. This isn't Masters of the
Universe, He-Man. Sit down and start roleplaying. <grin>]).

Happy Holidays,
To philosophize is to doubt. -Montaigne
-------------------------------------------------Web page: hhp://
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 13:23:50 -0500
Reply-To: Snead Ryan W <>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Armor and Heka use (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 26 Dec 1995, Mike Phillips wrote:

> Mike: Please post this reply.
> Regarding armor, Mike Phillips said:
> >
> >Agreement? Disagreement? Thoughts? What happens when the second Armor,
> >whatever is cast? Does it dissipate, leaving the old one in place, or
> >does it wipe out the old one and the new one together, or does it replace

> >the old one? Dave?

> >
> Dave sez:
> One of each type, and only one. Magickal armor is not cumula[ve. This is
> prehy much for [reverbera[on] GAME BALANCE... Subsequent Cas[ngs of the
> same type REPLACE the previous armor of that type. Super strict GMs may
> wish to allow only one of any type, but I allow for one of each. Anything
> beyond that is ridiculous (Oh wow, dude. I've got two thousand points of
> Mental Spiritual, Physical and Heka armor, and I'm going to go kick that
> dragon's ugly buh... [Ahhh... No. I think NOT. This isn't Masters of the
> Universe, He-Man. Sit down and start roleplaying. <grin>]).

I have heard this ruling that 'Subsequent Cas[ngs of the same type XXX the
previous armor of that type, and the text of MM largely agrees with this
no[on by providing for how cas[ngs, par[cularly of a physical armor,
interact with one another. However, cas[ngs such as Elemental Shield (M
M p.60) and Shield of Belief (MM p.153) which do not directly produce armor,
but eec[vely create a shield of limited size. Both of these 'shields'
negate damage in physical armor style (1:1 P armor), but have certain
limita[ons (Shield of Belief does not protect vs. area eect, and
Elemental Shield has penal[es for protec[on against opposed elements).
Are these dis[nct forms of Physical armor (as the for[tude cas[ngs of
Priestcraep Resist physical harm and Burlyone)?
"What about the shadow armors of Gray School and Ethos Shadowy Darkness?

*Penumbrate Armor "creates upon the clothing a weightless and virtually
unno[cable armor protec[on...the protec[on of penumbrate armor is not of
Heka armor sort, granted it is Heka-engendered."

*Shadow Armor: "This Cantrip forms a shadowy aura surrounding the
subject. This Eect protects such subjects from harm exactly as if they
were wearing full leather armor."

I'm sure there are probably other examples (such as the Apotropaism
wardings printed in Mythus), but I'll quit while I'm behind.


* Text in quotes is printed directly from Mythus Magick, a currently
out-of-print tome originally published by GDW for which the copyright is
currently owned by TSR(c). The text is reprinted here without permission
from TSR(c) for the purpose of discussion under the fair use clauses of U.S.
copyright law.
(Actually, it's all part of my evil plan to reprint everything ever
published about Mythus or Dangerous Journeys online for the purposes of
'discussion.' Shhhhh! Don't tell!! At this rate, I should be done some
[me in the year 2375, assuming I don't die of old age rst. (-; )

Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 20:55:15 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Donald Eccles <Darkman416@AOL.COM>
Subject: Heka & Armor

Ryan, et. al.:

Elemental Shield and Shield of Belief are indeed supplemental to the "Armor,
Physical" and so forth Cas[ngs. Their func[on is to assist and they do
have their limits.

It took me awhile to realize why there was such a thing as "Penumbrate Armor"
at all, since it seemed to be worse than the General Cas[ng "Armor,
Physical." Like so many unanswered ques[ons, I had no recourse to the
creators and so, through medita[on and many re-readings, I have come to the
following conclusions:
* As your quote points out, this is not Heka-Armor and wouldn't protect
against, say, a "Heka Bolt."
* Some other form of Heka-Armor (like "Armor, Physical") can be added, but
its protec[on is only against Heka-engendered damage.
* This Cas[ng lasts a lot longer than "Armor, Physical" (1 AT/STEEP versus
10 ATs). It can thus be cast farther in advance of need.
* Note that this Cas[ng aects a subject's clothing, not necessarily the
subject. Since the Cas[ng E/F/M states that other garments may be worn atop
it to hide the shadowy eect, I take this to mean that someone using Heka
Sight would also not no[ce this person as being protected, whereas "Armor,
Physical" would show up like a road are on an IR scope.
* It is "similar to chain mail in its eect." Does this mean it is able to
subtract as much damage as normal chain mail would and *then* absorb
addi[onal damage equal to the Caster's M TRAIT or MR CATEGORY? Who knows?
Thankfully, no one has tried this yet. It is the most controversial aspect
of this Grade I Cas[ng. Yet, the Grade I "Shadow Armor" Cas[ng does say
exactly that, though it is only equal to full leather. In my opinion, it
should, though the extra armor nega[on should also be scored against hits to
cancel the Cas[ng when such extra damage equals the armor's protec[ve

What say you, good people?

Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 01:02:11 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Armor and Heka use
In-Reply-To: <>

> > Those of you on the list that are running a Mythus campaign; do you allow
> > your heka users to wear armor?
> Absolutely. There is no prohibi[on whatsoever, and it does not
> signicantly aect game balance. Believe you me :-)
> Of course, I was never one to worship at the altar of Game Balance
> (reverbera[on eect from nowhere in par[cular).

Some "alleluliahs" come singing in from over here. :) Thank you Mike-- I
hate game balance. Was Legolas balanced with Frodo? Doubt it... :)

> Without it, Hekaurs would easily be toast in a heavy combat situa[on.
> Armor Physical, et al. are handy, but take way too long to cast (even
> when readied) to be *really* useful in a nasty hand-to-hand situa[on.

I have witnessed this rsthand. I admit, I was worried when my Users
placed their favorite armor Cas[ng upon themselves, but in the end, it
didn't make much dierence. Without other armors to supplement the fact
that magickal ones *end* on you at the worst possible moment, the Users
in my campaign aperwards took the party monies (cash set aside for just
such an emergency) and went and bought some protec[on! :)

Besides, if a wizard is gh[ng another, and the other is wearing a
metal breastplate, what beher way "to say I love you, than with a
(spatula) uh...arcing bolt of electricity." Electricity works wonders...
> Now for a side trip. I'm curious how some of y'all rule, since I seem to
> be fairly liberal in my interpreta[ons regarding Heka. In each of the
> Armor, XXX cas[ngs (Dweomercraep, General), it says something to the
> eect of: Only one Cas[ngs of this type can be on a persona at a [me.
> My ruling, born out by at least one published scenario, is that this
> means that only one Physical Armor, one Mental Armor, one Spiritual
> Armor, and one Heka Armor can be on the persona at any given [me, rather
> than only one Armor, XXX at a [me (which would arguably make only the
> Full-Persona Armor even interes[ng ;-) ).

I guess it depends on your decisions regarding the power of magick in
your reality. If magick is a truly...uh...magickal thing, than I would
say you need to be prehy liberal (ick, did I just say that? :)). I,
fortunately, have not had to worry about this yet. I would, however,
rule in agreement with you. I would use magick-physics-logic: each part
of the persona is protected by a separate type of force, and they
probably don't interact (which is why, when you get hit with a sword, you
don't take some collateral Mental and Spiritual Damage...hmmm.. now
there's an interes[ng magickal weapon).

Merry Christmas (see below!)

Buhhead: "I am the ghost of Christmas Past..."

Beavis: "Get the hell ouha here, I'm tryin' to watch a porno!"
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 01:08:03 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: Armor and Heka use (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>

All hail the words bespoke by the mighty Dave: (just kidding)

> Dave sez:
> One of each type, and only one. Magickal armor is not cumula[ve. This is
> prehy much for [reverbera[on] GAME BALANCE... Subsequent Cas[ngs of the
> same type REPLACE the previous armor of that type. Super strict GMs may
> wish to allow only one of any type, but I allow for one of each. Anything
> beyond that is ridiculous (Oh wow, dude. I've got two thousand points of
> Mental Spiritual, Physical and Heka armor, and I'm going to go kick that
> dragon's ugly buh... [Ahhh... No. I think NOT. This isn't Masters of the
> Universe, He-Man. Sit down and start roleplaying. <grin>]).

Well, what fun is that? Rather than cheese out of that scenario...

Any dragon worth his salt would be able to use General Wizardry (oops,
sorry, Dweomercraep) with a fairly good STEEP, right? So, just blow
some Heka (and a Joss for eect) and Disjoin his big bad protec[on and
then step on him. :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 12:25:35 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Heka & Armor
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 26 Dec 1995, Donald Eccles wrote:

> * Note that this Cas[ng aects a subject's clothing, not necessarily the
> subject. Since the Cas[ng E/F/M states that other garments may be worn atop
> it to hide the shadowy eect, I take this to mean that someone using Heka
> Sight would also not no[ce this person as being protected, whereas "Armor,
> Physical" would show up like a road are on an IR scope.
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot! If it eects the subject's clothing instead
of the en[re personna, does that mean that it acts as a chain mail shirt

(par example) instead of overall protec[on, thus varying in its

protec[ve value with Strike Loca[on? Furthermore, does the
Dweomercraeper then have to lay the cas[ng over each individual item of
clothing in order to receive its full protec[ve value over the en[re body?
Gee Burt, those blokes look like regular Christmas trees with Heka Sight,
don't they? Yeah, let's go disjoin their cas[ngs and watch 'em set all
their armor up again.

Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 12:16:25 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Snead Ryan W <rwsnea@BIRDS.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Heka & Armor
In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 26 Dec 1995, Donald Eccles wrote:

> Ryan, et. al.:
> Elemental Shield and Shield of Belief are indeed supplemental to the "Armor,
> Physical" and so forth Cas[ngs. Their func[on is to assist and they do
> have their limits.
Sounds good to me.
> It took me awhile to realize why there was such a thing as "Penumbrate Armor"
> at all, since it seemed to be worse than the General Cas[ng "Armor,
> Physical." Like so many unanswered ques[ons, I had no recourse to the
> creators and so, through medita[on and many re-readings, I have come to the
> following conclusions:
Kewl. I shall add my comments and thoughts for what texture they can oer.

> * As your quote points out, this is not Heka-Armor and wouldn't protect
> against, say, a "Heka Bolt."
[Puts on his best game show anouncer voice] That's right Bob, but that's
not all. She-Ra the Invincible will also enjoy many nights as our guest
in the luxurious accomoda[ons found in the inrmary of Castle GrapeShot
thanks to the wounds she received from the much more common Heka Darts.

> * Some other form of Heka-Armor (like "Armor, Physical") can be added, but
> its protec[on is only against Heka-engendered damage.
[Ahem, clears out the GSA voice]. Actuallly, Armor Physical also protects
against non-magickal damage, and so might be proscribed from collusion.
(Anyone dis/agree?) The much more expensive Armor, Heka would be required.

> * This Cas[ng lasts a lot longer than "Armor, Physical" (1 AT/STEEP versus
> 10 ATs). It can thus be cast farther in advance of need.
Good point. However, for extended dungeon crawls --I mean adventures-I would prefer not to burn 20+M/MR per AT/s (probably 3 or 4 hours at best).

> * Note that this Cas[ng aects a subject's clothing, not necessarily the
> subject. Since the Cas[ng E/F/M states that other garments may be worn atop
> it to hide the shadowy eect, I take this to mean that someone using Heka
> Sight would also not no[ce this person as being protected, whereas "Armor,
> Physical" would show up like a road are on an IR scope.
The Cas[ng states that the armor would be physically visible, unless
covered, as dark shadows over the enchanted garment. For this reason, I
would think Heka Sight would s[ll detect it unless it were also somehow
masked, but I'm just guessing.
> * It is "similar to chain mail in its eect." Does this mean it is able to
> subtract as much damage as normal chain mail would and *then* absorb
> addi[onal damage equal to the Caster's M TRAIT or MR CATEGORY? Who knows?
Well, I certainly don't, but I'll take another stab at it as She-Ra the
Invincible goes to bahle a Great Wyrm which has innocently stayed on its
home sphere that She-Ra the Invincible wishes to invade.
She-Ra the Invincible strides condently up to the Wyrm and bonks it on
the nose with her Great Tooth-pick --I mean Sword-- and boldly declares,
"I, She-Ra the Invincible, shall slay thee, vile beast and take your
jewel-encrusted throne as my palace!" [This in a thunderous voice
appropriate as it is campy].
It's Ini[a[ve. Naturally, She-Ra the Invincible wins her roll
thanks to her players new loaded dice and the Specic Cas[ng, "She-Ra's
Triple-Quick Lightning Charm" (She wanted it to be an Eyebite, but the
cas[ng grade would have been too high for her. Besides, the JM thought that
would upset game balance. Yeah, right.)
She-Ra blasts away with her well-nigh ensorcelled blade. The
throbbing glow from the sword hurts the Great Wyrm's eyes as she hacks away
at the beast, but does negligable damage. Now it's Asmodious' turn.
She-Ra the Invincible interrupts the JM's dice rolling with a
taunt, "You cannot harm me! I am protected by my Penumbrate Armor!" The
JM smiles slightly and borrows some of She-Ra's new dice. Amazingly, the
Wyrm does (6D6) 34 points of damage in an Ultra-Vital loca[on (x4) for a
total of 136 PD. Subtrac[ng 24 points for a piercing ahack, She-Ra
takes 110 points of PD. In eect, the Great Wyrm, Asmodius, bites o
She-Ra the Invincible's head. Then, the ancient wyrm les down its
scratched scale while wai[ng for the appe[zer's triggered armors to
wear o.
If you didn't catch that, I would take the Cas[ng at its word.
It provides protec[on equal to chain mail for as many points as are invested
in the dweomer. Naturally, when this runs out, the cas[ng is negated.
Does this sound reasonable?

> Thankfully, no one has tried this yet. It is the most controversial aspect
> of this Grade I Cas[ng. Yet, the Grade I "Shadow Armor" Cas[ng does say
> exactly that, though it is only equal to full leather. In my opinion, it
> should, though the extra armor nega[on should also be scored against hits to
> cancel the Cas[ng when such extra damage equals the armor's protec[ve
> value.
I think that the extra armor is negated for damage taken by the

"leathery" por[on of the armor. However, this cas[ng states that even
when this special protec[on is reduced to zero, the cas[ng s[ll
func[ons as normal leather armor (Although note that 10 hits equalling
its full protec[ve value DOES negate the cas[ng). Addi[onally, the
special protec[on channeled into the armor protects against Heka-engendered
damage, but the "leathery" por[on does not.

> What say you, good people? >
This is what I say, be it sooth or simply not.

Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 11:51:24 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Phaeree Manual

Please send me a copy of the Phaeree manual too.

Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 11:51:28 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: "Harold Stringer, Ridascreen-Biopharm BV" <biopharm@XS4ALL.NL>
Subject: Re: Armor and Heka use

>Those of you on the list that are running a Mythus campaign; do you allow
>your heka users to wear armor?
>George Goins

Yes, I certainly do. When I play myself, which is very rarely, I'm an
Elemental Mage who is "running" around with full-plate together with some
very physical types and a Black Mage. It cost me a fortune, but in this way
I don't need to have all kinds of triggered spells to protect me before I
can cast.
I don't want to use Trigger, as not to start the Trigger debate with the
Black Mage and our GM, who up [ll now haven't found out about its poten[al

The only thing I apply when using armor are speed-factor penal[es and
encumbrance (depending on Physical Ahributes). Especially for those who
need to lug a lot of Tomes around, want to wear heavy armor and than try to
Fly ;)
Furthermore, the more movement-restric[ng types of armor inuence the DR's
of cas[ng.

This is also one of the things of Mythus that I like so very much: there are
lihle unnecessary restric[ons like mages don't wear (metal) armor or
priests only use maces (unless the Deity in ques[on demands so).

Using Mythus you can design your own restric[ons as you see t and apply
them in your campaign.

Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 12:10:22 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Re: K/S vs K/S rolls
In-Reply-To: <199511070054.QAA24518@cardinal1.Stanford.EDU>

Steve Gullerud-
Did you ever get around to messing with the K/S vs. K/S table? I don't
par[cularly like it, and you were talking about it earlier.

What I've done recently is just to assign DR's to the contestants (most
open they are equal...) and have each roll naturally. I don't really
see the point in having the DR worsen just because one contestant is
higher than the other. If you look at it, the likelihood of a success
really just depends on your STEEP, and when one guy has a much higher
STEEP than the other, he'll succeed more open, and at higher dicul[es.

Anyway, that's my rambling.


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 19:31:26 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: William A Helm <CHAINMAIL@AOL.COM>
Subject: Free-form Spell cas[ng...

Did some one say they were going to post something about free-form cas[ng in

I Like the Idea and would like to see it...


"Why for you put me in the cold cold ground?"
-- Tazmanian Devil
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 20:20:33 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Jesse <jgris@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject: Gary's Combat

Hey, has anyone seen Gary Spechko around lately? I really would like to
use his combat rules (par[cularly the hit loca[on stu) and I can't
get ahached to his home page.

If you happened to get the goods, let me know, maybe I can bribe you into
sending it to me.

Gary, if you're out there, why can't I contact your page??? :)


-Beavis: "But master, does not your scrotum need kicking?"
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 20:37:28 -0500
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Richard Crook <Kelthar@AOL.COM>
Subject: Cas[ng in Armor

Volume 1, Number 3 of MMM claried this (sort of) as follows:

Unless specically stated otherwise or there is an obvious conict between
the magick and the armor, and subject to the Journey Master's nal ruling,
the wearing of armor by a prac[[oner, par[al or full, does *not* prevent
the cas[ng of heka.

(the preceeding para copyright TSR, blah, blah, blah)

It goes on to say that the SF of the armor does aect your cas[ng
ini[a[ve, and that holding a shield prohibits any cas[ng other than an

There are some prac[cal limits to the use of armor by DCraepers in
par[cular. As most of them are not strapping specimens of personhood,
having needed higher Mental and Spiritual scores, they become rather
"mobility challenged" in heavier armor. It should be noted that we apply the
SF ra[ng of the armor to base move on a CT basis, not BT.


Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 17:44:55 +0100
Reply-To: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <MYTHUS-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
From: Frode Jacobsen <frodeja@POWERTECH.NO>
Subject: Happy new year

Hello everybody,

thanks for the respons, I checked out your web-page Mike, some interes[mg
stu there. We had one our sessions; we don't get many chances as we are
spread over this very land:)

Anyways, my co-player who plays a knight was a bit dissapointed with
Warhammer (he felt it was to easy to get killed), so I was wondering if any of
you have any thoughts about PCs in Warhammer? We just converted them into
heroes which worked well for me as I'm a mage and I like staying at the very
back of the bahle-eld.

And do you have any ideas about what to do with heka-users, we chose to
s[ck with the Warhammer rules, deciding only a full-prac[oner could be a

Well that's about it, have a great new year('s eve), I'm o to a party
now and
if I'm s[ll alive tomorrow I have a druid to slaughter!!!!

Best wishes


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