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Research Assessment #1

Date: September 12, 2015

Subject: Aerospace Engineering
MLA Citations:
Lucas, Jim. "What Is Aerospace Engineering?" 4 Sept. 2014. Web. 12
Sept. 2015. <>.
"Aerospace Engineer: Job Description, Duties and Outlook." Web. 13 Sept. 2015.
"Top 10 Engineering Associations." Ohio University Online Engineering RSS. Web. 13 Sept.
2015. <>.
"What Courses Should I Take in High School to Prepare for College? I Want to Be an
Aeronautical Engineer." TryEngineering Today. 18 Sept. 2013. Web. 13 Sept. 2015.

Job Title: Aerospace Engineering

Job Description: Aerospace engineering can be broken down into two major categories:
aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering. Aeronautical engineers focus on aircraft
within the earths atmosphere (planes, missiles, national defense). Astronautical engineers focus
on spacecraft (rockets). This is a very specialized job, so many people focus on a single area of
the field, such as flight mechanics, control systems, and aerodynamics. There is a variety of

different things that can be done, from testing products to researching materials to designing the
structure itself.

Training, Education, and Certification: Entry level jobs require a bachelor's degree in
aerospace engineering, but a master's degree is required for research and education careers. You
can also get a Professional Engineering (PE) license after having at least 4 years of experience.

College, Post-High School & High School Recommended Courses: Recommended high
school classes include Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Probability & Statistics, Calculus I,
Calculus II, Physical Science, Biology, Applied Biology/Chemistry, and Advanced Physics and
Chemistry. This is particularly exciting because I have already taken the majority of these
classes. Also, to increase your appeal, it is recommended to stay current with the technology and
software, and to update your education and certification often.

National and Local Professional Organizations: One national organization that many
aeronautical engineers belong to is the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(AIAA). Another is the Society of Women Engineers, which I thought was interesting because it
supports women's contribution to the field.

Related Areas: Related areas would be Architectural Engineers, Engineer Managing, Computer
Hardware Engineering, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, etc.

Salary: The average salary for an entry-level, fresh out of college kid with a bachelor's degree
ranges from $52,572 to $73,535. With a master's degree and five to ten years of experience, the

salary ranges from $73,823 to $114,990, and the range for a senior engineer with a master's
degree or doctorate and more than 15 years of experience is $93,660 to $147,582. It is possible to
earn even more if you are promoted to a management position.

Career Outlook: The projected job growth from 2012-2022 is 7%, comparatively low. Job
stability is also decreasing due to government defense cuts and companys inclination to hire out
engineering contractors in lieu of hiring the professionals directly.

Terminology: The terminology associated with Aerospace Engineering includes not only
engineering jargon, but also mechanical, scientific (material science, chemistry, physics),
mathematical and software related jargon.

Doing this research has provided me with a lot of very useful and exciting information. I
switched my topic to Aerospace Engineering because it was more specific and it interests me. I
have learned some valuable information that has reinforced my decision and has encouraged me
to research my topic further.
One of the most interesting things that I have learned was that aerospace engineering is
beginning to delve into alternative fuel for vehicles. I dont know a lot about the developments in
that research, but I am thoroughly interested and I am going to look further into it. There are
actually two branches of aerospace engineering, I and believe that I want to go into astronautical
engineering, AKA engineering in space. A couple summers ago, I went to the Kennedy Space
Center in Cape Canaveral and I was inspired to help get people to mars. Plus, theres a NASA

in Houston, which is relatively close to home, so that would be incredible to be able to work for
NASA only 4 hours from home.
Although I would like to say that money doesnt matter, we all know that it does.
Aerospace Engineers make more money as they gain experience, with entry-level being about
$50,000-$70,000 annually to more mature engineers of 10-15 years with a masters degree
making upwards $140,000 annually. Also, being a girl going into a STEM career, I have heard
that I have a pretty good chance of getting a good scholarship due to the recent push of women
into STEM careers.
The fact that the projected job growth is only 7% is a little scary, Im not going to lie. The
job stability is also decreasing. Another disappointment. Yet, I believe that with enough passion
and determination, it is highly possible for me to succeed in this field. I dont know exactly
where I want to go to college, but in my research I found that the University of California at
Berkeley is ranked fourth behind MIT, Stanford, and Cambridge (which is in England); and
getting good grades at a highly ranked university adds to the possibility of being hired.
In the end, I have learned a lot about the logistics of the job, and about what it takes to get
there. Right now, it seems very difficult and quite possibly unattainable. Thats why I am thrilled
to be able to interview people and talk to them about how realistic it actually is. I am excited to
discuss with people that are in the field about how they like the job, what it means to them, and if
they suggest that I pursue it, or if they have other suggestions. I hope that this opportunity gives
me the chance to overcome my fears and realize that becoming an aerospace engineer isnt as
impossible as I make it out to be.

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