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(Tree Planting Activity)

The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.
Tree planting is the process of transplanting seedlings, generally for forestry, land
reclamation, or landscaping purposes. It is a human activity that serves as a regeneration of
deforested areas. Planting a single tree is enough to change the world a little bit and can
mitigate the effects of climate change. We can help save mother earth in a simple and
inexpensive way.
July 23, 2016, Saturday, the settled date that the YES-O Club conducted their tree
planting activity. The said activity was held at the rear part of GUIMELCO in San Miguel,
Jordan, Guimaras with the overwhelming participation of YES-O officers, teachers, YES-O
SWAT, and selected per year level members.
We, the participants in the eco-friendly activity first assembled at the sari-sari
store nearby GUIMELCO at 7:00 in the morning as assembly time as agreed upon. By the
time that we arrived, the YES-O officers and teacher in-charge facilitated the checking of
attendance, gathering of the needed requirement of parents consent, and collecting the
registration fee of each participant with an amount of 30 pesos.
Around 7:30 A.M., the estimated time that we arrived to the venue . We prepared
our gardening tools, seedlings, and other materials that are necessary in the activity. We
started it by assigning each participant to their designated areas where they should plant
their seedlings. We successfully planted our seedlings in the correct procedure of
transplantation with the assistance of YES-O SWAT members and teachers. The activity
ended about 9:00 A.M. We took a picture afterwards for documentation.
All of our hard works were paid off when we took a rest and a morning snack at
the area where we first assembled. The snacks were provided by the organization. The 30
pesos registration fee of each participant includes the snacks and other expenses in the
Trees have great role in our planet. They give us humans and animals some useful
benefits that are necessary in our everyday life. This tree planting activity managed by the
YES-O Club really helps in preserving our Mother Earth .

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