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Three Lost Boys

This is FICTION and NEVER happened

Three ten year old boys. Four weeks. No parents. No shelter or people for miles. Very limited
supplies. Can they get out of the wild alive?
Dear Kelvin Hood,
You have been selected to participate in the four (4) week Mountain Challenge. We are glad
you applied. Your training will be held at Fort Basil in Bethel Alaska from Sunday July 27 th to
Sunday August 3rd. Please arrive three days early so you can meet the two other kids who
will be doing the challenge with you. Welcome to the 2008 Mountain Challenge. This years
challenge will be held on Mount McKinley in Alaska. Best of luck to you!
Mike Senway
Director of Mountain Challenge
I read the letter and whopped with joy. I have been accepted into the Mountain Challenge.
Mom! Dad! I got accepted! I got accepted! I yelled as I ran into the kitchen, waving the
letter in the air. Really? How cool Kelvin! Let me see the letter. Mom said as she put down
a washcloth she was using to wipe the counter. She took the letter and read it, then Dad
read it. I knew you could do it kiddo! Dad said as he handed my letter back to me. I took it
and folded it. Then I put it in my jeans pocket and I ran upstairs to go tell Riana, my older
Week 1.
I looked out the window with great anticipation. Two other boys and I are going on a four
week outing alone. We had signed up along with thousands of other kids to go out to the
mountain and spend four weeks living in the Mountain far from anything, and we got
selected. Why are we doing this? So we could see if we could survive on our own in the wild
in case the worst should happen later on. The two other boys are named Tyler Horne and
Cutter Harris.

We are all sitting in the backseat of a suburban anxiously awaiting the drop off time. We had
been equipped with a few basic supplies: Ten feet of rope, a canteen with a few ounces of
water, a snack bag with trail mix, a pocket knife, and a flashlight. Thats it! Together we have
three ounces of water, a small amount of trail mix, three knives, and three lights. We also
each have a portable GPS that has a button that can summon a helicopter to get us out
should we get deathly sick or hurt ourselves seriously enough that we cannot continue. We
are not to use it except for those two reasons. Two weeks ago I met Tyler and Cutter for the
first time. We quickly became friends. We had been enduring crazy hard training for the last
three weeks. The training included: food rations, water rations, physical training, long and
hard hikes, stupidly big obstacle courses, and freezing nighttime runs and hikes. We trained
in rain or shine. The only time we didnt train outside was when there was thunder and
lightning outside. We just went inside to the indoor training center and trained in their! Even
though we complained a lot we still got through the training! But, we didnt do it silently!
Anyhow, I believe we are a close bunch of boys, and we will probably become even closer
when we get dumped in the middle of nowhere. Our parents will not be with us. We are all
After a four and a half hour drive into the heart of the Mountain, the driver, Mr. Stanly, pulled
over to the side of the road. He turned around in his seat and said Alright boys. Its time.
Up until now I had been excited for the adventure to start, but now a feeling of fear came
over me. We can die out here! We are just kids! What if the helicopter cant get to us fast
enough and we die? Or we get eaten by an animal? What if the last time I saw my family
was this morning? What if we never get home again? these thought raced through my head
at a million miles an hour. I became overwhelmed, so I took a deep breath to calm myself.
Kelvin? Are you ready? The voice brought me back to reality. I looked around and I found
that Cutter and Tyler were already out of the car. Cutter was on my side of the car holding
the door open for me. I took another deep breath, grabbed my fanny pack with all my
supplies and I hopped out of the SUV. I said goodbye to Mr. Senway, then shut the door. Mr.
Senway turned the SUV around, and as he passed us, he honked his horn twice and waved.
We all waved back, then he was gone. We were on our own.
We all turned in a giant circle to survey our surroundings. There wasnt much. Off in the
distance I could see a mountain range with snow on the top, and I longed to be there. To be
out of the burning, awful heat of the Mountain. I looked around some more, but all I could
see were Pine trees, bushes, grass and dirt and barren, green rocky landscape everywhere.
We were right smack dab in the middle of the mountain. This is going to be harder than I
thought. The heat was just right. It had to be at least 75 0 Fahrenheit outside, and it felt
perfect! Five minutes of standing, and I was comfortable.

Okay guys. Lets make sure to ration our food and water, just like we did in our training.
Nobody drinks too much or eats too much. Make sure to share your food with the rest of us
so we can ration it. Cutter said. Cutter is kind of the self-appointed leader of our group, and,
since I am not a fan of being in charge, it is fine with me!
Well, lets go find a place to camp for the night. I said after we finished taking in our
surroundings. Good idea. Tyler said. I picked up my fanny pack from where it was lying on
the ground, and I wrapped the straps around my waist, buckling them by my belt buckle.
Then we all turned around and stepped off the road. We are officially starting our adventure.
We hiked for quite some time, laughing, joking, and talking excitedly the whole time. We
talked about our training, all the fun we have had together, and our plan to get out of here.
Okay. So we have about 110 miles between us and the rescue spot. It will probably take us
a few weeks to do it. But, we have to work as a team. If one person lags behind, the rest of
us slow down. Okay? Tyler said as we passed a rock bluff. Got it. Cutter and I said
together. We have been walking for about three hours, and the sun was going down. We
needed to set up camp, and quick. Suddenly I saw a cave about ten feet in front of us. With
the rock above us, we would be protected from rain! It was a perfect spot! Hey guys! How
about we camp there? I said, pointing at the little alcove. Cutter and Tyler looked to where I
was pointing. Their faces lit up. Thats perfect! Cutter exclaimed. Awesome! Tyler
agreed. Together we all ran over to the cave. We dont have sleeping bags, blankets, or
anything to keep us warm. During training we learned to dig a hole in the ground, and then
bury ourselves in the hole to keep warm. It sometimes worked, and sometimes it didnt. We
had to sleep in holes for two nights during training, and the first night, I was fine! But the
second night, I shivered the entire night. All my shivering compacted the dirt so much they
had to dig me out with a shovel! But, the mountain dirt wont compact that much, so I
should be okay. Anyway, we started to dig our holes. I dug my hole so it was three feet deep,
then I laid down to test it. Perfect. I muttered to myself. I stood up again. Then I looked
over my hole. It was perfect! Just perfect for my size. (Which, by the way, is about 5 feet five
inches tall to be exact!) I smiled to myself. I looked around and saw Cutter lying in his hole,
and Tyler was just about finished with his. I went to turn around, and I felt a sting in my right
leg. It hurt like a bee sting. Ow! I cried, sitting down and grabbing my leg. I saw a bee
flying away from me, its stinger poking out of its back. I swiped at it, but I missed. I held
back my tears as Cutter and Tyler came over to me. Kelvin! Are you okay? Cutter asked.
Something stung me! I said, my tears giving way. Tyler and Cutter looked at each other,
then they looked around the campsite. I knew the stinging would stop eventually, so I got up
and laid down in my hole. I tried fruitlessly to calm down.

A little while later I was feeling good enough to help get wood for a fire. Although how we
were going to light the fire is beyond me! We gathered sticks, and dry pieces of wood and
made a pile. Then we gathered seven rocks and made a circle with the rocks. Then we put
the sticks in the middle of the rock circle. We kept a few sticks to try to rub together to make
fire. Cutter was first to try to make fire.
Cutter worked for about a half an hour, then he gave up and it was my turn. I put one stick
down by the pile, and I rubbed the other stick against it quickly. Nothing. Not even smoke. I
tried fervently for about twenty minutes, then I tried a different approach. I picked up a stick
in the pile and held it on an angle. Then I rubbed my stick against the other one across
horizontally. I tried this approach for about ten minutes, then I gave up. Tyler tried for about
15 minutes, then finally we just accepted the fact that we would not have a fire tonight.
Already the temperature was dropping significantly. It was no longer hot, but it was kind of
chilly almost. I started shivering a little. I was wearing tan cargo pants, a long tee-shirt,
underwear, and socks and boots. There was another cave about 50 feet from us, and the sun
was quickly disappearing behind the horizon. Hey guys! We should probably get some sleep
soon. What do you say we lay down and watch the stars for a while? Cutter suggested.
Yeah! Sounds great! Tyler said. Lets do it! I agreed. We laid down on the dirt and shared
a little bit of trail mix. Then we sipped some water. By then the sun was going down along
the edge of the horizon. The sunset was beautiful. There were vivid orange, yellow and red
colors. The sky was becoming a darker and darker blue. It was amazing. I had never seen
anything more beautiful in my life. Twenty minutes later the sky was black and the first stars
were poking out. We laid on the ground outside of our campsite for probably an hour,
talking, laughing, joking, and enjoying each others company. We had a full three weeks
ahead of us with no parents to tell us what to do! This had never happened before.
After lying and watching the stars for an hour, Cutter and I were feeling tired. Tyler wanted
to stay up longer, and Cutter tried to convince him to come to bed, but he was adamant.
Eventually the two of us just went to bed, and Tyler stayed up.
Okay. So lying in dirt the whole night after having been sweaty does not rank very high on
my list of places to sleep. But, I was fairly warm for most of the night. I woke up very early in
the morning freezing and shivering. This sucked. I started praying for daylight and for the
heat to come back! I piled more dirt around myself, but it didnt help very much. Tomorrow
night, we should all huddle together in one big pile of dirt and boys. I thought to myself. I
turned over on to my side and fell asleep again.
-2 days later-

We were sleeping again, and this time it was under the stars. We didnt have a cave to keep
us protected. Dirt and water caked all of us from head to toe, and no matter how much we
brushed it off, it was still there. It was like our bodies was caking the dirt on itself
automatically. We had run out of trail mix about three days ago, and we have been snacking
on edible plants and little morsels like bugs and leafs. I woke up to someone poking me. I
opened my eyes to see daylight. The sun was just barley poking up above the horizon. I
found Tyler poking me, a worried look in his eyes. I sat up and dusted dirt off of me.
Kelvin? Tyler asked. Yeah? I answered. Cutter is really sick. He is throwing up
everywhere. He says he feels dizzy and sick to his stomach. He also says that his tummy
hurts really, really badly. I tried to touch it but it hurt him too much. Tyler said, his voice
trembling. Suddenly I was wide awake. I knew what that was, and it was not good. It meant
appendicitis. It happened to me a few years ago, and it was awful! Cutter may have to quit
on day two, if my guess is correct. Where is my GPS? I asked. Tyler handed it to me from
my fanny pack, which was lying on the ground next to where I had been sleeping. I turned it
on and took a deep breath. Then I pushed the red emergency button that would summon the
rescue helicopter. We had been told that the helicopter could be to our spot in between 1020 minutes, depending on where we were. I wanted to get Cutter check out before we
continued. My GPS started to beep every three seconds, and a message came up on the
screen. Helicopter Dispatched. ETA: 10. That meant that the helicopter was coming, and
that it would be here in 10 minutes. I watched the sky anxiously. Cutter started crying.
I crawled over to Cutter and put my hand on his shoulder to try to comfort him. He rolled
over onto his back and said Im sorry I have to quit. I really wanted to do this! My heart
melted a little. Cutter, buddy. Youre be okay! I summoned the helicopter to come and make
sure youre okay. I said. Cutter nodded, then he stuck his left arm out to me. I took it and he
squeezed it gently. I squeezed it back, and Cutter smiled a little. Then he grimaced. Ow! Its
getting worse! He yelled suddenly. What? Whats getting worse? I asked, panicking a
little. My tummy hurts even more! Cutter shouted, squeezing my hand in a death grip.
Ow! Ow! Let go! I yelled. Oh. Sorry. Cutter said, he loosened his hand, and I flexed my
fingers to make sure they were still intact. Then I heard a roar and a rush of wind. I looked
up to see the helicopter descending into a clearing about twenty feet away from us. I
covered Cutter with my arms as best I could. Once the helicopter landed, the pilot shut down
the rotors. A door opened and out stepped Mr. Senway. I rushed over to meet him halfway.
Kelvin? Are you okay? It was your GPS that went off. Mr. Senway said. Um, its not me. Its
Cutter. I said, pointing to Cutter, and Mr. Senway walked over to him. Cutter was crying
uncontroably. He was curled up in a ball. His hands were clutching his chest, his palms white.
His eyes squeezed closed in obvious agony.

-Cutters point of viewI was in a lot of pain. I had no idea what was wrong, and I didnt want to continue. I started
to feel sick very early in the morning. (Id guess 4am, but I dont have a watch or any way to
tell time, so I dont really know for sure.) I threw up a lot, and I felt sick to my stomach. The
pain started right down by my belly button, then it moved to my lower right portion of my
chest. Then it only got worse. By the time the sun was coming up, there was nothing I could
do but lie in my sleeping hole and weep. Tyler heard me crying and woke up. I told him what
was wrong, and he woke up Kelvin. Then the helicopter came.
-Kelvins point of viewCutter, what is wrong kiddo? Are you okay? Mr. Senway asked. He opened my eyes and
looked around. Standing above me was Mr. Senway. My tummy hurts like a bee sting! he
said, crying at the same time. He woke up throwing up everywhere, and he said earlier that
he was feeling dizzy and weak. He said his tummy hurt a lot, so we wanted you to check him
out to make sure he was okay before we start our hike. Tyler explained to Mr. Senway.
Okay. Im going to have to evacuate Cutter to take him to a doctor. Hopefully he will be okay
and can come back out soon. Mr. Senway said, picking Cutter up. Alright buddy youre
going to come to the hospital with me to make sure youre okay. Mr. Senway told Cutter as
he carried him to the helicopter. Cutter said something, but I didnt quite catch it.
Mr. Senway turned to Tyler and me and said Stay back please. We dont want you to get
hurt by the blades when they start spinning. Okay. We responded. Mr. Senway opened the
backdoor of the helicopter and lifted Cutter into it, and set him on the seat. Then he closed
the door and went around to the other side, where he opened the door to the other side. He
climbed in, and shut the door. Then the helicopter started whirring, and the blades spun
faster and faster. Pretty soon the helicopter lifted off and flew away. Cutter was gone.
-Later that nightI sighed. I missed Cutter. He hasnt returned yet. Tyler and I have pretty much stopped
talking ever since Cutter left. He was the spirit of the group. He always had a good joke
ready. Tyler and I had decided to keep hiking through the night since it was cooler than it is
during the day. The mountain is also colder at night, but walking a lot helps keep us warm.
The moon was covered by clouds, and it was pretty much pitch black, except for our
flashlights. Tyler? I said into the darkness. I couldnt see his light, and I didnt know where
he was! Yeah? He answered just a few feet away from me. I jumped and said Where are
you? Right here! He said, and then he touched me with his hand. Oh. Okay. I said. I
grabbed his hand and followed his arm to the rest of him. Whyd you turn off your light? I

asked. I wanted to look at the stars, but the clouds covered them. Tyler explained, turning
his flashlight back on. Yeah. I did too. I said. We stood in silence for a moment, then Tyler
turned off his flashlight again. What are you doing? I asked, confused. Turn your light off!
Tyler said. Why? I asked, now even more confused. Just do it! Tyler persisted. Okay. I
said, still baffled. I switched off my flashlight, and darkness surrounded us like a net. Look
up! I heard Tylers voice say. I looked up and did a double take. Is that, lightning? I asked,
suddenly worried. I dont know what that is, but we should probably find cover. Tyler said. I
turned on my flashlight and circled around, looking for a place to hide. I found nothing. See
anything? I asked. Nope! Tyler said. Just then a flash of lightning and a crack of thunder
exploded like a bomb right above us. Tyler and I screamed at the same time. I ran towards
Tyler, and Tyler ran towards me. We met and immediately hugged each other. Then we laid
flat on the ground, huddled together. The sky was alight with lightning. Thunder boomed all
around us. Rain poured down like a billon showers all on full cold blast. The raindrops were
big, fat and round. The dirt quickly turned to mud, and soon both of us were soaked to the
bone. Tyler! I yelled. What? He yelled back. This feels good, dont you think? Yeah! It
feels great! Tyler replied. We laughed, screamed, and waved our hands in the air. We were
really glad to finally have some water! I stood up and looked up at the sky. I closed my eyes
and opened my mouth wide. I leaned back and allowed the rain to fall into my mouth. I let
my mouth get a pretty good amount of water, about half full, then I swallowed. The water
was reliving to my parched mouth and throat. It was so great to have water again! Wait!
Grab your canteen! Try to get as much water as you can! Tyler suddenly yelled. I grabbed
my canteen from my pack around my waist and opened it. Then I held it up and let the big
fat raindrops fall into it. Pretty soon I felt tired. I laid down on the dirt underneath the tree,
trying to stay out of the rain as best I could. The next thing I knew, I was asleep. When I
woke up next the daylight was back. So was the heat. I was glad to have the heat back. The
heat would help my clothes dry. I crawled out from under the tree and looked around. There
was no evidence of the rainstorm except for my completely soaked clothes. I went back up
and sat down under the tree.
I hadnt been sitting for very long when I heard the faint sound of a motor coming towards
us. I stood up and looked around, then I saw it. A helicopter was coming towards us! Tyler!
Wake up! Theres a helicopter! Wake up! I said, shaking him. He opened his eyes and
looked around. I think he finally saw the helicopter, because he jumped up and started
jumping up and down, waving his hands over his head and screaming. I joined in. Hey!
Down here! Look down! I screamed at the top of my lungs. The helicopter descended, then
it circled around us. Then the helicopter flew about twenty feet yards away from us and
landed in a field, making dirt fly everywhere. Tyler and I covered our faces with our hands
until the dirt stopped flying. The helicopters rotors spun for probably two minutes, then the

engines were shut down. Soon the rotors stopped spinning. The front left side door opened
and out stepped a very familiar person. Mr. Senway! I yelled when saw him. Hi guys! He
yelled back. Mr. Senway turned and opened the back door of the helicopter, and out stepped
Cutter. He was back. Cutter! Tyler yelled when he stepped out of the helicopter. Tyler and I
both looked to Mr. Senway to see if we could come to them, and he nodded. Together Tyler
and I ran over to Cutter. I could not believe he was back! I thought for sure he was not
coming back. Why are your clothes wet kiddos? Mr. Senway asked. I turned around and
told him about the storm from last night. When I finished his eyes were as big as saucers.
Well, that must have been quite an adventure! We tried to bring Cutter back out last night,
but we almost went down, so we gave up. I didnt know you two were caught in the storm!
That sounds scary! But good job on you survival skills! I knew you would get it! Good job
Kelvin. I smiled and said Thanks Mr. Senway. Mr. Senway got back into the helicopter.
Tyler and I both hugged Cutter, then the helicopter was taking off, this time with just Mr.
Senway and the pilot in it.
Oh man have you missed a lot. I said. We were all sitting under the tree on the hill that we
had spent the night on. It was dark, but we were all warm. Oh really? What did I miss?
Cutter asked. Well, last night there was a giant storm. Then I and Tyler told him everything
from last night. Then he told us about this adventure. Apparently I had a really bad stomach
bug that my body was allergic to. My body started attacking itself. If we hadnt had the
option to get the helicopter out here and get me medical help, I would have died within
about an hour. I am very lucky to be alive. Cutter said. Wow. So how did they save you?
Tyler asked. The doctors put me in a coma, then they gave me antibiotics. The sickness
went away, and I recovered. Then I was cleared to come back out here! Cutter said. Well, I
guess we are all lucky to be alive this week! I said. Oh yeah. Cutter and Tyler agreed.
Week 2.
Okay. Week 2. We are almost halfway through this challenge. Cutter, Tyler and I have two
goals this week: To not have to call the helicopter and to stay alive. Pretty good goal huh? I
thought so. We also need food. We have been surviving on mainly leaves and random small
berries that we learned about in training.
Once I get home, im never going to set foot in another Mountain for the rest of my life!
Tyler said as we walked through the afternoon heat. I smiled and said Me neither! I dont
ever want to go to another Mountain again! Tyler and Cutter laughed. We kept walking. I
saw a few jack rabbits bouncing around, and I wished we had a gun to shoot them so we
could cook em up and eat em! We could make a snare to catch them! Hey guys! What do
you say we make a snare to try to catch a jack rabbit? I asked Cutter and Tyler. Yeah! Lets

do it! Cutter said. Well, I dont know. How would we cook it? We cant make a fire
remember? Oh yeah. Thats true. I said, my idea bursting like a bubble. Never mind. I
said after a couple moments. Lets get going. Tyler said. Wait. Cutter said, holding up his
hands. What? Tyler said, clearly somewhat annoyed. I really think we could do it! We just
have to be really persistent. Come one Tyler, we can do this! Cutter said, his eyes gleaming.
No! We all tried last time, and we never got a fire. We will never get fire. Dont you get it?
WE. WILL. NEVER. HAVE. A. FIRE! Tyler exclaimed, shouting the last few words. Yes we will!
I think we can do it! Cutter said, his voice quivering. Never! Im leaving! Have fun dying! Im
getting out of this dump! Im not going to spend another freezing night out here! Im calling
Mr. Senway! Tyler said, throwing his hands up. Fine! Leave you cheater! Good riddance!
Well be better off without you! Cutter shouted. Fine! Tyler said. Fine! Cutter yelled.
They both turned their backs on each other. I took a deep breath and said Guys? Shut up
Kelvin! You dont know anything about how to make a fire. Stay out of this. Tyler spat at me.
Oh yeah? Well, if youre so good, why dont you try making a fire tonight! Id like to see you
try buster! I retorted. Not a chance. Im leaving this stupid group and I dont care if you two
die. Good bye! Tyler said. I became very mad almost instantly. I balled my hands up into
fists and prepared to hit Tyler. Hit me, and you will pay. Tyler said. Well see about that! I
said, and I punched him right in the face. You little twerp! Tyler screamed. He swung at
me, but I dodged. I punched him multiple times all over his body, throwing insults at him the
entire time. I said the first ones that came to mind. Idiot! I yelled. Stupidface! Tyler
retorted. Dumbbutt! I kicked him in the chest, and he fell onto his rear. He kicked at me
and hit me right in my chest, making me fall. I jumped up and jumped on top of him,
knocking the wind out of him. Then I grabbed his shoulders and started rolling him around
on the ground. Tyler did the same thing. Pretty soon we were both covered in dirt and dirt,
but we kept going at it. Then Tyler moved to my neck. He put his hands around my neck and
squeezed, blocking my airway. Cutter! Help! I squeaked. Blackness was closing in around
the edge of my vision. Suddenly I saw Tylers head jerk, and his hands released their grip. I
scrambled off of him and laid on the ground, trying to get air back in to my body. Dont
choke Kelvin! Cutter yelled at Tyler. Tyler exhaled sharply. EVER! Tyler squeaked, and
Cutter jerked his fist at him, raising his eyebrows. Tyler recoiled. Cutter came over to me and
knelt down on the ground. Kelvin, are you okay? He asked. I nodded. I tried to get air into
my lungs again.
A few minutes later I had recovered enough to sit up. I rubbed my neck where Tyler had
squeezed it. It was sore, and I would probably have a bruise there for a while. Guys? We
should probably get under cover. It looks like it is going to rain again. Tyler said. I looked up
at the sky and I could see huge dark black clouds coming towards us. Yeah. I agree! Lets
get some cover! Cutter said. Forgetting our contention from a moment ago, I helped Tyler

up from the ground and the three of us went to find cover. We looked for a cave, but found
none. We looked for anything! We knew from training that we shouldnt be under a tree
during a thunderstorm. We ran around for maybe ten minutes, then it started to rain. Hard.
The rain came down in buckets. I guess we are going to be soaked! We searched for a long
time, and then a bright flash and a loud boom rocked the earth above and below us. I hit the
ground and covered my head with my arms. Once the explosion subsided I looked around.
What in the world was that? Cutter exclaimed, picking himself up from off the ground and
dusting himself off. I have no idea. Is everyone okay? Tyler checked. I checked for injuries,
and found none. Im fine. I said. Im okay. Cutter echoed. Good. Lets get under some
cover! Tyler said, helping me up. Thanks. I said. We ran off to find something to hide in.
Later that night I was sleeping on the ground. I had a dream. My dream was that I was home
and I could see Mom and Dad and Riana again. I hugged each of them, and then we got in
the car to go somewhere. Dad was driving. We pulled out of the driveway and started down
the road. There was an intersection about half a mile away from our house. We stopped at
the intersection, then proceeded to go through it. We only got halfway through when
suddenly a car t-boned us in the right side, right where I was sitting. I watched it almost in
slow motion. Mom hit Dad with her head, and she slumped over in her seat, her nose
bleeding. Dads head cracked the drivers door window and blood squirted out of the wound.
Riana was launched from her seat and outside. Her door opened and she was launched ten
feet away from us. She landed hard and stopped moving. I hit my head on the cup holders in
the center of the backseat and nearly blacked out. The seatbelt jerked and my left arm
snapped, the bone sticking in the skin, but not puncturing it. My vision swam. Then another
car hit us on the other side. My door was launched open and I was launched out, despite the
fact I was wearing my seatbelt. I flew over the car that hit us on the right side, and I rushed
towards the earth. A moment before impact I jerked awake. I screamed and sat bolt upright.
Then I started crying uncontrollably. Cutter and Tyler rushed over. Kelvin, whats wrong?
Cutter asked. I had a dream! My parents were killed, my sister was killed, and I almost died!
We were in a car crash! I explained in between my crying. Cutter looked at Tyler, then at
me. Can you explain what happened? Tyler asked. I nodded, then went on to explain the
whole dream again. I could see it in vivid color. I didnt leave anything out. When I was
finished I was crying even more. Cutter reached out a put his hand on my leg. Hey, its
okay. Im sure your family is okay. I bet they are thinking about you right now! Tyler said. I
smiled. I Hope so! I said, starting to calm down.
Lets get back to bed. Cutter said, yawning. I agree! I said. Tyler nodded his approval.
Cutter made sure I was okay, then they laid back down on the floor where they were


The next day we searched for food. I was looking for berries. I knew what kind of berries
grew in this area, and which ones were safe to eat. I searched for probably half an hour, and
I only came up with a handful of berries! I felt very discouraged. I walked back to Cutter and
Tyler, and we shared the berries. They were really good! After we ate the berries, we decided
to keep walking. We hiked up steep rocky terrain for a long time. The air started to get
colder, and the terrain worse and worse. Eventually we were hiking so slowly that it was
going to get dark before we reached our intended destination, which was the top of the cliff
about forty feet up. But, being the persistent kids that we are, we kept climbing. The cliff
was not straight up, but it was pretty steep. I was climbing in a kind of crawl position. I was
walking, but I was also crawling. Its hard to explain. Anyway, I was the first to reach the top,
and I helped Cutter and Tyler up too. All three of us were out of breath. We all laid down on
the ground to rest. Slowly my breath came back. I looked around to find that we were only
halfway up the cliff. There was still about thirty feet of climbing to do, and that was going to
be pretty much straight up. Hey guys? Lets camp here tonight. Im not sure I can keep
going today. I said after a few minutes of resting. Yeah, I agree. Cutter said. Tyler said
nothing. What do you think ty? Should we stay here tonight? Cutter asked Tyler. Yeah. I
think that would be a good idea. Tyler said. Okay. Then its settled. Lets stay here
tonight! Cutter said. Great! I said. I sighed and laid my head back on the ground. The
three of us laid there, just watching the sun go down.
-Later that nightOh man, I am so tired. Would you two mind if I turned in early? Cutter said. We were sitting
in a circle, looking for shooting stars. Go ahead. Ill probably turn in soon too. I replied. I
dont mind. Tyler said. I watched Tyler for a moment. Ever since our fight a few days ago, he
has changed. He became more withdrawn, almost like he is scared of us. Im worried he
might quit. I waited until Cutter had gone to bed, then I talked to Tyler. Hey Tyler? I asked.
Yeah? He said. Are you okay? You seem, different. I said. Im, im, well, I dont think I
going to keep going. I think im done. Tyler said. I was shocked. But Tyler, why are you
quitting? Dont you like it out here, being with Cutter and me? I asked. Well, yeah I do like
you two, and I like seeing all the cool sights, but I dont want to starve out here. Im just not
going to keep going. Im sorry Kelvin. Tyler said. I knew that was the end of the
conversation. Well, I think you were doing a great job so far. I really like having you on the
team. I said. Tyler smiled. Thanks Kelvin. That means a lot to me. He said after a pause.
Youre welcome Tyler. I replied. Suddenly Tyler leaned in and hugged me. I embraced him
as well. Thanks for supporting and helping me. You are my best friend Kelvin. That brought
tears to my eyes. Youre welcome Tyler. You are my best friend too. I replied. Im going to
sleep Tyler. Good night. I said a few minutes later. Good night Kelvin. Tyler said with a


smile. I smiled back. Then I laid down on the grass and tried to go to sleep. Sleep did not
come for a very long time.
The next morning when I woke up, Tyler was already up. He was sitting on the edge of the
cliff with his legs dangling off the edge. I got up and walked over to Tyler, sitting down next
to him. Hey Tyler. I said. Tyler looked up from his shoes, and he saw me. Hey Kelvin. How
are you? He replied. Okay. Im sore, but other than that fine. How are you? Tyler sighed,
then said Okay. Im going to quit soon. You should probably wake up Cutter. Tyler said. I
took a deep breath, then said Yeah. Okay. Ill go do that. I stood up and went to wake up
Cutter. Once I wake up Cutter, we both went over to Tyler. His arms were folded, his eyes
closed, his head bowed. He seemed to be praying. I didnt know he was religious. Cutter and
I waited. Please help me to have courage to head home and to recover. Please bless Cutter
and Kelvin as they continue in their trek to get out alive. Thank thee for this opportunity to
be doing this with my friends. I stopped listening then. I didnt know Tyler thought of Cutter
and me as his friends, but I guess he does. Is that why he was praying for us? A moment
later Tyler finished his prayer. He looked up and saw Cutter and me sitting next to him. He
took a deep breath, then said Well guys, im done. I cannot go on. Im sorry, but this is the
end of the line for me. I had a sinking feeling in my chest, even though Tyler already told
me this. Cutter started to cry softly. But why? Why are you leaving? I thought we were your
friends! He said. You are my friends! You were always my friends! Tyler responded. Cutter
leaned over and hugged Tyler. Tyler embraced him back. Its just like Mr. Senway said
during training If you feel you cant go on, stop their and rest. If you cant go on after that,
its time to call it quits. I feel it is time for me to call it quits. I tried resting last night, but I
could not get better. I need to go home. Tyler explained. Tyler stood up, and so did Cutter
and me. Im going to call the helicopter now. Tyler said. Wait! I think we should all do it. If
youre going to quit, then we should all push the button. Cutter said. I looked at Cutter, and
his face was like stone. He was determined. I agree with Cutter. We all need to do it. I said.
Tyler looked at both of us, the said Alright. Lets all do it. Tyler retrieved his GPS from his
pocket, then he power it on. Together, we all silently put one finger on the Red Cross button
on Tylers GPS. We looked at each other, then silently counted to three, and we pushed on
the button. The GPS beeped, then a message was displayed. Helicopter Dispatched. ETA: 5
min. To cancel, push cross button again. I removed my finger from the GPS and put it down
by my side. The GPS beeped again. I looked at the screen to see what it said. Helicopter will
be arriving soon. Clear landing area. I looked around and determined that the area we were
on was plenty big to fit the helicopter. Pretty soon I heard the familiar whirring of the
helicopter coming towards us. Then suddenly I saw it right above us. It had come from
behind us. Slowly the helicopter came down closer to the ground, then finally it landed with
a small bounce. The pilot shut down the motor, and the blades spun slower and slower until


they stopped. The passenger door opened, and out came Mr. Senway. He walked over to us.
Hello boys. He said to us. Hello Mr. Senway I answered. Hi Mr. Senway. Cutter said. Tyler
did not say anything. Tyler. Is there a problem? Your GPS went off. Mr. Senway said,
directing his attention to him. Tyler took a couple of deep breaths, then said Im done. I cant
go on. Instantly the smile left Mr. Sunways face. Oh. Are you sure you cant go on? He
probed. Tyler nodded and said Yes, im sure sir. Mr. Senway took a couple of deep breaths
himself, then said Alright. I understand. You do remember that this means you will not be
allowed to come back out here after we leave, right? Mr. Senway clarified. Yes sir. I do
remember that. Tyler said, now studying his shoes. Mr. Senway reached out and put his
hand under Tylers chin. Then he pushed it up. Tyler raised his head until he was looking
right in Mr. Senways eyes. You have done very well Tyler. I am very proud of you. I never
expected you to make it this far, but you surprised me. I am amazed with you, and Cutter
and Kelvin. I honestly thought you guys would be quitting by the third day. Mr. Senway said
slowly. Tyler smiled. Well, we must get going. Is there anything you two need while I am
here, except for food and water? I dont have that. Mr. Senway said after a brief silent
moment. No. I said. I looked to Cutter, and he shook his head. No sir. We are fine. I said.
Alright. Tyler, come with me please. Mr. Senway said. He turned around and walked
towards the helicopter. Wait sir! Tyler said. Mr. Senway turned around. Can I at least say
goodbye to Cutter and Kelvin please? Tyler said, a hint of pleading in his voice. Oh, well,
yes. Go ahead. I will give you five minutes. Mr. Senway said. He turned around and walked
to the helicopter. He got in and closed the door. Then he picked up a book and started
reading it. Tyler turned around and said Well guys, this is it I guess. Im going home.
Suddenly I was filled with emotions. Anger, sadness, loss, and love filled me to the brim. I
Hugged Tyler with all my might, and he hugged me back. You are my best friend! I said
into his ear. You are too! Tyler whispered back Good luck at home. I said. Good luck to
you too! Tyler said. I squeezed him tightly again, then released him. I held his hand and
looked into his eyes. Thank you for being out here with us. I said. Tylers eyes filled with
tears. Then he let go of my hands and he turned to Cutter. The two of them embraced.
Cutter cried softly, he whispered something in Tylers ear, and Tyler whispered back. Then
Tyler broke away. I will never forget you two or this trek. I will miss you guys forever. He
said. I broke down. I hugged him again, and Cutter joined in and hugged him too. Okay
Tyler. Its time to go. We heard Mr. Senway say over the helicopter PA. Cutter and I broke
away from Tyler. He took a deep breath, then walked towards the helicopter. When he got to
the door Mr. Senway hoped out and opened the door for him. Tyler turned, paused, and
waved to us. I started to cry. I waved back. Bye Tyler! I said. We will miss you! Cutter
chimed in. Tyler looked like he was crying too. He wiped a tear away from his cheek, then
climbed into the helicopter. Mr. Senway shut the door. Then he got back into the front. The


pilot reached up and flipped a couple switches, and the engines started up. The blades soon
started to spin. After a moment they were going too fast to tell apart. The pilot reached
down and lifted a lever, and the wind picked up. The helicopter took off into the air. Both
Cutter and I waved up at Tyler. He waved back. He kept waving until the Helicopter turned
and flew away. He was gone. He was going home.
I watched the helicopter fly away until it was out of sight, then I sat down on the edge of the
cliff, hanging my legs off the edge. I rested my elbows on my legs and my head on my
hands. I covered my eyes and I cried. Cutter sat down next to me and put his hands on my
shoulder. I looked up, and Cutter put his arm around me. I put my arm around him, and we
just sat there are watched the sunrise. It was beautiful, but it would have been better if Tyler
had been here.
Later that morning Cutter and I were slowly making our way down the rock face. I was using
a strategy where I slid a few feet, then stepped down. The rock was slightly slippery, so it
was fairly easy to slide down. I laughed as I slid down the slope. Cutter cut on and he slid
down too. When we got to the bottom I laid on the ground, laughing and giggling. I dont
know why I was laughing, but it felt really good. Cutter slid down next to me and laid down
beside me. He was laughing and giggling just like me! That was fun! I said, laughing. Yeah
it was! Cutter agreed. I looked over at cutter and smiled. Wanna do it again? I asked, a
mischievous edge to my voice. Cutters eyes lit up. Yeah I wanna do that again! He
exclaimed excitedly. Awesome! I said, standing up. I helped Cutter up, then we started to
climb back up the hill. Once at the top we did the slide thing again. We did that for a long
time. It was fun. I even forgot about Tyler!
Three days later Cutter and I had not yet moved on from the hill where Tyler quit from. We
were lying on the ground at the bottom of the hill, catching our breath. Going up and down
the slope was exhausting! What time do you think it is? I asked cutter. Um, Id guess
around 1:30 PM or so. Cutter said. I laid my head back on the ground. What the heck are
we doing out here Cutter? I asked. Cutter took a deep breath, then said Ive been thinking
the same thing. Suddenly I heard a whirring sound. It sounded just like the helicopter
I turned to Cutter and said Is, is that a helicopter? Cutter listened intently for a moment,
then nodded. Yeah, I think that is a helicopter! He said, standing up. I stood up next to
him. I noticed a rather large clearing about 200 yards away from where we were standing.
Suddenly a giant gust of wind hit me right in the chest, knocking me flat on my back. Cutter
grabbed my arm and helped me back up. Then I saw it. A giant bright red helicopter was
coming down to land in the clearing. It had two blades on top, and it looked like a giant red
Twinkie. Dust and debris flew up everywhere. I shielded my eyes with my hands and


squatted down next to a tree. Cutter squatted down next to a tree about five feet away from
me. Finally the helicopter landed. The dust and debris settled. The helicopters motors kept
spinning for a few minutes, then they finally stopped. I didnt dare move from my spot by
the tree until I saw who was in the helicopter. A front door opened, and out stepped a man I
knew. Dad. Dad opened another door in the side of the helicopter and out came more
people. My mom and Dad, and two people who I am guessing is Cutters parents. Then Mr.
Senway stepped out. Cutter! Kelvin! Are you here? He yelled. Slowly, barley able to
contain my excitement, I stood up and crept around the tree. Im here Mr. Senway. I said
loudly. Kelvin! Mom yelled. She opened her arms wide. I looked to Mr. Senway, and he
nodded, a smile on his face. Mom! I yelled, and I ran full speed to here, knocking her onto
the ground. Oh its so great to see you again! Mom said. I hugged her tightly. Then Mom
released me. She gave me a kiss on my cheek, then hugged me again. Then I hugged Dad. I
looked over and saw Cutter hugging his Dad and talking excitedly. I am so glad you are out
here! I didnt even know you were coming! I said to Dad. Did we surprise you? Dad asked,
a mischievous edge to his voice. I looked up at his face, and he was smiling broadly. You did
indeed. I replied. Then I hugged him again.
Mr. Senway explained that our parents could stay for an hour. I was so excited to tell Mom
and Dad everything that I had been doing out here. We sat in a grove of trees, and I told
them everything that we had done. I told about everything. About Cutter getting sick and
leaving, then coming back home. I was very excited to tell them everything.
Pretty soon the hour was up. Mr. Senway came and told us that Mom and Dad had to go. I
hugged them both one more time, then they climbed into the helicopter with Cutters
parents. The helicopter started up, then they flew away. Mom and Dad were gone.
A few hours later I could not keep my emotions straight. I was either crying, shouting at
nothingness, or just staying silent. Cutter tried to help, but I ended up yelling at him. I
wanted to go home. I was feeling homesick. Cutter? I said, worrying he wouldnt respond.
Yeah? He said after a few moments. Im sorry I yelled at you. Do you forgive me? I said.
Cutter was silent for a few minutes, then he said Yeah. I do. Thanks. I said. I got up from
the log I was sitting on and walked away. I just needed to be alone. I walked through the
forest for a while, then I realized I had no idea where Cutter was. I turned around and looked
around me, but all I could see was trees, bushes, shrubs, and ruts, and roots everywhere.
There was no sign of Cutter. Cutter! CUTTER! I shouted. Nothing. Suddenly it started to
rain, hard. I turned around and tried to re-trace my steps, but even after ten minutes of
walking, I could not find Cutter. Help! Anybody out here? Help! I yelled. I heard nothing but
the sound of rain. Then, faintly, I heard Hello? Anybody out here? Hello? The voice
sounded close, yet far away. Help! Im over here! Help! I yelled. I kept yelling that over and


over again, and the other voice yelled back. Then I saw something coming towards me in the
brush. I moved back and got next to a tree so I could hide if it was a bear. I kept yelling in
case it was Cutter. Suddenly a group of boys and two men appeared in front of me. Hey
buddy. Are you okay? What are you doing out there on your own? Where are your parents?
The man on the left asked. He was averaged sized and had a smile on his face. His eyes
were blue and he had brown hair. I took a deep breath, then said I cant find my friend
Cutter. Then I went on to explain what I was doing out here all on my own. I asked who they
were. We are Boy Scouts. We were hiking when we heard you yell. One of the scouts said.
Hey, im a cub scout! I said, smiling. Thats pretty cool bud. The same scout said. He
looked like he was the oldest scout in the group. Can you help me find my friend? I asked.
Sure. Is he around here somewhere? I nodded. I started to shiver a little. It was getting
chilly out! Then it started to snow really hard. Great. I muttered. I felt someone grab my
arm, and I looked around to see Cutter next to me, tears running down his cheeks. He looked
like he had been crying. Cutter! I yelled. Suddenly, without warning, Cutter hugged me. I
stood there awkwardly for a moment, then I hugged him back. I thought you were gone
forever! Cutter said into my ear. I was trying to find you. I wanted to be alone, but then I
got lost. I said. Im glad I found you again. Cutter said. Me too. I said. Cutter stepped
back. I looked around to find the scouts, but they were gone. I tried to call for them, but I got
no response. They had moved on. At least Cutter and I are back together now.
Week 3.
Well, its week three. I am actually starting to enjoy myself out here. I think Cutter is too,
because he is always laughing and joking around. Plus we like to watch the sunset every
night that we can. There is always lots of color in the sunsets, including red, orange, and
yellows. It is beautiful. The only issue is the cold. It is freezing! The days are usually
bearable, but the nights, they are so cold! Every night Cutter and I huddle together and pray
for morning. When morning finally comes we I am relieved. Today Cutter and I were starving.
We searched for berries, roots, leaves, anything to eat. I only came up with five edible
berries. Cutter and I shared the berries, but they didnt satisfy us. We kept hiking for a while,
then I spotted something about twenty feet in front of us. Cutter! Look! I said, pointing. He
looked and his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. What I was pointing at was a cabin.
Yes! Shelter! Finally! Somewhere to stay! I yelled, fist pumping the air. Wait. Lets see if
its unlocked! Cutter said. We went up to the door and found a note. I tore it off the door
and read it out loud.
Dear Mountain Challenge Contestants,
Congratulations on finding the rest cabin! You may stay here for two days to rest, then you
must move on. The cabin has been stocked with enough food to last for a day. If you ration


the food, you should be able to make it last for 2 days. This cabin is subject to regular
checks by the Alaska State Troopers. If you encounter them, just explain what you are doing.
I have informed them of the challenge.
Once again, congratulations on finding this cabin. In hope it provides the rest you are looking
for. Enjoy!
Mike Senway.
Director of Mountain Challenge.
Sweet! Two days to rest! Yes! I yelled when I finished reading. Cutter fist pumped the air
and whooped. He jumped up in the air and landed awkwardly. I reached out to grab him, but
he toppled over and fell off the deck, landing on a rock on the ground. I thought I heard
something crack. OOOOOWWWWWW! Cutter screamed. Are you okay Cutter?!? I said,
panicking. I cant move my leg! I cant move my leg! Cutter yelled at the top of his lungs.
Youre going to be okay Cutter! Dont worry! Im calling Mr. Senway. Which leg is hurt? I
asked, trying to keep it together. My left leg. Its my left one. Cutter said, starting to cry.
Got it. I said. I dug out Cutters GPS and turned it on. As soon as it turned on I punched the
emergency button. It beeped, then a message appeared. No signal. Try again. I tried
again, but I got the same message every time. I dug out my GPS and tired it, but it gave me
the same message. Finally I shut off both GPSs and started screaming for help. I hoped a
State Trooper was somewhere close. Help! Is anyone out there! Help! Please! My friend is
hurt! Please! Somebody! Help! I shouted. Hey! Im here to help you. Where are you? I
heard a mans voice shout. Over here! At the cabin! I yelled back. Matcom 1A22, I need
Helo1 on standby. I heard the man say. Suddenly out of the wood a man appeared. He had
on a light blue shirt and a dark blue vest. On his vest there was a badge, a yellow thing that
looked kind of like a gun, and numerous other things. He had a radio mic on his shoulder.
Whats the problem buddy? He asked when he got here. My friend is hurt. I said, tears
coming to my eyes. Are your parents here? The Officer asked. I shook my head. Oh, where
are they? Are they close by? Again I shook my head. They are a long, long ways away. I
said. Oh well, lets see if we can help your friend here. The Officer said. He bent down to
examine Cutter. I cant move my left leg. Cutter said. Dont worry lil buddy, youre going
to be okay. The officer said. He gently took hold of Cutters left leg, and started to move it
around. Cutter screamed the entire time. Suddenly I heard a disturbing click, and Cutter
stopped screaming. Hey, my leg doesnt hurt anymore! He exclaimed. Try and move it.
The officer instructed. Cutter moved his leg back and forth and side to side. It was cured. I
think all you did was blow your leg out. You should be A-Okay. The officer said. Cutter
smiled. The officer reached out and helped Cutter up to his feet. Alright guys, we need to
discuss a few things. Can we go inside? The officer asked. Um, sure. I said. I went over to
the door and opened it. The cabin was warm and nice. There were three twin beds with
identical sleeping bags on one side of the cabin, and a kitchen with a microwave, stove, sink,


and fridge in the other. There were three cupboards above the fridge and Microwave. In the
middle of the cabin there was a table with six chairs around it. Lets sit at the table. Cutter
suggested. Good idea. The officer said. Matcom1A22, you can tell Helo1 to stand down. I
dont need them. The officer said into his radio. We all sat down at the table, me on one
side and Cutter on the other. The officer sat down at the head of the table. Alright guys.
First off, are you willing to answer any question I may ask you? The officer asked. Sure.
Cutter and I said together. Cool. So, what are your names? The officer asked. Cutter
Harris. Cutter said. Kelvin Hood. I said. Are you two brothers? The officer asked. I shook
my head. Oh. Friends? I nodded. Ah. Okay. Im Trooper Swenson. You can call me Trooper S.
So, where are your parents? Trooper S asked. Seattle, Washington. I answered. Portland,
Oregon. Cutter answered. Trooper S fell silent. What are you two boys doing out here in
Alaska? He asked. Cutter then explained everything. When he finished Trooper Ss eyes
were as big as dinner plates. Well, thats a pretty big thing. I have never heard of anything
like this. He said. I smiled. Well, um, hold on just a moment. Trooper S said. Okay. Cutter
and I said.
Twenty minutes later Trooper S was gone. He had gone out to the deck to talk on his radio,
then he came inside and told us he was leaving. We said goodbye, then he left. I was
ravenous for something to eat, so Cutter and I raided the fridge. Inside we found carrots,
bread, lunch meat, and three juice boxes. Cool! This is gonna be great! Cutter said as we
inventoried the stuff in the fridge. Lets check the cupboards! I said. Yeah! Cutter said
excitedly. We opened all the cupboards, but only found a bag of candy. Hey! Its food! Dont
complain! Cutter said when I grouched about there not being anything more. Yeah, your
right. I said. There was only enough bread and lunch meat to make three sandwiches, so
both of us got two and a half sandwiches. After that we snacked on a little candy and drank
our juice boxes. I sure wish Tyler was here. I said, sitting back happily. Cutter burped, and
said Me too. At the same time. I laughed. Cutter smiled. I didnt think I could do that! He
said, giggling. Me neither! I said.
The rest of the night was pretty fun. Just after dark it started to snow really hard. I swear
within twenty minutes there was three inches of snow on the ground, and the snow showed
no sign of stopping yet. If anything, Id say it snowed even harder as the night went on!
When I finally went to bed there was a good two feet of snow on the ground. I began to
worry we might be snowed in.
The next day Cutter woke me up by shouting something that wasnt what I wanted to hear
that early. Oh man! Cutter! Wake up! Check this out! Its up to the porch! He shouted. I sat
up groggily and braced myself with my arms behind me. Whats up to the porch? What are
you talking about? I said, wiping the sleep from my eyes with my hand. The snow! Cutter


exclaimed. Oh. I said. I stood up and walked over to the window where Cutter was looking
out. He was right. The snow had piled all the way up to the porch. Wow. Thats a lot of
snow! I said. Yeah. Cutter said. We stood at the window and just looked at the snow for
quite a while. Then suddenly I heard a ringing sound. What in the world? I said, confused. I
went over to the counter that the microwave was sitting on and I found a small flip cell
phone. I picked it up and opened it. The caller was Mountain Command. I pushed the little
green phone button and held it up to my ear. Hello? I said. Hello. This is Mike Senway. Is
this Kelvin or Cutter? A familiar voice asked. My insides flushed with relief. I motioned for
Cutter to come to the table, and he rushed over. I put the phone on speakerphone. This is
Kelvin and Cutter. I said. I smiled. I looked at cutter. His eyes were filled with tears. I
guessed they were happy tears. How are you two boys doing? Mr. Senway asked. We are
doing okay sir. I answered. Glad to hear that. I see you have found the rest cabin. Good.
Good. Mr. Senway said. Yep. We have. Its so great here! Cutter said, crying and laughing
at the same time. Im glad. Have you two boys called your parents yet? Mr. Senway said.
No sir. I said. Cutter looked up at me with a hopeful expression. I smiled and twisted my
fingers. We can call our parents? I asked, my hope brimming. Yes. Both of you can call
your parents. You each have ten minutes. Mr. Senway said. Yes! I said, fist pumping the
air. Sweet! Cutter said. Mr. Senway chuckled. Oh boys. I never get tired of your positivity.
He said. Hey, positivity is a good activity! Cutter and I said together. That was our saying
during training to stay positive, even when training was hard. Mr. Senway laughed. Yes! I
love hearing that! He said. I smiled. Okay boys. You can go ahead and call your parents.
Mr. Senway said. Sweet! Thank you Mr. Senway! I said. Thanks Mr. Senway! Cutter
echoed. Youre welcome boys. Expect a call from me in half an hour. Mr. Senway said.
Okay sir. I said. Goodbye boys. Mr. Senway said. Goodbye sir! Cutter and I said. I
closed the phone and sat in stunned silence. So, who wants to go first? Cutter asked after
a minuet. I shrugged. Do you want to go first? Cutter asked. Oh, um, sure. I said. Okay.
Cutter said. I picked up the cell phone and went out to the porch, closing the door firmly
behind me. Then I opened the cell phone and dialed my home phone number. Then I pushed
the little green phone and held it up to my ear. It rang three times, then my older sister
Riana answered. Hello? She said. Hello Riana. In said. Oh my Kelvin? Is that you? She
asked. Yep. Its me, Kelvin. I said. Oh no! Mom! Dad! Get in here now! Its Kelvin! I heard
Riana shout. I heard thundering footsteps, then Moms voice in the background. Well, put it
on speaker! She said. I heard a beep, then Mom spoke. Hey kiddo, how are you? She said.
Hi everybody! Im doing okay. I said. How is the challenge? Dad asked. Hmm. Well,
hard. I said. Hmm. Well, im glad youre still out there. Had any big things happen? Dad
asked. Well sort of. I said then I explained everything that had happened yesterday and
today. Yeah. Its been pretty crazy. I said. Sounds like it! Mom said. Should we tell him?


I heard Riana say. Oh, um, yeah. Sure. Mom said. Hey kiddo? Mom said. Yes Mom? I
said. Happy Birthday. I froze. Imim eleven? I asked, shocked. Yep. Yesterday was your
birthday kiddo. Dad said. My eyes welled up with tears of joy. I... I didnt even know
yesterday was my birthday! I said. It was. Riana said. I cant believe im eleven years old!
This is awesome! I said. Guys? I said. Yes Kelvin? Mom replied. I have to go. I love you
with all my heart. I miss you. I said. We love you too kiddo. We miss you. See you in a
week or so. Mom said. See you in a week or so. Bye guys! I said. Goodbye Kelvin. Mom,
Dad, and Riana said together. I hung up the phone.
I went inside and sat down in a chair, dazed. Cutter. I said, looking up at him. Yeah? He
said. Looking up from the bed where he was lying. Im im im eleven. My birthday was
yesterday. I said. What? It was?! Really? Cutter said, sitting up. I nodded. Thats
thats awesome! Happy birthday! Cutter said, standing. He came over to the table and
sat down across from me. He was smiling. I cant believe I missed my birthday! I said.
Thats so cool. We will have to tell Mr. Senway! Cutter said, his eyes sparkling. Yeah! We
should totally tell Mr. Senway! I said.
Ten minutes later Cutter finished his call home. By the looks on his face, the conversation
had gone well. He had some great news too. My baby brother was born while I was out
here. His name is Danny. Cutter explained. Wow! Thats really cool! Congrats Cutter! I
said, patting him on the back. Cutter smiled and said Thanks Kelvin. Suddenly the phone
rang again. I opened it and pushed the answer button, then put it on speakerphone. Then I
set it on the table. Hello? Cutter and I said together. Hello boys. Mr. Senway here. Im
guessing you finished your phone calls to your homes? Yes sir. We have. I said. Good.
Good. Mr. Senway said. Um, sir? Can I tell you something? I asked. Yes, Kelvin. Go
ahead. Mr. Senway said. Um, well, yesterday was my eleventh birthday. I said, smiling.
Really? Wow! That is cool Kelvin! Happy birthday bud! Mr. Senway said happily. Thank you
sir. I said. Hey Frank! Guess what? Mr. Senway yelled. What? A voice replied. The voice
sounded quiet, like it was far away. A contest just turned eleven! Mr. Senway yelled. I
couldnt hear the reply. One second please boys. Mr. Senway said. Okay. We said.
A few minutes later Mr. Senway returned. Kelvin and Cutter, are you there? He asked. Yes
sir. Were here. I said. Congratulations to Kelvin for being the first person to have a
birthday during the Mountain Challenge! And congratulations to Cutter for the birth of his
baby brother! Thank you sir! Cutter and I said together. Alright, well, I have something
serious to discuss with you two. Mr. Senway said. Sit down please boys. Mr. Senway said. I
was standing, so I sat down on a table. Are you both sitting? Mr. Senway asked. Yes sir. I
said. Okay. So, we have been tracking the weather, and it looks like it will stay for the next
three days. The storm is predicted to dump 6 feet of snow in the next 24 hours. We can see


that the storm has already dumped at least 2-3 inches of snow already. We are considering
evacuating you out and ending the challenge today or tomorrow. I wanted to get your input
before we took action. Well, um, im not sure what to think of that. I said. Yeah. I might
need time to think about it. Cutter agreed. Okay. Um, I can call you back in half an hour or
so. Will that be enough time? Mr. Senway asked. I looked at cutter and him at me, and he
shrugged. Well, sure. Call us in half an hour. I said. Okay. Sounds good. Oh, and boys?
Mr. Senway said. Yes sir? I answered. I want you to stay in the cabin again tonight. Im not
sure I feel safe with you two sleeping outside in the cold tonight. Mr. Senway said. Okay.
Cutter said.
Ten minutes later we were both sitting on our beds. Well, what do you think we should do?
Cutter asked. I dont really know. I mean, it would be nice to go home and see our family
again, but I really want to finish the challenge. But I dont really know. I said. You know?
Have you ever thought about just what the heck were doing out here? I mean, think about
it. Youre eleven, im ten, and we are out here on our own trying to survive for four weeks!
Were kids! This is crazy! Fun, yes, but crazy. Cutter said. Wow. That was deep. But yeah,
Ive been thinking about this too. This is crazy. I said. I laid back on my bed and thought in
silence. I dont want to leave. Cutter said. Oh? Why not? I enquired. Well, me and you
are pretty much brothers, yet were not related. But weve been through good times and bad
times, and unlike Tyler, we are still here! We arent quitters! We have survived this long, who
says we cant survive longer? I mean, yeah eventually I would want to go home, but I want
to complete this challenge so I can tell my kids and grandkids that I survived the Mountain
Challenge. Dont you want that? I sighed. You know what? Your right. I dont want to quit
just because of a little snow, I want to be able to say I completed the Mountain Challenge. I
agree with you completely. Lets say out here. I said. So is that our decision? Cutter
asked. Yes. That is our decision. I said. Cool. Cutter said.
Finally the phone rang again. I picked it up and pushed the green button, then put it on
speakerphone. Hello sir. I said. Hello boys. So, have you come to a decision yet? Do you
want to stay out there, or come home? Mr. Senway answered. I looked to Cutter, and he
nodded. We want to stay our here and finish the challenge sir. I said. There was silence.
Sir? Are you there? I said after a few moments. Yes. Yes im here. Im just thinking. You two
are the first to say you want to stay out there and finish the challenge. All of the other
people that participated in the challenge in past years have either quit by now or say they
want to go home when faced with a giant storm like this one. This, this is history. I admire
the perseverance and resilience of you two boys. I wish you were my own kids. Now it was
our turn to be silent. I looked to Cutter, and he was thinking hard. Thank you sir. That
means a lot to us. It really does sir. Cutter said. Good luck to you boys. I send hope and


good luck to both of you boys. Mr. Senway said. Thank you sir. Cutter said. Oh, and
boys? Mr. Senway said. Yes sir? I replied. Positivity is always a good activity! Mr. Senway
said. Cutter and I repeated the phrase. Goodbye boys. This is the last time I will talk to you
unless you call on the GPS. As soon as you or I hang up, the minuets will expire. I have
managed to put the minutes on hold until now, but they dont last after the connection is
broken. So, goodbye boys. Good luck to you. Mr. Senway said. Thank you sir. We mean
that. Goodbye, sir. I said. Goodbye Mr. Senway sir. Cutter said, his voice broken. I noticed
that he was crying. I fought with my tears. Goodbye boys. Mr. Senway said. I heard a click,
and I knew Mr. Senway had hung up. The phone beeped once. I picked it up. On the phone
was a text message. I pushed the button and read the text message out loud to Cutter.
Good luck to you boys. You have impressed me. A feat not easily managed. The minuets
have now expired. There are five emergency minuets stashed on the phone in the event of
an emergency. Only use those five minutes in a life threatening emergency. There is no
guarantee that you will get connected, but it provides another lifeline. Use them wisely.
Again, good luck to you both. Sincerely, Mr. Senway.
-The next dayWell, today is unfortunately the day we have to leave the cabin. Mr. Senway only gave us
one more day, and today is the day we have to leave. I was really wishing I had a coat. We
searched the cabin and to our miraculous surprise we found a small closet that had coats of
every size in it. There was a piece of paper taped to the side of the closet that read
Emergency coats. Please take on if you need one. They are here for you to use. I selected
a heavy woolen coat that was just my size, and Cutter selected a silky coat that was just
perfect for him. We took some of the candy we had left over and put it in our pockets, then
we headed out the door. I wish we had a backpack or something we could stash those
sleeping bags in. They were really nice. Cutter said. Yeah. I wish we could bring them
with. I said. We had looked for a backpack, but we couldnt find one. In the end we just left
the sleeping bags on the bed. This cabin has been a lifesaver. It gave me the rest that I
needed to keep going. Now I should be able to finish this challenge.
By mid-morning Cutter and I were trekking through chest deep snow. The crazy thing is that
its still snowing! Its snowing hard! Cutter? I said. Yeah? He replied. I dont feel very
good. I said. I had chills, my body ached, and I was extremely tired. My throat was sore, and
my nose was running at full speed. Whats wrong? Cutter asked, halting. I told him my
symptoms, and he said Well, it sounds like the flu. Not much we can do out here. Im sorry
you feel crappy man. Cutter said, putting his arm around me. Wow! Your cold! Holy moly!
Cutter said when he touched my skin. Yeah. Im freezing. I said. Lets keep walking. That
will warm you up. Cutter suggested. Okay. Lets keep going. I said, nodding. I started to


shiver. My teeth chattered. I felt awful. But, after walking for a while, I warmed up a little bit.
That helped.
-That nightGosh I miss that cabin! I said. Me too! Cutter agreed. We were sitting under a tree taking
a rest. I hadnt been feeling good all day, and the colder temperatures as the night came on
were not helping. I shivered and shook, and Cutter cuddled up next to me to keep me warm,
but I could see a black tunnel surrounding my vision. Cutter! was all I got out before the
blackness enveloped me. The last thing I saw was Cutters distraught face watching me.
-CutterOh no! This isnt happening! Kelvin! Wake up! Please! Wake up! Dont die on me! Please!
Help! I yelled. Kelvin didnt move a muscle. His breathing was shallow, his skin pale and
clammy. His face was blue. I couldnt get him to wake up. He is cold to the touch. Something
wasnt right. Then I had a thought. Calm down. Use your first aid training! You can do this!
it told me. Yeah. I can do this. I said to myself. Call the helicopter! the thought said. No.
Wait. I can do this without their help. Just give me a chance. Please. I said. Okay. The
thought said. I turned Kelvin around and laid him on his back. Then I found a big rock and I
carried it over to where Kelvin was lying. I braced his legs up against the rock. Then I
unzipped his coat. I didnt want that constricting him. Cutter! Are you there? Hello? Wake
up! Please! He did not wake up.
-the next day-three days later-KelvinAugh


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