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Moss Flue Gas System

Liquid Cargo Handling


The Moss Deck Water Seal is

of displacement semi-dry type
internally coated with GRP.
Upon loss of positive flow, the
water will immediately close
the seal. The mesh demister is
effectively preventing carryover of water droplets under
all flow conditons.

Moss Flue Gas System

A design based on handy

The Moss Pressure/Vacuum

modules means that the Moss

Breaker is another device of

Flue Gas System offers highly

importance for the ship`s

important savings in space

The unique design is based on

Concentric arrangement with

safety, releasing excessive

and installation costs both for

experience from hundreds of

demister section and mesh

pressure/vacuum from the

newbuildings and for retrofit-

installations, the first one in

type wet filter gives indepen-

cargo tanks. The unit is inter-

ting on existing vessels.

the early 1960`s. High effici-

dence of ships pitching and

nally coated with epoxy.

ency, low maintenance costs,

rolling without loss of effici-

easy and safe operation

ency. The scrubber unit is

The Control System is based

Generator, typically 500 Nm /h,

combined with minimum

internally coated with GRP

on a Programmable Logical

can be supplied as optional

space requirements are impor-

with venturi tube in corrosion

Control (PLC). The control

equipment. This makes start-

tant features of the Moss

and heat resistant steel.

panel has a mimic flow dia-

up of boilers unnecessary, if

design. This is reflected in the

Boiler uptake valves are of

gram and the controls

only small quantities of inert

overall layout, the choice of

butterfly type and of heat

required for safe and easy

gas are required.

materials / corrosion protec-

resistance material. Air sealing

operation of the plant with a

tion and the control system.

and soot blowing devices are

minimum of operator super-


vision. The capacity is remote-

A Moss Topping Up

ly controlled from a panel in

Special features

The Blower Units are of single

stage centrifugal type with

The Moss Scrubber Unit is

motors and each unit is

combining three scrubbing

arranged on a rigid steel base

principles; a venturi scrubber,

frame equipped with resilient

a wet filter and a spray sec-

mountings. The blower house

tion for high-efficiency coo-

is of mild steel and internally

ling and cleaning of boiler

coated with GRP. The impeller

flue gases.

is manufactured from corrosion resistant steel.

the cargo control room.

Performance data
Basic Flue Gas Composition:

Efficiency of soot-extraction equal to or

Nominal sea water consumption:


higher than 99% of particles above

0,015 m3/Nm3 gas

1 micron.

(sea water temp. 32C).

Gas outlet temperature:

Nominal el. power consumption:

Max. 5C above sea water temperature.

0,008 kW/Nm3/h gas

Approx. 5% by vol.

CO2-content: Approx.13% by vol.

SO2-content: Approx. 3000 ppm.


Inert Gas Composition:


No change

(excluding sea water pumps).

Relative humidity: 100%.

CO2-content: No change
SO2-content: Less than 100 ppm

Carry over of water droplets:


Less than 1 g/kg dry gas.


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