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Par 2 i : Part 2 You are going to read an article about the channel tunnel. For questions & 1, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. Recently | was offered the chance to travel by train through the chan- nel tunnel between England and France. | went on the shuttle that car- ries cars. The site is not beautiful. There is a huge railway complex with tracks disappearing into a large hole, and a brand-new exhibition centre. The location of trains is indicated by signs saying “France”. Cars must stop at the toll booths and French immigration points, where passports are shown. (Dealing with formalities here means you can drive straight off the train at the other end.) ‘The double-decker carriages are brightly it, air-conditioned and very hitech. Loudspeaker announcements from the "Chef de Train”, an BWarm-up Activities Englishman speaking very slow French, woloomed us aboard. A crow member with a walke-alke said the crossing would take about 35 min- © Look at the pictures and utes and passengers were expected to stay in or by their cars, He told guess what the article Is me the shuttle employed several female drivers. “The most important about. requirement for the job is that they know about computers and learn French, especially the numbers. They practise by playing bingo.” ja] ston tothe ox up tine, Then we sated. We sino the tunnel and hou traveling spee ot orine ea, guess the en¢ ‘80 mph. The ride was so smooth one was barely aware of any move- ment. It was, predictably, about as interesting as a ride round the Wore, listen 5 the snd of London underground. Somewhere to sit and have a coffee would have Ale Story and find out been welcome, but a crew member said: “With the numbers we expect srouriquessiwas correct: to cary, itjust wouldn't be practical.” 2 After half an hour we shot back into the French daylight, had lunch, then came back. The retum trip, however, did not go so smoothly. Halfway across, a fire alarm went off. We were all moved to a neigh- 2° bouring carriage. Moments later, a young man appeared and said calm- ly: “Just practising. You can all go back!” Then without warning, the train stopped. We found out that a lorry, had fallen over during boarding. After half an hour we were stil waiting. People were becoming mildly iritated, and the only person stil smiling worked for a cross-channel ferry company. Then, all at once, we moved off Disembarking was swift and easy and, within minutes, we were driving on the left again through a wet English night. Ithhad been an interesting day. | had enjoyed the experience of what will undoubtedly become routine in the 2 21st century; but for me, the attractions of the sea and the cry of gulis will always win in the end. 0 > » » » Port 2 Why did the writer make the trip? What does the writer think will happen to channel travel in the future? A Because he was given the opportunity. B Because he wanted to go to France. A The trains will stop running © Because he had an important date B_ The trains will not be used by the very rich. D__ Because it was the only method available. © There will be a lot of technical problems. D The trains will become the usual method of transport. What is the English Channel train entrance like? Ye Why will the writer not use the channel tunnel A. badly constructed train in the future? B large and ugly © small and quiet A Because it's too expensive. D bright and cheerful Because it takes too long Because he has no reason to travel to France, ooo Because he prefers going by boat. Why is the French Immigration office in England? ‘A So passengers can get straight on to the train in England. B So passengers can drive off the train as 500n as they get to France, © So non-European citizens can be separated from Europeans. D So French citizens don't have to show their passports. Why do the crew play bingo? A To improve their French, B To pass the time. © To decide who will drive the train D_ To practise communication skills, What was the crossing to France like? A It was alarming B twas calm. C It was impractical D It was interesting What does “it” in line 22 refer to? carrying large numbers of people. making the journey faster. serving refreshments on the train providing entertainment during the journey. voor Pant 2 Vocabulary Exercises ‘1 Look at the following words in bold in the text and try to explain ther rallway complex, brand-new, immigration | points, loudspeaker, predictably, | underground, cross-channel, undoubtedly 2 Match the words with the definitions. 1. shuttle a 2 site b 3 tracks slightly 4 toll booth a. 5 tosiide 6 barely if 7 boarding o 8 milly he 9 to disembark i 10. switt J. hardly quick or rapid ‘wo parallel rails for trains to travel along ‘means of transport that travels regularly between two places place where money is paid for the use of a road or bridge act of getting on a train or plane to leave a ship or an aircraft a place where a building/town etc is situated to move something along (esp on a slippery surface) S Fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets. When the channel tunnel opened, many people had HGH 1) secsnsnmnne (expect). Instead of travelling for up to 3 hours on the sea, the tunnel appeared to be 8 2) cersimiasiese (attract) alter- native. In reality however, the channel tunnel project ran into some 3) ai (predict) problems. Nobody had imag- ined thal there would be a power 4) (fail), leav- ing the passengers stranded in the tunnel for hours. 8) (doubt), these problems will have been ‘overcome in a few years’ time, satisfying passengers’ 6) (require) for an enjoyable journey. 4 Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list. Use the words only once. todealwith the crossing the cry of double-decker we shot back halfway to hit afire alarm — acrew ME xannaieraiscceaie a os @CFOSS 2 . normalities eavouse oanens cartiages «takes about 35 mins one’s travelling speed member into the French light goes off gulls & Fill in speak, talk, say or tell in the appropriate form, Could you sme the time, please? Paul is capable of for himset. Could you up please? I can't hear you. When | -wthat | want you to be quiet, | mean it! Nobody likes him because he nonsense. He likes to ..about politics all the time. & Choose the correct item. ‘She was given the of working in Hong Kong. (occasion, opportunity, luck, fortune) We had difficulty in the boat round the rocks. (driving, leading, touring, steering) You need to fulfil some basic before being admitted to this university. (requirements, desires, requests, inquiries) My club new members every spring. (hires, engages, recruits, dismisses) The coastline near here is very there are lots of rocks and clifs. (smooth, even, crude, rugged) Port 2 Say which of the following VERBS are used with the following MEANS OF TRANSPORT: catch = getoutof_— ride — steer | miss. get on (to) take get in(to) get off drive board disembark from DEUS Siasaul ‘acar atrain a plane amotorbike aboat a bus. a bicycle aship __ataxi 4g. catchiget on a bus... etc Fill in the appropriate particle( 1 Because the lights went .. we had to light candles. (stopped operating) 2 | had an anti-fu injection, so that 1 wouldn't go ‘flu. (become ill) 3 We can't go your suggestions opposed to our plans (accent) 4 Our plans went . eventually. (were completed) 5 Will you go my state- ment to see if anything is missing? (check) 6 They were given permission by the Council to go bullding the new school (be allowed to continue) 7 The policeman went thieves and caught them. (pursued) the Hiollow-up Activities % Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and discuss: How would you like to travel? Which means of transport would you use and why? % Use the following list of adjectives to ‘compare various means of transport: comfortable, safe, economical, polluting, fast, reliable, dangerous, expensive, convenient, tiring, cramped, pleasant, leisurely, inconvenient, slow, uncomfortable, relaxing, etc e.g. SA: Traveling by plane is more comfortable and faster than travelling by car. SB: However, traveling by car is . miss @ bus [a train... etc. © Fill in the appropriate sound for each anim purr how! buzz neigh quack roar bark squeal chirp ery moo squeak the .. el. of gulls the of alion the of a cat the of a bee the of a wolt the of a pig the of acow the of a duck the of a horse the .of a dog the Of a mouse the of a bird (amas where, whose, who, which, why. Tenerife is a Spanish island 4) ... is off the coast of North Africa. Having visited many istands 2) sno the nightie is not very lively, | was thrilled ‘when | saw so many restaurants, cafés and discos in Tenerife, It is a stunning island 3) ...... beauty cap- tivates all those 4)......... 90 there; this is the reason 5) many people visit the istand year after year. 83

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