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1. Johan : Hi, Yudi, the weather is cloudy. Do you think it
will rain soon?
Yudi : I think so, I am ... It will rain soon.
a. Sure

b. not sure

c. Certainty
d. doubtful
2. Mr. James : If I don't have certificate showing ownership
of property for guarantee, will the bank lend me some
Mr. Chang : I can't say that for sure.
The underlined expression is used to express ....
a. Disappointment b. disagreement
c. Uncertainty
d. dislike
3. Luna : What do you think about Titi? Will she come
Ara : I don't think she will come.
From the dialogue above, we know that...
a. Ara feels sure that Titi will come.
b. Ara feels uncertain that Titi will come.
c. Ara doesn't like Titi.
4. Andi

b. No, way

c. I am not sure d. Certainly. Here you are.

5. Susan : Oh, I have lost my pen. May I borrow yours,
John : .....Here you are.
a. You are welcome b. I am sorry.
c. Thank you.

a. Asking for certainty

b. uncertainty

c. Disagreement

d. suggestion

7. The underlined sentence 2 is used to express ......

a. Certainty

b. uncertainty

c. Disagreement

d. suggestion

8. The underlined sentence 3 is used to express ......

a. Certainty

b. uncertainty

c. Doubt

d. suggestion

9. From the dialog we know that......

a. anjani doubt that she will get a good mark.
b. Rahul doubt that he will get a good mark.
c. anjani uncertainty that she will get a good mark.
d. Rahul absolutely sure that he will get a good mark.
10. Rama : Look at the window, its cloudy. We will have rain
Sinta : Im not really sure that it will start to rain because

Ara tries to think about Titi.

: Is this your ruler, Toha?
: No, it isn't. That one is mine.
: May I borrow it?
: ......
: Thanks.

a. No, thanks

6. The underlined sentence 1 is used to express ......

d. Yes, certainly.

Rahul : What do you think about the English test

today? Are you sure you will get a good mark Anjani? 1
Anjani : Im absolutely sure that I will get A, because the
questions seem easy for me. What about you Rahul? 2
Rahul : Im doubt about the result of the exam, but I tried
my best on the exam. 3
Anjani : I think you dont need to be worried about it. I
believe you will get a good mark.

its dry season.

The underlined sentence is used to express ......
a. Asking for certainty

b. uncertainty

c. Disagreement

d. suggestion

11. hana :Are you quite sure that our team will be the winner
in the football competition?
Janni: .......... that our team will be the winner in the
football competition.

Im no doubt

c. Im not sure


Im doubt

d. No

12. Miss Dina : Do you think that the headmaster will be

here at 7.30 tomorrow morning?
Miss Ati

: ....he will. He always gets here before

a. I doubt

c. I'm sure

b. I'm afraid

d. I can't stay

1. Anton : Hello, can I speak with Prabowo?

Prabowo's Mother : Sorry, I didn't catch you said. Can
you repeat again, please?
Question : The underlined is showing....
a. Certainty

b. Agreement
Andi : Do we have any Science homework for tomorrow?
c. Repetition
Ardi : Huh?! Sorry, what did you say? It's very noisy here.
d. Hesitation
Andi : I said, Do we have any Science homework for
2. Which the following sentence is asking for
Ardi : Yes. Mr. Doni told us to do the Science homework
a. Sorry, I'm not sure.
for tomorrow.
b. Well, That's all right.
Andi : I that true?
c. Sorry, I beg your pardon, sir?
Ardi : Yes, it is.
d. Really?
Andi : Thank you. I have to go home now.
3. Which the following sentence is the respond asking
6. The underlined is showing........
for repetition?
a. Asking for clarification
a. Do you understand?
b. Expressing Gratitude
b. What did you say?
c. Asking and giving information
c. Ok. Listen it well.
d. Asking for Repetition
d. Really?
7. Which statement is false?
a. Ardi and Andi have Science homework.
This dialogue is for number 4 and 5
b. The home work should be submitted tomorrow.
Kesya : Hello, Resty. Look at my purse. I made it my self.
c. Ardi will do the Science homework at home.
Resty : Hello, Kesya. Hey that's nice. Isn't that your older
d. Ardi and Andi will do the Science homework
purse? The one that we bought one year ago?
Kesya : Yup, That's right.
8. What does the underlined word "it" refer to?
Resty : How did you do that?
a. Homework.
Kesya : Sorry, what did you say?
b. What Mr. Doni's intruction in the Scince class is.
Resty : .............................(5), Kesya?
c. Science book.
Kesya : Oh. Well, first, I just added some colourful
d. Science homework for tomorrow.
buttons. Then, four-five glittery beads. Finally, I
9. What expression is used by Ardi to ask repetition?
gave my magic finishing touch, he.. he.. he..
a. I beg your pardon, please?
4. The underlined phrase is showing....
b. Sorry, can you repeat again?
a. Hestitation
c. Huh?! Sorry, what did you say?
b. Agreement
d. Sorry, could you repeat what you just said?
c. Repetition
10. What the Andi says to answer Ardi question?
d. Certainty
a. I said...............
5. a. How did you do that?
b. I don't know
b. How are you?
c. Really?
c. What did you said?
d. Can I belive it?
d. How do you do?

This dialogue is for number 6 and 10

6. Irma : Thank you for coming on my birthday party.
Julia : Yeah, you're welcome. .......................... I like
1. Yola : The cake is very tasty.
Mother : ..............................
Yola : Mom, I want you to make it again for me.
a. Don't talk like that
b. Thank you dear
c. I'm not going to make it again
d. Its not sure
2. Rosa : May I see your paintings?
Peter : ...........................
Rosa : Wow, this is wonderful. You're good at making.
Peter : Thanks.
a. I can't lend it to you
b. Don't touch it
c. I havent done
d. Sure
3. Bryan : ...............................
Anne : Thank you.
a. You're so beautiful tonight.
b. I don't want to see you
c. You're not very pretty
d. I can't stay with you
4. Melly : The dress is perfect for you, miss.
Raisha : Thank you. .........................
Melly : Yes, please.
a. But Its very expensive for me
b. But I will not buy it
c. Then I would buy this dress.
d. I will go out
5. Kim : Manager, Is there something wrong with my

Irma : Thank you. Please enjoy it.
a. Don't worry
b. Your party is very luxurious.
c. Your party is not interesting
d. But, I'm not going to come back to your birthday
7. Aris : Come in, I'd like to take a look at my hotel.
Ardi : Wow, very nice interior design. ............................
Aris : Thank you very much.
a. I love it.
b. But I dont like it
c. But I will not visit again here
d. Do not expect much
8. Siska : Your voice is very sweet.
Greta : Thanks.
Siska : ....................................
Greta : Sure, I'll sing for you.
a. But, can you stop singing?
b. Can you sing for me again?
c. I dont want to hear it
d. The song is not good. I dont like the song
9. Bella : Your bag is beautiful. I like it.
Fany : Thank you.
Bella : .............................
Fany : I bought this bag in the Sierra Shop.
a. Where did you discard that bag?
b. When did you buy?
c. When do you sell it?
d. Where did you buy that bag?
10. Syifa : .........................

Manager : None. ...........................

Grace : Thanks.

Kim : Thank you. Then I go home first.

a. You're fired
b. Hurry go
c. Your work is all wrong
d. You do it well.

Syifa : Can you show me the method of making?

Grace : Yes, sure.
a. Your handicraft is so good.
b. Its not bad
c. I dont like this handicraft
d. Go away!

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