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Operating Manual
I, General Introduction
This brand new 1JT890C14D Operating Manual is a handheld
3-5/6 digit Troe RMS Digital Multi-meter featuing stable perormance
and hIgh reliability. Its whole circuit design utilizes a largo scale
Integrated circuit that uses ZAADC converter as lis cote and is
further equipped with full function ovedoad protection, makIng it an
ideal boi for usem to measure the followings: DC and AC voltage,
electric current, resistance, capacitance, frequency, temperature
(UT8900/C+). doa Mode and continuity test.
Safety Roles and Instructions
This unit is designed and produced in strict accordance mth
094793, Safety Requirements for Electronic Measuring Instrument
and Safety Standards coded as IEC61010-1 and IEC1010-2-032. II
complies with safe standards, such as double insulation. over voltage
(CAT 111000V, CAT 111600V) and class of pollution Il. Please follow
the instructions contained in this manual, otherwise the protection
provided by this unit may be impaired.
Vou should net use this unit unless its back cover is propedy
secured in place, otherwise mi are exposed to shock hazard.
Tile range switch abaule be switched to a correct range.
Check the insulation layer of the test leads to ensure no
damaged or broken cabia
The red and black test Irada should be well inserted into the
jecks that are In compliance with the measurement requirements to
ensure good contact.
The input signal should not exceed the specified limit value
to avoid shock or unit damage.
ft Is prohibited to change range when measuring voltage or
electric current ao as to avoid tnit damage.
Damaged fuse must only be replaced with fuso with Identical

To avoid electric shock, the potential difference measured

between "COM" and earth =Ir "should be no more than 1000V.
To avoid electric shock, test with great caution In case the
volteara to be measured maybe hIgher than DV 60V or AC 30Vrms.
Battery should be replaoad in time ao as to ensure measurement
accuracy when the LCD displays o .
Power shoJld be tumed cfl immediately upon the test is completed
and battery should be taken out if it may not be used for a long
penal of time.
Do not use the unit onda. an environment with high temperature
and high humidity, especially not store II in a wet place as the
dampened unia may perforrr badly.
Please da slot cherne the circuit of the unit arbitrarily ao as to
avokl'unit damage or safetyhazard.
Maintenance: Please use wet doth and mild detergent rather
tnan abrasive material or solvent for the cleaning afila exterior housing

II. Symbol Description

Low batteryl
ist) estiar
e- Fine


AS; etc.( off 13 Dcsible Insulallon

Ciro silabo
A %Ws Measuiement +F Dia de

III. Characteristics
More than 30 functional ranges are available.
LCD display, vitalbie ama 63.29mm.
Over range display "OL".
Maximum displayed value 5999.
Overbad protection foral ranges.
Auto power off.
Temperature scope:
Working temperature: OC -40C (32 1-104 )
Storage temperature: -i0-50t' (14 1-122 )
Low battery indicator: The symbol 'o " will be displayed at top
lett of the LCD.
II has fundions, including dada hold, measurement of maximum/
minimum value, relativo measurement, baddight, etc.

IV. "a echnical Indexes

Accuracy: (a% reading plUS figure) 1 year warranty period
Environment Temperature: 23 C 5 C
Relativo humiclity: <75%
1, DC Voltage
Accutcy ,

Input impedance: 1G0for the range of 600mV while 10MQ for ali
other ranges.
Overload protection: 750Vrms ar ata peak value of 1000Vp-p.
2. AC Voltage
neta mpedance. 10Mfffor ali the ranges.
Frequency scope: 40Hz - 1Khz (Only applicable to sino wave and
triangular wave, but only being referable for other waves whose
frequencies are equal ar higher Man 200Hz.)
Guaranteed Accuracy: within 5-100% afta range and allow lesa t
han 5 figures of remaining reading in case of short circuit.
Overload Protecbon: 750Vrrns ar ata peak value of 1000Vp-p
Display: True RMS
DC Current
til 2%+3)
Overbad pro .ction: Fusa F1-630mAJ250V, F2-20Af250V
,S5, Maximum input cumsnt 20A (measurhg &eche current between
5A and 20A, testing time 510 seconds, Intervalz15 mios).
Measuring voltage drop: 600mV when at its full range.
AC Current


as uvenaaa pro e ion: Fuso F1-630nuV250V, F2-20A/250V
Frequency scope: 40Hz - 1KHz (Only applicable to sina wave and
triangular wave, but only being referable for olhar weves whose
frequencies are equal ar higher lhan 200Hz )
Guaranteed Accuracy: within 5-100% of its range and aliam; lesa
than 2 figures of remaining in case of short circuit.
s Maximum lnput current: 20A :measuring electric current between
SA and 20A, tesfing time 510 secando, Intervalais mios) Measuring
~age drop: 600mV when at itsfull range
Display: TRIO RMS

Range of 6000: measured value=displayed value - value shown when

test leads are short connected Open circuit voltage:About 1V
Overload protection: 600Vrms.
6. Capacitance
99.09nF - 99179oF 0.01nF - 0.lpF ..(1%119.5i
>20mF:rearling is lor reference only
Range: Auto (Reading for dietributed capacitance of test lcada may
be shown when the unit Is in open circuit, tia recommended to use
REL modo to measure for ary capacitance of lesa than 1pF)
Overload protection: 600Vmis.
7. Frequency
if.999Hz - 10. 0011Hz
0.001Hz- O. 01ibm I
Range: Auto
Input frequency.
5100KHz: 100mVrmssInput frequency530Vrms;
>1013kHz-1MHz, 200mVrmssinput frequency530Vrms
>1MHz: 600mVrmssinput freguenCy530VrrnS;
Overload protection: 600Vrms
8.Diocle & Buzzer Confinuity Test


Range Description


Display lorviard voltage of the diode under test (approximatel

value) and the range scope is 0-3V,

ilis equal ar 1885 than 100, the buzzer beeps, indicating

an cIrcult is clthed: If it is equal ar more than 1000, the aunar
' remamn silente, indicating open circuit with a voltage of
approximately 1V.
Overload protectlon: 600Vrrns
9. hFE Test for Tnensistors


Test Condition
li cem be used to test hFE spedliciations Base current ia aba
for Tranators of NPN ar PNP type 10pA, Voe is about
Display range: 0-100013

10, Tempera ture Test (Only for UT8900+)


[ Temperalure t:

gr- met

Temperature ti -535-2ia7






ow to Use it:
netructions before operating
1). Once the unit is powerec up, piasse check the 9V battery

contained in this unit, and if the battery

vatage is insufficient, there va11 be a
symbol "Ca being displayed on the
acatem, then the battery should be
replaced to ensure measurement
(2). The symbol' 4" located beside
the jacks for test leads wams that for
the prevention of internai drctit from
being damaged, the input voltage ar
current should not exceed the rated
(soe Fig. 1)
(3), Bafore meassing, the range switch should be switched into the
range needed.
(4). Instrument introductIon (see Fig. 1):
Combination keys: HOLD/
3) Combination keys: MAX MIN/4
C) Range switch
Jack for transistor testing
Input Jack
1. DC Voltear. Measurement
Insert the black test lead into 'COM", while inSert the red test
lead into
Switch the range switch into the range "
'.Then connect
the test leads in paragel with the power ar load under leal, the polarrty
shown by the unit is the potanly of the terminal connected by the
red test 'end.
A Notes
1)11 lhe voltage being measured remains unknown, turn the range
switch into the maximum range first and then gradually adjusting it
2)11 "CL' is shown on the LCD. it indicates that ilhas exceeded the
range, ao the range should be switched into a higher one.
The symbol"
" besides the "V' jack indicetes that no voltage
higher than 1000V should be input Mio the unit, as though it is
possible to display a higher ~age, but this may incur a risk of
damaging intemal wiringl
In case the input impedance is around 10MO, it may result in
meaeurement error tf such load is connected into a circuit with high
impedance. Under most circurretances, if the drcult impedance is
lesa than 101d3, then the error is ignored (0.1% ar even lower).
Especially be cautious to avold shock when measuring high vonage.
2. AC Voltage Measurement
(1) Insert the black test lead into 'COM", whIle insert the red test
lead into "V".

(2) Switch the range switch into the range ' V-- '.Then connect the
test toada in perdei with the power or load under test.
A Notes
Reler to the No. 1. 2.4 and 5 of notes for DC voltage measurement
The symbol '4 ' besides the V jack indicates that no voltage
hgher than 750V should be input into the unit, as though it is possiNe
to display a higher voltage, but this may incur a risk of damaging
internai wiringl
3. DC Current Measurement
Insert the black test lead ido "COM' first, then when measuring
current aguai ar lese than 600mA, insert the red test lead into"mApA",
otherwlse,.Insert the red test lead into the jack for 20.4.
Switch the range switch into the range "
". Then connect the
test leads in series with the load under leal, the polarity shown by
the unit is the polarity of the terminal connected by the red test lead.
A Notes
If the current being measured remains unknown, turn Ne range
switch into the maximum range first and then gradually adjusting II
If "DL is shown on the LCD, it indicates that ilhas exceeded the
range, ao the range should be switched Into a higher one.
The symbol'
" besides the "mApA' jack indicates that no
voltage higher than 600mA should be input into the unit, otherwise
F1 fuse may be blown. The symbol
" besides the "A" jack
indicakts that no voltage higher than 20A should be input into the
unit, otherwise F2 fusa may beblown.
4. AC Current Measuremen1
Insert the black test lead iria "COM" firs1, then when measurIng
current equal ar lese than 600rnA Insert lhe red test lead into imApA",
otherwise, Insert the red test lead into the Jack for 204.
Switch the range switch Into the range' A- ". Then connect the
test leads in sedes with the load under test.
A Notes
Referia No. 1), 2) and 3) of the Notes for DC current measurement
5. Rasistance
Input the black test lead into 'COM", vtile inSert the red test
lead into "Cr.
Switch Me range to range 'O' and connect the test leads in
parati& with the resistance under test.
As Notes
1) To ensure measwement accuracy, for the range of 6000:
measured value=displayed value - value shown when test leads are
short connected.
2)1V the resistance under test is higher than the range selected, the
unit will display 'DL'. Then a higher range should be selected. For

any resistance higher than IMO or even higher, it may take a few
seconds for lhe reading to become stable, which is normal when
measuring high resistance.
The red test lead can also be used to check whether or not F1
or F2 has been bOwn. If lhe inApA" jack is tested to be IMO and
'A" Jack is tested to be 00, then ha bise acts geod. ff lhe unit displays
then lhe (use has been blown.
In case of no input, i.e. lhe case of open-circuit, lhe unit displays
When checking lhe impedance of an internai circuit, lhe circuit
under test must be cut off fiam ali power sources and ali capacltive
charge must be discharged.
8. Capacitance Measurement
The unit may dispiay a reading even if there is no input at ati, which
is lhe disbibuted capacitance of lhe test Nada For Lhe measurement
of a resistance less than 1pF, ths value has to be deducted tom lhe
final measured value to ensure measurement escuram,. Therefore,
lhe relativa measurement function of this unil can be used to have
it automatically deducted for lhe convenience ar checking reading.
Ai Notes
The unit will display -012. in case lhe capacitance to be measured
has been short connected or exceeds lhe maximum range of lhe
unit, lhe displayer will show "OL".
For lhe measurement of larga capacitence, R is normal for Me
uni' to take several seconds to stabilize its reading.
To avoid unit damage or harm to the personal safety, lhe capador
Ia be tested must have ali lis residual charge discharged bebia lhe
leal, which is especially lhe case for capacitar with high voltage.
7. Frequency Test
Insert lhe red test lead into 'He Jack. while insert lhe black test
lead into "COM" jack.
Switch lhe range switch into lhe range "Hz". Then connect lhe
test leads in parallel with lhe frequency source, frequency value
can thus be read directly from iIs displayer.
The input frequency must com* with lhe requirements stipulated
by lhe Technical Indexes.
8. Test of Mode
inseri lhe black test lead into 'COM' Jack, while Inseri lhe red test
lead into"V"jack (lhe polarity of red test lead is "+'). Switch lhe range
switch into lhe range " * ". Then connect lhe test lead with lhe
diode under leal, lhe reading is lhe forward voltage drop of lhe
diode. tf lhe diode under test Is ir open circuit or Is polarity is reverse
connected, lhe unit will display 'OL'. For silicon p-n junction,
approximately 500-800mV is generally considered normal.

A Notes
1) When measuring a connected diode, lhe circuit under test must
be first cut off trem ali power sources and ali capacitors must have
afi their residual charge disctarged.
2; Only a diodo with approxirratety 0-3V valtage can be measured.
9. Buzzer CoMinuity Test
Insert lhe black test lead into 'COM", whiie insert lhe red test Na:1
Switch Me range switm into lhe range" .01 'and then connecl
lhe test leads into lhe circuit under test. If both ends of lhe circuit has
a resistance higher than 1000 lis considered that lhe elechic circuit
is disconnected and lhe buzzer remains alterne. (lhe resistance
between both ends is found to be equal or lesa than 100, it is then
considered that lhe electric circuit Is well connected and lhe buzzer
will beep continuously.
A Notes
When measuring an energized circuit, lhe circuit under test must
first be cut off fiam ali power sources and ali capacitam must have
ali (heir residual charge discharged.
10. hFE Test for TransIstors
Switch lhe range switch to lhe range "hFE".
Once lhe transistor has been contirmed whether to be a NPN
or PNP type, Insert Is base, emitter and collector separately into
corresponding jacks on lhe panei.
Approximate hFE value wIl be displayed on lhe displayer. Test
condition: 1tvv10pA,
11. Temperature Measurement (only for UT890C+)
Temperature sensor: only applicable to I< type temperature sensor.
In case lhe Input and remaIns open, lhe unit displays
lis short connected, it displays amblent temperature. The unit can
perform temperature measurement in Celsius degree or Fahrenheit
degree once a 1C type temperature sensor is connected ta it iria
way that lhe black pin conneds to "COM" while lhe red pin connects
to "C". =1.8 'C +32,
@, Notes
The K type poInt conlact thermocouple temperature sensor
(nickel-cadmium or nickel-silicon) that comes with this unit asila
a ccessory is only applicable to lhe measurement of temperature
below 230C/44e ,Another mede] 01K type point contact temperature
sensor that is suitable for lhe ande may be chosen in case it needs
to measure any higher temperature.
12. Function of Keys
(1) MAX MIN/ a key: Press this key to enter into 'MAX MIN Data
Record Mode' automatically, lhe auto power off function will be
cancelled, lhe uni' will display MAX value.
Press again, lhe unit will display MIN value, then again presa II, it

again displays MAX value, repeating in this pattern. Press this key
as usual for two seconds or more or switch the range, the 'Data
Record Mode* will exit (only aoplicable to v. O. A, trr
For exemplo, when lhe unit is in the capacitance range for 6000pF,
once proas this key, the unit will enter into "Relativa Measurement
Mode, whIch ia to set the value currently displayed as the reference
value and then displays automatically the result of "measured
vague reference value'. Presa this key again to exit 'Relative
Measurement. This function is especially suitable for the
measurement of any capadtance lese than 1pF as II ensures lhe
measurement accuracy.
(2) HOLD/ t:/SELECT(Only applicable ta UT890C+)
WExcept for buzzer continuIty. diode, triode and frequency, once
thls key is pressed, the value being displayed will be locked and
hed, and the symbol
will be dIsplayed by the LCD. Press
againto unlock it and enter into normal measurement mode.
Press this key for two seconds or more to power on the backlight,
which will be automatically powered off after around 15 seconds. li
this case is again press for two seconds or more, the bactlight will
be turned off.
(t) This key can be pressed foi functional switch when the unit is in
the "buzzer contintrity" or "temperature' range (only for UT890C+).
13. Other function:
Auto power off
In the process of measurement, ir the range switch fias not been
swffched for 15 minutes, the une will auto power off in arder to save
power. While the uni( is in auto Devier off &ate; ii can be "waken up"
either by preasing any key ar by switch the range switch to "off"
position and then reetart the urit.
Press hold key when the unIt Is restading from power off state, the
buzzer will then beep for 3 consecutive times, Indicating auto power
off functIon has been cancelled, but the funclion maybe resumed
anos the unit is restarted.
The buzzer beeps for a shod time (approximately 0.25 second)
when any key or the range switch is pressed or rotated, indicating
this function is effective.
When measuring voltage or orrent, in case the AC/DC voltage is
higher than 600V or the AC/DC current is higher than 10A, the buzzer
will beep now and then In a continuous manner to give over range
At 1 minute bafore the unit is auto powered off, the buzzer will
beep for 5 consecutive limes, and will siso beep for a tanger time
bafore the unit is powered off. When the auto power off function is
cancelled, the buzzer will beep for 5 consecutive times for every 15

6. Instrument MaIntenence
Warning: Bafore open the back cevar of the unit, please make
sure the power has been turned off. The test leads have been
removed from input jacks or circuit under test.
General Maintenance & Repalr:
Please use wet cloth and mild detergent rather than abrasive
material or solvent for the cleaning of its exterior housing.
In case any abnormity is Sound with the instrument, please step
using it and send it for repair.
Whenever it is necessary to calibrate or repair the unit, ilhas to
be dona by a quallfied professional ora designated maintenance
T. Battery/Fuse Installation ar Replacement
This unit contens: battery / 6F22-9V
Fusa 1 F1 0.63A/250V (95/420mm) Fast-acting
Class Tube Fuse/F2 20A/250V (95x2Omm) Fast-acting Ceramic
Tuba Fuse. Please reter to Fig. 2 for the installation and replacement
of batteryffuse.
Shut off the unit and remove the test 'sede inserted mio Jacks.
Tum lhe unit around to have its back on top, Men screw off the
screw that secures the battery case soas to remove tne battery
oover and replace the battery inside.
To replace the fuse, screw another 2 screws off to take out the
back cover and replace the fase inside.

8. Accessories
Temperatura Proba--

Fig. 2
1 Pair (UT890C+)

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