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The beginning, in the knowledge of scholars of recitation, is referring to recitation after cutting
off recitation or stopping. The beginning is only by choice, in contrast to the stop, which may be
by choice or compulsion. For that reason it is demanded of the reader when beginning, that he
start his recitation with an independent phrase that conveys the intended meaning, not attached to
that which precedes it grammatically.
Its rule: It is allowed to begin with what comes after a complete or satisfactory stop under any
circumstances, and allowed to start with that which comes after a good stop, only if it is the end
of a verse. This is only after

and NOT after cutting off

of recitation.

The beginning can be divided into two types:


The allowed beginning

The beginning that is not allowed


Its Definition: It is starting with an independent phrase that has meaning that makes clear the
meaning that Allah desires, and does not contradict it.
All beginnings after


) should only be after a
beginning is the start of an aayah and
Many scholars divide

are allowed, but beginnings after cutting off

. Beginning after a
is allowed only if the
can only be after a stop, never after

into the same categories as


is the start after a complete stop, or

. An example of this would be stopping

and taking a breath at the end of aayah 5 of surah al-baqarah,

((and it is those who are the successful)), then starting after the breath with aayah 6 a new

((Indeed ,those who disbelieve)).

is when we start after a sufficient stop,
. Again, we would stop and take
a breath, with the intention of continuing, then go on after the breath and stop. This can be
exemplified by stopping on the end of aayah 20 of surah at-tawbah a

,(sufficient stop) :

((and gardens for them wherein is enduring pleasure)),

then taking a breath and starting with the next aayah:
abiding therein forever.))

is only allowed when the

(([They will be]

is at the end of an aayah,

a breath taken then starting with the next following aayah. Other than this, it is not allowed to
make an

An example would be stopping on the end of the ayah:


indeed, you pass by them in the morning)), then starting on the next aayah:

((And at

Next lesson, insha' Allah, will discuss the beginning that is not allowed.


It is the beginning that cancels out the intended meaning, or corrupts it, or changes it.
can in this case can run from

(repulsive) to

(repulsive start) is starting with that which is attached to what preceded it

grammatically and in meaning, such as in an

after a

(more repulsive). One type

, meaning starting up on that which comes

, when it is not at the end of an aayah; any other start on that which is joined

before it in grammar and meaning is also

. An more repulsive beginning would be when starting
with a word that leads to a meaning other than that Allah, The Exalted, wants, or a meaning that is in
disagreement with our creed. Examples of this with the explanation of the meaning in English after
are as follows:

They say,* "Allah has taken a son."

Starting with the first word of their false statement "Allah has taken." is contrary to our basic beliefs
and creed and is a very repulsive stop and not allowed at all.

Allah has certainly heard the statement of those [Jews] who said, *"Indeed, Allah is poor, while we are
Starting with the statement of the Jews "Indeed, Allah.." without the preceding "those who said", is
again very repulsive and negates our belief in the names and characteristics of Allah.

The Jews say,* "Ezra is the son of Allah;" and the Christians say,* "The Messiah is the son of Allah."
There are two places in this phrase which we are not allowed to start on; the first, the statement of
the Jews without joining it with what precedes it, the second, the statement of the Christians without
joining it with the preceding statement "the Christians say".

And whoever of them who say,* "Indeed, I am a god besides Him" that one We would recompense with
Starting with the statement meaning "Indeed, I am.." without joining it with the previous part
meaning "And whoever of them who say" is forbidden and is of course, a statement of disbelief in the
Oneness of Allah.

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