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2 Quiz
The Rise and Fall of Rome
Key Version A

1) What is the key version for the quiz?
a) A
b) B

2) From 700 to 500 B.C., what 3 groups
lived on the Italian peninsula?
a) Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks
b) Chinese, Latins, Greeks
c) Egyptians, Jews, Huns
d) Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans
e) Latins, Egyptians, Germans

3) The first Roman settlements were
built near what river?
a) Euphrates River
b) Mississippi River
c) Nile River
d) Tiber River
e) Tigris River

4) The Romans traded throughout what
a) Atlantic Sea
b) Baltic Sea
c) Caribbean Sea
d) Coral Sea
e) Mediterranean Sea

5) Who were the brothers that were
raised by a wolf, and later became
the founders of Ancient Rome?
a) Abel and Cain
b) Abraham and Jesus
c) Augustus and Julius Caesar
d) Augustus and Romulus
e) Romulus and Remus

6) What is NOT in Rome?
a) Coliseum
b) Christ Redeemer Statue
c) Pantheon
d) Trevi Foundation
e) Vatican

7) Who was the last Etruscan king to

rule Rome?
a) Augustus
b) Diocletian
c) Julius Caesar
d) Justinian
e) Tarquin
8) What is a form of government in
which citizens vote to elect leaders?
a) Aqueduct
b) Civil War
c) Emperor
d) Mosaic
e) Republic
9) In the Roman Republic, who could
a) All free-born females
b) All free-born males
c) All free-born males and females
d) All Romans
e) All slaves
10) In the Roman Republic, there are
how many consuls?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 10
d) 100
e) 300
11) In the Punic Wars, whom did the
Romans fight?
a) Christians
b) Carthage
c) Greeks
d) Other Romans
e) Senate

12) Who killed Julius Caesar?

a) Enemy Soldiers
b) Roman Citizens
c) Roman Generals
d) Roman Senate
e) Sick from a disease

13) Who became the leader of Rome

after Julius Caesar?
a) Abraham
b) Augustus
c) Clovis
d) Jesus
e) Nero

14) What was a long period of peace and

prosperity in Rome?
a) Civil War
b) Consuls
c) Gladiator
d) Pax Romana
e) Tribunes

20) Who was the Roman emperor that

ended all attacks on Christians and
allowed Christians to worship freely?
a) Augustus
b) Constantine
c) Jesus
d) Julius Caesar
e) Justinian

15) Who was NOT part of the Roman

a) Celts
b) Chinese
c) Egyptians
d) Jews
e) North Africans

16) What was NOT a weakness that

threatened Rome?
a) Decline in agriculture
b) Everyone was educated
c) Growth of slavery
d) Heavy taxation
e) Military disloyalty

17) Christianity is a religion based on

the teachings and life of who?
a) Abraham
b) Augustus
c) Buddha
d) Jesus
e) Julius Caesar

21)After the capital of Rome was moved

what was it renamed?
a) Alexandria
b) Carthage
c) Constantinople
d) Octavian
e) New Rome

18) What Roman province was Jesus
a) Carthage
b) Egypt
c) Gaul
d) Judea
e) Rome

19) Who was the Roman emperor who

divided Rome into east and west?
a) Augustus
b) Clovis
c) Diocletian
d) Julius Caesar
e) Tarquin

22) What year did Germanic tribes

conquer Rome, and is marked as the
fall of Western Rome?
a) 284
b) 330
c) 356
d) 476
e) 500
23) Who was the leader of a Germanic
group known as the Franks?
a) Augustus
b) Clovis
c) Jesus
d) Julius Caesar
e) Marcus Brutus
24) What did Eastern Rome become
known as?
a) Byzantine Empire
b) Christianity
c) Clovis
d) Roman Republic
e) Roman Catholic

25) What were laws that regulated

much of the Eastern Roman Empire
for 900 years?
a) Constitution
b) Declaration of Independence
c) Hammurabi Codes
d) Justinian Codes
e) Ten Commandments

26) Ideas and goods from what
continents influenced the Byzantine
a) Australia and Antarctica
b) Asia and Australia
c) Asia and Europe
d) Europe and North America
e) North America and South America

31) Which event marked the beginning

of the Roman Republic? (DO NOW
a) The assassination of Julius Caesar
b) The overthrow of Etruscan rule
c) Established the Twelve Tables
d) The rise of Augustus
32) Why was the consuls term of office
limited to one year? (DO NOW
a) To allow as many people as possible
to be consuls
b) To prevent them from gaining too
much power
c) Because the first consuls only served
a year
d) Because the consuls then became the
commanders-in-chief of the army

27) What is a vocabulary word for an

official split between two groups?
This happened to the Christian
religion creating Roman Catholic and
a) Aqueduct
b) Emperor
c) Mosaic
d) Republic
e) Schism

28) The pope claims authority over all

kings and emperors. The description
matches what answer?
a) Eastern Orthodox
b) Roman Catholic
c) Both
d) None

29) Services are in Greek or local

languages. The description matches
what answer?
a) Eastern Orthodox
b) Roman Catholic
c) Both
d) None

30) Based on the gospels of Jesus and

Bible. The description matches what
a) Eastern Orthodox
b) Roman Catholic
c) Both
d) None

33) In what way were Augustus and

Julius Caesar similar? (DO NOW
a) Both upheld republican ideals.
b) Both held the title of emperor.
c) Both had absolute power.
d) Both expanded the government.
34) The growing gap between the rich
and poor in Rome (DO NOW
a) Threatened Romes stability.
b) Led to the start of Pax Romana.
c) Had little effect on the empire.
d) Was the direct result of the policies
of Augustus.

35) At its height, the Roman Empire

included (DO NOW 08/31/2016)
a) Most of Africa, Asia, and Europe.
b) Western Europe and the
Mediterranean regions.
c) Germany and nearby regions.
d) The regions east of the Caspian Sea.
36) What did the end of Pax Romana
mean for the empire? (DO NOW
a) An economic boom
b) A rise in the number of practicing
c) A time of great achievements in the
arts and sciences
d) An increasing struggles to maintain
stable borders and internal peace
37) Why was the military less effective
after the second century? (DO NOW
a) The draft ended, and fewer men
wanted to be soldiers.
b) The army was scattered across a
very wide area.
c) The troops were needed to maintain
control in newly conquered
d) Soldiers no longer were loyal to the
38) An important principle of Roman
law was that (DO NOW 09/06/2016)
a) Citizens had freedom of speech.
b) Property could not be taken without
just cause.
c) All citizens had freedom of religion.
d) A person was innocent until proven

39) According to the map, which of the

following statements about the
Byzantine Empire under Justinian is
accurate? (DO NOW 09/07/2016)
a) Justinian reconquered many of the
areas held by the Franks.
b) Under Justinian, the Byzantine
Empire grew larger.
c) Justinian kept the borders of the
Byzantine Empire stable.
d) Justinian reduced the size of the
Byzantine Empire.
40) As shown on the map,
Constantinoples location (DO NOW
a) Meant it could not be reached by
b) Was impossible to defend from
attacks by land.
c) Was on major trade routes between
Europe and Asia.
d) Had no effect on its military or
economic situation.

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