2013 TCRL Lexis Nexis Rule of Law Essay Guidelines PDF

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Participate in the 2013 RULE OF LAW ESSAY CONTEST:

On the occasion the 95th Birth Anniversary of Chief Justice Claudio Teehankee on April 18, 2013, the Chief
Justice Claudio Teehankee Center for the Rule of Law in partnership with LexisNexis is calling for
submissions of papers on:

The Evolution of an ASEAN Rule of Law for Human Rights

Entries that reach the standard of required quality will be eligible to win the 2013 Chief Justice Claudio
Teehankee Rule of Law/ LexisNexis Essay Prize, along with, an invitation to present the paper at the Chief
Justice Claudio Teehankee Center for the Rule of Law at the Ateneo Law School, dissemination and publication
of the essay through the TCRL website and other channels, book grants from LexisNexis in the amount of 1,000
USD and an honorarium cash prize of 300 USD.
Additional prizes of distinction may be awarded in the discretion of the Jury of Judges.
Participants must be a currently enrolled law student in an ASEAN University or Law School, whether in an
LLB, JD or LLM program, or graduate program in Law, or a graduate of the said law school within the last 2
years. (Please attach copy of School ID or Certificate from the School Registrar).
3,000 to 5,000 words, proper footnoting style, Bibliography, Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Double Spaced,
and in Portable Document Format (PDF) or Word Format, One (1) page Abstract, and a duly accomplished
Entry Information Sheet.
Base and Optional Readings: The Essay Participant must show familiarity with the following Base Readings:
(1) ASEAN Charter (Articles 1.7, 2.2.i and 14); (2) ASEAN Human Rights Declaration; (3) Universal
Declaration of Human Rights; (4) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and (5) International
Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.
Participants can participate via live feed at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/LexisNexisMY from 2:30pm 6:30pm, March 7 in the LexisNexis Rule of Law Debate 2013 and the Keynote Lecture of Mr. Lim Chee Wee,
President of the Malaysian Bar, or via recorded broadcast or re-emission. For the full agenda, please refer to

Participants and all interested guests are invited

to view the live feed screening at the
Ateneo Law School 4th Floor
Center for the Rule of Law
March 7, from 2:00pm to 6:30pm.

Additional Readings and Resources that may be useful to participants:

Chief Justice Claudio Teehankee Library, 4th Floor, Integritas, Ateneo Professional Schools, Rockwell
Center, Makati City
P. Lauren, The Evolution of Human Rights: Visions Seen, 2d ed. (2003) (Historical Account of the
human hights movement)
H. Steiner, P- Alston, & R. Goodman, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics,
Morality,(3rd ed. ( 2007)

Human Rights cases and news via Lexis.com (www.lexis.com). Limited Access IDs will be made
available to participating essay contestants.

With Lexis.com, you can easily access comprehensive legal, news, business and public record tools in just a few
clicks. It provides exclusive content and timesaving features you cant find anywhere else. To access the
platform, visit the Chief Justice Claudio Teehankee Center for the Rule of Law today!
To find out more, contact us at +632 729 2000 / 899 7691 Extensions 2416 / 2417 or via e-mail at
tcrlruleoflawessay@gmail.com Attn.: Allan Revote, Research Associate, TCRL
(Please submit to: tcrlruleoflawessay@gmail.com)


NAME: __________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________
Country of Birth: ______________________ Country of Nationality: ___________________
SCHOOL OF LAW/Years Enrolled: ____________________________________
ASEAN COUNTRY: _______________________________________________
College Degree: _____________________________________________________
Professor / Faculty Reference: __________________________________________________
Rule of Law Essay TITLE: ____________________________________________________

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