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Volume 6 Issue 3 Web site: Email: Ph: 02 9680 8195 June 2008

Saints Who Serve . . . By Jim Dugan

It is with a sad heart that I begin to write this article about Craig and Mary Tress. Craig and
Mary have had to make a very hard decision about their future ministry and have resigned
from the ministry of Word of Life Australia.
Craig and Mary began their missionary life with WOL in the late 90’s by studying at the WOL
Bible Institute before embarking on their support-raising ministry. They arrived in Australia in
1999 and Craig became the Chaplain of the Bible College. Craig’s musical abilities with guitar
and song soon found him very involved with the college music ministry and was a great asset
to the camping ministry. His administration gifts were used in all areas of the ministry. Both
Tress Family Craig and Mary had a great influence in the lives of the students and staff and often had stu-
dents in their home.
When we made the ministry move into LCM and Event Evangelism, Craig’s administration and organizational skills
were a valuable asset during the transitional time. I will miss the many hours of discussing ideas and new ways to do
things. His faithfulness to the ministry will be greatly missed.
Pray for Craig, Mary and the family as they adjust to their new life in the USA. Why not email them and tell them how
much you appreciated their faithful ministry in Australia?

Junior Gym Jam . . . By Jim Dugan

A Jr. Gym Jam is an afternoon of high adventure, great fun, exciting
games, a giant obstacle course and much, much more. Like at all of our
events we will take time out to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Date: 14 June Register at:

Time: Check in—1:30
Program— 2pm to 4pm Deposit: $3.00 per child
Cost: $10.00 per child
Adults free Limited space: There is only
Location: Glenwood High School room for 150 children; registra-
Cnr. Forman Ave & tion is on a first-come, first-serve
Glenwood Park Dr. basis.

Garcia’s State-Side Ministry . . . By Dan Keegan

Bonnie and I made our way to pick up Martin and his family to go to the airport. Martin and Ma-
tias were waiting at the curb to give directions into their narrow driveway. All the bags were lined
up and ready to be loaded. I made an immediate inventory of the bags and suggested to Martin that
at least three of their bags would be overweight. A decision was made to try to find a store open
along the way to the airport to purchase another one. With bags loaded and Martin, Silvia, Matias,
Mikayla, Caleb and, Bonnie all accounted for, we were off to the airport. In the last suburb before
the airport, we found a shop open and Martin was able to purchase a bag. Praise the Lord. Only ten minutes to the air-
port and Martin was feverishly taking bits and pieces from several bags and redistributing the items into the new bag. As
we approached the departure curb, Martin had finished his task just in time!
That was just the start of the “luggage routine.” Martin and Silvia will be faced with similar scenarios over the next eight
months. Living out of suitcases is just part of the daily routine while on missionary furlough. The Garcias will travel
1000’s of klms, stay in dozens of homes and meet 100’s of new people. Over the next eight months the Garcia family
will be reporting to their supporting churches and families on what the Lord is doing in Australia while at the same time
encouraging new churches and individuals to participate with their work for the Lord here in Australia. This will be not
only a challenging time but also a rewarding time. Please pray for the Garcia family while they are on furlough and for
their safe return to us in January 2009.

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